#[ ch: jed tien. ]
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founderscouncil · 1 year ago
FLORIBETH DALISAY (@floripire) said "Both times I felt something, and I know you felt it too."
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He's shuffling his feet, discomfort pushing all his instincts to run. Not like he could actually outrun a vampire, but there's a 55% chance that Flori won't try to chase after him. He bounces because he knows she's saying something real, and that in turn makes him nervous. The time they spent together over the summer doesn't feel like it actually happened. Good things like that don't happen to Jed. And that's why he's fucking it all up now.
"So what if you did or I did or whatever?" he crosses his arms, trying to keep the disaffected look on his face. "That was summer, babe. What happens in summer stays in the summer. Didn't you ever watch Grease?"
Jed hasn't actually watched Grease, only remembers snippets from when his sisters used to run around singing the songs, but he's pretty sure there's at least one song talking about summer flings. That's what this all was and it's not his fault that she got attached. "We're just not compatible. For a short time, yeah it's fun, but it won't last. Better leave it while it's still good, you know?"
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founderscouncil · 1 year ago
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He closes her eyes as her fingers comb through his hair, a deep rumble in his chest sounding suspiciously close to a purr, not that he'd admit to it if called out on it. But right now, it's just him and Flori and he lets his guard down as much as his wolf will let it, trusting that she would protect him just as he would protect her. "Mkay, I'll let him know. His pot brownies are fire too so make sure she only starts with half and add more if she's not feeling it." The words flow with practiced ease, even as he looks like he's on the verge of falling asleep.
But one eye winks open as his girlfriend starts on one of her rambles, unsure at first where she's going with the conversation, but not exactly disagreeing with them. The pool at Salvatore was nothing like the pool had grown up playing water polo in, and he's not even sure why they have an outdoor pool when there's actually seasons in Mystic Falls. But when Flori brings up hot tubs, he's starting to see the bigger picture and his other eye opens.
"What else am I gonna be engaged to do?" he grins up at her fondly. Not to be grossly like That Couple, but most of Jed's free time is taken up by Flori and he likes it that way. But the idea is a good one, and he likes the idea of getting away from campus pretty much anytime he has the option to. He's sure that he'll miss it at some point after he's graduated but right now, it's just school.
"Did you have some place in mind you wanted to go? We have at least ten days we could probably use. Someplace with snow and a hot tub?"
"You're welcome," Flori says and her lips curl up into a warm smile at the sight of Jed's toothy grin. It's adorable. He's adorable. She's gonna stand by that opinion forever.
To get that point across, she briefly leans down so she can press a kiss onto his forehead after he's placed his head in her lap.
It's also because of his fond smile. Even if that is because she's saying words like 'aggressive dick measuring' - words that don't really fit into her mouth. (It's such a Loren thing to say, really.)
He shrugs, then, and says that aggressive dick measuring will always be part of any pack. Which, yeah, okay, fair.
She relaxes when he reveals that he's already talked to his pack. "I'm glad you did, thank you. For a minute, I was afraid that I was going to have to do something. Like stepping in between Piper and Rick while they're having yet another verbal joust."
Perish the thought.
Part of Piper and Rick's more, ah, louder conversations probably boil down to tension - romantic or otherwise - but gosh, Flori could definitely have lived her undead life without knowing certain details.
Knowledge is important. But even she has a line.
Gentle fingers comb through his hair as Flori says: "That would be really nice of Alec. And I'm sure that Loren would partake." Which is just a really nice way of saying that Loren would absolutely say yes to Alec's pot brownies.
For a moment, this is Flori's world: sitting on the bleachers with Jed's head in her lap, discussing his pack and her friends. She finds she likes this. Quiet moments like this. With him.
"So I was thinking---" More like overthinking. "---you used to do water polo, right?" Rhetorical question. "How long has it been since you've been in the water? It's been a while since I went swimming, I can tell you that much. I mean, sure, we've got a pool on the grounds---" Which she made use of whenever the weather allowed it and whenever her friends had time, too. "---and the lake but neither of those are indoors. And neither of those have a potential hot tub I could claim for my own."
So she's got a place to make out with him, duh.
