#[ jay x erin l. ]
callsign-dexter · 1 year
Dispatched Love
Request: Reader had known Jay since she’d first started as a dispatcher for Chicago. It wasn’t long until she’d developed a crush on the older man. She didn’t say anything since she realized he was dating Erin but then she left. She left and Jay got kidnapped; reader heard it over the radio. Hank texted her to say they’d found him and she left her job without saying anything and sped to the hospital. When she saw the blonde detective in the waiting room they got into a fight and reader punched her. She refused to leave the hospital until Jay woke up and laid in bed with him the entire time. When he woke up, in the heat of the moment her lips were on his in a moment. 
Pairings: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff
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When you moved back to Chicago you really didn't know anyone besides Hank Voight considering he was your uncle and he had raised you for most of your life. You had gone away for college and had just recently come back to Chicago.
You had been job hunting for a while but nothing had interested you or if you did find something they weren't hiring. You really wanted to be a 911 dispatcher but each time you tried to apply something always came up so you just gave up. Hank had come up to you one day saying he had a surprise for you and that he wanted you to come to supper and of course you accepted, you loved your uncle.
It was currently Thursday night when you went over to his house for supper. You drove over there and when you got into the driveway you parked and killed the engine. You got out and walked to the door and knocked and waited then the door finally opened.
"Hey! Come on in!" Hank said and you smiled and walked in.
"Hey, Uncle Hank." You said and hugged him and you returned it.
"I'm glad you could make it." He said as he let go of you.
"I was doing anything really. I was just thinking about opening a bottle of wine and sitting in front of the TV and ordering a pizza." You said and you watched his face fall.
"You know you're always welcome over here." He said and you nodded.
"Of course I do but I don't want to inconvenience you." You told him and he shook his head and you both began walking into the living room.
"Nonsense. Supper will be ready in 10 minutes." He said and you nodded. You both sat on the couch.
"You said that you had a surprise." You told him and he nodded.
"I got you a job at the 911 dispatch center." He said taking a drink of the beer that he had on the table.
"Wait. Seriously?" You asked with a look of shock on your face and you watched him nodded "How?" You asked.
"I know someone who owed me a favor." He said and you practically tackled him into a hug.
"Thank you." You said and he hugged you back.
"No need to thank me, kid. I know how much you wanted it." He said and then you both released each other. Dinner was ready and you both ate in a comfortable peace. You went home happy and grateful for an awesome uncle.
When you weren't working you were hanging out at the police station and visiting your uncle. You had made fast friends with everyone in Intelligence including none other than Jay Halstead. You had developed feelings for him. He was always so nice to you when you came in and if you needed something while there he would get it for you. But he was with Erin Lindsay so you didn't pursue your feelings. What you didn't know was that he had feelings for you too.
"Hey, Y/N. How's it going?" Jay asked when you walked into the bullpen. You smiled at him.
"I'm good. Just been working." You said as you walked over to him.
"How's it going?" He asked truly interested and you loved that. He had been sitting on the edge of his desk.
"It's going well. I'm doing what I've always wanted to do." You said and he smiled but then Erin walked over and slung her arm over his shoulder.
"Hey, Y/N." She said and then turned and kissed Jay on the cheek.
"Hey, Erin." You said with a polite smile on your face.
You really didn't like Erin she gave off a vibe that just didn't sit well with you, even if she was part of your family. She would always pop into conversations and still him away even if it was just a simple friendly conversation. So you ended up steering clear of her and him and started to visit less often. You hated doing it but that didn't stop your feelings from forming.
"What are you doing here?" She asked turning to you.
"I was actually waiting for Uncle Hank." You said just being in her presence was awkward and not pleasant. "You know I actually need to go. I have work in a few hours. Jay, can you tell him I stopped by and I'll get into contact with him later?" You asked and Jay nodded and then you left saying bye to Trudy on the way out.
You didn't return to the station after that day so you didn't know what had happened. Your love for Jay still grew stronger. You met everyone at Molly's a few nights but you steered clear of Jay and Erin no matter how it hurt.
One day Jay had shown up to you as you were leaving work. This surprised you. "Jay, hi." You said a little confused.
"Hey, Erin left." Jay said and you didn't say anything but you wore a shocked expression.
"I'm sorry, Jay. I know how much it must hurt." You said and then pulled him into a hug which he returned.
"Thank you, Y/N." He said and you both talked for a while before you both left but not before exchanging numbers.
It had been months since Erin had left and you hoped she didn't come back. You and Jay had been texting but never met up due to working hours. You wanted to but never found the right time. Sometimes it would go on for weeks and sometimes it would stop and you understood. You both had demanding jobs.
You were at work when tragedy struck. You had taken a 911 call from a women. She claimed that she saw someone, a male, matching Jay's description and your heart dropped.
You had texted Hank but he said that he didn't know anything and he would let you know. It had been a few hours so when you took your break you had called him.
"Hey, have you heard anything?" You asked him and heard him sigh.
"I'm not supposed to be telling you this but we're close to finding him, we think. You have to believe that we will." Hank said and you closed your eyes.
"I believe you. I love you Uncle Hank." You said and opened your eyes.
"I love you too kid. Everyone including Erin is here helping." He said and your blood ran cold. You didn't say anything else just hung up the phone and got back to work.
You didn't contact him for weeks or even visit them. You couldn't you hated the thought of seeing her face.
Going into 3 weeks of Jay missing you had gotten a text from Hank.
Uncle Hank: We found him. We're going to med.
You just stared at your phone you couldn't believe it. You got up and grabbed your stuff and headed out of work. Your boss was going to stop you but they knew what was going on so they just let you go.
When you got to med you walked right into the waiting room to Hank. He saw you coming and he opened your arms and walked into them fully closing the hug. "Where did you find him?" You asked him and as you broke apart from the hug.
"We found him in a warehouse locked to a pole and he was beaten pretty badly. He's in surgery now." Hank had told you. All of Intelligence didn't care that you knew but that didn't sit well with Erin and it showed.
"Why are you telling her? She's not supposed to know anything." Erin said and you turned to look at her.
"I thought you left. Why are you back?" You asked her maybe a little bit rudely.
"I heard that he was kidnapped and I came back to help look." She said and you didn't quite believe her so you scoffed.
"If you cared for him so much then you wouldn't have left him. You broke his heat. Now all of a sudden you're back trying to win it?" You asked her and she had an offended look on her face but you didn't care. You didn't know when you had stepped closer to her but at some point you had.
"What? It's not like you're dating him or anything." She said and rolled her eyes.
"You're a bitch you know that." You said with a look of disgust on your face.
"What did you just call me?" She asked
"A bitch. I called you a bitch." You told her and the next thing you knew you were getting punched in the nose and it started bleeding. You stumbled back into Hank but what she didn't know was that when you get mad you go into fighting mode. You took one swing at her and she stumbled and into a wall. Before it could get any further Connor Rhodes came into the waiting room to say that he was out of surgery and only one person was allowed to be with them while he recovered, Everyone agreed that you should be the one, Erin was offended but you really didn't care.
When you walked to his room with Connor. He had stopped and checked you out and cleaned you up before continuing on. "Hey if any swelling occurs call me." He said and you nodded and then turned to him when you reached the door.
"Thank you, Connor." You said and he smiled and nodded. You walked into the room and waited.
Waiting can be a horrible thing at times. Waiting gave you time to think and those thoughts could be good or bad. Jay had been unconscious while you were there and you refused to leave his side. He had visitors come and Erin surprisingly didn't show her face. Hank visited often it was to check up on you and to see if any changes happened with him.
"Hey, Sweetheart. Any changes?" He asked and you shook your head and he sighed.
"Nothing new but that's a good thing. That just means that he isn't getting worse." You said and he nodded.
"You need to go home. You're probably missing a lot of work." He said and you shook your head.
"I had the next few days off since I work late nights. I'm not leaving him." You said and he nodded and left it at that.
"Text me if anything changes." He said and you nodded.
"You got it." You said never leaving your eyes off of him.
It took a total of 2 days for Jay to wake up. You had fallen asleep in a chair next to his bed. He groaned and started moving and that is what woke you up. You jumped up and before you knew it, your lips were on his. What you didn't expect was to from him to kiss you back. You only broke apart when you needed air. He looked at you suprised.
"I'm sorry. I just really wanted to do that. For awhile now. I should go." You rambled but he grabbed your hand and pulled you back and crashed his lips back onto yours, this time it was turn to be surprised but kissed back. You pulled apart again when air was needed.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He said and you smiled and you sat down.
"Really?" You asked and he nodded his head.
"Really. Y/N I fell in love with you when Hank first introduced the Intelligence group to you. Yea I was with Erin but we were already going out of the relationship." He said and you smiled.
"I've had a crush on you when Hank introduced me to you and then it slowly turned into love." You said and smiled.
"Well would you like to go out with me on a date?" He asked and you nodded your head.
"I would love that." You said and you both smiled at each other. You didn't know if you ever would love again but Jay Halstead just proved that you could. You loved each other and nothing was going to change that.
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lcvesjj · 1 year
“WHAT TOOK YOU TWO SO LONG?” - Erin Lindsay x Fem!Reader
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Pairing :  Erin Lindsay x Fem!Reader
Summary : When you and Erin finally kiss for the first time, the unit has a quite funny reaction to the kiss. 
Warnings : kissing?, mentions of a raid, 
A/n : SDHJXESK I’m screaming over this prompt 😭 this is a little short since I’m trying to clear out my drafts :)
It all happened right after a hard case, while you and Erin were in the break room. Erin was oddly silent today, barely talking to anyone and every time you looked up from your paperwork she was staring at you. As soon as she noticed that you were looking at her in confusion she quickly looked down and didn’t say anything.
“What’s up with you today? Is everything alright Erin?” You asked softly, walking over to her. “Yea I’m fine Y/n, don’t worry. I didn’t sleep well last night.” She chuckled dryly. “Oh, okay. Well I’m here if you need anything.” You smiled, starting to walk back to your desk. Erin just nodded in response. 
You walked away without looking back so you didn’t see how Erin looked at you. She was crushing on you hard. Really hard. 
