Claire shook her head ever-so-slightly against his shoulder. Her blue eyes shifted up to peer at him in the darkness but when she couldn't make out his features, she turned to stare out at nothing once more.
"Yeah, I'm sure," she said, "and I know but it's fine. Don't worry about it, Cas. Just...go back to sleep. You'll wish you had gotten more rest during your watch if you don't."
Caspian tucked his feet underneath him, tightening his hold on his sister’s hand as he leaned his head against hers. He shivered against the chill seeping through the stone walls, using his free hand to tug his jacket closer around him. 
“I can sit with you for a bit,” he said casually, ignoring the temptation to close his eyes once more. “Are you sure you’re alright? You can tell me, you know.” 
They were in the midst of the Hunger Games; there was no way that she was as calm as she tried to act. He certainly wasn’t, but he knew that she already knew that. They were twins, after all. He just wished she would talk to him instead of avoiding what they both had weighing down their thoughts. 
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Zaria gave him a look of both confusion and something like pity. She didn't see anything out of place at all and part of her wondered if he was feeling on edge because they left Lucas. Lord knows it was bothering her too much as she tried to ignore it. She just couldn't stop thinking 'what if something happened while they were gone'?
"Everything seems fine to me," she said, her hand sliding across the table to rest on his. "Honey...this isn't about Lucas, is it?"
Date Night
This was going to be a night of fun. Dinner and dancing. That’s what Shay had in his mind when he told Zaria to dress nice and to be ready when he got home from Dragnor. Audrey and Tae had agreed to watch Lucas for the night, so this was their first night alone in a long time. Shay was dressed in a nice blue button-down shirt and black dress pants, taking care to make sure his wings and tail were well-hidden. When the clock hit 6:30, Shay finally entered his house and called out, “Zaria, my darling, I’m home!! You ready to go??“
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Marinette gave a solemn nod. It was true. Chloe really couldn’t be trusted. Between the unpredictability of her nature and the publicity of her identity, giving it to her would just be a liability. It left a Miraculous off the table, though, and that worried Marinette as well. If something happened, they may not be able to use the power of the Bee Miraculous ar all. 
“I know,” she said. “I’m just trying to brainstorm a solution...just in case.”  
Wherever You Will Go - The Calling
Lyric starter for @mobiustheribbonfighter/ @aheartofgoldandasoulofsilver
Marinette and Adrien
Nothing made someone have to face their mortality like almost dying and that was exactly what had happened. By her very nature, Ladybug was rather lucky but this time Hawkmoth had managed to create a villain that could actually hold their own against that luck. Marinette had died. Sort of. It was more like she had been zapped out of existence but the loss of Ladybug had only made the fight ten times harder on their own...and Adrien...poor Adrien...
They sat on the balcony outside her room now, Adrien lounging in the chair while Marinette peered over the railing at the sleepy city below. The night was chilly but that's not what made her shiver. She just...couldn't shake the thought of impending doom or the idea that they world would be helpless without her, especially in a situation where Tikki died along with her like she had before.
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"So...lately," she said suddenly, her voice soft, "I've been wondering...who will be there to take my place?"
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Skylar recoiled from her surprise so visibly she might have been struck, her anger fading but only so much so that it no longer looked as if she might want to take her dagger to the gods' themselves. They had no memories of any of this? How could that be possible? Nothing could just...nullify a god.
"Uh, yeah," her voice came again. It hadn't lost its edge. "My whole life, in fact. Longer than all of our lives. It's been years."
Legacies of Olympus
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Morgan’s awe instantly turned to apprehension as Virizion described her challenge. It worried her, she wouldn’t lie about that. The legendary was so strong and Magnemite had some experience but Morgan wasn’t sure it was enough to withstand a hit from Virizion’s strongest attack. She wasn’t even worried about losing the challenge. It was Magnemite’s health that worried her most. The Pokemon was not only a relic of her late father, but it was also her companion and friend more than it was a pawn in some battle. 
“I don’t know,” she said, looking back towards N. “I’ve never battled before....Can I ask Magnemite first? I don’t want to risk anything if he doesn’t think he can do it. I don’t want him getting really hurt, especially because I forced him to battle you. I’m not trying to be rude, I just...I’m not sure about this. I’m sorry.”
