#[[ she so NOT ready to talk about Adam xD ]]
countlessrealities · 6 months
Vaggie! Since this is apparently your show now, you have any tea you'd like to spill to the listeners?
Or maybe we could just ask about how things are going with Adam-?
Unprompted asks || Always accepting !
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Oh no. No, no, no. She's not talking about Adam. Fuck that. Fuck it through Hell, Earth and Heaven and then back.
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"Gossip? Sure! I can dish! I have plenty to dish!" She rushes to say, while he mind races even faster, trying to collect as many ideas as she can think of. "Where to even start from? So many options."
She lets out an exaggerated hum, letting herself fall in Alastor's chair. This can't be so hard, can it? Or at least she hopes.
"Perhaps I could tell you about the stuff Al eats for breakfast? I mean, we all know he's a cannibal, but did you know that he is technically it twice? His other favourite meat is venison. And he's a stag demon."
She snorts, glances down at the microphone and then kicks her feet on the desk. Maybe she's starting to understand why the Radio Demon enjoys this so much.
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"What about some gossip from the Hotel? Like how you can't share the room with both Husk and Angel without wanting to puke these days! The unsolved romantic tension is soooo thick it makes you stupid like them!"
Okay, maybe it was a little uncalled for.
"Adam! Since you mentioned him! A little bird," and yes, that's a purposeful choice of words, "told me that he might or might not have a nursery to build."
She chuckles, but the sound is a little sharper than it should be coming from her. She twirls the microphone a little. Okay, this is much easier than she was expecting. It's actually fun.
"Oooh, speaking of angels! If you ever make it up there, for any reason, well...you're gonna have to bite your tongue hard not to make a comment about the length of the stick that's holding Sera's spine straight! Ah!"
Ooookay, where has that come from? Better steer away from any too personal subjects.
"Or maybe, since it's such a hot topic, you might be interested in knowing that Alastor and Vox will have another 'business meeting' soon. I don't have all the details, but it seems like he's taking Mr. Overcompensation out. To dance."
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"Now, I don't know about you people, but that's not what I'd do on a professional meeting. I'm not the only one who smells bullshit, am I?"
And with that she throws her head back and laughs. A too high-pitched, too hysterical sound, and for a moment it's almost like there's a bit of static rising through the frequencies.
The electricity that fills the air snaps her out of it and Vaggie slaps a hand over her mouth. What the actual fuck?!
"Yeeeah, funny, right? Now, about some music? That's a thing in radiocasts, isn't it? Here we go!"
In a rush, she scrambles till she manages to kick on a random song. It's an old piece, but who cares. She just wants to get off the air.
Once that's done, she throws the microphone on the desk and pushes the chair back, to put some distance between her and the cursed thing.
"I am never touching you again. Never."
{ @creationtainted / @holoharbinger - mentioned }
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
*trying to understand WHY i feel like Vaggie would love having Susan around despite ppl hating her*
no see it's like this- there's a DIFFERENCE between someone like Susan and someone like Adam!!!
Susan, she's grumpy, stubborn, rude, insulting, BUT!!! If you give her a reason to think her criticisms weren't accurate or convince her she didn't have the full picture while making them, then she WILL change her mind!
She goes from booing Charlie's stammering speech to the Cannibals (and being all fuck you blue blood eat the rich which XD love it) pointing out how Charlie is NOT making anyone feel confident in her... but then once Charlie comes back with a rousing song, Susan listens. She chimes in just to clarify some things (if she fights for the hotel will she get to EAT PEOPLE) and once Charlie really gets into the whole fuck heaven it's time to fight back (lining up with Susan's eat the rich frame of mind) Susan switches around and NODS along with it! She changes her mind about Charlie! She follows Charlie back to the hotel and into war!
This old lady might be a piece of work but she's not an arrogant self-entitled one who won't give people a chance. She will let people try to convince her. She'll hear them out. She does change course once she feels she was wrong.
Compare THAT to an angel like Adam, who only listens so he can interrupt and laugh at Charlie. He's so convinced he CAN'T be wrong he'll scribble divine rules of getting into heaven on a sheet of paper on the fly and then act like they really ARE rules even though he clearly made them up on the spot- he submits them to court as EVIDENCE while IGNORING every other piece of contradicting evidence shown to him!
Adam isn't an asshole bc he's rude or mean, he's an ass bc he never thinks he might be wrong or should maybe change what he thinks or does. If it doesn't build him up then he won't listen to it. Arguing with him was useless- he wasn't ready to be convinced of anything he didn't already believe in.
So when Vaggie cheers for HIM dying, I think of Susan and how- to Vaggie- this old snarling cannibal lady would be like, the anti-Adam.
And the anti-Alastor too bc Susan glares and rudely lays out the truth as she knows it damn the consequences, instead of smiling while slipping lies by omission to ppl to get what she wants from them.
(a la Alastor in ep one trying turn helping out with the hotel advertisement into a favor, first by making a shitty one and then pressing Vaggie about not having anything better, until Vaggie points out that she KNOWs he'll get nothing out of the hotel if it fails anyway, meaning him helping it isn't some big gesture of trustworthiness it's literally just Alastor helping himself, dressed up to make Charlie and Vaggie feel grateful and indebted to him, which Vaggie at least has no patience for)
(add him not mentioning the dead angel thing until after he's gotten a deal with Charlie out of it, and of course miss hates-herself-Vaggie, who held back on her angel past for years to protect herself from more trauma would see too many similarities there)
(even tho one case was- as far as Vaggie can tell- a shameless power grab from Alastor taking advantage of Charlie being at her lowest, and the other was Vaggie being so ashamed of her past she couldn't stomach admitting to it)
Susan is NOT like that.
Sharp teeth is where her similarities with someone like Alastor ends. Surface level bluntness is also where her similarity with Vaggie might end too, for now
I look at Susan and see someone I think Vaggie wishes she could be.
Susan is someone who is honest. Someone who gives no fucks and isn't scared of being tossed aside (again) or being powerless
(like Vaggie and Alastor are scared)
Everyone in Cannibal town CRINGES when Susan shows up, no one looks or sounds HAPPY to see her or hear her speak up and does she seem to care? No. Do they all seem to also respect her and what she says...?
Yeah. They do. Susan is not talking out of her ass or being an ass. She's just sounding like one.
Vaggie miss "cut the crap" and "formerly an exorcist until she saw signs of how that might be wrong actually" would like having someone like that around, I think
(especially if it pissed off Alastor)
(Carmilla, who only keeps secrets to protect her family and seems to listen to advice even when she doesn't take it, would probably NOT like being challenged by a rude Susan either.... but Susan mainly just didn't want to blindly follow someone she didn't have confidence in, or fight without seeing what the reward for the risk would be. Carmilla would respect that, I think. Carmilla doesn't have time for bullshit either and also likes to cut right to the facts of a thing, as seen in her and Vaggie's meet up, so a Susan would be.... tolerable... in small doses. And worth having around. Occasionally)
(but only OCCASIONALLY, vaggie)
(charlie would probably also have to draw the line on ONLY inviting Susan over once a week or month or bi annually or so)
(it's a mental health issue and and a safety issue of Charlie not strangling Susan with her own dead fox boa when she gives an honest bad opinion of Vaggie's new wings or something)
(vaggie thinks it's hilarious)
(then again vaggie hates herself soooooo)
I headcanon Vaggie would love a Susan in her life but would need a Charlie around to balance it out~
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just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
Heya there! I've been loving your blog for a while and I finally came up with the corauge to make a request! ^^ What about the rottmnt boys (Donie, Leo, Raph and Mikey) with a fem!reader that has just this
✨GenZ Energy✨
Like she makes a lot of self depricating jokes and has got dark humor.
I just kinda wanna see how they will react to this kind of reader xd
Also don't forget to take care of yourself and to not overwork! Have a nice day/night! ;)
Random Girlfriend Moments
Summary: The turts do the opposite of laugh
Invites you for a cuddle sesh in his room. Because he misses you even when you both hung out yesterday. 
Heart eyes when he walks in with snacks in hand to you sitting on his bed reading his comic collection. 
You caught him grinning. You knew that look. 
"What are you up to?" 
"Nothing, just thinking that my girlfriend is beautiful." 
"Really? What does she look like."
Starts high-key comparing you to a pepperoni pizza. Which is low-key high praise coming from him. 
He wanted to hear your cute giggle when you get shy, but instead... 
 "That's her? She sounds ugly. You got some low standards, Leo." 
The furrow between his eyebrows when he frowned could almost compete with Raph's. It was cute. 
"Not funny." 
Was pulling his 6th all-nighter, working on a weapon upgrade for his bo-staff. 
Worried for your boyfriend, you came over with pizza and calming tea in hand. He didn't even hear you knock. 
Completely ignores your efforts to get his attention and eat. 
"The beta stage is complete! All that's left is to test out its durability in battle and see its adverse effects on opponents!" 
"Why don't you test it on me and get it over with?" 
...That got his attention. 
"It's going to hurt."
"No pain, no gain." 
"What if you collapse?"
"The best sleep of my life."
"Darling, I know this is completely out of my character and I definitely will not be doing this again, but, do you need a hug?"
"I need you to eat and sleep."
You begged asked him to teach you how to ride a skateboard. 
He would've been fine teaching you if you weren't so adamant about learning on the ramp inside the lair
Like, have you SEEN it!?
It DEFINITELY does not pass safety standards. 
But you pulled out your trump card...the ✨puppy eyes✨, and he couldn't say no to that. 
So now, he was sweating bullets CANONS with how nervous he was with you on top of the ramp. 
His brothers sat at the bottom, making bets. Finding the prospect of you falling flat on your face is far more entertaining than playing video games.
"Do it! Do it! Do it!"
"Stop encouraging her! This is serious!" 
"She's gonna be fine." 
"Babe, it's gonna be awesome! Who knows, maybe falling on my face might make me prettier." 
Let's just say that he refuses to teach you how to skateboard after that. 
To him, were nothing short of an angel.
 Everything little thing about you, he finds so aesthetically pleasing no matter what you said or did.
You would've had bed hair and drool on your chin, and he'd look at you with the anime glitter filter on. 
As such, anyone who dares insult your beauty would have to go through him and his razzmatazz. Even you. 
"Babe, how are you so pretty?" 
"Pretty ugly if you ask me." 
Dr. Feelings was more than ready to sit you down and give a 10-hour presentation on how you were not ugly. 
"Sweetie it's a joke."
"Oh, are you saying you're a joke now? Well, let's talk about that." 
2 hours in and you were already numb from the waist down sitting in one spot. 
He wasn't finished though. 
Never again... 
P.S: Hello everyone~ it's been a while and I'm really sorry about the slow updates. Finals are coming up and I just wanted to take a break and write something fun. So I hope you guys enjoy this short one!!
P.P.S: this is my first time using hdcs and I'm pretty sure I did it wrong -w-
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toubledrouble · 1 year
Since you guys seem to like my chem teacher, I might just introduce the other teachers too
Strict but also not
Tells us innapropriate jokes
Hangs candy on a tree that's hanging over her fence so kids passing by can take it
Has been present at the centre of Velvet revolution while pregnant. This woman was growing a new human inside of her body and still wanted to be present at the square when Gott and Kryl sang the national anthem
Was interested in a book I brought to class one day so much that she wanted to borrow it
Loves Dead poets society
Literally a manager of an orchestra
Lets us eat during class
Has a resignation letter thing ready at all times in case she just decides to quit, she's prepared for anything
She can be absolutely terrifying but she's also an absolute sweetheart and she teaches so well
When Adam tagged her (as in "tag you're it") she laughed and then ran up to me and tagged me
Disappointed by the lack of knowledge about culture we have
Honestly she's an icon idk what to tell you
Cool teaching methods
Probably will yell at you when you say something stupid but she's actually calm and that yelling somehow works to fix your stupidity? It's magic or something
Told us how many marks we need for her to be able to give us the final mark and let us just chill when we had them, no more tests
She just knows so much stuff
Her son is a doctor, ex army doctor I think? She must have passed the cool smart genes to her kids
Apparently one time I gave her some work of mine to read and then forgot it but she remembers? I'm so afraid what kind of cringe that must have been
Doesn't call me just by my name but by a sort of nickname (literally not even my own mom uses the affectionate version of my name)
Promised to give me a chocolate after partaking in the czech olympics regionals
Literally more proud of me than my family haha
Also teaches German. But speaks even Russian and I think French? And a bit of Latin. And obvi English.
Travelled a lot in her youth, it seems?
Keeps calling herself a grandma xd
Has absolutely stellar hearing and idk how she does that
She's an lgbt ally, yay!
Also wants equal marriage if she can be in a registered partnership (because she doesn't want to get married, she considers it long, boring and unnecessary at her age. And she doesn't need the benefits that marriage has)
Once described types of men using trees... It was a very interesting conversation
Accepted the fact that instead of a summary of one book I wrote about how it represents a metaphor for something because I misunderstood the wording of the assignment. She didn't let it slide with one other guy because he literally wrote the thing that showed up when you searched it up on Google but she let me and my explanation of three different ways the metaphor can work live and honestly I love her for that
Sometimes makes German grammar references in class and makes the russian-taking group confused
Tells us fun facts about the works we talk about in literature
Always says everything how it is
Will call you an idiot (affectionate)
Plays the guitar - both electric and acoustic
Was at a Pink Floyd concert recently
Has a motorcycle
And a cool aviator-like leather jacket (refuses to tell us where he got it, it's top secret)
For some reason is dating our bio teacher and we kind of pity him because at least to us she's mostly a bitch lmao
Tells bad jokes and worse stories (but we love it)
Tells us random innapropriate historical facts (apparently Napoleon didn't last long in bed and idk why he knows that)
Or says something about his past career or family history (randomly drops in how his ancestor had to ski back from Italy after ww1 or something about a client whose family tree he made)
Loves romanticism era literature
Goes fishing
One time he told me I look like I'm going to die (I'm very pale and it was summer)
Used to be my English teacher and it was amazing, we we wrote a postcard from a vacation to our principal and he made a rude comment about him and then quickly told us not to write that
Laughs whenever I have to go to the student council meeting because we both know something about toilets is going to be said
Had me read in the school announcement thing because he remembered that I was in poetry reciting competitions
Also made me start the teacher's day with greeting them as colleagues and then saying "this is prof. *his name* but 20 years younger with a soft, velvety voice"
Actually made me read a second thing there recently because he thinks I have a nice voice
My father figure lmao
We had a totally peaceful discussion about ancient and modern history and which one is better (it's ancient history and I will die on this hill)
Took selfies with us on a trip
Complains about how "see? If they paid attention in their history class, they would see where it was going and this whole thing could be prevented"
When he decided to make me suffer and ask me questions in front of the board (verbal exam) he asked stupidly formulated questions so I gave him just as dumb answers ("and what are these men in the photo doing?" "standing in front of a vagon" *shocked laughter* "I mean, yes, but I meant what are their jobs or... You know" "well you didn't say that" "that's valid")
Makes fun reanactments of situations he's explaining (that could be colonising, class enemies, literally whatever) and it's so fun
But also likes to make me suffer. Literally touched a pen during class? Amazing tell me everything you know about the current situation of native Americans in America (we were talking about the American revolution and this was kind of off topic but I can't really complain because I knew anyways).
Knew I love Joan of Arc, had an assignment about her ready and it was a free topic that he didn't assign to anybody, still decided to make me write my assignment on the structure of society in the middle ages (which you have literally not even one slide of info about because it just isn't that complicated unless you want to go into unnecessary detail which he hates so I was forced into writing a slide about my opinion comparing the society in the middle ages with the current one)
Just enjoys giving me harder assignment with a smirk that makes me want to punch him so bad (still adore him tho)
After I tagged him at lunch (literally ran past him, punched him arm as I was in full speed sprint and yelled "you're it!" in the full dining hall), he called me and my friend (they were filming it) into his office and then turned to one of my friends, tapped her shoulder with one finger and said "you're it." and we honestly lost it
One time accidentally said the Romans had rectangular squares (instead of shields) and I had a fit of laugher and he attempted to send me to the hall to calm down but when I got up to go I literally collapsed on the floor in a stronger fit of laughter and he started laughing at me
Loves to recommend historical movies. Or criticise them, for that matter.
Shittalked one Marie Terezie series with me
Has extremely cool hair
We actually made a meme about him being the hottest teacher and I really hope he has seen it. I might print it and give it to him at the end of the year, who knows
One time during a gingerbread thing I will describe somewhere a bit lower, I needed to make a good symmetrical cross (+) but screwed up so I just turned it into The sword in the stone and joked about giving it to him. Our main teacher actually did give it to him and he thanked me in the hall and I was so confused because I had no idea
One time I accidentally sent him a meme instead of an assignment. A Henry VIII meme. A really bad one.
One time I sent him a meme on purpose, tho. One about Romulus and Remus. He asked me about it and then told me he will be looking forward to receiving more memes in the future
GEO/BIO (aka our main teacher)
Makes tremendous exams even worse by forcing you to recognise pictures of the stuff. Cultural heritage places, trees that look literally the same, freaking moss that you can't tell apart let alone based on a projected photo...
Made us do damn maps of every continent. But at least three for each - river systems, terrain, and then possibly just classic geography. Also made us remember the capitals of every single European state which made me want to stab her because despite being slavic i keep switching some of the balkan countries
Lab work. Just. Lab work is pain.
You know about these weirs streams where it's just someone peeling an egg? Yeah she made us go that during our lab work
Also forced me to go to the bio olympics and j hate her for that because I don't even like biology
Literally makes me and my friend aka the responsible ones do so much stuff that we have basically no free time so she can kiss my ass
I hate her sm
Complains about being overworked, proceeds to dump half her work on teenagers
She sucks most of the time
Only nice to our medic group
Like. She buys us food after competitions
That doesn't change the fact that she's evil and overworks me constantly. One time I screwed my shoulder up after a full day of running around and running errands and carrying stuff and running upstairs with it and-- yeah I was in pain so I don't like her
Actually made us spend part of our Christmas break in the school kitchens baking and decorating gingerbread and doing other arts and crafts for some charity thing. I love charity events but once again I was sick and tired and had no free time
Makes our medic club do a thing where we explain first aid to kids. This includes minimum time to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. One time I got a fever and still had to stay there. When I finally got home, I passed out haha. Spent the next two weeks in agonising muscle pain with a cold and a fever. Once again I refuse to forgive her for making me stay there.
Kind of a pedo if I'm being honest
Somehow always manages to mess up whatever he's explaining and teach us wrong information
Tests basically each class
Sometimes can be convinced to play physics themed Kahoot
Old man
Just... So weird and random
Muted the whole class on zoom during quarantine and then complained that noone responded (we were texting in the chat but he ignored that)
So many weird zoom stories
Has that shirt + beige pants fit
Does so much weird stuff that he refuses to explain because "that's between heaven and earth"
Please just elaborate for once
Exams fron things he never even talked about because why not
Sometimes tells us what nails she is planning to get
Always get the worst bowl/helmet cut and then when it finally grows out a bit she does it again. My heart weeps.
Once made someone cry during geometry??
Threw someone's pen from the window
Threatens to throw more stuff
Honestly so done with us sometimes
Rocks red and black fits most of the time
Wear a light scarf sometimes because it's cold
Keeps saying it's trivial (it either isn't or we're just stupid, jury's still out)
Wears heels all basically all the time
Probably so done with me because I just can't count haha
Loves us but sometimes we piss her off
Sometimes we just have gossip session about our main teacher because she dislikes her as well
Complains about the specific blue chairs we have and use sometimes and she's so real for that
Somehow made us watch psychological horror movie based on a fairytale (probably of German origin like the most of them) instead of... Idk. Something related to the class.
Going out consists of walking to a nearby pub/restaurant and sitting in the garden area
Or the basketball court thing
Thinks he is a local celebrity (he's not exactly correct)
The sweetest
Made us a traditional Ukrainian Christmas dish
Me and my friend made her a list of classic Czech movies we reccomend
Always says "girls, why are you so late?" when you come in not even a minute after the bell rings
Thought I'm from a bilingual family lol
Sometimes we discuss and compare Czech and Ukrainian traditions in English
Confusing pronunciation
One time she said the name Shakespeare in such a funny way but she's sweet so we don't want to tell her
Watched the new Puss in Boots movie with us in class, told us we can bring snacks
A lesbian
Has asthma
Loves art and art history
Seriously she's like me from another universe
Plays audiobooks during art class
Grades mostly based of effort
Made big canvas paintings with us and then decorated the school with them and that was something new and revolutionary
She's cool, I like her
Used to be an equestrian, apparently?
