#<img of me dead on the floor
decompose1 · 2 years
girlies who listened to ROAR too young and it poisoned their brain forever
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thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years
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[img Fics That Haunt You [text is in horror movie poster font] A Rec Fest for Fics You Can't Stop In the center on a black background is an image of team torchwood. To their left are transparent logos for watpad and fanfiction.net. To their right are transparent logos for live journal and ao3]
Fics that haunt you -- a mix of fan and mod recs. Thank you for everyone who sent fics in!
the hands on the clock keep ticking by violetmessages (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 10235 | M)
They all knew it could happen to anyone. They’d all seen the proof. Even if it happened to a miniscule amount of the population, it was still a possibility. But they had grown complacent. They had forgotten that they too were also at the mercy of the Rift, that the Rift did not make an exception for those who knew its existence. They had forgotten until they were faced with it themselves. In which Gwen and Ianto get sent back to 1969 by the Rift.
Don't You Know For Years You've Haunted Me by virtualsilver (GwenRhys, JackIanto | complete | 12803 | T)
Gwen has inherited a recessive trait that has lurked in her ancestors' blood for generations: she is prescient. She can see flashes of where the timeline is heading and can feel when something - or someone - changes it. She tries to use her foreknowledge to change events for the better, but securing the outcome of her interventions proves to be a challenge.
I Sing the Body Electric by Paycheckgurl (OwenTosh, JackIanto | complete | 19069 | T)
In 2008, Team Torchwood investigates a series of robotics robberies. In an unknown time and place Ianto, Toshiko, and Owen wake up in a dark room. Their bodies seem to be strangely metallic. Which isn’t even the strangest development. The strangest development might be that they remember being dead. Or: Torchwood fix it. But they’re androids.
Separation Anxiety: The Continuing Adventures of Club Wales by pocky_slash (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 43412 | NR)
In which Jack is out of town, Andy has a case for Torchwood, Rhys makes pack lunches, and Gwen and Ianto put their detective skills to work.
here is the deepest secret nobody knows by blackkat (JackIanto | complete | 9658 | E)
Ianto closes his eyes in Thames House, lungs full of choking alien gas, and opens them in his sister's house in Cardiff.
Management of Dead Bodies in Disaster Situations: A Field Manual by heddychaa (Gen | complete | 2193 | M)
Darragh Edmonds is a so-called "disaster specialist". Called to the site of tsunamis, earth quakes, floods, terrorist attacks, he takes up the grim task of putting order to human remains, and he does it well. Cleaning up after a biological attack on Thames House should make for a comparatively easy day for Darragh: after all, the bodies of Thames House have even been so considerate as to pile themselves right at the front door for him. That is, until he's sworn to secrecy and sent, alone, to collect two bodies from the building's eerie top floor.
Four, Five, Six by miss winterhill (JackIanto | complete | 1495 | M)
The corridor outside his thesis supervisor's office was cold, and he fought down the nausea that was threatening to overwhelm him. As he waited, he tried to read the notices that fluttered on the board. There was a room to rent in the lower fourth. Someone was offering tutoring in mathematics; that one half-covered a poster about drugs. DRUGS WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE, written in big frightening letters. Ugh.
And Indeed There Will Be Time by kaydeefalls (JackIanto | complete | 42433 | T)
In 1919, Harriet Derbyshire was killed while investigating the disappearance of Torchwood Four in Dublin. In 2009, UNIT pulls a dying man out of the Irish Sea with a one-word message: Torchwood. Martha joins up with Jack's team in Cardiff to track down the errant branch of the organization -- before a time-traveling race of aliens can change the course of history as we know it.
Day Tripper by Gement (JackBessie | complete | 2360 | M)
Bessie's like any other companion: far from home, more than she appears, and always up for an adventure. And Jack Harkness really will seduce anything that moves.
A Vision Too Removed To Mention by pocky_slash (Gen | complete | 13920 | T)
In which Ianto is stuck in a time loop that feels more like hell.
Three Years From Now by LibidineTertius (JackIanto | Complete | 1660 | T)
If Jack keeps his eyes shut (then he doesn't see). Also, sex. Lots of sex.
don’t make me kill you, darling by princessoftheworlds (Gen | Complete | 603 | T)
Javic Thane carries out his next Time Agency assignment.
Stars by DinoDina (JackIanto | Complete | 4020 | G)
The night after Owen first dies, there's a new star in the sky. It's not there the next night, or the next, and Jack knows he's distracted, but he can't answer when Ianto asks if he's okay. He's not.
Chosen Well by Waldo (LisaIanto, JackIanto | Complete | 1707 | T)
"All of the… modifications have been removed, but really, she should be cremated.  Just in case we're wrong."
Note to Self: You’re Going to Forget All This by heddychaa (JackIanto | Complete | 2254 | M)
Three thousand years later, Jack doesn't remember much about the leather strap he wears around his wrist;  all he knows is that the device inside it needs to be repaired as soon as possible. Every year that passes he finds himself forgetting more and more, his mind collapsing under the weight of his own prolonged existence. So he does his best to follow the clues his younger self leaves him in the hopes they'll lead him somewhere that makes sense again. For now, that means one date, expressed as coordinates: 2009-08-23.
Space Dementia by chagyu (JackIanto, JohnIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 14799 | M)
Ianto and Jack seem to be drifting apart; the arrival of one Captain John Hart will either set them back on course or completely ruin them. Ianto's not so sure which, and frankly, if Jack keeps flirting with Gwen like that, he's preparing for the latter. Alternately, how Jack's ex-lover saves his current one.
These Happy Days by violetmessages (GwenRhys, JackIanto, GwenRhysJackIanto | Series | 22267 | G-T)
A series of non-chronological stories in which Ianto miraculously survives CoE in some fashion and Torchwood Three (plus Rhys and Anwen) settle down near the seaside. This series does not need to be read in order, or even in its entirety.
Janet’s Very Big Adventure by Beleriandings (Gen | Complete | 3290 | T)
One ordinary day, the wall of Janet's cell explodes.
yours was a heavy heart to carry by someawkwardprose (JackIanto | Complete | 2064 | T)
The thing about loving Jack is this: you cannot ever let him know.
Bad Case of Loving You by virtualsilver (JackIanto, SuzieMelody | Complete | 4891 | T)
The director of Torchwood One gets a call from Jack Harkness about some shady mind control program from the 1950s and has to go digging for old Torchwood secrets, only to find some unexpected revelations of a more personal nature along the way.
Happy Birthday, Ianto Jones by aliciajazmin (JackIanto, JackJohnIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 693 | T)
Ianto Jones is a sim, and today is his birthday.
