crrb101-blog · 6 years
Feeling low today but as the night come I feel more energetic than ever, but will he notices me?
Last night was confusing for me, I could never expect Zachary Simmons walking to the front door of my house, leaving a rose and a note, then walking away and stop in the street that has a view towards my window and just stay there looking at me and then leaving. I don't know if I should make a comment to Zach about this but in the morning he made clear that he didn't want to talk about that and nobody needs to know about this. Literally that was the first thing he said to me when I entered his car, no "good morning" or "hope you got my note", he just threat me and intimidate me, he is like the devil, a rose devil I have to spend time with him.
The little morning encounter with the rose devil made my day go down bottom, he made my day worst from the morning, but then my day got worst. My friends Levi, Ben, Mabel, and Sophia doesn't want to talk to me anymore, they hate me. Since the day I fought Zach they stayed distant from me because they got the news of my weird punishment the school gave me. They didn't talked to me, the only one that talked to me and still visit me and sits with me on lunch even if Zach is there is Bella, they don't do that, they don't even text me or call me anymore.
A thing that really mess up my day more than it was, it was the "accident" that Mabel, Sophia, and I had in the lockers. I was walking through the lockers hall until two girls crash with me, it was Mabel and Sophia, they approach towards me, hit all the books out of my hand and start insulting me, they told me many horrible things like bitch, slut, traitor, fake, stupid, ugly. It was a mess, I really thought they were my friends even Levi and Ben were there laughing. I was so mad and sad that I missed lunch and the classes from the afternoon. Since the accident I didn't show in up to any class, I was on the school yard letting all my frustration go in a tree, yeah I punched a fucking tree all the time, my hands end up looking like shit, my knuckles where all bloody and scratch to the point you can almost see the bone, I had splinters all over my knuckles and fingers, it was a mess. I was there from lunch to the end of the school, nobody cared about me, nobody went to search for me, and I was alone, alone sitting in a tree giving the school the back. This is one of the most bad days I had, horrible just horrible.
I spend an hour sitting in the tree when everyone was gone to their home, nobody looked for me or call. I was alone in this world but mostly I was in pain, my hands hurt like hell, they were still bleeding but almost all dry. I felt dizzy since I lost some blood but I was fine, I was really fine in that little corner of the world. I heard my name being called several times behind my backs, I didn't react, and I was stills sitting in the tree not moving a muscle.
The person keep calling my name until the person realize where I was, as I hear the person approach I could hear a male voice, that voice was screaming my name, trying to catch my attention but I didn't move. Finally he sat down next to me still calling my name getting no reaction, he shacked me, no reaction, and he slap me that when I react saying "What the hell?" I grabbed my cheek where I got slap and turn to see who it was. "What the fuck happened to you?" the male voice asked noticing my hands. It was Zach, the rose devil that was calling my name, "Nothing" I said, "Nothing! Your hands are fucking bleeding" he scream at me, "I know" I said, "I know you fucking know, you been gone since lunch" Zach said screaming at me, he was scaring the crap off of me, he is really a devil, "Why do you fucking care?" I asked him while I hide myself between my hands. "Mr. Ferguson send me to find you, everyone where looking for you even your friends" he said as he grabbed one of my bloody hands, "They're not my friends, they are fucking fake people" I said looking at my hands crying. "Let's go, I need to take you to Mr. Ferguson" Zach said as he grabbed his backpack and mine. He help me get towards the office. I entered the office and notice that all my supposed friend where there, they were all there, everyone were faking crying unless Bella she was a crying mess. I was mad, really mad that I didn't want to move, Zach had to sit me down in the chair. "Where were you?" Mr. Ferguson asked, "We look for you" Mabel said and I laugh "That was the last you'll be doing" I said, "What happened?" Mr. Ferguson asked, "Nothing that interest you, so nice talking to you fake people, I'll go" I said as I looked at Mabel, Sophia, Levi, and Ben. "Talk about this" Zach said as he stopped me at the door. "You did something to her, you idiot" Mabel said screaming at him and trying to punched him, I grabbed Mabel's hand when she tried to punch Zach and I said "He did nothing but to help me, from now on you will leave me alone because I'm not your friend and you are clearly not my friend bitch". "Emily!" Zach scream at me while I left the office, I run, that was the only thing I could do now, run.
