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nisiverum · 2 years ago
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Sim city at dusk, Central Park, art. 🥰 • • #newyork #newyorknewyork #brooklyngirls #chelseaneighborhood #brooklyn #cityskyline #citylab #citylabontheground #newyorkskyline #girlsinnewyork #summerinnewyork #manhattan #thebigapple #gettinglostinnewyork #girlswhotravel #travelbabe #citylife #moodygrams #newyorksummer #cityskylineatnight #nyc #nycgram #travelphotography #centralpark #centralparksquirrelcensus #famousartinnyc (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8MzRQPsJL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mapsites · 2 years ago
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Ellie Whelton, B.Arch
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detroitography · 6 months ago
Map: Close City Amenities in Detroit
A new tool to measure accessibility and walkability in cities is out called Close from Nat Henry. The tool relies on supermarket and libraries data points in order to assess closeness. Oddly the data sources are not listed, so it is tough to measure supermarkets against our annual updated list of grocery stores and the data clearly doesn’t account for Detroit’s trouble with library funding and…
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formisthemaskofspace · 8 months ago
Bloomberg CityLab 2024
Mexico City, Mexico October 14 – 16, 2024
Organized by Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with the Aspen Institute, Bloomberg CityLab brings together global mayors alongside prominent city innovators, business leaders, urban experts, artists, and activists to discuss and discover replicable solutions to pressing issues.
Bloomberg CityLab was founded on the principle that the most important innovation is happening at the local level and that global impact can be achieved when cities share solutions.
Mayors Coming Together to Change the World
For over a decade, CityLab summits have crisscrossed the globe, gathering the most influential mayors and voices from hundreds of cities worldwide. Summits have made international headlines, and generated tangible takeaways for attendees. Past CityLab conferences have been hosted in New York, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Paris, Detroit, Washington D.C., and Amsterdam.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year ago
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AI Invades Urban Planning and Design, With Mixed Results When designers laboring away on a virtual cityscape began observing and tweaking their creation, one of the first things that jumped out at them, … https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-09-16/ai-invades-urban-planning-and-design-with-mixed-results
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wilwheaton · 6 months ago
"Musk/X has slapped a spam/dangerous content warning on this NPR link," wrote Tom Watson, a professor at the Columbia University School of Professional Studies. "This shows just how damaging this explosive story is to Trump. Let's get it wide, folks." "Marking US public broadcaster content as 'unsafe' is the sort of revenge move the KGB has fantasized about for decades — and it tells you everything about what Musk and X actually are," wrote journalist Dave Troy. "Twitter/X is now running a warning that NPR's story about Trump's TikTok video at Arlington National Cemetery is a malicious link," wrote CityLab editor Kriston Capps. "I've never seen this once in the thousands of years I've spent on this site."
X's move on cemetery news shows 'how damaging this explosive story is to Trump': experts
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hoursofreading · 4 months ago
Embracing the mundane also means making sure that our solutions actually work for the people who need them. When I was attorney general of California, for example, and I went after the for-profit Corinthian Colleges, I was concerned about what would happen to students who’d been defrauded. The students had the right to transfer to another school, get their loan discharged, or get their money back, but the paperwork involved was quite complicated. Most students had no idea how to begin, or even that they had these options in the first place. We had prevailed in the case, but the students wouldn’t actually receive the benefit of the financial relief unless they could navigate the bureaucracy. So my office created a website that walked students, step by step, through this complex process. I wanted to make it as simple as possible for someone to exercise their rights and get actual relief. As we were developing the website, I’d often have our team show it to me, and I’d literally click through the process myself. More than once, I hit a snag. I’d tell them, “If I don’t understand it, how will the students?” That meant the team had to rework the interface and the text. But as frustrating as the exercise might have been, it resulted in a better product. Taking the time to perfect the details made the tool more relevant for the students who needed it. My point is: you have to sweat the small stuff—because sometimes it turns out that the small stuff is actually the big stuff. I read a story once about a principal at a St. Louis elementary school who wanted to take on rampant truancy in her school. When she talked to parents, she realized that many of the kids didn’t have clean clothes. Either they didn’t have access to washing machines or their families couldn’t afford detergent or the power had been shut off. Students were embarrassed to show up at school in dirty clothes. “I think people don’t talk about not having clean clothes because it makes you want to cry or go home or run away or something,” a student explained. “It doesn’t feel good.” So the principal had a washer and dryer installed at her school, and she invited students who had missed more than ten days of class to do their laundry on campus. According to CityLab, in the first year of the initiative, more than 90 percent of the students they tracked boosted their attendance.
