#????? Girl? Just say hi can we pay. They where nice and they tipped but that bit is just fucking awkward don't do this to me
hellohoihey · 1 year
If you ask for the bill when you actually just want to pay and nothing more I am Killing You.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
absolutely live for ur roommate!james could you maybe write one on him meeting some of readers friends for the first time or calling james to pick u up after a girls night 😇would love to see him finally feel “included” in our life like we are in his
Thank you for requesting lovely!
cw: alcohol
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │ part 11 │part 12 │ part 13
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1k words
James is so absorbed in the football match on his phone that when there’s a tap on the window next to his face, he jolts halfway across the center console and squeaks like he’s twelve years old again. 
You’re beaming outside the car. Your shoulders shake with quiet, un-self-conscious laughter, so it’s impossible for James to be any kind of upset. Still, he makes a show of huffing a little as his own smile spreads. He reaches over and opens his door. 
“Sorry,” you say. You don’t look it, so he lets you off the hook for your over-apologizing. 
“Who do you think would drive you home if I had a heart attack?” James asks. He’s somewhat breathless, either because of the scare or the easier-than-usual grin still fixed on your face. 
You lean against the side of his car and roll your eyes. “Oh, your heart’s too healthy to be in danger of attacks.” 
“What are you doing on this side of the car? You’re the passenger, you know.”
“Okay, listen.” You give him a very intentional look. It’s more eye contact than he’s used to from you, and it makes his guts go all twisty in a surprisingly nice way. “It’s completely up to you, of course, but I think I’m about to make you an offer you can’t refuse.” 
It clicks into place. “You’re drunk.” 
“Not very.” Your grin is a short fall from impish. Your eyes sparkle. God help him. “But you’re about to be.” 
James feels his eyebrows float up. “How do you figure?” 
“Because I’ve come to collect you. If you want.” 
“To collect me…where?”
“Inside,” you say, as though this should be obvious. You tip your head towards the restaurant. “We’ve just closed, and we have so much wine. Pleasepleaseplease, James, come in.” 
“Okay.” He’s letting you tug him from his car before he knows what he’s agreed to, only that one please will always be enough to get whatever you want from him. “Alright, love, but doesn’t your manager mind that you’re drinking their wine?” 
You let loose a bark of laughter, loud and sharp and totally unlike you. “Tom? Yeah, right.” 
Tom, James learns quickly upon entering the rowdy atmosphere of your workplace after hours, is younger than the both of you, hardly old enough to serve alcohol and yet managing the restaurant. And the wine isn’t stolen, necessarily, but the fortunate leavings of a wealthy customer who bought more bottles than his table could handle and then left nearly all of them. 
Everyone who’d been on the night shift is strewn about the empty restaurant. Servers and busboys and dishwashers all perched on stools, standing behind the bar, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on tables. You take James by the hand, first reclaiming the bottle of wine you’d evidently stored behind the host’s station and then leading him around the room to introduce him to various coworkers. His hand feels warm and tingly. You have an easy repartee and a million in-jokes with the servers, but even the kitchen staff seems to adore you. As they rightly should, James thinks. It’s obvious you’re as kind and considerate here as you are at home, and he feels a bit silly for not having been able to picture you in this place so clearly before now. 
Art is working with you again tonight. It’s embarrassing, the warm wave of relief that James feels when he notices you don’t pay him any extra attention. He makes a mental note to extend his offer of a ride home more often. Every time your hand starts to slip from James’, you readjust your grip before he can even think of doing it himself. Suits him just fine; ever since your mugging incident, suddenly James is in this weird place where he always wants a hand on you.
You say his name, and then the lip of a bottle is being pushed against his lips. 
“You haven’t had hardly any.” You look like you’re trying to pout, but your eyes are smiling. 
James takes the bottle from you. He looks you in the eyes as he takes a sip as if to say, Happy? It’s barely enough to warm his throat. “I am still driving us home, you know.”  
The pout is getting better. “I know, but I’m trying to be fun for you. You don’t have to drive us if you don’t want to! You’re always the one doing the nice things.” 
“Oh, don’t.” His tone is fonder than he means for it to be, but luckily you’re too tipsy to mind. “You’re plenty fun. You do nice things for me all the time.” 
“Yeah, but not enough to balance out.” You make your eyes big and pitiful. James feels fortunate this isn’t a skill you seem inclined to utilize sober. “Obviously you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but—Jamie, don’t hold back because of me, please.” 
His stomach does an impressive flip. He doesn’t think you realize you’ve called him that, doubts you’d have done it under normal circumstances, but his nervous system cares not for rationalizations. He wants desperately to hear you say it again. 
You beam as James lifts the bottle to his lips again, taking a few hearty gulps. You both end up walking home that night, but you wake even before James to go retrieve his car in the morning.
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eggyrocks · 6 months
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summary: kageyama's unsure of exactly what his type is, until his roommate asks if a friend can stay with them. just for a bit.
tags: kageyama tobio x f! reader, roommates to lovers, opposites attract trope, fluff-ish ig?
words: 2.1k
warnings: language, slutty thoughts, smoking, slightly slutty content but not quiet smut, probably not the best i wrote this in a haze, minors dni
an: i have brain rot and a crush on kageyama. i don't know if im going to write something like this again.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
If you asked Kageyama what his type was before, he’s not sure what he would say. Probably something generic, something that meant nothing. Someone nice. Someone pretty. A good personality. A pretty smile. He would probably just spit out a mouthful of nothing with a red face and a stutter and think nothing else of it.
And it’s not like it’s something that he’s ever put a lot of thought into. He’s never really had the time. There have been girls, sure. Pretty ones that slipped into his room between games and practices and scheduled appearances. With pretty, soft faces and an intrigue at his profession. And they were fine. But when they gather their belongings and tip toe out of his room without a word, he did nothing to stop them. Kageyama would just pretend to sleep and feel relieved once his bed was empty again.
He liked them for the night. But there was nothing in any of the girls he brought home that made his skin hot. The thought of their thighs didn’t make him squirm, didn’t dry out his tongue or pick up his heart rate. He couldn’t remember the patterns of freckles splattered on their backs or the shape of their mouth or the cadence of their voice. Nothing about any girl he had ever met took hold of him.
And then, his roommate asked him for a favor.
“C’mon, she’s one of my best friends, and she has nowhere else to go,” Hinata had begged him. It was a strategic time to bring it up; when Kageyama was both tired and envigored from a practice, too worn to argue and too pleased from his performance to be in a bad mood. Hinata must’ve been waiting for that opportunity. “We have that spare room and she said she could help pay rent!”
Her living situation was awful, Hinata told him. Her roommates treated her horribly and she paid most of the expenses and it’s just temporary, anyways. Don’t even worry, because it’s just until she’s able to find a place of her own and you won’t even notice she’s here!
So Kageyama agreed. Too tired to argue and in too good of a mood to be annoyed. And ever since then, he’s regretted it.
Because he does notice she’s there. She leaves her dishes in the sink for hours before she cleans them. She listens to music loudly and she stays up late laughing loudly over nothing with Hinata in the living room. She takes too long in the shower and uses up the hot water and, more than anything, Kageyama is driven insane by how much he finds himself wanting her.
It only took a second for him to figure out his type once she stepped past their doorway, two duffle bags in her hand and this crooked, devilish grin on her face. It’s just her, whatever she is.
He likes girls who are bold. Like ones who introduce themselves by dropping everything in their hands to pull him into a tight, long-lasting hug. One where she presses herself firmly against him, letting him feel every soft curve and sharp edge there is to her.
He likes girls who are messy. Like a girl that goes out at night and comes home the next morning and kicks off her shoes and outer layer of clothes, leaving them strewn across the whole apartment for him to find later. Like a girl that wakes up with smudged makeup and brews coffee with unbrushed hair.
Girls that tease him. Girls that play loud music from their room. Girls that laugh loudly and unapologetically. Girls that smell like cheap perfume and expensive cigarettes. Girls that steal food from the pan while he cooks and girls who leave the bathroom steamy and laced with their scent.
Kageyama likes girls who are like that, girls like her.
Hinata must’ve known this would be the result. When she brushes against him or stands on the tips of her toes to ruffle the top of his hair or does something else that makes Kageyama red and desperate, more often than not, Hinata will be there, smirking like this not just what he was expecting, but what he wanted.
The worst part is that he can’t really complain. She pays rent on time.
It’s six in the morning when he steps out onto the balcony with his breakfast (diced fruits, scrambled egg whites, and a protein shake), and he is surprised to see her out there with hers (a half-smoked cigarette, a cup of hot black coffee, and a cold slice of pizza). Kageyama tries to avoid looking at her, and definitely does not notice that her outfit consists of a pair of crumbled boxers and a white tank top that rides up her midriff. He doesn’t notice anything like the imprints of the inseam of her jeans on her thighs or the bit of dried toothpaste that stains the direct center of her wrinkled top.
“Hey Kags,” she greets, smile rough but voice rougher. She leans towards him as he settles his breakfast down on their small standing table. The lit cigarette is perched precariously between two fingers that she shoves towards his face. “Want a smoke?”
His response is a gentle whack of her wrist, knocking it away from him. “Get that shit out of my face,” he grumbles, and is rewarded with the sound of her laugh. “Did you even sleep last night? I’ve never seen you up this early.”
Her eyes roll as she leans up against the edge of the balcony, looking over the landscape of the city. “I was at work until like three-thirty this morning. Then my coworker invited me back to her place. I was there until about forty minutes ago, been here ever since.”
The schedule of a bartender makes him sick. He can’t ever imagine it. Kageyama’s always treated his whole body like a machine, something that required through and proper maintenance and he is sure that if he treated his like she did hers for a whole twenty-four hours, he’d never recover.
But here she stands before him, downing hot coffee and squishing out the tip of her cigarette on the ashtray they didn’t own until she moved in. Kageyama figures he likes girls like that, too. Ones that are strong in ways that he’s not. “Damn,” is all he can manage to say. He can’t think of anything that’s not stupid.
“Yeah,” she sighs, and rests her chin against the palm of her hand and leans out further against the railing. Kageyama has to fight the urge to grab her by the collar and pull her back. She’s not cautious, not afraid of anything. “Maybe it’s time to settle down and find a man to take care of me,” she muses, almost like she's talking to herself. Kageyama watches, and hesitantly chews at his breakfast.
She leans back, hand still gripping the railing and using it to prop herself up. “What about you, Kags? You wanna take care of me?”
He chokes on his pineapple.
His eyes are watering as his coughs slow, and he looks up at her with an agape expression, stunned to see that she’s not laughing at him. She’s not poking at his side or making fun of his blush. She’s looking at him like she’s waiting for an answer. “Are you serious?” he questions, voice tight.
She rolls her neck, and then shrugs, like she’s trying to shake an answer out of herself. “I dunno. I think me and you would be a good match, don’t you think? We could take care of each other. You could reign me in and make me take things more seriously. I could get you to lighten up and relax sometimes so your hair doesn’t turn grey by the time you’re thirty.”
Kageyama’s stunned. He can’t do anything but stare at her as his brain tries to catch up with his words. His face burns and he feels so dumb and is this a confession? Is she trying to tell him that maybe he’s not so stupid for wanting her? But before he can process exactly what it is she just said to him, she’s shaking her head. “You know what? Don’t worry about it,” she smiles at him, and slides past him, leaving the balcony door open behind her.
And it’s only once she’s gone that Kageyama is able to get it. He whips around, eyes wide and mouth half-opened with unspoken words. But she’s disappeared, locking herself in the bathroom. And Kageyama has a practice to get to.
He doesn’t get home until later that evening. And when he goes get there, there’s a light pouring from the cracks of her closed door, and soft music emitting from behind it. Kageyama needs to eat and he needs to shower and he needs to stick to his schedule but tonight, he has more important things to take care of.
Without thinking about it, Kageyama grabs the handle of her door and pushes it open with perhaps a little more strength then needed. He steps into her room and closes the door behind him and maybe he should’ve thought about it a little bit harder because she’s wearing nothing but a big t-shirt that reaches the middle of her thighs. “Dude?’ she questions at his intrusion, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I do want to take care of you!” Kageyama blurts out at her, and her eyes go wide. “I really like you a lot and also I am very, very attracted to you, and I would really like to be with you. I basically have since you moved in. I just-“
She stands from the edge of her bed and takes a few long steps before she’s standing directly in front of him, head titled and looking up at him through her eyelashes. He swallows. “I just didn’t want to make things weird,” he finishes, struggling through the constricting in his chest.
“You want me?” she questions, blinking. And the only response he can manage is a small nod of his head. He doesn’t trust his voice not to betray him and his thoughts are running to quickly for him to hold onto any single one of them. The only thing he can understand completely is his growing, desperate need and the heat that radiates from her body. “Show me,” she tells him.
The words echo is brain for a second before he can fully comprehend them. But once he does, and he sees that her expression just might be as desperate as his, he’s compelled to oblige her. He raises a hand to the back of her head and rakes it through the roots of her hair, fingers tangling in them before he pulls slightly. This elicits a slight noise from her throat, and there’s no going back for Kageyama. Any bit of self-control he might have had snaps at once.
He presses his mouth against her and is enamored by the taste of her. Minty and smoky; peppermint lip balm and hundreds of cigarettes. His tongue slips into her mouth and everything intensifies. Kageyama’s overwhelmed by the way she feels and tastes and how her tongue slides against his and the little noises that keep spilling into his mouth.
Her hands work their way under the edge of his shirt, her palms pressing into his bare skin and suddenly it’s not enough. He needs more of her and he needs it now.
It’s foreign to him. This need that grows with the second. This desire that overtakes him and makes him forget everything that’s not her. He’s never felt like this before, not with anyone else that he’s ever been with. And it excites him, to feel so intensely. It keeps him up all night, exploring every bit of her he can, with his mouth, with his hands. He memorizes every detail about her he can. He remembers which noises come from her and what actions cause them. He remembers every inch of her skin. He remembers what his name sounded like spilling from her lips in a haze of pleasure and want, strewn together with pleading and cursing.
When morning comes, he still hasn’t showered, and he needs one more than ever. She’s asleep, forehead resting on his bare chest and snoring lightly. He likes this too, how soft she looks, how gentle. Kageyama likes the look of her in his hold, peaceful and content to be caged in by his arms. He hopes the next morning can be like this, too. Perfect. Quiet.
The only thing that ruins the moment is the loud slamming on the other side of the door, followed by Hinata’s unbearably cheerful voice. “Kageyama, I knew she’d be your type!”