(Maybe it's better that the school doesn't have access to hot tubs otherwise Flori never would have showed up to class or anything else ever again.)
"There's a break coming up after exam week. If you're not otherwise engaged, do you want to go? Maybe... get away from campus for a bit?"
As much as she loves the school and the people within it, and she loves it a lot, over time Flori has grown adamant about spending time away from there too.
At first it was more trips into town during the weekends, if only to check in with Julian at More Games (and yes, the name is tragic, she's taken it up with the owner, but he doesn't want to change it).
But now, she hopes to get out of Mystic Falls with Loren and Mia too. Maybe they could grab lunch or dinner or go shopping somewhere. For clothes. For crystals. For food. For video games or books. Or even funky sunglasses. It genuinely does not matter where they go or what they do, so long as it's away from the school for a moment and so long as they are together and have fun.
"I know that's funny coming from me because I'm pretty much always holed up in my bedroom or the library, but I figured it'd be good to get away. Be regular people for a while." A nod and then: "Aaaand I'm done; those were all my thoughts. Thank you, and Iove you, for listening to my Floribeth Talk."
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silencedrage · 3 years ago
After Jed came to the Salvatore School, he took his mother’s surname Tien, rather than his father’s, despite the fact that it was his father who passed the werewolf gene onto him. As far as he was concerned, his father didn’t even bother to tell him about their heritage, abandoned him at Salvatore when he triggered his curse at 12, and made it clear he wanted nothing to do with his eldest son. Changing his name was a suggestion made by Emma to help him with his unresolved resentment towards his father, which he officially did when he was 15 and became Alpha of the Salvatore pack. Tien makes him feel closer to his mother and his Chinese heritage, and reminds him that he can be better than his drill sergeant of a father.
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silencedrage · 1 year ago
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It's an offer he's made to a few other wolves that have passed through Beacon Hills over the years. A couple take him up on it, though they all have that same wary look in their eyes when Scott first brings it up. The look of someone who's been burned before. He gets it, not as naive as some people might assume he is. Yes, he wants to believe the good in people, and yes, that has gotten him burned before, but he still believes that it's his role as an Alpha to try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Especially when they're just lost, much like he was a few years ago. "No catch. Well, you might have to help with breakfast duty, maybe taking out the trash or something, but no like, evil supervillain, twirling my mustache catch." He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. "It's got to beat sleeping out in the woods at least."
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scott  mccall  (  @silencedrage  )  said  to  jed  tien  ;  ❛ i have a spare bed. ❜
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jed's  tense  as  scott  speaks.  he's  not  used  to  this  .  .  .  life  without  a  pack.  for  years,  jed  has  been  the  leader  of  his  pack,  an  alpha  for  as  long  as  he  can  remember,  and  then  everything  fell  apart.  finding  beacon  hills  may  have  been  a  blessing  in  disguise  .  .  .  but  jed  still  wasn't  completely  comfortable.  yes,  there  were  wolves,  and  yes,  they  seemed  well  intentioned  .  .  .  but  jed  couldn't  bring  himself  to  trust  easily.  so  when  it  came  to  scott's  offer?  the  younger  wolf  couldn't  help  but  hesitate.  ❝  what's  the  catch?  ❞  he  asked,  trying  not  to  show  his  anxiety.  but  despite  his  efforts,  he  knew  the  ever  present  frown  on  his  face  gave  it  away.
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ethernalflower · 7 years ago
Sometimes you take a risk and you receive a refusal
Socchiude le labbra prima di riportare gli occhi nei suoi, ancora non parla, ma la mano destra si stacca tremolante dalla porta per intrufolarsi timida nell`incavo del suo collo. E` una carezza leggera quella che gli lascia, nel ricordare un`episodio precedente. « Non ti allontanare » gli sussurra timorosa nella speranza di finire diversamente. Le dita salgono timide il profilo della mascella maschile fino a posarsi, insicure, sulla guancia di lui. La pelle a creare un netto contrasto. Socchiude gli occhi e un sospiro tremolante le esce dalle labbra mentre in un impeto di coraggio gli avvicina le labbra alla guancia. Un tocco soffice, quasi velato, un tastare un territorio sconosciuto che le rende la voce tremolante e il respiro accelerato. Si tira indietro quel tanto che basta per guardarlo negli occhi, in piedi sulle punte per raggiungere la sua altezza, la mano ancora sulla guancia e una domanda implicita nello sguardo. « Va bene » va bene tutto quello che vuoi da lei, si sente dire con la voce tremolante prima di accostarglisi ancora e posare, delicate, le labbra sulle sue. Nulla di più di un semplice tocco. Poi si tira indietro, la mano scivola via dalla guancia ma non lo lascia, si appende - anzi - al tessuto della felpa in un tentativo di tenerselo vicino il più possibile.