Makes art history quizzes on her insta stories
So many boob flower pots and sketches of women... I love it xd
Oh yeah she also does ceramics and makes cups and flower pots and stuff
Sweetheart as well
Used to be my English teacher before we switched groups
So done with pur group sometimes
Very excited to teach us the longest or funniest words like достопримечательности
One time she watched Masha and the bear with us during class
And Jen Počkej Zajíci (Ну погоди) even tho it's basically the same in all languages since there's minimum speaking
Also made us recite a poem about lunch during the week and I still remember it after rlike three years and I hate that
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twilightofthe · 1 year
okay i put all my cranky thoughts into a separate post that's now drafted and it made me feel better so i'll be able to watch this episode now lol but if it gets me worked up again i'm posting the rant i'm sorry i cannot be helped or changed or saved <3
also i forgot to say so last episode but kevin kiner my ABSOLUTE BELOVED the return of the king is real so happy to have you here my dude the ending and full theme was absolutely gorgeous
anywayyyyyy so i am guessing sabine did not make like satine and survived her shish kabobing
well there's ahsoka
oh yeah there's bean she's fine she'll be fine xD
damn filoni really gave more handwaving to having a character survive a major impalement vs me twisting myself into fucking knots writing anakin getting run through lmao
ahsoka sorry but actually i'm gonna blame u for this you still kinda seem like a mess and i don't think you were a very good teacher to sabine and now ur dropping back in on her when she's convenient to you?
well at least we know why she's so adamant against training baby yoda lol
ope here's goth girl and the fuuuuck is his NAME again i keep calling him fucking bryan
i like the fancy sithy-looking sundial tho
pfff second ep is "toil and trouble" guess we're getting witchy!
yea ahsoka what happened to showing up in the nick of time and saving kanan and ezra from inquisitors in rebels u were slowwww girlie
that's all that matters
ope one more droid hanging around ezra's place
we do love the mechanic girl of my heart
sabine does love her explosions
no huyang hera just likes explosions
sabine works best under explosive pressure we LOVE HER
ope back to corellia i guess? we can reuse the old solo sets?
you were just
"but she's not the one who needs to hear it right now" ahhh there's the sabine and hera dialogue. ugh but i'm still not used to natasha and mary i can just hear tiya and vanessa doing it instead :(
"ancient ppl from a distant galaxy" waaaaaaait are they bringing in those eu dudes
no wait i think i remember something about these guys that was mention as the big bad in the canceled animated rebels sequel
or it could just be the chiss lmao
that could be it too, makes sense why they'd want thrawn
ok that is some real cool galactic map visuals i am an absolute sucker for a good starmap
ok but wait how the fuck did y'all get a map to thrawn anyway did the space whales write it
also sorry morgan but i don't personally think thrawn would go for u nothing personal you are hot but you don't quite seem his type
waaaait is fucking thrawn gonna have force sensitivity now THAT would be absolutely hilarious and he'd hate it so much
who's marrok i have no memory
y'all you can't just make thrawn work for you didn't he only work with the empire cuz he had to because it would advantage his people somehow (has read zero thrawn novels and only seen rebels)
please tell me sabine is in the fucking vents of ahsoka's ship
okay so i think my issue with Mary is she doesn't have any of the same authority and purpose Hera's meant to hav
oh yeah harping in that the new republic is a total fustercluck
ew a capitalist
bro you know hera used to steal from people like you for the rebellion
sdlkfjsdk omg sabine's mom needs to talk to the teacher to keep her from getting expelled
but also y'all sabine is like 25-30 right now she's not a kid
@ ahsoka bitch you have no fuckin clue what you're doing doooon't talk about readiness
y'know maybe the imperial era just advanced medicine so later impalements don't kill people
oh oh so it IS ezra's!
sabine go find luke he'd love to have you
ok so yeah she likely doesn't have force sensitvity
goddammit huyang neverMIND
so sabine IS force sensitive :) and kanan and ezra just never brought it up :) great :)
hera my beautiful ship nerd ily
bitch do NOT fuck with hera she has more presence than anyone ever
hera my dude you know better than anyone that if a ship wants to take off you gotta go try and stop it in person
ah i have been waiting like 5 long years to watch hera best pilot there was kick aerial ass
oh yeah ahsoka's fighting an inquisitor too lmao
ok this hera and chopper banter is perfect i do love it
oh and good job ahsoka lol
aghhh sabine and her therapy cat i'm ;_;
theeeeere's sabine's mando armor
okay it seems like mary's kinda on and off for hera so far, she has her moments but she can't hold them
rosario keeps losing me i'm sorryyyyyyyy
natasha is doing GREAT
aaaaaand we redoing the end of the rebels epilogue!
god this makes me miss zeb
and kanan obvs but i've come to accept his death
zeb's still hanging around where is he!!!!!
ah all is right
sabine has her gay haircut back
here we go gay roadtrip to find ezra time
alright so i'm still not really vibing with jedi!sabine at All but i have concluded that this show is watchable but honestly not that good, writing-wise, sorry dave, so i think i'll be able to watch it with my brain turned off
goddammit first i thought the holograms visiting morgan were nightsister witch ghosts xD
morgan stop simping for thrawn i guaranTEE he's not your type
we are through with the two episodes! it is very late for me so i'm gonna sit and think on what i've seen so far and shitpost a little. i did really like seeing my rebels blorbos again even if the live action actors don't quite have their groove yet. obviously very excited to retrieve ezra <3 so yeah that was that and i'll be back for more next week!
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commenter2 · 9 months
My Hazbin Hotel season 1 trailer breakdown
Been a while since I’ve done a breakdown for anything made by Vivziepop and with all the recent news about the first season of Hazbin Hotel, I thought I do one if not to just make a thing containing all my recent ideas I have about the upcoming season. Beware of “spoilers” and M rated content. Also long post warning
So I know the first season is going to be 8 episodes long, just like the first season of Helluva Boss, and the episodes will likely be 30 minutes long, which I strangely like more than the idea of hour long episodes. I recently discovered a Amazon series called “Vox Machina” and it’s also a series with 30 minute long episodes and if they can do it while being fun then so can Hazbin Hotel. I also know that the titles of the episodes are out, which I might bring up here and there.
We start with Alastor filming a commercial and I want to point that the knife doesn’t seem to be having an effect on that wing guy’s victim, fitting since besides angelic weapons, sinners are pretty much immortal so nice detail there. Heck the guy being stabbed doesn’t seem to mind XD.
It looks like the Extermination clock from the pilot is now a kind of Heaven Embassy, likely also acting as a portal for angels to go to Hell to talk to demon royals like Charlie and of course for the annual Exterminations. I wonder if it is possible for demons to enter a part of Heaven through it, like for meetings? I do recall an old Instagram pic of Vox and Val getting ready for something where they wore all white and I thought it strangely was telling us that there are meetings between beings of Heaven and Hell. Just a random though I wanted to put here.
Yeah it’s not a shock that Angel is still working for Valentino, but based on this trailer and other pics it looks like he will quit and though Valentino and Vox fail to get him back through a fight in one episode, it looks like Val will tempt Angel from a distance, giving us a story arc for Angel.
There’s Travis, who gets nervous at Angel talking back at Val. I wonder if he has a bigger role in the show, and in this case Val is going to blame him for Angel’s back talk?
Looks like Alastor is on friendly terms with that fear based Overlord. He is also with some Egg Bois likely trying to teach them something during that “Scrambled Eggs” episode.
Razzle and Dazzle! Also look at Husk trying to pull off a smile XD.
Yeah it has been made clear that Sir Pentious is now a member of the Hazbin crew, which is still a bit odd considering him and Angel fought last time they met and now they are going to interact a lot. I bet Pentious X Cherri shippers are happy about it through since it will lead to them interacting more.
So Adam is indeed a jerk. Not surprising but a bit worrisome when it comes to that leak from some time ago. Actually I wonder if it is one of the reasons why he is in charge of Exterminations and that he has to go to Hell (maybe live in it) when asked by people like Charlie.
I know Charlie is likely making that “I really hate this guy but I’m going along with it” face because Adam is annoying her, but I really like the idea that this is the Lilith part of her reacting to Adam, given the popular “Lilith and Adam were previously married” plot point.
It’s hard to see Charlie cry. SOMEONE CHEER HER UP!
Cherri! Again I wonder what things will be like now that her bestie is in the same place as Pentious, who doesn’t like her.
It is nice that though Charlie is still nice, she still curses and isn’t scared to say things like saying a cannibal’s diet is disgusting.
Like I predicted in my season 1 premiere theory, it sounds like Charlie and the others have a goal to accomplish before the next Extermination, though it looks like they will cut it close given we see scenes of an Extermination, unless this is the one that took place before the events of the pilot OR a year has passed in the series since the end of the pilot and we are looking at another one. Either way I now think the goal for Charlie and the others will be recruit enough people for the redemption program before a deal she made with Adam ends on the next Extermination.
We will be getting an episode where Charlie and Alastor interact with Rosie and her Hellborn cannibals. Looks like Charlie will ask them to support her which Rosie seems to be into. Now like others I have a feeling that Overlords and such will try and use Charlie for their own ends throughout the series, which I don’t mind but I’m hoping it won’t be too predictable and I hope Rosie won’t try to do so as I have a funny idea for why she would want to help Charlie redeem sinners. Since their cannibals I could see them saying that sinners who have done very evil things taste better than those who are decent people so helping Charlie redeem those kinds of sinners would leave them with better options for “meals” XD. Maybe they join Charlie in the implied season finale fight with Heaven as the cannibals believe that they will be able to eat Exorcist mean XD.
Its Lucifer, and he has some BIG WINGS! I want to take a moment to talk about something that I hope will happen with him and Charlie in the season or series.
There is an episode in season 1 called “Dad beat Dad” which will definitely have Lucifer in it and he will likely being mad at Charlie based on the recent IGN pic of Lucifer looking threatening to Charlie, showing us that he has flaws when it comes to parenting, but I hope that the scene shown here takes place near the end of the episode where he apologizes which again involves this very scene as he sings his apology to Charlie. It be fitting as I see the entire episode being about how after her conversation with her father, the characters talk to Charlie about their dads and maybe Charlie thinks that Lucifer will never change for her, only to be proven wrong, a benefit for a season with so little episodes as they have to do a lot in a short amount of time.
I know “bad relationships between child and parent” is a theme in Vivzie’s work but after the bad fathers in Helluva Boss, I’m getting tired of that theme and wish to see different levels of bad parents. I once read a comment of Vivzie’s somewhere saying that Lucifer is a A+ husband, but a C parent, and I want to see that here like as I mention in previous works he states that though he loves Charlie, he can’t officially support this but maybe hints that there is a way for Charlie to do it and wishes her luck. That or we later find out that Lucifer pushes Charlie away because of the popular idea that he made a deal with Heaven so in exchange for the Exterminations, Lucifer and Lilith were able to have Charlie and fears that if she ever found out or the Exterminations stopped he would lose her, giving him a lose/lose situation.
Heaven got a redesign. Now it looks like that kind of angel that looks like gyroscope rings with eyes and multiple pairs of wings.
Charlie is getting mad at Adam which I don’t blame due to his attitude and singing, but I’m hoping her breaking point here is that he said something really bad about her mom.
I want to take a moment to talk about the song playing in the trailer, as it sounds like a fight is going to happen, and though I think there will be one in the season finale I’m hoping it’s a small one that doesn’t start a full blown war between Heaven and Hell.
When I first saw this, I though the new lady character was Lute (Eve in my headcanon) without her mask or maybe that one Overlord (https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Overlords?file=Ballerina_Overlord.png) revealing she was a spy for Heaven but I know it’s someone named Sera and she is a play on the Seraphim angel and likely based on an old Vivzie character of an angel who LOVES to torture sinners. I’m a bit meh about her being in the story as I feel like she could either put a stop to or aid the series idea I’ve talked about before of Charlie slowly convincing angels her redemption plan is a good idea as the series progresses.
Speaking of which, I’m not a big fan of the idea of Hell and Heaven’s hierarchy in the shows being 100% accurate to details from real life mythologies about demons. That would mean Paimon outranks Asmodeus one of the seven deadly sins, and do people really want that? I mean it looks like it doesn’t since Vivzie did give us a hierarchy where sins outrank goetias like Paimon but I wanted to bring it up since I see people talk about it. The Sera character is a similar thing as I personally like the idea of Charlie’s biggest problems when it came to angels was with the archangels such as Michael who not only defeated Lucifer in stories, but the fandom likes writing as a twin brother of sorts to Lucifer. I could see this working if the writers make it so that the archangels I’ve mentioned go promoted to seraphims over the millenia making them equal to Sera who would then be a part of Charlie’s mission.
We see a sample of Alastor’s power, killing some people likely sent by Valentino to attack the Hotel but who cares about that when we have MIMZY!!! Admittedly she is making an odd face here, but her design looks pretty good. I’m also glad that the inclusion of Pentious didn’t get rid of her and hopefully the others like Baxter and Crymini could appear soon too. Admittedly Mimzy is the only other character I learned about through the leak and (spoilers) Im kind of hoping the writers changed her since then or will as the series progress as there is one thing I read about her that I didn’t like that much.
Adam being mad and is flying to punch someone. Could be around the time of the implied fight hinted in the trailer. We also get a scene we saw before of him getting mad and breaking something, maybe cause Charlie is close to proving him wrong/winning deal and he will have to take drastic measures, AKA sabotaging her so the Extermination can happen.
We get a shot of all of Pentagram City losing power, but we do get to see some landmarks too like the Extermination tower in the center, Hazbin Hotel near the top, Val’s place to the left, but the most interesting one is that of mansion in the bottom right with a circus tent in front of it which I think means its Lucifer and Lilith’s place.
Some might think Adam caused this, but I think the power out was a result of Vox as I recall another post from Vivzie saying that Vox could cause power outages that can affect all of Hell and now that we know that he has electricity powers, I can believe he can do stuff like that.
We get a dramatic scene of Charlie wondering if she’s ready followed by a funny scene of Angel and Pentious (who is really into that lollipop) trying to act out Charlie’s script.
The trailer has gotten me both excited and a bit nervous for the first season of Hazbin Hotel, which is just a little over a month from releasing. Can’t wait to see what will happen, and till then I’m hoping we don’t get any more trailers and such as I feel like any more details of the season would spoil it but that’s just me.
What were your thoughts on the trailer? What do you think could happen/want to see happen in the first season?
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fanficimagery · 4 years
A Fangy Fetish
Imagine finally coming home to your family, only to realize there's something other about your little brother and his friends. But that's okay because you're not exactly the same as you were when you first left either. It's a surprising change, but one you're more than okay with after meeting Peter Hale.
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Trigger Warnings: Brief conversation about death, an abusive relationship and a brief scene of spiking one's drink.  Author’s Note: Pls don’t ask about the title. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking XD
Passing up the welcome sign to Beacon Hills should fill you with glee since it's been forever that you've seen your mom and brother, but it merely makes you squirm in your seat since there was a good reason you had stayed away in the first place. And now- now you're meeting with them for the first time since you've changed and you're not sure how it should make you feel.
Your mom hasn't moved from your childhood home and as far as you knew your brother didn't have plans to move out until he had completed vet school, so it's not too hard to track them down. There's no vehicle in the driveway, but the opened curtains to the front windows showcase flickering lights from a TV being cast against the wall. Then cutting the engine, you tuck your hair behind your left ear and angle your ear towards the house to listen. After zoning out various noises, you can hear a TV show playing and your mother's familiar voice muttering obscenities when she sees something she doesn't agree with. There's no other voices or heartbeats so you figure your brother must be out.
Exhaling a nervous sigh, you pull down the visor and check your reflection in the small mirror being lit up by two small lights on either side of it. Then after making sure there's nothing on your face or at the corner of your eyes and mouth, you push the visor back up and then make your way out of the car. Walking up the steps to the front path and then the front path to the house porch, you nervously close the distance to the front door. You hesitate only a second before pressing the doorbell and then step back as you hear your mother pause her show and get up to see who it is.
The door opens and you can't help but smile when you see realization set in and Melissa McCall's eyes widen. "Y/N?"
"Hey, mom."
"Oh my god. Sweetheart!" She closes the distance between the two of you, arms wrapping tightly around you as you laugh and return her embrace. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"It was a split second decision," you tell her, letting her pull back and look you up and down to make sure you're really there. "Then I figured a surprise was in order."
She practically beams. "Come on. Come in," she says. "Oh I can't wait until Scott gets home. He's going to be so happy."
"Yeah, I can't wait to see Scotty either. It's been way too long."
Following your mom, you warily eye the doorway before stepping inside and the various scents of your childhood home make your chest ache with memories you had pushed to the back of your mind. Everything still smells familiar, even if there is a new underlying scent that makes you a little anxious and nose twitch.
"So what have you been up to?" She asks. The two of you settle in the living room and she's quick to turn off the TV in order to give you her full attention. "Catch me up."
"Well," you nervously chuckle, "there's not much to tell. School and work have kept me busy, and then there was this guy-"
"A boy?!" She gasps. "Tell me more."
"For a year," you tell her, your smile faltering. "I was with him for a year when I finally realized our relationship wasn't exactly healthy. The break was pretty amicable, but my trust in him was completely broken."
Melissa's mood immediately drops. "Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. I'm okay now." Your mom looks so heartbroken all of a sudden that you can't help but scoot closer and pull her into a hug again. "Don't be sad," you chuckle. "It's part of growing up. If I didn't go through some stuff, I wouldn't be the person I am today. And let me tell you, I really like the person I am now."
Your mom sniffles. "Well if you're happy.."
"More than," you assure her. "I mean, I could probably use a little more fun between the sheets, but-"
"Y/N!" Melissa pulls back, shock etched into her features. "I am still your mother, young lady."
You burst out laughing, quickly leaning in to peck your mother's cheek. "I know, mom. Just wanted you to stop being sad. It worked."
A moment passes and her shoulders sag. She starts to laugh with you and you're so distracted by cheering her up that you don't hear the car parking outside or the steady heartbeat getting closer and closer. It's only when the front door opens that you freeze, your mom's smile widening.
"Hey, mom, whose car is out front?" Scott rounds the corner and you're surprised at how much your little brother has grown. He stares at you, eyes widening, before a very familiar and very missed crooked smile overtakes his features. "Y/N!"
You're laughing again as Scott practically rushes you, his arms tight around you in a welcoming embrace. He's warm, like really warm, and he has a very distinctive earthly smell. But that can't be right because as far as you knew the werewolf gene did not run in your family's DNA.
"What are you doing here?" Scott asks, squeezing you one last time before letting you go and then putting you at arm's length to look you up and down. He looks between you and your mom, smiling the entire time.
"Thought it was about time I came over for a visit." You shrug. "School is on break and my boss said I needed to cash in my vacation days or I'd lose them."
"I don't even know your boss, but I already love him. If he made you come home, he's okay in my books."
You chuckle, punching Scott lightly on the arm. You open your mouth to reply, but a frantic beeping reaches your ears. You and Scott look at your mom when she frowns, she then walking over towards the kitchen and picking up a beeper. She sighs and looks towards you and your brother, apologetically. "It's the hospital."
"Say no more," you tell her.
"Don't worry. Stiles will be stoked to see Y/N so we'll keep her busy for a while."
"Stiles?" You slowly smirk. "He still a little heathen?"
"Worse." Melissa snorts. "So much worse."
As Melissa gets ready for a shift that has been passed on to her, Scott convinces you to go surprise Stiles who's in town for the week. He hasn't stopped smiling the entire time he's set eyes on you, but every now and then you see his expression falter as he stares curiously at you before shaking off whatever it is and going back to his happy self.
The three of you head outside, you and Scott promising Melissa to be home in time for some breakfast before watching her drive off. You and Scott then climb into your own car, and he happily directs you towards the outskirts of town to a seemingly abandoned building.
