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sidgeno-ficrecs · 2 years ago
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game plan by @thehoyden
sidgeno (2013, explicit, 10.3k)
Unlike Nealsy, Evgeni can cook his own food when he has it. He’s perfectly capable of making breakfast. His kitchen is well-equipped, and he’s got some good basic cooking skills down. In short, he is not going to starve to death if left to his own devices. None of this seems to matter to Sid.
Sid opens the door off the garage with a spatula in one hand. He’s already wearing what Evgeni recognizes as Sid’s lying-around-the-house clothes, a t-shirt that’s thin and well-worn and a pair of plaid pajama pants with a hole in one hem. His hair is fluffy and a little wild in its ungelled state, making it look soft and sort of pettable.
Evgeni is halfway to — tangling his fingers in Sid’s hair? — before he drops his hand and then awkwardly covers it with hug, which starts off kind of weird because they’re not on the ice, and Sid is still holding a spatula and they’re both stupid with half a night of terrible sleep. But then Sid relaxes into it, and goes butter-soft pliant in Evgeni’s arms, and, well, if you can’t hug your captain and friend when he’s making you breakfast after a long road trip, when can you?
i love the idea of a comfort fic. i think we all have them, right? the fic or fics that we know we'll enjoy no matter what mood we're in, no matter what tropes or whatever we might be craving. the fic that can help you relax after a bad day enough to calm down. it's the perfect length—not so long that you lose an entire day (or more!) to it, but not so short that you finish the story before you had a chance to really get settled in.
this one is mine.
there's a certain charm to fics from 2013. the characterizations are by and large vastly different from current trends, and while not all of them are to my taste all the time, it's like entering a time machine and getting a glimpse back into a world where sid and geno had only won one cup, and the OG crew was still intact, and everyone was so young and had so much potential ahead of them still. the concussion years were also fresh, in a way that i think it might be hard for newer fans to understand and honestly for older fans to really remember, and that really comes through in a lot of stories.
and of course, no matter the plot, the trope, or the characterization choice, a brilliant author is a brilliant author, and i think we all know that @thehoyden is a brilliant author.
this fic is simply delightful. geno's clear fondness for sid shines through, and sid's returned feelings for geno take a bit longer to surface, but we as the audience realize them at the same pace that geno does, and it's really just lovely and comforting to immerse yourself in. sid's gentle pushiness about geno coming over to eat, the care with which he prepares their meals, and their physical comfort with each other—yum yum.
speaking of. this fic is gonna make you hungry. this fic is gonna make you want brunch. it will be something you think about until you're able to spend too much money on eggs benedict. i'm not sorry because this morsel is absolutely worth it.
read it here on ao3!
and please don't forget to leave a comment, on this and any fic you read to completion—comments make authors write more, and i personally love leaving them because i know i made someone's day! comments and kudos keep fandom alive :)
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quotablefanfiction · 4 months ago
Derek seems to be spending all his off-duty hours with Stiles. Hours that include a whole lot of start-and-stop making out but zero orgasms, which is really making Stiles reconsider whether the Hales are a weirdo cult, after all. “I’m going to work on your jeep today,” Derek says against Stiles’ lips. “Oh god, please tell me that’s a euphemism,” Stiles says, and clutches more tightly at Derek’s shoulders.
Stiles is getting a little desperate (chp. 1)
Darling It Is No Joke by thehoyden (AO3) Teen Wolf – Explicit – Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski #Alternate Universe #Future Fic #No Hale Fire #Deputy!Derek #Werewolves are still a thing #Some Violence
The first thing Stiles thinks when he opens the door is that it’s not his birthday, but someone has sent him some kind of cop stripper.
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impossibly-cold-collector · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Uzumaki Naruto, Jiraiya (Naruto), Tsunade (Naruto), Might Guy, Mitarashi Anko Additional Tags: Marriage of Convenience, Alternate Universe - Canon, Kid Fic Summary:
"I want to make Naruto my heir," Kakashi said bluntly.
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uniasus · 9 months ago
fic rec! 20K Ineffable Husbands
Summary: Sometimes, a family is a demonic nanny, an angelic cook, and a kid who isn't actually the Antichrist.
Comments: Aziraphale and Crowley take full advantage of the 11 years raising Warlock, thinking it might be their last chance to indulge. And so they zoom through it, quickly moving from smiles in the kitchen to marriage to fuck the Great Plan because they've built quite a family and don't want to loose it.
There is smut in here, so be aware ace folks. But it's mostly fluff.
