#[ heeey cutie. ]
la2yn0va · 25 days
So if you are accepting request can you do something like yandere HSR girls of your choice (and include feixiao please) X Male Reader who's trying to kinda keep them from killing some people like Reader gives them puppy dog eyes and "wouldn't you rather spend time with me?"
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Characters: Feixiao, Lingsha, Jingliu
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“See ya around, handsome~” the woman promised, waving at him while walking away. M/n stared back with nervousness, waving back at the woman. hoping his lover wasn’t around. He walked back but was quickly stopped when he bumped into a woman.
“Oh…heeey feixiao…!” He greeted, laughing nervously. Feixiao could only stare at him with possessiveness and malicious intent. “Vixen. Who might that woman be?” She asked, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him down to her level. (Shorter—Grabs you by your collar and pulls you towards her)
“Oh her…. No one important! Just someone who helped me out with the abominations of abundance!” He quickly explained. Feixiao seemed unconvinced, glaring deeper into his soul “Don’t lie to me vixen! Who is she!” She demanded, as m/n repeated his original statement.
Feixiao growled lowly, soft pushing him away and walking towards where the woman walked “If what you say it’s true, then I should go and thank her…” she said with a smile full of murderous intent.
M/n acted quickly. Grabbing Feixiao’s hand and flicking her around to face him, much to the generals shock. “Hey— come on now…! Your seriously gonna give that random girl more attention then me?”
Feixiao’s eyes glimmered with a mixture of speculation and offense. “What? I’m not giving some nobody my attention over you!” She claimed, now giving you her full attention.
“You sure? You seem oddly fixated with her” “Y-YES! I’m positive! Some nameless woman isn’t gonna have my eyes on them longer than they are on YOU!”
M/n swallowed his nervousness and slight pride, knowing this was a dangerous game he was forced to play. He closed his eyes, silently praying this would work, opening them and trying his best puppy eyes.
“Come on… don’t you wanna talk with me instead?” Feixiao stared with widned eyes. She hadn’t ever seen you like this! Why are you…why’re you being so damn adorable!?
Feixiao’s lips quivered, showing her internal struggle. Her body wanted to just go and murder that woman for daring to call you handsome! But her body also just wanted to kiss you right here and now!
M/n began to sweat as he held this look on his face. In this actually working…? Or is she just trying to freak him out so he can let her go and she goes and kills the woman…!
Feixiao sighed. She hadn’t trained herself to resist that look. So she picked you up and walked off. M/n sighed happily, realizing he had managed to save a woman from his girlfriend’s wrath.
“Don’t think your off the hook vixen~” she sung lowly, before lightly slamming you against a wall “You dare help that woman from escaping MY lesson~? And using those pretty eyes of yours to save her and manipulate my decision~?”
She leaned in, her breath attacking your neck making you jump from the shock of this whole turnout of events. “You’re in for a LOOONG day. My Naughty little vixen~”
She said with lustful intent, licking her lips before chomping down on your neck, making you yelp out a surprised moan. In the end, feixiao still gets her way.
(I’m breaking F2P for her)
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“Thank you for your help” A woman said, shaking m/n’s hand and winking before bringing his hand up and kissing it, as if she were a gentlemen.
M/n froze, feeling a cold sweat drop from his nape. The woman giggled, believing that m/n froze due to embarrassment. “See ya around cutie” “ooohhh fuck…” he said to himself, turning to see an enraged and bloodthirsty Vidyadhara brunette.
“Wait just a mo—” M/n quickly put one of his hand over lingsha’s mouth, much to her shock and surprise. Being forced to watch the woman walk away, she created a small bunny and made it chase after her while keeping your eyes on her.
“WHAT. WAS. THAT.” She demanded an answer, her eyes twitching from anger as she pushed him onto a chair. M/n chuckled nervously, realizing he hadn’t thought this far ahead.
“Well? What do you have to say for yourself, little rabbit?” She pinched his ear roughly. “Ow—!! Wait—!!” “ANSWER ME!” She yelled, growing more irritated, her mind quickly filling with delusions.
“I-I just… well… you were paying too much attention to her!” He quickly spouted out, making lingsha freeze and widen her eyes. “…Huh?” She said as m/n realized he might’ve fucked up or is about to save a life.
“Y-You just seemed TO interested in her! A-and well—” “Oh? Is that why you’re worried? Aren’t you just adorable~” she said, stopping her harsh tugging of his ear and moving her hand to caress his face.