Kamala Harris
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jessicafurseth · 6 months ago
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Get in, the water is good: The surge in urban city swimming across Europe - Bloomberg CityLab
This is one of my favourite stories I've written in a long time - I loved working on this. For Bloomberg’s CityLab I went deep into the urban swimming revival across Europe, with all the red tape and legitimate safety issues that goes along with securing a city swim spot for the public - but city swimming it's a lot safer and easier than most people think. And the water's surface is the best vantage point you'll ever find.
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sarkos · 6 months ago
Musk/X has slapped a spam/dangerous content warning on this NPR link," wrote Tom Watson, a professor at the Columbia University School of Professional Studies. "This shows just how damaging this explosive story is to Trump. Let's get it wide, folks." ADVERTISEMENT "Marking US public broadcaster content as 'unsafe' is the sort of revenge move the KGB has fantasized about for decades — and it tells you everything about what Musk and X actually are," wrote journalist Dave Troy. "Twitter/X is now running a warning that NPR's story about Trump's TikTok video at Arlington National Cemetery is a malicious link," wrote CityLab editor Kriston Capps. "I've never seen this once in the thousands of years I've spent on this site."
X's move on cemetery news shows 'how damaging this explosive story is to Trump': experts - Raw Story
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fellhellion · 2 years ago
Feeling things about how relatively quickly Xina accepts Miguel back into her life as something like a friend. The way she slips into fucking w him or teasingly calling him sweetheart, or even, hell. either Xina was lost in the sauce of reconnecting w a childhood friend and genuinely forgot him being an Alchemax employee meant he couldn’t see anything in Angela’s citylab, or she trusted him enough even w that knowledge to think maybe Angela would reconsider.
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idroolinmysleep · 2 years ago
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Why the Debate Over Daylight Saving Time Rages On
The twice-a-year chorus of griping about time changes is upon us. “UGH, I have to wake up before sunrise” in the spring or “UGH, it’s already dark when I leave work” in the fall. Most of this is surely attributable to the shock of getting our schedules suddenly jerked by an hour, as the sunlight hours will eventually lengthen or shorten to one’s liking (or not) anyway, but we don’t notice the incremental changes. So what if we stopped changing our clocks and made either standard time or daylight time permanent? Which choice will give us the fewest days when it’s dark just before or after work? Well, cartographer Andy Woodruff did the math and came up with these results. As he notes on his blog, 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. are pretty much arbitrary, and you can put in your own times if you don’t like them. But they seem reasonable to me, so that’s what I’m going with.
Compared to what we’re doing today, permanent standard time gives us much better sunrise times. The sunset times are a bit worse, but not by much. Year-round DST, on the other hand, gives us many more days with evening sunlight. However, this comes at the expense of mornings, where more of the country stays darker for longer. Personally, I’d rather have a more even distribution of sunlight between mornings and evenings, and permanent standard time achieves that.
Below, I’ve taken the permanent-DST sunrise map (because it’s the biggest one available on the CityLab site) and added the Census Bureau’s population distribution map on top of it. A couple of things stand out for me:
Being near the western edge of its time zone means Atlanta gets to suffer with having fewer early sunrises than other major cities.
It’s pretty clear why El Paso is in a different time zone from the rest of Texas. The poor city would spend so much of the year in the dark otherwise.
The bulge around Boise allows it to stay in the Mountain Time Zone, but it’s unclear to me what advantage this confers since Idaho is otherwise split into two time zones anyway, and this positioning means more dark mornings for the city.
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mapsites · 9 months ago
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Elizaveta Basov, BArch
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battymoonflower7 · 8 months ago
ID: three screenshots. The first is a perspective article by CityLab. It’s headline reads “My fight with a sidewalk robot.” The paragraph below reads “A life threatening encounter with AI technology convinced me that the needs of people with disabilities need to be engineered into our autonomous future.” Below the paragraph is a picture of a small rectangular sidewalk robot moving along a sidewalk.
The second screenshot is a tweeted picture by an unknown user of six sidewalk robots going down the side of the street, with a car trying to pull between two of them. There are two replies below it, the first reply is by Adrian Lopez @PaladinZilch and reads “Wow. Imagine being in a wheelchair and seeing that.” The second reply is by I [flaming heart emoji] You @IAm444x and reads “oh god the tech bros made car traffic for sidewalks [crying emoji].”
