#[ he does not have to accept ofc if he isn't interested in the game ]
spacebarbarianweird · 23 hours
HC or fic request (whatever you have the inspiration for): post-game unromanced Astarion (let's say Tav chose another companion from the very beginning) with an OFC of your choosing, though I would love a human or even a half-elf. As much as I love Tavstarion, I feel like the the possibility of Astarion finding love in someone other than Tav a rather unexplored scenario in fan fiction.
I like this idea, too! You know, before the patch 6 ending was released, people had been sure that Astarion would be doomed to be alone if didn't romance Tav. But unromanced Astarion obviously lives his best life possible! He hunts monsters, enjoys his freedom, explores himself. And he can be sure he doesn't adapt his mindset to his lover's interests. I actually think if I am not tired of writing about Astarion, I will write a longfic set in another timeline where Astarion doesn't stay with Tav and goes on his own. As for now, here is a headcanon!
Unromanced Astarion Post-Game
It isn't easy to be on his own.
Astarion craved solitude when he was a slave but now he doesn't know what to do.
He can't make decisions for himself. Which quest to take, what clothes to wear, what inn to stay.
Astarion finds it crippling to be so dependent on the opinions of others - but what other choice does he have?
He doesn't trust anyone.
And the world has changed so much in the last two centuries!
He doesn't recognize places, he has no idea how that world works now.
At days, he cries, mourning his life pitying himself.
Six months pass. He gets invited to the party.
Astarion collects himself. He needs to impress his old friends, he must not look like a wreck.
He tells about his monster hunting job avoiding the fact he barely worked like one. He drinks and laughs but he is a bad liar.
Halsin, the archdruid, doesn't force Astarion to talk but offers to go to the Shadowcursed lands and help the Emerald Grove and the Harpers get rid of monsters.
Astarion agrees that instant.
For the next ten years, he has a purpose. For the next ten years, he has fun.
And he finally starts talking to other people about his experience.
To his surprise, people around show support.
Yes, they are still afraid of him but they say he has every right to be the way he is now after all that happened.
Ten years later, Astarion grows tired of this place and decides to leave.
Gods damn it, he will be missed!
Astarion goes north, hoping to see more and more of the Sword Coast.
Vampirism has its benefits regarding strength and regeneration but, sure, it's better not to be an undead.
He decides to go looking for the cure.
Eventually, he joins an adventuring party of the most weird and random people Astarion has ever seen.
And the weirdest of them all - is a Spore Druid who talks to herself.
She is straightforward. Rude. Weird. Oblivious to so many things, Astarion is surprised this person has managed to leave the house and not get lost.
But utterly adorable.
She is a Wood Elf and her skin is like copper.
It takes him more years to realize he is in love. The feeling is weird to him, he doesn't know what to do with it.
They spend decades traveling together and looking for the cure before ending up in a distant village where no one pays attention to the weird couple.
Her Circle accepts him, too.
Astarion doesn't know if it lasts forever or if he will leave eventually.
But for now...
This is good.
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pogueswrld · 10 months
*•.¸♡ make up sex ♡¸.•*
pairing: fred weasley x fem!plus-sized!reader
summary: Freddie talks too much, and his girlfriend is exhausting all the ways she knows to shut him up. Softly, of course.
warnings: smut🦢!1!1!1!1! there's plot and fluff, and everyone's of age ofc, although it is hinted that reader is still in Hogwarts, kinda sub!Fred top!reader, like he's whining and panting and begging and shit (bites lip) ANYWAY, dick riding hehe, no usage of y/n.
note: it is 2:59 pm on a Friday, let's see how fast I write this shit. note 0.2: Okay so it's 5:54 pm on the same day, I think I'm done. This isn't edited, but it took me 3 hours to write 😁
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He was still talking. Why, in the name of Merlin, was he still talking?
Dating Fed Weasley is fun, there's no denying that, but Good Heavens isn't that a boy a handful. Both literary and figurative. He's got a wide imagination, a never-squelching desire for knowledge, and a big heart. That is a dangerous combination for a somewhat intelligent and never-quiet man.
She's a saint, his girlfriend, and Ginny made a point to always express that to her. "How do you put up with that all the time?" Gesturing to Fred, who was using his hands in elaborate motions as he went on his fourth rant of the morning on the same subject to George. She'd only shrug, lips engulfing another spoonful of whatever ice cream the girls were sharing. "In one ear and out the other darling."
Not to say that she hates it, or that it bothers her- quite the opposite actually. Fred's excited and hyper personality is what made him so interesting to her, it was what drew her to him in the first place. She enjoys listening to him rant, even about the most random things -he stopped her the other day and explained in great detail how penguins mate and how once the female accepts the male's proposing gestures, they're together for life- and she adores it.
Yes, it sure can be a bit much at times, but she wouldn't change it for the world. Imagine loving a man who was as boring and dry as his older brother, Percy? She would have to jump out of Ginny's bedroom window!
Today was her first day back in the Burrow from Hogwarts for summer break, and she was exhausted, to say the least. She was up from dawn, finishing up the last bits of her packing before leaving for the train station with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. And because she's a good friend, she made sure each of her friends made it to their transportation safely before she and Ron were picked up by Fred and George.
In the car, Ron opened the untameable can of worms by mentioning Bill who was staying over at the Burrow for the summer as well, taking a couple of months' worth of vacation away from the dragons and such. That was the spark Fred needed to blast off into a hundred rants one after the other.
He spoke about seeing Bill again, which is understandable, he hasn't been home in years. He spoke about the dragons, which led to his excited mention of his favorites and how he's going to ask Bill how it was training them. Then he turned to Quidditch training, and even though both him and George had left Hogwarts a year or so ago, the both of them still found time to play the game as a side hobby. After that was all done, George gave her and Ron and update on the shop, and Fred went on and on about all kinds of new candies and flavors and combinations they were working on to add to the store by the beginning of next year.
She was understandably tired by the time the Burrow came into view. And as much as she adores her boyfriend, she needed him to shut the fuck up for twenty minutes. But he's so sweet, and his eyes light up when talking, and he gets this beautiful energy surrounding him when he does it that she doesn't have the nerve to ask him to be silent for a bit. So she excuses herself and tries to bury her body under the covers of his bed.
But he finds her there, and he reports to her that dinner is ready, and that Bill is here, and that she looks so gorgeous on his bed, and that there's a strange animal in the backyard, and that Ginny tried to curse the bathroom when he went in to use it, and that he doesn't understand why she'd do that, and that George is out in the garage, and that-
She jolts up on his bed, her eyes twitching as she stares at him. He looks so beautiful, but he's talking too damn much. She cups his face, and he goes silent and stares at her with wide eyes.
"Wha'?" He mumbled, his lips squished together as she squeezed his cheeks.
"You talk too much, ya' know that?" She said, her thumb slightly caressing the apples of his cheeks.
He opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water, and tilts his head ever so slightly. "Do' it bothe' yo'?"
She giggles breathlessly and lets go of his face before pressing her lips tightly against his. "Not all the time, but times like today..." She rests her forehead against his and sighs, "It can be a lot, and I need you to read the room and tone it down a little bit, d'ya think you can do that for me?"
He stares, something in his gaze changes, and he nods. "Of course, baby. Whateva' you want."
Great. Now she feels bad. She sighs and pushes past the blankets swallowing her to sit up on her knees. She wraps her arms around his shoulders and pulls him into a hug. "I love you, truly love you, and I don't mean to be mean to you, and you know I love it when you ramble, but I'm really overwhelmed today, darling. I'm sorry."
Fred wraps his arms around her waist in return, hugging her tightly. It's true that he can't always read the room, and now that he's no longer attending school he's got much more free time on his hands than he knows what to do with. It takes him a couple days to be able to read his girlfriend's body language like he used to once she's home from school, and he feels terrible that he was one of the reasons for making her feel so incredibly overwhelmed. He also feels slightly ashamed of his non-stop rambling all day.
He buried his face in the crook of her neck, mumbling something into her skin that made her shiver and giggle away from him. "Stop," she breathes in a giggle, "It tickles."
He chuckles, his hands squeezing at the skin of her waist as he stares at her dreamily. "I said, I'm sorry I made you feel overwhelmed, I promise to try and do better."