"What is this place?" You ask, turning off your car and then climbing out.
"An apartment building. Friend of a friend likes his privacy so he bought the building. The only occupied portion of it is the loft at the very top."
"Nice," you quietly muse as you follow after him. But very quickly you come to a certain realization and stumble to a halt. "So he owns the entire building? Privately?"
"Well yeah," Scott says. "Why?"
"Oh no reason." You try to play it off, nonchalant. "I just- I rather not barge in without meeting the guy. Walking in uninvited is bad manners."
Your brother huffs. "It's just Derek. He won't care."
"Yeah, but I will."
Digging your heels in on this, Scott sighs. "Seriously, Y/N. Derek won't mind. You can wait down here all you want, but Derek won't waste his time coming down here just to tell you to come in."
"Can't you call him?"
Seeing your pout, Scott rolls his eyes but the amused little smile doesn't go missed. "Sure. Fine." He pulls out his phone and quickly presses the contact he's looking for. Phone then put on speaker, you flash him a small smile in gratitude.
"What do you want, McCall?"
"So I have a friend down here with me and she's really adamant that she gets an invite from you before we head upstairs. She says it's bad manners to just walk on in."
The guy scoffs. "Whatever. Come in."
Well that should do it. Hopefully.
"Happy now?" Scott puts his phone away after the call is abruptly ended and leads the way inside. "Now hurry up. I wanna see Stiles flip out." You follow him, briefly hesitating at the main door before exhaling silently in relief when you're permitted entry.
The metal, cage-like elevator gives you pause, but Scott promises it works just fine. So after settling inside and vowing to kill him if the elevator fails and falls, Scott presses the button for the loft at the very top of the building. Once stopped, you're then led towards a sliding metal door which Scott readily opens. Again you hesitate, but cross the threshold with no problem.
There are two men in the loft, one whose movements are very familiar and brings a smile to your face. The other one, the one with the dark hair and scruff, well it looks like he's scenting the air until his hardened gaze lands on you. But Stiles, who'd been preoccupied by tell him a story, immediately ceases talking to see what the problem is. And when his gaze lands on you, his jaw drops open and you can't help but snort.
"Holy shit. Y/N?"
"Goddamn, Stilinski," you muse. "You grew up in all the right places." Scott groans and you laugh when Stiles' awed expression turns a bit smug. From one second to the next he's moving and making a beeline for you, the two of you colliding in a hug which he rocks you side to side in. "It's nice to see you too, Stiles."
"How long are you here for? Dad will be happy to see you."
"Two weeks," you tell him as he pulls away. "And I can't wait to see Noah. It's been ages."
"I'm all for reunions," the guy who you're assuming is Derek says, "but why the hell would you guys let me invite a vampire into my home?"
Scott scoffs, Stiles freezes, and you frown at the new guy. This was not how you wanted the news broken to Scott. Your moment of anger, however, is overridden by the fact that there's no immediate denial of the supernatural from either your brother or his best friend.
"My sister isn't-"
"What are you?" You ask, cutting Scott off, glaring at Derek. "You smell wolfish, but so does my brother. Last I knew there was no wolf gene in our family line."
"Y/N, what?" Scott then asks. "You're not- tell him you're not a vampire."
Your gaze slides to Scott and you smile sadly at him. "I'm sorry. I can't do that." He tenses and Stiles takes a few steps back, and your heart breaks. "I promise to explain everything here in a bit, but tell me what's going on. Please. You don't smell human, Scotty, and neither does Eyebrows over there."
Scott gulps and nods, eyes filling with tears that refuse to fall. "Derek Hale comes from a family of werewolves. I'm sure you remember the Hale family before you left for college." There's a huff and you warily eye Derek as he rolls his eyes. Scott clears his throat and continues. "At the start of my sophomore year, I was bitten by a rogue alpha. I turned."
"Huh. I've never met a wolf that could turn someone with a bite."
"Never met a-" Stiles starts, only to stop and redirect his line of thoughts. "Wait, there are other types of werewolves?"
You shrug. "Well, yeah."
Stiles opens his mouth to retort, but Derek is quick to shut him down. "You can get your supernatural fix later, Stiles. Right now, Scott's sister has some explaining to do." By now he's nearly shoulder to shoulder with Stiles, arms crossed over his chest as he stares at you.
The guy's gruff, but since he's not outright threatening you, you don't get defensive. "Um, I died about two years ago."
"You died?!" Both Scott and Stiles yelp.
Your lips press into a thin line as you nod. Scott frowns. "Two years ago is when you stopped coming home to visit."
"I-I had to." You glance at your brother as the first tear falls, but you're quick to wipe it away. "About a year prior to dying, I fell in love with a local. Everything was fine. I was happy," you say. "But as the months passed, I started to realize that there were blank spots in my memories. Some days I'd wake up with bruises I couldn't explain or wake up completely exhausted to the point that I couldn't get out of bed. No one, other than myself, realized something was wrong."
"What happened?" Scott quietly asks.
You sniffle, smiling sadly. "My boyfriend. He was a vampire, only I didn't know it until I was one myself."
"Why only after? Surely you could tell something was up when you were with him," Stiles says.
You shake your head, but it's Derek who says. "Vampires can manipulate the mind. It's one reason my mom wasn't very trusting of them."
"He's right. Our kind can compel people- make them forget something happened or plant memories that never existed," you admit. "As it so happened, my boyfriend was feeding off of me without my consent. And when he took too much, I would pass out and then wake up extremely weakened without a clue as to why. Most of the time he compelled me to think that I was fine- that nothing was wrong with me."
"How'd you figure it all out?" Your brother wonders.
You exhale softly. "I went out partying with some friends. On our way back, my friend lost control of the car and slammed into a tree. I died, but I died with vampire blood in my system." All three guys shift uneasily of learning about the ingested blood, so you quickly explain how it got there in the first place. "When my boyfriend was too rough with me, he'd feed me his blood since vampire blood has healing capabilities. The only downfall of ingesting vampire blood is that if you die while it's still lingering in your system, you wake up in transition."
"Which means you had to feed on human blood," Derek says.
"Yes." Stiles and Scott grimace. "I had woken up in the hospital morgue and found my way to the blood bank. It was- it was a clusterfuck," you admit smally. "I gorged, I cried, and I unknowingly compelled the doctors to make them think that I was fine and then fled the hospital as soon as I could. Fortunately for me, there was another vampire at school. When she realized I was newly turned and I told her what I knew, she felt sorry for me. And since I was a vampire myself now, all my compelled memories started to rush back. She helped me break up with my vampire boyfriend and then took me under her wing. She taught me how to control the bloodlust and introduced me to a witch who made me a piece of daylight jewelry so I'd be able to walk in the sun."
Scott and Stiles appear floored by your story, but it's Derek whose expression has yet to falter. "I have one question," he says. You nod, waiting. "Are you here to cause drama for Beacon Hills?"
"No. Never," you immediately answer him. "I honestly just came for mom and Scott. I didn't expect any supernatural to be here at all or even that my baby brother was part of it now too."
"Okay then." His stern expression briefly falters so he flashes a quick smile. "Then welcome home, I guess."
You huff a quiet laugh. "Thanks. I'm Y/N, by the way. Scott's older sister."
"Derek Hale, co-alpha to the McCall/Hale pack."
"Co-alpha, huh. Does that mean," you trail off and glance at your brother, smiling when his eyes flash red at you. "Cool. The werewolves I know can't do that. They're really only dangerous when they've transformed under a full moon. Other than that, they're as human as can be."
"I have so many questions," Stiles muses.
Derek huffs in amusement. "Don't bother. We have books on other breeds of the same species. I just never brought them out because, until now, vampires never stepped foot in Beacon Hills and we didn't have to worry about other breeds of werewolves." He turns and walks back to a metal table where various books are opened, and busies himself by browsing the pages. Stiles is quick to follow after him and pester him about these so-called books.
Scott steps closer to you, hands tucked into the front pockets of his jeans as he smiles sheepishly. "So you're fine?" He wonders. "You're not gonna fang out and drain us of our blood?"
"What?" You snort. "No. If I wanted to drain you or anyone else, I'd have done it when everyone was hugging me and my mouth was literal inches from your throats. I'm fine. You guys have nothing to worry about."
"But you drink blood?"
"I do, although I tend to stick to blood bags from a hospital. If I drink straight from the vein, I only take enough to soothe the thirst and then quickly compel the person to eat a snack or go home and nap."
"Have you ever killed anyone?"
You pause. Scott stares at you, and even Derek and Stiles go eerily quiet after the question. You sigh. "Does it matter?" Scott shrugs and you hate you have to admit this. "Yes. My first victim was an accident. It happened when my friend was teaching me how to feed properly and I lost control. It happened twice more, but I was able to save those two individuals before their hearts stopped."
"Any on purpose?" Derek asks from his side of the room.
"A few." You gulp. "The moment a hunter learns you're a vampire, you're apparently fair game. If I have to take a life to keep my own, I will. Dying is not fun and I don't plan on doing it again any time soon." You notice Scott frowns at your answer, but Derek and Stiles hum before accepting your answer as appropriate. And not wanting to get into a discussion of right or wrong, you paste on a smile and change the subject. "So anyway, what else have I missed? Any girlfriends I should know about? Or boyfriends? I don't judge."
Derek snorts and Scott flashes you a crooked smile. "Actually, yeah. My girlfriend and Derek's are out right now buying some stuff to throw a party."
"Oohhh. Do these girlfriends have names?"
"Yeah. Malia and Kira," Stiles says. "Malia's my ex-girlfriend and Derek's long lost cousin, but now she's Scott's girlfriend. And Kira is Scott's ex-girlfriend who is now Derek's girlfriend."
"That is.. weird," you say, chuckling softly. "But cool, I guess, if you guys seem to have no problem with it."
"We're all pack," Scott tells you. "We're more than fine with it."
"And I'm actually dating Lydia Martin," Stiles says, "but she's super busy with school which is why she's not here."
"Lydia Martin?" Your nose wrinkles. "Snooty Martin?"
"Hey!" Stiles quickly reprimands you. "She's not so bad anymore. Not after finding out she was a banshee."
"Hold up. What?"
"Yeah. Lydia's a banshee." He shrugs. "Kira's a kitsune and Malia's a werecoyote."
"Holy shit. What the hell has Beacon Hills come to?"
"That's nothing," Derek says. "If you had been here all along, you'd have seen a lot more than just that. Beacon Hills is a beacon for crazy."
"Yeah. No shit."
What little tension that had been lingering finally vanishes and everyone shares a friendly laugh. But when a newcomer enters the apartment, it has your hackles rising.
"Ugh. Who let a bloodsucking fiend in?"
The elder gentleman that enters is rather attractive, but the scowl he's directing in your direction leaves you scowling back. "Aren't you a little old to be wearing v-necks?"
"And aren't you a little new to be taunting the big bad wolf?"
You hiss. "Do we like this guy?"
Without missing a beat, Derek says, "On occasion."
"Good." Then before anyone can blink, you use your vampiric speed to appear inches from the newcomer, grab him by the throat and pin him to the floor. Stiles and Scott yelp at your sudden movements, but you pay them no mind as you snarl in the wolf's face. "You don't wanna get on my bad side."
The wolf blinks in surprise and everyone seems to hold their breath. You see movement out of the corner of your eye, but since it's slow you don't bother to act on it. Instead, fingers gently touch your face before a thumb brushes on the underside of your left eye where you know small black veins are pulsing. "Beautiful."
You freeze and slowly ease up on the wolf. "What?"
He smirks. "If you wanted me on my back, sweetheart, all you had to do was ask." Derek, Stiles and Scott all groan. "Peter Hale, at your service."
"Y/N McCall," you hesitantly introduce yourself. Climbing off of him and steadily walking on your own two feet, you can't help but knock him down a peg when you see his expression. "And don't look too smug. The other Hale is hotter."
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Meeting Malia and Kira was rather interesting, especially when you saw what they were face to face rather than just hearing about it. Seeing Scott and Malia shift almost left you speechless, but seeing Kira left you in complete awe. They had then asked to see you and Malia was the only one to not balk or make some sort of disgusted facial expression when you mentioned needed a bag of blood soon.
Over the next couple of days, Scott manages to convince you to explain to your mom about your new status as a vampire, as well as Noah Stilinski since both of them knew about the supernatural. And since Noah was like a father figure, you, Scott and Stiles got them together for a family dinner where you told them your story. Noah was angry and your mother was heartbroken, but both accepted you with open arms.
Being with your family and your brother's pack brings you a sense of calm that you haven't felt in a long while. You're easily accepted without question and it's like you've known everyone your entire life with how easily they talk with you. Peter, however, is a completely different story. While he's friendly, just like everyone else, he's a little too friendly. You were more than ready to return the teasing innuendos, but then Scott had to burst your bubble by telling you that he was Malia's biological father. Malia, however, is quick to assure you that she and Peter have a rocky relationship and that she doesn't care who Peter chooses to show affection to so long as she didn't have to see it or hear it.
You were hesitant to be so carefree and teasing with Peter afterwards, but the recent lack of male attention had you caving before the week was even over.
"So what happens if your daylight necklace is ripped off?" Stiles asks. It's now Saturday afternoon and everyone is at Derek's, making sure the loft is party ready for later that night. "Do you just burst into flames right then and there?"
"No." You snort. "It starts off as a sizzle and you have seconds to flee to the shadows before bursting into flames." Malia helps you position a keg into a large metal bin, Kira then filling the empty space around it with ice. "And my necklace is spelled. No one other than myself can remove it so I don't have to worry about someone ripping it off."
"I'm not gonna lie, I kind of want to see you burst into flames."
"You're an asshole."
"Actually, I kind of want to see it too," Malia says.
Stiles beams, pointing at Malia and nodding. "See! I'm not the only one."
You glance at Kira and she sheepishly smiles, not even attempting to deter her pack mates who want to see you purposely set yourself on fire. A moment passes before you sigh. "Fine, but you better get me a blood bag or I'm sinking fang into someone's vein."
Stiles is quick to scramble for the kitchen, no doubt making a beeline for one of the few blood bags Derek had tossed into the back of his fridge. You groan but chuckle nonetheless as you look around for the perfect spot and then find it in the corner of the loft just right by the overly large windows. Then settling in the corner with your back against the brick wall, you exhale deeply before carefully reaching behind your neck to unclasp your necklace. Grimacing, you look forward and hold your necklace out for someone to grab. Kira hurriedly steps forward and takes your necklace with gentle hands.
"Jesus Christ. I can't believe I'm doing this." You shakily raise your arm, hand reaching towards the sun rays before your fingers curl into a fist. You sigh, nervously chuckling as you shake your hand out. "Okay. I can do this. It's just a little fire and then I'll heal."
Stiles, Malia and Kira are all eerily silent as they watch you. You're grimacing before the sunlight even touches you and then your whole face is scrunching up when you feel the sizzle before hearing it. Kira gasps and your eyes don't even have to be open to know what they're seeing. Unblemished skin darkening before slowly glowing like burning embers. Seconds later the smoke starts and against your better judgment you hold your ground. At least until you feel your hand igniting in flames and then you're quickly bringing your arm close to your body and patting the fire out.
"Ow, ow, ow." You utter. "Fuck! Give me the blood!"
Stiles is staring at you, wide-eyed, before Malia rolls her eyes and grabs the blood bag from his hands to toss at you. Catching it with one hand, you nod at the werecoyote before dropping fang and biting directly into the bag. At that, Stiles gags. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that."
Pulling your fangs from your snack, you mutter, "Pussy," and then go back to draining the bag.
Stiles gasps in mock offense as the girls chuckle. Your hand had immediately healed after your first gulp, but you drain the bag anyway since you're going to be around a lot of strangers later on.
The loft door slides open and immediately all three wolves wrinkle their noses.
"Why does it smell like burning flesh?" Peter asks. No one says anything, but their eyes slide to you knowingly. You sheepishly smile as you hide the blood bag behind your back. Peter's eyes narrow. "What did you do?"
The heaviness of all their stares makes you squirm. "It was Stiles' idea!"
"Hey!" He barks. "Don't forget about Malia and Kira." Both girls frown at him in betrayal, but he merely shrugs in return. "If I'm going down, I'm taking all of you with me."
All three werewolves sigh, rolling their eyes. Scott and Derek bring in the delicate black lights that need to be fixated around the loft, and the buckets of neon paints. Peter drops whatever was in the brown paper bags he was holding and then saunters towards you. He spots Kira holding your necklace and snatches it from her hands. You subconsciously press your back into the corner, but Peter merely smirks as he unclasps the necklace in his hands and holds it out, waiting to place it around your neck.
"Come on, sweetheart. We don't have all day." Your eyes narrow at his teasing smile and you step towards him so he can put your necklace back on. And since you're facing him, refusing to give him your back, he reaches around you to clasp the necklace at the back of your neck. Then letting it settle against your throat, he untucks your hair from the chain and then gently cusps the sides of your neck in his hands while his thumbs brush along your jawline. His smile drops. "Don't do that again. If Stiles wants to see a fire, let the moron set himself ablaze."
"Hey! I heard that."
You blink in surprise at Peter before he takes his leave, only to see the subtly surprised expression Derek is sporting and the sour expression your brother can't help but show. Malia is indifferent to the exchange, Kira looks rather amused, and Stiles is just put out because he was called a moron. Nothing else is said on the matter, so you quickly flee the corner of shadows and get back to work.
          - - - - - - - - - -
The party has only just begun by the time you send Malia and Kira on their way. You had painted both their faces with wolf-like features- Malia in blue and Kira in orange. You had also painted markings along their collar bones, and swirls and floral patterns up and down their arms. They were prepared to wait for you, but you insisted they head on out and that you'd join them soon enough.
You're left alone in Derek's bathroom, bowls of paint and paintbrushes scattered along the counter top as you determine what you want. Eventually you settle for neon green skeletal features, jagged teeth painted over your lips. You outline your neck and collar bones, and then stand there while you fan yourself so the paint will dry.
The faint sound of creaking catches your attention and you immediately glance towards the doorway. Peter stands there, leaning against the door jamb. "Love the handiwork," he says. "Are you taking any requests?"
You faintly grin at him. "No because then that puts the pressure on me to give you exactly what you want. But if you want me to paint you a surprise, then I'm your girl."
"Hmm. My girl. I think I like the sound of that."
"Of course you do." Your eyes roll, but the quirk of your lips tells him you're amused rather than annoyed. "Now get in here. I'll try and make it quick." Peter pushes off the door jamb and walks in, getting up close and personal to your back. You think he's trying to make you squirm, but you merely frown when you realize just how much taller he is than you when you stare at him in the reflection of the mirror. "Well this isn't going to work," you mutter. Pushing the bowls of paint and paint brushes aside, you turn around and hop onto the counter. "There. That's better."
"So much," he says while stepping into the space between your knees.
Snorting, you let the remark slide and grab his face in your hands. Turning his face this way and that way, you hum as you determine what you're going to paint for him. "Wanna match?" You ask. Then without giving him a chance to answer, you grab the bowl with green paint and a paintbrush. "We're gonna match, but you're only getting half a face because I really need to get out there and dance."
Peter fights off a smile as you grasp his chin with one hand and then quickly dip a paintbrush into the green paint with the other. The moment the loaded brush touches the center of his forehead, however, he schools his features so you have an unwrinkled canvas. The left side of his face gets the skeletal treatment, but when that's done you can't help but dip three fingers into purple paint and drag them down the unpainted side of his face.
He grins afterward. "Does this mean I can mark you back?"
"I don't see why not. Just nothing on my face."
Peter carefully coats his entire hand in pink before he looks at you, eyes darting up and down as he determines where he's going to mark. He smirks and then gently wraps his hand around your throat. He leaves it there, squeezing just so, and you gulp beneath his hand.
"Ooohh. Don't threaten me with a fun time." His eyes flare blue in response and you can feel your own eyes change in return as he drops his hand and slowly leans in. You put a hand on his chest to stop his progression. "Seriously, Hale. If you mess up all my hard work before anyone has a chance to see it, I will rip your jugular out."
