#[ hope everyones doin well though!!
zoesmp4 · 4 months
WARMTH “and so, you drifted into sleep, finding solace in the warmth of his presence.” daryl dixon x fem!reader
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tags: hurt to comfort, ass ending (i tried 💔), swearing, reader is on her period, short
a/n: first daryl fic woop woop!! everyone say thank you gracie cs she requested yet another good fic idea 😵‍💫 so it was supposed to be a fluff but it ended up being a htc.. oopsies.. but hope ygs enjoy!!
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there were many perks that came from being a female. but periods? not one of them. you don’t know why your younger self was so eager to get it. to put it simply, periods sucked. they made you feel awful. 
before the apocalypse it was already pretty hard for you. but now, it was incomparable. after all, it’s not like you had shit just laying around to help you. 
so, whatever you thought was “rough” back then, it was way rougher now. when it was your time of month. you would get cranky, a stark contrast to your usual bubbly demeanor. on top of that, you also had to deal with the fatigue and endless mood swings. 
the worst thing though, was the cramps. the constant waves of sharp pain pushed you to your limit. 
they were also the reason you were currently perched on your bed, back leaning against the headboard, with your knees held up to your chest. 
honestly, it had been a decent day until now. you did some stuff to help out, and caught up with your friends. you were able to partially take your mind off of the discomfort you were feeling. 
but of course, the stupid cramps ruined it all. you had to excuse yourself before hastily making your way back to your room. you practically collapsed onto your bed the second you walked in. 
and that’s how you found yourself in this situation. if anyone walked by your room, they would assume you were dying. or atleast, that’s what your countless groans made it sound like. 
to your luck, you suddenly felt the urge to cry. “suck it up.” you told yourself, knowing that this was another dumb mood swing which was a normal occurrence during your period. but, you lost the battle between your emotions and you. 
with the pain coming from your cramps, and the sudden sadness you felt, you couldn’t stop yourself. tears welled up in your eyes and cascaded down, mimicking a waterfall.
only a few moments later, you jumped slightly when you heard a loud knock at your bedroom door. the person didn’t even wait for your response before barging in. that sort of thing would’ve annoyed you if it was any other person, but it was daryl. 
you felt slightly embarrassed that he was seeing you in this state, but he was your boyfriend. he’s seen you at your worst. he quickly walked over to to your bed, his footsteps echoing. 
“what’s up with ya? heard ya weren’t feeling too good.” he said, sitting down on your bed. he placed the back of his hand onto your forehead, checking to see if you were sick. after noticing you didn’t have a fever, he wiped his thumb under your eyes to wipe away the hot tears.
“no fever. why do ya look like yer bout’ to hurl?” he asked. the vision he put in your head didn’t make you feel any better. daryl didn’t know that much about periods, but you couldn’t blame him. 
you opened your mouth to reply, but instead you let out another groan. he looked at you with concern in his eyes. “what do ya need? what’s wrong?” he grunted out. 
all you needed was something that would relieve these fucking cramps. you needed a heating pad, but of course, you didn’t have one. so, you did the only thing that could help you in that moment. 
you gently pulled your boyfriend’s head down to rest on your lap. you sighed in small relief. the feeling of his warmth coming into contact with your body felt nice. 
meanwhile, daryl on the other hand was full of confusion. “the hell ya doin’?” he asked. “shut up, just give me a minute.” you mumbled, closing your eyes.
he wanted to protest, but he held himself back. he knew this was helping you, and thats all he really cared about. “get to sleep angel.” he quietly muttered.
and so, you drifted into sleep, finding solace in the warmth of his presence.
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loveandmurders · 5 months
Monsters love their wives II (Bo Sinclair x f!reader)
Hello everyone! This is the last part of this mini series about Bo being an idiot and hurting his wife even though he loves her. You can find the first part here.
Hope you'll enjoy <3
Warnings: ANGST, comfort (in a dark way I guess), violence (graphic), blood, murders, fear, strong words, very morally grey reader, toxic relationship, mentions of cheating and sexual activities, mentions of torture, suicide and death, threats of sequestration... But Bo loves you 🥺
Bo had tied up the girl on the chair and had glued her lips together because he didn’t want to hear her screams.
He just needed to take his anger out and she was perfect for that, especially after what she just did. He was beating her with violence and insulting her.
“Ya saw this, whore?” he told her as he showed her his wedding ring “Kissin’ a married man, ya bitch, and believin’ I'd want ya” he said as he punched her face one more time. Her cheeks and eyes were already starting to swollen as her nose and lips were bleeding. He was about to break her fingers one by one, when he heard the door being opened which made him pause. He really hoped it wasn’t you because he didn’t want you to see him covered in blood like that. You were already afraid of him, no need to add more to it.
He was very confused when he saw Vincent coming downstairs and he turned his back to the girl who tried to scream for help.
“Better be important, Vince. Can’t ya see ’m busy right now?” he asked Vincent who started to angrily sign:
"It’s about your wife. Important enough for you?"
“... Ya know she is.” Bo nodded, a little bit worried now.
"Well Y/N thinks you are cheating on her and soon going to kill her! I promise her you were going to kill that bitch in front of her, but you better think of something very fast or you are going to lose her forever."
“What?” Bo was completely taken aback. He felt his heart sinking inside his chest. “But I love her, none of this’ true” he whispered
"Well if you hadn’t fucking hurt her the last morning and if she hadn’t seen you kissing that slut, maybe things would be better right now, fucking idiot!"
“How? What was she doin’ here?” Bo wondered, not even caring about the way Vincent was talking to him.
"Don’t know, don’t care. Bring the girl for a public execution. Because of you, I won’t even be able to use her body for the House of Wax or anything. No need to upset Y/N even more. Good job, really." Vincent paused for a few moments. "Fuck, Bo, don’t tell me you’re cheating on your wife."
“O’course not!” Bo exclaimed as he turned around and gave another vengeful punch on the girl’s face.
She lost consciousness and he started to untie her. Vincent helped Bo bring her back to the house to show you she meant nothing to your husband. 
The eldest Sinclair brother was silent as he was trying to think on how he could fix the situation with you. He also was wondering what you were doing at his garage. He wasn’t naïve enough to think that you came to earn cuddles from him - even if he would have been more than happy to drop his work to show you how sorry he was. 
When you saw the two men in the house, you had to admit you were a little bit relieved to see that Bo’s hands were covered in the girl’s blood and that he didn’t seem like he was in the middle of fucking her when Vincent interrupted him. Bo let the girl fall on the ground without a care in the world and quickly walked to you to cup your face in one hand. You refused to look at him at first but he forced you. He needed to see your eyes and he looked for them before telling you:
“Ain’t cheatin’ on ya, wife”
You swallowed hard and you fought against the thought that he seemed sincere. You removed your face from his hand and looked away. But he grabbed your face once again, in a very gentle way.
“I mean it. Ain’t cheatin’ on ya.” he insisted
“Then why were you kissing that girl?” you asked, gesturing with your head toward the woman
“And what were ya doin’ at the garage?” he asked back and it made you frown.
“Bo” Lester rolled his eyes at his big brother and Vincent also groaned in disapproval at Bo’s question, saving you from answering. 
“Alright, alright” Bo grumbled as he let go of your face and knelt in front of you “She jumped on me, didn’t have time to stop her. Didn’t ya see me pushin’ her away? And once downstairs, I wasn’t… Ya can ask Vince, I was beatin’ her to death when he came. Ya can see the state of her face” he softly told you and you looked at the woman. Vincent roughly grabbed her by the hair to show you her face, and you had to admit she wasn’t looking too good. She groaned in pain as she was slowly getting back to reality.
“What do ya think, sis?” Lester asked you and you nibbled on your bottom lip. 
It was true that it didn’t seem that Bo was cheating on you with that girl in particular. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to kill you, and it didn’t mean you shouldn’t find a way out of Ambrose whenever you would be able to.
“Just kill her already. But not on my floor. I don’t want blood everywhere” you finally replied.
The boys relaxed a little, because you still seemed to consider this house as your home. Hence, it meant you weren’t going to leave. Bo kissed your forehead and you had to resist the urge to flinch away from him. He grabbed the girl by the hair and pulled her out of the house. Lester and Jonesy stayed by your side as the twins quickly put her out of her misery. She was quite lucky you had been there or your husband would have tortured her for hours before killing her. 
“How feelin’?” Lester asked you and you simply shrugged
“Gonna grab that nap now” you replied and he nodded.
“Sounds like a plan, love” he agreed and he helped you to get up and followed you upstairs. He tucked you to bed and wished you to sleep well before closing the door behind him. Jonesy stayed with you and settled at your feet. You took comfort in her presence.
You did sleep a few hours, but you woke up covered in sweat, with the very clear thought that you needed to run away now. You didn’t remember the dream you had before waking up, but it was obviously a nightmare. You were feeling absolutely panicked. It woke up Jonesy who asked to get out of the room. So you got up, opened the door for her and then you frantically started to look for clothes in your wardrobe. You needed to find an outfit you would be comfortable in and you needed good shoes and…
You heard a very soft knock at the door and you froze, as Bo slowly opened it. He was about to ask you how you were doing and if you were hungry, when he saw you. Your hair was sticking to your forehead. You looked like a deer caught in headlights; you looked almost ill. He locked the door before coming closer to you. The gesture alone made you sick.
“Whatcha doin’?” he softly asked, his blue eyes piercing yours. 
“Just… looking for clothes… I need a shower. I’m not feeling too well” you replied, half the truth, aware he would instantly know if you were lying to him.
“Still thinkin’ ‘m cheatin’ on ya?” he asked as he took a step closer to you and your breath caught in your throat. You didn’t trust your voice so you simply shook your head. “But ya’re still afraid ’m gonna kill ya?” he asked again and you cursed yourself for having said that to Vincent and Lester. You should have been smarter.
“I just need a shower. Please let me unlock the door” you said because you were just unable to sincerely reply to this question. You grabbed an outfit, without even really looking at it and you tried to walk past him but he grabbed your wrist.
“I know I shouldn’t’ve hurt ya” he said as he brought you closer to him. He took the clothes you had in your hands and threw them on the bed. He took both of your hands in his. “I was worried my wife wanted to go. O’course, I shouldn’t’ve reacted that way. But even if ya’re afraid of me, for the moment, ya don’t want to go no more? Ya know your place’s in Ambrose, by my side, right? Ya know I want ya and only ya? Ya know I’ll never let ya go anyways?” he whispered to you with a gentle smile
“Is it a threat?” you asked as you tried to stay strong. He quickly shook his head
“Ah baby, it’s just a promise. We’re married, remember? Together 'till the end.” he mused as he stroked your nose with his.
“Yes, untill you kill me” you told him and he looked back at you, his head moving to the side. It was really saddening for him.
“What were ya doin’ at my garage earlier?” he asked but you didn’t answer “where ya trying to find a way out? Did ya think ya could find some help?” he asked and you looked away. He grabbed your face, a little less gently than earlier that day “Answer, Y/N” he sternly told you and you heard the danger just under the surface of his calm voice
“I wanted to find a way out, yes” you admitted and it made Bo groan in anger.
“And why that? Don’t ya know it’s your duty to stay by my side, as my wife?” he asked you as he pushed you against the nearest wall. You just wanted to cry again but you didn’t want to give him that kind of power over you.
“And you, isn’t it your duty to take care of me? To be good to me? As my husband?” you asked back “You hadn’t been nice to me in weeks. You even did this to me then” you continued as you moved a hand on your sore and bruised throat.
Bo stayed silent and his dark demeanour instantly disappeared. He tenderly stroked your cheek before bringing one of your hands to his lips to kiss.
