#? idk how else to tag it
drathe · 6 months
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summer rain
rolan x tav hello
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ohsalome · 1 year
(please don't take it as a dig at all #notallwesterners, but just as silly fun and illustration how some people can be stupid regradless of where they're from)
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People from other countries also have amazing stories to tell:
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strix-and-stones · 9 days
If the dates moved a bit and tomorrow was 9/11 instead of 9/12 then I bet there would be a ton of memes like "A second Archivist has hit the OIAR" or "A second Jonny has hit the Magnus Fandom" or something else about the season finale
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bonefanatic · 7 months
wip i'll probably never finish bc i forgot what i was doing with it
Clark Kent, who catches it bad one day.
You've been best friends with him since elementary school, just the two of you against the world. So, sleepovers weren't out of the ordinary for the two of you.
You're sprawled out on his couch, drool pooling on the cushion beneath you. Your legs are draped over his lap, one arm thrown over your eyes and the other dangling off the edge of the couch.
He find himself adjusting your jumper where it rides you, covering your midriff and patting your hip softly.
He lets his hand rest there a moment. He tells himself it's because your pajama pants are soft. It is a ridiculously soft pair, but he knew that because his legs are clad in a matchinh pair.
The thought brings a flush to his cheeks, but he likes the way you feel against him. Your body fits so well against him, always had.
In moments like these, he's convinced he was made for you. He's always been a freak, never really understood what or why he was.
But you said he was perfect, and he believed you.
He doesn't realize he's been playing with your hand until you intertwine your fingers with his and crack your eyes open. When had you stopped snoring?
His eyes soften and an even dopier smile crawls up his face.
"Good morning", He speaks quietly as you blink the sleep out of your eyes.
"Mornin', angel..", you grumble as you sit up.
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libraryoffangirl · 11 months
Izzy Hands Calico Jack and Steak Knife (?) have loud gay ghost sex in Stede and Ed's inn just to fuck with them and the guests
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orionidess · 2 months
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Khayna for @trinketbird!
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tiny-tardis · 2 years
I don't know what else to say... it's them
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impossiblyizzy · 10 months
okay reasons you should watch Trying (apple tv) (2020-present?)
it's a story about adoption that is extremely cute but maintains some nuance
Nickie and Jason are THE BEST m/f couple on tv (sorry peraltiago)
full of scenic shots of london that will make you want to run to camden and get some street food (I recomend the plantain chips)
full of families and friends who are weird and difficult but so loving
there's a scene where Jason pretends to be a zoo employee because one of the kids wants to see the penguins being fed
a side character starts a group called Arseholes Anonymous but everyone quits because they're arseholes
one of the kids' comfort item is a lamp and everyone takes it completely seriously
please watch this show it’s so fucking funny
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probablygayattorneys · 7 months
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After years of searching
We finally found it
The Nintendo switch…. Blade
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Being Evil Is Hard
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Each gif contains white text rolling onto a black backdrop.
Gif 1: Being evil is very hard. You must recognize that some evil will be stronger than your own. And when a hero comes along, you must submit.
Gif 2: You can not escape the evil. The sin is a part of your body, and will be nurtured and blossomed from within it.”
Gif 3: You will find your body rejecting all manner of things. Some of these things include goodness, hope, and purity. You may find yourself having physical symptoms from over exposure, such as itchy skin or bodily pain.
Gif 4: But being evil isn’t so bad. Being evil means you have power and can participate in things polite society would usually frown upon without guilt.
Gif 5: So just remember to enjoy being evil, for you will continue to be evil from this day forward until the rest of your life. Don’t fight it, and let the darkness consume you for a healthy and fulfilled life.
Gif 6: Doesn’t that feel nice?
Taglist: @verba-writing, @perasperaadastrawriting, @profoundlyhauntedclaws
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uhhcats · 3 months
Can anyone recommend me a youtuber that plays welcome to the game series? I don't want to watch a no commentary video because I want to go "through" the experience but I need a calm voice.
(Can anyone recommend such a youtuber in general, not necessarily for this game?)
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alexvals · 9 months
psa anyone who shits on cellbit is catching my hands, i WILL cross a street and bitch slap them, idc!!!! you know why??? because 99% of these assholes don't even CARE about the situation, they just want drama and justification of their hate. internet hate is Vile, because the person who decides to hate online does it fully knowing there won't be consequences, this is why they feel entitled to say anything they want about cellbit and his personal relationship WHICH ARE. NONE OF ANYONE'S BUSINESS!!!! GET A GRIP UNCLENCH MFKRS
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shiroscosmicass · 9 months
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Concept art for Majora Dragon. I'm pretty proud of how this design came out, will probably revisit this in the near future. Maybe I'll give him a full body next time.
I took a somewhat cosmic horror style approach to this design, like something that is Not a dragon but is certainly attempting to be. His mane consists of feathers instead of hair and hes got another set of teeth like a moray eel. I just wanted him to be a real fucked up little freak.
Lmk what yall think
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littlegayassbitch · 1 year
Shittily made video attaching labels to various memes I have, because I like the storylines of the askblogs. I apologize in advance.
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rat-pagi · 1 year
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Kaleesh Week Day 5 - Wives
Downtime between battles leaves Vekka jai Kandakis (that is, Qy's adoptive grandmother) and her lovers with some time to spend together.