Finding Ianto by Blackbird Song (Blackbird_Song) (JackIanto | Complete | 14906 | G)
A long time ahead, in a space bar far, far away, Jack gets a message he didn't expect.
Bilis Manger, the Demon, and the River by aliciajazmin (AbaddonBillis | complete | 1181 | E)
Bilis Manger enlists the help of his crush to help him get across a river. This is a river that they can only wade through together.
Six of Swords by Jackdaw816 (JackIanto, OwenTosh | complete | 600 | G)
The Torchwood team, but with swords
World and Enough Time (Stories From the Loop) by Jackdaw816 (JohnIanto | complete | 7224 | M)
This time loop ain't big enough for the both of them
Jack Harkness' Sexy School of Shooting™ by violetmessages (JackIanto, Gwen&Jack | complete | 1214 | T)
Jack has an excellent idea but no one else seems to think it's good. Only one way to prove them wrong.
Smile Like You Mean It by egg_agemythrusters (JackIanto | complete | 622 | G)
Jack Harkness had a smile like no other.
Dead On Arrival by violetmessages (JackIanto, GwenRhys, Gwen&Ianto | complete | 13582 | M)
Ianto Jones wakes up. The only problem is, he's certain he was dead.
Hohnq by gwendolyncooper (JackIanto, John&Ianto | complete | 1911 | G)
It’s not really a normal day to walk into the Torchwood Hub and find a goose holding a knife, but it seems that’s the way Ianto Jones’ day is going to start.
Waking God by toldthestars (JackIanto | complete | 7692 | Not Rated)
Why are Ianto's dreams coming true? What's in the box with the symbol on it? Oh, and while we're at it, what's the meaning of the life?
keep your hand at eye level of your eyes by MonsterMince (GwenJohn | complete | 8331 | E)
Five years after the events of COE, Gwen still misses her team and what she had. It's not much of a life without them, and when Rhys takes Anwen away until Gwen's willing to move on, of course John Hart turns up with an offer that's too tempting to refuse: A way to raise Ianto from the dead.
left you both of the rings by princessoftheworlds (JackIanto | complete | 21188 | T)
Ianto and Jack are the dream couple—working side-by-side at Torchwood, protecting the world from alien threats alongside the rest of their team, living in domestic wedded bliss during their off hours. But when cracks begin to appear in the surface of Ianto’s perfect world, he’s forced to confront what he knows is real.
One Last Breath by Riennynn (JackIanto | complete | 3441 | Not Rated)
Yet another homicidal alien has Jack and Ianto trapped in an airtight storage locker. Jack has a plan to make sure they get rescued alive, but Ianto isn't going to like it.
Strayverse by NancyBrown (JackIanto, IantoOther(s) | complete, series | 93, 539 | Multiple Ratings; G-E) 
Amy recreated the universe and brought back the dead, but the dead don't fit there anymore.
Conditional Iteration by Beleriandings (Gwen&Ianto, JackIanto, GwenRhys, GwenIanto | series | 78, 082 | Multiple Ratings; G-E)
When Ianto dies on the floor of Thames House, time resets for him and Gwen. They soon realise that the two of them are stuck in a time loop, giving them another chance -- or as many chances as it takes -- to save the world's children from the 456.
it means something by MonsterMince (JackIanto, Gwen&Suzie, Jack&Owen, Jack&Tosh, Jack&Gwen | complete | 11316 | T)
Physically showing his team how much he cares about them is an HR nightmare, which is why Jack never passes up an opportunity to be a fake couple with his team. 5 times each member of the team had to pretend to be a couple with Jack, and one time the team pretended to be a polycule, featuring: Having fun with Suzie in couples' therapy; making an ex jealous with Owen; romancing Ianto in Serenity Plaza; taking a ballroom dance class with Tosh; and getting dressed with Gwen in hideously boring outfits picked out by Rex.
Herding Cats by blackkat (JackIanto, Non-Torchwood Ships | Series, complete | 8061 | G)
Ianto finds himself back from the dead and, apparently, in the position to double-cross a power-crazed Norse god intent on conquering the Earth by taking out a team of superheroes. Must be a Tuesday.
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve, slowly by MonsterMince (JackJohn | complete | 15417 | E)
If John had known the true cost he'd need to pay to cure Jack's immortality, he might not have paid it. (That's a lie.)
took a louisville slugger to both headlights by Flamingbluepanda (Implied Relationships | complete | 733 | G)
Ianto has a perfectly fine morning, then this happens
Jack VS the soul stealing toys by Flamingbluepanda (JackIanto | complete | 457 | Not Rated)
Ianto is king of the furbies
The Bad Neighbor by Firesnap (Gen | complete | 30576 | T)
Rhys Williams knows there's something wrong with his neighbor. It's a shame no one seems to be listening to him.
The Author, The Scribe, The Archivist by MonsterMince (JackIanto, Gwen&Team, Gwen&Ianto, Gwen&Jack | complete | 7530 | T)
The story of how Gwen Cooper helped Jack to never forget his team, with one scrapbook. (Or, Post-COE, Gwen finds Ianto’s scrapbook dedicated to Lisa, and sets about adding to it so she and Jack can remember him and the rest of their team. It works really, really well.)
Grief Lessons by elusive_eventuality (JackIanto | complete | 2936 | T)
"What groaning, what lament, what song of death, what dance of Hades shall I do?" ~ Euripides Or a CoE fix-it in five parts, one for every stage of grief.
A Tale of Two Universes by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto, LisaIanto, Gwen&Ianto, Ianto&Team, Ianto&Tosh, Yvonne&Ianto | complete | 2305 | T) 
In one universe Ianto Jones lives and in another he dies. Only it’s not quite that simple.
tell rock n' roll i'm alone again by paperclipbitch (OwenIanto, SuzieOwen, JackJohn, GwenRhys, ToshAdam | complete | 17055 | M)
Band!AU. In which Torchwood have just about made it though as it turns out that doesn’t fix anything, Owen would much rather punch Ianto than shag him (honestly), and absolutely everyone seems to be Jack’s ex boyfriend.
Caledfwlch by BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (JackIanto, GwenRhys, LisaIanto, OwenTosh, OwenKatie, Team | complete | 48456 | Not Rated) 
Jack has a lifetime ban from the afterlife for stealing, Owen's fiance is a right hag, Toshiko is playing children's games, Ianto has a vampire in the garden, and Gwen has a prophetic dog of death following her around for pets.
Everything I Know About the Earth by Sorrel (GwenOwen, GwenJack | complete | 16437 | M)
Spend too much time near the Rift, and who knows what might happen. Gwen's having strange dreams, and knowing things she couldn't possibly know. Things are about to change, and not really for the better. GwenOwen, implied GwenJack, mature.