“Don’t be afraid and don’t leave, and things will go back to normal” he promised
“I’m afraid, Bo” you replied
“It won’t happen again. I’ll do better. But don’t try to leave” he warned you
“Or what? You'll kill me?” you insisted, even though you knew you were playing with fire in this instant
“But love, why would I do that?” he asked as he pressed himself even more against you. You could feel his breath against your face “Don’t want to kill my wife. I want ya here, with me, forever” he whispered to you
“You can always ask Vince to turn me into a wax statue” you said and he let escape a humourless laugher
“A wax statue wouldn’t argue, talk and flirt with me, wouldn’t make love to me, wouldn’t tell me it loves me… Ya still love me, wife?” he asked as his lips were almost against yours but you turned your head to the side to prevent him from kissing you “Oh com’on, doll, ‘m missin’ ya so badly” he whined
“So what would you do if I left? You said…” you started but he cut you off
“Ya know that when ‘m angry, I say stuff I don’t mean. But I do mean that ya better don’t try to leave. I would indeed hunt ya down and bring ya back to Ambrose, where ya belong”
“And that’s all?” you asked, you needed to know what Bo had planned for you
“And I would tie ya up on that bed until ya would behave like a good girl. If I need to lock ya up inside the house to keep ya here, be certain it’s what I’ll do, without a second of hesitation. So do I need to tie ya up, love? Or will ya be a good girl to me?” he asked
You didn’t even need to think; you cupped his face with both your hands and you crashed your lips against his. You didn’t want to be tied up. You didn’t want to lose the small freedom you still had by badly reacting now. You were still afraid but you needed to be smart. Bo instantly replied to the kiss, so happy to finally be allowed to touch you that way. He was passionate, but also so gentle with you, as if he was afraid he could break you if he was too forceful. His hands were soon all over your body, enjoying to feel you. You were a drug to him, and not being able to touch you was quickly making him lose it. His lips trailed down from your mouth to your throat. He left very tender little kisses all over your skin, as a silent way to apologise for what he did. 
“Fuckin’ love ya” he whispered to you “Ya know that, right? Would go completely insane without ya in my life. That’s why I can’t let ya go. That’s why I needed us to get married. I’m gonna be good to ya, I swear. As long as ya don’t try to go” he murmured to you in between kisses.
You simply nodded because you had no idea what to answer to this. You were a little bit surprised by such words and touch, and you wanted to believe him. You wanted to let go of your fear of the man, and you wanted things to go back to normal.
But something was broken now, and Bo would need to work very hard to fix this, and a lot of time and patience for things to truly go back to normal.
“Still love me, right?” he insisted because you hadn’t answered when he had first asked you. He slightly moved from you to observe you, eagerly waiting for those three little words to resume his kisses and lovingly caresses. You nodded.
“Of course, I love you” you said and the man instantly smiled and went back to loving on you.
It was then it hit you: you might have married a very dangerous man who could so easily kill you, he was a lost puppy without you.
“Hey, Bo” you said and he looked up at you. “I don’t want you to take care of the women anymore.” you told him
“Anythin’ you wanna” he nodded
“And if you ever hurt me again… I’ll make sure, you’ll never have me again either” you promised him and he frowned without understanding
“What?” he softly asked
“Married 'till the end, you said, and you’re not the only one who can kill me. I can too” you explained and his eyes widened
“Y/N” he whined “Don’t say such things” he whimpered, knowing he wouldn’t last more than a few hours without you in his life. And he couldn’t fight Death. 
His lips found yours again, hoping to make you stop saying such horrible words and promises. He wouldn’t let anything happen to his wife. He would rather die.
However Bo never forgot those words.
Like you never tried to run away from him anymore.
Taglist: @murder-hobo - @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Thong (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
You decided on a scandalous thong for the day and decided to have some fun by teasing your ♡favorite♡ demon. At RAD. How does he react?
minors/ageless/blank blogs dni or get blocked :c
»Characters: Demon Bros + Dia + Barb
»Tags: ⚠️🔞NSFW , Possessive, Flashing, Some Humor, Smutty-ish, GN Reader/MC
»Notes: Few days late but I hope everyone had a good Valentines day! You are all loved ♡♡♡
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You visited him in his office and "accidentally" knocked a few papers off his desk. You bent down to pick them up.
His eyes widened briefly
Wondered if you did that on purpose
"Luuucifer? Are you okay?" You smiled slyly
So it was. This human is something else.
He leaned in close and whispered in your ear
"Careful now. If I find out anyone other than me saw what I saw, there will be punishment in store for you."
He smirked and rubbed your ass for a brief moment before giving a gentle smack sending you onto your next class
He saw the flustered look on your face and was quite content
Lucifer: 1 You: 0
He invited you into his study later that night though
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You met up with Mammon at your locker. You decided to reach down in your locker to get something.
Took off his uniform jacket and tried to cover you up
He was a blushing red mess
"Whaddya think youre doin' wearin' that! Here of all places! Anywhere even! No! I won't allow it!"
Was conflicted [Mammon cannot compute]
He was so turned on but upset thinking about if anyone else saw your thong!
He was so bothered he made you miss class
You two spent it in a secret cozy closet where he kept kissing/biting you all over while whispering "mine!"
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Oh poor unsuspecting Levi. You decided to tie your shoe in front of him.
Let out a small yelp
Immediate nosebleed
Wasn't sure if he should say something ...or just keep staring intensely
Okay he kept staring
Let out a small groan when you adjusted your thong and winked at him
Seriously!? Teasing him at school!? He should've stuck to online classes!
Skipped your shared class to go jerk off in the restroom
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You invited him after school to the library to study. While looking for books, you went for all the ones on the bottom shelves.
Could not stop staring while you browsed
Wanted to tell you your thong was showing but decided against it...since no one else was around he was going to enjoy it
He is a demon after all
Studying was hard after that
He found himself daydreaming
Was a little embarrassed he couldn't focus
"Who knew such a small piece of fabric could affect you?" You teased him
Ah so you knew...
Grabbed your hand and led you to an empty classroom for some fun
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You sat in the back corner of class with Asmo. You "accidentally" dropped your pencil and bent to get it.
He gasped
Now that is sexy
He was absolutely mesmerized
He passed you a note complimenting your choice of underwear that day
Kept heavily flirting all of class
He might have convinced you to skip the rest of your classes for the day for other activities
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You invited Beel to the snack machine (RIP your wallet) and bent down to get his snacks.
Really caught off guard by your thong
Thought it was sexy as fuck but shook his head to clear his mind
Quickly told you it was showing
The growl he made wasn't his stomach but his throat when you said "Oh maybe it was meant specifically for you?"
He jerked off later that night to the thought of you doing other things exclusively for him
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You were excited to see how this bad boy would react. You walked up to him and smacked his textbook on the ground, then picked it up in a dramatic fashion.
Well that was obviously intentional
But no complaints here...niiice
He snapped one of the strings/waistband
"Okay you got my attention. It looks good on you. It'd look better on the floor though."
Yeah he wasn't going to hold back his thoughts
"How about we visit the attic later? Just me and you?"
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So calm, so collected. But only you knew what a naughty demon he was. You went in straight for the kill and briefly flashed him in his office before running away.
-Sighs- That human is completely dangerous.
Shut down the school while he offered a reward to anyone with your whereabouts
It didn't take long
Collected you in his demon form and carried you to his office
"You know what you do to me. Now look what you've done little one."
Barbatos had to cast a silencing spell and canceled the rest of his meetings that day.
I love an impatient feral diavolo,  sigh
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You guys had a little thing going on, but could you actually affect *the* butler? You were curious enough to try. You saw him heading your way and decided to tie your shoe.
Briefly surprised
Well...that's tantalizing
He cleared his throat and politely told you of your fashion faux pas
He took note of your slight disappointment
Oh so it was meant for him...this will be fun
He leaned down and whispered in your ear, tucking something into your hand
"Maybe nothing is better."
You peered in your hand and it was your thong!
He chuckled at your bright red face as you ran towards the restroom
He sent you a text: "I surely hope my visit tonight will be welcomed."
I like to think we won ?? 😩
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sleepyangelkami · 7 months
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 ☆ SUMMARY - your boyfriend travels through alexandria on foot even though the amiss of a thunder storm is unfolding, just to make his way to you, his precious girl, terrified of thunder and lightning.
 ☆ WARNINGS - crybaby reader, anxiety/worry, crying, rain, thunder/lightning, stormy weather, use of good girl (non-sexual) petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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the storm was getting bad, really bad.
you watched from the window of your home, sitting cross legged on the window seat and anxiously tapping your fingers against the window sill. your teeth had clamped down on your wobbly bottom lip as you watched the clouds dissipate and reappear, covering the town of alexandria in a new sleek coat of rain.
you wondered where everyone else was, hoping and praying that everyone was inside their houses, safe.
nothing bad really happened in alexandria before rick grimes and his group came. then again, nothing happened at all in alexandria before they came. they gave life to the people, hope, something to look forward to, a future.
you weren't an exception of that hope.
some would say that you're soft, possibly the softest girl in all of alexandria. you kept to yourself, pretty sun dresses and bows, always smiling at the people you passed.
but there was only one person who you felt truly knew you. that was your perfect boyfriend, the man who'd do just about anything for you, worshipping the mere ground that your dainty feet stepped on.
that man was daryl dixon.
he was feared. he was known. everyone had heard the stories of the walkers he'd taken down, the people he'd shoved out of the way. he was one of the ones the people of alexandria feared the most at the beginning, however they soon learned that he wasn't as rough as his accent made him out to be.
the sound of your door swinging open was enough to have your head whipping around in a flash, enough to give you a pain in your neck. your fists had balled over the little pink throw that had gathered around your legs.
however, the fear soon dissipated like the clouds as your eyes caught the glimpse of daryl dixon standing at your door, drowned wet and soaking. though, he soon began to rid himself of his jacket.
"got here as soon as i could." his gruff voice came out. "what are you doin' over there? c'mere." though he was already helping you up, tenderly grasping your arm and leading you away from the window seat.
you followed his instructions, seating yourself on the bed as he peered out the window himself. "is the patrol back yet?" worry evident in your honey-voice.
the man could merely grimace. in the apocalypse, everyone sort of became a liar, it was a force of habit to protect themselves and something about daryl dixon is that he was a well good liar when he wanted to be. however, in all the time he's known you, he's never been able to lie to you. perhaps it was because of those doey eyes that looked up to him or that naive head and heart he knew you had. he couldn't lie to you because he knew just how easily you'd believe him. "nah, they should be back before morning, though." his eyes softened as they glanced over your face, your own eyes looking down and appearing distant. always worrying about everyone aside from yourself. he sighed before kneeling down in front of you. "'m sure they're fine, sweet girl, probably jus' holed up somewhere, didn't wanna come back through the storm. okay?"
you knew those eyes.
daryl was quiet, mysterious. but with you, he could talk for days on end. and that meant he liked to listen too, especially to the sound of your sweet voice. he needed you to answer him. "okay." you mumbled, your voice a little shaky.
his lips turned up as he stood and reached his head down to press a chaste kiss against your own forehead. "good girl." he mumbled before turning back 'round to the curtains that were still slightly open. "why don' we throw on a movie, get nice 'n cozy in bed, yeah?"
he could tell by the look on your face that you weren't exactly pleased.
you hated the rain, the wind, everything that came with bad weather. you hated when your socks got wet when you passed puddles, you hated the way the mud smeared around after the rain, you hated the sounds of the stormy weather from outside. you loved the way daryl knew all this.
"c'mon, angel, a little rain ain' never hurt nobody." shutting your baby pink curtains closed. you gave him a look, knowing that on countless events, people had in fact, been killed due to the rain. he merely sighed. "you know what i mean."
he knelt in front of the dvd player. “now wh’s it gonna be? disney or the muppets?” 
you did adore the muppets, you loved the way daryl found himself chuckling at little pieces of it, finding joy in his own way in the little movies and shows that they played out. but right now? you so desperately needed the comfort of the movies you grew up with. “disney.” you answered, your voice small. “definitely.” 
he could only smirk. “as you wish.” 
daryl never made fun of you for your fascination for cartoons and picture movies like them. you liked them because they reminded you of what was before, how you grew up and the things you enjoyed doing before all this. there was a sense of nostalgia that hit deep in your gut and weirdly enough, you liked it. you liked watching the pictures move and allowing your mind to drift to when you were young. and daryl adored that pretty smile on your face or the way you laughed at the same cheesy romance joke you’d heard a thousand times over. he’d only roll his eye with a small chuckle but deep down he could feel his heart begin to race. something reminding him that there was still a form of innocence in a world full of chaos. 
“daryl?” you called from the bed. now that the movie was beginning, the rain didn’t seem as loud. and daryl had awful hearing as it was so he always played the movies loud for you both to hear it. you swore it would drive your hearing down the same road as his. 
