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PRIMA PAGINA Marca di Oggi martedì, 03 settembre 2024
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September, 2024 - Israeli propaganda is taken down along a highway in Belgrado, Serbia. 🔻 [video]
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Magnificent Castle in Belgrade, SERBIA
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ilcontephotography · 6 days
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Belgrade, Serbia.
© Roberto Conte (2024)
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sefarad-haami · 4 months
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🇪🇸 La ciudad de Monastir, ubicada en la antigua ruta Vía Egnatia, fue conquistada por los otomanos en 1381-1382, comenzando un periodo de dominio turco que duró hasta 1912. Hacia finales del siglo XV, judíos sefardíes expulsados de España se establecieron en Monastir, donde ya residían judíos romaniotes desde tiempos romanos. Los sefardíes formaron dos comunidades separadas, la aragonesa y la portuguesa, con sinagogas independientes que a menudo enfrentaron disputas. En el siglo XVI, Monastir contaba con unas 1,500 casas, de las cuales 200 eran propiedad de judíos. Para 1889, la ciudad tenía 31,257 habitantes, con 5,500 judíos. La comunidad judía en Monastir prosperó gracias a su experiencia en comercio y oficios textiles, estableciendo fuertes vínculos comerciales por todo el Imperio Otomano. A finales del siglo XVI, un incendio destruyó las sinagogas aragonesa y portuguesa, lo que llevó a la reconstrucción de una sinagoga conjunta. Sin embargo, las tensiones entre las dos comunidades persistieron. Durante el siglo XVII, la comunidad judía creció tanto que el espacio en las casas de oración se volvió insuficiente, requiriendo la renta de espacio en casas particulares, una práctica que continuó durante generaciones.
🇺🇸 The city of Monastir, located on the ancient Via Egnatia route, was conquered by the Ottomans in 1381-1382, marking the beginning of a period of Turkish rule that lasted until 1912. By the end of the 15th century, Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain settled in Monastir, where Romaniote Jews had already been living since Roman times. The Sephardic Jews formed two separate communities, the Aragonese and the Portuguese, with independent synagogues that often faced disputes. In the 16th century, Monastir had about 1,500 houses, 200 of which were owned by Jews. By 1889, the city had 31,257 inhabitants, with 5,500 Jews. The Jewish community in Monastir thrived due to its expertise in commerce and textile-related trades, establishing strong commercial ties throughout the Ottoman Empire. In the late 16th century, a fire destroyed the Aragonese and Portuguese synagogues, leading to the reconstruction of a joint synagogue. However, tensions between the two communities persisted. During the 17th century, the Jewish community grew so much that the space in the prayer houses became insufficient, requiring the renting of space in private homes, a practice that continued for generations.
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gregor-samsung · 6 months
" 1999. La Nato inizia a violare i patti invitando e inglobando Polonia, Repubblica Ceca e Ungheria, anche se la Russia in ginocchio non rappresenta alcuna minaccia. Mosca protesta, ma non ha la forza di reagire. È la prima applicazione delle teorie dell’ex consigliere per la Sicurezza nazionale di Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, e dei “neocon” della destra americana sull’esigenza di circondare, assediare, provocare e dissanguare la Russia costringendola a un riarmo sempre più costoso, a una reazione armata e a una definitiva sconfitta militare. La seconda mossa della Nato è attaccare il principale alleato dei russi in Europa: la Serbia di Slobodan Miloševic, bombardata per 11 settimane senza alcun mandato dell’Onu. Incredibilmente l’Occidente si schiera con i separatisti albanesi del Kosovo, in gran parte musulmani, che con il loro “esercito di liberazione” – la famigerata Uck – compiono da anni stragi e attentati terroristici contro la minoranza serba e vogliono staccarsi da Belgrado. Ma si finge di non vederli, mentre parte la propaganda Usa sulla “pulizia etnica” e le “fosse comuni” serbe, in parte vere (come quelle kosovare) e in parte inscenate dai Servizi americani per far fallire i negoziati di Rambouillet (Parigi). Così il 24 marzo la Nato, Italia inclusa, inizia a bombardare Belgrado e altri centri della Serbia e del Kosovo, anche e soprattutto su obiettivi civili. Bilancio di quei 78 giorni di attacchi ininterrotti: tra i 1.200 e i 2.500 morti, quasi tutti civili, e un fiume di profughi. Ma la Nato non la chiama guerra, bensì “operazione di ingerenza umanitaria”.
Eltsin telefona a Clinton: “È inaccettabile: è il primo segnale di cosa potrebbe accadere se la Nato arrivasse ai confini della Russia. Le fiamme della guerra potrebbero bruciare per tutta l’Europa”. Ma neppure stavolta ha la forza per reagire: è vecchio e malato, e le sue folli liberalizzazioni suggerite dal Fmi hanno messo la Russia in ginocchio. Però Eltsin scatena la seconda guerra in Cecenia contro i ribelli separatisti e islamisti. Poi nomina premier il direttore del Servizio segreto Fsb (l’ex Kgb), Vladimir Putin, che a fine anno lo sostituirà anche come presidente. E in dieci anni riconquisterà la Cecenia con massacri, devastazioni indicibili e decine di migliaia di morti su entrambi i fronti. Intanto avvierà il riscatto economico e strategico della Russia, ma a prezzo di un regime sempre più autoritario e repressivo. "
Marco Travaglio, Scemi di Guerra. La tragedia dell’Ucraina, la farsa dell’Italia. Un Paese pacifista preso in ostaggio dai NoPax, PaperFIRST (Il Fatto Quotidiano), febbraio 2023¹ [Libro elettronico].
