#[ celestial dragons
opbackgrounds · 3 days
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Another one of those almost-too-real details of the series is how other rich people/nobles agree and cozy up with the Celestial Dragons. Sure, the Dragons demand ridiculous tributes and hold the threat of annihilation over their heads, but for the most part these kings, nobles, and other rich people are able to pass along that cost to the ordinary citizens of the world without experiencing any suffering for themselves
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chromatic-lamina · 2 days
The law unto themselves killing
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one of their own (happens to be a Donquixote), due to helping
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the persecuted (yes, Shirahoshi's family is royal, but the Celestial Dragons do not fishfolk and mermaids as equal); And then,
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the persecuted
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stringing up innocent Donquixotes (in this case, representative of the Celestial Dragons in the way that Shirahoshi symbolised all of the Fishmen above), definitely have
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visual parallels (this post won't go into the cycle of brutality that perpetuates through oppression, but it's obvious. Mjsogard was a real hero. He's not pretty like Orochi, and didn't experience the same persecution at all, but he broke the cycle and paid the price).
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Speaking of which (above) (and below)
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Cora supine in the snow, the crucifixion figure might run in the bloodline? (metaphorically speaking)
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Of course it's a humiliating and debilitating position (and we have Doflamingo sitting up in his cell at one point), and Oda also likes to draw some characters sleeping like
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this (Law above, arms akimbo, Cora and Law camping under the moonlight)
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PS: Not just Law. Luffy and Usopp sometimes do. Law's arms would not be akimbo here, although they appear to be in one shot. Luffy sleeps this way in this scene, but it could be due to bandages. he moves later. Bellamy does too. But, eh. Also, I think it's probably much easier to draw characters this way!). Back to the main point:
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Just like Coby for standing up to Akainu, Mjosgard was a hero, and the Donquixote family seems to have as much luck as the Trafalgars.
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moezarte · 3 months
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Luffy delivers a message to St. Charlos
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monkey-d-ezekiel · 11 months
okay im sorry but. 1098 is just way too much for me to drop a review on it. been trying to work on it for a bit and every time i try it just turns out horrendous. this chapter broke me man. i can't give my thoughts on it coherently 😭
so have some memes instead (let me cope in peace).
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cool shanks and mihawk art if you need to cope too (artist)
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silkentine · 7 months
I'm making an ASL animatic btw here are some sneak peeks (these are rough sketches) (and some scenes I'm actually cutting but the art was too fun to blip into the nether) first person who can guess the song I picked, I'll give a free commission (but don't try too hard, guys)
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goldenvulpine · 7 months
One Piece’s villains are great because regardless of how horrible they are you can believably see why they would team up with Luffy because FUCK Celestial Dragons.
Like despite Kaido & Big Mom being massive POS if they decided they had enough of it and just wanted to absolutely kill some Celestial Dragons you would not only find it believable but you would root for them too and it wouldn’t be a betrayal of their characters. That how horrible the Celestial Dragons are.
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differentpostrebel · 1 month
Lost and Found: A Pirate’s Promise
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Lost and Found: A Pirate’s Promise
A/N: Hi!! This is my first fanfiction ever, and I'm super excited to share it with all of you! I've always loved fanfictions that span across multiple parts because they give so much room for character development and suspense. As a massive One Piece fan, I hope you all enjoy this series as much as I will enjoy writing it!
For this series, we'll start off in the Pre-Time Skip era, specifically during the Sabaody Archipelago arc. Y/N is an established pirate and a formidable warrior, with the third highest bounty in the Straw Hat crew. She's not just another member; her strength and skills have earned her a respected spot among the crew.
Sanji, our favorite lovesick cook, falls head over heels for Y/N almost immediately. True to his nature, he tries every trick in the book to catch her attention, from cooking her favorite meals to showering her with compliments. On the other hand, Y/N may have a small crush on Sanji, but she’s cautious and focused on her goals as a pirate.
As the story progresses, that small crush gradually blossoms into something more profound, but their journey together won't be easy. With the chaos of the New World looming, the dangers they face will test their bond and loyalty to each other. Will their love be strong enough to survive the trials ahead, or will the perils of their pirate life tear them apart?
Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster filled with angst, action, and a dash of romance. I'm thrilled to take you on this adventure with Y/N, Sanji, and the rest of the Straw Hat crew!
A/N: some parts may be changed to fit the story, but others will remain the same. For instance, instead of eleven supernovas it will be twelve. 
Word Count: 2.3k
Sanji x Y/N, OP x Y/N ,
Chapter 1: Desperate Measures: Saving a Friend 
  Having arrived at Sabaody Archipelago with your crew, along with Hatchan, Camie, and Pappag, the vibrant and bustling island immediately overwhelms your senses. The bright, multicolored bubbles floating through the air, the mix of strange and diverse people, and the looming presence of the massive mangrove trees create an atmosphere both wondrous and ominous. You can't help but feel a mix of excitement and unease—Sabaody is a place of both opportunity and danger.
  Luffy, your captain, couldn’t wait any longer to get off the ship and explore. With his usual boundless energy, he leaped from the Sunny, already imagining the adventures that awaited him on Sabaody Archipelago. You remember the day he first asked you to join his crew. It was after a particularly intense battle where your fighting skills had caught his eye. He admired your strength, your resilience, and the way you stood your ground even in the face of overwhelming odds. Luffy, always the one to follow his instincts, had approached you with that wide, infectious grin and simply said, “Join my crew!”
At first, you were taken aback by his straightforwardness, but there was something about Luffy—his unwavering belief in his dreams, his ability to inspire those around him, and the way he saw potential in everyone—that made you consider his offer. He didn’t just see you as a warrior; he saw you as someone who could help him achieve his goal of becoming King of the Pirates. And so, after a moment of thought, you agreed, finding yourself swept up in the Straw Hats' chaotic yet oddly comforting world.
  As Luffy heads down with Chopper, Zoro, is scanning the area to see if there are any threats nearby. “Sense anything Zoro?” you say as you begin to step out of the sunny. “Zoro glances around, his eyes sharp and focused, before shaking his head slightly. "Not at the moment," he replies, keeping his voice low. “Hey Mosshead, back off of Y/N, she doesn’t need you clinging on to her,” Sanji snaps, stepping in between you and Zoro, his eyes narrowing at the swordsman.
Zoro glares back, “Who’s clinging, you curly-browed idiot? I’m just making sure there’s no trouble.”
Before the argument can escalate further, Nami steps in, her hands on her hips. “Enough, both of you. Sanji, you’ll stay behind to guard the treasure along with Usopp. Franky, you’re staying on the ship too—just in case we need to make a quick getaway.”
Sanji’s expression immediately softens, his usual heart eyes appearing as he turns to Nami. “Of course, my love, anything for you!” he says with a dreamy sigh. Then, as if remembering his role as the lovesick cook, he pulls out a single rose, handing it to you with a flourish. “Y/N, keep this with you on your journey, so you won’t forget about me.”
You take the rose, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “How could I forget about you, Sanji? I’ll be sure to keep it close.”
Sanji’s heart skips a beat as you flirt back, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Though he’s always been bold with his affection, there’s something about the way you respond that makes his heart race a little faster. You’ve always admired Sanji’s charm and his relentless dedication to those he cares about, and in moments like this, it’s hard not to let your own small crush on him slip through.
  As you all disembark the ship, Hatchan begins to explain that he knows someone who can coat the ship for your journey to the next destination, Fishman Island. Camie and Pappag act as your guides, showing you around. Nami and Robin decide to head out for some shopping.
“You sure you don’t want to tag along?” Nami asks.
“Yeah, we could have our own mini girls’ day,” Robin adds with a smile.
Shaking your head with a smile, you reply, “No, that’s alright, you two go on ahead. I’ve got to make sure these guys”—you gesture towards the remaining group—“don’t wind up in too much trouble.”
“I’ll be sure to get you something!” Nami calls out as she and Robin head off to the stores.
“Well, Zoro, looks like you and I will be taking care of…”
“Damn, did he just leave?” You sigh and make your way back to your group.
 Meanwhile, back on the Sunny…
“Sanji, you gotta relax, buddy. Nami, Robin, Camie, and Y/N are safe and fine,” says Franky, trying to calm Sanji down.
