bubbydarkstar · 15 days
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gorosei family photo
(sorry for making peter so babygirl)
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fallensnowfan · 16 days
Chapter 1125 first thoughts.
I like having the focus be away from the crew this chapter, it felt like the right decision at this point. Am really interested in the Stussy mystery, just one page though intriguing. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for it to be followed up on.
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Viewing Imu killing Saturn from a more meta perspective, it's interesting how Saturn begging to be spared feels very inline with how it was pretty common, more than today, for big bads to kill their subordinates if they fail a mission, in 80s/90s manga and anime.
Which fits with Imu and the Elders as characters in the One Piece universe being relics of the past, while Luffy is someone who embraces change and often finds himself opposing stagnant ideas.
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Does it seem that the other Satellites are almost relieved that York betrayed them? Sentomaru, Kizaru, Stussy, and Kaku were so shaken up after being forced to work against those they viewed as friends, though not the non-York Satellites. Almost like they potentially always wanted to have an excuse to get away from her, even prior to her betrayal. What a bunch of callous meanies.
It makes sense they'd be that way though, given how Stella was completely convinced that Lilith was the traitor. Another mistake to Stella's long long list of errors. Aggressive type casting, not willing to believe people can be more than what they seem. Seeing others as tools to progress his own scientific progress, and being so passive in doing what the World Government asks of him for so long. I'm still surprised that he ever gathered the courage to rebel against them.
I hope their Punk Records airship gets struck by lightning and crashes into the ocean. They deserve it for being so okay with treating York as little more than a tool for completing the bodily functions that they were too busy to be bothered to do themselves.
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I'm happy York is working with Garling! She deserves to thrive as her own person, not restricted by the other VPs! So when first choosing the Elders, did Imu specifically seek out people who's names were planet puns? Will Garling get a new name?
I also want to see how Stella's greed will continue to have an impact on the world, after his death. Is there is a limit to it, can it/she change and learn to be more thoughtful, as Stella sort of did in the end?
I love that she got to use her bazooka finally to!
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grizzlybearattack · 8 days
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asitrita · 10 months
One Piece Trivia (possibly, not sure, tbh).
For those who don't know, it is actually quite interesting that Saint Donquixote Mjosgard was "killed" or "executed" by Figarland Garling who looks like the image below, because, in case you didn't know, in the Spanish novel Don Quixote, the main character, this is, the nobleman Don Quixote, is finally defeated by the Knight of the White Moon. After the defeat, he's forced by the knight to return home. In fact, the knight was a neighbour and close friend of Don Quixote's family, who only intended to cure Don Quixote of his chivalric madness and to force him to come back to his senses by persuading him to give up on his foolish ideals about chivalry and righteousness.
This is Figarland:
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These are some interpretations of the Knight of the White Moon:
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Basically... I mean, it could all just be a coincidence, but it really cought my attention the first time I saw Garling's image.
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usui-zero · 1 year
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does.. sir. Garribed of  Sherlock Holmes
as: sir. Garling in One Piece 
this is just a theory.. my theory!!!
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blackmaria93 · 4 hours
La luna è una bugiarda, quando fa la D cresce, quando fa la C diminuisce. #OnePiece  #Capitolo1125 #Egghead  #Joyboy #Luffy #GigantescoRegno #DrVegapunk #Dragon #ImuSama #Garling #Gorōsei #GovernoMondiale https://youtu.be/JOLKvOASkLU?si=lfvdhYT3nkpfrnnk
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moussofshroom · 2 months
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panel(s) redraw
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joy-girl · 2 months
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One Piece 1121 // "the fate of this world will be decided by whoever finds it!!"
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enecola · 4 months
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Shortcuts (No Teaks' were harmed in the making of this fanart)
I learned about the fanart contest for Sea of Stars on tuesday and went a little bit insane thinking I wouldn't be able to make anything in time. I was... incorrect. Still have a week left or so.
Anyways, I wanted to make a fanart for this game anyways because it was absolutely my favorite game of last year and I will literally not stop talking about it if the topic comes up.
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geekysteven · 1 year
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I saw that post by @greelin and knew Garl would say it
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maifazcomics · 5 months
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Adventure in a bottle
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atethatgif · 4 months
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Sea of Stars playable characters’ idle battle animations minus shadows
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Scragglmop the Destroyer
Once feared throughout the land, a great and terrible dragon grew tired of being endlessly hunted for his hoard and faked his death with the aid of a glory-hungry gnomish bard. Living on for centuries in the guise of a street cat, the dragon is now a hair's breadth from resuming his rampaging ways after the bard's descendants have lost the fortune he gave over to them for safe keeping.
Adventure Hooks:
A series of unexplained fires has wracked the city in recent weeks, which has both the guard and the populace on edge. Rumours swirl blaming arsonists, saboteurs from a rival kingdom, even an illegal duelling society of mages, but none have yet put it together that all of the workshops and businesses were all patronized in one way or another by the famed Candlebright noble family.
Coincidentally, Hignatta Candlebright, young head of that same noble house has sent an invitation to the party to join her at a famed teahouse to discuss a delicate matter involving the retrieval of stolen property. Hignatta has all but taken over the teahouse and its guestrooms since her own family home burned down near the start of the panic, and the party might begin to draw a connection when half way through their meeting the teahouse begins to fill with smoke, panicking patrons, and a booming, sourceless voice that demands "WHERE IS MY GOLD, CANDLEBRIGHT?!"