She grins at him, so brilliantly, that he can't help but lean down and capture her lips in a soaring kiss. "I love you." He mumbles against her lips, and she smiles while trying to kiss him back. "C'mon now, love, let's go have dinner."
Her eyes darken; her pupils widen, and she smiles that mischievous grin that he adores so much, and he groans while throwing his head back. He knows exactly what is on her mind.
"I have a better idea." She whispers, giggling as she throws herself into his lap and kisses him with such force that she's pushing him down on his bed. He yelps, his hands traveling to the bed and her waist, holding on to her for stability. Bubbling heat travels across his body through her kiss, and he sighs when her cold fingertips trace down his arms, sending goosebumps across his body.
Her kisses transfer from his lips to the sides of his mouth, his cheeks, down his jawline, until she's pampering open-mouthed kisses across his neck like stardust.
He sighs, his eyes closed and his head thrown back on the pillow. "Please," He breathed, a low whine undertoning his voice. She shivers above him, her teeth grazing his skin in a teasing bite.
She's always hated the effect his voice has on her.
"Please what, darling?"
He whines. It's low, for her ears only, it's a barely-there breath, but his mouth is right next to her ear and she hears him loud and clear. Her panties dampen almost immediately.
"Please touch me," He whispers. His hands gripped tightly to her thighs. He knows better than to roam her body without permission. She pulls back slightly, blinking up at him with a soft smile and long lashes. "But I am touching you, Freddie."
He knows this game. This cruel, cruel game she adores to play. He whines in pretentious of hating his role, but his hips buck, and his cock twitches underneath the fabrics of his boxers and trousers.
He slowly traces one of his hands from her thighs to her palm before letting her fingers rest on his aching cock. He guides her hands to gently rub him through his clothes and he lets out a breath when her fingers squeeze around him. "Touch me there." He gasps.
She entertains him, allowing him to set the pace and buck into her hold. He releases deep breaths and low whines, stuttering moans every time she tightens her grip around him. She can feel herself getting wetter by the second, how his eyes are shut desperately, his teeth bite down on his bottom lip, and her name is gasped out of his throat with every other movement. It makes her feel powerful, it makes her entire being vibrate.
"That's enough." She mumbles, pulling her hand out of his grasp and bathing in his complaining whines as she pulls off her shirt. He blinks up at her, watching her boobs bounce in the push-up bra she's wearing before she unhooks it and slides it off her shoulders. He blinks again and swallows whatever drool and saliva has gathered in his mouth, causing his Adam's apple to pop along with the action. She smiles at the sight and quickly bends down to leave a swift kiss on it.
"Take off your shirt." She commands him, and he does so without hesitation, throwing the garment somewhere on the floor of the room he shares with his twin brother. He watches her hands intensely as she teases him by running her thumb on the inside of her trouser's elastic, before slowly pulling the item down and off. He groans at the sight of his favorite panties on her; a partially lacey red thong that settles up between her butt cheeks. She always told him how uncomfortable it made her, but the look on his face when he saw it on her made every second she spent wearing it worth it.
"You're trying to kill me, love?" He groans, daring himself to take a dangerous leap and push his thumb against the damp cloth, pushing down on where he knows her clit hides. He glances up at her, watching the way her lips part and her mouth hangs open at his action.
"And what am I to tell George when he asks? Death by a red thong?"
He grins up at her, picking up the speed at which he's rubbing on her bud of nerves. "Only if you're the one wearing it."
She shudders, forcefully holding herself back from grinding against his thumb. Instead, she grips his wrist and pushes it away from her. She hooks two fingers on each side of his trousers and boxers before meeting his eyes, watching as he licks his lips and nods before pulling the clothing items down his hips and legs.
His cock bounces out from underneath the fabric happily, it smacks against his lower abdomen and she giggles at the sight of precum beads rolling down his slit. He whines, throwing his arm on his face to cover the embarrassing blush that matched his hair color. "Don't laugh at me, why're you so mean to me today?"
Her giggle grows louder, and she leans down to push his arm off his face. "I never intend on being mean to you, my darling, you just bring it out of me. I'm sorry." She mumbles as she meets his gaze, her hand cupping one side of his face and he leans towards her touch. "Don't hide from me, yeah?"
He nods.
"Good boy."
He whines, his eyes squeeze shut and his jaw drops when her fingers wrap around him again, but her thumb is collecting his precum before spreading it down his length before she works a steady rhythm going up and down. His whines slowly turn into moans. His noises were so heavenly that she could swear her wetness was flowing through the fabric of her thong and onto the skin of her thighs.
She sees his muscles contracting and she stops, removing her hand from him altogether. He opens his eyes, blinking up at her in confusion as a noise of complaint slips out of his throat. But he swallows it back up when he sees her push her thong to the side and spread her folds before sitting on his length, and she grinds back and forth on him without actually allowing him access to her.
He groans, throwing his head back. She's coating him in her juices and there's a delicious squelching noise coming from between them and it's driving him insane. He sucks air into his lungs through clenched teeth and shudders when she allows a single moan to slip through her parted lips.
Suddenly, he's engulfed in her warmth and he hisses. His hands grip tightly to her thighs, hips, and any plump skin he can find. He squeezes her, hissing, and pants until he's sheathed completely inside of her. "Slow down," He gasps, "Slow- slow down, slow down, slow down." His voice turns from low breaths to almost high-pitched whines, and she leans down and captures his lips in a silencing kiss.
"Need you to lay here and keep your pretty mouth shut, darling, can you do that? Can you stay quiet for me so your family doesn't hear us fucking?" He whines, hips bucking into her warm cunt causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head as he nods mindlessly. "Yes, yes, yes. I'll be quiet. Fuck- please, baby, please fuck me."
She giggles at his desperate whines, and slowly rocks her hips back and forth, just enough movement to send pleasure jolts but not enough to get them going. She was testing the waters, trying to see how loud he could get without giving him much of anything.
Fred was losing his mind, he could feel her walls clamp down on him every time she moved back, and he could feel himself nudging against her feel-good spot every time she moved forward. Her wetness made a mess out of both of them, making it easy to slide into her and pick up the pace.
He arched his back slightly, just enough to hint at her to go faster. Because she was starting to feel frustrated, she obliged. She switched from grinding down on him to bouncing, her knees and hips working overtime to not make a noise every time her ass cheeks met his thighs.
She's now moaning, leaning down to muffle her noises by his neck or breathe them directly into his ear. Fred's eyes roll to the back of his head every time, and his hands grab onto the fat of her hips to help her.
"I-" She gasps, pushing herself upwards, clamping down on him tightly before forcing deep thrusts with her movement. "I'm gonna cum." She whimpers, and her legs begin to shake and fail her. Fred let out a loud breath that turned into a whimper before pushing himself up and, with a tight hold of her hips, forced her up and down his cock.
"Wa- wanna feel you. Wanna feel you gush around me. Give it to me, please." He whines, his words muffled into her temple, his eyes closed as her walls flutter around him, her body shivering against him and her lips part in long whines. One of his hands sneaked in between them, and his thumb drew quick circles around her clit, just enough to electrify her over the edge.
She freezes up, squeezes down on him and Fred is gone. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly down on him, the repeated squeeze of her walls stimulated him over the edge and they were shaking through their highs together. Her hands were buried in his hair, his hands holding onto her hips, while their lips interlocked in an overflowing kiss.
A few seconds later, their mouths parted as they gasped for air, holding onto one another as their highs dwindled. He traced random shapes on her bare back while she scratched at his scalp in a way she knew he loved.
He was the first to pull back, looking up at her with nothing but love and adoration. He tilts his head and grins, "Do you still want to go down for dinner?"
She laughs, heartily and loudly out of his arms and back onto the bed. "If you'll be going downstairs for a plate, get me one with you. There's no way I can look your mum in the eye after this."
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
Hey CC, first of all I hope you jad a nice day, I just wanted to ask you smth. Does devildom have like knowlegde of the not found answers of the human world? Like do they know it all, all the mysterious legends, myths or histories in general, for example...