Exhibit by Mirrankei (OwenTosh, JackIanto, | complete | 38701 | T)
Owen, Tosh, and Ianto find themselves kidnapped to the future. Stuck in space 2000 years in the future, they become part of an Earth exhibit in the station museum. But the portal that brought them is broken, and a visiting Time Lord smells a trap...
Unworn World by Amand_r, cruentum (JackJohn | complete | 10128 | Not Rated)
Jack thought that John'd been way too accommodating through this whole thing, and so he wasn't in the least surprised when the doctor told them that John was too far along in gestation for a procedure.
It Had to Be You by TheSigyn (JackIanto, JackJohn | complete | 12181 | M)
After the events of Children of Earth, Captain Jack runs to the only person who can help him; Captain John Hart. But this is not how John wanted it to be.
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cloudcountry · 9 months
AAAA, it’s been a little while since I last talked with you! 🤧 School has been kicking me in the shins 😩😔
But!! I just came in to check and see how you were doing!! Any new updates? How are the ikegames going? Are Azul and Dazai still going at each other’s necks? :D /gen 
Things have been super hectic for me ngl,,, Well, tbh, the entirety of last month was super hectic JDFNGF- Beginning of September? I went on a trip to Berlin with my classmates (which was incredibly chaotic,, To give a small sample of it, I accidentally showered in the men’s room instead of the women’s room the first night there 😀👍 But ngl?? I have to say… I think I preferred showering in the men’s room, it was more cleaner,, and it also didn’t have orange mould growing on the walls ☠️). Middle of September? A bucketful of school tests. End of September? Had to do a Theatre performance that I wasn’t super prepared for,, (Though, I think I did fine for the most part!)
Oo, and I actually managed to take some photos on the Berlin trip! I hope you don’t mind me sharing some asdfghjcg-
Brandenburg Gate
So there was this mall,, 👉👈
There was this chocolate mixer thing??
https://i.postimg.cc/QxhfMkXD/IMG-3704.jpg + https://i.postimg.cc/zX1qGf2W/IMG-3705.jpg
There was this cute section in a bookstore where wrapped books were advertised as “blind date after one sentence,,” This was the book I got! [Ngl, I first read the ‘L’ as ‘D’ so I was initially like “Doctor Deng??”]
Nighttime City Scenery
Train Station
Another Mall Photo!
These Pringle socks are everything 👌
Aside from all that!! I’ve been doing good- I just found out this new game called ’Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical’ and I am having the time of my LIFE,, Just a quick summary in case you don’t know what it is, Stray Gods follows Grace who has been accused of murdering the last muse and must prove her innocence to a pantheon of Greek gods. And to put the icing on the cake, there are a bunch of musical numbers in it, and you can choose your own lyrics! I’d recommend checking it out if you have the chance :D Speaking of the game though, I won’t lie,, one of its songs kinda reminds me of Azul,, 
Him and Pan (the horned singer) give off the same energy of ‘Shady Guy with Shady Motives™’ This game has honestly made me think of a TWST musical 💀
Oh, but speaking of TWST! I’ve been brainstorming and compiling random thoughts and ideas that I find funny- Some I’ve got so far are the Octatrio working at Denny’s, TWST guys as wedding dates/plus-ones, and the TWST cast going on a road trip,, Ngl, I’ve been Considering™ the second one with Azul and I just might do a Thing™ with him for it,, (the brain rot for him is STRONG,,)
Also!! I love the new Vil theme!! :DD
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
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omg the singing is so beautiful...,,.., i actually really like taht song JHASFDHAGFSDHAGS
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speedyposts · 5 months
‘Dining table amputation’: How an Israeli bomb took Ahed Bseiso’s leg
Ahed Bseiso was disoriented, shocked, and numb to the immense pain that would soon take over after she was wounded by Israeli shelling on her family home in northern Gaza.
“All I could see was white fog … For a second, I thought I was dead,” Ahed told Al Jazeera, reliving the events of December 19.
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That day, following her routine since October 7, when Israel launched its most brutal assault on Gaza to date, the 17-year-old university student and her older sister Mona climbed to the sixth floor of their building at 10:30am.
They went up there to call their father, who lives overseas. They tried to talk to him daily to tell him they were still alive amid a siege, intense bombardment, and a severe lack of essential supplies.
Repeated telecommunication blackouts and jamming in Gaza mean many have to climb onto a roof to catch a signal, find signal boosters, or use eSIM cards connected to any regional telecom carrier.
Ahed said she noticed an unusually large Israeli tank outside the building, but she did not give it much thought as their home had been encircled by army vehicles after a truce between Israel and Hamas came to an end in November.
She sat down and got ready to dial her father’s number.
“I crossed my legs and all of a sudden, I was upside down,” she said.
Ahed had lost a limb – almost her entire right calf – and was bleeding profusely.
Her shock was so severe that she was silent, and so was her sister – she later realised “Mona was afraid to call out for me in case I didn’t respond”.
“Eventually, as I gathered what had just happened, I managed to say: ‘I’m alive’.”
Ahed’s male cousins rushed to carry her downstairs. She remembers looking down and shouting, asking her cousins if her leg was still there because she could not see it.
“All my cousin did was cover my eyes,” she recalled.
The only place they could set Ahed down was on the dining table, where her mother had been kneading bread dough earlier, a common sight in Gaza homes as Israel’s complete siege made food and basic commodities scarce.
Someone ran to get her uncle, Hani, an orthopedist and the only doctor among the 30 relatives staying in the family’s building.
Hani had sent his wife and four children out of the enclave at the beginning of the offensive, while he stayed.
And so, he found himself looking down at his niece’s severed leg and knowing he had to save her, without medical supplies, anaesthesia, or even clean gauze.
In Gaza today, medics have to carry out procedures with nothing, not even pain control, as a result of the severe shortages imposed by the siege.
Hani needed to act on a difficult, yet obvious choice: amputate what was left of the lower leg and quickly stitch up the artery so his niece would not bleed to death.
“I had nothing. I remembered my briefcase was in my room, so I asked my nephews to grab it … There was nothing in there except for some unsterilised gauze,” Hani said.
Hani did not know how he would clean the wound or control the bleeding, a seemingly impossible task without sutures.
All the while, Gaza’s largest medical facility, al-Shifa Hospital, was “five minutes away by car” but was both unreachable and out of service due to the fighting, Hani said.
Like most hospitals across the enclave, al-Shifa had been attacked and raided in November, forcing thousands of wounded and displaced Palestinians there to flee and putting the hospital out of service.