Peter growls and you quickly lean in to snap your fangs right in front of his face. He shudders and you chuckle lowly before nudging him back and hopping off the counter. After all, you had a party to attend.
          - - - - - - - - - -
The party has a bit more people than you'd expected there to be and even Derek seems a bit surly over how any people are in his home. But the DJ is amazing, the drinks are flowing, and the strobe lights are flashing in tune with the beats.
Everyone is lit up, whether it be their clothing or because of the paint, and you readily slide into the dancing masses. You don't seek out anyone in particular, choosing to dance on your own or anyone who sidles up to you in order to have a good time. But the second they get too handsy for your liking, you're shoving them off and moving on.
You're dancing, swiveling your hips and laughing with a few females who were all too happy to have you join them. You turn around, putting the girls at your back when your hands slide up your neck to gather your hair and hold it up off your neck before letting it fall once more. Your eyes somehow manage to find Peter, but the once teasing wolf looks anything but teasing. In fact, he looks rather pissed. And that- that just won't do.
Pushing through the bodies, you eventually make your way towards Peter from behind and tiptoe so your chin hooks over his shoulder. "So who are we killing?" You muse.
He tenses, but upon realizing who it is he's quick to relax. And without missing a beat, he says, "Two o'clock. Apparently this young man, if you can even call him that, has made the mistake of spiking a drink in hopes of giving it to one of the young ladies here. Fortunately, every female he's tried to pawn it off on has been smart enough to not take the pre-made drink."
His words immediately sour your mood. "Well that just won't do."
Before Peter can stop you, you're falling back onto the balls of your feet and practically skipping towards the guy Peter had been murdering with his eyes. A smile here, a touch there, and whispered promises of a good time goes a very long way and it doesn't take long to have the guy following after you. Then as you're about to pass up Peter with Troy (that was the guy's name, the one who was looking to roofie some poor innocent soul) following you, you flash Peter a wink and mutter follow me just loud enough so that he could hear.
You manage to avoid the rest of the pack as you lead Troy out of the loft and into the hallway, manhandling the all too eager dude-bro against the wall. He's a pretty decent looking dude, but his smug aura and tendency to roofie his potential hook-ups is a major turn off. So you tease him with a pretty smile, leaning in so your lips are just centimeters apart.
"Forgive me. I hope I'm not interrupting."
You pull back, turning half way and grinning at the intruder. There stands Peter, looking like he's not sorry at all. But Troy- Troy is annoyed. "Fuck off, man."
"Well that's no way to talk to your betters," Peter drawls.
"Yeah I gotta admit," you say. "That was a dick thing to say."
Troy glances between you and Peter, scoffing. "Whatever. I can find another girl to get laid by back in the party."
He goes to push off the wall, nudging you out of the way, but your hand lands in the middle of his chest before shoving him back into the wall. "I think not." Then meeting his gaze, you smile cruelly as you say, "Do not make a sound."
Troy's mouth opens as if to tell you off, but not a peep comes out. His eyes widen and Peter chuckles as he saunters towards you. "Huh. Having a vampire around could come in handy."
"So says the werewolf," you muse. Troy struggles against your hand, but he's not going anywhere. Not even when he raises a hand to strike you because Peter reaches out with lightning quick reflexes and catches his wrist. You smirk before looking at Troy. "Now that wasn't very nice. I was just going to let you go after scaring you a bit, but now.."
"Now," Peter says, "I think it's time we give you a taste of your own medicine. Let you know how it feels to have something taken from you without your consent." Troy's eyes widen even more while you and Peter snicker at the spike of fear in his scent. "Y/N, will you do the honors?"
"With pleasure." You stare at Troy, willing your features to change right before his very eyes and hissing when your fangs elongate. He renews his struggle in order to get away, but with your strength and Peter's he's going anywhere. "Now this is going to hurt like hell," you coo. "I want you to feel the fear of every girl you ever roofied just so you could get your dick wet."
Your smiling façade drops as you snarl, opening your mouth wider as your head rears back before you lunge forward and sink your teeth into Troy's neck. You feel him stiffen in pain, struggling even more to get away as you harshly drain his life's essence through the wound in his neck. But the second you feel his struggle lessen, you pull back and lick the corners of your mouth.
Peter chuckles darkly as you pat Troy on his cheeks. "Perk up some, will 'ya? I hardly drained an artery."
"Uh, sweetheart? I don't think he can talk."
"Oh. Right!" Catching Troy's gaze once more, you say, "You can make sound again, but you're never going to speak about what just happened. You're going to forget that monsters exist. All you need to know that if you ever see my face or his face again," you compel him while gesturing to Peter who's now standing over your shoulder, "then you're going to remember something terrible happened but you're not quite sure what. You'll just be deathly afraid. Do you understand?"
"I understand."
"Good. Also, you're never going to spike another drink ever again. If you ever just THINK about taking anything without the person's consent, you're going to get violently ill and remember the pain in your neck from when I sunk my teeth into it. Got it?"
"Awesome! Now, run along. You're no longer welcomed here."
Troy blinks rapidly, his mind clearing briefly as the compulsion sets in. When he sees you again, and then Peter at your back, his eyes widen before he scrambles to the side and rushes for the elevator. You laugh and wiggle your fingers in a mocking wave. Then the moment he's in Derek's death trap of an elevator and is descending, Peter's crowding you against the wall as he dips down so his hands can grab the back of your thighs and lift you up.
Your legs automatically wrap around his waist and you have a split second of being surprised before his mouth is pressing against yours, tongue licking into your mouth a couple of times, teasing yours, before teeth pull on your bottom lip as he retreats. You groan, hands finding purchase on his shoulders before sliding back and up, and settling at the nape of his neck. "So, uh, violence really does it for 'ya. Huh?"
"You have no idea." Peter leans in once more, nose brushing against yours and leaving you anticipating his next bruising kiss, but he merely presses his lips softly against yours. You whimper and he smirks. "Now, now. Patience is a virtue." You growl and he chuckles. "Trust me. The last thing we need is to get carried away in the hall and-"
"Oh gross. Seriously, you guys!?"
Peter sighs as you jolt in his hold. You're already staring wide-eyed at your brother, so Peter slowly lets you down before bringing you into his side and slinging an arm around your shoulders. "Yes?" He drawls.
Scott wrinkles his nose. "You guys good out here? Stiles said he saw you leave with a stranger and Peter looked a little too happy about it."
"It's fine," you assure him. "Just some guy trying to roofie himself a quick lay." Scott bristles, but your too calm demeanor keeps him from asking questions. "If you're wondering, I just scared him a bit and then sent him on his way."
"Y/N!" He says. "He's just going to go out there and do it again."
"Please," you scoff. "Do you think me dumb, brother? I obviously compelled him."
"She did." Peter smiles. "And it was marvelous. You should have seen it."
"I don't know. It seems to have gotten the both of you amped up so I assume it's something I'd have disapproved of." You and Peter both smile innocently at Scott, and he rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Either rejoin the party or go somewhere else. Don't have sex in the hall. I have to walk through here."
As Scott disappears, you hum and nudge Peter with your hip. "Well would you look at that. You got the alpha's permission to defile his own flesh and blood. Wherever shall we go?"
"I've got a condo downtown."
"Too far. My car is downstairs," you say as Peter chuckles. "We can take the edge off first and then head back to your place."
"Finally! A McCall whose choices I can get behind."
"Are my choices the only thing you'd like to get behind?" You smirk at him, winking, and then start heading towards the elevator. "Lets go, Mr. Wolf. I only have less than a week left in Beacon Hills and I'd like to find out exactly how rough a wolf like you can get."
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miyuskye · 3 years
I saw some pretty hot takes on Eden lately and I just needed to vent.
I don't understand why Eden is /this/ badly received by the fandom (the whole fandom, even from Adam fans), and that, if you ship Eden, you must do it in secret or attach a post scriptum to say that yes, you ship Eden but, like, in a toxic relationship interpretation.
I have a very long history of shipping toxic and unhealthy age gaps ships, and I absolutely love this kind of dynamics if written correctly. I made my fair share of posts in the past rambling about the proper way to portray unhealthy relationships and not romanticise them (as well as saying that liking bad in fiction doesn't equal to condoning it in canon but we're not even in this territory with sk8).
However, that's not the case with Eden. We could argue that the relationship kind of starts like this (but it's up to discussion, in my opinion) but how it becomes post canon is the farthest from that kind of dynamics. I could understand where this is coming from from someone who doesn't like Adam and makes him to be Everything Bad That's On Earth, but I also see this kind of reaction from Adam's fans and it's a bit weird to me.
It's clear that Adam has romantic, arguably sexual, feelings for Langa. He makes it very clear during the course of the show and also in post-canon material (i.e. referring to the sk8 six group as "Langa and the (5) others" twice). I saw some people saying that Eden relies on an Adam's interpretation that it's not supported by canon, but I feel like these interactions and banters (VA event, DVD package box, him still showering Langa with flowers in the post credit scene) show otherwise.
Moving onto Langa, since I also saw a lot of people surprised that, wow, Langa seems to reciprocate??? At least it's better than people still thinking that Langa would ever reject Adam's advances in canon. This is probably a point that's very dear to me, since it's actually the basis as to why I think Eden places miles away from the toxic relationships above. The dynamics in these relationships usually goes that the older one coerces the younger and more naive one with something and exploits them in a way. Then, the younger one usually reacts and a new dynamics establishes in the couple. It's a cool thing to explore in fiction, but, again, not an Eden thing in the slightest.
First of all, Langa already is into skateboarding before meeting Adam. He didn't make Langa interested in skateboarding so he could approach him, he just saw him multiple times and only after that he decided to approach him.
When they meet for the first time, Adam isn't very much different than he usually is at S. He's still the extravagant, arrogant and self-confident legend of S. That is to say, he's not trying to appear different in Langa's eyes to install a false sense of security. Adam straight up claims him to be his prize and not only Langa isn't put off by that but this also makes him want to skate more against the other. If he wasn't genuinely interested in Adam, he would've been put off by this behaviour (like Reki is). In fact, Reki skates against Adam to prove a point, Langa skates against him because he wants to, no reasons needed. Again, during the recent VA event, after re-enacting some of the pivotal scenes in the series, Reki states that it's peaceful without Adam (his va wasn't present at the event) and Langa ~immediately~ says that he would have wanted to see some of Adam's scenes. That's not what you say about someone you don't like XD
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He probably doesn't realize that Adam calls him Eve for a while, but when he does, Langa doesn't look weirded out or annoyed by it. He is surprised by it. And it's hard to think that he didn't get the reference when someone named Adam calls him Eve. I don't want to say that he agrees to be Adam's Eve, of course, but he's fine with it. Like he's fine with Adam giving him roses and his violent behaviour in general.
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Talking about violent behaviour, he's never angry with him when Adam gets violent. He understands that such are the rules of S and during the last episode Utsumi said that she wanted them to fight with fists so she thinks that Langa would be fine with getting violent too (but after the Famous RinHaru Scene I see why she'd think that...) but that's just speculation. In ep 5, he just wants to skate with him, full stop. But also, even after seeing Adam getting extremely violent with Reki in ep 11 he's not actually angry or wants revenge. Instead, he's bent on wanting to know Adam better and teaching him the fun in skating. He rooted for Reki because he wanted to skate against him in a beef for sure but also bc he thought that the message could get across Adam even if delivered by Reki but when it didn't he wanted to do it himself. If Langa was being exploited by Adam, or groomed, or anything, he would've woken up after the Renga makeup. But, oh well, he didn't. That's because Eden was never meant to be abusive. That's not the face you show to your abuser.
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Him and Tadashi are the only one in the series with the balls of actually calling out to Adam when he goes out of line. Joe does it in ep 11, but only because he's afraid for Reki's safety. Langa has no problems with flashing Adam an annoyed gaze when he smokes instead of skating against him, and has no problem calling out his bs in ep 12. I'm p sure that if he knew about Adam's warped conception of love, he'd call out on that too. He is able and has the agency of standing up to him and he's not a passive part in the relationship. Very much different from toxic relationships, where making the other unable to react (or them escaping from such a situation) is one of the main points of the dynamics.
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There are countless ways Eden could go wrong and get toxic (the last ep showed us a pretty good example when they both got in the zone), but Reki teaching Langa the fun in skating prevented it. In a way, Reki made healthy Eden possible, but we're not ready to have this kind of talk yet XD
thanks for reading this very long post lmao
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Heya! It's been much too long since I have requested some of your amazing writing and since your prompts are up I thought I'd pick a few for you to choose from.
137. "That wasn't there before."
149. "I just want to look at you."
230. "Don't answer the phone."
I am torn between FallenPetals or SpiceCream so I'll leave that up to you XD
Cinder dropped to the ground and held her right arm, black ooze dripped from an open gash. Her aura flickered as her arm burned from the ooze that ran through her veins. “N-no… not now… it cant be now…”
Ruby lowered her scythe as she kept an eye on Cinder. She took a slow step forward, worry started to take hold of her. “Cinder? What cant be now?”
“Leave me alone!” Cinder created a spray of fire with her grimm arm. Voices started to run through her mind as her arm throbbed. “Shut up shut up shut up!”
“I’m not saying anything.” Ruby closed her scythe and put it on her back and took a step closer to Cinder. “I… I just want to take a look at you.”
“No! I wont… let you hurt me!”
“I can help you-”
“Just let her be, Ruby.” Weiss created a wall of glyphs between Ruby and Cinder. She glared at Cinder, the glyphs turned red as she walked over to her. “We’re better off leaving her.”
“She’s in pain!”
“She’s tried to kill us!” Yang walked up behind Ruby, readying her gauntlets. “We have an opportunity to keep her from hurting us any more! She’s just like Adam! She’ll keep after you no matter what! We have to act now-” “I can get through to her!” Ruby spun around and brought her scythe out once more. She glared at her team as they brought their own weapons to the ready. “I need a little bit of time. I… I can help her get that grimm stuff off her. I have a bit more control with my eyes-”
“And what if she tries to kill you?” Weiss sighed and took a deep breath. “This is Cinder we’re talking about. She could be faking the pain she’s in. She could be using this to lure you in close so she can get rid of you. She’s tried to kill you before, what makes you think she wont now?”
“Just look at her!” Ruby pointed at Cinder. “I can help!” Cinder shook and growled in pain as her human arm started to become more grimm-like. Her skin turned black as white bone started to pierce her skin. She screamed as her body shook, bone-like horns protruded from her forehead. Her eyes started to turn black as she looked over at team RWBY.
Ruby took a deep breath and started to charge her eyes. “I can help her.”
“And then what, Ruby?” Blake finally spoke up. She sighed and looked away from her team leader. “She’s not like us. She’ll kill you the second she has a chance.”
Ruby nodded and moved her scythe in front of her. “I promised I’d help everyone who needs it. That includes Cinder. I can save her.”
Weiss started to move the glyphs away from Cinder and around Ruby. “Dont make us fight you.”
“I wont let you keep me from trying to save her!” Ruby rushed towards her team and used her semblance to get behind them. “I wont abandon her!”
Yang immediately rushed after Ruby, motioning for Blake to throw the ribbon of Gambol Shroud to her. “We’re doing this for your safety!”
Ruby dropped from her Petal Burst and slammed her scythe in the ground to move out of Yang’s way and rushed towards the glyph wall. She didnt want to fight her team either, so she’d try to go around them.
Weiss quickly slammed her rapier into the ground and started summoning her Arma Gigas. “You cant do this Ruby! We need you!”
“And I told you I have to help her!” Ruby used her semblance once more and scattered herself around Weiss’s glyphs. She quickly formed herself, grabbed Cinder, and rushed off once more.
Weiss, Blake, and Yang followed after until Ruby was out of sight. They stopped at the edge of a cliff and sighed.
Yang threw her gauntlet down at the ground. “Dammit!”
Ruby rushed until she found a cave. She pulled out of her semblance and stumbled into it, dropping Cinder. Black ooze creeped along her arm as she dropped to the ground. She panted as she looked towards Cinder, no longer recognizing the woman as she walked over. Her eyes started to glow as Cinder pulled back her clawed hand to strike. “I’ll save you, Cinder.”
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mercystine · 3 years
Characters issues with Brody where fucked up BC straight up?
Brody and Rachel had an open relationship BC he WASNT ready to talk about his job. Which she was fine so.. why was it suddenly an issue after she found out?makes no sense and is a shitty thing in general and and the show framed it as if she was in the right. yay for shaming ppl I guess.
Kurt would have reacted better, which straight up why he looked up so worried when Santana told Rachel, because those girls can be times sometimes..
Basically Brody deserved better and even Fwb with Kurt would have been better if he hadn't been with Adam at the time xD
glee hates sex workers and it shows. honestly get a hobby rib
honestly the only 'issue' anybody could have had with brody was that by not telling rachel about being a sex worker he might have potentially put her health in danger. I mean like STDs and stuff,, im not saying he wasnt being safe and getting tasted regularly, but thats literally the only thing that could be seen as an issue. but shaming the guy simply for being a sex worker? thats fucking disgusting and its another case of glee giving us a terrible example
please I actually hate everyones reactions in this. what the fuck are you on santana?? why would you ever think it was okay to treat him like that?? and finn?? please, this is awful
you can tell glee got bored of his character and needed him out, which is typical for the show but they literally handled this so poorly. what could have been an actual meaningful lesson on this matter just basically turned into 'sex workers are awful people who should be ashamed of themselves'. it makes me so angry
Kurt should have reacted better, I agree. please, the writing in this is so bad. theres no way Kurt would be okay with his brother beating brody up. and assuming he didnt know about it, his reaction still seems so off to me
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
I Won’t Forget You - Spencer x Reader
Part 23 
Pairing: Spencer x Reader 
A/N: So... Long time no talk? Sorry guys. Depression sucks and so does life. What can ya do. But I hope this is good. My school just went on lockdown for 2 weeks so i should be able to get back into the swing of things. No guarantees btw. But please enjoy this part. I think it’s pretty good for someone who hasn’t written for two weeks. XD 
Warnings: A lot of shouting, cursing, name-calling, self-doubt (obviously), and slightly panic attack (I’ll go more into it in the next part) 
Tags: @dra-reid, @eevee0722, @ceeellewrites, @anotherr-fine-mess, @ssahoodrathotchner, @egg-boy03, @helena-way07, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @serendipity-imagines, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @thatsonezesty13 
A week later, and you had finally been released from the hospital. Your infection had gotten to a manageable point where you could just take antibiotics and be cured of it in a few more weeks. Spencer had spent the entire time with you, never leaving your side. Except when you had to use the restroom. Obviously. 
"Spence… you gotta shower, seriously. I'm thankful, really, that you stayed with me all week. But you need a shower. Bad." You insist, hobbling slightly as you walk out of the hospital. 
You sigh softly to yourself, closing your eyes tightly for a moment as you waited for Spencer. Trying to hide the ever growing terror that filled your heart was getting increasingly harder to hide. But you didn't have time for therapy or to feel sorry for yourself. The BAU never made your case an active one despite two agents having gone missing and being taken. Which told you well enough that you weren't worth the time. Serial killers deserved more attention than you.  
"Hey, are you okay, (Y/N)?" 
The sudden touch to your shoulder plus the speech coming from Spencer pulled a shriek from your lungs. You jumped and looked toward Spencer terrified for a few agonizingly long moments.  
You took a deep breath and refocused your breathing, hoping to ease your racing heart back to it's slightly less annoying rhythm. 
"Y-yeah…" you murmur, shaking your head in an attempt to clear your mind. You also cleared your throat for good measure. "Yeah, I uh… I'm okay. Just a little… jumpy is all." 
Spencer’s frown deepens on his face, looking towards you sadly. Was this really the time for him to tell you how he felt? No, it really wasn't. You were healing. No, you are healing. You didn't need the confusion of a brand new romantic relationship to be added to your already overflowing plate. 
"Well… I'm here if you need me." Spencer assured, flashing a gentle smile towards you. You sighed and nodded back to hin. 
"Yeah, yeah," you exhaled, looking away from Spencer and not meeting his gaze. "Thanks." 
Spencer could feel the wedge you were unknowingly making grow between you. He hoped he could help you. After Hankel, he had hardly anyone. If he could make a difference in your PTSD, he would. He would try his damndest even if it killed him. 