I run to the same tree I punched a while ago and I hit it hard again. I scream madly while I hit and hit the tree. I was mad as hell, I can't even describe how mad I was, and I could even killed someone with my bare hands right now. "Emily stop it, stop it" Zach said as he came running towards me, "Leave me!" I scream at him when he grabbed me by my waist and he move me away from the tree, "Calm down!" he scream at me while he put me down, "What the hell are you thinking, you are going to damage your hands more!" he scream at me super piss off, he is scary and I think he notice that because he soften his voice when he said this "Let me take you home". "I can't go home like this" I whisper cleaning some tears, "We'll go to mine" he said, grabbed his and my backpack and lead me to his car.
"What were you thinking when you did this?" he asked me while he drive and grabbed one of my hands to examine, "Anger" I said in respond. He stood quiet with my respond, he didn't ask any other question he only drive me to his home. We arrived at his house, he went running upstairs when we arrived, and I didn't know what to do so I sat down on the couch of his living room looking at my hands. It hurts like hell, I'm so done with this. "Hi Emily I didn't saw you, how are you darling?" Mrs. Simmons said as she went towards the kitchen, "Fine thank you Mrs. Simmons nice to see you again" I said and Zach came running down the stairs and told me "Common we need to clean your hand". He guide me towards his bathroom, he had all the things he need it to clean my wound, he had tweezers, bandages, cotton, alcohol, all he need to clean my wound. "I'm going to clean both hands, this is going to hurt, just tell me went to stop" he said as he start cleaning. He was right, it hurt like hell, and we had to take small breaks. "I can't anymore, I can't" I said with almost no voice and tears running down my face, "Common you can do it just one more minute that's all" he said, "Just do it" I said, he did it as quickly as he could but it hurt horrible, I let a scream of pain out and Zach didn't touch me anymore. I cried out in pain and let my head rest on the bathroom wall, I was so weak. "Let's get you in bed, can you stand up?" he asked, "No" I said and he pick me up bridal style. I was weak, so weak that when I touch the bed I slept. My head hurt a lot it was a mess just like my thoughts they were a mess.
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
Night came and the music stayed for the night party the moon and I will be in my room hearing music, dancing, and banging our head to the music. Just the moon and I singing and dancing.
Being all day with Zachary is horrible, I can't be with my friends and I'm losing almost all the drama they have. My friend Bella is the one that keeps me inform of what is happening, now Ben is dating Sophia (I don't know how that happened, they are so different), Levi is with Mabel that's obvious since Mabel really liked Levi, Bella is single lime me, yeah I lost a lot of things with this punishment but at least someone stud out for that poor victim of Zach, somebody needs to put this boy in his place and that's me. I'm going to show Zachary that he doesn't need to beat everyone that is in his way.
Today in school I was called to Mr. Ferguson office to talk and I discovered when I arrived there that Zach was there too. "Zachary Simmons, why you didn't do your homework that you had to deliver today?" Mr. Ferguson asked, "Well I didn't want to do my homework so I didn't do it" Zach said not giving a dam of what he just said. "Emily you were supposed to help Zach with his homework, what happened?" he asked looking at me, "I tried to help him but he didn't want my help" I said in my defense. "Zachary, you need to accept Emily's help, if you don't do this your punishment will last more time that you didn't expect" Mr. Ferguson said and Zach just role his eyes and left the office like he own the place, like he was the king of the school. "What is it with this boy?" Mr. Ferguson murmured to himself, "No idea" I said, "You can go back to class, we'll see what we can do about this" Mr. Ferguson said and I left the office. This Zachary boy is finishing with my patients, being honest I don't know why they decide that I should spend time with him, honestly he needs to spend time with a psychology not with me.
In the afternoon Zach and I had to make homework again just like we have to do for a month until Christmas vacations. Zach the brat wanted to do his homework in his hose since you know he is a brat. We had to make math homework and I got informed that Zach is horrible at math that he was special homework to do and is really an easy homework he has to do ten linear equations exercises. He didn't know how to do this. "What's your homework about? Is different than mine" I said as I saw his homework, "I'm supposed to do linear equations that I don't understand a thing" he said with frustration, "I can help you tell me the first one" I said and I say next to him to help him, "The first one is five x minus one equal to fourteen" Zach said. "Okay what you have to do is keep the x all alone so the minus one you have to pass it to the other side, so if the number is negative you pass it positive and if is it positive you pass it negative" I said and Zachary did it and said "So now is going to be equal fourteen plus one, right?" he asked "Yes and then you do the operation" I said and he did what I told him, "Now what you do is kind of the same, the five is multiplying with the x so to pass the five to the other side you have to do the opposite of multiplying" I said and he understood and he divided fifteen divide by five and he got his answer, he continue doing as I said and he did finish his homework but I hadn't finish my homework yet, he slept while I finished my homework but I think he forgot that we had another homework but it was an easy homework just to write down in our history notebook five Greek gods and goddesses. I did mines in my own notebook and I was going to wake up Zach, but he looked so cute sleeping, so I just wrote a note saying "Zach I didn't want to wake you up since we had to make our history homework so I wrote you down the homework we had in this note so you could write them down on your notebook. See you tomorrow idiot. –Emily".