Soon after that Voight ordered everyone to suit up since we were needed for a bust. Everyone quickly got up and got ready downstairs. 
As you were walking towards the car you heard Voight tell everyone to stop for a second. “Lindsay, you're with me today. Jay you are with Y/l/n and then Antonio is with Al and Ruzek. Understood?” Voight said, looking over to all of you. “Yes Sir.” Everyone nodded. 
Holding your hand out to Jay, he handed you the keys to as black unmarked car but not before huffing and rolling his eyes in a joking manner. “I’m not letting you drive again Halstead after what you did the last time you drove.” You laughed unlocking the car and getting in. “Oh c’mon I’m not that bad of a driver am I?” You raised an eyebrow looking over to him. Jay simply huffed seeing your face. 
The bust went well and after that you all got back to the district. Groaning slightly you got up to walk over to the break room for more coffee since you were a little tired after the bust. 
You were so tired you didn’t even hear Erin walking into the break room until you saw her standing right next to you. “You okay Y/n?” She asked gently, placing a hand on your back. Instead of saying anything you just nodded and turned to face her. 
She looked beautiful as always, you didn’t realise how you were staring at her. 
More specifically at her lips. And before you even realised what was happening she pulled you in for a soft kiss. For a second you froze and then you pulled her towards you grabbing her waist and deepening the kiss. Pulling away slightly you both looked at each other with red cheeks and wide eyes. 
The only thing that was going through your mind was “OH MY GOD SHE FINALLY KISSED ME.” 
What snapped you into reality was Jay with Adam both screaming “WHAT TOOK YOU TWO SO LONG?” You just giggled at their words looking over to Erin who was biting her lip and looking at you. 
Erin pulled you closer to her, wrapping her arms around you tightly. “I’m so glad I finally did that.” She whispered softly. “Me too.” You replied looking at her with a goofy smile on your face. You two just stayed like that wrapped in each other’s arms for a while.
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plyb0y · 2 years
Coming out to Jay Halstead ♥️
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Parring: jay Halstead "x" gay/mlm
A/n:I've been gone for so long ik, but I wanted to kick off my first fic of this year with a jay one! So I hope you enjoy and I missed you all!" (Should I make this part 2?)
Requested:❌ (no)
Tw:homophobia, cursing , fighting , mentions of past abuse, panic attacks
L/n= Last name
Y/n=Your name
You and your unit had decided to go out to a bar to celebrate catching a highly wanted criminal so you decided to join even though drinking wasn't your thing ... Anymore - you had gotten to the bar around 9:30 and the time you were supposed to get there was 10:00 you wanted a little bit to familiarize yourself with the bar you were scoping the place when your eyes came across jay who had obviously saw you as you two made eye contact he probably had the same instinct to come look around "hey,.* He came and sat on the stool next you "hey!" You put on a smile but you tried to focus more on looking for any cameras in case of emergency "why you here so early?" He questioned , "I could ask you the same Halstead" "just tryna check what pretty Ladies are here" he said in a joking tone , you nodded trying not to be weird if you were there to look at anyone it was the cute traine bartender boy you heard so much about , "you still not dating anyone L/n?" "Nah," you fumbled with your hoodie picking at it "haven't ment my Mitch yet" "I understand trust me- Erin... And then Hailey - hell" "hmm" he mumbled "any girl here getcha feeling anything?" He questioned , you looked at jay than at the ladies all crowding either the bar or the television playing some random football match and then at him trying his best to help a customer , "oh so you like her?" He looked at the customer waiting to be served by the bartender you just looked at the floor , you wanted to say yea, but you couldn't you knew jay would try to set you two up and you couldn't bare that. Hell it's hard for him to even think that but you know he doesn't mean it . "Jay.." you groaned swinging your stool and slumping against the bar wall "hm are you oka- OH... Ohhh" "I get it now" "you like him don't you y/n" jay pointed towards the bartender now covered in red wine from dropping the drink you nervously nodded expecting to be slapped across the face the same way your mother reacted when you told her your first kiss was a male but no you just heard jay chuckle ",man I don't care if you like guys, hell I'm just happy your finally interested in someone now c'mon!! Go talk to him" "uh-huh no I can't, he's just so ... Different," without a word jay stood up and walked over to the middle age tender and exchanging a few words with him as the rest of your unit walked in jay walked up to them leaving the bar tender red and confused as he walked over to you, "h-hello! How's your night?" He questioned trying to be nonchalant
You were flabbergasted
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stayliquid-a · 5 years
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@maraonlaidre​ asked: ❝ that guy in the gorilla costume has been following us for the past ten blocks. ❞ (Erin to Jay idk we've never talked about rping them so you can totally ignore this)
• ˚ ⁂  jay & erin.
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― it was times like these that when trying to be inconspicuous, looking back was not the way to go. however, once the keywords ‘gorilla costume’ hit his ears, jay couldn’t help himself. as they walked the streets of chicago, his head twisted back to look at what she was referring to. half-not believing her, but lo and behold - there he was. with a snort of a laugh, he turned back to face forward. “maybe he lost his jacket and that was all he had in his closet.” he mused, although considering they worked in the intelligence unit, they were always on guard. nodding his head to the side, he gestured toward the pizza place they were approaching. “let’s duck in here to see if he’s actually following us.” 
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intomusings · 2 years
﹒﹒  unisex   names   masterlist     !
back  again  with  another  masterlist  for  u  all  after  receiving  some  anon  suggestions  .  here's  250+  unisex  first  names  for  ur  next  character  ,  these  come  from  various  influence  points  but  some  of  them  really  are  just  pulled  from  thin  air  .  the  names  are  sorted  by  first  letter  but  not  alphabetically  within  each  letter  !  if  u  found  this  useful  ,  feel  free  to  like  or  reblog  to  boost  this  .
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A : ashtyn , avery , adrian , anderson , abbott , aaren , aki , alix , amari , aden , arden , addison , angel , arizona , armani , ayla , austen , avani , august , ajay . 
B : bailey , beck , bellamy , blaine , blake , brooks , bryce , bodhi , beverly , boston , boyd , benz , banks .
C : cameron , camden , carter , casey , charlie , chicago , carson , courtney .
D : dakota , dallas , delaney , denver , dylan , drew , dua .
E : eden , eli , elliot , emerson , emery , erin , evan , everest , ezra .
F : fallon , finley , finn , forest , foster , finnick , frankie .
G : gem , gabe , gray , genesis , garnet , greer .
H : hale , harley , harlow , harper , haven , hayden , hayes , hunter , hero , holland , hollis , hudson , honey .
I : indy , indiana , isa .
J : jace , jack , jade , jamie , jay , joey , jordan , jude , juniper , julian , jagger , journey .
K : kali , keegan , kelan , kendal , kenzie , kieran , kit , knox , kyle , kaiden , karsyn , kourtney .
L : lake , laurence , lennon , lennox , landry , levi , logan , london , luca , lux , lyric , love , link , lincoln .
M : maddox , madison , manning , manny , marlow , marley , mason , max , morgan , montana , milo , michi , memphis , milan , mica .
N : nevada , nicky , noah , nye , nova , nash , nyjah .
O : ollie , ozzy , orion , onyx , oakley , owen , oliver , ocean , opal , otto , orlando , odelia .
P : paris , pratt , parker , pascal , pax , paxton , paxon , penn , peyton , phoenix , presley , psalm , pearl .
Q : quincy , quinn , quentin .
R : rae , ryan , reagan , reed , reece , rei , rem , riley , river , robin , rocky , rory , royal , rowan , ryder , ryker , reign , rue .
S : sean , sacha , sailor , salem , sam , sawyer , scout , shiloh , skye , skyler , sloane , sol , spencer , stevie , sutton , sydney , storm , sab , seven , saint , sage , shelby , silver .
T : tai , teagan , torrence , tyler , tristan , trevor , tove , toni , tommy , theo , terry , tatum , tanner , tate , tayler , taryn , tris .
U : uma .
V : val , vesper , vega , vaughn , vince , venus , vinny .
W : waverly , wade , whitney , winnie , willy , wylie , wren , wyatt , winter , winslow , wolfe , west , weston .
X : xio , xyla , xashary .
Y : yael , yves , yara , yensi , yale .
Z : zane , zuri , zoe , zion , zayden , zero .
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A Gentle Voice (Greg Gerwitz x Reader)
Word Count: 2,106
Pairing: Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz x Reader
Summary: You got kidnapped by members of an aggressive incel group, and thought that this was how you were going to die. But a group of the Chicago PD are able to save you; now you just need to help them find the group that did this. Only one problem: You can’t talk.
Warnings: Graphic details of beatings and abuse, mentions of blood, violence against women, and swears.
A/N: So this was based off an idea by an anonymous sender asking for more mouse imagines. And since I am on a break from work (i’m okay, I just work at an elementary school and its summer vacation lol) I thought I would get some writing done :) I hope you all enjoy, and if anyone else has ideas for imagines you want me to write, send me a message!
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I’m going to die.
You still remember the moment where you knew something was wrong when you were walking home from your job at the tech firm. It was late, not crazy late, but late enough where the street lights started to flicker on. The clicking of your footsteps soon stepped in sync with someone else’s, and before you could pull out your phone or your mace, a bag was thrown over your head and with a hard hit with something, you were out.
Now here you were, who knows how many days have passed, in a jail cell of a room, trying to anticipate when your kidnappers would come back for another round of smacking you around with the assorted weapons at their disposal. This group has been trying to extract some info about a set of code you had recently written to help one of the biggest banks in Chicago with their security; you assumed to rob it. You’ve also heard murmurings from outside your door about how they needed the money, for what though you didn’t know. 
While curled up in a corner, trying to prepare yourself for the inevitable; that you were not going to make it out, you were shocked by a big BANG that shook the walls that surrounded you. You could here shouting, many voices echoing around as the scuttering of footsteps getting closer and closer to where you were being kept. You tried to push yourself further into the corner, and as the door swung open your hid your head in your lap with your arms over your head for protection. 
Slowly, you raised you head and squinted as a flash of light caught your eyes. In front of you was three people; two men and a woman. They had guns in their hands and bulletproof vests labeled with POLICE.