“mhm?” a rough hum as he used the controller to skip past the pre-recorded ads on the dvd you owned. the swan princess, a movie you adored ever since you were a child, and daryl knew this.
he knew everything there was to know about you. 
you’d seated yourself beneath the blankets, your jammie covered legs finding even more heat in the white and pink sheets. everything about your room was girly. “how’d you get here?” your head tilting at the man. 
he merely stood, sniffling quietly and tossing the remote elsewhere so he could kick off his boots. “i walked.” he answered so casually, as if it hadn’t been a big deal at all. and to him, it truly wasn’t, he’d faced worse things than walking in a little rain. besides, he wasn’t scared like you were, he didn’t worry like you did. the rain didn’t effect him.
but you on the other hand, had never seen the dangers that daryl faced or the monsters he’d looked right in the eyes. a little rain scared you alone let alone with daryl walking in it. “you walked?!” your voice all accusing and full of both shock and concern. 
daryl began stripping himself of his button up shirt, finding one of those black tee’s he owned lying around your room somewhere. “yeah.” he chuckled, voice all gruff. 
“daryl.” you scolded, though how could you really scold when you sounded like a fresh pot of homemade jam. you sat up on your knees on the bed, brows pinching together. “‘s so dangerous, anything could have happened.” 
any other situation and you would have been staring at the way he dragged his jeans down his knees. “gotta keep the wife happy.” he joked despite the fact that you were not his wife (yet, that is.) 
but you were just staring up at him with those doe-like eyes. they were full of concern, full of worry. anything could have happened to him. “daryl.” is all that came out from your mouth though your voice showed your evident distaste to his recklessness.
he merely waved you off, though. daryl never could see his own faults. “wasn’t gonna let my girl sleep through a storm alone, no way.” he found his way to the bed, now clad in a shirt and dark sweatpants. “so be happy you have me.” he smiled up at you with that infamous grin, the one that made your heart flutter.
biting down on your bottom lip, you shook your head. “of course i’m happy to have you―” you’d never pass up an opportunity to see daryl dixon, your beloved boyfriend. 
“then leave it at that.” but his words weren’t condescending or in any way angry with you. they were soft, gentle, as he always treated you. like a porcelain doll ready to smash at any moment. “c’mon, you missed like, half the movie.” finding his own ways beneath the covers.
a smile tugged at your lips as you glanced down at him. “it barely started.” 
and before he knew it, it ended.
he didn’t know when or at which point in the movie you’d fallen asleep but by the time the end credits rolled around, your eyes were shut closed, lips pressed together as you practically dug yourself into his thick arm. his second arm was wrapped around you, keeping your icy skin somewhat warm. 
the only warmth either of you had was the body heat that you shared with one another.
the storm wasn’t going to get any better, daryl was well aware of this. and he hoped for everyone else’s sake that the patrol team were, in fact, holed up in a shelter, waiting for the rain to stop before coming home. 
when the soft breaths hit his arm gently, he knew you were passed out asleep. and despite the loud rain and wind from outside, he still found himself shutting off the tv, incase it woke you from your slumber. 
and then, the first clap of thunder hit. 
you woke with a strangled whimper, instinctively pushing yourself closer to the man. a coo and a shushing sound fell from his lips unconsciously, his hand settling on the back of your head, pulling you in. there was something so comforting about his shushing and his touch but when the first lightning strike hit, you could only whimper out again. “daryl.” his name once again falling from your lips because when you didn’t know what to say, that was all you could think. 
“i know, baby, i know.” fingers toying with your hair and his separate hand gently running up and down the tenderness of your upper arm. 
your legs wrapped around him, hands practically clinging to him. he was your safety net when things began to go south. when your brain turned to scrambles, he was the one holding you together until you were ready to pick yourself back up again, if you could even call it that, he was always doing all the work for you.
and in the dead of night, the darkness of the room completely and utterly consuming you both. you whispered what you thought you’d never have the courage to. “I’m scared.” voice cracking as hot tears filled your eyes. 
what a terrible thing to admit?
the fear of the dead getting inside with broken walls due to the storm, the fear of god help us the lightning strike hitting your house. you could never be sure, never and perhaps that was why the fat tears began to roll down your cheeks. 
but, as always, daryl was ready to pick you back up again. “‘s okay.” his usually gruff voice so tender and soft. “ain’ nothin’ gonna hurt you. not while i’m here.” and he meant that, truly and wholeheartedly as his thick fingers began to wipe away the stray tears from your cheeks. “too pretty to be cryin’, angel.” 
“‘s jus…” 
“scary.” he finished. “i know.” he knew but he didn’t know. he hardly felt fear as it was let alone like you. he was met with another whimper and a clap of thunder. “i got you.” his arms holding you so close. “‘s okay, i’m right here. i got you.”
and somewhere, between the heavy rainfall, the thunder and lightning and all the rest, the peaceful arms of your lover was enough to soothe your tear filled eyes back to sleep. 
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main masterlist/daryl's masterlist
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kikker-oma · 29 days
I made another thing based off of your whumptober art :)
This one in particular:
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The old man sat on a log near the crackling campfire, awake for his watch and he had set his eye on someone in particular who had seemed...off. The vet was tossing and turning in his bedroll, eyes squeezed shut when he could see his face, but it wasn't relaxed like when he was asleep. He eventually crept down and whispered, "Vet?"
The veteran's eyes opened slightly, and the old man just noticed the bags under his eyes. "Yeah?" He replied in a whisper.
"I noticed you hadn't gone to sleep yet. It's third watch."
Legend groaned. "I haven't been able to fall asleep for a while, but I tried everything I could. Nothing to do about it."
That was worrying.
"Are you sure? I know a remedy, that you most likely haven't tried."
"Go for it, old man, I'll do anything at this point."
He pulled out the ocarina, and played the Song of Healing, closing his eyes to let the soothing melody reach the vet's waiting ears. He nearly fell asleep himself but finished the tune and opened his eyes. The veteran had his eyes closed and though he wasn't quite asleep yet, Time smiled, hoping that this would do the trick and did a quick patrol.
The old man noticed things. From the vet's stumbling and sloppiness during battle, to mess ups with conversations and answers. His seemingly random mood swings which seemed quite unusual for him. He had confessed that the song didn't do anything and for literal magic to not work, well, Time was more than confused. He had kept it to himself because the veteran pleaded with him to not worry the others.
One night he had second watch, and the vet had somehow ended up with first. He slept peacefully until he woke up and realized it was his turn for watch, and he hadn't been woken up by someone else. (His internal clock told him it was approximately halfway into second watch.) So he got up immediately, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and what he saw shook him.
The vet was trembling on his knees, and when the old man rushed to talk he noticed the expression on his face. There were tears pouring down his face, and his eyes were barely open, staring off into space. The old man noticed that the veteran's hands were shaking even more, arms wrapped around air. "Veteran?" Time spoke loudly. "Link?"
When he got no response, he got down on his knees in front of Legend and took his arms, repeating his name. "Uncle?" Legend mumbled wearily. "What're you doin'?"
"I need you to stay here, I'm going to go find help."
"Nnnooo, don't leave me," Legend gasped deliriously. "If you go to th' castle..."
"I'm not going to the castle," Time tried to reassure. "I just need you to stay with me, okay?"
He whistled sharply, getting everyone up because this situation was getting dire and he needed help. "What's going on?" The captain questioned, voice a bit frantic.
"Our veteran. He needs help."
They were at his side instantly. "'ncle who're these people," the vet slurred, still staring off into nothing.
"Is he sick?" Sky frowned.
"I don't think he's been sleeping, at all recently," Time worried. "He said he tried everything but still couldn't sleep."
"I'm not trained for this stuff, I'm afraid," Warriors shook his head. "Traveller?"
"All I know how to do is magic," The traveller replied and shrugged looking downcast at the fact.
"Oh!" Wind snapped his fingers. "Someone on Outset had a similar problem. It was because they were really stressed and they fell asleep once they were more relaxed."
"Stress? That seems plausible," Warriors nodded.
"Link," Time uttered, catching the veteran's slow attention. "Tell me, are you stressed about anything? Worried?"
"I mean, 's a quest, Uncle, of course I'm going to be stressed sometimes."
"I know, but right now, what's troubling you specifically?"
"You're always so kind," Legend muttered after a long moment.
"This isn't going anywhere," Four whispered.
"Uncle, don't die."
Time swallowed concern for that statement, said with desperation and he looked helplessly at the rest of them. What could they really do? Why couldn't he figure this out? The chain looked at them as a leader, so why was he feeling so helpless right now? Why couldn't he help one of his boys?
Then there was one sentence that nearly drove the old man to his knees.
"If you die, Grandma Malon is gonna kill me...she already lost th' Hero 'f Time, and you're just as important. Don' leave me to save the world like he did."
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The Ocarina was such a good try, poor boys just don't know how they can deal with this sweet little sleep deprived man🥺
Gosh sleep deprivation is no joke, it's brutal for real
Thank you so much for writing this Uni! Your writing is a treasure as always❤️❤️❤️
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green-alien-turdz · 2 months
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Hi, I know its been a minute n I don't really like that there is like one or two posts between this n my last 'i'm still alive' post. I'm sorry. I wanted to say thank you to everyone in general, but also the mfs who said some nice ass shit to me. Sorry I said some concernin ass shit n just dipped, that was pretty fucked. I never really had people care like all the people on here, so I ain't too used to havin to be more careful with the shit I do n say.
Thank you to everyone for the kind words, concern, n care. Comin back to see all of it made my fuckin heart melt. I know I'm just some dumbass postin south park shit on tumblr, but you guys are genuinely the most amazin mfs I've ever encountered. To the people who were in my inbox askin if I was still alive, I sincerely apologize for causin any stress or concern, it's not my intention. You guys are the sweetest people, and I'm sorry for doin that. I should prolly stop bein as vocal about bein so fucked, but I also like to be honest n I like sharin this shit bcuz I know mfs be goin through the same shit n bein alone in it feels fuckin awful majority of the time.
I am not well. I am doin very bad actually. There's a chance imma be forcefully medicated in the near future. Which is weird bcuz I used to always want that, I wanted to be fixed, but now I'm not sure for like a TON of reasons. One, ion wanna be changed (in a sense). If the meds take away or dull core aspects of myself, I will lose it further than I have already. Two, my parents raised me to never trust doctors or medicine, etc. Even though I do think modern medicine is a great thing, I still have my fears bcuz of how I was raised. Three, I fear the fuck outta what I will do. I know they warn that adjustment periods n shit like that can make things worse- but I literally cannot get any worse. If I do, I know I will not come out alive. Which bleeds into reason four, which is that I know, at some point, I would try n overdose. Handin me such a quick n thoughtless way to just end it is like the worst fuckin thing they could do. But whatever. Ion even know when it's gonna happen, all I know is that ion got a choice. Like, I'm pretty sure it's a situation that, if I don't comply, imma be locked tf up.
Uhh minor update shit- my cat came back home after almost a month of bein fuckin somewhere. She came back skinny, dirty, n sick, but she is slowly recoverin n I've never been more thankful. ED is still kickin my ass, but I'm forcin myself to at least have a fuckin soup I made bcuz I can't get shit done at work if I keep faintin or gettin injured. I have little to no time to do shitfuck, but still do random shit periodically before or after work. I actually redid my dresser n made some stupid ass video about the handles that I might post to youtube if I quit bein a pussy about it.
I haven't been drawin my fanart as of late- but I do want to. Imma focus on doin the requests I have bcuz I wanna give back the best I can. You guys stick with me through thick n thin. I thank you all so much. I'm sorry I'm always MIA. So my posts for a little bit are gonna be the requests n answerin all of my inbox. Ion know how long it'll take, but hopefully it won't get borin. I genuinely love makin things. I love drawin the shit I do n people findin some sort of connection to their lives or themselves. I just want people to feel less alone, less ugly, less whatever the fuck you feel. Each n every one of ya is fuckin amazin, so please don't forget it.