Hani looked around the room desperately, seeking anything to make the dreadful process a bit more manageable. At the kitchen sink, he saw a sponge and container filled with dish soap.
“I started to clean the wound but felt Ahed’s eyes piercing me. She begged me not to cut the rest of her leg off,” Hani said.
His heart was breaking and tears poured down his face, knowing what he had to do while Ahed was fully conscious.
“I wondered what person could bear the pain of an amputation without anaesthesia,” Hani said.
And so he operated on his niece with a kitchen knife and used a needle and thread from a sewing kit to stitch together the largest artery.
When asked how she was able to bear the pain, Ahed said a strange feeling of calm took over.
“I was just reciting verses from the holy Quran the entire time,” she said.
To redress her wounds, the family had to wash the gauze in hot water and lay it out to dry so her uncle could put it back on her leg.
Knowing Ahed was prone to infection, Hani said he took “every antibiotic pill and painkiller in the house,” and rationed it out to her, mostly on an empty stomach because there was no food.
It wasn’t until five days later that Hani was able to move her to a medical facility – one day after Israeli tanks withdrew from the area. There, Ahed underwent several surgeries, including one to mend her broken left leg.
But it is still not enough, Hani said.
“She needs so much more … cosmetic repair surgery for her amputated leg, an artificial limb,” Hani said.
“I could have left with my wife and kids, but God made me stay. I stayed so Ahed can live.”
Ahed is one of a generation of young amputees emerging from the enclave as a result of relentless Israeli attacks.
According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, more than 10 children have lost one or both of their legs a day in Gaza since October 7.
That is more than 1,000 children.
Medical professionals say many of those killed in Gaza since October 7 could have been saved if they had been able to reach a hospital.
Abed, an orthopaedic doctor with Doctors Without Borders – also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) – said medics in Gaza have come to rely on sedating patients amid a lack of anaesthesia.
“We have a shortage of all kinds of drugs,” said Abed, who has been working at the Rafah Indonesian Field Hospital and asked that only his first name be used due to safety concerns.
“We depend on painkillers like paracetamol and we try local anaesthetic to reduce pain,” he said.
According to Abed, patients undergo “traumatic amputation” daily, adding that most patients are children.
When a hospital has an influx of injured people, it can take hours for someone to get to the operation theatre, which makes salvaging a limb impossible and amputation necessary “to save the life of the patient”, he said.
According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Israel has killed nearly 27,000 people and wounded some 65,000 others in its attacks on Gaza since October 7. Nearly a quarter of injuries are among children, the ministry said.
Ahed said she is forever changed. Before the offensive, she was enrolled to study pharmacy. But now she cannot stand “anything to do with medicine” because of what she has been through.
“I’m going to change my major,” she said. “I’m going to be an interior designer and prove to the world that I can still lead a normal life despite my physical disability.”
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saltyhyunjae · 3 years
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genre/warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers (?), kidnapping, criminal!tbz, mentions of guns & knives, suicide and depression mention, a bit of abuse, sangyeon is lowkey very mean in this chapter.
word count: 2.2k
summary: y/n really goes through it.
chapter three
“Finally.” You look behind Hyunjae to see Sangyeon, Juyeon, Changmin and Eric walking towards you, Sangyeon looking like he is about to kill you. You’re dead. He grabs your wrist and rips you out of Hyunjae’s grip. He drags you all the way to the house, never loosening his grip. When you guys step inside, the rest is already there waiting in the living room.
Sangyeon let’s go of you and you touch your wrist that has turned red. He turns around and before anyone even gets to speak, you feel the palm of his hand across your cheek. He hit you. You hear some of the boys gasp as you start tearing up, your cheek burning. You’re done for.
“YOU WERE JUST GONNA REPORT US HUH? YOU WERE JUST PRETENDING TO CARE FOR US SO YOU COULD JUST BETRAY US WHEN WE LEAST EXPECTED IT, RIGHT?” His hand lifts up again and you flinch expecting another slap, but it never comes. You open your eyes to Hyunjae grabbing Sangyeon’s wrist, stopping him from slapping you. “Enough.”
Sangyeon takes a deep breath finally coming to his senses. He didn’t want to hit you, but as soon as they finally found you, he saw red. “Changmin, Eric, take her to the storage room.” He orders before walking away
When you enter the storage room, they close the door behind you. Jacob told you once before about how the storage room is the only room with a lock or cameras in the house. You sit down on the floor and finally breakdown, sobbing loudly.
When you’ve finally calmed down, you hear the lock and the door opens. It’s Jacob. He comes in with an emergency kit and gives you a faint smile. “I would ask if you’re okay but I already know the answer to that.” He tries to joke and you give him a small smile.
“Let’s see.” He gently grabs your jaw and starts cleaning up the wound on your cheek, the other one still red from the hit. You notice the bandage around his arm, around the place you stabbed him. “Sorry, I didn't know it was you.” You mutter looking down. “It’s okay, I understand.” He softly pats your shoulder.
When he’s done with your face he cleans up the wounds on your knee and elbows. You give him a barely audible ‘thank you’ and he leaves to get you blankets and a pillow. He tells you goodnight, once you two made up your ‘bed’ and as soon as he leaves you break down again, and so you cry yourself to sleep.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Weeks go by and you’re back in your room again, which now has locks on the window and a camera. Jacob brings you your meals and the only time you go outside your room is when you go to the bathroom or when they have to take you with them on their missions. During the missions you just quietly stay put.
Ever since the day you tried to escape you haven’t spoken or even looked at the boys, besides jacob. They, except for Sangyeon, tried to speak to you a few times, but you just ignored them and they eventually gave up. You’ve been crying yourself to sleep every night and besides eating all you do is sleep and shower, just waiting for your days to be over.
You’re awake but your eyes are closed trying to get more sleep. Winter is coming and it’s starting to get colder. You’ve been here for about two months now. You put your blanket over your head and sigh.
Hyunjae knocks on your door slowly opening it. You look up expecting Jacob. You two make eye contact for a second before you look down again. He gives you your breakfast and you nod at him.
You expect him to leave, but he doesn’t, instead he sits next to you on your bed. He inspects you as you eat. You look exhausted, eyes puffy from crying all night. He feels his heart breaking looking at your state. He feels so helpless, he wants to do something but he knows that he can’t. He knows how stubborn Sangyeon is, he’ll never let you go.
“I’m sorry.” He mutters, you look up at him confused. “I’m sorry I got you into this situation.” He feels like it’s all his fault, he was the one that pleaded Sangyeon, who wanted to kill you at the store after they took everything, to just keep you as a maid. Usually he would be the one to propose the idea of killing a witness, but as soon as he laid eyes on you in the store, he felt something he has never felt before, something he can't describe.