“Ma’am? Ma’am are you okay?” The taller man asked, his brown hair slicked back and his blue eyes looking at you with concern. With a shaky nod, the woman cop slowly comes over to you and kneels down.
“Are you Y/F/N Y/L/N?” Another nod, and the woman cop looks to her friends then back at you, offering her hand. “I’m Detective Lindsay, and we’re here to get you home.”
A flood of tears well up in your eyes and you reach out and grab her hand, her grip firm and comforting as she helps you up and out of your nightmare.
Hours have passed, and Detectives Lindsay and Halstead are standing outside a hospital room where you were sleeping off the meds the doctors had given you. Erin and Jay watch you through the window as the doctor walked over to them, clipboard and your chart at hand. “Detectives?”
“Yes.” Erin said, straightening up. “How is she?”
“Y/N is sedated now, but looks like she might be here for a couple days. With contusions on her legs, two broken ribs and a concussion, we would want to keep an eye on her before sending her home. We also had to administer a rape kit after seeing the bruising on her legs.”
“These guys really worked her over.” Jay murmurs, looking at you again before turning back to his partner.
“When she wakes up, please give us a call. We need to ask her some questions about the people that kidnapped her.” Erin hands the doctor her card and is about to turn and walk away when the doctor’s voice makes the cops’ stop.
“That might be an issue.” Erin and Jay turn back around and walk back to the doctor, looks of confusion present on their faces. “When she got to the hospital before being sedated, Y/N stopped answering any and all questions presented to her.”
“Like she’s refusing to talk? Why would she do that?” Jay asked.
The doctor shook their head and pulled their clipboard to their chest, “The head of psych, Dr. Daniel Charles, believes that Y/N has developed Psychogenic Mutism. Basically because of the trauma Y/N has endured, her mind has shut off that part of her brain that allows her to communicate. It’s not that she is choosing to not speak; it is that she feels physically unable to.” They explained, glancing over in your direction as she progressed.
“How long will that last?”
“It could be days, weeks, or it could go on for years. This type of trauma response is very unpredictable because we are not just dealing with the health of the patient. We are dealing with their mental health and it they feel safe and secure enough that their mutism can subside.”
Erin looked over at you again and sighed, hating that not only had the people responsible hurt you and taken away your feeling of safety, they also somehow took away your voice.
Over the next few days, it was explained to you that an investigation was open on your kidnapping and subsequent abuse. A Dr. Charles also visited frequently about what he called your “mutism”. He ended up giving you a whiteboard and marker so you could write, but whenever he brought up your attack, it was like your brain would shut down. The first time it happened, you woke up to Dr. Charles standing over you, telling you that you had a panic attack and passed out. After that, Dr. Charles and others were very careful what to bring up around you.
Eventually, you were released from the hospital and given your own police protection detail just incase those guys tried to take you again. The Detectives that found you, mainly Detective Lindsay, would visit and say how you were, and if you had thought of anything useful to help the investigation, but it was no use. One one day, you were asked to come to 21st District to look at some pictures of possible perps, and you were dreading it. It was the first time you had left the house since being released from the hospital and you had made your apartment your safety bubble; essentially everything in the bubble was good, and everything outside was dangerous. But some righteous part of you wanted to see the people responsible for your attack put to justice, so you got into the police cruiser of one of your protection detail, and made your way to the 21st.
Inside the district, you were met with a sturdy-looking older woman behind the desk of the main floor. She looked like the one in charge, her eyes never wavering even when you walked over to her. The officers with you, you think their names were Burgess and Roman, explained who you were, and you were buzzed up to the upper level which was explained to you that was where the Intelligence Unit was. After arriving to the office space, officers Burgess and Roman were called over their walkies, the sudden noise making you jump. 
Officer Roman moved to answer the call as Burgess moved closer to you, “Sorry. It looks like we need to go. Lucky though you are in the safest place for you to be right now.” she said with a reassuring smile. “There is a civilian who works for the unit; he is their tech expert and used to work with Detective Halstead when they were Rangers. We’ll get him to come up and stay with you until the unit comes back.”
You nodded as Burgess and Roman walked down the stairs back down to the main flor of the district, leaving you alone for what feels like the first time in weeks. You took a seat at one of the desks, and fiddled with your hands as the silence around you started to press down on you. 
I’m alone...The last time I was alone I was taken...I-I don’t want to be alone...I-I-I
Suddenly the room felt like it was moving, a swaying motion that didn’t bring you any comfort. Your lungs felt like they couldn’t get enough breath as you tried to get more air into them, and slowly your brain realized that you were hyperventilating. You were so concerned with trying to breathe that you didn’t hear someone enter the space you were in or how they moved closer to you quickly. It wasn’t until there was a hand falling on your shoulder that made you jump out of your seat and look up.
In front of you was a man with combed back brown hair and striking blue eyes, wearing a spotted black-and-white button-up shirt and jeans. The look he was giving you was full of concern, but not edging on pity which was mostly what you’ve seen since your attack. It took a second to realize that his mouth was moving and words were leaving his lips.
“-ear me? Hey, can you hear me? You need to breathe, okay? Match my breathing.” He said, his tone calming and rumbling like a faraway thunderstorm. Slowly, you were able to take deeper and deeper breaths, your heart slowing down until the panic attack subsided. Tears started to drift into your vision as a wave of exhaustion encompassed you all the way to your bones. “Its okay, its always a bit overwhelming after an attack like that.”
You nodded as you wiped away your tears to try and regain some composure, but the man didn’t seem bothered by the tears. He gave you a small smile and patted your lap before getting up and heading to the side kitchen. There was noise of ceramic clanking together and the sound of water, and a couple of minutes later he came back with a cup of tea. “Tea really helps. I have a cup after I have my panic attacks and its a nice calming drink to help ground me.” He explained, handing over the cup.
You sip from the cup, the smell of flowers of some kind and the taste of some kind of sweetener warmed your chest and let a small smile appear on your face. The man smiled at your calm exterior before pulling over a chair and sitting next to you, “Officer Burgess explained they were watching over you but had to leave, I’ve been helping the unit on your case so I know you can’t speak. That’s okay though. I’m Greg, by the way. Greg Gerwitz, but everyone calls me Mouse.”
You look over with a confused look on your face, which made Mouse laugh, “Its a very long story, trust me you don’t want to hear it.” You smiled again, a little bigger than before, and you two spent the next few minutes in conversation. Well, with Mouse talking and you listening, but it was the closest to a normal conversation you’ve had in weeks. 
“-and then Jay, Detective Halstead, started running around like crazy, shucking off his shirt in the barracks looking for the spider.” Mouse said, laughing at the memory of Jay freaking out because of a spider. You were smiling and before you could even notice, your mouth was moving.
“What happened after that?”
Mouse turned to you in shock, and you stared back wide eyed as your hand came up to your mouth. “Oh my god.”
“Did...Did you just speak?” Mouse asked, his full attention now on your next move. You paused, thinking that you had both imagined that, but then went to try to speak again. 
Mouse’s shocked expression turned into a smile, “Hi.”
Just as the two of you were in the middle of a moment, the gate leading to the bullpen downstairs clanged shut with the follow up sound of multiple footsteps coming up the stairs. Mouse and you both turned to see Detective Lindsay, Detective Halstead and a few others walking into the room. 
“Y/N, sorry for making you wait. I hope our tech expert Greg wasn’t that bad of company.” Jay said jokingly, giving Mouse a smirk. Before Mouse could open his mouth to reply, you stood up.
“N-No, he was great company.” You said as you watched Detective Lindsay and Halstead’s jaws drop at the sound of your voice. “He even helped me find my voice.”
“So you can talk now.” A voice said as an older man walked out to the front of the group. Clearly he was the Sargent Voight Mouse had mentioned to you earlier, the head of the Intelligence Unit. “Does that mean you’ll be able to help us with your case?”
You looked back to Mouse who gave you a reassuring smile, then turned back to the unit, “I’ll tell you everything.”
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bi-bard · 2 years
A Flawed Deal - Jay Halstead Imagine (Chicago PD)
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Title: A Flawed Deal
Pairing: Jay Halstead X Reader
Word Count: 1,275 words
Warning(s): Voight being a dick
Summary: After Jay and (Y/n)'s relationship becomes public knowledge, the pair are left to choose between their careers and each other.
Author's Note: Hi, I hate writing endings.
I immediately noticed the weird looks that I had gotten when I walked into the main office.
First was Erin. She looked at me for a minute and then quickly looked away. She seemed guilty. I looked around the office. No one would make eye contact with me.
I looked at the small kitchen area to see Jay making some coffee. I decided to go see if he had any answers. He had been here longer than I had.
I was almost there when Voight leaned his head out his door.
"(Y/l/n)," he said before nodding for me to walk inside.
Jay and I looked at each other for a moment. I walked in nervously, forcing a grin to Voight as he closed the door to the office. He went around the desk to sit in his chair. I sat in the chair across from him.
"How long have you and Jay been together," he asked bluntly.
I scoffed, albeit forcefully. "Excuse me?"
"Listen, I'm impressed with your acting ability," he leaned forward on his desk. "But I know already, so I'd save it for your big movie debut."
"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied.
He grabbed something off the corner of his desk and dropped it in front of me.
It was Jay and me. It was from Jay's phone. He wanted to update my contact photo because we had gotten more serious and had wrapped his arms around me as he kissed my cheek.
It was a cute picture.
I just had no idea how Voight had it. There never should've been a physical copy, never mind one that found its way to Voight's hands.
"Hard to argue with that, isn't it," he asked.
I looked at him again. He was right. I had nothing to argue with. What was I going to say? That it was fake? I had nothing.
"We're on a case right now, so I won't make you decide right now," he explained. "But by the end of the case, I want you to pick. Either you two can separate and move forward like nothing happened or one of you can leave."
I scoffed. He held a hand up to stop me before I could reply.
"You know how much I dislike dating within the team," he said. "This is your choice."
I took a deep breath before standing up and walking out of the office.
I made eye contact with Erin as I stepped out. She looked down quickly. I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment before walking into the little kitchen area. Jay was still there, thankfully.
"How did Voight get that photo," I asked. I was basically whispering. Tears were in my eyes as the shock of what happened wore off.