Sanji exhales a cloud of smoke from his cigarette, his eyes still filled with concern. “Yeah, I know,” he mutters, “but I can’t help worrying about them. Especially Y/N… she’s always getting into trouble, and I can’t help but think I should be there to protect her.”
Franky gives him a reassuring pat on the back. “You’re on guard duty here, remember? We’ve got to keep the ship safe.”
Sanji’s gaze softens as he looks at the rose he’s tucked away for Y/N. “I just wish I could be there with her… make sure she knows how much she means to me.”
“Don’t worry, Sanji,” Franky chuckles. “They’re in good hands with you watching over the ship. And besides, you’ve got your own way of showing you care. That rose will do wonders.”
Sanji nods, taking a deep breath and letting his worry slowly fade. “You’re right. I’ll keep an eye out and make sure the ship stays in one piece. Just hope she gets my message.”
He glances at the rose again, a small smile appearing on his face as he tries to refocus on his duties.
  Back in Sabaody… 
 After witnessing the cruelty of the nobles, a shiver ran down your spine as the unsettling images replayed in your mind. You couldn't shake the feeling of anger and disgust.
“Those bastards, no one should be treated like that,” Luffy says, his voice filled with rage. “I don’t care if you’re a noble or not.”
“It’s truly a horrifying sight to see,” Brooke agrees, his usual calm demeanor marred by the gravity of the situation. He and Chopper hurry to catch up with you and Luffy.
“Luffy, remember we promised Hatchan we’d lay low for a bit,” you remind him, trying to steady your own emotions. “As much as I want to strike back, we can’t risk it. We have to stay out of trouble for now.”
Just then, you’re ambushed by a group of bounty hunters who had been lying in wait. One of them, a scruffy man with a leering grin, points at you with wide eyes. “Hey! You’re Y/N, the one with the $115,000,000 Berry bounty. You’re one of the Supernovas!”
“Supernovas?, what are they talking about?” you say in a hushed tone. 
Before they can react, you draw your blades with swift precision. The air around you crackles with energy as you unleash a flurry of strikes, each move perfectly calculated to disarm and incapacitate your attackers. Your combat skills, honed through countless battles, shine as you take them down one by one.
Luffy watches in awe, a grin slowly spreading across his face as he sees you effortlessly dispatch the bounty hunters. “Nice work, Y/N!” he cheers.
Brooke and Chopper finally catch up, their eyes wide at the sight of the defeated hunters. “Looks like we’ve got some unwanted attention,” Brooke observes. “But impressive as always.”
Smiling as you sheathe your blades, your breath steady despite the adrenaline coursing through you. “We need to stay sharp. Let’s get moving before more of them show up.” 
  Finally, after a bit of traveling, they reach Grove 13 and a bar where the coating engineer is said to stay. Upon entering, they are greeted by Shakky, the bar’s owner. A former pirate and friend of Hatchan, Shakky introduces herself with a friendly smile.
"Nice to meet you all," Shakky says. "I've heard quite a bit about the Straw Hats.”
The group exchanges pleasantries before asking about the engineer, Rayleigh. Shakky informs them that Rayleigh hasn’t been seen for a while, though he hasn’t left the island. He’s been wandering the bars and casinos for the past six months.
"Well, if Rayleigh’s been missing for that long, we might have to search for him ourselves," Luffy says.
Shakky nods. “Be careful. Since your arrival, there are now twelve rookie pirates with bounties over 100,000,000 berri who’ve reached the Red Line. Luffy, you're second highest among them.”
As the group absorbs this, Shakky explains that most of the Supernovas are staying in Grove 24. She describes some of them: Capone "Gang" Bege, the mafia-type pirate with a bounty of 138,000,000 berri, Jewelry Bonney, with a bounty of 140,000,000 Berri, Basil Hawkins, known as "The Magician" with a 249,000,000 bounty. In another part of the grove, Eustass "Captain" Kid (315,000,000) and Scratchmen Apoo (198,000,000)
In Grove 21, "The Mad Monk" Urouge (108,000,000) and "Massacre Soldier" Killer (162,000,000) next is "Red Flag" X Drake (222,000,000), a former Marine Rear Admiral, and Trafalgar Law (200,000,000), the last of the rookies. Shakky hands you the wanted posters and you note with a small smile that you and Zoro are also among the Supernovas. You’re listed with a bounty of 115,000,000, and Zoro with 120,000,000. 
