#>300 kWh
leeb57555 · 11 months
Second Life Electric Vehicle Battery Market Share, Size, Future Demand, and Emerging Trends
The rapid adoption of EVs over the coming decades will cause the accessibility of terawatt-hours of batteries which no longer match the requirements for use in an EV. To put this into perspective, countries like the U.S. consume several such terawatts of energy storage systems over the course of an entire year. Therefore, this is a significant amount of available energy storage.
Finding uses for these still functional batteries can add value significantly and ultimately help drive down storage costs to enable more integration of renewable energy into our grids.
Battery life for EVs is challenging. Lithium-ion batteries in EV usage deteriorate significantly within the first five years of operation and are often designed for a decade of usable life despite being exposed to severe operating temperatures, dozens of partial cycles annually, and fluctuating discharge rates.
Get More Insights: Second Life Electric Vehicle Battery Market Revenue Estimation and Growth Forecast Report
For instance, the EU aims to cut total CO2 emissions by 20% from 1990 levels by 2020 as part of the Europe 2020 plan. The U.S. has set a goal to cut its emission level from 2005 to 2025 by 26-28%. Due to all of these pollution standards, conventional cars are giving way to electric cars.
The numerous advantages of second-life EV batteries for the environment include the following:
• Decrease in mining and a rise in resource preservation to stop future mineral depletion and avoid emission- and energy-intensive processing of raw materials
• Decrease in environmental waste
• The practice of reusing materials after recycling
Additionally, prolonging battery life results in a smaller carbon impact and more renewable energy being used on the grid. Additionally, it lowers the cost of electric cars by converting the expense of waste disposal into residual value, accelerating the transition to renewable energy and starting a positive feedback loop for carbon reduction.
In comparison to the lifespan of the actual car, the batteries used for electric vehicles must be changed every four and five years. Additionally, the older battery still has between 60 and 80 per cent of its initial capacity after replacement, making it usable for a number of additional uses. In the upcoming years, this presents a significant growth opportunity for second-life batteries.
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fireflowersims · 2 years
Which one of my roommates is responsible for heating to 22,5C on a daily basis this november resulting in a 700-euro-something utilities bill 🙃
- me
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pettirosso1959 · 20 days
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La potenza impegnata per uso domestico è, di solito, 3 kWe. Un condominio di 100 famiglie impegna complessivamente una potenza di 300 kWe, che in un giorno (24 ore) diventano 7200 kWh, in un anno diventano 2628000 kWh (2628 MWh).
Se volessimo ricarica un'auto elettrica con batteria di capacità pari a 90 kWh, teorizzando un rendimento di ricarica dell'85%, avremmo di bisogno di 37.5 ore. Volendo ridurre i tempi di ricarica a poco più di 1 ora, avremmo di bisogno di una potenza impegnata di 105 kWe. Ma 105 kWe sono pari a più della metà del condominio e il tutto per una sola auto.
Facciamo finta che nel condominio di 100 famiglie tutti abbiano un'auto elettrica con batteria della capacità citata e il condominio ottiene il via libera per 100 stazioni di ricarica "media" da 105 kWe.
La potenza impegnata è pari a 105000 kWe, ovvero 105 MWe, ovvero 105 MWh di energia, ovvero quasi la potenza di un reattore nucleare modulare (SMR) come il Liong One cinese da 125 MWe!
Giusto per fare comprendere la proporzione, con 105 MWe si alimenta una città (senza industrie, naturalmente) di 35 mila abitanti! Adesso provate ad immaginare una città con, almeno, la metà del parco auto circolante di tipo elettrico e tante stazioni di ricarica dalla potenza di, almeno, 105 kWe.
Milano, inteso come Comune, conta su 1.4 milioni di abitanti, e con il 50% di 1807123 parco auto, le vetture elettriche sarebbero 903561. Volendo considerare che tutte le auto vengano ricaricate con colonnine rapide da ipotetici 105 kWe (in realtà si stanno diffondendo, insieme a quelle da 200 e oltre kWe, ma sono pochissime, la stragrande maggioranza sono da 36 kWe, ma noi agiamo ipoteticamente per consentire una ricarica in poco più di 1 ora), la potenza impegnata sarebbe di 948739605 kWe, pari a 94873,905 MWe, pari a 94,873905 GWe di potenza elettrica effettiva! Per giuste proporzioni, un reattore nucleare coreano APR-1400, dello stesso modello costruito in 4 unità negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, eroga una potenza massima netta di 1400 MWe, ovvero 1,4 GWe, e ne sarebbero necessari ben 68!