"Voight has a photo of us together," I explained. "I want to know how he got it. And why you printed it out in the first place."
"The contact photo," Jay asked. I nodded. "He can't have that. I have a copy of it that I kept in my jacket because I thought it was a cute idea, but no one knew about that."
We looked over at the door when someone cleared their throat. Erin was standing in the doorway.
"It was me," she said quietly. "I had seen Jay hiding the photo in his pocket as I got in the car, so I snooped when he left it sitting somewhere. I was showing it to some of the others and Voight spotted it before I could put it away."
"Erin," Jay muttered. He sounded like a disappointed parent.
I let out a laugh of disbelief before stepping forward. "Well, now Jay and I have two options. Either we break up or one of us leaves. That's what your stupid snooping got us."
"That's what Voight offered," Jay asked. I nodded as I turned back to him.
"And we have until the end of the case to decide."
"I'm sorry," Erin tried to touch my arm as she apologized. I stepped away from her before going to walk around her back into the main room.
I tried to ignore the pressure of our decision while working on the case. For a man that was so concerned about relationships distracting his team, he seemed to have no problems adding to that stress.
After the case was said and done, Jay was left with a new bruise to his side from a sharp punch to his gut and me with a new pain in my back from being slammed into a counter during the suspect's attempted escape. He failed.
Everyone had filed back into the office. All of us were silent. Jay and I looked at each other, knowing very well that we hadn't discussed what was going to be our choice.
Voight walked to his office silently, only sparing a glance to Jay and me on his way through.
"You know what," I muttered before storming to Voight's office. I slammed the door shut behind me. He was standing behind his desk.
"I was about to-"
"Fire me," I snapped.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me," I shrugged. "Fire me. I don't care anymore. I work my ass off for you and if you are going to make me choose between throwing all that away and losing Jay, then fucking fire me. I will not choose either. If you want one of us gone for that, you get to grow a pair and fire me properly. Because I am a damn good cop and you know that, but I should not have to force myself to be unhappy just to satisfy you. I love Jay and I love this job. If you can't accept that those two things can exist at the same time, then fire me."
Voight was silent, just staring at me.
"Go on," I pushed him.
He didn't speak up again as he reached for the corner of his desk. He dropped the photo of Jay and me in front of where I was standing.
"You're right," he admitted. "You're a good cop. You can prioritize the job over everything else. Keep the romance at home and out of the office, and I'll have no problems."
I reached out and grabbed the photo off the desk.
"Thank you," I muttered.
"Now go home," he said, waving at me to leave. "You did good work today."
When I walked out, everyone was watching me. I didn't take the time to stop and acknowledge them. I walked over and grabbed Jay's arm, pulling him into the little kitchen area and closing the door.
"What happened," he asked.
I smiled and kissed him gently. He touched my sides, pulling me closer to him. I slowly leaned back, chuckling as he kept trying to kiss me again.
He rested his forehead on mine.
"So, what happened," he repeated.
I stepped back and held the photo out to him.
"Might wanna find a better place for this," I said. "Because Voight's only request was to keep the romance at home."
"I think me standing up to him gave a good impression, I guess," I shrugged. "I don't really care. I'm just happy he didn't take the other option of firing me."
Jay chuckled and pulled me back into his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder as I hugged him back.
"I love you," he muttered.
"I love you too," I replied before pressing a kiss to his shoulder and stepping back. "Now, please find a better place for that photo."
"I will, I will."
I chuckled.
What a precious idiot.
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
Home To You | Part 1
Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, romance
Warnings: mention of injuries
Word Count: 2489
Requested by jxbeizhe: The reader comes back from service with the army, she stayed longer than Greg and Jay, now deciding it was her time to come home. Since they saw each other last, Greg is now working in Intelligence with Jay, and Jay has been dating Erin. Jay doesn’t find out that the reader is back until he bumps into her leaving Greg’s office on the ground floor of the precinct. She had been smiling as she was leaving Greg’s company, not an unusual sight considering they were friends, but Jay still can’t help the pang of jealousy all within the 5 minutes of seeing the reader for the first time in years. To Jay’s surprise as well the reader has returned from service with a limp and a cane. What happened to the reader out there? And what will happen to her and Jay now that they are reunited once more?
Part 1
The L-train follows the curves of the track above the city’s bustle, the screech-rattle of the cars on the rails somehow brings you a comfort you never imagined it would. You look out over the sprawling streets to see everyone’s days in motion. The ordinary sights of people sharing conversation outside coffee shops, construction workers hollering as they work in symphony, and a CFD fire truck passing down below - it all makes you smile. You would have to stop by Firehouse 51 at some point, or better yet drop into Molly’s and see everyone there. You had finally made the decision to switch blistering heat, roaring rocket fire and a Ranger’s uniform for the city you had grown up in. Now it would be civilian clothing, Chicago’s varied and broad soundscape and the excitement for a new chapter of your life. 
There was, however, a small caveat to your ‘decision’ to come home. You had decided that the tour you had just finished was going to be your last, yet it was still cut short by the fateful hand of an IED. The explosive device had surprised your small team of Rangers whilst out on a detail, you had all suffered various injuries. For you, it was the shrapnel to your right leg. The damage had required extensive surgeries to repair the bone and muscle just above your knee, going into your thigh. With the best work of surgeons, you had still come away needing regular physiotherapy, carefully managed pain medication and a cane to help you walk. 
Yet, all things considered, you could cope with that; you were one of the fortunate to still have a life to live. After months of counselling concerning your time in Afghanistan, as well as occupational therapy about what would come next, you had got yourself to a place where you could make each day work. It had been as difficult as it had been described to you, adjusting to ‘civilian’ life again, and learning to rely on military support groups made you feel uncomfortable, a stark reminder of all that you had done. But it was an unfortunate necessity to be around people who had been in the same situation, something you could only reconcile and grow from going forward. If you couldn’t, then you’d take the breather and restart the next day.
Now that you were indeed a good few months into being back in Chicago, you had decided it was time to see familiar faces. Friends who hadn’t yet been witness to your return. You wondered if they would be upset that you didn’t make your existence known sooner, but on reflection, you don’t think you’d have been good to anybody before now. 
You had let Hank Voight know you were back in town, and rather controversially Greg Gerwitz. 
The controversy wasn’t because it was Mouse, the controversy was because of who it wasn’t. You had been avoiding Jay Halstead with all the best will in the world, deciding that you didn’t need to cause waves in his life after so many years of him being home and making a new life for himself. Last you heard he had a girlfriend, some detective in the same unit as him, it was better that you just let him be. Right?
So here you were, having got off the L, walking up to the steps of the 21st District with a nervous thrumming in your body. You hadn’t been here in 5 years, Hank had tried to get you to consider the Intelligence unit, but you had decided against it. Choosing to redeploy was right for you at the time, but you couldn’t help but think how different your life could have been. Now, you weren’t sure how someone like you could fit in with that type of work, especially with a physical impairment, not that you didn’t know desk work was a thing. Still, there was a lot left to consider. 
Taking a deep breath you come to the top step, and a patrolman holds the door open for you, you thank her as you slip inside, eyeing Trudy Platt filling out a form at her desk, it makes you smile. Trudy had been one that you wanted to surprise, choosing to be entertained by her unfiltered reaction at your return. You take careful steps towards the desk, and come to a standstill in front of the sergeant, leaning slightly against your cane. You clear your throat loudly. 
You immediately want to start laughing as Trudy lifts her head with a scowl, ready to chew out whoever was getting her attention in an obnoxious way. But her face immediately softens when she sees who it is,
“Oh my god, you’re alive.” She breathes, coming round the desk to give you a hug with haste.
Laughter escapes you now, chest filling with warmth as Trudy wraps her arms around you, it felt motherly, it felt like home. 
“Yep, Sarge. I lived, sorry to tell ya I’m back to being a pain in the ass.” 
She makes an indistinct noise of excitement and affection, squeezing you a little tighter. 
“It’s good to see you back, kiddo.” She leans back to get a good look at you, still smiling that rarely seen smile around the District. 
“It’s good to be back, Trudy. I was thinking we could catch up at Molly’s soon, or uh, I’ve got an apartment, you and Mouch could come over for dinner?” 
You almost wanted to cry at Trudy’s clear happiness at seeing you, you clocked a few patrolmen out the corner of your eye gawking at their Sergeant’s uncharacteristic glee. 
“You’re not gonna cook for us, we’re gonna cook for you. How about this Sunday? Mouch is off shift, and I’m free.”
You nod enthusiastically, touching her elbow in thanks, “I’d love that, Trudy. Thank you.” She nods approvingly, patting your shoulder before letting you readjust your position. Taking in your cane and knee brace, she finally asks. 
“So, out with it, what happened?” The sergeant crossed her arms, disapproving that you got hurt where she couldn’t come and visit you or help you.
“IED.” You shrug, sighing. “Shrapnel messed up the bone and muscle, I can walk, maybe jog a little, but the movement is restricted. I’m doing alright all things considered. I’ve started looking for work, not quite sure what yet. Something First Responder related though.”
She listens intently, mulling over your words. “Well, you know I’ll help you with anything, alright? If you need me to put in a good word or want some contacts, I’m your gal.” 
“You are absolutely my gal, Sarge.” You wink, so happy to be back with the people you knew loved and cared for you most. 
“I was gonna say hi upstairs if that’s alright, but uh is Mouse around? I heard he has his own little office down here.” 
Trudy nods in the direction of a doorway leading down some steps, 
“I’ll show you.” She starts walking, and motions to another officer to take over the desk for a minute.
“Great, thanks.” You start moving, taking a glance at the gated stairs that lead to Intelligence’s bullpen, stomach clenching nervously at who would be up there. 
You can’t hide forever, dumbass. An internal voice supplies, knowing eventually you’d have to look Jay in the eyes. 
A few steps and a corridor later you come to a door that leads into a room, Trudy pushes the door open to reveal a space full of shelves of files and a small wall of monitors with various data, footage and images on it. At the desk facing said electronic wall is the recognisable mop of hair on Mouse’s head. “Why does nobody ever knock-” He grumbles, turning to complain at whoever had just intruded his space, but stops short when a) He sees Trudy’s scowling face and b) Your amused one 
“Holy shit, she’s here.” He grins, standing to bring you in for a tight hug.
