#[ HII !!! <3 hope this works .
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jewelstole · 4 months ago
starter for : @americanedpsycho
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she'll turn in her chair , powdering her nose in the mirror. " how can i miss you if you just won't go away ? "
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r3dblccd · 2 months ago
@seoulhaunt liked for something festive!🎄
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"You see this thing? It's almost perfect." He said as he showed the other the heart-shaped snowball that he managed to make while he wasn't looking. But as soon as he did that, what could be described as a shit-eating grin grew on his face. "But you know what would make it perfect? This---" A few seconds later and he's already thrown the snowball Haneul's way in an attempt to hit his face with his creation (spoiler alert: he's got terrible aim).
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othcrside · 3 months ago
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@rosfms nadine + rosalind : november 15, wonderland skating
Athleticism of any variety was Nadine's kryptonite. She fared much better whenever she was inert, if she were completely honest. It left space for her mind to wander, stretching and curving like limbs on a football pitch; except she was searching for words, not some scuffed up pigskin ball. Digressing — she had tucked herself in the softest corner of her couch and contemplated on a movie to watch before she found one wherein a couple braves a skating rink while on a date. And, well, now that was half the holiday surprise Nadine was preparing to spring unto Ava, along with, of course, plenty of presents that actually reflected her interests and their relationship. However, she was apprehensive about showing up knowing absolutely nothing about the activity, and once realizing she would secure a helluva lot more brownie points if she were able to catch Ava whenever she slipped? It wasn't even a question anymore. Once arriving, she walked through the double doors and approached the first employee she could spot. "Scuse me," she spoke up, a friendly smile on her lips. "I heard you guys have coaches here? How much do they charge? I need to learn how to stay off my ass before the month ends. Nadine, by the way," the brunette stuck a hand out in greeting, not thinking to register in her excitement if they'd met before or not.
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br4ndts · 19 days ago
“you  would  not  be  familiar  with  someone  able  to  work  on  a  ship  without  questions  asked,  would  you?”  her  first  time  alone,  out  in  the  universe  —  and  her  ship  breaks  down.  she  had  no  way  of  finding  help  without  someone  else,  not  too  sure  where  she  had  ended  up.  “i  am  in  great  need..  o-or  at  least,  would  you  mind  if  i  were  to  ‘hitch’  a  ride  with  you  and  your  friends?”
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sunsdrop · 7 months ago
@seachant s.c
"You   know,   Ariel   ....   I've   never   considered   brushing   my   hair   with   a   fork   before   -"   a   soft   chuckle   parted   rose-tinted   lips   before   she   continued.
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"But   I'm   kinda   tempted   to   now.   -   Your   hair   is   gorgeous   ....   so   it   must   work!   Mind   showing   me   how   you   do   it   sometime?"
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intertexts · 8 months ago
OOO and. 19. smiles cutely :3 i love ur writing ros im going 2 chew on my computer more wip snippets pls i wanna read more wip snippets 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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YAYAYAYAYYY hiii :33 <3 ASHE FOR U!!!!! i meant to watch pd tonight & accidentally got sucked into the tranches & now it is. midnight. oops.
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vullcanica · 10 months ago
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@vulpesse : the willows and the birches tousle their leaves and branches, rising their roots from the comfortable bed of the soil beneath as if in warning. the she - fox does not seem to share their same concern and restlessness … not yet, at least. and thus here she is, a trickster’s smile painted ‘pon plush lips as she leisurely sways nine fur - coated appendages, to - & - fro. “Did you get lost?”
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He treads slow and reverent through the numinous lavender woods, keeping thoughtful distance. Sticking firmly to the measly path's middle - once long ago trodden by creatures less audacious - between shrubs delicate and thorned and deimatic, and minds none of them. His perilous eyes fixed forward as he comes upon the great radius of a captivating soul's pull and, at last, her visage. Hands held behind his back, as if to simply behold.
In turn he's come presentable, as befits a man of standing, though unencumbered by pretences of conformity. He, with his sharp, terribly symmetrical face and neatly laid curls and physique modestly concealed behind the straight cut of a trim vicuna pelt, has still shown up black-handed, ink on show, shock of amethyst ember proudly displayed in the apple of his pupils. Bare and raw everywhere it counts - without even the vaguest delusion of trying to fool the she-fox with glamours. A thing not true to its visage, not quite; recognizing another.
And it is in recognition he smiles - grin in mirror proportion.
