kifkay · 3 months
Jobs the Winx pick after they’re done adventuring [NewGen au]
the Winx, although still friends and partners, had officially disbanded! now they’re off to their solo adventures. this is an AU, where not all of the Winx-Specialists pairs ended up settling down together - because, let’s be honest, high school sweethearts rarely do.
In her mid-to-late thirties, Rhodos abdicates and officially passes down the crown of Solaria to Stella.
Stella and Brandon are still dating and very much in love.
Before becoming Queen, Stella tries out a lot of occupations — she owns a fashion boutique, starts in a couple of (failed) movies, runs a couple of charities which help repatriate Domino survivors.
Once, she even directs a documentary about the Winx and the Specialists. It ends up having very… controversial reviews, but the Team thinks it’s fun.
As queen, Stella advocates for friendly relationships between Solaria and many of the other planets - including Domino, Andros, Zenith. Even Eraklyon, although her and Sky don’t get along much these years.
Her and Brandon foster a girl, Mara, whom Brandon had rescued from a branch of a weird cult that settled in Solaria. Despite previously agreeing to at least hold off on having children, they love Mara to bits and are very protective over her.
Previously: Travelling Architect. Her one true calling. Bloom vastly enjoys being able to travel planet to planet, and come up with breathtaking architectural designs. This also gives her an opportunity to visit her girls more often.
As of now: Domino Palace Archivist. Queen Daphne’s mysterious illness has re-surfaced. Furthermore — it is progressing alarmingly fast. The royal family must be prepared for the worst, and so the second-born princess is called back to the castle urgently. For the next five years, Bloom serves as the Archivist of Domino’s records and history, as well as being low-key groomed to take over the realm - at Daphne’s own insistence.
In that period, Bloom finally moves on from her decade long on-and-off again situationship with Sky. She marries a warlock curse-breaker Saffi, with whom she has a daughter — Vanessa Mari.
Bloom also inherits her mother’s seat in the Company of Light and holds quite an important position there. Helia, who inherited Saladin’s seat, becomes her close ally and friend. Their family spend many weekends together, vacationing on beaches and having picnics.
Currently: Guardian Fairy of Linphea, focusing on protecting various eco-systems of her home-world.
She is more of an alchemist and a researcher these days, rather than an active combatant. Flora arrives in places that have been de-stabilised by either extreme bouts of magic or human intervention, and seeks to heal them.
On a mission to a particularly messed up place which reeks of dark magic corruption, Flora meets an old friend — Mirta, who has been commissioned as a dark magic consultant! They get dinner afterwards, and well… it just goes great after that.
Flora is loving being a step-mom to Mirta’s daughter <3
She becomes a musician and a singer, like she always wanted. Musa doesn’t reach amassing success, but she has a loyal fan base who love her for her amazing lyricism and vocals.
Tecna serves as her manager for quite some time, until she resigns for… reasons.
Musa was so sure she would marry Riven one of those days - but then he starts acting weird. Distancing himself. Holding secrets. Eventually, the specialist makes a huge spectacle of publicly severing all contact with the Team - and her. They break up, because of course they do.
Then, Riven goes off the grid. Completely disappears.
Time goes by, Musa stops touring and becomes a music composer. Her clientage is huge and spans many planets.
She has two daughters, one son, one husband and one ex (not Riven), who succumbs to a horrible, magically corrupting illness which, seemingly, comes out of nowhere.
Her and Nabu are going strong. She is the crown princess to the throne of Andros and he is her consort.
Being back in the palace of Andros — constantly reminded of horrible treatment and stifling loneliness she has been subjected to as a child — is hard on Aisha.
She starts regressing, becoming more withdrawn from her friends and acquaintances. Aisha is still a rebel at her core, willing to stand up and fight for what she thinks is best — but. she is just. so tired.
Nabu is always at her side. They have happy times; times, when the darkness and the apathy retreat to let Aisha breathe.
Aisha acts as Andros’s ambassador. Her, Stella, Sky and Bloom & Helia (who had both inherited seats in the Company of Light from their parents/grandparent) often work together.
They have two children, Manar and Sagar.
In recent years, Nabu had gotten ill. loosing his energy, his strength, his magic. none of the healers can explain the sudden shift in a seemingly healthy man; they only theorise that he might be suffering previously-latent repercussions of his comma and entanglement with the Dark Circle.
Aisha spirals again and distances herself from everybody but her closest family.
like Stella, Tecna alternated many professions.
throughout their years at Alfea, Tecna - thanks to her well-rounded and all encompassing education in Zenith, which included music theory, - has helped Musa in her artistry. Giving feedback, searching for gigs, sharing artists she might learn from online.
when Musa officially starts her music careers, she asks Tecna to be her manager - to which the girl readily agrees.
Tecna also freelances on the side: developing flying software for the Red Fountaine, writing codes and whatever else she finds interesting. Zenith tries desperately to get her to work for them, but she is not really interested.
Tecna is not interested in any romantic relationships, but stays close with almost all of her friends. Even Riven!
After years of working together, Tecna resigns as Musa’s manager. It’s a clean break and neither is terribly upset: Tecna is Musa’s kids’ godmom, for Dragon’s sakes! They stay close, although Tecna is awfully tight-lipped about her “new project with Timmy”.
The project Timmy and her are working on is — well, neither Internet nor any planet has records on it.
Currently: Tecna is working her way up as a Zenithian lab researcher. She doesn’t seem to be making much headway, but Tecna doesn’t lose hope. Eventually, she’ll get where she needs to be…
The Specialists will be up next! hopefully, the text is coherent enough <3 trying out something new
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tinposter · 4 months
random until dawn hcs that most are probably just self projecting but whatever
- mike favorite cake is carrot, but its more of a like he tried it once thing and it was so good it was deemed favorite yet he doesnt have it EVERY time he eats cake
- sam doesnt have a sweet tooth, never really did. and no its not exactly cuz of the stereotype of being the health girl and that shes vegan and stuff but rather that it just makes her feel sick
- mike doesnt like watching movies. not that he doesnt want to watch them, but he just literally cant focus on them. his attention span for film is low. he’d have to be heavily interested in the movie or show for him to sit through it (for example if it was based off a game he liked)
- the washingtons had a pet rabbit when josh, hannah and beth were way younger. they dont know what happened to it.
- ashleys supposed to wear glasses (lazy eye runs in her family) but when she first got them she was too little to really understand why they gave her headaches or hurt wearing when adjusting.
- mike has really good hugs. like - strong and warm. the type of guy to hug you and it hurt sometimes cuz he squeezes too hard
- jess has a soft spot for farm animals, but doesnt really like the environment of farms.
- matts really picky about meat. he likes it, but fat really bothers him. thats also why he hates steak. its way too chewy for him.
- josh likes a lot of pastas
- mike has alexithymia
- mike gets a service dog postgame named after wolfie :)
- sam really enjoys horror documentaries and true crime podcasts.
- ashley really likes owls. someone showed her one wet though once and she was terrified
- both matt and mike like hamilton, but they dont know that.
(matt liking hamilton is mostly a nod to jordan, and mike as a nod to brett being so huge for theater and the fact that mike was class prez. history dude)
- when emily was young (like tween) she tried dying her hair blue, but it turned out kind of green and was really disappointed
- as a nod to the until dawn prototype, mikes middle names scott.
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ezziefox · 2 months
The Reason Why I Can't Move On in Writing + more depressing thoughts
I think I just realized why it's so hard for me to surpass three or four chapters max when I begin to write my new books, or why I always find myself taking a break and taking forever to get back to it, and when I do, the momentum that might've never been there in the first place is lost and I don't know where to pick back up in my WIP.
I recently became more and more aware of how much time I spend on social media. But that's not the big issue I'm talking about here. It's my attention span and my anxiety.
