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@dehvils sent [ mirror ] - receiver finds sender having just smashed a mirror with their fists (or head) from chrissy
she heard a crash and came running, heavy boots echoing in the hall. dani pulled open the bathroom door and locked it behind her. she didn't want anyone to find them in here. "chrissy, ljubímaja, what is it?" as soon as she saw her she didn't need to ask. chrissy's hands were bleeding. dani shed her jacket and left it on the floor, running to wrap chrisy's hands in paper towels. "what happened? what did you do?"
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shadowbrn · 2 years
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alex  standall  (  @dehvils  )  said  to  justin  foley  ;  ❝ lie down, you’re going to hurt yourself. ❞
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justin's  immediate  reaction  is  just  to  growl.  he  doesn't  like  being  told  what  to  do  by  anyone  .  .  .  especially  alex.  ❝  i'm  going  to  hurt  you  if  you  don't  stop  telling  me  what  to  do.  ❞  justin  has  definitely  always  been  a  more  independent  person,  it  was  how  he  had  to  be  when  he  grew  up  the  way  he  had.  just  to  spite  alex  at  this  point,  justin  pulled  himself  off  of  his  bed.  ❝  i'm  fine.  i  don't  know  why  everyone  seems  to  think  i'm  not.  ❞
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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@dehvils asked: “I once got married in Club Penguin on Valentine’s day. That was pretty romantic.” / adam to lawrence
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AN AMUSED EXPRESSION came across the doctor’s face, and he even allowed a light chuckle to escape his lips. “Why am I not surprised?” Settling down on the couch beside Adam, Lawrence found himself letting out a soft sigh, smile fading slightly. HIS WIFE had left him and taken Diana with her; it was his first Valentine’s Day being single in years. But at least he had some company. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, something more could come out of this.
Deciding to take the risk, Lawrence brushed his hand against Adam’s, wrapping his fingers around it gently and lifting it up. “I don’t see A RING.” His tone was joking, but the touch was serious, even if he wouldn’t admit it. AND HE WOULDN’T. If Adam pulled away or said anything, Larry would claim it was just a joke, blame it on the alcohol. He was far from drunk, though, barely even tipsy. Adam didn’t need to know that.
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leschanceux · 2 years
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@dehvils hugged remus! - 
remus has never been the physically affectionate type --- not generally, anyway. he’s a solitary creature by habit ( it’s the best method of self-preservation he’s found so far ), though his friends are making that habit increasingly difficult the older they get. peter’s arms close like a bone cage around him and remus freezes for a moment, tense as his instincts scream no escape! --- but then he relaxes into the embrace, even loops his arms around his friend in return, a fond smile gracing thin, pale lips. “you alright, peter?”
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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@dehvils asked: “i’d rather stick needles in my eyes. i’ll probably do that anyway.” isaac to scott !
Scott looked at Isaac fixing him with a look. Honestly, that sounded horrific and he really didn't want Isaac to do that. "Please don't that sounds awful. I know this isn't ideal or comfortable, but mom asked." He didn't want to go to a family dinner with his mom and the father of his ex-girlfriend either. But things between his mom and Chris seemed to be progressing and they seemed to really want Scott and Isaac there. He was happy for his mom, but it was definitely going to be weird for both him and Isaac, seeing her and Chris all loved up.
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scribedhorror · 2 years
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@dehvils​ || meme || accepting ❛  stop hogging the blanket!  ❜           /     richie.
“Maybe if you didn’t hog it first,” Bill grumbled back. Normally, he ran warm. Hot, sometimes, inclined to wear as little as possible to bed. Throw on a fan with the AC on blast with only a sheet covering him. Tonight, though, the power had gone out which meant no heat, and it was bitterly cold outside. 
Turning on his side, Bill lifted the blankets up in invitation. “Here. Come on before you freeze. Promise not to steal them again.”
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munsontm · 2 years
[TEXT] - can i come over?
[TEXT] - because i’m in your driveway.
/ chrissy
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𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 / accepting / @dehvils
[ miss chris ] first of all, I don't think a parking space counts as a driveway. there's no...length. 🤷‍♀️
[ miss chris ] secondly....there isn't a second anything. my bad.
[ miss chris ] do u remember what number I am? It's 21B. Fourth floor.
[ miss chris ] we'll see if I can drag my pancake ass outta bed to the door in four floors time. and no complaining about how shitty I look. pls.
[ miss chris ] elevators out btw... like always. 🙄
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trashm0uth · 2 years
are you real ? richie to richie lmao
HE'S TRIPPING , RIGHT ? no , HE'S DEFINITELY FUCKING TRIPPING & all he can fucking do is stand there & fucking stare , all bug - eyed beneath big lenses , at the carbon fucking copy of himself standing opposite of him . he blinks . . . then blinks again , then his brows are furrowing & face pinches into an expression that's as much frustration as it is confusion . ( easier than being fucking scared ! ) " what the fuck do you mean ' AM I REAL ' ? obviously i'm fucking real , what the fuck are you ? " a motion toward him . " some fucking knockoff version of me ? what's next ? you're going to tell me you're hooking up with mrs . k too ? "
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kierras · 2 years
@dehvils​ / ❛ you think i’m jealous? ❜ 
kie shoots sarah a look of disbelief. a brow raised and her head tilted to the side just slightly, lips pursed together before she shrugs. “i mean... do you want me to be honest with you?” she questions, though they both know she will be, regardless. kiara has never been one to shy away from the truth. “i know you too well for that, sarah. i know you’re jealous. it’s like... your entire vibe right now.”
