#[ did you send me this via mobile or??? ]
losergames · 1 year
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Chop Shop is strictly 18+ for language, themes, and potential explicit content. 
🔗 - Game Intro | Bug Report | ko-fi
WE ARE LIVE!!! Chop Shop has officially relaunched on Itch.io! Available to play on desktop, tablet and mobile.
Prologue - EP .02 are ready to play - the same as the previous demo - with a new word count of 120k. The choicescript demo will be taken down at the end of the month.
Thank you so much to those who have helped me during this transition period of development! It has been crazy frustrating but I am so much more in love with the game than ever. And thank you to everyone who has been patiently waiting - hope you enjoy all the new bits and bobs!!
AN: CS has had some significant rejigging and rewriting. You can read the authors notes under the cut.
chop shop now has it's own UI! woohoo! (totally did not kill me) this, of course, will come with teething problems and accessibility issues. i am welcome to constructive feedback!
there are a lot of new dialog boxes to explore, especially the dashboard, which includes the PC's profile, inventory, contacts and a glossary page. (the stat definitions page from the old choicescript demo has been scrapped, too much text that wasn't needed.)
chapters are now called episodes! not a huge change but i prefer the vibe yknow.
there have been some extensive rewrites - especially in ep .01, the bar scene got a lot more fleshing out - so i expect typos and grammar errors have slipped through. this doesn't bother me too much but i appreciate any one who spots them to send them in!
there is now an 'end game' scenario in ep. 01. i won't be providing a walkthrough as i think it's relatively obvious given the scenario but it does give you an achievement!
i've kept achievements like the old choicescript demo but it no longer rewards points. maybe i will think of something to reward the player with later down the line?? who knows
i don't want to explain ALL the new details as i really encourage people to go find all the new flavour text and other things etc!!
next -- if you have not noticed, i have added a bug report to the links list. all issues, bugs, and errors found in the public demo can now be reported via the new bug report form.
in terms of writing, i am now porting episode 3. i have had rewrite plans for this chapter for a while, so i imagine this port will take some time. i was in the middle of writing episode 4 when i decided to make the twine jump lmao, so it hasn't been touched for a LONG time, probably since march. i plan to jump straight back into writing when episode 3 is all done!
like before, ep 3 won't be released until ep 4 has a first draft and i'm happy with the shape and direction. so it will be some time before i am able to release new content. but - we ball!
thank you for reading this far and i hope you enjoy the new and improved demo! happy reading! - becky :^)
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Pinned FAQ
How do I request a card?
You can request up to 3 cards for free during openaskbox events! During those, the /ask inbox opens up for a few hours, during which I try to write as many as I can live on twitch and post them on tumblr.
After the event is over and I close that inbox, there are still a BUNCH of leftover requests. This is how I fill the daily content queue, I use those up til it's empty again and then run another openaskbox.
On Sundays at 3pm EST I write all 28 cards due to go up for the week from that pool of leftover asks live on twitch and then queue them to go up after stream
What if I don't wanna wait?
If you'd like to throw a bit of cash around instead of waiting, you can buy via the etsy listing or you can tune in to those^ Saturday livestreams, there's a variety of ways to donate to get cards written for you on the spot
How do I buy the card I've requested?
The etsy listing is available here! Please remember to include in the notes of the purchase which card(s) you want to buy. If you'd like me to bundle together all the cards you've requested over a period of a few years, dm me here on the blog and I can quote you on a cheaper bundle price
Why did you answer all those asks, it messed up my dash?
Sorry about that! So to keep all of that ^ organized, at the end of the month, I answer about 112-140 leftover asks in order to record them to a proper "to-write document"
It helps me keep organized, it allows me to easily search for spelling issues, and it gets a few eyeballs on the request in case someone tries to slip an obscure slur into their request that I'm not cool with writing (it has happened)
Lots of the regulars are used to this dash nonsense, but there are folks who want to avoid it entirely. If you're on mobile I'd just recommend unfollowing for a while, but if you're on desktop, you can blacklist the tag "added to notepad" and go to xkit to tick the "fully hide blocked tags" option so it clears up your dash
Wait I thought requests were closed, why can I still send things?
That's because requests use /ask, but /submit is always open because it's for YOUR calligraphy, pet photos, fanart of man... etc. Requests are NOT open when it's not openaskbox day but feel free to send me cool shit YOU made anytime
Wait you have a twitch, do you do anything other than calligraphy?
I try! my schedule at work (restaurant) varies week to week so I try my best to stream whenever I've got free time to, nothing's really planned out though
What are your regular writing tools and paper?
I mainly just use speedball nibs, specifically the c-series (c-0 through c-4) because they're angled flat nibs that let me do most blackletter hands I write. I have a supply of leonardt thin tips for detailing and illustrating
As for paper, the cards you see on the daily are on plain index cue cards I buy from staples. When commissioned/doing larger pieces, I work with a variety of paper, including a 32 lb xerox paper that has juuuust a perfect amount of lamination that avoids ink feathering, black paper that I bought a hundred sheets of in 2019 and I no longer remember the label, and a BOATLOAD of southworth's ivory parchment paper at both 32 and 64 lb weights.
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rreskk · 1 year
Mama's boy
Summary: How the tables have turned. Trevor learnt his lesson from having attitude.
TW: -Smut -Usage of drugs
Pairings: Fem!reader/Trevor Philips
Word count: 2976
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“ – Your mouttthhh, so hot… Your web; I’m caught. Your skin? So wet. Black lace – “ Sung Trevor who drifted out of his bedroom, shirtless and holding a cigarette bud close to his lips. He stomped over and slapped your thigh, gesturing you to move over so he could take a seat on the sofa as well.
The song “poison” by Alice Cooper continued to be lowly hummed as you recognised the melody. He manspreaded and gave you little to no space, your annoyance going unnoticed since the cig was the only thing he seemed to be focussing on. Trevor was cross-eyed as he’d stare down at the smoke fuming. You watched him attempt some tricks, but of course, it resulted in him growing impatient and burning the bud against the tiled floor. He then wiped his face with irritation before giving him a small pout.
“I’m bored.”
“You’ll find something.”
“Yeah, well, I haven’t right now.” He mumbled back, displeased with your remark. You felt his eyes burning Hell into the side of your head. Without any recommendation of ideas that would entertain him, you gave him an innocent shrug.
“You could always watch TV with me.”
Trevor gazed towards the TV with subtle curiosity, “What’s on?”
The channel was nothing special – by all means, it was broadcasting the latest cartoon that was inspired by celebrity drama. You weren’t interested but it was somewhat entertaining. The occasional comedy sketches made your belly chuckle, and when it did, you’d look over at Trevor to see him utterly disgusted. He scoffed a little bit and ruffled through his pockets to seek out – what you’d predict to be – another lighter. You could only imagine he was planning on getting high to defuse the boredom.
“It is a good show.” You tried to explain.
Trevor held a pipe and gave you a laugh, “No chance.” Then he began warming the glass with his lighter, the meth bubbling, making you feel uneasy.
His body relaxed when the substance spiralled into his system via oral consumption. He closed his eyes, feeling the buzz. You watched closely and when he went to breathe in another hit, you grasped his wrist tightly.
The grab caused Trevor to eruptively sit up. He looked between you and the hand with a confused grin. A few tugs wouldn’t fix it, and he was soon yanking around his arm to break your hold, but you weren’t budging. Nonetheless, the hand grew tighter – ensuring some bruises.
“The fuck?” He croaked out in confusion, holding the pipe in his other hand.
You remained speechless as to opposing a daring hand around his gruffy wrist. Although his tugs would send your body forwards and backwards, it seems as though he’s mistaken this as some roughhousing, chuckling lively at your challenging stare. He proceeded to misunderstand your irritation with playing until he was caught off-guard when you snatched his other wrist – restricting both mobility of his hands. And the pipe fell onto the floor.
Trevor’s gaze followed it and he wasn’t okay. He grunted, his fists clenching.
“[y/n], let go. My pipe.” He protested.
“Stop smoking that shit around me.” You finally vocalised.
His mouth twitched into a grumpy scowl. His face screamed his refusal, so your grip tightened.
“Let go – it ain’t funny anymore.”
“It never was.”
“[y/n].” Trevor warned.
“Just stop it, okay?”
“Let go of my fuckin’ wrists.”
“You are just gonna pick that pipe up and smoke it again.”
He laughed, “Talk about lack of faith.”
“Can you blame me?” Your words had struct him a bit, “I came over to spend time with you, not that thing you turn into when you smoke that crap.”
“That thing? Quit the shit-talk, [y/n]. I ain’t in the mood.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“Don’t be short with me.”
“Pardon?” You encouraged his temper with a smile.
“I said – “ Trevor paused before his face coiled into a cheeky smirk, “Oh… You’re good. You ain’t fooling me, sugar. How ‘bout you quit clowning around and let go of my wrist?” His face playful yet his tone serious.  
You slyly kicked the pipe further away and freed his hands. He immediately went to reach for the drug – but you came prepared – snatching his wrists again, earning yourself an angry man who was trying to squirm out of your entrapment.
“Fucks sake!”
His inability to learn had gave you a light bulb moment. If he wasn’t gashing at your hands, he’d notice the way your eyes enlightened with madness – but instead, he carried on causing a scene. Which was an unfortunate decision since you were beginning to enjoy this tantrum. It made him look pathetic, easy, addicted.
“[y/n]! Fuckin’ let me go! Fuck!”
Holding a grudge, despite the countless threats, it resulted in you practically spawning him down against the sofa. Trevor was trapped underneath as you’d pin his hands above his head, your body weight trapping mobility to his legs as well. He was purely outraged – daggers in his eyes. His energy fell and his yells turned into muffled cries and grunts. Thanks to his stamina, Trevor could only pant to express the pure anger. He’d pant out your name and attempt to detain the partial conviction of his hands.
“Lemme go, for Gods sake. I hear you, I hear you! Just cut the crap, Christ…” Now he had realised this wasn’t rough-housing. He defeatedly relaxed his body and just stared at you above, sweat slowly dripping down his forehead from the fighting and withdrawal of the pipe.
You hadn’t of said anything in this 20 minutes of pinning him down, and it was beginning to rile him up again. Trevor’s jaw clenched and he fiercely tugged on his legs, trying to lift you up with just his hips (as is it happened before), it didn’t exactly work due to his weakened, worn-out frame.
“Fuckin’ speak, [y/n]. You know I hate the silent treatment.” He urged.
“I know you do.”
He scoffed at your ignorant acknowledgement, “You enjoy fucking with me, babe? ‘Cause I don’t. Now do me a favo – “
“No, I don’t think I will.” You’d cheekily smile, holding his hands up higher that it outstretched his chest, causing him to muffle out sweet groans.
“[y/n]…” He had closed his eyes to avoid giving you the pleasures of seeing him riled up. However, his face says it all. The way you only pinned him down more, the gradual exposure of his arousal would become more and more obvious; flushed face, whiney voice, growing urge in his pants. He couldn’t hide that one.
“This was the only way to shut you up.”
Trevor pouted, “Surely not – “
“You know it.”
“But – “
“Don’t lie.” You continued to cut him off with a smirk, forcing him into this vulnerable state where he was getting more vocal with this new tension. Whenever you dominated the conversation, he’d relentlessly whinge and squirm (but in a sensual way).
“I’ve been bad,” He had finally admitted, “I’m a fuckin’… I’m a…”
“Go on.” You egged him.
“I’m a fuckin’ brat. Piece of shit, I deserve to be beaten – “
“Like a?”
“Like a naughty boy.” He whimpered.
“You wanna learn your lesson, baby?”
“Mmm – fuck, maybe I do. Fuck… Yes, please.”
“Are you sure?” You whispered in his ear.
His body trembled when your breath managed to tickle the side of his face. Trevor released a strained whine as he nodded his head frantically, an erection lurking just in front of your lap, occasionally touching your thigh.
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Beat me, hit me, shit! – Fuckin’ make me cry, ma!”
“Aren’t you precious?” You forced him to look up, “It wasn’t worth the trouble, hm? What do you have to say to me?”
“I’m sorry, ma…” Trevor lowly grumbled from the depths of his chest.
“That’s my boy. Keep your arms up for me, baby. Can you do that for me?”
“Good boy.” You let your hands fall as they fell to his face. Trevor tried his best not to abuse the sudden freedom, his arms jerking but he had the authority to restrain himself (for a while). Nonetheless, he was too distracted by the way you’d caress his cheeks and inspect his neck. He was getting used to this love before a hand striked his left cheek, a bellowing cry leaving his cracked lips.
“Fuck!” And it stung horrifically. His skin throbbed at the impact of your hand. Trevor wanted to question you, but after you had slapped him another time, the more he was beginning to praise your palm. The more he began to plead. The more he began to enjoy the burning pain it caused.
Then soon you were beating the living Hell out of his tortured face, throwing punches and slaps until his skin was threatening to bleed black and blue. You’d watch him laugh and moan, squirm and tear up. Trevor disobeyed your commands and lowered his hands, using them as pathetic self-defence to lure you in more. He loved when you broke the barrier between his arms and face, he loved making it a challenge. It brought him more punishment, therefore, more pain and bruises.
“Fuck, fuck… Yeah – “
“You’re enjoying this, huh?” You panted between slaps, “Should of known.”
“I love you so bad, ma… God, keep going, I deserve! Make me bleed, mama!”
Your fist reconnected with his cheek another, a streaming gush of blood seeping from his nose and staining his naked chest. You stopped for a minute but Trevor grabbed your wrists, giving you a begging face.
“Don’t stop, mommy.” He whimpered – extremely submissively.
You looked conflicted when seeing how much blood poured from his battered nose. It caked his mouth and neck, and when he spoke, it stained his teeth as well. Some spats would find themselves covering your hands and arms as well.
“Don’t stop.” He repeated.
In a matter of seconds, you sighed and raised your fist again. Trevor squeezed his eyes closed in preparation before you sent another punch to his cheek. He moaned, his head falling back against he sofa as he lifted his arms up again, sitting them above his head like you ordered him to before. You longingly leaned forward and pressed kisses against the skin you abused, ignoring how his blood would cover your lips.
Trevor tried to meet with you, his own lips desperate to feel yours. So you gave him the chance and you both grabbed each other’s heads, deepening the kiss with such hunger and aggression. He sat up from the sofa and crawled onto your lap, your arms holding him like a big baby. Trevor wrapped his arms around your shoulder as you were both mangled in this red, hot liquid. So much so that his hair was mattered, but it gave him this ugly charm.
“I love you –“ He murmured between hot kisses.
You both departed to gain some air as he’d lean in again but you held a hand to his chest, keeping some distance. Trevor gave you a panicked expression, his neediness overcoming the temptation. He tried to kiss you again and missed. He tried to kiss your neck, but was held back. He’d whine and bury his face in your chest, removing any original colouring of your shirt to be replaced with his messy blood.
So you stroked his hair and allowed him to mumble inaudible words into your temple. You made out sentences like “I need you” and “I wanna feel you, mama”, the usual pleads to get what he wants – the typical “mommy boy” manipulation.
“Trevor.” You recollected his attention and adjusted his body on your lap, your chests smothering each other.
“I wanna feel you, [y/n].”
“I know.”
“I wanna see you, real bad.”
“I know, baby.”
He groaned and pressed his forehead against yours, “I wanna see you.”
“Why should I let you?” You chuckled, your fingers massaging his sweaty scalp.
“Stop playing with me, ma… I really want you, so bad.”
“I’m not playing with you.”
“M’no, you are – “
“Trevor, baby,” You kissed his cheek, “I’m not playing with you. Sometimes you have to earn it. I’m not going to give everything to a naughty boy, hm?”
“But – “
“Do you understand?”
He refused to say anything as he licked his lips and stared down at your chest, ogling whatever he could find from under your shirt. This behaviour itself was affirming prejudice and you groped his ass, throwing him aside where he limped onto the sofa with a groan. You stood up before he eruptively lashed onto your legs, his hands begging for mercy upon your thighs.
“Babe!” Trevor cried out.
“Always begging, aren’t you?” You belittled when staring down at him on all fours.
His hair was being tugged brutally, small whimpers escaping, yet he maintained a serious face with glassy eyes. You forced him to his knees where he looked up with admiration. His eyes darted to your crotch area as you slowly undressed, revealing your wet pussy that had been enjoying Trevor’s submission from the course of the night.
He chewed his bottom lip and went to reach forward, but you snatched both of his hands and pinned them directly behind his headd. You kept your grip there, enforcing little to no chance he’d free himself.
“Take a good look, Trevor,” You opened your legs up as he was facing the glory, “You keep your hands behind your head while you eat my pussy good, you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good boy.”
Trevor’s lips quivered, leaning forward until he was breathing against your cunt. His knees were still dug into the floor, hands shaking behind his head (by your authority), and his tongue slowly extended to greet the utter wetness. He moaned when tasting you. A little tease turned into full desire as he dived into your sex and feasted upon your clit.
Justice was served to his own arousal since the define stench of your cunt on his tongue was enough to cause staggering pleasures in his own cock. You forced his head closer so he was merely suffocated, the muffling of his mouth feeding your sex the lust and neediness he portrayed from all that time struggling.
“Fuck, yes.” You praised when he was licking you savagely.
It was hard standing there when your legs were shaky with joy. You had used Trevor’s head as stability – whenever you felt a lunge in your legs, you weighted onto his pathetic figure that was praying your pussy. He, being a good boy, kept the promise and held his hands behind his head, even when he wanted to cuddle you during this heat. Trevor would moan, signalling this need of extra attention, but of course, you refused to gift him anymore (which secretly turned him on more and more and more).
“I’m gonna – “ He breathed against your cunt, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Aw… You’re such a cumslut, baby. I didn’t even have to touch you.”
“Such an easy little shit, aren’t you?”
Trevor panted, his tongue becoming sloppy. He enjoyed being undermined as it made him tremble.