As you glance at the wanted posters of the Supernovas, you mutter with a playful grin, “Wow, Killer, Eustass Kidd, and Law… they’ve got something uniquely captivating about them. They look kind of cute.”
Brooke, catching your comment, bursts out with a cheerful, “Yoohoo! Looks like Sanji’s got some competition!”
You chuckle and tease, “Oh, definitely. Killer’s dangerous allure, Kidd’s raw intensity, and Law’s cool confidence—they each have a certain edge that’s hard to ignore.”
Leaning in closer, you let your voice drop with a sultry edge, “It’s not just their looks. There’s something about their vibe that’s a little… irresistible. Makes me wonder how they’d be in person.”
Brooke's jawbone clinks with his laughter. “Well, I can’t say I blame you. A little competition always spices things up, doesn’t it?”
You wink playfully. “Exactly. It’s all about the thrill of the chase. But for now, let’s see what these Supernovas are really like. Who knows, maybe they’ll be even more intriguing up close.”
Brooke’s grin remains, his eye sockets gleaming with amusement. “I’m sure they will be. But remember, Sanji’s keeping a close eye on you. Don’t let him get too worked up!”
You laugh, the mischief in your eyes sparkling. “Don’t worry. A bit of competition never hurt anyone. It just makes everything more exciting.”
With that,the group heads out to find Rayleigh, the playful tension lingering in the air. 
   As the group sets out to find Rayleigh, Luffy suggests a visit to Sabaody Park to enjoy the day. Camie, brimming with excitement, eagerly tells you about the park’s significance and her past visits. You walk side by side with her, absorbing the vibrant atmosphere of the park and the joyful energy of the rides.
As you and Camie sit on a bench in Sabaody Park, catching your breath from the excitement of the rides, you both share a contented sigh.
"This place is amazing," Camie says with a smile, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I wish I could have experienced it like this more often. It’s so much fun!"
You nod, enjoying the moment. “I’m glad we could have this day. It’s been a blast.”
Just as you’re about to take another bite of your snack, a shadow looms over you. Before you can react, someone covers your mouth with a cloth, and another pair of hands grabs Camie. You both struggle, but the suddenness of it leaves you disoriented.
Through the fabric muffling your cries, you hear Camie's muffled voice. “Mmmph! What’s happening? Let us go!”
You try to yell out, but the cloth over your mouth stifles your words. Panicking, you reach for Camie’s hand, and you feel her trembling. The sound of ropes tightening around your wrists and ankles is followed by the heavy thud of sacks being pulled over you.
You catch a glimpse of Camie’s frightened eyes as she is shoved into a sack next to you. Through the layers of fabric, you try to comfort her.
“It’s going to be okay, Camie,” you whisper as best as you can through the gag, though it comes out as a muffled sound. “We just need to stay calm.”
You can hear the muffled sounds of Camie’s sobs from the sack next to you. The kidnappers’ harsh voices are distant but clear enough to make out their cruel intentions.
One of them grumbles, “They’re going to make a fine addition to the auction. The buyers will love them.”
The words send a shiver down your spine. The realization of being taken to be auctioned as slaves hits hard, but you try to remain composed for Camie’s sake. You shift slightly in the sack, trying to offer some comfort with your presence despite the dire situation.
In the oppressive darkness and confined space, all you can do is hope that your crew will find you in time before it’s too late.
OMGGGG, what do you guys think??? This one was long! But it'll be all worth it! Next chapter is going to be a good one that you don't want to miss. Currently writing it as we speak! Welcome to my page and I can't wait for you guys to read what I have in store! 
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breakonthroough · 8 months
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I keep wondering why Doflamingo fired such a horrifyingly large number of bullets at his own brother? After all, it is unlikely that this was caused solely by his extreme irritation, resentment and anger at Rocinante.