Hide - N and Morgan Stark
When Morgan had set out just this morning on her very own Pokémon journey, she had been completely confident everything would work out wonderfully. Her mother had harbored her own worries but Morgan had even brushed those off, assuring her mother she had everything under control. After all, her father was one of the greatest Pokemon trainers in his youth before he died and Morgan was sure the same legacy lied before her. However, it seemed like that was not to be.
Her very first Pokémon battle had just so happened to be with a hoard of angry Raticate and they had not held back, making quick work of Morgan’s sole Magnemite and coming after her when it had fainted. Luckily, Morgan was a quick thinker and a nearby tree became her hiding place, but the Raticate did not seem so eager to let her go, circling the tree below and effectively ensure she could not get down without falling victim to their teeth and claws like her own Pokémon. And so she remained in that tree for hours, waiting for the Raticate to either give up or for someone with stronger Pokémon and more experience to come along and chase them off.
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Erik gave a deep sigh that all too quickly turned into a rather violent fit of coughing. How could he deny her help now after such a heartfelt declaration of her admiration and loyalty. It was something he would have never expected, and something he would not squander and deny.
"Very well," he said. "But you must accept your own risk. I won't be held responsible if you catch the illness as well."
🍲 - Christine to Erik; @pages-and-words
If there was one good thing about Erik’s isolation, it was that it meant he didn’t often become exposed to illness. In fact, if he remembered correctly, he had not fallen ill since he was still just a small boy. Still, he remembered the hastle of it quite well. It had truly been a difficult endeavor, with Gerard having to balance his work and caring for Erik and with Erik having to deal with own personal issues that came along with the illness.
So, when on the eve of his first real holiday with both Gerard and Christine, he began to feel the unfamiliar but quite recognizable fatigue and the beginnings of a sore throat, he refused to accept it. A cup of tea and a good night sleep would be all that was required. However, when morning came again, the feeling was even worse and he was acutely aware of his desperate need for a handkerchief.
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“Oh God in Heaven,” he groaned under his breath as he moved to sit up, reaching for the bedside drawer where he kept such things. He did not need to test for a fever now, he could feel it in the new chill that seemed to settle across the room and the aching of his body. “Of all the things on all the days…why now?”
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Marinette followed suit with her own detransformation words only where Plagg got cheese, Tikki received her usual macaron. 
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “We’re going to have to really think this time. A visit to Master Fu might be necessary too.” 
Random with Marinette and Adrien - (Send random for me to use a randomizer to choose a random color and write that starter)
Ladybug ran across the rooftops with an expected excellence, expertly leaping from one to the other. Her yo-yo spun in her hand so quickly it was just a pink blue, occasionally obscured by the bursts of power that crashed against it. This villain was good. Probably the best one Hawkmoth had ever made but while the heroes struggled, Ladybug refused to give up hope.
“We need to buy ourselves some time,” she shouted to Chat Noir. “We’re gonna have to think this one through!”
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Oaklynn still didn't answer her words, though the way she turned to look at Arillia suggested the hearing aid was doing it's job efficiently enough. Her tears were subsiding now but it wasn't for a lack of emotion. She was still upset, still scared, and it showed in every aspect of her body language. She just simply had no more tears left to cry for now.
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Noah glanced over at the two of them, though, to continue speaking. "We can't stay here long or they'll find us. Do you still have water?"
A Cry On The Wind
Starter for @power-in-sacrifice
“I know we’re not in the city anymore but we should probably still be careful,” Noah said, glancing towards Arilia as she walked beside him. He wrapped his fingers around her hand. The feeling was something he was certain he would never get used to. “Take it from a first-born himself, they monitor every inch of the continent for people. Don’t be surprised if they find us. Can’t risk us using up their precious resources, you know?”
That wasn’t even to mention the people who did manage to stay hidden out here. He wasn’t sure how true it was but his father managed the surveillance in the borderlands and Noah had heard tales of the violence the runaways were capable of. According to his father’s tales, they were capable of terrible things…
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Suddenly, Noah stopped in his tracks. “Do you hear that?”
Somewhere in the distance, echoing off the trees was the quiet sound of crying. Not just any crying. A baby’s crying.
