#[[Michael is hilarious btw]]
ennard-is-near · 3 months
I understand why you’d want to kill William’s wife in your AUs or whatever but in my mind she 100% just divorced him after he started obviously losing it/killing people, said “Good luck Michael” and dipped. My evidence for this is that he was clearly soooo horny when he build Ballora. He was down bad in a way that only a divorced dad with custody of his kids can be.
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oldbutchdaniel · 7 months
sorry not to talk about political rpf again but this is shennant related i promise bc its on the david tennant podcast episode with michael sheen that michael sheen calls the deal 'a love story between tony blair and gordon brown' . notably ALSO the SAME podcast on which david tennant interviewed the REAL gordon brown. funny thing for michael to say also because having now read a very long book about it all i can comfortably say that the deal is about a third as gay as whatever was going on in the british labor party in real life. like michael sheen of all people actually de-gayed a british prime minister. okay thank u thats all i have been enjoying seeing ur shennantposting stay crazy 🙏
i don't even have words for this. i mean first of all the rpf lore contained between shennant is deeper than we could ever possibly hope to comprehend and also as ever michael sheen continues to be the craziest actor on god's green earth. god bless.
this is also great additional listening to consider as my roommate and i are officially doing the michael sheen political yaoi marathon this weekend due to your influence. im all the more excited now
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@truearchangel asked:
"What do you call a chicken in the 1960’s? A funky chicken."
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What was this now? He's hardly gotten back on good terms with the Archangel and here he was attempting to send a joke in Lucifer's direction. The Devil hardly wants to pay it much mind but something pulls at his attention despite himself.
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He wants to remain smug. He wants to caste an unphazed front outward but the old familiarity is there, and for a fraction of a second...it feels... like home.
Approached any other way, something less indirect perhaps, he might have blown it off entirely but this feeling from what would be the closest to an angel's childhood and formulative years overtakes him. A small smirk forms and slowly begins to spread. He turns towards Michael, with that shared look only twins can harbor, the one that says, without words that there's a shared secret between them.
In those days, long since gone and never spoken of these days, they joked together alot and often, granted the jokes mostly came from Samael but it was those rare occassions in which Michael actually displayed some semblance of a sense of humor that always cracked Samael. The bad jokes were the best!
Not wanting to be out done presently, as he was a dad and this supposed joke his brother had just told sounded close enough to what folks deem as dad jokes, Lu allows a quick slip up of his demeanor and joins in, for old times sake.
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"Oh, look who's here, great timing brother o' mine. It just so happens that I uh... got a new goose recently." A wave of his cane and a bolt of crimson lightning strikes down before him, red clouds accompanied by shimmering gold dust poof into existance then dissapate to reveal a fine specimen of a healthy, happy goose, it waggles it's tail feathers and begins glancing around curiously. "You can have a gander if you're interested but I don't recommend petting him, you may feel a little down~"
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ineffablehubbys · 6 months
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The whiplash I just got from the transition from dilf to babygirl will send me to hospital
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God, this man has the absolute worst case of nostalgia based rose tinted glasses
In nightbringer itself Asmo says the day before they Fell he was hiding from Raphael for messing with him/pissing him off
All of Lucifer's siblings (minus Levi, as far as we know) were frequently sneaking into the human world while they were actively at war with the Devildom and while it was forbidden to interact with humans
Mammon used the angels as his own giant chess set????
Mammon used to sneak into the human world to collect pigeon feathers and sell them to angels by saying they were Raphael's feathers, which is hilarious but is also A FUCKING SCAM THAT CURRENT MAMMON WOULD ABSOLUTELY PULL
The others actually thought Mammon would Fall long before he did because he was such a shit head
Asmo used to have his Asmo parties or Asmo nights or whatever up in the Celestial Realm despite Raphael saying parties are bad (I feel like the actual word he used was "immoral"? )
Asmo used to sneak into the human world to go partying with humans
It is heavily implied in s3 that asmo was fucking & sucking his way through the celestial realm (good for him btw get those sticks outta the angels' asses babe i believe in you <3 )
The twins and Lilith used to frequently sneak into the human world
Lilith started a whole ass relationship with a human and lied her ass off about it so that she could keep it secret
Lilith compared Michael to a jellyfish???? the first time she met him and that pissed him off
Lilith held a hell of a grudge
Belphie used to skip work so he could go nap
The brothers, as a team, used to catch frogs, cut holes in books, put the frogs into them and wait for Raphael to open them
The brothers, as a team, used to dig pits in the ground and cover them up so that other angels would fall into them (at least the frog thing was kinda funny this is just them being straight up dicks)
Raphael was constantly chasing them around with his spears and getting on Lucifer's ass about them because of how troublesome they were
S4 implies that the reason the brothers' pranks are more refined as demons, compared to when they were angels, is because they now have Satan
So yeah, they were always asses
But even if there is some truth in what Lucifer said about them being kind & sincere (and honestly, there is. We've seen more than enough evidence of it in the events, devilgrams, chats & s1-4) :
Levi says he was depressed in the Celestial Realm and felt like he didn't fit in.
