#[ ask | theBird ]
wrender · 7 months
You are the second person named Wren that I found on here :D
Us wrens gotta stick together!
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featherchan · 1 year
Separated from the group, exhausted and injured, Sanzo manages to pathetically drag his sorry ass on the doorstep of a certain Bed & Breakfast, before passing out in front of the staff that had the misfortune to be on shift that night.
//You're free to write one or multiple of your Saiyuki muses here~ as well as timeskip to whenever Sanzo will wake up.
[ Inbox Suprise / @roleplay-abiogenesis2 ]
[ P.S : Please do not turn this ask into a thread without asking first 😉 ]
Chidori woke up bubbling and cheerful, as usual. As she lovingly slipped on her cute pink apron and picked up her trusty broom, she soon hurried to the front door to start her morning chores. "Nee-chan! I'm going to start sweeping the front porch…." "Alright. Don't forget to put up the sign too…" Kanako only replies from the kitchen, as she took a sip of her morning coffee while browsing the grim news in the paper. "Okay…" The moment the young girl stepped foot outside the door and stepped on something squishy, she screamed. Causing a chaotic panic from the two older sisters who quickly rush out to assume the worst. "WHAT HAPPENED?" The Lioness, Kanako, looked left and right, arm with a frying pan in her hand. Meanwhile, the Vixen, Noburu, was instead armed with a firearm. "Where's the fire?!" "I stepped on something icky…" The younger sister pointed to a figure in front of them.
With a sudden, loud gasp, the Lioness quickly grabs hold of Chidori, fearing the body before them could be dead, as it has now become almost a common occurrence in the village. And taking cautious measures, Noburu then picked up the broom and poked at the body. Seeing it move slightly and groans, "Yeah, it's alive and kicking…" "Oh, thank goodness…" A sigh of relief escaped the Lioness's rose-pink lips. "We should…" And before she could finish her words, Noburu added and shrugs. "Leave it here to rot…" "NOBURU!" The Lioness glared angrily at the Vixen with her arms at her waist. Rolling her eyes in return. "Urgh! Fine!" She picked the stranger by the collar of his robe with one hand. "If he goes nuts and goes on a murder spree and kills us all, I'm going to blame you and say 'I told you so' even if we are in Hell… " Noburu just grumbles and begins dragging the guy without care. "Fine. I'll take full responsibility, but at least be careful with the man. Don't just drag him across the floor…" And the Lioness and the Vixen continued to argue back and forth. And following her two older sisters from behind, Chidori only chirped and jumped with delight. "Yeah! We got a guest…" she exclaimed, as the Inn had been vacant for far too long.
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jays-new-habit · 2 years
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hey guys! :D name’s Jay (i know, ironic fr) I’ve had brainworms for this AU for so long, so i decided to make a leittle ask-blog (to delight the brainworms) my main blog is jaybirdism !
#HABITchatter - simple talk
#HABITchirps - answering an ask
#THEBIRDS - anon asks
#HABITSTORYTIME - lore-posting, lore related asks
-NSFW asks are semi-allowed. nothing too incredibly intense, and the posts shall have an nsfw tag that all minors HAVE to block. if any minors do interact with the NSFW post, you WILL be block. 
-this is an AU. nothing in this is canon (unless specified so).
-regular DNI (as well as people like proshippers, Adam Rosner supporters, fucksnuff supporters.. stay the FUCK away from this blog.)
-all things stated are purely fiction.
-other ask blogs are allowed to interact! cool crossovers!
annnnnnddd have fun! hope to see you on there ^^
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Batshit Soulmates Part 7
Hey guys! We're almost back to where we started and I fix a glaringly obvious plot hole. Why use alcohol to make Molotov cocktails that could back fire and hurt you when FLARE GUNS FUCKING EXIST AND HAVE FOR DECADES IN THE 1980s?!
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GIF by thehound-and-thebird
We also get Eddie and Steve having a moment in the bathroom of Max's trailer. And the reason Eddie didn't want to use his handkerchief.
In Medias Res| Prologue|Pt 1|Pt 2|Pt 3|Pt 4|Pt 5|Pt 6|
Steve looked back over his shoulder and into Eddie’s eyes. “We need music!”