Addressing the Anxiety
There are a lot of things in my life that I get anxiety about, and it largely comes into play whenever I'm writing in my free time. As I still attend high school, I don't get much free time, but even in my free time I fret about how much time I have. Because when I write, I love to get lost in it, listening to my music and all. But, as a person who has a strong hatred for my school especially and nothing can ever fix that hatred (the pandemic ruined everything for me in that regards), every time I open Word or some other app to begin my writing, instead of thinking about getting lost in my work and getting in the moment and writing seamlessly like I did when I first discovered Wattpad back in the summer of 2020, I instead focus on how much time I have to write what I want to.
And because of this constant timer and thought in the back of my head, instead of getting lost in what I love to do, I am instead constantly fearful and anxious of my time running out before I have to go to bed to return to the very place that depresses and maddens me to my core. And I have nothing nor no one to blame but my own mental health. But I still can never find myself liking school to at least make myself feel better. I wish I could attend a different school, even in a different country. I really wish I could have a restart so that I can have an open mind and freeer mind to continue doing what I love.
And in times when I get endless time like I've never before like summer, that idea of endless time and "soon I'll be able to do what I want to do with no push or setbacks" quickly dries up and goes out the door. Especially when my trip is close to ending, all I can ever really think about is how much time I have left. I'd rather spend it procrastinating and "having fun" whilst still realizing that it will come to an end, rather than get lost in my writing and when I shut the computer and look up, it's time for all fun to end — the free paper is burned.
I genuinely don't know how I'm going to get through this part without a complete mind reset and change of environment. As it goes for the mind reset part, my mind will never change. Not without a significant change in my life. And I hate that. But my mind refuses to be unstuck from the place it is in now.
As for...
Addressing My Short Attention Span
Because of the aforementioned anxiety with time I addressed, I've begun to consume my media (entertainment & procrastination) in short form so that it feels like I've gotten in so much fun in such a short time that I feel satisfied. How to explain this in simpler terms?.... Well.... I'm constantly fearful and anxious of my free time ending that I convince myself it's been longer than it's truly been by watching short-form content such as YT shorts, Instagram reels, and when I watch actual full-length videos, instead of watching completely through the video, I simply listen to it for a short while, and to get the gist of it and thoughts on it, I read through the comments while watching as little of it as I need to before I quickly lose interest and go find a different video to watch.
Tonight, as I write this to save it as a draft to post tomorrow, I've been trying to fix my attention span by sitting through some of the old content I used to watch, that being documentary-type videos. It's been going well so far. I've sat through all the videos and seldom went to the comment section. I didn't skip through any of them or anything like that. However, I did stop in the middle of one video to come and write this right now. I knew I could've waited until tomorrow, but I feared I wouldn't have been able too convey the emotions of realization that I am feeling right now as well and explain it as well as I am feeling it.
I'm hoping that this truly is my issue, and that once I fix my attention span, I can at least get through writing more chapters, no matter how long it takes. I'm fully aware that especially once school starts back, so will the anxiety leeching itself onto me. But anything is better than nothing, right?
If you're just like me, or something like it, my advice to address and sort out your attention span. And if it's within your reach and capability, your anxiety too. It's these things that hold us back from accomplishing anything in life, and writing is something we wish to accomplish, so if you can, find a way to conquer them. Do what I currently can't.
All of this deeply saddens me. I don't know where to go next, if I even want to move, or what will find its way to me next. Needless to say, I don't have much hopes for the future, but at the same time I do.
I like to tell myself I always give up, and then I realize that I never truly do and it's always f*cking with me. Sometimes I wish I would just give up, because no matter how much I want things or desperately hope that some miracle will grant certain things in my life, I always end up f-cking myself over in the end. I am mentally f-cked and tired. No matter how many breaks I get, it never seems to be enough for me.
And I always want more. I get told I already have everything. It's just so much going on in my life from family, to friends, to my own mind that just constantly fucks me over and disregards me in every way. I don't want to drop any personal information regarding the people around me, so that's all I'm gonna say about that.
You know, today I realized that it's one thing: being a kid and never truly realizing how much something or someone in your life is mentally f-cking you over, versus growing older and you're only a teen and you realize it in real time as it's happening. Earlier I wished that I could just be the former: be a kid that doesn't realize the mental gravity and toll that's being taken on me as I have no one but my cousin in my life that truly understands me and went through the same experiences as me and it's mentally f_cked her too.
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antheiantics · 1 year
ENTJ Behaviours - Everyday things the Internet analysis don't tell you about - weirdly specific edition
Loud loud laugh. The type of laugh to make you go under the table. Happens roughly 2-3 times a day.
Shouting for no apparent reason.
Zoomies, yes, zoomies around the house.
Zoomies in talking - The point is to get it out fast and furious and go on with the day. Spoiler alert: 80% of the time I have to repeat myself, because people didn't understand my point delivered in Eminem speed. I'm fine, we're fine, it's fine.
Constantly forgetting people don't have the ability to understand with just one, maximum three words. Exception: INTX
Hating to be late and arriving early. Completing several tasks while waiting.
Having absolutely no tolerance on people who are late. Holding a grudge about it. Waiting for the day to just leave so the other person learns from it.
Abrupt style changes that shock people - going from casual business to grunge fairycore, not realising that people get confused with the vibe.
ENTJ procrastination is a thing - it's just procrastinating by doing other smaller tasks instead of doing the big looming one.
Being confident all the time except in a specific moment in which it's required to.
Ordering food at McDonald's because your extroverted friends were "too shy" to.
Waiting for those same friends to say "hi" to the entire planet while you try to look confident, pretty and approachable.
Being invited in the conversation in the span of one minute and hitting it off for the next 10 minutes.
Walking fast.
The boulevard is the runway and y'all are just peasants interrupting the strut.
Making detailed plans about being a successful company owner in 10 years, but forgetting to take in the sheets the next day. Short-term goals - a strong point, if forced. Day to day to-do list - not a strong point at all, unless written down (most of the time confident enough to remember our own tasks) (most of the time we forget to do several of them, or postpone them to shove three more that we planned to do after two weeks, but oh well, an opportunity arose - extremely specific, might not apply)
Patience. Monstruos amounts of it. Miranda Priestly was just fed up after so many years in the industry and I can see why.
Pet peeves are inefficiency and people who repeat the same mistake over three times, after it was explained to them by multiple people.
Strong opinions. Controversy. How are y'all dealing with Cruella (Emma Stone) and Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice) mix, type of person? Genuinely curious. Not asking for a friend.
As for the ENTJ men reading this - do you have like a list or diagram, with all the people that manage to keep up with your Stewie Griffin (South Park) , Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows) tendency to "invest" and Thranduil(The Hobbit/LOTR) type of beauty and pride, and how long is it? Again, genuinely curious.
Wrote the origins of criticism and invented self-criticism in the process, because emotional liability got invented roughly around the same time and apparently it was "too much" *side glances INFPs*
Crying only out of helplessness (not if you can help it, ofc) and anger.
Fan of stupid puns (extremely evident)
Might unintentionally ghost people or leave them on seen, because they messaged you while your brains were working overtime (happens too often)
Caffeine doesn't work, but it's a ritual of pleasure, not to be missed, unless the day is bound to finish in prison. Same could be said if you take tea instead of coffee.
Relaxing by watching documentaries about successful people.
De-stressing by drinking wine with that one close friend that you see once a month due to busy schedules and talking about life.
That close friend also happens to be the closest one to IxxJ type and thoroughly listens while we explain the nature of emotions and why we think that the normal emotion we felt is a terminal illness.
Flirting is a way of surviving not a way of life. Take it as you wish.
Inspecting and dissecting your crushes so you know what you're dealing with. Most of the time we "un-crush" them with a snap of our fingers.