“Let yourself cum, baby. Don’t slack.” You ordered when noticing his tiredness.
“It hurts – “
“I wanna touch myself – “
“Shhh. It’s okay. C’mon, I know you love it; not being able to touch yourself. It feels good, Trev?  I bet it does…”
He gained the motivation and took you into his mouth again, pestering a spot in which he began to thoroughly ignite. You gasped out a heavy moan, begging him to go faster as his tongue began working hard-labour to trigger a climax.
All while he experiences his own.
Trevor cruelly groaned when his cock squirted out semen from the overstimulation you had caused him. It evolved when his blood began to dry out on his skin, your pussy drenched on his tongue, your hands restraining his own, your dirty words – it blew him up, and he came. He came hard.
“Fuuuuuck!” Trevor murmured from inside your cunt.
You didn’t give him a moment to process the orgasm. You evilly pushed him further into you – mockingly.
“That’s right…” You’d whisper and examine the way his hands would shake as you hold them tightly against his damp hair.
“I love you, fuck – “
“Keep going.”
He slurped before it was clear that you were finishing soon. He grasped a safe momentum and eagerly slashed your pussy, his mouth inhaling every pleasure you felt until your legs were weak. Trevor finally sucked, and this was where you threw your head back and gasped.
Cum dripped onto his face, replacing the blood. Trevor smirked and invited your fluids into his mouth as you continued to orgasm swimmingly. He licked every last drop like a reward and leaned away to see you. There was a proud glimpse in his eye, cum running down his face, making him look ruined.
“You tasted to good, ma.” He whispered from his knees and begged to hear you again.
“Shit… Baby…”
“I love you. I love your taste, I love your voice, I want to marry you – “
“Trevor, shhh…” You pressed a finger to his lips, recovering from the intense orgasm, “Fuck.”
“Thank you for coming on my face.” He desperately tried to resist your attempt to silence him.
So with that, you rolled your eyes and embraced him into your arms. Trevor nuzzled his face into your neck and repeatedly asked for more cuddles as he’s “tired” from all the begging and fighting. He dragged you to the bedroom and lied on top of you like a kid. He rested his chin on your stomach and smiled cheekily.
“I like when you hit me – “
“I thought you were tired, baby?”
“Nuh uh… I just wanna hold you…”
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shukakumoodboard · 1 month
a headcanon from each of the levels you just reblogged for gaalee
oh my GOD this is a top quality anonymous question op ur da BEST. yammertime. ofc since these are all for a non-canonical ship they're all deranged sparkle emoji but i digress.
for anyone who is like wtf here's the post i reblogged.
text under the cut!
level one:
one that purveyors of gaalee are very familiar with in fanon lore but i believe this to fit in nicely with canon while filling gaps: gaalee friendship developed predominantly via letter writing. reasons why i think this fits with canon 1) gaara manages to develop solid friendships with a lot of people in konoha with what is visually very little actual in-person interaction time. it stands to reason that there's behind the scenes friendship development. 2) he's the president at fourteen like he does not have time to spend on wandering the local mall like a lot of us oldmanyaois did to build our social circles, plus, he's got access to allllll the military communications options. and hawks are fast 3) we know there are multiple canonical messenger hawks! and their whole purpose is cross village communiques. of course they're all sending notes lets b so fr rn
level two:
height difference: lee is, in my head, taller than the canon suggests, and gaara is shorter. reasoning: ok look you've all seen this panel and you're telling me gaara ends up only like 4cm shorter than lee? Go To Jail
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yes yes we can all discuss how they're all mid teens and have growing time but listen. gaara spent his entire childhood being effectively mentally tortured by shukaku and also his village's effective abandonment. do you think he had a well balanced diet? if we want to get scientific there's several studies that discuss how poor nutrition in childhood leads to lifelong consequences, and just because kishimoto didn't address this doesn't mean I Won't thank u. and i haven't even gotten started on the not-sleeping-thing. conversely, lee's probably been on Max Gains Training Diet since he was like. what, 10? tldr, i'm simply massaging their canonical heights in favour of what Actually Makes Sense Fucka You
i have another one for lee i think fits in this level that many of you may know from my magnus opus fight club: lee is--whether certified or not--definitely qualified to be a physiotherapist, and i think he'd volunteer at the hospital helping patients with mobility related injuries. reasoning: PLEASE in order to be a brilliant taijutsu specialist he has to have like the most intimate understanding of how the body works. that's his whole area of expertise. and i think that even post-op as a sand-squished teen he would have needed tons of therapy, and rock "paragon of virtue and chivalry and whatever" lee would absolutely feel like he needed to provide some sort of assistance to the hospo staff and help the other patients. because that's what a good shinobi would do. dattebayo
level 3:
yall know what time it is its LANGUAGE HEADCANON TIME based on, once again, all of @sagemoderocklee's fantastic lore. i think lee speaks 3, which for me are a) some form of shinobi common b) whatever the land of fire's local is, and c) something unique to team gai that's heritage based. in tgod i call it nishitsuchigo. i think gaara speaks [large number] on account of being mr sand president sir and thus becoming to some extent a diplomat, plus all those night awake? polyglot challenge speedrun. and the gaalee aspect of this is that gaara can speak all three that lee knows, so they can use that heritage based one to talk shit about their coworkers what who said that.
gaara's hugely into gardening. i think this is a fact in the databooks and we all know the screencap where he's holding the flowerpot but extending on this into truly fan-created lore i think he's definitely overhauling all of suna's food supply chains by going ham on greenhouses and very precise water allocations etc etc
lee grows his hair out after neji's death. this one is, again, well distributed across fandom because everyone, of course, is right relieved emoji. but ignoring bort entirely, lee would definitely do something to honour his friend/teammate, and i think that would be something like growing his hair out, since i don't think he'd change his style of dress and he can't learn neji's jutsu. and he's had long hair before. bring it back kishi u bastard
level 4 delusions:
theyre married. what do you mean im delulu
metal, if i am acknowledging bort which most of the time i am not, is their biological child. no i am not explaining how. my metal origin theory changes based on the fic i'm writing. currently its rock lee's tboy swag porn extension fic. hooHA. but this one only applies to when there's kids present--most of the time there aren't kids in my head
lee and temari swap diplomat roles to be emissaries for each other's villages as part of a Siq Deal to be with their respective husbandos
lee would 100% teach taijutsu to suna's academy students. why? because i said so
basically all my other headcanons tbh
omg i had so much fun with this thank you anon! <3
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starwriterulia · 2 months
Tomb of the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon - Chapter 2
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Bat dividers by @violetbudd
Creator support banner by @cafekitsune
Latest revision: August 18, 2024. Added "Support your creators by reblogging" banner. Added ⏭️ emoji below end of chapter banner with text explaining its function as a navigational button.
Fandoms: DC Comics, Batfamily, no Batcest, Thalassic Space (OC; takes inspiration The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, and other sci-fi, fantasy and horror titles, as well as original concepts, such as the science and lore of the galaxy.)
Chapter Summary: Faith tells more lore to Batman and Robin, and a bit more about herself to the group chat.
[In order of appearance] Characters: Faith Lawson (TBA; self-insert), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Damian Wayne (Robin), Tim Drake (Red Robin), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Stephanie Brown (The Spoiler) Dick Grayson (Nightwing).
Word Count: 6744 8381 (July 30 revision) 8303 (August 10 revision)
Content warnings: N/A, unless I've forgotten something while transferring and adding lore. Let me know if I did!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
"You've got nice, big beds, eh?" Faith said, lifting the blankets and climbing into the bed. Hawkman and Hawkwoman had left the room, leaving Martian Manhunter to sit in front of the monitor to listen.
"Of course." Batman brought the wastebin next to the bed, then sat on the bed while Faith made herself comfortable with the pillows, putting one under her chest.
"I've only got a twin. My apartment is small. One bed, one bath, shared living and dining room with a connected kitchen."
"You live by yourself?"
"Yeah. I have work on Monday."
“It should be fine?” Faith squinted her eyes. "There’s a Scripted event in that, if I leave Earth due to summoning or forced departure to another galaxy, such as Thalassic Space or this galaxy, I duplicate myself once so that I may continue life on Earth. But it might not happen. It's a Suggested Script, really. Not sure if it makes sense, so it’s not confirmed."
"What would it take for it to be confirmed?"
"You could comment on that part under the Unconfirmed Ideas heading of the Thalassic Space Planning document, saying it sounds fine, then I'll move it to its appropriate heading and mark your comment as resolved, and remove your comment. In this case, the heading is About the Great Little Starwriter. Here, I’ll share the TSRPG app with you, send you a friend request, and then a link to the document. It's encrypted and protected by another muse child, Chandra, whose mother is Calliope and father is Michael. Her Dragon Persona is part Android, SOFFFIAA: Simulacra of Friendship for Future Insight and Aspirations. Sophia, spelled with ph, is also the name of one of the Four Legendary Unicorns, and yes, Chandra is the type of person Sophia favours and allows to ride on her." Batman hummed. Faith woke up her phone and did some tapping. "Accept the download, please." Batman looked at his glove.
Thalassic Space Roleplaying Game would like access to your device.
Decline – Accept
"The loading screen of the app will explain its purpose. You can delete it at any time like you would any other mobile app, and you can share it with anyone through the Share button via your Profile with a QR code or device sharing, like I did with you. You’ll have access to all publicly known lore of the galaxy, and what isn’t there is in the Planning Document. You can see the Profiles of your Friends at their respective tab, and review their Health, Magic, Equipment, Status, Abilities, Skills, Personas and Soul Fragments, if any of the latter four Assets are applicable or known to you or your Friends."
"Alright." Batman selected Accept. The download and installation required three seconds. The app's icon was an eight-coloured sigil Batman had never seen before.
Four thick black circles forming a vertical number eight and a horizontal number eight, joined to create four angular teardrop shapes, perhaps better described as leaves, morphing the outward sections of the eights into fan shapes. The upper half of the vertical eight was sky blue, the lower half white; the left half of the horizontal eight was yellow, the right half red. The upper left leaf was emerald green, the upper left peacock or mermaid blue; Batman wasn't one hundred percent sure. The lower left leaf was ice blue, and the lower right leaf was a light red.
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"That was very fast." Batman said.
"You don't sleep, and you're at peak physical and mental condition. It was fast for me when Ra's and I were in Platonia because I registered when I started lucid dreaming in the dream world of Thalassic Space at fourteen."
Batman opened the app. The loading screen, seen for ten seconds, displayed a white-blue O-type star that rotated, surrounded by magic circles depicting religious symbols. A blue lotus, a red eternity knot, a purple oak tree, an orange bolt of lightning, a golden eye of Ra, a blue David’s star, a red sigil of Baphomet, and the eight-coloured sigil. The title, in white-blue, read Thalassic Space Roleplaying Game and below it, in white, read:
Serving citizens and visitors with memories and immersive gameplay in the galaxy created post-mortem of "Tony" Richard Lawson in November 2021 by his adoptive daughter, Faith Lawson, the mortal name and memory-bearing soul of the Author of Thalassic Space.
Faith is revered as Ønske Ulia Χαμένος (Chaménos), daughter of Skuld and Víðarr, fostered by Frejya and Freyr, and mentored by Urania and Uriel. Faith, through Ulia, is the Great Little Starwriter of Thalassic Space, and Playwright of the Rondo Theatre in the Dream World on Paper, the dream world of Thalassic Space.
Connection is possible thanks to your knowledge or introduction to the dream world’s mechanics and lore, Thalassic Space’s history, and intention to participate in adventures in the dream world and-or Thalassic Space.
Batman noted the loading was taking longer than the installation.
Verifying files…
Registering user's memory-bearing soul to Santa Claus' Snow Globe Room…
Registering user's magic-bearing spirit or lack thereof to the libraries of the pantheons…
Registering user's physique and attributes…
Creating a personalised Room for user at the Pàrras VLFS Hospital and Hotel…
The app made three jingle bell sounds. Batman was presented with a 3D room suited to his aesthetics with a two-screen monitor computer on a desk, a queen-sized bed, a nightstand, a wardrobe, a vanity desk, a bathroom, and a door with the label (HOLD 3s) Leave planet; Go to Pàrras, planet Youtrnaeyl beneath it. The black UI in the bottom of the screen said Room, Map, Journal, Friends and Party in white text. A pictograph of a camera with a label in white below was at the upper right of the screen. The upper left had a white letter B on a black background for his profile photo. Batman was written above a green bar that read HEALTH that was almost full, a bar beneath that read MAGIC that was a greyish blue and had the words DISABLED at its right end.
"Are you in?" Faith asked.
"OK, I’ll send a friend request."
Batman received a green notification banner on the app.
Ulia Χαμένος has sent a Friend request! <TAP TO GO>
"Feel free to explore your Profile and App Settings. For example, if you don't want jingle bells, you can change the ringtone, or set it to different levels of vibration, or a tickling sensation on your hand, nose or neck. Your Foes list shouldn't have any information you don’t know to be true. If it does, report it, and SOFFFIAA will purge it, so a paradox doesn’t occur."
Batman tapped the notification and was sent to the Friend Request screen of the Friends tab. He accepted Faith’s request, then backed out. He was in his Profile tab, showing his Health points were 480, 000; a question mark at its right end. Batman tapped it, and the pop-up read:
HEALTH is calculated by multiplying the user's age by 100 thousand, if human and non-magical, 150 thousand if human and magical, 200 thousand if non-human and non-magical, 250 thousand if non-human and magical, plus 1 million per decade if immortal or demi-immortal via demi-demonhood or demi-godhood.
"You came up with all of this too, right?" Batman said, as the game jingled and showed a notification.
Ulia Χαμένος has sent a message. <TAP TO GO>
"Yeah! The logic is supposed to be solid, like well-made video game worlds are." Faith said, while Batman clicked the link. "There's no password, for now."
"Thanks. I'll help you make a password later. But yes, just reading how Health works shows how much thought has been put into this."
"Thank you. You can use your Journal to view your life story as described by an angel, and you can search by date. If you have questions and are uncomfortable with talking to SOFFFIAA, but I'm not nearby, shoot me a message. If you'd prefer to not use the app or it's down for weekly server maintenance for an hour on Sundays at noon PST, my phone number is 778 [XXX-XXXX]."
"Will do. Thanks, Faith."
"You’re welcome!" Faith held her finger down, tapped, exited the app, and clicked to turn off her phone.
Batman’s TSRPG gave him a notification, and he opened the respective document. "By the way, your email for this is hilarious. I know it’s just a bunch of numbers, letters and symbols, but I can’t look at it without thinking how Matt Rose would read it, full send."
"Who’s that?"
"A YouTuber who reads Reddit. He’s British, so it's funnier." Faith started coughing. She heaved and swallowed. "Ew."
"What was the last thing you ate?"
"I tried to eat a banana and apple sauce. Threw it up earlier. Tastes sweet.'
"I know, right?" Faith giggled.
"I have your tea, Faith." Damian said, not wearing his mask, entering with a teacup and putting it on the nightstand. "It's hot, so be careful."
"Thank you, Damian."
"You’re welcome."
Batman asked, "Faith, what's the eight-coloured sigil?"
"The Double Eight of Thalassic Space. It tells the story of the O-type star's spirit. The white and blue spheres are for the O-type star, and the yellow and red for the G- and M-type stars. The inner leaves are for factions and locations involved in the story: emerald for the Emerald Thieves, who were the elite of the Thieves Guild and returned to greatness during the main novel, mermaid sapphire blue for the merfolk of Thalassic Space, who were corrupted by Nero Poseidon through Nero Dionysus and became the only known sirens in Thalassic Space, ice blue for the Ninth Circle of Inferno, as Lucifer was the one who told Nerobzal about the Door to Platonia and as a reminder of the evil that Kaleido wished to release, and blush red for the blood of the anthropomorphs of Thalassic Space. It's blush red instead of blood to evoke thoughts of gentleness and love after the struggles they faced." Faith said, and picked up the teacup, blowing on its tea. "Any other lore related questions?"
"Where do the Departed come from? You told the ones who were harassing Ra's to return to the Underside."
"Well, then I must explain a Soul Bridge, which Dreamer Mages can access, and sometimes the owner of the Soul Bridge in dreams can too. It's a soul-bound Landmark in the Dream World on Paper, which I think you've the name of heard before." Faith sipped the tea.
"Yes." Said Batman. "Just the name, though."
"It's named so because I had a dream where I saw that I had drawn a simplified version of the three areas of the dream world on paper I had glued to coloured construction paper as a kid, and it blew my friggin' mind." Faith giggled.
"That's cool." Damian said, not doing so well in hiding the tone that showed how he actually felt.
"These areas are: a desert with mountains where there's mines, Egyptian ruins and a massive sinkhole in the dunes, a forested mountainous island with a dojo surrounded by an ocean, and a town with a city within a short distance that is actually Vanderhoof and Prince George, surrounded by a forest." Faith sipped. "Neo Spirits hang from the Suspensions of a Soul Bridge and whisper, speak or sing to the High Mind part of the subconscious, the sky of the dream world, to remind us of dreams, self-love, and good memories, all to make us smile and improve our quality of life. Nero Spirits cling to the Underside of a Soul Bridge and snarl, shout or scream to the Low Mind part of the subconscious to induce of nightmares, such as panic attacks, self-hatred, which can be expressed in many ways, and bad memories, which come from experiences related to the former two aspects." Faith sipped again.
"In the waking world of Thalassic Space, the army of Nero Spirits include the undead, which can take the form of draugr or zombies, and evil vampires, werewolves and sirens, though the latter is quite rare, and I don't think Urania mentioned them as a result. They only appeared because of Nero Dionysus, and they weren't around for long after the events of the main novel." Faith sipped. "Nero Spirits have neon red, orange eyes or yellow to evoke the imagery of fire. If they're toxic, their eyes are neon green, neon blue means electricity, neon purple means corruption of mind and decay of body, and neon pink means nightmares."