You don’t know why but you feel tears coming up. You try to turn away but Hyunjae grabs you and pulls you in a hug. You rest your head on his shoulder and start crying as he rubs your back.
Hyunjae holds you close, his heart racing faster than he thought was possible. After you have finally calmed down, Hyunjae tells you to rest up and you sleep till Jacob gives you your dinner, returning to your usual schedule.
A week later not much has changed besides the fact that now both Jacob and Hyunjae also give you your meals. They’re the only ones you interact with making small talks when they drop by.
“What does your room look like?” You ask Jacob, who places your food beside you. “Want me to show it to you?” You nod excitedly and he laughs. “Eat up then i’ll show you.”
After you’re done eating, Jacob brings you to his room. When you enter his room you’re hit with the scent of vanilla and rose. Around his wall he has posters of movies and his bed is neatly made up, just like the rest of his room. “Wow, it's pretty.” “Thank you.” He smiles looking down with his hands in his pockets.
Jacob doesn’t know why but every time he’s around he gets a bit nervous and his heart starts beating faster. He knows he shouldn’t be feeling like this since you're their captive, but he can’t help it.
You look around some more while Jacob sits on the bed. You turn your head to the right and look at the ground, spotting a gun in the corner of his room. You decide to not point it out and go on with your mini tour.
After you and Jacob talk about random things for like an hour, you go back to your room. “It was nice seeing you get out of your room again. My room is always open for you to hang out!.” Jacob smiles and you thank him before he closes the door behind him.
A few days later you have another big mental breakdown again, the fifth of the month. You want to leave. You need to leave. But you can’t. Out of frustration you grab your hair. You can’t take it anymore. You needed to find a way out. But how?
You already tried to escape once it’s impossible to do that now. You needed to end this. Suddenly Jacob’s gun comes to your mind. You needed to end them. You started laughing. You were just gonna do it, you were going to kill infamous criminals The Boyz.
You spent the next couple of days trying to come up with a plan when Jacob one day mentions they were going to have a movie night later that day, he asked if you wanted to join them but you declined. After he left you couldn’t help but smile. Tonight is the night.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“NO! No horror movies.” Eric tries to fight Changmin of him, earning a bite from the older one. Eric starts screaming and let’s go of the remote. Changmin grabs it and starts the movie. The tv is so loud they can’t hear any noises from outside the living room.
You walk into Jacob’s room about 20 minutes after the movie started, grabbing his gun. Thank god it’s loaded. You slowly walk downstairs and sneak into the kitchen, grabbing a big sharp knife. Before you enter the living room you take a deep breath preparing yourself. The boys are so into the movie they don’t notice you walking in, and thank god the lights are out too. You approach Sunwoo who is the closest to your reach. You point your knife at his neck and get ready to use it.
Sangyeon looks to his side and notices you behind Sunwoo, holding something in both of your hands. He gasps when he sees the knife and gun. “Sunwoo! Behind you!” The boys all jump up and the light goes on.
Changmin speeds to you and grabs you from behind. “Oh my God, Y/n, What the fuck.” Sunwoo breathes in shock. “Y/n! Put that down.” Hyunjae tries to stop you. You feel like you're going out of your mind. You start to laugh hysterically and then start to scream. “NO! let me go NOW!.” You laugh again. “Let me go or you guys are dying.”
“Y/n please.” Jacob tries. “I SAID LET ME GO!” You desperately try to wiggle out of Changmin's arms. You suddenly feel a tear running down your cheek. You didn’t even notice you were crying. “Y/n don’t be stupid put that dow-.” Sangyeon speaks up but you cut him off. “SHUT UP!” Anger starts racing in you, hearing his voice. “You’re the last one I wanna hear right now!” You start to see red as you break down in sobs.
“You guys are horrible. You guys are the reason I don't wanna live anymore. You guys ruined my life. YOU ALL RUINED ME. Either you guys are dying or it’s me!” “Y/n, nobody is dying tonight.” Hyunjae tries to slowly approach you.
“Oh no?” You give them a wicked smile. You notice Changmin’s grip on you loosened a bit giving you the opportunity to lift your hand that’s holding the gun. You point it up to your head. Changmin freezes up and Hyunjae’s eyes widen in fear. “Y/n!-”
Before you can pull the trigger, Juyeon knocks the gun out of your hand letting it fall onto the ground. You let out a loud scream before falling on your knees. You can’t stop your tears from falling and loud sobs from coming out of your mouth.
Both Jacob and Hyunjae run over to you and Hyunjae holds you close to his chest. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” He tries to shush you. You grasp onto his shirt and start to hyperventilate. Jacob kneels before you and runs his fingers through your hair trying to calm you down, while the rest of the boys just stand there in shock.
Hyunjae picks you up and carries you to your room. You finally calm down as he lays you down on the bed. You crawl between the sheets, your back facing him. Hyunjae stays quiet and strokes your hair as you fall asleep.
“I can’t believe she tried to kill me!” Sunwoo puts his hand in the air out of disbelief as Hyunjae walks into the room. “She tried to kill all of us, don’t feel special.” Kevin huffs earning a glare from Sunwoo. “But still!” “Shut up, she’s finally asleep.” Hyunjae sits on the couch.
“How could she be like this?” Eric sighs. Jacob takes a deep breath, he’s been trying to stay calm since the day you tried to run away, but right now the frustration is taking over him.
“Are we surprised she’s like this?!” His voice raises a bit, surprising the members. “Didn’t you guys hear her? We ruined her! She did nothing to this deserve this, yet we got her into this stupid situation!”
“You just had to slap her.” Younghoon turns to Sangyeon. “I don’t know, I didn't want to.” Hyunjae rolls his eyes. “Then apologize.” “Like apologizing is gonna do something.” Sangyeon huffs. “Right, I'm sure she hates us for life now.” Eric leans back in his seat.
“Can’t we just let her go.” Jacob groans. “No! That's out of the question. She’ll report us right away.” “But Sangye-.” “No.”
“And what if we convince her to not report us?” Haknyeon smirks. “You wanna torture her?” Changmin gives Haknyeon a confused look. “Listen, I have a plan.” Everyone groans and Chanhee rolls his eyes. “Not again.”
“No listen, this plan is better.” Everyone turns their attention to Haknyeon as he starts explaining his plan. “Okay so, We’ll just let her live with us as part of the group instead of her being a maid or prisoner or something like that.” Haknyeon smiles as if it’s the best idea in the world.
“We’re called the boyz, not the boyz plus one girl.” Eric snorts. “Okay, but she won’t report her friends, or herself, right?”
