#[ i don't know why but i haven't been able to draw anything for like two weeks ]
despairforme · 3 months
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oceansssblue · 5 months
"Would love to see a Wolffe x reader fic where the AFAB reader is injured in battle, Comms him and then their Comms get jammed and he's just freaking the hell out. Love some angst of him carrying her back to a ship and losing his mind over it"
Some minor alterations but I'm SO HAPPY with how this one came out! I love wolffe and there aren't that many fics about him. Do recommend your favourites! Xx, sky.
Halsakaa is a nightmare. The Republic hasn't been able to redirect more forces to the Outer Rim planet to help you; and your troops are struggling to keep the droids battalions at bay. It honestly feels as though the Republic –and the Jedi– have abandoned you to your wrath; no-one coming to this remote location in the galaxy to save you. The destine of your own life, and the lifes of your soldiers, are solely in your hands. And you'd give everything for them, even sacrifice yourself if you have to. After so many experiences together, for almost three years straight now, they have becomed such an important part of you it feels as if you have ingrained every single one of them in your soul. You know you should'nt be so attached to them; Master Ploo quietly reminds you from time to time –though you know he's not exactly indifferent either–. The wolfpack is his own just as they are yours. Yours. Growing up as Jedi you haven't had this kind of... ownership over anything but your saber. Obviously, you don't see the clones as something you can posses, use; but they do belong to you in some sense, and in that way, it's your responsability to command them, to take care of them. And you... love them. It's a dangerous word for a Jedi. But it's the truth. It is the reason why, right now, your soul aches. Each death is a strike right to your heart. But how can you see them any different, when they are such loyal friends? Such fierce soldiers, who fight and die selflessly for the freedom of other citizens in the galaxy, a freedom that hadn't been given to themselves?
Your dark emerald green lightsaber flies in your hands, deflecting one bolt after the other one. Sweat makes your usually comfortable jedi robes stick to your body; minor scratches and wounds tingling painfully at the friction of the fabric. It doesn't make you move any slower, though; you feel unstopable jumping from a cluster of droids to another, the hum of your saber following you around while you slash through your enemies with persistent focus and skill. General Ploo is doing his own thing on the other side of the battlefield; your clone troops split in half to defend both sides of Halsakaa's capital.
You don't know how much longer you can hold this off. All of you have been trained for this, and you're used to drawing strength from the Force, increasing your usual endurance; but even you are feeling exhausted, muscles straining like painful cords, and the thing about the droids is that they never tire out. You know this has to end eventually. Right now, Master Ploo's orders are to hold on til some other battalion can come to your rescue –the other option abandoning Halsakaa to the separatists, which would cause a disastrous impact on the Republic–; though you don't know when that will be. It may be days, or weeks. A month, maybe two. Even with the system of rest-and-takeover you've got established with the clones you're afraid you're going to lose.
The night falls, and some troopers fall back into the delicate safety of the makeshift camp, a decent distant away from the battlefield; they'll try to shut the eye for some hours before replacing other brothers positions again. You keep fighting, completely exhausted but knowing perfectly well that your presence in the battlefield equals the force of ten clones; pushing through your energy limits and fiercely holding your own.
Hours pass, and the two suns of Halsaaka rises again; your tired eyes getting used to the new light while you keep slashing droids with your saber.
"We're pushing them further away from the South Door" Master Ploo's calm voice picks up through your coms. "I have been informed that the 442th have been dispatched in our way. They will join us in two sunrises".
You can't help but give a relieved sigh. The 104th have worked with the 442th more than once in the past. They are heavy infantry; and you wouldn't say no to some of that now. Any fresh soldier would be a welcomed addition. You can see the strain on your troopers; though none of them would dare say a word out loud.
"Copy that" you answer through your channel with your Master and the 104th's commander and sergeant. "I'll feel as happy as a kid with a popsicle when I see that green stripped armour along our light gray one".
You dodge a shot and use the Force to push a wave of droids to the side; your troopers quickly using the oportunity to blast them down.
Wolffe's deep husky voice pipes up in a tiny, well-humoured comment.
"Still a kid yourself, General" he teases you, voice still firm and contradictionally serious.
Your lips pull up on a tiny smirk.
"We can't all age in a blink of an eye, my dear Commander" you chirp back.
The coms pick up his raspy chuckle before the frequency goes back to silence.
The droids make way for something bigger and you groan under your breath. The first bolts make the earth beneath your feet shake slightly; orders and screams shouted all around you.
"Bad news, boys" you open the general coms this time so everyone gets updated in this very unwelcomed surprise. "We've got some spiders".
You focus yourself on them; flying through the battlefield and jumping on one droid after the other one, sinking your saber into their red sensors or cutting off their laser canions. Then, when you're in the middle of jumping off of one, a surprisingly well aimed bolt crosses the air and hits you; and you fall down with blood quickly soaking your side, staining the fabric of your Jedi clothes.
"Fuck" you mutter out loud, jaw clenching til your teeth hurt while you stand up quickly and deflect another bold with your saber, trying to cope with the pain. You open your private frequency with Sinker and quickly inform of your state.
"Sinker, I've been hit" you grit between your teeth while you kill the droid responsible for your wound and step back between your troopers to cover yourself momentarily.
You pull your clothes up and quickly glance down at the wound. Usually the bolts inmediately cauterizes the wounds; but this hadn't been a normal droid, but a combat-J1, with it's weapon specifically designed to make the most damage to human's skin without it's predecessors side-efects. The apparently less dangerous bolts are quite the opposite; dividing into smalller ones that diverts into different directions when hitting a surface with enough resistance. Right now, there's only one entrance wound on your right side; but you know they may have carved more than one path inside of you, making it a life or death situation depending on how lucky you are.
"How bad is it?" He asks, slowly but effectively advancing through the droid lines towards you, an easy person to locate with the shine of your emerald saber.
You grunt in pain, hand soaked in dark scarlet blood, and take a deep breath in, knowing what you need to do for now.
"Bad" you just answer, carefully lowering your own saber towards the wound "It's a shot from a J1. I'm going to cauterise the wound for now, but I might go into shock in the next hour. Just a heads up."
You chuckle weakly, and then carefully graze your lightsaber against the wound. The skin quickly hardens and clots; the smell of the burn quickly reaching your nose. Your knees buckle while you swallow your scream of pain; legs shaking weakly and tears springing to your eyes while you finish putting a momentarily solution to your wound. At least you won't die from blood loss for now.
"Maker, General" Sinker is suddenly there, taking a strong hold of your opposite hip to stabilize you. "That really doesn't look good. You should go back to camp, Sir".
You find solace in his strength for a minute before rightening yourself again and getting ready to move. You close your eyes and center yourself with the Force. You're hurt, but you're still in the middle of open fire; you need to swallow the pain and dizziness down and hold on.
You give Sinker a firm nod.
"I'm letting this side of the battlefield on your hands, then" you tell him, his own back inmediately straightening too under such responsability. "Just one more night and we'll have reinforcements with us tomorrow".
Sinker nods in understanding, appreciating your words of encouragement. He quickly orders Comet to help you get safely back to camp; while he inmediately takes the role of leader and commands your part of the 104th clone troops. You need to protect the North Door of Halsaaka while Master Ploo and Wolffe take care of the South.
One arm around Comet's shoulders and finding strength in the Force, you quickly start your dangerous way back to safety. Even though Comet's alert with his own blaster and you're still deflecting bolts with your saber, you're vulnerable now. You just hope you're both able to make it.
You open your coms to inform of the new situation.
"I've been hit with a J1" you warn Master Ploo and Wolffe. You don't like how weak your voice sounds. "Wolffe, I..."
There's a small explosion right beside you; and the force of it pushes both you and Comet to the ground. You whimper in pain, but quickly grab him and push the two of you back up, resume walking –more like stumbling forward–. You try the coms again, wanting to tell Wolffe you've left Sinker with command before retiring for the night; you grumble in irritation when you see your com device has detached from your forearm and has been left abandoned behind.
"Do you have your com?" You ask Comet.
His voice is barely audible under the protection of his helmet.
"My audio appears to be broken after that last fall, General."
You sigh, tired. There's nothing you can do about it now. Sinker will communicate with them sooner or later.
"Let's just make it back to safety then" you say, and Comet nods diligently.
You'll just focus on not collapsing to the ground before reaching camp.
Wolffe's heart stutters inside his chest when he hears your voice in the coms. You're always strong, always fierce; something he had admired from the very first time he had had the chance to work under your command. He had been cold towards you back then; not purposedly harsh against you, but not friendly either. You hadn't cared. When one of his men had pointed out to you it wasn't personal, but just Wolffe's reserved, unpolished personality, you had answered unbothered and completely understanding. He could still hear those words in his head; "I get it. I'm a stranger that holds the lifes of his brothers in her hands. None of you know me yet; trust is earned. I hope I will with time. I'd like us all to be comfortable with each othef. But if not, it doesn't matter. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to fight. I'm here to protect people; and I'm here to direct my assigned troops as best as I can in order to achieve the best results with the minor number of casualties. If Commander Wolffe opens up to me I'd be honored. If not, I'm sure we could still be good comrades in this war". He still remembers the way you had tilted your chin upwards; staring defiantly at the clones in front of her, completely unaware of him standing not so far away at her back. "Now, I believe there's still some preparations needed for Jaal; and we're taking off in an hour". With that not-so-subtle signal that the conversation had ended, the troopers around you had quickly fell back to place; and Wolffe had silently followed Master Ploo Koo towards you. "Look at you, little warrior" the older Jedi had told you, a pleasant smile wrinkling the corner of his covered eyes. "Already displaying such good lidership traits". You had turned around in surprise; so many life presences around you, and experiencing a rush of your own emotions, you hadn't been aware of both of their presence. Your cheeks had flushed slightly; though that same defiant glint hadn't left your eyes. "Master" you had slightly bowed towards him. "You see me with good eyes" you had smiled softly at him, in a clearly opened affectionate way Wolffe wasn't used to seing in other Jedi. "Just having a chat with the troops". Master Ploo had chuckled quietly and pointed at him with a hand gesture; Wolffe quickly taking a step forwards towards them. "I have just had a quick meeting with the Council. Commander Wolffe will update you on my behalf, as I need to go have a word with the pilots" Master Ploo had glanced back at him pointedly. "If he'd be kind enough...". Wolffe had inmediately nodded, firmly. He had high respect towards that specifical Jedi; and he didn't usually hold others in such high regards. "Of course, sir" he had then turned towards you. "General, if you can follow me to the strategy room...". You had firmly hold his stare for a few seconds; and the quiet inquisitive gaze had felt as if the young Jedi Warrior had scanned his own very soul. Wolffe had had his first tingle of that uncomfortable but curious feeling back then; a feeling that had only increased with the following years. Nowadays, he...