“Don’t worry. I’m proving she means nothing to me as we speak~” She said with a dark smile, m/n swallowed decided to shoot in the dark. He tried his best, and morphed his eyes to becoming similar to a sad puppy.
“Come on. Just forget about here… and pay attention to me.. please~?” Lingsha instantly got red on the face, feeling an arrow pierce her heart. Her entire body and focused was disturbed, which also led to the bunny she made completely disappearing.
“You cheeky little… Come here!” She yanked him forward, unable to stop herself from kissing him. She used her superior strength to keep him in place while she increases the intensity of her kiss.
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“You’re a lifesaver pretty boy!” A woman gratefully hugged m/n, who simply patted her head. The women blushed embarrassed at the gesture but then bowed and walked away.
M/n watched her walk away before realization struck him like a semi-truck. He swallowed nervously before feeling the air suddenly grow cold. VERY cold.
He turned to see his girlfriend, a blindfolded woman with light blue hair. M/n swallowed once more, managing to see her eyes through the blindfold. Her eyes glowed red, holding nothing but malice, insanity, and delusion.
“Darling” she greeted coldly, walking towards him. “H-Hey jingliu..!! H-how are you—?” He was ignored. She walked past him, glaring down the woman with pure hatred.
“H-Hey—! Jingliu—?!” He yelled out, quickly jumping infront of her. “You okay…..?” He dragged out the ‘okay’ realizing that was a stupid question. Jingliu patted his face “Get out of my way dear” she warned him, her hand beginning to shake with murderous intent.
“H-hold on—! You’re really gonna pay attention to some random woman and not me…?” He quickly spouted out, trying to prevent the inevitable. Jingliu’s face turned more stoic, her blindfold slipping off to revel an apathetic yet insane stare.
“Is that how you feel dear? Don’t worry. I’ll alleviate your worries~” she promised, kissing him softly and walking off, quickly speeding up but m/n once again stopped her, grabbing her hand.
She flicked her head back, clear aggression in her face. He quickly acted, not think. His eyes became that of a puppy. “Wouldn’t you rather spend time with me…?” He said, seeing jingliu’s face calm into confusion before seeing her blush slightly.
She stared for a few seconds before turning fully to face him, bringing him in closer and cupping his face in her hands. She smiled softly and brought him in for a kiss.
“Forgive me love. But you brought this on yourself” she whispered, before knocking him out. “I will not take the slightest chance with you” She proclaimed. Lifting him up and turning, taking out her sword and running off the end the woman’s life.
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mysouleaten · 9 months
raining cats and dogs ! [pt 3]
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tokyo rev cats/dogs x gn! reader
summary ... it only started with [name] taking in two strays when they were driving home from work, it was pouring and the two poor strays were soaked! you couldn't leave them… so you took them in
warnings ... fluff, fluff, fluff, and more fluff, weird dude
[part one] [part two] [part three].... [part four]
you were sitting in the pet clinic for over four hours. the sun was setting and the moon was slowly rising
you looked down at your phone '6:14 pm' was the time
you looked up at the door where the people took your new rescue
you slumped back into your chair, hoping this would soon be over, you had two other cats at home waiting for you
you sat up when you saw a man with a box --and a towel covering it-- come out, he looked around and then put the box down on the counter
"mx...[name]?" he hesitantly asked
"yep, that's me!" you said and stood up to walk the man in the white coat
"ah! yes, so your cat is in the box here" the man patted the box softly and continued "we stitched him up, gave him some pills, and gave him his rabies shots... he was a stray correct?"