Qualcuno potrebbe obiettare: "Non è detto che tutte le auto si connettano contemporaneamente per la ricarica". Vero, ma la statistica dimostra, che la ricarica viene tendenzialmente effettuata nelle ore serali/notturne presso il proprio domicilio (in Italia per chi può permetterselo, in Germania e negli Stati Uniti è la prassi), più raramente presso le colonnine dislocate nei punti di ricarica urbani avviene di giorno. La statistica stessa ci viene incontro informandoci che ci sarà almeno una volta al giorno un momento in cui le auto possono essere collegate tutte insieme per la ricarica, e quella potenza va coperta, pena un inesorabile crollo delle linee e un prolungatissimo black-out che porterebbe dietro di sé, non la Lombardia, non l'Italia, ma l'Europa intera, date le interconnessioni transfrontaliere.
Ammesso che i cittadini si "accontentino" di ricaricare le proprie auto alla potenza massima di 3 kWe, sarebbero comunque necessari 2710683 kWe, 2710,683 MWe, 2,710683 GWe di potenza per ricaricare, in un tempo stimato di 38 ore circa, il 50% delle auto di Milano, quindi 2 reattori nucleari APR-1400.
Qualcuno afferma di volere ricaricare le auto elettriche, di giorno e con i pannelli FV. Torniamo all'esempio delle colonnine da 105 kWe, tanto il sole è gratis, giusto? I pannelli FV in condizioni standard hanno un rendimento del 13% (in termini largamente benevoli, perché raramente si arriva a superare il 10% reale...). Il 13% di rendimento è considerato come valore massimo in condizioni di perfetta perpendicolarità del pannello FV rispetto all'irraggiamento solare, alla temperatura di 25°C e al livello del mare. La variazione dell'angolo incidente, della temperatura e della pressione atmosferica riducono sensibilmente il rendimento effettivo...
Considerata la costante solare K = 1 kW * m-2, 1 metroquadrato di pannello FV erogherà una potenza massima di 130 Watt...
Per ottenere una potenza massima di uscita pari a 2,710683 GWe saranno necessari 20851407,692 m*-2 di pannelli fotovoltaici... credo le proporzioni, adesso, siano ben chiare! Continuare a fare conversazione su questi numeri, credo, sia inutile. Al netto degli impatti ambientali per la produzione delle batterie, dei pannelli FV, della loro installazione sul suolo, anche e solo parlare di elettrificare anche una parte del parco circolante di una città come Milano, figuriamoci del mondo intero, sia un qualcosa di improponibile, al netto, che senza reattori nucleari, la ricarica potrebbe essere assicurata per non più di 5,479 ore/giorno in media di irradiazione solare annue in Italia... Meditare, gente, meditare...
F. Arnò.
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e-carlease · 7 days
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UK customers can choose between:
V1 / VZ1 - from £43,340 or £55,935 this will offer 19” alloys, heated and foldable electric mirrors, LED headlights, dark tinted rear windows, navigation, 5.3” digital cockpit with a 15” central display, wireless phone charger, aluminium pedals, rain and light sensor, heated steering wheel, adaptive cruise control, rear view camera, keyless entry and start, forward collision warning and attention assist; and
V2 / VZ2 - from £53,835 or £60,835 this will offer 21”  alloys, Matrix LED lights, electric tailgate, panoramic sunroof, Sennheiser premium audio, 3-zone climate control, bucket seats which are 12-way electrically adjustable, top view camera and dynamic chassis control.    
But how will the new Tavascan electric perform? There will be two battery configurations to choose from including:
Endurance (286ps) - this RWD SUV will have a 77 kWh usable battery which will offer 0 – 62 times of 6.8 seconds, 112 mph top speeds and 210kW (or 282hp). Expect a combined winter range of 230 miles with warmer weather allowing for 320 miles – a 275 mile combined. On charging, the 11 kW AC max will allow 8 hour and 15 min 0 – 100% charging times with the 135 kW DC maximum allowing 28 minute 10 – 80% times. A cargo volume of 540L is available with this car. It has a vehicle fuel equivalent of 145 mpg. You can tow with this EV – 750kg (Unbraked) and 1000kg (Braked). It also has no V2L or V2G capabilities (so far). The Heat Pump is available but is an option; and
VZ (340ps) - this AWD SUV will have a 77 kWh usable battery which will offer 0 – 62 times of 5.5 seconds, 112 mph top speeds and 250kW (or 335hp). Expect a combined winter range of 220 miles with warmer weather allowing for 300 miles – a 265 mile combined. On charging, the 11 kW AC max will allow 8 hour and 15 min 0 – 100% charging times with the 135 kW DC maximum allowing 28 minute 10 – 80% times. A cargo volume of 540L is available with this car. It has a vehicle fuel equivalent of 139 mpg. You can tow with this EV – 750kg (Unbraked) and 1200kg (Braked). It also has no V2L or V2G capabilities (so far). The Heat Pump is available but is an option.