Both Mammon & Beel didn't fit in until Lucifer found them.
Lilith definitely didn't feel like she fit in.
Lucifer, as a demon, says he'll never want to go back. Talking with Diavolo as an angel made him lose a little faith in the Celestial Realm. His greatest fear is possibly his father. Even before they Fell something in the Celestial Realm was pissing him off so much that he managed to spawn a whole other conscious life form - Satan says he gained his own consciousness even before Asmo was created meaning that anger had been festering for a long time.
As far as we know Asmo & Belphie were the only ones who were genuinely happy throughout their entire time in the Celestial Realm (and I think once Asmo gets used to his demon form he'll appreciate the freedom in the devildom over the strictness of the celestial realm)
Mammon, in Nightbringer, says that they know there's no real difference between being an angel or a demon and that they're all just labels.
Whatever sincerity and kindness they, may or may not have, had in the Celestial Realm wasn't because they were angels. Or because of the Celestial Realm.
It was in spite of all that.
It was just what they are like as people.
And of course that sincerity and kindness aren't gonna shine through right after a horribly traumatic event that killed their sister and permanently changed their bodies. And due to such an event & their Sins becoming more...more, they'll obviously be different and treat each other differently as demons.
But at the end of the day they are good, kind people, even as demons.
Like we've seen that.
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enzstr · 3 months
Only You || K. Bakugo
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Pairing: Bakugo x Reader
synopsis: starz26708 and Dino.tnt609, two students who first met in an online chatroom. A friendship had flourished between them. With the strong need to meet each other, 6aku.tnt609 slowly gains curiosity regarding the other's identity, which sparked the desire to meet her within him. What could possibly go wrong?
💭: btw, this is inspired from the Chad Michael Murray and Hilary Duff movie A Cinderella's Story!!
words: 1.8k
Chapter 1: Morning and Night.
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Dino.tnt609: “I need to know who you are?”
Dino.tnt609: “I can’t take my mind off you.”
Dino.tnt609: “Please tell me who you are?”
starz26708: “Soon, I promise.”
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Reader’s POV:
It all started with a chatroom, where two people have the same interest, same mindset, basically the same person but opposite genders. That’s when our friendship started. I learnt to know everything about him but his name and how he looks, and honestly that never bothered me. I was really ecstatic to text with a person who I don’t really know, yet at the same time I knew everything about him. 
Both of us would text each other for hours without stopping, and everytime we did, I always had a smile plastered to my face. Those words he used were what caught my attention. The way he uses words was exceptionally poetic to me and I never want him to stop. Many times I have doubted that he’s real and could be just some dumb person fooling around, however my gut didn’t think so. 
starz26708: “We’ve been texting for hours and it’s getting so late!”
Dino.tnt609: “And we can still keep going, no?”
I laughed at his reply to my message and typed out my last reply before heading to bed.
starz26708: “Very funny. I need to head to sleep now.”
starz26708: “Goodnight, Dino.”
After I sent that text, my body went limp into my bed and slept soundly with the desire to meet this “Dino” guy.
On the following day, the morning sun bathed the world in a brilliant golden hue, its gentle touch bringing a sense of peace and clarity, accompanied by the chirping of birds and rustling of leaves, the only sounds in the peaceful summer morning.
As the engine’s soft whir filled the air, the sun’s rays streamed through the glass window. The radio played a familiar tune in the car, and me and my best friend, Cece, chatted excitedly about the new hit song that was gaining traction in newspaper articles, laughter breaking the silence as the car drove towards the school.
As I was about to park your car into the perfect spot in the near-empty parking lot, another vehicle suddenly cut into the space just before me, causing me to slam on the brakes in surprise. Frustration washed over me and I let out a frustrated sigh, realising I would have to find another spot now.
“Damn, why didn’t they see we were about to park there? I’m about to throw hands man, I swear to god!”
“They’re not bad! ‘M pretty sure they never saw us and it’s fine, I’ll find a new parking spot!” I tried to reassure my best friend who was sitting in the passenger seat with a scowl on her face. 
At that moment, my eyes narrowed in annoyance as the man I strongly disliked emerged from his vehicle, Bakugo Katsuki. I couldn't help but scoff at his audacity as he slammed the car door shut. His presence instantly annoyed me, and my gaze lingered on him with a mixture of annoyance and disdain as he casually strolled towards the building with his friends. Why do I dislike him? My dislike for him began to build from the moment I met him. His cocky attitude and arrogant demeanour immediately rubbed me the wrong way, and his tendency to constantly boast about himself only got me even more frustrated. He often looked down on others and had a habit of interrupting conversations, which only added to my growing dislike of him.