The third screenshot is a reply tweet by Will Jackson @geologywill that reads “A few weeks ago… it took 5 minutes for their sensors to figure out how to get out of the standoff… Enjoyed every second of it.” Below is a picture of three sidewalk robots caught in a circle at an outdoor bus stop, presumably stuck in their circle. End ID
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hauntedqueenking · 2 months ago
[ad_1]   It’s another New Year, which means you may have some new resolutions to conquer. Do you find yourself wanting to get fit every year, but just can’t seem to make it happen? Would you like to learn how to stick to your new year’s fitness resolutions? You’re not alone. Studies have shown that while 95% of New Year’s Resolutions are health and fitness related, many of us abandon them as early as mid-January. And a  joint study by location apps Foursquare and Citylab have deemed the second Saturday of February as  “Fall off the Wagon Day,” when visits to fast-food joints conveniently spike as visits to gyms fall to an all-time low.  Reasons many of us abandon our New Year’s fitness resolutions so quickly: 42% Find it too difficult to follow a workout routine or diet 38% Find it too hard to get back on track after they stopped exercising for a while 36% Find it hard to fit fitness into their schedule Do any of these disappointing statistics sound like you?  This year, instead of making excuses and letting another year go by without reaching your fitness goals, here are some super helpful and effective ways to help you stay motivated so you can finally get fit. Figure Out Why You Want To Get Fit And Make It Personal Declaring you “want to look better” or “lose weight” as your reason for getting fit may not ultimately be enough of a reason to help you stick with an exercise routine. Especially if you only want to because you feel pressure from society, family or friends. While exercise can help your body change for the better, more tangible benefits of getting fit that we can all connect with more would be: You’ll have more energy You’ll feel better You’ll be more productive You’ll have better metabolism  You’ll have more confidence  You’ll be stronger In a notebook or on your device, list what finally getting fit would mean to you. When your fitness goals are personal to you and not decided by outside factors, you’ll be more likely to achieve them. Having this list to review during your fitness journey can help remind you why you’re doing what you’re doing and keep you motivated to reach your goal. Make Your Fitness Goals Simple, Attainable, And Realistic One of the biggest reasons we abandon our New Year’s fitness resolutions is because we make goals that are unrealistic within the time frame we think we need to achieve them. We then get discouraged thinking we can’t get what we want. For example, if you haven’t exercised in a while chances are you’re not going to be ripped in a month or suddenly become a total “gym rat.”  A simple goal to start getting fit could be “walk 3 times a week for 45 minutes.” Once you feel like you can handle that, add on something like a core strengthening session or a fitness class to help you start building muscle. Make Your Fitness Goals Measurable And Time Specific After you’ve figured out why you want to get fit, it’s time to write them down. Studies have shown that writing down your goals, and attaching a specific date to achieve it is an effective way to help you achieve it.  Making your goal measurable will help you monitor your progress along the way. If you do have a bigger goal, break it up into micro goals, attach a realistic time frame and then work backwards. For example, let’s say you want to lose 20 lbs. over the next 5 months. That would equal 4 lbs per month and 1 pound per week.  Now, figure out how much activity and caloric intake you would need to stick to achieve that goal. So the micro goal might be you need to walk 5 times a week for an hour each time, eating 1800 calories per day.  If you need help with something like this, there are many free fitness calculators online that can do the math for you. If you need more help (and most of us do!) seek out the help of a nutritionist or the advice of a fitness coach. Don’t Forget To Keep Track Of Your Fitness Goals Keeping track of your fitness goals can be a great way to see yourself making accomplishments that can help you stay motivated to keep going. It can also help you tweak your routine or make changes if need be. You can do this with a notebook planner or a simple fitness tracker, fitness watch, or app. My absolute favorite is the Future fitness app!  When you can see your accomplishments in writing, you’ll be excited to keep going. Taking progress pictures is a great way to stay motivated as well. Changing Your Fitness Goals Over Time Is Normal Once you figure out your fitness goals, that doesn’t mean they’re set in stone. Adjusting and reassessing our goals over time in relation to your progress is just part of the process. If you don’t meet your goal’s deadline, just reassess and keep going. You’ll get there, trust me. The Key For Me: Finding Someone To Keep Me Accountable Studies have shown that having others keep us accountable is one of the most effective things we can do to achieve our goals. This is also true when it comes to getting fit. In the past I always thought if I could just find that one thing to keep hooked on fitness I would be set. I tried: Joining