Sometimes we "just go with it" and end in a semi-casual situationship.
When they tell you we are confident and undisturbed by flirting, they're probably lying or not competent enough about speaking on real (not psychology explained) life. We do. It's just not obvious. INTJs, INTPs and ENFJs might not agree, because they somehow just know.
Getting hurt over minimal details people mentions about us throughout a conversation but being unaffected by "the big ones".
Which is hilarious because we're major "big picture" people - details are the things we see last. Sometimes, we don't even bother to inspect them.
ENTJ: Ah, ah, okay, bye-
Other people: No, wait! There's-
ENTJ: I pretty much got it, bye-
P.S. "Pretty much go it." or "I'm gonna wing it.", but make it organised, are probably catch phrases by now. No matter what people tell you that's a major trait of XXXJ people.
When I told you we invented criticism, I forgot to mention we also helped ESTJ and INTJ invent sarcasm.
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ihrtjiro · 2 months
hii !! won't mention my name but just use 🦕
gender preference
i am bisexual with a pref for men <3
i love playing volleyball !! it's everything to me, i love dance, i love being active, i love anime and i love the paranormal and the occult, i also love watching documentaries especially ones ab quirky crimes (ex cyanide wife india case) i love deep talks and delving into a deeper meaning of things, i love spirituality, especially manifesting and shifting, i just love talking lolzies im a d1 yapper with no one to yap to </3, i also like to skateboard, i love children (not in that way ☝️) im very good with kids, that's alll
likes/dislikes (or just things about you)
yappiter yapyapington the 3rd. i love to talk, i love long conversations, that are nice and engaging. i hate people who use disabilities as a joke, i hate immature boys, i hate people who are immature, i hate people who think they're entitled to things, i dont like when people treat other people differently just cause they think they might not be on the same knowledge level as they are, i hate toxic masculinity, i hate toxic femininity (like thee "i could take your man if i wanted to! 😝") love healthy madicultiniy and femininity, love people who have a lot of thoughts and dreams and beliefs and ideas, i love to debate with people, i love to hear other people's interests, i love my religion (hinduism)
when i'm at my best i am a loud, childish person, i do say that i am mature though and i have a strong sense of emotional maturity and intelligence, i get excited and hyper easy, kinda short attention span depending on the activity, can be very outgoing and loud, i can be quite emotional but that's only with new people and with my parents, i am strong minded and i am confident.
appearance (optional but it does help!)
milk chocolate, i have deep blue eyes and i have black wavy hair that's like always in a ponytail lolzies, i am pretty fit, and im pretty skinny.
any characters you want me to avoid!
pls no mineta..
a/n; oh my goshh i saw this one specifically and got so excited to write ittt! i hope you like this because i got really into it!
your match is…
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izuku “deku” midoriya !!
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as much as he may not get it entirely, he does try to support your super spooky interests as much as possible! (although he does enjoy the crime documentaries! esp if there’s heros in them, he loves to jot down small notes about them when they’re mentioned, even if it’s only briefly he can get a lot down!)
but what midoriya DOES get is your love of yapping! because we all know deku has his special interests that he could go on about for HOURS!
…and in fact he does! there are countless nights you two spend together in each others dorm rooms yapping the night away about your favorite documentaries and heroes!
deku definitely tries some of your sports/activities like volleyball, and maybe even dance! izuku loves doing stuff WITH you so you two always share your hobbies with each other and try them out together!
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i do not permit for my work to be reposted, translated, or stolen. all rights go to ihrtjiro. characters are not mine, unless stated, and belong to their rightful creators.
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thepopcultureramble · 5 months
Why does everybody hate Jennifer Lopez now?
I could take a few guesses, but let me ramble a little bit.
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Okay, so I know Jennifer Lopez as an actress and music performer. In case you've noticed, I didn't call her a singer because that's not exactly her strong suit. However, I do know that she can dance and act. The singing, to me, just seems like more of a feature than the main event in her shows.
But anyway, she has been on the receiving end of a lot of bad press throughout her decades-long career. But it wasn't all bad in the beginning. She was an actress who was getting Golden Globe nominations and was in Oscar talks for her portrayal of Selena Quintanilla in the critically acclaimed musical biopic 'Selena' in the '90s, and she was becoming the queen of rom-coms with her box office hits back in the early 2000s. And during the height of all of that, she was releasing chart-topping singles and albums.
She was dating, then married, then divorced, then dating and married again. Had twins, got divorced, engaged, broke up, engaged again and is now married to an old flame (Ben Affleck) in 2022. But presently, there are rumors of our dear, dear Bennifer divorcing.
Just months ago, she's released films about her love life, her career growth, and new music that isn't exactly performing well. Sure, we can blame it on the fact that she's been at it for over 20 years, but there are other celebrities that have been here for decades too and are still peaking or peaking again and again in their careers (ahem, Beyoncé). Queen Bey has the respect, reverence, legend status, and career that many aspire to have.
Including Jennifer.
Which brings me to the main reason, at least in my view, of why people hate Jennifer Lopez as much as they do lately.
She tries too damn hard.
She wants to be a legend, and she wants, no demands, to be given her flowers now. Instead of letting it happen naturally over time, she wants to be celebrated and revered for her long career in immediate effect. And I suppose that's fair. She has been a staple in pop culture for decades. She'd constantly remind you that Google Maps was invented because of a green dress she wore. She's performed at the Super Bowl (with Shakira). She has a net worth of over $400M.
But these documentaries and new releases she keeps giving us feel like she's trying to fast-track it and shove her need to be named a 'legend' down our throats.
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But there's a certain level of authenticity that seems to be missing in her recent endeavors.
Perhaps it's the relentless pursuit of validation or the constant need to remind everyone of her past achievements. Whatever the case may be, it's clear that some people are growing tired of it. Moreover, there's another element that has contributed to the negative perception surrounding Lopez: her reputation for being rude to people.
Despite her talent and success, numerous reports and anecdotes have surfaced over the years, painting a picture of Lopez as someone who is difficult to work with and not always pleasant to those around her. One notable incident occurred at the 2024 Met Gala, where Lopez was captured on video being dismissive and rude to a reporter who approached her for an interview. The video quickly went viral, further tarnishing her public image and adding fuel to the criticism against her.
Whether it's stories of diva-like behavior on set or instances of dismissiveness towards fans and colleagues, these accounts have only served to exacerbate the dislike towards her.
Let's swing back to the mention of Beyoncé. It's hard not to draw comparisons between Jennifer Lopez and Queen Bey, especially considering their prominence in pop culture. Beyoncé's career trajectory has been nothing short of meteoric, and she's achieved a level of respect, admiration, and reverence that many in the industry aspire to attain.
Jennifer Lopez, with her own impressive career spanning decades, might find herself in the shadow of Beyoncé's shining star. It's not difficult to imagine that Jennifer could harbour feelings of envy or jealousy towards Beyoncé, seeing how effortlessly Queen Bey commands the attention and adoration of millions worldwide.
She can STILL sell out stadiums instantly (Jennifer has never had a stadium tour, let alone a sold out one), top the charts with both albums and singles, go platinum and multi-platinum still. Break a record a day without doing so much as posting an Instagram link to a surprise project.
And the stark difference?
Beyoncé settles in her legendary status seamlessly. Because he work ethic, talent and results are proven. she keeps her private life private, remains graceful and humble and carries the fuck on with her life.
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Indeed, the comparison between Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé is inevitable, considering their parallel journeys in the spotlight. And this isn't me saying that they are on the same level in any way. But I only use Mrs. Knowles-Carter as an example because she too came up around the same time as J-Lo did.
Beyoncé, often hailed as a paragon of grace and professionalism, exudes a sense of authenticity and humility that resonates with audiences worldwide. Her meticulous work ethic and unwavering dedication to her craft have solidified her status as a cultural icon. Unlike Lopez, Beyoncé doesn't seek validation or demand recognition; she lets her artistry speak for itself.