Our gazes met, but instead of the usual welcoming eye contact, a wave of tension filled the air. The way our eyes locked in a stern and serious manner reflected the dislike and annoyance we felt towards each other. His friend group that included Denki, Mina, Kirishima and Sero looked towards my face then at his, as if we’re having a staring competition. 
His friends pulled him away and bowed in an apologetic manner as Cece did the same. Soon after they were gone, I regained my consciousness and drove to an empty parking lot without anyone disturbing me, until Cece had a confused look all over her face. We both hurriedly ran into the school to prevent being late, and gladly we weren’t. The school hallways were filled with shouts and loud chattering of students, and students rushing in all places to reach their classes on time. The hallways were packed with people, the cramped space making it harder to find your classes. The air was filled with the sound of voices and footsteps, as students chattered excitedly or hurried along to their classrooms. Unfortunately that was where we both had to separate and head to our own classes. Of course you find Bakugo in the same class as you are in this year, again. Every year bad luck would always be with you when it comes to matters like this, but you tried not to show any reaction and handled it professionally.
Bakugo’s POV:
My attention wavered between the teacher's lecture and the thoughts swirling in my mind. I couldn't help but think about the girl I’ve always been texting, someone I had only known through a computer screen, and I don’t even know who her identity is. Our conversations replayed in my head, and I longed to know more about her in person. My gaze occasionally darted to my phone, checking for any new messages, but the lack of communication only seemed to strengthen my growing feelings for her.
Hell, it is strange that I feel like this towards someone whom I’ve never met face to face, but with her, it’s like I can be myself. Not that grumpy and serious demeanour, but my authentic self. Despite our connection being online, I found a sense of comfort with her. I found myself opening up to her, sharing my true thoughts and feelings without the fear of judgement or rejection. Something about connecting with her through the computer screen allowed me to be my authentic self, and I valued the genuine connection we had built despite the distance between us.
The sudden loud ring of the school bell startled me, causing my head to jolt up as the realization that school had ended hit me. The classroom erupted with the sounds of shuffling desks and bags being packed, signalling freedom that came with the end of the school day.
With a subtle sense of anticipation, I instinctively grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked for any new messages or notifications. My fingers swiped across the screen as I opened my messaging app, eager to see if she had reached out to me in the time I had been in class.
Dino.tnt609: “Where have you been? We haven’t talked in ages.”
Barely five minutes had passed when my phone vibrated, signalling a new message notification. I quickly checked the screen and saw that she had responded, a wave of anticipation and excitement washing over me as I read her reply.
starz26708: Gee you missed me that much?
starz26708: I just finished school. 
Dino.tnt609: I  can’t stop thinking about you.
Dino.tnt609: What’s on your mind right now?
starz26708: You first.
Dino.tnt609: Well I’m thinking that Mr. Aizawa would 100% be a caterpillar.
I couldn't help but turn my head and look around, noticing the sea of students in the hallway, all engrossed in their own little worlds as they tapped away at their phones, engaging in conversations or scrolling through social media. The sound of keyboards clicking and the occasional laugh or gasp filled the air, she could be anywhere.
starz26708: LOL
starz26708: I can actually see that!
Dino.tnt609: Oh, I want to hear your laugh.
Dino.tnt609: When can we finally meet?
starz26708: Soon!
I was walking down the hallway, reading through the last text she sent to me on my phone and completely engrossed in my screen, when I suddenly felt a hard bump. Looking up, I found myself face to face with her, the girl I had a strained relationship with, y/n. Our eyes met, and almost instinctively, my expression twisted into a scowl, mirroring the mutual dislike we held for each other. I couldn't help but feel frustrated that we kept running into each other in this annoying and seemingly endless way.
“Watch where you’re going.” I could hear the groan in her tone after she replied, seemingly rolling her eyes at me too.
“Your fault for not looking.”
After our brief and tense exchange, I felt a sense of irritation and frustration wash over me, and I know she did too. We both groaned in annoyance and hurried past each other, eager to put some distance between us and forget about the unpleasant interaction we just had.
Third person’s POV:
Y/n was in a busy computer room, surrounded by a sea of students working on their respective screens. Despite the crowded space, she began typing messages to her online friend, Kat.tnt609,  trying to maintain a casual air while sitting amongst the other students. 
starz26708: Ever feel like you don’t belong?
Dino.tnt609: Absolutely.
Dino.tnt609: I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone.
Dino.tnt609: Then I think of you.