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❝ Mm, not for long... ❞ The woods had been a patchwork maze of unnavigable hostility, and yet... no less beautiful in their violence. Even time lost in this unfathomable wilderness has proven enjoyable to him - lover of things dark and aching, himself darker, achier. As such he had been welcomed, swatted and hissed and absconded from, the forest aflail in its efforts to shake him from its bowels. His soft, delighted hum betrays an amusement thereof. ❝ Though your fine beasts gave me grief to spare. I don't think they like me very much. ❞ Tone a measured quip of faux-disappointment, the Necromancer stops ten paces away, the grass behind him marked by wilt-yellow footprints left of his bare feet. The thick miasma of death hugging him head to toe perhaps justifies nature's aversion.
❝ And here I took care to announce myself. ❞ He says, diligently. Then, in the tone and grin of a man whom politeness has consistently eluded, and often: ❝ It was only polite... As guest, in search of host. ❞
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eikonshiva · 2 years ago
@phoenix-flamed s.c
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"Your Grace?" The girl spoke timidly, her gaze wary to make eye contact with the man.
"When ....... when can I go back home? I ..miss my Mother..."
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coollyinterferes · 2 years ago
"Just got some cash and a pocket watch from some blokes earlier for free..."
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"No kiddin'! It's as if this gun was magical or somethin'!"
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babyegle · 2 years ago
@unprocione s.c
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"Leon .... are you really sure you're okay? You got hit pretty hard. If you need to take a break ... it's okay"
her words were laced with genuine concern -- the last thing she wanted was for him to push himself just for her sake ....
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owestwind · 1 day ago
saying something enough times won’t make it true.
"depends on who's saying it." lizzie watches @2pistols sidelong, chin perched along her fingers. truth was stalwart, unchanging. but what did it matter when no one would speak it? when reality, the lives they shaped around them, could be molded with the right amount of pressure. tommy did it all the time. tearing down the world in his image, peppering in pretty words and hollow promises to smooth the cracks over.
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"enough people repeat it."
enough people learned not to speak. it didn't matter that it snuck back in through the body, eking out across their faces, that she could see it clear as day.
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beelieves · 11 days ago
@warclaim s.c
Okay,   this   planet   was   a   whole   lot   more   chaotic   than   she   expected   and   that   was   saying   something,   Bee   had   been   to   a   LOOTTTTT   of   chaotic   planets.   She   didn't   even   know   where   to   begin!   And   Puppycat   seemed   just   as   lost   as   her   ....   not   a   great   start.
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"Uhhhh.   I   mean,   there's   a   guy   over   there"   she   gestured   to   the   strangely   dressed   man   "maybe   he'll   know   what   we're   supposed   to   do?"
her   partner   merely   shrugged,   likely   not   having   any   better   ideas.   "Heeeyy   ummm,   hiii!"   she   began,   waving   her   hand   frantically   in   the   air   for   his   attention.
"I'm   here   for   a   temp   job,   I   guess?   just....   dunno   what   I'm   supposed   to   do   here?"
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dnfity · 5 months ago
you are literally abandoning us like :/
I DONT MEAN TO 😭😭😭 its all capitalism's fault
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totalswag · 4 months ago
hii, I’m not sure if you take request still but if so is there a possible way you can do a drew x singer!reader one shot take on how Sabrina “arrests” her fans before performing Juno for being too hot but the reader does it to Drew during her shows please 🫶🏼
arrested for being too hot — DREW STARKEY
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authors note THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS!! my request box is still open so feel free to send me any ideas regarding singer!reader or regular fic ideas you’d like me to write. this was so much writing too. thank for all the love on my last fic lovies <3
taglist ⤕ if you would like to be notified every time i post you will type in your username then be all set.
summary "arresting" drew, your boyfriend, during your show before performing your song from your new album.
warning(s) none!
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You are on tour for your new album in-front of thousands of fans almost every night. You worked hard on this album and it turned out wonderfully. If it weren’t for the amazing fans of yours, you don’t know where you’d be in your career— they are the reason you are doing this.
Half way into the show— going amazing. The crowd tonight isn't disappointing you. Everything you've hoped for on this tour. You've performed eighteen songs and about to go onto your nineteenth. Played musical spin the bottle not long ago which was really fun.
Before Juno, you begin with a small "skit" where you call someone out in the crowd, arresting them for being too hot. This became a thing after your first show of the tour and doing it ever since. Plus, fans absolutely love it. Interacting with your fans has always been something you did and create those bonds.
Drew, your boyfriend, is attending the show with Madelyn Cline, a mutual friend and cast-mate of Drew's. You told him earlier today you wanted to arrest him in the middle of the show to get the audience excited and it would be fun.
Drew was all for it, and he didn't want you to tell him what you were going to say—he prefers surprises.
Your pink, glittering, dazzling clothing was sparkling in the lights. You pressed your free hand to your brow as though you were looking around for a call. With security, you could see Drew and Madelyn making their way to the front.