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Part 2
Robin Buckley was unfortunately well-aware of Steve Harrington, long before they started working together. He had been the worst kind of popular in high school, the completely effortless kind. And Robin was not looking forward to working with him. 
Sure, he had been better than the other jock dickheads Robin was forced to share space with, but that probably had more to do with his weird Eddie Munson friendship than anything else. Being friends with the town freak kind of forced you to be more accepting. Or in Steve’s case, force you to punch anyone who insulted him in the face. 
And while that was all nice and chivlirous or whatever it didn’t stop the fact that Steve Harringinton was a complete ass who slept with dozens of girls and threw them away immmeidtly after. There was no way that a guy like that wasn’t a dick. 
And after their first shift working together, Robin was convinced that she had been absolutely right. He was a total slouch at work, spending most of his time failing at flirting with girls or yapping to his friends on the phone in the back. He was a complete diva about his hair, and their manager had given him three reprimands in the span of four hours for not wearing the dumb hat. And he was always trying to get out of work early. 
After their first week together Robin was ready to strangle him. The only thing she’d give him is that he accepted being assigned indefinite bathroom cleaning duty with grace, otherwise she probably would have killed him and hid the body in the freezer by now.
Though he was really trying to expedite the process over here.
It was another annoying, Harrington filled day, only for him to once again try and leave early. 
But before he could get to the door, Robin was dragging him back behind the counter, hissing, “Where the hell do you think you’re going? We have inventory tonight.”
She had expected him to whine in response or maybe say something dickish that she could kick him in the shin for, but he just looked horrified.
“Tonight? B-But it won’t take that long right? Like just a few minutes?”
“Try a few hours. They’re making us count the spoons man. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon.”
His eyes got wider with each word, and for a split second Robin was actually worried that he was about to have a panic attack. That was until he opened his mouth again, “I-okay. Look dude, I really can’t do this tonight. I have a thing that I need to go to. But I can make it up to you! Or I can come in tomorrow morning-”
“The manager is going to look at it tomorrow morning,” Robin interrupted, arms crossed and brow twitching, “What is so damn important that it can��t wait till tomorrowow?”
“Does that matter?” Steve asked, oddly defensive for someone who was literally begging, “I just need to leave. But I can make it up to you! I’ll even pay you. You can have all the tips for the week and if that’s not enough then I’ll do the trash for three-no four days. I’ll do anything. Please?”
He actually looked like he was on the edge of tears and Robin had to begrudgingly admit that the puppy eyes were working on her. Christ, she was too good of a person. 
She sighed, “Trash duty for two weeks, and for the week I get the tips I expect you to be extra charming. We clear?”
“Yes! Totally fair!” Steve was already speed walking backwards to the door, and those misty eyes had suddenly completely disappeared. Robin was started to think that she just got played and big time, “Best co-worker ever! Really couldn’t ask for better-”
“Just fucking go.” Robin said as she shooed him off, near snorting when Steve actually started running out of the mall. 
She looked back behind the counter, groaning when she realized that his trash promise apparently started tomorrow. Fucking dick. She’d take out the trash, do inventroy alone, and then curse the Harrington name. 
She started to lug the disgusting trash bags full of soupy ice cream through the backdoor, shivering a little in the cold. The dumpster was right next to the almost empty parking lot, everyone gone except one long running van.
Robin stopped, realziing that two people were making out infront of it, and one of them just so happened to still be wearing his cutsy uniform while he shoved his tongue down the stranger’s throat. Robin stared at them, barely concealed by the dumpster as her blood boiled. 
Steve ditched her to make-out with some chick in the parking lot? Oh hell no. He was not getting away with this. She was just about to come out of her hiding spot to start tearing into him when she heard Steve giggle. Honest to god giggle. 
He was standing in front of the girl, obscuring her face while he played with a lock of her hair, “Aw, don’t pout. I didn’t make the schedule. Besides, I already said I’d make it up to you in any way you want.”
Robin rolled her eyes, wondering if she should include warning the poor girl that whatever two week anniversary they were celebrating would definitely be their last when she called him out. 
“I just didn’t expect to spend most of our four year anniversary eating cake in bed alone,” The stranger answered, their voice instantly recongnizble, “I was supposed to be eating you.”
That wasn’t a chick, that was Eddie.
Robin gasped, a hand going over her mouth. She had heard that voice many times, usually yelling about comforimity while standing on a lunch table. But that didn’t make sense! It couldn’t be-
But then Eddie was spinning them around, crowding Steve against the hood of his car, his signature DIO vest on full display while he ploundered Steve’s mouth, Steve laughing into it all the while. 
Robin felt like her brain was short-circuiting as she watched them. She was actually witnessing Steve Harrington happily shoving his tongue down Eddie Munson’s throat.
Steve pulled away first, holding Eddie back with a hand to his chest, still giggling, “God, that was so lame. Even for you.”
“You love it.”
“I do,” Steve easily agreed, “And I’ll love it even more when we’re home and in bed. Then we can really start celebrating.”
That was more than enough for Eddie. He dragged Steve off of the hood before opening the passenger side door for him, stealing one more kiss before running over to the driver’s side. 
Robin watched as they settled into the van, hands immediately clasped back together over the centerconsole. But it didn’t stop there. No, Steve was licking his lips and looking down muttering something to Eddie that she couldn’t hear. But she could guess, especially when his head suddenly dissapeared right before they drove off. 
Robin stayed hidden behind the dumpster, still trying to comprehend what she’d just seen. She just watched King Steve make out with the resident freak, and maybe start the beginnings of road head, all while giggling and laughing about their fucking anniversy.
What. The. Fuck.
From an unpublished chapter of this fic
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lovelybucky1 · 11 months
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Kinktober Day 19- Breeding Kink
au created in part by @fuckmyskywalker 🫶
warnings: trailer trash!anakin, dub con, mentions of housewife kink, mentions of breeding kind, dry humping, no smut, this is bad tbh im sorry, 18+ minors dni
main masterlist
kinktober masterlist
You never minded doing your neighbor Anakin favors. He is a single dad with three adult children and a grandchild, despite his young age. You don't know many people who become grandparents in their 40s, but Anakin's son had gotten a girl pregnant and she left him to take care of the baby.
Anakin's son isn't the best parent. He's still a kid himself but he's been working long hours to make enough money to support his child. During the day when he's at work, you come over to take care of the baby.
They don't pay you much but the baby, Eddie, is the sweetest little boy in the entire world. You work nights at the diner, so spending time at Anakin's trailer during the day is no issue at all, especially when you're so close to your own home.
Anakin's hours at the mechanic's shop change all the time. Sometimes he goes in before sunrise and gets home at 3 pm, and other times he hasn't woken up for the day by the time you get there to watch Eddie.
Today is one of the days he got home early. You were folding laundry on the couch when he walked in, sweaty and grimy from the day. He froze in the doorway when he saw you.
"Hi, Mr. Skywalker," you greet with a smile.
"You don't have to call me that," he chuckles as he kicks off his boots by the door. "How's the baby been?"
"Oh, just perfect," you smile. "He's down for a nap right now."
Anakin nods as he walks over to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. He watches you continue to fold the laundry and he thinks to himself that you would make a good housewife. You're responsible, pretty, and young enough to handle young kids.
Anakin drys his hands on the towel on the counter, then walks over to where you sit on the couch. You look up at him but you find it hard to maintain eye contact when he's looking at you so intensely. You've always been a bit intimidated by Anakin, but you know it's all in your head. He's a nice guy and you're just a girl with a stupid crush.
"Need any help?" he asks.
"No, it's okay," you smile.
"Are you sure?" he insists.
You look down at the full laundry basket of folded clothes. "Well, you could bring that to the bedroom for me if you want," you say.
With a charming smile, Anakin bends down to pick up the basket and starts off down the hall before turning around, waiting for you to follow him.
Anakin places the basket on the bed and stands back as you begin to place the clothes in his drawers. When you bend down to put some paired socks in the bottom drawer, Anakin looks shamelessly at your ass.
Putting on the charm and playing the nice guy has never been hard for Anakin. What's difficult is keeping his true nature hidden when no one is watching.
He sees how you look at him. You wouldn't babysit Eddie everyday for basically free if something wasn't in it for you. Anakin comes home early from work some days just so he can see your face light up when he walks through the door. You're so cute and innocent; such a sweet girl who has no idea what she's getting herself into.
Licking his lips, Anakin decides he doesn't want to hold off any longer. He steps towards you to place his hands on your hips and he pulls you back against him.
"Anakin!" you gasp, making him chuckle.
"Shh, you'll wake the baby," he says into her ear. "It's alright."
"W-what are you doing?"
The tip of his nose brushes against your ear and you shiver in his arms. "I'm doin' exactly what you want me to do, dollface."
"You do all the house work, take care of my baby, greet me when I come home from work. You're pretty much my little housewife already. Why don't we make it official, huh?"
"I don't know what you mean," you say breathlessly.
Anakin's laugh rumbles through his chest. "I'm gonna make you mine, sweetheart. Might even give you a baby of your own."
Anakin's erection pokes your ass and you can't resist from pressing back against it. You have no idea where this is all coming from, but you have been dreaming of this. Anakin coming in and bending you over to claim you for his own, though you never thought it would actually happen.
"You wanna be pregnant with my kid, baby? You'd make such a good mommy. Don't you wanna make me a daddy again?"
Your stomach burns with desire but you know it's wrong. You had no idea he even had interest in you but now he's talking about getting you pregnant? You're brought out of your thoughts by the sound of Eddie crying in the next room. Saved by the bell.
You try to break away from Anakin's hold but he grips your hips tightly.
"But Eddie-"
"Let him cry. This is more important."
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 5 months
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Hot Summer Dayz: Jammin n’ Jamica!! ☀️🛍️
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Dolly is typing…..💬🎀….(1) NEW FROM; Dolly!🛍️
HI DOLLIES!! Welcome 2 My Next Summer Post where i cover how to not only have the best summer vacay/staycation but also give some useful tips on beating the summer heat!!
> Planning + Shopping !! 🛍️
> Knowing ur Location !! 🏝️
> Fun Summer activities to maximize ur Staycation !! ⭐️
> How 2 Beat the Summer Heat!! 👙
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Planning + Shopping! *࿐ ࿔*:・゚🛍️
When shopping 4 outfits 4 vacay/spring/sumemr we wanna make sure we not only make sure we’re comfortable in out clothes but also make sure they’re breathable and not too heavy or baggy!! bc obvis were gonna be in harsh sunny weather!! you pick up pieces that wre stylish nd serene!! here are some pieces i definitely recommend!!👙
Halter Tops
Cami Tops
Daisy Dukes
Flowy midi skirts
colorful platform shoes
strapless mini dress
jellyfish dresses
cute open toe shoes!!
stylish sunglasses!!
swimsuit tops
if its a stay in day or you don’t feel like dressing up an oversized white t-shirt but dress it up more!!
if you want to try to stray away from wearing darker/black color palettes bc they can absorb more heat
Knowing ur Location! *࿐ ࿔*:・゚🏝️
When Traveling 2 a New city,state,country you always want to be mindful of where you are,how this place operates and how to be like the locals!! + also knowing about weather!! my tips….
If ur traveling to a new country learn some of the basics of the language to communicate properly!!
Learn how they drive,speak,how they pay etc.
always keep money on you obvii!!
SUNSCREEN.SUNSCREEN.SUNSCREEN. ik this is already bible for some people but im gonna keep saying bc its soo important when traveling to places that are closer the equator & countries that are known to be hotter ALWAYS HAVE SUNSCREEN. and not just ur regular SPF 30 try using spf 50! like for me this summer i’ll be in place like san diego,florida & saint thomas and they have really harsh suns especially in summer im gonna need a way stronger SPF than my regular 30 to always be sure to have a stronger SPF everywhere!!
always be friendly with the locals its nice to always be friendly no matter what
educate urself on the country!!
while ur there try learning some new skills
Fun Summer Activities 2 Maximize ur Staycation! ☀️👙
For my Girls that are staying in their home state,country here are some super fun activities for you to try so you can also join in on the summer fun!!
Make a Bucketlist
Make cute Crafts
Go to the pool or beach with ur friends!!
cut up summer fruit and make a fruit salad
take up a new hobby!!
have a movie night + sleepover
go shopping
try a fun new workout
if u have a younger sibling play outside with them!
Watch ur favorite movies
water ballon fights!
painting at the beach
aquariums or planetarium
play a new video game!
Beating the Summer Heat !! 🎀☀️
Obvi its gonna b super hot during summer and sometimes unbearably hot out but its okay bc i have some super fun way 2 beat the heat!! 👙
Go 2 The Pool!
Cold Treats ie: ice scream,icee,slushies
drink ice cold water
eat some cold fruit watermelon,grapes,pineapple,honeydew
Stay hydrated!!
eat some cold meals!!
have a water gun fight!
Itz been fun!! Dolly Signing off….💗
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gadriezmannsgirl · 6 months
Can you write one where reader teases Fermin because he’s pretty short 🤏🏼 compared to other players and Fermin takes it too seriously and becomes insecure and then reader tells him it’s not a big deal and that she loves him being a shortie with a big ass 🍑 or smth like that with fluff in the end ☺️
Thank you
Warnings: A tiny bit of d*ck sizes conversation, hints of morning love, mentions of Fermín's big ass (Yes, that's a warning); mr. sunshine is a bit insecure 'cus of his height in the fic, nothing major or explicit happens
Lack and Excess -F.L16
Summary: Your boyfriend's insecure about his height but don't worry, you reassure him that despite his short height you love him either way
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"Let me get that for you, preciosa" You hear your ten months boyfriend say, you were making some lunch seeing as your parents and two younger siblings were coming over to have a nice evening with you and your boyfriend, Fermín at his house.
"It's okay, mi amor. I can get that"
"Shush" He said tapping your bum softly
"¡Fermín!" He laughs winking at you as he extends his arm to reach for the plates, however his fingers couldn't reach them. He sighed and got on his tip toes managing to bring them down and in front of you
"Seeing as you want to help" You began with a smile "I need your help to bring down here that salad bowl"
"No worries"
"But you can actually lift me up so I can pull it down"
"I can do that" You give him a look
"Venga amor, it's not time to show anything. It'll be easier and faster if you lift me up, my parents are going to be here in approximately thirty minutes and I still need to get ready"
"I'll be fast, don't worry. I'll just go, grab it and give it to you so you can do that delicious salad I'm already dreaming of" You smile blushing at his comment
"Rápido, López" (Quick, López) He got in front of the counter and got on his tip toes but still with that he couldn't reach the bowl
After a few minutes of trying and even jumping a bit, he turned to you and mentioned for you to come "Done?" You asked but he didn't said anything, in fact, he didn't even looked at you, only at the floor.