"Well… I can at least get you back to the apartment. I'm sure Hotch will understand why I'm a few minutes late-" Spencer began, directing you towards the parking lot. He looked back at you and saw a flash of fear run over your (E/C) eyes as you stopped. 
"N-no. No, I need to get back to work. I don't have any vacation days saved up. I gotta go with you to work." You insisted, feeling a heavy stone of fear weigh on your chest. 
Spencer narrowed his eyes and looked over at you, stopping in his tracks. "(Y/N), Hotch gave you vacation days. You don't have to go back right now-" 
"No, Spencer. I'm going back. The team needs me. If I'm alone, Peter’s gonna have a better chance at finding me so-" the tears began falling before you could even realize. You feel your voice crack in your throat and all you knew to do was cover your mouth and try to smother your sobs. 
Spencer’s arms were around you before you could say, his hand rubbing your back while his other cradled your head. He didn't say anything, he just held you. You were thankful he hadn't. It was all you could do to keep your hand over your mouth and the other fisted in Spencer's days old cardigan. 
After what felt like forever, (reality was five minutes) Spencer pulled slightly away and tilted your head up to encourage you to look at him. "W-why don't we just get in the car for now? Figure things out on the way?" Spencer asked. Maybe you could still work. But he would put his foot down personally if you did anything other than desk work. 
You nodded subtly and swallowed what remained of your sobs. Spencer smiled gently and began guiding you towards the parking lot gently, not forcing you to venture any faster than you felt comfortable. 
You found yourself wandering with your eyes across the street, having become more vigilant and observant since your capture. Everything seemed normal. Couples were walking together hand in hand, some with kids. Some business men and women walked with their phones glued to their ears while some people were carrying groceries to their car. It wasn't suspicious at all. It should have calmed you. But it didn't. The only thing you found yourself able to be calm about was the fact that Spencer had his arms around you. That was what made you feel safe.  
Spencer looked towards you, watching you for a few moments. He watched your eyes wandering frantically across the parking lot and put two and two together. Just being in the parking lot scared you. Spencer couldn’t help but relate. The crunch of leaves had been his trigger for a few weeks after his kidnapping. Spencer squeezed you closer and rubbed your shoulder to get your attention. You turn your head back towards him, finding a relieving inhale enter you at the sight of his kind eyes once again looking into yours. “I’ll go pull up the car. You think you can stay here for a few seconds?” He asks. A jolt of regret strikes him as he sees the fear fill your pupils. But you don’t verbalize these fears. Instead you nodded silently.  
Spencer gave you a gentle grin before he went to go bring the car towards you. That way you didn’t have to step foot in the parking lot. He knew he was probably risking a few things, but at least you didn’t have to be fearful of the asphalt. 
You bit your lip anxiously, the hairs on your arms raising in false alarm. You knew you were safe. Your brain knew you were safe. But your heart was in overdrive. It had stolen the control console from your brain and was currently making you an emotional and anxious mess. A part of you didn’t want to go to work. It wanted to take your time to recover. But the rest of you was adamant on going. The case hadn’t been made priority. They were just lucky that no cases were deemed important enough for the BAU to help during the week you and Morgan had been missing. 
You remained lost in your thoughts until you felt the touch of Spencer’s hand on your shoulder. You looked up and gave him a gentle smile. 
“We’re gonna be late if we don’t go now. We have 39 minutes till we are considered late.” Spencer informs, trying not to derail from his normal personality so much that you noticed. He hated being pitied. And he knew that you did as well.
You nodded and began to follow. You climbed into the passenger seat and fastened your seatbelt. Your hands flexed and moved anxiously, unable to sit still. You took a few deep breaths, hearing Spencer get into the car alongside you. 
You finally opened your eyes and felt the car roar to life underneath you. You were heading back to work. You'd get back to normal soon. You had to. 
The both of you had found a comfortable silence in the transport to the BAU. Spencer kept a comforting hand in yours, allowing you to squeeze it when needed. 
But now, as Spencer pulled into his usual parking spot, did your chest begin to tighten somewhat. You hadn't been here for what felt like years. Peter had abducted you from this very parking lot. Anyone would understandably be anxious. 
But by some miracle, you managed to keep your anxieties covert as Spencer and you got out of the car. Of course, Spencer suspected you had a little fear from being back here, but didn't push you. Many statistics had shown in the past that forcing a PTSD victim to share their trauma without it being their terms can be destructive to their mental health. Translation: He wasn't going to ask you about it. 
The ride up the elevator was torturous. Slow, agonizing, and not to mention extremely long. You found yourself fidgeting and moving in place rather than standing still. You'd never done this before. To say it didn't worry you would be a very big lie. 
"Are you sure you're ready, (Y/N)? You can always utilize the time off Hotch gave you." 
You appreciated Spencer’s worry, you really did. It helped to have someone there who was willing to care when you weren't. But that didn't mean that you still didn't get somewhat annoyed over the continuous asking. 
"Yeah, I'm fine Spencer. I just need to get my mind off…" you stopped and pushed a heavy exhale from your chest. "Everything." 
Spencer didn't push, and soon enough the two of you were inside the BAU's glass doors, walking towards the familiar bullpen. You subconsciously fix the cuffs of your dress shirt, avoiding the eyes of everyone who was shocked to see you. 
You sighed softly as you both continued into the bullpen, meeting the eyes of two of your coworkers. 
"(Y/N), What are you doing back so early? You have like, 5 weeks of available off time. You need to rest yourself. And your mind. Trauma isn't something that should be taken lightly." Prentiss spoke, stopping in your tracks to keep you from getting to your desk. 
Spencer, unbeknownst to you, made a cut it out gesture to Emily and cleared his throat. "It's alright. She's only going to be doing reports and desk work." Spencer expressed, looking around at everyone who had decided to turn around a watch. 
Emily sighed. "Alright. But I'm not going to let you go on any cases. I'm still your supervisory agent. You're lucky we're free of the more important cases so we've been working on yours." You feel an icy stab to the chest from her comment, reminding you of how unimportant you felt. You swallowed dryly and nodded, not caring that you hadn't said a word and had let Spencer talk for you. You didn't feel like talking anyway. 
You then sat down at your desk with a sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose as you felt the familiar breeze that came with a stack of reports falling onto your desk. 
You nodded towards whoever it was that gave you the reports and then started on them. It wasn't long until you had managed to clear all of your feelings from your mind and instead hyperfocus on the reports and the details in each. 
You lost track of so much time, that when Spencer put a cup of coffee on your desk, you jumped and almost verbally cursed. 
"Jesus-" you began, holding your chest for a moment. Spencer’s eyes widened and held his hands up once the coffee was safely level on your desk. 
"S-sorry. I-I just thought you could use a little bit of a 'pick-me-up' or whatever Morgan said it was." He seemed nervous, his hand finding his neck soon after finishing his statement. 
You smile at him genuinely for what feels like the first time in weeks and nod to him. "Yeah… I needed it. Thank you, Spence." 
Spencer’s eyes almost twinkle with happiness at your reply, his cheeks growing red and his smile appearing on his face as he goes back to his desk behind yours. 
Then the moment ended. 
"(L/N)? What are you doing back so early?" 
You turn your head and find Hotch walking towards your desk. You swallow a nervous laugh and instead begin to find a way to reply for yourself. Spencer didn't need to defend you forever. 
"Hotch… I can't stay at home like that. I need to keep my mind focused on something else. I can't sit by when you all still need my help. My case wasn't made of importance. Why should I treat it like it is?" You insist, shoving down the sob that desperately wanted to escape your throat. 
Hotch sighed and began to speak "(Y/N)..." 
"No. Let me speak. I'm not going to sit on my ass at home while you all work on the case that almost got Morgan killed. I'm going to help you. Its here at home. I won't have to go anywhere." Every part of you was begging for Hotch to understand. That he would give you a chance. 
Hotch gave you a questioning look for a few moments, allowing you to finish if you chose to continue, before he spoke up. "Just because you're healed physically doesn't mean you're better mentally. You went through something noone can relate to. You need to take the time to heal." 
"But I'm needed here, Hotch. I'm not going to go home and do nothing. It's just not my style. Now if you'll let me, I have a few more reports to do from this pile." You deadpan, gritting your teeth as you sit back down at your desk to finish reports filled with information you would never forget. 
Hotch sighed, looking back at Spencer for a moment before he turned around and began to continue on his list of things to do.  
You sighed and grumbled to yourself, trying to focus your emotions yet again so that you could finish the reports on your desk. But as fate would have it, you couldn't do that. 
"(Y/N/N)... Would you like to take a walk with me? It's almost our break. Maybe you could use a bit of fresh air? Scientifically, going outside helps to clear your lungs as well as lower blood pressure and heart rate." Spencer spoke up, tapping your shoulder gently once he knew he had your attention. 
You shook your head and cleared your throat. "No… no I'm going to finish these reports first. They're more important." You start. 
Spencer shook his head, his eyes widened slightly. "No," he starts, standing up and walking over to you. "These reports aren't more important than your well-being. I haven't pushed because I want you to talk when you're ready. But you can't act like you aren't important." 
You scoff and go to reply, just as the sound of a slamming glass door echos through the bullpen, making everyone's eyes travel to the source of the noise. This also meant you. 
By the time you looked, two familiar eyes were staring coldly into yours. Two wrinkled hands clasped at your shirt collar and yanked you forward violently. 
"How dare you ungrateful-" Margaret quips, slapping you across the face before you could even react. "Selfish, and ignorant child!" 
You cough harshly, earning the feeling of Margaret's hand again across your face. "M-mother…" you murmured, the agents around you trying to separate the two of you. 
"No, you have gone too far now! I paid him to take you! You are his property! Go to him! I have lost too much for you to disobey like the brat of a child you've always been!" Margaret scrambled, trying to get out of the arms of a much stronger agent who held her back away from you. 
Someone, who you soon recognized as Garcia and Emily, helped you to your feet. Spencer had very quickly come to your aide, sending Garcia off to fetch Rossi and Hotch. 
You grumbled for a few moments, the anger you felt beginning to come to a head. "Really? You paid him? I thought he was just trying to get under my skin with that, Mother." You spat, taking a few steps forward before looking up into (e/c) eyes. 
Your mother scoffed and rolled her eyes, looking back at you coldly. "Of course I did. You need someone to finally put you in your place. To teach you the manners I had somehow missed." 
You growled at her continuance. Your fist clenched at your side. She was your mother. And this was what she chose to do? Instead of being by your side when you needed a mother most, she admitted to being a part of why you were raped in the first place. 
"So you admit to selling a human? To selling your only daughter, just because I wouldn't abide to your stupid fucking rules?" You glared, spitting out the words like venom on your tongue. 
Spencer went to stop you, but Emily pulled him back. You needed this. 
"Yes I-" Margaret began, but you quickly put a stop to her excuses. 
"No. You're going to let me share my opinion for ONCE in my life. You're going to stand there and face the monster that you created. Be the perfect housewife you insisted on creating with me." 
Your mother rolled her eyes, but surprisingly didn't speak up again. You were slightly baffled by her sudden respect. But it didn't last long. 
"You were never there for me when I needed you. When I was in the hospital, after what Peter did to me, I needed you. After Peter's threats, I needed you. After each low grade on a test, I needed you. Not the harsh yelling and lecture I received from you and father. I needed the reassurance that it wasn't the end of the world. Whenever I had nightmares from my never ending memory bank of trauma, you sent me back to bed with the flick of your hand. I remember every word, every scowl, every upturn of your nose, every single moment you've spared for me my entire life. You're lucky I don't charge you with assault and child abuse. I don't because you're my mother. I thought maybe one day…" you feel the hot, rushing tears fall from your cheeks, making you aware of your vulnerability in front of everyone. 
You sniffled and wiped your eyes before you continued. "T-that maybe one day you'd change. And I-I'd have my mom." A tearful smile formed on your face, staring at the woman who had cause so much of your misery. "But still, you choose to remind me of how unimportant I've always been. How I am just a pawn in your game of chess. Easily disposable. Well here's a reality check for you, Margaret." You snapped, pointing a finger against her chest. 
"Check. Cause I'm not going to rest until you and Peter are both sent to prison where you both so clearly belong!" You yell into her ear. "So much for motherly love." You whisper harshly afterwards, turning around so that she didn't get the satisfaction of seeing you fall apart. 
Hotch entered your vision soon after, gesturing for you to meet him in his office. You sigh shakily, squeezing your eyes shut. 
Spencer stops you for a moment, holding your arms. "H-hey… you don't have to go immediately, you know. You can stay for a minute." 
You recognize his extended olive branch and take it. He didn't need to even say another word for you to collapse into his arms, sobbing as hard as your heart had been begging to since you'd left the hospital that morning. 
Oh how the mighty have fallen. 
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simsadventures · 5 years
Not Me: Chapter 2: Domestic Bliss
Summary: You throw a party at your house, and while on the outside you look like the perfect couple, the reality is quite different. Especially after you learn about another shocking truth. But Bucky seems to be shocked as well.
Warnings: angst, pretending, infidelity, hint of jealousy, swearing, betrayal, weight loss
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x wife!Reader
Word Count: 2555
A/N: I promise, all will be explained in a short time. What did we all think? Bucky is an ass, that’s for sure, but maybe there’s something behind his behaviour… who knows? XD FEEDBACK is gold, so please, let me know if you like it, or what was your favourite part :) xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed. Where there used to be a happy, confident woman, was now standing an unsure being without shape or form. You always loved the way your boobs looked, having been one of the lucky girls to have their breasts just the right size and shape without undergoing surgery. But since you lost more than 20 pounds over the last year, your boobs all but disappeared.
So did the glow your skin used to have once. You were dull now, and if it weren’t for your hairdresser who tried to keep your hair shiny and healthy-looking, you bet you would like a walking dead. But no matter how much weight you lost, James didn’t seem to care.
It was pathetic to even try in the first place, because he would always mumble something like you’re not gonna get me, and would walk away, leaving you confused and hurt. You thought that maybe he thought you weren’t representative enough for him, so you tried to lose weight. But nothing happened because you were just the right amount of weight.
It came only with the constant heartbreak that you finally lost your appetite, and the pounds started to disappear from the scale.
You shrugged in the mirror and applied another layer of red lipstick to your lips and plastered a fake smile on your face. This would be a long night, you thought to yourself, as you descended the stairs leading to your formal room, aka the torture room, as you liked to call it.
It was there that most of the parties and meeting happened, and because it was your turn to host one of the Y/L/N family parties, you couldn’t even protest. Your whole family would be there, and so was James’.
After what your father told you that day, and the way he’s been acting towards you ever since then, you weren’t looking forward to seeing him. Nevertheless, you couldn’t wait to see two of your three brothers. Not that you wouldn’t see them almost every month, it being your only outlet and your flight towards safety, but their faces and goofy acts always made you smile.
When you saw your oldest brother, Max, you actually smiled at him, and you had to tell yourself not to rush too fast towards him, because it would actually look like you weren’t happy in your current position. The hostess of the party. Ugh!
 You made sure that the caterers brought everything they should and that your home decorator came soon in the morning to put things in their places, but other than that, you couldn’t care less. It was just for a show, just like every other aspect of your life, apparently.
Max waved at you, and you came close enough to squeeze his hand affectionately. He looked you up and down and frowned, but didn’t say anything, being the polite one of the four of you. You wanted to say something, but then you felt somebody hauling you up from your feet and you screamed, not being able to contain yourself.
When you heard a huron laugh from behind you, you let out a chuckle and tapped his hand, signalling that he should let you down. It was the other brother, two years older than you, Thomas.
While Max was a cardio surgeon, Thomas was in the Army. He only recently got sent home from Afghanistan, and you couldn’t get enough of him, missing him like crazy over the past 7 months while he was on a mission.
“I swear to God, you’re lighter and lighter every time I see you, cheerio! You’re almost translucent, what the fuck is going on, huh?”
You just shook your head and put your fake smile on to calm him down so that he wouldn’t make a scene. Your father and James would eat you alive if somebody caused a scene and you wouldn’t be able to shush them appropriately.
“It’s this new diet I’m on, Tom! I thought I looked marvellous so thank you for bursting my little bubble,” you said playfully, hoping that neither of your brothers would see through you. But who were you kidding? You grew up with them, and you were their little sister, of course, they wouldn’t trust you just like that.
They both exchanged looks that said, right but didn’t press the matter for which you were extremely thankful. You looked around the room to see where your husband was, trying to keep up the appearances at least for a while, but you couldn’t find him anywhere. You shrugged and hoped he’d come as soon as possible, because you could see your father’s prying eyes on you, and you didn’t want to give him another reason to scold you.
To get your mind off of things, you looked for your nieces and nephews, Max’s children, so that nobody would ask you unnecessary questions and you could enjoy some time with your family before you had to go and speak with your father. You couldn’t find your mom anywhere, and you could bet she was outside having a cigarette, or 10. It was her outlet in this crazy world, and although you used to give her lectures, you totally got why she started this horrible habit. It even crossed your own mind a few times.
The little ones were having fun on the veranda, and after you greeted their mother, Felicia, you sat on your heels to let the little ones tell you all they needed.
“And auntie Y/N, why is grass green?” “Y/N, I have a boyfriend, his name is Joshua!”
You listened to the 4-year old asking question over his sister’s telling you about her kindergarten’s love, and you smiled to yourself. You loved the two of them, just as much as you loved the two babes in Felicia’s arms. One-year-old twins. Four children were apparently a lot to take in and to take care of, but Felicia was a pro, and you admired her for her patience with your brother because he sometimes acted worse than those kids.
“Shouldn’t you be in there, entertaining your guests with your husband?” You heard your father’s stern voice from behind you, and the hair on your neck stood up. You clenched your jaw, gave Felicia an apologetic smile and went back inside, without as much as looking at your father.
He didn’t like that too much, so he grabbed you by your upper arm, squeezing so much you could feel the blood draining from the limb.
“Don’t you give me this treatment, young lady. How about you put a smile on that pretty face of yours and stop being so sour, huh? Wouldn’t kill you to be pleasant for a day!”
You blinked away the tears welling in your eyes, nodded absentmindedly, which made him release your arm. You looked around the room once more, looking for James, when you saw him leaving one of the guest rooms on the floor ground. You sighed and put on a smile, which fell as soon as you saw another person leaving the room behind James. Her red hair seemed to be the only thing you saw, and you had to try really hard not to vomit at the sight.
It was one of your bridesmaids and great friends (sure), Natasha. They both looked like they either went through a tornado or they fucked each other’s souls out, and your heart fell.
Not only was he making your life a living hell, but he also fucked one of your friends? That was just perfect. You knew that if you saw him, you weren’t the only one, and sure enough, your father made his presence known again
“You can’t even keep a man? Pf, I thought at least that pussy of yours was for something, but I guess I was wrong,” he said mockingly and left you standing there, feeling like you stood under a cold shower.
James turned around the room, greeted a few people he missed due to his escapades before his eyes landed on you. You wanted to yell at him, wanted to throw stuff at him for doing this to you. Why he married you in the first place, you didn’t understand. You didn’t give him even a small smile as you walked towards him, and, for a second, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. That soon passed, and his typical scowl replaced the shock on his face.
When you reached him, and he snaked his arm your waist (which cause you to shudder in disgust, to be quite frank), you leaned in, and with a smile for the other guests of the party, you whispered to his ear,
“You could have at least each left the room in a different time. And you could have made sure you didn’t look like you just fucked one of my best friends, but maybe that’s just me, dear,” you hissed the last part of the sentence as you looked deep into his eyes and without as much as another thought left him standing there, and went to your brothers again.
Not that you wanted to talk to them about it, but you saw the looks on their faces, and you knew they saw the whole thing, from Bucky leaving the room with Natasha to you talking to him. And the looks on their faces were very close to two people ready to murder somebody, so you tried to go and calm them both down. You were just lucky your twin, Adam, wasn’t there, because he would definitely have already acted. And it wouldn’t be nice considering he was an MMA fighter.
“Is he fucking kidding me? I’m going to kill him, Y/N. Like seriously, it will take me one good measured punch, and he’s down,” Tom said, seething, and you patted his shoulder, keeping your fake smile on your lips.
