#gen kill
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evalinathegreat · 6 months ago
feel like this applies to hbo war with the target audience vs the fandom lmao
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siriniel · 3 months ago
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Does anyone remember Generation Kill? Cause I still do~
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atomicradiogirl · 9 days ago
generation kill | rotten apple
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qtipshelmetflower · 2 months ago
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gen kill + bofb textposts formatted horribly
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lesbians4kurt · 4 months ago
bradnate is really just a “we’re the only 2 sane ppl at work” romance
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atomicradiogirl · 9 days ago
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many such scenes
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rcmclachlan · 2 months ago
Comfort Fanfic Recs
Tagged by @liminalmemories21
Rules: What are your old school comfort fics? The ones from fandoms that haven't been active in yeeeaaars, but you've read so many times you can practically quote them.
I've been in fandom since 1999 and a lot of my old, old comfort fics have been lost to time (remember Kira and Shell's sprawling X/1999 fic "16:1"? No? Just me?). Here are the ones I can still access:
Sheppard's Law by cesperanza (SGA, John/Rodney)
"Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!"
Aftermath, USA by traveller (Generation Kill, Brad/Nate)
The morning of the assassination, Patti Jankowski got up, took a long shower and towel dried her hair before braiding it into two long ropes that hung over her shoulders. She put on jeans, a t-shirt that showed Mickey Mouse saluting the American Flag, a light tan windbreaker and her comfortable blue SAS sneakers. In her shoulder bag she put a Smith and Wesson .22 caliber revolver, and an umbrella. The forecast was for a 62% chance of rain.
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis (BBC Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)
Considering Arthur's future wife will be chosen less for compatibility than for her political value, Merlin may be the only marriage he'll have that won't end in bloodshed or a great deal of fortifying wine.
Alter Egos by Aishuu (Cardcaptor Sakura, gen-ish)
Yukito and Yue… where does one end and the other begin? To maintain his happiness with Touya, Yuki goes to a counselor and drags her into his world on a dark odyssey that will strain the boundaries of the human psyche. (RC's note: Aishuu finished this fic in 2003. Isn't that wild?)
Beyond the Veil by Atalan/Helene (Harry Potter, Sirius/Remus)
Set after OotP. Trapped in a world where he can be neither seen nor heard, Sirius Black struggles to communicate to his friends that he may not be as dead as they think he is... and that something dreadful lurks beyond the veil.
How to File Form 39-B by thehoyden (Naruto, Kakashi/Iruka)
The first time Iruka met Hatake Kakashi, he was still on some pretty good painkillers.
Transcendental by astolat (SGA, John/Rodney)
tran·scen·den·tal (trăn'sĕn-dĕn'tl) adj. 1. Philosophy. Concerned with the a priori or intuitive basis of knowledge as independent of experience. 2. Surpassing all others; superior. 3. Beyond common thought or experience. 4. Mathematics. Of or relating to a real or complex number that is not the root of any polynomial that has positive degree and rational coefficients.
Blackbird by emungere (NBC Hannibal, Hannibal/Will)
Shortly after Will kills Garret Jacob Hobbs, he and Hannibal stumble into a D/s relationship. It's a relief to have Hannibal telling him what to do, but the closer they become, the closer he gets to realizing who and what Hannibal really is.
Static by nightanddaze (Generation Kill, Brad/Nate)
It starts on the first day of a war with broken radios.
Prayers for the Living by Fahye, littledust (XMFC, Charles/Erik)
AU from midway through the film, looking at what might have happened if Azazel had (sensibly) teleported to Russia and Emma had (sensibly) gone recruiting baby mutants. In which Moira is badass, actions have consequences, and Charles and Erik manage to have some feelings when they're not racing around the country.
Tagging @screamlet, @alchemistc, @geddyqueer, @firehose118, @beanarie
@waldorph, @ephieshine, @iphyslitterator, @theroseandthebeast,
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headfullmanythots · 1 month ago
just found out the pacific and band of brothers were vetted by the DoD…which clearly in hindsight makes sense (but also begs the question was masters of the air??? who at the DoD looked at The Scissoring Scene and went mhm 100% accurate great depiction of our men????)
and now i’m having even MORE Thoughts about the military-entertainment complex because honestly bob probably paints a better picture of the military than gen kill
but what counts as glorifying the military? does bob really? does gen kill? is it easier to say gen kill is propaganda because it depicts the highly controversial (and bad) iraq war while bob is about the more easily digestible wwii?
am I biased against gen kill because i have a negative perception of the war in iraq? does gen kill glorify the military or is the military simply already built to glorify itself? i’ve seen from veterans online that gen kill is one of the most accurate depictions of iraq, which could be grounds to say it’s not propaganda. but does gen kill really show all sides of the conflict? it definitely works to find some sort of balance between pro-military and the realities of war, but we’re also dropped straight into the conflict without much understanding of why there is conflict.
i think the question i’m really pondering is can media portray the realities of war while still glorifying the military/war? bc bob, the pacific, and gen kill all showcase realities of war, but to varying degrees i think they all do still glorify the military. and i think that’s the important distinction i’m finding, is that while war can be portrayed as complex and grim and it’s soldiers struggling with humanity, that the military itself can still be glorified as an institution.
anyways i’ll probably be thinking about this for the next few weeks or so (sorry for the break in my usual fun hbo war content) so feel free to drop by in replies/reblogs/inbox! y’all are getting my (mostly) real time thought process about this and opinions would be lovely!