You felt his arms wrap around your waist and pull you up, your hands instantly went to his shoulders, you grabbed the bowl and a few seconds later he pulled you back on your feet.
"Gracias" (Thank you) He hums still not looking at you, you kissed his cheek several times to thank him; you can clearly sense that he got upset "Fer" You call him forgetting about the salad
"What's up, amor?"
"Are you upset?"
"Why would I be?"
"Let me rephrase that... I know you're upset what I don't know, it's why. You were sunshine-smiling a few seconds ago and now you have this angry face"
"You don't know if I'm upset"
"We may not have ten years together yet but we do have ten months and during those months I have been dating you, I got to know you and everything about you. I know how to read you. I know when something's bothering you, I know when you're happy, I know when you wanna leave a place, I know when you wanna cry, when you're mad, everything Fermín. And you do the same for me. Please, tell me why are you upset?"
He looked at you and the looked at the floor "Because I'm short" He mumbles
"Because I'm short" He repeats again
"What does it have with you being short?"
"Everything. It has everything. On the pitch I can't do most headers, it's really putting me off people are doubting me because of that and now off pitch, I can't even bring down to my girlfriend a simple salad bowl. Can you believe that?"
"It's also normal for girls to have short boyfriends, I don't understand what you're going for"
"Why did you choose me?"
"What do you mean?"
"I have seen your ex boyfriend's, Y/N. All of them are at least two heads taller than me"
"So what? Fer, I don't care about their heights, I don't even care about yours! And please don't get me wrong, I love you and your height, I meant it as I don't really pay attention to it, yes, we're almost the same height with you being a few inches taller than me, so what? Yes, my exes's were way more taller than me but so what? They also called me little and I felt insecure in that time but I don't care about it now. You shouldn't care about what other people might say about you, you know who you are and what you are. Your family and friends know that too. I know that too. And that's all it should matter to you"
"You're perfect just the way you are, mi amor. I'm short and that's the way I'll be. You're short and that's how you'll be. However, we as a couple can help each other and be one single tall person. That's good for me and it should also be good for you, Fer"
"It is"
"It doesn't look like"
"You gotta understand me, preciosa. I see all these couples where the girl can't do something and the guy is always there to help her, I wanna be that for you but I can't because I'm short"
"We're an unique couple and we don't need for the other to do all the work, like I said we can do the work together" You smile "I really like the fact we're almost the same height and you may be small but you have such a big heart, a big personality, you're a big person in general; what you lack in height you make up for with other things" You say and soon you see a smile coming to Fermín's face
"What other things?" He wraps his arms around you bringing you into him
"Such a dirty minded you are!" He laughs "But you do have a big ass and I love my shortie bofyriend with big ass"
"And what about my-?"
"You know I love him and his size as well" You cut him off with a big smile on your face and some blush covering your cheeks
"I love how shy you can get when you were going at it this morning"
"Shut up" You hit his chest softly "I love you, all of you" You put emphasis on your words making him smile widely "I gotta go and shower" You slap his bum twice before receiving a few slaps back, you smile and kiss his lips
"Can I join you?"
"Why not"
"My parents will be here anytime"
"Oh come on!"
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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spicyclover · 1 year
Pursuit of happiness
Summary: Sometimes, what we need most in life is right before our eyes. 
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! 
I'm open to requests.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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WARNING: mention of smut +16
Fatherhood (the movie) inspiration dialogue
Mick’s life changes so quickly that he never knows how lucky he is. Overnight, he is the father of a beautiful little girl, and the woman of his life leaves him and their newborn without a word, a clue, or anything. They were left to themselves. She left the hospital room without anyone noticing. He collapsed, realizing that he would not see her again. How could his three-year-old girlfriend do this to him? 
He found himself in this hospital room with his little daughter in his arms. His parents hadn’t arrived yet, and Mick didn’t know what to do. We leave him alone in this room, and he watches the tiny face of his flesh. It looks so much like him. She has the same nose and eyes as him, a real Schumacher.
For the first few weeks of his daughter’s life, Corinna came to help him as best she could. Show him the basics and help him stay the course. But eventually, she had to go home like everyone else. Desperate, he definitely needs help. 
“Excuse me,” Mick says, entering the meeting room. 
“Um, I’m sorry. AA is down the hall to the right.”
“I’m not. I’m not here for the AA meeting. That’s not why I’m here. » Mick replies, getting back to the hallway to get the stroller. “She uh. She just went to sleep, but she’s been crying for hours. I mean hours to the point where I’m exhausted. And I don’t know how to break the stroller down. I don’t know how to fold it up.”
“Okay. Well, sorry, but this is a group for new mothers.” Replicates one of the young women sitting on a chair.
“You’re lying. Because on that sign out there, it says “parents.”  I’m a parent, and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I don’t have anybody else to talk about this shit. Speaking of shit, the girl’s got some stuff flying out her ass. It’s like a fire hose. I don’t know if it’s normal or not, but it’s two different kinds. She can either hit you with a streamer. That’s when it’s all put together, and it’s- it’s a little solid. And it’s a direct hit. Or she’ll buckshot you. And that’s- that’s that spray. It’s a quick whop! » Mick is entirely exhausted. « I need help. I need the crying to stop. How do I make the crying stop?”
“Okay, uh, it could be colic, and it’s expected in the first couple of months.” The youngest lady in the center says. 
“What’s colic?”
“It’s when the babies cry for an hour on end without reason until it feels like your eyes are about to pop out.” She explains, getting up from her chair to meet him.
“I gave the baby colic.” 
“No, that’s - that’s not how colic works.” Says a mother laughing. 
“I’m not washing my hand, and I’m touching the baby. And that’s how I gave the baby colic.” Mick is stressed and looks with fear at his poor daughter.
“You don’t give a baby colic. It’s more of a digestive thing.” The young woman replies, looking in the stroller to see his daughter's beautiful face. 
“That’s a relief.” 
“Things that might work is white noise, surprisingly.” She says, passing her fingers on the little girl's toes. 
“White noise?”
“White noise.” She says, smiling. “Come on, join us for the rest of the session.”
She moves back to her place and takes another chair next to her, letting him have some space to sit. Freyja enjoyed the rest of the session with the other babies. Mick takes note, learning a lot about everything there is to know about babies and their various problems. He enjoys listening to the mothers; they give him tips and mother him.  After the class, she says goodbye to the others before turning herself to Mick. 
“Mick.” She asks, touching his shoulder. “I’m Y/n.”
“Oh, nice to meet you. Thank you for this session. I learn a lot. When is the next session? Do we have to pay for a feed or something?” 
“No, this is a free meeting for parents in need. The next session his Tuesday night at seven. I’m glad you ask for help. It’s a difficult time, the first few months with a newborn and all. You could also ask the mother to attend the session if you like.” 
“Umm, she died.” He lies, nervously scratching his neck.
“Oh, I’m sorry for your lost.” Her compassionate side is getting a bit overwhelmed. “You’re doing an amazing job, Mick. Don’t be scared, and trust your instinct.” She smiles, locking her gaze on his. Freyja chirps in the arms of her father, happy to be carried. He helps her tidy up the room as best he can, with his baby in his arms, before walking together to the door.
“Why did you choose to do this? Do you have kids?” Mick asks, changing the subject. They walk to the parking, putting Freyja in her car seat. 
“No, I don’t have kids. I’m a midwife. Always worked with babies, and I wanted to help the parents with my expertise and various tips. If you need help with your little Freyja, here is my number. Feel free to call whenever you feel like it. I’ll be a phone call away.” She says, gathering her thing and getting into her car. 
He feels relieved and confident for the first time in a few weeks. Talking to other parents makes him feel better about his ability to deal with all the baby stuff. He went to the other meeting, listening carefully to every detail and tip the mothers would give him. How to feed her properly? How to massage her small body? How to bathe her? Everything a new parent has to learn. 
The weeks passed, and Mick was attentive to each of the classes. Happy to become a better parent for the new love of his life. He is pleased to see her healthy and radiant. He is also delighted to see the beautiful midwife every Tuesday night.
One night, Freyja has been crying for hours on edge. And she starts to be a little warm. Worried, Mick calls Y/n to be sure, making her rush to his apartment. She reassures him by telling him that she must be a little too hot with all the layers of clothes that Mick puts on him, and they sit in the living room to have a drink while Freyja sleeps in the bedroom.
The conversation is going well, and they take this opportunity to get to know each other better. She learns Mick’s trade, and he listens to her talk about her studies and dreams. Signals are exchanged, and the chemistry here’s. Absorbed in their conversation, they don’t hear little Freyja at first.
« Excuse me. » Mick says, worried about his daughter's strange sounds. « Freyja? Freyja gently. What’s wrong with you? You’re choking. » Mick turns on the lights, and Y/n watches the scene worrying about the baby’s noises. « I don’t know what’s wrong with her. » Mick panics and gesticulates in the room, trying to calm Freyja, who starts to cry frantically. « No, but she’s choking right now! She’s choking! She’s choking. » Mick repeats, looking at Y/n, terrified. She tries to calm him down, but nothing to do. Panic seizes him. « What do I do? Call the paramedics? » 
« Wait. Let me see. »
« Okay. I’ll call 911 because right now… Excuse me, but she’s choking. » Mick runs to grab his phone, which stays on the kitchen counter, while Y/n reassures little Freyja as best she can by putting her knowledge to the test. « Yes! Hello? I’m calling you because I have a baby that’s breathing. No, but she’s breathing very, very hard. There, then I need to… Yes, I’m at 56 Greenwich Street. My name is Schumacher. On the door. Schumacher. Yes, like the pilot. » Mick hangs up and can’t help wanting to be close to his daughter. He goes to them and orders Y/n to give him his child.
Y/n remains very calm, and after giving Freyja back, she goes to the bathroom. Turns on the light and opens the hot water valves in the sink and tub. She calls Mick holding her hand to grab his arm when he passes.
The steam of the water rises, and quickly the room is fogged. She takes off her sweater and directs Mick to the cares to follow.
"I think it’s laryngitis, so uh... with water vapour, it moistens the atmosphere. It does her good." She calmly explains by observing him holding the person most precious to her. She is moved. It’s rare to see a father as loving and caring as a little being like that. Rarely in the hospital or outside she sees the love of a father so present for her child. « Speak to her. Speak to her gently. Reassures her. It’s going to be okay, I promise.»
Mick calms down little by little and regains control of his emotions. He approaches his daughter on her bare chest and mumbles reassuring words. He tells her how much he loves her. He is so happy to have her in his life. Little by little, she calms down. The steam helps her to breathe normally, and she moves less and less in her daddy’s arms. Y/n smiles tenderly at this beautiful moment of life she attends. 
Help arrives about ten minutes later, taking Mick to the hospital. Y/n looks at the ambulance in the distance, and Mick smiles tenderly at him before turning his attention to his daughter. He asks her to stay in the apartment for the night, not wanting her to return to her home across town this late at night. 
So she stayed. She waited for them to come back, and around seven am, they did. Freyja is fast asleep in Mick's arms. He puts it in his cradle and joins Y/n, who approaches the door. He walks her down the stairs to be there and stay.
“So you could take me out for coffee. Say, thank you for earlier, you know, like a date.”
“Uhm... I got to go back upstairs.” He quickly says, running back upstairs. 
She stays there quite confused, thinking she was too direct with him. She starts wondering if she read the signals wrong. She waits a few minutes for him to come back, but no. Mick ran away. 
He felt devastated and didn’t know how to deal with this new relationship or whatever this could be. She arrived in his life like a ray of sunshine after the storm or a rainbow after the rain. Frey loved her immediately, but he felt terrible to move on so quickly on Freyja's mother… 
To the next meeting on Tuesday night, Mick went. 
“All right, I think that's all for today. Thank you for coming. There are cookies on the counter. I made them last night if you are interested.” Y/n says, gathering her things and putting the chairs away. She hasn't texted Mick back since he rejected her on Saturday night. 
“Y/n.” Mick asks. “Do you have a moment to talk?” 
“Sure. What is it?” She says, cooing his daughter in his arm. 
“Umm... I’m - I was. Do you want to go on a date with me? You know, like a proper date.”
They went on that date, but Mick never moved, and this tension has been present since then. She became a part of the family. She meets Mick parent’s and sister, and he meets hers. Even with this, neither of them made the move and stayed friends. Nobody knew what was stopping them from actually making a move. Corinna thought about his son's stubbornness to put his daughter first, even in his love life. 
He has loved her since he saw her at this meeting. The moment she stepped up for him when everybody left. Making sure he and Freyja have the best without thinking about her once. Two years passed, and Freyja is now two. They have organized a little party with some family and friends. Everyone was gathered around the little princess, and she was more than spoiled. 
Y/n had made the cake for the second year in a row. Freyja was obsessed with geese. Every time they went to the park, she would see them. The goose-shaped cake, in her words, gently approaches and sings happy birthday to little Freyja, who laughs at the sparkle of seeing her favourite animal on her cake. She reaches out and wiggles in her high chair. Y/n puts the cake down, and everyone cheers once she can extinguish all the candles, with obviously Mick’s help behind her.
Y/n stands next to Mick quite naturally. Mick’s heart gets excited, and he smiles at her. He has eyes only for her. He watches the bursts in his eyes illumine his soul. She emanates warmth and a sensation of happiness that takes hold of Mick. He does not hesitate this time. He gently grabs her face between his hands and kisses her lips softly. Her lips that he so often dreams of kissing, of feeling against him. He kisses her in front of all the guests, who utter an exclamation of contentment. Finally, they dared to do so.
They officialized for the public a few weeks later, making everyone happy.
Four years later... 
Four years passed. Four years of happiness and joy in this small family of three. They recently moved to Switzerland to be closer to Mick’s family and allow his father to see Freyja as often as possible. Freyja grew up well. She went back to kindergarten, and everyone loved her. The fans are in adoration at her little angel face. She accompanies from time to time with her mom Y/n her dad to the races. They stay in the garage or hospitality and watch the cars roll, or mechanics do their work.
She loves everything that has to do with her dad’s job. She wants to do everything like him, and sometimes Y/n must be the less cool parent not to allow Mick to take his daughter with him while he goes 90 km karting.