Her face immediately lit up as she read the text, a slow and genuine smile spreading across her features, transforming her expression from one of neutrality to one of pleasant surprise and happiness.
starz26708: Hey Dino, do you think we’ve ever met?
Dino.tnt609: I don’t know.
Dino.tnt609: Our school has over 660 students.
She was busy typing a message to him on the school computer, completely unaware that the person on the other side of the screen was someone sitting in the very same room with her. Little did she know, the person she was communicating with was actually the opposite of what she had envisioned, right there under her nose, engaging in a secret yet intriguing exchange of words.
What started as an innocent text conversation between the two rapidly turned into a marathon chat session, with each message leading to another, until the clock hit 2 and they finally realized just how much time had passed in their conversation.
starz26708: It’s 2:00 a.m.
starz26708: We’ve been at this for 4 hours
Dino.tnt609: Hm, then I think we just broke our record.
starz26708: We should head to sleep. 
starz26708: Sweet dreams.
Dino.tnt609: Wait.
Dino.tnt609: My heart swells with admiration I can hardly keep. 
Dino.tnt609: For in your peaceful, soft expression,
Dino.tnt609: I see the best of what life has to offer, and no contradiction.
Dino.tnt609: For when you sleep, you are at your most beautiful,
Dino.tnt609: Like a precious gem, shining in the soft light of the night.
starz26708: New verse? Impressive.
starz26708: I like it.
Dino.tnt609: Please meet me at the school’s party.
Dino.tnt609: I’ll be waiting for you at 11:00 in the middle of the dance floor.
Dino.tnt609: Sweet dreams.
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masterlist next >
enzstr © 2024. please don't steal, modify or copy my writing on any other platforms!
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weepingjesters · 13 days
Mikaela should have been the main character of the Bayverse transformers series.
She had a better backstory. Granted, Sam's comebacks are hilarious, but Mikaela is still the apple of my eye.
I will never not be salty about these damn movies.
Because the way Sam treats Bumblebee to me feels very... Forced proximity, for some reason. I don't understand why I don't like it. I loved it as a wee babe, but now it just makes me feel bad for Bee. And yes there's a few soft and even sad moments between the two characters, but still.
Mikaela was arguably nicer to Bee than Sam was through the whole series.
Also what the hell did Michael Bay do to Starscream?? Why was he so weird in Dark of the Moon???
He was competent in the first movie, damnit!
This is no hate towards Sam btw, he's arguably my favorite human protagonist of the movies.
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youmakethelight · 22 days
I've been active in this fandom not one week yet and I've already woken up nearly every morning to new melissa pics, felt like all my dreams are finally coming true, spoken to the michael cudlitz on the bird app, received my first anti message (despite asking kindly to please not), spoken to so many kind and hilarious and thoughtful people, laughed so much, and had my heart broken by ship gaslighting. This fandom is no joke how are you all???
Btw I'm sorry for spamming the caryl tag every single day, I'm excited okay??!
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helloaugustmoon · 6 months
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·˚ ◌༘͙[tiktoks] ! ˊ
- will update as and when good ones show up on the fyp -
these are tiktoks that I just know he would’ve been…
smooth criminal x moonwalker - the TRANSITIONS on this ??? pls don’t Mike will want to do a whole album of music videos based on this
moonwalker game - he would LOVE this
thriller - he’d find edits like this SO fascinating and cool, he’d want to watch every single one fr
dramatic billie jean - yk he’d use this as a tour opener that dramatic mf
smiling - he’d get so embarrassed and shy but if he thought too much about us loving his smile he’d probably cry
take my hands - knowing that we miss him so much and would do anything just to hold his hands would both break and warm Michael’s heart sm
comfy - he seemed so comfortable and relaxed during this interview, looking back on it via this clip would be something he really loved I reckon
hug - the fact so many of us would love nothing more than to hug him would make him so emotional
hug 2.0 - imagine not crying over this that’s crazy
not a star, a supernova - Mike would get sooo shy watching something like this but he would love the sincere appreciation
we miss you - this sentiment would make him cry and it’s made me cry too cheers
laughing at:
oh no - this is SO creative and Mike would find the use of his lyrics and ad-libs SO hilarious (my favourite tiktok of all time btw)
close to midnight - same as above
just an apple - same as above all of these are so creative man
holla back bitch - IK THE SOMG would have him clutching his PEARLS he’s all 😧🫢🤭
don’t call me twin - yk our petty king is LOVING this
fucked your bitch - the audio he’s GIGGLINGGG
see something you like baby? - MICHAEL. 🫵🏻🤨
leave your girl w him - he’s a gentleman but he’d BE giggling over this I’m sayin
bro movin like that - funny fan edits like this he’d find hilarious bc he’d love feeling normalised enough to joke around w in that context
clutching pearls - this “I don’t do dirty dancing” mf 🙄
me next - 👉🏻👈🏻
wtf did you just say & 👀 - IK he’s crackin up at these fr
too much goin on - GIGGLING at this audio and yk it too
double cheeked up - he saw this ?? lockin himself in Neverland so we never see him again literally
stevie said… - he KNOWS he’s petty he KNOWS IT
what a shmuck - this is one of my fav clips of all time he’s so sassy w it
did not circle that question - RIP Michael Jackson you would’ve loved to know you invented serving cvnt 🙏🏻😔
tf did you just fucking say - cont. from above 🙂‍↕️
the petty army - Ik he’s up there giggling every time we clear a bitch on his behalf
you are mine - HE KNOWS DAMN WELL 😭
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ask-a-w · 1 year
Summary of RE4R cast meet and greet on Twitch
Finally had time to watch the twitch stream of the RE4R cast meet and greet that aired last week. Here's a quick summary. General: RE4R was made 2 years ago. Everyone in the cast has become one big happy family.