gyms  Different exercise classes Trendy  systems and celebrity programs Tons of fitness gadgets   But all these things relied on me keeping myself accountable and none of them would stick. The solution? I needed to find an external way to stay accountable! Finding a workout buddy or joining a fitness or health group on social media can be a great way to have others keep you accountable. But what made the life changing difference for me was  getting a personal fitness coach through the FUTURE fitness app, which is based on the science of accountability. In the past I couldn’t maintain a routine for more than a couple of weeks in a row and now 8 months later I can’t believe I’m still going strong. If it can keep me going, it can work for anyone. What makes Future different from other fitness apps or a personal trainer, is that your coach not only makes you custom routines based on your fitness goals, but they also check in on you daily to see how your workouts are going, answer questions, give advice, and keep you totally motivated!  It’s the accountability that has kept me going. I’m more fit than I’ve ever been and actually look forward to my workouts. My Future coach has helped me fall in love with fitness and I’m excited to keep going. Here’s all the major benefits I’ve had since getting a fitness coach with Future: I get daily check-ins from my coach that puts me in a ready-to-go workout mode even on days I don’t feel like it. I never have to worry about what exercises to do or planning my routines (I’m really not good at it!).  My workouts are ready to go each day and I know they’ll be fresh and challenging, yet doable and effective. I don’t need to have a gym membership (thank you Lord!), leave the house, or need any special equipment.  My coach challenges me and has me do exercises I would never do on my own. Because of it, I’m seeing results. It’s helped me make exercise a habit, something I’ve always had trouble with.  Exercising is now something I enjoy and I can finally do cardio without feeling like I want to die. I’ve gotten stronger and my confidence has grown when it comes to working out. The physical changes have been motivating too. My arms are more toned, my core is more cut, and my booty is higher than it used to be. Kinda loving it! The Future platform works with other fitness apps and the Apple watch to help you keep track of your progress. Working with my Future fitness coach has been the one and only thing that has helped me stay on track with my fitness goals for the long term. I’m seeing serious results I’ve never been able to achieve on my own. Even a month or two can be super beneficial and set you on a successful path to true fitness. Future coaches are educated, high-level fitness professionals. They know what works and many have trained Olympic, pro sports and college athletes. It’s an amazing opportunity to have access to some of fitness’s finest! Find the coach that’s right for you with this questionnaire!  Compared to an in-person, personal trainer it’s crazy affordable and costs about the same as your daily latte!  If you’ve never been able to stick to a fitness routine or reach your New Year’s Resolution fitness goal, a personal fitness coach from Future might be just what you need to finally crush it this year. Whatever you do, don’t give up! ➡ See our complete review of Future here. Stick To A Set Schedule And Plan Your Ideal Time To Workout Many of us think we don’t have the time to exercise. But it’s our lack of setting aside the time that is really the issue. Getting fit doesn’t have to mean working out for hours a day. Even 20 minutes a few times a week can make a huge difference. I bet you spend more time on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube!  You don’t have to wake up at 6 am or be a morning person either. If you like working out in the mornings, great. But ultimately the best time to workout is when you feel is best for you and your schedule, whether that be early in the day or later at night. If you’re using an app like Future to help you along the way, getting fit can always fit into your schedule. No excuses! Set Out Your Workout Clothes Before You Go To Bed At Night Having your workout gear ready the night before can help put you in a frame of mind that you’re ready and prepared to exercise. Seeing it in the morning can set you up for success. Forget Perfection And Don’t Forget To Reward Yourself If you have a 40 minute workout planned but you can only do 20 minutes one day, don’t be too hard on yourself. Even with our best planning sometimes life happens. Just make it up when you can and keep going with your schedule as planned the following day. While it’s important to recognize when we’re making excuses, being too hard on ourselves can work against our goals. At the same time, it’s important to reward yourself for your hard work when you’re meeting your goals. Finished your first week of working out 5 times? Rent that movie you’ve been wanting to watch or buy yourself a little treat. Rewards don’t have to be big, but recognizing your own success is important and can fuel your motivation to keep going. Make Exercise Fun And Let Yourself Enjoy Working Out One of the reasons why I always found it hard to maintain a fitness routine was because I had always thought of exercise as a chore. Once I worked with my fitness coach and found a routine I liked and could stick with, I started seeing actual results. Not only was I feeling stronger and seeing changes in my body, I also started really enjoying exercising once I felt myself improving. Something I never thought would happen! While I now enjoy lifting weights because I’ve seen the significant results they can provide, you can also get fit with dancing, yoga, Pilates, martial arts, biking, swimming or hiking. Want to try pole dancing? Go for it!  