Mick couldn’t be more in love. He’s been living the perfect romance since he met her, and he’s happy to have dared to take the first step. It allows him to have this extraordinary woman at his side. He wakes beside her every morning and doesn’t want to be elsewhere. In his arms for eternity with Freyja in the middle. At this thought, Mick smiles and opens the door of the room. They came home from dinner with a friend and took off her dress. It slides along her body before reaching the ground. She reveals your generous curves, and Mick feels himself growing.
She unpacks your jewelry and puts it back in your jewelry box. Concentrating, she doesn’t notice the presence of Mick, and she jumps when she feels his arms around her waist and his erection in her lower back. His lips rest on her neck, and she takes a deep breath. His name is stuck in her mouth, and she moans.
His hands caress her body and find the warmth of her crotch.
“Take your shirt off. Let me see your muscle.” She whimpers, leaning against him. 
Mick giggles at her words but obeys her order. He slowly pulls his shirt over his hand and lets it fall on the floor. He
Mick forces her to kneel down. He pulls down his own pants quickly and smiles. Mick didn’t have to say anything. Y/n is already getting closer. She drops his boxer and caresses his rod, hard as a rock. 
She brings her mouth closer and swallows his dick, tearing Mick a deep moan of pleasure. She bites him lightly and caresses him tirelessly with her tongue. Mick gives small pelvis strokes to encourage him to continue this sweet torture. She feels him moaning again before he empties himself entirely into her mouth. She does not let go and swallows the liquid greedily. Little white nets escape, but Mick catches them by spreading them on his girlfriend’s face. “Oh, how he likes to have her between his legs.”
There’s nothing Mick likes more than seeing her filled with him. Literally, since the beginning of their love relationship, he has not stopped thinking about the idea of getting her pregnant. Pregnant with her child. He wants to start a family and have that experience with her. He likes to remove his condo from relationships from time to time; to live at risk. He loves to feel her so close to him. Pushing himself into her, making her moan his name. 
That’s why after last night's event, when he wakes up to an empty bed, he’s confused. He’s still in the haze of last night. His body is sore, and he can’t amazing how she’s doing. To be honest, he wonders how she even got out of bed this morning. Early this morning, he had to take care of her and actually take her to the bathroom because she couldn’t do it herself. Her legs were shaking, and she couldn’t stand properly. They giggled at the situation before they went to sleep.
Mick sits on the bed, and he hears laughs coming from the kitchen. He gets up and tiptoes. Smiling to the sound of his girls. Leaning on the doorframe, seeing his girlfriend helped by his daughter making crêpes. He knew at this moment he didn’t make the wrong choice to let her into his life. To let her be his wife. The mother of his child. The love in her eyes is more visible than anything. 
He loves her. 
He loves the way she laughs. 
He loves the way she looks at him. 
He loves the way she takes care of Freyja. 
He loves the way she speaks to him. 
He loves. 
He loves her. 
That was when he really knew. That morning, after an incredible night of love, seeing her with his daughter like she is her own. Laughing and cooking. Sharing and caring. He knows she is the one. 
(Side notes)
Long overdue request, but I’m finally content with the way I wrote it! Hope you like it, and can’t wait to receive more of those amazing requests. 
Lots of love, Spicy Clover <3
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The Detour 6
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Thor
Summary: You find yourself stranded in a small village.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You refuse to spend your vacation pent up, especially in this place. You put on your most walkable shoes, felt boots with a low heel, and clothes suitable for walking. Cigarette pants and a sleeveless turtleneck. You grab your purse and call down to the front desk to request a taxi.
As you come down to the lobby, you see the preparations for the ridiculous event in full tilt. Ugh. This place is backwards. How can a grown man plan a part akin to that of one half his age. If you were to guess, that cretin is like pushing forty, and that’s being generous.
You roll your eyes and strut down the steps. You tap your heel at the bottom as you wait, hip pushed out with one leg at an angle. Finally, a minivan rolls up and the driver reaches over to the crank down the window.
“You call for a cab?” The man asks.
“Yes, sir,” you hesitate, thinking he might have the decency to open the door for you. When he remains as he is, you do it yourself, sliding open the back and climbing inside. 
“Where are we going, miss?” He prompts as you roll the door shut.
“Hm, I saw in the hotel itinerary there is a bakery in town. They have coffee?”
“Sure do, all those fancy foams and flavours,” he chirps as he shifts into gear, “didn’t know anyone was visiting town.”
“A brief detour,” you assure him and turn your gaze out the window.
“Ah, well, you can call me Paulie. I’m the only taxi in the village.”
You don’t offer your name in return. You aren’t paying for conversation. He’s a driver, not a therapist. You sit in the buzz of the radio, the outdated tunes static as the signal wanes and waxes.
“Just up here,” he announces as he comes to flat ground, steering between the only dense line of buildings, “one with the red sign.”
“Sir,” you pull out a bill and adequate tip for his trouble.
“You have a good one, ma’am. If ya need a ride back, you just call,” he calls after you.
You step out and shove the door closed, quickly marching onto the pavement. You peer up at the bakery, eyeing the facade. It isn’t as nice as your preferred cafe but there are no alternatives. How can people live like this? Is variety not the spice of life?
You’re aware of the looks you get from the village elders on the street. You ignore their sideways glances and enter the bakery. You approach the counter as you browse the menu, chin set. You are dying for a latte.
“Hello, I’d like an oat latte, half pump of vanilla, a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, and a touch of honey,” you outline your typical order.
“Uh, okay, that was a latte–”
“Oat latte,” you correct, “latte with oat milk…” the girl behind the counter squints and keys in the order, “with cinnamon–”
“Half a teaspoon, don’t cake it on,” you demand.
“Um, alright,” she stops and rips off a piece of blank receipt paper, making a note on it.
“With honey,” you enunciate clearly.
“Honey,” she mumbles as she writes, “anything else, ma’am?”
You sniff and lean back on your heel, looking up and down the display case, “are any of these vegan?”
“Sorry, I don’t think so.”
“Gluten free?” 
“No, I don’t–”
“I might do with the raspberry white chocolate scone,” you step back up to the counter.
“Sure,” she taps the buttons and reads out your total. You pay with your card and cross your arms as you strut to wait at the other end of the counter.
You look around dully. There’s a man sitting by the window. He has frosting on his fingertips as he picks at a cinnamon bun. He gives a goofy grin and wipes his hand on a napkin, several others sticking to him as he tries to tidy himself up. You shake your head and return your attention to the counter.
Your scone is served first on a small plate. It takes some time for the latte. You taste it and suck your teeth. You look at the employee as she watches you nervously. Even if you tell her she added too much cinnamon, you doubt she’ll get it right on a second try. Like everything around here, you’ll settle for it.
You take your order and sit in the corner. You slide out your phone. No bars. This wretched place threatens to bore you to tears. 
A chair scrapes and a throat clears. You narrow your eyes in the messy man’s direction as he approaches you. He’s tall with sandy brownish blond hair and a trim of overgrown stubble along his jaw and cheeks. He wears plaid under a tan vest with too many pockets. Backwoods chic, how gauche.
“Uh, hey, you new in town?”
“Passing through,” you utter tersely.
“Really? You staying up at the B&B? Odinsons are good people.” He nervously plays with the zipper on his vest, “I’m Cole–”
“I don’t want to know your name. The moment I’m free of this place, I hope to forget everything about it,” you spit.
He blanches, “uh, sorry, miss–”
“You will be if you keep bothering me.”
“I was just being friendly,” he begins.
“Let me tell you something, I run circles around friendly men like you. In fact, men like you, beg me to step on them,” you sneer hotly. “And trust me, you can’t handle me, so go on and finish your snack, little boy.”
He stutters and looks around. He nods and backs off, a dumb look on his face. He turns and walks stiffly back to his table. He stares ahead and slowly drops his head into his hands. You scoff.
Does every man in this forsaken place store their brains below their belt? You pick at the scone as your eyes drift over to the barista. She watches the man with a worried look then glances at you and winces, quickly hiding behind the display case.
You turn and peer out the window. This must be purgatory. It is possible you crashed your car and now must wait out your eternity in this hellscape.
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marksbear · 2 years
So I loved the Aaron as a sugar daddy but I now really need the cards flipped where he is now dating a celebrity who spoils both him and Jack out of love ;))
I'm happy you loved it Anon! And I hope you like this one!
The BAU unit is having one of their quiet and slow days in the office right now.
Everyone is doing their own thing. Spencer is reading, Derek giggling at his phone most likely texting a girl, J.J and Emily talking up a storm while Penelope is nearby Morgan's desk staring at Hotch's office.
"He's been on the phone for about fifty minutes now." Garcia finally blurts out catching everyone's attention. "Actually it's only been thirty two minutes." Reid corrects her looking up from his book giving Penelope his attention. "Same thing." Penelope responds with a groan.
"He has been on the phone for a while." Emily says looking at her bosses office as well. "Well maybe the bossman got a sweet lady friend on the phone." Derek adds turning off his phone with a smirk.
"You're all so nosy." J.J says playfully with a small laugh.
"It's what we are best at." Derek says adding in on the joke before sitting up. "How long until he notices that were staring at him?" Penelope questions while the team all stare at Hotch's open office.
As if on cue Hotch turns his body around looking at his team all watching him. "Okay gotta call you back, mhm. mhm.. Yeah I got it and don't work too hard. Okay bye." Aaron says one more time to the person on the phone before hanging up and staring down at his team with a glare.
"Reid pointed it out first." Morgan lies with a smirk on his face while the rest of his co-workers agree and lie with him. "Wha-It wasn't me!" Spencer says looking at the team. "That's four against one. Who do you believe Hotch?" Emily questions with a smirk.
"That it was all of you." Hotch answers rolling his eyes in the process.
After work finally ended everyone agreed to go to a nearby restaurant and have dinner.
The restaurant was nice and welcoming. The team's table was filled with laughter and smiles. The only bad thing about it was Aaron kept checking his phone 24/7 non-stop.
"Okay who's the girl?" Derek says taking a hold of Aaron's hand as soon he was about to reach for his phone. Aaron shots Derek a glare before answering. "It's nothing."
The whole team gives Aaron a "Be for real." type of look.
"Okay fine. It's just that i'm worried for Jack since he's with his new babysitter." Aaron lies to the team before putting his phone in his pockets. "New sitter trouble or what?" Morgan asks with concern filling his voice.
"Not really it's just that when him and Jack are together for a long time chaos is bound to happen." Hotch answers trying to avoid all the pair of eyes that are on him. "How about we all go to your house and see what's up. If they're a mess we can all clean it up." J.J offers getting money out to pay for everyone.
Before Aaron could protest the team all leave tips and got their belongings before leaving the restaurant to go to their bosses house.
Aaron gives the team one more look before unlocking the door stepping inside the house watching everyone come inside. "This place looks even better than the last time I was here." Emily points out looking at all the expensive toys and objects laying around.
Spencer walks to a counter picking up a silver white Rolex. "Wow...This collection hasn't even been released to the public yet. Only three people in the world have this. And the watch isn't fake either it has real diamonds and gold in it too." Spencer rants before putting the watch down.
"Hey where is the little man?---" Emily gets cut off by a loud childish scream from a different room as well Jack running out of the room laughing. "Daddy! Daddy help!" Jack squeals running behind Aaron hiding.
Aaron lets out a chuckle already knowing what or really who his son is running from.
"Y/n, stop scaring my son!" Aaron shouts before picking up Jack off the ground bringing him into a hug. "Couldn't help myself he's just so easy to get." A voice calls out from a room where Jack was running away from his life.
"No..." Derek trails off
"Way." Penelope finishing her friend's words. The team gasps when they see the Y/n L/n walking out of the room hair a mess as well as his clothes. "Hey baby." Y/n says to Aaron walking up to him giving him a light kiss on the cheek. Y/n looks at the staring team giving them a smile and a small greeting.
Even though the team is standing and staring at the couple like deer in head lights they all share the same mutual thought. "Look at him..." They all are referring to Aaron who is smiling ear to ear talking and laughing with Y/n. Y/n introduces himself to his boyfriend's family hoping to make a good impression. Soon enough everyone is talking and laughing among each other welcoming Y/n into the family.
Hours pass again and again people leaving and saying their goodbyes to only Jack, Aaron and Y/n are only in the house.
"I think they like you." Aaron says to his boyfriend wrapping his arms around Y/n. "You think so?" Y/n asks putting his hands on Aaron's waist bringing him closer. Aaron nods yes before kissing Y/n deeply. Y/n immediately kisses back with the same passion massaging Aaron's hips as they swap kisses back and forth.
Y/n pulls away with a smirk on his face. "Did you like the gift I sent for you at work?" Y/n asks suggesting the flowers and different kinds of snacks he sent to Aaron's office. "I loved it. But some people thought I had a secret admirer" Aaron answers remembering all the questions from this morning. "I'm not much of a secret, but I sure is hell an admirer." Y/n says with a laugh.
"I bought Jack loads of things today like toys, bikes and more soccer things. I even got him a dog, but shes at my place at the moment. Shes already trained and all that and she's probably playing with the sitter." Y/n tells him taking Aaron's hand guiding him to Jack's room that is now littered with expensive clothes and toys. "You spoil him too much." Aaron responds back with a light push.
"Don't get jealous I bought you things too. I even got us adult toys. But we can play with those later." Y/n says shooting Aaron a wink earning a light hit on the shoulder.
"Aar. I was wondering if you wanna come with me to one of my photoshoots? It won't take long I promise. Just a couple shots of me wearing their brand and slapping it on a magazine then were done." Y/n asks turning around to his boyfriend leaning on the door frame.
Aaron thinks for a minute before turning around facing Y/n leaning his own body against Y/n's. "I know you're more busy than that, so tell me everything." "Okay boss. I got this GQ interview then the photoshoot. Next is a little cameo in this movie. Last but not least is a late- night interview." Y/n says with a sigh before continuing. "And I wanted to ask you if you would like to accompany me with your son as well."
Before Aaron could answer Y/n shuts him up with a kiss. "Thanks Aaron. I knew you were gonna say yes."
All the photoshoots went fast in Y/n's opinion.
Now currently he's in the dressing room with the two people he loves most talking about all sorts of things. Y/n has Aaron on one of his thighs while Jack is on the other talking and laughing like the small family they are.
"Mr L/n! You're up in five!" One of Y/n's agents tells him before leaving the room.
Y/n lets out a sigh before looking at Jack. "Jack. Daddy has to go on TV now, you can stay back here and watch okay?" "Okay daddy!" Jack gives Y/n a kiss on the cheek before hopping off his leg going to the pile of toys on the floor.