Eddie scrambled to his feet. “Robin! We need music!”
They both turn and run into Eddie’s bedroom, rummaging through his stack of cassette tapes.
“What the hell is this?” she held up Iron Maiden. “Where’s the real music? Blondie, Madonna, Cindy Lauper...”
Eddie snatched the tape from her. “This is real music!”
Dustin came running in. “Hey guys! You really need to hurry!”
Then they heard it, Steve and Lucas harmonizing. Eddie grabbed his acoustic and ran out there. He listened to them for a moment and then started playing. It was rough and barely music, but it worked.
Nancy gasped, startling to life.
Steve pulled her in for a hug as everyone breathed a sigh of relief. She babbled about monsters and guilt and horrible visions of the destruction of everything she held dear.
“Let’s get you topside,” Steve murmured, “and we can talk about what this all means.”
They got everyone out of the Upside Down and safely over to Max’s trailer.
Steve was exhausted. He just wanted to take Robin and Eddie and run. None of them had skin in the game. Nancy had made that clear enough. Over and over again.
They also weren’t going to listen to him. He felt like he was screaming into the void. Echoless and empty. His last nerve had been beyond frayed for the last five days. He just wanted to rest.
Every head snapped his direction.
“But if we’re going to do this,” he growled, “we’re going to do it properly. We need weapons and supplies. And the four of us,” he pointed to the older teens that had been in the Upside Down, “need showers and food. Also, in case anyone forgot,” he pointed down at his ripped and badly bandaged torso, “I need to have this properly bandaged so I don’t bleed out at a crucial moment!”
The silence was deafening.
Nancy folded her arms and rocked back on one heel, staring at the floor.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” she murmured. “I did forget you were injured. Let’s get everyone all cleaned up.”
“And I know where to get supplies,” Eddie said softly.
Steve turned to him and nodded. “Let’s get us all cleaned up, did anyone think to grab Eddie some clothes while we were at his trailer?”
All he got in return were blank stares. Steve pressed the palms of his hands into his eye sockets as he fought the urge to scream.
“I’ll go!” Max said. “I’ll be less likely to be noticed poking around.”
Eddie grimaced he wasn’t sure how he felt about Red getting into his underwear drawer, but she was right. Anyone else would have stuck out like a sore thumb.
He watched as she snuck back out and then turned to Steve. “We need to get you taken care of first. There won’t be much hot water for the rest of us, but Stevie here needs it to clear out his wounds.”
Robin and Nancy nodded.
“Fucking demobats,” Dustin huffed.
Steve snapped his fingers. “I knew they would be called demo-something. It’s always demo-something.”
Dustin turned to him slowly. “What did you think they were going to be called if not bats, Steve?”
Steve shrugged. “Some kind of bird, I don’t know.”
Suddenly there was an uproar from almost everyone. Except Eddie.
“Why would you think that, Stevie?” he asked over the din.
“Because demogorgons don’t look like demogorgons and you originally thought the demodogs were some new species of reptile, so how I was supposed to know you were actually going to name it what it looked like.”
“What does their version of a demogorgon look like?” Eddie asked, suddenly curious.
“Tall, thin, leafy, with a head that opens like a Venus fly trap,” Robin said excitedly.
Eddie turned to Lucas and Dustin and raised an eyebrow. “That sounds more like an umber hulk than a demogorgon. You know, the thing with tentacles and two heads?”
Lucas shrugged. “We were like eleven years old when named it and hadn’t had a lot of experience with the game yet.”
Eddie nodded. “Fair enough.”
He tugged on Steve’s arm and led him into the bathroom.
“Strip and into the water, pretty boy,” Eddie said, turning on the shower. “I’ll go grab some towels and the first aid kit.”
Steve nodded. He gently took off the denim vest and set on the sink. Eddie’s expression softened and smiled.
He got back out just as Max had returned.
“I grabbed two pairs of boxers,” she said. “One for you and one for Steve. I hope that was okay.”
“Just what were you doing in Eddie’s underwear?” Lucas asked, wide eyed.