Imma stfu now. But I hope you guys have a good rest of your day or night or eternity. I'll be back to postin shortly, thank you for stickin with this shit show
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
joey tribbiani x reader headcanons
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • f•r•i•e•n•d•s masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
a/n: hope you guys enjoy this, i had a lot of fun writing it and i love joey so much <3💌🍒
dating joey would include…
ok so he met you at central perk
you were another victim of “how you doin?” obviously 
he finally introduced you to the group after you’d been dating a little while
they all thought you were just another one of his two-week relationships
but he’s been dating you for months now and they all got to know you really well
he calls you “the one”
his entire family knows everything about you
insists on buying you a drink every time you go to the coffee shop  
(even if he has to borrow money from chandler to do so)
he tells everyone how you’re so smart and he doesn’t know what he would do without you 
‘(y/n) is great. i mean, she taught me what rectify meant. i always just thought it was another way of saying a—’
you and the girls become besties of course
rachel loves going shopping with you 
(and joey loves tagging along to try to watch you try stuff on)
and monica cooks for you
(and joey begs her for ‘just a little bit, (y/n) can’t eat all that!’)
phoebe gives you free massages 
and chandler loves you too 
like sometimes you’ll wake up before joey when you’re staying at their apartment and you and chandler will just talk
he caught you guys once though and he still hasn’t let you live it down
ross let’s you hold ben
joey loves just waking up next to you
unless you’ve knocked hugsy off the bed
and he’ll make sure he doesn’t wake you up as he covers you with the blankets and goes to make you breakfast
you and joey have movie marathons and during scary movies he insists on holding you close “in case you get scared”
but really it’s cause he’s terrified
he would actually do anything for you 
when you guys go out to dinner he even lets you share his desert 
‘alright fine, just don’t take a big bite!’
loves it when you run your fingers through his hair 
he once tried to cook you your favorite food for your birthday and almost burned his apartment down
you help him read lines all the time to practice for upcoming auditions
and he always picks ones with romantic scenes just for an excuse to kiss you 
‘and it says here dr. drake is supposed to kiss mr. roberts? hey, i don’t know, i don’t write these things.’
he is so gentle it’s adorable 
you guys cuddle all the time
calls you baby occasionally 
he’s a flirt
but he also gets super jealous and protective of you if someone hits on you
he always makes you smile when you’re having a bad day
he loves you so much and you guys are just so happy together <3
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope all my friends fans enjoyed this!! i love joey so much so i had to write these little headcanons. definitely thinking about doing this for other friends characters. hope you enjoyed ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚🩰🪩
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pretty-red-garnet · 10 months
Cracked Lips Give The Best Kisses
Daryl Dixon x Fem! Reader • Prison • Fluff
Thank you so much for the request @cant-help-simping! I really enjoyed writing this one, so I hope you like reading it. Also, I know I have one more request, but I’m writing a part 2 to Brothers and having wayyy too much fun. So that’ll probably be out first lol.
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Daryl was an observer. He was always looking, even if nobody noticed. That was especially true when it came to you, his partner, his lover, his light. 'Girlfriend' never seemed like the correct term when it came to you. It was too simple, not strong enough to define the bond he has with you.
     One day, when he was lying next to you in your shared cot, he had confessed to you that you were the one good thing in his life. That you're the light in his life that keeps him going. It made his stomach flip, being so open and vulnerable to another person. But then, you smiled so brightly and beautifully. He makes sure to call you sweet names all the time now, even if it makes his face flush and his throat dry.
     Daryl's always watching, and as of late, it seems his light is dimming. You've been busier lately, more responsibilities. The prison was thriving after taking in the people of Woodbury, and that was thanks to you and the council you were apart of. You helped to plan runs, scout places to check, devise ways to keep the fence secure and walkers away. You were pretty much wherever people needed help. You're always a holler away.
     And it's taking everyone out of you.
     Daryl could see it. How drained you are at the end of the day. Or how you almost never have time to join him on hunts or supply runs, because you're too busy planning the next one. How maps and planners took up too much of your side of the nightstand. Perhaps the most obvious detail to Daryl was how your lips had been in even rougher shape lately.
     Your habit was one of the first things Daryl noticed about you. Even back when he first met you at the quarry, your lips always seemed to be bitten and cracked, even though you always had some flavored lip balm sticking out of your pocket.
     It seemed to happen most when you weren't realizing. When your head was stuck in a book, or when you were thinking deeply and zoning out, your fingers would always make their way to pick at your lips. Your fingers would run over the cracked skin until they were bleeding and blood was clinging to the underside of your nails.
They were bad on the road, after the farm had gone up in flames. It was a dry winter, undoubtedly making you lips even more rough. The stress of everything made you resort to picking at them even more. It was a nasty, viscous cycle. Daryl had always made sure to give you chapsticks when he found them in gas stations.
You, and your lips, got much better for a short time. The short time of peace, after the battle with the governor, but before your responsibilities began to pile on and drown you.
Even now, your picking and biting at your dry lips while laying in bed with him. There's a fresh sore right in the middle of your bottom lip, and you absentmindedly pick at in as you write notes in your planner. Daryl can see fresh blood droplets form, quickly sticking to the skin on your thumb.
"You're doin' it again," Daryl says, quietly not to disturb others that may be sleeping in the nearby cells. It's late now.
You don't answer. Your brows furrow and you let out an aggravated sigh as you scratch something out on your planner. Daryl huffs, gently pulling your fingers from your lips.
"What?" You ask. You look at Daryl beside you, and you almost look like you just remembered he was there.
"Pickin' at your damn lips again." He swipes his thumb over your lip, gently and lovingly. You smile and kiss his thumb lightly. "Have you been usin' that chapstick?"
You hum and smile sheepishly at him. Daryl huffs again, narrowing his eyes.
"Well I finished one, and I had another but I gave it to Beth." You shrug.
"You gotta stop puttin' everyone else before you," he complains. You scoff and playfully poke his side.
"Look who's talking." He rolls his eyes. "Mr. 'I'm immune doing anything for myself' Dixon." He nudges you with his elbow.
"Yeah, yeah smartass." He plucks the planner from your hands and lays it on your side table, ignoring your annoyed 'hey!' "Time for sleep. You can work more tomorrow."
You sigh again, and open your mouth to argue, but you can’t when Daryl yanks you down the bed by your hips. You giggle when your head meets the pillow, staring up at Daryl towering above you.
Daryl leans down and kisses your lips softly, not wanting to irritate what he is sure is already a painful set of lips. You hum into his mouth, pulling him onto you further by his shoulders. Your fingertips caress the scars on his back, but he doesn't mind. He leans back and looks into your eyes.
"I love you," he says, lowly. His fingers brush against your cheek, his callouses slightly scratch at your smooth skin.
"I love you, too," you say, smiling as bright as the sun.
Daryl gets up from the bed slowly and carefully, trying his best not to wake you. It's early, the dim light of the early morning sun can ever so slightly be seen through the curtain that's working as a door to the cell.
     Daryl gets dressed quickly and quietly. He's just throwing on a shirt when he hears you stir. He pauses and looks at you just in time for you to open your eyes. They're bleary and you rub them and look at Daryl confused.
     "Where're you going? It's early," you ask, voice quiet and sleep ridden.
     "Run. I'll be back in a few hours," he says in a whisper, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head. You smile, nod sleepily and settle back into your pillow. Daryl's lip quirks at the sight, and turns towards the cell door.
     "Wait," you say, sounding more awake. "You don't have a run today. The next scheduled run isn't for three days from now." Daryl juts his chin towards the nightstand.
     "Check your planner." You eye him scrutinizingly and sit up, grabbing your planner from the table. You flip open the book to the correct date, narrowing your eyes when you see the written notes on the page.
"Really?" You ask, turning the book to show Daryl. On the planner, below your neat and concise letters, is anything but your handwriting.
In a messy, chicken scratch like scrawl, is two words. 'Supply run.' No notes next to it, no details, not even a location. Just Daryl's messy handwriting. The difference in handwritings and planning details on the page is more drastic than night and day.
"Where are you really going?" You ask again, your brows furrowed in a questioning manner. Daryl shrugs.
"Like your book says." You click your tongue at him. If your eyes were any more narrow, they'd be closed completely.
"Uh huh," you hum, crossing your arms. "Are you cheating on me? Is it a hot date you're going on?" Your tone is teasing, a smirk on your lips.
"Yeah, she's a real looker, too."
"I bet." Daryl hums and takes a seat on the bed, making you curl your legs up for him to have room.
"She's real sexy," he begins. "Slick, too. She makes my heart race, and she's got this great body." Daryl sighs. "Only thing, she's pretty loud."
You look confused. Your mouth is slightly agape, the small cuts on your lips on full display. Suddenly, it's like something hits you, and you tilt your head at him.
"Daryl," you start, a slight sigh after. "Are you describing your bike to me right now?"
Daryl's lips pull to a smirk. You shake your head, a smile bursting to your face. You laugh and smack his shoulder lightly, pushing him off the bed.
"You're ridiculous!" You exclaim once he's off the bed. "Ok, go on your hot date with your bike." You giggle again, getting cozy under the covers. Daryl bends at the waist to give you a long kiss to the cheek. He pulls away after a moment and smooths your hair back.
"I'll be back soon," he says, standing completely and taking a step towards the door.
"Be careful," you say, tired eyes already starting to shut.
"Always am."
     Daryl's back at the prison a few hours later. As it turns out, the items he was trying to find proved to be quite difficult to locate. He refused to go back empty handed, so he made a few extra stops. By the time he made it back, the sun was just beginning to dip behind the tree line, the sky an array of pinks and oranges.
     He clutches a brown paper bag under his arm and makes his way to you. He makes a quick pit stop to the area of the cell block that's used as a kitchen, handing off a couple small items to Beth.
     The girl is playing with Judith on the floor, who's laughing and fumbling with Carl's hat. Beth smiles brightly at Daryl and gives him her thanks. He just tilts his head in a quick nod and climbs up the stairs to your shared cell.
     "Daryl!" You exclaim. You're standing in the middle of the small room, probably just paused from pacing. "Where have you been? God, I was worried." You briskly walk to him to grab him in a strong hug.
     "'M sorry," he mutters into your hair. "Thought I'd be quicker." You nod into his chest before pulling back.
     "Where were you?" Daryl retracts his arm from around your back to retrieve the brown bag under his arm. He hands it to you with a shy half-smile.
     You grab the bag, a puzzled look on your face. It's a small, brown paper bag, the kind used by pharmacies for giving out medication. Except this one has a large, tacky looking red bow stuck haphazardly to the center to hold the bag closed.
     "What's this?" You ask. Daryl shrugs.
"S'for you. Open it up," he encourages. You look at him with an adorable little frown. He nudges the bag. "Come on."
You give him one last glance before finally opening the bag. You push back the folded top and peer into it, your mouth parts. You look up at Daryl with a shocked expression.
You move to your bed and pour the contents out on the mattress. The center of the mattress fills with the gifts. There's lip balms, glosses, oils. Lip masks, sugar scrubs, hydrating ointments. They all come in an array of flavors, and some are even tinted.
     "Daryl... I don't even know what to say," you mutter, in shock staring at the pile of lip care items on the bed. You turn to him, a huge smile on your face. Daryl shrugs, embarrassed by your reaction.
     "Don't gotta say nothin'." You shake your head, rushing to him to throw your arms around his shoulders. He returns the embrace immediately, smiling into your hair.
     "You didn't have to do all that," you say, pressed against his chest. "But thank you." You lift your head to look into his eyes.
     "Welcome." You brush your hand through his overgrown hair, pushing back the strays that obscure his face. "And I gave some to Beth already, so don't be givin' those away."
     "Ok," you say with a little scoff. "Deal, I won't, I promise." You bring your fingers down to caress his cheek before pulling away.
     You pick through the pile before snatching up a lip oil. It's clear, and it smells like vanilla. You put some on, rub your lips together, and smack your lips dramatically. You turn to Daryl with a big grin.
     "How does it look?" You ask, puckering your lips teasingly at him.
     "Looks great," he says, a smirk forming. "But I'd rather see how it tastes."
You roll your eyes, but the smile playing on your shimmery lips shows you aren’t annoyed in the slightest. You oblige to Daryl, stepping over to him to plant a big, loving, sticky kiss to his lips.
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erwinsvow · 5 months
Please write best friend!rafe, rafe and reader are on toppers boat, readers sitting drunkenly on rafes lap while talking to topper, rafe starts giving her neck light kisses but she doesn’t pay any mind to it until toppers leaves, then rafe starts taking it far and then that’s when the smut goes on :)
this is kook trio reader to me!! hope u like <33
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you had been sitting besides rafe at first, sipping a beer and talking with a few people on the seat next to you. topper wanted to christen his new boat with a party, so there were hordes of slightly familiar faces joining you and your friends today.
the beer in your hand splashes onto the floor, drenching a portion of the hem of your skirt. the two people next to you had lurched over to make room for a third, hitting you and rafe in the process.
"watch it! jesus," you mutter, though not with any real bite behind it. you're pissy, but mostly just about your skirt than anything else. you're too tipsy to really get mad. you rely on rafe for that—he'll always cuss people out on your behalf. that's the stuff best friends are for.
you look up at rafe, now squeezed next to you on the seat by the railing, and though he's glaring at the boy who pushed you with a death stare, he doesn't say anything, which is surprising.
he must be drunker than you thought.