I think if Doffy had the chance, he would have fired all 16 (sacred) shots at Corazon, knowing the Heavenly Demon's obsession with everything related to the Tenryubito and their traditions. However, his Flintlock is presumably only a six-shooter. And since Doflamingo prefers to kill his enemies in the same way as any tenryubito, with a pistol, he most likely emptied the entire clip into his brother.
It is logical to assume that he did this because he wanted to kill Rocinante. And kill for sure.
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We do not yet know anything about the true strength of the Celestial Dragons or their abilities, but we can say with confidence that they definitely have stamina, endurance and are very tenacious of life. The following examples are worth remembering:
Saint Charlos, who received a terrifying punch from Luffy, a club blow from Mjosgard, and a combined attack from Sai and Leo that few would have survived.
Doflamingo himself, steadfastly withstanding Luffy's powerful blows and even deadly gamma-knife attacks from Trafalgar Law.
The already mentioned Donquixote Mjosgard, the only survivor and practically unharmed after a shipwreck off Fish-Man Island. His brutal public execution was carried out personally by Figarland. He was shooted.
Finally, Rocinante himself. After all, his acquaintance with Law begins with the fact that an angry boy delivers a potentially fatal blow with a knife to the offender’s chest, in close proximity to the heart. After which Corazon, as if nothing had happened, again sat next to his brother, showing almost nothing about the severity of his wound. He later received multiple bullet wounds from the Barrel's Pirates and was severely beaten by Vergo and members of the Donquixote family. And after all this, he was still able to stand on his feet. Here it should be remembered that he himself told Law directly (unless, of course, he was lying to calm the child) that such a small thing (as a few bullets in vital organs) would not kill him.
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In general, Doflamingo most likely knew what he was doing, and carried out the execution of his brother who was disappointed him with the cold blood. However, rather than a quick death — his “forgiveness” — in the form of a bullet in the head, which he loves to rant about so much, Doffy still preferred for the person who was so close to him six (?) shots to the chest. And terrible slow death from bleeding and cold. God, what a sad fact is this!
Well, I won’t hide the fact that I still desperately want to believe that Rocinante, with his stamina and endurance, was quite capable of surviving the shooting (I believe in the One Piece tradition of bringing characters back to life!) Perhaps, having lost his memory, he is alive and still continues his journey, at least in the ranks of the Revolutionary army. But that's a completely different theory :)
Russian translation below
Мне все не даёт покоя мысль, почему Дофламинго выпустил такое ужасающе большое количество пуль в своего родного брата? Ведь вряд ли это было связано исключительно с его чрезвычайной раздраженностью, обидой и злостью на Росинанта.
Думаю, если бы у Доффи была возможность, то он бы выпустил в Коразона все 16 (священных) пуль, зная одержимость Небесного демона всем, что связано с тенрьюбито и их традициями. Однако, его флинтлок, предположительно, всего лишь шестизарядный. А так как убивать своих врагов Дофламинго предпочитает таким же способом, как и любой тенрьюбито, из пистолета, он, скорее всего, разрядил в брата всю обойму.
Логично предположить, что сделал он это потому, что хотел убить Росинанта. И убить наверняка.
Мы пока что ничего не знаем ни об истинной силе Небесных Драконов, ни про их способности, однако, можно с уверенностью утверждать, что стойкости, живучести и выносливости им не занимать. Стоит вспомнить следующие примеры:
Святой Чарлос, получивший ужасающий удар кулаком от Луффи, дубинкой от Мьёсгарда и комбинированный удар от Сая и Лео, после которого мало кто бы выжил.
Сам Дофламинго, стойко выдерживающий мощные удары Луффи и даже смертельные атаки гамма-ножом от Трафальгара Ло.
Упомянутый уже Донкихот Мьёсгард, единственный выживший и практически не пострадавший после кораблекрушения у острова Рыболюдей. Его жестокая казнь была осуществлена лично Фигарлендом, посредством публичного расстрела.