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readbybelle · 7 months ago
You, Soft and Only by thehoyden [podfic]
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Listen on ao3
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polkadotdragonx · 2 years ago
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I recently started looking into fanbinding and have become obsessed with designing covers for and having some of my all time favorite fanfics on my bookshelf. The first one I’m working on designing now is the amazing “With a Crown of Stars” by thehoyden who has given their permission for a fanbinding.
I’m still waiting on gathering materials to begin the actual printing and bookbinding process, but I had fun working on a cover design today! I think they turned out pretty great. I doubt the actual cover I make for the fanbinding will be quite as intricate — some will depending on what materials I end up using— but I’m pretty happy with how this design turned out regardless.
@thehoyden , thanks for writing such a great story and inspiring me to draw!
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ambivalens999 · 1 year ago
A totally unprompted merthur reclist
Why? Because I'm a woman possessed and more people need to read these gems in the year of our lord 2024
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canon recs
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by @seperis
Privileges of Rank by @seperis
Misrule by @thehoyden
In Want of a Wife by @singingkingoftheroad
Love Potion Number Nine (The Shy Remix) by @clea2011
Before the Sun Rises by @marguerite26
Sharing is Caring by @vegan-hermione
Stranded by fluffssnowflake (theyneeddrying)
A Collapsing Star With Tunnel Vision by @alienfuckeronmain
hold onto me as we go by @schweetheart
Dower the Stars by @thegertie
Nineteen by @kickflaw
If It Stands Still Long Enough by arthur_pendragon
alternate universe recs
A Modern Manservant by @mamalazzer
L’Intérieur by aprettyaway
Time Forward by @kianspo
Castle (the rules by which we live) by @kickflaw
Pieces of Us by dentedsky
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lexkent · 3 months ago
clex fic rec part 2:
The Season by Lenore (2,741 words) summary: Clark runs into Lex at a charity event, and it’s the season of forgiveness.
words with friends by spqr (6,811 words) summary: Lex, the letter begins. I’m sorry, but if you’re reading this, it means I’m dead.
Day of the Crockpot by sabershadowkat (912 words) summary: A moment of surreal clarity.
Complicity by rivkat (4,815 words) summary: Who are you going to believe--me or your own eyes?
In Another Life by Bitsie38 (2,189 words) summary: Years ago, Clark Kent and Lex Luthor were best friends. Now, they are the bitterest of enemies. During yet another Justice League event involving parallel universes, Clark meets a very different Lex Luthor.
The Color of Accord by Lenore (1,499 words) summary: Clark loses his powers and finds Lex.
Golden Rule by rivkat (13,204 words) summary: Clark doesn't make the same mistake twice.
Red String by thehoyden (1,031 words) summary: Dish gloves, destiny, and weird answering machine messages: one of these is not like the others.
Making Things Right by Tallihensia (5,475 words) summary: After Lex comes back from Belle Reve, Clark can't forget. Lex has forgotten, but Clark remembers and it's tearing him apart.
The Plan by Lenore (1,368 words) summary: The rift isn’t exactly what it seems.
A Handful of Dust by seperis (47,059 words) summary: At the end of the world, Lex can't stop running.
Secrets, Lies, and Misunderstandings by mahaliem summary: "In the hall outside Clark's dorm room, Lex slowly backed away without knocking, his mind awhirl with what he'd just heard. Clark Kent was gay."
Red Tape by Lenore (16,262 words) summary: Clark’s illegal, and Lex makes him a green card proposal.
Kryptonite Suit by cecilylee (3,000 words) summary: Even when he's a lying son of a bitch, Clark is a hero.
The Journey Back by Tallihensia (15,555 words) summary: Lex wakes up to a future that is very different from the one he thought he would have. Why is he fighting Superman, and who is Lex Luthor?
Second Chances by Dolimir (4,958 words) summary: Written for the Harlequin Week Challenge. Prompt chosen: The Greek Tycoon's Unwilling Wife: Recuperating on his private Greek island after a car crash, Andreas Petrakos had no memory of the previous year. The last thing he remembered was his passionate affair with beautiful Rebecca Ainsworth...when, actually, she was his wife! 
Long Time Coming by BewareTheIdes15 (14,685 words) summary: “Yes, I’m in love with you,” Lex says, like he’s explaining that the Earth is round; like this is some baseline, inalienable fact that’s not irretrievably reorganizing Clark’s existence. “I’ve never seen any reason for that to be an impediment to our friendship.”
Red Sky at Night by Tallihensia (5,347 words) summary: Clark goes looking for Lex. He finds him in the heart of Kal's former territory, and old instincts rule for both of them.