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seekingxanadu · 4 months ago
The bradnate fandom is probably the tiniest around but gosh, is the fanfics amongst the best ever! Just as Brad and Nate have a competency kink for each other this fandom mirrors that in its fan creations. Glorious!!!
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lesbians4kurt · 4 months ago
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how it feels to gay ship men who were deeply traumatized by war
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samyurice · 5 months ago
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atomicradiogirl · 10 days ago
there’s something to be said about gen kill sparingly using music outside of the soldiers singing pop, rap, country, and rock songs or the very last scene playing over the home movie of the war with johnny cash’s ’the man comes around.’ “and i heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts and i looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him.”
it doesn’t have a flashy triumphant opening theme with pretty visuals and a dramatic orchestra or chorus. we get conversations and radio chatter in the end credits. it’s diegetic (for the not film nerds it’s the audience hearing the sound/music the characters can hear). we are with them. it’s one of the main things that sets gen kill apart from the other hbo war shows and something that really stuck out to me.
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blood-mocha-latte · 11 months ago
have we ever considered the fact that at its core generation kill is literally just the average american household. i mean u watch the wwii shows if you want to be angsty and vintage but if u want to know what it was like to grow up in the south in the late nineties/early 2000s watch any scene of ray person holding a conversation in that show. watched two seconds of that mf miniseries and i’m a 16 year old about to lick a radio battery to prove a point about misogyny again
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dylaneon · 2 months ago
how did my two favorites end up being eugene roe and ray person. they could not be more different
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lostinthewiind · 10 months ago
Generation Kill fic requests you say? Can I get a Ray Person where sometimes he accidentally hits the radios buttons and the reader overhears his rants and comes back with some of her own? Or a Nate Fick angry and it triggers an “oh no he’s hot angry” reaction that the reader can’t hide?
Nathaniel "Nate" Fick - Generation Kill
A/N: I couldn't choose so I decided to combine both prompts into one fic :)
Rating: 16+ (language)
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"-and if you take a moment to really think about it, it makes total sense!" Ray's sped up rant continued over the comms, no doubt thanks to the amount of ripped fuel he had ingested over the past 24 hours. "This war isn't about money or oil or any of it! We're here because of sex!"
Slamming your head back against the headrest, you let out an exasperated groan. "How long has he been going on like this for?" You turned to look at Rudy.
Rudy glanced down at his watch. "About 10 minutes."
"Good God! How does he not know he's broadcasting this to everyone?" You slammed your boot down against the humvee floor and grabbed the receiver. "That's it. I can't listen to him anymore."
Rudy chuckled under his breath. "You tell him, little lady."
"Would the Whiskey Tango individual who insists on ranting about sex and his deranged theories about the origin of this war over the comms please shut the fuck up?" you snapped into the receiver. "I don't feel like listening to your family-fucking twang for the entire time we are sitting here."
You could hear a couple of laughs escape the humvees directly in front of and behind your own. For a few seconds, you thought Ray had actually caught on to how annoying he was being and shut up. Then the comms crackled to life once more.
"You sound just like the government, trying to silence the truth because you're scared about what it means for your good American values!"
"Ray, you wouldn't know the truth if it slipped into your bedroom at night and tickled your prostate!" you shot back. You weren't backing down until the idiotic RTO shut his goddamn trap. "And even if this war was about sex, what would you know about it when you look like someone who'd only get some through an unfortunate keep-it-in-the-family arranged marriage or if a blind woman took immense pity on you?"
More laughter. Even Rudy, who usually tried to stay out of the constant back and forth, couldn't help but crack a smile.
You could tell Ray was ramping up for another response, but before he got the chance, Lieutenant Fick's voice sounded over the comms. "Will you two idiots keep your lover's spat off of company-wide comms so the rest of us can sit here in peace and wait for further orders?"
You swallowed hard. "Sorry, sir," you apologized.
Ray's voice didn't follow. He didn't even apologize. Then you heard a distant shouting.
You and Rudy shared a confused look. Leaning out the side of your humvee window, you spotted Ray doing the same thing at the front of the convoy, shouting back at you.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you shouted back.
"I get plenty of pussy, thank you very much!" Ray clearly wasn't done with the conversation, comms or not. "I wouldn't expect you to understand though, considering not even Manimal would get near your salmon-scented cavern, and he'd fuck anything with a hole!"
"Unfortunately, not all of us are born with a built-in dating pool—you know, that thing that regular people call the family tree! Or, in your case, the goddamn family circle!"
Ray furrowed his brows. You could see his mouth moving a mile a minute, but due to the sudden increase in wind, you couldn't make out what he was saying.
"What?" you called.