"Neo Spirits have pastel, jewel or earth-tone eyes, and depending on what the narration describes that colour as, you can associate the meaning of that rock or plant as relevant to the purpose and sometimes the personality of a Neo Spirit." Faith sipped more. "Both are bound to a Soul Bridge but can be seen in dreams or nightmares, and Neo Spirits can be summoned to the 28 Mansions to provide a source of comfort to a person when they've passed on, and Nero Spirits can be manifested, which is terrible news. Ask me about that later, unless I bring it up naturally through more exposition."
"Will do." Said Batman.
"Any other questions?"
Damian said, "Yeah. Why did you spare Grandfather?"
“If I killed him, he would fight his way out of Inferno, and from Mansion 0 and the 28 Mansions of the Four Symbols of Chinese astrology learn about the existence of the Earth-ruining events he so desperately wants and of the nearest reincarnation Realm, the Realm of Tree Peoples." Faith sipped. "Bartholomew, or maybe Krampus, would seek Ra's and promote him to General, giving Ra's permission to command Nerobzal's army. Ra's would bring them back here, occupy all the heroes, and then, all he would need to do to trigger Red Storm Earth is to cut me with my tooth and dagger, stuff my necklace down my throat or injure my throat with it, and have me fall to my death from at least three stories onto a cluster of manmade or natural spikes and thorns, a death vaguely reminiscent of Sailor Venus from the first season of Sailor Moon. 'Cause you know I gotta shout out the O.M.G." Faith giggled, and sipped.
"Nice." Said Damian. "Uh, nice reference."
"During Red Storm Earth, the 200 Fallen Angels are released from Dudael to kill, burn and rape humans and animals as they please while a rainstorm of black clouds with neon red lightning pours down at all times, and the movement of the Fallen Angels will create hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and hurricanes. It will last for two days, and then Yahweh will send a massive, fiery planet to reset Earth to the beginning of the first day, but everyone will remember what happened." Faith sipped. "It can be stopped if the Four Legendary Unicorns are summoned from Thalassic Space, their Earthly riders win a race against the Wild Hunt, and brought to resurrect me. They are Bella, who is white with gold in her mane and tail and golden hooves, and she loves people with childish joy and love in their hearts who have forgiven themselves and others who have wronged them and those they love; Sophia, who is a dark liver chestnut with a light chestnut mane and tail with silver hooves, and she loves people who are wise about Earth, oceans and space, and who wish to spread that knowledge and sow inspiration to create a healthier world with the world and our neighbours; Pärla, who is baby blue eyed, her body pearl pink and her mane and tail lavender, is fond of magical people who use their gifts to help others, especially fairies and demigods; last is the stallion, Bedöma, who is black with orange eyes, and a red mane and tail alight with yellow lightning, and he allows heroic people who have never killed a god or fairy or the child of a god or fairy to ride him, but will deny people who have never saved a life."
"If the Four are gathered and I am resurrected in time, the day or days will reverse as if Yahweh had cast the fiery planet onto Earth, saving lives and the planet." Faith said. Batman hummed. "There's a second catastrophe he could cause, but the people in the 28 Mansions would only tell him about Red Storm Earth. Ra's could only find out about the Invitation of Nerobzal from Bartholomew or Krampus."
"Tell us about the Invitation of Nerobzal."
Faith nodded as she sipped. "So, I live as my Ego, as do all people. This is equivalent to a Neo Persona. We all also have a Nero Persona. While Neo Spirits and Nero Spirits are from the Suspensions and Underside of a Soul Bridge, our Neo and Nero Personas are Roles that we can each assume. Like you, as Batman and Robin, are Neo Personas, but Zur-En-Arrh and Robin before you properly settled into the Batfamily, no offense," Damian grunted. "Are examples of Nero Personas."
"These can be dangerous on their own, but at times aren't nearly as dangerous as manifested Nero Spirits. Manifested Neo Spirits are not an issue, unless you're an angel, in which case you expose people to your real form and voice, and that'll fry people's brains and kill them." Faith sipped. "Manifested Nero Spirits torment people’s minds, and their bodies react with seizures or possession by the Nero Spirit, and the possessed may injure themselves or become paralysed and vulnerable to a dark sorcerer, demon, or the manifested Nero Spirit. They’re dangerous, even to gods."
"A Nero Spirit can be manifested by a dark sorcerer through a ritual in which eight buildings containing at least eighty people are set ablaze with the blue fire of Naglfar." Faith sipped. "As the fire kills people, so does the newly spawned Nest of Naamah and its insect demons, which can quickly spread to other buildings if the windows and doors are not sealed or covered by fire. Drown the insect demons with boiling saltwater or burn them until they and the Nest are eliminated. Red fire reminds the demons of the volcano from which Father Dragon was made by the seraphim, and it's not blue, so it does not count towards the fire of the Naglfar. If the insect demons have Nested in a person, death by boiling saltwater or fire is the only mercy and way to prevent further reproduction of the Nest."
"Ew, they nest in people?" Said Damian.
"Uh, think of the fetish. It's like that."
"Yeah, it felt right to make that creative decision, sorry." Faith sipped.
"No, uh, yeah, it works."
"If the Naglfar fire is not extinguished before the last person in the eight buildings dies, Nerobzal will rise from the ashes of the buildings and laugh, repeating the insanity that Earth felt when he laughed at Emperor Nero’s death. To return Nerobzal to Sagittarius A*, where he was banished to be torn apart for eternity at the end of the main novel, the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel and the muses they each bore a child with must be summoned by a Jewish man of pure heart, whoi is brave, kind and masculine in all ways applicable to the definition of a man under the eyes of God across all eras of mankind,"
'I immediately know who she thought of, when writing this.' Batman thought.
"And a cultist of Asherah must be present as well. " Faith sipped. "The Jew and the cultitst must each throw a spear, the Jew of lightning and the cultist of ice, into the eyes of Nerobzal. Blinded and frozen by the power of God and Asherah, Nerobzal will retreat for five years, and be unable to be summoned during that time. It’s also written that the person responsible for the ritual will be punished by the archangels, and made to forget all that they know about that night, and all knowledge of Thalassic Space."
"Ah, so that's your plan to remove Ra's' knowledge, as we all know he won't agree to the Departed taking it from him."
"Yes." Faith sighed, and sipped. "I'm sorry, I-I can make another that isn't a disaster, if I have an Editor. Proper noun, he he. Same with words like Landmark, uh, well, you're Batman, you get the idea."
"I do, yeah. Do you have any other ideas to get this out of Ra's' head?"
"Well, I am a wish-granting creation dragon. I dunno if Urania or I told you that, already."
"No, that's actually new information."
"Oh! Well, I accept gifts."
"What gifts do you, sorry, does your Dragon Persona like?"
"Rocks, gemstones, flowers, seeds and saplings, and traditional, performance and digital art."
Batman hummed. "Are you in danger of being killed by Bartholomew again, now that your dragon powers have returned?"
“No, Ra's is the only danger. Bartholomew only wanted to kill me because he's transphobic, and I was with Argophael when he found Argophael."
Damian asked, "Why did you chose to write a story like that?"
"Because too many trans people have died because of awful people, and in fantasy and horror, we get to emphasise and explore different ways to express history and emotions." Faith said. Damian and Batman hummed. "Oh yeah, I should say: if Ra's doesn't want to bother with Platonia, he could travel to Andøya, Norway to find and solve the hidden puzzle to reveal the door to my dragon tomb that the Snow Elves and Astral Giant Elves will have arranged by now. Planet Yotutrnaeyl is just a bigger Earth with magic islands, after all."
Batman asked, "What are the Departed going do with your hair and blood that you gave them?"
"They’ll give to Analise, one of the twin girls of Krampus, to advance Odeya’s strength. She's not evil, she's just a biology girl."
Damian said, "Soooo, what are you going to do when you're not sick?"
"I'll use Platonia after I’m done being sick to get my other Relics and my Costume, unless you want to take me to Norway."
"We'll go to Norway." Batman said.
"Sweet, OK!"
Batman hummed. "You should be proud of Thalassic Space. It's really well done, Faith."
"Yeah, it's really cool." Said Damian.
"Thank you!"
Batman said, "You should try to sleep. I'll read over what’s available in TSRPG and your planning document."
"OK! Goodnight, Bruce. Goodnight to you too, Damian."
"Goodnight, Faith." Batman patted the blanket where her right arm was, then rose and walked to turn off the light.
"Goodnight." Damian said, leaving with his father. Batman closed the door.
"Do you want the app too, so you can read?"
"Sure." Batman interacted with his gauntlet, sending the app to Damian. "Thanks."
"You’re welcome. I'm going to read in the drawing room. I might have a conversation with Watchtower, while I'm in there."
"OK. I’ll be in my bedroom."
"Oh, and you can tell the others about our new member."
"Why do you think she’s unsuitable?"
Two second pause. "You have me there. I have nothing against her."
"Thank you."
"I will add her in the group chat, as well."
"Good idea. Thank you, Damian." Batman said, as Damian reopened the door of the guest bedroom.
"Sorry to bother you."
"No, no, it's fine. What's up?"
"What's your phone number? I'd like to add you to the group chat." Faith gasped with a smile. She repeated her phone number. "Thanks." Faith nodded.
"Um, what's the WiFi name and password? I like to listen to ocean ambience to sleep."
"VKR3L17WE is the name, and TREACLE0743, all caps, no spaces, is the password. That’s T-R-E-A-C-L-E, 0743."
"Thank you."
"Mhm. If you need anything, just text me or Father." Damian told Faith their phone numbers.
"Thank you so much."
"You’re welcome. And don't worry about making a mess. You're sick. You're allowed to be gross." Faith smiled a little. "I will brief the others on what's happened. You can say whatever else you'd like, after that, OK?"
"OK!" Faith said. Damian exited, went to his bedroom, and closed the door. He took off his costume and put on a comfortable shirt and pants. He opened the Batfamily group chat and added Faith to the group.
Damian added Faith Lawson (StarwriterUlia) to the group.
Faith Lawson (StarwriterUlia) changed their display name to Faith.
Damian: Everyone, meet Faith from Earth-33. Grandfather had a naughty dream and wanted her body and power and brought her to Father's mansion to taunt Father, but he cut himself with Faith's dragon tooth so Faith had to come along.
Damian: Some ghouls called Departed seized Grandfather and put him in a room of the domain that Grandfather and Faith used to travel from Earth-33 to here. The Departed harassed him while Faith and Father talked.
Faith: *Room, Domain. Sorry, author things, proper nouns need to be capitalised.
Damian: Yes, thank you.
Damian: Faith opened the door and requested for Platonia to show Grandfather. Faith told him to back off or face her full power later, and that a Departed would come to him after a week of nightmares and offer to take his memories and knowledge of Thalassic Space.
Damian: He won't agree, of course.
Tim: Yeah, no.
Faith: Aaaa, hi!
Tim: Hi Faith, welcome to the Batfam 😇👋
Faith: Thank you!
Faith: But yeah, and because he's a demon, he could not only use Platonia again, the Departed and Umbrella Man will just ignore him. He could go to Mansion 0 and any of the 28 Mansions of the Four Symbols of Chinese astrology, the afterlife of the people of Thalassic Space that has many doors to the afterlife Realms of the real religions that have magic circles surrounding the O-type star of the galaxy, protecting its planets from its massive heat and magic output, and find out about Red Storm Earth and the Invitation of Nerobzal.
Tim: Umbrella Man?
Faith: Do you know the TF2 ARG Project Skybox?
Tim: Oh! Yep.
Faith: Ra's isn’t considered an interloper now. I didn't mention this to Batman, but Ra's was attacked because he *was* an interloper until it realised he was a demon.
Damian: Father will read this too, don't worry.
Faith: OK!
Faith: Anyway, Platonia won't try to devour him again.
Tim: I'm sorry, what's Platonia?
Faith: It's the Navidson hallway from House of Leaves, defined as Julian Barbour's platonia. You summon a Door to Platonia with the door opening ritual seen in MyHouse.wad.
Tim: Ooooh, that's so cool!
Faith: Thanks, I’ve been working on Thalassic Space for four years.
Faith: Ra's could learn everything the public knows and the history of Thalassic Space and me, and the closest Realm in the world of the living is the Realm of Tree Peoples. Bartholomew or Krampus would gladly promote Ra’s to General upon meeting during Ra’s would-be trail of destruction in the Realm of Tree Peoples. Bartholomew is the Ebony Giant Elf who murdered my Dragon Persona, the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon, and my Animus/lover, a trans boy named Argophael who was Bartholomew's eldest triplet and fled from home because of his dad.
Tim: Bartholomew sounds like an evil wizard LOL
Tim: Is Santa evil too?
Faith: Oh yes, he’s a pirate warlock with a serrated black sword of blue Hell fire. That’s what he killed us with, as we enjoyed the night life of the Carnival of Seasons, on the Realm of Tree Peoples. He mutilated our bodies as we died, and he raped me. The Carnival is between the Stretch of Heart, the forest where the Oak Dwarves, Spruce Humans and anthropomorphs people suitable for the forest live, and White Sun Harbour, where Fir Elves and fish-anthros live. Astral Elves and Snow elves live in the villages around the Pivot Day Monastery, the Domain where the Astral and Ebony Giant Elves live.
Tim: Wow, this lore is SO GOOD!? 😮
Faith: Also, no, Santa is an Astral Giant Elf, not an Ebony Giant Elf; he's the good one of Nerobzal's sons. Bartholomew and Krampus are the other, older two. Nerobzal is the big bad evil of Thalassic Space. At least, in the Script. Backstage at the Rondo Theatre, where I'm the Playwright, he's just an Actor, like everyone else who's named in Thalassic Space who isn't a deity or demon.
Damian: OK *that's* an important detail you should have mentioned earlier. Urania didn't say that, either.
Faith: Sorry, it's so easy to get carried away with my own toys!😛 It's a blessing if a chapter for anything I write is less than 20 pages LOL
Tim: LOL
Faith: Nerobzal was Erophael, a Court Fool of Yahweh, until Emperor Nero off'd himself, then Erophael laughed so loudly that all living things went nuts for five seconds until Yahweh cast him out of Paradiso. Oh shit, I forgot to tell this part of the lore, aaaaa, but Yahweh had also been affected! Michael stuffed that malice into Nerobzal's throat, literally, so Yahweh's OK now, but still.
Tim: Oh geez!
Faith: Michael stuffing Nerobzal's throat is where the Siren's Knot comes from. If a siren has a Siren's Knot in their throat, they can't sing or talk well, even in Neofom or Nerobzal, and are more likely to choke to death. Sirens are characterised by yellow eyes and a tail belonging to any fish that is unfriendly or toxic, manages to leave the hive, always bulit in or nearby the den of a sea monster, such as those on planet Bafsina (bahf-sin-uh; means 'basin' in Neofom, the language of Neo Spirits, who are friendly, unlike Nero Spirits; both come from Soul Bridges. OH GOD, LATER, OOPS. SAME WITH THE NAMES OF THALASSIC SPACE'S SIX PLANETS. Also yes, Damian, there are three more planets! They were created by the massive amount of magic used in the Third War for the O-star Spirit, and they are Judge, Little Path and Sia; Tim, the original six are Yotutrnaeyl, meaning 'journey', Bafsina, and Grace, the *OG* of the entire series that I made before my adoptive dad died, motivating me to make 8all of this* LOL)
Tim: LOL, "OH GOD, LATER, OOPS". Also, thanks for the quick lore drop this time around!
Faith: I girlbossed too hard with the lore in four years LOL
Tim: LOL
Barbara: Are there unicorns and pegasi in Thalassic Space?😮
Faith: OMG hi!
Barbara: Hi there! Welcome! 🥰💖
Tim: Tell us about Soul Bridges, while you're at it!
Faith: OK!
Faith: The Sanctuary of Gla’si’ (Glass, in Neofom, the language of Neo Spirits; Nerobzal is both the name a character and the language of the Nero Spirits), on the Realm of Album. Thanks to the formation of the Oracles, the twelve most powerful Dreamer Mages from different universities on the original three planets of Thalassic Space, the population's questions of how the body is able to or unable to use magic from the O-type star and Sagittarius A* was finally answered. The names of magic in Thalassic Space are Elevifeb, unscrambled as 'believe' and 'belief', in reference to what a person believes in, be it themselves, their family and-or friends, and belief being a more divine-centric term for a person's faith; good, solar magic; all three words are used interchangeably, and Eledisfeb, unscrambled as 'disbelief'; references the same terms as Elevifeb, but with negative connotations; dark, singularity magic; again, all three words are used interchangeably.
Tim: I'm sorry, but couldn't you have just called it Elevib or Elefib?
Faith: Yeah, but then I'd be one syllable short.😛 Symmetry or lack thereof is important to the bards and Playwrights of Thalassic Space!like me, the Playwright of the Rondo Theatre in the Dream World on Paper, a term I came up with after I had a dream where I saw childhood drawings of the dream world I glued onto coloured construction paper, and I REMEMBER DRAWING THEM. It blew my friggin' mind. 😵
Tim: Fair. Also, cool!! 😮
Faith: People who live in, have visited or acknowledge the existence of Thalassic Space have Five Mortal Qualities: the memory-bearing soul, which dies with a mortal and immortal, but their memories are archived in Santa's Snow Globe Room. Memories from a past life can be restored via resurrection by a divine or demonic entity who has their Snow Globe at whatever ritual the entity is conducting. Snow Globes *can* break, but they respawn in the Snow Globe Room if broken. Yes, this is stolen from the Santa Clause movies. Also, this is how my Animus literally gifted me Thalassic Space for Christmas when I was a demigoddess LOL
Tim: LOL!
Barbara: LOL I love that.
Faith: Second is the magic-bearing spirit, which can be disabled or awakened due to many circumstances depending on the person's status as a human or non-human, their physical and mental status, and even if they're alive or dead. The spirit stores knowledge related to magic, including any physical motions or verbal phrases required to cast a spell.
Tim: Can the spirit die?