“I’m here.” You mumble between soft chuckles into his shoulder. 
Trudy’s lips upturn ever so slightly, still irritated by Mouse’s tone, 
“I’ll be at the desk if you need anything, Y/N.” 
“Of course, Sarge, thanks.” You hold up a thumb of approval, keeping your laughter to a minimum until the door closes behind her. 
“It’s so good to see you, man.” You grin, ruffling his hair, “You doing okay?” You query, knowing Mouse always found it harder than you or Jay to adjust to being away from military duty. 
“Yeah, I’m alright… it has its days, but I like working here for the moment.” You nod, listening to his words, taking in his own space. 
“This is a nice little spot, huh?” You remark, flicking one of the Star Trek bobbleheads on his desk. 
“It is when nobody is busting into here without knocking.” He muses, you roll your eyes, prodding him in the shoulder. 
“Hey, I have a license to intrude, I haven’t seen you in freakin’ years, dude.” 
“You are the only one with a license, not even Jay is allowed to just intrude.” 
You swallow at the mention of Jay’s name, it doesn’t escape Greg’s attention. 
“You spoken to him at all?” He raises an eyebrow, arms folded as he leans against his desk, pulling the chair out for you to sit and rest your leg. 
“Thanks.” You say softly, sighing as you continue to answer the question. “I haven’t, he doesn’t know I’m here. Unless you…?” 
He holds his hands up immediately, “Hey, I kept you a secret as you requested.”
You smile sheepishly in thanks, it now hits you that you would more than likely see Jay Halstead, for the first time in years, today. You’re rubbing absentmindedly at your aching leg, trying to quieten the nervous adrenaline that thrums through you. Serving together had been simultaneously the best and most challenging experience of your adult life, both of you could never seem to get the timing right and though it wasn’t an entirely negative parting of ways, it still felt that it was something lost. 
You and Mouse chat for a while, catching up on things as you glance at the clock on the wall. You hum, preparing to get yourself up,
“I guess I should go up there, huh? If nothing else Hank will want to see me.” You lift yourself out of the chair, finding a good grip on your cane you start to move towards the door. Mouse opens it for you, 
“You want me to come up too?” He queries. 
You shake your head, “Nah, it’s okay. The others will be up there, I told Adam last time I’d bring him something back from my final tour.” 
“Oh yeah, what did you get?” 
You pat your jacket pocket, pulling out something small. Mouse snorts, 
“A rock?” 
“Yep, a very nice sandy rock.”
“He should be honoured.”
“Damn straight.”
“So, going solo?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I don’t want to get you in trouble for being in on the secret.”
“You absolutely sure? I can take him, he’s older and slower now.” 
The joke has you chuckling loudly, giving Greg a one-armed hug as you shuffle out into the hallway. 
“Oh, I will use that line as an ice breaker.” 
“Gee, thanks, what happened to not getting me in trouble?” 
“Needs must, and that one was too good to not share.” 
Greg shakes his head in fake offence, “You are still trouble, Y/N.” 
“Oh don’t I know it, bud, don’t I know it… Listen, if I don’t say goodbye or whatever, you wanna meet for drinks or something soon?”
“100%, I’ll text you.”
“Sweet, alright, well wish me luck.”
“Good luck, remember when in doubt, whack him with the cane.”
“I will absolutely do that.” You give Greg one last wave and turn to make your way back up the corridor Trudy had led you down, Mouse shutting the door as you go.
You’re still giggling to yourself as you walk, not noticing the man approaching who had heard you leaving Mouse’s office with laughter. Taking a quick glance at your phone you end up walking into the warm, rigid, frame of the approaching man, the corridor was not exactly roomy enough to simply pass one another. You stumble back, trying to right yourself, but firm and gentle hands grip your arms, one hand moves to your back to stop your descent and the clatter of your cane.
You feel a little embarrassed for not looking where you were going, ready to apologise to whoever had caught you traipsing in the hall, 
“Y/N?” His voice is deeper now, but there’s still that curious youth, he had really filled out since you’d seen him last, strong muscular arms, a jawline and stubble that matured his baby face. Despite the change in depth, Jay’s voice was as comforting as ever, and your skin fizzled with goosebumps. His detective badge hung around his neck, green eyes intense and a storm of emotion.
You realise you’ve not said a word yet, simply staring at him dumbfounded when his small snort of laughter brings you back. You laugh awkwardly.
“Jay… hey.”
“Hey… wow, I - when did you get back? I thought the tour wasn’t supposed to be over for months yet?” 
“Ah, well, an IED made that decision to retire me early.” You jiggled your cane in your hand, fully aware that Jay was still holding on to you. You clear your throat, and he finally releases you. It would be so easy to immediately pry about your injury, but he knew that wasn’t always the best course of action. He decides you’d share with him if and when you were ready. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, that’s rough…I, god, sorry there’s so many questions. What are you doing here?” You’re inclined to believe that Jay meant at the District, but you know his expressions well and you see jealousy flicker to the forefront. You were pretty sure he meant “Why are you seeing Mouse before me?”
“Well, I’ve been back a while, and I decided it was time to see old friends.” You smile tightly, a sadness creeping in that you really were hoping would stay at bay. “I was just about to head up and see you guys.” 
He nods, keeping his comments to himself for now, “Well, I can come with, I can bother Mouse later.” You were pretty sure that now meant, “I can interrogate Mouse later on about why you didn’t want to see me.”
“Sure, that would be good. I’ve missed everyone.” You smile a little more sincerely now, bracing yourself for everyone’s curiosities and seeing Jay’s partner, now girlfriend. 
As you watch Jay head up the corridor with you closely behind, you can’t help but hear the words you wished you’d said a moment ago ringing in your head. 
“I missed you, Jay.”
End of Part 1 
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lure-of-writing · 3 years
Not Today
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Jay Halstead x Reader 
(I Had to delete the original account because it was linked with my other one :( )
You were Jay’s partner before Hailey came along and effectively ending that part of your relationship. You could still remember the day Voight called you into his office as if it was a few minutes ago. “Y/n my office now.” Hank’s rough voice pulled your eyes from the paperwork that sat before you to his receding figure. Looking at Jay before standing you share a moment of confusion wondering if you had misstepped without even realizing it.
Gently closing the door behind you Voight motions for you to sit down. “As you know we are having a new detective join us soon.” Scrunching your eyebrows you stare at him thoroughly puzzled as to where this could be heading. “Yeah I know but what does this have to do with me?”  Hank knew you wouldn’t like what he was going to say next but he didn’t need another repeat of Jay and Erin. He knew you had feelings for Jay, you may have been able to hide it from everyone else but not him. Voight knew the second you did that you had feelings for Jay. He made the decision to let you stay partners as he had no one else to put you with and as much as he hated to say it, you guys worked well together. But no matter how well you worked he wasn’t willing to let you stay that way especially when he could partner Jay up with someone new.
“As soon as our new detective joins us you will no longer be Jay’s partner.” There it was, that pissed off face that he all but expected to see. “ Sarge, excuse me but, what the hell!” you exasperated. “This doesn’t even make any sense” he briskly cut you off “I don’t have to make sense.” His pointed look would usually make you stand down but not now, so you continued on as if you had never been interrupted in the first place. “ We work well together. We have never given you any problems as partners, at least not that I’m aware of anyways, we get the job done without giving you any complaints, so what the fuck is the problem?”
Jay watched from his desk as you pointed an accusing finger at your boss. He watched as blood began to rush up your neck into your face. If he listened closely he could make out a few words but never enough to understand what you were talking about.
Voight relaxing into his chair was never something you thought could make you fume but boy were you wrong. “Listen y/l/n, you two do work well together and you're right the two of you have never given me any problems working together.” He pauses before coming to stand in front of the chair you're sitting in. Glancing over your clearly pissed off form he crosses his arms and legs “Y/n I know you have feelings for Jay.” Pausing to watch your reaction before deciding to continue. “I’ve known as long as you have. I never said anything because it’s not my place to but now I think it's more than just mere feelings and  I’ve got a new detective coming in and you know as well as I do that you shouldn’t be partners with Jay when you're in love with him.”
If there was one thing Voight loved about you, it's how you can become unreadable in seconds. From your body language to your facial expressions, you were unreadable and he used this to his advantage during interrogations. Now sitting in front of him, he was rather clueless as to what you were thinking now. Less than a minute ago you were yelling at him trying to defend your partnership but now. Now he didn’t know.
Looking at the spot in between your shoes you start to rethink everything you did with Jay around Voight for him to figure out you were in love with Jay. Coming to the conclusion that you didn’t have time to dwell, at least not while Voight is analyzing you, you pull yourself together. Pulling your head up you meet his eyes dead on “Fine I won’t be Jay's partner anymore but I don’t want to be put with anyone else.” Swiftly moving to grab the door handle Hank speaks before you can turn the knob “I’m doing what's best Y/n”  turning around to look at him while letting a sarcastic laugh “I’m sure you think that Hank.”  Walking out of his office and straight to your desk while avoiding Jay's wandering eyes you grab your keys and make a beeline for the exit thanking god it was lunch time.
When Jay had found out that you were no longer his partner you could say furious was an understatement as to how he felt. But staring at him seated comfortably in his chair while Hailey sat on the corner of his desk trying to fix Jay's hair you knew that he was more than happy being with her. It was a hard pill to swallow and watching them fall in love before your eyes was painful. Unbearable, really, knowing the reason Voight had split you up was because you were in love with your partner and yet here they were, both in love with each other and still working together. Unfair wasn’t it.  
True to your word you didn’t want to be paired with anyone else so here you were a year later still working by yourself. It has made you a better cop in all honesty, having to rely on yourself to keep yourself safe and use your instincts to get out of sticky situations. Things never got too bad Voight always telling someone to join you when doing breaches, but when not going into a building with guns drawn you were alone.
Standing a few blocks down from the house your team was about to do a raid on Voight was giving instructions before looking at your blank face. “Y/l/n were you even paying attention?”  His voice is as cold as ice. Looking down to your shoes to roll your eyes before looking at him you give a small smile “Of course Sarge. I’m not trying to get myself killed.” Since that day in his office the two of you had been in a weird stand still not getting along but not trying to be best friends either.