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techniktagebuch · 17 days
8. und 9. September 2024
Expedition mit dem modernen Automobil
Ich bin erst wenige Male in einem E-Auto mitgefahren, das erste Mal 2015 in der Schweiz, im Tesla von Reto Biederborst, und danach vielleicht noch fünf Mal in fast zehn Jahren. Heute fahre ich zum ersten Mal eine lange Strecke durchs Ausland, als Passagierin im achtsitzigen E-Kleinbus meines Bruders.
Für den Bruder ist es auch erst das zweite Mal. Er hat zwar schon seit 2020 einen elektrischen Renault Zoe, aber der Bus wurde erst vor wenigen Monaten angeschafft und bisher erst einmal für eine längere Strecke benutzt, die überwiegend durch Deutschland führte. Die Hinfahrt hat der Bruder deshalb ganz vorsichtig geplant. Auf der Rückfahrt ist er schon zuversichtlicher, dass das alles klappen wird.
Für mich ist alles ganz neu. Ich wusste, dass E-Autos von außen leiser sind. Aber innen ist der Unterschied noch auffälliger: Man kann sich einigermaßen normal zwischen den Sitzreihen unterhalten. Das war bei Autos mit Verbrennungsmotoren wegen der Lautstärke immer schwierig. (Vielleicht ging es bei sehr teuren Autos, darüber weiß ich nichts.)
Auch beim Laden eines E-Autos war ich bisher noch nicht dabei. Ungefähr alle zwei Stunden machen wir eine Ladepause, die Batterie des Autos hat dann noch ungefähr 40% und es wird bis 80% geladen. Nur bis 80%, weil man nur so weit die maximale Geschwindigkeit der Ladesäule bekommt. Danach geht das Laden langsamer. Von 40% auf 80% dauert es ungefähr zwanzig Minuten. Damit es so schnell geht, muss der Bruder aber in einer seiner vier Apps nach den schnellen Ladesäulen suchen. Die schnellen Ladesäulen können 150 bis 300 Kilowatt, wobei sich das Auto des Bruders nur mit maximal 100 Kilowatt laden lässt. Ob eine schnelle Ladesäule diese 100 kW auch wirklich abgibt, muss man ausprobieren, manchmal sind sie grundlos langsamer, dann braucht man eine andere. Sie werden auch langsamer (so habe ich das jedenfalls verstanden), wenn mehrere Autos gleichzeitig laden wollen.
Vor Ort müssen wir die in der App gefundenen Ladesäulen dann noch mal suchen. Sie sind nämlich nicht ausgeschildert, auch an Autobahnraststätten nicht, an denen sonst alles einen eigenen Wegweiser hat. In den Apps kann man sehen, ob die Ladesäulen gerade frei sind, man muss sie halt nur finden. "So fühlt es sich an, seiner Zeit ein bisschen voraus zu sein", sage ich nach einer besonders mühsamen Suche und erzähle von der Zeit, als ich mal zu früh ein Handy mit USB-C hatte.
Außerdem sind die Ladesäulen nicht überdacht. "Warum eigentlich nicht?" – "Weil ... das hier ist was für die komischen Spinner, und das andere ist normal", meint der Bruder. "Dabei steht man beim Elektroladen viel länger im Regen."
Wenn der Ladevorgang beginnt, sind beeindruckende Geräusche aus der Ladesäule und aus den Kästen zu hören, die hinter den Ladesäulen stehen. Es klackt laut und irgendwas startet mit einem ansteigenden Summgeräusch.
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Eine von vielen verschiedenen Ladeanzeigen verschiedener Ladesäulen.
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Der leuchtende Streifen an der Seite dieser praktischen Ladesäule zeigt an, wie voll das Auto schon ist. Das wäre noch praktischer, wenn diese Ladesäulen nicht immer in einer absolut unnützen toten Ecke stehen würden, sondern zum Beispiel neben einer Raststätte, so dass man einen Kaffee trinken und aus dem Fenster den Ladefortschritt verfolgen könnte.