  L`errore fatidico è sentirla pronunciare il suo nome e trovarsi i sensi offuscati da un`altra voce impegnata a saggiare tra le labbra quello stesso suono. Davìd. Minacce imperiose e sorrisi pericolosi. « No. » Contrae maggiormente la fronte e poi si stacca dalla porta per raggiungere il letto a baldacchino più vicino, ch`è suo, così da sedervisi sul bordo, le gambe divaricate distrattamente in avanti. E` stanco e le spalle larghe s`accasciano in quel suo reclinarsi in avanti per poggiare i gomiti sulle ginocchia. « Devi lasciare perdere. » Non la guarda stavolta, concedendosi l`inquadratura solo del pavimento legnoso tra loro. Gli costa parecchio e si vede, in questo rifiuto ch`è più una negazione a sé stesso. L`ennesima.
Sometimes you kiss somebody just ‘cause it seems fun
Si lascia prendere di nuovo la mano per indicare le stelle nonostante trattenga poi il respiro quando le braccia tornando contro l`erba e lui fa intrecciare le loro dita. Non sembra opporre resistenza comunque, ma gli dedica comunque un`occhiata di sottecchi con l`aria un po` sperduta prima di rilassare l`espressione e stringergli appena la mano, nel riportare poi lo sguardo verso il cielo dove lui ha ripreso a spiegarle un po` di astronomia.
« Adesso sei tu che mi guardi » scherza mordendosi le labbra senza distogliere lo sguardo dal cielo.
C’è silenzio ora, sta bene. Solo il cielo, e qualche nuvola che passa, li guarda e va avanti, potrebbe anche restare lì tutta la notte. Col pollice si muove lento facendo dei piccoli cerchi toccando piano il dorso della sua mano. E viene beccato, ma è normale che lo sia, nemmeno si mette nella condizione di non esser visto, è palese e lo sa. « Bhe? Ma non avevi detto che ti piacevano i miei occhi addosso? Almeno tanto quanto a me piacciono i tuoi su di me? » si morde il labbro inferiore, sbuffettando dal naso e fossettine sulle guance.
Apre la bocca e ancora parla piano, sussurrando « Adesso.. » sì, più deciso « Adesso io conterò fino a tre. » breve pausa « Dopo di che ti darò un bacio. Se non vuoi hai tre secondi per dirmi di no, non me la prendo, tranquilla. »
Uno, due, tre... e lei semplicemente non dice proprio niente.
Indugia un altro paio di secondi guardandola. Sta per dire qualcosa ma non dice niente e lascia che sia il silenzio a dire tutto. Punta un piede contro l’erba per aiutarsi a spostare il bacino di lato, protendendosi con il busto e la testa verso di lei. Allunga prima la mano libera a cercarle una guancia per carezzarla e poi le labbra sulle quali preme le sue, dapprima più piano, lasciandole il modo di potersene rifiutare anche adesso. Ne tiene lo sguardo finché può, poi anche gli occhi neri di Jed si socchiudono lentamente, per andare più avanti, approfondendo di più, con più profondità, interesse e voglia, l’intensità che aumenta ma non in modo sgarbato perché rimane comunque una cosa lenta e partecipe, e con la mano intanto passa le dita tra i capelli, muovendole piano ma facendone sentire la pressione dei polpastrelli sulla pelle.
And then you find someone who is simply different.