While making your way to the house you realized it had an unexpected door. Giving the hand signal to stop you turned around to face Kim “There's a door we didn’t plan for, I’ll take it and you guys follow the plan like intended.” She wasn’t exactly stunned by your idea but she also wasn’t impressed by it either. “Absolutely not, we are following the plan to a t.” You simply gave her a big smile “Good thing I’m in charge then.”
Clearing the rooms one by one you came to a door with Hailey, giving each other a nod before pushing the door open. As soon as the door was open gun fire was coming at you. Trying to return fire Hailey was shot “Second Floor, Officer down” you yell knowing the rest of the team would be coming soon. Looking down to where she sat on her side of the door “Where were you shot at!” yelling over the gun fire “The vest caught it!’ she yells back equally as loud. Returning more fire before taking cover you look her over “Stay here, you could be injured.” Not giving her a chance to respond you move within the room, taking a few steps into the room your hunt was ended abruptly. The sound of a gun going off caught your attention before the pain did. Falling to the ground you watch as the criminal fled through the window. Putting your hand to the side that was throbbing in pain you lay just out of sight of the team. “Hailey! Oh my god are you ok?” you could feel his concern through the walls. “Yeah I’m fine Y/n told me to stay here since I could have been more injured.”  Slowly Kim redraws her weapon looking down at Jay cupping Haileys face “Where is Y/n?” “She went into the room.”
Slowly entering the room Kim and Adam scan the room until her eyes land on you. There you were a few steps to the right of the door laying in a pool of blood grasping your side “Oh my god! Y/n!”  she shrieked falling to your side putting pressure on your wound “Officer down, I need an ambo to my location now!” Adam roared into the radio before joining Kim. Kevin sprinted into the room with paramedics on his tail.
Not once while laying in a random house dancing on the doorsteps of death did Jay get up and leave Haileys side to see if you were ok or even alive. This was the straw that broke the camel's back.
You didn’t return to the district until a month after being released from the hospital. Walking up the step something felt different, it felt like  your spot in the intelligence unit was being erased by the person you loved most. Upon reaching the top of the step everyone was quick to rush to your side welcoming you back, telling you how much you were missed. Hugs were followed after for all but one person, Jay. He just gave you a pat on the back and returned to his desk.
After the welcome back party was done you sat at your own desk staring at the envelope in the middle of your desk, mulling over whether or not you should hand in your resignation. With a sigh you stand up grabbing that envelope and walked into Voights office leaving everyone's eyes following your movements.
Closing the door before tossing the resignation letter onto his desk he simply raises an eyebrow as if to ask what this was. “My resignation letter.” your voice came out calm but your hands were shaking. “Oh” is all he responded with. Glancing at the paper before looking at you again “Why?” His voice was as rough as always but this time he sounded hurt. “Well after almost dying, it put some things into perspective for me and I realized my place isn’t here anymore. It hasn’t been for a while but I kept trying so desperately for it to be but it's not and I realize that now.” He watches with a curious eye as you sit on the arm of his chair “ So what now? What are you going to do?” Hank tried to avoid the fact that you said this place you used to call home wasn’t a home to you anymore. “I got a call from the feds. They want me to join their undercover operations and that's what I’m going to do.” Sighing he gives you a soft smile “I can’t stop you can I?” the question was useless, you both knew the answer.
Sitting at his desk exactly like he did a year ago Jay was watching you through the window of Voights office, watching you shake your head. The only difference this time is there was no yelling, no accusing finger, nothing. This time he was in the dark.
Smiling just as softly you shake your head “I’m afraid not.” Looking into the window behind Voight you see the team in the reflection. “Could I ask a favor of you?” the question tip-toed past your lips. “I suppose you can.” “I don’t want the team to know, I want these last few weeks to go peacefully, ya know?” Hank could hear the undertone of pleading in your voice “I think that's something I can manage.”
Walking into the station Jay greeted Trudy “Why are you so cheery this morning?” her bitter tone caught him off guard “Um is there a reason I can’t be happy?” Trudy could see the confusion written on his face “Really Halstead? Y/n is leaving on Tuesday and your cherry when she leaving in five days.” “Trudy I have to go” and just like that Trudy was alone again.
“Sarge, I need a word.” Those were the first words out his mouth once he got to the top step. Quickly bypassing his team and going into Voights office, he paces back and forth until he hears the door close. Standing next to his desk Voight speaks “What up Jay?” “What up Jay? Really? That's how you want to play this?” He was heated and Voight knew it “That's how I want to play what?”  Running a hand through his hair in frustration before speaking again “Y/n is leaving and you weren’t going to tell us?” Looking at his detective with a bleak face “It’s not my place to tell you and it was her wish to not tell any of you and I respected that wish.” Jay could not believe what he was hearing. “No Sarge. It is your place to tell us we are a team.” Watching the shrug of his sargents shoulder as a small frown is made “Well Jay I’m sorry you feel this way.”  Jay was worked-up; he knew it and so did Voight “This is all your fault.” Fumbling out of the office Voights booming voice stops him in his tracks “It is my fault I will admit that but my fault isn’t what you think. Y/n has been in love with you for years Jay. I knew that so when I found out I was getting a new detective I decided to make them your partner instead of leaving you two be, and now you're in love with Hailey and not y/n all because I thought she would work better not by your side. This is my fault but make no mistake Jay this is your fault also.” Coming to stand in the middle of the main room the men stand face to face before Voight continues “While y/n lay in that house surrounded by her own blood fighting for her life you didn’t even check on her Jay you never went to the hospital you never did any of those things not me, you.” His annunciation on the last word rocked Jay's world.
Turning around Jay bolted to his car racing to your apartment in record time. Sitting in the middle of your living room packing up miscellaneous items banging on your door startles you. Stepping lightly on the floor you make sure to stay away from the peephole before quickly looking through it to see an unexpected visitor on the other side. Pulling the door open he is quick to make his way inside your apartment.
“What the hell Jay! What are you doing ?” He could tell you were confused but he chose to ignore it. “What am I doing?”  an irritated laugh comes from his chest “What are you doing?”  Standing in your living room you continued to stare at him absolutely flabbergasted “Leaving! Y/n my god. How could you leave without telling anyone? Without telling me?” the pain in his voice gripped his word and sent draggers into your heart. “I’ll, uh, be gone by Tuesday.” It was now his turn to be dumbfounded. “Really that's all you have to say?” chewing on the inside of your cheek you shrug “Why didn’t you tell me you loved me?” Looking between his eyes, he can’t be serious can he? “What was I supposed to do? Hey Jay just thought you should know I’m in love with you.” The desperation was clearly evident but he chose to ignore it “I mean yeah that would have worked.” you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation you're in finally after two years he knows but now he's with someone else. “What's so funny y/n.” Even while arguing with you he was still mesmerizing “If I had known that was all I would have had to say I would of but I can’t. Not now. Not while you're with her.”
Feeling his frustration leave his body it left it open for a new emotion. Longing, longing for what could have been. Staring at the woman before him, he can’t help but to realize you are absolutely captivating. “I’m sorry” his voice cracking broke your heart but not more than realizing you could have had a life together. “Hey” rubbing his arm you try and get him to look at you “It’s not your fault, I’m the one who didn’t say anything.” “I didn’t say anything either” staring at each other it felt like a thousand words and none at all were said. “You love her right?”  you knew the answer but still had to ask “Yeah I love her.” sitting down on the couch he sits across from you “And you’re happy right?”  shaking his head yes he's unable to answer. “Then that's all that matters.” Looking at you the tears in his eyes are threatening to spill over the edge “But what about you.” Shrugging once more before looking around the now empty space that used to be yours “Can’t keep waiting on you forever, can I?” turning to look at him once more you find him already fixated on you “I’ll find someone someday, but just not today.” the smile you give him is breathtaking. Reaching over to pull you into his lap “Definitely not today.” he whispers into your hair desperately trying to blink back his unshed tears.
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lcvesjj · 1 year
hey sweetheart! i was hoping i could request one where f! reader is erin's partner at intelligence and she has a daughter. she and erin got along great and are practically "best friends", and is practically obvious that erin and reader are in love with each other, so there comes a day when she asks erin "you're in love with my mommy, don't you?"
fluffy and everything, you can decide the daughters name! it's totally okay if you aren't able to do it. hope its understandable! :))
Partners - Erin Lindsay x Fem!Reader
A/n : thank you for this request! I love this idea!!! And Emma is Y/n’s daughter (I’m sorry I couldn’t come up with a better name 🥲) but anyways I hope you’ll enjoy reading this!
The day didn’t start so well since it was snowing so hard that school was cancelled for Emma. And it turned out that the babysitter who usually looked after her was sick. 
Which meant you had to take Emma to work with you. You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t realise it was getting late until you felt two tiny hand tug at your shirt. “Mommy, when are we going to see Eri?” Emma asked, jumping up and down in excitement. 
Erin was one of Emma’s favourite people, since she was always so kind to her and even offered to teach Emma how to do a French braid, after Emma once saw her hairstyle and asked a million questions about it. You appreciated Erin so much. It was hard raising Emma all alone, but you knew you had an amazing family you could rely on. Erin was your best and closest friend you had. 
“We are going to go see her now sweetheart. I just need to grab a few more things alright?” Emma nodded, running off to get her shoes and winter coat.
Arriving at the district, you quickly helped her out of the car and gathered your things. 
After exchanging a few words with Trudy, you and Emma headed upstairs towards the bullpen. Opening the gate you let go of Emma’s hand for a second and before you knew it she was running up to Erin’s desk screaming at the top of her lungs “ERIIIIIII!” It was a nickname she had once come up with and Erin loved it. 
A few hours later, you were still filling out some leftover paperwork. Hearing Erin and Emma quietly play a game of cards you smiled to yourself. You loved seeing the two most important people in your life get along so well.