Das langsame Laden zu Hause kostet pro Kilowattstunde momentan 30 bis 40 Cent. Genauer weiß es der Bruder nicht, weil er vor allem mit seinem Solar-Garagenvordach lädt, und da kostet es gar nichts. Unterwegs, an den schnellen Ladesäulen, kostet es auf der heutigen Strecke zwischen 59 und 69 Cent pro kWh. Wenn wir geduldiger wären und an langsamen Ladesäulen tanken würden, wären es "vielleicht 39 Cent, aber das müsste man testen". Die Apps versprechen immer irgendwelche Preise, wie viel es wirklich kostet, hängt aber von irgendwelchen Faktoren ab und man weiß es immer erst nach dem Ende des Ladevorgangs. "Es ist wirklich ein grausiger Markt."
In einer Ladepause lasse ich mir zeigen, was das Auto vorne unter seiner Motorhaube hat. Das sind vor allem Kabel und Schläuche und viel leerer Platz, überraschenderweise auch eine 12-Volt-Autobatterie. Es sei wohl einfacher, vermutet der Bruder, damit die vielen Dinge im Auto zu betreiben, die traditionell eben 12 Volt haben: Türschlösser, Klimaanlage, Fensterheber und so.
"Und was ist das da hinten, ein Tankdeckel?"
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Diese Tankklappe ist zwar sichtbar, aber inaktiv und an nichts angeschlossen.
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Hier kommt der Treibstoff in Wirklichkeit ins Auto rein (durch eine ganz andere Tankklappe)
Der Bruder zeigt mir begeistert noch ein paar andere Absonderlichkeiten, zum Beispiel den inaktiven Einfüllstutzen für AdBlue.
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Einfüllstutzen für AdBlue an einem Auto, das wirklich keinen braucht.
Es sei einfach ein schamlos halbherziger Umbau eines Verbrenners zu einem Elektroauto. Noch dazu gebe es das identische Modell auch noch von Peugeot und von Citroën mit nur ganz leicht unterschiedlichen Details.
Ein Zusatzproblem der Ladesäulensuche ergibt sich, als wir fürs Abendessen gern ein Restaurant in der Nähe einer schnellen Ladesäule hätten. Ich lasse hier die Details weg und sage nur, dass uns das mit den vier Lade-Apps, Google Maps und der Openstreetmap-App nicht gelungen ist. Am Ende nehmen wir irgendein Restaurant und laden dann eben nicht während des Abendessens. Obwohl das praktisch gewesen wäre.
Weil Langstreckenfahrten mit dem E-Auto auch für die Verwandtschaft noch neu sind, wird auf dieser Fahrt viel über die technischen Details geredet und ich erfahre mehr, als ich wahrscheinlich von einer routinierteren Familie gehört hätte. Die Neuheit der Technik und ihrer dazugehörigen Praktiken liegt hier noch ganz an der Oberfläche.
Normal sei es, je nach Beladung mit diesem Bus zwischen 26 und 28 kWh auf 100 Kilometer zu verbrauchen. Auf dem Rückweg haben wir auf Teilen der Strecke bei starkem Regen und Gegenwind 40 kWh verbraucht, wodurch eine zusätzliche Ladepause nötig wurde. Die Bruderfamilie ist diese Strecke schon oft gefahren und weiß, wie lange es mit dem nicht-elektrischen Vorgängerbus gedauert hat: Mit dem sei man schneller gefahren, nämlich eher 130. Jetzt, wo Verbrauch wichtig geworden ist, fahren sie aus Stromspargründen nur noch 110. Dazu kommen auf einer Strecke von 600 km vier Tankpausen von je etwa 25 Minuten, es dauert also schon spürbar länger als früher.
Ich finde es angenehm, beim Fahren viele Pausen zu machen, weil ich jetzt daran gewöhnt bin, mit einem Hund zu reisen. Dabei halten wir alle anderthalb bis zwei Stunden an und gehen eine Runde, nicht weil es dringend nötig wäre, sondern weil das Reisen sonst sehr langweilig für den Hund ist. Ich finde es auch unproblematisch, langsam voranzukommen, seit ich mit Bahn und Fähre nach Schottland reise. Das Reisen ist dann so was wie Existieren, kein möglichst schnell zu überwindender Wartezustand mehr. Die Batterie- und die Ladetechnik entwickelt sich schnell, und wahrscheinlich wird man bald wieder so reisen und tanken können wie früher mit einem Verbrenner. Aber meinetwegen könnte es auch gern so bleiben, wie es jetzt ist.
(Kathrin Passig)
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 month
El nuevo DeLorean Alpha5: es un vehículo eléctrico que representa un renacimiento moderno del icónico DMC-12.
Aunque conserva detalles clásicos como las puertas de ala de gaviota, su diseño es completamente actualizado con líneas curvadas y aerodinámicas. Este coupé de cuatro plazas está equipado con una batería de más de 100 kWh, que proporciona una autonomía de alrededor de 300 millas.