Listen, I'm half-Greek half-Albanian but I was raised in Albania, a literally a poor invoremnent with a very high sexism which is hard for us girls to live in, not to menrion ppl are really savages and disrescpeftul. Anyway what I wanted to say is that, albanians along with some of the rest of the world, believes we have a story and a culture, just like others, but the truth is, that we don't. My dad is Greek but was raised in Albania, he is a journalist he has the answers and his opinions but he also studied. When Albanians, along with other origins, were captured by the Turks during the Ottoman Empire, that's when Albanians were created, along with their culture and outfits. Now, in 2024, our mentality is still very old, and we are like the modern Ottoman Empire. It's hard to accept, but in my opinion, we don't have a culture. It means Albanians are not the descendants of Illyrians. I think it's a lie to manipulate us, while some want to have a culture and history to be proud of.
We, Albanians, dont have a culture, or a history, we are made of muslims, but here also live catoliths and orthodox, all together. In my opinion Albanians are like, Turks living with Italians and Greeks, as we have their culture and etc, ofc this is not clarified, everybody has their own opinions, even Skanderbeg isn't clarified of what origin he was from, yet Albanians still think he is their hero or is from their origin.
You might not know this and is ok it was just an example
My question is that, does Devildom has the answers that the human world doesnt? Do they know the real existence of albanians?
Hi there, anon!
Hmm. This is an interesting question. Does the Devildom have knowledge of things the human world doesn't? As in this example with Albanians?
I think it's possible. The game itself has an overall sense of the Devildom having knowledge that humans don't have. Such as magic and the very existence of angels and demons. While it seems to me that most Devildom knowledge comes from the Devildom itself or is about its history or the uses of magic there, I don't think it's a stretch to say that they have some hidden knowledge of the human world.
Since sorcerers and witches seem to have been interacting with demons for as long as the Devildom has existed, it stands to reason that there's been some intermingling of things. And that might include secret knowledge, stories, or even ancient books. Things that have passed into the Devildom by way of these humans that have contact with its denizens.
If this did happen and there was an exchange there, then that information would last much longer in the Devildom than it would in the human world. Humans forget things or lose things because their lives are short. But I could see demons hoarding such things for their entire existence and that might be millions of years.
It might be hard to find, depending on how old it is. If the demons were given clay tablets rather than books, for instance. Or even more with oral history - like the witch or sorcerer gave the demon a secret but only in a whisper. Maybe demons have ways of storing such information (here I am getting whimsical and thinking of a bottle holding a single whispered secret), but they might just remember it too.
In the end, I think it's possible! Since we're dealing with a fictional location, you can sort of incorporate these details however you need to in order to make what you want happen. I don't know how canon any of that would be, since they don't really give us this much detail. But for your own story or headcanons, I think it could work!
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sourlemonsz · 5 months
we have the exact same mind!! im so glad you get it!! bruce being a jealous person is just cute in general but it does fit him. he's quick to rile up and you can see that in how ANNOYED he gets when finn gets strikes on him. and ofc you can go back to always being expected to give and having his reputation as another reason it suits him.
so when it comes to vance, he's defensive over his importance in his life. he likes being the only one who makes him laugh. who vance's hardened, angry eyes soften at. he gets that little mad look on his face when robin and vance are talking. when vance smiles at robin telling him about some movie he saw or a fight he won.
and i think vance sees it one day. he laughs at robin making some joke and something in bruce's eyes shifts. he's watching robin from a bit away with an impatience vance hasn't seen before. his jaw looks like it's locked. and vance isn't a stupid person. he can very quickly realize what's happening. especially with how the look disappears the moment he sees vance looking at him.
YESSS Loving the fact that Vance sees it one day, YOUR MINDDD
Alsooo interesting character study there, with Bruce getting riled up in sports, some sort of way he can let his anger out at having the weight of a town on his shoulders, pretty much the only acceptable way to let his anger out is by getting competitive in games and trying his absolute damndest to win, which in turn helps his reputation.
ughh Bruce being a jealous guy is perfect in every way, and I'd like to think that Vance notices it on multiple occasions, and likes the way it makes Bruce act, and actively tries to make Bruce jealous because he's a lil shit, and he's annoying (affectionate)
Again YOUR MIND if you write at all, I would love to see this as a fic (i'm also starving for new Brance fics) because you seem to have beautiful ideas that I need to obsess over 🙏🏾
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justlarkin · 1 year
What's your analysis on MC's character? They're (for fun) seen as bratty, lustful, selfish and in need for attention but it seems to me that they don't want to feel the loneliness they felt after their creation and before they got summoned to Tokyo
WALL OF TEXT WARNING. Yeah, I'd personally agree with the idea that MC's entire character revolves around friends due to some kind of loneliness. I'll elaborate further in a moment though. For now I'll list certain details I noticed about them. 
-Recklessness: MC doesn't particularly seem to care about what happens to them and they'll always throw themself into danger for the sake of others. It's like they lack any self-preservation skills. 
-Insightful: I mentioned this before ofc, but I'll bring it up again. MC is lacking in general knowledge because they're an amnesiac in an unfamiliar world, but they're still smart and insightful in a different way. They're great at reading people and situations. They could see through Hermes' act in Christmas Showdown, they saw through Sandayu's act in the MQ and Kabukicho Night Festival, they pick up on Oniwaka's intentions in his CQ even when it likely wasn't apparent to players, and they consistently see through the World Representatives' bullshit and can point out exactly where they messed up in their relationships with the exiles or exactly what the exiles wanted. 
-MC's Only Interest Are Their Friends: I have mentioned this before too, but MC doesn't really have any canon or consistent interests or desires. Sure, you can occasionally pick an option stating that they can or can't cook, dance, draw, etc, but they don't stick throughout the game. The most I can think of is that MC consistently plays video games without the player's influence, but that doesn't seem like something they'll do on their own and it's more of a group activity thing. MC just does whatever their friends are doing or whatever the plot requires at the moment. Even all the school associations they're involved in such as being the baseball team's manager, being a member of the mountaineering club, or being a member of the cleaning committee is because of other characters. It's not something they'd go out of their way to do on their own. Honestly, it seems more like they're just a jack of all trades, capable of doing anything, but they don't particularly want to.
And when it comes to gifting MC won't express much interest in a specific item like most people. Of course they'll accept whatever physical item is given to them such as homemade gifts like Takemaru's and Lucifuge's Valentine Gifts or trinkets such as Andvari's ring or Chernobog's bracelet, but they won't say "I want [jewelry, books, food, video games, etc]. They'll always just say they want some kind of relationship (familial, friends, romantic) with the person asking or to spend time with whoever is asking. You can see this specific thing in Mugen Tanka's SQ as he worries over not knowing what to get MC before being informed that just spending time with him is enough for them. 
-Forgiving No Matter What: In Chapter 9, Hephaestus mentions that MC likely isn't bothered by anything done to them in previous loops due to some kind of safety mechanism, but it really goes beyond the loops. They won't even get genuinely angry at people like the World Representatives despite the bullshit they put MC through. Annoyed maybe, but genuine anger? No. Even Hermes points this out in Christmas Showdown when he questions why MC isn't mad at him for tricking everyone and he doesn't believe them even if they insist they are. It's odd because it's not like they're completely incapable of it, but their anger is over what most would consider arbitrary. 
-An Exception: Zao seems to be the only one who MC is consistently antagonistic towards regardless of the player's decisions and it makes sense when focusing on MC's traits. During Zao's event, he leaves MC behind to traverse the mountain on his own, which angers them enough for them to track him down to punch him. Zao thought he was doing something good because he was protecting them, but it's actually the ultimate slight towards them. MC values being with others above anything else, so being left behind like that is practically abandonment in their eyes.
To summarize: MC is someone who puts bonds and potential bonds above anything else, including themself. It's odd to explain, but it feels as if MC isn't even a person to me. They're just something acting like one. Of course this can be written off as a consequence of them being a blank self-insert protagonist, but I think it's completely befitting of them in regards to the narrative.
If LWs chooses to go the 4th wall break route: then you can equate MC's behavior to a video game character being puppeteered to complete a game. They don't need to require any actual substance to their character. They just need to progress the plot to win. Every friendship they develop or problem they get into is just another task to complete the game 100%. 