Faith: Nope. But it *can* be stolen, and drained, by dark sorcerers.
Barbara: Ah.
Tim: Ahhhh.
Faith: Third is the mind, which is directly connected to the soul, and that's how impulses and protective actions are communicated to the fourth, the body, which acts out what the mind instructs it to. The heart is technically both the fourth and the fifth, according to some faiths.
Faith: The Soul Bridge is where Neo and Nero Spirits are born; Neo from the Suspensions, and Nero from the Underside. I use different specific verbs to describe the emotions, but both whisper, talk, shout or sing to the High Mind (the sky, exclusively interacted with by Neo Spirits) or the Low Mind (the river, exclusively interacted with by Nero Spirits) to influence or remind the Five Mortal Qualities of whatever the frick that Spirit was born for.
Tim: Ha ha!
Barbara: This is a fun read!
Tim: Heck yeah it is!
Faith: Soul Bridges can be accessed by expert Dreamer mages, and in the dream world by a person. Mine starts out like the bridge in Vanderhoof near Riverside Park and connects to Old Loop Road, but it's *so broken and twisted* that it's literally the most impossible roller coaster my subconscious could come up with. That's how it views my memories, my magic, my body, heart and mind; they're all out of sync, and it's dangerous and nonesensical. But I remember a dream where I was riding on it like in a crazy mine cart mobile game mixed with an arcade railgun shooter with Final Fantasy elements thrown in there, and I've come to accept that, if I ever go downtown, I will have a very violent awakening, literally. It'll be one of those dreams I wake up from in a hot sweat, shaking and letting out a loud scream.
Faith: And that's all about Soul Bridges and how they work, with a bit of info. about Neo and Nero Spirits! I had to throw the Five Mortal Qualities in there, 'cause that's just how I explain it in the planning document.
Barbara: Holy crow, your mind, girl! 🤯
Faith: Thanks LOL
Faith: That being said! If made General, Ra's would have access to Nerobzal's army of undead, Nero Spirits, and evil vampires and werewolves. There are also dark sorcerers, but Ra's wouldn’t order them around. All of that is the cult of Kaleido, or what remains of it after the Third War for the O-star Spirit. Kaleido was Kitsch, now Kaleido has been freed again and is Kirei. Instead of Italian vampires, the Japanese control it now!
Dick: All of *this* is what you've been cooking for four years? 🤯 I think we have a creative genius in the group now, holy smokes!
Faith: Oh geez, hi! Also, thank you! The complexity of Thalassic Space is me trying to emulate the masters of fantasy LOL
Dick: Hi Faith, welcome 😊 Also yes, it shows!
Faith: Uh, and I've been cooking soup.
Tim: Soooouuuup!
Barbara: Sooooouuupppp!!
Stephanie: (smacks lips) good soup.
Faith: Aa! Aaaaa!
Stephanie: hi 😉
Faith: I'm gonna freaking explode aren't I? LOL
Barbara: Please don't explode. 😜
Stephanie: so you've got magic dragon powers? :ooo
Faith: Yes! I can use the Thu'um, and my dragon tomb has my other two Relics. One is a white ebony dagger that can become Uriel's fiery sword (he’s my spiritual father; Urania is my mother), which Ra's cut himself on 'cause he was being greedy, and he ran out with only the dragon tooth 'cause he woke up my ten Dragon Priests. :D They're technically just guarding Argophael, now.
Barbara: Ooooh, was he your dragon boyfriend?😮
Faith: Yes! And trans! I've always been pansexual lol.
Tim: Eyyy, another gay in the family, woo hoo!
Faith: 🎉Let's freaking go, lesbians💅✨
Tim: LOL
Barbara: LOL
Stephanie: lmao
Dick: Ha ha ha!
Faith: Do I have to say what Bartholomew did again?
Barbara: Nope! We scrolled up 👍
Barbara: LOL
Tim: Also, why did you name him Bartholomew?
Stephanie: LOL you named him Bartholomew
Faith: Bartholomew Roberts.
Stephanie: a good fit for a transphobe, ngl
Faith: Yeah! And he's captain of the Naglfar because why the fuck not? XD
Dick: Whoa! We're tossing f-bombs out, now?
Faith: I'm always tossing f-bombs out. I just get bored of it sometimes. Also, it's not always time for an f-bomb.
[Faith sent an audio message.] [Singing merrily:] Ohhhh, fuck fuck, fuckity fuck fuck! A-fuck fuck, fuckity fuck fuck! Fucking fuck, fucking fuck! Oh, fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuuuuck! Fuck.
Dick: Nope. Not listening to whatever that is.
Dick: Nevermind, Barbara played it on her phone.
Barbara: LMAO
Faith: I'd like to thank Casey Jones from the comic that was in the back pages of the manual for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 for the Wii for introducing me to 'fuckity fuck'. Fucking is just a normal verb form for fuck.
Barbara: LOL
Tim: Oh no, noooooo, that game *sucked*!
Faith: I had some fun with it, playing with my brother, and it and the movie it was based on introduced me to the fandom I wrote my first fanfic for, OK? I wouldn't be here without it! Muchlessbeamonsterfucker. Anyway!
Tim: LOL
Barbara: OMG FAITH 🤣🤣
Faith: The other is a white-blue gradient scallop seashell necklace that works like the Mermaid Princess pearls of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, but I can also dance, and my genre is Tohou Eurobeat.
Stephanie: (gasp!) so you're a magical girl too!! :oooo
Faith: Yes! :DDDDD I also have a Fairy Persona named Solas. My birth demigoddess name is Ønske, but when Urania became my mentor, I also got Ulia Chaménos, the surname to tribute the people I'd go on to save. And I got invited to Paradiso, where Uriel greeted me as my patron angel, and I was told my mortal name, which is, well, Faith!
Stephanie: coool :o what does your fairy 'sona look like?
Stephanie: wait no!
Stephanie: you can just show me some time!! right?
Faith: Also yes, I can! Dragon powers awake = everything is awake.
Faith: I also have a magic Costume, formally called my Astral Jester Costume. The styles of the pieces can change, but by default, it's a T-shirt crop top, shorts, cuff-bracelets lined with jingle bells, a choker with a cluster of jingle bells, hiker shoes (I have a deformed right foot, and my feet are naturally wide, so no flip-flops, flat shoes or high heels!) with a cluster of jingle bells, and, of course, a jester hat with four “ears”, each with a cluster of jingle bells. The entire outfit is white but can change colours as it changes styles. It's a magic cosplay piece LOL
Tim: OK cool but *why a jester?*
Faith: Look, Harley didn’t make me gay, LEGO Catwoman did, but I gotta do one for the clown gays, all right? Harley is an iconnnnn
Stephanie: lol truuuuueeeeee
Tim: Go off, girl! 🤣
Faith: When LEGO Catwoman used the diamond to cut the window, and was caught in the spotlight? And then we saw it again after the villain level? I was like "Oh, she’s cool! …Is she hot, too? Is that just her thing?" There's a reason my imaginary friends were fairies and mermaids and I've had my first imaginary friend, Bella, since I was like 6 🧚🦄🌈✨
Tim: yaaaaassss! ✨🌈✨
Stephanie: yes, miss gurrrlll!! 💖💖✨✨
Barbara: I love that for you!! /gen
Dick: Yeah that's cool 😁
Damian: You can all read about the Four Legendary Unicorns in the app's lore or the planning document.
Faith: Thank you, Damian!
Damian: You're welcome.
Dick: Hey Faaaaaaith
Faith: Yeeeeees
Dick: Who's your favourite Robin? 👀
Faith: He's not present. (throws a peace sign, vanishes)
Dick: GAAAAASP! (holds chest)
Tim: Eh, fair.
Stephanie: lmao
Faith: (Reappears with the sound of a tendon going over bone) But uh, the Four represent the emotions and head-spaces of the people they allow to ride on their backs. Two Italians, and two Swedes LOL
Stephanie: aw man, not the swedish!
Dick: LOL why that sound??🤣
Faith: I've got hyptonia from my dwarfism, OK! I make it a lot!
Tim: Oh cool! How tall are you?
Faith: 4'6" (146 cm)
Faith: Just know that it was supposed to be Polish as a Witcher reference. 💀
Stephanie: bruh 💀💀💀
Tim: LOL the opposite of the Wild Hunt
Faith: Literally 💀Anyway! I have the flu right now so please don’t visit, thankssss
Barbara: No. ❤️
Faith: OK! I believe you! Jump in the line, rock your body in time.
Faith: OHHHHHHH!!!
Barbara: LOL!!
Faith: I know that song from Just Dance 2. Or was it 3? I don't remember and I don't care to ask SOFFFIAA right now LOL
Dick: You’re so energetic, I love that.
Stephanie: oh you're *def* a Just Dancer.
Faith: Thank you! (ihaveareactiveattachmentdisorder)
Steph: felt that
Tim: LOL
Barbara: LOL oh hon, you're perfect 🤣
Dick: 🤣🤣
Damian: I can hear you laughing from across the hall…
Faith: Also, I haven't played since I broke my knee in March 2015 ☹️
Stephanie: awww, that sucks! but we can get you back into shape!
Faith: It's gonna be a *real* challenge.
Dick: We can do it, though 😊
Faith: And heck yeah! Oh, also.
[Faith sent a voice message:] Damian climbs out of bed, takes a decent stride away from the furniture, and does a backflip.
Damian did as told. He held in his scream of fury, and sat back on his bed.
Damian: Never do that again. Whatever that was.
Faith: Wow, he didn't scream in anger! I'm glad /gen. Also agreed
Tim: Girl is OP af💀
Faith: It’s the power of the Thu’um, but I just speak English >w<
Stephanie: i kinda wanna try 😮
Faith: Also yeah, sorry for being a Mary-Sue, everybody blame Ra's for bringing this shit into DC Comicsssss
Tim: Nah, don't apologise.
Dick: Do you *remember* the magic users we've got?
Faith: Oh yeeeeah, sorry, too used to being mean to myself
Stephanie: mood honestly
Barbara: Well, *that's* going to change, Miss Faith!
Faith: Honestly, that would be nice.😄
Barbara: ❤️
Faith: Are you sitting or standing, Steph?
Stephanie: i’m laying in bed bored as shit
Faith: REAL XD
Faith: Also feel free to get this on video for evidence, up to you
Stephanie: oooh bet, lemme record this, go ahead!
[Faith sent a voice message:] Stephanie runs to the wall, runs up the wall, does a cartwheel as she reaches the ceiling, and lands firmly on her feet.
[Stephanie shared a video.]
Stephanie: THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!
Barbara: Nice flip, Steph!
Dick: Good form 👍
Stephanie: Thanks!
Tim: I mean, I wasn’t doubting your dragon powers were real, but hey! They’re real!
Faith: But uh yeah! I think the magic should be easy for me. It'll be trying to get my body to work like it did in high school that'll be the problem 🙁
Dick: How fit were you in school?
Faith: I could lift 420lbs on the leg press.
Dick: Nice!
Barbara: Wow!!
Stephanie: damn!
Tim: You had strong legs!
Dick: You had an injury?
Faith: Yeah, I broke my left patella in tenth grade. I'll spare y'all the story for now, but it gave me anxiety and depression, and that led to a rough last semester and an even rougher grade eleven and twelve. I tried homeschooling, but Internet and fanfiction writing hooked me, and I would have been just fine at the high school branch near the police station, but then I met the one IRL boyfriend I’ve had, and then I was even more depressed. Another story for another time. I used to play volleyball and dance, and now I can only dance while sitting down. It’s not quite the same to make a choreography and be unable to do it. Hence my magic pearl!
Dick: You fit right in with us. You had a rough life too. And now you've been given the opportunity to take your life back.😊
Faith: Yeah! I mean my job is going fine, and Bruce just approved the idea I had for my Earth-33 self to return and continue her life, so no worries there. But I've spent so much time reading and consuming media just trying to understand how people make friends, and what family is like! Not that my adoptive family didn't love me, or try to teach me. My foster parents just screwed up *bad*. I was a Benadryl kid.
Dick: That sucks. Sorry to hear that.
Barbara: Awww, yeah, sorry. 😢
Faith: Again, I could literally go on, but you get the point.
Stephanie: yep.
Barbara: You're welcome to talk to us about yourself anytime, Faith! I'm sure you know plenty about us already ha ha.
Faith: Maybe not plenty, but enough to be very comfortable.
Barbara: Good!
Dick: Awesome.
Tim: So, are you aiming to get your 420 lift back?
Faith: I mean, that'd be *amazing*, I'd like to try!
Dick: Well, when you're not sick, we’re abducting you from the mansion. 🤪
Faith: Woo hoo!
Stephanie: i have a question!
Faith: Shoot.
Stephanie: where are you from? like, the country
Faith: I’m Canadian. Yes, I've been to America. We visited my adoptive dad's family in Gilmer, Texas in Easter of 2008 or '9. It was *so hot*. We flew kites, had authentic iced tea that Mom only let us have a bit of 'cause it had caffeine, there was a wasp on the bathtub that was in the backyard, and I remember briefly playing Tetris and one of the galaxy shooters with one of our cousins. And we went to the zoo! I vaguely remember the black panther, the birds, and the rhinos. We took a weird route there, but a more expected route back. I *think* that's the trip we stopped in Seattle or something to sea the ocean? I remember seeing the trees you used to be allowed to walk/drive through.
Barbara: You're just so full of stories. ❤️❤️
Faith: Aw, thanks!
Stephanie: deadpool or wolverine?
Faith: Smash both but Deadpool first unless the chemistry isn't there, ditto reasoning for Wolverine, marry Deadpool, talk history with Wolverine, I don’t think he’d like me enough to marry me; no killing here, folks.
Stephanie: wow. what a slut /aff
Faith: Thanks, I learned it from the cult of Asherah that the Yahwehists tore down, but before then, R34 and Bayonetta. Also Catwoman, again. Poison Ivy, too. OH and Her Imperial Condescendence from Homestuck.
Barbara: Oh my Gooood…
Stephanie: oh she’s *chaotic* gay!
Tim: Not Homestuck!! 😭 😭 😭
Faith: I used to be a Nepeta kinnie. Now I’m an Eridan sympathiser and fucker.
Stephanie: AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Dick: (Points at the cuss) Get outta my sandwich!
Faith: (Mine turtle) Hello!
Dick: LOL
Stephanie: lmao!
Barbara: LOL!
Tim: oh of course you like asdfmovie /aff
Faith: Anyway yeah! This will be fun if my body stops breaking after the first couple of weeks or so!
Barbara: Oh, we get hurt aaaalllll the time.
Dick: Yep.
Tim: Yyyyyep.
Stephanie: uh-huh!
Damian: Yeah.
Faith: I know, I've seen the panels… I don't usually save time or money to buy or even pirate comics tbh.
Stephanie: Fair.
Tim: Yeah.
Faith: OK! I'm gonna try to sleep now! Nice meeting y'all! 👋
Stephanie: Byyyyeeee!
Barbara: TTYL!
Dick: Bye! 😄
Tim: Sleep well, Faith!
Damian: See ya.
Faith has changed her status to Do Not Disturb.
Faith has changed her status to flu needs the z’s.
Tim: She’s got a good sense of humor.
Dick: Yeah, she seems easy to get along with.
Barbara: I think we're her only friends, though. 😉
Dick: Yeah.
Stephanie: yeah
Tim: Yeeeeah. Not that I mind, though.
Barbara: Neither do I.
Stephanie: same
Dick: Ditto. Some people just need the winds of fate to blow differently for something to go their way.
Barbara: Oh, for sure.
Tim: True.
Stephanie: i'm excited to help her, though! and be her friend. 😊
Tim: Heck yeah!
Barbara: Bruce, could you take her to the Belfry when she's not sick to start with the basics?
Bruce: Sure. 🙂
Dick: Yes, great idea.
Damian: Is it mandatory?
Dick: Nope. If you don’t feel like it, you don't have to, Damian.
Damian: 'Kay.
Dick: I think that's all for now, yeah?
Tim: Yeah.
Barbara: I think so!
Stephanie: yeah, no ideas for now.
Dick: All right. We'll let Faith know when she's done snoozing and go from there. [Multiple people Liked this message.]
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Click emoji to navigate to next chapter. ⏭️
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beaker1636 · 1 year
A Love Reunited - Ricky Smut/Fluff
A/N: I don’t know why my mind went towards a sappy fluffy cute smut but it did so hopefully you enjoy this anon! I didn’t edit this so they’re maybe some typos, also I upload via mobile so if the formatting is ever off I am sorry! Enjoy!
Edit: for some reason tumblr won’t let me add the imagine below the photo so it’s all wonky. Sorry!
Sighing you clock out at work and make your way out the door, extra glad it is finally the weekend after a long week, but also a little disappointed to be making your way home to your apartment alone. Your boyfriend Ricky is away on tour and unfortunately there is still about a week left before he can be home.
You decide to send him a quick message before you start the drive home, letting him know that you are thinking of him and miss him.
When you pull into your driveway you notice that you have a message so you take your phone out as you walk towards your front door.
“Good thing we got home early then,” you read.
You quickly unlock your front door when you got the message, looking up to immediately gasp. Wasting no time you make your way to where he sits on your couch, sit down on his lap facing him and bury your face in his neck. His arms snake around you, holding you to him tightly as you both sit there in the silence for a couple minutes to embrace and take comfort in being together again.
“Something came up and the tour ended a week early, so I decided to surprise you after work today,” he says softly in your ear, not wanting to let go of you as the two months you were apart has taken a toll on not just you but him as well.
“I missed you so much,” you mumble, trying not to embarrass yourself by happy crying.
The timer in the oven goes off, forcing you to separate from eachother.
“Go sit at the table, I will have dinner out for us in a minute,” he says kissing your forehead as he slips by you and into your kitchen.
You make your way to the dining room table ad smile when you see that there is a beautiful bouquet of flowers itting on it, and candles are lit around the room giving a romantic feel towards the meal, which melts your heart at the effort that he made to do something for you despite the fact you know he must be tired from the tour.