On the other hand, Lopez's relentless pursuit of acclaim sometimes comes across as contrived and insincere. Her propensity for self-promotion and occasional displays of diva behavior have alienated some fans and industry insiders. While her accomplishments are undeniable, the manner in which she navigates her fame often leaves much to be desired.
The recent incident at the Met Gala serves as a microcosm of Lopez's divisive persona. While Beyoncé effortlessly commands the red carpet with her poise and elegance, Lopez's behavior towards a reporter underscores a disconnect between her public image and reality. Such moments only serve to reinforce existing perceptions of her as arrogant and out of touch.
And releasing films about her romance with Ben Affleck, one of which broadcasts his private love letters he sent her years before they finally got married, seems a little...yeah.
She's ambitious and wants to prove herself but forcing it is a huge reason why it's not working.
Age with grace in all things, damn.
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In essence, the disdain towards Jennifer Lopez isn't solely rooted in jealousy or resentment but rather a culmination of her actions and public persona. While she undoubtedly possesses talent and charisma, her inability to strike a balance between ambition and authenticity has contributed to her polarizing reputation.
As the pop culture landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether Lopez will heed the criticisms and recalibrate her approach or double down on her quest for validation. In the realm of celebrity, where perception is everything, the line between adoration and disdain can be perilously thin. For Jennifer Lopez, navigating this delicate balance may prove to be her greatest challenge yet.
this has been another ramble by,
the pop culture ramble.
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bijouxcarys · 2 months
I’ve been doing this thing for about a year now, where I’ve made it a goal to try and find the documentary that disturbs me the most.
I stay away from documentaries that focus on animal abuse, since that’s just a massive no-go area, I can’t even think about someone as little as shout at an animal.
But I’ve watched quite a few at this point. I know a lot of people out there are also interested in this kind of thing, so I’ll give you some of the ones that have really had an impact on me. I’ll start with the tamest ones (available on mainstream platforms like Netflix) and it’ll get progressively more upsetting lol.
I’m actually quite a desensitised person, so if a documentary affects me, you know it’s worth it.
Green = unfortunate and upsetting
Orange = Jesus that’s fucked up, that’s latched onto me for a while
Red = The above + will find it difficult to watch again, and this made me cry my eyes out
Bold Red = Kept me up at night for a while + all the above. Still think about it to this day.
Bold with ** = don’t watch if you don’t have a strong stomach and can’t handle emotionless gory images
Take Care of Maya (2023) - Netflix
A nightmare unfolds for Jack and Beata Kowalski after they bring their 10-year-old daughter to the ER with unusual symptoms.
Tell Me Who I Am (2019) - Netflix
When Alex loses his memory after a serious motorcycle accident, he trusts his twin Marcus to tell him about his past, but he later discovers that Marcus is hiding a dark family secret.
Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey (2022) - Netflix
The rise of Warren Jeffs in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and his criminal case.
Abducted in Plain Sight (2017) - Netflix
In 1974, 12-year-old Jan Broberg is abducted from a small church-going community in Idaho by a trusted neighbour and close family friend.
Dreams of a Life (2011)
Discovering the truth about the life of a vivacious, intelligent woman - and how she came to be so tragically forgotten. Nobody noticed when 38-year-old Joyce Vincent died in her bedsit above a shopping mall in North London in 2003. When her remains were discovered three years later, her heating and her television were still on. Who was Joyce Vincent, and how could this happen to someone in today's age of communication?
Just Melvin, Just Evil (2000)
In this documentary focusing on his own tortured family tree, James Ronald Whitney chronicles an evil that seems too pure to be real: Melvin Just. Over the span of three generations, Just, who married Whitney's grandmother and was later convicted of child molestation, is revealed to have abused his stepchildren from two marriages. Whitney not only explores the unspeakable acts perpetrated by his grandfather, but also the legacy of self-destructive behavior that can all be traced back to Just.
Tickled (2016)
In a story stranger than fiction, journalist David Farrier uncovers a strange tickling subculture. Delving deeper into the dark world of a tickling competition, he meets with fierce resistance.
Holy Hell (2016)
Filmmaker Will Allen documents the time he spent with the Buddhafield, a Los Angeles spiritual group.
Jesus Camp (2006)
Filmmakers Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady visit an evangelical Christian summer camp called Kids on Fire, where children take part in programs designed to strengthen and intensify their beliefs. The camp's founder, Becky Fischer, discusses her mission to indoctrinate youths in the word of God, while young campers play certain combat video games and talk about their love for Jesus.
There’s Something Wrong with Aunt Diane (2011)
The accident made national headlines: a suburban mother drove the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway in New York and crashed head-on into an SUV, killing herself and seven others. In the aftermath, Diane Schuler was portrayed as a reckless drunk and a mother who cracked. But was she the monster the public made her out to be...or the perfect wife and mother that many say she was? Investigating the case six months after the accident, this documentary searches for answers to a mysterious and senseless tragedy.
Goodnight, Sugar Babe: The Killing of Vera Jo Reigle (2020)
The discovery of the mutilated body of a mentally challenged young mother begins a journey into madness that is so unbelievable the mastermind behind the crime ultimately got away with murder.
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996)
Paradise Lost was a groundbreaking true crime documentary series released in 1996 that set the bar for the genre and influenced similar productions. The trilogy follows the story of three teenage boys who were wrongfully accused and convicted of a brutal triple homicide in West Memphis, Arkansas. The series explores themes of societal hysteria, wrongful convictions, and the power of media influence, and it launched the careers of filmmakers Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky.
**Orozco the Embalmer (2001)**
A Spanish-language, Japanese-Colombian mondo film (a subgenre of exploitive documentary films) directed by Kiyotaka Tsurisaki, following a Colombian embalmer named Froilan Orozco Duarte, who is shown living in El Cartucho, an impoverished and crime-ridden area of Bogotá, Colombia, where the homicide rate is high and corpses can be seen on the streets.
The Dying Rooms (1995)
Documentary about a crew going from one orphanage to another in China to investigate these so called "dying rooms" where the orphanage workers leave baby girls to die.
The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan (2010)
In Afghanistan many hundreds of boys, often as young as ten, are being lured off the streets on the promise of a new life. Also known as Bacha Bāzī: an ancient Afghan practice in which men train, buy, and keep adolescent young boys for entertainment and sex in a society that keeps women hidden from view.
Boy Interrupted (2009)
Filmmaker Dana Perry documents the life of her son, Evan, a 15-year-old who committed suicide. The film traces Evan's growing mental illness, including videotapes made throughout his short life and interviews with his friends and doctors.
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008)
Dear Zachary is a both a touching tribute to a fallen friend and a heart-wrenching account of justice gone astray, skillfully put to film with no emotion spared.
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virginmiri99 · 1 year
TubNet Post
The thing about TubNet is I think it had such a strong potential and was really going somewhere, it just... lost steam from multiple directions. From the delay, to the ddos attacks on launch, to the lack of promotions... it just didn't hit the vision it originally had. The documentary was good (though it wasn't much more info hardcore tubblings didn't already know) and it provided a good summary of how TubNet was made! Though short, (I think Tubbo said he wanted it to be longer) it's a good video to watch for some background and bts of things! So check it out :)
I think in a nutshell, minecraft servers are already a hard thing to get up and running (the devs were putting their blood, sweat, and tears into it), but with the delay and lack of promotion the server just seemed destined to fail... Promotion plays such a huge part in somethings success (just look at they hype the Barbie movie has created from marketing alone) and I always found it weird that TubNet got no more than a few trailers and events post launch. I think the original marketing plan with the Twitchcon stage was AWESOME, but the delay hindered that hype and then the promotion just... stopped. And it's still stopped to this day. I commend how much work was put into the server on a coding standpoint--that's no easy task--but I think may indie companies like this forget about marketing and just how important it is. In this case, I don't think it was truly and one persons fault the server didn't hit the high life--I hate saying that as a Tubbo Supporter, but I'm not pushing the whole blame on him. Though, I wish he did more to get his name out here bc he's always been such a passive person. It's like a kpop nugu almost, when the company doesn't promote the group and just sends them out there and hopes for the best--they're destined for disbandment. I'm not a server person, so I can't speak much on it's life span, but I do hope it will find success. I just think a few things went wrong that demotivated Tubbo and the team which led to the current outcome of TubNet.