“This way,” he said, pulling her along as he took off in the direction of the noise. “Come on!”
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It took Zaria three days to complete her mission, two for travel and one spent in the company of Ignis himself. He had told her everything about the Dragonhearts and other species of dragons on continents other than her own. It seemed Shay was telling the truth after all. 
In the meantime, Shay had been treated no differently. The days had passed slowly, his hands only dropped from their shackles so he could eat twice a day. Other than that, no one spoke to him. No one even acknowledged his existence. 
Until, that is, that third day when Zaria entered his makeshift prison once more. 
Lost in the Mountains
Shay wandered through the snow, his wings bogged down by the extreme cold. "Ughh ... dammit!! I hate this God-forsaken cold! Where the hell is everyone? Charlie?! Roman?! Audrey?! Tae?! Aerin?! Where are y'all?!?" Shay hopelessly called out. None of them were even remotely close by. He had no idea where the demons took his friends. But he had to get out of this cold. Most dragons, or half-dragons in Shay's case, absolutely hated it. "I need to get out of this cold, and soon .. or else I don't think I'll be able to fly for a long while."
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He wasn’t wrong here either. Enya’s family was her only driving purpose. Everything she did anymore was for their benefit. After all, they were the only thing proven to keep her on the right path. Shay himself had seen the volatile mess she could turn into when that grounding connection was lost. He had seen what she was capable of in the wake of losing one of them. 
“I’m trying,” she said softly. “I promise you, I am.” 
“I killed him,” said Enya, her voice hollow. Unfocused eyes stared out at nothing, seeing something only within her own mind: wide blue eyes, melting flesh, fire burning all around her. “Hotaru, I mean, I...I'm the one who killed him..." - Enya to Shay; @secretswritteninink
Shay's went wide with shock at her confession. "So you're the reason we found him as a half-Hollow that day. That's why his face and body looked burned. It was you. I thought it was one of Thalia's experiments gone wrong." He placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "Look, Enya, I know you well enough to know that what happened to him must have been an accident. You must not have had full control over your powers. I know you'd do anything to take back what happened that day. But while you can't rewrite the past, you can start over with him. Be the big sister to him that he's always deserved. And now there's nothing stopping you from doing that. Every threat to you and those kids is gone."
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PAIN - Char and James; @pages-and-words
9.) My muse slowly recovers from an assault with yours helping them.
They hadn't seen the attack coming. They never did. One moment there was just the peaceful day-to-day bustle of the camp and the next moment a new hoard of monsters flooded their home. Charlotte had defended herself the best she could against them but no one would concider her a particularly skilled fighter. She had her head in clouds, or in a cloud of red Kool-Aid more like it. Char wasn't paying attention to her lessons. She wasn't taking them seriously.
Now, as she woke up two day later with pain radiating through her abdomen and the unique taste of ambrosia on her tongue, she knew why that was a mistake.
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Enya woke suddenly and with a start, amber eyes wild as she pushed herself up too quickly to her knees. A groan escaped her at the pain that suddenly seared through her side but it went otherwise ignored as she attempted to make sense of what had happened. Even as her hand moved to the wound, she paid little attention to the blood that seeped through her fingers.
She could smell the blood. The scent of it was thick, mingling with smoke and gunpowder. The memories suddenly began to flood back in violent waves. She remembered the facility finding them. She remembered black vans filled to the brim with soldiers armed to the teeth. She remembered gunshots ringing out, remember screams accompanying them. They had tried to fight back. Enya had held them off as long as she could but even she had fallen. The last thing she remembered was tiny fingers gripping her shirt and leaving bloodied handprints before the toddler had been passed off to Kári with the simple command to run.
Enya was still panicking as she pushed herself to her feet and it was clear in the rapid shifting of her gaze, the labored rise and fall of her chest. How many had died? They were all children. Children! Obviously Jericho was alright but that still left the other five in their party unaccounted for.
"Josiah," Enya croaked as she stumbled through the wreckage of what had been a humble little lake house and a now scorched yard. "Brinny! Kari! Ethan!"
It didn't take long to find them though. Little bodies were scattered among those of the soldiers. She found Josiah first, his form slumped over that of Brinny's. They had taken shelter behind the car port, it seemed. The ground was still saturated with the evidence of Brinny's powers.