Therefore I Am by PL Nunn summary: Lex Luthor wakes up with a few holes in his memory and a very disconcerting discovery.
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter by laceymcbain (8,849 words) summary: "Lex, how exactly did you get your head stuck in the banister?"
Stranded by PL Nunn summary: Takes up where season 7 left off, with the sky falling down on Lex and Clark after the final confrontation at the Fortress of Solitude. (WIP. leaves off on a cliffhanger. worth it.)
You Can Call Me Al by Lenore (56,578 words) summary: Lex gets lost, and Clark claims him. An AU a la the movie “Overboard.”
Twilight's Secrets by Tallihensia (8,677 words) summary: Lex is getting divorced again. Superman stops by and the two have a long overdue conversation.
Smallville Throupleverse by CarpeDiemForLife (22,088 words) summary: A series of episode tags that weave a slowburn Clark/Lana/Lex relationship into the background of the show. 
While They Do Dream Things True by thirteenthmoon (6,610 words) summary: Lex falls under the effects of the Black Mercy plant, and dreams up a reality where he and Clark are married. Clark has to travel into his dreams to break him out of it.
May Day by Tallihensia (9,388 words) summary: For fifteen years, Lex has sent Clark flowers on May 1, even when they've been enemies. This year, though, was different. What happened to Lex, and why didn't Clark get any flowers this year?
Reciprocation, Give and Take, Quality Time, and Emergence by PL Nunn summary: When Lex inadvertently discovers Clark's powers a great deal of buried emotion bubbles to the surface on both their parts. Trust issues abound.
Switch: A Comedy of Terrors by rivkat (35,185 words) summary: Plot rocks lead Mind to forget where it put Brain. Wackiness ensues.
Unshatter by Lenore (5,856 words) summary: Rescue. Finally.
Eavesdropping by LadyRa (7,460 words) summary: Jonathan gets a wake-up call about Lex.
Once again, please feel welcome to message me if you’d like content warnings on any specific fic. There's some dark content here and not everything is tagged.
clex fic part 1
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smilebackwards · 11 months ago
cherik fic recs
For Revive Cherik month, I've compiled a list of some of my favorite fics to share. I'll also be combining this with @justleaveacommentfest by commenting on all these lovely fics and you can too 😊 Read! Enjoy! Comment!
what a way to make a livin' by kaydeefalls @kaydeefalls Erik is a CEO who makes headlines like "MagneTech CEO and Prominent Mutant Separatist Erik Lehnsherr Vows To Kill All the Humans By 2025". Charles is his long-suffering PA.
The Last Love Song & Testament of Charles F. Xavier by midrashic @midrashic Getting fake married to avoid having to testify against your spouse for domestic terrorism is such a power move. Fantastic.
From Westminster With Love by thehoyden @thehoyden Charles is an irreplaceable British asset, Erik is a major working for NATO. They stop a mutant trafficking ring and fall in love. Extremely charming.
Lion Man by spqr @andthepeople Hockey coach Erik. Figure skater Charles. I love them so much.
Limited Release by rageprufrock @rageprufrock White Collar AU. I hadn't read this in a decade and my mind is a sieve but I immediately recalled the title and author to look it up. What higher compliment can I give?
Skin Deep by manic_intent @manic-intent The one where they're all werewolves 🐺
Omega Online by miss_aphelion @missaphelion I live for Erik and Charles being fully insane about each other and this is funny af. Also, EMMA!
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mothdogsart · 1 year ago
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My fifth bind is complete! This is a collection of some of my absolute favorite short Good Omens fics (sub-20k words) which I sorted into rough thematic categories. This book features works by @thehoyden and @darcylindbergh (among others who I don’t think are on Tumblr) as well as a cover image graciously provided by @adealiz ♥️
Technical details follow:
This was my first time working with this specific paper (which I cut to the correct grain direction! What a delight!) as well as my first time using hand-marbled endpaper (as opposed to printed scrapbook paper.) The endpaper was much thinner than what I’m used to, so I had a little unexpected glue moisture rippling.
I think I’ll be switching my fonts up going forward. I keep having issues getting Garamond to print consistently.
For the cover, I used a faux leather upholstery patch. I printed the cover image on printable vinyl and added some silver lettering stickers. It might not be the most durable/travelable thing ever, but it looks nice on the shelf.
I’m so happy to have this one done—the learning process never ends. I’m already typesetting my next two binds, another Good Omens fic and a Star Trek AU 😊
❗️These binds are not for sale. Authors and artists may inquire about gift copies.