Wolffe cleared his thoughts and focused on battle. Your voice had sound weak and tired, but you were perfectly capable of holding yourself, and this wasn't the first time you had been hurt before. He had actually patched you more than once in the past and... And then you mentioned a J1, and whispered his name, and there was a loud ringing sound through the coms that sounded too close to an explosion for his comfort and... And the sounds died, leaving nothing more than radio silence. And Wolffe, going against everything he had learnt and was trained for, pannicked.
"General?" His frantic, afraid voice was enough for Master Ploo to focus his attention on him, a graze at his Force life enough to make him understand his commander's feelings. "General. Come on. Com in, kid..."
There was only static.
Wolffe's heart pumped faster, adrenaline shooting through his veins. His hands trembled. A knot formed in his throat, slowly chocking his voice. He never broke down. He never broke down, but...
"Cyar'ika" he begged in a whisper. "Please, please answer and tell me you're okay".
He still got no answer back from you, and he felt his soul hurt.
Master Plo's hand suddenly renched him back into reality; a comforting wave of what could only be his Force washing over him. Wolffe turned his face towards him. The Jedi watched him in understanding.
"I can feel your turmoil. It is such it's difficult for me to focus on anything else. You are in no state to stay in the battlefield" he told him, cautiously gentle. "If my padawan has been gravely injured someone has probably helped her return to camp. You must go and make sure she's okay".
Even if Wolffe wanted nothing more than to start of a run and find her, he still hesitated in front of his General. He was a soldier. A commander. He couldn't leave his place just because he had stupidly, oh so fucking stupidly, fallen in love with her...
Master Plo squeezed his shoulders once. He knew him so well.
"Go" he insisted. "That's an order".
Wolffe quickly wrenched the flimsi excuse of a door of the tent open. He had gone to the makeshift infirmary first; his doctor quickly informing him of the state of his Jedi, and where he could find her resting at the moment. "A dangerous wound, but surprisingly stable" he had told him while he took care of the wound of a fellow brother. "She's a tough one, our General. It was a good idea to use her own lightsaber as a cauterizer. She wouldn't have probably made it all the way back here otherwise". That probability had made Wolffe tremble.
His own eyes quickly scanned the Jedi's state now. She was laying down on a rucksack, unusually clad in just a sport top and his Jedi pant's; outer robes discarded and clean bandages effectively wrapping around her lower torso, with just a small amout of blood transpairing on her side. Her lightsaber had been carefully placed at her side. Her hair was untied and a mess; some sticking to her dirtied face and some falling around freely behind her. Despite her evident exhaustion, Wolffe hand't ever been so happy to see her.
"Commander?" You asked in a surprised voice, slowly and carefully propelling some of your weight in your elbows in order to see him better. "Shouldn't you be back on the battlefield?"
Your face quickly changes into a deep, worried frown as you scan him up and down quickly.
"Are you hurt too, Wolffe?"
His heart clenches again. He steps inside the tent, slowly falling down on his knees besides you, and closes the door.
"No" he simply answers, observing you quietly.
You're completely lost. He's looking at you in a different way. He... Feels different, in the Force. Usually he feels much more reserved, almost as if he had learnt how to shield his emotions from a Jedi; however this... This felt raw.
"I'm afraid I don't understand" you chuckle and then wince at the way the movement tugs at your wound, a bit nervously now. You pointedly look at him. "You wouldn't be here just because you got worried, right?"
Wolffe's expression doesn't change.
"You went radio silent" he answers, quietly.
You arch an eyebrow.
"Our coms died" you explain, still confused about his attitude.
Wolffe can't help himself. He reaches forward and carefully grasps your chin in his right hand; eyes boring into yours. You gasp in surprise and can't do anything else but stare at his breathetaking mismatched eyes in response; emotions inside of you swirling dangerously with his move.
"You were hurt" he enfasises, almost as if he's trying to tell you something else, something you're not quite understanding. "You were hurt, and you went radio silent".
Oh. Oh. He thought you might be... You might have...
"Oh, Wolffe" his name is an understanding, affectionate sigh on your tempting lips. "I'm okay".
He doesn't want empathy. Doesn't want that almost condescending type of comfort. He needs to make sure you're still here; with him. He needs to exteriorize all this raw, painful emotions he has been keeping hidden for so fucking long, and he wants you so fucking bad it makes his mind and soul burn...
He bends down over you, holding himself against one hand proped against the floor while the other one tugs your neck forward, and then he's kissing you –fiercely, dominantly, real–; he kisses the same way he fights and a surprised but delighted whimper of a moan can't help but escape from your lips, hands quickly clinging onto his shoulders desperately.
You... You hadn't thought you'd end up having this. With you being a Jedi and him being such a perfect, respected clone Commander, you had always brushed your wants aside and...
"Wolffe" you whisper, trembling inevitably when his plush warm mouth moves from your lips to the side of your neck, biting gently. "Wolffe, I...".
He breathes and looks up at your face again; cupping your cheek with his right hand and observing your reaction with his eyes shimmering in needs and desire.
His Force signature blasts. He loves you. He loves you, and you...
"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum" you whisper, risking it all and giving your heart to him.
Tears blur your sight. They're not sad tears; they're not happy either. They're a mix of emotions that make you feel like a mess and...
Wolffe sighs. You love him. You love him, and the fact that you've told him in Mando'a...
He closes his eyes and gently presses his forehead against yours; finding solace and peace in your embrace, in this Keldabe. His eyes then flutter open, and he holds your face in both of his hands, slowly joining your lips in a kiss much more sweet and unhurried than those from before. You hum, surrendering in complete bliss.
He caresses your smuged cheek with his thumb, taking some of the dirt and exhaustion of the battlefield away.
His voice is a secret whisper as well.
"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, cyare".
Your fingers tug at the hair at the back of his neck, and you crash your lips onto his.
You imprint those five mandalorian words in your soul.
This one was a blast to write! Felt the emotions so raw myself tooo bfbfbsfb this two are so cute. I hope I get to write more of Wolffe in the future, I really like the guy.
Did some minor alterations –like him not been the one to actually carry you back to safety– but it kinda wrote itself and I'm happy with how it came out. Hope you liked it as well!
Also, dear friends, if you ever want to request something longer than a one-shot, you're able to do so as well (if the plot goes accordingly or I find it expandable). I'm not writing whole stories, but a short one of maybe 2-5 chapters max would be okay.
Stay tunned for the next one yall. It will be a little angsty one with Echo, and then we'll have a flirty fun one with Crosshair.
Back to main masterlist here!
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mcflymemes · 3 months
AS SAID BY KASUMI GOTO *  assorted dialogue from mass effect 2 and 3, adjust as necessary
i swear to god, i didn't touch anything.
in case i don't see you again, thanks. that was a lot of fun.
and the "boxers or briefs" question is finally answered.
there's a certain aura about you. like you've seen things no one else has.
there's no way you're recruiting me to fight in a galactic war.
i wouldn't bring you here if it wasn't dangerous.
this is our stop.
you say the nicest things.
i'm a thief. stealing? it's who i am.
by the way, are you going to call security?
hey, come on. i never get caught.
ugh, i really need to avoid dairy.
you know, twenty years from now, this could be worth a fortune.
all right. i'm in.
nice working with you again.
this place has more money than it knows what to do with.
well... nobody's perfect.
hey, i'm nostalgic, not dead.
i like the seedier towns. they're prettier.
maybe when we're done with the mayhem thing, i could come back and... recover a thing or two.
now stop bothering me!
this is all i have left.
i imagine with all that's happened, old friends are becoming a luxury.
you know what i haven't had in ages? ramen.
come back later. i'm sure i'll have more to talk about.
i'm not really sure what to do with myself.
i'll stay off the grid. no one will know i exist.
well, that didn't go as expected.
we've never seen each other in person.
no one knows what i look like.
if we're lucky, you won't even have to draw your gun.
i always expect trouble. that's why you're here.
we should probably wrap this up.
see you on the ship.
you'd look really out of place at a society party in armor, don't you think?
i was just thinking about you.
i go through everyone's drawers.