“I think it’s a good idea.” Juyeon agrees with Haknyeon. “Of Course you do.” Chanhee sighs. “Well the idea isn’t that bad.” Kevin speaks up. “We could use some help.” “Right, I agree too.” Hyunjae stands up, he doesn’t really like the idea, but everything is better than watching you suffer because of them. After a lot of thinking all of the boys finally agree and go to bed.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
tag list:
@beauchamp-fraser @n-xrmy @givememunjang @choidokim @stxrles-nxmss
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kaminobiwan · 4 years
soft sorrow
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
summary: In the final year of the Clone War, you receive devastating news.
warnings: Your friends be dyin :-(
a/n: Phew, lots to cover here. So, this is part of my follower milestone celebration, prompted by the word “hush” by @leel-lol. But, I thought it tied in with an idea I already had planned for my jedi!reader continuity, so I decided to go ahead with this release earlier than expected! The story will be fleshed out in later fics, but this is still in line with my other jedi!reader inserts. Basically, I introduce your Padawan then immediately take him away (eek). But like I said, this idea was in my head for a long time! We’ll get to know him after already knowing his fate so it’s kind of like The Clone Wars?? Anyways, this was also my first time attempting angst. I had an...interesting time trying it out. Thanks again for submitting requests and riding along!
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He doesn’t know what to call it. Fate. The will of the Force. It’s not luck, not by any measure. He knows you’d never call it luck.
But for whatever reason, you’re alive and in his arms right now thanks to a crash landing that had exploded your starfighter post-firefight. One that had broken several bones and bought you a week in a bacta tank two days before you were scheduled to ship out with your troops to reconquer Felucia, and Jado Jissard, eager to be reunited with his former legion, had happily assumed substitute command in your absence.
Your former Padawan. Freshly knighted and kind to a fault. War had taken the waning years of his childhood, but his youthful innocence was unyielding despite the hardships — much like his Master.
You hadn’t been conscious when they’d departed, but Jado had caught Obi-Wan before he’d left and asked him to pass on a message:
“Tell her I’ll take care of the guys. This’ll just be like old times for us.” The excitement on the young boy’s face resonated with a fatherly affection within Obi-Wan that had reminded him of his own beloved student. “We’re gonna make her proud!”
That had been a month ago.
Long before you’d been pulled out of suspension and had since accompanied Obi-Wan on the Vigilance, making a speedy recovery while still assisting him with the attack plans for the rest of the Outer Rim Sieges. You’d been awaiting news anxiously ever since Jado had failed to check in.
The call had come in the middle of you and Obi-Wan poring over defense strategies with Cody, a flickering holo humming to life in the middle of the room. He’d felt your Force signature flicker in distress as the information broke.
Your entire legion, your old Padawan — they were gone, confirmed dead by Aayla Secura after she’d been sent to reinforce them.
Not just dead, but gone — wiped out. Aayla hadn’t elaborated much about what remnants she’d found of the 182nd before you’d turned on your heel with frightening calm and walked out of the briefing room. But Obi-Wan had known what his fellow Master had meant by the grim declaration.
There would be no bodies for you to bury.
He’d followed your retreat to his quarters without a second thought, trailing far enough to give you space but still close by in case you fell over from the onslaught of despair he could feel palpably surrounding you.
It wasn’t until you’d reached the privacy of his cabin that you feel to your knees, hands scrabbling at the floor for purchase. Obi-Wan was at your side immediately, his proximity to your grief choking him.
For a moment, you’re too shell-shocked to make a sound, but once the first tear escapes past the dam behind your eyes, you finally let out several sobs of bewilderment and he reaches for you as you begin to break.
“I should have been there,” you gasp, hot tears streaming down your cheeks in rivulets, and Obi-Wan tries to wipe them from your face with his thumbs before giving up and cradling your head into his aching chest. “I should have — should’ve stopped them — no, no, no!”
He clutches you tighter to him as you begin to wail, hearing the unspoken question humming amidst your sorrow. Why? Why them?
Why not me?
Obi-Wan’s heart pangs, but for a different reason. He forces away the minute relief that he’s holding you and not mourning you, willing the loud agony of such a great loss to leave your body and transfer to his. He wishes he could carry the weight of this burden for you, but he can’t.
He can only rock with you as you endure the assault of the anguished reality, and pray to the Force that your heart — warm, loving, and willingly vulnerable — will recover.
Names fill the air, but he’s not sure if you’re speaking them between your cries or if your thoughts are materializing in his own mind. He listens, recognizing them in your strangled voice, and it sinks into his bones that these are people he’ll never see again.
Pax. Marrt. Locke. Zed.
It doesn’t feel right to quiet you. You should deservedly release your misery out loud, given that your endless compassion has always been forcibly subdued, no matter that the walls of the Venator wouldn’t be enough to muffle it. But he can feel you slipping, and he won’t let you descend into hysteria. He can at least give you that.
“Shh,” he hushes you, gently stroking your hair with his lips to your crown. “I’m here. I’m here.”
A hand finds yours and your fingers are a vice around his, but it gives him a spark of hope. If he can be the tether to ground you, he will.
“I’m so sorry.”
Obi-Wan knows he can’t take your pain. But he’ll cradle you until you exhaust yourself from crying, and let you wallow in your sadness even after.
Once you leave his room, you’ll steel yourself into the image of a perfect General, one the Order expects you to be. You’ll carry on with the weight of your responsibility, hiding your heavy heart from everyone, including yourself.
But he hopes that now, as you subside in his embrace, you’ll let him ease the strain ‘til it’s bearable. That you’ll allow yourself the freedom to feel, just as you have shown him to do.
He wants to be that for you.
“I’m here,” he chants again, and you hold on to his words like a lifeline.
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daggery · 4 years
Jayvie + POSSUM !!