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gerec · 4 days ago
Hi Gerec! Sorry if this has been asked before - I know this is kind of a broad question, but can you recommend some of your favorite modern AU Cherik fanfics? I’d love to see them in any variety of professions or circumstances as long as it takes place in the modern day, whether one of them is a professor or a stripper or a corporate CEO or a barista or a bartender or an engineer or anything at all! One-shots and multichapters are both welcome as well, I don’t discriminate. Thanks in advance! :D
Hi Anon! Don't worry - I'm always happy to talk about my favourite au's (this fandom has the MOST amazing aus omg we're so lucky)!!!
Definitely check out this post that has my Top 5 X-Men Favourites (Canon & AU)! Truly, it's impossible to share every fic I love, or even make a tiny dent in the number of incredible aus out there but I am happy to share some of my all-time favourites. I hope you enjoy them all :D
When the Spell Breaks by kianspo Erik, a high-profile lawyer with a successful career, meets a 21-year-old grad student in a bar, and within a few short months marries him. He and Charles are blissfully happy, until Erik's boss runs a background check on Charles and discovers he's been cheating on Erik. Charles denies everything, as there was no affair, but Erik doesn't believe him and throws him out. As Charles tries to figure out how to survive and stay at school that he can no longer afford and makes a lot of bad if not plain dangerous choices, Erik has to fight his own battle of discovering the truth and winning Charles back.
(Note: Read EVERYTHING by Kianspo! They mostly write AUs which is perfect for what you're looking for, but their canon fics are amazing too :D)
Not So Much the Teacup by thehoyden
“Charles is basically the bride whisperer. It’s like he can read their minds.” (wedding planner AU)
rooms/shares by pocky_slash 
Erik is single, working a cube job he hates, letting his master's degree in mutant studies collect dust, and living on his best friend's couch. When she kicks him out, he's forced to trawl Craigslist for the least-offensive rooming option within his meagre budget. He never expects a response from the persnickety, high maintenance ad he replies to as a joke, but it's possible this too-nice apartment and mysteriously absent roommate might be the answer to all four of his problems.
Love Runs Out by ikeracity
Hammer Bay, one of the most mutant-friendly apartment buildings in all of Manhattan and affectionately nicknamed the Hub by its residents, is home to an eclectic mix of families, broke college students, scientists, artists, and high school dropouts. Charles Xavier, new arrival to apartment 3K, catches the attention of everyone on the third floor but he only has eyes for one: cranky author Erik Lehnsherr who lives directly across the hall in 3B.
A Nice Boy (The Family Matters Edition) by pocky_slash
Erik's not sure whether the problem is that he doesn't want his parents to meet Charles or that he doesn't want Charles to meet his parents. Either way, he never invites Charles to brunch. Why should he? It's not like they're dating.
Politico by cygnaut
Modern Genosha Politics AU. In which Erik is l'enfant terrible of the mutant National Assembly, and his staff just wants to get him laid.
Daycare 'Verse by orphan_account, pocky_slash (series)
A modern AU in which Charles runs a mutant daycare and Erik is his long-suffering engineer boyfriend.
Charles Xavier's A+ Guide to Management (or, How to Completely Destroy Your Life Without Even Trying) by fro_baby
In which Charles and Erik run a newspaper, wrangle interns, outrun the feds, outwit a multinational crime lord, get royally fucked over (twice), eat prawns, argue over comma errors, dodge (and fail to dodge) airborne projectiles, make many snarky remarks, drive around in the desert, fight, make up, fight again, and slowly (but surely) fall in love.
Strict Machine by euphorbic
When Professor Charles F Xavier accepted a visiting professor position in Arizona, he did so in order to be geographically closer to his sister. What he did not expect to find was the living, breathing specter of the sportbike gang-oriented past he’d been trying to put to rest.
A tale of sport bikes, consequences, and sacrifice.
The Last Love Song & Testament of Charles F. Xavier by midrashic
When Erik is accused of domestic terrorism, Charles has no choice but to marry him to keep him out of jail.