[name] won't be able to keep his eyes off you.
getting it back will be easier with your help.
please tell me your password, [name].
good to finally meet you. i'm a fan.
my grandmother used to make the best ramen.
honestly, i'm shocked they didn't come to see me sooner.
it's my fault for being hard to find.
i'm the best thief in the business, not the most famous. need to watch my step to keep it that way.
i needed to make sure all this was legit.
you're the real deal.
even without knowing what you looked like, i knew it was you.
that's a bit of a story.
they were looking for me, so i trailed them to find out why.
i guess it slipped their minds.
i'm planning to get it back.
you'll get a briefing when the time comes.
i have a way in, and i think you're going to love it.
you'll want to look presentable.
you look great. you should wear this stuff more often.
you have been waiting patiently.
they won't hassle you over a sidearm.
you have excellent taste in underwear.
i thought about living here for a while, but everybody's so tight-ass.
it's all about money to these people.
i do what i do for the love of it. these people do it because they don't know any better.
i'm not a scientist.
this is why i don't put strange liquids in my mouth.
it's a plant!
was i that obvious?
people are talking out there... and i hear it all.
sounds like you two had a nice date.
it's nice to be able to look out a window for a change.
how many bedrooms does this place have?
i'm not really lactose intolerant, i just don't put up with lactose's stupid drama.
there's something about the feel of actual paper in your hands.
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moonpie016 · 3 months
Announcement about the Heart squad. :D
Sooooooo, I wanted to say that I kinda wanted to actually organize and structure this ask blog into what I initially thought.
What does that mean? Well! I didn't plan for it to be about Mind, or a Mind hurt blog. No.
I thought about the joke of Heart ORIGINALLY making it a Mind hate club. But, he changed it last minute in the request of Mind. As seen in this panel.
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(Where Heart changes the name for his other half.)
Now I know it still says the Mind hate club on the sign. But I kinda don't want it to ONLY be about Mind being hurt or anything. Cause it's becoming less motivating, and two, I can't draw some requests. So, that doesn't mean I'm throwing this in the trash. Nah, I still love this idea. But I want it to be about Heart. Because it's also called Heart's social event. Y'know, for socializing with other Hearts.
(Like a get together or introduction sorta speak. :3)
Participation, rules, and other info here ⬇️
Participation to join the Heart squad/Heart's social event:
Because I see many wanting to join this, I should say how to. Because that's kinda a blank point. To join the Heart squad, these are the requirements:
•Submit your Heart, your own version of Heart with reference (or if you don't have a reference, a description) into the question for them to join.
Rules considering requests:
•This is a wacky place, but some requests are not of my skill to draw. Like dynamic poses, fighting or fighting moves. So no SUPER big intricate things. Yeah, seeing characters in funny situations is cool, but I can only draw what I'm able to.
•Please be patient if I don't fulfill a question super duper fast, I know that is probably not a worry. But just stating that in case.
•This isn't only about Mind, as I've stated. But I don't mind if you request anything with Mind, or Soul in anything. Just don't only make it about pain. And make it suitable.
•I'm doing this for fun. This is a silly fun idea I wanted to do.
If there's anything else that needs to be said, I'll add it. But that's all for now!
I hope this is all understood, I just felt demotivated with how it was going. That's why some things haven't been done. But I appreciate everyone who has participated in this.
Ok imma skedaddle.
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pomplalamoose · 6 months
Ooohhh so how do we think all the dynamics with dilf!luke would change if his kid was maybe ~10 years younger than you instead of your age (like maybe you met cuz you were their camp counselor or something and they got super attached to you)?
Omggg hiiiii! I got so excited when I saw it was you who sent in a request, I absolutely cherish all your ideas regarding this AU🩵🩵
Because I think it shows the subtle change in dynamics best I focused especially on a first encounter and then on how I imagine his child to cause further entanglement between him and you, since I think they'd definitely be the catalysator, especially in the beginning
• Luke, of course, remains a single dad in his late thirties to early forties and lives in a nice, cozy house with his child
• (if we assume they're about 10 years of age, he became a father at thirty)
• you, as a camp counselor/tutor/teacher/etc. don't know anything about his person, the picture you have in your mind consisting solely out of stories told by either his child or your co-workers
• but since you haven't met him yet, you're not particularly interested, not paying them much mind, as everything you know about the kid's guardians blurs together into a confusing mixture anyway
• of course this will change sooner or later, possibly when Mr. Skywalker comes to pick up his child and you see him for the first time from afar
• it's hard to miss him
• his consuming presence makes him stand out strongly from among the other parents gathering at the entrance, the dark, perfectly tailored suit he's wearing only accentuating the stark contrast
• maybe he just left work?
• even with so much distance between the two of you he strikes you as very handsome, though you can't help but feel glad you didn't run into him directly
• you wouldn't have been able to speak even a single word
• still you can't get him out of your mind and going forward you find yourself putting decidedly more effort into your looks
• just in case you see him around around again
• just in case should he take notice of you as well
• (you're only a little bit embarrassed by how quickly he put his spell on you)
• meanwhile his child, always happy to engage in conversation, seems to really love their dad, a smile blossoming on their little face whenever they talk about him
• especially as soon as they realize you're listening closely they can barely find another topic, making you endeavor to learn more about Mr. Skywalker a lot easier
• quickly you don't only know his first name but also when and if he's celebrating his birthday, what kinds of ice cream he likes best and which he doesn't like at all, details about his favorite knitted sweater and that he recently gifted them a rubber duck to take their baths with
• which is great, really, and you're not going to deny how very interesting all of this is
• but is he single????
• obviously you can't just ask a child whether their mum is in the picture or not and if their dad is currently dating someone
• luckily, or not so luckily, you're not the only one who's attention was caught by the tall, attractive man and you're able to catch some snippets of gossip among colleagues and the parents of other kids
• though gossip is all it is and soon you know why
• Mr. Skywalker is as cold as he is beautiful and impossible to draw near to
• it takes all of your courage to not flee the scene when one day his child decides to introduce you
• normally they let go of your hand as soon as they spot their father, quickly leaving you behind in their excitement as they jump into his arms
• today, however, they don't and you're starting to grow rather uneasy when they continue to drag you forward, towards a man already regarding you with raised eyebrows
• standing in front of him he's even more intimidating than from afar and you have to fight the need to lower your eyes when his gaze sweeps over you
• were it not for his child hanging on to your arm you would've left as fast as possible
• as it is though you're forced to stay
• bravely you endure the encounter consisting mostly of the child's happy blabbering and their father's polite but curt responses
• he's holding back, clearly not comfortable with your presence and studying you more and more intensely as time goes by
• he seems displeased and you have no idea why
• is your smile that terrible?
• did your greeting offend him in some way?
• does he not approve of how you're dressed?
• or about the way you interact with the children?
• you didn't think it possible but despite your initial feeling he eventually, slowly, starts to warm up to you over the next few months
• maybe due to the way his child obviously adores you?
• (yes absolutely, you're the only topic they can talk about at home, similarly to how they only talk about their father to you)
• true, he doesn't give you much to work with, the way he addresses you always stilted and his smile reserved, yet you couldn't be more relieved
• he doesn't seem to think you completely horrible and inadequate to take care of his child in his absence anymore!
• (also, as far as you know, none of your other colleagues have received a smile yet!)
• maybe you don't have a chance with him, this he made clear, but that's okay, there's joy to be found in a little harmless crush
• you dare to relax
• until his child invites you to their birthday party
• you had noticed, of course, how they followed you around like a duckling and how much you meant to them but still...
• wouldn't that mean to overstep a line?
• though when they present you a handmade birthday invite, smiling up at you so hopefully, you can't say no
• maybe it will make things easier for their parents (or hopefully just Mr. Skywalker?), you reason with yourself
• with you there they won't need to worry quite that much about a rambunctious crowd of little kids making a mess of their home
• you're good at your job and excell at pleasing even those hard to satisfy
• the longer you think about the upcoming event the more you feel your excitement grow
• you wonder if Mr. Skywalker is more relaxed in private
• as it turns out he's not
• and neither are you when you arrive and learn you are the only guest
• "I really like my friends", explains the child, "but I'd rather have you all to myself for once!"
• well
• there goes your plan to make a good impression by handling many kids on your own, while maybe sneaking a glance at Mr. Skywalker from time to time, who, in your head, sits somehwere in the distance, relaxing with a coffee
• of course, he does none of these things and instead never once leaves your vicinity, always lingering nearby to keep an eye on the two of you
• it's unnerving and continues to be so as you spend the day with activities his child planned for you
• at least there's no trace of a woman living here with them, which substantially lifts your mood despite the stern eyes you feel prickling in the back of your neck
• once it's time for you to go home you're exhausted
• to some extend you had fun, yes, but deep down you're ashamed
• how is anyone supposed to be taken seriously by an attractive older man while hosting a tea party for stuffed animals, rolling around in the grass and playing Mario Kart?
• does he even think you competent enough to do anything after watching his child chasing you with a water gun?
• your little friend insists on hugging you goodbye tightly
• "can we do this again soon? Pleaseee?", they whisper in your ear and you're inclined to agree were it not for the dark figure leaning against the wall a few steps away
• "you'll have to ask your daddy", you whisper back, hoping this will be a topic for another day and discussed without you
• once again things turn out differently though when they immediately throw themselves at their dad with great enthusiasm
• you don't know where to look
• what if Mr. Skywalker denys his child's request, here, right in front of you?
• he has the guts to do so, that much you were able to gather
• "we'll see about that, yes?"