“Don’t. Please, Tom, Max. Suits me for thinking he could actually love me. Let’s just forget about it and act as if nothing happened, can we?”
“Is that the reason you looked the way you do? For fuck’s sake, Y/N. That idiot’s been killing you for over a year, and now he’ll sleep with your friend, to top it all? Has he been beating you too? That why you have the forming bruise on your arm?” Max asked, his temper showing as well.
You looked down to your bare arm and saw that Max was right indeed. There was a bruise already kind of blue from where your father grabbed you minutes ago.
“It’s not like that, I promise. James hasn’t laid his arms on me, I swear. It’s from a pleasant conversation I had with dad a while ago,” you added, knowing that there was nothing your brothers could do about your despotic father.
They were both red from anger, and you didn’t blame them. If somebody treated your brothers the way James treated you, you’d probably tear them to pieces. Or, at least, the old you would. You didn’t know yourself anymore. This meek wife, trying to do as her father and her husband tell her. You were disgusted by yourself but couldn’t see a way out.
Somebody touched your arm, and from the surprised looks on your brothers’ faces, you knew exactly who it was. The fucking audacity of that woman.
“Natasha, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You asked her, so mockingly, you were actually surprised at yourself.
She looked taken aback, but she still laughed freely.
“What? Can’t I come and as hi to my dear friend?”
It was your turn to laugh in her face.
“Aaah. So I guess that’s what you’ve been doing in one of my guest rooms with my husband, then? Saying hi to him? You guys have some special secret handshake? Or did you fuck him after you exchanged pleasantries?”
She looked terrified, and before you could say more, or before she could start stuttering some lame excuse, you felt a hand on your hip, and from the unpleasant reaction of your body, you knew it was your husband. This was hilarious. His wife and mistress talking, and he just casually strode in.
“May I speak with you, Y/N?” James hissed into your ear, and you stabbed Natasha one last time with your eyes before you let James pull you away from the party into the kitchen.
You couldn’t even look at him, you thought you’d vomit if you did.
“What the fuck is your problem, huh? You’ve got everything you wanted, the house, the marriage, the prestige, everything. What more do you want from me?” He said, raising his voice, and you finally turned around to face him, your brows furrowed in disbelief.
“What? What are you talking about, James? You think I asked for any of this? For the hell my life is right now? Oh so great, I’m married to one of the sexiest CEO on the planet, good for me. But guess, what. I never asked for any of this. All I wanted was to take over the publishing part of the company, live in my little apartment, and maybe, maybe fall in love one day with a nice guy who would treat me right.
Did I think it could be you, for a while? Sure, but don’t worry. I don’t anymore. You asked me to marry you. I don’t know what you’re playing at, but at least I try to make this marriage work and don’t go fucking your best friends behind your back. But I guess I ask too much of you, don’t I? Well, excuse me, your excellence. I did everything you told me to. I stopped speaking up, I started cooking like crazy, wearing make-up all the damn time, wearing clothes like I was part of the Gossip Girl extras, just because you told me to. But I will never be good enough for you, will I? I don’t know what you want from me, James, I really don’t, but if we don’t go back to the party now, people will start asking questions we don’t have answers to,” you said, fighting the tears threatening to leave your eyes.
Bucky was watching your, his expression somewhere between surprise and anger. He looked at you, obviously wanting to continue fighting with you before something caught his attention.
“What the fuck is that on your arm?”
You scoffed and walked around him to leave the kitchen.
“Oh, now you care? Please, give me a break. I don’t know what your motives were to marry me if you wanted the whole company to yourself and had a deal with my father or something, but please, stop acting like you are the worried husband, ok? Let’s just get this party over with, and then you won’t have to look at me for weeks, just the way you like it,” you said with a fake smile (Bucky knew that much, that was definitely not a real smile of yours), and left the kitchen, not caring if he followed you or not.
He just stood there, confused and with more questions than with how many he initially came into the kitchen.
/Next Chapter >
Not Me:
@jennmurawski13 @lovely-geek @vogueworthy-barnes @veronawrites @loser-alert @trumpettay @thesoldierrogers @girlbehindthecameraposts @little-smurf @jesseswartzwelder @fuckwhateverfuck @learisa @karla-silva @blowing-mikey @afterlaughter27 @93generation @ungratefultroll @maybeisthemoon @greenprisca @geeksareunique @champagnesugamama @hailqueenconquer @grincheveryday @mc225g @thatweirdwalangpake @neerness @ntlmundy @captainchrisstan @sspider-parker @cap-just-said-language
Bucky Taglist
@this-kitten-is-smitten​ @paradisiacalsparks​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @owlyannah​ @lassini​ @s-trawberryv-eins​ @reniescarlett​ @bxrnsfeyson​ @the-soulofdevil​
Marvel Taglist
@voltage-my2dlove​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @lumar014​ @ptrs-prkrs​
Forever Tag:
@eileenalone​ @sasbb23​ @p8tn0lish​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @waiting4inspiration​ @caswinchester2000​ @mogaruke​ @justthatfangirloverthere​ @mushyjellybeans​ @livsheph​ @sebbbystaaan​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @itsunclebucky​
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 20
Holy Toledo how is this Part 20? Wanna hear something dumb? I have all the parts in a Word doc on my laptop and that m’fer is 80,356 words long and 149 pages. In 11-point font. This thing is a whole ass novel, wtf is wrong with us XD
Wanna hear something even dumber? @what-does-mine-say was deadass consoling me like this shit is real life while I was writing this part. And I think that’s all the intro it needs.
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 20/26
Pairing: ...recalculating...
Word count: 5.9k
Warnings: Language; angst. So much angst.
My tiny tag list: @freshlysqueezedmox @gabbynorth98 
Catch up on previous parts here.
“So I kind of want to try something new tonight.”
Callie bounced on the balls of her feet as she and Britt stood in the middle of the ring at Daily’s Place. She had a match that night—a Dark match against Penelope Ford—and she was both excited and a little bit nervous. It was the first match she’d had in two-and-a-half months, since her match against Alex that she’d lost by disqualification. Knowing that, she felt like showing off a little.
“Oh yeah?” Britt asked. “What were you thinking?”
“Well, I’ve been wanting to show that I can be more technical than just throwing hard punches and kicks, and I don’t really have a submission move in my arsenal… so I was thinking of trying out the octopus hold?”
“Oh yeah!” Britt proclaimed. “That’s a good one. Have you worked on it at all? Because I honestly haven’t tried it.”
She nodded. “A little. But it’s been a while.” She stared at the mat, her thoughts growing distant. It had actually been Alex who’d shown her how to do the octopus hold, back when they’d first started becoming friends. Callie wasn’t sure how Alex would take it if she used it tonight. But she also didn’t really care.
“Well, I’m down to try it if you’re comfortable,” Britt said. “Just tell me what to do.”  
Callie shook her head, bringing herself back to the present. “Okay, cool. It’s actually pretty simple for you. All you need to do is pick me up like I’m going for a tilt-a-whirl. But instead of swinging through for the takedown, I’ll keep one leg behind your head and lock the other around your leg.”
Britt nodded. “Alright. Sounds easy enough. You want me to just stand here?”
“Yeah, I’ll run at you.”
Callie took a breath to ready herself, and then she rebounded off the ropes and ran at Britt. Britt picked her up just like she was supposed to, and Callie locked her legs around her head; but when she swung around and tried to hook her left foot behind Britt’s left leg, the momentum caused Britt to lose her balance and they both went tumbling ungracefully to the mat.
“Whoa!” someone suddenly shouted. “What the hell was that?”
Callie looked toward the entrance ramp as she and Britt untangled from each other. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment when she saw who it was. Matt Jackson.
“It was supposed to be an octopus hold,” Britt said as she pushed herself to her feet.
“Ah,” he returned. “Well, that’s a relief. I thought it was a terrible attempt at a hurricanrana.”
He leaned against the ropes and sent Callie a teasing smirk. She narrowed her eyes at him. “If I wanted to learn how to do a hurricanrana I’d ask Nick, not you.”
Matt clutched dramatically at his chest. “Ouch, Callie. That hurts. But, lucky for you, I’m feeling generous today.” He ducked through the ropes and walked toward her. “Plus, I know you know I’m a better teacher than Nick.”
He offered her his hand, that cocky smirk of his still in place. She pursed her lips; but she slid her palm into his and let him pull her to her feet.
“Well then what did we do wrong, Professor Jackson?” Britt asked.
“Finally, some respect,” Matt commented. Britt and Callie both ignored it. “Well, if that was supposed to be an octopus hold, you need to catch her as she’s coming around,” he explained. “It looked like you didn’t do that, which is why she pulled you down to the mat.”
“Oh.” Callie’s cheeks tinged pink again. “Yeah, that’s on me. I might have forgotten to mention that part.”
She expected another snarky remark. But Matt just grinned. “Well, now you won’t forget again. Here—try it on me.”
Britt stepped out of the way; but Callie froze, suddenly nervous. What if she screwed up again? When it came to wrestling, Matt was the last person she wanted to look like an idiot in front of, even more so than Adam. But she trusted him, and she wanted to get this right.
He looked at her, waiting. She bounced off the ropes and ran toward him. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his head just as she had Britt; but when she swung around, he caught her with his left arm and squatted down, cradling her against him. The added support allowed her to bring down her left leg and hook her foot behind his calf; her right knee remained hinged over his neck. She caught his right arm and pulled.
“Ah, okay,” he grimaced and tapped out—on her butt. Callie untangled her limbs from around him and fell to the mat. “That was good,” he complimented. “It actually hurt.”
“Thanks.” She arched a sly brow at him. “And is it normal for the opponent to tap out on your butt?”
Matt’s eyes widened. “Oh. Did I do that? Sorry, I couldn’t tell.”
Callie playfully rolled her eyes at his grin. He’d known damn well what he’d done, and he wasn’t sorry at all. “Uh huh,” she returned as she got to her feet. “I’ll let it slide this time, Professor Jackson.”
He gave her a wink. It happened so fast that Callie almost missed it. “Alright, try it on Britt now.”
They ran through the move a few more times, and once they were confident executing the hold from a run, Matt showed them how to do it from a standing position. Twenty minutes later, Callie felt more than ready to use it in her match that night. And she’d even admit that Matt was a good teacher—but maybe not better than Nick.
“Well, thanks for the lesson Professor Jackson,” Britt said. “But I’m starving now.”
“No problem,” Matt said. He gave her a wave as she ducked through the ropes; but even though Callie was hungry too, she didn’t follow her. She and Matt both watched as Britt walked away. As soon as she disappeared down one of the entrance tunnels, Matt asked, “So are you still staying at her place?”
Callie glanced sheepishly down at the canvas. She and Matt had texted back and forth throughout the week, but they hadn’t talked about Adam or their “separation.” They’d talked about anything but: what they were up to on any given day, memories from their time together on the indies, funny things they saw online. And Callie had enjoyed it; it had been a nice distraction. But, now that they were face-to-face, she wasn’t surprised that he wanted an update on the situation.
“No,” she revealed. “But not because Adam and I worked it out. I felt like I was starting to overstay my welcome with Britt and Cole, so I’m staying at the hotel here between now and Thursday’s episode. But after that... I don’t know.”
Callie frowned to herself, realizing just how pathetic that sounded. After tonight, everyone else on the roster would go home to their families and houses; and she’d still be in Jacksonville, living alone in a hotel room for the next five days. She knew she could probably just go back to Virginia; no matter their issues, she doubted Adam would put her out. But her pride kept her away. She didn’t want to go crawling back to someone who she wasn’t sure even wanted her anymore.
“So you and Adam still haven’t talked at all?” Matt asked.
She shook her head. “Not since last week’s Dynamite. And that wasn’t a productive conversation.” She fidgeted, hoping he wouldn’t ask her to elaborate; she really didn’t want to get into her late-night confrontation with Adam and Alex. Thankfully, he seemed to get the hint and left it alone.
“Well, did you have any plans for tonight?”
She looked back at him, a deer in headlights. “Not really. Why?”
He shrugged, casual. “We’re going out to dinner like usual after the show, and I thought I’d see if you wanted to come with.”
Callie’s eyebrows arched at the invitation. Those dinners were sacred. At least, they seemed to be. “With you and Nick and Kenny?”
“Yeah,” he returned, visibly amused by her shock. “Why not? We’re friends.”
“I’m friends with you and Nick,” she corrected. “Kenny… not so much.”
“It’ll be fine,” he breathed. “Besides, I won’t be surprised if Kenny bails. He’s too busy chasing after Alex.”
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Him and Adam both, it seems.
“So… you wanna come?” Matt asked.
Callie chewed the inside of her mouth, considering. She knew she couldn’t avoid Adam forever. But dinner with the Bucks—and even Kenny—was more appealing than any conversation she and her estranged boyfriend could have.
“Sure, why not?”
* * * * * * * * * *
“So, we’re totally going out tonight, right?” Chuck asked.
“Affirmative,” James said. Trent nodded, his mouth full of food. Alex, however, didn’t say anything. She was too engrossed with her phone.
She looked up. All three of them stared expectantly at her from across the table. “Oh, yeah,” she reflexively agreed. “I’m down.”
Chuck smiled. “Cool.”
The three of them started talking about where they should go, but Alex tuned them out, her thoughts turning inward as she looked back down at her phone. Her conversation with Cash last Saturday hadn’t just ended because Kenny had sent her one of the most adorable pictures she’d ever seen. She looked over their texts now, ruminating.
You should have texted me, she’d sent him back. I should have texted you.
I know, he’d replied. We’ve both made emotional mistakes. But I want to move forward, Alex. With you.
I’m worried we can’t. Everything is so fucked.
Let’s talk at Dynamite next week. I don’t want to do it over the phone.
After that, they’d texted here and there throughout the week—he’d sent her screenshots of stupid things fans said to him on Twitter and more pictures and videos of his dog, she’d sent him silly little updates about how she was filling her time being stuck at the house. It was almost like things were normal between them. But Alex knew they were far from normal. And, depending how their conversation went today, she might need a few drinks with the boys.
“Hey, guys.”
Alex looked back up as Adam suddenly joined them. She locked her phone and put it face down on the table as she exchanged a glance with Chuck. Word had gotten around about what was going on with Adam and Callie; Alex had heard their names whispered more than once since she’d arrived at Daily’s Place. Adam must have picked up on it. He looked tired. She could only imagine how he felt.
“Hey, man,” Trent greeted. “How’s it going?”
“Wondering what the hell I’m doing here,” Adam returned. “I don’t have a match at all, on Dynamite or Dark. Kenny does. He’s wrestling Dark Order with Matt and Nick.”
Alex’s frown deepened. Kenny had mentioned that to her. She hadn’t known what to make of it then and still didn’t know what to make of it now.
“Well, come out with us tonight,” Chuck offered. “It’ll be better than sitting around doing nothing.”
Adam paused to look back at him. “What?”
“We’re going out for drinks after the show. You should come with.” He snapped his fingers, suddenly thinking of something. “It’ll be like that thing I’ve seen on Twitter. What was it?”
“Cowpals,” James provided.
“Yes!” Chuck proclaimed, an excited smile on his face. “It’ll be like Cowpals.”
Adam went back to his food. “That’s not a thing.”
“Oh, we’ll make it a thing,” Trent said.
A corner of Adam’s mouth quirked up. But the smirk was gone as soon as it appeared. “Well, let me know when and where, I guess. I’m probably gonna drink anyway, so might as well do it with y’all.”
“Will do,” Chuck said—just as Alex’s phone let out a chirp. She tried not to seem too eager as she picked it up off the table and looked at the screen.
Hey, if you’re free I’m in our locker room.
Alex stared at the text. Now or never.
Alright, I’ll be there in a minute. She hit “send” and grabbed her plate of half-eaten food as she stood from the table. “I’ll see you guys later,” she said, and she walked off before they could ask any questions, threw her plate in the trash, and went out the door in the direction of FTR’s locker room.
She tried to keep her mind blank as she walked, tried not to anticipate what Cash might say to her, but it didn’t stop her body from overheating with anxiety. By the time she reached his locker room, her heart was beating so hard that she worried it would burst from her chest. Her palm was clammy as she knocked.
“Come in,” he called from inside. She opened the door. He stood when he saw her. “Hey.”
“Hey,” she returned, and she crossed the room and hugged him.
Cash wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. The familiar scent of his cologne filled Alex’s nose, and she was transported back to that night at Adam’s house, as they’d hugged in the hall in the dark. She remembered how she’d felt then, like she’d known exactly what she wanted. She wished she felt that way now.
“I’ve missed this,” Cash said. He rubbed his hand over her back in slow circles. Alex relished in the feel of it.
“I have, too.” She pulled back and looked at him in question. “Is Dax…?”
“He knows what’s going on. He won’t interrupt us or anything.”
She nodded. He took her by the hand and led her over to the couch. He didn’t let go after they sat down, their knees touching.
“Thank you for coming,” he said.
Alex looked down at their hands, watched and felt as he rubbed his thumb over her skin. “I’m surprised you wanted to talk,” she said, her voice small. “I haven’t exactly given you reason to want to.”
Cash squeezed her hand. “I shouldn’t have told you choose that night, Alex.”
She flicked her eyes up to meet his, stunned. Of all the things he could have said, she’d expected that the least.
“I shouldn’t have told you to sleep somewhere else,” he went on. “I was hurt, and it was a knee-jerk reaction. I’m sorry. We should have talked it through right then and there. We should have slept in the same bed.”
Alex’s eyes stung. It tugged on her heartstrings to hear him say that; she’d been aching to hear him say those exact words, and now that he had it was like a weight had been lifted from her chest. But it didn’t make the situation any easier. “I’m sorry that I hurt you,” she said. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you didn’t, sweetheart. I know.”
She frowned. But you don’t know what I’ve done since.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said.
Alex glanced away again. She wrestled with herself, debating whether she really should tell him what she was thinking. But, in the end, her conscience won out—no matter how badly she knew the truth would hurt.
“Um, when I saw you walk into the hotel with Callie last week, it stung. And I know you just went out as friends; I believe you. Callie said the same thing. But, in that moment, I didn’t know what to think. I just saw what I saw, and I got jealous. I felt like I was the furthest thing from your mind. And on top of the shit with Dark Order it was just too much and I… I stayed with Kenny that night.”
She had to tell him. For the sake of honesty, she had to. He let go of her hand and ran his palm over his face. Her heart pounded in her ears.
“Did you sleep with him?” he asked.
“No,” she said.
He went quiet. Contemplative. When he spoke again, there was an edge to his voice that hadn’t been there before. “So what are you saying? That you want to be with him?”
Alex’s brow furrowed. “No. I’m saying exactly what I said. I was hurt and jealous when I saw you walk in with Callie, so I went running to Kenny. It was an emotional decision. But it felt like you’d already moved on.”
Cash cut his eyes at her. “Are you serious? Do you really think I’d do that to Adam? To you?”
“I don’t mean moved on with Callie,” she clarified with a breath. “I mean in general. I mean, you went from saying you wanted to talk to me to fleeing the arena without so much as a word. And then on top of it you went out drinking with my friend instead of trying to talk to me.”
“You could have just as easily texted me, Alex. And I would have told you that it was nothing.”
“I know I could have,” she admitted. “I’m not saying I’m blameless in this; I know I’m not. This whole thing has been a clusterfuck of jealousy, and mistakes, and miscommunication.”
Cash shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. Maybe everything is just too fucked now.”
Alex’s heart dropped into her stomach. With those seven words, just like that, the mood in the room suddenly shifted. There wasn’t hope or forgiveness between them anymore. There was a wall. A dead end of her own construction.
A tear rolled down Alex’s cheek and she wiped it away. A thought lingered on the tip of her tongue, and she couldn’t swallow it down. “Do you think things would be different right now if we’d talked it through that night?”
Cash didn’t look at her as he answered. “I did. But now I’m not sure.”
Alex’s chest constricted. There was nothing left to say; more words would be the casket that put her six feet under. She stood from the couch and walked to the door on shaky legs. As she gripped the doorknob, she looked remorsefully back at him. There was one last thing she had to say.
“For what it’s worth, I do think things would be different if we’d talked that night. But I don’t blame you for thinking otherwise.”