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neverafters · 2 years
     ☾   —   🛑 for receiver to clean blood off sender after they protected them.
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❝ hey dumbass— ❞ she started affectionately , pushing at jj's shoulder to get his attention before she focused back on the cut on his forehead. it was going to leave a gnarly scar , but it didn't require immediate medical attention or whatever. that didn't make it okay. ❝ never do that again , ❞ she scolded @dehvils as she untied the scarf on her head and pulled it off. she frowned at the fabric ( it was one of her favorites ) then lifted it to wipe at the bloody mess. ❝ i don't need you to protect me okay? i can take care of myself. if you would have gotten hurt— ❞ she trailed off , breaking eye contact when she realized how dumb it sounded. the worse than you were was implied. but so was the ' i could never forgive myself ' that she left unsaid.
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"you don't have to worry. no one cares here." dani smiled and opened the car door for her. "well they might care a little about this but, i've got that covered." she gestured to chrissy's pink dress before taking off her own leather jacket and putting it around the other's shoulders. "now you won't get cold and you fit in just a little." dani didn't want to change her, but she didn't want to draw any unwanted attention towards them. they didn't care much about two girls being there together, but guys could still be gross for other reasons.
STARTER for @dehvils / chrissy cunningham *
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shadowbrn · 2 years
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enid  sinclair  (  @dehvils  )  said  to  ajax  petropolus  ;  “your secret’s safe with me.”
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this  was  truly  ajax's  most  embarrassing  moment.  what  kind  of  gorgon  couldn't  control  their  own  power?  he  understood  his  snakes  targetting  other  people,  and  that  was  why  he  always  wore  his  beanies  .  .  .  but  he  hated  how  they  were  constantly  turning  on  him.  he  couldn't  even  have  mirrors  in  his  room,  which  definitely  bugged  the  hell  out  of  his  roommate.  ❝  thanks,  ❞  he  murmured,  taking  her  hand  with  a  small  smile,  ❝  i  was  just  stuck  in  the  shower  for  twenty  four  hours  .  .  .  it  was  the  worst  moment  of  my  life.  ❞
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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@dehvils asked: handing lawrence a puppy. — adam
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Confused, Lawrence slowly reached out to take the puppy, not wanting to hurt or scare the animal in Adam’s hands. He had SO many questions. And yet, looking into the creature’s adorably innocent eyes made him feel a bit lighter somehow. STILL…
“Where did you get this?”
Hopefully it wasn’t hurt. Lawrence wasn’t a vet by ANY means.
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boriys-a · 2 years
@dehvils sent: 24.  RECOVER :  for one muse to return the other’s lost belonging. / lexi
It wasn’t a conversation that Boris had been directly involved in, but he had overheard one of his classmates complaining about a lost item: a bracelet. Maybe it was the thief in him, but his first guess was that someone had stolen it. After all, there were some people out there who were really good at taking jewelry off of people without them noticing, only he wasn’t sure if anyone in this school had that that type of skill—and, according to Lexi (which he wasn't sure was her real name, but was what everyone called her), she was pretty sure that was where she’d lost it. Maybe it really had just gotten caught on something or came loose without her noticing.
Boris hadn’t thought much of the lost belonging, the topic leaving his mind entirely after the conversation had passed, until a few hours later when he was outside. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something in the grass glinting against the sun. His hope was that it was money, even if only a dollar or two, but as he got closer, the conversation from earlier flooded back into his mind and he realized that maybe this was the lost bracelet. He personally didn’t have much of an attachment to his own belongings because they meant to little to him, but he would’ve been sad to lose one of many black leather bracelets he had tangled around his wrist: Bami, a dear friend from New Guinea, had made it for him. Maybe Lexi’s was special in some way too.
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After asking around, he headed on over to the library to see Lexi sitting at one of the tables, a book opened up in front of her. Was she reading? Studying? Well, no matter, because he was going to be stealing her attention regardless. Boris, grabbing the chair on the other side, dragged it out and threw himself down onto it. ❝Ah, Lexi! Just the person I was looking for,❞ he greeted her, arms folding atop the table while he leaned forward eagerly. Being as new as he was, he had never spoken to her before in his life. For some people, they would've been too shy to directly approach and would've turned it into the office or something of the sort, whereas Boris wasn't the shy or timid type and was more than willing to strike up conversations with new people. ❝This may sound strange, but please, hold out your hand.❞
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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@dehvils asked: “are you really going to make me ask?” isaac to charlie !
Charlie looked to Isaac, her lips curling inwards as she watched him. "Make you ask what?" She could make an educated guess. How was she still alive after being so ill. Or he might be able to sense why and was asking about her being a werewolf now too. Which Scott had told her Isaac was one. "Scott said you were in France!" she elected to say instead. "What made you come back?" great Charlie, deflection works great.
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scribedhorror · 2 years
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@dehvils​ || meme || accepting 45) because we’re best friends.     bill & richie !
Bill grunted as the mattress shifted although he wasn’t really asleep in the first place. He turned his head to look over at who had decided to climb in next to him and wasn’t all that surprised to find Richie staring back at him. Glasses-free, but still Richie. 
“Can’t sleep?” He asked, voice low so as not to disturb anyone else. That desire was what had kept him in bad in the first place, not wanting to bother the others who seemed to be sleeping soundly. Everyone but Richie.
He gazed at the other Loser through the dark of the room, blue eyes scanning his features. “You okay, Rich?”
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