• at least that's not a no, you tell yourself, yet you feel your eyes water in embarrassment
• forcing a smile you nevertheless thank him for his hospitality and receive a polite nod in return, before finally being allowed to flee the uncomfortable situation with burning cheeks, your heart beating painfully in your chest
• still holding back tears you've nearly reached the street when behind you the front door opens again causing you freeze
• half hoping, half fearing it's Mr. Skywalker you turn around, but instead spot the much smaller figure of his child against the backdrop of the lit interior
• you can't tell for sure but they seem to be grinning in mischievous delight before their little voice rings out clearly through the darkness
• for a second it's quiet
• then
• "but I'm not supposed to tell you because he says it's not proper"
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office-anomaly · 2 months
What are some of your favorite dynamics between characters?
this will be a long answer, because the gang's group dynamics is one of my favorite things to talk about. please bear with me haha (before anything: these views are purely my own. i know others have differing ideas for character/ship dynamics, and whatever i put here does not intend to challenge or demean any preference different from mine 🥺 our opinions can exist together lol) READ UNDER THE CUT
fred and velma: they are my gold standard for friendship. i think this dynamic is severely underrated as they are not only hilarious together, but they complement each other so well in terms of affirming each other's passion for mystery-solving, all the while keeping each other in check in case things get crazy. they strike me as the ideal friendship where the bond is meaningful, grounded and platonically intimate. one of the reasons why i like BCSD so much is that it showed just how well fred and velma work together in a way we haven't really seen in previous shows. ftr i think this is my favorite sub-group of the gang. velma and daphne (vaphne): i really like this ship, although i rank it behind varcie (i don't think i'll talk about varcie here since this might end up several pages long lol). this ship has been around forever, and i do think that it has a very good reason to exist mainly because of how the girls are such a positive presence in each other's lives. we've seen how daph has tried to get velma to come out of her shell on many occasions, and has shown that she understands her in a way that the boys will never do. meanwhile, velma acts as an anchor for daphne, keeping her on track when she gets overly excited or kooky during cases. i've always loved how different they are in all aspects, yet are able to foster a mutually beneficial relationship with each other. fred and daphne (fraphne): i know this is a basic ship, but i like how this has evolved over time, across many scooby media. SDMI really did this ship so much service by adding the much needed depth and justification why their dynamic works as well as it should. fred added a sense of adventure to daphne's otherwise sheltered life, and daphne has a good understanding of how to navigate fred's personality and quirks (much like how she is with velma). the show allowed these characters to play off each other and show us how they each deal with relationships that took a backseat in favor of mystery-solving in earlier iterations. daphne and shaggy (and scooby): ok these guys are FUN. like so much fun. i like that this was the group configuration for 13 ghosts, as i think their personalities lent so much entertainment to the idea of dealing with real supernatural phenomena (side note, but i like how the lego beach bash movie basically confirmed that they were the fun members of the gang lol). while i personally do not see shaggy and daphne as romantic partners, i totally understand why some people ship them and that's perfectly fine. velma and scooby: a girl and her canine best friend. whenever i draw velma and scooby in one picture, i make sure to show that they are the best of besties as much as i can. i am not subtle with my agenda to undo the optics damage SDMI did to these two lol
thanks for reading til the end, i know it's long. let me know if you have comments, violent reactions or anything, i'd be happy to discuss 😊
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Black Light
Wednesday x Parasite!Reader
A/N: I hear y'all wanted a series?
Part One
Your door bursts open and you suddenly find yourself with a knife at your neck.
"You shifted yourself into Rowan, didn't you? Why? Are you on cahoots with Weems?"
The onslaught of questions following the intrusion left you stunned. It took longer than you would've liked, but you finally found your bearings and returned Wednesday's glare.
"What are you talking about?" The virus within you reaches out from your neck and grasps at the knife threatening you. "I saw Rowan's body with you. What would I gain from becoming him?"
"You tell me." The goth pulls at her arm, trying to release herself from your hold. You just let out a groan and push her back.
"What do I have to do for you to trust me again? I've done nothing to warrant this."
The two of you are locked in a staring contest. Neither of you were willing to back down. You could see Wednesday's mind running haywire, going through thought processes like nothing. With a growl, Wednesday finally relents.
"I suppose I can give you the benefit of the doubt..." With a sigh, you release your hold on the girl.
"So what's going on? I've heard rumblings, but I don't actually know anything."
"Rowan reappeared," Wednesday stares as she sheathes her knife. "Appeared after I spoke with Weems. Now everyone thinks I fabricated the murder." She starts to pace. "Nothing about this makes sense. We saw the attack. We saw the body. Suddenly, he's walking through the doors like nothing happened."
"See if you can find him," you offer. "Talk to him. See what you can get straight from the source."
The goth thinks for a moment before turning towards you. "Not a bad idea. Xavier is his roommate, so I might be able to use him as an in."
Without so much as a passing glance, Wednesday marches out of your room. You just sigh and wonder where this fixation was going to lead.
You walk into your botany class to see Wednesday talking to a familiar hand. It had been a while since you'd seen Thing and it brought you back to the days when you and Wednesday were thick as thieves. You take your seat near the front, leaving the two to their conversation.
"I see you finally made a friend." Looking up, you see Bianca being her usual self. You disliked a lot of the elitist students and she was on the top of the list. "Even if it is a plant." You frown at the words. But, as per usual, Wednesday has a quip up her sleeve.
"I prefer quality over quantity." That makes a soft snort come out of you and Bianca glares in response.
"There's an open spot next to me." You glance behind you to see Xavier offering the seat beside him. "If you can stand sitting next to an elitist snob."
You roll your eyes at him and turn back around. When you do, your eyes lock onto Wednesday's and a silent conversation happens before she breaks eye contact.
"I have better options to choose from." She sets her things next to you and takes the seat. A small, pleased smile threatens to split your face, but you keep your composure. At least she considers you better company than some people. Plus, it didn't hurt to see Xavier look put off at the rejection.
The best part though? Having front row seats to the verbal tennis match between Wednesday and Bianca.
Wednesday finds you later and drags you somewhere private. Once she's sure that you're alone, she speaks.
"Who knows of your powers, Y/N?"
"Just what I've shown. Mainly my weapon shifting and armor. Strength. That sort of thing." You shrug, wondering where this was leading to.
"And your shifting?"
"I haven't had reason to use it. Plus the academy gives me enough to eat so I don't consume bodies to draw from." You narrow your eyes at the goth. "Why?"
"I have to get back to the woods, but Weems is watching me like a vulture circling a carcass."
"And you need me to cover for you?"
"I do. I have beekeeping in the afternoon and I need a decoy. Your shifting ability is perfect for that. Even if Weems gets close enough, you can still fool her." She pauses for a moment before continuing. "You're the closest person to know my mannerisms well enough to be convincing."
You lean back against the closest wall with crossed arms. "You do know what this entails, right? I need your DNA in some form. While I don't need to consume a full body anymore, I still need something."
"I'm aware," Wednesday answers. "I do remember some aspects of your abilities." She mirrors your stance and crosses her own arms. "How much do you need?"
Your eyes close as you think. To Wednesday, it seems like you're communing with yourself. It's not too far off the mark.
"Like I said, it's been a long time since I've even shifted. But, if I remember correctly, it shouldn't be too much." You run your hand across your face in frustration. "It's really hard to quantify."
"Then take what you need." Your eyes shoot to Wednesday as she rolls up her sleeve. The pale skin tempts you in a way you buried away ages ago.
"This could hurt. A lot."
"Nothing I can't handle."
With a sigh, you reach out your hand and grab her forearm. Almost immediately, black tendrils ease out of your arm and settle into Wednesday's. It takes only a beat before the goth starts to react. The dark mass sinks into her skin and begins to essentially eat away at her. You will your parasite further into her arm, taking care to not go too deep. As soon as you feel it's enough, you draw back the darkness into your body. Wednesday grips her arm as it pulses in pain.
"You'll bruise, but I made sure there's no bleeding. Nothing to bandage." The telltale signs of bruising are already taking effect and you feel a little guilty. But this is what your friend wanted.
"Good." She rolls her sleeve back down. It was as if you didn't just take a piece of her. "Be at the apiary at noon. I'll brief Eugene."
After the successful decoy mission, you find yourself in your room once more. One of the few solo rooms since most were scared of your powers. Or rather, the rumors of them. It didn't bother you though. You had your friends and anyone else who didn't want to cross that line didn't matter.
Your door opens suddenly, causing you to look up. Wednesday strides through and you wonder if you have to actually lock your door now.
"I need your help." She states. "I'm joining Enid in the Poe Cup and we need to make sure we win." You furrow your brow.
"You're actually joining a school event? Voluntarily?"
"Bianca needs to be knocked down a few pegs."
"Ah." You nod in understanding. "Makes more sense now." Now fully facing Wednesday, you give her a wicked grin. "What do you want me to do?"
The cheers in the quad echoes in your brain. Ophelia Hall won the Poe Cup for the first time in a while. Enid was ecstatic as she carted the large trophy around everywhere she went. The sight made you smile.
You managed to help out the Black Cats by helping Thing with Kent and adding holes into the Gold Bugs canoe. All from a distance of course. Being able to see via your parasite had its perks.
One person was missing though. The other star of the event. You knew how Wednesday was with this type of crowd so you sought her out, finding her at the statue of Edgar Allen Poe.
"Hiding?" You sit down next to her. She seemed so small when she was out of her element.
"People keep randomly smiling at me. It's unsettling."
You let out a soft laugh. "Don't worry. It'll pass. At least it's a victory for you. Bianca is thoroughly pissed." That news causes a small upturn of her lips to appear. However, it quickly disappears when a particularly loud student passes by.
"I just want some peace..." Wednesday laments. You glance up to look at the balcony leading to her and Enid's room.
"I can probably make that jump." She follows your line of sight before looking back at you.
"As long as you take me with you." You meet her eyes with a soft smile.
"Of course."