Well, without people shooting at them, anyways. (Vekks is the one in the middle, the one at her left is...maybe Rallia? And idk the name of the one sitting below her, but I'll call her Mechanist for now)
Vekka jai Kandakis! I think I've spoken on Qy's grandmother once before, but she's a a bit different in the weird little AU I've got going on for Kalee. For one, she's fighting the Yam'rii, not the Bitthævrians (though the Bitthævrians are on the Yam'rii's side, and inter-planetary politics, etc. etc.), and she's more or less, the victor, driving them off of Kalee for...well, at least a little while (eventually, they get trickier, then come back at about the time Qy is born). So how does that happen? And who the heck is Kandakis anyways? She was born the heir to the jai clan, back before the jai clan was a big deal (that actually could probably be attributed to her more than anyone else), and most of the Kaleesh alliances were formed. Kalee was under attack and the Yam'rii were, by all accounts, winning. When she's in her late teens, her father is killed in a largely unwinnable battle and she takes on leadership of the clan. Haunted by his death, which she had been there to see, the already intense young khan starts a relentless, terrifyingly well-planned campaign against the Yam'rii and does what no one one had managed yet-- to win. And then win again. With each success, narrow as they often were, other clans started to turn to the jai for leadership in the chaos and atrocity of this invasion, forming the first kolkpravis. With the diplomatic bonds, however, came the need for generals, and with generals came, for the first time in Kandakis' life, comrades. Some of whom, like the two women in the image above, she loved.
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As more and more of Kalee came together (excepting some isolationists, such as Aschal-Kalee, home of the San clan), the khan--now khagan--'s victories continued, and they managed to push the insectoid colonists from their base on the equator of the planet, and into their last and largest stronghold Ti'rrinoa in one of the small islands between the southern Tarili islands and Grendaju to the south. This, at last, earned the khagan the name she is best known by-- Kandakis, or, "favored one", as the intervention of the dead was said to have played no small role in her ability to re-take almost all of Kalee, and moreover with no losses among her spouses and closest generals. Yet this was soon to change. The kolkpravis mounts its first assault on Ti'rrinoa, yet this time, the Yam'rii had prepared, and, sending a desperate message to their homeworld, secured a small star destroyer from the Republic which fires upon the Kaleesh forces. The loss of life is immense, and includes, not just one but all of Kandakis' spouses. She has known grief-- known it many times before, but not in this magnitude. When she looks up at the sky and sees not the stars, but the ship that stole her lovers' lives, she vows, quietly, below her breath. to burn the entire stronghold to the ground. The plan, in some ways, is simple. She surrenders herself to the Yam'rii, knowing well that they will bring her before their leaders on their homeworld for execution-- from a shuttle that departs from the destroyer above. If she looses her bonds-- and she does-- she can fight her way to the bridge and, should the gods grant her this one last favor, send the entire ship crashing into the stronghold below. It's an act of sacrifice, yet in some ways also a rejection of her own life-- for Kandakis does not know how to start again, after the loss of those who she had loved for so many years. And yet-- the gods grant her one more favor than she wanted, asked for-- she survives. Rising from the wreckage, she rejects the role of khagan, the aftermath of the war, even her name, for Kandakis seems but a cruel joke after all she has endured. Instead, she takes the name Kull-- the Kaleesh term for the dead that wander, unable to reach their kin in the stars--and returns to the steppes she had once grown up on, hoping to find some solace in their stark beauty. Instead, she meets a young Kaleesh, angry at the world, and far, far too eager to be a part of the ashes of her life.
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(Also, tagging @zyanova-- I know you mentioned you'd be interested in hearing more about Kandakis and I am late but it is here at last Hope you enjoy it!)
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dealmxkerofgold · 6 months
I've given it some thought... a lot of thought, actually... and I think I'm gonna reject the idea of Rumple becoming the Dark One again in S5 when it comes to my blog canon.
So, in my blog canon, when Rumple is freed of the Dark Curse at the end of S4 he believes himself to be human again, until in a dangerous situation - the scene that plays in my mind is him and Belle hiding in the backroom from Merida, but that could be changed - he throws his hand out on instinct to shield himself and Belle / Henry / whoever he's with if we change the situation, not thinking about not having magic anymore, only feeling the enormous need to protect... and Merida or whoever is threatening them is thrown back by a blast of light.
And thus Rumple finds out he still has magic - 300+ years of studying and practicing magic don't just disappear, after all, and there are examples of witches / wizards that learnt to do magic.
Whether it's light magic, he's not sure. Doesn't quite like the idea and the obligations that come with it of himself all of a sudden being called a light wizard or a hero or something, so he prefers to call it neutral magic, or just magic.
But one thing is certain - it's not dark magic anymore.
The Darkness left, and Rumplestiltskin remained, but who he is now is for him to discover ( hopefully with support of his family and friends ).
TL;DR: my Rumple never became the Dark One again after the Curse was purged from him at the end of S4 but he does have magic and from S5 onward is in the process of rediscovering himself, much like Regina is after S2;
hopefully, at this point he is definitely close with and is considered a member of the Charming-Mills-Swan-Gold clan, but ideally I would love to think / write of him growing closer with them since Neverland, as that would be a logical continuation of his redemption arc
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