rievynnzan · 1 year
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watchertvzine · 3 months
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Announcing the next artist for our 2024 Watcher TV Zine - Moth!
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Creator Interest Form is open if you'd like to join the zine project!
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animateddadbracket · 6 months
Worst Animated Dad Bracket Round 1/2 cus there isn’t a good amount of characters
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Gabriel Agreste: He's a supervillain, he's killed his son, Adrien, multiple times as a result of his evil schemes, tears him away from his friends on a regular basis, wouldn't even let him have a birthday party and used Adrien's best friend's indignation at that fact to akumatize him (mind control him basically) mind controlled his son like a puppet for years, put his son in a sensory deprivation prison room at one point for no reason at all, used his son's image as the face of an AI, tried to force his son to murder son's girlfriend (addidentally made son wipe out all life of earth doing this (girlfriend had to time travel to fix it))oh and did I mention that he forces Adrien to obey him via mind control when he tries to stand up to him, or just do things Gabriel doesn't totally approve of?
Marty: Deadbeat dad who only comes to visit his son in order to exploit him for avocado-based soda. Wasn't even the main reason he showed up. That was to pay royalties for plagiarism.
Adrian Agreste is from Miraculous Ladybug
Marty is from Steven Universe
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its-stimsca · 3 months
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2. Your first OTP
Lapidot!! Knowing that I’m aroace now I understand why I envied living in a barn with my best friend lmao
🧩 🌊 🧩 / 🌊 🧩 🌊 / 🧩 🌊 🧩
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staceyblep · 1 year
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Lucent Relaxation [x]
[Buy the print here]
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would jasper from steven universe become an avatar of the slaughter?
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mothfables · 1 year
Blushing Bunnies and Rings
A gift fic for @breannasfluff! I’ve had this scene in mind for literal *months* now, and finally decided to write it down <3 I hope you enjoy!!
“You know what’s nice about you being home?” Ravio asks, leaning on the counter with his chin propped in his hand. His Mr. Hero and his brothers have come to visit again. The Chain, as they call themselves, have spread through the house while Link- Legend, Ravio reminds himself- has decided to sort through and swap out some of his items.
Right now, he’s going through one of his many ring boxes. Box in hand, he sweeps distractedly across the room, barely registering Ravio’s question. “What’s that, Ravi?” he calls back, only partly paying attention.
Ravio grins, though the other boy can’t see it. Wind, on the opposite side of the room, can, and quickly comes to the conclusion that something potentially amusing is about to happen. His eyes flick between Legend, still nose-deep in his ring box, and the merchant, whose eyes are trained directly on his brother. Rupee-green shines mischievously.
“I get to look at you.”
The statement takes a moment to register. Legend pauses, blinking, before fully realizing what he heard. Then the box is clattering out of his hands, rings spilling out across the floor as his face flushes bright red.
Wind is in a prime position to watch as Legend splutters, his hands flailing as he tries - and fails - to come up with a response. He sees Ravio’s grin grow to a smug smirk as his partner continues to flounder, the red spreading to the tips of his ears and down his neck. A snicker makes it’s way out of his mouth and he slaps a hand over it.
The other heroes make an appearance then, drawn by the noise. They’re treated to the sight of a scarlet Hero of Legend, a smirking merchant, and a Sailor whose own face is starting to match the Veteran’s with how hard he’s struggling to hold back laughter.
“Y-you- I- you- Whuh-”
Wind can’t help it anymore- he lets out a loud ‘HA!’ before doubling over, clutching his ribs and cackling. Warriors snickers. Twilight snorts before catching himself and turning away, but everyone can see his shoulders shaking.
Ravio’s smirk only grows. From here, he can’t see Legend’s face but he does have the privilege of watching his partner’s ears flickering madly as they grow progressively more red with each passing second.
After another minute of flustered flailing, Legend abruptly turns and marches stiff-legged to the couch, where he collapses face-first and lets out a muffled scream.
The other heroes only laugh harder.
Ravio chuckles for a few moments before he pushes himself off the counter and moves to pick up the scattered rings. To his pleasant surprise, Wind joins him, shaking off the last of his laughing fit with a bright grin.
“Thank you, dear,” he murmurs, appreciative. The young hero beams, reaching for the box and dropping a handful of rings inside. Between the two of them it’s short work, and before long Ravio is snapping the lid closed and standing to put it on the counter. He’ll sort them properly later.
Then he turns and makes his way to the couch where his hero is still lying facedown. He bends to press a kiss to ruffled strawberry-blonde locks, cooing at the whine that elicits. Legend doesn’t look up at him; instead he tries to burrow further into the cushions. The action only makes Ravio chuckle, and cooling ears burn red again as the merchant pets his hair.
“Oh, bunny. I can’t have embarrassed you that much, can I?”
Behind him, Ravio hears the other heroes begin to make their way out of the room now that the fun is over, some of them still laughing. One of them- the Captain, he thinks- makes a strangled wheezing sound. He pays them no mind, his attention solely on the hero before him. The hero who has yet to move from where he’s apparently trying to become one with the couch.
The sight makes Ravio laugh again and he muffles the sound with a sleeve. Link- Legend has had enough teasing for the day, no need to add to it. He pats his head a final time before straightening and moving towards the doorway. Mr. Hero will resurface when he’s ready.
In the meantime, he should probably go warn the Chain off of teasing him too badly, since he knows they’ll do it anyway. ‘Brothers,’ he thinks with a smile.
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mothlessmood · 24 hours
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Hehe, I may have gotten something, or rather SOMEONE on my mind :>
But anyways, have a Steven universe self insert✨️
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And of course her pink noodle gf💕
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birdinabowl · 1 year
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corrupted pearls being moths will forever be one of my favorite things
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mothpawbs · 10 months
listening to carrie and lowell AGAIN and i still can't get over the song about his mom leaving him followed by the song about his mom dying followed by the song about trying to find reasons not to commit suicide UGH so good. this album is just 45 minutes of consecutive gut punches it's amazing
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Isn't it pretty, dewdrop?
Did a little doodle during freetime in class on my IPad. :3
Just Fluffy momster showing her fairly new bab her glowing companion.
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rievynnzan · 1 year
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reigobun · 1 year
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angrycloudcrown · 6 months
Sometimes I think I'm a regular fandom person and then I get brainrot for the most embarrassing trainwreck piece of media and then I remember this is why I picked tumblr to be my main social media platform because obviously the people here would have the same fate
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c0mmander-rudboys · 5 months
“Oh! Dear, are you alright?? Do you need a hug?” (My oc, Grace) (She’s like 8 feet tall) (No she’s not a doppelgänger, she just looks like that-)
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“Jesus christ you’re huge— what even-?!”
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Spinel from Steven universe would be Desolation. She's got a grudge and she's gonna make it y'all issue
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