Y/n turns his head facing Aaron with a smile on his face. "Aaron. Daddy has to go, but if you are a good little boy daddy will award you." Y/n says playfully with a wink.
"Stop it Jack is right there." Aaron says getting off of Y/n's legs before bending down to kiss him deeply. Y/n puts his hands on Aaron's waist kissing him back. The two makeout until someone knocks on the door. "Y/n! Cmon its showtime." Y/n pulls away from the heated makeout with a smile on his face before giving the boys a quick bye before leaving the room.
The interview was going great so far. The audience loved Y/n. They cheered 24/7 for him even when he said something simple they cheered for him. Y/n was everything that anyone could ask from a guest. Kind, funny and handsome.
Currently the interviewer was asking Y/n about what he was going to do next to "Wow the world." The interviewer asks. Before Y/n could answer it was a loud child squeal screaming "Daddy!" Before anyone could react Jack runs out of backstage and to where Y/n is sitting jumping on his lap.
The whole crowd says "Awww" in union as they watch Jack hold onto Y/n tightly turning his face away from the camera.
"To answer your question. I guess it is to show the world one of the two men I love most in this world."
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wizard-on-whales · 8 months
Modern AU! for rdr2 characters
These are my headcannons for each character and what I think they would do in modern times.
Characters included: Arthur, Micah, Dutch, John, Abigail, Mary-Beth, Karen, Tilly, Sadie, Strauss, Charles, Susan, Bill, Lenny, Hosea, Sean, Molly, Javier, Swanson
Arthur Morgan: 
He works a blue-collar job. He would most likely be a ranch hand, but for some reason, I can also imagine him being a plumber or welder. In his free time, he does art and sells prints on Etsy. He is still an old-fashioned gentleman (In a good way), and all of the ladies he meets swoon for him, but he is a himbo and doesn't realize they are practically in love with him. They will give him the most obvious hints, but he will think the women are just being nice. 
Micah Bell:
He's the creepy uncle that you avoid at every family gathering. He hasn't had a job in like 15 years, and no one knows how he can still pay his bills. And he also always smells like lingering alcohol and cigarettes. He will lean too close to his nieces and say extremely concerning things everyone would choose to ignore. Im also getting the vibes that he went to prison for several years, but no one knows what for.
Dutch Van Der Linde:
He sells people scams or owns a pyramid scheme business. Similar to Scentsy products, he somehow convinces all of these people to buy his products to sell to other people, telling them they will get rich by selling these products, but, in reality, he's screwing them over and making most of the money himself. 
John Marston: 
If we are talking about early Red Dead 2 Marston, he still lives in his parent's basement and plays video games on his PC all day. He also watches Andrew Tate and would try to boss Abigail around and tell her he's an alpha male. (She'd slap him and tell him to get over himself) Late rdr2 and rdr1, he's grown out of that mindset and has become a working family man. Potentially also a welder, like I said for Arthur. But any high-paying physical job works.  
I feel like Abigail, Mary-Beth, Karen, and Tilly would all have a mom group they host every week to discuss their child's newest achievements. Their husbands think that is all they do at the meetings, but they also have in-depth conversations about women's suffrage and how the world caters to men. They think of ways to better the world and bring more women together to discuss these topics and bring light to issues regarding women. The girls would run a pretty popular Facebook group where they let other women express their opinions on those topics. (Arthur is a part of the Facebook group and likes every post he sees and comments shit like, “You're doing great, ladies! Keep up the good work! 😁🥰👍”) 
Sadie would probably occasionally attend these meetings (Although I dont see her having children, she would go for the cheap wine and to hang with her friends). Sadie would also go for the in-depth conversations and bring new thoughts to the table because she is a CEO or manager for a very successful company. She would share her experiences of what it's like to be on top of the men who work for her but still be looked down upon by them simply because of her gender. She would also probably share tips on that Facebook page on how to create a successful business without having to attend years of college and give tips for all stay-at-home moms who want to be more than just moms and wives. (She would also be the cool rich aunt)
Leopold Strauss: 
He would do the same thing. He gives loans to people who he knows won't be able to pay back the money, and then when the bill comes, he'd ruin their lives and probably end up breaking up families/ relationships and send people to jail for not paying back the money in time. 
Charles Smith:
I can see him being a park ranger or working in any conservation field. Potentially even a firefighter who deals with all of the forest fires that happen in places along the West Coast. He’d also be one to do something similar to what he did in the game, but he would work with the local native tribes against companies to try to win back their lands before it gets plowed over for an Amazon factory or something. 
Susan Grimshaw:
I can see her being the mean substitute teacher who yells at everyone to get to work, and then when someone does something slightly wrong, she would yell at the whole class and be like, “In all of my years of teaching, I have never seen a class behave this badly.” Either that or she would work at the front desk of the business Sadie runs. Miss Grimshaw would NOT play with anyone who would try to be rude towards her. 
Bill Williamson: 
Ehem…a police officer. I feel like this one is self-explanatory. But he would mostly sit in his car and do nothing his entire shift. Occasionally pulling someone over for speeding. If they are a white dude, he'd would let them off with just a warning. Poor Lenny would probably get the ticket. 
Lenny Summers: 
I feel like he would be the one to graduate high school early and go to college as soon as possible. I dont know exactly what he would choose for his degree, but I feel like it would be something involving politics. Maybe that wouldn't be his major, but he would take a government class. Or Potentially going into journaling. 
Hosea Matthews:
He's the retired grandpa who used to work in a factory where he made a surprising amount of money and was able to retire early. He spends most of his days walking up at 5 in the morning to watch the sunrise and read the morning paper. And he’ll spend every opportunity he gets to take his kids or grandkids fishing. And if you stay at his house overnight or for the weekend, he gives you a bowl of ice cream every night before bed and recounts every story he could think of that happened from the last time you saw him. (Some of them are surprisingly concerning, but he is one of those badass grandpas)
Sean Macguire:
Similar to John, Sean would spend most of his time gaming on his PC and arguing with children on COD or Fortnite. But he also works at a local bar as the bartender and won't hesitate to argue with the drunk assholes and would slap a bitch if needed. But he also embarrasses himself by flirting with women who will give him dirty looks or tell him that they are gay. (I feel like Karen would also work late-night shifts at the bar with him, but shes also taking online college classes because she wants to be a social worker) 
Molly O’Shea:
Instagram and TikTok influencer 100%, and lots of brands like to sponsor her and send her free stuff (Mostly because of Dutch’s business.) and she posts videos of her and Dutch, and everyone in the comments freaks out about how he is grooming her because of their age difference but she denies it all and says that they are actually in love.  But then she would post a video to that one sound, “My god this reminds me of when we were young.” And Molly be like 8, and Dutch be in his mid-to-late 20s. 
Javier Escuella: 
He’d be a musician. He would have started out in a shitty garage band with Sean and John or something, but then he’d realize he actually wants to be a serious musician while the other guys were just messing around. So he’d leave and make solo music that blows up, and he ends up going on tour, and making a lot of money and becoming hugely successful. 
Reverend Swanson:
The preacher you always see in the corner of the bar Sean works at. And if you went up to him and started talking to him, he’d tell you the most profound things. He would tell you about his life when he was younger and what happened that made him lose hope, but he would motivate you to never give up. He’d be that person you meet by chance for a few seconds that you would never forget. Hosea probably invites him to go fishing with him from time to time. But instead of fishing, Swanson stares at the water ripples in silence. Hosea would let him sit in silence and let Swanson enjoy the company and the time to think while being sober. 
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sssturniolofart · 10 months
are we there yet?
warnings: droogs, smut, kissing, touching
Relations: Chris x Yn
locals n younger fan dni but idrc🤷🏽‍♀️
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I was sitting on the couch with Matt and Chris while Nick was in the kitchen making a "special drink" for me. we were all bored, I was laying on Chris's lap while my legs were in Matt's.
Finally Nick came back with a glass of a bunch of different types of liquor mixed together. I sat up leaning onto Chris and Nick handed me the glass.
Once it left his finger tips I took a big swig of the drink and passed it onto Chris. I was trying not to gag because of how bad it was to take down.
"Bleh, I don't like it" I exclaimed looking over at Chris who had took two sips and handed it to his brother matt, who took a big chug of it.
"I don't mind it, I think it's nice." matt responded, I looked at matt and stuck my tongue out and shook my head.
"I was just about to say that" Chris giggled, then he laid his hand on my lap. "We should go for a drive" Chris said, out of no where.
"I'm the only person that can drive well and I just took a sip of liquor.. your gonna have to wait buddy" matt said looking at Chris.
"it's okay nobody will tell" I blurted.
matt and Chris shrugged and Nick immediately disagreed "nope, nope, nope, nope. you just took a swig of liquor, all three of you, not going." he ranted
"oh shut up, nick" Chris yawned. "he's smart, he knows how to drive. and you don't HAVE to go with us" he said smirking at nick while he slowly moved his hand into my inner thigh.
"no I rather go but first go try to piss it out or something.." nick says looking panicked.
"not sure if that's how it works." I giggled and got up from leaning on Chris. Chris and Matt both got up after me and we all walked outside to Matt's car. (it wasn't the van)
me and Chris took the backseats and we knew nick was gonna follow us soon so we waited for nick to hurry his ass up.
Matt started the car and queued a few songs before nick finally came out. "what took you so fucking long?" matt asked, with a lot of mattitued. "why does it matter?" Nick snapped back.
"he just wants to know why it took you so god damn long" Chris added. "WELL IF YOU MAY FUCKING KNOW I WENT TO GO PISS, FUCKTARDS" Nick screamed.
After nick was done screaming he got into the car and started talking to me like nothing happened.
After awhile I was leaning my head into Chris shoulder and the music was loud, we were passing the cart around and each taking a couple hits from it as matt was driving.
"what if we went to a party?" nick smiled, looking around for approval. matt smirked and slowly nodded, then looked back at me and chris. "I'm down." he said.
I looked at Chris and he shook his head. "tbh, I'm not really feeling a party tonight" He said looking down at me.
"Whattt? Chris you always want to party. wth happened?" matt said.
"I just want to cuddle with my beautiful girl tonight." he smiled, hugging me tighter.
"you can stay in the car then." nick said rolling his eyes. matt agreed.
"okay." Chris said, as he pulled me into his lap.
"find me the nearest one nick" matt smiled turning the music up even louder.
"I love you" Chris whispered in my ear. "I love you too" I whispered back.
he rested his hands on my ass but slowly caressed his thumb across the top of my ass. I adjusted myself so I could get comfortable on his lap but as I did that I heard a small groan from him.
once I was comfortable I could feel his semi-boner against the side of my pussy. "sorry" he said nervously blushing. I giggled and blushed and slowly started to move against it.
he slowly guided me on how to move and soon I got the hang of it, we slowly started sloppy kissing.
his brothers weren't paying attention to us so we continued what we were doing.
I was wearing a small jean skirt and a tight blue t shirt, Chris was wearing his gray sweatpants and a hoodie.
he slid his hands under my skirt to pull down my black panties, as he was taking them off he laid me down in the seats and hovered on top of me.
matt was driving and bopping his head to the music, and Nick was shouting the lyrics to the song, they were both high so who knows what was going on in their minds.
Chris started kissing my neck and I wrapped my legs around body and could feel his boner thru his pants on my clit.
"fuck yn, your so hot" he whispered in the crook of my neck.
"fuck me then" I whispered back with the biggest smirk on my face. he glanced over at his brothers and then quickly pulled his sweats and boxers down.
He placed his cock at my entrance and slid it up my folds. he then pushed himself into me and groaned pretty loudly but surprisingly the boys couldn't hear. he started thrusting his hips into me.
we were moaning and thrusting onto each other , leaving sloppy kisses and hickies on eachother.
"fuck ma" he moaned, "fu- fuck Chris im gonna cum" I moaned quietly.
"are we there yet?" he smirked.
I nodded quickly and came around his cock as he came inside of me.
"shit, how are we gonna clean this up?" I asked. Chris grabbed some left over napkins from our mc donalds trip from the other day and cleaned himself and I up.
he put his clothes back on and I slid my panties back up.
we finally arrived at the party and matt and Nick got out to go inside as me and Chris stayed in the car.
Chris laid on me and fell asleep while I was caressing his hair and looking at my phone, waiting for the boys to come back.
@sturniolox3 @sturniololoverr @sturnphilia @sturnsblunt @strniohoeee @judebellinghamsgf22
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king-bumis-armpit · 5 months
The Promise of Dessert
Written for Maiko Week 2024 – Parents
Summary: Zuko and Mai talk about having kids for the first time. Such a serious conversation can only be had with a plate of fruit tarts. Guest starring: chef Tom-Tom.
Author’s Note: This is very contradictory to the fic I posted yesterday, lol! They exist in separate timelines. Maybe OOC. Mai and Zuko have a very open and honest conversation. In my head this takes place before the Promise comics and very near the end of the show, but Tom-Tom is slightly aged up. But it could also take place after they get back together. Dealer’s choice ;) 
Also, thank you to everyone who commented on any of my posts! I had never really written fanfic and published it before this week and you have all been so nice and encouraging. I’m out of pre-written posts and this might be the last thing I put up this week <3
TW: Very brief mention of infertility and a difficult pregnancy. It’s mostly fluff.
WC: 2,177
Mai shivered in the evening air. Where was your fire bending boyfriend when you needed him? She was walking home after spending the day with Ty Lee, and she felt completely drained.
It was fun and all, but truthfully Mai had been ready to leave much earlier than Ty Lee allowed. She loved her friend, but the acrobat was a bit much sometimes. They were hanging out with the other Kyoshi Warriors– many of whom Mai had also come to like– but they were not a quiet bunch. Mai had stayed up late last night visiting Zuko at the palace and she desperately needed a rest. 
She had tried to leave at dinner time, but Suki guilted her into eating with them. And afterwards, Ty Lee insisted that Mai test her Pai Sho skills against Misaki, who was the best on Kyoshi Island apparently. Then, for some very important reason unfathomable to Mai, Kaori, another one of the girls, urgently needed to learn how to put her hair into symmetrical buns. That lesson took quite a long time, so when they finished Mai was sure that she was free. But alas! Hiro– or maybe Hina (Mai was still learning everyone’s name)– wanted knife throwing tips. By the time Mai was able to go, the sun was going down. 