And it also fits in the case of my personal theory. To reiterate something I explained in another post: if the character selection process is canon in the story then the paper that shows up at the end with all of MC's information must be the papers Mononobe references in Chapter 1. It's even stated to be written in MC's handwriting. So you'd have to question why MC was even filling out those papers if they're an unwilling participant who was randomly summoned against their will. That's why I and others like to think that MC was either created for the game or volunteered for it. 
In the case that they were created for the game, then it's like they're just a program completing whatever objective they've been given. They don't need any interests, they can't get upset due to a safety mechanism like Hephaestus mentioned, and their only goal is to form relationships. That's it.
If MC volunteered to be the game's trophy then it fits in with the fact that they used to be a wyrm, the loneliest of demons and explains why they're so obsessed with relationships. Joining the game would've been the perfect opportunity to make friends, so they wouldn't be alone anymore. And their antagonism towards Zao could be explained by their potential fear of abandonment and loneliness since being left behind would bring up bad things for them. I personally like the volunteer theory ta!
Also, I'll mention this before anyone brings it up: Yes, I'm aware that earlier chapters referenced MC coming from a different Tokyo, but they no longer mention it. Now when characters like Tvastar or Macroich ask about their past in recent events, they simply say they remember nothing. 
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dogfags · 9 days
kinda sad that like me & my ex roommate / old best friend pretty much got closure & resolved whatever issues we had with each other but then still. kinda just don't talk and haven't hung out since everything happened. and like it does make me sad bc she was my best friend and we lived together for years but I also. have completely outgrown that entire friend group and am no longer interested in the things we used to do together that we were both into at the time. we don't really have much in common anymore. I mean there are some things we do share in common but idk. meeting all of Chris's friends last night and having a little trauma dumping sesh (lol) made me realize how much I've changed in such a short amount of time. since being properly medicated and moving out and becoming kinda more independent. I told Chris's friends a lot of what happened with my ex & that friend and they were all so kind to me and like sweet and understanding. and I really feel like I am making new friends in these people which is insane bc I have such a hard time making friends I feel like. but no I've made genuine real connections with the people at work now, the people at school as well, and now Chris's friends consider me their friend too ?? like damn I guess I am fully capable of making friends and connections. I am a charismatic likeable person with my own personality that people Enjoy being around. it's wild. and all it took was getting the correct diagnosis and being put on the right meds. and moving out and finding Chris ofc. Chris honestly has done so much for me already and it's wild to me how much I have just let myself be mistreated by partners. like even tho we started talking in the worst of circumstances he still was like no I want to be with u and explore my feelings for u. I just appreciate him so much and it's crazy how much healthier I am now mentally. I had a whole identity crisis over not rly being in that friend group anymore and I'm now coming out the other side of it feeling more Myself™ and like I've met people who really understand me. I still miss my old friend and maybe we will hang out or something some time. idk. I'm probably gunna just wait for her to reach out bc ik she just moved and is probably still settling. plus idk how her bf feels about me now lol. I am so glad I've finally like moved on from that relationship with my ex tho and I'm not tied to them at all anymore and I can just leave all of that bullshit behind me. I love my Chris so much and I feel more loved & accepted by him and also his friends than I ever have before in my life. it's so cool to finally meet people Like Me. also at Chris's party it was so wholesome and fun like we just chatted and played games and there wasn't weed or alcohol which is such a Virgin Loser thing of me to say but omg it's so nice being around people at a party without having to be the only person who isn't high or drunk 😭 transitions are hard but I feel like I'm levelling up in my life rn. which isn't to knock my old friends. i just am not interested in that lifestyle anymore and it's ok that they are. it's just nice to find people who understand me now
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maisiit · 18 days
for the ask game!
a: 4, 6, 9, 18
b: 1, 2, 8, 9
ofc! ty for the asks <3
4a. Depends I suppose, as I've three different G/T worlds
- In Edlania, an Edlan and a human being friends is not considered taboo but neither is it widely accepted. However, fraternizing romantically is wrong to the Edlans. In the future though, at least by the 23rd century, both these relationships will get more accepted.
- In From Big to Small, a human and a giant being friends and partners is accepted, as some giant tribes centuries in the past absorbed into the local human societies. A human and a tiny.. not so much.
A giant and a tiny though being friends isn't unheard of, the Kyirershal (anglicized name of the giants living in tribes) call them something along the lines of "little cleaner." In exchange for shelter from large animals looking to eat them and the elements, the tinies help to keep their Kyirershel house free from pests, dust, etc. However romantic interest in a tiny to the Kyirershal is considered weird and taboo.
As for regular giants, the ones living amongst humans, it depends on the individual on how they feel about tinies, but both parties never really tried mingling with each other platonically or romantically.
- I haven't developed On Tender Wings, but because fairies are considered as.. well fairytales, mythical creatures, and therefore a human and a fairy knowing one another hasn't been heard of before
6a. Libre and Kotori, both tinies, are alright with insects and small rodents. Kotori is even alright with smaller birds, but Libre just tries shooing them away if they come too close.
Both fear large animals though. Kotori specifically fears cats, due to some bad experiences with them, and Libre specifically fears owls because... he just finds them creepy in their appearance and hunting tactics.
M̋oli, an Edlan, dislikes burly animals. While she doesn't mind the ones being in the workforce, she does mind large wild animals.
9a. A lot. All their cultures, societies, languages and technology are just stored in my brain because I can't bring myself to draw or write about it (which sucks.. but soon, perhaps, when I finish school I might)
18a. Uhh depends on the world! But I'd have to think about it and get back to you on it
1b. All of them! However, giant/tiny (like an actual giant and tiny, not giant and human or human and tiny) I find underrated. I love all ideas that come with it
2b. Just characters, I don't really imagine myself in G/t scenarios
8b. I mostly have my G/t OCs in the 20th century, often in North America
9b. I prefer for tinies to be 3"-5", maybe 6"-7" if I'm pushing it, and giants between 14'-15' or 20'-50'
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drifloonz · 1 year
Hii Can i request glitchy red having a s/o that's similar to him? (Reader got cruelly removed by their game and got replaced) also i really like your hcs:3 keep up the writing!! :D
ofc ofc !!! ty for requesting. Once again these sort of stray into general thoughts and headcanons abt glitchy sometimes but oh well i have just learned to accept that tht just sort of Happens when i make these.
i try to make the reader / s/o in all of the headcanon posts very blank templates but if i didn't i'd probably go ham with the implied backstory. Maybe. but for now its just a "Make your own and inject it into the headcanons" typa post.
glitchy red with a similar s/o !!! Love wins
♡ glitchy honestly didn't... know something like him could even Happen again. i mean, he does and he always secretly hoped that one day someone, anyone in his game would gain sentience suddenly so he'd at least have someone else to talk to instead of himself and whatever player he had atm. and that makes you... very interesting and special to him.
♡ suffice to say, you two have a lot of shared grievances probably, and glitchy is a very rant-y person. both of you will shittalk and rant and complain about your similar situations and bond very fast over it. honestly, that's probably how you two got closer in the first place. Easy way into glitchys heart: Bitching abt things ig <3
♡ in a similar but more positive vein, you two can and will often ramble about things you did in your respective games - or even just rambling abt you two's games in general if you yourself didn't come from a pokemon game. although glitchy is very cynical and apathetic to all of it now and knew that none of the pokemon or npcs in his world really had feelings, he still likes to explain the mechanics and the pokemon to you... he wishes he could've taken one home as a pet for you two, but would that even work? would it even recognize him? would it be anything more than a piece of coding that can no longer work due to being forced into a physical form? he thinks about this more than he should.
♡ ... aaanyways, on a lighter topic, due to that train of thought he probably gets you two a cat or something, after extensive research and reading bc he does not want to accidentally handle any animal poorly. it's name is up to you but if you just wanna go with whatever glitchy chose it's name is like, mittens. or something really basic. or it's pikachu/pika/chu or something because as much as he loves being free he does feel odd without pokemon so naming a cat that sort of helps but not really.
♡ i like to think if you did have a pokemon or a favorite though it'd be eevee just to match how glitchys favorite is probably pikachu or one/all of the 3 starters bc he's unoriginal
♡ do you think their replacements date. This isn't even a headcanon this is just something i went "oh if they both have replacements... wait."