Tag list: @tundra1029 @rainbow-love4ever @ladyqueenxoxo @izumikokomi
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frecklystars · 2 months
I'm sorry to make a vent post :c I hate being negative but I haven't been online in a couple of months and this kind of explains why + I really needed to let this out somewhere. TW for mentions of self harm and suicide mention, this vent post is a little bit heavy.
i havent been online for a couple of months now except one (1) time, and then i left again, just letting my queue post as always. my cptsd/depression/anxiety has been astronomical levels of Terrible. going offline just made me feel so so so much worse bc this is where i normally self ship and post my art. not blogging about my F/Os, not drawing them, not editing videos/not making gifs, feels... really really bad. self shipping is my main coping mechanism and not being able to self ship makes everything feel 50 billion times more hopeless. so I should try to get back into that habit again
its july. its gonna be my anniversary w/ the two F/Os who breathed life back into me when i was at my absolute worst. i should be really excited to celebrate an F/O anniversary for the first time in two years, but ive been... so... fucking miserable. the last few months i have been back into My Worst State Of Mind Ever. i have been having really bad days where im slipping back into planning how to end my life and self harming again like i did a year ago. this isnt an everyday occurrence as of right now, and rn as im queueing this post, i am not planning currently. but every other day i slip back into those old self destructive bad habits, so it's safe to say my depression is definitely Worse. im trying to figure out how to uh, hang in there. because i can't stop the source of the Thing that is causing me to feel like my only escape option is ending my life. this isn't just my mental health/a chemical imbalance in the brain making me feel this way, this is entirely situational and out of my control.
i know the source of my problem and why i feel this way, and i cannot control it. i havent talked about it on my blogs bc i dont wanna scare anyone, and i will NOT go into details here, but i havent felt safe in a very very very long time. i contacted the authorities back in January this year, i am planning to contact them again soon, but im afraid they can't do anything for me until things get worse than they already are. it sucks that you have to wait until things are literally impossible to get through until the authorities even CONSIDER helping you.
i have just been trying to take everything one day at a time and vent to a few close friends when i need to, but this has been so unbearably difficult to endure every single day. ive been dealing with this FAR longer than a few months, but regarding these last few months specifically, i feel like i haven't been functioning like a person. every single second i am just,,, scared and paranoid, this is the only thing i am ever thinking about because im so, so stressed. i dont WANT to think about it but i literally am incapable of having any peace. every few weeks, something scary regarding my situation happens, and makes my anxiety worse. i cannot tell you how scared ive been. im so scared every day that this is going to kill me, whether it's the actual situation that will kill me, or my own anxiety/fear will drive me into making an irreversible choice. which! i don't wanna do! i genuinely don't want to end my life, i just - i feel extremely trapped in this situation and i've felt very very very hopeless about it for a LONG ass time, and that shit weighs on you over time
my fear/paranoia has affected my self shipping, and self shipping is my main source of comfort, i cant lose it. i keep losing it. ive lost so much already i dont want to lose my F/Os all over again. i keep thinking there’s no point in self shipping because my F/Os would betray me or harm me in some way. i know they’re imaginary and they can’t hurt me IRL but like, from a self shipping standpoint, i can’t stop fretting over all of it being a huge trick. like they’re pretending to love me so they can betray me later. i can’t get any relief, I am having panic attacks all the time, my flashbacks are worse than ever. I can’t self ship and I can’t... function. i'm so messed up from everything that has been happening to me, i feel like healing is impossible at this point. i really hope that is just the severe anxiety/depression/ptsd talking. i hate being negative, i dont want to have such a pessimistic outlook, but it's just felt so... hopeless. like there is no point. but what am i gonna do, not try to feel things with my F/Os again? what am i gonna do, not self ship ever again?? i really have nothing else to do except try my best every day to get through this. or kill myself - and i dont wanna go down that latter road again bc its messy and it sucks and its expensive when you fail and i have permanent scars from the last time i failed two years ago, and i! want! to! get better! i dont genuinely want to die, i just want to escape my situation! this situation i am in should not be worth ending my life over. but i am scared all the time and that hopeless feeling is so heavy and it's just getting harder and harder to carry for so so so so long
i have friends both IRL and online who are trying to help me get back into a safe situation again, but there is only so much we can all do. so i just have to keep taking all of this shit one day at a time and just hope and pray some sort of miracle gets me through this. its been years so i really dont believe theres a way out anymore but i am just! agh!! fucking angry and sad and terrified 24/7 and sick of dealing with this, so i will keep powering through every day even if i gotta kick and scream the entire time.
ok anyway! im gonna stay offline for a little while longer (this is queued, if anyone is kind enough to reply/send an ask, i will try to respond when i return) but i will come back slowly but surely sometime maybe this week, next week at the latest. i at least want to celebrate my July 21st anniversary :( thats my most important one this year. i really really really need to get back into the habit of self shipping even if i dont feel much for my F/Os atm. i refuse to just lay down and take this, i want to at least try to feel something again even if it hurts.
thank you to those who have been patient with me with replies; tumblr says i have over 200 inbox messages and 99+ dms since ive been gone. i will try to get back to people slowly but surely, its just probably gonna take me a hot minute. if anyone has the free minute, if you can just send me something like "everything will be okay" in my inbox, i would super appreciate it 😭🙏 and thank you to anyone who took the time to read my ramblings.
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tyttamarzh · 4 months
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It's been a while since I posted anything here. I haven't had much time to do anything else, but I made some modifications to my Tallulah design to better fit the current version of her being a worthy daughter to her two daddies. In this version she has short hair and although it is still curly it is no longer as frizzy, I also made her skin tone and hair more like Missa's tone, my intention was to give her more Missa vibes, I think she wanted to look more like him, so I helped her (and the truth is that turn her into Missa's little girl seemed very cute to me).
She also has his little striped hat in honor of his father Philza, but that made me miss his mushroom hat, so I made a version with it, but I though like it didn't suit his type of dress as much hat, so I added a green cape. I liked the cape so I made a version of her with the cape and without the mushroom hat, so that's why there are 3 different versions.
I try to redefine the style a little (as much as working by joining dots in Illustrator allows me, I need a draw tablet U.U), at first I started making these more cartoonish designs and I have been modifying them, in the end this did not change much the way I create the vectors, but I think that there is a gradual improvement of style.
If you've seen my other Tallulah designs, you might notice the difference. I admit that in my first Tallulah design, which I did a long time ago, I didn't have much of an idea of what I wanted to do with the character and it was more about including her because she had to be there, but little by little I have become very fond of the character and now I have a clearer idea of her. I liked my second design but after thinking about it a lot I realized that she needed more features that would make her unmistakably the daughter of the deathduo (as well as Chayanne, which you see and it is very evident).
I am constantly trying to polish my designs and will try to give small touches to each of the members of the Death Family soon.
You probably don't care much about these drawings I make (I know they're not a big deal) and maybe so much explanation seems unnecessary, but doing this makes me feel satisfied and makes me happy to talk about each step (I am very excited to do that)
I hope to be able to create more little things about them soon (fics and arts). I add this comparison of my previous designs of her, which have more cartoonish proportions.
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See you!!
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doodle-do-wop · 2 months
Stina and Keefe HC inspired by this post!
Buckle in this is gonna be a long one
Stina can't fucking stand his ass
Someone save her he's so annoying
Why in the name of the prime sources does Sophie even like this boy he's so obnoxious
He's not even that funny literally why is she laughing at all his dumb jokes
She's in the trenches
This is her personal Exile
Stina can't fucking draw
Like at all
She can't draw
She can draw a horse! A really good horse!
But nothing else it's indistinguishable unless it's a horse
They're literally the same person in a different font
They're both empaths with self esteem issues, the hair(tm), down bad beyond down bad, extremely corny, actually touch starved as all hell, would crack a hole through the earth to reach their partner, self sacrificial morons, unnecessary sarcastic while bleeding out, sassy, detention occupants so frequently in detention once they both attended when they didn't even have detention
They're two cats in a burlap sack(Keefe's the orange one, Stina is the grumpy black cat that will actually kill him if left alone in a room with him)
The simping, did I mention the simping?
Keefe and Stina DONT get along (mostly just Stina) for bloody ages and Sophie and Dex (yes this is also a CopperMares post) wish for them to just grow up and be able to tolerate each other for more than five minutes (Stina lasted SEVEN minutes thank you very much) and the cousins immediately regretted that wish because they forgot how annoying their partners can be
The empath duo will do anything and everything in their power to flirt with/look hot in front of/tease/taint/smirk/smile/wink etc etc etc at their respective partners and it drives them crazy
Sophie and Dex have not know peace (to be fair look at who they're dating, it's a conscious choice)
Keefe might technically be older but despite his white boy attitude and his looks you'd think Stina was his older sister the way she will fully strangle him within an inch of his life and then yank him out of his shoes to buy him lunch
Empaths by genetics, siblings by torture
She still can't stand his ass but at this point that's just Stina's weird way of saying she cares for you (just look at Marella, Stina literally tackles the shit out of her despite Marella being about as tall as your average stepping stool but Stina would still lay down her life for her)
They hang out in the silliest way possible and it's trashing Cassius' house and getting ice cream (not always in that order)
Once they found one of Gisela's wallet cubes and they went to town buying supplies, food, clothes, random furniture (some of which may or may not have been shipped to the neutral territories, what are you a narc?), got their usual ice cream (Stina makes a face at Keefe's order but he swears when there's just the melted stuff at the bottom of the cup it's flavors mix really well) then they leap off to Candleshade and use some of their supplies to trash the house (again)
Cassius' big ass statue of himself has never seen a good day since the two have gotten along
They haven't hit all the floors yet but they will some day
It's a shame the Sencen's suck because they have pretty great taste in furniture and silverware
Sometimes they spray paint a big ass target and have a contest to see who can throw at Cassius statue on the bullseye and get it to stay on the wall (Ro is winning by a lot but Stina's telekinesis is getting really great)
Not an AU goes by where Stina hasn't somehow been stuck with Keefe and at this point I don't think there is
Keefe pretends like he can translate Stina's Stinaness the way Maruca can (ex. Stina telling Maruca she hates her and hopes she falls on her face and Maruca responding with "I love you too Stina") and he's almost never right
Stina 'commit to the bit' Heks has fruitlessly vetoed every Keefe Idea that's ever been brought to the table but guess who's the first person to jump on the bandwagon the second the plan falls into action
Sophie and Dex swap scoldings with each other before they go yell at their idiots for whatever big stupid thing of the month they've done now because otherwise the said idiots might be able to flirt their way out of most of the scolding part
Top 5 people who would sing Agony the way it was meant to be sang, dramatically, competitively, and over a waterfall on the forest with very dramatic very swoonable action
Keefe is princess coded while Stina is reluctant but roguishly handsome prince coded you cannot change my mind
Both would be Flynn Rider though (Keefe can also be Rapunzel though, Stina on the other hand could not)
There's probably so much more I'm forgetting but this is long enough for now
Anyway thanks for reading this all if you have and have a good one
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chronotsr · 5 months
No. 1 - G1, The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief (July 1978)
Author(s): Gary Gygax Artist(s): Erol Otus, Dave C. Sutherland III (cover), David A. Trampier Level range: Average of 9, preferably 5+ players Theme: Standard Swords and Sorcery Major re-releases: G1-3 Against the Giants, GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders, Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff, Dungeon #197, Tales from the Yawning Portal
I'm not sure if G1-G3 are the most remastered adventures of all time, but it's gotta be competitive. I think Tomb of Horrors might have it beat, but I haven't counted. The 4e conversion [the Dungeon #197 one] is really weird in particular because…4e feels like the edition least interested in the legacy of DND? It was boldly doing its own thing. A good quality, actually.