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dumpsterrentmo · 3 months
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Nestled in the heart of Missouri lies Columbia, a vibrant city renowned for its rich history, diverse culture, and bustling community. Founded in 1821, Columbia has evolved from a small frontier town into a dynamic hub of education, healthcare, and entertainment.
Columbia's history is intricately linked with the growth of education in the United States. Home to the University of Missouri, established in 1839, the city boasts a strong academic tradition. The university's picturesque campus, adorned with historic columns and red-brick buildings, stands as a centerpiece of Columbia's cultural landscape.
Beyond academia, Columbia thrives with a vibrant arts scene. The North Village Arts District serves as a haven for artists and creatives, showcasing galleries, studios, and vibrant street art. Each year, the True/False Film Festival draws cinephiles worldwide, celebrating documentary filmmaking amidst Columbia's eclectic downtown backdrop.
Surrounded by rolling hills and scenic vistas, Columbia offers abundant opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. Stephens Lake Park, featuring a tranquil lake and scenic trails, is a beloved spot for picnics and family outings. The Katy Trail, a 240-mile rail-trail passing through Columbia, provides cyclists and hikers with a picturesque route through Missouri's countryside.
South of the city, Rock Bridge Memorial State Park is renowned for its natural beauty and geological wonders. Visitors can explore limestone caves, sinkholes, and the iconic Devil's Icebox, a natural tunnel system formed by underground streams.
As Missouri's fourth-largest city, Columbia thrives as an economic center. In addition to its educational institutions, the city hosts major healthcare providers, including the University of Missouri Health Care system. Its diverse economy spans manufacturing, technology, and agriculture, reflecting Columbia's role as a regional hub for commerce and innovation.
What truly distinguishes Columbia is its strong sense of community. Throughout the year, the city hosts a plethora of festivals and events, from the Roots N Blues N BBQ Festival celebrating local cuisine to the Heritage Festival highlighting cultural diversity. Residents take pride in Columbia's welcoming atmosphere, actively supporting local businesses and initiatives.
In conclusion, Columbia, Missouri, offers a distinctive blend of history, culture, and natural splendor. Whether exploring its historic downtown, partaking in a festival, or hiking through scenic parks, Columbia warmly invites visitors to experience Midwestern hospitality in a setting that embraces both tradition and innovation.
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For the Redacted Audio match-ups
I feel like I've just shown my entire soul here. Wow.
I get fixated on a different song like every-other-day so I'm not sure... Maybe the line "Please give me the strength to be able to believe until the end, even if it is a lie" from "Itoshi kimi yo" (To the one I love) by Moriyama Naotaro. This song NEVER FAILS to make me cry.
97% Enneagram Type 6 (maybe 6w5)
I used to love watching like hour-long YT documentaries but my attention-span has severely gone downhill since the panorama... but I enjoy Bernadette Banner's analyses of historical clothing, Implictly Pretentious' deepdives into the psyches of comicbook movie characters, and NativLang's video essays on various languages and their histories and characteristics.
I never had an imaginary friend as a child (excluding the man-thing that runs alongside the car). Although for a time (in my teens) I had a vampire that would sit by my bedside and protect me as I slept (NO, I was NOT a twilight fan! I was a Vampire Knight fan)
My go-to way to fall asleep is listening to redacted audio. Basically any playlist, any audio (excluding inversion, yandere!ivan)
I don't/hate my name. I just don't associate with it beyond it being what people call me irl. I would change it to either Teigan or Ruri (the former was a cute name I found (and have claimed it in my family should I ever adopt a child) and the latter being the Japanese for the stone lapis lazuli, which I like very much)
...If I was forced to pick only one redacted audio... it'd have to be... Comforted and Cared for By Your Incubus Boyfriend it hits ALL the feels and literally sounds like one big hug that goes straight to my heart.
(Honourable mentions have to go to basically the entire playlists of Vincent, Gavin and Avior; they are my comfort bois despite the various angst in their stories)
I understand but don't personally get the appeal for Lasko. Like we'd get on as friends, but /I need to be the submissive, nerdy, soft one, y'know.
Aside from a number of redacted audios, I tend to not read/watch things multiple times apart from maybe Avengers or Iron Man 1. Those were my comfort movies for a while.
Platonically, I'm attracted to Damien. I am also a perfectionist with a strong sense of justice so I feel we'd get pretty well. Also he's a sarcastic mf-er too and no one can tell me otherwise.
Hmm my go-to ramble topic when tired... I ramble about various things. I wish I was someone who had a singular topic. I'll talk your ear off about Language, Japan, various anime/manga, The Mortal Instruments, Animal Crossing, Pokémon, F1, nail art. I'm that scene from The Avengers [Maria Hill : When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics? Tony Stark : Last night.] I'm a walking encyclopedia of useless (to other people) information and I enjoy info-dumping on people, but I try to not do that so much, so when I do I tend to go overboard...
Go-to gas station snack and drink combo: I don't frequent pretrol stations, they're expensive... I'd probably choose crunchy m&ms and a non-carbonated drink that isn't too sweet. (Unrelated but related, my st*rb*cks drink of choice is a match frappuccino, extra matcha, no syrup)
Favourite Redacted playlist: Vincent (I can talk along with about half of his audios at this point)
Favourite music playlist: I don't really make playlists, I either just listen to everything on one big shuffle or I listen to an album in order on-repeat.
My media choices change depending on my mood, my most "guilty" pleasure media at the moment would have to be NA fiction. If there's no spice or morally grey MMC, I don' want it.
Whatever else you think tells me about who you are.
MBTI type: INFP-T.
I'm a chronic procrastinator.
I have RBF but crack into a smile at the tiniest joke, I have no poker face (but won the only game of poker I ever played).
I'm the older sibling, the 2nd oldest grandchild and often am the "Parent-friend", but I actually act like the youngest and teamed with my (lack of) height, people often mistake me for much younger than I am.
Thanks for reading my ramblings... 😶
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Oh, this was easy-peasy. You know what a Type Six parent friend could really use? A stable, secure, Alpha- the wolf equivalent of a dad friend.
I don’t know who started it, but there’s this delightful headcanon of a bookish, reader Angel that I can imagine for you. It’d be so cute, him stealing your book and holding it out of your reach, asking who the fuck is “Grim” and what is his deal with the chocolate. He’s the type of partner who would make fun of your possible book hoarding but still buys you everything you touch at the local Barnes & Noble with that good, good Shaw Security money.
Also, he’d- lovingly, adoringly but so meanly- give you hell about your imaginary vampire friend watching you sleep. You’ll so regret telling David that every time he asks if you can make do with a werewolf or if you’d rather him call one of the Solaires.
Hey, boy, where do you get it from?/ Hey, boy, where did you go?/ I learned my passion/ In the good old-fashioned/ School of loverboys
Everything about David is very old-fashioned, old-school romantic to me, down to his pet name, his proposal, and his music tastes. He likes the classics, music Gabe would play on their drives up to the campsite, and he’d like playing it while he cooks for you.