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rincewindsapprentice · 9 months
Top 5 albums of 2023 (for me)
This list is not at all exhaustive, but is representative of the albums and EPs that I listened to in full that came out this year. There are plenty of other songs that I loved, but these are the top albums that really resonated and are solid as whole units. I encourage everyone to try out listening to full albums when you have the chance since they can be quite fantastic experiences!
5: Bitter Reflection by Body of Light
Body of Light is a wonderful synthpop band, and Bitter Reflection was an unexpectedly great album! I have listened to basically all of the songs on repeat, and absolutely love "This Conversation" and "Never Ever" to the point where I'll sing them out loud when I cook.
4: Radical Romantics by Fever Ray
Fever Ray is always a trip to listen to, and this album is no exception. "Shiver" is one of the horniest songs I've listened to. The beats are funky and layered in such interesting ways, the instrumentation fascinating, and the lyrics complex and wild. Highly recommend "What They Call Us" and "Even It Out." Really hits it out of the park, and might be my favorite album of theirs.
3: Intra Apogeum by Belgrado
Literally did not hear of this Barcelona-based Polish-Venezuelan coldwave post-punk band until this EP came out, and I fell in love with the band and this album so much that I bought merch from the band, and I rarely buy anything! Extremely solid vibes that struck me so much that I've replayed it over and over. The sound is solid and you are able to pick up on the Dada and Bauhaus influences! "Boixar," "Nie Zapomnę," and "Elementy Umysłu" are highlights for me. If you have not listened to Belgrado, listen to them! Was my top EP/album of the year until the next two came out.
2: Momento Mori by Depeche Mode
A completely unexpected album for me, really. It feels like the darkest that Depeche Mode has done, at least to my knowledge (which is somewhat limited!), and it is a fantastic album from start to finish. The lyrics are meditative and dark, cynical and at times hopeful. The instrumentation and synths are heavy and wonderfully put together. There is not a single part of this album I dislike, and it is very cohesive. My favorites off of it are "Before We Drown," "Never Let Me Go," and "My Favourite Stranger." Give it a listen!
1: Javelin by Sufjan Stevens
Another unexpected album. I have been a massive Sufjan Stevens fan since I was a teenager and his music is what really shaped a lot of my music taste throughout much of my life, and this album felt like a return to form. I have liked basically all of his music, from Michigan and Seven Swans to his 10-CDs worth of Christmas music, but my favorite albums have always been Age of Adz and Carrie and Lowell. Javelin almost feels like a synthesis of those two albums at times, as well as reaching all the way back and across his entire discography. The album came out of an exceptionally hard year for Sufjan Stevens, and you can feel the heartache and pain throughout, but there is also a hope that is present. While Carrie and Lowell, a masterpiece, is so full of emotion and heartache that it can pull you under, Javelin does not pull you down quite so far, but gets you in touch with similar feelings. My favorite tracks are "Will Anybody Ever Love Me?," "Goodbye Evergreen," and "Shit Talk." It is fantastic, and I highly, highly recommend it to anyone.
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musicbyrikm · 3 months
Belgrado, live at Expo 1978 in Toronto, July 2024
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luzmatutina · 6 months
Azul perfecto, en el cielo y en su cuerpo
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marienml · 2 years
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Non ci sono parole per descrivere questo ragazzo, è troppo bello..
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puckeffideb · 1 year
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Todo es carne y flor, solo carne y flor.
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Vasko Tashkovski (1937 - )
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Vasko Tashkovski nació el 31 de agosto de 1937 en Nizopole, Bitola, Macedonia. Asistió a la Escuela de Artes Aplicadas de Skopje en 1958 y se graduó en la Academia de Artes Aplicadas de Belgrado en 1964. Más tarde se convirtió en miembro de la Academia de Artes y Ciencias de Macedonia. En el período comprendido entre 1966 y 1991 trabajó como escenógrafo en la Televisión de Macedonia. Además de pintar al óleo, también trabaja con acuarelas y gráfica. Ha participado en numerosas exposiciones colectivas en su país y en el extranjero. Ha ganado 16 premios y se han realizado ocho documentales sobre su obra de arte. El escribio:- "No hay arte sin imaginación. Pintar sin fantasía es sólo un movimiento mecánico de colores de la realidad al lienzo, sin significado ni diálogo con el espectador. La imaginación es necesaria, no porque la imagen deba tener un contenido fantástico, deba escapar de la realidad. a la verdad, sino más bien porque debe aportar un sentido de vida y realidad a la imagen. Con la ayuda de la imaginación, creamos una nueva realidad."
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the-color-life · 7 months
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wgm-beautiful-world · 5 months
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B e l g r a d e
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wasp-77 · 2 years
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Београд, Србија
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thatgothicfairy · 2 years
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