Наконец, сам Росинант. Ведь его знакомство с Ло начинается с того, что разъяренный пацан наносит потенциально смертельный удар ножом в грудь обидчика, в непосредственной близости от сердца. После чего Коразон, как ни в чем не бывало, снова сидит подле брата, почти ничем не выдавая тяжести своего ранения. Позднее он получил множественные пулевые ранения от пиратов Баррельса и был жестоко избит Верго и членами семьи Донкихот. И после всего этого он все еще был способен стоять на ногах. Тут следует вспомнить, что он и сам сказал непосредственно Ло (если конечно не соврал, чтобы успокоить ребенка), что подобная мелочь его не убьет.
В общем, Дофламинго, скорее всего знал, что он делает, и убил разочаровавшего его брата хладнокровно и продуманно. Однако, быстрой смерти- "прощению" в виде пули в голову, о котором он так любит разглагольствовать, Доффи все же предпочел для самого родного ему человека 6(?) выстрелов в грудь и медленное умирание от кровотечения и холода. Боже, какой же это печальный факт.
Что ж, не стану скрывать, мне по-прежнему отчаянно хочется верить в то, что Росинант, со своей стойкостью и выносливостью, вполне был способен пережить расстрел (я верю в традиции One Piece возвращать персонажей к жизни!). Возможно, потеряв память, он жив и все ещё продолжает свой путь, хотя бы, в рядах Революционной армии. Но это уже совершенно другая теория :)
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
It's really interesting and intentional that of the original 7 warlords, at least 4 of them are amongst the pirates with the most atrocities committed against them by the hands of the world government (celestial dragons) the system they used to work (liberal use of the word) for and occasionally defend.
obviously, Doffy's situation as an outsed celestial dragon is distinctly very different from Boa, and Kuma who were previously slaves and the oppression of Jimbe’s entire race* but it also raises the interesting pattern of all the former oppressed* warlords eventually in some way allying or helping Luffy because they just sense the freedom Luffy embodies while Doffy as a Celestial dragon is threatened by it.
I wonder what this means for Crocodile and Mihawk the only Warlords with still vague origins and arguably the most complicated relationships to the strawhats.
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hiddenlife-manager · 4 months
Hear me out! Sabo with an Celestial Dragon(world noble) reader enemies to lovers (fuck buddies)
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Sabo x Celestial Dragon
cw... blow job, angry kissing, drool, quick, a bit bad, unedited, still cute, power imbalance, a litte sudden, etc...
notepad... this one is def not the best but I was unsure how to get it going so I picked this. OH WELL tomorrow I will come back stronger!!!
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You stood there in your room, looking at yourself in the mirror, your ears picking up the sound of a man going through your window. You turned to look at the blonde man crawling in, and you smirked at him. He came back to see you, even if the two of you hated each other.
“I thought you hated me.” You spoke out gracefully, your hands set down to your side. He walked up to you and grabbed you by the neck, kissing your lips in an angry manner. Causing your cocky attitude to suddenly melt. You were confused about why he did that.
“Why did you let her go?” He asked suddenly, and you took a step back and rolled your eyes, unsure what he meant. You wiped your lips with your sleeve. 
“She was a pathetic slave, and besides, slaves need to be freed at some point.” He smirked at you. Your cold heart was slowly melting each time you met him. You would never admit it, but he truly was changing you, and you hated it so much. Such a lowly man is changing such a powerful person as yourself.
“You know lying to me won’t do anything.” You spat at him, unable to look at him; you could never admit it. You had a heart, and you hated it. He walked up to you and kissed your lips. How is it that he touched you like this? How is it that you let him grab you even if you hated him? “How about a gift?” He whispered to you. He suddenly pushed you down to your knees and was met with his cock. 
“You think someone better than you will be on her knees for a man like you!” You exclaimed, and he unzipped his pants, his cock springing out, and all you could do was gulp. “I won’t enjoy it!” Everything you did was to try and fight it, but you couldn’t. Your hands went up to his cock and began to pump it. He had a celestial dragon on their knees, but in the end, you never fought it physically. You desired him, and as much as you hated him personally, his physical body was amazing—better than any other you have met. 
You opened your mouth to continue arguing, and he shoved his cock into it. You were stunned, but you caught yourself and began to suck at his cock. You loved it so much; you were a whore, might you say for him? You wanted him to use you. Make you feel less than what you truly are. When he did it, it was out of anger but also with a hint of care. A hint of wanting you to live like a normal person in the world. 