Rick comes out with your plates and then heads back into the kitchen to grab you both a couple of glasses of wine before he takes a seat next to you at the table.
“You didn’t have to do all of this for me, I know you must be exhausted after such a long tour,” you say as you start to eat the wonderful meal that he has cooked.
“I wanted to do something nice for you when I got back because this was the first tour we’ve been through together and I know it is a lot for you as well. I figured we have a nice at home date tonight and then we can spend the weekend being lazy and lying around together. After your week you probably need it too,” he responds back, reaching over to lightly squeeze your thigh under the table.
The two of you continue to eat, Rick telling you all about the fun and weird moments of the tour. Most of this he has already told you during your facetime chats but you still gladly listen to him as its been so long since you have heard him talk in person.
When you both finish eating you move closer to him so that you can give him a kiss, giggling when he pulls you out of your chair and onto his lap, not expecting the sudden playful moment.
“I’m so glad you are home, I missed you so much. I know you would never do anything but just knowing you meet so many fans makes me anxious, you never know what they could do or if you would meet someone better,” you admit shyly as you start to lightly play with his hair, loving the silky feel of it in your hands.
“Baby, listen to me. I don’t want anyone else. Noone comes close to you or how I feel about you,” he brushes your cheek with his thumb, which makes you look at him and making eye contact.
He leans down to gently kiss you again, but this time feels a lot different than any the two of you have ever shared with eachother. You can’t place why but you don’t question it, quickly giving in to the feeling and losing all sense of what is happening around you.
You can feel him smile in the kiss which makes you smile as well. Lightly Rick tugs on your lip with his teeth, your tongues lazily meeting. You can’t help but love how soft and gentle everything is right now. These slow sweet moments together are rare and you haven’t been able to have on in awhile.
His hands trail down your sides before landing on our ass and resting there for a moment before he pulls his lips away from yours just slightly.
“Why don’t we move this to our bed? You can show me how much you missed me,” he whispers, his breath ghosts across your lips making you shudder.
Rather than answering you get up off his lap and grab his hand, leading him out of the dining room and to your bedroom.
Both of you lay down on your sides facing eachother, lips quickly colliding with eachothers again only this time is more heated, both of you getting needy for contact that you have been missing.
One of his hands is resting on your hip as the other is in your hair, holding you closely to him. Slowly he pushs on you, letting you know that he wants you to lay down on your back which you happily do.
His hands teasingly rub the skin of your stomach which is now exposed from your shirt riding up slightly. Trailing his hands softly up your torso until they make their way back down towards the hem of your shirt, which he grabs and slides off of you, your bra quickly going with it while you blush.
The two of you have only been together like this a handful of times before he had to leave for the tour, so despite wanting it you still can’t help but feel shy when he looks at your body.
He gives you another quick soft kiss that is over before you can register that it had begun before they lightly start to ghost from your ear down to your throat. At the same time one of his hands moves to cup a breast, lightly kneading it before starting to roll your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Even after all this time he still takes satisfaction in teasing you.
He know that he finds your sensitive spot on your throat when you gasp and tilt your head allowing him more access to continue leaving marks along the path, because you know that he has to be at that point.
Reaching inbetween the both of you you decide to unbutton his jeans, sliding them down slightly along with his boxers.
He adjusts so that he can kick his them off the rest of the way before his lips slowly start to trail down your chest, continuing to leave marks as you reach down to slowly stroke him, wanting to drive him crazy and tease him as much as he was doing to you. You know you succeeded when he lets out a barely audible groan which makes you giggle.
His lips wrap around one of your nipples, making you gasp and shift at the sensitive feeling, your jeans feeling a bit too constricting now.
He notices you shift and moves to unbutton them, pulling away from you slightly so that you can lift your hip, allowing him to remove them as well as your panties in one quick motion before sitting at your side. He reaches over you so that he can rub your clit but you grab his wrist and stop him.
“No, I-I just want to feel you tonight, please?” you beg, craving the closeness and the connection that you have been lacking out on with him.
His shifts so that he is leaning over the top of you again, his lips finding yours gently as he teases you slightly with the tip against your clit. When you give him an annoyed grunt he finally gives in and slips inside of you, both of you letting out a groan at the sudden feeling of pleasure that is coursing through you.
Hi thrusts get a little bit harder as he goes but he doesn’t get anywhere near as rough with you as he always has in the past. He wants to savor this moment with you and enjoy this feeling. He also feels the change between this act and the other times the two of you have been together.
Pulling away he locks his eyes with you as his hands find their way to your waist, flipping the two of you so that you are now on top.
“Ride me baby, fuck just like that,” he groans as you begin to rock your hips against his, you being inpatient and going a bit quicker than he was when he was on top and leading the two of you.
Knowing that he won’t last long himself after not getting any for a few month he reaches between the two of you, starting to toy with your clit which makes you look away from him, arching your back at the level it adds to everything.
He can feel you starting to clench around him, hear you letting out breathy moans that let him know that you are getting quick and when you do cum rather abruptly he is right behind you, spilling inside of you a couple seconds later.
When you come down you share a couple lazy kisses before you finally pull yourself off him and go to your bathroom to quickly clean yourself up.
When you return you quickly put your pajamas on, and notice that he has slipped into his boxers and is laying on your bed waiting for you to join him. You do so, laying your head on his chest and wrapping an arm around him while he begins to lightly run a hand along your back. Both of you sit there quietly, processing what has changed between the two of you but not wanting to be the one to break the silence.
A few moments later Rick decides to be the one to break it, “Being away from you like this for so long made me realize something… well that and one of Chris’ weird peptalks helped me figure it out too,” Rick says softly, still rubbing your back softly.
You move so that you are looking up at him,” Hmm?” you ask.
“This is probably not the best time to say it, and totally is not what I planned to do but I want to say it. I love you, more than that I’m in love with you. I’ve never mised someone so much while gone, or worried about a girlfriend like this,” he slowly stops talking when he realises he is rambling.
“Rick, I love you too. I just was too nervous to say it and freaked out thinking it would freak you out saying it only four months into our relations,” you admit and then before giving him a second kiss lightly.
Suddenly realization hits you and you pull away with a weird look on your face.
“Wait, you confided in this with my brother before you did me? No wonder he has been really weird lately when we’ve talked and asking how things are going with you,” you say giggling slightly.
You lay back down, curling up in his side again, content to just stay like that the rest of the night.
“He confronted me about it, I will explain later, lets just go to bed,” he says, sounding annoyed.
You decide to just let the subject go but totally plan to ask him about it in the morning curious on what that could have meant.
The two of you continue to catch up on everything you haven’t had a chance to with one another before you finally start to fall asleep, feeling loved and cared for, more content in your relationship than ever.
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hnnny · 7 months
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This is beyond disgusting that scam bots are now turning to capitalize on Palestinians who fear for their lives, their families lives, and the lives of their people and culture every single millisecond of every single day.
I implore you, if you receive a message like this, do the following things to make sure you're protected from scammers like this.
Did they follow you just before/after sending this post? If so, they are likely a scammer, building up their follower list to make their account seem more real.
Do they have any original posts besides their asks for donations/help? You can check using this website. If they only have the one, then they have likely a bunch of junk reblogs to make it seem like they are real.
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Do you know them? Do they avoid referring to you and your brand of content specifically? This is a red flag that they have sent you a scripted message. Oftentimes, scammers will use vague terms like "my friend". This is an even bigger red flag, especially if they just followed you.
This type of scam in particular is extremely vague, which may cause you to DM them first to ask what they need. This is exactly what they want. They send you an ask so they can get you in your DMs. Sometimes, scammers will ask you to DM them via ask first anyway. This is yet another huge red flag.
Their username is their "real name". Do you know anybody on Tumblr who goes by their real name other than a few celebrities? That's another red flag.
Now that you've checked, here's what you do:
REPORT FOR SPAM! Protect other people from running into the same issue and possibly falling for it. This is essential to making sure the amount of bots running around rampant remains minimal and manageable. Report them as you see them.
BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK! Depending on how you go about this (either on mobile or desktop), this might come with the 'Report Spam' step. Be sure to make sure you have them blocked. This will ensure that they can't target you again.
INFORM OTHERS! Let other people know when they've likely reblogged a scam ask/post. Be respectful and kind and informative. Remember to use the above steps to identify if these posts are indeed spam. And it can't hurt to ask (as long as you're polite!)
Consider donating to real people who are suffering in inconceivably terrible ways. There are tons of ways to do so, whether on a very individual level, or on a wide scale level. You might even see if some of your favorite artists or content creators are doing a fundraiser in exchange for their services. Just make sure to do a bit of background research to make sure things are legit. It doesn't take too many Google searches before you can see if it's a scam or not.
Check that you are a registered voter now, and check for early voting days. Set the date on your calendar and go. Invite your friends, make a day of it. If you can't make it the first day, go the next possible day.
Stay hopeful and keep fighting. And believe me. I know things seem hopeless. But please, that is exactly what they want you to think. They want you desensitized to their acts of genocide. They want you to cast aside your vote so they can continue until they're done. I promise you, you aren't alone in these feelings, and as such, you are not alone in this fight.
Give your talents, voice, platform, and all other efforts to help let the world know that we must Free Palestine. Do not think for one second the battle is over yet. You can do this. Prayerfully consider what kind of action you could take that feels right to you.
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
Chapter Twenty-Three
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Evie, what do you think of the article in the Tullamore Tribune? Have sent it to you via text message. Big news here at home. Must speak to Caroline soon. Saw Jackie Doyle’s husband at the butcher with a cast on his leg this morning, says he had the foot reversed over outside his house. Ouch! Love mam.
Mam, did you send a link to the article or a photo of the paper? Either way neither has sent. It’s probably too many megabytes, don’t worry about it. I’ll chat to you about it when I’m home next. 
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“Texting your other boyfriend?” Jude says casually, his back to me as he zips himself into the only pair of trousers he brought on holidays. 
“It’s my mother, she’s obsessed with some article she saw in the local paper, I don’t know what it is, probably that the parish priest has died or something, God knows, but the article hasn’t sent.”
“You could ask her to email it maybe?”
“Ugh, it’s not even worth it, the computer at home is barely usable and I’d have to use all my roaming minutes to coach her through that process. I’ve already tried to tell her that texting is expensive.”
He puts his shoes on, “Does she know you’re in Cyprus?”
I pause, “I can’t remember. You can turn around now,” I smooth out the lightweight linen of my new dress, “What do you think?”
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Jude pretends to pass out, collapses onto his bed and then slides onto the floor, “Evie,” He groans, “You’re a babe.”
“Get up, you clown,” I snicker, “Why are you always so dramatic?”
“Where did you get that?”
“The market in Paphos.”
“Do a spin for me,” I do, and he clutches his heart and rolls over onto his front. 
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“Get up! You’ll get dust all over your clothes.”
“You’re right, my only nice clothes too,” He pulls a hair, probably mine, off the front of his shirt, “Something with buttons on it, imagine. I bet you didn’t think I had threads like this.”
“I like it, you look smart. You should wear more shirts with buttons.”
“I would only my fat fingers always fumble them,” I glance at his hands, the most nimble, dexterous and beautiful hands I’ve ever seen on a man and roll my eyes, “Alright, get up, we have to leave now.” I head for the door while he scrambles across the floor to grab a hold of my waist to stop me, “Wait, let me have another look at you.”
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“You have a whole evening to look at me,” I protest, hoping my voice doesn’t give away the fact that my entire body is prickling from that look in his eyes, and how much I like seeing him on his knees in front of me. “Come on, we don’t want to keep the guys waiting.”
He tightens his fingers around me, and with a kiss to my belly, says “Here’s to a great last night in Cyprus.” 
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The restaurant that Claire booked is spectacular. Located in the ruin of an old church, it showcases a perfect, uninterrupted view of the Mediterranean Sea. Aphrodite’s Rock is highlighted perfectly by the setting sun, and the full moon behind it appears enormous as it rises from the glittering horizon.
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We cheers with our wine glasses when our drinks arrive, and all of us, tanned, gorgeous and tired, look out over the beach and take languid sips of our drinks. Nobody has called me out on the fact that I swore I wouldn’t order wine and then did anyway when I realised I’d be the only one not having something to drink. 
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“Claire,” Jude says, ankle to knee, one arm draped over the back of my seat. “Why is it that your parents had a house out here the whole time, and you still decided to spend a summer in Shane Healy’s mobile home?”
She laughs, “Because I was seventeen, and the idea of being on holidays with my parents was really embarrassing,” a waiter brings our food over and places it down in front of us, “I thought it’d have been a bit more craic to be with my friends instead, and like, yeah obviously it wasn’t the most glamorous holiday I ever had, but I still had a good time.”
“She made the right choice,” Shane says, placing a hand around her shoulder. 
Jude grins, “And this is the first time you’ve had friends here?” 
“Yeah, actually it is.”
“Well, hopefully not the last.”
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“Agreed,” I say enthusiastically, “Let’s do this every year, this has been just amazing from start to finish.”
Claire smiles and quickly picks up her fork. “Let’s eat, will we?”
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The food is amazing. I have scallops and Jude has Monkfish, but we end up sharing with each other like we usually do, with me putting half of my food onto his plate and him putting half of his onto mine. I try some of Claire’s linguine too, and even a little bit of Shane’s steak despite the fact that he’s not entirely on board with the idea of sharing, as usual. The conversation is so good, it flows as easily as our drinks, and just like at the very best times with friends, everything is easy. I laugh when Claire drops a ribbon of pasta onto her lap, at the face that Shane makes when I hold out the bottle of wine to him and he says “Go on, you’ve talked me into it,” and as the evening settles down and the full moon rises in the sky I’m filled with a rare kind of contentment, like absolutely everything is alright in the world. 
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“It’s so sad that we’re leaving tomorrow,” Claire laments as our empty dishes are cleared away, “It’s just been so nice to be with all of ye  and have a little bit of time away from college and all of that, you know, like you don’t actually get these kinds of breaks very often.”
“True,” I say, “But there’ll be so many more, this is really just the start of it now, I can just feel it.”
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“Yes…” she says, and she looks down into her lap. Her lips part as though she wants to say more, but then she doesn’t. I watch her exchange something unspoken with Shane, and as he adjusts himself uncomfortably in his seat the very first seeds of uncertainty settle in my guts. “What?” I say, “Was that awkward of me to say? I didn’t meant to imply that I expect you to put us up in Cyprus every year or something, no, I just meant like-”
“No, it’s fine, Evie. I wasn’t thinking that,” says Claire, “It’s just, like…” She trails off. 
“We wanted to invite you on holidays with us because we have to tell you something important,” Shane says. “Something that’s good, like. It’s not bad news at all, it’s just…”
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“Shane’s been scouted,” Claire blurts out, “By the AFL. They like the way he plays football, so they want him to go play professionally, like.”
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I’m already out of my seat and reaching over the table to hug him before the last words have left Claire’s mouth, “Oh God, Shane!” I cry, “That’s amazing, I’m thrilled for you, what the hell, that’s like the best case scenario, you must be so happy,”
“I am, yeah,” He says with a big awkward pat on my back, “Sure it’s good news.”
“It’s amazing news, wow, you kept that one quiet.”
“Well we weren’t really allowed to talk about it until it was fully confirmed,” Claire explains, “You know, just in case anything fell through at the last minute, but like, yeah, at this point it’s fully confirmed, it’s happening.”
“Wow, oh my God, I’m stunned, I just-”
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“Hang on a second,” Jude says, “Just to confirm, the AFL? So you’re moving?”
I look at him and then to them and back again, “Moving?”
“Yeah,” Claire says, and tears suddenly spring into her eyes, “To Sydney.”
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“Australia?” It’s quiet for several moments after the word leaves my mouth, and nobody even says yeah obviously, Evie, what other Sydney is there? You dope. My hands start to tremble. 
“Yeah,” Shane speaks carefully like he’s afraid to spook me, “Oz, like. We’re going in September.”
“Four months?” I cry, “That’s all we have left, four months? What am I going to do when you’re gone? That’s crazy, guys, it’s so far, you can’t just go.”
“Evie, it’s his one chance to do this, we have to try.”
“I’m finishing my degree, I’ll be qualified so I’ve a backup plan, but like, I’ll spend a few years trying to get the football thing going, and if it doesn’t work out that’s fine, I just really need to give it a go.”
“A few years is a long time.”
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Claire grabs my hand, and I suddenly feel like a toddler who is throwing a tantrum and needs to be managed. “We’ll be back all the time, for Christmas and different things, and you can always come out and stay with us.”
My lip is trembling, and I realise that she is crying, so I cry too, and let tears careen down my face while the waiter comes back with dessert menus and awkwardly places them in front of us. “It’s good, Evie. This is what we want.”
“But your degree,” I whimper, “Aren’t you going to finish it?”
She laughs thickly, “I couldn’t give two shits about my degree, chick. I’m only in college because my dad paid the fees for it, I’m useless.”
“I’m just doing what I’m supposed to be doing, this is what I want, and yeah, I’m sad that I’ll be leaving Ireland but I find it exciting too at the same time. Sure we’re only young, there’s loads of time to try things out,”
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“No, I’m happy,” I mop tears from my cheeks, the napkin coming away glittery. “Obviously, I’m really happy, this is amazing…”
“Amazing,” Jude echoes. 
“…I’ll just miss you both so much.”
“We’ll miss you too.”
“I never imagined that this would happen.”
“Me neither,” Shane says, “I never thought that the AFL would want me, honestly.”
“Oh of course they would,” I throw my eyes skyward, “Shane Healy, extraordinaire. The most talented man on earth.”
“Dunno about that, now.”
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I try to smile, but I end up grimacing hideously instead, teeth clenched, eyes overflowing with tears, “What will I do without you?”