Anyway, it's time to slag off* on a beloved adventure. Note, I am using the earliest copy of G1 I can find, which is from waaaay later when D3 was complete. I apologize.
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*And by slag off, I mean "be critical of at all". In practice, this module is actually showing some unusual acumen compared to its contemporaries.
EDIT: I forgot to mention a rather important thing when this was made live -- note the title there! We are officially in ADND land now, so put away your little brown booklets and switch over to the fuck-off awesome player's handbook with the iconic Moloch statue!
Somehow I had gotten my whole life at this point never really…understanding what this structure was supposed to look like? It looks like this.
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I honestly think exterior shots of dungeons are critically underrated. Handouts are amazing and being able to flash the back cover art to safely show the party "like this" is actually great, I deeply wish that….any? of the previous modules had done that? I think the only one that did was Tsojconth. Weirdly, the interior drawing is very subtly different. Look at how the logs face:
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Not a huge deal but, a kind of weird inconsistency that top one looks like a stockade and the bottom one looks like a log cabin. Side note, we know that the long dimension of this is using 210 feet tall logs, which is to say, the size of an average redwood. These are some big fuck-off trees -- which could be a very interesting detail about the local area.
Now the setup is pretty simple. You were hired to go beat up the giants because they've been raiding the local humans, figure out why they're raiding, and comeback posthaste. The locals have kitted you out with horses, guides, maps, et c -- but no compensation, they have simply omitted a finder's fee (cheap bastards). Also, if you fail, they'll execute you. With friends like these, who needs Giants?
Gary starts with some mild railroading (you accepted the job already, you are already kitted out, you already walked to a nearby cave, you waited til dusk to approach, you notice two guards are missing, and the cave is guaranteed to be moderately hidden. Sure, whatever, I'm going to ignore that if I run this tho. Gary notifies us of a few critical details:
Don't run this stock, that's immoral
Any surviving giants will flee to G2 if they have the opportunity (which, kind of inherently punishes clever play that avoids combat?)
There is a 2% chance per round that the wooden structure will be lit on fire due to chronic rain (why is this a dice roll??)
If you will permit me a tangent, player arson is truly the bane of interesting scenarios everywhere. Whenever a player wonders, "why are all the GM's dungeons underground or in stonework buildings?", it's because doing anything else invites arson as the default and best answer to all problems. Magic items are fireproof and most metal items will not get hot enough to be destroyed, so very often the best solution is to burn the place to the ground and loot it the next day. So, yeah. No wood buildings. Gary's fix is to have all the giants flee into the basement, then waste a week of the PC's time for daring to use arson. Kind of sucks!
Tangent complete.
Here's some random interesting bits:
Gary explicitly states that you can pass yourself off as hill giant kids, which is extremely funny. Minus the implicit child murder.
Naturally there are giant moms doing giant housemaid shit in several rooms. Presumably they have giant curlers too.
The secret door is, literally just a doorway covered by a pelt. I have to hand it to them, that'd trip up most players in 2024 AND make them feel stupid for not figuring it out!
The big reveal that Eclavdra the Drow is secretly behind it all is so lightly teased that it feels downright tasteful.
A giant that uses a ballista as a crossbow (based) and spears for arrows (also based) -- between the prevalence of lightning spears and greatarrows, one starts to think of a certain famous video game. Genuinely I think it'd be a fun exercise one day, for someone who is more knowledgeable than me about Japanese fantasy roleplaying culture, to talk about how anglophone fantasy works made their way into Japan and were interpreted.
One of the cloud giants has hidden a sentient giant slaying sword that speaks all the giant languages, it feels like there's a hell of a story going on there that is only alluded to!
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To my knowledge, this is the first official depiction of an orc in DND? Which implies that Gary is team pig-orcs, which is cool. Frankly, I love porcine orcs, or even better just pigfolk in general, they're great.
I think it is actually a rather bold early stance for Gary to hold that, even here in 1978, Chaotic aligned creatures are not automatically friends. Granted, that's how it is in Elric, so it's not THAT bold, but clearly everyone else missed the memo. The orcs are willing to side with you at least in the short-run, and in our previous modules it was very rare to have groups of chaotic-aligned creatures fighting one another. It was always just personal beefs. In fact, the overall theme of G1 so far is that despite the boxy-ass dungeon design, there's already a command of naturalism that even modern dungeons really struggle with. Factionalism truly is the gift that keeps on giving for the GM!
So the big reveal internally to G1 (just think of that -- a reveal internally to G1, and externally to the GDQ supermodule -- we're already getting pacing!) is that the orc slaves have rebelled. And -- hey -- good for them. There's also a kind of…built-in companion refill system going on here? So in oldish DND the way it works is, the expectation is the party is not just 5 guys with swords. You've got companions to help fight, and you've got hirelings to do other stuff (test suspected traps, if you're evil). And you can only hire so many of these guys from town, but attrition is going to happen. So the modules simply provides, automatic replacements should you negotiate worth a quarter of a shit. A dwarf slave here, an orc slave there. Maybe a giant dissenter if you're really clever. One of the potential "rewards" you can get is more dudes to throw at problems.
More interesting bits
There is, what I can only really call an abortive idea going on here where there's a scary temple in the basement? But no one worships there and no information is provided. It is merely a fucked up altar. I think I vaguely recall that it's retconned Tharizdun in one of the remakes? They always retcon things to be Tharizdun. Busy man, Tharzy.
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Gary, Gary no. Stop it. Stop this 78 guys bullshit. I thought we had established that giant rooms of giant clumps of guys was bad. I know you have terminal Napoleonics brain but stop.
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Wait, Steading is a noun? I always thought it was a verb. Yknow, like "Steading those hill giants", taking 'em down a notch. Apparently, a Steading is a small farm -- same etymology as Homestead. I guess mark that as our first Gygaxism?
Our second Gygaxism is gill, which is "a quarter pint of an alcoholic drink", which is to say a few mouthfuls
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Always end your adventures with weird, ominous non-diegetic text. On the flip-side, absolutely do not do what the adventure does, and end on a teleporter that takes you to the next dungeon. That is the worst option.
Anyway, that's the whole Hill Giant situation. Honestly, it's better than I remembered, but in proud module tradition up to this point it gets weirdly filler-y in the basement. There's just something about basements that makes dungeon designers stop giving a shit, I swear. I do need to give the man his due, even though he was a shitass person: Gygax wrote an 11 page module that is of noticeably higher killer-to-filler ratio than any of his contemporaries. G1 is better than any of its predecessors, pound for pound. It is way, way shorter which is I suppose a plus to me and a minus to others, but -- there is a clear internal logic to this place that is tragically missing from (say) The Dwarven Glory. And that internal logic is the beginning of good adventure design. Anyway, we have two fun tidbits to discuss before we end for the day.
First up, we have an of-the-time account of events in Dragon #19! It turns out that in Origins '78 they played G1-G3's prototype. The account is of the winners (mostly West Virginians, a few Michiganders), who used their magic extremely liberally to hide what they were doing as well as to scout. They did opt to light the place on fire, good for them! If you want to check this out, it's on page 3. I will mention G2 and G3 here as relevant later.
Second up, there's a weird interquel hiding in Dungeon #198! Hanging out as an informal G1.5 is "The Warrens of the Stone Giant Thane!" I will not review it in full because my understanding of 4e is, basically just skimming the PHB and reading the DMG, but essentially the Stone Giants are hypothetically aloof and not particularly loyal to their Fire Giant superiors, but someone gave them The Rock That Makes You Crazy and so now they are. Smash the rock!
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Man, map design in the 4e era was so fucking bad. It looks fine, but like, this is four circles. And downstairs is, of course, cave as far as the eye can see. Aren't stone giants supposed to be skilled carvers? Anyway, If you feel like G2 would be too big of a jump mechanically compared to G1, this exists. I'm sure you could use it if you liked, and certainly there is a Genre of Grognard who would be kinda tickled at the thought of finding "lost content" for el classico GDQ.