"yep, he was.. found him somewhere, I didn't want to leave him, ya know?" you scratched the back of your neck
"I know what you mean, its good that your bright him here, another minute and the poor thing would have died," he said and continued, "I think you also brought two others before here right?" he asks
"yeah I did" you nod
"mhm, well here you go" he handed you a pill bottle "these are for him after he wakes up, make sure he eats one every day, they are vitamins and pain relievers"
"okay got it, do I feed them by themselves or with food?" you ask
"they are bitter so yes you can feed them with food" he nodded "oh and before you go, please make another appointment after a week, alright? I wanna make sure he's healthy"
you nodded again and carefully took the box into your arms and left the clinic. something about that guy... rubbed you the wrong way.. maybe it was just you
you carefully put the box into the casket in front of your motorbike and sat down and started the engine
you looked at the clinic again and the same guy was standing there with his hands behind his back, you shivered then drove off
'maybe I should find another clinic..' you thought
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you drive into your apartment complex's parking lot and park next to your car
turning off your motorbike and grabbing the box and putting it on the sidewalk, turning back to your bike you grabbed the chain from under the seat of the bike and wrap the chain through the bike's wheel and warp the chain around a poll finally locking it
it's better to be safe than sorry was what your brother says to you, plus this is his bike and you don't want it stolen
turning to the box where your new fluffy friend is in. picking the box up and walking towards the stairs and up
you unlock the door and close it back when you step into your home
"im home!" you say, then you hear small paw steps and meows coming from your room
you saw take' and peachy run towards you, meowing their little hearts out too you
crouching down with the box in your lap "heeey, sorry for being so late! I found this little guy!- or well he's kinda big actually, hahah"
peachy and take' step up with their front paws on your knees and try to take a peek into the box
"be careful alright? the big guys hurt.. found him at a car dump.. lots of other cats there too" you say
but you didn't see take' 's eyes widen and he stepped off your knee. peachy takes a step back too when you stand up
"ok how about you guys name your new friend while I make food?" you say as you put down the box on your window seal. peachy and take' jump up there
you stare down at the box before you hear a meow then you look at peachy
"haha this is a bit creepy isn't it?" you ask and she meows as to say 'yes'
you scratch the back of your head "well keep him safe ok? I'll go make food now" you say and back away from your cuties
coming back once more to give peachy and take' kissies on their heads, they seem to appreciate the attention
you even see take' cover his face with his paws and peachy snuggling into take' 's body
you retreat into the kitchen to set the food for your friends and an extra bowl for the new friend
how lucky are you to have another friend?
you didn't even realize how many more friends are soon gonna join your family
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taglist... @sixxze @ploxpoke @q-the-rockaholic @dancingnewcat @ariachaos @cashout-princess
if anyone would like to be part of the tag list for this series please let me know!!
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theabyssal · 10 months
By God I didn't think the demo could get any better than it was before but you very much proved me wrong.
So many things to say lol
Not really spoilers but maybe???
1. firstly mask options are so cool good job! 2.Marcella is adorable and I can't wait to find out more about her.
3. That first interlude nearly had me in tears with how much emotion there was like damn that much guilt was just so saddening.
4. Was really lovely meeting Mr mortician and Sophie is a cutie.
5. I really hate how well you wrote the last bit of dialog because although I want to hate our dear sister somehow I kind of just pity her.. there is just an undertone of bitterness that comes from her that's both sad and makes me want to slap her kind of.
the dialog options were just phenomenal too. Especially right before the end.
I'm honestly just so excited for this. I can't wait to have a Sol POV tho because that's gonna be emotionally taxing to read and I love torturing myself and I look forward to just go from very compassionate Death to emotionally stunted and chaotic. It's gonna be wild! Somehow you made a wonderful demo even greater. Which is a talent in itself. ♥️
You just highlighted my favorite things about this update!! 🥰🥰
So happy you enjoyed!! 🖤🖤
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tobi-boi · 2 years
Head tilt
Characters included: Kou Minamoto, Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, Sousuke Mitsuba Genre: fluff Reader gender: gender neutral Warnings: none Word count: 282
Their s/o tilts their head when they're confused, and they find it cute.
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✦Kou Minamoto✦
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╺ Whenever you tilt your head; Kou stumbles over his words, a soft red dusting his cheeks– adorable, really.
╺ Two precious cuties in a relationship? Yes, love it!
╺ "So then I– Ah oh– uhm– haha.."
╺ Kou will try to laugh it off, rubbing the back of his neck– pretending he didn't just forget how to speak properly.
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╺ Whenever you tilt your head; Hanako will turn his head away to hide the soft red that dusts his cheeks.
╺ If you notice his cheeks; he'll grab your face and squish your cheeks, leaning closer to you– he won't let you fluster him and get away with it.
╺ "Heeey, don't be so cute."
╺ Hanako honestly loves this about you though. He thinks he's lucky to have someone as cute as you.
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╺ Whenever you tilt your head; a huge smile will find its way onto Tsukasa's face– if he isn't already smiling.
╺ He'll proceed to leap at you, engulfing you in a hug as he nuzzles his face against you.
╺ "Aaaa, you're so cute!"
╺ Tsukasa adores this about you. He also wants you all to himself.
✦Sousuke Mitsuba✦
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╺ Whenever you tilt your head; red dusts Mitsuba's face.
╺ He'll cup your face in his hands and just admire you for awhile, maybe even squish your cheeks a couple of times.