"there's another bench inside," topper says. "we can go sit there instead."
kelce almost follows him, when you feel two familiar hands on your waist, hoisting you up and into your best friend's lap.
"s'fine," rafe says, still leaving a hand on your hip even though you're completely supported on top of him now. "there we go. plenty of room, right kid?"
a little dumbly, maybe drunker than you had thought, you nod. it's not that weird, is it? you and rafe are always touchy, and sitting on his lap isn't much different than sleeping next to him in bed or how he puts his head on your lap on the couch at tannyhill.
top and kelce exchange a look—you don't realize. the people next to you adjust, sliding in and not leaving any room for you even if you wanted to get off. your beer is replaced by kelce when his gets empty, and though you probably shouldn't, you drink that one too.
eventually the night gets to that point where everyone is a little too drunk, conversation a little too serious.
topper's taken the place of the strangers beside you and rafe, nursing another drink and lamenting his past relationship. kelce is trying to offer advice but too distracted with the pretty brunette he's got his arm around, and rafe...
well, rafe is looking at you. despite the newfound space on the seat, you're still in his lap. head turned to look at topper, you don't realize how intently rafe's staring, not until he brushes some of your hair aside.
"topper, don't cry. it'll all work out," you repeat for what must be the hundredth time. "it's gonna be fi-" you stop talking, feeling rafe's fingers on your hair and what can only be the press of his lips on your exposed shoulder. you look down at him immediately, eyes wide, heart racing, all the alcohol rushing to your head.
"what're you doin?" you ask quietly. rafe's fingers pick up the fallen strap that's resting on your arm, guiding it up and back to its proper place on your shoulder.
"nothin'." ignoring him, trying to remember how many drinks he's had and then how many drinks you've had, you turn back to topper. but you don't even get a sentence out, feeling rafe's mouth on above your pulse on your neck, wet with another kiss. you whole body squirms, and though you think the sight should make you laugh—rafe, kissing you—it makes you shiver instead.
when you lock eyes, the two of you speak without any words at all. it carries on, blinking slowly watching him and not understanding what's going on but knowing, somehow mutually agreeing, that you don't want him to stop.
he leans in to give you another one. your eyes flutter shut, expecting it, but it doesn't come. instead, kelce shouting out.
"oh no, top's gonna puke-"
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Vaggie: “Stop trying to push past me, asshole.”
Angel Dust: “Move, I’m gay.”
Vaggie: “And I’m down here at 2 am getting a snack a drink for my girlfriend, what’s your excuse.”
Angel Dust: “Do ya want me raidin’ the fridge at weird hours, or doin’ drugs?”
Vaggie: “I want you to wait your turn and quite shoving.”
Angel Dust: “Ya gonna have to bribe me."
Vaggie: "With? Letting you live?"
Angel Dust: "Please, I'm gonna need way more than that- I wanna know why you’re wearing Charlie Chip’s button down shirt and ONLY her shirt!”
Vaggie: “Only one I could find.”
Angel Dust: “Oooh~?”
Vaggie: “She’s pretty annoyed at my clothes by the time she gets them off me.”
Angel Dust: "HA!"
Vaggie: "And I get pretty annoyed with you by default."
Angel Dust: "Aww thanks toots, my heart is all mooshy. Cotton candy princess got some SPICE to her, huh?”
Vaggie: “Yeah well, speaking of spicy, if any of my clothes made it out a window and onto the hotel steps again, they aren’t mine and I’ve never seen them.”
Angel Dust: “I mean I guess that shit lie will work… if they’re ya panties or whatever-”
Vaggie: “A thing that I wear. Right.”
Angel Dust: “-the rest is kinda an iconic outfit thing though, toots, don’t know anyone wouldn’t know who’s it- wait a sec- are ya saying ya DON’T wear-?”
Vaggie: “Here. Leftover cake.”
Angel Dust: “You can’t bribe yourself outta THIS talk, Vaggie Tales!”
Vaggie: “Sure I can, it’s triple chocolate and has sprinkles. Take it and hide or else everyone else will come crawling out of their rooms for a share.”
Angel Dust: “Crawling, ya say?”
Vaggie: “Literally. Trust me.”
Angel Dust: “Hmmm… and, is triple chocolate-”
Vaggie: “Husk’s favorite. Have fun.”
Angel Dust: “We’re picking up the panty thing tomorrow, toots!”
Vaggie: (already leaving) “No we’re not.”
Angel Dust: “We sure as hell are! Maybe for real! Off the hotel front steps! IF YOU EVEN WEAR ‘EM!”
Vaggie: (already gone) “Go pick up your Doctor Seuss crush before the cake gets stale!”
Vaggie: (distantly) “Whatever…”
Angel Dust: “You’re just too lesbian to appreciate it!”
Vaggie: (fading out upstairs) “That, and I’m too not-single for it either…”
Angel Dust: “Oh that bitch….” (bites cake) (mumbling) (sulking) (single) “Hope Charlie Chuck yeeted her damn clothes clear across town.”
Charlie: “I didn’t. This time.”
Angel Dust: (SHRIEKS)
Charlie: “Hi.”
Charlie: (dropping down from ceiling and scurrying over the counter top wrapped in just blanket)
Charlie: “I wanna share an extra piece of the cake, please.”
Charlie: “Sorry! Cake?”
Angel Dust: “Didn’t ya girlfriend already get you a slice!?”
Charlie: “Of course she did!”
Angel Dust: “So what’s wrong with THAT one??”
Charlie: “It’s gone…”
Angel Dust: “Gone HOW-”
Charlie: “I started missing her and came down to meet her and the cake, um.” (points at stomach) “Didn’t survive.”
Angel Dust: “Un-bi-lievable.”
Charlie: “Caaaaake?”
Angel Dust: “Here.” (shares cake) “SHOO!!!”
Charlie: (shoos) “I’m shooing! And by the power of this cake, maybe I can throw MY shirt off of her this time!”
Angel Dust: “Oh your dad have mercy..... how much sugar have ya already had?”
Charlie: “Enough to shower a tit- uh sorry- THROW shirt clear across town!”
Angel Dust: “Just take it off her before ya yeet it.”
Charlie: “? Oh!! RIGHT!!!!”
-an hour later at angel dust’s door-
Charlie: (knocking) “Angel? I need you to watch the hotel for little while!”
Angel Dust: “I’m busy! Don’t interrupt the cake!”
Charlie: “PLEASE Angel Dust it’s IMPORTANT and I wouldn’t bother you but I can’t find Husk so-” (door opens) “-oh hi Husk, can YOU please watch the hotel for me??”
Husk: “Why the fuck.”
Charlie: “I need, to go apologize, to my girlfriend.”
Angel Dust: “Vaggiraptor is right upstairs, ain’t she? Why’d we have to watch the hotel for that?”
Charlie: “Because I…”
Charlie: “…I need to figure out, where she landed, first…”
Angel Dust: (GASP) “Nooo…”
Husk: “What?”
Angel Dust: “You didn’t.”
Charlie: “I didn’t mean to!”
Husk: “What the fuck did she do?”
Charlie: “It was- the sugar! My hands were shaking- I was frustrated! And really really distracted!!”
Angel Dust: “HOW could you!? I TOLD ya-!”
Charlie: (on her knees) (wailing) “And I FORGOT!!!”
Husk: “You know what? Fuck it. I don’t wanna fucking know.” (heads back to the cake)
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reveluving · 6 months
But just, imagine Graves is suuuuuch a hard ass to you in front of his men and a total ass (almost more than he is to his other men) so it doesn’t seem like he’s giving you favoritism and doesn’t make it obvious that you two are doin’ the dirty dooooo. But behind closed doors Graves gives you whatever you want. Want to go on a specific mission? Sure. What a shiny new gun? Absolutely. Want him to bed you over in his office and just devour you(I imagine this mans is such a giver)? Fuck yes. Wanna blow him under his desk while he’s on the phone with Shepherd? He’s already rock hard and ready. AHHHHG It’s just Warren’s Graves’ damn smile. 🫠
Includes: mentions of s~mut; oral s~ex, both m & f receiving (minors DNI!), sugar daddy-ish Graves (but he loves tf outta you), this man is a GONER. 
COD x shy!wife thots closed! Thank you, everyone, for your time & amazing minds! I sincerely hope I can do this again with y'all soon! 💌
Come & check out my COD m.list!
Pray for this man because Phil knew he was done for as soon as he first saw you ✋🏼😔
Him being extra hard on you (in more ways than one) isn’t necessarily in terms of raising his voice more than the authoritative tone he already uses, but more so with an intense stare, or a deeper tone, you know? A stare which I feel like it takes everything in you not to do anything embarrassing as you stand with your team, be it a moan or a slight indication of you rubbing your thighs together. 
And it takes everything in him not to express his satisfaction the way he would behind closed doors. 
No doubt you can take whatever he gives as a commander, just like how he treats the rest of his team—you were a soldier before you were his, after all. But as soon as you and him get together, he has some sense of not letting his ego take charge in a disrespectful sense just to prove a point in front of his company. 
Listen, he’s not a relationship guy. He’s had his fair share long ago, only to opt for one-nighters with his line of work.
But now? He wouldn’t even dream of being in anyone’s presence (and bed) other than yours. 
You may as well mistake a Cupid’s bow accidentally shooting him each time the two of you are in private; raising your hands to his lips with a warmer look in his eyes, tugging you by the hand to sit on his lap as soon as you lock his office door, personally tending to your injuries. Or if the wound needs further medical attention, he'll come to check up on you once the professionals have settled their part.
Picture this: on your day off, you and him in bed after ‘sexc time’, cuddling in bed while looking out of the gigantic hotel windows, though really, Phil’s just looking at you and how the city lights just shine on your skin. 
But back to buying you shit!
Whether you’re the kind to react to his exorbitant gifts bashfully or immediately thank him by showering his face with lipstick-stained kisses, there is nothing in the world he wouldn’t get for you. Even with a mere glance at an item as you window shop, don’t be surprised to find it under your pillow or suspiciously slipped into one of your bags at the barracks. So, the second he notices your eyes linger on something, he will buy it, with or without your knowledge. 
This is just my two cents, but most, if not, all of the blorbos I've written for have a deep passion for you in red lipstick, and Phil is no doubt a part of that list. Even if you can't wear it all the time for obvious reasons, he wants you to keep it with you at all times. 
Because there are days when the two of you can't be in the same team together, much to his dismay, say, because of speciality differences, so one of you is needed elsewhere. 
So, when one day, you surprise him with a little gift before his departure by leaving a pretty red kiss mark on a piece of card, handkerchief or even on the glass of his watch, just know it'll be an always-thing. A habit, if you will, even if you're on the same team at that moment.
Missions, too, even if he downright hates your choices. Again, your respect over his own ego. He won’t stop you, and he has no right to, but expect to be in the same regime/team as his. Should anything happen to you, and he prays to God nothing does, he’ll be the first to find you. 
When days off seem so far, though, his office is where the ✨️ magic happens ✨️. 
It’s a common meeting place for the two of you, be it for sharing food you snuck out of the kitchen or letting him take his frustrations out by smothering his face in between your luscious thighs while you lay back on his desk. His office just has more life whenever you arrive. The reports can wait, he’s (mostly) his own boss, after all. The time you both have is more precious. 
And the part about you blowing him under his desk while he’s on the phone is so real of you.
He’s able to drone out Shepherd’s voice on the other end of the call because he knows the general’s just repeating what they’ve discussed days or hours prior. Phil’s more focused on your glassy eyes, struggling to encompass his sheer girth in your pretty little mouth, all while attempting to smile behind your tears. Looking up at him as he tilts his head back onto the office chair and occasionally bucks his hips while he disguises his moans with mindless grunts as if he had been listening to Shepherd yapping in the first place.
“Mhm, right, right…” His jaw clenched, eyes lidded and a lazy smile worth making you whine around his cock as he stared down at you. His phone was pressed in between his shoulder and ear as he rested his forearm on the head of the chair. The other hand brushed your hair back, enjoying the way your cheeks became just a tad more prominent at his gentle touches.
“Yeah, I’ll call you back about it,” He wanted to roll his eyes, initially at the thought of having to face him again, only for it to drag into a groan when the tip of his touched the back of your throat. He tossed his phone as soon as the call ended, a smirk returning to his face when he could finally focus on you. “Sorry, pretty girl.”