If you love what you’re doing, exercise won’t ever feel like “work” again. If you don’t know what you like yet, keep an open mind and continue to try new exercises and activities. Be Prepared For Dips In Enthusiasm Fact: No matter how much you want to get fit, there are going to be days you don’t feel like doing a workout. It could be stress from work and family, feeling sore or tired from a previous workout, or not seeing the results you expect in a certain time frame. It can all take the wind out of your sails. But I find even if I’m not in the mood to exercise, sometimes once I get going I feel better after a few minutes. Great music helps with this too! No matter what, I always feel even better completing a workout rather than not doing it at all. If you have a run scheduled but don’t feel up to it, try doing yoga or walking instead. If you do miss a workout, or start feeling discouraged, forgive yourself and simply get back on the horse the following day.   Just don’t make it a habit and you’ll just find yourself making another resolution next year. Don’t Wait To Get Started On Your Fitness Journey Even if you didn’t get a jumpstart on your New Year’s Fitness Resolution on Jan 1, there’s no reason to feel like you can’t reach your fitness goals. The best time to start is today.  Want Help Crushing Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution?  Available for Apple and Android, try the Future app in the Apple store and the Google Play store to choose your own personal fitness coach. They’ll make sticking to your New Year’s fitness resolutions fun and easy! Spots are limited and fill up quickly. As a Better Living reader,  join Future today and save with these discount codes: 💡 Limited Time Deal ➡ Get 50% off your first month! Plus, Future offers a 30-day risk-free trial. So, go pick your coach to start your fitness journey! Further Reading ➡ See our complete review of Future ➡ See how to stay motivated to exercise ➡ See the benefits of online fitness training ➡ See how to lose the last 10 pounds fast ➡ See how to get fit at home for beginners !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '212407162546127'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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ezraworld1 · 2 months ago
[ad_1]   It’s another New Year, which means you may have some new resolutions to conquer. Do you find yourself wanting to get fit every year, but just can’t seem to make it happen? Would you like to learn how to stick to your new year’s fitness resolutions? You’re not alone. Studies have shown that while 95% of New Year’s Resolutions are health and fitness related, many of us abandon them as early as mid-January. And a  joint study by location apps Foursquare and Citylab have deemed the second Saturday of February as  “Fall off the Wagon Day,” when visits to fast-food joints conveniently spike as visits to gyms fall to an all-time low.  Reasons many of us abandon our New Year’s fitness resolutions so quickly: 42% Find it too difficult to follow a workout routine or diet 38% Find it too hard to get back on track after they stopped exercising for a while 36% Find it hard to fit fitness into their schedule Do any of these disappointing statistics sound like you?  This year, instead of making excuses and letting another year go by without reaching your fitness goals, here are some super helpful and effective ways to help you stay motivated so you can finally get fit. Figure Out Why You Want To Get Fit And Make It Personal Declaring you “want to look better” or “lose weight” as your reason for getting fit may not ultimately be enough of a reason to help you stick with an exercise routine. Especially if you only want to because you feel pressure from society, family or friends. While exercise can help your body change for the better, more tangible benefits of getting fit that we can all connect with more would be: You’ll have more energy You’ll feel better You’ll be more productive You’ll have better metabolism  You’ll have more confidence  You’ll be stronger In a notebook or on your device, list what finally getting fit would mean to you. When your fitness goals are personal to you and not decided by outside factors, you’ll be more likely to achieve them. Having this list to review during your fitness journey can help remind you why you’re doing what you’re doing and keep you motivated to reach your goal. Make Your Fitness Goals Simple, Attainable, And Realistic One of the biggest reasons we abandon our New Year’s fitness resolutions is because we make goals that are unrealistic within the time frame we think we need to achieve them. We then get discouraged thinking we can’t get what we want. For example, if you haven’t exercised in a while chances are you’re not going to be ripped in a month or suddenly become a total “gym rat.”  