Scenes from the Wild by nekosmuse
Erik Lehnsherr, world renowned wilderness survivalist, alongside his husband, Charles Xavier, survive the perils of the wild in order to bring you, Two Men, One Knife, an award winning reality survival series, available only on the Discovery Channel. Follow Erik and Charles as they travel to the world's most remote locations with only the most basic of supplies. Pitted against nature, this husband-husband team struggle to survive in some of the world's harshest climates while battling the planet's fiercest predators. Can they survive the Canadian North? Find out next season, on Two Men, One Knife
August by Red
For the XMFC kinkmeme, in response to a prompt asking for an mpreg story with some genetics thrown in the mix. While non-mutant couples may be able to conceive a mutant or a non-mutant child, for a couple with two mutants, there's a twenty-five percent chance of a third option: a fatal presentation of the mutant gene. Erik found out years ago that he was one of a number of (relatively cisgendered? this is an odd thing for me to be typing) mutant guys who have the secondary mutation of A Uterus. He'd also been told--years ago, but less so than the last statement--that he was infertile. He and Charles have been on the waiting list for adopting a mutant kid, but when morning sickness sets in, Erik can't exactly celebrate his sudden ability to get pregnant until he's ruled out that twenty-five percent chance.
Cue hiding a pregnancy from a telepath husband, dealing with Dr. MacTaggert's meddling, and trying to avoid the relentless well-wishing of the police department's esteemed Mutant Affairs Division.
this is only now (where do we go from here) by thebodyeclectic (series)
From this prompt on the 1stclass_kink meme: Modern AU, where an older Alex (in his mid twenties?) somehow figures out/recieves the news that, no, his younger brother didn't die in the crash like he'd been told, and then sets out to find him. The catch is, Scott's been adopted and adores his 'dad', who is incidentally the adorkable Hank McCoy.
Deep Cover by Subtilior 
Omegas in heat? The perfect whores. Sebastian Shaw? The bastard who kidnaps them for his Hellfire Club. Erik Lehnsherr? A hard-boiled detective who's been on the Hellfire case for months. The catastrophe that unfolds when he goes in on retrieval and finds Charles Xavier still writhing in a Hellfire bed? .... Deep Cover.
Protect, Serve, Troll by keire_ke
Erik's fire department has a special relationship with the local university. They visit often. Sometimes, there even is a fire.
Spy Games by manic_intent
Prompt: Burn Notice AU, with Erik Lehnsherr as the spy and Charles as the trigger-happy ex boyfriend. Erik is burned for unknown reasons in Mexico and wakes up in New York City. Somehow, he needs to raise $500,000, in order to find out -why-.
Playing With Fire by professor
Charles is a detective determined to catch a serial killer.
If the serial killer doesn't catch him first.
The Associates by ikeracity, Pangea (series)
Being a mob boss' associate has its ups and downs. Having sex in the back of a limo on Valentine's Day is definitely one of the ups.
On a side note (and if you haven't already), try sorting fics by kudos for Cherik fics on Ao3, and under Additional Tags select 'Alternate Universe - Modern Setting'. Anything on the first say, 10 pages, is probably a good bet to start with as they are obviously beloved by the fandom :D
Rampage by wallhaditcoming (uvcatastrophe)
When police uncover evidence that notorious serial killer Magneto is obsessed with Professor Charles Xavier, they immediately move to put him into Witness Security. Only Xavier refuses. The police come up with trumped up charges to arrest him and thus keep him safe until they can apprehend the killer. Erik is not happy that the police have chosen to drag Charles into this and are now trying to keep him from him, and shows his displeasure the best way he knows how -- an increased body count.
One Summer's End by furius, motleystitches (furius)
Erik Lehnsherr, successful businessman, has been the muse to the artist Charles Xavier for the last twenty years. They'll readily confess to loving each other through art, but at the last show Charles Xavier is holding in New York before he heads over to England, everyone else around them realises that it's not enough.
Talk, Baby, Talk by lyonet
“Enough,” Erik said furiously. “It’s over. Let it die.”
“Be fair, sugar,” Emma said. “We made good music. It was your choice to wear magenta armour and a cape.”
On a Beach, With You (The Tel Aviv Remix) by niniblack
Charles Xavier meets Erik Lehnsherr on a beach in Israel.
Growing Up Lehnsherr by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (series) For someone who hates feelings, Erik gets dragged into an alarming number of conversations about them. In which there are confessions, declarations, awkward first meetings, accidents, explanations, endings and beginnings.
Wednesday by Red
Getting confined to a nursing facility for a six-week course of iv antibiotics would have been dreadfully dull, had Charles not found a way to "occupy his time."
In which Erik Lehnsherr, retired nazi hunter, becomes the latest victim of Charles Xavier's charms.
One big family by ximeria
There is a house in New York (no, only Charles calls it a house, and his perception of such is a little warped, so let's try that again)...
... There's a building in New York, owned by XavierMedCorp that caters to mutant tenants, their families and a handful of humans. You need to know someone who knows someone who knows someone to get an apartment there. Or maybe just be very lucky. Or have a mutant son who has the tenacity of a pit bull. Anyway, Edie Lehnsherr has moved in and she is slowly getting to know the other tenants, the superintendent and the owner.