Next week, we cover G2, which was also in July. So was G3! They're triplets!
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do you have any ouat headcannons that you haven't been able to share but want to? angsty? Fluffy? even fav characters fav food?
*searches "headcanon" in dms with my bestie and compiles a list*
Will Scarlet and Aladdin were roommates in Storybrooke at some point. Not "oh my gosh, they were roommates" but actually "two broke theives splitting rent on an apartment" roommates.
Anytime Killian has to pick up pads or tampons for Emma he also buys her chocolate.
The doorknob on Emma's house gets replaced with a door handle because it's more hook accesible.
There was a holiday in the Enchanted Forest called "King's Day" which was supposed to be a day to celebrate the king. Hook and his crew would always celebrate by committing crimes (which I briefly touched on in my Christmas fic) but Killian decides to bring the tradition to Storybrooke, taking the day off from sheriffing to commit as many "crimes" as possible, with Emma chasing him around Storybrooke trying to stop him from committing as many crimes as possible.
Killian hates the sound of ticking clocks and can't figure out why, so Emma buys him a digital watch and he becomes obsessed with the silent timepiece.
In 200 years, there's no way Killian's never slipped up and accidentally called David "love." Like I'm sure it's happened at least once, and definitely after Killian and Emma get married. They're both super embarassed but Emma and Mary Margaret think it's the funniest thing ever.
Emma went through a pirate phase as a kid.
Idk how firmly I subscribe to this headcanon, but when Zelena tried to drown Killian in season 3, it actually did kill him, and Emma actually used True Love's Kiss there to bring him back.
Evil Snow in the Heroes and Villains universe killed Stealthy in that timeline- which adds even more depth to her killing Doc and saying "now there's six. want me to make it five?"
Killian is a language nerd. He still remembered ancient languages he learned in the navy a couple centuries later, and that doesn't happen unless you practice, and he wouldn't do that unless he wanted to.
[sidenote on above: the reason he refers to the runes Regina draws in s5 as "squiggly lines" is because they don't actually spell out anything; they're just random letters {I know, I've translated them} so Regina really has just reduced the runes to just being "squiggly lines.]"
Gold refused to trade for Killian's dabloons, using the excuse that "I spin straw into gold, why would I need these?" (but really it was just to be petty.) As soon as Gold left Storybrooke in season 4 and Belle took over the pawn shop again, Killian immediatley threw 87 dabloons on the counter and was like "can I please trade these in for money?"
Killian Jones eventually becomes a Jonas Brothers fan
A lot of Emma's cursed NYC memories in S3 were actual memories Regina had of raising Henry.
and uh, i think that's all i got for now! thanks for asking!
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lounaticm · 7 months
Married!Captain x Dark HCs
(I haven't been able to stop thinking about this ask from @psychnerd713 and only after I gave an answer did my brain decide to properly start thinking about it, so. Here's a continuation.)
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The wedding is a quiet affair, just the two of them. Much as the Captain loves their crew to death, they didn't want anything loud or to have too much attention. This was for them and him. Thankfully, the Captain has both the knowledge and license/authority to officiate their own wedding, the very first to take place on their new planet.
The Captain says nothing about having gotten married afterwards, though it doesn't take too long for someone to catch them with their gloves off, the ring standing out starkly. The discoverer stating their surprise and lack of knowledge about the Captain being married draws a lot of attention, eventually bringing Celci around to mention that the Captain's records upon boarding the Invincible stated that they weren't married.
"It happened recently. Didn't want a lot of attention or to cause a commotion."
Questions about 'who' and 'where' and 'when' and 'why they hadn't said anything before' immediately began to flood in.
"No one that any of you would know. Not too far from the settlement. Almost a month ago, now. Because it's a rather complicated situation."
Cue Dark suddenly appearing through what looks like a hole in the universe.
"I would say you certainly seem to have some timing... except I know you're always watching or listening."
"I worry."
"I know. You're a professional worrier at this point. And due to the sorts of things that have happened, I don't mind a bit. It's nice to have an extra pair of eyes on things."
The crew, of course, feels rather hurt that they weren't at the very least told about the Captain getting married before now, but ultimately understand - at least, as much as they're able to without all the details of what led up to it all, but that's an entire lifetime and then some, and it would simply take much too long to try to explain it all just then.
Dark wears a glamor for the first while, hiding his inhuman skin tone and the unnatural (and sometimes uncomfortable) aura that usually surrounds him. The first time he lets any of it down is actually accidental, an ever-so-slight slip of his concentration as he's walking around the settlement, speaking and reminiscing with the Captain. All it takes is for the Captain to make him laugh, a burst of cyan sparkling off of him like flecks of aquamarine catching the sunlight, a small ripple of red following in its wake.
He starts consciously allowing parts of his aura to show through after that. The red and cyan anaglyphic effects. The grey pallor to his skin. An occasional feeling of slightly increased air pressure around him. It's assumed that that's all there is to him... until he's seen getting irritated at a certain wannabe usurper in the crew. Grey creeps off his skin like smoke, eventually coalescing into a sphere around him, the color of everything in this area being sapped away until it is removed from this proximity. That slight pressure becomes a heavy weight, pressing down like the gravity had suddenly shifted to be double or triple of what it should be. And then there's the high-pitched ringing, like a gun had gone off much too close by, and the creaking, as if something wooden were under a strain. No one could deny that the Captain's husband made for quite the intimidating sight when he wanted to be, and he hadn't even raised his voice.
He'd introduced himself to everyone by the name Dark, and though people always hear the Captain calling him Damien (and diminutives thereof) no one calls him anything else.
Dark sometimes disappears for a few hours, but no one knows where he goes and they've no intentions of asking and potentially butting into personal business. Some have heard the Captain asking him how 'the Others' are doing when he comes back again - always through those abyss-like doorways that close too fast to see anything but a pitch black void. Eavesdroppers often hear talk of someone called 'Will' getting up to all sorts of things. Regardless of what names are mentioned, there is always clear fondness in his tone, if sometimes colored with exasperation.
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Knowing me, my brain probably won't let this go even still, so if I end up with more thoughts, there will be a sequel to this.
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quirkwizard · 5 months
I've looked up different people's takes on what Deku's Quirk would be if he had a natural one. One idea I frequently come across is Heat Absorption (which combines Hisashi's fire quirk with Inko's attraction quirk). However, what if this idea was taken further? What if Deku could take the heat energy he absorbed and use it to enhance his physical abilities (like Sunspot from the X-Men comics)?
Hi Wiz! Dollar-store-quirks here, with the shadow of an idea! (I have been so drained of ideas, you don't even know). I saw a ask about Izuku inheriting a possible Fire Breath x Attraction of Small Objects Quirk and I'd like to add my two cents! as in, I have two other takes on the concept.
My first concept is a little less directly related to his parents. I'm calling it Will-o-Wisp, and it leans a little more into the psychic nature of his mother's quirk. It might work where Izuku can breath out ghostly incorporeal "fire" which he can control - that's both telekinesis and fire breath! Only when this incorporeal fire makes contact with a physical object will it turn into real fire, which he might not be able to control. There might be a maximum limit of how much ghostly fire he can control, and he might unlock the power to choose when his ghostly fire becomes physical, or some way to control his fires after they become physical (say, if some amount of ghostly fire stayed incorporeal and that allowed him to influence the physical fire).
Second, I think there's potential in a very direct mix. Let's call it Attraction of Fire. This would function by allowing Deku to draw in and control fires near him, possibly extending the length of its fuel or managing its temperature. This would depend on fire from outside sources, still leaving Deku in an underdog position for narrative reasons and requiring a lot of inventiveness to make it feasible. Fire might still burn him, giving him the same self-destructive nature as in canon. And it'd give him plenty of need for support equipment and collaboration with other heroes, which is also meaningful for story reasons. These are mostly narrative reasons why I think this is compelling quirk, but aren't those the best reasons? If someone wrote an AU with another student gaining One for All, I think this kind of quirk would allow Izuku to remain in the story in roughly the same position in Class A, power-wise.
Thanks for reading all this! I hope this is a fun addition to the discussion!
Wow, @dollar-store-quirks. Now there's a name I haven't seen in a while. Hope you're doing okay. And here's the post for any of you that are curious about it.
I'm not sure if any of these are in the cards for Izuku, at least in their entirety. I too have discussed absorbing heat for Izuku's power, but why would it enhance his body? Nothing about either parent Quirk implies that would be possible. Shooting the fire back out makes more sense because that's in line with what the father does. Izuku breathing out fire that he controls makes some sense, but having it turn intangible is such a deviation that I struggle to imagine it fitting as a power. And honestly, I don't even think he'd be able to even come close to the canon story line with that kind of power. On that note, you're final idea does have some merit. I do think attracting fires makes sense for Izuku. Heck, it's even what based his Quirk Marriage around. The thing is though that attracting fires is such a specific power that I struggle to think of anything that interesting you can do with it, let alone have it be include amongst the Heroics Course. It's good for a firefighter and that's it. There's making a character an underdog and making his power barely useful. It's why I felt the need to be as liberal as possible with Izuku's potential powers. Something that'd fit the parent Quirks, yet still make standout abilities in their own right.
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hollister-mc · 2 months
A rant/dump about my current MHA project, I avoid spoilers for the current arcs
Yall I'm literally ill, I've never had a show impact me this much, I've never had characters affect me this much. I stopped watching mha during the Eri arc due to personal shit, like me moving and just losing motivation to watch. I still consumed the media, like fanfics, or honestly chat bots, but I just didn't watch the show anymore. (still havnt but I'm working on it)
I have a long-term fanfic that I've been working on for like... years at this point. It's longer than The Great Gatsby currently. I flip-flopped forever on the main ship, and even if it was going to be an x reader. I think I've ultimately decided that it's going to be Bakudeku/OC. And I need yall to understand why.