Genevieve Buechner (Ashley): Been acting since a young age. Changed agencies 3 years ago and requested for video game gigs, happy to have landed the role of Ashley. Had to use a lot of her imagination on set after being on TV for years.
André Peña (Luis): Forged a RE4 replica knife and gifted it to Nick on the stream. (Beautiful knife btw!) Did go to acting school, Luis is his first professional paid acting & voiceover role. He knew he was auditioning for RE4R as they forgot to change one name in the script and he saw the name "Saddler". The OG RE4 was the first RE game he played.
Marcio Moreno (Salazar): Is tall IRL, was on his knees to portray a short Salazar while the other actors were usually on stairs. Lived in Spain for 5 years and almost forgot the actual Spanish accent so he asked his brother's gf who is Spanish to record some lines in a Spanish accent so he could remember the accent again. Usually plays villains or "stereotypical Mexicans" in acting roles and was quite happy to play a Castellan role.
Also played the El Gigante, Verdugo, Dr Salvadore, the ganados, and one of the Bella sisters. He had fun playing monsters.
Christopher Jane (Saddler): Happy to play the villain. Was initially convinced that he was only hired for just the table read and not the actual game. The director had to tell him repeatedly he is playing Saddler for the entire gig.
Jon Bryant (Mendez): Is a singer and his actual voice sounds totally different from Mendez. He does sing in Mendez's voice near the end of the stream which is hilarious. Singing a birthday song in Mendez voice was funny.
Michael Adamthwaite (Merchant): Has English heritage on his mother's side so he channeled some British twang for the role. His maternal grandfather also sells real estate IRL (if I’m not mistaken) so “selling stuff” is in his blood. 😝 Had his 10 year old son on the stream and it was his birthday, what an adorable kid.
Mike Kovac (Krauser): Does stunts professionally, used to be a wrestler. Already had experience handling knives and brought a training knife onto set on the first day. The director was happy and open to more realistic knive movements for the characters.
Based Krauser’s voice off the wrestler Jake “The Snake” Roberts and also Metallica singer James Hetfield.
Lily Gao (Ada): This is her first time doing motion capture, had a fun time despite having all the gear strapped to all parts of the body. Got stuck to Nick via velcro on the mocap suit a few times lol. Mostly acted with Nick and "a few other people". (Other than sharing scenes with Saddler, cultists, Wesker, and chopper pilot, does this mean DLC on the way??)
Actually got booked for Ada in the WTRC movie before RE4R. Did research on Ada's character despite not playing any video games growing up and admires Ada's strong character. Her agent got an email from the RE4R crew to ask her to audition for the video game role 'cos the RER4 crew saw her role in WTRC. The crew wanted to finally cast an Asian actress in the role. Lily did see what the previous VAs did and found all variations to be beautiful. Lily sent in her audition and got the part.
Raylene Harewood (Hunnigan): Did not meet the rest of the cast while working on this. Was not familiar with the RE franchise. Did one audition tape for Hunnigan by pretending to be on a computer and talking to Leon, and then she got cast.
It's her first time doing motion capture as well. Was mostly in a booth with the camera gear and reacting to Leon's lines that were already recorded.
Craig Burnatowski (Wesker): Nick & Lily were the only two people he has met so far, saw some of the others briefly. This is his second time working on a RE game, his first RE game gig was RE Outbreak. The mocap for Outbreak was vastly different back then.
Did not know what franchise he was booked for until he walked onto set and asked what game it was. 🤣
Steve Kniebihly (Cinematics Director): Have been cinematics director for 20 years, recently did the direction for RE3R, RE4R, RE8. Mostly focusing on directing cutscenes. Did a balance between grounded & realistic scenes and also catering to the fans. The bingo line was actually something else during filming but he decided to ask Nick to try out the old line instead and it was kept in the end.