A simple goal to start getting fit could be “walk 3 times a week for 45 minutes.” Once you feel like you can handle that, add on something like a core strengthening session or a fitness class to help you start building muscle. Make Your Fitness Goals Measurable And Time Specific After you’ve figured out why you want to get fit, it’s time to write them down. Studies have shown that writing down your goals, and attaching a specific date to achieve it is an effective way to help you achieve it.  Making your goal measurable will help you monitor your progress along the way. If you do have a bigger goal, break it up into micro goals, attach a realistic time frame and then work backwards. For example, let’s say you want to lose 20 lbs. over the next 5 months. That would equal 4 lbs per month and 1 pound per week.  Now, figure out how much activity and caloric intake you would need to stick to achieve that goal. So the micro goal might be you need to walk 5 times a week for an hour each time, eating 1800 calories per day.  If you need help with something like this, there are many free fitness calculators online that can do the math for you. If you need more help (and most of us do!) seek out the help of a nutritionist or the advice of a fitness coach. Don’t Forget To Keep Track Of Your Fitness Goals Keeping track of your fitness goals can be a great way to see yourself making accomplishments that can help you stay motivated to keep going. It can also help you tweak your routine or make changes if need be. You can do this with a notebook planner or a simple fitness tracker, fitness watch, or app. My absolute favorite is the Future fitness app!  When you can see your accomplishments in writing, you’ll be excited to keep going. Taking progress pictures is a great way to stay motivated as well. Changing Your Fitness Goals Over Time Is Normal Once you figure out your fitness goals, that doesn’t mean they’re set in stone. Adjusting and reassessing our goals over time in relation to your progress is just part of the process. If you don’t meet your goal’s deadline, just reassess and keep going. You’ll get there, trust me. The Key For Me: Finding Someone To Keep Me Accountable Studies have shown that having others keep us accountable is one of the most effective things we can do to achieve our goals. This is also true when it comes to getting fit. In the past I always thought if I could just find that one thing to keep hooked on fitness I would be set. I tried: Joining gyms  Different exercise classes Trendy  systems and celebrity programs Tons of fitness gadgets   But all these things relied on me keeping myself accountable and none of them would stick. The solution? I needed to find an external way to stay accountable! Finding a workout buddy or joining a fitness or health group on social media can be a great way to have others keep you accountable. But what made the life changing difference for me was  getting a personal fitness coach through the FUTURE fitness app, which is based on the science of accountability. In the past I couldn’t maintain a routine for more than a couple of weeks in a row and now 8 months later I can’t believe I’m still going strong. If it can keep me going, it can work for anyone. What makes Future different from other fitness apps or a personal trainer, is that your coach not only makes you custom routines based on your fitness goals, but they also check in on you daily to see how your workouts are going, answer questions, give advice, and keep you totally motivated!  It’s the accountability that has kept me going. I’m more fit than I’ve ever been and actually look forward to my workouts. My Future coach has helped me fall in love with fitness and I’m excited to keep going. Here’s all the major benefits I’ve had since getting a fitness coach with Future: I get daily check-ins from my coach that puts me in a ready-to-go workout mode even on days I don’t feel like it. I never have to worry about what exercises to do or planning my routines (I’m really not good at it!).  My workouts are ready to go each day and I know they’ll be fresh and challenging, yet doable and effective. I don’t need to have a gym membership (thank you Lord!), leave the house, or need any special equipment.  My coach challenges me and has me do exercises I would never do on my own. Because of it, I’m seeing results. It’s helped me make exercise a habit, something I’ve always had trouble with.  Exercising is now something I enjoy and I can finally do cardio without feeling like I want to die. I’ve gotten stronger and my confidence has grown when it comes to working out. The physical changes have been motivating too. My arms are more toned, my core is more cut, and my booty is higher than it used to be. Kinda loving it! The Future platform works with other fitness apps and the Apple watch to help you keep track of your progress. Working with my Future fitness coach has been the one and only thing that has helped me stay on track with my fitness goals for the long term. I’m seeing serious results I’ve never been able to achieve on my own. Even a month or two can be super beneficial and set you on a successful path to true fitness. Future coaches are educated, high-level fitness professionals. They know what works and many have trained Olympic, pro sports and college athletes. It’s an amazing opportunity to have access to some of fitness’s finest! Find the coach that’s right for you with this questionnaire!  Compared to an in-person, personal trainer it’s crazy affordable and costs about the same as your daily latte!  