You begin by adjusting your earpiece while moving around the stage in your long skirt. "You guys know that moment when you are in a room filled with such beautiful looking people that you start to feel overwhelmed?" When fans applaud, you smile.
"Oh, girls, I think I just seen my future husband in the front row! Oh my god, girls, come here, come here," you say anxiously into the microphone, beckoning them over and waving your free hand.
You turn to face Drew as the girls approach you, asking, "Do you see that gorgeous looking man over in the front row with his arms crossed in the tan shirt?" You speak into the microphone aloud, pointing to Drew in the crowd.
Your girls joyfully waved at Drew while placing their hands on your shoulder. As Drew blushes on the big screen, the crowd reflexively turns up the volume in the arena. 
"What's your name handsome?" With your head cocked slightly to the right toward your shoulder, you inquire in jest. 
"Drew!" You can hear him when he places his hands on the side of his lips. He gives you a childlike smile and a flushed face.
You say, "I'm sorry I couldn't get that?" as though you couldn't hear him. Leaning forward more, you place your free hand behind your ear.
He shakes his head and utters "Drew!" a little louder. 
"Oh my Drew, I must say that you must be a magnet because you drew me in" brings a smile to your face. Your tone indicated that you were trying quite hard not to laugh, yet you kept your calm brilliantly.
Fans had their phones out, capturing the entire interaction. Nobody would have expected Drew to be the person arrested at your gigs since the tour began.
"Drew, you are under arrest for being too hot," you say aloud, smiling and pointing at him— fanning yourself, moving your hips side to side as the sound of sirens going off with blue and red lights behind.
You put your left elbow against your girls shoulder, "guys do you ever just see someone so good looking that you just don't know what to do and all your clothes fall off in that moment" your long skirt slips off smoothy.
"Like your brain just like malfunctions and like I just wanna handcuffed to you now like," one of your girls puts the pink fluffy handcuffs into your hand, you kneel down, "do you know what I mean? Will you take these from me?"
Drew is overwhelmed in this very moment— it's very obvious how much you are affecting him. Drew gives you a gimme me gesture with his fingers, ready to catch the hand cuffs.
He takes them in his hands, looks down, and feels the smooth texture of the fuzzy. He tilts his head to the side before slowly glancing up at you with a smirk—keep in mind that he's still on the big screen.
"We're gonna sing this one to you, Drew."
Juno's song intro starts playing. You wave goodbye to Drew and Madelyn as you return to the center of the stage. You could hear the two begin speaking to fans in the distance.
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Drew and Madelyn met you in the dressing room following the show. After giving Madelyn a hug and thanking her for attending the event, you moved to approach Drew and put your arms around his neck while grinning.
"That was insane," Madelyn exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. "What about the full call-out and the handcuffs? Iconic! "You're the talk of the night; everyone is crazy about it."
You giggled as your face heated up. "It seemed right." "You should have seen his face!"
She laughs, "I got the whole thing on video, I'll send it to you later."
"I'm going to give you two some alone time, but you did such an amazing job tonight and looked so hot doing it," Madelyn adds, taking your hands in her and wiggling her brows. 
"Thank you, babe. I love you always," you say, hugging her before she leaves you and Drew alone. 
When you close the door, Drew comes behind you, placing his arms around your waist and kissing you on the cheek, making you laugh with the tenderness of his lips.
"I'm so proud of you baby, you did such an amazing job on stage and looked unbelievable in your outfits made me feel like the luckiest guy in the entire world." He expresses emotionally, which uplifts you. 
"Coming from you, it warms my heart baby. Forever grateful to have you in my life," you smile softly, leaning against his chest, feeling that sense of warmth you always feel whenever you are with him.
"And I'm forever grateful for you" he quietly responds, kissing the top of your head.
"So what are we gonna do with those pink fuzzy handcuffs?"
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✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@superlegend216 @skyslowalking @germcana @the1nonlyariana @mymultiveres @kiiyomei @chenslucy @rafeyslamb @rosezza @runningfrom2am @kneelarmhstrung
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sunsdrop · 3 months ago
@ofmywcrld WINTER themed s.c
"Have   you   ever   baked   gingerbread   before?"   Rapunzel   asked   with   a   cant   of   her   head.   Seeing   as   Ariel   was   a   Mermaid   she   figured   she   hadn't   the   chance   to   do   a   lot   of   'human'   things   yet.   Though   now   that   the   princess   thought   about   it,   neither   did   she   ....
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But   at   the   very   least   she   knew   how   to   bake!
"If   not,   I   can   show   you   how!   The   best   part   is   getting   to   decorate   them   afterwards!"
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wcvensouls · 1 year ago
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" what can i do to convince you? "
@hiungz : sc .
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