Even if someone screws up their audition, as long as he can vibe with them, he will go with them instead of people who read their lines perfectly. He also doesn't like assholes and can read people. He wants someone who is nice and can take directions well… Capcom also has a say who is cast for the role as well, not just Steve.
Nick Apostolides (Leon): Nick has not met the VAs for Hunnigan & Mike in person. Cooked meals for everyone on set and everyone was raving about his cooking, especially his barbecues. Was asked to come back to play Leon.
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ennard-is-near · 3 months
I love terrible Two Sentence Horror! Here’s a few horrible redraws I’ve made over the past week! (More Under the cut). PLEASE send me more of these I will make terrible drawings to go with them if they fit.
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And the original text posts:
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Some notes if you care:
1st one: Shout out to my friend @afraidcircus for sending this to me and making me start thinking about this. They’re funnier than I could ever dream of being lol, that one is still my fav. Peter Griffin dead pose is hard to draw.
2nd one: I know how to draw Spring Bonnie Haters will say I don’t know how to draw Spring Bonnie. Also he’s holding something Evil behind his back
3rd one: That night guard is a drawing of me, btw. Idk why I didn’t pick any established characters, I drew a lot of these late at night.
4th one: this is a reference to the SL canon ending, with the purple eyes. That silhouette is literally Rick Astley and I hate that cutscene it looks so goofy. I honestly just thought “evil version was was me of” was hilarious. I cannot draw post-scoop Michael at all.
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hunterwritesstuff · 7 months
Full on nsfw hcs of the arch angels plz <3 take ur time
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☠️ Azrael is a dom. Full stop. Sure, some things may catch him off-guard, but like. still a dom.
☠️ Very much so into light degradation and heavy praise. He likes seeing you squirm under him.
☠️ As vocal as he can be in bed(Vocal chord injury).
☠️ Any potential noises he may make in bed are growls, low grunts, and deep moans.
☠️ Heaven help you if there are mirrors nearby.
☠️ He likes being able to see you fall apart :)
☠️ Also like, really likes railing you into the bed.
☠️ Azrael is SLIGHTLY Bi(I do what I want lmao), so like. Man? Woman? Doesn't matter. The instant you say yes to doing something intimate with him(consent is very important), good luck walking-
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🔥 Dom. You can't take that shit away from him. If you try, he will bite you.
🔥 His flame basically is just hair, so like, if you want extra noises, just tug on it. If he sees you reaching for it, he'll get what you're going for and basically make it no-burn. He likes it getting tugged.
🔥 He's. pretty into bondage, weirdly enough. On you, specifically. On him, it's a, ah...pretty big fire hazard unless it's specially made, and that's a little too expensive for him to feel it's worth it.
🔥 He ain't afraid to degrade you if he thinks you're misbehaving(it typically gets discussed beforehand, if it makes you uncomfy, he won't, he'll just gently correct you).
🔥 Very into overstim. Al.Also edging.
🔥 Heaven FUCKING help you.
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☀️ Bottom, I'm sorry.
☀️ Very vocal. Begging, whimpering, whining, moaning, gasping, groaning, you name it!
☀️ He will most likely cling onto you during the act.
☀️ If you edge him while riding him, he'll beg desperately for you to keep going, that he'll be a good boy, that he'll do whatever you want, just please don't stop!
☀️ If you pin him down, he'll get even more riled up.
☀️ If you're into overstim and keep riding him after he's initially released, he's immediately more vocal, alternating between begging you to stop and keep going(he means the keep going bit btw, if he asks you to stop without using your safeword, he doesn't mean it /gen)
☀️ Straight, and loves when you suck him off. Like, it causes him to unravel so Goddamn fast.
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🗡️ Hard dom. Do with that what you will.
🗡️ He has this whole thing about being in control the whole time. You obviously have say in shit, but like, he prefers being in control.
🗡️ Closeted gay. This is hilarious considering things about him.
🗡️ Very vocal.
🗡️ Into degradation. It goes both ways. He finds it hot that you think you can get under his skin, but if you actually manage to, chances are high that he'll pick up the pace.
🗡️ Chances are high that while he's railing you, he'll probably jerk you off. Also like, he'll definitely try to control your orgasm as much as he can. He loves hearing you beg for him to let you release.
🗡️ Definitely into cockwarming. Also like, that thing where you sit on his dick while he's in a meeting and have to try to not move or make any noises the whole time. He likes seeing you squirm :)
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⚕️ Raphael is a like. Switch.
⚕️ Somehow has a bondage kink. He doesn't know where it came from either.
⚕️ We stan a pan king <3
⚕️ All he really cares about is that you love him for him, and that you don't have any malicious intent, and that you're doing it because you want to.