If you really want to mess with the party, consider introducing them to the fluffy street cat completely independently of the arson plot, making a nuisance of himself in the market while they're trying to shop, or catching mice in their store-room should they have acquired a residence in town. Have them befriend the cat as they might any bad-tempered stray, only to realize after the adventure is half way through that the mice he catches are always somewhat charred. Also imagine the looks on their faces the moment the party's home is broken into by an enemy and their housecat incinnerates a wave of intruders for disturbing his nap.
Background: Everyone knows the story about how the legendary hero Gailen Candlebright saved the realm from the tyrannical dragon Slaggrath, a beast known to devour whole armies and raze kingdoms in search of treasure. It's the ubiquitous tale against which all adventurers are measured against, made all the more ubiquitous thanks to the fact that the deed is memorialized in drinking ballads, children rhymes, and even a few folk operas. Gailen was a troubadour of not insignificant skill before he became a legend, and he had little trouble using that skill and hardwon fame to ensure his deeds would never be forgotten.
As with many tales told by the bards, Gailen left out quite a bit of the truth when concocting his tale: It was a late night in a roadside tavern and the young Candlebright was approached by a sourfaced man with a tangled beard and clothes that might have once been quite fine. Gailen had sung for his supper and then some, his hat was overflowing with tips from a long night's work and a greatful crowd, and the old man wanted to know how it was exactly that the Gnome hadn't yet been robbed; The roads were full of all sorts of rough types who thought that their strength entitled them to others' wealth, bandits yes but worse yet kingsmen, who took what they wanted sure that that they were above any kind punishment.
Seeing that the old man had fallen on rough times, likely having been robbed himself, Gailen spoke from the heart: He'd been robbed a few times yes, but he got by looking like someone that no one would bother to steal from, dressing in his fine clothes only on days he'd perform, and keeping most of his riches in the safe keeping of others, such as the caravan masters he frequently traveled along with.
The old man considered Gailen's words and the two sat up drinking through the night debating the merits of the Troubador's duplicity. Was it not better, asked the old man, to defend what was yours with strength and reputation, That everyone might learn from the failure of those that had trifled with you before?
Gailen looked at the many scars the old man bore and countered that fools never learned their lesson, they just thought themselves better than the last fool who risked it and they'd keep risking it till luck won out or they went to join all the fools that had come before.
It was dawn when the two parted ways, Gailen tottering off to bed thinking he'd given council to a reformed bandit chief, the old man slipping out of the inn and taking to wing thinking he'd concocted a brilliant scheme with the help of his newest, and perhaps first, friend.
i was a week (and one pants-shitting revelation over the old man's true draconic nature) later that the legend of Slaggrath came to an end: Gailen walking into that very same tavern bloodied, burnt, and with the broken off horn of the great wyrm held above his head as a trophy. The news spread like wildfire, the name Candlebright ascended to the shortlist of the realm's great champions, and not a soul questioned when the newly knighted Gailen comissioned the construction of an elaborate series of vaults beneith the castle he'd just been awarded. The bard had everything he wanted, and in return he and his family would hold the dragon's horde in trust, not touching a single copper and adding a little to it each year out of respect for the wyrm's generosity.
Future Adventures:
Even before he charmed his way into unexpected riches, Gailen was an ardent follower of Garl Glittergold, god of ambition, wit, and wariness. Genresavvy bard that he was, he understood that this fabulous windfall wasn't just some gift from his god, it was a test, and that to keep his good fortune going he'd best abide by the exact deal he'd struck in that tavern. Gailen kept Slaggrath's treasure under lock and key all his life and made sure his children did the same despite never telling them where he got it, in accordance with his pact with the dragon . Feeling that the Candlebright family has sat on its laurels for far too long (especially since practical and buisness minded Hignatta has been increasingly questioning why her late grandfather insisted on keeping a giant pile of money in their basement and never spending it), the god has seen fit to shake things up, ensuring that some long lost blueprints for the vault have fallen into the hands of a group of thieves, who broke in and cleared the vault though the very same secret passages Slaggrath used to pop in every decade or so and make sure the count was up to date. The dragon is pissed, convinced Hignatta has reneged on her family's deal.. and all the while the thieves get closer and closer to escaping.
Depending on how the party handles it this situation could break bad in any number of ways: The dragon could give up on being Scragglmop and go on a rampage forcing the party to put him down, they could intercede on Hignatta's behalf and ensure the treasure is returned possibly earning themselves a cushy position as retainers of house Candlebright, perhaps most dangerously they could earn the attention of Garl Glittergold himself and end up being singled out for their own unstable blessing.
In addition to being motivated by the prerequisite desire to get rich, the thieves were hired by an ambitious mage who has long desired to get his hands on Gailen's Horn, the draconic trophy the bard thereafter used as the sigil for his house and hollowed out into a heavy instrument through which he channelled his most showy magic. The mage has designs on the horn as the centrepiece of a ritual drawing on the object's history of power and triumph. Given that the horn is in fact the centrepiece of a giant con it's going to bring some very unaccounted for variables into the mage's ritual which is liable to set off its own chain of problems down the line.
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likhangjosa · 5 months
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they wok together
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melgillman · 2 years
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I had a lot of fun trading these Hot Single Garls zines for drawings of fish at ECCC! If you missed the show, here's your chance to still admire all these potential garlfriends. Tell me which one you're callin'!
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album-aurum · 18 days
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smoll scull
- do you have vacation here?
- have what?
- got it.
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