#m; [[audrey killick]]
❄ – Shay and Audrey
Audrey had been really hoping they would find their way back home before the holidays. Christmas was always a family affair. Her entire extended family always met up at their house for the day, some for the whole week, and even Damien deemed it important enough to emerge from the dark recesses of his bedroom, however reluctantly. But now, as she watched the first snowflakes fall from the sky, she knew that wouldn't happen.
The cold chill of the weather hadn't even seemed to affect Audrey's perpetually jovial mood, even when it sunk cold enough that she was forced to rely on the fire and magic for warmth in place of her incredibly inadequate clothing. However, it seemed the moment the snow began to fall, any hope or joy she had been holding onto seemed to disappear. As another violent shiver coursed through her, and she moved a little closer to the fire, it seemed as though she might even start to cry.
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A Little Surprise
Valentine's fluff starter for @all-the-muses
Valentine's Day. It came so fast, Audrey almost missed it. Granted being stuck in some creepy demon infested forest didn't help her remember but she had made sure to keep track of the days, carving a mark for each one in the bottom of the box that housed her rabbit. They had already been here for months and their situation had long since begun to seem hopeless but Audrey refused to let any of it bring her down for long!
She didn't have long to plan, nor did she have the resources to do anything special, but she had managed to pick up a few things at their last trip to one of the abandoned towns that might work well. Audrey had waited until nightfall, taking the fact that Tae was taking watch at the mouth of the cave to her advantage. She crept soundlessly into one of the inner caverns of the cave, well away from their sleeping friends and any prying eyes but close enough they could hear them call if there was trouble.
When finally she dragged Tae in there with her, whispering promises of a wonderful little surprised, she revealed a simple yet beautiful sight. Candles circled the room, adorning little cut outs in the rock. There was a small gap in the back, however, left open for them to sit. In the middle of this bare space was her backpack. It wasn't obvious, but she had stored a few nonperishable sweet treats in there. Tae couldn't eat normal food but that didn't mean she couldn't either! Of course, she had stashed a little blood there as well in case he wanted it.
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"Okay, now open your eyes!" she announced, quiet voice seeming to shake with her own excitement. "What do you think? I don't know if you celebrated Valentine's Day before but I do and today's it so I thought it might be nice to do something, you know? Just us two for once."
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Forsaken By Our Destinies Tag Dump
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