⚕️ VERRY heavy on praise! Both for you and him!
⚕️ If he hears any noise from you that may be trying to say your safeword or slightly pained, he pauses to ask if you're okay.
⚕️ He's just. Very kind and loving during the act.
⚕️ He isn't afraid to mark you tho
⚕️ Very vocal. Whimpering, praise, moaning, grunts, groans, he's just. verrry vocal.
⚕️ Overall? Total sweetheart during the act! And after of course, but that goes for all of the boys here(Yes, even Michael) <3
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rius-cave · 7 months
I really hope we get to see the other archangels, the one I'm really hoping to see is Michael. Isn't he the Angel of Death? I would like to imagine that when Adam came to heaven, there was no one to take care of him. So Michael was put in charge and he probably taught him to fight and use his new powers. And one anon mentioned about Adam having his first Bi panic attack when he saw Michael. I would like to think that they were either a thing, or that Adam couldn't confess his feelings to him. So like imagine Lucifer meeting Michael again and it's just like:
Michael: "oh btw, y'know Adam? yeah- I pegged him, I pegged him real fucking hard.
Lucifer: "Excuse me- WHAT."
and Adam is just in the middle of them, wondering why tf this has to happen to him with his face blushing.
Doing a quick google search tells me that the angel considered to be the Angel of Death is called Azrael! (who apparently has a really popular fandesign??????? this fandom is so wild please forgive me i am new). But it's kinda funny cause to my knowledge, there isn't any angel of death in the bible lol. If any, that might be Lucifer himself .
That being said I agree that I'd love to see more characters like that in the show! He and Adam having had a relationship at some point is pretty hilarious, Michael would have to fucking fall to hell for that though, I'm pretty sure lol
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yonderghostshistories · 4 months
My Thoughts on "Holy Flying Circus" (2011) + my fave moments from the film!
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Just gotta say.....HFC was pretty great! It was funny and moving and crazy and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT!! 10000/10 imo, would recommend!
Any uhh here's my fave things/moments/quotes from HFC that I loved when watching it! :
(btw uhh spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the film yet, to which you should... ya'know watch it....cuz it's kinda cool actually)
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin
-The animation sequences are pretty cool, huge props and shout-out to the team for recreating the Gilliam-esque animated sequences!
-Tom Fisher as Graham Chapman was pretty much the MVP of this film, I love his surreal yet pretty funny wiseness that he gives the other Pythons and every scene he was in, even for a few minutes of screen time, was pretty much GOATED ASF!! Would've loved to have seen more scenes of Fisher's Graham Chapman, but for every moment he was in, he absolutely chewed, nay, MUNCHED on that scenery with absolutely deLIGHT!!
-Phil Nichol as Terry Gilliam was pretty hilarious actually ngl! Nichol's portrayal really nailed down Gilliam's crazy and chaotic little goblin-like vibes, and I absolutely love Nichol's voice he did for Gilliam, it's very adorable imo 🥰
-I like the scene in the movie where the Pythons are at the pub, and John, Michael, Terry, Jonesy & Eric are drinking alcohol/beer 🍻, whereas Gray's the only one drinking orange juice 🍊. Idk, it's a nice little detail I noticed and I appreciate it being included in the film as it refers to Gray's alcohol intervention and that's he's really over the alcohol for the better and for the good of his health. It's a nice and lovely moment ❤️
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin
-"Anyone here who refuses to have the film receive the X certificate, say "Eric is a money-grabbing bastard!" " , "Eric is a money-grabbing bastard!"
-"Christians and homosexuals can't be in the same room together. We're their natural predators"
-Darren Boyd as John Cleese hitting that islamaphobe with a tree branch. Not only a Fawlty Towers reference, but also kinda based actually 😎👍 plus I agree with @commonguttersnipe regarding this moment in that it's really great that the film makes the important point in differentiating between free speech and hate speech.
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin finally snapping and just straight up bitch-slapping Malcolm Muggeridge in the face with a water jug during the "Friday Night, Saturday Morning" debate, and John cheering him on. Even if it turned out it was just Michael's fantasy dream sequence, it was pretty cool and based actually 😎👍
-"I do..love you....Mike" 🥺
-Rufus Jones as Terry Jones as Michael's Wife/Jones the Wife is really pretty 😍, and I love her and Michael's relationship in the film, it's so wholesome 🥰🥰
-The "John Vs Michael" puppet Star Wars parody fight sequence. It was really funny and kinda cool!!