She yawned and stretched before entering her home. On the floor was a piece of paper. Mai thought it was odd, but she had half a mind to ignore it before she realized it bore her name. Raising an eyebrow, she picked it up, but all it said was, “Go to kitchen.” The handwriting looked like Zuko’s. She pursed her lips. That man and his notes.
Still, she was slightly more awake than before and she complied with the request. She pushed open the door and, sure enough, there he was. Zuko stood in his casual robes and apron of all things. He didn’t notice her at first because he was talking to Tom-Tom, who sat on the counter, also in an apron and covered in flour. Tom-Tom laughed at whatever Zuko was saying, and Zuko ruffled his hair affectionately. 
Mai felt her heart do an odd sort of somersault. The scene was so domestic… She could almost imagine their future. There was no banishment anymore, or war, or pain. Just the people she loved.
Tom-Tom spotted her first. “Mai!” He jumped down and ran to hug her. She patted his head affectionately, as he gazed up at her. “Zuko and I made fruit tarts for you! Just don’t look in the trash. We messed up a lot of times. But this batch is perfect!” 
Her little brother took her hand, and guided her to the kitchen table. It was much smaller than the one in their formal dining room, but it felt more intimate. Mai cast her eyes to Zuko, who was watching her with a sappy grin. “Welcome home,” he said, and she felt her cheeks flush.
“Thank you,” she replied, before turning her attention to the tarts. Some of them were burnt on the outside, and a few were a bit lacking in the titular fruit. Mai suspected that the boys had been overconfident on their first go and wasted supplies. But, to her, they were the most exquisite desserts she had ever received. “These look delicious! I didn’t know you two had it in you.” She gave Tom-Tom a peck on the forehead. “Thank you so much, I can’t wait to try one.”
Tom-Tom beamed up at her proudly. “You should try…” he furrowed his brow in concentration and examined the fruits of his labor intently. “This one.” He pointed to the one that had the most fruit and the least charring. 
Mai picked it up gratefully and took a bite. “It’s so good! You could be quite the chef one day.”
Zuko had been watching her affectionately, but he pouted at that. “Hey! What about me?”
She laughed and walked over to kiss his cheek. “You too, of course. But I would rather you keep our Nation running.” He smirked and wrapped her in a quick embrace.
Then, he pulled out a chair from the table for her, and the three of them sat. Zuko and Tom-Tom also ate a fruit tart each, but Mai could tell that they had been sampling their wares before her arrival. 
Michi appeared to take Tom-Tom to bed, and she gave Mai a cheerful look on her way out. Mai didn’t know how to feel about it. She assumed her mother wouldn’t be so at ease with her daughter’s boyfriend being over so late if he wasn’t royalty. 
Zuko seemed to sense he was losing her to her thoughts, and he cleared his throat. “Your little brother’s a good kid. At first I was worried about spending so much time with him… I’m not really used to children. I thought maybe he would cry or need your mom or something.”
Mai chuckled. “He’s five now, Zuko. He still gets upset sometimes, but he’s not in diapers. What even inspired your joint mission?”
Pink dusted Zuko’s cheeks and he gazed very intently at the table before them. “I was thinking about all of the things that I knew made you happy. Both Tom-Tom and fruit tarts were on the list.” 
“Were you making this list for a particular reason?” she asked.
The smile left his eyes, and he turned his gaze back to her. He grasped her hands tightly in his own. “I was thinking about all of the things you do for me. I couldn’t stop thinking about… when we were at the Boiling Rock…” he swallowed hard. “You risked your life for me, and I left you there.” His voice was heavy with regret.
“Oh Zuko,” Mai brought her hand to his cheek. “You don’t always have to be the hero. Let me save you sometimes. It’s my honor,” she teased.
Zuko smiled again, but it was smaller than before. He always carried too much guilt. “Either way, I wanted to thank you. You are– in the most literal sense– my hero. I wanted to make you your favorite foods, but I decided to start with fruit tarts. And I figured that if I enlisted Tom-Tom’s help, we could bond a little. I intend on being in your lives for a very long time.”
The thought filled Mai with a pleasant sort of warmth. She was getting drowsy again, but she didn’t want to go to sleep anymore. “When I saw you two together, I have to admit it made me really happy. Three of us sitting here together might be my best memory in this house.”
Zuko nodded in agreement. “It felt like we were a family.”
Mai wasn’t sure she was ready for this conversation. She deflected, “We already are a family.”
His brow furrowed. “Yes, but I meant… it almost felt like we were parents.”
Mai hummed noncommittally, but it was too late. Zuko latched onto the notion.
After a few minutes of silence, he added in a small voice. “Would you ever want to have kids? With me?”
Mai thought that she did, but should she say it? What if she changed her mind later? “Well, we’ll have to. Won’t we? For the sake of the bloodline?”
Zuko flinched. “I was actually thinking about this– oh! Uh. Not in a weird way.” He turned as red as the strawberries on the table before them. “I mean… my advisors may have mentioned it. They don’t like that Azula is my only other young relative. But I was thinking, if you don’t want kids, we could choose a different royal family. Or maybe form a new type of government all together.”
Mai’s jaw nearly dropped. “Wouldn’t it be easier to find another woman?”
“Another woman?” Zuko sounded painfully confused. 
“You know, women. About half of the population?”
Zuko rolled his eyes. “I get the picture, but why should I find another one?”
Mai crossed her arms. In truth, he was being very sweet, but he was on the verge of promising something too big. “It would be a whole lot easier to marry someone else than construct a new government. Are you stupid?”
“That is not an option.” Uh oh, Zuko was using his grouchy voice. In particular, the voice he typically reserved for people who insulted her. Ironic. He seemed to realize how intense his tone was. “I mean unless you don’t want to marry me! Or be with me… Um… But if you do, want to be with me, like at all, I would strongly prefer that option.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, clearly frustrated by his inability to speak his mind.
Mai looked at him incredulously. “Of course I want to be with you. We were just talking about how I almost died for you.”
Zuko’s eye twitched. “Then why doesn’t that settle it?! I don’t care how many advisors or Ozai loyalists or reactionaries I have to knock down. If you don’t want kids, then we won’t have kids. Look at my family’s history! It’s probably time we put someone else in charge. My lineage or bloodline or whatever means nothing to me! I want a family with you, even that means just the two of us.”
Mai knew she was just being obstinate now, but wanted to poke him one last time. “And why am I so special? You can’t make a promise like this without really thinking it through.” she deadpanned. 
Zuko was practically smoking at this point. “Mai, I have thought about it! It’s because I love you! Because you understand me like no one else in the world. Because I’m pretty sure I need you to survive. During my banishment, I would think about you and sometimes I would worry that we would reunite, but it would all be wrong. You wouldn’t like me anymore, or we wouldn’t have that same innate understanding of each other from when we were kids. But, we did.” He was looking at her like she was a miracle. “We both changed so much, but you still get me. You listen to my stupid outbursts and you manage to make sense of them. You keep me in line when I’m being unreasonable. I only feel this safe with you and Uncle. I need you.” 
He was starting to tear up, and Mai realized that she felt safe with him too. He was her safe harbor in the world around them. She actually had thought about having kids with Zuko. She always vaguely wanted to. Now that he had given her the option, she knew for sure. This man would do anything for her comfort, including put his own desires aside. She could trust him with her future.
“I want one. Or maybe two,” she blurted out.
“What? Fruit tarts?” Zuko asked, caught completely unawares. 
“No– I mean maybe– but that’s obviously not what I meant, you big idiot.”
“Oh!” A grin split Zuko’s face from ear-to-ear. “Hold on, why did you make me say all that stuff about our other options? I thought you were about to dump me. That was terrifying.”
“Well, I wasn’t entirely sure. I liked the idea of having kids, but Mom had a really rough go of it with Tom-Tom. It took her years to get pregnant again and it was not an easy time. And, if I changed my mind or we couldn’t, I didn’t want to give you that hope and take it away.” 
Zuko wrapped an arm around her. “You are always free to change your mind. I will never take that choice away. And if you can’t get pregnant, then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. But no new women, please.”
Mai laughed. “Deal. Honestly, hearing you say all that sappy stuff…” Zuko frowned, wondering how she would finish that thought. “It made me feel safe too. I think… I feel safe enough to see our future.” And then a thought occurred to her, “Our distant future. Right?”
Zuko laughed and nodded fervently. “Yes, let’s try to reach a more manageable level of assassination attempts before we start planning in earnest.”
Mai tried to reply, but a yawn escaped instead. Zuko looked at her sympathetically. “I’m sorry to keep you up so late. I thought Tom-Tom and I would learn faster. I told Ty Lee to keep you busy until I sent her a message.” That explains a lot, Mai thought. They stored the extra tarts for the next day, and Zuko walked Mai to her room. They shared an almost uncharacteristically chaste kiss before parting ways. They had been very vulnerable with each other, and they needed some time apart to recover. 
But the promise of such a bright future, however distant, buoyed Zuko’s step on his short walk home. One day, they might be parents. And their family would be full of love, hope, and fruit tarts.
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jackmercerenthuiast · 2 years
☆Number - Jack Mercer x Reader
☆ idc Jack Mercer doesn’t have enough fanfics so I’m here to serve justice.
☆Would recommend listening to ‘You Can Be The Boss’ by Lana Del Rey
Content: Mentions of drugs alcohol, suggestive language, mentions of gang violence
~و✧…彡☆ - btw pretend Jack survived x
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彡☆ 2005          19:36PM
‘This job is honestly ass’  I said to my most common customer, and closest friend, Sofi. It was true, I hated my job, it was a fucking shithole, I mean it was a dingy bar in the rough parts of Detroit, a little girl’s dream clearly.
‘Aye (name) don’t be so silly, it pays the bills, and plus, you get a lot of guys working here.’ She wasn’t wrong, I mean it did pay the bills after all but the amount of guys that I didn’t want? Uncountable.
‘I know Sof’, but they’re all ugly most of the time, plus, when they’re that pissed out of their minds, ‘no’ doesn’t compute easy, they got determination I’ll say that. Gets me a few tips I suppose.’ I laughed, cleaning the nearby table where Sofi sat. ‘Speaking of guys, can’t believe you’re seeing that Angel Mercer again!’ I asked, sitting next to her and nudging her shoulder.
‘I don’t like the way you said ‘Again’ but at least I have a man. Though, how old are you now?’ She asked, smiling at the ground when she answered about Angel, absolutely smitten, is the only words I could describe her.
‘Twentyyy... one?’ I questioned myself as I pulled out my ID, just double checking I was actually 21. 
‘You really think that checking your ID is going to help? How many fake IDs did you have when you were 17 to get cigarettes?’ Me and Sofi go back to when I was 17 and freshly moved to America, she lived in the apartment next to me and we’d been best friends since she welcomed me into the new apartment.
‘Shut up girl, this is a real one, and I am right I’m 21.’ I laughed, smacking my ID on the table.
‘Okay okay, anywho, Angel has a brother, Jack who’s the same age as you, and he got shot recently, he’s getting out of hospital today and a little birdie told me him and his brothers are coming here in an hour or so to celebrate.’ She suggested, walking over to the bar.
‘Oh yeah? Well from what you’ve told me the birdie is actually quite big.’ I smirk as I pour myself a pint from the tap, Sofi hit me on my arm, telling me to shut up in Spanish. I love Sofi but she loves to overshare about her sex life, but it’s fun to mess with her about it. 
…彡☆      19:54PM
A few moments passed, as me and Sofi just talked about random things, about how crazy it was that Victor Sweet had finally been killed, what Sofi wanted to do career wise etc. When all of a sudden, a bunch of loud men burst through the door, as I recognise a very familiar face.
‘(Name)! What’s goin’ on baby?’ He said as he approached the bar, politely shaking my hand, Jerry was like a big brother to me, always nice and fair.
‘Nothin’ much, your wife know you here? I can call her right now if she don’t.’
‘Nah she knows, I’m truthful to my lady, and seeing as I’m so truthful, can we get a few rounds free?’
I laughed and nodded saying as long as I got tipped I’d give them whatever.
‘Bullshit Jerry, we all keep secrets here.’ A bloke in leather, with a goatee sort of thing going on says, laughing and hitting his back.
‘Man shut the fuck up before I woop yo’ white ass. (Name), these are my brothers Bobby, Jack and Angel, I guess you’re already acquainted with Angel here.’
‘Yeah man, it’s hard not to know who Angel is when all I hear in my apartment is those two getting it on.’ I say, lighting a cigarette whilst directioning my hand to Sofi and Angel.
Then I looked at Jack, and all I thought was ‘Damn he’s fine’.
‘So you lovely ladies want tables or are you gonna keep me company and sit at the bar?’
‘I think the guys are alright with sitting at the bar, right guys?’ Jerry said, asking his brothers, they all nodded and agreed as they took seats at the bar.
‘Can I get a beer?’ The one who I assumed was Bobby, asked.
‘Can you be specific, Guiness? Heineken? A pint? Half-pint? And I don’t know maybe a please?’ I chuckled, directioning to the amount of beers there were to choose from
‘She had you on that one Bobby, she’s very passionate about her alcohol.’ Angel said. 
‘And why’s that, you an alcoholic or somethin?’
‘No, I don’t know if you can tell from the accent but it’s just from being English really.’ I could see Jack’s eyebrows raise slightly, he was really cute.
‘Ah, I don’t know man just give me a bottle of Guiness.’
…彡☆           20:20PM
About half an hour passed before I finally talked to Jack, I slid down the bar, making my way to where he sat, leaving the rest of the brothers and Sofi to do whatever.
‘You’re Jack I take it?’
‘Yeah and you’re.. (name)?’
‘Indeed it is, what drink you want Jackie?’
‘I don’t mind really, can I get a cigarette? The hospital wouldn’t let me bring ‘em in.’ He laughed, god damn his laugh. I’ve known this boy for 45 minutes and I’m whipped
‘Yeah sure and I’m sorry to hear that you got shot by the way, you ‘re lucky you survived love.’ I could see him the try to hide the fact me calling him love got a reaction out of him, it’s not particularly uncommon for me to call customers love, but it’s usually older customers, just out of respect, though for him? I just said it to get a reaction.
‘Thanks, how long you been working at the bar?’
‘Not long really, few months? I’ve only been in America for a couple of years, I think four years.’ Passing him a cigarette and a lighter whilst taking a puff of my own.
‘Ah cool, how come you moved?’
‘I don’t know really, I suppose to just be with my mum, seeing as she wanted to just get away.’
‘Your parents split?’
‘Yeah but it was probably the best choice they collectively made.’ I laughed, pouring him a drink.