╺ "How are you even cuter than me?"
╺ I mean sure; Mitsuba like cute things in general, so the fact that you two ended up together isn't much of a surprise.
╺ I bet he has many photos with you two, which also wouldn't be much of a surprise.
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sunsburns · 5 months
heeey! I'm going to do a fanfic about challengers on wattpad, and I’m looking for a face claim? Can you help me and recommend me one? <3
OH EM GEE this takes me back to my wattpad days.. you never specified what features you were going for but here are some of my favs!
1) taylor russell
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she has that effortless beauty and can fit in to the vibes of challengers pretty smoothly
2) whitney peak
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underrated face claim (i think), i haven’t seen too much of her and there’s plenty of gifs and clips too!
3) maude apatow
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cutie patootie, like come on
4) melissa barrera
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try not to say mother challenge
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biterbones · 14 days
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blood and decay
a vampire searches for her prey at a local bar, only for the night to not go as planned
cw: 18+, mild gore, blood, lesbians, mentions of sex
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she stepped into the club, occasionally feeling the hips of a beautiful woman brush up against her. the whole building was alive, it exhaled and she could feel the heartbeat in her toes. out of the entire crowd of flesh, one specific girl caught her interest. a lonely girl, standing at the bar all by herself.
the first thing she noticed was how tall, she was. her curly, messy black hair that covered half of her face nearly reached the top of the ceiling. scraping the lesbian flag painted on the roof. another obvious thing was how raggedy she was, she looked like an anemic corpse and for some reason, vanessa liked that. it made her chest hot thinking of all the ways she could suck up everything that rotting hottie has to offer.
"heeey there cutie, i'm vanessa. who are your?" she casually questioned while running a contrasting dark brown finger over the mystery woman's pale skin.
"oh shit, are you talking to me? i'm zaniyah." She awkwardly tucked some hair behind her ear, revealing differently covered eyes. brown and blue swirled together like koi fish in the pond of vanessa's mind. "i've never seen you around here before, are you new in town?"
"yeah i am, i move a ton. i might stay here for a while though, this place is nice. plus, the people here are beautiful..." vanessa reached a hand up to stroke her face softly, but found zaniyah too tall. "shit, i can't reach. you're really fuckin' tall. how about you lean down so i can properly flirt, m'kay babe?" an odd dull blush spread over zaniyah's cracked skin as she was hit on.
"yeah, i get that alot. it's probably because i'm 6'8" she chuckled awkwardly, flaunting her height the same way insecure men do.
"you being for real?! why are you here and not in the nba?!"
"maybe i'm here so i can be with you?" zaniyah shrugged her shoulders cautiously. now it was vanessa's turn to blush, the maroon spreading all the way to the bleach blonde coils that framed her perfect face. oh this girl was just perfect, her mind filling with thoughts of what she'd taste like.
"how about i buy you a drink?"
"sorry, i don't drink."
"really? are you one of those puritans that always go sober?" vanessa's soft, adorable laughter didn't hide the mocking in her tone well. luckily the peer pressure went right over her new date's head, probably.
"no, it's cause of health stuff. my liver is terrible, that's why you never get hand me downs from alcoholics!" vanessa chuckled, trying her best not to spit out her own drink. "buuut if you're gonna be a sweetheart, i guess i'll ask the bartender for a steak kabob, extra rare."
"skirting past your odd food tastes-" zaniyah rolled her special eyes playfully. "- i'm glad i found someone with the same dark humor as me, that 'hand me down liver' joke was hilarious!"
"i'm glad you like it, sometimes i freak people out."
"don't worry baby, i like that you seem a little freaky~"
"oh my gosh!" zaniyah lightly pushed her away with one hand while grabbing her appetizer with the other hand. it kind of put vanessa off how she devoured the bloody meat like a starving dog, but she hadn't brought anyone home in weeks and she was getting desperate. this was no time to be picky.
anxiety slithered onto her skin and creeped into her veins, paralyzing her with dread. she needed to get this girl home before one of the tens of other women around them got to her prey first. she needed to pounce.
"hey, zaniyah?" the tall girl's lips formed into a curious smile as vanessa ran a soft hand over her waist. "what do you say we go back to my apartment, and i'll give you something else to eat? it's super close by."
"huh?" the confused and mildly horrified look on her face was replaced with a shy understanding once she finally got it. "oh yeah... maybe we could just walk there though? my car is almost out of gas and i wanna save it for the ride home."