Acelera de 0 a 60 mph en 3.4 segundos y tiene una velocidad máxima limitada a 155 mph. Su lanzamiento está previsto para 2024.
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#DMC #dmc #delorean #deloreandmc #backtothefuture
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man-and-atom · 2 months
The company plans to use solar farms in places that have little to recommend them other than a railway line nearby as filling stations at which to charge heavy but cheap batteries built into goods wagons. A 100-car train… could deliver three gigawatt-hours to users.
We wouldn’t normally suspect The Economist of innumeracy. On the other hand, solar boosters are hardly above suspicion of deliberate deception, and sometimes seem to revel in self-deception.
American railroad hopper-cars, much larger than those used most other places in the world, carry typically 100 tonnes of coal each. A modern, efficient gigawatt coal-fired power station typically burns something like 300 tonnes of coal an hour. (Those numbers will vary with the thermal efficiency of the station and the quality of the coal.) Three gigawatt-hours would then require about 10 carloads. The typical unit coal train is 100 cars long, or about 30 gigawatt-hours. At that, most of the coal-burners built in the past half-century or so have been mine-mouth stations, because for distances of about 500 km or less, it’s cheaper to burn the coal at the pit-head and send the power onward by high-tension lines.
Good lead-acid batteries (presumably the “heavy but cheap” option mentioned) store about 50 watt-hours (0·05 kWh) per kilogram. At this rate, one train car could carry a freight of 5000 kWh. The whole trainload would then be 100 times that, 500 000 kWh or half a gigawatt-hour. Only if you assume an externally-imposed economics-be-damned mandate for solar-plus-storage, as in California, does this begin to make some kind of sense.
If the numbers as given simply don’t seem to accord with reality, neither does the claim that solar “only gets cheaper and cheaper”. Solar power requires land, and vast tracts of it — land which only tends to increase in price. Besides that, each additional increment of generation tends to use more land, because the land most favorable for the purpose is usually developed first. Similarly, the vast raw materials requirements call for exploiting poorer and poorer sources, at ever-escalating costs.
Compare all that with a single half-meter-long CANDU fuel bundle, containing about 30 kg of uranium, which in the course of its time in the reactor will produce more than 1 500 000 kWh. Nuclear requires only modest quantities of land and raw materials, and depends primarily upon technological skill and know-how — which, unlike land or raw materials, constantly gets cheaper.
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The 5 will be available with two battery options, both using the Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt (NMC) chemistry. The entry-level pack boasts a capacity of 40 kilowatt-hours and offers a WLTP driving range of up to 300 kilometers (186 miles), while the bigger option has 52 kWh and increases the maximum estimated range to 400 km (248 miles)(..)
The Renault 5’s big battery weighs about 280 kg (617 lbs) and the smaller one tips the scales at 240 kg (529 lbs).
Speaking of weight, the new urban EV has just 1,450 kg (3,196 lbs) when fitted with the 52-kWh battery pack, making it as light as some comparable internal combustion engine cars(..)
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rtz-imobiliare-cluj · 2 years
Facturi mai mici la utilitati cu electrocasnicele eficiente
Chiar și unele schimbări mici precum înlocuirea electrocasnicelor cu alternative ecologice pot avea un impact mare asupra facturii de curent electric și al amprentei de carbon. De exemplu, o friteuză cu aer cald consumă în jur de 1.5 kWh de curent electric ceea ce înseamnă aproximativ 1.2 lei, preț calculat la 0.8 lei/kW care este compensat în acest moment de către guvern pentru locuințele care se încadrează la un consum lunar de până la 300 kW. Acest aparat este cu mult mai eficient decât un cuptor electric care poate consuma chiar până la 5 kWh. Astfel în acest exemplu introductiv agenția imobiliară RTZ din Cluj a arătat cât de mult contează pentru portofel un simplu schimb de electrocasnice iar când avem o locuință dotată doar cu astfel de aparate econome prețul la vânzări de case și apartamente sau închirieri de case și apartamente va crește semnificativ. Astfel acest aparate reprezintă și o investiție pe termen mediu și lung:
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Solar Panels Installation Perth
Solar energy is a great way to reduce your dependence on standard electricity. In addition to helping the environment, it also allows you to receive rebates by exporting excess energy back into the grid.
When selecting a solar installer, look for accreditation from the Clean Energy Council (CEC). The installer should also be licensed and insured. They should also offer product warranties and guarantees.