He tried again. Still nothing. Frustrated, he disappeared back into his humvee. "You keep telling yourself that, and when you're back home with no other choice but to sell your Iraq-worn body and dusty pussy on the corner, you'll remember what your old pal Ray said about the reason for war," he said, resorting to comms again.
"I think this is the longest I've ever heard him bicker with someone," Rudy pointed out. "You really know how to get him going."
"And I'm about to shut him down for good." You picked up the receiver one final time. "Ray, your unhinged theories are a direct result of your unique and equally unfortunate makeup of chromosomes, which could only come from someone whose mother is also their aunt! And when-"
The receiver was suddenly snatched out of your hand before you could end your finishing blow. With a sheepish smile on your face, you turned to see Lieutenant Fick standing outside your humvee, receiver in hand and a scowl on his face.
"Corporal, what the fuck did I just tell you?" Nate used his free hand to grab you by the collar of your uniform.
"Not to argue with Ray over the comms," you replied.
"That's right, Corporal." Nate leaned into the humvee, his bright blue eyes burning holes into your soul. "Now, tell me, are you just too fucking stupid to know how to follow orders or do you find joy in purposefully pissing me off?"
You felt a heat rise to your cheeks at the sight of Lieutenant Fick so angry. You had never seen him filled with this much rage, and for whatever reason, it was hot. Super hot.
You gently shook your head. "Neither, sir."
"Then why the fuck did I hear your voice over the comms again just now?"
"No excuse, sir."
"What's the matter? No rebuttal for your old pal Ray-Ray?"
You watched as Nate's face twisted into a horrible mixture of disappointment, anger, and exhaustion. "Ray, get the fuck off the comms before I come up there and throttle you through your humvee's window!" he snapped over the comms before throwing the receiver back into the humvee and releasing your collar. "I swear to God, it's like babysitting with you two."
You swallowed hard when Nate removed his helmet and ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. If this was turning you on so much, maybe Ray was right; maybe you did need to get laid more. Or maybe the Iraqi heat was getting to you more than usual today. Either way, you couldn't tear your eyes away from your Lieutenant.
"Something to say?" Nate caught you staring. "Or are you just getting a kick out of watching me snap?"
"No kicks here, sir," you assured him.
"Then what is it, Corporal?" he demanded. "Come on, spit it out."
You turned back to look at Rudy, silently pleading with him to save you. When all he did was shrug, you slumped your shoulders. "I really don't think I should say, sir."
"I didn't ask you to think. If I remember correctly, you attempting to have an original thought was what caused this whole thing in the first place. Everybody knows Ray rants. And everybody knows that if you just ignore it, he'll eventually stop. So, now that we're here, spit it the fuck out."
You were screwed. You just had to say it. "It's just that you're very attractive when you're angry, sir. That's all."
That stopped Nate's anger in its tracks. "What the fuck did you just say?" His voice had dropped into a low whisper.
You drew in a deep breath. "Did you want me to repeat it, sir?"
"No, I unfortunately heard you the first time." Nate looked over your shoulder at Rudy, who was looking out the window and pretending that he wasn't listening. "Corporal, switch with my driver. It appears you need some more direct supervision."
With that, Nate walked back to his vehicle at the rear of the convoy.
"Oh, my God, I cannot believe I actually admitted that!" You buried your face in your hands. "Why didn't I just say something else? Literally anything else?!"
"I don't know." Rudy was clearly amused by your misfortune. "You're right though. He is very attractive when he's angry."
"Right?!" You started to pack up your gear. "Well, wish me luck. If I don't make it to the next stop, you know who killed me."
Rudy gave a mock salute. "It's been an honour serving with you."
The walk of shame back to Nate's vehicle felt like an eternity, and when you passed the other driver, you didn't dare make eye contact. After stowing away your gear, you climbed into the driver's seat and settled in. Nate watched you like a hawk the entire time.
"I'm sorry about arguing with Ray over the comms, sir," you apologized once more, hoping it would help you get back in your Lieutenant's good graces.
"No apology needed, Corporal," he told you. He was much calmer now; back to the regular Lieutenant Fick you were used to dealing with. "I can't count the number of times I wish I could have done what you did. Ray and his fucking rants are the main reason I cannot wait to get out of this damn war. I'd quite literally rather take a bullet to the chest."
You couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sure we'd all appreciate watching you tear him a new one some time."
"Maybe," he sighed.
"- it's lack of pussy that fucks countries up. Lack of pussy is the root fucking cause of all global instability. If more hajis were getting quality pussy, there'd be no reason for us to come over here and fuck 'em up like this! 'Cause a nut-bustin' haji is a happy haji." Ray had once again accidentally turned the comms on while ranting to his passengers.
You watched as Nate gritted his teeth. Then, completely unexpected, he picked up the receiver and handed it to you. "Tell that fucker to shut his hole, Corporal."
"But, sir, I thought ..." you trailed off.
"I'm not the only one who's hot when they're angry." He smirked, and when you finally took the receiver from him, he sat back and got ready to enjoy the show.
"Pretty sure I said 'attractive', sir," you corrected. "But hot works too."
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gouden-carolus · 1 year ago
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After action 😪
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