“Ugh.” You tried to let out a sentence, but all of it was muffled by the sound of you sucking his cock. Your saliva sucked while it piled up and slowly dripped down your chin. He gently wiped off the drool, looking down at you and holding back his moans. 
“It isn’t awful; isn’t it celestial?" You rolled your eyes at hearing him coo; it made your heart race, but to him, you were just a tool to prove he had power over someone like yourself. But you didn’t care; you hated and loved it all. You felt him thrust into your mouth, causing his cock to hit the back of your throat. You gagged a bit but continued to suck, your hands around the cock that has fucked you on so many occasions. 
This was a gift, truly, and you were upset that he knew you were slowly melting into becoming a bit more normal. Even setting free one of your slaves. Your hands gently pumped, grabbing his full attention until he came, strings of his cum going into your mouth. You knew it was wrong, but you swallowed it up, and he placed his hands on your chin, causing you to open up. 
“Good one. Maybe next time free a few more and you’ll be fucked the way you want.” Normally, you would roll your eyes and laugh at him, but he had you wrapped around his finger. You nodded mindlessly. It was awful to see such a powerful figure on their knees and coughing down their throats. 
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umbrace-rambles · 8 months
Not trying to justify or excuse Doflamingo in any way, I'm actually a big fan of his manslaughter and many awful crimes but as I was rewatching Dressrosa I noticed I believe a lot of people forget about the second smaller backstory flashback he gets? Which goes considerably deeper into why he is Like That despite being much shorter.
I'd guess most people only remember the main one he shares with Corazón and Law (understandable) but like.... he was very much groomed to be Like That, the same way he planned to do with Law.
Until before he killed his father, he was shown to be, at most, an extremely entitled and annoying child that very much embodied what he had learned from their lifestyle as a celestial dragon. You can see that mindset and behavior in literally all of his ex-peers (excluding later Homing and Mjorsgard, but they're exceptions)
After Homing decided to leave Mary Geoise with his family and during everything they endured after, Doflamingo was just very pissed and very much growing hateful towards his father (which is not that hard to understad given the situation) but never actually acted aggressive, or homicidal, he just kept giving the same celestial dragon tirade, because he didn't understand what was going on. He repeatedly asks his father why what he has known for his whole life is not working, he is confused.
Now, the second backstory flashbacks reveal some very much crucial things to what happened after all of this, including the fact that it was Trebol (and Diamante, Pica and Vergo, who were already together at the time) who gave Doffy both his fruit and the gun he uses to kill his father, stating that he was chosen by the heavens because they witnessed him using Conqueror's haki back when he and his family were tied up. This instantly draws Trebol's group to him and makes them realize that actually, this kid is very fucking powerful, we should weaponize that.
So Doflamingo kills his father (and this is the last time we see Rosinante with him so we can assume they split after this- Rosi likely being taken by Sengoku when they find him), brings his head to Mary Geoise to try and bargain rejoining the celestial dragons, which goes bad, and then he goes back to Trebol and his group. They comfort him and state that since he can't go back, he should join them, and they would give him everything he ever wanted. What follows is a long montage of them fueling his previous mindset that he is right, indeed chosen by the heavens, that he should rule over everything, and that they will act as his executioners on his every whim.
Now, I don't believe Doflamingo could ever be "normal" or that he would be able to rebuild his mindset from what he had learned from the celestial dragons the same way Rosinante was able to. I do, however, fully believe that he would be much different from what he is now, had he never been groomed by Trebol & co. Would he have been drawn to violence and destruction the same way? Perhaps he would end up there on his own anyway, but maybe not, maybe he would remain more similar to other celestial dragons, weak and fearful and using other people to do his dirty work for him.
I do think there's something fundamentally wrong with that man that would still surface in some way at some point of his life but who knows, things could've been different.
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opbackgrounds · 4 days
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There's a certain childishness to the Celestial Dragon's cruelty that is both infuriating and makes perfect sense. Charlos's dad thinks that he's wasting money, but doesn't actually stop him from buying Camie.