I like pairing parent friends with parent friends; it just makes sense. James gives me bossy, dad friend vibes, the kind of partner who knows you procrastinates and plans accordingly. Sam, I like because he is the protective vampire boyfriend who’d watch over you while you sleep, and that’s adorable.
Notes: I hope that reference isn’t too niche you’ll have to forgive me I’ve watched no joke ten hours of video essay about Lightlark by Alex Aster in the past three days
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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Hello! I’m not an ARMY, not even a Kpop stan, but a friend of mine is. I found you through the same friend since they know I’m curious. From your recent post, you mentioned BTS’ sincerity and genuineness and these qualities are always mentioned when it comes to them. I’ve always wanted to ask but didn’t want to offend, and from my impression of your blog, you seem okay to ask! I wanted to ask- how can people tell? How is their sincerity measured? How can people tell when it’s sincerity and not just an act as part of the job? Is it because they always communicate with their fanbase? Parasocial relationships? And how were they able to maintain such, how are people so sure of their sincerity?
Sorry if I asked too many questions! I tried to ask my friend but their answer didn’t really clear up anything for me.
Hi Anon,
To be frank, I'm not sure I can help you, because I think you're going about this the wrong way... I'm not offended or anything, but the thing is if I'm understanding your ask correctly, what you're essentially asking for is a short cut.
A way to verify that what BTS communicates to their fanbase is true for them, that the way BTS acknowledges and/or partakes in that parasocial relationship and have maintained this apparent connection for so long, is in fact based on a connection that is mostly honest, sincere, and true.
No offense Anon, but how can you be convinced of anybody's sincerity only from hearing about it from someone else? Wouldn't you rather reach that conclusion on your own? Based on what you yourself can observe?
10s of millions of people have reached the conclusion that BTS are sincere people, by watching them closely for 10 years. I could rattle off examples of BTS living out that sincerity over the years, but that wouldn't be doing justice to BTS, nor will it be ultimately helpful to you because there is no short cut to determining whether or not BTS are sincere people. You actually have to watch them, listen to or read what they say, hear them detail out their thoughts and beliefs, and see for yourself if their actions match their words, **consistently. That is how you'll notice that yes, though BTS are often placed in scripted situations (as is the case with any idol), there have also been several instances over the years were they go off script or act with integrity and compassion on their own time, off the company clock, and have acted with sincerity in the art they create. The only example I'll list for your benefit in this post is how Jimin and RM used their only day off in 2016, to visit Yongdeungpo Jjomool Children's Kingdom - an orphanage they'd promised to visit 2 years before.
I suspect this is partly why your friend's answers did nothing for you, because sincerity goes hand in hand with integrity, candor, trust, and courage, shown consistently - meaning there has to be an observable track record, a history, that explains that quality. And there's no getting around it, you actually have to sit through at least some of the content around BTS that spans the last 10 years, to reach any satisfactory conclusion on this question.
Getting through 10 years of content is no small feat so I understand why you asked me this question, but you do have to see it for yourself to be convinced of something as easy to fake as sincerity.
I have two suggestions for you, to get to determining this for yourself.
Listen to their music and actually read the lyrics. BTS write their own music, and that in itself should cover 50% of the answer here.
There's an abundance of filmed material showing BTS speaking unfiltered (or as unfiltered as anyone can be on film), but one series that condenses all that material in an easily accessible way, is a fan-made documentary series on Youtube called The Rise of Bangtan.
People recognize in BTS a strong work ethic, a commitment to their team even at the expense of their own personal desires for such a long time, a meticulousness in their process that can only come about by loving what you do and caring about its impact on the people you're making it for. All these things evoke an emotional reaction in the people watching them, because many people recognize these are not actions without a personal cost - a cost that simply cannot be paid without a sincere heart and personal integrity.
Good luck. 💜
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dreamkitsworld · 2 years
Warriors' Fatal Flaw isn't Because it's a Children's Book
I unapologetically love Warriors by Erin Hunter. I have loved Warriors since I read Into the Wild when it was first published. But I need to make this clear.
Warriors is not particularly well written. And this is absolutely NOT because it's a children's book!
There are phenomenal children's books out there that have depth and show the nuances of complex relationships and topics. Warriors just isn't one of them, and it's that way by design. Or, really, the lack of design.
The Erins don't seem to have any kind of documentation for their own book series. This leads to odd continuity problems or cats suddenly changing genders (looking at you Rowanclaw). This is honestly just poor planning for a book series this expansive. You see this in the world building as well. A strong example of this, I think, is how characters age. I foster infant kittens, so I'm familiar with how kittens age. Kits are shown to be walking and talking at 1-2 days old (Bluestar's Prophesy), and then we have a different scene in The New Prophecy where Birchkit is several moons old and still nursing. For reference, kittens are experimenting with solid food by 4-5 weeks old. Kittens also don't open their eyes until they're nearly 2 weeks old, and they can't walk until they're 3-4 weeks old.
"But it's not a nature documentary!"
Correct, it is not. The point isn't that it's inaccurate. This is a world where they have magical plants that can cure wounds, and leaders have 9 lives. These are cats living in the woods with complex societies. Readers could accept just about anything as long as it's consistent, which is exactly where this series really falls apart.
When you have multiple authors, if you want to make a big project, you have to plan it all out. From start to finish, you have to know where everything is going and all agree on characterization. Planning is also crucial, just in general, for projects that span over 100 books. Everything needs to be plotted and documented. Characters all need to have their own timelines that authors can quickly reference.
Without this structure it's simply not possible to develop deeper story lines with character growth that spans multiple books. Things get lost along the way.
But, just in case for those of you in the back, the flaws in the writing of Warriors is ABSOLUTELY NOT because it's a children's book.
Tl;dr: Warriors' fatal flaw is a lack of ability to coordinate and plan between the authors. Not because it's in the children's section.
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silvertonqued · 2 years
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♡     ◞ ⠀⠀⠀⠀serkan cayoglu.   thirty-seven.   cis man.   he/him.⠀ —    hold your f*** horses !   emre kilic   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the label’s resident   senior pr manager   and have been working with the label for   eight years.    they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @emrekilic.  the office knows them for being   austere   but i swear they’ve got a   altruistic   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   magnets pinning children’s drawings and to do lists to the fridge door, muted sounds of typing long after works hours have ended, always cleaning up other people’s messes.   their coworkers even voted them most likely to   leave your text messages on read.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
♡     ◞        statistics.
full  name:  emre kilic. nickname:  doesn’t respond (well) to any nicknames. date  of  birth:  january 6th, 1986 (37 yrs). zodiac  sign:  capricorn. place  of  birth:  manchester, united kingdom. current  location:  new york city, new york. gender:  cis man, uses he / him pronouns. sexuality:  bisexual. languages:  english (native), turkish (native).
♡     ◞        bits and bops.
character  tropes:  the tenacious, the workaholic, the catalyst, the savant. traits:  austere, meticulous, altruistic, conscientious, grumpy, dependable, nurturing, overcritical, reticent, ambitious, family-oriented, finicky. habits:  rubbing at his chin when deep in thought, believing he always knows what’s best, only drinking his morning coffee out of the  best dad  mug he got from his daughter on father’s day, always dressing a bit too nice for the occasion, leaving the office last, overly organizing his work with post it notes and folders, keeping his email inbox at zero unread emails at the end of every work day, going for a sunday morning runs with his dog. likes:  spending time with his daughter, the smell of fresh laundry, honesty, the feeling of success, nicely organized desk spaces, the taste of a strong espresso in the morning, football, well-fitted suits, comfortable silences, family, long hikes before sunrise, rock climbing and bouldering, whiskey on the rocks, cuddles on the couch, routine, seventies music played on vinyl, reading the newspaper, nature documentaries, meal prepping, private displays of affection. dislikes:  small confined spaces, public transport in the city, social media, cluttered spaces, fickle people, surprises, people who lie by omission, his ex, horror movies, crinkled buttoned shirts, cereal as breakfast, bubblegum, being late or others being late, elevators, losing control of a situation, patterned socks. notable  skills:  exceptional memory, reading people, repairing things around the house, ambidexterity.