E` già pronta a girarsi per tornare dal resto degli studenti a consumare finalmente la cena ma il quintino ha decisamente altri piani. Si sente afferrare di rimando, assumendo un`espressione stupita per il gesto che li fa ritrovare incredibilmente e pericolosamente vicini. Boccheggia appena dischiudendo le labbra e mantenendo ora la presa sul suo mantello troppo presa alla sprovvista da quel cambio repentino di atteggiamento. Ancora ignara di aver rotto limiti nella mente troppo macchinosa del ragazzo. Lo osserva ora senza pronunciare parole mentre lui fa vagare distratto gli occhi sulle sua labbra ancora socchiuse per la sorpresa. Sorpresa che non riesce a smuoverla da quella trance statica che non le fa muovere neanche un muscolo. Un vago dejà-vu di ciò che è successo solo qualche sera prima e che la paralizza per un`aspettativa che si rivela pericolosa nel giro di pochi secondi. E allora si ritrova le labbra di Gus sulle sue e troppe emozioni che le si riversano addosso travolgendola completamente e costringendola a stringere maggiormente la presa sul mantello di lui e a restare immobile mentre lui le riserva caute attenzioni. Lo ricambia appena il bacio troppo sconvolta da un gesto che la sua ingenuità non si aspettava ma che, a dirla tutta, ci stava. Poi si allontana piano, solo con il viso, socchiudendo gli occhi e rimanendogli a pochi centimetri. Un sospiro frammentato le scappa dalle labbra infrangendosi sulle sue mentre il mento si abbassa seguito dagli occhi. « Gus » un sussurro appena udibile e indecifrabile perché non sa neanche lei come reagire. E resta ferma, ancora, con il respiro irregolare e i denti che adesso torturano le labbra. Alla fine è costretta a prendere in mano la situazione come al solito e allora è lei ad allontanarsi per prima, senza guardarlo e senza far trasparire emozioni sul viso. Il cervello scombussolato che non riesce a produrre frasi sensate. Deglutisce nel trarre l`ennesimo sospiro prima di riportare gli occhi sul suo viso alla ricerca di un suggerimento su cosa fare. Perché lei non lo sa.
Con l`espressione che si ammorbidisce un poco, e che cerca di trasmettere anche un minimo di sicurezza, accarezza delicatamente l`argomento accantonandolo in favore di una risoluzione temporanea, si, ma più dolce e condivisibile. «Ti va di farmi un po` di compagnia?» Solleva le sopracciglia, piegando l`angolo destro della bocca in un mezzo sorriso mite senza tuttavia riuscire a celare l`insicurezza di chi non ha la più pallida idea di quanto abbia fatto male a far ciò che ha fatto. Perché per quanto riguarda quello che ha sentito lui, ha fatto definitivamente bene. Il problema sarebbe capire lei.
Prende ad annuire, prima lentamente poi sempre più consapevole con gli occhi che cercano i suoi e reclamano quella fiducia che si sono promessi. « Si » risponde, come al solito risolvendo qualsiasi dubbio e mostrandosi ora più sicura nel poggiare la fronte contro la spalla altrui. Solo per fargli sapere che va tutto bene. Solo dopo qualche secondo si stacca rivolgendogli ancora un`occhiata e tirandolo un po` sempre dal lembo di mantello che stringe ancora fra le dita. Gli lancia un`occhiata prima di compiere un passo in avanti e voltarsi, si spera, con lui al suo seguito. Niente scherzi.
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founderscouncil · 3 years ago
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I really hated what I had to do to activate my curse. The details aren't important, but for years after, it felt like I was walking around with a rock in my shoe. And every day, I'd wake up and put the same shoes on, hoping the rock would be gone. Until I realized I was the one who put the rock there in the first place. So I was the only one who could pull it out.
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founderscouncil · 3 years ago
everyone: jed is the alpha, he's big and scary 
jed: whipped by literally every pretty girl, boy, and nb person he meets
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founderscouncil · 2 years ago
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With Rafael out of commission, everyone sort of reverted back to looking at Jed as the Alpha, and he never quite knows whether he should correct people. It appeals to his pride in obvious ways, even if the position is still Raf's and if he let's people assume instead of getting into the whole long story, well he's just respecting people's time right? He's still trying to be better than the guy he was a few months ago, the one who would beat up a human (or someone he thought was human) just because he had his ego bruised.