“You’ll be grand, you don’t really need us,”
I don’t think either of them realises how much I do. Who will I confide things in? Who will give me advice that’s hard to hear? Who will take me to doctor’s appointments, force me to get in shape, cook dinner with me, braid my hair, tell me I’m doing alright when I feel like I could fall apart at any minute? 
Jude strokes his thumb over my knee beneath the table, “It’s bittersweet, you know? I’m happy for you, Shane.”
“Thanks man,”
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“Let’s focus on the time we have left. We have a whole summer before you guys leave, and I really think we can make the most of it, and look,” he turns to me, “We can visit Australia, I’ll take you there, yeah, the flight is long but it’s worth it. It’s amazing, you’ll love it, actually, you’ll all love it. This is something to really look forward to.”
I understand that he’s being optimistic, as usual, but a little toxic part of me wishes that he wouldn’t be, that he’d say something about how it’s too hot in Australia, how the spiders are as big as cats and the food is disgusting just so there’s a chance that Claire and Shane might stay, but I know it’s far too late for that kind of thing. 
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“It’s so great,” I say through my teeth, “It’s a big change, but it’s just amazing.”
Claire smiles at me tearfully from across the table. “I know,” She mouths. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying so much,” I fan my face as though it’s actually going to achieve something, to dry even a friction of the torrent of moisture on my face. With every blink I feel my mascara transferring onto my lower lids. “I think I just need some air.”
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“We’re already outside,” Shane points out, and Claire thumps him on the arm, “That’s not what she means. Go on down to the beach for a walk, Evie, it’s fine. We can just finish up here, and you can text us when you’re feeling a little bit better.”
I get up from my seat, “Okay, I’ll just… I’ll just go down there now, I’ll be fine. I’m delighted, really, it’s just a surprise is all, I’m grand.”
“We know, it’s okay.”
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“Wow, what big news,” I try to laugh at myself but the sound that comes out of me is more like a wet rattle. “Fab.” I partially shove my way through other diners to get out of the restaurant, absolutely loathing myself for having such an intense reaction. I wonder what is wrong with me during the whole walk down the sandy bank and towards the beach, and I hate myself even more as I face the sea and hack out one huge, outrageous and unjustified sob. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
Along the way (Part Two)
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Sweetapple | Dear Mr Tracy | Along the way - Part 1 | Part 2
Here we are after one hell of a long wait, the next part of the third Sweetapple fic :D A good percentage of this was written back in April, but today I have managed to wrangle it to do what I needed it to do.
Many, many thanks to @onereyofstarlight for the readthrough and cheerleading :D And for Thunderfam cheering me on. Honestly, you guys are amazing to me and I cherish all the support you give me ::hugs the lots of you::
I hope you enjoy this bit :D
Māhia was seconds away via Thunderbird One. The blur of mach ‘I need to get there now’, cleared as Scott braked mid-air above the facility.
Experienced eyes scanned the grounds and his heart sank as the clear signs of a building collapse in the older part of the property became clear.
“Thunderbird Five, visual confirmation on scans. Several of the lab buildings have collapsed.” As he lowered One down to land, he shoved her landing gear down in frustration. Those buildings had been reinforced for exactly this reason. Why had they collapsed?
But that was a question for later as he did mental calculations on who might own those five life signs Five’s scanners were reporting.
They taunted him on his display as One blew up dust and settled softly to the ground.
“Five, I need employee locations and I need them now.”
It was Eos who answered. “Yes, commander, compiling them and sending them to your mobile device.”
His thank you was little more than a whisper as he stepped out onto Tracy Industries land as an emergency responder.
Tia hurried across the grounds towards him, Fireman Fred, not far behind.
“Sir, we have six staff missing.”
He nodded and pulled up the data Eos had sent him.
It correlated.
Alexander Sweetapple was at the top of the list, followed by Erica Stoltz, Bruce Palmer, Gus Kinnear, Emily Anderson and Violet Drummer.
As he moved to assess the situation, he shut those names in the back of his mind and jammed his hope and despair into a box of professionalism.
Tia’s breath came in a rush. “The engineering team have set up scanners and have been directing the rest of the staff to move debris, but…” Her voice trailed off as her amber eyes stared up at him.
A nod and he put more confidence into his stride. Fireman Fred started spouting stressor numbers and building structures…
Just another rescue, use the tools, save lives and console later.
Thunderbird Two swooped in low over Gisborne and Virgil groaned. A series of apartments on the main street appeared to be compromised with partial to full collapse. He hated apartment buildings.
They were always the most heartbreaking.
And they weren’t alone, it was obvious even from this height that there were several sites that would need their attention. With confirmation from John on the priority list, Virgil lowered Two as delicately as he could down into a main intersection, as close as safely possible to the first site.
Automatically speeding through post-flight, Virgil set up the job in his mind. “Gordon and Alan, you’re on pick-up-stick duty. Clear as much debris as possible. Alan, you have Two if needed. I’ll be in the exosuit.” He threw up a live scan of the collapsed group of buildings, absently noting the age of the structures and the possible reason for initial failure. He pointed at the first lifesign. “We’ll start here, follow through to here and pick them off one by one. Any information that requires a change in these priorities, I need to know.” The sixty-four lifesigns flickered at him like heartbeats.
“FAB.” And the professionals who were his brothers were moving.
He climbed out of his pilot’s seat and followed.
Scott was missing both his heavy lifting brother and his ‘bird.
Thunderbird One was good for many things, but in this case, Two was better.
Not that he’d ever admit it out loud.
The fortunate thing was that with so many Tracy Industries employees on hand, most of the equipment required to dig a person out of this mess was available.
He missed his brother’s support.
And their ease of working together.
But then, if Alex wasn’t one of these lifesigns, there was no way Scott wanted his brother here.
Virgil had formed an attachment to the likeable engineer. There was no other explanation for his repeated visits to Māhia. At least once a week found him down here knocking heads with Alex. He claimed it was Siliwrap development and Scott had no doubt that was part of it, a very small part. He had seen his brother on a design binge many a time in the past and this wasn’t it.
What it was, was hopeful and although Virgil had yet to declare any intentions of any kind, Scott couldn’t help but smile each time Virgil babbled to him about Alex.
Because he did. Scott knew more about the smart, dark-eyed, pale-haired engineer than he ever thought he would. But then considering his brother’s interest, he made it his business to know as much as possible about Alex. Both Kayo and John had done a thorough security risk assessment on the man and everything had come up green…repeatedly.
This just left Scott happy for his brother.
And nodding and smiling each time one of their late-night discussions turned to the topic of Alex.
He doubted his brother was even aware of it…and that made Scott smile even more.
But so far nothing had come of it beyond friendship and Scott wasn’t going to push other than give his hardworking little brother a little extra time with his friend when he could.
All Scott had to do today was find that friend.
“Sir! We found him!” Scott startled and despite himself, abandoned the area he had been clearing and ran over to where Fred and his crew were lifting out a prone body.
For just a moment, Scott’s heart lifted, only to be dashed by dark hair and a beard, followed by shame to even be thinking that way. Gus Kinnear was the lucky soul that beat the odds down to one in four that Alex was safe.
Scott saw to the groggy man, only to hand him to the onsite Tracy Industries medical team. His life was in no danger and he would be well attended to while they recovered the others.
Rolling his shoulders, Scott went back to shifting debris.
Just as the ground started rumbling.
“Aftershock!” John’s voice bounced through comms as Virgil lifted a couple of tonnes worth of masonry off what turned out to be a mother and child.
He gasped. “Can you move?”
The woman was covered in dust, her baby clutched to her chest, tears had streaked her cheeks. But she nodded, hesitantly, and did her best to get her feet under her just as the earth beneath him literally jumped.
He stumbled, his exo-suit whining under stress as he struggled to restabilise the weight. “Gordon!” He could barely hear his own voice over the roar of aftershock and for a split second he thought he was going to lose it.
But his brother was there. Swooping in and gathering the woman into his arms, baby and all, just fast enough.
Virgil was still holding the weight, hydraulics hissing as he fought with it and the ground beneath him shifted his footing.
“You’re clear, Virgil! Let it go!”
He wasn’t sure if it was Gordon or John, but the load was coming down, regardless. He clung to it, following it down with as much control as he could give it, but when it hit, brickwork flew, catching his legs, his helmet, and taking him down with it.
Virgil hit the ground on his side, a tangled mess of exo-suit and flailing limbs.
Part 3
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leptonyx-constellate · 6 months
heglo. main blog is @lesboylycan where we post sillies and where you can find our selfship blog. this is our plurality blog. a blog for us being plural. collectively, our pronouns are it/its and ze/hir. do not use they/them for us.
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[IDs in alt text]
(sidenote: here is a link to collective identities we either already have in the #id hoard tag, or that we're looking for! if you find any of the ones that we're looking for, please please please send us a link to the coining post, we'd appreciate it much. also, here is a link to our frequent fronter directory in case you're curious about some of the more common names to pop up here!)
we're mixed origins spontaneous-adaptive, and we're a mediple gateway collective; we as a whole do not consider ourselves a system due to the semantics of "many parts that make up a whole"; we do not feel like we make up a whole anything, and are simply connected by being (A) having dropped into this headspace, (B) being able to control the body, and (C) being part of the "hivemind" (and thus being affected by our DID). our otherworld is seen as a real, physical place, and it's separate from us--it existed long before we did, and it will exist long after we cease to. as such, natives of the world--Yhine--are never and will never be forced to consider themselves as "part of Us" (although they're free to do so if they wish)
we have DID. the DID did not cause our plurality, however. we're also polyfragmented as you will see below. our DID does not cancel out our basis in metaphysicality; if you try to turn any part of our plurality beyond the DID itself (and particularly the dissociation and amnesia) into a psychological thing, we will block you without further warning. this is your warning. don't fucking do it.
there is a small group that does consider itself to be a system: Wolf, made up of Oakley, Matty, Dave, Inti, Junie, and Twitch. it also considers itself to be a disordered system, specifically via AvPD; tl;dr: unlike how most of us form, Wolf is made up of a bunch of AvPD masks and coping mechanisms that split off of the core/genitor, Oakley, and they are specifically disordered because their functioning as masks instead of individuals makes it more difficult to handle symptoms related to our AvPD (particularly fear of vulnerability, judgment, and ridicule) and the trauma that caused it.
when talking about themselves, they'll frequently switch between i/me/my/mine/myself and wei/meus/myur/miurs/myursel[f/ves], as opposed to how the whole collective is referred to as we/us/our/ours/ourselves. they also will frequently refer to themselves in the third person (as wei're doing now!)
we have posts from before where we talked about Wolf being disordered via ASPD; these were from before we knew we had AvPD.
we are very big according to most folks' standards at 550+. about 85% of that is made up of introjects, from fictives to factives to songtives to dreamtives to octives, etc etc etc. the vast majority of those are fictives from our SpIn, both of canon and non-canon characters.
as said above, we're polyfragmented. to keep in mind, the 550+ number is almost entirely made up of people in our main homebase layer/otherworld, Yhine. it is very possible that there are thousands of us, considering we have 16 layers total, 15 of which are either inhabited or otherwise owned by the constellate. we're not super interested in actively finding Every Single Headmate; we'll meet them as they come.
we like talking about ourselves please send asks :3 (outside of the plurality stuff: we're physically disabled + a mobility aid user; we're autistic, ADHD, ASPD, NPD, AvPD and schizophrenic; and we're a clinical lycanthrope, which you can see a little more of on our main, and a lot more of on our nonhuman sideblog which is linked in our main's pinned post)
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[ID in alt text]
no DNI (other than "anti-endos and those willing to be friends with them, shove off" (this includes "neutrals". no, we don't fucking trust people who say they're "neutral" on people's existence, screw you. not to mention, we're not risking anti-endos who might interact with you finding us and trying to pull shit) and "if you believe in thought crimes--in ANY fashion--shove off" [note: this means we're proship/profic. follow your own DNI; self-identified antis get blocked on sight]. + if you're exclusionary in any way, we're the mspec alloaro transsexual male genderfaun butch gaybian the exclus are afraid of), we use the block button liberally. tag list below
#original post - original posts made by us
#[name].txt - posts by specific headmates who are making it known that it's from them specifically
#reblog - reblogged posts
#self reblog - posts made by us that we're reblogging
#id hoard - for (plural) terms that we identify with
#off-topic - posts not about us being plural
#on Wolf - posts (whether original or reblogged) related specifically to Wolf
#on Yhine - posts (whether original or reblogged) about Yhine and how it works/how we fit into the mix
#silly goofies - fun, good things that happen within us that we'd like to share
#syscourse - syscourse. sometimes also tagged #tw syscourse, although that tag is usually (note: emphasis on usually; this is not a hard and fast rule) used for posts where syscourse is talked about, but is not inviting discourse
#plural positivity - general positivity!
#asks - all asks
#ambiguous mail - we're very bad at tone, this is for asks who we can't tell if they're intended as hate
#hate mail - hate asks (probably won't post many, if any of these unless we're proving a point)
#ask games - both reblogged posts for the ask games and asks for those games!
#vent - vent posts
#werebeastliness - anything regarding us being a physical werebeast (note: will not ever be tagged as unreality; it is, at the very least, real for us, and tagging it as unreality would be reality checking if not just entirely false. if this makes you uncomfortable, block the tag or block us)
#queerness - anything regarding our queerness
#other neurodivergencies - anything about our other neurodivergencies
#physdis - anything about our physical disabilities
#intro post - this post
#blog upkeep - blog upkeep
tag list subject to change
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wordsandrobots · 6 months
[@lilenui informs me today (8 April) is Shino/Yamagi day. Actually, they informed me of this via a post four days ago, which proves I can write fast when I have a looming deadline, since I bashed this out inside 24 hours.
Anyway, in honour of today, here's a flip-side piece to accompany Falling for a Fool. Content warnings for extremely bi himbo energy and general dumbassery.]
It shouldn't have meant anything.
It probably didn't.
Touching other people was such a normal part of everyday life, Shino barely thought about it most of the time. A nudge here, a knock there, the clasped hand or bumped fist, a slap on the back for a job well done or a kick to the ass for being an idiot. He couldn't count how often he'd lifted one of the little guys where they couldn't reach, or knocked about with those in his weight class, or simply slung his arm around a familiar pair of shoulders just because.
What was there too think about?
Why couldn't he get this time out of his head?
The battle with the mobile armour had been intense. A giant monster robot from hundreds of years ago on a rampage that nearly ended with Chryse getting flattened, that was only stopped because Mikazuki went all-out. When the dust settled, Tekkadan were heroes once again. They'd done something nobody had since the Calamity War and by rights it ought to have been the start of bigger and bigger things, putting them on the path to truly becoming the kings of Mars.
Hadn't worked out that way, but still: they got to prove how awesome they were!
And in the middle of it all, Shino headed out to fight in a mobile suit he barely knew how to use.
Yamagi had been pissed at being dragged into the cockpit to work the new Ryusei-Go's equipment. He didn't wait to start bombarding Shino with homework afterwards, insisting he wasn't about to take a job as a full-time operating manual. That sucked because reading a mountain of technical mumbo-jumbo was more likely to send Shino to sleep than help him understand the rail-guns and the transformation mechanism and so on, but he supposed it was fair.
He'd practised hard until he could remember which buttons did what, first try.
His record now stood at switching to and from shelling-mode three times in a row without throwing anything out of whack, which had earned him a rare nod of approval.
So all in all, the situation worked out well, for him specifically. He got a Gundam to call his own, did his part in the battle, bringing down a canyon to split the mobile armour off from its drone swarm, and Yamagi was still talking to him despite everything. Sure, with what had happened since, it felt like a very small achievement in amongst a storm of massive disasters, but you took what you could, right? It definitely wasn't nothing, to finally have the strength to protect his friends.
Yet the memory kept worrying at him, like a stone in his boot.
Not the whole thing, just one particular part.
Because there'd been this moment, on-route to the target, where he'd needed to swerve. He can't remember what he was avoiding, exactly. An outcropping or a crater, some common hazard of speeding across a rocky desert, pinging on his sensors. He'd done what he always did, throwing the Ryusei-Go into a sharp sideways jink, and normally that'd be that. Only, he had another person stuffed in there with him and when he hit the dodge harder than he'd meant to –
The cockpit rocked as he regained his balance.
And Yamagi's hand struck his shoulder.
Which made sense. Yamagi was sitting across Shino's knees, folded practically in half, and there wasn't anything else for him to have braced against. It was that or being pitched across the cabin. In any case, Shino hardly felt the touch. Yamagi was not what you'd call heavy, or especially strong. He could've pushed with all his might and it'd likely have done very little had Shino been standing up, much less sitting down with a back-rest behind him.
But Yamagi didn't push.
He flinched away and hunched up, and began tapping furiously at his data pad.
Now, true, Yamagi wasn't the world's biggest fan of being manhandled. A holdover from how he got treated when he first joined the CGS and quite a lot of the time after then, before Orga took charge. Probably from being a small, slim little guy who worked for a military company in general, really, especially since getting so badly sick from the Alaya-Vijnana surgery meant he never took to the training. It was understandable, if he was sensitive over getting shoved around
Shino did his best to respect that, even when circumstances meant he needed to physically move Yamagi about the place.
Yamagi usually let him know if he went to far, with glares that had him regretting his life choices.
Except this wasn't that. Yes, Shino did catch hold of Yamagi as well, to stop him going flying, and got shrugged off for his trouble, but he was fairly sure that hadn't been the reason for the reaction. No glare, for one thing. Could it run both ways? Did a dislike of being touched make you hate touching? That didn't sound right. Then again, Shino couldn't say he'd ever paid much attention to who or what Yamagi went around touching. Maybe it was just something he'd failed to notice?
No, hang on, Yamagi helped him put on Alaya-Vijnana connector blocks all the time.
Surely he'd have noticed if that made Yamagi uncomfortable?