You choked a little when he gently pushed you to take him even more.
Oh, he wanted to hear more of that sound.
“You can take more o’me, can’t ya?”
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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Have you guys seen this video with the guy testing out a pink gun with a teddy bear keychain? THAT. Is most definitely the kind of gift that he’d definitely get for you at first sight. Deadass would twirl my hair if he got that for me.
I imagine that if your team learned about the pink gun (whether or not you added that Phil bought it for you), I just find it hilarious that they’d think it wouldn’t have a strong recoil since you didn’t seem to have a problem with it. And as soon as they give it a try, they just jerk back so violently, and Phil’s watching with the most infuriating smirk on his face since he’s seen you play and pose with it when you shoot, taking the drawbacks like no problem 😭😭
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» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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ebodebo · 5 months
Happy Training
—ghost has to train recruits and his girlfriend just so happens to be one of them.
—ghost x f!reader
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It was a beautiful spring morning. A little humid, but the slight breeze made it tolerable, mainly since the training you were having to do would occur outside. There was nothing like having to wake up at the crack of dawn to do some training.
The demo was going to be taught by some highly skilled special operations team members, so it was a big deal and no surprise that when you walked in, you saw numerous hopeful recruits fill the outside space you were placed in.
You made your way to a metal bench beside a blonde guy who looked relatively young. "Hi," you kindly smiled. "Is the Seat taken?" you questioned. He shook his head. "Go ahead, sweetheart," he said as you gave him a light smile.
You made light conversation with the blonde man, who you learned was named Sam. His voice was evidently full of nerves, but you couldn't blame him. You were a little nervous yourself, not because you thought you weren't capable of the tasks that would be put forward, but because you didn't know what to expect from the instructors coming.
"Do you know anything about the instructors?" He timidly asked. You shook your head. "No idea." You continued. "But I'm sure they aren't as bad as you think." You assured him. He gave an uneasy smile in return.
As the clock ticked and ticked closer to 6:30, you could feel the nerves build. It didn't help that Sam filled your head with negative thoughts about what these instructors would be like. 
Once the clock struck 6:30, you heard the big door you came in through open. "Gather round, " You heard the familiar gruff voice yell, causing you to glance over at Sam, whose eyes were wide. 
"Don't have all day now." The voice said as no one moved. You and Sam made your way over to the huddle in the back. You could barely see, but nothing could hide the commanding voice the man held.
"I'm Captain Price, and this is my team," he said, as he pointed to each member, saying their names: Sargent Mactavish, Sargent Garrick, and Lutenient Riley.
"Shit." You whispered.
"What's that?" Captain Price questioned with a raised brow. No one dared to answer. He nodded. "Right. Well, let's get to work."
He made everyone stand in a line and filed the recruits out to one of his team members. 
You cursed in your head as the line got shorter and shorter until only you and Sam remained.
"Well," Captain Price raised his brows as he glanced at Ghost. "Um... go ahead then." He gestured towards Ghost, and the corner of his lip lifted at the situation.
Ghost's eyes followed yours as you walked over to him. You looked up at him. "Lutentinet Riley." You greeted as you stuck your hand out. He looked at it and finally grasped it with his own. 
It was an unusual situation you found yourself in. Your boyfriend was on one of the world's most elite counter-terrorism task forces, and you had to be trained by him. 
He let go, and you shuffled behind another recruit. Captain Price instructed Sam to head over to Ghost as well.
Sam headed straight your way after shaking Ghost's hand, an action that he didn't miss.
Captain Price dismissed everyone for doing their respective tasks, so Ghost took the recruits, including you, to an empty space.
"Doin' some physical training first." He gruffly states. "Partner up." He commands. Everyone slowly moves around to find someone to partner with.
"Shouldn't be taking this long." He sighs. You locked eyes with Sam and walked over to him, past Ghost. 
“Y/N.” You turned to Ghost. "You'll be with me." He finished, looking at Sam.
"I already have a partner." You plainly said.
"I wasn't asking." He snarled. You looked at Sam and gave him a reassuring smile before you turned to walk over to Ghost.
Ghost narrowed his eyes at Sam, and even though he wore his signature balaclava, Sam could feel the weight of Ghost's eyes on him, so much so it caused him to stare at the ground.
Ghost shifted his attention back to the rest of the recruits. "We'll be doin' a trust exercise." He looked around and saw the recruits sigh breaths of relief. 
He casually turned around towards the walls closest to them and held a backpack. "This backpack is eighteen kg." He turned towards you. "Forty pounds to you, Americans." You raise your brow.
He turns back to the recruits. "You'll be wearing them and completing the course outside." He paused momentarily, "Blindfolded." He finished.
He watched as the recruit's eyes widened. "Grab a bag and meet me outside." He held the backpack in his hand as you followed him out.
"You know that guy?" He questioned as you walked outside with him. "Sam?" You breathed out as he slid the heavy backpack on your back, buckling it in the front.
"Mhm." He replied, making sure the backpack was tight enough. "No. Not really." He nodded. "Why?" You looked up at him. He shook his head. "No reason." He stepped away as the other recruits made their way out to the course area.
"You're goin' to rely on your teammates to go through this course." He gestured to a course full of high beams, mud, and a climbing rope.
He leaned back a little on his heels. "Who's startin'?" He looked around and heard not a peep.
He turned his head to you and nodded towards you. "Looks like you're the lucky one." You let out a breath and a nod.
He guides you to the starting point and puts the blindfold on your face. Although unprofessional, you let a quiet laugh slip. 
"Cheeky one you are." He whispered so low only you could hear. He finished tying the blindfold and stepped away from you.
He begins giving you directions on how to tackle the course. 
"Go left."
Short commands. Nothing was ever longer than three words, and you were doing quite well until it was in the middle of the course.
The portion where you have to wrap your arms and legs around the underside of a beam and make your way across a lake of deep, thick mud.
You couldn't get across it, even with the directions he was giving. He was getting frustrated, and you were getting angry that he was getting angry. He finally gave up.
"Dismissed." He said, crossing his arms.
You dropped yourself into the mud. "What?" You said, ripping off the blindfold.
"You are dismissed." He repeated.
You stared at him momentarily before pressing your hands into the mud to help you get your footing. 
You finally stood up and walked towards the building's door, not sparing him a glance.
Once you made it home, you cleaned all the mud off yourself. Maybe you were being dramatic, but it truthfully felt like he had just given up on you.
After cleaning up, you lay in your comfortable bed, swallowed by your fresh sheets. You grabbed the book that had been haunting your nightstand these past few weeks and decided to read it. You needed to get your mind off of things. About thirty minutes into reading, you slowly dozed off to sleep. 
You were startled awake from a nightmare. The book flew off the bed, causing you to groan. You sighed deeply and rubbed your eyes, casually looking at your alarm clock beside the bed—6:00 PM.
"Shit." You say as you stretch your arms over your head. You decide to slip out of bed and head downstairs.
You went downstairs and began to make a fresh cup of tea. While steeping the tea bag, you heard a knock on the door. You didn't contemplate who it was, you knew.
You walked over to the door, hand hovering over the handle for a moment before twisting it to be met with Ghost's face. 
You both stood there momentarily before you stepped aside so he could come in. He pulled off his mask as he stepped inside.
"Tea?" You asked as he walked behind you.
"Uh..please." He said. 
You made your way to the tea kettle, poured him a cup, and walked over to hand it to him.
"Look, I came to apologize." You nodded and gestured to the couch. "I shouldn't have lost my temper, especially with you." He took a sip of tea.
"Simon." You started. "I know you were just doing your job. I wasn't your girlfriend there; I was just another recruit." You took a sip of tea. "I admit I was angry at you, but then I reminded myself you were just doing your job." 
"So, you're not mad at me?" He questioned, raising a brow.
"No, of course not." You set your tea on the coffee table beside you.
"Huh." He leaned back on the couch.
"What?" You questioned.
"Well, I had the whole thing planned." He continued. "So, you'd forgive me."
You pretend to think. "Well, maybe I'm still a little upset.."
He set his tea down and stood up, positioning himself between your legs before dropping to his knees before you. "What're you doing?" You question, with a laugh. 
He leaned closer to you and began placing slow, deep kisses up your calf to your thigh. "So, sex then?" You question as your hands find his hair. 
"Makeup sex." He corrected while he gripped the bottoms of your pajama shorts. "Want me to show you the rest?" He looked up. 
"Fuck yes." You moaned as he harshly connected his lips with your inner thigh. 
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reblogs & comments are encouraged!
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megamindsecretlair · 6 months
Do you write for Franklin saint? Maybe with him getting that stress relief??? Like I want him to be pussy whipped fr. (Feel free to ignore but your Franklin works are magical)
A/N: Ask and ye shall receive!!!!
Stress Relief
AO3 Link!
Pairing: Franklin Saint x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Cursing, PIV, oral (male receiving) multiple uses of n-word, kissing. No major spoilers for Snowfall.
Summary: During a stressful period at the end of season 3, Franklin is dealing with a lot of pressure from all sides. Between Leon popping off at the mouth and Manboy getting bold, Franklin is running around stressed. You feel bad. You want to help him. Even though it's hot as hell outside, you decide to do a little heating up at home to take the tension away.
Word Count: 2,434k
A/N: Whew! This got ME hot and bothered. I hope you enjoy! I'm also on AO3 now! Old dogs can learn new tricks! Please, please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I can't get better if I don't get feedback!
Taglist: @planetblaque @notapradagurl7 @miyuhpapayuh @henneseyhoe @blackerthings @wide-nose-and-wonderful @halfofmysoulsblog @sevikasblackgf @slippinninque @babybratzmaraj @browngirldominion @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide @kindofaintrovert @theunsweetenedtruth @theyscreamsannii @kaaliyahsierra @pinkpantheris @blackelysian @sugrcookiiee @hihellogoodbyebruh @softimgyu @neawarren @harmshake @iv0rysoap @ciaqui @amethyst09 @nworbaij @nerdieforpedro
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Fuck it was hot as hell in LA. You fanned yourself as you sat in front of the fan, titties out, trying to cool off. You wore shorts, though that did nothing for the sticky sweat between your thighs. Your braids were off your neck, resting on the couch cushion. LA has had some record heat waves, but this felt like one of the worst ones. The radio called for everyone to do their part for conservation. Sheeit. It was hotter than a devil’s draws outside. 
Franklin was going to be out all day, running errands with Leon. The mess between him and Manboy was stressing your man out and you were running out of ways to help him. Though you didn’t want anything to do with handling drugs, you tried to help in other ways. Counting his money, checking in on his mom and Alton, and holding down the house while he was away.
When Franklin got like this, it was best to get out of his way. It was tough for you to do because you were a helper by nature. You didn’t like seeing people in distress when you could do something about it. Sweets usually did it, but Franklin’s only vice was a nice glass of soda. 
You sighed, adding to the hot air blowing through the room. Sweat gathered on your skin, under your boobs, giving you a light sheen that was bordering on uncomfortable. You tried to distract yourself with ways you could help Franklin relieve some of that tension. 
It’d be easier if the mu’fucka just went on and had a drink. Everybody had something. 
Keys jingling made you lean around the couch to look at the front door. Franklin slid into the house, dark blue shirt clinging to his lean frame. You watched him move, tension in the set of his shoulders and his lips pressed together. 
“Hey baby,” you said. 
Franklin did a double take, looking around for you. You made a noise so that he knew to look on the floor, in front of the couch. His eyes landed on you and he gave you a smile. “What you doin’ here?” He asked.
“I wasn’t finna go to work in this shit. Probably should have for the air conditioning, but well. It’s too hot for all that,” you said and waved your hand. Thinking about air conditioning made you pay attention to how the heat rolled over your skin.
Franklin closed the door and walked over to the couch. He passed in front of you and sat down. He leaned over a planted a kiss on your forehead. Then he sat back on the couch with a loud sigh. 
“If anyone ask, I was over Rob’s last night,” he said.
You turned around to face him. “Okay. But where were you really?” You asked. 
Franklin’s head rested on the back of the dark brown couch, looking up towards the ceiling like it had the answers he needed. He licked his lips slowly. 
“Don’t you fix your lips to lie, Franklin Saint,” you said.
Franklin chuckled and it warmed you up to see him smile, even a little. You missed that damn smile on his face. Over the past few weeks, he’d been steadily growing more tired. The smiles didn’t come as easy. 