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin's mum
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin having an argument with Geoffrey McGivern's "Would you like to sign my petition?" Character, it was really funny imo! 🤣
-"Can I talk to you about Life of Brian?" "Well, what makes you want to talk about "Life of Brian"?" "Great and uhh-uhh What??" pretty hilarious moment there 😂
And finally:
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin
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power-chords · 2 months
Some Miami Vice Thots*:
Big Screen, I Notice More Stuff: That club is called MANSION. Linkin Park (from Agoura Hills, or what seems to me to be the Westchester, NY of the San Fernando Valley — Californians please correct me if I'm wrong), mashed up with Jay-Z (a Black billionaire from the mean streets of Bed-Stuy, the New New Gatsby/Big Joe Turner). Relevant to bullet point immediately below.
According to Michael Mann Miami in the mid-aughts is Age of Discovery (Digital Edition) meets Crime Family Feudalism in recursive recurrence, multiple timelines and identities inhabiting the same geographic vectors (everyone is always forever in motion). The very first interaction Sonny has with someone who is not a team member is a bartender who says she is from Lisboa, to which Sonny replies, "But you got your tan in Miami." This is what I read: She's the "reformed" Portuguese equivalent of the character in this Butch Walker song. She came from money, she lost it perhaps, but she's been since... repossessed? There's a more sinister interpretation under the surface, since she is under the roof of a powerful (and possibly related) employer whose business operations require unwavering loyalty + utmost discretion in exchange for protection (which in this case is also exploitation). Tan, in other words, as a form of Midas touch. Sacrifice to a sun(/SON!!!) god (or is Sonny more of a defecting Samson figure, speaking to an inert "Neon" Delilah who will only feign at seduction/betrayal, moving through the moves?). So already these two characters are speaking in code to each other, which is an amazing storytelling device on Mann's behalf, and you can shake so much out of that.
Derived from the above: "My Mommy and Daddy know me," hilarious line btw, becomes double-doublespeak, quadruple-speak! Not only is he pretending to tell the truth under a fabricated fundamental, the statement itself is yet another subtextual lie. His parents don't really know him, they just thought they did, which is why he's run off to become what he's become. Rico is the partner who acts out of duty first, love secondarily; Sonny is the Byronic inverse. Diaspora southern gothic. I like to think this is the mythic re-interpretation/inspiration Mann wishes a certain American population would draw from, in lieu of... current political/pop cultural figureheads.
Gina tenderly comforting the injured Zito... this shot is seconds long and yet captures my heart every time! Where is the backstory fic for these two!
Once again, the Rico/Trudy sex scene is a definite contender for the most affectionate, respectful, and sensual one in Hollywood history
Oh, Isabella. My girl Isabella. I overheard someone in the lobby call this film "such a guy movie." I don't know what drugs these people are on. Especially when counterpart to the hypermasculine satirical camp is the sensitivity and sympathy with which Mann portrays the situation of women, how we are exploited either way/anyway, deprived of romantic trust/human partnership by being put at risk by men and also by them denied the agency of taking risks for ourselves. There's both heartbreak and hypocrisy in how she attacks Sonny at the end, screaming "Who are you!" (The audience's heartbreak is: We have an instinctive uneasy sense of the systems that force her, and the rest of us, to live as hypocrites. Who are any of us, anymore, really!)
I was like MICHAEL DO THE GARMENTO CRIME DRAMA W/ ME and he was like "I made Miami Vice already, dummy! Pay attention!" Me: "OK!!!" [Pays a visit to Auerbach's Keller in Grand Central Terminal and then stays up until 5 AM playtesting West Village: Walpurgisnacht/watching the Chicago & Miami Postmodern Pseudepigrapha about Non-Recourse Factoring]
The "color coding" in this film is bonkers. More on that eventually, I'm still chewing on it.
The duality of Man(n)ager: the tragic pathos imbued to Alonzo vs. the vaudevillian coercion of Nicholas. "Why is this happening to me?!" cracks me the fuck up. This most powerful, literally biblical quandary of them all, the whole of Mann's filmography boiled down to its most singular and direct (I.E., truthful) expression, in the form of a persecuted exclamation, and it's played for laughs. Because what can you do except laugh! It's Job(/lowercase job) as circus performance, as a cabaret act. Job's poetry parodied into factional slogans and Shandyan-American dick jokes. I can't believe people think this is a stupid movie, it's pretending to be stupid!!!
*The appropriate spelling for this film in particular
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pagangamer9 · 3 months
Stumbled upon this fan series and made a short compilation of one moment I liked from all (so far) four episodes, consisting of smol Adam❕, sleepy Big G 💤, the G man’s lil ~✨ and Lucifer’s expressions ⁉️ are hilarious and Michael being knocked down from his pedestal is just so satisfying 😈
I also like the Big G’s “Me-damn!”’s and Vite une pause moments 😮‍💨💬
It’s short but I’m quite proud of it 🤩
(I added Spyro’s ‘Magic Crafters’ theme btw, I thought it fit 💫)
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