Cash looked up. Their eyes met one last time—his full of hurt, hers regret—and then Alex forced herself out the door.
* * * * * * * * * *
She went through the rest of the afternoon in a daze. She was there but not fully present. Trapped in her thoughts. Listless. Apathetic. And it damn near got her injured again.
A third of the way through the show, Alex, Trent, and Chuck had accompanied Orange to the ring for his interview with Tony Schiavone about his win over Chris Jericho the week before. But Jericho had interrupted. After Jericho had challenged Orange to a ridiculous Mimosa Mayhem match at All Out—which Orange had accepted—the rest of the Inner Circle had surrounded the ring and attacked them. Alex hadn’t reacted quickly enough, and Trent had literally pushed her to safety. It had been a shock to her system, and she’d watched helplessly from the floor as Inner Circle laid waste to her friends and drowned Orange in champagne. Now, as she followed Chuck and Trent through the entrance tunnel to the back, carrying a defeated and embarrassed Orange between them, all Alex wanted was to go back to the hotel, take a hot shower, and go to sleep. She didn’t want to go out anymore. She just wanted to crawl into bed and forget this day had ever happened.
Someone caught her arm as she crossed through Gorilla. She looked up. Kenny stared down at her, concern etched into his blue eyes. Alex blinked; she’d walked right by him, completely unaware. He was in his gear. His match with the Bucks against Dark Order must be next.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she returned. “They waterboarded Orange with champagne, not me.”
Kenny pursed his lips. “I don’t mean that. You seemed a little… out of it out there. What’s going on?”
She glanced after Chuck, Trent, and Orange as they disappeared backstage. Alex didn’t want to do this with Kenny. Not right now, in the middle of Gorilla, in front of Matt and Nick and a ton of other prying eyes. She wasn’t sure she even wanted to do it at all.
“I said I’m fine, Kenny. Alright?”
She pulled away from him and tried to go after her friends; but he caught her again. She bit down on her jaw in frustration as he stepped in front of her.
“I know that means you’re not,” he said. “What’s wrong?”
Alex let out an agitated breath. “It’s just been a shitty day, alright? But you’ll be happy to know that it’s officially over between Cash and me.”
She looked away, feeling that tightness in her chest again. She hadn’t meant to blurt that out, much less so sarcastically. But maybe it was good that she had. It was her raw emotion. Kenny should feel it.
He moved his hands to her shoulders, gently gripping, his fingers pressing into her skin. “Alex, I’m confused. You spent the night in my bed last week. The way things have been between us… I thought that was what you wanted?”
“It was,” she breathed. “When I woke up with you that morning… it was what I wanted. And when I hugged Cash ten minutes ago, before everything fell apart, that was what I wanted. My heart has been in two places for weeks, and there’s nothing fucking left, Kenny.”
She stared up at him, weary and broken, the truth laid bare at her feet. Kenny searched her eyes, just wanting to understand—
“Hey, Ken, we’re up.”
He closed his eyes at the sound of Nick’s voice. “Alright,” he breathed. He looked back at Alex. “I’m sorry. I promise we’ll talk about this later, okay?”
Alex drew in a steadying breath. She wasn’t sure she would want to talk about it later, but she nodded anyway. “Yeah, okay.”
He gave her a squeeze, and Alex watched as he turned and disappeared down the entrance tunnel, a hollow feeling in her gut.
* * * * * * * * * *
Callie had told Matt she’d meet them at the restaurant. She’d taken more time than she’d expected getting ready before she’d left, carefully applying her makeup and styling her hair. Even Britt had commented on how much care she was paying to her appearance just for dinner with Matt, Nick, and Kenny. Callie had brushed her off, claiming that she just felt good after winning her match against Penelope. But even she hadn’t fully believed herself as she’d said it.
Unsurprisingly, they’d chosen T.G.I. Friday’s. Callie spotted them through the window as she walked toward the building; Nick saw her and waved. When she got inside, she slid into the free spot in the booth next to Matt, across from Nick. Kenny was typing away on his phone, oblivious.
“Hey,” she greeted. “Sorry I’m a little late.”
“No worries,” Nick said. “We’ve only been here like five minutes.”
Matt smiled at her. “I’m glad you came.”
She smiled back. “Thanks for inviting me.”
She opened her menu and started looking—she was starving—when Nick cleared his throat. Callie glanced up. He was staring expectantly at Kenny, still engrossed with his phone. He nudged him with his elbow.
“What?” Kenny looked up, startled. “Oh, hey, Callie,” he said, and went right back to typing.
“Are you writing a novel there, bud?” Matt asked.
Kenny glanced up just long enough to shoot him a sarcastic glare. Matt looked apologetically back at Callie. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, as if to say it was fine.
“Congrats on winning your match tonight, by the way,” Nick said.
“Oh, thanks,” Callie smiled. “It felt good. Congrats on winning yours, too. I’m sure Alex appreciated your extra effort after the bell, Kenny.”
The air seemed to thicken as Kenny looked up at her snide comment. She didn’t need to elaborate—they all knew exactly what she meant. After Kenny had put away Dark Order’s Five with a One-Winged Angel, he’d grabbed a steel chair and nearly powerbombed him on it; Matt had pulled the chair out of the way just in time. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that he’d tried the stunt to avenge Alex for last week. In fact, he’d seemed to wrestle that whole match angry. He definitely looked angry now.
“I don’t know; we haven’t talked about it,” he evenly returned. “Actually, I think Alex is out drinking with your boyfriend right now.”
He set his phone down and opened his menu. Callie’s eyes narrowed. This was going to be a long dinner.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Okay. You, me, darts. If I win, you show me your boobs.”
Adam watched as Alex playfully rolled her eyes at Trent’s suggestion. She was a shot of Jose and a beer-and-a-half deep and feeling it; he could tell by the lazy smile on her lips. She always got that smile when she drank.
“And if I win?” she asked.
Trent looked up, deep in thought. “If you win… I’ll pay for your next set of gear.”
“Deal,” Alex immediately accepted, and she grabbed Trent’s wrist and pulled him over to the dart boards, a satisfied grin on his face. Adam shook his head as they went.
“Y’all are weird,” he said with a drink of his nearly empty beer.
“Oh come on,” Chuck returned. “You’ve known Alex longer than us. You were probably acquainted with Mariposa years before we ever gave her a name.”
He shook his head. “No comment.”
“That’s guilty,” James quipped.
“Yeah, it is,” Chuck smirked in agreement.
Adam drained the rest of his beer to hide his grin. He almost hadn’t come out with them tonight—he was surprised they’d still wanted to at all, after what the Inner Circle had done to Orange—but he was glad he had. If he hadn’t, he’d just be sitting in his hotel room, ruminating. About how his relationships with his girlfriend and his tag team partner were falling apart at the seams, about how he wasn’t sure who his real friends were anymore. Buzzing on whiskey and with nothing better to do, he’d confronted FTR back at the arena about what they’d done to Ricky Morton last week, about how Dax had faked a leg injury the week before that—and they’d completely turned it around on him. Something about how it wasn’t personal; how they’d needed to know if they could trust him after all the nasty things Matt, Nick, and Kenny had said about them; something about how he’d always been stuck in their shadow. They weren’t wrong. And with a tag team gauntlet match next week to determine who would get a shot at Adam and Kenny’s championships at All Out, Adam wasn’t sure he wanted to give Matt and Nick yet another opportunity to eclipse him.
“You guys want another?” James asked.
“Yeah,” Chuck said while Adam nodded. “Put it on Trent’s tab.”
James pointed at him as he stood from the table. “Was already planning on it.”
He walked off, and Adam’s eyes drifted to where Alex played darts with Trent. She stood close to him, her fingers laced behind her back, and just as he was about to throw his dart, she tilted her chin up, pursed her lips, and blew into his ear. He flinched, and she let out a loud laugh as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to say something in her ear. Alex pushed him away, a flirtatious grin on her face, and Trent turned back to the board and threw his dart.
“Trent certainly seems to like Mariposa,” Adam remarked.
Chuck scoffed as he glanced over his shoulder. “Are you kidding? He loves her.” He turned back around. “It annoyed me when I had feelings for Alex, too.”
Adam went stiff. He reflexively reached for his beer only to remember he’d finished it. He gripped his empty glass anyway, just to have something to do. “Too?” he shot.
Chuck met his question with skeptical eyes. “Come on, man. I recognize that look.”
Adam shifted in his seat. “I don’t know what look you’re talking about,” he said—but Chuck didn’t buy that, either.
“Sure, you don’t,” he dismissed.
Adam bit down on his jaw and glanced toward the bar. James needed to get back with the beer, already.
“Look, I get it,” Chuck went on. “Alex is your friend, and your relationship status is complicated right now. And so is Alex’s,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Plus, there was that time Callie hit her with a chair because she thought you two were screwing around. I don’t think I’d want to prove her right, either.”
Adam rolled his eyes. “Is there a point you’re trying to make?”
He shook his head. “Not really. I’m just saying; I recognize that look.”
James returned with a beer pitcher in hand, and not a moment too soon. “Trent was feeling generous,” he smirked as he set it on the table.
Adam grabbed it and refilled his glass. The way this night was going, he might need a whole pitcher to himself before it was over.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex almost hadn’t come out tonight, but she was glad she had. If she hadn’t, she’d just be laying in her and Chuck’s hotel room, replaying her conversation with Cash and all of the decisions that had led up to it. The boys had no idea what had happened; she didn’t want to tell them, didn’t want to talk about it. Thankfully, they’d been too preoccupied with what had happened to Orange and the upcoming tag team gauntlet match to ask her why she’d been so spacey all day. She hoped it stayed that way. She just wanted to forget about it.
“You do realize you’re about to lose, right?”
She pursed her lips at Trent. “We haven’t been scoring properly.”
“But I’ve gotten more closer to the bullseye than you.”
Alex just took another sip of her beer. Trent squared up and tossed his final dart. It stuck in the single bullseye.  
He gave her a cocky smirk. “I’d say that’s a pretty definitive victory.”
“Congratulations,” she slyly returned.
He rubbed his hands together, basking in his win. “So, where do you want to do this? The bathroom? Actually, no—I can wait until we get back to the hotel. I want you to be as comfortable as possible.”
Alex stepped close and put her hand on his shoulder; he reflexively put his on her hip. She frowned apologetically up at him. “Oh, Trent. Mariposa made the bet, but it’s Alex’s body.”
His head fell back. “Goddammit,” he breathed.
A wide grin broke out over her face. “Come on, I need a refill.”
They walked back to the table. Adam sat alone with a nearly empty pitcher of beer, his phone in his hand. Alex gave him curious look as she sat down across from him.
“Where’re Chuck and James?”
He glanced up at her. “Oh, they went to buy shots and a round of pool on Trent’s tab.”
“What?” With that Trent hurried off to the other side of the bar, leaving Alex alone with Adam. She reached for the beer pitcher.
“Want more?” she offered.
He shook his head. “No,” he said, and so she emptied it into her glass. “So, did you lose?” he asked her.
“Yeah,” she answered. “But he’s not seeing anything.”
Adam shook his head again, a smirk on his lips. “You’re a tease, you know that?”
“I take that as a compliment, thank you very much.” She grinned at him as she reached for her purse and pulled out her phone. She’d put it on silent and thrown it in her bag as soon as they’d arrived, keeping it out of sight and out of mind; but she couldn’t avoid the temptation any longer. She was expecting to see a whole lot of nothing—but she had a text, unsurprisingly, from Kenny. Her pulse started to race as she read it.
I’m sorry that you’ve felt torn in two the last few weeks, Alex. It kills me to know that I’ve been a cause of it. All I want is for you to be happy, no matter what that means. I understand if you need some time and space. I’ll be here. You have my whole heart.
He ended it with a red heart emoji. A chaotic mix of emotions battled within Alex as she stared at it—anger, frustration, love. She couldn’t tell which one of them would win out in the end.
“Is everything alright?”
She looked up at Adam’s question. “Yeah,” she noncommittally answered as she slipped her phone back in her purse. “It was just a text from Kenny.”
He arched a brow. “You’re not gonna answer it?”
“No,” she returned. “Not right now.”  
The atmosphere grew awkward and she took a sip of her beer. Alex didn’t think he would ask; he couldn’t ask without opening up the floor for questions about his personal life, too, and she knew he didn’t want to talk about his any more than she wanted to talk about hers.
But she thought wrong.
“Do you want to be with him?”
Alex glanced across the bar. It didn’t look like the boys would be coming back anytime soon, so she obliged him. “The answer to that question seems to change every day.”
He nodded. “I guess it’s the same for Cash?”
She looked down at her drink. “Well, Cash pretty much closed the door on us today so. No.”
If Adam was surprised to hear that, Alex couldn’t tell. He had a quiet, introspective look on his face, like he wasn’t sure what to say. No—like he had something to say but wasn’t sure he should. She turned the tables on him before he had the chance to spit it out.
“What about Callie? Is that how you feel about her?”
He nodded. “Yeah,” he admitted.
Alex let out a frustrated huff. She propped her elbow on the table and leaned her head in her hand, tired. “Why?” she asked. “What happened? Did you fall out of love, or something?”
He stared at a spot on the table. “I don’t know if I fell out of love so much as her insecurities just became a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Alex froze. She gripped her drink harder, pressing her fingertips against the glass. Her voice came out nervous as she asked, “A self-fulfilling prophecy about what?”
Adam’s eyes met hers, vulnerable and blue. Obvious. “You know what, Alex.”
Alex’s heart leapt into her throat. This wasn’t happening. Not here, not now, not after all the other shit she’d already gone through. What was he thinking? She couldn’t deal with it. She couldn’t.
“I’m gonna go make sure Trent doesn’t kill them,” she said, and she grabbed her purse and hurried away in panic, pretending that her oldest friend hadn’t just admitted that to her.
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set-wingedwarrior · 5 years
Prompt: Bumbleby; Yang running on a treadmill while connected to a heart monitor as part of a stress test, the stress proving too much for Yang's heart, resulting in a massive heart attack/cardiac arrest and Blake must revive her. Feel free to tweak this to your liking.
I'll be honest bud, when I got your prompt it kinda drove crazy. How was I supposed to give Yang, strong healthy woman, a heart attack because of a run??? So, long story short, I deserve a medal for this xD It's a little forced maybe, but I made it work. Hope you'll like it!
“Blake, please-”
“No Yang, I won’t let you do this!”
Yang sighed.
The situation in Mantle was tragic, but Dr. Polendina wasn’t the only scientist who enjoyed to work down there. After Ironwood’s martial law, and Salem’s imminent arrival (That giant Grimm whale was as scary as it was slow), he got in touch with some other great minds, friends of his.
There was only so much they could do, and the priority at the moment, considering how Atlas was abandoning them, was to somehow restore the heat generators.
The only way they found was somehow connecting their auras to a device that supposedly would generate heat and get everything back functioning again, but they soon found out that it wasn’t enough; it needed a powerful semblance to link to that.
That’s where Yang comes into play.
Someone so powerful and with a fire-based semblance? It was perfect, a miracle! But the procedure had its risks, and they were mindful to warn and give her a choice.
Predictably enough, Yang accepted the risks and responsibility in a heartbeat. The same couldn’t be said for Blake though.
“You heard them, they need a powerful aura and semblance to have a chance for it to work.”
“Then why don’t we send Nora?” Blake wasn’t proud of herself for being willing to sacrifice another friend above another, but it was Yang they were talking about “Who better than someone with a electricity-based semblance to reactivate a system!?!” she couldn’t lose her.
“Because they need heat, not electricity.” Yang calmly explained. She understood Blake’s feelings, she would’ve acted the same in her place, so she didn’t hold her offering of Nora against her “Plus, Nora conducts electricity, she doesn’t produce it like I do with my fire.”
“I still don’t want you to do this.”
I don’t want to lose you.
“Blake.” Yang carefully approached her, gently taking her hands in hers “I don’t know what else to say. But it might save hundreds of lives: I have to do this.”
The Faunus knew from the beginning that she wouldn’t have been able to change her mind, not when Yang already made her decision, when it was about everyone’s wellbeing, hers included. She just hoped she would.
“I’ll be fine.” Yang added, hoping to soothe at least some of her fears, even if she was in no position to make any promises.
Blake carelessly dropped Yang’s hands, worrying the blonde for a moment, before settling hers around her waist in a crushing hug “You better be.”
Yang hugged her back, holding her around her shoulders and close to her chest. Blake was able to listen to Yang’s heartbeat from there, and she focused on the calming regularity of her beats as if it was the last time she would hear them, yet praying with her whole being that it wasn’t.
They stayed like that until later, when the scientists came to retrieve Yang, informing her that the device was ready. Blake stubbornly followed them, refusing to leave her side; she had a promise to keep after all.
 “…this is going to work, right?” Blake asked Pietro, but her real question was clear; will she be safe?
“We took all the available precautions; this is as safe as it can be.” Pietro answered honestly. He learned quickly how much the group valued honesty.
Blake nodded, worryingly looking over Yang. The blonde was on a treadmill, a lot of suction cups with cables connected to a monitor stuck on her chest.
The plan was to slowly trigger her semblance, keeping it under control and using fatigue (aka running) instead of a brutal beating. Yang wasn’t really sure if it would’ve worked like that, but she never tried either. She could even gain a new way to use her semblance out of this, which was good.
“Are you ready?” Piero asked. Yang answered with a thumbs up and an encouraging grin made specifically for Blake.
The scientists turned the device on, and Yang started running, taking it slow to release her semblance power. The monitor lit up with all the data about her aura, semblance, power, and heartbeat. The latter somehow reassured Blake.
After more or less ten minutes they could see it was working. Their machine was taking up on all the energy, storing it until it would be enough to try and reactivate the heat system for the whole city.
Yang was panting and sweating, not much for such a short time run, but under the effort to control her semblance to such a gradual buildup. She now had shiny hair and red eyes, but instead of her usual explosion of fire and power it was like a little flame that she was trying to keep at moderate measure, not too much to burst into a fire and not too less to burn out.
It seemed to go and work pretty well, but the moment Blake started relaxing something went wrong.
The monitor started beeping, Yang’s heartbeat went crazy irregular while the girl gripped on her chest in pain, yet still stubbornly keeping running.
“What is going on?” Blake demanded out of the scientists, but didn’t even let them open their mouth “Yang, stop!”
The blonde did stop, but not because of Blake’s order; her heart abruptly stopped functioning and the girl fell ungraciously to the ground.
“YANG!” Blake screamed, and immediately ran beside her partner.
Uncaring of everything and everyone else, she detached all the devices from Yang and gently laid her back to the ground, checking her wrist and neck both for her pulse. There was none.
Slightly panicked, Blake tried again leaning her hear to her chest, just to get the same answer.
“Yang!” Blake cried again, with tears in her eyes, but refused to let panic and fears control her. No, if she wanted to help her, she needed to stay calm.
Blake took a deep breath, then got immediately to work, straddling Yang’s hips and leaning her hands to her chest. Summoning all the first-aid knowledge she got both from Beacon and the White Fang, she started the first thirty compressions series.
Blake paused, pinched Yang’s nose tight and leaned down to join their lips and blew. She then leaned down to find pulse: there was none.
She tried again and again there was nothing.
“Yang, please!” Blake was fully crying now, but that didn’t stop her from continuing the CPR. “You can’t leave me!” She wouldn’t stop until Yang opened her eyes.
Minutes went by and Blake was getting more and more desperate. She was about to lose hope, when Yang abruptly opened her eyes with a choked gasp.
“Yang!” Blake sighed as the greatest relief she ever felt washed over her. She never thought to say that, but not even their past encounters with Adam scared her like that.
Blake took place beside her, gently pulling the blonde up to help her breath, and only when she was certain Yang was out of risks did she pull her close to her chest.
“Don’t you ever scare me like that again! You heard me?” Blake cried in her hair, holding her closer. Yang nodded subtly and hugged her back.
Blake never was a controlling person, knowing from personal experience how bad it felt, and always let others free in their choices. But, as sure as the moon was scattered, as long as she was breathing, she would never let Yang put her life at risk like that ever again.