♡ frlg red and whoever the hell replaced you kiss under the moonlight. every time we touch amv . Ok anyways back to the actual headcanons i apologize
♡ assuming you two both somehow Physically Manifested irl and aren't just somehow visiting or talking to eachother in you twos digitized forms, you are both adjusting to the real world. and trying to help eachother with it. But since neither of you are used to it, it isn't going that well. Very odd and weird couple that look unreal, while ones also glitching out of reality every 5 seconds casually having a walk in the park. It's normal. Love wins
♡ presumably, you also are as touch starved and affection-starved as glitchy due to your whole ordeal being so similar. you two will be ALL over each other. PDA and general affection and touch are CONSTANT. no matter what. you two are so lovey-dovey it's almost comical
♡ i've stated this in a few other headcanons but legit do anything affectionate to glitchy and he'll become redder than his mfing clothing. dude is so touch-starved and is also really easy to fluster and he hates it. with this s/o specifically, though, i like to think since you two are similar he'll absolutely try to get back at you by immediately doing anything to fluster you back, and it probably works... you two are just incoherent blushing messes at the end of it all
♡ most of these headcanons are just "Mutual Problems: The Thread" and i find that very funny. what being undersocialized, replaced, toyed with, abandoned, and traumatized for decades does to two mfs
♡ adding onto that you both are probably clingy with each other and get a bit of separation anxiety. glitchy is like. "Where is my fucking spouse." in his head any time you are not within his sight. my wife is soft and i like her post but in Glitchy Red and in Gender Neutral terms
♡ glitchy is sort of weird with romance. like, he knows that people date. but he's not... really socially aware of much of anything. anything he knows is through osmosis of his players or of things he overhears sometimes or something. due to this he probably just copies what he sees in media and is very cheesy about it and will give you bouquets and flowers he picked off the ground. Alternatively and probably more in character, he just doesn't do that and is very casual about his affection and love due to not knowing How To properly give affection. it's a lot of mumbled "I love you"'s and cuddles during the evening. small stuff like that.
♡ wait no. since you have very similar issues to red... concept: relationship dynamic where one person is very casual abt it and the other person is very extra and romantic and gives everything they can to the other person. you are the extra and romantic one. it makes glitchy so confused and he feels like he's undeserving of it, but it makes him fluster sm. You were from a dating sim game you have to be extra about romance /j ( unless you want it to be serious backstory i guess. reader DDLC monika type beat... )
♡ sometimes he asks what you did to players. and i .. i actually do like you being like. monika sorta where you're more clingy and attached to players. So if you choose that to be the case he finds how different your approach is to that odd. but he supposes your game was probably not as fucking glitchy constantly, or at least wasn't known for its glitches. he's partially envious of that, but part of him is glad you didn't have to endure the hell he did.
♡ you two do get sometimes recognized among the general public but are assumed to be cosplayers. whether this pisses you off or not is up to you, but i think glitchy has very mixed feelings about it. he just scowls and has a look of visible confusion on his face. he Doesn't really like socializing with anyone other than you tbh so this doesn't help, nor does he really enjoy talking about or remembering pokemon without his ok ( Good luck with that when its like the highest grossing multimedia franchise ever RIP glitchy red 2011-2023 )
♡ once again. relationship dynamic idea. you being the more outgoing social one Who is secretly sort of cracking from pressure and red being the brooding awkward blunt one. imagine you going to cons bc you like the attention from getting recognized as yourself. red is begrudgingly at your side rolling his eyes bc he doesn't like cons, probably ( although he will eye the pokemon merch with both disdain and intrigue... he will come home with a 10 foot tall pikachu and charizard plush ). people ask for pics w you sometimes. they all fuck up bc red will not allow you to leave his side even when ur taking pictures he doesn't wanna be in, and as i said in other posts, Any footage of him comes out looking like cryptid photos / they just get really fucked up in processing in... various weird ways. he finds it funny and is oddly proud of being able to screw photos up, but he'll eventually get juuust out of shot if you really want to take pictures w other people
♡ Do not put either of you two around technology, it'll fucking explode near either of you ( probably, anyways - assuming you're also glitchy and unstable like. well. glitchy is. but i assume any code made manifest into physical form like you two, glitched or otherwise, would not be able to use technology without it fucking up a little. )
♡ although glitchy can be sort of a dick sometimes, he tries to never be that way arnd you. if he makes you upset he like, immediately feels bad and apologizes, and will be there to calm you down and comfort you
♡ you prob prefer to call glitchy by red, i just mostly use glitchy for him when writing these posts for Clarification's Sake. he does like being referred to you by name, though. the way your voice just... says it. idk, it makes him smile. your voice is nice, in his eyes. your everything is nice in his eyes, really.
♡ he sometimes gets really really worried that one day he'll wake up and you'll start repeating all of your actions and words, like. becoming an npc with no depth. it scares him a lot, because this life is too good for him in his eyes. sometimes he has sort of panics about it and you have to calm him down - which isn't too hard, but it's just easy for him to overthink about negative outcomes and about "oh god what if all of it was fake" types of scenarios
♡ ending this on a lighter note than... that, uhhh! i think he's a little in love enough that whenever you r away and he gets lonely, he might honestly look into the game you're from and act like a mfing in love fangirl ( aka, only looking at the parts you appear in and just intaking everything about you in your source material asap. you look so cute in the artstyle of the game, too... man. he's a little lovestruck. a little fruity, even. this is even funnier if you take the dating sim / visual novel backstory into account bc glitchy Would download the game just to romance you. And you come home and see him doing that and are just like. Flustered and confused and 50 different emotions while glitchy just goes "I can explain, I swear." ).
♡ breaking news red from pokemon red and [ y/n ] from [ insert game ] are real and Are kissing. Maybe even under a tree. do what you will with this info
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juvederm · 4 months
actually yapping
feel like a lot of my thoughts about not getting enough notes or whatever on a drawings can be dissolved by just accepting that art of the Game (its plot, events, etc) will pop off more than some self indulgent sketch. people will like things they can recognize, which i was aware of but i just thought that my art would reach the fandom people, yk the ones who are not just attached to the story but the characters too. so making recognizable art of the game wouldn't matter bc it would instead be of the characters
but the thing is, making Serious art of the game is tough. it's hard coming up with ideas, and who knows if the process is gonna be fun or extremely grueling. and on top of that, what hasn't been done so far? every idea has been drawn, been brought to life. the game is like 8 years old now. i kinda don't wanna draw more "Mountain. Blood. Snow. Ugly winter outfits" anymore lol. i mean sometimes i do bc i love the game obviously but when i wanna have fun, i'll tend to do other things that kinda combine with my own personal interests. so like fashion for example, i'll take the characters and dress them up. that's me having fun.
i want to think and Know that people understand this concept, but it feels like they don't? maybe they do. i know for a fact my mutuals do, because you are all very supportive of every silly josh doodle i make lol i appreciate it a lot 🤗 you guys are the kind of people i make this art for, the Character Likers. because i myself am someone who will attach to the characters more than like, the story. which isn't to say i just disregard the source material, that's not it at all, but for me regarding UD, imma be honest yall... i do not give a fuck abt the creature lore in the game at all. i don't care abt billy bates and whatnot. it's fine if you do, but me personally ehhh i don't care much abt that part of the story
i really like the characters out of all of this, i like certain dynamics, dialogue, etc. and i love the story too, and especially love when the story involves the characters (which i think the sanitarium segments doesn't really do? it kinda just gives insight on the 1950s mine incident and shjt) but i like the parts of the story relating to the twins. bc those are characters and they kinda haunt the narrative.