The best solar companies Perth consumers choose have long-established reputations backed up by sustained customer satisfaction levels over time. This is reflected in consistent and untarnished reviews across a wide range of Google showcasing platforms. These metrics are also bolstered by a local presence rather than a leased office in a suburb, indicating an installer invested in its customers for the long term.
One of the most obvious benefits of solar power in Perth is energy savings. The main way that solar panels installation perth save money in Perth is through solar self-consumption, which cuts out the need to pay the high grid electricity prices charged by Synergy.
Depending on your consumption patterns and the size of your system, you can also earn an additional income through Synergy’s feed-in tariff program. This pays you for any excess solar energy you send into the grid (up to a maximum of 10c / kWh during daylight hours). The Perth Solar Warehouse offers pre-designed packages of trusted bankable brands, offering you greater value and simpler selection.
Koala Solar
A solar energy system is a great way to cut your carbon emissions and take control of rising electricity prices. Perth households are particularly passionate about going solar, with the city boasting some of the lowest system prices in Australia. You can also benefit from a government rebate.
When choosing a Perth solar installer, you should consider the company’s reputation and quality of service. Look for a company that has a long history in the industry and offers a wide range of products. You should also make sure to read the warranty conditions carefully. Many companies offer warranties on both the panels and inverters, and some even provide workmanship warranties for the installation. This will help you avoid problems later on. It’s important to find a reputable installer that is equally invested in your energy security. The best way to do this is by looking at reviews from past customers.
MLEC Solar
The installation of thousands of solar panels within a year is an incredible milestone for any solar company and highlights their credibility. This is a key factor when determining a top-rated solar company. SunWiz has a deep and long history in the monitoring of the Australian solar power industry and is an authoritative source on PV market volumes.
MLEC Solar is one of the most popular and best-rated solar companies in Australia. It has over 300 customer reviews averaging 4.84 stars. Its older first review date and consistent average over time facilitate its ranking in the top 10. It is also a Tesla Premium Partner, which adds to its bankability.
MLEC Solar is run by experienced electricians who focus on quality products and customer service. They strive to make it simple for their customers to transition to renewable energy and to ensure the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Unlike other solar companies, they do not subcontract their installations and deal directly with their customers.
Perth Solar Force
Perth Solar Force is a family-owned, WA-based business that focuses on providing customers with quality products and services. Its team of experts can help you choose the best solar power system for your home and make the most of your energy savings. It also provides a range of services, including solar installation and maintenance.
A solar power system can provide a good return on investment, and the initial cost can be offset by the money you save on your electricity bill. However, it’s important to understand how the system works before you make a decision.
Koala Solar uses high-quality Tier 1 products to deliver the most reliable, energyefficient solar power systems in Australia. The company offers a wide selection of packages to suit various residential and commercial needs. Its systems include a variety of Install Solar Panels Perth, inverters and accessories, all of which come with marketstandard warranties. They also offer a range of solar hot water systems.
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weftfeeder · 5 days
DM Motor For Water Jet Looms
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Inching, slow weft finding, start-stop function at a fixed angle, perfect stable loom running. ENERGY EFFICIENT
High efficiency from 300 to 1200 RPM, suitable for different loom speeds. The energy efficiency of the whole frequency band exceeds the international IE5 standard, saving 20% to 30% energy, saving 5000 KWH of electricity every year. 
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aniselectriccars · 9 days
2024 Mini Electric Car Price in the Philippines: Exploring Affordable EVs
The Philippines is rapidly embracing electric vehicles (EVs) as the country moves toward more sustainable transportation options. Among the growing variety of EVs available, mini electric cars are becoming increasingly popular due to their affordability, compact size, and environmental benefits. In 2024, the demand for mini electric cars is expected to rise, thanks to both urban commuters and eco-conscious drivers looking for efficient alternatives. This article explores the price ranges and key details of some of the most anticipated mini electric cars for 2024, including the Geely Panda, Leapmotor T03, Baojun Yep and BYD Seagull.
Geely Panda: Affordable Yet Feature-Packed
The Geely Panda is making waves as an entry-level mini electric car, designed for city driving with style and functionality. Known for its adorable design and practical features, the Panda has been well-received in markets like China, and it is expected to be competitively priced when it arrives in the Philippines.
Price in the Philippines: The Geely Panda is projected to be priced between ₱750,000 to ₱845,000 depending on the variant. This makes it one of the most affordable options in the mini-EV segment.