I left his house and went towards mine. I arrived at my house and locked myself in my room and put some music. As I heard the music I was at my window looking at the moon and just thinking about everything I had in mind, mostly it was Zach. He is always in my mind, my mind tells me that Zach is more than what he show us, is like he is pretending to be someone he is not. As I had these thoughts in my mind I saw someone staring from the street towards my window, I saw towards the direction where the person was, it was hard to identify the person but finally I saw who was it, it was Zach. I saw him just standing in the street looking at me, that is so pervert but I saw him leaving something at my front door and then he saw me again and left. As he left I went downstairs to see what it was. It was a rose, a rose and a note. I didn't know Zachary had feelings but what was the reason to this?
"Emily, thank you for helping me with my homework and doing my historyhomework. See you tomorrow Punk –Zachary". His note was so cute I didn't knowthat Zach could be this cute. It seems that there is another Zach beneath thisbad boy figure.     
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
You are my only crush, the only boy I see perfect, the only one I want. The moon wants us together it all depends on you.
So guess who is back with Zach for the next month? Me yes! (Sarcasm), yes I know, what happened now? We got into another fight in the school yard. Well let me tell the story, this time I was walking like always in the school yard when I was attacked by Zach and his gang, it was the second time that they do this and I always punched them but this time they caught us. My friends say I have a crush on Zach since every time they asked me where I was, magically I was with Zach and his gang fighting but now Mr. Ferguson found that Zach and I were fighting again and now we are spending the rest of the semester that is just one month and like 3 weeks, Zach is going to pick me up from my house, take me to school, work together in school, have lunch together, yeah lunch together even Mr. Ferguson set aside a table just for me and him, then we need to spend the rest of the day together and help Zach with his homework since his grade had gone low but I need to help him with that for the rest of the year but that means that I will only see him on the afternoon, plus for the next month he needs to take me back home from school. I think that this is kind of house arrest but instead of being all day in my house I have to spend all day with Zach, a thing that I don't want to do but I'm force to do this. I cannot spend a day without Zach even in the end of the week when there is no school, I was threatened by MR. Ferguson that if I didn't spend one day with Zach we will do this for two more months including Christmas vacations.
So my friends are bothering me that I will spend a month with my "crush". Being honest I know Zach is handsome but now when he became a bad boy all the girls in school stop talking to him, now no one is interest in Zach but I really think he is a really handsome boy but he is lacking of attitude and personality, he needs to work on that even Mr. Ferguson recognized that he need help and told me to help him but I really think he will need a year or maybe forever to get better. Well today is the first day and guess what he is 10 minutes late and he doesn't answer his phone so I decide to go and look for him at his house.
I went walking as quickly as possible so I don't get late to school, since his house was near mine. When I finally arrived at his big, big, house I knocked the door and a woman opened it, "Yes?" The woman asked, "Hello ma'am , good morning I'm looking for Zachary Simmons" I said and the woman smiled and let me in.
"He is in his bedroom, try to wake him up if he doesn't wake up throw him a glass of water" she said as she handle me a glass of water and went upstairs to his bedroom. This is so weird, me going to his bedroom, hope that my friends doesn't hear about this. As I finally stand in front of his bedroom I opened the door and saw a shirtless Zach on his bed with a pillow on top of his head just letting some locks of his hair pop out, this is so weird I'm really freaking out but I don't want to Zach ruin my days at school. "Zach wake up" I said softly trying to wake him up with a little shake on his back, "Go away mom" he respond with really tired voice, "Wake up Zachary" I command and he didn't do anything so I decide to use the technique that his mother thought me to do, throw a glass of water on him, I did and it felt great.
"What the hell is this?" Zachary asked as he sat up in his bed all wet.