“You know I try to keep you outta this shit,” he said. 
“Too bad. How’d things go with Leon and Manboy?” You asked. He wasn’t ready to talk about last night and that was okay. For now.
Franklin leaned forward and rubbed his hands together, a grimace on his face. He avoided looking at you so he probably wasn’t going to tell the whole truth. Must be really bad. You knew he sometimes had to do things he wasn’t proud of. Things that would make his mama cry if she really knew. 
You weren’t so cavalier about the things he did but you understood him. Growing up in the hood like you both did, it was a desolate wasteland sometimes. It felt like there was a giant hand on your neck, keeping you down no matter how hard you worked to get out from under it. Franklin was only trying to even the playing field.
“I’m so sick of trying to get niggas to act right,” Franklin said. He stood up, rolling his shoulders and cracking his knuckles.
You grimaced. Maybe you shouldn’t have mentioned anything. “Leon so fucking busy worrying about Wanda, Manboy got the Crips on lock in Compton and Leon pushing in. Like cats and fuckin’ dogs with these niggas!” He yelled. 
You stayed quiet and let him vent. He was even more wound up than you thought. Had you ever seen him so worked up? It’d been so long since he was home long enough to have an actual conversation. Mostly, you talked in between his meetings and goings on. He’d page you and you’d find a few minutes to hurry and call before he scooted off again.
Matter of fact, it’d been quite some time since you had your legs wrapped around his waist. You felt bad, but as he spoke, you stared at his frame. At the hard lean to his shoulders when he was truly pissed. Sometimes, his walk turned you on more than his words ever could. 
You stood up, halting Franklin in his tracks. His eyes dropped down to your titties, but you took his hand. You silently led him to the couch, making him sit back down. “You’re stressed,” you said.
Franklin opened his mouth, but you placed a finger over his lips. “You’re stressed and running around with too much responsibility. Too many things on your mind, baby,” you said. 
He sighed and finally nodded, seeming to deflate completely. You moved your hand under his chin and lifted it. You planted a kiss to his lips. He groaned, leaning in to deepen the kiss. You pulled away, kissed his cheek, and leaned down to his ear. “I know how to get your mind right,” you softly sang. 
“What you got in mind?” He asked.
You smirked and sank to your knees in front of the couch. You eyed him as you went for his zipper and pulled. You moved his jeans and briefs down, until his hardening dick sprang free. You moaned at the sight of it, biting your lip as if you could already taste the salty taste of him. 
You lowered your mouth on him, taking your time to work him all the way in. He groaned as your mouth took as much of him as you could. You swirled your tongue around his shaft and then around his tip. Pre-cum leaked into your mouth and you moaned, swallowing him down.
“Fuck,” he sighed. He gathered up your braids into a tight ponytail. 
“You need some relief baby?” You asked around his dick. 
Franklin’s eyes were locked on yours. On the way that you smiled at him while sucking him back down. He nodded and pushed your head further. You slobbered on his dick, coating him with your saliva. Your wet, loud sucking battled with the fan blowing hot air across your back. 
Franklin slowly pulled you by your hair up and down and kept his eyes locked on his disappearing length inside of you. You let him go with a wet plop and then bit his thigh. He hissed and gave you a wild look. 
“I won’t break Franklin, you know that. You need some real relief? Fuck me then,” you said, giving him a challenging look. You dared him with your eyes. 
“I don’t wanna hurt you,” he said. But his eyes were growing wider, breathing in creasing. Sweat made his dark skin glisten. 
You licked him from his balls to the tip of his shaft and he gasped. “You won’t,” you said. 
Franklin grinned and shook his head. “Fuck I do to deserve you, huh?” He asked. 
He didn’t give you a chance to respond. He licked his lips slowly, grabbed your braids tighter, and then pushed you down on his dick. He groaned, yelling a bit, as he fucked your mouth how he needed. You planted your hands on his thighs to brace yourself and settled in for the ride. 
You couldn’t resist teasing his tip whenever it ran past your lips. More pre-cum leaked into your mouth and you slurped that up. Drool spilled down your chin. You ran your tongue underneath his dick, tracing the hint of vein there. Franklin pushed his hips forward.
“Gonna cum, gonna cum,” he muttered. Not a second later, he shoved your head down and exploded in your mouth. His dick pulsed with hot cum shooting down your throat. You swallowed every last drop, breathing heavily. 
Franklin threw his head back with a groan, ragged gasps escaping him. He was so damn hot after he came. When his lips parted and his eyes were closed. That throat of his. His heaving breaths making his chest rise and fall so rapidly. 
You wiped your mouth clear of lingering drool. You moved to stand up, but Franklin caught your movement. He snatched you about the waist, and shoved your shorts and panties down. He pulled you onto his lap while he shoved his own pants down, further down his long legs. 
You straddled him and he moved his fingers to tease your clit. “You wet for me?” He asked. His voice was low and husky, sending tingles down your spine. 
“Yes, baby,” you said. Sucking him off made you so unbearably wet. Perhaps it wasn’t just him that needed stress relief. Being so worried about him caused its own little bubble of frustration.
His thumb traced circles around your clit while he captured your lips with his own. He kissed you like you supplied the oxygen he needed to survive. He nipped at your bottom lip before diving in for more. His other hand gripped your hip. Fingers digging in for purchase. 
You moaned into his lips. His finger worked magic on your pussy, pulling you closer and closer to the height of pleasure. Dripping onto his thighs, he moved his finger and circled his tip with your juices.
He rubbed his dick between your wet folds, gathering enough of your slick to push in without hurting you. You hissed as he breached your entrance. He kissed your neck, then down to your chest. He licked your nipple and then suckled it. 
“Oh-Oh fuck,” you moaned. The sweet bite of pain relaxed you enough to allow him inside. He pushed in deeper, working his hips until he was sliding in and out of you with ease. Your forehead dropped against his as you rode him. 
“Fuuck,” he moaned. Your breaths co-mingled, absorbed each other by being pressed chest to chest. Your sweat made you glide against his chest, his shirt the only barrier. You stole kisses in between moans, but you were too blissed out to stay connected for long. 
Franklin’s hands moved up to rub up and down your back and you sighed. You kissed his forehead. You were a hot mess at the moment. The smell of sex heavy and thick in the air. You didn’t care. He felt so good inside you. Like home. Like the most sinful heaven. Like sweet hell. 
Franklin pulled out and you groaned. You instantly missed him. He placed you on the couch and he stood up. He grinned and pulled off his shirt. He soaked through it with sweat. He kicked off his pants, leaving him in his naked glory. 
You admired the length of his body, licking your lips at the sheer beauty of him. He pulled your hips and flipped you over. You got to your knees, placing your hands over the back of the couch for leverage. 
He grabbed your hips and shoved in with a low, rumbling moan. “Oh fuck!” You screamed. You gripped the back of the couch, nails digging in while he hit it from the back with a bruising, punishing pace. 
Your ass smacked on his thighs and he grunted with every stroke. “Oh fuck, fuck that pussy, baby,” you moaned. “Beat this pussy up!” 
Franklin groaned, seeming to go deeper or stroke harder according to your demands. “Needed this. Needed you,” he croaked. 
“Needed you tooooo,” you moaned. You dropped your sweaty forehead to your forearm, indescribable pleasure overtaking your whole body. Like you were weightless. Jointless. Like you could fall apart at any moment and his dick could stitch you back together. 
“Niggas don’t fuckin’ listen. But you do, don’t you baby?” Franklin asked.
“Yes, baby, I listen,” you cried out, nodding though you weren’t sure if he could see it. He grabbed hold of your braids again, yanking your head back. Your back bowed as he entered at a new angle, dragging the tip of him across a deep, sweet spot that made you scream.
You came, body and limbs shaking uncontrollably. Franklin continued to pound inside of you, grunting and oblivious that your world was splitting apart atom by atom. 
“Oh fuck, baby. This pussy yours, baby,” you managed to eke out in between moans. 
That lit a fire under Franklin. His fingers gripped your sides harder, his strokes got deeper, and his moans bounced off of the walls. He growled as he came, hot, pulsing jets of cum that stuffed you to the brim. 
Your legs turned to jelly and you collapsed across the back of the couch. Franklin’s quick breaths fanned across your back. Your body still shivered, aftershocks from such a rough and deeply satisfying fuck. 
Franklin’s hips stilled deep inside, keeping you plugged up with his cum. He dropped forward, pushing you into the couch. You looked back at him and he smiled sloppily at you. 
“You know just how to take care of me,” he whispered. 
You smiled, groaning as he slipped out. His cum slipped out after and he disappeared from behind you. You heard water running and then he was back, wiping you down with a cool washcloth. 
You sighed as the cool cloth hit your overheated skin. When he was done, he plopped the towel onto the coffee table and then joined you on the couch. Despite the heat, you burrowed into his embrace, throwing your legs over his. 
He rubbed your arm while you played with the tiny hairs on his thighs. He kissed your forehead. “Fuckin’ love the shit outta you,” he said.
You leaned up to look at him in his beautiful eyes. “Love the shit outta you too.”
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Plenty more of Franklin to go around! The Secret Franklin Saint Files
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Gavin (Karl Urban) x reader!
Fireside confessions, cuddling and you finally get in those big, strong, muscly, hot arms!
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Summary: When you started working at the lumber mill, you couldn't help but instantly fall in lust with the strong, quiet younger brother. But you're determined to keep it professional, until one work trip suddenly changes it all.
co-written with CheshireCatSmile
@kus-babygirl @shirley-girly @jynx15 @everchar-of-the-shire @scraftsku35
@deathlesun @billybutcherxyou @butchers-girl @hippo2211
karl urban masterlist
direct link to part 1
Part 4
Gavin chuckles affectionately at your ask about dinner and searches through his bag, pulling out some packets with the name of some new hightech backpacking adventure company. "Been wanting to try these for awhile...let's see...would you like the gourmet beef stew or the um...old fashioned chicken and dumplings? Or there's beef lo mein if you're feeling like Chinese...or...turkey chili?" He hands you a couple of the pouches to look at, his strong fingers brushing against yours.
You can’t help grinning. “Actually they all sound good. I’ll do the chicken and dumplings tonight.” He nods and grabs the beef stew for himself, then props them on the fire in a particular way to heat. He sits right next to you and you shift a little so your leg is just pressing against his.
He seems to notice. "The temperature is dropping a lot quicker than I would have figured for this early in the season. Are you gonna be warm enough tonight?" He presses his thigh a little more firmly against yours but when you glance over he’s concentrating on the fire.
But you can feel the heat radiating from him and it’s wonderful. He’s right, though, it is getting cold. “I brought a thermal and an extra sweatshirt, so…I hope so. I mean, I’m sure I’ll be okay. I’ve slept in worse places,” you smile at him.
Gavin turns to look at you, dark eyes swirling with emotions and unanswered questions at your admission. "I'll try to make things as comfy-cozy as I can out here for you,” he gives you a warm look. “After all...you're doin’ me a big favor comin’ with me. Jack and I really need things to fall in line with this for the business and...I really need Jack to know he can count on me." His voice trails off.  "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to...you're just easy to talk to."
“It’s okay.” You want him to be able to talk to you about anything. “I’m really happy to be here, for you and the business. I want you guys to be successful. I believe in what you’re doing, trying to cut responsibly.
“But I think Jack already does know he can count on you,” you add, watching while he takes the pouches out of the fire and sets them to cool in front of you. 
"I hope so. I have a lot to make up for," he says so softly you can barely hear him. He hands you some utensils and opens your packet for you then does the same with his own. He smiles and taps his packet against yours like a toast. "Moment of truth," he chuckles.
After a few bites, what he said niggles in the back of your mind, and you glance over at him. You hope the question isn’t too much, but you truly want to get to know him better. “What really did happen last year? I’ve heard murmurs here and there but everyone is pretty quiet about it. Was there…really a dragon? Why are people upset with you?”
"There was really a dragon,” he answers, meeting your gaze then looking away. “I....well I had some hair-brained get rich quick idea and I went off half-cocked without takin’ anyone's feelings into account. I wouldn't listen to anyone, I was so full of myself... Almost lost the people I care about most in the world and turned something amazing into a nightmare for everyone. I've had a long time to think about it since then. I can't believe how blind I was to everything that really mattered." He shakes his head and pokes the fire with a stick sending a small plume of sparks into the air.