Max rolled her eyes. “Eddie hasn’t been able to change his in almost a week and that lake water can’t have been good for Steve, so I made an executive decision.”
Eddie grabbed the backpack she had used to stuff the clothes in with a thankful smile. “One I deeply appreciate, Red.”
He also got the first aid kit from her and went back into the bathroom. Steve was as clean as he could get all things considered. He was toweling off his chest when Eddie came in.
“Red brought you a change of underwear, if you don’t mind wearing some of mine,” he muttered.
“As long as they’re clean, Eds,” Steve said, “I would wear Tommy H.’s at this point.”
Eddie chuckled. “Fair enough. I just didn’t want to offend your rich boy sensibilities.”
Steve scoffed. “I don’t have any of those anymore. The Upside Down has a lovely way of getting rid of that kind of shit, fast.”
Eddie nodded, but turned away so Steve could pull on the boxers.
“Thank fuck,” Steve muttered. “I prefer briefs, but they’re dry and that’s like heaven right now.”
Eddie turned around and breathed through his nose. Seeing Steve in his boxers was really doing something for him that it really shouldn’t.
“Let’s get those wounds wrapped up,” he said hefting the first aid kit.
Steve nodded. He leaned up against the sink and let Eddie put on gauze and proper bandages on the wounds on his sides.
“I hope wherever you plan to get supplies has shoes, man,” Steve said as he struggled to put on the sweats, “because I really need to stop running around barefoot.”
Eddie looked down at Steve’s feet and back up at Steve. “Shit. You walked all through the forest and to Nancy’s house barefoot and then rode a bike all the way to Forest Hills, again WITHOUT SHOES?!”
Steve blushed. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“The big deal, Stevie,” Eddie huffed, “is that you’re our tank and if you are too hurt to protect the squishy ones, then everyone gets hurt, okay?”
Steve nodded. “Sorry. They don’t usually care.”
Eddie looked back at the closed door and then back at Steve. “I think you’re wrong. But if you don’t tell them you’re hurt, they can’t take care of you.”
Steve nodded again, he went back out there while Eddie took his turn. Quickly get the worst of six days of being on the run off of him. He merely rinsed his hair out of the dirt and whatever the hell that shit is that is constantly falling in the Upside Down.
He stepped out and dried himself off, using the towel Steve used. It didn’t look like Max had a lot of towels and they still had Robin and Nancy to get through.
He run his hair out and got dressed. When he pulled out the Metallica t-shirt and the one pair of black jeans he owned that didn’t have rips in the knee, he almost wanted to kiss her forehead. God, this was perfect. She even put in socks. He put his shoes on and yeah, they were still kinda wet, but it was much better than everything being kinda wet.
Nancy went next and then Robin, each girl just taking the time they needed to get the Upside Down off of them.
Eddie pulls out a phone book and lays on the table. He goes flipping through it and lands on the section for camping gear and guns.
He points to the biggest ad. “This is where we are going to get our supplies, it will have everything we need. Guns, ammo, whatever you need to take this bastard out.”
Steve pressed up against Eddie and leaned over his shoulder to see what he was pointing at. The War Zone.
“What about alcohol?” Robin asked. “Last time we used Molotov cocktails to take out these monsters.”
“Yeah!” Dustin said. “Fire works great on these guys. And the further away we are to light them up, the better.”
“So flare guns,” Eddie said nodding. “They’ll have those too.”
Nancy and Dustin shared a confused glance.
“What’s a flare gun?” Nancy asked.
Eddie looked around at all the confused faces. “You’ve seen the flares they shoot up when someone is in distress right?”
There were a couple of nods.
“Those are fired from guns,” he explained. “Essentially they are fireworks in a gun.”
“Yeah,” Lucas said, “we’re going to want a lot of those.”
There was a murmur of agreement from everyone.
“Now all we need is transport,” Nancy said. “We don’t have bikes for everyone.”
“Oh,” Eddie said. “I’ve got that covered, too.”
Steve frowned. “What, have you got a car hidden around here somewhere?”
Eddie straightened up and smiled at him. “It’s not a car, and it’s not mine. But it’ll do.”
Steve frowned, but Eddie turned to Max. “Hey you got a bandanna or a mask I can use?”