I originally started this fanfiction years ago as kinda a crack fic. It was a self insert of me and my best friend at the time. We were twins I put us into the series. Of course, we started it cause we simped for the characters. I wrote it, and she would give me input and ideas, but I ultimately did the main work, which was fine, I was the writer. Our friendship slowly faded, and so I slowly stopped writing. I was hurt for a long time, we were best friends for like 8 years, and she gradually stopped talking to me after she got into her first relationship.
The fic was abandoned for a long time, until during a trip to go see my other best friend across country. We talked about what happened with my old friend. At one point I told her about the abandoned fic I had, how I had started the fic for fun for us, and we had sort of a plot line for our characters, but of course nothing serious, as my ex friend just stopped giving me input and ideas for everything. I told her it made me sad, but overall, I was just bitter from what my ex friend had done. My long-distance friend looked at me and said, "Why don't you just turn it into your own? Redo it. Consider it like a personal revenge." And that my friends, is what sparked a flame in me. I reformed everything, I actually developed lore, I made characters, storylines. In doing so, I realized the main characters were no longer me and my ex friend, but two completely new characters. I won't bullshit you, the main character used to be me, but she, Iris, has completely transformed into this new character. That's why I decided to make it an OC fanfic instead of reader. I put too much work and soul into her, there was no way to portray her in a vague light, enough for anyone to put themselves in her shoes. I worried for a bit, cause I know a lot of people don't like OC stories. But I personally never turned away from OC fics unless the characters personality was too much for me to focus on and insert myself into. Cause I won't lie. I read to escape my reality, most of the time, I put myself into the main characters' shoes. So I figured, I probably wasn't the only one. In the end, I'm doing this for me. If people enjoy it too, then damn that's a plus.
Another thing I want to be clear, yeah I started rewriting this story as a way to express my upset at my ex friend, but truthfully, it's no longer like that. When I think about what happened with my friend, sure, I'm still bitter sometimes. But for the most part, it's become a part of my past, theres nothing I can do to change anything. I've worked for the past few years writing, drawing, and just daydreaming about this story. Im not lying to you when I say there isn't a day that I don't think about it at least once. I haven't been able to write lately, and it's been killing me. I moved out for the first time in my life months ago, and before that I was so busy and worked to the bone I had no motivation to write, even when the thing I wanted to write about consumed my waking moments. I'm still exhausted, but goddamn if the new episodes and Manga chapters haven't grabbed me by the metaphorical balls and twisted. I won't go into detail for anyone who isn't caught up, I gave up on trying to avoid spoilers.
I think my biggest hesitation is the fandom, and potentially backlash. Is that I'm no longer the teenager that started this fic. A lot of people don't like that, and will probably see it as weird that I'm making a fanfiction based around teenagers, especially the romance part. But honestly, I don't care. I started loving these characters when I was their age in show, and I'm sorry that they don't age like I do, but unfortunately, for us all, I still have an unhealthy attachment to it. So we're just gonna deal with it. The other side was the question of ships. I bounced back and forth for a long time on if my OC was going to be with Deku or Bakugo. It was hard, cause my initial thought was 'fuck it, both' but I hesitated cause poly ships, especially like that, aren't common or popular in fandoms, or taken seriously like I want this fic to be. Recently in the fandom I've seen how much popular the Bakudeku ship has gotten, and I finally decided to say fuck it, and just go with my original idea. So this fic will not be a love triangle, well- honestly it'll have juicy dramatic parts, but I'm going agaisnt the norm and saying fuck it, they all love eachother. I myself am not poly, (at least I think? Idk I'm unlabeled, the only poly relationships I've ever thought about being a part of are with fictional characters lol) So it won't be perfect and maybe not entirely accurate. If anyone who is poly wants to give me advice I'd be open and appreciative of it. Now that, that's all out of the way...
I'm going to give a summary of my plot, and i want to know if you guys find it interesting.
In a world where humans are given superhuman abilities, the norm, quickly changes. This world is not black and white. Prejudice and discrimination never truly leave humans, if it's not one thing, it's another. And in this world, if you don't have a quirk, or if your quirk is seen as undesirable or... potentially dark in nature, then you are immediately singled out and ostracized.
Our main characters, Iris and Ivy Blackwood, are born into an unfair world, where they are ultimately dealt with a hand that is hard to burden. Being the children of famous pro heroes is one thing, it's another when said pro heroes are constantly in the eye of the public. A scandal happens every week, it seems. You can't go far in research without seeing someone question the pro heroes' motives. Forsythe and Natalia Aphelion-Blackwood are powerful people, with powerful quirks to match. What sets them aside is the nature of their powers, powers that aren't normally seen as heroic. In fact, the whole blood line is filled with ominous powers, shadey actions, and downright morally questionable choices. When these two families married together, the media burst. Obviously, it was a quirk marriage. The only thing was they just couldn't prove it. When the twins were born, everyone waited in baited unease. Just what the hell could these bloodlines produce in power? Surely it couldn't be that bad...
Ivy's quirk manifested shortly after her twin, sprouting fox ears and tail(s) her quirk was Kitsune. Similar to her father's shape-shifting quirk, but of course had stark differences. Iris, on the other hand? Well, let's just say she won't be stepping into churches anytime soon... At the ripe age of 5, Iris Blackwood sprouted, wings, horns, a tail, claws, and red eyes to match. This girl was given powers seemingly from the devil himself. Her quirk? Demon. The nature of her power is unknown, the extent? unknown. No quirk specialist stuck around to figure out just what the hell she could do, but from the brief research done, it's believed the girl is able to do whatever a demon can do... What an odd analysis, considering no one really knows what that can entell.
Iris was forced to keep her abilities under lock and key, with great luck she's able to hide her physical features. The rest of her powers, she doesn't know, and she honestly doesn't want to find out. She's trying to become a hero, what kind of hero has a power like that? The twins' parents put them on a path, one that was built and prepped long before they were even born, what a burden to put on children. Iris wants to defy all odds, to show the world that she's not her quirk. It doesn't matter if no one believes in her, not even her own parents. She has her sister, her twin, someone who's been by her side since birth. Someone who will always have her back, that will never change... right?
This story is one of betrayal, manipulation, all kinds of abuse, moral questioning, and even questioning of one's sanity... but it's also a story of friendship, trust, found family, love, and the indomitable human spirit. This is the very definition that sometimes, your family can end up being the ones you share no blood with.
Okay, so tell me, does that sound interesting? I hope so, cause these characters, this plot, has been on my mind for years nonstop, it's something that needs to be told. And I feel like a lot of people can relate to some of the things in this fic. I'm currently rewriting the first 6 or so chapters, cause once I picked up the story again long ago, I just kept writing from where I left off, so the first chapters aren't adjusted to the new direction the fanfiction is now going. It's going to be Canon compliant but not perfectly, it will have its own arcs and storyline, and of course, depending on how the show finishes, I'll have to adjust. But overall, I love the plot of MHA, so I don't want to change too much. I appreciate anyone who supports me with this. Thank you guys a lot. Stay tuned.
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So. Let me get this straight. Ghost is an entity who exists outside any plane of existence. Ceres is their friend, who somehow knows people from Heaven. Ceres was sent to Hell to help by Alastor's mum(?) and somehow can open basic portals. Couple questions here:
Does Ghost know Als mum too? If so, why haven't they mentioned anything?
Did Ghost transport Ceres to Hell? Or is Ceres capable of powering portals between the realms?
Also! Ghost is able to possess things (Luci's button?) in Heaven too? SO, they are able to venture there as well? And if so, why don't they just stay there?
We know Ceres is an Owl, but are they like Ghost? Or are they something else entirely?
What's going on with Ghost's other drones? So far, we've only seen the one at the hotel. We know that two more were with Al, and some were following Nova and Kidnapping Co. That's, what, at least 5 drones? And only one is accounted for?
Is Ghost still powering/controlling the drones, despite their physical form being KO? Or are they acting on their last directives. So far, they've been used as an extension of Ghost themself, as if they were yet another limb. Or have they also just kaput with Ghost?
There's so much going on!?!?! Like! SO MANY THEORIES. >:) Plus we have to worry about if Alastor and Nova are gonna be OKAY, and what exactly Charlie and Lucifer are about to do! AHHHHH. Its such an addicting story!
Angel, shrugging: "Hey we know as much as you do. They're passed out, the doctor's don't really know what to do with 'em'"
Nifty, suddenly appearing from some corner of the hotel: "They helped tough. Even when it hurt them. Maybe they like pain too!"
Nifty shudders in delight. Husk and Angel share a look.
Vaggie: "Charlie isn't answering her phone I hope she's okay..."
Charlie and Lucifer stand in a dirty bedroom. There even a couple of bugs crawling around.
They sneak a peak around the corner. Through some miracle they haven't been spotted yet.
Nova is sitting on a chair. This time not bound to anything, though she looks terrified at the two men. And she's slummed in the chair. She's still in that chair. For what an hour now? Luckily they draw it slowly, they want to keep her alive as well.
She's whimpering and sniffling, the Morningstar's hearts break at the sight
Brax, annoyed: "Shut up. Or do you want to go back into the closet?"
She's trying to press her arm to her mouth, making the sound quieter, not actually able to stop. The other man just rolls his eyes and checks the machine. It must be Alastor's father.
Lucifer gives Charlie a sign to wait. She does so, but ready to step in as well, whenever needed.
Lucifer: "You know, I don't take kindly to people who hurt my family. And unfortunately for you, the two of you definitely made the list"
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