"sure!" that was fine with vanessa, it just meant less evidence to deal with at the end of the night.
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the fear slowly slipped away as vanessa brought zaniyah up to her apartment, falling into the comfortable routine of kissing and leading her to the nice couch wrapped in plastic. ignoring the odd feeling of her teeth, she began to strip for her guest. what she never expected though, was for zaniyah to pounce first.
"what the fuck?!" the second she slipped the red dress of her shoulders, zaniyah ripped out a set of fake teeth and charged at her. biting into her shoulder and ripping into it, licking her lips at the tart, exotic taste. suddenly the juicy morsel was gone, the room was spinning, and there was a throbbing pain in her nose. she found herself across the room with blood pouring out of her nose.
"did you punch me?! what the hell!" zaniyah wiped the blood off her face and stood, taking a defensive stance. angry hisses and globs of spit flew out of vanessa's mouth. "oh my god, you're a vampire aren't you?! that's why you busted my favorite nose!"
"That was reasonable, you were trying to eat me!"
"I bet you were gonna try to eat me too!"
"oh here you go with the fucking stereotypes, you dumb zombies are all the same!"
"oh i'm dumb?! you brought a stranger in your home, i should kick your ass for ruining my night and my nose!"
"oh are you now?" the two women leaned in close, their noses only a little bit apart. eyes locked onto eachother's.
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the room was a disaster. pillows stuck to the walls, sheets soaked with mystery liquids, and two sets of limbs tangled together. vanessa let herself relax into the warm hold of zaniyah as the zombie ran fingers over her pudgy stomach, letting her icy fingers rest on the flesh.
"holy shit... that was amazing..." zaniyah mumbled.
"i know right? humans just can't keep up with us monsters." she nibbled at her, lapping up the small pearls of blood that came out of the wound. "i guess it took someone dead to give me the best sex of my unlife. i was right, you are a little freak."
"how did we not even know the other was a monster anyway?"
"i know it's not my fault, i've never seen you at the conventions."
"wait, there were conventions?!" the zombie shot out of bed.
"you didn't know?! nobody invited you?! the whole underworld is there."
"this is bullshit." zaniyah went to walk away but was stopped by the blonde.
"i have a proposition and not the kind we did 10 minutes ago." she raised an eyebrow curiously. "i think if we work together, we could have enough food to feed a whole villiage. i get the blood, and you get the flesh." a soft smile spread on those creepy features that drew vanessa closer in the first place.
"i'd be happy to vanessa, i think... i think i found the love of my afterlife."
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
Heeey jorogumo, I'm looking for a new Wife and you fit all the descriptions😏
❛ Gee, You really know how to Flatter a Spider demon~ ❜ Jorogumo giggled in a Playful manner, Placing her hands on her hips. ❛ Not to sure about being Your wife, Cutie. We've only just met. Buy me dinner first, Okay?~ ❜
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camroncream22 · 1 year
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Heeey Cuties! I missed you! Sorry I've been absent I hope this makes it up to you! 💖💖
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plaindangan · 1 year
Transformation antics: Aoi just got a fresh batch of donuts! She can't wait to sink her teeth into them. however when she does, she slowly becomes a bimbo swimmer, her breasts being even more massive! She might even want to get that cutie Makoto in on the action!
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
What's better than donuts? Magic donuts!! At least, that's what Hina thought when she woke Himiko up at 3 AM to augment her delicious snacks.
"Mmmmmmm!~" As soon as she got home, she dove in into her box of donuts, happily scarfing away one after the other. Their texture, their chewinesss, their flavour: all enhanced, all made doubly more enjoyable! Hina just had to eat about half a dozen before yawning and saving the rest for tomorrow...little did she know about its 'side effect'...
"Hina! Are you here?" Makoto asked, having arrived to the swimmer's place to work out with her. Huh? The door was slightly ajar so he went in...and almost immediately was smackdab into Hina. Or to be accurate, his face met Hina's....chest?
"Heeey, little Koko~ Like, didn't see you there! I didn't know you were one of those...doorknob smithers? Whatevs!" she said dismissively, giggling such a vapid fashion.
"...D-do you mean locksmiths?" Makoto gulped as he stared at the new Hina. She was wearing her signature white shirt and shorts, but what she was now wasn't even close to covering her up. The latter was tightly clinging to her new extra curvy hips and was close to ripping (Makoto could also see she had decided to wear a blue thong today). As for her shirt? While her large chest was usually well covered, those jiggly, plump, milkers had increased to practically be remaining in said by a thread - with her cleavage being ever more pronounced now.