Enya couldn't help but count the bullet wounds as she stared down at their entwined forms. Josiah healed himself. It was a fast process and some of the wounds were already healed or half healed but for every initial shot, it seemed three more had been added to counter this effect until his body could no longer keep up.
She managed to tear her eyes away only to search for the others, only because she hoped beyond the evidence that they were still alive somewhere. Yet, she was proven wrong as soon as she stepped into the house. Ethan had hidden here. She knew he had because she had told him to at the beginning of the fight when his fear had begun to manifest as a rather dangerous flurry of garden tools and children's toys. He had taken off immediately.
She sprinted to the back room, desperately calling his name, but she was only met with his small body crumpled between the wall and the bed. The room was a mess and several soldiers lay dead around him, glass shards or plastic toys sticking out from eye sockets and soft flesh. In the end, it seemed it only took one shot to quell the boy's inherant storm. One shot to the head.
Kári and Zaria. They were all the were left. Blinking away a sudden onslaught of tears, she hurried from the house once more, finding herself in the backyard this time. Surely, they got away. Kári was skilled, protective, smart. Surely, they at least made it. But she found them moment after she stepped into the tree line.
Kári had fallen in his attempt to flee, a shot to the back and one to the back of the head. Zaria had survived initially. At least long enough to crawl out from under him, to crouch down at his side. She couldn't speak but the position of her body, bloodied fingers still curled in the fabric of his shirt, face pressed against his back suggested she died trying to rouse him. A single shot to the head.
Tears welled in Enya's eyes, blurring her vision. They were gone. All of them just...gone. She wasn't even aware of how weak her legs felt until they gave out beneath her and she sank to her knees at Kári's side.
No, was all she could think as she leaned forward, brushing still sticky blond hair from Zaria's blood stained cheek. Those beautiful blue-green eyes were still open, staring at nothing. Staring at her. No, this couldn't be happening. She was supposed to be strong enough. She was supposed to protect them. How could she had failed so miserably?
PAIN - Jericho and one of the ODH characters, your choice on which one!; @secretswritteninink
26 - Our muses are the sole survivors of an attack (Jericho and Enya) Jericho stirred awake, the smell of blood instantly filling his senses. He shakily stood up, scanning his surroundings for any survivors. “Holy shit ... that blast was more powerful than I thought ... I don’t think anyone could’ve survived this.” He walked around, surveying the damage, until he saw a familiar figure face-down on the ground. “Enya??” He rushed over towards her and tried to shake her awake. “Enya, please get up! You can’t be gone too!”
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Wide eyes whipped from side to side, searching and scanning for threats even after she felt Geralt's presence, heard his voice. Finally, however, after a moment, they did fix on him at last. Those eyes brimmed with tears but Cirilla maintained a strong disposition. She had been through worse. She would not lose herself now. After all, she was Queen Calanthe's heir, the lion cub of Cintra.
She gave a few quick nods at her guardian's words. "Yes," she said almost breathlessly. "I'm alright. Are...are you?"
PAIN - Geralt and Yennefer or Cirilla; @secretswritteninink
20 - Our muses get trapped in a war zone. (Geralt and Cirilla)
Geralt ran through the burning fields, weaving through the charging Cintrans. The warriors of Nilfgaard had already begun their ambush attack on the advancing Cintran army, and the whole plains had erupted into a fiery battlefield. Flaming arrows flew everywhere, skewering combatants left and right. But Geralt had lost Cirilla. He had to find her before one of the Cintrans did.
He didn't have to look for very long. A Cintran had recognized Cirilla and had grabbed her by the arm. Geralt darted towards the warrior and severed his head with one clean stroke of his blade. He checked over the girl for injuries, saying, "Are you alright, Cirilla?"
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PAIN - Sammi and Bianca; @pages-and-words
13.) Our muses have to say goodbye for a long time.
The news had not been given easily, and it had not been received well either. Bianca's father had gonna back and forth from Camp Half-Blood to Camp Jupiter for so long, Bianca had never even entertained the thought of him being forced to pick one, let alone to pick the unfamiliar one - the wrong one.