If they hadn't been fighting a life-or-death battle, and if Orga hadn't chosen that exact moment to come on the comm to tell them to get a move on, Shino would probably have asked Yamagi what was up then and there. He regretted missing the chance. He got too caught up in the high of victory to remember to do it when they made it back home, only thinking he should after Yamagi had already shoved the pad into his hands and hurried off, boots dangling from his…
Did Yamagi run away from him?
He replayed the scene in his head, trying to recall the exact expression with which Yamagi delivered the instruction to read the damn files already. He'd had his head lowered, fringe falling across his face, making it hard to see fully and meaning it was even harder to picture in hindsight. Vaguely annoyed and despairing? That wasn't exactly unusual. Sometimes, Shino genuinely wondered why Yamagi had put up with him for so long.
That was probably why Shino was worrying about this.
He and Yamagi made such a good team, he hated the idea of anything coming between them.
Was it just a gross place to put your hand? Checking for himself, running a finger around the point under his collar bone where the slab of muscle on his chest gave way to his arm, there didn't seem to be any strange bumps or warts or whatever. Maybe the bare skin felt bad? Mobile suit cockpits weren't much better than mobile workers when it came to overheating and getting ugly-sweaty. Except Yamagi had been wearing gloves…
And Shino never got complaints from people who touched him there while working up a nicer kind of sweat!
The thought wrapped around to hit his brain like a live grenade.
No. No! Absolutely not. Why would he think for even a second that that had anything to do with it? Sure, yeah, it was technically an intimate place to touch, and looking at things from that angle – the angle where he hadn't been wearing a shirt and he and Yamagi were closer than they'd ever been before in their lives – then the connection wasn't a totally wild one to make. Under other circumstances, for other people, it might have been sensible. But come on!
Did Yamagi seriously think Shino thought he'd been trying to cop a feel?!
That was crazy!
For starters, Shino would never think that. Tekkadan was his family and as far as he was concerned, that put everyone else in it squarely off-limits when it came to any sort of intimate touching, giving or receiving. That was just… obvious. Orga said they were a family, and Shino cared about the guys around him the way you were supposed to care about your brothers, so of course he wasn't about to start leaping to all the wrong conclusions just because –
It suddenly occurred to him he hadn't ever checked if the others took the same meaning from what Orga said as he did.
Perhaps he needed to change angles again.
Yamagi being into guys wouldn't be the most surprising thing. All the crap the First Group bastards used to sling around aside, it was hard not to notice how uninterested Yamagi was in girls. Or at least, he wasn't interested in going out on the town to pick them up. Like Orga, except without the feeling the point was flying over his head. Yamagi seemed to understand sex as a concept, he just didn't appear to want it with the kind of people who showed up in Shino's magazines.
Didn't he ask if Shino was into girls once? As though there could be any doubt!
…had he maybe wanted a different answer?
OK, this was starting to feel weird. Now Shino was wondering if he'd ever seen Yamagi look at someone in a way that suggested he wanted to get it on with them! He was always so quiet and serious, it was hard to picture him being horny. Or giving anybody the time of day, honestly. The closest he got was maybe how he'd looked when they were putting the Alaya-Vijnana into the Graze Custom. The intense concern he'd shown over the pain the testing caused Shino.
Since then, he'd made it a mission to always perfectly tune Shino's A-V system, to avoid it hurting him again.
Did… did he do that for anyone else?
An itch spread across Shino's scalp as he took stock of the sheer amount of stuff he relied on Yamagi to do for him. Hell, there hadn't been a question that he'd be the one to head off to the Saisei to get Gundam Flauros fixed and turned into Ryusei-Go the Fourth. Shino bought the paint out of his own pocket but he'd known he could rely on Yamagi to make sure his new machine came back a roaring pink. Shino knew he could rely on Yamagi, full-stop, with pretty much everything.
Which was great!
Having a comrade – a friend – who'd make sure he got what he needed to fight the way he wanted was amazing!
Why though? Why did Yamagi do that? Shino was always bugging him with new ideas and he was always going along with them, despite his better sense. Sometimes, he'd explain bluntly why a suggestion was stupid and impossible given their resources, then come back an hour later with a plan to get close to something like what Shino wanted, and the result would turn out even better. In fact, the only time he'd flat-out refused was…
When they talked about funerals.
When Yamagi said he'd not make ice flowers bloom for Shino because they were too expensive.
Shino got the strong urge to slap himself across the face. He'd known he was being given the brush-off back then, it just hadn't occurred to him that was because – because, well, how could it have been? 'Cos when you started bringing in things like… then you weren't talking about sex any more, were you? And he could deal with somebody thinking he was hot, he could handle them being embarrassed over that, but if it was more than just a guy into guys being into a hot guy –
He was getting ahead of himself.
Way, way, way ahead of himself.
So what if Yamagi's flinch could possibly, maybe be taken as a response to… that. What other clues were there? He hadn't squirmed or blushed. He was a predictable level of snitty over being treated as on-site tech-support. He'd… not exactly been pleased when Shino got a tiny bit loud over Ride using Ryusei-Go the Third to snag the monster's attention. Nothing out of the ordinary for someone so cool under pressure, the only sign of nerves was a single foot tapping against Shino's knee.
Hold on.
Back up.
For a long few minutes, Shino sat with what snatches he could remember from before the flinch. The yelp Yamagi gave on being hoisted through the hatch. The restless patter of his toes, like he was trying to grab on with them. The all-business voice in which he rattled off information about the Flauros cannons. The faint reek of engine oil, soaked into his overalls, mingling with the new-clean smell of the cockpit and the animal musk of another body. The way he kept looking away –
None of it should have meant anything.
It still probably didn't.
But if Shino's suspicions were on the mark, then there was somebody in Tekkadan who did not think of him as family, or at least, not the kind of family Shino had assumed they were. Which meant he needed to figure out what to do next, because he couldn't just leave the guy hanging after going so long without realising. He'd have to say something, do something, decide if he wanted to see what came of saying yes…
Surprisingly, there didn't seem to be much of a question over that.
Good to know.
Even so, he ought to make sure. It'd be a huge pain in the ass if he worked himself up to asking an important question only to find he'd completely misread the situation. That'd be a real jerk move, inflicting such an awkward mess on Yamagi, and then Shino'd be the one dealing with horrible embarrassment. No, the smart thing would be to get a second opinion, check his working, make sure he wasn't chasing down the wrong rat hole with all of this.
And Eugene was sitting right there, so –
“Hey, can we talk about Yamagi? Do you think he… likes me or something?”
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lazulisong · 1 year
i have had genuinely the stupidest customer service experience i have ever had in my life.
when i got run over in january, the runner overer gave us his info but i never put a claim in because workers comp paid for everything
either SAIF sent them a request for reimbursement or someone found a file shoved somewhere, because about a week and a half ago GEICO became aware that i existed and one of their customers was responsible for me spending a very unpleasant evening waiting for x-rays
oh shit, said GEICO, we should probably give this person money so they don't sue us
after an elaborate and exhausting game of phone tag, they offered me money and i accepted it
the agent forgot to get my email address
the agent then failed to answer or, apparently, listen to the voicemail where i was like "hey did you guys need my email? here it is just in case" OR multiple messages like "hey i was unfortunately raised a lady so i won't say 'what the fuck happened to that email with deposit directions' but i sure mean that"
i also messaged their twitter support who swore an agent would reach out. they did not.
i reach one of her coworkers instead of her. he informs me that since they didn't have my email, they have sent a paper check. i did not say "in the year of our agony 2023, you sent me a PAPER CHECK?"
i get a guilty follow up message from the original agent, which i do not return
on monday, the check comes. "oh boy!" you are thinking, "now the saga concludes!!!"
hahahaha HAHAHA haha
i deposit the check via mobile
USBANK, with no notice or explanation, puts a hold on the funds, not the regular one! the entire caboodle
i not unnaturally go to my local branch on my lunch break and ask the very nice cashier what was going on
(i got to pet a retriever puppy, the only thing that saved my temper)
cashier calls their service line. service line informs her that the check is on hold until. april 11.
there was no notice or note in the mobile app OR the cashiers program to note this
i realize another GEICO agent had left me a voicemail (i think i got kicked upstairs) and i call her back like "well it can't hurt"
she then proceeds to spend twenty minutes conference calling USBANK to figure out what happened
fraud guy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we didn't think it was real ig sorry about the trouble also lol no we can't release the hold! why would we do that?
me: ಠ_ಠ
this agent literally had to request a stop payment on the paper check and get my email address (finally) to send me the direct deposit instructions
success! but in the most irritating way possible
if i think about how if only the initial agent had fucking remembered to get my email OR check her messages i could have not spent the time i did dealing with it, my eye starts spasming again
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zine-garden · 1 year
Rules & Guidelines
This is a long post, please do not be frightened by it! I have the guidelines and prompts up on my blog, but for the ease of mobile users, I am also making them blog posts.
tl;dr - Use ‘international zine month 2023’, or ’#international zine month’, so I can find your posts; use the submit box if you want; don't use the askbox for submissions. Respond to prompts! Post your zines, post your appreciation for other zines! Image descriptions recommended - Image description guidelines here!
International Zine Month begins July 1st! ✨
1. Submissions can be the following: Stolen Sharpie Revolution’s IZM prompts, the prompts on this blog, zines made by you, zine reviews, original blog posts and submissions (More info below!)
2. Please use one of these hashtags for ease of finding your submissions, ‘international zine month 2023’, or ’#international zine month’. You are also welcome to ping this blog!
3. I will be accepting late submission until August 31!
4. Nazis, TERFS, fascists fuck off. Bigotry and work promoting discrimination, oppression, or hate speech will not be allowed. This is different from zines with venting or personal prose.
To clarify: A zine about hating your boss or job is fine, a zine about how much you hate women, slur use, or a history revisionist work is unacceptable.
If submissions refer to people IRL, submissions must come pre-censored, whole names must be censored (first or last showing only)
Follow up, I will not be sharing posts that bashes other artists/people. This is an event for showing love to zines and zinesters!
5. NSFW and explicit content is allowed. I will moderate to make sure that proper tags are in use on this blog. I will not be accepting NSFW, lewd or gorey work via submit box or ask box. Please use your discretion with this! Please use appropriate trigger warnings. Please nest anything visually explicit in read more. I know zinesters that uses pixelated nudes in her work! Something like that is fine!
6. Work using AI image generators or tools like ChatGPT will not be shared and you will be blocked.
7. Submissions will be taken in constantly during the month of July, I can say no to anything I want and can take down posts at my discretion. It is very likely that I will schedule reblogs to space things out. I want to prioritize BIPOC zinesters for example.
What can I submit? (expanding on point #1)
Note that these are just guidelines, as long as you are doing something zine-related, I’m happy to share your work/post!
Semi-daily prompts and questions:
There are couple of ways to participate in semi-daily questions!
You can reblog the prompt and add your response underneath;
You can make an original blog post using the tags mentioned above.
You can also send me a submission via the ‘submit box’ in the sidebar. Please include the prompt or question you are responding to!
For anything that isn’t a prompt on this blog, but is still zine/zine culture related::
Make your own post, or send me something via the submit box!
Posting your own zines:
You can post your own zines, in celebration. Did you make a new zine recently, is it your FIRST zine ever, did you make a zine in response to any of the prompts? Do you have an older zine that you would like to give a little bit a love to?
Post your work! A photo of your work, scans, a digital file, a cropping, whatever you are comfortable with sharing!
Please indicate if your post is in response to one of the prompts.
Feel free to add your shop link, or how others can access your work. Keep in mind that not everyone wants to share their zines, so there is no pressure!
Please do not submit this type of post via inbox or submit box.
Posting other zines:
Some prompts will ask you about zines that you love or learned from! You are also invited to share loving reviews of zines that you love, or a simple appreciation! Please show those zines some love!
Make an original post!
Properly credit the artist and work. This includes: title, name, any social media username, if the artist has a website or shop, etc. Check to see if you are using the correct pronouns, if you can’t find any, refer to that person without gendered pronouns. Here is a style guide for that.
Please indicate if your post is in response to one of the prompts.
Please don’t re-post other artist’s images without permission, do not edit artist work. There is a difference between a photo or crop of a page you like, and a scan of content.
Preference is for photos of the work, or an image of the cover/cropping of a page if only a digital copy is what you have access to!
Please do not submit this type of post via inbox or submit box.
The ‘ask box’ or ‘inbox’ will be solely dedicated to answering questions about the event.
These are just suggestions BTW!
Text posts: When making your own posts for any of the prompts, please include the prompt somewhere in your post. It is preferable if you emboldened the prompt or question that you are responding to; use the ‘bigger’ or ‘biggest’ text type in the post editor; or use the title feature. This helps with visual hierarchy, and makes it clearer to read! If you are adding a response to a question via reblogging, no need to worry.
Please avoid using special text that is copy and pasted from a ‘special text generator’. Emojis and symbols are okay, try not to use them in excess, especially if it is disrupting a text block.
Image descriptions: It is not a requirement to include alt text in your submissions, however, i am highly encouraging it even if it is a short description. When there is zero description, those with poor internet access and those using screen reader will only see and hear the word ‘image’. Submissions without image descriptions will be marked as such. If you misuse the alt text tool, your work will not be shared. I created a guide here: https://zine-garden.tumblr.com/image-description-guidelines.
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Ukrainians are fighting for the survival of their own country. Russians are fighting to make Putin look less like a complete imbecile. So guess which side has better morale.
Hundreds of thousands of military age Russian males fled Russia so they wouldn't get drafted. Now some active duty Russian soldiers are following them out of the country. Armenia is one of their chosen destinations.
Sitting in a basement studio hidden in the centre of Yerevan, Artyom reflected on his decision to desert the Russian army after a year spent fighting in Ukraine. Just two weeks earlier, the former platoon commander was living in a trench. He has since abandoned his post and fled to the Armenian capital. “I did not want to participate in this war. I wanted no part in the imperialistic habits of our ruler,” he said. “But I do feel guilt in front of Ukraine. Guilt that I didn’t do this earlier … I could have said no, I just didn’t know what the consequences would be.” [ ... ] Desertion and “voluntary” surrender are punishable by lengthy jail terms in Russia, and Artyom said his commanders threatened him with prison if he dared to leave his post. He said he also heard stories of service personnel being locked up in basements in eastern Ukraine after refusing to fight, reports that have been backed up by independent Russian news organisations. “Worst-case scenario was to end up in a ‘Storm-Z’ squad,” he said, referring to so-called “punishment battalions” sent to the most exposed parts of the front with heavy losses. His chance came last month when his commander gave him a few days off, at which point he decided to flee with the help of a Russian anti-war organisation. “I knew I only had two-three days before they would start looking for me, so I had to be quick,” he said. Russian authorities have since opened up a criminal case against him. He arrived in Armenia via a third country. Like Georgia and Kazakhstan, Russians can also enter Armenia without a visa, and all three countries serve as a logical first stop for those looking to escape the fighting.
As we've written previously, Russian soldiers are poorly trained, given shoddy weapons, and often have to buy their own supplies. The Russian Army is really shit. Putin tries to compensate for this by just sending massive waves of these poorly equipped soldiers against Ukraine. Predictably, Russia suffers enormous fatalities.
The major losses suffered by Russia means that Putin needs 20,000 more mobilized troops cannon fodder every month.
Russia mobilizes over 20,000 people monthly for Ukraine war
Russian forces have been engaged in a costly and futile attack on Avdiivka near Donetsk. It's going about as you'd expect for a large but third-rate army.
Record Russian armor, personnel losses in failed attempt to take Avdiivka by storm
Russia is in a quagmire and Putin is hoping that the world will get distracted by the Middle East.
Putin is also hoping that House Republicans will do his dirty work for him.
Sarah Longwell and Bill Kristol have compiled a list of GOP House members and rated them on their support for Ukraine. Ominously, Speaker "MAGA Mike" Johnson gets a rating of Very Poor. However there are 82 House Republicans who get a rating of Excellent and 43 who get an Okay. Check the list to see if you are represented by any in the 125 member pro-Ukraine segment.
GOP Congressional Report Card - Republicans For Ukraine
Contact them and urge them strongly to give a high priority to support for Ukraine. Use language which would appeal to Republican thinking; mentioning Ronald Reagan's opposition to the Evil Empire in the 1980s is a plus.
For contact information and to find out exactly who represents your district, check out this site. Have your ZIP+4 ready.
Find Your Representative | house.gov
If your rep is a Democrat, send a message thanking him or her for past support for Ukraine and urge them not to forget about Ukraine in upcoming budget negotiations.
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poupeesdecirque · 1 year
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Travel Blog - Part 3!
Connichi Sunday & Monday after
3rd September - Connichi Sunday
Last day of the Con, Carousel festival, group photos and being a circus brat
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Last day at the convention started for be completely in the hotel as this time it was real hair time and I could fully dress up before getting to the convention hall.
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It was quite early and I decided to head out for doll photos with Road - the only doll I had with me. The park itself was sadly full of garbage, I took Road out to some flowers and the morning sun helped with pics.
I picked up my friends then and we went to the convention meeting some more D.gray-man cosplayers and I actually got some photos!
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I feel like there were even more dgm cosplayers on sunday??
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After doing some silly pics with Red @adragonstale and I decided we wanted more and I remembered there was a carousel festival happening, after a quick google search we saw it was just a 10 minute walk from the convention location and...
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Of course we got there. I got Popcorn which we shared later on, but ofc used for pics first.
I felt melanchony hitting hard during the afternoon, we checked some more vendors and I got a wig for a future teen!Mana cosplay from a store that sadly closes down now. As we sat down and I took a little nap while resting my head on my knees some creep wanted to take photos... between my legs. Luckily my friends were with me and told that asshole off. The worst is that this bastard wanted to argue that everyone "does this" and was offended my friend "ruined" his photo with pointing his middle finger into the camera.... seriously what is with Wiesbaden and those creeps?!
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We headed out for dinner later on, the restaurant took forever we almost ordered take out there.
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Then we went back to the con and did some more photos, slowly letting the evening end.