speaking of the narrative, it's part of the reason i like josh. he doesn't haunt the narrative but he controls it a lot id say. he's a very captivating character, very compelling. you want a lot out of him, like what's wrong, why is he doing this, why did he say that, blah blah. i honestly love characters that are attractive in this way, even to other characters in the story. so sam and chris for example. i enjoy the dynamic they have with josh because they're worried about him, they're thinking about him, or they want to know if he's okay, what's up with him and all that. he holds their attention like that, and ofc that led to ships and stuff. i feel like ashley's actress said it best when describing josh: "you think he's one way but then he's another"
which is honestly just so fucking true. you think he's dead, then he's not, you think he's okay but then he's not, you think he might live but he doesn't. he's even like that personality wise i'd say, but that's teetering onto like headcanon territory just somewhat. because sam does say "it's hard to tell with him" but that's mostly bc of the incident with the twins, she can't Tell if he's okay or barely hanging on. josh is hard to pin down, he's Complex, as stated in the game
sorry for getting into a little josh analysis there but since he is an important character (in general) to me, i kinda felt the need. because this also goes into my gripes about people not really getting why i draw him the way i do. j know i won't shut up about this, but i just Want everyone to know, bc i feel as though it was part of the reason why i wasn't really interacted with for as long as i've been a part of this fandom. like nobody really understood what i was doing, but it was really just simple fun. i mean, now i've completely given up hope with ever really Connectinf with the fandom, but i just want this off my chest honesrly lol
like i really don't want to keep drawing josh one way. like i said i wanna have fun so that's what i do. i can't really "make an him an oc" because i don't change anything about his story or writing. putting him in a silly outfit doesn't make him eligible for "original characterification" lol. so that's what i mean by i make a lot my art for the fandom people, the ones who like the game for more than its story, people who like making headcanons, people who like writing for the game, etc
and the reason i do it a lot is bc of what i said before. making art of the game is tough, it's a lot of thinking. what Hasn't been done already? not much lol. so i'll just keep sketching the silly stuff and sharing it with cool ppl who kinda get what i'm doing 👍
but i definitely will make art of the game and not just the characters, i'll make art more recognizable to the average player because guess what. that's also what i like. it just takes a long time for me because Serious art has a lot of thinking and planning behind it and is just very time consuming in general. but oh, josh in a skirt? took two minutes and i can just close my ipad and not worry about anything else lol
i hope this made sense??!?&?@ i kinda wanted to talk to people about it so if anyone else feels the same way i'd love to know. i'll prob make a followup sometime soon but i just wanted to get all my thoughts out in one place because i've kinda collected them all finally leleleleel
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awigglycultist · 2 years
Hey, Melissa! Read through thoughts bc I'm super behind on the stream but there's no way I was gonna just catch up and start watching were the stream is now, absolutely had to watch this first
"hey nick! Hey nick? Before we get started can I ask a character question?"
Ted pt 2
Omg Jeff-
Fanart my beloved everyone's incredible <3
Charlotte :( hnggg
Also yes Melissa likes cats!
Oh yeah Melissa likes Paul doesn't she
Yeah Bill! Call Paul out!
Yeah Paul! Call Bill out!
You see your daughter in her hey?
Okay Jesus Ted
It's... Kinda.. Sweet? In a way? That Ted doesn't want step on Paul's game and chances with Melissa. I mean considering heoves fucking other Men's wives, and as someone who's obsessed with the fact Ted sees Paul as his best friend, there's something nice about Ted saying this... Even if it's followed by him being a horny bastard and saying he can't keep it up for long
"you're a fucking idiot Paul!"
He doesn't like her bc she's a cat person? I agree with Ted, "come on Matthews!"
Paul's childhood pets were named Spot and Whiskers my god he's so fucking Normal™
"well your lost fuckhead!" "yeah, ya fuckhead"
Ted doesn't see women as something you can, it's a win!!
Oh no Freddy is going to fucking run Ted over isn't he? If he dies this soon istg-
Omg no his office is empty omg noooo
But they didn't actually say he's dead... Maybe... Maybe there's a chance-
Melissa how do you not know Paul despises musicals?
Working Boys?!
"do you like film?" "not particularly" this single handly destroyed everyone's hc that's Paul's has a special interest in movies wtf Langs I'm gonna pretend that he does like film and only said this to get out of going out with Melissa
Beanies delivers?
Paulkins :))
Oh poor Melissa :(
Yeah Melissa stand up for yourself!! I love you!
Oh boy I wonder what he wants to tell his wife...
He'll never be able tell his wife huh?
"don't work to hard" "I don't :)"
Oh no...
I wonder if it's Freddy or is it Melissa?
Yeah!! Melissa! Badass!
Oh god Mr Davidson why would you keep that in your office...
Paul is a good man :) I love him :)
Wow Paul really loved that dog
I mean it was when he was 10 so Spot would dead by now anyway ig but COME ON
Okay wow jeez Melissa he didn't mean for the dog to die, he didn't kill the dog it was accident
Teddy Bear? I.. Don't like that...
Holy fuck wtf Melissa omg
But at least Ted's alive!!
She cut off his fingers? Melissa is the human pet guy-
Can I just say Jon's scream in response to the taser was great
The way Melissa is saying absolutely terrifying things while also saying "soft little puppy beans!"
Something about Jon "Catteson" playing Paul pretending to be a cat
Also Melissa has lost her mind like she fully thinks Paul is a cat just bc he meowed
Ignoring the irony she is right about declawing being inhumane
Melissa should know that cats don't listen well
She's leaving RUN PAUL RUN TED
"WHAT THE FUCK TED!? WHAT THE SERIOUS FUCK!?" this line has me dead and Jon's delivery is grest I will be quoting this forever
Honestly yeah piss on her couch, she deserves it
The way Ted's totally accepted that he's stuck here
Joey omfg
Why would she record it??
Emma! Omg yes Emma that's right! Emma please! Go to Melissa's house! Save them!
Okay so Melissa... Is both aware that Paul is her "cat" but also full believes he's a cat?
Yes Bill!
No Bill-!
Melissa I have a feeling your friends are gonna be freaked out by your human pets
"w e n e e d h e l p"
Yeah ofc they don't care
There's a community of ppl in hatchetfield that all have human pets
Ted you fucking horny bastard-
"if you go near that door I will bark at you! I swear to god I will bark at you Paul!" this is another line I'll be quoting a lot
Please the Scooby Doo impression
Ya know... I don't actually think this is considered a treat for dogs...
Goddammit Ted's alive again
"you don't want to get another dog killed do you?" is so. So bad. Like Paul already feels terrible for accidentally getting a dog killed when he was young and now I can't imagine how he feels partially being the reason Ted's dead... And then Melissa saying this, like obviously everything she's done up to this point is worse but like goddamn the psychological hurt
Bill.... Daddy.. No..
Bill you dumbass-
A gun?
FREDDY?? I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S THE FUCKING HERO!? Also good job Melissa you forgot to kill him
The Kitty Cat Club?
Okay come on you didn't have to saw paw
Paul let it go she deserves to feel bad for this if nothing else
"love comes in all forms"
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makowo · 2 years
Apologies, but… what’s DR Gaiden? Is that the Killer Killer manga??? (If it is, I would like to remind everyone that towards the end a person is beheaded so cleanly that their head REATTACHES ITSELF after falling back on their neck. No, I’m not kidding.)
No. unfortunately it is NOT the Killer Killer manga. the manga is actually pretty good and i liked it when i read it, so stupid but so funny
the word "Gaiden" is used to refer to side stories to a main series however, which is why this awesome ao3 fic series that's most likely got a longer total reading time than all three games + the anime, is called DR Gaiden.
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(Image ID: The AO3 statistics of DR Gaiden. It has 1,352,107 words, 216 works, is confirmed not to be completed yet, and has a total of 44 bookmarks. Across every single one of these works. End ID)
DR Gaiden is a currently ongoing series made by Wi.iF.an2.00.9 and Mo.ilo.ru, and despite its name, it follows Makoto and Kyoko throughout the entire series as they face the challenges given in the wake of The Tragedy, and forge a perfect happy ending out of it. It's a canon divergence AU, where trauma is basically nonexistent/resolved immediately after formation in one fic, and LGBTQ+ people are at BEST a background prop.
Yeah, I don't even know if Sakakura is gay in this I'm gonna be honest. it's like the most christian series ever without having any explicit christian imagery in it. There's some INSANE reaches for straight ships in this, it's really fucking obnoxious. But that is the LEAST of the problems in this, tbh.