Key Features:
Range: 150-200 km on a full charge
Battery Capacity: 30 kWh
Top Speed: 100 km/h
Tech & Safety: Touchscreen infotainment, reverse camera, and basic safety features like ABS
Leapmotor T03: Small Size, Big Potential
The Leapmotor T03 is another mini electric vehicle poised to make an impact in 2024. With its sleek, modern design and advanced technology, the T03 aims to cater to those looking for a stylish and high-performing compact EV. It stands out with features often seen in more expensive cars, such as driver assistance systems and an AI-powered infotainment system.
Price in the Philippines: The estimated price for the Leapmotor T03 is around ₱850,000 to ₱950,000, offering a higher-end option in the mini electric car market.
Key Features:
Range: 250-300 km per charge
Battery Capacity: 40 kWh
Top Speed: 120 km/h
Tech & Safety: AI integration, adaptive cruise control, autonomous emergency braking
Baojun Yep: The Compact SUV Experience
If you’re looking for something that combines the compact size of a mini car with the ruggedness of an SUV, the Baojun Yep might be the right choice. Known for its quirky, boxy design and off-road capabilities, the Baojun Yep is a unique option for drivers in the Philippines who want something different.
Price in the Philippines: With its rugged features, the Baojun Yep is expected to be priced between ₱900,000 to ₱1,290,000, making it a bit more expensive than other mini electric cars, but still within reach for many Filipino buyers.
Key Features:
Range: 150-200 km on a single charge
Battery Capacity: 35 kWh
Top Speed: 110 km/h
Tech & Safety: All-terrain tires, touchscreen display, driver assist technology
BYD Seagull: Tech-Savvy and Practical
BYD is no stranger to the electric vehicle market, and the BYD Seagull is its latest offering in the mini EV segment. Known for its advanced battery technology and innovative design, the Seagull offers a futuristic driving experience for urban commuters. It boasts a compact form while still delivering impressive range and safety features, making it ideal for everyday use in bustling cities like Manila.
Price in the Philippines: The BYD Seagull is projected to have a price range of ₱750,000 to ₱1,190,000, balancing affordability with advanced technology.
Key Features:
Range: 250-300 km per charge
Battery Capacity: 40 kWh
Top Speed: 115 km/h
Tech & Safety: High-tech battery management system, regenerative braking, lane-keeping assist
Why Choose a Mini Electric Car?
Mini electric cars are designed for efficiency, making them perfect for city dwellers in the Philippines who often face heavy traffic and limited parking. These cars are not only affordable but also significantly reduce your carbon footprint. With gasoline prices fluctuating and environmental concerns rising, electric cars offer long-term savings and sustainable solutions. Additionally, government incentives for EVs in the Philippines may lower the initial purchase cost, making it even easier for consumers to make the switch to electric.
In 2024, the mini electric car market in the Philippines is expected to expand rapidly with models like the Geely Panda, Leapmotor T03, Baojun Yep, and BYD Seagull offering a range of prices and features. These vehicles provide excellent options for eco-friendly driving, catering to different budgets and preferences. Whether you’re looking for an affordable and practical city car or something with a bit more flair and technology, there’s a mini electric car for you.
2024 Mini Electric Car Price List in Philippines - Discover the future of urban mobility with Anis Electric Car! We're offering affordable, eco-friendly mini electric cars in the Philippines, perfect for city driving. Enjoy lower fuel costs, zero emissions, and a sleek design tailored for your lifestyle. Drive smart, drive green with Anis Electric Car—your gateway to sustainable transportation. Now available nationwide!
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hangnhat123com · 10 days
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pettirosso1959 · 2 years
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Non succede, ma se succede, l'auto elettrica sarà la causa della più grande recessione di sempre
* Un Kg di gasolio contiene quasi 12 KW ora di energia, nello spazio di circa un decimetro e nel peso di circa 1 kg (poco di piu il primo, poco di meno il secondo).
* Una batteria al piombo contiene circa 0,04 kwh per kg... 300 volte di meno.
* Una costosissima batteria a base del raro Litio, fa ben 3 volte meglio di una al piombo (0,12 kwh ) , ma rimane sempre 100 volte sotto quella del gasolio. Una differenza abissale, che anche se il motore elettrico risulta 2,5 volte piu efficiente di quello endothermic ultima generazione, colloca le MIGLIORI batterie al mondo del costo di molte migliaia di euro 30 volte al di sotto della scatola di latta in foto.
* Stesso si può dire per tempo e facilità di ricarica. Il serbatoio di una utilitaria si riempie in pochi secondi con 500 kwh di energia.
Occorrono circa 100 ore da un'utenza domestica da 6kw per ottenere lo stesso risultato, anche le colonnine apposite richiedono varie ore per erogare la stessa energia.
