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adventurepunks · 2 months ago
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"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to. You know what it's stupid, we can order a pizza or something. Yeah" Roy tried very hard to make something festive, being strapped for cash and not the best cook his own spin on the classic Christmas dinner became a Turkey baguette with gravy mayo and a side of fries.
"It's stupid. I'm sorry. I'll get pizza.And this is for you" He did not have a lot of money but he was resourceful having lived on the poverty line for so long, he mended her favorite pair of sneakers and they could almost pass for new if you didn't look too closely at the seam of the sole or at the fact the paint was not quite right.
"I was hoping the year coming we could do this- I know you ain't a kid anymore but.. never mind I'm being stupid." One of those keepsake scrapbooks that kids aged six would fill with pictures drawings and holiday tickets and excursions with their besties but Roy tried to get rid of it too embarassed at how much of a try hard he was being.
"I never got to have my little girl-" Great, how pathetic. Eyes welling up over a stupid scrapbook.
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bishimightwing · 2 years ago
"Sorry, Superman." Kara smiled guiltily--that's one of the reasons why Batman was always annoyed with her, she always reverted to Clark's kryptonian birth name, which meant in other's eyes that she was having trouble, or didn't fully want to adapt to Earth and it's culture, but in reality it was just because--Krypton was gone. Clark had few memories, if any, so why wouldn't Kara hold onto any link to her culture that she could? Clark may not fully understand that, but he at least respected the abrupt change Kara went through--and was still going through.
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Her head tilted, "Bludhaven report?" She questioned. She, of course had heard through the grapevine that Nightwing had moved and had sort of become of a guardian of his own city, much like she had with National. "Ka--Superman doesn't need me to give him reports. If he doesn't hear the situation himself, he sees it on the news." Her lips quirk slightly, "He's the only one who trusts me to either handle it or call him if I can't"
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"Must be nice to not have a Super-shadow over you. My pointy-eared one likes to bug me about the town I've been looking after since I traded in Robin duds for this." He missed being the only one back then. The family's been great for both him and Bruce, but the city and its crooks used to not see the circus lad coming as much as they were expecting of the Dark Knight. Dick made the flamboyance work to his advantage.
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years ago
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@maraonlaidre asked: i don't know who i am anymore. (From Chris to Bianca)
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"You're the same person you've always been." The Phoenix Witch shrugged lightly. Likely wasn't very helpful, but she didn't know how else to say it. "You're Chris Halliwell, son of a Charmed one and a Whitelighter. Someone good." Always had been, always would be. Bianca on the other hand was more morally ambiguous. Given the fact she could shimmer like a demon yet not be frozen by his mother's powers like light witches. It was a weird balance. She looked at him for a moment. "What makes you think you aren't?"
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protectxthem · 2 years ago
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@maraonlaidre asked: ❛     you  have  a  very  annoying  way  of  sneaking  up  on  people.     ❜ (Kara to Oliver)
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“I’m just doing what i’m good at.” He laughed, grinning at her. “I haven’t caught you doing anything you weren’t supposed to be doing, so you’re safe.”
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supcrfriends · 2 years ago
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Knocking on Kara’s door, he thought he should give her a warning that he was there instead of just popping into her apartment. . . ESPECIALLY after she’d suffered such a tragedy. “Kara? It’s me, it’s Barry.” He waited as patiently as a speedster could for her to open the door. He just wanted to wrap her up in a huge hug and try to take some of her pain that she must be feeling away.
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greentippedarrow · 2 years ago
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So take it all (So take it all) The city's yours (The city's mine) It's worth fighting for (It's worth fighting for) It's all mine (It's all mine)
Part 3 feat Connor Lance-Queen, Nora & Don West-Allen & Mik El Matthews
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valorems · 2 years ago
@maraonlaidre x
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"Just like I was trying to protect you." Reaching out, he gently placed a hand on Kara's shoulder. "Just give her some time." Mon-El told her once more. "In the future, I can tell you, Clark's sons are doing just fine." A soft smile graced his features. "I know that things can change, that time is malleable, but as for right now everything is okay. Like I said, if you need me to help stop any of the Luthor's from doing anything they'll regret, I will gladly help."
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unitcd · 2 years ago
@maraonlaidre from x
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"Okay, so sue me." Alex shrugged her shoulders. "That was different, Esme is much younger than we were when mom did that to us and I'm not TRYING to embarrass her, I just want her to know that I am right here." She knew that she sounded ridiculous as soon as she'd said it out loud. . . "I'm not saying you're right."
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spinxeret · 2 years ago
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+ @maraonlaidre asked: “  this is a much less cool way to die.  ” (From Babs)
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+" You're telling ME ! " Fingers still gripping the WEB she'd spun for herself and Barbara, Mary Jane was absolutely going to start PACKING the pair of webshooters more often . Especially considering the FALL it had saved the both of them from . Looking over at her friend, she could still hear her HEART pounding against her ears, just barely LOUDER than the rushing cars feet below them . " You ok ? "
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svpe · 7 months ago
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"It seems to me like you're doing a great job, Kara. Mon El is lucky to have you, and as long as he keeps that smile on your face, I'm glad that you have him." There was pride in his voice to match the warm smile. It looked like the student had become the teacher, and a damn good one at that.