But it all came to a sudden ending as a swat team arrived and the whole city's police becauste some asshole called and told he would *do a thing* in the park.
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That left a bitter taste for me as I was completely nervous then, it didn't help my hotel was next to a police station.
But well I was completely knocked out that evening.
Monday 4th September
Traveling back home, cleaning, cosplay aftermath, plans
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Monday was the first day of the weekend I was sleeping long enough to actually need my alarm to get up. I traveled back that day, the drive back was actually shorter??? Like from the start it was told to be 30 minutes shorter to begin with. Weird.
The scenery was very beautiful.
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Back home it was unpacking and seeing how much dirt I had collected with my cosplays. The cosplays were partially very stained and needed a good wash, especially the shoes.
Tested the wig I got very quickly and will work on my variant of teen!Mana later on.
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I think I will finalize the cosplay for next year's bookfair, it's the same base as Nea but the wig needs some work and I want to make a new bag as Tim doesn't fit for Mana. I want to do a bag that looks like the Earl.
My next convention will be the Polaris in Hamburg, but just for one day (Saturday) - I will most likely doing an Allen variant, I will aim to redo his jacket for the runaway variant and hope I will make it in time.
I'm sure I need my friends closer if I will attend the Connichi again as I just need the emotional support and safety with those creeps and drug abuse around the location of the convention. It's a convention yes, it doesn't feel like the Connichi to me, the people were lovely though.
There are a lot of things that I truly missed about it feeling like the Connichi which starts with the fact we always got those cute tickets in the mail - since last year you had printed/mobile tickets; BUT last year you at least had the option to get a collector's ticket and got it via mail but this year they didn't even send it you had to pick it up... which felt very wrong having not the type of ticket you grew up with.
The missing main Manga and DVD publisher, missing small publisher and overall lovelessly arranged convention hall didn't help much. Yes you can spy on people when you go onto 2nd or 3rd level as the building is brighter with the windows and it's nice to have 3 entries and not just two (but wait we actually had 3 as well before covid, so, that's not even an argument), I missed the fact that the safety guards and medics checked the park, which they did in Kassel. I think it would have avoided a lot of called ambulances and that situation on sunday as well. I know they don't need to do that by law but ... well.
Also not having free public transport but a coupon for getting into a champange producer fabric tour doesn't compare at all (like wtf, then at least give us the Anime Cinema for free and not for an additional price). There is no free parking spots at all, you have to pay for all. Overall the convention is less central and more expensive while lacking a lot of things they had in before even within the programm. It has changed a lot and not all for the "omg new shiny building with space", if you lack the important vendors the space will remain empty and that is just very off putting.
It's nice to have more restaurants in a short distance but if the Matsuri wasn't lacking serious good food options this year we would have eaten at the con and not at restaurants. It was just tiny very overpriced snacks, last year you got good filling lunch/dinner options for an okay-ish price.
Overall: people were amazing, the con was seriously lacking a lot, people matter more for me though.
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bkdk-n-tasty · 2 years
This is a test to see if I can use the read more feature via mobile and to see how far I can push written smut 👀 this is already posted on my twt & ao3
Cw; age gap (Kt is 36 & Dk is 19), #ktdk , accidentally caught feelings, su//gar da//ddy!Katsuki, chubby fem!Izuku, attempt SA, height gap (Kt is 6’6 & Dk is 4’9), self doubt!,
Izuku bit her lip as she entered the very professional, very high collar office building. She totally didn’t fit in, she wore a baby pink soft jacket with a white almost see through tub top that didn’t hide any of her cleavage or her soft rolls, and only in here did she feel like her hot pink skirt might be too short or that her white heels might be too tall.
No, she thought to herself as she walked to the front desk. Kacchan said to come at lunch time. He wanted her there. She was good enough for this. For him.
Izuku gave the pretty receptionist a friendly smile, only now was she self conscious as she heard her accent, “I’m looking for Kacchan? I mean Katsuki Bakugou. He works here.”
Her stupid accent made her sound like everything she said was a question! She hated it, hated how childish she felt. But she was a child compared to this beautiful woman who smiled back at her. That woman had to think that this was a mistake!
“Please give me a minute, I’ll see if he’s in,” The woman said turning and picking up the phone at her desk.
He’s here! I know he is! He literally just texted me! Izuku wanted to say but she held onto her small puffy white purse that hung over her shoulder and nodded. She glanced around, she’d felt stares...
As soon as she glanced around people looked away. She had gotten used to looks, but it still made her anxious...Izuku had...she brought it on herself, she wanted to be a sugar baby and she knew it would draw stares and unwanted attention. She was used to some of it but not all of it.
“Oh! Okay, I’ll send her up,” Izuku heard the receptionist say, making her look back at the woman. She hung up the phone, and even with her cool and schooled features Izuku could see the doubt or was it something else in her gaze?
“Bakugou-san is on floor 15, you’ll go to the first desk and ask for him there,” She instructed as she handed Izuku a temporary badge. Izuku didn’t miss the odd look the woman gave at seeing her long manicured nails. Izuku nodded and thanked the woman before heading to the elevator.
Izuku sighed to herself as she swiped the badge against the scanner that operated the elevator. She only took a breath of relief as the elevator closed and hid her from the prying eyes.
‘I’m heading up daddy! The receptionist lady was really pretty ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ~♡︎ ‘
Izuku sent as she waited in the elevator. She smiled to herself as she saw the check mark notifying that he read it though he didn’t text back. He didn’t really like texting but he humored her and would read her messages whenever she sent them.
Izuku swallowed nervously as the elevator stopped before her floor and two men stepped in. She moved further back but it wasn’t like she could hide as their gazes travelled her body.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing here?” The one man asked as he didn’t hesitate to get closer as the door closed.
“Are you coming to keep someone company? Why don’t you forget them and come with us instead?” The other man said as he cornered Izuku from the other side.
“I’m sorry, I think you got the wrong idea,” Izuku crossed her arms as if that would hide her body.
“Nah, I think we got the right one,” the first laughed as he made a lewd gesture, “Come on. We will keep you more than happy, huh?”
“I bet you were hired by one of the stuffy old creeps. We’re young, we have to be better looking than,” the other started as he grabbed at Izuku’s wrist, she jerked away and that annoyed him. “Stop fighting! You clearly wanted something like this to happen, you’re dressed like that!”
“Stop! Please! I don’t want this!” Izuku yelled just as the elevator doors opened on her floor. Izuku was beyond happy to find someone on the other side! It was a woman with blond messy double buns who’s smile soured the moment she saw what was happening.
“Ah-hem,” She said loudly startling the two men. “I suggest you two letting go of miss Bakugou if you don’t want to be disposed of.”
“B-Bakugou?” The one that wasn’t touching Izuku stammered. He tapped his knuckles against the other man’s bicep as he paled. “Dude let go, we really don’t want to get on his bad side.”
The second man was braver, or dumber Izuku wasn’t sure. He gripped her wrist tighter.
“That’s a shitty bluff! Everyone knows Bakugou has no interest in things like her,” the second man sneered rudely. The way he referred to Izuku as a thing rather than a person made her stomach sour. The blond woman didn’t say anything just closed the space and her knuckles met the man’s nose.
Izuku let out a squeak of a yell as she heard the sickening crunch of the man’s nose breaking, his face twist and blood splattering across her shirt and jacket. The moment the man’s grip loosened Izuku darted out past Toga-san!
Even though Izuku couldn’t see Himiko’s face she knew the older woman was giving a deadly glare by the way the two men pressed against the far wall, the one holding his bloody nose in his hands.
“Understand you are no longer employed here. I suggest you collect your belongings and exit before I send a guard to force you out,” Himiko’s voice was terrifyingly cold. She spun and headed towards Izuku, carefully sliding an arm around the much smaller woman. Only in her heels was Izuku almost eye level with the older woman. Izuku was shaking as Himiko led Izuku through the floor and towards Katsuki’s office.
If Izuku wasn’t so scared she would have appreciated how her lover looked behind the desk, wearing that dark crimson red suit that made his ruby eyes glint like real gemstones. The moment he saw Izuku and the fact that blood was splattered across her front he stood up and stormed towards them. Himiko pulled her arm away and stepped back to let Katsuki take the small fragile woman into his own embrace.
“What happened?” Katsuki’s voice boomed.
“A lackey thought he was allowed to touch Izuku. I told him to let go and he didn’t so I did exactly what you’d want me to,” Himiko said evenly. “I already fired him but I can retrieve his information if you want to further punish him?”
“Do that, run to the store and get Izuku a new outfit,” Katsuki said as he pulled back and surveyed the woman in front of him. His features darkening with unspoken rage boiling inside of him. His tone softened as he tilted her head up, “I’m sorry. I should’ve greeted you in the lobby.”
Izuku shook her head as tears rolled down her pink cheeks. “I-I...should’ve worn something classier here! I look-“
“Beautiful. You look fucking beautiful Izuku,” Katsuki cut her off sharply as he leaned down and kissed her cheek, his hands moving down to hold her hips. His words were hot on her neck as he spoke sweetly, “I was careless and let you travel by yourself. I should have known my beautiful emerald would draw ugly attention.”
Izuku swallowed, her heart racing for a whole different reason than fear as the older man’s words warmed her from the inside. “Kacchan.”
“I couldn’t help but want to see you,” Katsuki’s lips were at the crook of her neck and shoulder, his hands only moving away from her hips as to pull the blood stained jacket off her. He leaned back and licked his lips, he could see the rosy pink bra that barely contained her soft breasts through that thin shirt.
“Kacchan, don’t stare,” Izuku softly whined as she went to move her arms up to cover herself.
Izuku knew she was silly for being self conscious, especially in front of Katsuki who loved and adored her for both her personality and her body. He had been the one to seek her out through so many sugar babies in the whole city.
He grasped hold of her wrists, unlike the way the other man had this felt good. “You look so fucking beautiful, princess,” Katsuki cooed softly, the use of her nickname made her heart pound in her chest and warmth spread through her core. “Is it okay, if we do it here?”
Izuku flushed and fought the urge to look away, knowing her sugar daddy would only tease her body until she knew her lesson once more. “Yes, daddy. It’s okay.”
He smiled as he leaned in and reached back tearing the flimsy shirt easily down the seem. Izuku would pout later but knew the shirt was ruined with the man’s blood regardless. Those warm hands splayed and easily covered most of her back, and it sent desire straight to her cunt the way his hands touched her. Katsuki pulled away, holding her pretty bra in one of his hands so she stood there completely bare chested.
“Look at you, so fucking beautiful,” He cooed softly as he set the bra down on his desk, leaning against it as he crooked a finger to motion her to him.
“You think so?” Izuku asked shyly as she moved towards him. Those huge hands catching hold of her breast, even they weren’t big enough to hold all of her.
“I know so,” Katsuki answered, softly rubbing them. It was obvious he loved her chest, he was the reason her nipples were so sensitive that just brushing them with his thumbs made her moan sweetly.
Without being asked, slowly Izuku moved down, staying stable on her high heels she met his gaze as she unzipped his slacks.
“This is the real reason you couldn’t wait till after work to see me, isn’t it?” She teased as she pulled his hard cock out of his pants. Those long delicate fingers wrapping around, purposely letting her nails tease along his cock as she stroked it lovingly. She wondered if the pretty receptionist would think about getting longer nails if she knew that her boss liked them.
“Mm,” Katsuki let out a low growl, a delicious sound that made it hard for Izuku not to ruin her pretty thong. “I couldn’t stop thinking about how passionately you rode my cock this morning as I dropped you off at your uni.”
Izuku chuckled softly as she softly kissed the tip of his cock, so red and angry, it was so cute! “I couldn’t help it, you woke me up with that mouth of yours!”
Katsuki probably was about to say something back but he couldn’t form any words as her mouth opened and his cock slid into her silky soft mouth.
“Fuck,” he managed out breathlessly as the young woman swallowed his cock all the way down to the base. She still held his cock, only now with her index finger and thumb, though it didn’t wrap completely around it would keep her drool from staining his dark pants.
Izuku loved the feeling of her lover’s thick cock filling her throat. Her gaze catching his as she moved her head, slurping and sucking his cock, twirling her tongue along the veins that ran through his cock. Her mouth was delightfully sinful.
“You’re doing so good,” Katsuki praised as he reached down and pulled her hair free from the ponytail she had finger brushed it into this morning. Those green curls falling and framing her beautiful face making her the image of true beauty in his eyes.
Katsuki watched the woman’s breasts bounce as she moved feverishly, sucking his cock like it was the tastiest thing in the world. He twisted his fingers into those soft curls though he didn’t dictate her speed he still tugged it like she mentioned she liked. The soft moan that vibrated around his cock was definitely an indication that she enjoyed it.
“I’m going to cum, baby, if you keep sucking me like that,” Katsuki groaned, his breath coming shorter as his climax neared. Fuck he never lasted long when she sucked his cock like her life depended on it.
Izuku slurped his cock before letting it pop out of her mouth, she dragged her hand up and down his cock with her nails teasing him. “Cum for me Kacchan,” Izuku moaned as she slid her other arm down below her chest and made them look perkier. “Cover my titties in your hot cum, daddy~” she cooed lewdly, so unlike the sweet and innocent way she normally talked.
A soft moan escaped her pretty pink lips as hot sticky cum splattered across her chest and mouth in thick ropes. He made quite the mess of her chest and his cock still had the audacity to stay hard under her teasing nails.
Katauki pulled Izuku up and didn’t hesitate to lay her across his desk, pushing her skirt up and tugging her thin sparkly pink thong to the side so he could push his cock deep inside of her wet pussy.
“Ah! Kacchan! So big!” Izuku moaned as Katsuki’s cock buried itself inside of her. Her hands moved to her lower stomach, smiling up at Katsuki, “your cock is so deep inside me!”
Katsuki chuckled as he trailed his hands along her legs that framed his hips.
“You love when I’m deep in you, hm?” He teased as he rocked his hips fast, those ruby eyes watching the way her soft body bounced with his thrusts. He fucking loved the way her body moved as he fucked her.
“I do! I love when Kacchan fucks me deep! Ah! And so hard!” Izuku moaned, Katsuki’s cock was Izuku’s biggest weakness. Or was it his mouth that could make her weak in the knees without even touching her. “Please Kacchan! Ah! Don’t stop!”
He pulled one of her legs up so he could kiss her ankle, Katsuki loved when she wore her heels that still didn’t make her tall enough to even kiss him on her own.
“God, you’re so fucking sexy,” Katsuki’s words came out hard and heavy as he fucked into her rougher, making her squeal with unbridled pleasure. Katsuki took both her ankles and spread her legs further apart, splitting the woman open as he couldn’t hide his hunger for his lover.
Their relationship had started solely for sex and company. They had agreed on an allowance, he’d even given her a platinum credit card, a shiny pink phone and a key to his home for her to come whenever she wanted or he’d call her there. Izuku didn’t expect anything more, she hadn’t wanted anything more at the time but it had come so naturally. The love and desire, the passion and the sweet tenderness. It all came so naturally that Izuku nor Katsuki had noticed it until Izuku practically lived in his home, that he would take her to uni before he headed to work.
They hadn’t realized they’d fallen in love until Katsuki got jealous when he went to pick her up and some young man was talking to her so casually! Katsuki didn’t realize what he was even doing as he walked onto campus and up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and grasping her wrist, pulling it out of that violet haired man’s grasp.
The anger and venom spilling from his mouth as he practically snarled at the student to not touch his woman. Izuku had flushed such a pretty red, her eyes growing wide and wonderful before she stammered a ‘that’s my cousin?’
Katsuki had never felt so embarrassed, had never heard someone laugh so hard or had ever been so sweetly consoled by a lover. It was something they never forgot, it was the turning point in their relationship.
Katsuki swallowed hard as he released her legs as he was getting close to cumming again. He reached down and pulled Izuku up, Izuku slid her arms around his neck and opened her mouth for him. Izuku was perfect. Izuku was his.
Katsuki kissed her deeply as the woman’s pointed heels dug at his back, keeping him buried deep inside as he filled her womb with that sticky, thick cum. He held her close, kissing her like it was their last kiss. Katsuki pulled away only after he went soft inside of her messy cunt, but didn’t let her go.
Izuku had that beautiful dazed smile she wore after cuming so hard that her world spun around her. She found him staring lovingly at her and her cheeks couldn’t possibly darken any more.
“I love you, Izuku Bakugou,” Katsuki whispered in their heavy breaths. Izuku swallowed as the happy nervous bubbles filled her as he used her new family name, the one she’d earned at a small elopement.
“I love you too, Katsuki Bakugou,” Izuku giggled as he leaned down and kissed her sweetly once more before finally pulling out. A small shuddery moan escaped Izuku as she felt him pull out and cum slowly leak out of her twitching cunt.
A soft knocking didn’t give Izuku enough time to prepare herself mentally as Himiko slipped back into the office. Katsuki shot her a sharp glare.
“Hey! I waited till after you guys were done,” Himiko said as she moved towards Izuku and pushed the much larger man out of the way. Izuku would never get used to this.
Himiko Toga, Katsuki’s top guard and now someone who dubbed themselves as Izuku’s big sister. To be fair she was only three years older than Izuku, she was incredibly protective over her the moment they met. Embarrassingly the blonde woman helped clean Izuku up with Katsuki watching them, helping Izuku out of the ruined skirt and redid the bra before she pulled out a crimson red and golden detailed yukata that screamed Bakugou Corp.
“There, you’re stunning,” Himiko smiled proudly as she admired the way she dressed Izuku up and pulled her hair up into a messy bun, something almost akin to her own buns. Izuku giggled until she caught Katsuki’s gaze.
“You truly are stunningly beautiful,” Katsuki softly mused as he offered her a hand. Izuku blushed and took his hand, letting the man pull her in and kiss her once more.
:’) ya know the moment when you go to write one little smut scene and boom you got a small plot and emotions behind it?? Yeah, I feel like that’s how I end up with stories rather than quick smut lmao
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