#[ caregiver ]
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talkethtothehandeth · 4 months ago
Wild concept that shouldn’t be wild and the coldest take ever: disabled adults are *adults* and not just children trapped in adult bodies
Disabled adults have sex
Disabled adults do drugs
Disabled adults curse
Disabled adults get piercings and tattoos
Disabled adults can make adult decisions and act and behave like adults because we are adults
It’s just so weird for people to constantly infantilize me all because of my mobility aids when I’m not a child!!!
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littledragon1 · 9 months ago
Cute play pins or areas
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babey-lewis · 19 days ago
Daily reminders that there is:
Older age regressors/caregivers
Caregivers that are only interested in caring for older kiddos
Some regressors only regress a few years
Older regressors can regress to their 20s/similar "older" ages and are still valid
There are fat age regressors
There are tall age regressors
There are short/petite caregivers
There are POC age regressors
There are POC caregivers
There are disabled age regressors
There are disabled caregivers
You don't need gear to regress and be valid
You don't need to baby talk to be valid
You don't have to act any different to be valid
You don't need trauma to age regress
You don't need to regress often to identify as a regressor (same for caregivers!!)
You can enjoy being both a caregiver and a regressor! Sometimes, you can do it both at once, by being an older sibby!
You don't have to tell anyone about your regression to be valid
You don't have to hide your regression (in a safe situation) and be ashamed of it!
You can regress to different ages
Some regressors are regressed 24/7
Some caregivers want to care for their kiddo 24/7
Some caregivers don't want to or can't care for their little 24/7
What are some reminders that you need or think other people might want to hear? I've been thinking a lot about belonging in a community, and I know that the agere community is really really lovely, but sometimes there are important reminders, yk? I wanna keep this space safe and open for any (nice) people to join because it was this community being safe and open that made me feel loved and accepted when I wasn't by other people. I love this community so so much <3
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neptunedada · 9 months ago
Caregiver bag essentials
Toys (rattle, tiny blocks, mini magnetic tiles)
Pacifier’s + clips (and pacifier wipes!)
Teether toys
Sensory toys (tangle, nee-doh, fidget cube)
Sippy cup/Cute water bottle
Snacks (puffs, yogurt bites, graham cookies)
Diapers/pull ups and wipes (if your tiny needs them)
A change of clothes/Comfy clothes
A bib
Sensory aids (ear defenders/loops)
A little friend (plushie, small toy/doll)
Medicines baby might need (tylenol, any prescription)
Wipes (baby wipes, antibacterial wipes)
A small treat (incase baby gets fussy)
Feel free to comment anything you think I might have missed! :)
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schnurbusch3iannacone · 1 month ago
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wlwcaregiver · 4 months ago
hi sweethearts ☁️
please remember that regression is okay even if you're having negative feelings. whether you're sad, stressed, angry, feeling icky, having bad thoughts, it's all okay
seeing littles on my feed feeling guilty about their regression when they're upset breaks my heart :(
i wish i could cuddle all of you and tell you that it's okay to be upset, its okay to regress with awful feelings and thoughts, its all okay and it's not your fault. please be gentle with yourselves & always know that you're not a bad person for regressing! never ever!
of course having big feelings is hard when you're small and it isn't necessarily "expected" of a little, but that's nothing you can control and that's okay! it's always ALWAYS okay <3
you deserve love and kindness regardless of the severity of your emotions and feelings. you're loved always always always 🩷
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daddys-spacee · 6 months ago
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Halloween agere moodboard 🎃
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teacherdadda · 3 months ago
It's bedtime:
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Bedtime can be a hard time, mostly littles don't want to stop playing or watching to go to bed, but can be easier if it also be a good time and be fun! When bedtime is approaching, I like to do a few steps to get the little ready to bed so it will be easier:
🍼 - BATH: a bath before bed is always nice, letting the baby fresh and clean.
🍼 - NICE CLOTHES: a cozy pajama, sleeper, jammies, comfy clothes, diapers/pull-ups for those who need (better be safe than sorry), they help to make the baby comfy and cozy.