‘Fair enough, you do anything else other than be the only good-looking bar tender in Detroit?’ Um sir? 
‘Don’t flatter me Jackie, but yeah actually, I play the bass here and there.’
…彡☆ Jack POV  …彡☆
‘Don’t flatter me Jackie...’ Man, I haven’t even known her that long and I can’t help but want to take her out. 
‘Ah bass? That’s cool man, I play the guitar, before I moved back to Detroit I was actually in a band, believe it or not.’ Flicking my cigarette ash in the nearby ashtray, when I had an idea. I asked her for a pen and she handed me the one in her shirt pocket.
‘I certainly believe it, but anywho I can’t concentrate on your pretty face all night, I’ll serve some other customers and I’ll be back soon.’ She said winking at me, I felt my face go so warm, Sofi definitely knew I was going red, and to my misfortune, so did Bobby.
‘Woah Jackie, did the bullet knock the fairy out of you or what?!’
‘Shut up man, you probably haven’t been flirted with in the last 10 years.’
‘Sure fairy whatever you say.’
…彡☆    22:17PM     your pov
‘Okay boys we’re gonna leave now, because for some reason I got designated driver duty so come on! You too Sofi vámanos!’ Jerry yelled, dragging Sofi and Angel by the collars of their shirts, I laughed to myself as all of the brothers continued to leave in a drunken mess, the night was full of brotherly love, teasing and intense flirting between me and Jack, as he had more drinks he got more bold with how he spoke.
I was absolutely whipped, and as Jack left, he gave me a cigarette and said, 
‘Don’t light it right away.’ with a drunken but genuine smile, I responded, ‘Don’t worry Jackie I won’t, see you soon.’ and I pecked him on the cheek as I left for the room where I kept my coat to close up my shift, taking the cigarette with me.
Later in the night I was certain there was something I had forgotten to do, and then it hit me, I probably was meant to look at the cigarette or something, and then I thought, ‘Where’s the cigarette?’, and I trudged to my sofa and grabbed my coat, luckily the cig was still in my pocket.
I twizzled it in my fingers, when I saw numbers written on one side, and a note saying, ‘Call me - Jackie’ with a heart next to it on the other, that smooth motherfucker. I unravelled the cigarette, putting the nicotine in a spare pouch and attached the note to my fridge with a magnet with the intentions to call him in the morning.
…彡☆     The End!
Please let me know if you liked this, if so I might write a part 2 to it or just continue to write Jack mercer fics seeing as there just aren’t enough! Love ya x
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What Extraordinary Beings We Are
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Summary: Qimir is the hottest pop star on the planet right now with a new album, awards and a movie, he is enjoying himself until he suddenly gets attacked outside of a club. His manager, Mae, arranges for her sister to become his protective agent until they can get more permanent security but there is something about Osha that just has him in awe. Based on a Tumblr prompt by @flythesail
Find on Ao3.
Chapter One
The stadium was packed full of screaming fans, mostly girls and women in anticipation of the concert. The roadies and techs running back and forth to get everything going, the massive screen on the backdrop showing an image of a countdown to the concert’s beginning. The band was sitting in their positions, listening to the stage manager in their ear pieces. The backup dancers were jumping up and down and stretching, ready to go out.
The only one missing was the star himself.
Mae knocked on the door.
“Qimir, hurry your ass up,” she said, looking at her phone. Mae Anaseya had been Qimir’s manager for the last three years and she had been the only one to stay by his side that long because she didn’t put up with any of his bullshit- of which he had plenty. She looked at the time. They were minutes away from starting, opening the door before he could answer her properly.
She walked in to find him sitting in front of his vanity, looking at his phone and generally ignoring the woman who was working on his hair.
“Come on, you need to get out there,” she said and he looked up from his phone.
“Mae,” he said in mild annoyance, the woman putting his microphone around his head and taping it into place. “I thought we said we weren’t going to come into rooms without knocking first.”
“I did. You are going to be late, let’s go,” she said, shooing the woman away as she dragged Qimir from his perch and shame walked him down the hallway. The roar of the crowd filled the stadium and shook the walls. They were like wild animals out there.
“Where are we going next?” he asked, looking at his phone, scrolling through Instagram to see if any of the BTS guys had hit him up.
“Jacksonville, and you need to actually remember this time. Saying thank you to Boston when you were in New York did not go over well,” she said, shoving him along the path to the stage. He didn’t pay her to be nice, that was for sure.
“Thanks for the tip,” he muttered and fixed his black jacket.
“The movie is wrapping post production so you’ll be going on a press tour starting in two months, you have six more stops on this tour and you are done until Feburary next year,” she said, looking at her phone. She had been hired because she had been the only one who had gotten him where he needed to go and doing what he needed to do without much of a fight. Everyone was always letting Qimir do whatever he wanted, as long as he gave them a wink and a smile, but Mae was immune to his stupid charm and instead focused on their working relationship- she was his annoying sister who kept him on the straight and narrow.
Qimir was ushered onto the stage and in front of thousands of screaming fans, Mae standing off to the side, looking at her phone. She returned to the green room, answering calls and e-mails as the concert went on for three hours and finally he came back, sweaty, laughing and looking like he had been having fun. He showered quickly in his dressing room and they were on their way out to greet fans out front.
“We’re heading back to the hotel, your fans have twenty minutes,” Mae said, the stadium security escorting them through the hallways, leading towards the front of the stadium where fans were spilling out of the building, waiting to get a glimpse of him.
Qimir pushed his black hair back, thinking about the evening’s performance when just as they were going through the doors, a shot rang out and everyone screamed, fans running in different directions, everyone dropping down and the stadium security grabbed him, taking him back inside.
He didn’t know what was going on when there were more shots and he was forced into a side hallway and into an elevator.
“What’s going on?!” he asked, looking at Mae, who had also been grabbed.
“I don’t know!”
The security team took him down to the basement and shoved him into a car before he had the chance to ask what was happening and they were off.
“What is going on? What happened?” Qimir demanded of the driver. They made it back to the hotel and heard the news that someone had been shot outside of his concert. A fan had tried to bring a gun into the building but she had been stopped by security and the cops had talked to her. It was a legal handgun that she owned and she had been told to leave, apparently she came back after the concert and had starting shooting in Qimir’s direction when she had seen him coming out for fan photos. She was shot and in critical condition in downtown.
“Well, this isn’t good,” Mae said, looking around the hotel room. The crew and roadies had been escorted back to their hotels by stadium security, but already everyone was on edge because of the incident. Qimir had been popular but since his album release a few weeks earlier and being nominated for Artist of the Year, he had moved to a super high status in the entertainment world. That kind of attention came with all kinds of threats. They had never had serious security before and this was making her nervous.
“We are going to have to get you personal security.”
“Personal security? Mae, there’s no need for all of that,” he said, looking skeptical and she shook her head.
“With everything going on I think we need to be more careful. With the movie coming out, the concerts and the public events, you are extremely exposed, you need someone to watch out for you.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want someone who is going to stand out, that’s boring. Can you get someone who does like undercover work? Like a cool spy?” he whined and she rolled her eyes. This guy was so annoying. She looked at her phone and saw that her sister had finally texted her back.
Are you okay? I heard about what happened. Call me!
“Hold that thought,” she said, stepping into the hallway and calling her sister. “Hey, Osha, I am okay, I promise.”
“Mae! What on earth happened?”
She explained the situation and then finally made her request, “Hey, do you think that Sol would let you come help us out for a bit?”
“You want me to come be security for your client?”
“Qimir is not going to let some guy in a suit and sunglasses protect him, I need someone who can handle all of his annoying,” she explained, thinking of the many times he had gotten into trouble with the paparazzi in the past by making a scene. “We need your help, Osha.”
The Republic Knights were a very effective personal security team that had been formed many years earlier by Osha and Mae’s mentor, Sol. When Mae and Osha were younger, they had been enrolled in self-defense classes by their mother, and Sol had taught them how to take care of themselves. He had moved into private security after several years with the FBI and had offered Osha a job when she was in college. She had been working with him ever since.
Private security was never really Osha’s original interest, but she did get to travel a lot, help protect people and enjoy the added benefit of getting to go to some really nice places. The hotel in downtown where Mae was staying was far more luxurious than Osha was used to.
She had been working personal security for a trading group that had ships going in and out of Africa for the last several months when she got the call about Mae and went to Sol to ask for the security evaluation. Mae was insistent that the Republic Knights be the ones that provide the security service because she could trust Sol. He had a small but dedicated team that had not lost a client the entire time he had been in business.
Sol had insisted that he take the meeting in person, bringing Osha, Jecki and Yord with him to assess the threat level.
“This is a nice place,” Osha muttered to herself as they looked around the hotel lobby, waiting for Mae to come to them. The place was high dollar and they had never worked for someone at this level before.
“Not very secure,” Yord muttered and Jecki looked at him.
“It’s a hotel, idiot, not a Marine Barracks, they’re hiring us to secure it,” she said, rolling her eyes. The two had been working with Sol for about a year now and they were constantly getting on each other nerves.
“Enough, all of you, we have to look professional,” he said, fixing his suit jacket.
“What’s so special about this guy anyway?” Jecki asked, looking at Osha.
“My sister is his manager, he is mainly a singer, but he’s been doing TV shows and movies, he has a new movie coming out and the threats have been getting worse and worse. He is a big deal, I guess,” Osha said, though she had never met him before. Qimir was the thorn in her sister’s side, she was always complaining about what a pain in her ass he was, but she had liked the job and they had a good working relationship.
Mae appeared at the elevators and thanked them for coming, shaking Sol’s hand and they went up to the penthouse to meet Qimir.
“Qimir was discovered by a modeling agency about five years ago, he started singing too and that’s when his career took off with his first album, The Stranger. Since then he has been super popular. We’ve been on tour for the last two months. We wrapped his movie a month ago and it’s in post production so soon we will be doing a press tour. After what happened, I realized that we need to come up with a better security set up because we’ve been relying mostly on security at the venues and the movie lots.”
“We are more than happy to oblige, but this is a big ask, Mae, we have never taken on such a big client before.”
“That’s why I thought of you, with such a small operation, you would be more dedicated to his security than a bigger name. Besides, he’s an annoying pain in the ass and handling him is going to take a full team.”
“What about your security?” Osha asked, looking at her sister. She had been there when the woman had shot into the crowd.
“If you keep me from getting hurt too, that’s a bonus,” she said, as they reached the floor where the room was. They entered the massive penthouse to find that it was only decorated in the finest. Qimir was a major client. The most security that they had done the past few months had been escorting and trade route protection, not a single client that came with a big name. But Sol was excited for the new challenge and the higher rate of pay for his employees.
And he trusted Mae, she had been a good kid since he’d known her and Osha. They had been a little at odds because Osha had decided to keep her training under Sol going when Mae moved on to other things, but this was a chance for them to all work together.
“Qimir! Get out here, the security team is here,” Mae said, leaving them standing in the sitting area to hunt him down.
Yord took in the room, searching for all exits and being mindful of the massive windows that looked out on the city. Jecki helped herself to a spot next to Sol on the couch and Osha looked at the large painting of a lion on the wall.
“This is ridiculous, I don’t want some random people hanging around me like this,” Qimir whined as he followed Mae out of the bedroom, looking at the pair on the couch. “This is bullshit, I don’t need some suits hanging around telling me what to do.”
Mae looked at him, shaking her head.
“Qimir, I trust Sol, we’ve known each other for years, he will make sure that you are safe and that’s all that matters to me. I can’t lose my meal ticket now,” she said and he rolled his eyes, looking over and spotting Osha standing next to the massive painting and he stopped, taking her in.
She was wearing a black suit and white button up shirt and stiffened at his sudden attention. He looked her up and down and turned to face her.
“Hello,” he said, smiling at her and she looked at Mae.
“H-Hi…” she replied and walked right up to her, looking her over.
“Hi,” he said again in a much lower voice and got extremely close to her. She stiffened, looking up at him.
“Qimir, this is Sol, he’s the one who you’re meeting with today,” Mae said, looking annoyed and Sol stood up. “This is my sister, Osha, I’ve told you about her before.”
“I remember…” he said, not taking his eyes off of Osha as he completely ignored everyone else in the room. “How are you doing today?”
“F-Fine,” she said, looking at him, confused. What was his deal? She was used to being generally ignored and pushed aside. Sol was a great mentor, but he always maintained professional distance with her. Yord was the king of following the rules so he was no fun and Jecki was great, but she was not great at getting close with people, making Osha tend to stand off on her own. Her profession also made her more of a wallflower than a conversationalist.
“Qimir,” Mae snapped, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him towards the couch, forcing him to sit down. She shook her head, looking at Osha. “Sorry about him.”
Osha recovered quickly, but Qimir had yet to take his eyes off of her.
“I understand you were hesitant about having a security team around,” Sol said, trying to gain control of the meeting, “And I understand that you want to go about your life normally but-”
“No, it’s fine- I want Osha to take care of me,” Qimir said, finally taking his eyes off of Osha and looking at Sol.
“Excuse me?” Sol asked, surprised.
“Sure- yeah, if she is the one who is my escort, I am more than satisfied,” he said, smiling at her. “Mae trusts you, so I trust you, and I want Osha.”
“Uh- I don’t think-” Osha tried to interject, but Sol reached out a hand to Qimir.
“We are happy to do business with you!” he said a little too hastily. A client like this with this kind of money was going to get them more team members. Sol looked at Osha, smiling at her in reassurance.
Qimir looked at Osha, sitting back on his couch and she felt like this was a big mistake.
@flythesail bruh you did this to me, now I can't be stopped
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andreafmn · 1 year
Collision | Chapter 17
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Word Count: 3.2K Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same. Chapter: 17/? A/N: I really hoped I would be able to also write for Speak today, but couldn't finish on time and wanted to post as I had scheduled. If I finish the chapter this week, I'll post it, but y'all will probably have to wait two weeks more 😬😬Anywho, prepare for some feels... you've been warned. My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffee Follow 😊 -> TikTok • Instagram • Business If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
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Chapter 17
It wasn’t hard to figure out that Sam was planning a surprise party for her, especially when Jared had let it slip when she was over at her brother’s home. Accident or not, (Y/N) knew just what had been arranged for her 19th birthday.
“I swear, Sam. I had no idea she was here,” Jared had said.
“Don’t you have supernatural senses, Cameron?” (Y/N) laughed. “You should have known about it.”
“I’m not supposed to be on guard when we’re in the house,” he whined. “This is the place where we’re supposed to be relaxed and unaware. This is our safe space.”