Practice makes perfect though and Jed is far from perfect. His summer fling with Floribeth barely crosses his mind now that classes are back in session and Alyssa feels the need to be seen hanging off of his arm at most social functions. The times with the pack are the few moments he gets even a little reprieve from all of that so when one of the newest wolves challenged him to a sparring match, he can't help but raise an eyebrow. "Uh, what makes you think you get to call the shots here, noob?" he replies with a chuckle that the rest of the pack joins in on. "I'm not looking to pull punches today, maybe next time."
@founderscouncil gets a random starter for jed.
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Her anger had been simmering just beneath the surface for a few days now, just waiting for the time it would be appropriate to let it explode. The pack itself had spent a lot of time lately keeping it simple, no sparring, no big sports or anything yet. Just a lot of studying and preparing for the full moon that had now since passed. It wasn't something she thought she'd ever get used to, and it left some aches in her joints and muscles that would still take another day or so to fade.
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But she couldn't contain herself any longer, not when she felt the need to protect Floribeth from being hurt - or at least get revenge on her behalf. So when the pack congregated in the gym, she stepped forward while the rest of them were milling around and doing their stretches. "Alright, big bad alpha - I wanna spar with you." She gritted out the words between her teeth, trying to keep her voice light but failing. To literally anyone who was paying attention, they could tell that Mia was shaking with rage.
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founderscouncil · 2 years ago
JED TIEN ( @dehvils ) said “It was about surviving. So I learned how to fight… and kill.”
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A quiet breath falls between them as Jed's words taper off slowly and Finch knows there's a defensiveness that has instinctively sprung up within her body, a natural reaction at hearing that he has killed before, but she forces that away because this is Jed, who's practically her best friend and the closest thing she has to a sibling and everything she knows about being a wolf is pretty much due to him. She tries to remember that instead of falling back into those hellish nights, once a month when she tried to lock herself up and keep the beast at bay. Finch knows intimately well how control is basically a folly when the full moon is in the sky, and they're only moderately better without it. So she just reaches out and places her hand on top of Jed's, a brief touch of comfort before she pulls away again.
"Well, based on what you've told me... we all do that, right?" Maybe not exactly like what Jed had been put through, but every single person in the pack had killed someone. It's why they were there in the first place. "I know a thing or two about surviving, and... I think we owe it to ourselves to forgive who we had to be in order to survive." It sounds like a mangled up version of some cliche superhero line but the sentiment is still there. "Until I came here, fighting was all I knew how to do. But that's what the pack is for, right?" she musters up a smile and nudges his side playfully. "We lean on each other. That includes you, chief."
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founderscouncil · 2 years ago
seriously jed, you can do so much better than a vampire who looks like a cotton candy malivore monster threw up all over her.
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"Brave, telling me what you think while hiding behind anoni-ano-anonymousness behind a screen," Jed bites out. There is just a hint of an amber glow to his eyes, a warning that further insults to @floripire wouldn't be tolerated. "Don't be jealous you couldn't pull me." They're an odd couple for sure, not what people might think for either of them, but Jed's made a habit of not meeting other people's expectations and this is just another one of them. Flori is the sun to his moon, and he doesn't care what other people think about it.
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founderscouncil · 3 years ago
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This is the only picture that Jed keeps of his father solely because it has his little brother in it. It lived in his wallet for years, faded and folded over and with a coffee stain on the back. Recently, he got Wade’s help to use magic to fix the photo, as well as get a digital version of it for his phone. 
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founderscouncil · 1 year ago
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He should've expected that ending things with Flori wouldn't be simple. Not when Alyssa and the pack and Mia Hirsch is involved. It's not like he asked for any of this, and he'd even warned the other wolf off, but she kept pushing and goading and testing his patience. He can see now that Mia was picking a fight on purpose, but the way she kept making assumptions about him, how Flori seemed to make the same assumptions. Assumptions that he didn't necessarily dissuade, but that's beside the point. It pissed him off so yeah, he took her up on the challenge she kept shoving under his nose.