She hated fighting with her father but this time, she did. Bianca had no choice. Camp Half-Blood was everything she had ever known. These people were her family. She couldn't just leave. Nico hadn't seen it this way, however - or so it seemed to her - which meant her fate was sealed.
Bianca was leaving.
She hadn't told anyone yet. Sammi deserved to be the first to know, but...how was she supposed to tell her? They had been all the other had since they were children, supporting each other when their busy fathers and deceased mothers could not. How was she supposed to admit that she had to abandon her now when their lives were suddenly getting so much harder? It wasn't even like they had phones with which to keep in touch.
Bianca knew exactly where Sammi would be and as she slowly trudged her way into Bunker 9, she saw her suspicions were right. A sudden wave of fear washed over her, speeding the pace of her heart, but what Bianca was scared of, she didn't know? Was it the thought of leaving? Or perhaps of Sammi's reaction? Maybe...
"Sammi," she said, her voice even quieter and more solemn than usual. Tears were quickly blinked back before the other could see. "Are you busy? Can we talk?"
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Heightened senses all around picked up on Shay's arrival long before his feet touched the snow covered ground. No one needed to tell the other who approached, no announcement needed to be made. Shay had come around often enough lately that while not a part of the park, he had proven himself harmless enough not to be bothered with. It was for that reason that Zaria and Zaria alone emerged from the cave.
"It's a little late, don't you think?" she asked, her eyes flickering back over her shoulder as if concerned about what the pack might say. Or perhaps it was her parents that worried her. It wasn't entirely clear.
PAIN - Zaria and Shay; @secretswritteninink
19 - Your muse takes mine in after they left an abusive relationship
Shay checked his watch: 10:45. The memory of his most recent relationship was burned into his head. He needed someone to talk with, but he had nobody else to turn to. Audrey was off on a date with Tae, Roman was tending to the Underworld, Charlie was back home, and Aerin was back at her village. Which meant only Zaria could help him this time.
Now, these two had finally started talking in a friendly way. The Nevar pack still didn't like him that much, but Zaria had told them to suck it up, and that Shay had proven himself as an ally. To everyone's surprise, even Hyoga agreed with her judgement.
Shay flew through the sky, heading for the nearby mountain range where the pack made their homes. When his watch hit 11:00, he finally touched down in front of the cave where the pack usually congregated, and awaited Zaria's arrival.
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Zaria gave a tight, half-hearted smile as she looked up at her husband. She was still upset. She probably would be for awhile but she didn't want to stay angry on purpose. So, it was time to put in an effort.
Giving a nod of her head, she answered with a simple, "Of course."
One - Ed Sheeran
Lyric starter for @mobiustheribbonfighter/ @aheartofgoldandasoulofsilver
Zaria and Shay
Zaria's eyes narrowed despite her earlier show of joy, her lips pressing into a hard line as her gaze moved up and down his body. The injuries he had sustained was unmissable and it would be her job now to care for them. As she undid the bandage wrapped around his arm, ignoring the sickening stench of blood that filled her nostrils, she made it very clear what she felt about his reckless notion to kill Aris without her.
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"That was stupid, Shay! You could have been killed. And to leave me at home to sit and worry? Bullshit," she hissed. "I'm your biggest ally against him, the only real defense. I know you've read the damn prophecy. What made you think that was okay?"
She gave a heavy sigh, one hand moving to gesture outward, a wave of dismissal. "You know what? Don't answer that. Just promise me you'll never leave again. I can't handle this a second time. I really can't."
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PAIN - Julia and James (because we've literally never used them and that's sad); @pages-and-words
4.) Your muse proposes to mine and mine says no.
Julia's eyes widened at the words James spoke. They seemed so sudden, so...wrong. Yes, perhaps Julia had thought he was rather cute and yes, maybe she had entertained herself with the idea of what their kids would look like or what pet they would adopt if they could manage to create some semblance of a normal home. Despite it all, though, she had never seriously contemplated tying the knot anytime soon and the thought of it just...made her want to run, for some reason.
A polite smile crossed her lips, pity welling in her eyes as she looked down at him. How could she make this better? What words could she use to make this as painless as possible? Unfortunately, she didn't know....Julia would just have to do the best she could.
"I'm sorry, James. I really am, but...we're a little young...don't you think?"
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