After finishing another report you got up and grabbed your mug heading towards the break room. Quickly glancing over at Emma and Erin, you saw that they were still playing the card game and Emma looked really happy. “You really are in love aren’t you Y/l/n.” Jay laughed from beside you. You jumped up in slight fright, glaring at him. “Don’t scare me like that Chuckles.” You said pouring in some coffee to your mug. “You should ask her out.” He simply stated, looking at you. “I don’t know Jay, I mean. I just don’t want to lose my best friend, you know?” You said sadly. “I know you don’t want to lose her but I think it’s worth a shot. I mean you never know what will happen and besides seeing the puppy eyes Erin has been giving you this whole morning just makes me even more sure about it.” He said gently bumping your shoulder before walking out with his fresh coffee. 
Meanwhile Emma and Erin were having a whispered conversation, after Emma asked if they could speak quietly since it was something about you. Erin got slightly worried and agreed, softly asking what this was about. “You’re in love with my mommy aren’t you?” Hearing Emma’s words Erin blushed looking down. “I knew it!” She smiled at the brunette widely. “So when do you plan on asking my mommy out?” Emma added. “Sweetheart, are you sure? Since I don’t want to upset you.” Erin softly replied, looking over at Emma’s slightly shocked expression.
“Why would you dating my mommy upset me? I like you a lot so I don’t see why that would upset me.” Emma said, confused. “But what’s your plan?” Erin smiled, before whispering something into Emma’s ear. 
A few moments later you walked out of the break room and approached Erin’s desk. Emma was colouring something while Erin was simply watching her. “Uh hey Erin can I talk to you for a second?” You asked softly. “Of course, is everything alright?” She asked you in concern. “Yea I think so. Emma, will you be alright on your own for a second?” She just nodded and happily returned to colouring some picture Erin must have printed out. Antonio also offered to watch Emma for a bit, while you and Erin talked. Sending him a thankful smile, you nodded and looked over at Emma. 
Erin gently placed a hand on your lower back and led you to the locker room. “What’s up?” She asked, sitting down on the bench next to you. “Well I wanted to ask you something…” Erin just nodded and you continued. “I really like you Erin and so does Emma. And I just wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to go on a date sometime. Sorry if this is too soon.” You blurted out, blushing slightly. “I was about to ask you the same thing. Emma and I were just talking about you and I have wanted to ask you that for ages.” Erin laughed, gently leaning over and placing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Can I kiss you?” Erin asked softly, looking at you with red cheeks and wide eyes. “Of course.” You smiled back at her. Gently leaning in, the two of you kissed. Suddenly you heard a loud scream, it was Emma who was jumping up and down in excitement screaming “THEY KISSED! MOMMY AND ERIN JUST KISSED!”
Laughing at her words you held out your arms for her to climb into them. Emma quickly sat down in your lap and looked over at Erin with a big toothy grin. “See I told you it would work!” She said, smiling at the both of you. You just laughed at her words.
Emma held out her hands to Erin, who quickly grabbed her into a hug. “Mommy come join us!” Emma said, turning to look at you. Laughing, you joined the hug and smiled at Erin over Emma’s head. The three of you sat like that for a while and Erin placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Everything was alright. 
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playbucky · 3 years
Small World
Requested by Anon – Hi! Can you do a jay halstead x reader where the reader is ex-ranger and ex-military doctor and returns back to Chicago after being in Afghanistan? Tysm!! And @theletterhart – can you do 24 hit jay please? Thank you. Prompt – ‘Did I just say that out loud?’ A/N – combining the two so y’all can get a longer fic. Characters – Jay x Reader. Word Count – 1462. Like what I do? Buy me a coffee.
‘Can I help you?’ The older woman asked at the desk, you lifted your head and sent her a polite smile. ‘I’m looking for Jay Halstead?’ You said, she arched an eyebrow. ‘Detective Chuckles?’ She asked, your brows furrowed before chuckling your self. ‘If that’s what he’s going by now, then yeah.’ You replied, the corner of her lips curled up and she nodded. ‘I’ll phone him down.’ She replied. ‘Thank you.’ You said, she nodded before picking the phone up as you wandered away to the row of seats.
‘You called Trudy?’ He asked, Trudy nodded and stretched a hand out and he followed it, noticing you helping an older woman into the only spare seat. ‘Y/N.’ You looked over your shoulder and smiled, before turning back to the older woman and made sure she was okay before you turned to him. ‘Jay, or should I call you chuckles?’ You asked, he narrowed his eyes before smiling widely as he pulled you in for hug. ‘What are you doing in Chicago?’ He asked, squeezing your tighter as you tried to pull back. ‘I am officially retired from the military.’ You announced, he loosened his arms on you as he looked down at you. ‘Completely?’ He asked shocked. ‘Yeah, sighed the papers at the weekend and got here last night.’ You informed him, his smile grew if that was possible. ‘I’m taking you to dinner to celebrate but first I want you to meet my team and Voight’ He said, you scoffed before nodding. ‘Lead the way.’ You motioned in front of you. ‘Well you’ve already met Trudy Platt.’ He said, you nodded. ‘I have.’ You said, nodding your head at her once again, before Jay guided you up the stairs and entered a code in before you were greeted by more stairs. Once you reached the top of them you were in a large room, filled with desks, the officers behind them stopped talking and turned to you and Jay waiting for you to be introduced. ‘Guys this is Y/N.’ Jay introduced you to the room, you gave them a small wave. ‘As in the Y/N that saved Jay and Mouse’s ass how many times?’ The tall man at the back said, his jumper hugged his wide shoulders. ‘That’d be me.’ You said proudly. ‘Why did you save their asses?’ The detective asked, you chuckled as Jay groaned. ‘It was my duty.’ You replied. ‘Y/N, that is Kevin.’ Jay said next to you, you sent him a smile. ‘Adam and Kim.’ He motioned to the next set of desks, the pair of them sent a small wave and a smile. ‘Hailey.’ He gestured to the other woman, who sent you a wave as she balanced the phone between her shoulder and ear. ‘Y/N.’ The gruff voice said, you turned to the office and smiled widely. ‘Voight.’ You greeted him, before leaving Jay behind and crossing the floor to wrap your arms around his shoulders, hugging each other tightly. ‘How you been kid?’ He asked you as you pulled back from each other. ‘Good, signed the papers on the weekend so I’m a free woman.’ You replied, he chuckled and nodded before patting your shoulders. ‘You know the Sarge?’ Adam asked, you turned back to him and nodded. ‘Yeah, Voight picked me up from homecoming when I was too drunk to walk straight.’ You said, you were greeted by more confused looks. ‘I knew Erin from school, then went to the Rangers, and met Jay.’ You explained, they understood it now. ‘So it’s a small world then?’ Kim commented, you nodded. ‘Yeah, a lot smaller than most people think.’ You replied, glancing at Jay who was already watching you.
The dinner that Jay warned to take you on to celebrate you return had been crashed by the team and the others from Med and the firehouse that you had quickly been introduced to, now you were all sitting in the local bar Molly’s in a booth. The girls all crowed together drinking their drinks lagging loudly as the men had separated off drinking at he darts boards. ‘So you and Jay?’ Maggie asked, you looked at them with a raised eyebrow. ‘What about us?’ You asked her, taking a sip from your drink finishing it. ‘Did you ever hit that?’ She asked. ‘Maggie!’ Natalie exclaimed, using Maggie’s shoulder before she shrugged her shoulders. You laughed loudly, playing with the glass. ‘No, I never.’ You replied, all their jaws dropped. ‘Never?’ Hailey asked. ‘Never.’ You replied again. ‘Did you think about it?’ Natalie questioned, becoming interested in it, you opened your mouth to say something before you shut it and stopped. ‘You did.’ They said amused, you titled your head to the side. ‘Yeah, of course I did.’ ‘Ohh Y/N’s in love with Jay.’ Maggie and Natalie sung together, before they fell silent at the presence that appeared behind you. ‘Jay.’ They said happily, you turned and smiled at him as his hand rested on our lower back. ‘Ladies, you want another drink?’ He asked, they all said yeah but you shook your head and stood up. ‘No, I’m gonna head home.’ You said, pulling your jacket from the back of the chair as you slid out of it. ‘Let me get their drinks then I’ll drive you home.’ He said, you looked at him and smiled before saying your head. ‘Don’t be stupid, spend the night with your friends I’m just gonna call a cab and then collapse into my hotel room.’ You explained, he clenched his jaw slightly as he shook his head. ‘Nope, you’re not staying in that hotel, you’re crashing at mine.’ He said adamantly, you wet to object but he had already walked over to the bar and ordered the drinks, before making his way back over to you saying a quick bye to everyone before he placed a hand on your lower back again and guided you out the pub.
Once you were in his car you fastened tour seatbelt before Jay took off out the space, quickly you fell into sleep as he carefully made hiss way along the roads. He looked at you when he pulled up at his apartment before turning to you, he wanted to wake you but you were snoring quietly. Chuckling to him self he climbed out his side and made is way around, carefully opening the door and reaching round to undo your seatbelt before sliding his arms underneath you and lifting you up. You subconsciously wrapped yourself into him before he used his back to shut the door and made his way into the building and called the elevator, grateful it was empty so he could still carry you. He let out a sigh when he successfully managed to open his door without dropping you or the keys, using his back he pushed it open further and walked, glancing t the couch before walking past it and heading to his bedroom. Taking a few footsteps his knees hit the bed before he bent at the hips and lowered our into the soft bedding, rolling you to the side he slipped the covers out before pulling them up your legs. ‘Oh god I love you.’ You almost whined, Jay tensed up as he kept his hands resting on you. Then it clicked in your head and you opened your eyes and meet his, looking down at you. ‘Did I just say that out loud?’ You asked, he nodded and your face burned as you tried to moe away from him but his grip tightened enough to keep you there but not enough to hurt you. ‘Jay, please let me go so I can fall asleep and blame it on the alcohol.’ You said, trying to move away from him. ‘No.’ He said sternly. ‘Jay.’ You looked at him confused. ‘No, because you’ll wake up in the morning and never bring it back up.’ He said, already knowing your plan of action. ‘Because I am drunk.’ You told him, he removed his hands from you. ‘Y/N, I know when your drunk, your hardly tipsy.’ He pointed out, you clenched our eyes together. ‘Can we forget about it?’ You asked, rolling onto your side and letting out a long sigh. ‘If you want, but I was gonna suggest that we go on a date and talk about it.’ He said, he felt you tense up next to him but you didn’t reply. Sighing he pushed himself off the bed and walked towards the door, when he heard your moving. ‘Do I get to chose the spot?’ You asked, he chuckled quietly but your heard him. ‘Yeah, you can chose.’ He replied, you smiled into the blanket. ‘It’s a date then.’ You stated.