One Hundred One Night Stands. by Sophia_Bee
Charles has a rule. Never fuck the same guy twice. When he refuses to see Erik again after a one night stand, Erik goes about trying to get Charles to violate that rule using accents and disguises.
to put the world between us by populuxe
Erik Lehnsherr is one of the hottest actors in Hollywood: fresh off an Academy Award nomination, he’s about to star in HBO’s most anticipated show of the year. And even though online chatter about his recent string of queer roles keeps getting louder, his personal life remains personal—just as it always has, and just as his manager and publicist continue to advise.
But when he winds up at the same wedding as his college best friend, Charles Xavier—and when they quickly fall into bed together—he’s forced to revisit the past he’s been trying to get away from for years. The pull between them has always been magnetic, but so has the weight of secrecy. Can they keep from repeating the same mistakes, or will the price of the truth be too high?
Every Song I Know by clarasteam 
“Erik,” Janos says wearily, “you had amazing sex with this guy. He obviously really likes you. You have, what, a month, six weeks left? You can spend it moping and hiding and worrying you're going to run into him. Or you can call him, have a good time, and figure out where you go from there.”
Erik groans. It's what he wants to do, so much it scares him.
In the Weeds by not_who_we_are
Erik works at one of the largest, busiest, most hectic restaurants in Times Square. Years of serving tourists has left him jaded and generally grumpy. But new transfer Charles Xavier seems determined to change his outlook.
Drama! 5% tips! Eating dead food! Confusing-when-taken-out-of-context restaurant slang!
The Precipice by TurtleTotem
Prince Erik of Genosha must marry before he can take the throne. But Charles must be mad to even think of accepting the proposal of someone he met less than an hour ago...
With Abandon by sunryder
The best part about Charles' favorite bakery isn't the location, and it isn't the lovely smell, or even the Earl Grey cupcakes. It's the Baker.
Erik Lehnsherr is a beautiful specimen of a man, particularly when his fussing over Charles takes the form of pastry.
Such a pity Charles doesn't know Erik is an assassin.
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eleadore · 4 months ago
rec list: hannibal/will <5k
none of my recs contain mcd or unhappy endings. everything else is fair game & may not be tagged for.
all our treasures together by fatal_drum (t, 1.2k) breathplay, poetry, post-fall
After the fall, Hannibal and Will share an uneasy truce. Hannibal discovers that Will is still able to surprise him. Inspired by Pablo Neruda's "Ode to Broken Things."
bury your love by lovetincture (nc-17, 1.4k) rough sex, knifeplay, s03e02
That scene in the catacombs beneath the Norman Chapel could have ended much differently. They bring out the worst in each other.
do it and do it again by tei (nc-17, 1.5k) ♥️
There are fewer than twenty questions on this list.
didymus by borevidal (m, 1.9k) seduction, s2
“If I don’t put a stop to this, you’re going to blow me,” Will says. “What response does that possibility evoke?” Hannibal asks. 
whiskey verite by moistdrippings (m, 1.9k) ♥️ first time, drinking, s01e01
Post-Œuf, Will drinks whiskey and turns his analytical and empathetic eye on Dr. Lecter to get his mind off murder.
altruism by tei (m, 2.3k) spanking, fluff, post-fall
Will isn't great at sleeping.
hand in unlovable hand by coloredink (m, 2.4k) codependency, post-fall
Hannibal put his hand over Will's and held it closer to his chest. They had woken up like this more than once. "Do you wish I'd die?" he asked. "It would make your life easier."
songs of experience by borevidal (nc-17, 2.7k) morning after, s2
“Does it trouble you?” Hannibal asks. “That we have been intimate.” “Things were intimate before,” Will says, wry twist of the mouth. “What changed last night, Hannibal, is that we had sex.” “I would consider that a form of intimacy,” Hannibal says. “Wouldn’t you?”
the theatre of death by jimsnose (m, 2.7k) voyeurism, s3
Hannibal and Will put on a play for the Dragon.
home by beatricenius (nc-17, 3.2k) first time, praise kink, post-fall
Will takes a step back and gestures to the bed. “Show me.” “What do you want me to show you?” “How I’d fuck you. How you imagined it.” About idealism and fantasies and first times.
it's only a bargain if you want it by lovetincture (nc-17, 3.2k) getting together, post-fall
Needing someone isn’t the same as loving them, and loving someone isn’t the same as liking them. Will and Hannibal love each other with a dozen small cruelties, stumbling their way toward something approaching peace.