(there’s marlos at the end! also, warning, well over 50% of this post is not to be taken seriously. unless you care to >:))
there are isle possums and auradon possums the same way there are american possums and australian possums :) ! i’ve seen at least three posts before about the similarities between australia and the isle and somehow none of them have mentioned how they have the same sort of possum... interesting! /s anyways, yup the isle has the cute australian ones and auradon has the mean american ones
so what i thought of was this post 
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basically when the rotten four are in auradon, at some point an AK goes oh shoooot there’s a possum over there, and evie awws and maybe tries to go look at it. and look i’m not saying that evie picks it up. it probably hisses at her and she’s like “excuse me?” and jay’s something-is-very-wrong-here instinct kicks in and he grabs her and backpedals many steps. but the image of evie holding a possum in the way that the girl is holding that raccoon.. evie holding a possum and being like “it has no manners”..... i am not saying that evie picks it up but i am saying that there is an image that exists in my head
and thinking about the phrase playing possum: the core four are driving home from a trip and they arrive home really late and like, evie was taking a nap but semi-wakes up when they arrive. but she pretends to still be asleep when jay scoops her up and carries her inside and sets her gently on her bed and tucks her in. when he tries to leave she clings to his arm and goes nooooo.. cuddleeeeeee... but he just whispers sleeeeeeeeeep back at her and goes to help unload the car or whatever. but dw he comes back soon djsjkicneisk. cuddling…….. yeah 🥰
OR. okay bear with me, this paragraph has nothing to do with possums but it is setting up the next paragraph (this is the excuse i’m telling myself), and also it is along similar lines of that whole “everybody thinks jay and evie are sucking face in the bathroom stall but in reality they’re trading knives” thing lol. anyways. so i think it’s v good if jayvie’s that trope where, ok let’s say this is an au where jayvie have to steal intel or smth by infiltrating a fancy party. (heist au? idk.) so evie and jay are the type who, if they’re about to get caught snooping around, start making out and get really loud and when they are found out, they act drunk and go “this is sooo embarrassing [weird giggling][evie and jay both start hitting on the security]” so ppl are like ok they’re just that embarrassing drunk couple and they let jayvie go. jay and evie are delighted whenever they get to do this bc it’s fun and they think it’s hilarious. it works out great, it is their go-to plan.
BUT MARLOS ON THE OTHER HAND. they are very different. mal and carlos would put their heads together to plan out a cool elaborate prank that they’re gonna pull on jay and evie. but then one day while they’re discussing the prank, marlos hears jay’s and evie’s voices right outside of the room’s door and realize that they are about to come inside any second now. mal and carlos unfortunately do not have a go-to plan for ‘what to do when you’re about to be caught doing something you shouldn’t be doing,’ so they freak out and go oh crap oh crap oh crap PLAY DEAD and then jay and evie walk into the room to find mal and carlos just like… limply flopped over on each other on the floor doing absolutely nothing. jayvie stares at them in an extended period of silence until mal and carlos crack and then it’s
marlos: we're not guilty of anything
jayvie: who said anything about gu-
marlos, in a desperate attempt to distract: 
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jayvie + possum = jayvie + marlos = rotten ot4? :D and actually, you know what’s better than me using a possum reaction pic to describe marlos? jayvie using possum reaction imgs to describe marlos. evie discovers the reaction imgs and immediately texts them to jay. without saying a single word to each other, they both start spamming the group chat with possums going :V AAAAAAAAAA :V and when marlos asks them what’s going on, jayvie’s just like “u!” (evie spells it out to you). the next time the core four all see each other in person (like 10 minutes later), jayvie asks marlos, “would you like to see a picture of a possum?” and marlos is like “NO-” but then jay and evie just go “✋ look at this” and show them a bunch of very cute pictures of possums :)
this post has already gone in many directions but i just want to say one last thing. so i finished watching julie and the phantoms recently and my brain said to me, “jayvie and the possums.” THE ACRONYM IS JATP FOR BOTH OF THEM. THERE ARE THE SAME NUMBER OF SYLLABLES. ALRIGHT BYE LMAO
send me a ship + a word for a headcanon!
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queen-of-screams · 4 years
Ends and beginnings
[maul x reader]
This is my first proper fic! I tried my best but I know it’s not the world’s best fanfic but I’m kinda proud of it. It’s in second person but I’m torn as to wether or not it’s truly x reader fanfic. Also, please keep In mind that I’m mildly dyslexic and on mobile.
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The Jedi were all you had ever known. The Jedi taught that you should hate no one and spread peace. However, you found yourself hating every person in your life. Your fellow Jedi were all pretentious and hypocritical and the people you were “saving” were either ungrateful or pitifully weak. You truly and utterly loathed being a Jedi. The only thing stopping you leaving the order was the enormous fear of the unknown. After all, the Jedi was all you knew. You had no other family. However, no one knew what you felt this way. You were naturally good at hiding secrets and volunteering to go on dangerous missions on tiny, underdeveloped planets in the middle of nowhere tends to stop people from prying too much into your personal thoughts.
Some of the local villagers had been complaining about an unwanted and unnatural presence in a nearby cave. You had been sent to check it out and you were really wishing the village people could have been less cryptic. Nevertheless, you’d much rather deal with strangely vague villagers than spending hours doing next to nothing at the Jedi temple.
The villagers were definitely right about one thing, a strange sense of darkness and death seemed to emanate from the miry, Stygian cave. As you ventured farther into the cave, a horrible sense of foreboding seemed to try and drown you with efforts that seemed to increase with every shaky step. And yet, something deep inside of you was drawn to the depths of the cavern. Using your lightsaber to light the way, you slowly made your way deeper into the cave.
After what seemed like hours of walking, you found yourself in a large chamber. It was evident to you that something this room was the source of the cave’s malignant atmosphere. However, the room was cold, damp and looked empty. You were almost tempted to just leave and tell the council some fictitious story about lying villagers and how you so valiantly stood up against them. If it were not for the fact that they would probably see straight through your lies, you would have done it but even you wouldn’t be stupid enough to lie in the face of a Jedi master. You were snapped out of your thoughts of deceit when you heard the faint sound of movement behind you. You spun around to try and locate the source of the sound. You peered into every corner of the dimly lit cave but there was no sign of any other sentient being in the chamber.
“It must be coming from another part of the cave system”, you said quietly to yourself. At that moment, almost as if to spite you, the distinctive sound of a lightsaber igniting filled the chamber and you became distinctly aware the fact that a lightsaber was incredibly close to the back of your neck and although your lightsaber was ignited, you knew that you would be dead before you could even turn around.
“Can you please not decapitate me? Dying sound like a lot of effort and I really can’t be bothered” you said to the figure behind you, try to mask your fear with snarky remarks. The lightsaber didn’t move. You could sense the anger emanating from the creature behind you. That’s what made you realise that you were at the mercy of a sith. You knew you were pretty much fucked.
“You want to live so much then tell me, little jedi, where is kenobi?”, the sith asked. His voice echoing throughout the cave. “What? I don’t know where master kenobi is. Probably flying around the galaxy with skywalker.”, you reply. All you heard in response was an angry growl. You fell to your knees as you felt the combination of a great force pushing you down and all the air leaving your lungs as you began to choke and gasp for air. The sith snatched your lightsaber out of your hands as he stepped in front of you. You tried to look at his face but black spots invaded you vision. You clawed are your throat. Tears threatened to fall. Bastard. This isn’t the way to go. Shouldn’t have come. Should’ve left the Jedi. Should have tried to killed him. Kill him. The room getting darker. Choke. Gasp. Choke. Gasp. Choke. Choke.