♡     ◞        background.
born and raised in manchester, england. emre is the eldest child of the family  &  only man of the bunch, growing up with three younger sisters respectively named gamze, bahar and beyza. one can only imagine how that must’ve been   —    surrounded by bustling sounds of three squabbling sisters, who seemed to go from loving to hating each other as well as emre in the span of mere minutes sometimes. but if their parents taught them one thing, it would have been the importance of family. of sticking by the people you love unconditionally, supporting them through each of their ventures, and forgiving and forgetting the minor disputes. as you would presume, growing up with three sisters brought out a particularly overbearing side of emre   —   he has always been endlessly protective of all three of them, maybe a little too protective for their own good sometimes. he was looking out for them even when they didn’t particularly need it. but equally being the first person to stand in their corner, to solve the problems they couldn’t oversee themselves, to make sure no harm would come to them. even when it came to deceiving their own parents if one of them managed to ruin the living room carpet by spilling their drink or failing an important exam in school. admittedly, he has a specific soft spot for his youngest sister who really can’t do any wrong in his eyes. growing up, he naturally grew into the big brother role within every aspect of his life. independent but dependable, never needing anything but always being there if someone else needed something. like working his first part time jobs  &  buying his sisters back to school supplies or a new outfit for their first day back to school out of pocket. but it equally translated to every single other part of his life. he was easily the most natural candidate for captain of his local football team, often finding himself naturally taking on too much responsibility for the wellbeing of friends, family and even strangers alike. and god knows how many times he got roped into other people’s bad ideas, much to his own dismay, all of them knowing if there was one person who knew the right excuse to get them out of the ensuing mess, it would have been emre. perhaps partially thanks to easily trusted big brown eyes as well. knowing how to clean up other people’s messes so particularly well, it is no surprise how he ended up choosing to pursue a joint degree in marketing  &  communications and found himself gravitating towards the field of public relations. upon graduating college, he bagged himself a job working in marketing for the manchester department of the bbc where he climbed the corporate ladder for six years   —   until he grew tired of it. desperately needing a change of pace, it seemed as if a job offer from revolution records appeared at exactly the right time. it was a referral from an old classmate that led the record label to him specifically, in dire need of a public relations agent able to start within the coming month. the only thing holding him back was the idea of moving across the atlantic. after all, family was the most important thing  &  the idea of leaving behind three younger sisters, on the brink of adulthood and seemingly unable to take care of themselves in the eyes of their older brother, was a concerning thought. but with some convincing, he did end up taking the offer, packing his bags and moving to new york city within the span of a month. new york city was not just the change of pace he was looking for, but an entire overhaul to his life. having never truly been alone in a place so unfamiliar to him, life in the city  &  working at revolution needed time to start feeling natural. what perhaps contributed to this idea of an overhaul of life, was the blossoming relationship between him and a coworker not long after his move, eventually leading to an unexpected pregnancy  &  the birth of his now five year old daughter ayla. becoming a father had not been in the cards for the foreseeable future, but he would no longer change a single thing about the course of events. to say he dotes on her even more than he did his younger sisters is an understatement. complicating the experience is the rocky relationship with the mother of his child, as the end of the relationship left the dynamic between them rather sour. the two are coparenting and attempt to stay civil for the sake of their daughter, but it is questionable whether they can put aside their own selfish feelings forever.
♡     ◞        personality.
has a bit of a reputation for being grumpy   —   and fairly so, if we are honest with ourselves. not the biggest ray of sunshine, seemingly has a permanent frown plastered onto his face  &  is more than a little uptight. he always means well but deals with the stupidity of way too many people on a daily basis. huge problem solver, and is very meticulous in the way he approaches things in life. pays excessive attention to detail, always plans ahead, and rarely gets surprised. admittedly, this applies not only to his job but equally to every other problem that presents itself to him, from existential crises to a broken dishwasher. there is probably way too many to do lists pinned to his fridge door, probably has one of those planners for to do lists and grocery store shopping lists and whatnot in the house. holds himself to very high standards in life, but equally lets that impact the standards he often enforces on others. he’s often critical of himself but also the work others do, how they present himself, or how they treat him. one of the standards and values he holds very dear is openness and honesty   —   he always vouches to be as forthright as he is allowed to be, and dishonesty or not telling the full story will really impact how he feels about you and the respect he has for you. after all, he’s willing to stick his foot out for anyone and he feels the bare minimum he deserves in return is honesty. this is also a big policy he applies at work, doesn’t appreciate artists holding back when he is trying to put out their fires  &  that particular situation has often been the cause of friction, and earning him a reputation of being particularly stern and rigid. but no one can deny he does his job well. slightly surprisingly to those that do not know him well, he is really nurturing  &  often finds himself wanting to care for those around him. anyone that reminds him of his younger sisters has him returning straight to the overbearing older brother figure. he is also quite affectionate especially with his daughter, but also with close friends and other family. often puts his own needs aside for others he cares about, and does so willingly and without second thought. most important of all, has a dog   —   she’s a now two year old rottweiler going by the name  bean  and she’s the most adorable thing. basically his best friend, keeps him company on the quiet nights when his daughter is with her mother  &  his go to partner for morning runs every single sunday. and he will bring her around the office quite regularly, so if anyone wants to hang out with her they’re always more than welcome. her love and friendship can be bought with treats  &  basically any and all kinds of food.
♡     ◞        plots.  
i would put ideas here but my head is empty it is 2:30 in the morning so we’ll just brainstorm and plot and i will put any thoughts into our dms  <3
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teejayameenspeaks · 2 years
My Digital Intervention #VoteRightThisTime
Studying this module, ‘Digital Activism’ has been a total learning experience for me, my confidence and passion for the social issues that I am interested in has heightened. This module has also given me the opportunity to explore and apply various forms of creative activism in my present reality and this has generally given me a great sense of purpose.
Now it was time to apply all that I have learnt in the past few weeks, the task of my final presentation was to create an intervention and in details present the research process and proposed impact of my intervention, so allow me introduce to you my digital intervention titled ‘VOTE RIGHT THIS TIME ‘
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The aim of my intervention is creating awareness on the effects of bad governance in Nigeria while citing a very notable incident that shook the country (END SARS PROTEST) and encouraging civic participation in the democratic process by VOTING RIGHT THIS TIME at the upcoming Presidential and Gubernatorial elections in February 2023
 I chose this intervention because it is very relatable and it is the present reality of my target audience, NIGERIA.
18 - 27 years old youths living in Nigeria: they form a major part of the voting populace in Nigeria, my reason for choosing this target audience is to awaken political consciousness among the youths 
I created a short documentary titled VOTE RIGHT THIS TIME and an online campaign on Twitter using the HASHTAG (highlight this) #VoteRightThisTime 
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I chose a documentary and a Twitter campaign because these approaches will capture the attention span of my target audience
To create a strong political awareness culture among the Nigerian Youths for the future as they are the ''Leaders of tomorrow''.
The documentary will be posted on my Instagram and YouTube, the online campaign on Twitter is presently ongoing and the conversations are organic and from my target audience.
I see this campaign evolving into content for social media ads and TV commercials, it will serve as a call to other content creators to use their platforms to lend their voices and this will result to more awareness on this topic.