Per non parlare della possibilità di carica da remoto, con una tanica da 10 Lt posso trasportare 120 kwh di energia, mi servirebbe una batteria al litio da 1000 chilogrammi (una tonnellata) per fare lo stesso.
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e-carlease · 11 months
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However, to keep this price competitive with the other comparable options - the MG4 (https://www.electriccarlease.co.uk/electric-car-leasing/mg-motor-uk/mg4), Cupra Born (https://www.electriccarlease.co.uk/electric-car-leasing/cupra/born), VW ID3 and Mini Electric (https://www.electriccarlease.co.uk/electric-car-leasing/mini/hatchback)  - the group have confirmed a more affordable £31,000 model to be made available. For leasing, our purchasing customers, this makes monthly obligations of sub £300 far more possible, which is necessary to meet the value of the other great EV hatchbacks. The smaller battery will meet the Pro+ specification in the other battery, which means the panoramic roof, parking sensors, parking camera, climate control, adaptive cruise control and other features are likely to be included! Where EVs, particularly in the hatchback segment, are making inroads is with the level of specification and equipment offered. Many offer well in excess of what we are accustomed to with our combustion models
But how does the new smaller battery Smart #1 perform? This RWD hatch will have a 47 kWh usable battery which will offer 0 – 62 times of 6.7 seconds, 112 mph top speeds and 200 kW (or 268hp). Expect a combined winter range of 135 miles with warmer weather allowing for 180 miles. On charging, the 7.4 kW AC max will allow 7 hour and 30 minute  0 – 100% charging times with the 130 kW DC maximum allowing 32 minute 10 – 80% times. A cargo volume of 323L is available with this car. It has a vehicle fuel equivalent of 138 mpg. This EV will have no Bidirectional charging. And the car will not be able to tow.
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iamchengguo · 12 days
二氧化碳成本:数百万租户如何轻松取回资金 本杰明·魏格尔 您是否住在租来的公寓里并有自己的天然气合同?然后,您将至少每年收到一次供应商的发票。现在,您只需一封信,就可以从房东那里收回其中的一小部分。
背景:如果用燃气加热,您也要支付 CO2 的价格。这就像对产生大量二氧化碳并加剧气候变化的燃料征税。如果您租房,则无法影响您的公寓是否配备对气候有害���对气候友好的供暖系统。因此,您的房东现在必须承担您迄今为止承担的部分二氧化碳费用。
有 300 万户家庭必须自己要求房东的份额:如果您租的公寓里有燃气供暖系统,或者您租了整栋房子并且燃气合同贯穿您,这会影响您。
您的房东必须从二氧化碳成本中支付多少费用是一个复杂的步骤系统的结果。粗略地说,在翻新良好、节能的建筑中,房东份额很低。另一方面,如果您必须大量供暖,房东必须承担高达 95% 的二氧化碳成本。
为此,我们开发了一个用于燃气供暖系统的 CO2 成本计算器,它可以计算您可以向房东索赔的金额。即使您出租,您也可以使用计算器来确定公寓楼的成本分配。您只需要天然气供应商提供的最后一份账单。在其中,您将找到计算器所需的所有信息 - 除了您的生活空间,您可以在租赁协议中找到。
这有多重要?让我们以一间拥有 100 平方米居住空间的公寓为例,其中每年需要 18,000 kWh 的燃气供暖——高于平均水平。到 2023 年,当时的二氧化碳成本接近 105 欧元。在这个例子中,房东必须支付其中的 50% - 因此您将获得超过 50 欧元的退款。
使用我们的样本信(Word 文档),您可以在几分钟内向您的房东要求退款。您只需要我们计算器中的数字。通过信件或电子邮件将信件发送给您的房东,并附上您的燃气账单作为证明。一旦您收到新的燃气账单,您就可以每年再次进行一次。
另一个提示:也许您的房东还不知道新的成本分配。最好先公开谈论它。但是,从现在开始,您不应该害怕定期领取这笔钱,例如因为担心租金上涨。因为第一次可能只有 20 或 30 欧元,但将来会更多。到 2026 年,二氧化碳价格已经翻了一番,如果欧盟想要实现其气候目标,预计价格将进一步大幅上涨。从长远来看,这应该会激励您的房东考虑进行节能改造或更换供暖系统,以避免高昂的二氧化碳成本。
如果您租的公寓使用燃气、取暖油或区域供暖供暖,但您的房东负责供暖并购买能源,那么他负责分担二氧化碳费用。他必须在水电费账单中从您的费用中扣除房东的份额。检查报表中是否出现成本明细——您甚至可能已经收到了 2023 年的费用明细。
您可以在我们的 CO2 成本计算器下阅读有关该主题的更多信息。
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