"Morning sunshine" I said as I left the empty glass on his side table, "Common dress up, we will be late for school" I said and sit in a chair he had on a corner.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Don't you remember? Our time together had started" I said and stand up leaving the room and going to meet with Zach's mother. Zach's mother is really a nice woman, she even show me the photo album of Zach when he was little, oh God I had so much fun, it was funny to see the old Zach in his dipper, but a picture that I really liked is this one of Zach when he was three years old and he was dress up as little prince. He had this really cute costume that it make me laugh so much, I could never imagine Zach dress up like that, he is a bad boy, I could expect Zach dress up as I don't know a gang leader or maybe like Dany from Grease but a prince couldn't expect it. I was laughing so hard when Zachary finally arrived.
"What are you laughing at?" Zach said as he start packing his backpack."Your baby pictures" I said, "What?!" Zach said screaming and just run and jumpa couch and took the album photo of my hands and hide it. "That was fun, thanksyou Mrs. Simmons, it was nice meeting you" I said as I was dragged out by Zach."Don't you dare to tell someone about this, you understand?" Zach said as hepushed me towards a wall, he was so close of my face and he was intimidatingme. "Or else what? You are going to punch me?" I asked, "Don't try me bitch" hesaid letting me go, entering his black car, "Will see about that" I said and Ientered his car. He was so intimidating, I didn't know that a little cute boycan transform into a bad boy. All day we were together in lunch, in class, inall the things I did. School was over and I had to tutor and help Zach with hishomework that is the same homework like mine since we go in the same grade andclasses. I tutor Zachary in the nicest and patience way but he really, reallyis a pin in the ass. He doesn't give a dam about his homework, I try helpinghim but he refused and decide not to do his homework, so I let him not do hishomework. I think he is going to end up with my patience.    
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
Funny moments come and go. Funny moments stay for a time but the moon's funny moments never leave.
As the nurse end the cleaning of blood, Zachary and I went towards Mr. Ferguson office to see what he is going too said to us. "What happened?" Mr. Ferguson went straight with the questions. "She started it" he said looking at me with hate. "Is that true Miss Rodgers?" Mr. Ferguson asked. "Let's said kind off, I was trying to help a boy that was a victim of this dude bullying, I grabbed Simmons's jacket and told him to stop bullying the guy, then he told me bad things and I punched him" I said with no interest of what is going to be happening to me since I only did the thing I wanted, to step up for the boy. "And then he punched you" Ferguson stated since he saw that both of us had bruises and cut in our faces, "Someone wants to add something to the story? No?" He asked as he saw none of us will talk, "Fine well since this problem took you two hours, since you had a lot of cut and blood to clean, you will stay in the old part of the library cleaning and organizing books until five pm, no excuse you don't have homework or anything now go to the library you know what to do" Ferguson said as he opened the door of his office and hand us our backpacks since I knew he had them because he pick them up when Zach and I went to the nursery.
"You are going to die" Zachary mutter, "Will see about that" I said as I enter the library. "You thing you are brave enough to fight me?" Zach asked as he entered behind me and sit in one of the side of the room. "I fought you already, do I really need to answer the question?" I asked as I stand up and start organizing. I really don't know why he asked me why I fought him. Like really man I think is crystal clear why I fought him. It was time that someone kick this little brat ass and show him that he doesn't deserve to be doing whatever he wants. This freaking stupid boy needs to know his place, he needs to be confronted and now I think that's my job to protect the innocent people that had suffer of Zach's bullying. I'm so mad at this dude plus I punched my pretty faces but I need to forget that and start my work in the library. When I was ordering the books Zachary was just sitting on the chair until Mr. Ferguson came and start to nag Zach since he was doing anything and that I was almost done with my part when he came it was funny the face of Zach but the most funny thing that I will not forget is that two of the shelves fell on Zach and he couldn't get up and I needed to help him, then the end of the punishment finally ended and I was free to go home. At night I continue to right my notes and reflect my day and cure my wounds and before I fell asleep I remember the desperation of Zach when the shelves fall on him, it was so funny, a moment that I will never forget. 
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
Old legends
The old legends are back for the honor day to the moon, the only day this old legends come to town to visit.
In our high school there is a legend that one person of each generation will protect the victims of the bad group of people. So this legend was just a legend until today when I helped a young boy that's now part of our new group. So the story goes like this: It was a normal day for me in school, I went to all my morning classes and went to lunch until recess came when I finally confront Zachary. So I will tell the story with dialogue, this is the first time I use dialogue. I think it will be fun.