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(Image ID: An excerpt from "The Ultimate Detective and The Ultimate Hope Gaiden: Maki Moves In!" It says this: "Babe? Isn't that kinda misogynistic? Kaito thought, frowning as his brow furrowed." End ID)
Characters will say the most unrealistic shit ever. It feels like every five lines I'm going "they would not fucking say that." There's an anti-abortion message in this series, did you know that? It's revealed that Makoto almost got aborted but apparently his Ultimate Hope talent is a real, literal thing, and he stopped his own abortion by it. Uh. Manifesting? It was weird, it was really weird.
There's also some very interesting fics around. Like the one where Makoto proposes to Kyoko, but the ring won't fit over her glove, so she does the only realistic thing to do in this sort of situation; Throws her gloves into the fireplace and proclaims that she's "completely and utterly his." The backlash to this was apparently so bad that it was later rectified in a fic where Kyoko is suddenly nervous again about not having gloves.
There's some other stuff too, but I won't get too into. Just know that there is an accepted commission in this where the main fankid, an UNDERAGE CHARACTER, I believe around in her early teenage years at the time, in an. I'll just say explicit fic. You can go search for it yourself if you're curious, but I'm not talking about it here.
Then ofc, there's the infamous autism therapy fics. One is the initial diagnosis, and the second is the month of therapy thereafter. And they both suck so so so fucking bad.
There's ofc more to cover, way too much to cover tbh, but that's just. a sample of this series. This shouldn't have been this long but I have very strong feelings about this series, and it's hard to not ramble about.
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235uranium · 11 days
in my head here's how jokers main relationships go:
Ryuji - best bro, the og, joker's first experience with someone actively wanting to be his friend. cat befriending a golden retriever vibes. he tells him a lot compared to others, unless it's about romance. partially bc akechi but mostly bc he realized very early on that ryuji is both closeted and terrible at dating (coming out doesn't help). I think ryuji is much better at keeping personal secrets than you'd think. he takes that sort of thing seriously, seeing as he actually has decent emotional intelligence when the writers remember.
Ann - bestie! ride or die. they dated for 2 weeks and then ann realized she's in love with shiho. the one who DOES hear about his love life. also who he talks about being bi with because ryuji (while accepting) is Really Not Good At This (and closeted). she encourages his eyeliner + mascara habit :>
Sumi - that's my close good friend! I don't think she and joker end up being as close as ryuji and ann are, but I do think there's an understanding there that can't be replicated? they both had the closest experiences with maruki. a lot of bonding over identity issues too (ultimately I think sumi ends up being closer with akechi, to the shock of everyone)
Akechi - worlds most complicated relationship between weird teenagers. in-game it's rival (nothing else fits). eventually they're dating but sometimes it's funnier to just say we're rivals :) and leave. I think joker views his relationship with akechi as in a distinct category, not bc its romantic but because it's just Different. rival is close but not always enough. hard to explain the emotions behind it all. not more important than his best friends, but close in ways that he isn't with them (and tbh, that joker doesn't think would happen in a more normal romantic relationship).
Futaba - family. that's his Sister. again, it's a sort of bond where she's not his best friend, but there's a level of closeness that's equal or at times past it. he cant imagine life without her in it after they meet. sojiro's his father and futaba's his sister and that feels as natural as the sky being blue. it's not about agreeing or even having the same interests it just... Is.
Sojiro - as mentioned, that's joker's dad. it's a slower progress than futaba, but it happens all the same. I think joker just wakes up one day like oh, sojiro's my dad
Morgana - that's his kitty cat :) no seriously. morgana's his friend ofc but i do think joker thinks of him as his cat. ofc cats have personalities they're just like that. this is how all cats would behave if they could speak. sorry morgana you're a kitty cat
the others (all the thieves are his close friends obviously, but there's still a Difference):
Yusuke - pretty close since he's been here almost since the start, and his best friend is futaba. he's who joker goes to when he wants to just talk, but doesn't feel like dealing with akechi's devil's advocacy. has secondhand stress watching his spending habits
Makoto - I think things get... tense when she wants to become a cop. the joker that lives in my head struggles to tell people things they don't want to hear, so he has a hard time saying "hey uh. I hate cops." it gets easier when the other thieves express their distaste for the police. I think makoto's "handling things like a job" autism mixes with joker's "relationships are conditional" mentality badly too. eventually they both grow up enough to realize it, but it means they aren't as close.
Haru - they're good friends! I think there's some periods of tension, mostly bc I don't think joker is that broken up about okumura dying. I think he keeps this secret for a long time, and tbfh haru is more offended that joker assumed she couldn't handle him being honest. she's the first of the thieves to directly tell him that he doesn't need to silence himself for their benefit. they share cooking tips. mostly they become friends as they get older, though? it takes haru figuring herself out, and joker realizing his friends don't expect him to agree with them constantly (nor want that!)
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countlessrealities · 6 months
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi.(copied the meme just to make sure you know what meme it is, since it can get quite confusing with all the memes out there to remember which one was for what occasion)
Send a ⭐ and I'll tell you which muses I'd be interested in throwing at yours || Always accepting !
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After an age and a half, I'm finally replying to this! Sorry for the wait, but I wanted to answer your ask while having enough time and brain energy to give you something substantial combos and plots wise.
For the muses on my side, I'm basing myself on your pick on my interest checker, since I'm assuming those are the ones you'd like to interact with ^^
Rick: Obviously Dr. Chandra would be the most obvious interactions since he could easily mistake my Rick for the Rick who gave him the portal gun / Rick might want to know why some random guy has access to portal travel. I could also seeing him interacting (whether it means making pals or butting heads) with Tycho (science & bad attitude bros),
Morty: I could definite see Morty making friends with your younger AI muses (Joshua, Edgar, Hal, Tau) and be either some sort of "babysitter" or just help getting them in even more trouble. Both things are equally possible xD Also, I could see him sort of stalking Dr. Chandra while he works (he does like watching Rick work, but well, Rick isn't exactly the teaching kind xD)
Evil Rick: AM - If you ever want to explore AM having his progress undone, Rick is definitely the kind of muse who could do that. He is very level-headed and cold most of the time, but he is also sadistic, enjoys experimenting on living beings also for the sake of it, and he has moments when he goes all "evil mad scientists" where he shows a much wilder side of himself. Colossus - Very serious and no-nonsense attitude? Big lack of understanding when it comes to human emotions, but curious towards them? He could be Rick's soul twin xD He's not a people person at all and he's very picky when it comes to acknowledge someone's existence (let alone make friends), but I think Colossus is the kind of person he could get along with.
Rick Prime: AM - Pretty much what I said about Evil Rick, with the different that Weird Rick would probably purposefully try to get AM back to his old self as a game or a little side project to keep himself entertained. He just loves planting the seeds for a big mess and then sitting and watching the chaos that follows. Blain - These two share a lot of bad traits, so I could see them reaching a point where they still don't like each other / get on each other's nerve, but also hold a certain respect for each other. I think Blain could come to appreciate how blunt and brutally honest Rick can be, even while being a master manipulator.
Mercenary Rick: Dr. Chandra - Since this Rick OC doesn't know about portal travel and all, he could be the Rick from Chandra's dimension. The guy spent most of his life away from Earth, but I can see them running into each other either when Rick has returned to Earth (for some reason) or while Chandra is out looking for "strays" xD Leela - Their relationship could be interesting because Leela would remind Rick a lot of his late best friend (Diane), so he'd be torn between wanting to get to know her and avoiding her like the plague because she brings back all his unsolved grief. Also, with her nurturing personality, she might actually be the kind of person he needs in his life to start moving on! Durandal - They have a lot of common ground, especially the bluntness and love for tidiness, so I think they could be friends!
AR: I couldn't pinpoint any dynamic in detail for him, but I could see AR interacting with Sal and Tycho, maybe?
Ofc these are just ideas! If you don't agree with them that's totally alright to let me know. And if you have more potential dynamics in mind, please let me know! I'd love to hear your ideas -eyes-
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lyteupthelyfe · 2 years
girl help why are the relic combat arts like that
theory brain not go brrr atm but i was browsing the wiki and found it interesting that all of the heroes' relic combat arts are named like...actually really concerningly???
like we have Foudroyant Strike (devastating/calamitous strike), Beast Fang (which is honestly the tamest, how ironic), Ruptured Heaven, Heaven's Fall (the Dark Creator Sword's CA, makes sense, Nemesis killed Sothis/wants to kill Byleth), Ruined Sky, Atrocity, Burning Quake, Apocalyptic Flame, Dust, Raging Storm, Fallen Star, and Eviscerate.