Max tilted her head and looked up. “Yeah, I’ve got something.”
“Why don’t you use your own hankey?” Nancy asked, pointing to his back pocket.
He held it up. “You mean this? The thing that has been through Lover’s Lake and the Upside Down and I’m pretty sure the smell alone would kill me?”
Nancy blinked for a moment and then waved her hand in concession.
When Max came out of her bedroom carrying the mask, Eddie grinned.
“You’re my favorite.”
“Hey!” Dustin protested.
But Eddie and Max just grinned.
Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
And if you saw this last night, no, no you didn't. Boops distracted me.
Tag List: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @itsall-taken @swimmingbirdrunningrock
@gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach
@goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666
@carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @vecnuthy
@bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet
@cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @oxidantdreamboat
@mogami13 @samsoble @xandriumbat @ellietheasexylibrarian @lololol-1234
@y4r3luv @disrespectedgoatman @king-zacharyy @chameleonhair @tinyplanet95
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rainswept · 6 months
Hiii I noticed u have great taste in fics.. so i’m gonna ask if you can recommend a few hsr & genshin fanfic writers?? Pls & ty 🙏🏼
oh man,, this is such a great question. i’m touched you decided to come to me!! i’ll go ahead and list some writers and the fics that came to mind first (most of them are angsty, i apologize, but those are what usually stick w/ me 😭😭)
dulcesiabits — my all time favorite fic in general is still your shadow under the illusory moon + part two. also dissection of a liar, which i read and went hunting for again because i forgot it was a fanfic and mistakenly remembered it as part of his canon character stories. i was Really Confused. i looked through the wiki and game for a really long time. anyway, dulcesiabits herself also has a bunch of fics for other fandoms (including hsr) + other genshin characters, and everything i’ve read from her has been absolutely heart-wrenching and world view altering (positive)
perpetualcynicsm — The Writer Ever for everyone who likes long fics and wants to get invested (their current wip is over 130k words). their work is absolutely amazing and clearly has so so much effort and passion put into it. i’m not even that big of a fan of xiao but they got me to read about him anyway. i still haven’t gotten to to dance amidst a sea of flowers but i WILL. terribly underrated as a whole
thenyxsky — not sure what else to say except for when reading awaken i died just like heizou did. it had me on the edge of my seat and then left me feeling like a part of me was left in the page. it was so so good and AGAIN incredibly underrated
ruershrimo — one of my favorites was hair, which remains one of my favorite lyney drabbles in general to this day,, such good characterization and so poetic. super super underrated for the third time and also a really sweet person in general
noraszoo — ohhh my god i found their blog through one of my mutuals recently. their writing is so sweet and descriptive and their dialogue!! particularly loved keep my blankets warm and my name in your mouth
m1d-45 — i’m not the biggest fan of sagau usually, but their work introduced me to a flavor of it i actually liked and changed my mind. my favorites i can remember reading were wandering and (what about me?)
aeroblossom — their writing and theories and the little things they notice in the game are all so good. a symptom of something wrong and a curse-bearer in particular. so vivid and compelling, really feels like you’re there, watching someone go through everything in real time or even going through it yourself. once again, so awfully underrated. criminally, even, for how much of an emotionally reaction these gave me. god
thebomb-thebird-andtheburntbitch — i love her dialogue and the way she breathes life into scenes and characters that are typically overlooked or gotten awfully wrong. i loovveddd changsheng’s favorite, and tolerance.. oh man. one of the only fics i’ve ever read where blade actually feels and acts like blade.
i have plenty more, especially including my mutuals, but i didn’t want this to get too long so i just put in the ones that i vividly remember left me with a gaping hole in my chest where my heart had previously been (positive). the ones that gave me a visceral reaction and changed the way i see the world (also positive). i’m sure there were more that also did that to me but it is 4 am and i want to post this now 😭😭 if you do want an exhaustive list all the writers i could recommend, feel free to send another ask! i could talk ab them all day and all night so please don’t be afraid, i’m sure i’ll have more to recommend every week
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birinboom · 6 months
For the writer ask 🍄, 🥤, ❄️, 🥐, ☁️
Thank you so much for asking! 🥹💖
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings As I said in a previous ask, I’m not much of a ship-y person, so these questions are really difficult for me. You get Clorivia (Clorinde x Navia from Genshin Impact)
One of the few things they fight over is what to have for dinner. Clorinde rarely has an opinion - as long as it’s filling, she’ll eat almost anything. And Navia gets tired of being the one to decide all the time. So she posed an idea of a sharpshooting contest to see who gets to choose. This way, if Clorinde wins, she HAS to make a choice. Not that Navia will ever back down from trying her best, though.