"Give me your money!" Zachary screamed at a young boy with glasses that was pushed to the lockers. "I-I don-n-t have m-o-nn-ey" the boy stutter. "What is happening?" Bella asked and I made my way through the big crowd that was surrounding the fight. "What is this?" I asked. "Zachary is fighting this boy" a boy said and I notice Ben, "Where have you been?" He asked. "Cafeteria" I said and stood next to him watching how Zachary intimidate the boy I was stood next to Ben until Zachary hit the boy, that was my breaking point, I decide to confront him or else nobody will do it. I grabbed Zachary from his back collar of his leather jacket and I throw him towards the crowd. "What is your problem?" Zachary asked me as he came closer. "You are my problem, you cannot walk around punching everyone in your way" I said to him as everybody looked at me. "I don't fucking care about that or you, you're just a little bitch that is pissing me off" he screamed at me and I totally lose control. "That's enough" I said and for once in my life I had punched someone in the face. "Oh! You want a fight you will have one" he said and he jump on me and made me fall in the floor and he started punching me until I felt blood on my nose. When I felt the blood rushing down my face I had the force to be on top of Zachary and hit him like there was no tomorrow. Zachary was bloody like me but he as well got the forces to fight me back but when he was punching me continually, Mr. Ferguson our school counselor came and grabbed Zachary arm before he punched me again and said "You two to the nursery and then to my office" he said and Zachary stand up and went. I was left on the ground alone when Zachary left but then all applauded. I got up and help the young boy that I defend and he thank me.
"I hate you" Zachary said as I arrived at the nursery. "The feeling is mutual" I said as I sat down in a chair that had a table next to it with medicine and stuff like that. As the nurse clean the blood of my face I had a memory of the legend of the school. Could I be the legend of the school?
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
Every town has their gang to terrorize but the moon has the best gang to rule.
School, school is a place for me like a kingdom where knowledge is protected. I like school, I like to study and learn new things but I hate school stereotypes. My school has a lot of stereotypes, first we only have the classics, the popular, the athletics, the nerds, the emo, and the "normal", now we have the gangster and guess who their leader is, Zachary. Yeah the mother fucking Zachary, the boy who killed my soul. You may be asking in which stereotype am I? Well I'm in the "normal" ones, yeah normal with quotation marks since we look normal but when you meet us we are crazy. My group is conform by three girls and two boys plus me so we are six friends. The three girls and me are like normal persons, Bella is the youngest of the group she seems quite but when you meet her she is a crazy girly girl with pink glitter all over her, then is Sophia she is a quite girl indeed and a tomboy, lover of books, we have Mabel a really kind and lovable girl that love animals specially cats and dogs, then is me the greatest person you'll meet, nah kidding I'm a really really shy person and antisocial but such a nerd and a geek, after me comes the boys Levi and Benjamin, Levi is younger than Ben, he is the athletic boy, kind of popular and a little handsome, he is not my type but he is Mabel's type, she loves him but she doesn't show it too much, Ben is just Ben he is really awkward but his physical doesn't said that you know he is the classic blond boy that look like the popular guy but he isn't popular. Well now you now my group of friends let me introduce you to the Gangster. The gangster are conformed by Devon, Jaxx, Seth, and Zachary. Zachary is the leader of the Gangsters, he is the troublemaker, the bully of the school, and I hate it. Then you have Devon, Jaxx, and Seth the minions of Zachary they only follow him through school bullying kids. No one had step up to confront Zachary and his gang since this day well since yesterday because someone had confront Zachary.
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
Dead on the town, dead on the city. The moon calls for dead
A new day for me that started bad as a dead on the town. I know you may be thinking is there a dead on the town? well sorry to ruin your fantasy of me and my friends ganging up like the Scooby Gang to solve the mystery of who killed this person? No there is no dead on the town but maybe there is someone with a dead soul, yeah me, you guess it right if you thought I have a dead soul because I had a soul but now is dead even the moon now it's dead. This is the day when my soul first died, the day the moon turned red, a blood moon. You may be asking yourself how my soul died. Well let's travel two years ago when my soul died.