Here’s the short documentary
I am grateful for this learning experience and the journey doesn't stop here for me as a Digital Activist
BBC  NEWS (2020) BBC, Available at : https://youtu.be/Z00A0xMqw0U (Accessed 1st December,2022)
Why are Nigerians protesting? The Endsars movement explained (2020) Global News, Available at: https://youtu.be/DTFofOXS5PU (Accessed 1st December,2022)
 POLICE BRUTALITY AT END SARS MEMORIAL -ARISE NEWS REPORT (2021) Arise News, Available at; https://youtu.be/8EE3PjR9-Og (Accessed 1st December 2022)
End Sars: What is happening in Nigeria? (2020) Sky News, Available at: https://youtu.be/eAchDmXxtKE (Accessed 1st December 2022)
#Endsars: Wizkid, Activists Protest Police Brutality in London (2020) Channels Television, Available at: https://youtu.be/NntCH0g1THQ (Accessed 1st December 2022)
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Tips for Creating Engaging Video Content
In this fast-paced world of digital marketing, video is the king. You may have to attract audiences' attention in social media, educate, or promote a product or service - engaging video content would always be the key to success. The challenge here is coming up with compelling video content, and some very crucial tips help you to create the kind of videos that not only generate attraction but keep the audience engaged till the very end.
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1. Know Your Audience
Therefore, before creating content know to whom you are speaking. What are the interests, pain points, and needs of your target audience? Content-related tailoring to your audience will certainly boost engagement by a huge amount. For instance, with a younger audience, shorter, snappier videos with fun elements may be the best approach. Or in the case of B2B, informative and concise videos containing data and insights will likely be more effective.
2. Hook Viewers from the Start
The first few seconds of a video is where it makes or breaks that shot of content. Start with a hook, such as a provocative question, a striking visual, or a thought-provoking statement. Your goal is to pique their interest immediately and give them a reason to watch the whole video.
3. Is it too short?
Where attention spans are short in length, brevity rules. Unless you're producing a tutorial or documentary designed to be in-depth, strive to make your videos as concise as possible without diminishing their value. For social media channels, videos can be around 60 seconds or shorter. It doesn't mean cutting corners on quality-it means streamlining that important message you want to convey.
4. Tell a Story
Humans are innately drawn to stories; therefore, think of a narrative structure for your video. Storytelling humanizes your content, making it often much more relatable and memorable. Your story may revolve around your brand, customer success, or even a real-world scenario that reflects your message. Whichever route you take, remember to establish the beginning, middle, and end.
5. Quality Images and Audio
A low-quality image or audio can send viewers running within minutes. Investing in good lighting and a resolution camera, plus quality audio, will enhance the production value of your videos. In fact, even super-basic videos shot with smartphones can look pretty professional if set up and edited properly.
6. Add Captions
Many viewers watch videos on social media mute, particularly when scrolling through their feeds. You're enhancing accessibility for deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences while also ensuring that your message will be received by viewers even when they can't or won't accept the sound. Most video platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, default to playing videos with the sound turned off. Use captions, anyway.
7. Good Visuality
A video is a medium of visuals; make sure the graphics are powerful and arresting. Dynamic cuts, vibrant colors, and graphics will keep the watcher glued to the screen. Include on-screen text and animations to annotate important points. The visual interest will set your video apart from the sea of content.
8. A Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)
No matter how awesome your video is, it is never going to hit its target unless the viewers know what they are meant to do next. Add a strong and obvious CTA towards the close of your video. Be it subscribing to your channel, visiting your website, or buying something, instruct your viewers on what to do next. Make sure the CTA is both visually prominent and easy to understand.
9. Optimize for Mobile Viewing
In the future, most of the traffic will be coming online from mobile devices. Therefore, optimize your videos for mobile. Vertical format videos, or even square, works fine with the likes of Instagram and TikTok, but widescreen might still be preferred for YouTube. The video should also be mobile-friendly and you may also need to change the aspect ratio. 10. User-Generated Content (UGC)
Engage your audience by directly sharing user-generated content. Encourage and invite your followers to submit videos on related topics about your brand, product, or campaign. UGC creates authenticity and may also connect people more personally to the content.
11. Analyze and Adapt
The simplest approach with which you can regularly engage your audience is in making exciting video content. Analyze your videos' performance on engagement rates, viewer retention, and click-through rates. This will clearly show you what is working and what isn't. So, be free to test different formats and styles and adjust your approach accordingly based on the feedback and metrics from the users.
12. Influencer Collaboration
Another key way to increase the views for your video will be through an influencer partnership. An influencer builds trust through their audience from the recommendations they make. When you work with someone of like-mindedness, your video will take further with more engaged users. The collaboration needs to come across as organic and realistic to the voice and aesthetics of the influencer. Conclusion As can be evidenced by the above-mentioned, it's hard to be creative and strategic yet detail-oriented enough without exceeding a marketer's potential. With the right understanding of your audience, an approach with storytelling, and quality visuals, you can make the video truly connect with the viewer and persuade him or her to do something. Keep in mind that even when making videos, they should be brief, mobile-friendly, and optimized for sound-off viewing. And most importantly, keep testing and iterating to improve your results.
With these tips in mind, make sure you integrate them with your video strategy and produce some sparkling stuff to engage your target audience and bring you growth. Happy filming!
Looking for a B2B Digital Marketing Agency in Noida to help you to navigate the evolving landscape of digital marketing? Our experienced team is here to assist you in crafting a winning digital marketing plan and strategy that aligns with your business and latest trends! Get in touch!
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moreidea · 1 month
Unleashing the Power of Creativity: MORE Idea – The Only ROI Creative Lab
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In the dynamic world of advertising and marketing, creativity and innovation are the driving forces behind successful campaigns. At MORE Idea, we pride ourselves on being “The Only ROI Creative Lab,” where creativity meets technology to deliver unparalleled results. Our comprehensive suite of services spans Brand Strategy Planning, Creative Services, Marketing Tech solutions, Digital marketing, Storytelling/Filmmaking, Media services (TV, Print, OOH, Radio), and much more, ensuring that your brand reaches its target audience with precision and impact.
Brand Strategy Planning: Setting the Foundation for Success
A well-crafted brand strategy is crucial for guiding your brand’s growth and achieving long-term success. At MORE Idea, we work closely with you to develop a comprehensive brand strategy that aligns with your business goals. Our approach includes market research, competitive analysis, and strategic positioning to ensure your brand stands out and resonates with your target audience
Creative Services: Bringing Your Vision to Life
Creativity is at the heart of impactful marketing. Our creative services team excels in developing visually stunning and engaging content that captures your brand’s essence. From designing memorable brand identities and crafting compelling advertisements to creating immersive digital content, we bring your vision to life with creativity and precision.
Marketing Tech Solutions: Innovating Your Approach
In a tech-driven world, leveraging the right tools can make a significant difference. MORE Idea offers advanced marketing tech solutions designed to streamline your operations and enhance your marketing efforts.
Digital Marketing: Connecting with Your Online Audience
A strong online presence is essential for reaching and engaging your audience. Our digital marketing services are tailored to maximize your visibility and impact across various digital channels. We offer targeted social media ads, visually appealing display ads, engaging video content, and effective search engine marketing (SEM) to drive traffic and conversions.
Storytelling and Filmmaking: Crafting Narratives That Resonate
Storytelling is a powerful tool for building emotional connections with your audience. At MORE Idea, we specialize in creating compelling narratives through brand films, corporate videos, and engaging social media content. Our filmmaking services also include informative documentaries that provide deeper insights into your brand or industry, creating a lasting impact.
Media Services: Reaching Your Audience Across Channels
Effective media placement ensures your message reaches the right audience. MORE Idea provides a full spectrum of media services:
Television Advertising: Create impactful TV ads from concept to broadcast, capturing a broad audience.
Print Media: Develop targeted ads for newspapers, magazines, and other print formats.
Outdoor Advertising: Utilize billboards, cab branding, metro branding bus shelters, and many more for high-visibility exposure.
Radio Advertising: Craft memorable radio spots and jingles that resonate with listeners.
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