Clorinde sees this as an opportunity to make Navia eat something that is genuinely healthy so she’s fine with winning.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love I cannot recommend @akumicchi’s Ge’hria enough. She’s managed to cram so much lore into a drabble about dragon Kirishima it’s amazing!
@a11eya’s Soullights (I will never call it by its updated title, it’s a done deal for me!) I’m not a huge fan of Bakugou, but this one makes me melt.
@thebomb-thebird-andtheburntbitch’s Moonlight -x- Sunlight - I love the premise of KnY in the modern day, and the way she writes Kyoujurou is amazing!
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? Ahh, I’m having so much trouble choosing, there’s so much I’d love to read! And so many great writers!! My brain is bluescreening at all the choices ‘cause I want this and that and the other one! I can’t choose!!! 😫
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh I love the old meme templates like ‘insanity wolf’ and ‘bad advice duck’. Also ‘go to horny jail *bonk*’
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username? Misheard anime lyrics 😅 It’s the Japanese pronunciation of the English word ‘believe’ (biriibu) which I heard as ‘birinbu’. I added the boom for extra oomph 💥
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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yoylechess · 9 months
IK THIS ISNT NECESSARY buti responded to ur ask im just in tumblr jail rn (hit post limit) ill reply as soon as i can... im so sorry..Sobs.. (dw its all good im jus being dramatic)
clive handforth from Little big planet 2 being slapped in little big planet 3 by hit hero swoop (thebird ) (from little big planet 3)
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ITS ALRIGHTT looll take ur time no worries ^_^
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blkcancer · 2 years
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#GSM .This was #SuperbowlSunday when I was #ironing my #set for the day. Was #reppin the #HometownTeam in #ArmyGreen for #TheBirds .Still sour cause of how they loss, the turf, that minute and 54seconds left in the 4th, the list goes on. Still #salute them boys for a #GoodSeason . + The Eagles was #LookingUp in the game the first half. Ish was #rolling ,but there's some things to say about the second half. Whatever... Being the #Underdogs is nothing to this team or city. #WORK ...you know the motto. #Canman + #OriginalSong titled #WBTCU by @AseniMOF featuring #BlkCancer .Find it on #StreamingPlatform or sh*t..phuckin ask for it. Lol... Yei-Yei.. https://www.instagram.com/p/Co2UMIYrk-T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sans-undertale · 3 years
The knife was so you could eat tokori or something but this works
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kissingagrumpygiant · 5 years
🐶 for Dinorah bcs I am simple minded creture
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i saw a snake one and had to add the wife in x @avas-poltergeist
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alejandromogollo · 5 years
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#tbt This strangely looking thing above is the only autograph of a celebrity I own. I was attending the San Sebastian Film Festival in 1999 and Tippi Hedren was the host of a special screening of Hitchcock’s The birds. I sat just a few rows away from her and couldn’t concentrate on the movie. I was so excited to share the room with Melanie Daniels herself. Also, I was gathering the strengh to approach her when the fim ended. When it did and the lights went on I awkwardly approached her. I didn’t even have a piece of paper for her to sign, so I took my glasses case and thought the inside of it would make a good enough place. When I opened the case in front of her and asked her to sign the interior, she was a bit flabbergasted. Stranger things happen to stars, I guess. And then, to sort of explain this odd thing I said "this way I’ll think about you every time I put on my glasses". It sounded so creepy!…  anyway her smile froze in her face and I run away, afraid she would call security. But I got her autograph! Eventually the case broke and before I lose it, I extracted the interior cover, thus the strange shape. #tippihedren #thebirds #autograph #anecdote #embarrassed #sansebastianfilmfestival #hitchcock #Alejandromogolloart https://www.instagram.com/p/B24NkTcoHsA/?igshid=tt8dczeqs44m
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
Dead on the town, dead on the city. The moon calls for dead
A new day for me that started bad as a dead on the town. I know you may be thinking is there a dead on the town? well sorry to ruin your fantasy of me and my friends ganging up like the Scooby Gang to solve the mystery of who killed this person? No there is no dead on the town but maybe there is someone with a dead soul, yeah me, you guess it right if you thought I have a dead soul because I had a soul but now is dead even the moon now it's dead. This is the day when my soul first died, the day the moon turned red, a blood moon. You may be asking yourself how my soul died. Well let's travel two years ago when my soul died.
