#one piece 1125
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beanghostprincess 6 months ago
Today is honestly one of the best moments to use this picture
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joy-girl 6 months ago
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I sincerely hope he's saying this because he doesn't know where she is or because Kaku told him that, or else.. 馃槶馃槶馃槶
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bubbydarkstar 6 months ago
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gorosei family photo
(sorry for making peter so babygirl)
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maximumqueer 6 months ago
Chapter 1125 Spoilers
These panels of Saturn having "his" power ripped out of him are so SO good!
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These panels of Saturn having "his" power ripped out of him are so SO good. It gives us more info on how Imu's power works, showing that it - along with granting a demonic form - also grants immortality. And, if the power is removed long after the persons life would have already ended, (which is show to be the case with Saturn, as he was alive during the previous Iron Giant attack, and probably long before) well,
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they die. Or rather return to the age that they would be without the aid of Imu's power, which would then result in death in the case of Saturn, and the other elders (other than Garling) I would guess.
This also implies that Imu can only provide power to five individuals at a time, and that the powers he can bestow are specific - as in he can has five forms he can give out. Of course we'll have to wait and see if Garling has the same demonic form as Saturn to fully confirm this, but its the interpretation I'm going with until we get more info.
It also plays into the interconnectedness of freedom and power, and how true power in the world of One Piece is freedom and the pursuit of freedom. And that by willingly giving up freedom for "power" in a more literal sense (whether is be strength, rank, or both) one is giving up their actual power in the form of their freedom. Saturn, in choosing to work for Imu, not only is taking freedom (and therefore power) away from the people of the One Piece world, but also gave up his own for the promise of strength and dominance, with in turn betrayed him and killed him. Contrast that with Luffy, who is literally powered by freedom, who is brought back from the dead by said power, as he is free and his strength is linked to his freedom. We see that same with Bonney, who through freedom was able to become powerful.
Power in One Piece IS freedom, and when someone betrays there own and others freedom in the pursuit of false power, they eventually fall.
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chromatic-lamina 6 months ago
Chapter 1125 spoilers: Hunger
Also, I put it as an reply/reblog of another person鈥檚 post, but remember that the servants and slaves are starving too. They would have been malnourished, regardless, if we go by Kuma and Ginny's story, but if the food supplies to the Celestial Dragons have been cut, then you can believe that those to their workers are disrupted too. And they'll die for it. Whether from a bullet or lack of food. Oda is good with his layers.
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jesse-winters 6 months ago
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That was so brutal my god. So far probably most disturbing dead scene yet. (can't wait to see this animated.)
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tuna-core 6 months ago
rest in piss old man I hope it was too painful for words
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cardboard-writer 6 months ago
What would you do if you are a Vice Admiral and you just saw the top leader of the world evaporate in front of you?
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demonio-fleurs 6 months ago
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this panel is so funny to me, ahiru is just giving koala the gayest look ever while she goes over the new revelation that climate change is real and the worlds ruling class has been hiding it from them for over 800 years
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bottlepiecemuses 6 months ago
Ding Dong, Saturd's Dead
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Next to Orochi's death this guy's death has brough me so much joy despite how horrific it is. The pain he put on Kuma and Bonney has made me hate his guts that I was wishing and thinking of how he would finally get it but it's fitting he gets it from the master he served. Who knew a nightmare fuel death would put a smile on my face?
General One Piece fandom reaction to his death:
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mugiwara-lucy 6 months ago
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Wait....so Saturn's out?
And Garling is IN!?
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I am VERY excited to see what happens now!!
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joy-girl 6 months ago
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My reaction was the same as the admirals 馃槰
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grizzlybearattack 6 months ago
Wait im cryingg now blackbeard crews plan of copying saturns face is in the gutter? sjsjsjsjsjsj
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tae-rambles 6 months ago
my reaction as i read:
so i guess finding Minamoto will be Yamabro's next mission
also i'm glad to see Oden's castle being rebuilt but shouldn't there be like a gigantic crater from Kaido blasting it and then Shinobu using her fruit?
is Lucci protecting Stussy or did Kaku lie to him? based on Kaku's expression i'm betting on the latter
the vice admirals look like children who were caught doing something bad and called in front of the principal lol
oh, this is so funny... Saturn ordering to study Emet in secret is fkin hilarious
also, this is a confirmation that Saturn got the eternal youth surgery like Imu (though the "youth" part is debatable lol) and we can infer the others got it too most likely (that doesn't mean that they are from the oid Century though - remember how they talked about the Nika fruit like it's a legend for them? it's very possible these Gorosei aren't the original ones. i do believe Imu is from the VC tho)
Doberman, aren't you a vice admiral? one would think he'd already know not to ask such questions lol
still wondering what the glare attack is tho. it doesn't seem to be haki since there's no lightning to provide a visual cue for us but who knows... Oda might not be adding the lightning just to confuse us
huh? Edison? he's still alive :D ! (of course he is..) but also wtf just happened? Edison i love your genius brain so much! that's one less victory for the World Government (suck it York! and Gorosei! >:D)
seeing Tenryubito suffer (if it can even be called suffering) brings smile to my face
holy shit! Garling! omg... are they gonna kill Saturn?
also, does he even know anything about science? (although... judging by the current state of the world... one doesn't need to know anything about a subject to be in charge of it...)
Garling really just said "how do you do fellow kids" lol
and the rest of the Gorosei don't look very happy lol i wonder if there's a hidden meaning behind the last reaction shot being Peter's... might the traitor theory be true?
oh that was beautiful! rest in piss Saturn ^-^ i'm so glad it wasn't quick and painless >:)
damn, only bones left (i so need to know wtf is going on with Imu's powers)
the rest of the Satellites! :D
lmao what is that
you do indeed have lovely proportions Shaka lol
oh hi Haredas :D of course they know each other
my darling husband Sabo is connecting the dots he's so smart
(Iva too) so Tequila Wolf isn't the only one... i'm guessing there's one for each Blue (and why tf are they all named after alcoholic drinks)
Dragon always the realist
for a breather chapter in-between arcs a bunch of big stuff happened and were revealed. just seeing Saturn die painfully made this an excellent chapter lol
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chromatic-lamina 6 months ago
Chapter 1125 spoilers: Opposing the void century
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This panel is incredibly important, because Koala is making a record of what was not permanently recorded with Vegapunk's transmission and it fills in
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the sections of the transmission that were disrupted. Although it hedges ("They'll likely get to wield that...power for themselves!") How deeply the Revolutionaries (and others, including Morgans' media) lean into the idea that the one who finds the One Piece will also have access to the weapons, and will want to use them for nefarious purposes will shape a lot of things.
Aside from that, Koala, like Nefertari D. Lili, is preserving what needs to be known. It's ink and paper, so not necessarily as permanent, but it is there.
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jesse-winters 6 months ago
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Oda keeps cooking.
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