"Like, if that's you call them, dude~ But who cares about those kinda guys..." Licking her lips, she picked up another donut and offered one to Makoto. "Eat one of these babies~ They'll make you feel soooo good and we'll find some real snacks to 'hang out' with~"
"I...think those might be the cause of this. You really shouldn't eat or people anymore of th-!!" And that was her jacket she slipped on. Tripping forward, while he was able to catch himself by grabbing Hina's chest (much to her delight), he ended up biting into the donut as he fell...
Uh oh.
"Ready for some hottie hunting, Koko?~" asked a giggly Hina. She was standing in front of a Makoto who had changed into an outfit identical to hers. His body had become more feminine, especially in the hips, which were almost as curvy as Hina's, and his new dumptruck ass.
"Teeheee~ Ready Hina!~ Like, let's go!~" As the pair of bimbo and femboy left Hina's room, they would rush past a Himiko holding her grimoire, looking at the horny duo (or more accurately at their extra curvier bodies) and sighed to herself. Pulling out her phone, she muttered to herself.
"...This is why I don't enchant anything past 3 AM..."
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
Hey bestie! I hope you’re having a great day! Sending warm hugs! Love youuuu!!!! 💙💙💙💙
Heeey, cutie! 🥰 I'm having a good day today compared to many of my last days so that's good! I'm mostly just chilling. your sweet asks always make me happy! I love you a lot! Hope you're having a good day too! Love u to the moon n back 🌘🌌💕💕💕
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kdramaxoxo · 2 years
Heeey, Taxi Driver is back are you watching?? also Shin Jae Ha is in it!
Hi Anon!
I'm not watching Taxi Driver season 2. I really loved the first half of season one but then was disappointed in the second half (where the "hero" creates his own privatized prison to deny people care I'm sorry what?).
I'm going to skip season 2 unless people are saying it's like seriously great (and I'll wait until the end just in case it falls apart). I do love Shin Jae Ha so so much tho! Such a cutie!!
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rabidsfoot · 3 months
‎♡‧₊˚ hey there! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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heeey!! I'm Cutiespace! or Cutie, if you wanna be nice to me. I decided that making an account on here would be beneficial to me - maybe here people will appreciate me like I deserve!
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。゚゚・。・゚゚・ 。rules 。 ┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °  ゚・。・゚
❥ respect: be nice! especially to me!! but also to everyone else, okay?! ❥ IN CHARGE: I am the one in charge of this blog, so I am allowed to block at my own discretion if you're weird!! as long as you aren't being weird, we're good! ❥ maturity: I'm an adult! ask adult questions if you are too! but don't be too weird or I'll just ignore it! ❥ open to additions: I might add things because I forget a lot! it's a quirk of mine, hehe! ❥ have fun!! talk to me!!
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OOC: yeuh back at it again. this time with cutiespace! because i play with that skin a lot. i follow from @/ketchfantrolls , the blog you'll wanna follow if you want stuff besides homestuck is @/ketch-sideblog! that's also the blog i use to interact with others the most.
pfp artist: @/skateslidefunk
not much i gotta say other than headcanons galore, beware. things might be mildly ooc sometimes but they aren't ooc to me. i'm good with answering stuff from literally anybody!! whether that be official phighting characters, phighting ocs, or ocs in general, i am good with ANYTHING!! have fuuun!!
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drgreysonmd · 4 months
Helloooooo dearest darling doctor
How's my cutie doing? Guess who missed you????? - 🌷
Heeey there, my alliteration loving leafy ... huh, we may have come back to that. Or maybe I should just take the "L" on that one 😅
I'm doing quite well! It's been very busy around here the last few days with back to back surgeries and consults, so I've been a little quiet, but I'm always glad when you stop by for a visit.
And hmmmm, let me think 🤔 I'm getting the distinct impression that someone who vaguely smells like tulips missed me. Did I guess right? I hope they've been doing well too, and that they also know I've missed them!
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the-aprilfools-bitch · 7 months
Heeey! How's my lil cutie patootie?
Tired as fuck babe I'm going to be honest A lil stressed bout more exams
But a bit better now <3
how are you doing baby?
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 8 months
hiii pookie dookie cookie
Heeey cutie pie 🤭
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beomchii · 11 months
heeey, can you please make a moodboard with the red velvet photoshoots for chill kill? you can choose what photoshoot to use ♡
here it is, cutie <3
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