If you’ve never been able to stick to a fitness routine or reach your New Year’s Resolution fitness goal, a personal fitness coach from Future might be just what you need to finally crush it this year. Whatever you do, don’t give up! ➡ See our complete review of Future here. Stick To A Set Schedule And Plan Your Ideal Time To Workout Many of us think we don’t have the time to exercise. But it’s our lack of setting aside the time that is really the issue. Getting fit doesn’t have to mean working out for hours a day. Even 20 minutes a few times a week can make a huge difference. I bet you spend more time on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube!  You don’t have to wake up at 6 am or be a morning person either. If you like working out in the mornings, great. But ultimately the best time to workout is when you feel is best for you and your schedule, whether that be early in the day or later at night. If you’re using an app like Future to help you along the way, getting fit can always fit into your schedule. No excuses! Set Out Your Workout Clothes Before You Go To Bed At Night Having your workout gear ready the night before can help put you in a frame of mind that you’re ready and prepared to exercise. Seeing it in the morning can set you up for success. Forget Perfection And Don’t Forget To Reward Yourself If you have a 40 minute workout planned but you can only do 20 minutes one day, don’t be too hard on yourself. Even with our best planning sometimes life happens. Just make it up when you can and keep going with your schedule as planned the following day. While it’s important to recognize when we’re making excuses, being too hard on ourselves can work against our goals. At the same time, it’s important to reward yourself for your hard work when you’re meeting your goals. Finished your first week of working out 5 times? Rent that movie you’ve been wanting to watch or buy yourself a little treat. Rewards don’t have to be big, but recognizing your own success is important and can fuel your motivation to keep going. Make Exercise Fun And Let Yourself Enjoy Working Out One of the reasons why I always found it hard to maintain a fitness routine was because I had always thought of exercise as a chore. Once I worked with my fitness coach and found a routine I liked and could stick with, I started seeing actual results. Not only was I feeling stronger and seeing changes in my body, I also started really enjoying exercising once I felt myself improving. Something I never thought would happen! While I now enjoy lifting weights because I’ve seen the significant results they can provide, you can also get fit with dancing, yoga, Pilates, martial arts, biking, swimming or hiking. Want to try pole dancing? Go for it!  If you love what you’re doing, exercise won’t ever feel like “work” again. If you don’t know what you like yet, keep an open mind and continue to try new exercises and activities. Be Prepared For Dips In Enthusiasm Fact: No matter how much you want to get fit, there are going to be days you don’t feel like doing a workout. It could be stress from work and family, feeling sore or tired from a previous workout, or not seeing the results you expect in a certain time frame. It can all take the wind out of your sails. But I find even if I’m not in the mood to exercise, sometimes once I get going I feel better after a few minutes. Great music helps with this too! No matter what, I always feel even better completing a workout rather than not doing it at all. If you have a run scheduled but don’t feel up to it, try doing yoga or walking instead. If you do miss a workout, or start feeling discouraged, forgive yourself and simply get back on the horse the following day.   Just don’t make it a habit and you’ll just find yourself making another resolution next year. Don’t Wait To Get Started On Your Fitness Journey Even if you didn’t get a jumpstart on your New Year’s Fitness Resolution on Jan 1, there’s no reason to feel like you can’t reach your fitness goals. The best time to start is today.  Want Help Crushing Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution?  Available for Apple and Android, try the Future app in the Apple store and the Google Play store to choose your own personal fitness coach. They’ll make sticking to your New Year’s fitness resolutions fun and easy! Spots are limited and fill up quickly. As a Better Living reader,  join Future today and save with these discount codes: 💡 Limited Time Deal ➡ Get 50% off your first month! Plus, Future offers a 30-day risk-free trial. So, go pick your coach to start your fitness journey! Further Reading ➡ See our complete review of Future ➡ See how to stay motivated to exercise ➡ See the benefits of online fitness training ➡ See how to lose the last 10 pounds fast ➡ See how to get fit at home for beginners !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '212407162546127'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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rayhaber · 5 months ago
İmamoğlu, Askıda Fatura ve İstanbul Modelini Dünyaya Tanıttı
Türkiye Belediyeler Birliği (TBB) ve İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye (İBB) Başkanı Ekrem İmamoğlu, 2024 yılı Ekim ayında, Mexico City’de düzenlenen 11. Bloomberg CityLab Zirvesi’nde dikkat çekici bir konuşma gerçekleştirdi. Bu zirve, dünya genelinden 500’den fazla belediye başkanının katılımıyla, yerel yönetimlerin toplumsal sorunları ele alma becerilerini geliştirmeyi amaçlayan önemli bir platform…
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