“Technically, you should always be paying attention to your surroundings,” Sam responded. “That’s literally your job.”
“Also, when is she not here, dude?” Paul added with a chuckle. “If she’s not at work, she’s here.”
“I have other friends,” she grumbled, settling on the seat next to Paul. “Speaking of, are they invited to my party?”
“They would be if it weren’t for Paul,” Jared teased. “Can’t trust him not to go off at any given point when there are other people involved.”
“So, it’s only gonna be you guys, Emily and Kim? What a party,” (Y/N) laughed. “What about mom? Is she invited?”
Sam’s face contorted in an uncomfortable scowl. He knew the question would come. The obvious tension that existed between Sam and Allison Uley had been growing for almost a year, and the youngest Uley’s arrival only worked to cement the strain that had grown between mother and son.
“Okay, here’s what we can do,” Sam started. “We’ll have the party at the beach. A nice bonfire in a big open space where everyone can be. Paul will be on his best behavior and if anything happens, we’ll just leave.”
“Why does everything have to be so weird now?” she groaned. “This whole secret keeping just makes things harder.”
“Says the girl whose ex is a literal bloodsucker,” Jared chuckled without thinking. But as soon as he heard the words slip by his tongue, regret painted across his face. “Shit, (Y/N), I didn’t mean to say that.”
“It’s fine, Jared,” she smiled comfortingly. “You’re very right. It’s completely flabbergasting that my ex and his whole family are vampires. But I guess I dodged that bullet.”
After that afternoon, the Uley pack had set to prepare for (Y/N)’s first birthday back at the reservation. Everyone in town was happy to attend the bonfire. It was no secret that the Uley girl was loved around town. Even in her absence, all anyone could sing were high praises for her. So it was no surprise when the RSVPs started rolling in.
Quickly, the small gathering had turned into a party for the whole reservation. People were offering to bring plates of food and appetizers for the crowd that was forming, they offered their grilling and bonfire-making services, swiftly making Sam’s job simply inviting people and setting the time.
And somehow in the four days that were left, a whole town party was being set up. It was a stark contrast to the bonfire that had been set only two months before when the Cullens had left Forks. That one had been a fierce celebration as their ancestral enemies had finally left the land. Now, they were celebrating the life of one of their own — her achievements and her future endeavors. A joyous occasion in honor of a valuable member of their community.
At least, it was meant to be joyous, and (Y/N) knew that. She knew she should have been excited to be amongst her people. The same people that had seen her grow and had grown alongside her. The very people she knew she could count on whenever she might need them. She knew all that.
But it was such a bittersweet moment. She was constantly surrounded by people that loved her, but there was something missing. There was someone missing.
He had come into her life and, in so little time, he flipped it on its feet. He had made her believe that every decision, every moment, every second of her existence had led her to that instance —had led her to him.
And as swiftly as he had barreled into her life, he was fine. He had taken every promise, every declaration, every whisper of love with him. And it had left her with an emptiness that couldn’t be filled by anyone else. (Y/N) could only focus on herself —her career, her friendship, her family. But never again would she focus on love. Not when she knew how it could drastically transform her journey.
“Hi, honey,” her mother said as she peeked into her room. She had been staring at her reflection for what felt like hours, even if she knew it had barely been minutes. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks, mom,” she smiled. “So do you.”
Allison had chosen a long dark red dress, her black jacket toning down the color even more. She had braided her hair and had put on makeup, but (Y/N) could see the years on her face. She could see having to raise two children on her own, having to work two jobs to keep the lights on, the pain of losing her son, the knowledge that one day she could lose her daughter as well. It was all the secrets and the hardships that she had gone through, that her family had put her through.
Those were the moments when (Y/N) wanted to tell her everything, every single detail that had derailed her mother’s life without her knowledge. She wanted to confess that she wasn’t alone in her pain, that the hurt she had carried most of her life was shared between each of the Uley family members. Instead, all she could do was remain quiet.
“Are you excited for tonight?”
“For the most part,” (Y/N) admitted. “It might be just a tad overwhelming. Heard through the grapevine that almost the whole rez is gonna be there.”
“You’ve gone to many bonfires, honey,” she chuckled. “What’s different about this one?”
“That I’m the guest of honor, mom,” the girl chuckled softly. “I’m gonna be the center of attention and that feels weird.”
“Well, I’ll be right there next to you, holding your hand.”
“Thanks, mom. I would never be where I am without you.”
Her mother smiled brightly, wrapping her arms around her tightly. “Oh, sweetheart that’s all you,” she said. “You’ve gotten this far because you’re bright and talented, and so hardworking.”
“And because I’ve had a mom that made all of that possible,” (Y/N) added. “I love you, mom.”
“I love you too, honey, more than you could ever know,” Allison smiled as she released her daughter. “And I have something for you. I wanna do it here, where it’s just you and me.”
The woman reached into her pocket, pulled out a black box, and handed it to her daughter. She followed expectantly every move, excitement filling her. Inside rested a crescent moon pendant that was engraved. As soon as her eyes fell on the necklace, tears formed in the corner of the girl’s eyes.
“Is this your pendant, mom?”
“Yes, honey,” she smiled. “It had been my mother’s, and her mother’s before her, and so on. I have been holding onto it until I felt it was time to pass it down to you. And I think there is no better time than now.”
“Oh, mom, you have no idea how much I’ve wanted this necklace,” (Y/N) said. “But I’ve always wondered, what do the markings mean?”
“After hardship comes ease,” her mother responded. “It’s what my mother would always say and I know how much you might need that reassurance now. Hard times pass, my darling. Even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.”
“I know, mom,” the younger Uley breathed, melting into her mother’s touch as Allison placed a comforting hand on her cheek. “I just wish that time came sooner rather than later.”
“Give time to time, (Y/N). We can’t rush things.”
“I know,” she sighed. “And I’m trying. I really am.”
“I’m sure of that, my darling,” Allison said. “But tonight is about you and not about what has happened or has stopped happening. We’re gonna celebrate your birthday and forget these past couple of months. Use tonight as your time to unwind and prepare yourself for what comes next.”
“I will. I just need a couple of minutes to finish getting ready.”
“Alright, honey. Let me know when you’re done and we’ll go down to the beach.”
As soon as her mother was out of the room, (Y/N) went back to perceiving herself. She stared at the bags that had formed under her eyes, the long restless nights evident on her face. Her fingers traced where her cheeks had seemed to hollow after months of terrible eating habits. She gawked at the lost gleam in her eyes, the emptiness that peeked behind her pupils.
She was a completely different girl than the one that had come back to La Push, and in a few months,  she would be another her. There was a (Y/N) before him. There was a (Y/N) during him. And there would now be a (Y/N) after him. Even if she had not planned for it, she would have to do it.
“It’s now or never,” she whispered to herself.
As she left her room, (Y/N) gave herself a once over. She smoothed down her navy-blue dress and put on a jacket. She was determined to put every sad thought, every bad moment to the back of her mind. He would never again be the reason she wouldn’t enjoy life.
Before she could reach the beach, she could hear the whispered commotion. Even if she knew the party was happening, she was still surprised. Where she was expecting a small group of her friends, it seemed like the whole town had come out to celebrate. As soon as she was close enough, everyone turned and yelled, “Surprise!”
Everyone she knew welcomed her with a smile on their face. People came up to her wishing her a happy birthday and telling her how glad they were she was back home. Even Charlie Swan had popped in for a bit, congratulating her and asking if she’d go by to see Bella. They gave her hugs and kisses, wishing her blessings for the coming years. It was the warmth of a community that she had not felt for four years, giving her a feeling of belonging she had no idea she craved.
“I think more people turned up to your birthday than for the last community bonfire,” Paul said as he joined her side and sat on a piece of driftwood.  The party was in full swing already. Plates of food had been passed out, children were playing, teenagers were talking, and the pack was keeping to themselves. “Hope you were still surprised.”
“I was,” (Y/N) smiled. “Didn’t think many people would care. I mean, it’s just my birthday. Not even a huge milestone. Just nineteen.”
“I think you’re underestimating just how much the people here love you. And any year is a milestone in my book,” he offered. “You made it another year. That’s an accomplishment in itself.”
“I also got approved by the board at UW to start taking aptitude tests,” she confessed. “I’ll spend the better part of December and January taking all kinds of exams to be able to slide into the next round of rotations.”
“Holy shit, (Y/N), that’s amazing!” Paul exclaimed as he twirled her in a tight hug. “It’s almost a miracle.”
“I know,” she added. “I don’t know what out there in the universe is looking out for me, but I’m glad it is. I honestly thought it would never happen. But I got the call yesterday afternoon. It’s really happening.”
“Well, they’re lucky to have you. I can’t think of anyone that would be a better doctor than you.”
“You’re just saying that, Paul,” she chuckled. “But I’m thankful for that vote of confidence. I’m just glad things seem to be moving forward. I really thought I’d be stuck in the same place for a while there.”
“I knew you’d make it out eventually,” he smiled. “Also, I got you something. And I promise it’s not sex coupons. I know I can get that for free.”
“You’re about to get those privileges revoked if you keep talking like that,” she laughed in response. “But I’ll grant you that comment because it seems Sam did not hear you.”
Paul laughed loudly, making a few heads snap back toward them. “But it’s something serious,” he continued as he handed her a wrapped box that had been resting by his feet. “It took me a while to get it, but I hope you like it.”
(Y/N) took hold of the box, carefully ripping away the neat wrapping paper —a job she was sure had been done by Emily. Inside the box, in perfect condition and wrapped in plastic, was a first edition of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. She ran her hands over the cover. She studied the spine. She inspected every single detail of the book, and it was perfect.
“Oh my god, Paul, it’s absolutely beautiful,” she joyfully cried. “But this must have cost you an arm and a leg. You shouldn’t have spent that on me.”
“I wanted to,” he beamed. “I know how much you like books so I asked Kim if she could help me get you something special.”
“It’s more than special, Paul. It’s a one-of-a-kind gift,” she smiled as she engulfed him in a hug. “I love it so much.”
“It’s as special a gift as you are,” he continued. Paul raised his hand to her cheek, tucking behind her ear a loose piece of hair. “Also, you look beautiful tonight. I don’t think I’ve told you that yet.”
“Thanks,” she replied, feeling the unnatural warmth of his skin seep onto hers. “I’m glad you’re here, Paul. And I’m grateful that you’re my friend.”
“For better or worse, (Y/N),” Paul added. “You know I’ll always be by your side.”
“You better mean that, dude. Cause I’ll hold you to it.”
“So will I,” Sam’s voice startled them. “You might be a part of my pack, but that’s my little sister right there.”
“By a couple of months at best, Sammy,” (Y/N) grumbled. “And I can handle myself perfectly. Thank you very much.”
“Doesn’t mean I won’t always be looking out for you, (Y/N),” he smiled. “Now, come on. It’s time for cake.” 
The rest of the night went by quickly. They sang her happy birthday, they passed around cake, and they told stories by the fire. The same stories she had heard since she was just a little kid. The same stories that related the lives of the ancestors of their tribe. The same stories she knew were anything but fiction.
One second, she was staring at the figures that were dancing in the fire, showing her the past. The next, she was heading back home, a heap of presents overfilling her arms. “I’m so tired,” (Y/N) whined to her mother. “I could sleep for two weeks if I could.” 
“Unfortunately, you can’t,” Allison chuckled. “But at least you’ve got the rest of this week.”
They laughed in unison, knowing that the least she would do was actually rest. The only time she would probably have a full night’s rest was that night and it would have been out of pure social exhaustion.
But mother and daughter stopped dead in their tracks when they reached the front door of their house. Right in front of the wooden door were three presents elegantly wrapped in silver paper, the same paper she had seen days before her world fell apart. 
“I’m guessing those are for you,” her mother said. “Do you know who could have sent them?” 
“Maybe they’re from the team at the hospital,” (Y/N) thought quickly. “They couldn’t make it tonight because they were pulling double shifts.”
“That was nice of them,” Allison responded, accepting her daughter’s answer. “That wrapping paper is beautiful.” 
“Yeah,” she choked out. “Can you help me bring them up to my room, please?”
“Of course, darling.” The woman took the three boxes under one arm and opened the door before following her daughter up the stairs. “Alright, (Y/N). Well, I’m going to bed because I have an early shift tomorrow and I’m pretty beat. But, happy birthday, sweetheart.” 
“Thanks, mom. Good night.”
“Night, honey.” 
Allison left the room, shutting the door behind her and (Y/N) felt she could finally let go. She felt her blood run cold inside her body, her limbs trembling at the realization of just who had sent those presents. Even though they had ripped themselves from her life, they somehow kept appearing.
With shaking hands, she opened the first gift that was tagged with a note that said From Rosalie. It was a leather notebook, the cover engraved with the words: Dr. (Y/N) Uley. And on the first page, in beautiful calligraphy, she wrote: I may not be the one who sees the future, but I know you have a bright future ahead of you. Love, Rose.
The next one was labeled From The Cullens. It was a small black box that stored a necklace with the Cullen crest engraved onto a circle charm –small and modern. And it was attached to a note that said: Already part of the family.
(Y/N) could feel the warm tears stream down her cheeks. Her lungs ached at the shortness of air, filling as best as they could as she sobbed quietly. She knew the gifts weren’t sent with malice. A high probability that they had been ordered long before everything had gone awry. But it didn’t stop the wrenching of her heart.
There was only one box left and she knew exactly who it was from. She took the long box in her hand, ripping away the paper violently. She was surprised that it had some weight to it, her mind trying to anticipate what could have been inside before she raised the lid.
On a bed of sating rested a silver stethoscope with blue rubber. Engraved on the instrument's bell, in beautiful cursive letters, it read: Dr. Uley-Cullen. In addition, a card that read For our future.
Those couple of words completely broke (Y/N) down. She fell to her knees, feeling as if the weight of the past few months fell upon her. She muffled her shrieks with her pillow, not wanting to alarm her mother.
Suddenly, everything she thought she had started to get over rose to the surface and hollowness filled her core. As the tears kept falling, she could feel the painful hole in her chest grow deeper and deeper.
He had planned a future for them. A future where she was a part of their family. A future where they would take on the world, together. Yet he had thrown it all away in a second, without another thought. Without ever looking back. He had built everything so high to let it all topple down.
He had left her to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and rebuild a life on her own. And that was the only thing she would allow him to have. She would create a life for herself, by herself, and she would prove to him that she was bigger than her heartbreak.
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