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writteninsunshine · 3 years
Death Is A Beginning Not An End Chp 001/025 - Jerry Dandridge/Ed Lee - SFW
Title: Death Is A Beginning Not An End
Author: Reno
Fandom: Fright Night
Setting: Various
Pairing: Jerry Dandridge/”Evil” Ed Lee (Main), Charley Brewster/Amy Peterson, Past Mark/”Evil” Ed Lee, Charley Brewster/Peter Vincent/”Evil” Ed Lee
Characters: Jerry Dandridge, “Evil” Ed Lee, Charley Brewster, Peter Vincent, Mark, Amy Peterson, Jane Brewster, Adam, Ben, OC: Heather Charles
Genre: Romance/Adventure/Hurt/Comfort/Angst/Drama
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/25
Word Count: 2379
Type Of Work: Chapter Fic
Status: Incomplete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, AU - Omegaverse, AU - A/B/O, AU - Soulmates, AU - Canon Divergent, Vampire Typical Violence, Omega Ed Lee, Alpha Jerry Dandridge, Alpha Peter Vincent, Alpha Charley Brewster, Violence, Gore, Character Death, Cunnilingus, Blowjobs, Virgin Ed Lee, Vaginal Sex, Threesomes, Pack Mating, A/B/O Dynamics, Vampire Turning, Vampires Feeding, Underage, Charley and Ed are 17
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except Heather.
Summary: "Every time I find you, I turn you. I won't make that mistake again."
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have Twitter and Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunnywritings, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD I can PM it to people who want it on FFN, for everyone else, it’s here: https://discord.gg/FyaWw25
So, there are absolutely no stories for my OTP for this fandom, so I have to feed myself content. Hopefully, someone will see it and also want to spread the love for these two. At any rate, I hope you guys enjoy this fic, it’ll be kind of long. I have no idea how long, but I hope that I can do them justice.
Fright Night Fic Masterlist
Chapter One: Bright Lights 
It had been weeks since the last time he’d heard from Charley, and Ed was starting to get offended. How could his best friend just up and abandon him like this for the popular guys? Mark and Ben were assholes, the worst kind, gaping, infected, disgusting. Ed couldn’t fathom hanging out with the two stoners, but he figured Charley saw something in them because he spent all his time with them and Amy.
Still, Ed was feeling left out. Charley had been so close to him and Adam, and now it was just radio static on his end. He’d decided that after school, he would try to go see if he could get a hold of Charley by going to his house. His parents had needed him at home, however, so he’d gone home to handle his chores and the family trip to Pizza Hut. After his room was clean, the garbage was on the curb, and his belly was full, the sun was already starting to set. Regardless, he was going to see Charley even if it killed him.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have had that thought.
As he walked, he listened to a playlist on his iPod that would hopefully give him the confidence to confront his friend. When he saw Charley’s house up the street, he pulled his headphones out and started to cross over the neighbor’s lawn, jogging lightly.
“Hey!” A rather muscular man snapped at him, standing in the shadow of his house, “Don’t run on my lawn!” The Alpha barked, using the tone he knew would make the Omega listen. Ed paused, staring at him for a moment, just standing on his lawn with wide eyes, not unlike a deer in the headlights.
“What did I just say,” His statement wasn’t a question, but a barked order, and he narrowed his eyes as he crossed his lawn with all the power and grace of a tiger stalking its prey, “Move, Omega.” He growled, finally close enough to touch the teen before him. He’d smelled the Omega on him from far away, but suddenly he was hit with a strong, desperate need to be close. It made him take pause, blinking a little.
He was the one. The one he’d been searching for.
Taking Ed by his armpits, he lifted him up like he weighed nothing and strolled to the sidewalk, placing him down gently on the concrete. Ed continued to stare up at him, somehow feeling safe with the glaring Alpha. It was strange, he didn’t know what was happening to him. Most Alphas made him feel flighty and skittish when they were older, and now he felt like he’d die if he left his presence.
“Stay off my lawn, okay?” The man’s voice was softer, now, a purr threatening to underline his words. “I’m Jerry, by the way.”
“Ed.” Finally, he found his voice, nodding a little, “I… Y-yeah, I’ll stay off it.” 
Ed couldn’t believe how strange he felt right now, drawn to this stranger like he’d known him his entire life.
“Nice to meet you, Ed.” It was hard not to call him something else, any pet name he could. ‘Precious’ came to mind and he had to shake his head to relieve himself of the thought. “Now, get.” He patted the Omega’s back, giving him a little push in the direction he’d been going.
“Yeah.” Ed nodded, still lost in the fog of being near Jerry. He started walking, hesitant to leave, towards Charley’s house, looking over his shoulder as Jerry started for his front door. “Fuck.” He muttered, rubbing at his hip a little as he took the steps to the door at a jog. Knocking on the door, he waited for a minute or so before ringing the doorbell. It hit him as he rang that he didn’t remember walking to the door.
Jane answered after another ring, and Ed smiled at her. Her return smile was tight, almost sad.
“Hey, Ed.” She offered lamely, “Looking for Charley?”
“Yeah, I, uh, I need to talk to him about something.” Nervousness and an odd sense of despair filled him and he closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, “Is he home?”
Jane visibly tried to sort out an answer and Ed knew that meant he was home but had asked not to speak to him. He sighed, shaking his head.
“No, no.” She sighed, unable to handle the sadness tinging his scent, “ He’s home, upstairs in his room. I don’t know if he’s asleep already or not.” She told him, stepping aside and opening the door up for him. “Come on in.”
With a nod, Ed entered the house, hands in his pockets to keep from fidgeting with them. 
“Thanks.” He smiled, though it was saddened, anxious, it didn’t meet his eyes.
“It’s no trouble, just knock before you go in.” She knew her son needed his privacy sometimes, and she didn’t know what he was doing up there at the moment.
“Yeah, I will.” He almost didn’t want to. Heading up the stairs, he sighed as he came to a stop in front of the other’s room. He knocked twice before entering without waiting for an ‘okay’, afraid he would lose his nerve.
“Ed!? What the hell, man!?” Charley exclaimed, eyes wide as he put down the book he was reading for class. He laid out on his bed, one leg bent up against the mattress., but he shot up when Ed entered the room, “You’re supposed to wait before coming in!” He added, eyes narrowing. “What do you want?” It was clear Charley wasn’t impressed with him just showing up unannounced. Even his mom didn’t warn him.
“It’s not like you’re masturbating, I don’t see the problem. I need to talk to you, asshole.” Ed snarled, crossing his arms and shaking his head, “What’s the deal? You’re just going to abandon me and Adam for those dickweeds?” 
“Man, you don’t get it,” Charley sighed, shaking his head. The Alpha smelled acrid like he was pained, but Ed ignored it the best he could. “I need this.”
“You need this? Why? I don’t think Amy cares who you’re friends with! Those assholes are gonna throw you to the wolves the second you fuck up.”
“They’re…” He wanted to say ‘good friends’, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it in front of the best friend he’d ever had, “Not so bad.” That was the best he could do.
“Not so bad? Not so bad?” Ed’s voice was shrill and it was clear he didn’t like to hear that. “Mark’s been bullying me since grade school!”
“I… I know, but he’s better, now.” He wasn’t actually better, if anything, his bullying had gotten worse.
“He’s just better because you aren’t a target anymore.” Ed huffed, growling a little under his breath. “I can’t fucking believe you. You can’t ever hang out with me anymore? Not even a little bit? Come on, man, this isn’t you.”
“It’s me, now, Ed.” Charley snapped, eyes narrowing, “Grow up, move on, it’s time we both did.” 
Ed had to hold back from another growl, taking a deep, steadying breath and trying not to lose his mind over this. Charley was pissing him off something awful and he was ready to go back to the good feeling he had when he was with Jerry. His thoughts strayed to him and he couldn’t help but bite back a smile. This was no time to feel soft and mushy over a stranger he’d just met.
“You’re a fucking asshole, Charley.” He growled, finally finding his ability to speak. “I hope you rot for this, it’s not fucking fair.”
And Ed was right, it wasn’t fair, and Charley knew that. But he had to keep up appearances. Amy wouldn’t want to date a loser like he used to be. He needed to be cool, and hanging out with Mark and Ben made him cool. It wasn’t like Amy would accept him being friends with Ed and Adam. He had to move on, and he was trying so hard. It wasn’t easy, especially with the scent of despair mixing with the calming scent of rosemary and fire filling his room. Ed was clearly upset and all he wanted to do was hug the Omega standing in his doorway. Soothing him with his scent and a firm hold sounded like the best option, but he went still and glued himself to his bed instead.
“I… Yeah, maybe I am an asshole.” He conceded, shaking his head and standing up. “But you know what? This is my life, now. If you can’t accept it, then I guess you won’t accept that I’ve moved on and that’s fine. I’m not about to abandon my life for you. We can’t be doing... Whatever this is.”
“You’re such a dickweasel, you know that? When they turn on you, and they will, don’t come crying to me. I won’t take you back.” Ed snapped, finally turning on his heels and storming out of the room. It was possible, he realized, that Ed was crying. There was a salty scent in the room, now, and he felt his stomach sink. Charley wanted so badly to call him back, but he heard the front door slam and knew it was too late.
Texting Amy, he hoped she would offer him some form of solace.
[Text To: Amy, 8:07 PM] Hey, what are you up to?
[Text To: Charley Barley, 8:09 PM] Just getting ready for bed, wyd?
[Text To: Amy, 8:09 PM] Ed came over
[Text To: Amy, 8:10 PM] I feel like shit. He’s pissed.
[Text To: Charley Barley, 8:14 PM] Oh shit, u ok?
[Text To: Amy, 8:18 PM] I don’t think so. It hurts
[Text To: Charley Barley, 8:20 PM] U don’t have to leave him u kno. He’s still ur bff.
[Text To: Amy, 8:21 PM] It’s too late now, I don’t think he is anymore. He called me a dickweasel and an asshole and stormed out of my house.
[Text To: Charley Barley, 8:22 PM] It’s not 2 late, apologize.
Her words rang true. He should apologize, but he didn’t think that he could. It wasn’t like Ed was going to respond. He was too angry, now. But he thought he’d try, anyway, at least he could send him a message. He spent a solid five minutes writing and rewriting his text.
[Text To: Evil, 8:27 PM] Hey, man, look, I’m sorry, okay? I just can’t do this right now. I can’t just up and leave, they’ll kill me.You think you have it bad but they would CRUCIFY me. It’s safer having them on my side than against me. I’m sorry they hurt you, maybe I can get them to leave you alone.
At least in his presence, he could help somewhat. Maybe if he influenced Mark and Ben enough, nothing bad would happen.
Ed turned on his read receipts on his phone, leaving Charley on read so he could see how angry he was. What else did Charley expect, an acceptance letter? There was no way after what had just happened that he’d do that. Still, the text on his phone kept him up most of the night, spending time browsing the web didn’t help, either. He ended up on Peter Vincent’s website, as he did, rereading something about vampires in California. It was always interesting to read about it, even if he’d reread this story a thousand times. Maybe he should check something else.
He turned to a forum he was part of, searching for ways to talk to Charley. No one was helpful, all of them told him not to accept the apology. Somewhere deep down, he wanted to. He picked up his phone several times, writing out responses before he ended up deleting them. 
Charley didn’t sleep well that night, either, thinking about what he’d said and how he could make it up to his friend. Maybe they could hang out after school sometime if Evil would even look at him.
The next day in class was horrible, with Ed shooting him looks that told him he wanted to talk, and then glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, Charley would be full of knives in the back. Even after class, Ed turned his back on him, stomping out of class like it was the best thing he’d ever done.
“Hey, man, you look… Shitty.” Mark commented with a raised eyebrow, leaning on Charley’s locker, “You okay?” He didn’t really care, but it seemed like the right thing to do.
“Uh, yeah. I just didn’t sleep last night.” Not well, anyway. He’d had a nightmare that Ed had died, and he didn’t really know what to do with that.
“You gonna sleep during class?” Ben asked, though he didn’t really mind either way. It wouldn’t affect him. That was what Ben always did when he couldn’t sleep at night.
“I dunno, maybe.” He had social studies next, and that meant he’d probably sleep to the teacher’s droning monotone.
“Cool, cool.” Mark brushed it off easily, “You should get some sleep, and then we’re going out after school.”
“We are?” That would throw a wrench into his plans with Ed, for sure. But maybe it would give Ed time to cool off. With any luck, he’d come to actually accept his apology if he just gave him some time.
“We are. You, me, Ben, the car, some weed.” Maybe they’d troll the mall after smoking a bit. “We could go out somewhere, get some food.”
“Uh, yeah, sure. I’ll be there.” Charley needed some time to think, and maybe the weed would help his mood.
“Alright, see you then, man.” Mark and Ben started for their next class, leaving Charley to his thoughts. He spun the dial and opened his locker, getting out his book for his social studies class. 
He worried that Ed would never accept his apology, and that cut him to the core. All he wanted was for Ed to forgive him and for things to go back to normal, but he guessed this was his new normal, now.
AN: Alright, chapter one is in the bag! I’m really feeling this story so hopefully I can get through it without any issues. I hope you guys enjoyed it!!
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iamvegorott · 4 years
Random drabble out of curiosity... first time Anti went to a zoo, any au
This became...a little more than a drabble XD -----------------------
Zoo Trip
Anti had his arms crossed and he was tapping his foot. He was currently waiting for Wilford to return since after hearing a comment from Anti of ‘I’ve never been to a zoo’ Wilford immediately grabbed him and took him to one that Anti had no idea where he was at. Anti did not understand why Wilford was so adamant about him going to a zoo nor did he understand why he was abandoned the moment they arrived. 
“Of course.” Anti turned and wasn’t expecting to see Dark. He actually had to stop himself from making a sound at the sight of a casually dressed Dark. Jeans and a t-shirt have never looked so...nice. 
“What are you doing here?” Anti asked. 
“Wilford,” Dark said with a sigh, going over to Anti and handing him one of the two tickets he was holding. “I know what he wants and it’s easier to just go with it.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“I’m here to show you around the zoo.” 
“You like zoos?”
“I like this one.”
“I’ve never been to a zoo, what’s special about this one?” Anti raised a brow when Dark just looked at him. “What?”
“You’ve never been to a zoo?” Dark clearly did not believe him. 
“No. There’s never been a reason.” Anti shrugged. 
“Just don’t touch anything.” Dark walked away and Anti made a face but followed. 
He was curious to know what could get the Darkiplier’s attention since all he seemed to like was paperwork and being a pain in Anti’s side. At least that’s what Anti thought. Dark, on the other hand, wanted to know why Wilford wanted him to show Anti the zoo, why couldn’t he do it? Dark didn’t want to spend his time with an over-energetic, loud, crude...whatever Anti was but he also knew that if he didn’t at least follow the short path of the zoo with anti, Wilford would never leave him alone about it. Wilford was more stubborn than Dark was about some things.
“If you don’t want to be here, just tell Wilford you did what he wanted and I won’t tell him you ditched,” Anti said, hand on his hips as he walked next to Dark. 
“He’d know I was lying,” Dark said, stealing a quick glance at Anti and noticed Anti had his classic neck scar hidden by, what he assumed, was magic since his ears were also not pointed and his teeth were flat. Dark had a strange sense if displeasure of not seeing Anti in his usual form. 
“I don’t get-oh a lemur!” Anti got distracted and took off ahead of Dark, going to the fenced-off area where the lemurs were at. “What’s on their arm?” Anti pointed as he asked, looking over to see Dark walking over to him. He kept his hand up and finger pointed until Dark lowered it. Anti bit back a retort since he wanted an answer. 
“This place takes in injured and elderly animals to ensure that they heal or live the rest of their lives without the worry of not having food or care,” Dark stated. “And that lemur appears to have a cast on their arm.” 
“This ain’t just a normal zoo?” Anti tilted his head, cheeks flushing when Dark was suddenly a lot closer to him. 
“It’s not, and there’s a lemur right over there hanging from a branch.” Dark gestured towards where he was looking, it not clicking that he was touching arms with Anti until after he heard Anti giggle at the sight of the swinging lemur. Dark moved away and rubbed at his nose with a thumb. 
“Hey, Isaac, how have you been?” One of the zoo workers, a young woman, asked and went up to Dark. Anti’s jaw literally dropped at that. 
“I’ve been great, how are the boys doing?” Dark asked a kind smile on his lips. Anti was not expecting that at all. 
“James has discovered the toilet, but he hasn’t learned how to aim.” The worker laughed and Dark’s laughter had Anti’s cheeks flushing again. “And Patrick just started crawling.” 
“You’ll be wishing he can’t soon.” Dark chuckled. 
“Don’t I know it.” The woman laughed again. “And who’s this? You’re usually here alone.” 
“This is-”
“Justin.” Anti butted in, giving the woman a smile as well. 
“I’m not interrupting a date, am I?” The woman laughed more when Dark and Anti both stiffened and stuttered out some weak ‘no’s. “I’m going to get back to work, you two have fun.” The woman giggled as she walked off. “Oh!” The woman stopped and turned on a heel. “The bear’s up, show your ‘not date’ her.” Dark just waved and the woman kept giggling as she left. 
“Issac?” Anti asked with a smirk. 
“Justin?” Dark asked back, getting Anti’s smirk to drop. 
“How often do you come here?” 
“Hm…” Anti clicked his tongue. “I wanna see the bear.” 
“Right this way.” 
Dark knew exactly where to go and how to get to the bear area the fastest. He wasn’t guiding anymore the moment Anti saw the bear and rushed over. Dark kept his calm pace as Anti knelt down in front of the fence that separated him from the elderly bear. 
“She’s so big,” Anti said when Dark was next to him again. “You could swallow me whole, couldn’t you?” Anti asked the bear, who was now sitting as well. Dark found himself watching Anti, seeing his eyes wide with awe and a smile that little giggles come through. Anti waved at the bear and a loud squeal came from him when the bear waved back. “Holy shit! Did you see that, Dark!? She waved!” Anti was bouncing. “That was so cool!” Dark was smiling himself and he took out his phone when it buzzed.
“Shit.” Dark grumbled. “I have to go.” 
“Huh? Why?” Anti looked up at Dark, voice heavy with disappointment. 
“The twins watched a movie they thought was fine but it was a horror one and are now freaking out,” Dark said, rereading the long text from Bim that ended with the world ‘help’ in all caps. Anti just let out a puff of air as a pout and got up. “I drove here to not draw suspicion, we can head to it together and you can glitch back home when we’re in the lot.” 
“Okay.” Anti waved at the bear again and he perked back up when the bear waved as well. 
Anti made sure to call out to the one worker from before when he saw her, blowing a kiss with both hands that got her to laugh while Dark just politely smiled. Anti teased Dark more about the name as they walked and Dark said he read the name in a book and thought it was fitting for his ‘human’ form. Anti said that having to be in a ‘human’ form was stupid and boring and he wasn’t ready for Dark to agree with him but added that it was needed to prevent a panic. 
“I think panics are fun,” Anti said as they made their way down the lot, passing by empty cars. 
“There’s nothing wrong with some calm,” Dark said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pair of car keys. 
“Calm is so boring.” Anti held out the last word, stopping when Dark did. 
“While you’re right about it, it’s needed to balance out everything.” Dark unlocked his car as he looked around. Anti chewed on his lip in thought, an idea popping into his head and he was debating if he wanted to do it or not. “I don’t see anyone else around, you’re good to leave...if you want.” That little bit of hesitation was all Anti needed to know he was good to go through with his thought.
“I need something first.” Anti stepped up to Dark and before Dark could say anything, Anti grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. Anti assumed Dark would push him away or stiffen with shock but Dark immediately reacted by putting his hands on Anti’s hips and kissing him back. Dark got caught up in the kiss for just a moment before parting it with a little chuckle.
“Was that all you needed?” He asked.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind a little more~” Anti giggled. “But first, you take care of the twins, and then you’ll take me out to dinner.” 
“I think I can handle that.” 
“Good.” Anti winked before vanishing in a blink. 
Dark smiled and ran his tongue over his lips before opening the door to the car. He was still smiling as he turned the car on and turned to look behind him to pull out, flinching when he saw that he wasn’t alone.
“What the fuck, Wilford!?” 
“My plan worked!” Wilford said, clapping happily. Dark just made a face at him and started driving, he had a date to get ready for.
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