🍼 - NO MORE SCREEN TIME: it helps the baby's brain to relax and helps with the sleep.
🍼 - BOTTLE: a warm bottle helps to gives baby a warm tummy and it's not nice to try to sleep with a empty tummy.
🍼 - FUN TIME: if the baby is still energic, it's better to play for a while till they get more tired, but would be better without TV or phone.
🍼 - TIME TOGETHER: a bedtime story, cuddles, stroke their hair, rubs their back, butt pats, it always help to make the baby sleepy.
Now just give them a goodnight forehead kiss, a pacifier and let them sleep peacefully 😊
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sirpuntine · 1 month ago
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flipp-snowy · 1 month ago
To all the angels who wanted to have a productive day but couldn't, I'm proud of you for wanting to have one.
To all the angels who had chores or homework to do but didn't have the energy to, I'm proud of you for just existing.
To all the angels who couldn't eat food, It's okay! We all have low days and I'm proud of you for trying.
To all the angels who didn't have the energy to get up from bed today, Thank you for being here, I'm so proud of you.
All of us have rainy days. But you should remember that after the rain comes the rainbow! It won't rain all the time.
I'm so, so proud of everyone for being here even if you had bad days!
You did good! And you will keep doing good and making me proud 🤍🤍
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bear-momma · 11 days ago
On days when you're overwhelmed and everything feels like it's too much,  it's okay to take a step back and take care of yourself. Here's how I do it!
▪︎Break down your to-do list into smaller tasks. If you have ten things to do, split the list in half, then pick one or two that will be easy to complete. Sometimes when I feel stressed about everything I need to do, it helps to start small! Even if you only get half a task done before you need a break, it will make the list shorter overall!
▪︎Take a shower/bath. Getting clean and dressing in clean clothes after helps reset our brain, which can help us calm down when our brains are too loud.
▪︎ Turn off social media for a day. I cheat sometimes and still watch YouTube during the break, but if your feeds are stressing you out there is no shame in turning them off for a day! I promise you'll feel better without the constant negative posts.
▪︎ Talk to someone you trust. If you need a distraction, text a friend or loved one. It's easy to feel isolated when overwhelmed, but you are never alone 💛
▪︎ Take a deep breath and sit outside for five minutes. It's easy to spiral when our circumstances are out of our control. During these times, it helps me to take one, deep breath, then sit outside in nature for a bit. It's almost like meditation, watching the grass move in the wind, or following an insect in flight. Sitting and remembering that the nature around us, what we see and feel, is real.
We're going to be okay 💛
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littledragon1 · 9 months ago
Games to play and credits to chompchompchu
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babey-lewis · 1 year ago
I'd like to talk about something that's been on my mind a lot recently, and it's something that I've been meaning to bring up.
Littles! Stop taking advantage of CGs!
I'm tired of being taken advantage of by littles who only want someone to coo at them and say nice things and someone who they can dump their trauma on randomly (this is not in relation to my last post. I don't mind if people come to me for advice or for a place to vent, but I need them to ask first!). I want someone who wants a 3 dimensional relationship! Where we are friends first and then we move on to being in a agere relationship. But I get so many littles who claim to be looking for a caregiver, but they only ever want to talk while they are little, and aren't interested in taking it slow and building that very special relationship between carer and little.
I'm not some person who has infinite energy, I'm not some person who is a fanfic where I'm always ready to listen to your worries and anxieties, I'm not this flat, 1 dimensional person who can fit your fantasies of a cg.
I'm a human too, who wants a relationship with the littles I meet /p. Please, littles, please stop taking advantage of online cgs. We aren't your fictional story book that you can leave and come back when you feel like it. We have feelings too, and it's not fair that you play on our natural caring nature.
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mommykateandlittlegabby · 1 year ago
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@florence-and-dayton-abdl All these cuties need is a mama to take care of them and keep them in their diapees!
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alliebby · 11 months ago
Building blocks 🥺💛
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