~ analysis below the cut besties ~ (cw mentions of death + genocide)
The only one that isn't alluding to the literal end of the world is Sublime Heaven, which afaik basically means something along the lines of a...surreal heaven--heaven, the celestial vault, supposed realm of like, perfection or whatever, is broken--shattered--with Ruptured Heaven. well, more like a seam has burst open. with the sword of the creator, its horrific origin in the murder of sothis violates what was known, the status quo of nabatean (and fodlish) society--the world, even (lmao gotta throw in that arcana link). but fusing with sothis, knowing the truth of who she is (but with her "not having acted like a goddess", is like, the most important aspect--it made sothis relatable, a fun, enjoyable, human character, who also has all this responsability, past, and trauma) allows for, even if the sky is ruptured escaping from zahras, the ultimate repair of the world (regardless of route). and like. a sublime heaven is one that...is real. its magical, insane, world-saving, but real because not only does the sword realise its true power, not only does byleth accept the sothis within then, but they...allow for all this heady, large, grand plot of the nabateans and foldan's truth (whatever that might be in each route) to become close and real to both the player and the characters. becomes, well, sublime.
anyway, beyond that, on all the other combat arts, there's no real link to the arcana (or crest) (or dragon) (fyi in the order above its tower devil world world death strength chariot wheel of fortune empress high priestess (devil) moon and sun)--they all just seem rather morbid. like it's the end of the world. and, well, for the nabateans that were murdered and warped into each weapon, it was. like to go for a rather morbid theory, it's almost like each combat art is related to the way its dragon was murdered; i.e. "goneril" was burnt alive, "dominic" was made dust, Chevalier eviscerated, at least partially (given that he relatively survived to become an Apostle) (names in brackets, the dragons weren't actually named that obv, some were probably actually named Luca, Iris, Bernhard, Gajus, Wilhelm(?), Marcelle and Simone, but that's not for this post, rather a post on rhea's trauma coping) (wait no i just had a theory. but not for this post. another one.)
ANYWAY my essential point is that through the combat arts we have a continual remembrance and recreation of the red canyon tragedy--these are like, weapons used to kill people, were made through the killing of the nabateans, ofc the combat arts are named such they are living memories of the violent, unjustified and brutal end of a world. if we were able to meet the actual nabateans in-game, and similar things to the sothis fusion moment happened, then maybe we'd get happier ones, but they can't ever be sublime because the tragedy of their re-creation is the sad remembrance of each as victims of the tragedy and nothing more.
honestly this is probably a tremendous factor in rhea's own survivor's guilt, the only people in fodlan who probably actually knew the other nabateans are rhea, flayn, seteth, indech and macuil
now i don't want to get meta but something something the 1181-1185/6 war is built on the bones of the ""war of heroes"" and something something the past no matter how distant still affects fodlan in myriad ways, some more overt than others
something something ignorance of the truth leads to the repetition of history and condemns the fate of the word to a self-fulfilling prophecy carved in bone
oops ty for listening to my rambles, 'd love to hear your thoughts, g'night!
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liquorisce · 2 years
You asked me for my headcanons jearmin so I've been collecting them one by one 😏 (most of them are young adults jearmin, in their twenties I'd say and also there are many mentions of Eren and Mikasa because all these headcanons I did when I was doing the rock au last year haha) Here we go:
— The first to fall would be Armin. He always had a crush on Jean, even though he was a complete idiot in high school.
— Jean secretly likes Armin too, he just has issues with his bi panic that makes it hard for him to accept the fact that Armin is completely precious in his eyes and he can't stand girls hanging around him (because Armin attracts a lot of girls for his blonde hair, blue eyes and his infinite kindness) and it's worse when some guy is trying to get Armin's attention and he doesn't realize it!
— The two fool around with each other a lot. Armin does it because he thinks it's the only thing he can get from him and Jean does it because he thinks it's easier to play than to accept his feelings.
— They don't have a normal first kiss, in fact they have a one night stand because they were drunk as fuck (Jean loves beer so it was natural for them to get together for some beers)
— After this, Jean is "horrified" by what he did, Armin is his friend, how could this have happened? Armin on the other hand thought that their relationship would change for the better after this. However, it doesn't. They fight in front of Eren and Mikasa who assumed that this was going to happen at some point because of how much they played with each other.
— Eren and Mikasa are not going to intervene because they know that it is not something that corresponds to them, even so they comfort them separately until they make them Armin and Jean come to their senses.
— They speak like civilized people and come to the conclusion that they were both idiots, Jean for hiding his feelings and Armin for settling for so little. They know they like each other anyway so they try to make that thing work.
— They have dates, lots of dates. Jean takes the blond to museums and library cafes because he knows he loves them. He gives him books and action figures. Armin, meanwhile, buys him packs of beers and watches soccer games on TV with him (although he doesn't understand anything lol)
— One day they meet with Eren and Mikasa in their apartment to celebrate something. Things get hot as they dance very close to doja cat's songs (lol) they end up in Eren's guest room haha ​​while Eren is in the living room taking care of Mikasa because she's so drunk hahaha
— Jean meets Armin's grandfather by accident and turns out better than he thought. Armin's grandfather is supportive of everything and doesn't think it's a bad thing for Armin to go out with another guy.
— Then Jean decides to introduce Armin to his whole long family (it's huge) Jean isn't afraid because his family basically knows that he has things with other guys (Marco I would say) so he's relaxed. However, Armin wants to die. The plot twist is that when they barely get home and Jean's mom sees them, she already wants to marry them lol
— They like to travel, they both really love to grab their things and go to many places together. I have a bizarre headcanon in which Mikasa gets pregnant (it's from Eren of course) and Jean automatically tells Armin to get his stuff and leave the country because he knows both Eren and Mikasa are going to be utterly foul about it 😂 and yes, they end up going to Machu Picchu!
God, this is long 😂
Oh my god you’re a real Jearmin guru 😭
I love the idea of Jean with bi panic, I totally see it happening too! The attraction and then the totally unplanned sex, and all the misunderstandings afterwards 🥲🤌🏾
Very interesting that you saw Jean being with other guys before!! I always thought of Armin as the one who opens his eyes so to speak lmao and it’s so cute OFC jean boy’s mama wants him to get married to this cutie IMMEDIATELY!!! It’s me, I’m jeanboy’s mama
How sweet just imagining them do couple things like going on dates and watching football matches 😭😭 ugh simply gorgeous Ro I love all of it
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edenfire · 5 years
[major p5 spoilers]
it's interesting how goro akechi also has the wild card ability, but only has two personas. and I think its kind of weird how that seems to lead a lot of people to believe that that is the case because he is isn't close to anyone, so he never formed any social links. meaning he can't fuse new personas
but that can't be the case since joker can fuse personas of arcanas he hasn't met yet. confidants only come into play regarding that arcana's fusion strength and unlocking the final form persona by entering a blood oath.
and i bet the reason he hadn't accepted the personas he found in palaces into himself is because he never knew that was even an option
my personal theory on why goro never fused any new personas is that he never had access to the velvet room. he never met "igor" and never had attendants to guide him. he was unable to fuse or be given extra slots for personas because those are both abilities given to you in the velvet room.
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during his boss fight, when goro explains about discovering the cognitive world, he's really vague about how he got his powers. the way he says it makes it seem like he doesn't even know who gave them to him, which makes me think he never had igor or anyone guiding him
i'm just curious why goro only has two personas and why he wouldn't have thought to fuse more. i hope we'll get more info in p5r! and i doubt it'll happen, but i think it'd be cool for goro to get more personas and be able to welcome them into his heart when you add him to your team post-reveal :o
addition: unrelated, but contrary to what most people think, i think goro does have social links with people aside from joker (tho that's his most precious one ofc♡). like with sae and shido for example. we've seen that confidants don't need to be close, or even honest. they seem to just be born from understanding someone, so i feel like it would make more sense in the in-game mechanics that goro had social links
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