After all, it's not as if they had to work for it. They're so obscenely rich that money has lost all meaning, and no matter how much they spend the tributes of the allied nations of the World Government make sure that they always have more. The auction houses try to appraise the value of living, thinking beings, but the Celestial Dragons don't really value money and they don't value the people they buy with it, and as a result the world becomes their toybox to amuse themselves as they see fit. And like children burning ants with a magnifying glass, that lack of empathy mixed with their boredom causes them to be incredibly cruel without realizing it as they search out their next amusement
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chromatic-lamina · 22 days
Chapter 1125 spoilers: Hunger
Also, I put it as an reply/reblog of another person’s post, but remember that the servants and slaves are starving too. They would have been malnourished, regardless, if we go by Kuma and Ginny's story, but if the food supplies to the Celestial Dragons have been cut, then you can believe that those to their workers are disrupted too. And they'll die for it. Whether from a bullet or lack of food. Oda is good with his layers.
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dangolisa · 16 days
St. Figarland Garling 🌙
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serpentfeverart · 11 months
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*does a silly little dance* Anyyyyway uhhh I made a new crack au. This one's about Imu being Sabo's parent. Imu just decided hmmm i think i want a child. And just. Created one out of shadows lol.
Don't worry about Sabo though. Much like in canon he figures out a way to meet his brothers somehow. I'm not entirely sure hoooow that would happen though, my current thought process is: Imu would eventually want to teach Sabo how to control a country, so he'd send him to Goa to learn in a relatively small country they don't really care too much about. And boom ASL. <3
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eroguron0nsense · 10 months
Doffy and Corazon's Parents
I feel like I'm the only person I've seen who interprets the Donquixote parents –specifically Homing– the way I do? Most people can pick up on the fact that he's well-intentioned and loves his wife and children enough to lay down his life trying to protect Doffy and Cora, and I've seen a decent number of people also note that he fails as a parent to properly address Doffy's sadism/aggression/antisocial behaviour and Celestial-Dragon-Programming in ways that would actually help him live a healthy, normal life after the family left Mariejois. He's sheltered and lives in a bubble (quite literally considering that leaving Mariejois involves taking off the insulating helmet that keeps you from breathing the same air as ordinary people) and he's horrified at the prospect that the people he idealizes and wants to be like hold genuine spite towards the Celestial Dragons in ways that he can't just hope to avoid by telling the victims of his former peers that he's left all of that behind.
That being said though, I noticed while rewatching Dressrossa that as much as Homing talks about the "honesty" of living as a human and the hollowness of Celestial Dragon society, he never seems to grasp that his peers are *evil*. He thinks of their immense wealth and privilege and the city of Mariejois itself as superficial, and clearly views his peers as misguided and shallow, but he never seems to explicitly condemn the actual atrocities they regularly commit or address it in his home; even though he thinks of himself as morally superior to his peers for choosing a comparatively less opulent and less abusive lifestyle, he doesn't seem genuinely bothered by Doffy repeatedly, loudly expressing his desire to own slaves as they're unpacking. He never bothers to tell his children that his peers are wrong, and the language he uses to condemn his peers excess never actually addresses their cruelty, just his general distaste for their excess and opulence. He doesn't do anything to intervene or apologize when Doffy expresses the same views in public in front of the very people he ostensibly idealizes enough to want to be like. He announces his status right off the bat and allows his child to loudly call for the deaths of people who cross his path without ever apologizing or expressing anything beyond mild discomfort. Even when he leaves Mariejois, he's given much nicer lodgings than most of his neighbours and a decent amount of money and treasure to boot and doesn't seem to want for anything.
Essentially, the outlook Donquixote Homing holds towards humans isn't so much genuine disillusionment with the class he was born into as it is something akin to poverty tourists or orientalist expats who think they're morally superior to and more in tune with the locals than their peers. The subaltern humans exist to him mostly as an aestheticized ideal before they register as people with complex emotions and severe traumas that his peers inflict on them for shits and giggles. He doesn't even seem to register the depths of the harm that people like him have inflicted enough to even fathom that these quaint little people he used to hold power over truly hate and fear them until it's far too late to protect himself or his family.
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