amourette by petronia (nc-17, 3.5k) getting together, s2
"I don't understand," Will said, "how a Yogi ended up in this way. You'd think the enlightened wouldn't be rude."
share your mouthful by bettyboopz (nc-17, 3.5k) fluff and choking, post-fall
He's about to wax poetic about love and loss when his head is slammed into the wall.
variations on a theme by fatal_drum (nc-17, 3.5k) ♥️ hallucinations, dub/non-con, post-fall
Will falls, over and over. A great deal happens before he wakes up. "We have lingered in the chambers of the sea / By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown / Till human voices wake us, and we drown."
mise en place by thehoyden (nc-17, 3.7k) a/b/o, s1
Pre-heat left him short-tempered and irritable, even worse than usual, but Hannibal had lingered in his office doorway and said, “Come along, Will. No reason to grade on an empty stomach.”
hesperides series by petronia (nc-17, 3.7k) ♥️ s2, post-fall
According to Strabo, the garden of the Hesperides is located in Tartessos, on the south coast of Andalusia.
sugar fuel by northern (t, 3.7k) ♥️ first time, drugging, post-fall
Hannibal doesn't actually notice until several minutes into their main course. They're at the dining table as usual in the evening, working their way through a very enjoyable Blanquette de veaux when Hannibal looks up to see Will staring at him, a little too intently.
release by emungere (nc-17, 3.8k) ♥️ getting together, prostate massage, s1
“It’s certainly unwise on a number of levels.” Hannibal pressed a kiss to the crown of Will’s head. He sounded detached, as if he were speaking of someone else’s foolish choices. “But I cannot bring myself either to care or to stop.”
little fish, big fish, swimming in the water by anon (nc-17, 3.8k) first time, unconventional therapy, s1
What happens when Hannibal is finally presented with the perfect opportunity.
your ex by murdertrout (t, 3.8k) ♥️ crack, fluff, s3
We usually assume that Will clammed up about his past when he was with Molly. But what if actually Will tells Molly way, way, way too much about his relationship with Hannibal? Or, the one where Will starts talking about his “ex" and doesn't stop.
chupada by canis_m (nc-17, 3.9k) roleplay, post-fall
Hannibal and Will play doctor. It's not all fun and games. Only partly.
subject to negotiation by murdertrout (nc-17, 4k) first time, sexuality, post-fall
Will shrugs. “I’ve never kissed a man before.” Hannibal watches him lick his lips; it manages to be nervous and suggestive at the same time. “I never wanted to.” “Do you want to kiss me?” Hannibal asks, careful. “The way I -- feel about you isn’t,” Will says, his eyes flicker away, Hannibal knows why he was waiting to do this in the dark, “the way I feel about anything else.”
cacciatore by hollycrowned (m, 4.6k) established relationship, jealousy, post-fall
The view of Florence stretched beyond buildings to mountains that faded blue, seeming to evaporate into the sky. From elsewhere in the garden, a chorus of strings sang an aria. Will gulped his wine and tried to imagine the shallow valley before them empty of anything but the Arno. “I can see why you love it.” “You don’t love it yourself.” “I suppose any love I have for it exists in me because you love it,” Will dared.
the devil behind me by jimsnose (nc-17, 4.8k) ♥️ dub-con, manipulation, s2
“The priest hurt you.” Will nods. “He would find me after the sermon and take me to the narthex where no one could see. Then he would stand behind me and pretend to be the devil.” “Pretend to be the devil? How?” The wind picks up speed enough to rattle the windows in their frames; combined with the incessant spitting of ice, it sounds like the house is on fire. Will takes another sip of wine. “I could show you.” He smiles coyly. “If you like.”
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quotablefanfiction · 9 months ago
“Oh my god, are we like — are we dating?” Derek makes a low noise of complete, utter frustration. “You haven’t even kissed me!” Stiles protests in an urgent whisper. Derek closes his eyes for a moment, and then says, “I’m going to take your statement, now. And when we’re not in my place of employment, I’m going to fix that.” “Really?” Stiles marvels. “I’m going to fix it a lot.”
Stiles is a bit oblivious (chp. 1)
Darling It Is No Joke by thehoyden (AO3) Teen Wolf – Explicit – Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski #Alternate Universe #Future Fic #No Hale Fire #Deputy!Derek #Werewolves are still a thing #Some Violence
The first thing Stiles thinks when he opens the door is that it’s not his birthday, but someone has sent him some kind of cop stripper.