She was the one who wouldn't stay down, even when he tried to walk away. Jed even let her get a few scrappy hits in, to see if it would quell her 'chicks before dicks' rage any, but it was just another fight. It's not until the wolf table has a tiny vampire rolling up on it that he even knows that Mia is out of commission. He swears he has no idea why she isn't healing like normal. He hit her, but no harder than whenever he's delivering a beatdown on someone else, and he knows his own strength, at least against other wolves.
"Shut up, Piper," he says in unison with Flori, though he decidedly doesn't know anyone who builds coffins. Still he cuts a glare at the rest of his pack, in case anyone else decides they want to step in on what he'd prefer to be a private conversation.
But most of the dining hall is watching them, Alyssa and her friends included, and Jed takes Flori's hand before pulling her towards the door. It's not as though a few walls will do much to prevent a school full of students with super hearing from listening in, but it's the idea of privacy. "What makes you think I have any idea why she's not healing? That's not some special wolf power I have."
Part of her thinks he would stop her from walking away, but he doesn't and that breaks her heart even more. And so she'd ended up in Loren's room together with Mia, laying on the floor, spilling her guts to her best friends, laughing and crying and drying her tears until she feels better.
Or at least calmed down enough to go back to her own room for the night and get some sleep, determined to just let this be a summer fling as Jed so aptly put it.
Even though he proverbially ripped her heart right out of her chest.
Flori would have dealt with that the same way a regular person would: she'd stock up on sweets and deliberately fill her water bottle with B Positive and she'd watch something. Probably a slasher movie like Scream Five.
And she would let. him. go.
Like he had when they talked, when he let her walk away.
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"You know that Alyssa has been seen stopping by his room, right?" Wade asks the next day during lunch. "And you do know she's been trying to sit in on the wolves' sparring sessions too, right? 'Least, that's what my sources tell me."
Rumors spread fast around Salvatore. About as fast as a vampire can run, and Wade's intel is almost always correct.
"Not helping, Wade," Flori viciously stabs into her blueberry pie with her fork. "Not helping at all." Wade holds up his hands, as if to say don't shoot the messenger and leaves the mess hall when he sees Landon.
She only looks up when Loren sits down next to her, greeting her with a small wave and a smile that's even smaller but no less genuine, and then again when Mia sits down opposite of both of them.
Her smile fades instantly and her fork slips out of her grasp, clattering to the ground. She doesn't bend to pick it up. Has all but forgotten the pie she'd been digging into.
Mia's covered in bruises that are, from the looks of it, healing slowly. Much, much too slow for Flori's taste. If they're healing at all.
It's fucked.
It's so fucked.
Vaguely Flori thinks she can hear Loren call her name like a warning but she sounds far away and between one undead heartbeat and the next, Flori's already up on her feet and marching towards the wolves' table.
Normally, she doesn't dare come close but now? Now she's running on rage and heartbreak and, quite frankly, a serious lack of sleep because of her busy brain and she really doesn't care if Jed breaks her heart a thousand times over because it's only ever been his to break, anyway.
But hurting her best friend? One of the only two she has? That she cannot abide. She cannot let that stand. She will not let that stand. She'll willingly walk into the sun before she lets anyone hurt her best friends. Even if that person is the man she so loves.
Some of the wolves snicker as she approaches the table but she hisses at them and they fall silent. A couple of them flash their eyes at her. In turn, Flori flashes her fangs right back.
"Jed Tien, are you out of your fucking mind?!" Flori snarls, all elongated fangs and protruding black veins. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't exsanguinate you!" She plops herself down onto the table and yanks him closer by his shirt, seemingly without thinking, without even caring that she could sink her fangs into his throat if she so wished; they're once again close enough to kiss, too, but if that happens, Flori thinks she might just draw blood.
