#m; from the flames i emerge with the strength i have earned//enya calwyn
Until You Get A Clue
Starter for @son-of-ice-and-lycanthropy @all-the-muses @fiery-little-dusty-dork @shaymaverickobsidian @romankalinroxorius
Enya woke in a strange room, in an actual bed, acutely aware that it was not morning. The dim lighting in the room told her that. The clock on the wall opposite her only confirmed it.
She sat up slowly, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. The last thing she remembered, she was stealing lunch for her, Kári, and the kids. She didn't remember anyone attacking her. She didn't even remember getting caught.
Sliding out of bed and standing on the cool wood floors beneath her feet, she found herself dressed in pajamas. They weren't even her own and they certainly didn't look like any pajamas she had seen before. Not like she had actually seen a lot.
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Her eyes caught the dress draped over the back of the vanity chair next. "Oh, hell no..." She said aloud. Enya didn't do dresses. She had tried one once but found it restricted her movement and the shoes she had to wear with them in order to not gain unwanted attention were too impractical for out running an evil government facility hell-bent on destroying the lives of super powered children. A quick search of the room told her there were no other clothes. No weapons either. Luckily, Enya didn't need weapons to kill.
Reluctantly, Enya changed into the dress but Drew the line at the high heeled shoes. She could never run or fight in those. She wasn't even going to try. A quick turn of the doorknob told her she hadn't been locked in this room and she quickly stepped out into a long hallway. She needed to find a way out. Luckily, Kári had previously taken the children elsewhere. She had been alone and no one but her knew where they were hiding. They had taken Enya alone.
Honestly, it made what she had to do easier. If she had to fight, she could do so with her full focus on her opponent and if she had to kill...well...Kári and the kids never had to know.
Keeping her steps silent, she made her way down the hallway and a spiral staircase leading down to the ground floor. She found herself in a large central room, seemingly used for nothing except being a means to get to one of the rooms surrounding them. There were no exits from here either. Whatever. She would find one.
She made her way to the first door she saw, one leading to a room right across from the staircase and pushed the doors open. Immediately, the all too familiar smell of blood filled her nostrils. The ballroom was littered with bodies, their blood spilled across the marble floors.
"What the hell?" The words were out of her mouth before she even had a chance to process. Why would someone kidnap her? Why would they have a room full of bodies? Her last question was one she really hoped wasn't true. Had she done this? No. She would have remembered.
Lifting her dress, she walked forward, bare feet careful not to step through the blood. Her eyes scanned each face as she walked but found them all unfamiliar. An older man, a teenage girl with hair redder than her own, a woman whose blonde hair mingled with the blood around her. They all wore the strange clothing she had found waiting for her.
She stopped as she reached the end of the room, her heart shattering instantly. No...no no no no....it couldn't be....
Kári lay slumped against the wall dressed in the same style of clothes though they'd let him keep his signature blue in his shirt. His signature blue sailed in the red of his own blood.
"Kári..." The word came breathlessly as she ran the rest of the way to his side. She dropped to her knees before she had even stopped moving, uncaring of the state of her dress now. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, blurring her vision. "Kári!"
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He was gone. There was no mistakening that. And her sorrow, her fear, quickly turned to anger. The type of anger that had made her kill six children and four scientists all those years ago. No. This was worse.
Her fingers ran through his hair, trailing down his cheeks. "No..."
He was the only one to keep her grounded, to keep her good. Kári was the only one she had ever loved this way.
She whipped around when she heard the door once more, a single tear slipping down flushed red cheeks as fire lit up the palms of her hands. Her narrowed eyes focused on the distant form as she slowly got to her feet. Enya would make them pay. They would pay for the pain Kári endured, for the pain that was actively crushing her, and hell...she was going to enjoy it....she would savor the moment the life left their eyes, knowing they felt the same way - no, worse - that Kári obviously had.
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Clue AU Character Info
Mainly, I just wanna post their outfits because just...1920s theme....🥰🥰🥰
Enya Calwyn - ALIVE
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Utau Hoshina - DEAD
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Meredith Parker - DEAD
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