It was a spring day on town a beautiful day where the flowers bloom, thebirds sing, and all the little forest animals are dancing. Well it was a niceday but for me it became the darkest day of my life and the darkest day for mysoul. This day was the celebration of the town, everyone was happy celebratingthe day for the town, even I was happy until he came. Zachary Simmons the new guythat came to town and turn this town upside down. Zachary came to town sincehis parents wanted a fresh start for their building company and he needed a newstart at the school. Nobody new this Zachary boy, he was a mysterious boy with a mysterious past, he was like an emo guy but not that emo, he was just mysterious. That day was thefirst day everyone in town meet Zachary, everyone already knew the parentssince they are working in some buildings of the town. Zachary was and is ahandsome boy with his messy black hair and his green eyes, every girl died forhim when he arrived at the town park with his black leather jacket and white T-shirt with his black jeans and tennis. He was the talk of the town that day.Everything was alright at the party everyone laughing and eating, then it camethe moment when my soul was murder. Zachary was talking to all of the girlsthat day but I didn't know that and he went to talk to me. He went and talk tome in that moment I think he was interested in me but now if I remember theconversation he was just playing with me, I was a foolish girl. We just talkedfor a little and I fell for him, but then he killed it, my soul. He crushed myheart but killed my soul. He just talked but he almost kissed me, kissed me! He was one millimeter close to my face almostkissing my lips, when he didn't kiss me he went to talk to another girl and theI found out, he kissed a girl. That's the moment when my soul was killed,killed by a mysterious new boy in town.    
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
The moon rocks my life. We ROCK the anthem of the moon like there is no tomorrow.
Another day and you still want to know my name, well is Rodgers, Emily Rodgers. I already told you my name but you have maybe staring to imagine my physic well let me cut your dream if you thought I was blond, I'm a brunette with really straight hair and kind of long-mid hair. And as well let me cut your dream if you thought I had green or blue eyes, I haven't got does eyes, I have brown eyes kind of a little Asiatic, well that's what my friends said since my eyes close when I smile but they are actually opened. It always happens to me when my mom takes a picture she will tell me to open my eyes and I tell her that there are open. And one more thing yes I have friends, you were wrong if you thought I was a loner, well yes I'm a loner but I have friends, good friends.
Today there is no school so I might be at my home while some of my friends go to parties. Parties is really not my thing, I'm not that sociable, and maybe you already deduce that since who else do notes to the moon? Well yeah me the antisocial girl that spends most of her time in her house. But today I think I will just hear some rock music in my room and make some notes and maybe draw something.
The night came and the party stared, just the moon and I singing to rock songs all night long until the sun comes up.
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
Moon notes: II
As I close my eyes I see the moon smiling back at me. It was day time and I was sleepy I think that the night is calling me.
Being at my school desk is getting me sleepy. As the history class pass eyes are getting tired from World War II and almost closed. My eyes are getting really sleepy for the day is like I don't belong to the day I belong to the night. There may be a reason for that maybe is the moon or the stars but is a fact that I prefer night than day. My eyes are half open but the ring of the bell makes them open again since is the last class and now I can go home and wait for the night to arrive.
As I walked through the streets towards my home I just feel like the night is calling me I fell sleepy but the music on my earphones is keeping me distracted from the calling of the night. As I walked through the street I just hum the song as my head bangs with the rhythm of the music. Neighbors watch me as I climb the stairs of my house porch and opened the door with my house key that my mom left me. The house is always alone, I'm the only living thing there, well the only living human because I have the company of my dog Max and my mom but she is almost all days at home and when she is around you don't feel her presence so it's only me and Max at home. As I enter the home there's a note on the table at the right of the front door as you enter where I leave my keys on the decorative plate my mom put. The note said "Darling I'll be taking a cooking class all the afternoon I'll be back at eight or nine. If I'm not home by eight please give Max his dinner. With love your mom". I just grabbed the note and leave it at the dining table. I went upstairs to my room and left my school backpack on my bed and grabbed my homework since I've already eaten food that was on the fridge since my mom didn't made any food. I started with my Civics homework and then I just continue to watch movies and hear music since I only had one homework for tomorrow that I need to do.
The afternoon passed with me just taking a shower and putting my pajamas, having dinner, give Max his dinner and play a little with him. That's how the afternoon passed and the night began.
The night is a beautiful it gets you really inspired well only for me that's what I feel about the night. But there's is still something you want to know. My name.
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
Moon notes: I
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Moon notes
A notebook just for the moon and I.
You know all people make notes, school notes, supermarket notes, love notes, and other notes. But I make moon notes. I know it sounds weird but every night I just sit by my room window looking at the moon writing simple notes. The moon is a beautiful thing in our universe and it may be the reason that inspires me to create this short notes inspired by something that stood out of my day with relation to the moon.
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crrb101-blog · 6 years
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My story I will post soon here.
You can read it as well on Wattpad: CRRB101
"Just notes, moon notes that I make for myself and the moon but maybe for someone else. I know weird that someone makes moon notes but that inspires me to make notes for me, the moon, and maybe someone else."
A notebook with notes, moon notes that a girl makes for herself, the moon, and maybe someone else that may be a future for her.
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