It was a spring day on town a beautiful day where the flowers bloom, thebirds sing, and all the little forest animals are dancing. Well it was a niceday but for me it became the darkest day of my life and the darkest day for mysoul. This day was the celebration of the town, everyone was happy celebratingthe day for the town, even I was happy until he came. Zachary Simmons the new guythat came to town and turn this town upside down. Zachary came to town sincehis parents wanted a fresh start for their building company and he needed a newstart at the school. Nobody new this Zachary boy, he was a mysterious boy with a mysterious past, he was like an emo guy but not that emo, he was just mysterious. That day was thefirst day everyone in town meet Zachary, everyone already knew the parentssince they are working in some buildings of the town. Zachary was and is ahandsome boy with his messy black hair and his green eyes, every girl died forhim when he arrived at the town park with his black leather jacket and white T-shirt with his black jeans and tennis. He was the talk of the town that day.Everything was alright at the party everyone laughing and eating, then it camethe moment when my soul was murder. Zachary was talking to all of the girlsthat day but I didn't know that and he went to talk to me. He went and talk tome in that moment I think he was interested in me but now if I remember theconversation he was just playing with me, I was a foolish girl. We just talkedfor a little and I fell for him, but then he killed it, my soul. He crushed myheart but killed my soul. He just talked but he almost kissed me, kissed me! He was one millimeter close to my face almostkissing my lips, when he didn't kiss me he went to talk to another girl and theI found out, he kissed a girl. That's the moment when my soul was killed,killed by a mysterious new boy in town.    
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lethargicsunlight · 2 years
Oh I'm such a goof! I didn't mention anything about Nezu in chap three!! I really liked how you captured his "nice and sweet, but here it is, take my help cause what else ya gonna do" attitude.
I also really like the new banner for the story btw
omfg I've been blessed by Anon AGAIN--
lol I'm glad his personality shines through, Nezu is actually one of my favorite characters.
AND THE BANNER--ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL?!?! @thebomb-thebird-andtheburntbitch actually MADE this for me, and I'm absolutely smitten with it. SUCH a masterpeice, I think it fits the aesthetic perfectly~
Once again, thanks for reaching out on the wonderful Ask, it really helps. There should be another chapter coming up soon! I can't leave you guys hanging on that cliff for too long~ <3
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toddbotblog · 2 years
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The Poet looks skyward in today’s #thepoetcomic ❤️ In case you missed it, there are The Poet T-SHIRTS, MUGS, & really nice TOTES at the link in bio! ALSO: The newest book collection of The Poet strips “Making It Up As I Go Along” is AVAILABLE NOW! 🥳 AND: If you enjoy my comics, please consider telling your friends about it and/or purchasing The Poet BOOKS which are now available (only $8!) - LINK IN BIO! It’s the best way to support my work! SO: Ask your local bookstore to order it for you via Indiebound, order straight from me, or from Barnes & Noble or even feed the corporate beast of Amazon if you have no other recourse - all options are on the table! #art #dailycomics #comics #poetry #poet #makingcomics #drawingcomics #comicstrip #toddwebb #toddbot #artistsoninstagram #thepoet #poetrycomics #dailycomicstrip #webcomics #parkbench #birdsofinstagram #pigeon #pigeonsofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #funnypoetry #dailycomic #comicsoninstagram #bookstagram #smallthings #writingpoetry #thesky #thebirds #bigquestions https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccs8BRNuoKs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