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
New Romance
Pairing: Jesse Lee Soffer x Best Friend! reader
Summary: Y/N and Jesse have an interview where they talk about what it’s like working together on Chicago PD
Requested: No
Warnings: slight swearing, spoilers to season 7, mentions of nudity 
Words: 1,172 Words
Note: Y/CN means your character’s name
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I got situated in my seat next to Jesse on a small love seat, draping my right leg over my left knee to where it almost touched my co-star. It’s not like he would mind though, seeing as we had been best friends for the past few years ever since staring in Chicago PD together. Jesse then rested his right arm against the back of the couch, a position I knew made him comfortable. The cameras were getting set up all around us while our interviewer, Sara, prepared her questions. Finally, it was time to start rolling.
“Good afternoon, everyone. Today we are here with Jesse Lee Soffer and Y/N L/N from the hit NBC show Chicago PD. How are you guys doing today?” Sara asked.
“We’re doing good. How about you?” I question.
Sara gave me a small smile. “I’m doing fine. Do you guys mind if we get straight into the questions?”
“Not at all,” Jesse replied.
“All right. So, Jay and Y/CN, the characters you guys play in the show, have been dating for a whole season now. What’s it like shooting those scenes?” Sara asked.
“Here’s the thing,” I say. “I don’t particularly like filming romantic scenes.”
“What? But you’re so good at them,” Sara pointed out.
“Which is what I tell her, but she won’t listen,” Jesse added.
“I don’t dislike them as much as I used to, which could be because I’m working with Jesse, who is basically my best friend,” I note and smile at the man next to me, who pulled me into his side and gave me a small squeeze.
“Aren’t the romance scenes awkward then? Seeing as you guys are best friends?” Sara questioned.
Jesse shook his head. “I mean, they were a little awkward at first, but over time, because we’ve had so many of them, we’re just used to it. We always laugh about the scenes after shooting too.”
“So, if your characters had to date someone else in the show, who do you think they would date?” Sara asked.
“I actually think Jay and Hailey would be good together,” Jesse spoke.
“Forget Jay and Y/CN. Jay and Hailey would be a way better couple,” I joke.
Sara laughed. “What about your character, Y/N?”
“I was thinking maybe Adam for you,” Jesse said.
“No way,” I argue. “I think Y/CN and Adam are too good of friends for it to ever go there. Besides, if they were together, I think they’d just argue all the time. Can we pick a character who left the show?”
“Of course,” Sara responded.
“Then I’d say Mouse,” I say.
“Really?” Jesse questioned.
“100%. I loved the friendship Y/CN and Mouse had. It always seemed like there was a little bit of flirting there as well,” I point out.
“All right. Onto the next question. Tell us about one of your favorite memories on set,” Sara stated.
“Mine’s a recent one, actually,” Jesse answered. “Y/N and I had to do a shower scene together, and it was on the funniest things ever. We had to redo the scene multiple times, so both of us were soaking wet for hours. And both Y/N and I had to wear these skin colored swim suits so it would look like we weren’t wearing clothes, and 9 out of 10 takes, my finger would get caught under the back of her bikini top, so we had to reshoot the scene. We also slipped a few times, which was pretty funny. It was a long day, but I had a great time.”
“That’s a good one. Mine is actually from a few years ago,” I remembered. “It was like the 2nd or 3rd week of filming season 1, and I got really sick, so I couldn’t film anything. I basically sat in my trailer all day. But after filming, Jesse, Paddy, and LaRoyce all stopped by to check up on me and make sure I was okay. I think that was when I knew we were all going to be friends for a long time.”
“Those are pretty interesting memories,” Sara admitted. “Now, we had the viewers send in some questions. A lot of fans were asking what your favorite episode to film was.”
“See, when people ask me that, I never know what to say. I don’t have a favorite. I love working on every single episode,” Jesse confessed.
“Well, unlike Jesse, I do have a favorite episode, or 2 episodes, since they go hand in hand,” I explain. “My favorites would have to be the ones from season 7 where Jay was kidnapped, and then the episode right after that when he was in the hospital and no one knew if he was going to survive. One of the reasons I liked those ones so much was because throughout seasons, Y/CN has been a pretty stoic character. I mean, we almost never see when she’s feeling upset. And then in these episodes, she’s constantly on the verge of a breakdown. It was weird filming them at first, but as I got into it, I really enjoyed it.”
“The last question we have is pretty interesting as well. How did you react when you found out your characters were going to be in a relationship?” Sara asked.
“We found out, what, the beginning of season 6?” Jesse questioned.
“Yeah. Because Erin left after season 4, and season 5 was based around Al’s case and your PTSD,” I clarify.
“Right. So, I remember walking into the script read and taking my seat next to Y/N. We started getting into the script and as we were going through it, I noticed a few flirty remarks between Jay and Y/CN along with some little touches here and there. Once we finished the read, I turned to Y/N, and I was just like, ‘Are you seeing what I’m seeing here?’ And she was like, ‘Yeah. I always assumed our characters would stay best friends in the show, but here we are.’ And as we continued the script reads, I kept on seeing the relationship between Y/CN and Jay grow. So of course, when we got to the midseason finale, and Y/CN and Jay had to have their first kiss, I wasn’t too surprised. I never thought our characters would go there, but I believe it was a good twist. Both of them needed someone they could count on no matter what, and I think they’ve found that someone in each other,” Jesse finished off.
“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” I say.
“All right. It looks like that’s all the time we have for today. It was so great talking to you both,” Sara commented.
“You too,” Jesse replied.
“Before we go, do you guys have anything to say to everyone watching?” Sara asked.
“For sure. Thank you guys so much for watching Chicago PD. I know my castmates and I appreciate it. And don’t forget that Chicago PD returns this Wednesday at 10/9 Central, so tune in,” I inform the viewers.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13​ @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone @i-like-sparkly-things
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books-and-cookies · 3 years
hi mary! ive been reading a bunch of fantasy lately but its manily been ya so the mcs are around 16 years old. can you rec me some fantasy books where the mcs are in their early to mid 20s? thank you so much! hope you have a lovely day x
Hmmm, let me see... these might not be exactly mid 20s, but the books are considered adult fantasy, so hopefully it'll work for you :)
* Nevernight trilogy by Jay Kristoff * The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon * A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas * The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang * A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E.Schwab * This Savage Song by V.E.Schwab * The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon * House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas * Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo * Circe by Madeline Miller * The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern * From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Hope these help! Happy reading!
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starksvixen · 4 years
Best Shot - Prologue
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Summary: After Jay Halstead left the Rangers and joined Chicago PD, he met you, the famed (Y/N). You’re the only one who has a better shot then Halstead, something that sparked a small competition. Competition lead to post work hangouts and eventually, being assigned as partners by Voight soon after for your work ethic. Your friendship evolved into roommates and hockey buddies. The so called best friend you had found in the Halstead quickly changed, just in time to watch him sweep Erin Lindsay off her feet. Heartbroken, you buried your feelings deep inside you. 
Now with Erin out of the picture,and your healing best friend in close quarters, can your best shot make it to a happily ever after?
Warnings: Mild to severe blood and gore, language, some suggestive scenes but no smut
Pairings: Jay Halstead x fem!Reader, small Connor Rhodes x fem!Reader
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 (finale)
“Oh come on! I can shoot better then that!, Halstead!”
“Prove it then, (Y/L/N)! Close your eyes and only shoot when I tell you too.” 
With a smirk on your face, you reload your gun and aim it at the ground. As you look at your best friend, a mischevious grin is pointed towards you, only feeding the flame. You stick your tongue out before looking at the new target being loaded, feeling your eyes flutter close. 
Breathe in.
Your finger slowly slips into it’s place in front of the trigger, adding just the tiniest amount fo pressure. 
Opening your eyes and lifting your arms at the same time, you exhale, aim, and fire. As you lower your gun, you’re met with the results you had expected. A direct hit to the head of the target. Turning to Jay, you grin and lay the gun down.
“Better luck next time,” you say, mimicking his michevious grin he once had. 
Before he can fire back, both of your phones go off at the same time. Pulling yours out, you find that Voight had assigned you to a case that was taking place at Med. 
“Duty calls,” Jay says to you. 
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randomontheinternet · 4 years
Our Life Voiced Names A-Z
I heard some people wanted a list of the voiced names so far, so I took the time to copy down all of the names from A to Z. The names are under the cut to not clutter.
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deetrll · 3 years
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Tbr list
the night circus by erin morgenstern
the invisible life of addie larue by v.e schwab
blood and ash trilogy by jennifer l. armentrout
from blood and ash
a kingdom of flesh and fire
the crown of gilded bones
acotar series by sarah j. maas
a court of thorns and roses x
a court of mist and fury x
a court of wings and ruin x
a court of silver flames
a house of earth and blood by sarah j. maas
counting down with you by tashie bhuiyan
they both die at the end by adam silvera
it ends with us by colleen hoover
dove trilogy by shelby mahurin
serpent & dove
blood & honey
gods & monsters
star daughter by shveta thakrar
house of salt and sorrows by erin a. craig
kingdom of the wicked series by kerri maniscalco
kingdom of the wicked
kingdom of the cursed
heartless by marissa meyer
the nevernight chronicle series by jay kristoff
we hunt the flame by hafsah faizal
caraval series by stephanie garber
trials of the four olympians by rebecca j. sotirios
shatter me series by tahereh mafi
shatter me
unravel me
ignite me
restore me
defy me
imagine me
daughter of the pirate king series by tricia levenseller
daughter of the pirate king
daughter of the siren queen
cursebreaker series by brigid kemmerer
a curse so dark and lonely
a heart so fierce and broken
a vow so bold and deadly
legend series by penelope douglas
the once and future witches by alix e. harrow
cinderella is dead by kalynn bayron
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