You can feel his mood has plummeted and now you feel guilty for bringing it up. You chew your bottom lip for a minute thinking. You know he can be impatient sometimes, and gets caught up in excitement when he has an idea. Clearly he’s always hoping to prove himself to his older brother, so you can see how he could’ve made a mistake like that. “I’m sorry,” you murmur. “I shouldn’t have said anything. But I think your brother sees how much thought you’ve put into your work since then. He knows how much you care for him.”
“I wonder if my nephew will ever really trust me?” he muses, still staring into the fire. “That little kid has more courage than most of the grown men I hang with." Gavin shakes his head and stares off into the distance for a moment. Then, coming back to himself, he looks at you. "Oh hey, I forgot. I brought some cornbread from the diner."
It’s an obvious shift away from the subject and attempt to lighten the mood, and you’re grateful. He rummages in his pack and pulls out a tin. "Should I warm it a tiny bit?"
“Sure, that sounds really good.” You know which diner he means and it’s the sweet kind of corn bread, almost like a dessert, and you actually love it. “That was the first place I ate when I got this job. A special treat.”
"Yeah, their food is the best." He opens the tin and sits it just so at the edge of the fire. "You know...I think I may have seen you there that evening," he says softly, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, as though trying to gage your reaction. "It was still pretty warm out and you had that pretty yellow sundress on..."
“Yes that was me,” you blush a little again, but smile. “How embarrassing to be caught taking myself on a date,” you laugh. “Going out all alone.” You take a bite from your chicken dinner then reach for a corner of corn bread, popping it in your mouth.
"Not embarrassing at all,” he grins. “But a sweet, smart, pretty girl like you should never have to go to dinner alone if ya don’t want to. We...um...we may need to fix that." He reaches to break off a little piece of cornbread himself. 
His leg feels warm where it presses against yours. His heat is addicting and you can’t stop yourself from wondering what it would feel like to be wrapped up tight in his arms. Your heart flutters at his compliments. They’re hard to believe but nice to hear. “How would we fix that?” you ask him even though your heart is racing with anxiousness.
"Well...I was thinkin’...you might like to go out to dinner with me sometime. Well...that is...if you wouldn't feel uncomfortable going out with your boss to dinner and...maybe a movie? I mean...I'll understand if you have reservations about… About mixing your work and private life but..."
Your heart flutters wildly again and your smile grows wider. You can’t believe this is actually happening. Even though the entire thing makes you nervous, you can’t help but want it. “I’d really like that a lot, Gavin. If you don’t think Jack would mind.” You finish the last bite and just then a breeze comes through the trees, making them rustle then making you shiver.
He sees you shiver and tosses a little more wood on the fire then scoots over and puts his strong arm around you pulling you into his side. "Definitely going to be cold tonight but I think I have the tent set up nice and cozy so we should be okay."
You almost give a soft little moan when he pulls you close but you manage to stop it. “Th-thank you,” you murmur. It feels so good for him to even care like this, and he feels good against you, but your heart is really racing now. “My um…my last relationship didn’t go well, and it ended really badly so if I seem anxious, that’s why. But I like you, Gavin. I just wanted you to know.”
"I like you too. I want to really spend time getting to know you. We can take it slow...no pressure. I've always rushed headlong into things in the past and...that hasn't really served me well." He pokes at the fire some more with his free hand but keeps his arm firmly around you as the chill settles in a little more a the first stars wink on above the treetops.
The crackling of the fire is soothing and his hand starts to rub your arm idly as he holds you. It’s more comfort than you’ve felt in a really long time. Without you realizing you start to drift off.
What feels like only a moment later, your eyes flutter open and you feel movement and strong arms holding you against a warm solid chest. Is someone carrying you? Then it comes back to you in a flash...you had started to drift off near the fire. Oh my! Was Gavin carrying you ...you startle and a soothing, low male voice is telling you to hush...that everything is okay. Then you feel the fat raindrops on your face...
You blink for a moment then open your eyes all the way and you can just barely see Gavin’s eyes in the darkness as it starts to rain. He crouches down right next to the small tent and carefully sets you slowly on your feet when he sees you’re awake. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry Gavin! I didn’t mean to fall asleep like that. You didn’t have to carry me...”
Gavin’s answering smile is so warmly affectionate, you feel like you might just throw yourself at him here and now. "No worries Sleeping Beauty,” he murmurs, his voice husky. “I really didn't mind. I just need to close up the big pack and put it up a tree. I'll be right back. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable and I'll be back in a few minutes. He brushes your hair back from your face gently and looks into your eyes for a moment then turns to take care of the pack.
Next up: A shirt and some jeans are coming off and makin’ out tent style! Let me know if you want a tag! Thank you so so much for reading and for your likes, comments and reblogs, they mean the whole world to me!
Part 5
karl urban masterlist
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
I think I saw that requests were still open, and I was wondering if you could make a scenario where Y/N’s been having a bad couple of weeks, so their mental health isn’t exactly the best, and one night they’re standing on top of a building looking down but Hobie stops them and comforts them? I also have another one, but I’ll just make one suggestion at a time 😅
hi, anon! 🪞- Hope you like it! <3
Hobie brown x reader
angst. fluff. Reader has a breakdown. headcanons.
Being a spider!person is hard.
a/n : i wrote this while i was listening California by Lana del rey. You can find more here " hobie's masterlist"
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Hobie hasn't seen you in weeks and all he wants is to kiss you, maybe push you against a wall and give you a taste of what you gonna get when you two go home. However, your lover knows you so well that he knows something is wrong with you 'cause you're so quiet and don't even seem to realize that he's in the same room with you.
When Hobie wants to get close to you, Miguel is sending you two on another mission.
But his eyes are on you at all times though, Hobie knows the anomaly must be caught but you're his priority. Always. Hobie is aware that you're in the same place as him, but you're not really with him. So when you both catch the anomaly he follows you 'cause he definitely isn't leaving you alone.
You take off your mask when you reach the top of the building, you still can't remove that pressure on your chest and while you close your eyes remembering the hard weeks you've had you feel less excited to continue with all the responsibilities that came with being you; take care of your universe, fight against anomalies, not fail in college and above all keep lying to everyone you love just to protect them. You thought maybe Miguel could give you a break, but he's not making it easy. "That's how this job works Y/n...". You just wanna go back to your universe and hide in your room (as if that could give you comfort) but instead you're in another universe and you don't even realize your lover is next to you. Watching your moves.
Suddenly you're standing too close to the edge of the building and you're looking down; what if.. ? You wanna take another step, it's an intrusive thought and yet Hobie is always there to support you; he holds your arm carefully before you can do anything.
"what are you doin' luv?" he tries to joke but he's really worried. "Just watching" you lie and he knows it, but he doesn't say anything, he just pulls you to wrap his hands around your body, his hand caressing up and down your back while your head rest on his chest, feeling his heart pounding for you.
"You know you don't have to be stronger than you already are when you're in my arms luv" your lover whispers while you sob weakly "I got you hun" he mutters, leaving a kiss on your temple
"This is so hard Hobie, I didn't think it could be that hard" your voice cracks, you've reached your limit and he doesn't make you feel weak about it.
Hobie knows how hard it is, so he hugs you tight as he whispers words of comfort "it's okay, we're going to get through this" "I'm here Y/n, lean on me" "you're so brave luv " Hobie knows he can't protect you from the hard life that comes with being a spider person and he hates it but he'll make it easier for you, he'd do anything for you.
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princessmaybank · 6 months
Truth or Dare PT2
Pairings: BestFriend!JJ x BestFriend!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Squirting, oral (both), 69, embarrassment, Rafe calling, p in v, etc.
Summary: Part 2 of TorD
Authors Note: Don't know why this posted by itself again, but it was also not finished. I hope you enjoy it and if you want a part 3 let me know!
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When you finally came down from your high, your cheeks were burning from embarrassment. You just pissed yourself in front of JJ, or so you thought. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what happened...I tried to tell you." You responded to JJ as you got off of him and onto the bed. You hugged your knees to your chest and tried not to cry. "You have no idea what you just did, do you baby?" He smiled lightly to himself. You shook your head and hid in your lap. "I just pissed myself on my hot best friend's lap." You sounded like you were about to cry.
You felt a pair of hands lightly pushing your knees apart. You fought him but when he finally got them open, he placed kisses to your heat. This only caused more embarrassment. You squeezed your legs together, only slightly crushing his head between your thighs so he would back away, but it only caused him to moan. "Damn baby, keep doin that." He said continuing his licks. "The squeezing or the pissing?" You say annoyed.
JJ's hands grabbed your hips and pulled you towards him. He was now hovering you with his right hand holding him up. "Stop saying that." He said as stern and as serious as he could. "I'm sorry.." You say sweetly. He gently tucked a piece of hair that had fallen in your face, behind your ear. "You have nothing to be sorry for baby."
The heat rose to your cheeks again. Of course you did. It was the most embarrassing thing that could have happened in that moment. "Can we just lay down.. I'm not really in the mood anymore, and you said we have things to talk about." You say trying to hide yourself.
"As much as I'd love to talk about how I cockblocked Rafe, I'm more interested in talking about how you just squirted." He stifled a laugh. "Those two things sound beautiful together. I cockblocked Rafe from you then I made you squirt. Fuck." His dick twitched in his pants, but you didn't notice because you were processing his words. "Squirt?" You asked, you had no idea what that meant. He giggled to himself. "Basically you reached your peak but harder. Not everyone can do that though, you're talented." He reached over and rubbed your thigh. "Is that a good thing though?" You asked. "It's fucking amazing. It means our bodies work well together." JJ saw the look of relief come over your face as he smiled. He gave your forehead a little kiss. "Okay baby, serious question now that that is all cleared up." He seemed hesitant. "Are you actually done cause I need to know if I have to go wring myself out or not." His question caused laughter to erupt from you. "Let me take care of you. It's only fair."
JJ relieved himself of his clothes and climbed on the bed. Just as your lips were getting ready to touch his tip he spoke. "Wait- can we try something..?" He cautiously asked. You nodded in excitement as he described what he wanted to do.
You ended up sitting on his face and had his dick in your mouth. Being in 69 with JJ is not where you thought you'd be tonight. The sounds of moans and slurping and gagging are filling the room. Apparently the two of you don't care if Sarah and John B hear you. To be fair they've kept you both up before.
Just as you started sucking on JJ's balls, your phone began to ring. You stopped what you were doing to check it. "Who is it?" JJ asks taking his lips away long enough to only ask that question. "Rafe.." You responded. "Answer it." He sounds more bossy this time. He reattached his lips to your lower ones making a moan slip from you.
You answered the call waiting for him to speak first, but you heard a groan on the other side. "Hi, Y/N..I think our call dis-disconnected earlier. I've been trying to reach you since." He stumbled out. "So-sorry rrrafe" JJ's tongue was working wonders. "Put it on speaker baby." JJ whispered beneath you. You complied. "Are you touching yourself again baby?" You didn't know how to answer and JJ slapped your ass making you yelp a "yes" into the phone.
Suddenly you felt a hand reach up and steal your phone. He sucked on you harder and made it way louder than it needed to be. "Actually I'm touching her. Let me just say, she tastes so fucking good." He smirks into your pussy. He stuck his tongue into your hole which released a loud moan from your lips. "Is this some kind of fucking joke?" Rafe sounded angry.
JJ pulled his mouth away from you and slipped to fingers in to replace it. He was going just as fast as he did before. "You hear how wet her pussy is for me? If only you fucking knew." He announced. You couldn't help the tingling in your lower area. It was that same feeling that JJ introduced you to before. "Fuck! I'm gonna squirt Jayj." You couldn't help but scream out, Rafe definitely heard you. Before you could move, you were releasing your juices onto JJ's face. The moans that came from you were heavenly and JJ was almost stunned.
"I'd love to sit and chit-chat with you Cameron but as you can clearly hear, I'm busy." JJ said and hung up the phone. You got out of the position you were in so you could look at JJ. He looked shocked and so fucking happy. "I'm sorry JJ." You felt so bad. "That was so fucking amazing." He was on a high and he didn't even cum. His muscular arms pulled you closer and he pushed his lips to yours. He lifted you onto his lap as your make out became more heated. Your pussy found his cock and you began to grind on it, causing him to moan into your mouth.
You took this advantage and slipped onto his dick. The most pornstar sounding moan spilled from his mouth as you lowered yourself. "Fuck you're gonna ruin me baby." He gasped.
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