"What reason could you possibly have to rough Mia up like that?! What could she have done to you or the Pack to justify all those bruises on her person?! And don't you say you were just sparring because I am, in fact, pre-emptively calling bullshit on that! I've seen you guys spar before - I've seen you all roughhouse during the party at the Old Mill and all of the cuts and bruises always fade just as fast as they appear." And yeah, maybe she's indirectly telling Jed that she's been watching him, been holding a torch for him, since day one but none of that matters anymore. Not when he let her walk away. Not when he hurt Mia. "So what was it? An accident? Some sort of power play that Mia got the short end of the stick of? Was it a kind of punishment?"
She wants to mention Alyssa too but that probably makes her look like a desperate girl who can't get over a relationship running it's course, so she doesn't, but she's sure that Jed can read between the lines if given enough time.
"Ooooh," a voice to her right drawls. "Looks like Draculaura got out on the wrong side of the coffin today."
"Shut up or I'll put you in a coffin, Piper. I happen to know someone who manufactures them." There is a dangerous glint in her eyes as she briefly turns her head to the right. The words tumble out of her mouth before she realizes she's said them aloud at all. Flori doesn't actually know anybody who manufactures coffins but the Salvatore Pack doesn't need to know that.
She turns back to look at Jed, spitting out: "The bruises. They're not healing. Not like they should. Most of them should be gone by now. Yet Mia's still littered in them. Thought you'd like to know, Alpha."
The contempt drips from her lips like venom.
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founderscouncil · 3 years ago
@asiphon​ okay listen this just popped in my head and i ran with it for that one starter you wanted
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           Technically, he had been banned from attending the Saltzman twins’ birthday party because of what he had done to Landon, and he didn’t think anyone really wanted to see much of him right now, but his leg kept shaking and his wolf paced relentlessly until finally he snuck out of his room, a messily wrapped package stuffed in his hoodie pocket as he made his way down the halls. It was easy to avoid the monitors, and even if he got caught, Jed was- his foot faltered when he realized that, no, he wasn’t the Alpha anymore, but the werewolf quickly shoved that thought away before it could start pulling at the rage again. He didn’t want to be that person. The bruises on his knuckles throbbed, both from his fight with Rafael and beating up Landon, and Jed pressed into one, hissing lightly under his breath. Steady, Tien. 
Turning down the hallway where most of the witches lived, including the Saltzmans, Jed hesitated before continuing on and stopping at the twins’ door. Suddenly, all the confidence in the world left him and he was just a boy with a crush on a girl who probably hated his guts now because he couldn’t hold onto his temper. Shoulders slumping in resignation, he pulled out the gift he had hastily wrapped earlier that day, a small plushy cactus that had a smile embroidered on its face. Jed shook his head with a self-deprecating scoff and turned to go back to his room when he practically tripped over Josie herself , not having heard her walk up. “Oh, um, yo,” he stuttered out, just barely managing to make his voice not crack in surprise. But he frowned when he saw the redness around her eyes. She’d been crying and that made his chest hurt because she shouldn’t be crying on her birthday. “Are you... okay?”
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founderscouncil · 2 years ago
Wrong blog but Jed & Flori lmfao 😜
Jed's gf baby hacker angel who supports him and saw him when no one else did, truly one of the best things to ever happen to him. He never thought he'd grow out of his father's shadow and the things he went through, and he still struggles with it, but Flori helps him through it all, right down to tracking down his sisters, and he will forever love her for just giving a damn about him when he probably didn't even deserve it.
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founderscouncil · 3 years ago
quiet reminder that i’ve been writing jed since the s2 hiatus so whatever the show says his backstory is will largely be ignored unless it fits with my already existing backstory for him. 
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founderscouncil · 3 years ago
@iincendia​ bc i’m not reliably convinced we’re gonna get this scene on the show
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              Everything about his decision to side with Malivore is biting him in the ass, including his new found dragon abilities. Whatever his mud had done to Kaleb and Ethan had made them the newest threats to the school and Kaleb wondered whether he would ever be able to move past what was quickly proving to be one of the worst mistakes of his life. He heard from Cleo that Jed had barely left their mysterious new guest’s side and the vampire wasn’t sure whether it was him or Malivore that felt so bothered by that idea. But he managed to catch the werewolf during one of his brief breaks and Kaleb knocked on his door. “Hey man, I wanted.. Look, I’m sorry about the whole, blowin’ you up thing.” 
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