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"I also wouldn't worry too much about the cooking." Clark paused, as if a thought had just popped into his head. "Y'know, I'm actually starting to think it's a superpower in itself. No-one else in the universe is able to make cookies as good as Ma, and I've tried at least 300 different recipes from across the universe."
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Warmth spread through her at Kal's words--all she wanted since she processed the new age difference between them was to make him proud, and when she saw what he had with Lois...she wanted to have some version of that for herself too. "Thank you, Kal." She murmured with a soft smile, "--I understand it now, I think. How you feel about Lois." How her parents felt about each other, how anyone felt with the right person, she supposed. The question about Mon-el's powers had her brow furrowing, the ever obvious crinkle appearing in between her eyes.
"He's...adjusting." She decided, swirling the liquid in her cup gently as she raised her eyes to Kal's. "You know how hard it can be even though we have years of experience, both of us." And it was, they always had to watch themselves. "Though I will say, some of it comes so much easier to him. Things like cooking come so easily to him, and I still burn a freezer pizza, but then things like phones, he has trouble with. Poor Winn has had to replace so many already."
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maraonlaidrex · 11 months ago
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Indie Mutlimuse Multifandom RP
By Eri
Google Site Info
25+, low activity
Featuring muses from DC, Charmed, and more
Formally: Maraonlaidre, twicexborn, theredheadedbat, wasleftbehind, thelittlearrow
Important: April '24: Tumblr terminated my original account because it thought I was a spam bot when I came back. I hopefully will get my original account back soon.
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trxplehelix · 2 years ago
Chris looked over towards his brother from the position of laying upside on Matt's bed, book in hand. "how much trouble would we get into if we went back in time to Disney Land in the early 2000s?"
"That depends. If you're the one directing the time traveling? Probably a lot. If I'm the one doing it? We could spend a week there at the resort and be back without anyone knowing." He was sitting on his bed, and lightly nudged Chris with his foot. "What closed that we have to go back in time to when Eisner was CEO?"
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protectxthem · 2 years ago
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@maraonlaidre​ asked: we’re  gonna  survive  this  ,  right  ?     (Erin to Jack)
Jack holds Erin close, nodding with a small smile. “Of course we are.” He looks over her shoulder and then over his own. “C’mon.” He whispers, grabbing her hand and getting to his feet. He slowly pulls her to her own feet and once she is up, he starts to move quickly toward an empty room.
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supcrfriends · 2 years ago
@maraonlaidre continued
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"You know what? Now that you mention it, I don't think I would want to use that either." He scrunched up his nose at the thought of smelling all of the garbage around the city, amongst other things. His smiled widened even more when he revealed the box and raised his eyebrows almost comically. "I was hoping you'd say that." He waggled his brows then and handed off the box. "So, what's new in National City? Anything interesting? Any butts you've kicked lately that I should know about?
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bishimightwing · 2 years ago
I'm considering a thread tracker, but if you're mentioned here, then we have current threads together and I've either replied last and am waiting for your turn, or am getting to you shortly. Those I've drafted, a bold asterisk is to the right of your name. Plz lemme know if I miss replies from you within the last week or so, bc I've begun to drop a few and will let as many of y'all as I can know. Some ppl are awfk rn, irl matters, so just wanna ensure mine and ours is kept fresh and new, in regards to activity. And as well to be welcoming to new mutuals or other character blogs you guys follow me from.🥰
@punishmentsdue *
@spinxeret * (and owed on a few of your multi-muse characters you owe from but I'll msg you the deets)
@volucerrubidus / @peranarkia *
@collectingmuses *
@batinstincts *
@felonkitty *
@awolxsiblings *
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valorems · 2 years ago
maraonlaidre asked: “i know you’ve been hurt.”
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Sitting in one of the conference rooms at the DEO, Mon-El had the necklace that Kara had given him twirling betwixt his fingers. Staring off into space, he was thinking about how exactly he could go on the way that he was. Deep into some reason why he couldn't even look at Kara half the time because he felt so terrible about Imra, he heard a voice break through the trance. Blinking, he glanced over to see just the person he'd been thinking about. "Hm?" What did that mean? "What are you referring to?" The Daxamite licked his lips as he quickly tucked the necklace back into his shirt and stood up from the table. Maybe she wanted to talk to him about their time on Argo, but maybe not. He was still struggling with everything, trying to keep himself on the straight and narrow path. He didn't need to mess anything up here in the present, but damn it was difficult not to just tell Kara that he was still so deeply in love with her that it was killing him to stand there and not just take her into his arms and kiss her like so many years ago. . .
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