and this was our house...and he had a few for a moment each.. it is disgustinghe isworth so much and we all treat himbadly and think he  awishing tree this is so stupid dave and we agree your mean andonry so what your idiots andanimals we do our best to help and ours to. this sucks he sys it you show up slaughter your ownyourso dubm tday and in unis lol. michelle weused toown ferrero and it wentto this idiottommy f..your broke andstuf fsoon you willbe. poor performance sad too. you hadit and lostit fast. tis is itiwantyou out tommy f i startlooking andwill placeapplciations tommorrow these wont getout so iwillmove andnottpuntagorda okdimwit Zues Hera finedoso tommy f yeh. and meanwhilewetake your areas..your a dunce right you canlose and yell shout screm orders we pracice need to Zues Hera and we do that put bases in his areas needed it adn themotivationandhe messes with the monetary system every few seconds so we do this to him he is a rampid asshole...and huge loser Thor Freya i mean tommy really, you  are  a dimwit now forreal away form me sucker wetake the titale hold it Bitol? Zues Hera wedo so and your licenses and moer are ours we alreadh showedyou and ownershop now tonight we take it you out not him...so f you tommy f. Bitol & Bitol so i findyou lawyer and hit tommy f try to Violator and we seeyour himnow why tommy f i am a DemiGod and you  are  a nitwit,aways ask like bja Violator timeto dance big fella  tommy f  and fuck off tommy f your dead andyour famiy and we hve themand your cansmen you want totalk to themou faggot shit you andyour airheadpushpush it is ike fuck you this has always been a sensativf biz andyour ddumb fag ass in china japan and korea havingme walk pooor on the street for weekas ou fucking dead asshole...i put the hiton you you complete failure you suck at your job homo hyou want retards you live with them now and stay fthe f away you come here we take all yourstuff no way we do it nw we take it and he arrives we triple itto forcehim out Zues Hera we getit your in chargeof what and so on so blab tommy f you aer not and you say you are...we puoll you out ofyour post in the treasury show trump what you do to himand idiot veep..now Gu will arrive shortly...and deliver a packet pics  and witnesses and  more you fn faggot you are a complete whore do you know it loser. puoshonly and blindly and wreck yourown stuff traitor really and your ties to onorth korea would be nice to expose  huh and fullbird coloonel yes im  a witness...you were in there paying hermoney and stuff while on th comm job and yeh there weretop secetthings at rfmd...so blow itourt your ass trump saw it too... Zues Hera we want tohurt you tommy f your a loser a louse and suck at your job push itand push it and all is breaking and giong what are you doing to my areas your inane you fagout too get out... trump we want you out as well this is insnace your insance yourbrothers say you are and ou are walberg and our nuts...heavily shitheaded ok and you dont tke it fromnoboyd andhe is always bothered always inpain and youdidittohismm say he ismom your dead tommy  f you are the judge we hityou now biden and you talk talk like  a bitchtoo...you have NO saavy means we explain it toyou now and i got it approved my men bring th erain to youidiot faggot house hyou willbe seerely dsiciplined hog faggot Zues Hera we fire in ten nine 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bombs away, talk now chatterer. talk.  he squalks it is good weuse it and tickler file created and Thor says hit him with all the jice we do take what he took now and hold itfrommac daddys usinghis complete arrogance Duke Nukem Blockbuster letme say macs this is for thebirds you arenot invntors nor do you hv a computer that wever will or program  i amnot your boy or doggie and you owememeny and imy money is mine youtiedup and you are done..i request Wie my grandady investigate your little selves furtherfor source as i know it is and bja and then you will die and rest and stop your space cadet crap..off our channel or  i useyou and your bodies to cordon off yourkids and kill themall as we are...suckers shutu p fags Zues Hera this is anevre in my house tommy f not your house boy Zues Hera wehave the title  Bitol and Goddess Wife wekic you out of casl tomorrow youwill see why you are a criminal we forwearded it to your local police they watch for you we target you all night and day as do pence and trump. loser
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bighound-littlebird · 7 years
I think tumblr ate my ask but; do you know of any other SanSan blogs :)
Followers, please feel free to add to the list and I will update with links :D
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