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impossibly-cold-collector · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Merlin (BBC) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Arthur/Merlin Summary:
Merlin was no expert, but the musicians’ performance in the courtyard seemed to be going fairly well until the dragon landed on the roof of the Great Hall.
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rcmclachlan · 2 months ago
Comfort Fanfic Recs
Tagged by @liminalmemories21
Rules: What are your old school comfort fics? The ones from fandoms that haven't been active in yeeeaaars, but you've read so many times you can practically quote them.
I've been in fandom since 1999 and a lot of my old, old comfort fics have been lost to time (remember Kira and Shell's sprawling X/1999 fic "16:1"? No? Just me?). Here are the ones I can still access:
Sheppard's Law by cesperanza (SGA, John/Rodney)
"Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!"
Aftermath, USA by traveller (Generation Kill, Brad/Nate)
The morning of the assassination, Patti Jankowski got up, took a long shower and towel dried her hair before braiding it into two long ropes that hung over her shoulders. She put on jeans, a t-shirt that showed Mickey Mouse saluting the American Flag, a light tan windbreaker and her comfortable blue SAS sneakers. In her shoulder bag she put a Smith and Wesson .22 caliber revolver, and an umbrella. The forecast was for a 62% chance of rain.
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis (BBC Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)
Considering Arthur's future wife will be chosen less for compatibility than for her political value, Merlin may be the only marriage he'll have that won't end in bloodshed or a great deal of fortifying wine.
Alter Egos by Aishuu (Cardcaptor Sakura, gen-ish)
Yukito and Yue… where does one end and the other begin? To maintain his happiness with Touya, Yuki goes to a counselor and drags her into his world on a dark odyssey that will strain the boundaries of the human psyche. (RC's note: Aishuu finished this fic in 2003. Isn't that wild?)
Beyond the Veil by Atalan/Helene (Harry Potter, Sirius/Remus)
Set after OotP. Trapped in a world where he can be neither seen nor heard, Sirius Black struggles to communicate to his friends that he may not be as dead as they think he is... and that something dreadful lurks beyond the veil.
How to File Form 39-B by thehoyden (Naruto, Kakashi/Iruka)
The first time Iruka met Hatake Kakashi, he was still on some pretty good painkillers.
Transcendental by astolat (SGA, John/Rodney)
tran·scen·den·tal (trăn'sĕn-dĕn'tl) adj. 1. Philosophy. Concerned with the a priori or intuitive basis of knowledge as independent of experience. 2. Surpassing all others; superior. 3. Beyond common thought or experience. 4. Mathematics. Of or relating to a real or complex number that is not the root of any polynomial that has positive degree and rational coefficients.
Blackbird by emungere (NBC Hannibal, Hannibal/Will)
Shortly after Will kills Garret Jacob Hobbs, he and Hannibal stumble into a D/s relationship. It's a relief to have Hannibal telling him what to do, but the closer they become, the closer he gets to realizing who and what Hannibal really is.
Static by nightanddaze (Generation Kill, Brad/Nate)
It starts on the first day of a war with broken radios.
Prayers for the Living by Fahye, littledust (XMFC, Charles/Erik)
AU from midway through the film, looking at what might have happened if Azazel had (sensibly) teleported to Russia and Emma had (sensibly) gone recruiting baby mutants. In which Moira is badass, actions have consequences, and Charles and Erik manage to have some feelings when they're not racing around the country.
Tagging @screamlet, @alchemistc, @geddyqueer, @firehose118, @beanarie
@waldorph, @ephieshine, @iphyslitterator, @theroseandthebeast,
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wingdingery · 17 days ago
Favorite brudick fics? Besides your own ofc ;)
Sharing some old favorites – hopefully I can introduce you to something new! :)
🦇 Contingency by thehoyden
"I didn't plan for this," Bruce says after a few minutes, and he sounds bewildered.
🦇 The Feather Ring by Laroyena
A Feather Ring keeps record of a flock's members: who has come, who has gone, and who considers this flock their home.
🦇 The Hanging Tree by Antiquity
A mission in space should be just what Dick needed to shake away the cobwebs and make some sense of his life a year after Bruce miraculously returned from his presumed death. So what if their translators work 75% of the time and there's a life sentence if they get discovered. What could possibly go wrong?
🦇 Hanging Work by cereta
Two tickets to a circus never used, a little boy forgotten, and a chance meeting. Of such things are legends made. Part I of the Hanging Work Series.
🦇 How to Marry a Millionaire by jamjar and Petra
Bruce Wayne, playboy millionaire, has a taste for the exotic.
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