Just as you lost all hope of escape, it stoped. You tried to hold in a sob as you’re hands met the floor and deep, stertorous breathed shook you whole body. Bastard. You looked up and saw the face of the sith. He was a zabrak nightbrother. His eyes were a bloodshot yellows. In all honesty, you found him scary but kinda hot, in an evil sith kinda way.
As a Jedi you should probably have been trying to find a peaceful solution or trying to talk him to the light. However, you felt anger and adrenaline race through your body. You wouldn’t let him kill you. You were going to kill him. Rage boiled deep inside of you.
“Such anger, little Jedi. You’re filled rage and hatred. You hated your master. You hate your fellow Jedi. You hate the Jedi council.” You whole body was shaking. You must have let him into your mind while fighting for air. “You crave freedom from their rules and hypocrisy. You crave power. You long for control. It’s not me you want to kill, not really, it’s them” You stared at the stone floor as he spoke. You knew he was right but you’ve never admitted it, not even to yourself. “I can offer you all this and more.” He continued as he gently stroked the side of your face. You didn’t try and pull away. You felt a strange attraction to the sith.“I could train you to be more powerful than you can imagine. You’ll be free from the Jedi. You could exact you’re revenge on the Jedi who have underestimated you for long. As my apprentice, you could learn what the force truly is and how powerful you truly are.” As he said this he held his hand out towards you. You stared into his mesmerising yellow eyes as you tried to process everything. Millions of thoughts raced round your mind. Evil. Traitor. Peace. Passion. Hope. Jedi. Sith. Bad. Good. Alone. Hate. Love. Wrong. Right. Regret. Power. Ambition. Revenge.Freedom.
You smiled and took his hand.
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Neon Glow
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Genre: Smut with Hoseok x Female Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing, oral sex (male and female receiving), unprotected sex (be safe folks), begging, edging, fingering, Daddy Kink, a bit of fluff at the end.
Summary: Hobi needs you for a booty call.
Reference: Suncity (feat. Empress Of) by Khalid
Word count: 3635 words
Big thanks to resident Hobi expert Edie from @sweet-teeth-mfs. Thank you for allowing me to ask you many, MANY Hobi related questions over the past few weeks. I wanted to get this just right and I didn’t want to let Hobi fans down. Enjoy x
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Just a message from Hobi and you’re on the next flight out to him. There was no context. No emoji like he’d normally sign off with so you knew he was dead serious. While sat in the last minute airplane seat, with just one hour to go before landing you read the message over and over, trying to figure out what he had in store for you.
Hobi: I didn’t get to see you before I left.
Hobi: Get on a plane.
Hobi: I need you.
Hobi: Now.
A car was waiting for you on arrival, so as soon as you landed you were whizzing through neon-lit streets straight to the hotel. The wet tarmac reflecting the ambient colours into the sky. The lights blurring through the rain that beads on the window, noticing them trail past your eyes.
He had never done this before. When he was away you’d put your filthy mind to great use and it was no different over these past few days. Texting him your most intimate thoughts whenever the moment arose. Normally bombarding him until he’d return home, normally resulting in the most intense sessions and a few days of working from home, but something was different this time. Absence certainly made something grow stronger.
Thankfully, you’re not having to explain who you are at reception, Hobi having already arranged everything. An envelope at the check-in desk is handed over as soon as you present your ID. Anticipation starts to set in as the lift ascends the building, unconsciously tapping your feet as the floor level counter increases.
As soon as the doors ping open, you’re out of the lift clutching your handbag tight, it being the only luggage you brought with you. Approaching the hotel room, you’re eager to find out what he had in store. You’re tapping the door, “Hobi?” There’s no reply. You fumble with the card key to let yourself in the room.
Upon entering, the room is in darkness, the curtains open and the neon glow from the streets below being the only light reflecting into the room. His suitcases piled in the corner, his clothing hung up so neatly and his mobile studio set up on a section of the desk.
“Hobi? Are you here?” Again, no answer. Removing your shoes, you pad into the room to find it empty, just a box and note on the bed. Placing your handbag on the desk you pull out your phone, sending one more text hoping it would buzz somewhere in the room.
Y/N: Hobi, where are you? I’m in your room.
Yet no ringtone or vibration in the silence. He’s not here.
Intrigued by the box, you edge closer. A black box, around the same size as a shoe box, with a folded note on top complete with your name. You look around, checking he’s not hiding somewhere in the room as you unfurl the paper to read it.
My Darling. This is for you. I’ll be back tonight. Your Hope x
Gingerly, you remove the lid on the box to find pressed tissue paper hiding items underneath it. Peeling it back you’re surprised to see a gorgeous set of underwear. In the neon light, it’s hard to make out the colour but you assume black intricate lace. Your phone buzzes.
Hobi: Sorry baby. On my way. Stuck in traffic.
Hobi: IMG.
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Chuckling at the cuteness, you head to the bathroom with your new attire and hop in the shower. Thinking about all the things you sent to him over the past few days as you wash away work and plane from your body. ‘He must really miss me already’ you smirk.
“Sweet-One. Are you still here?”
“Just in the bathroom. Will be out in a sec”
Considering you went straight to the airport from work, carrying just a handbag for supplies, you’re pleased with what you’ve been able to achieve. A fresh bit of makeup, used some of Hobi’s supplies to freshen your skin and this new underwear fits you perfectly. The black lace offers a peek of your skin through the sheer material, something he loves. You look and feel great. Putting on heels to complete the look, making your legs look longer. A quick tousle adds a bit of volume to your freshly washed locks, before switching off the light and opening the door.
The room was still lit with pink hues and complete silence as you leave the bathroom. His soaked shoes neatly placed by the door so you knew he was still here. Quietly closing the door, you walk into the room, where Hobi is sat on the edge of the bed, legs outstretched and looking damn fine. His wet black hair framing his gorgeous face, the white tee he wears glowing pink from the neon, contrasting with his leather jacket and black jeans.
He looks to you, lust filled as he sees how the underwear accentuates your curves. How the sheer offers a sneak peek of skin. How the heels make you confident and the light reflecting pink and purple highlights on your moisturised skin. You always look beautiful to him, but all this effort just for him is mind-blowing.
“Did you run here?” you ask, noticing his jacket covered in raindrops, his jeans sticking to his skin and his tee covered in translucent spots where the water was trying to make it see through.
“The taxi was taking too long. Come here,” he beckons wanting to feel you and you don’t deny him. “I’m sorry to make you do this Kitten. I just needed you tonight. I love you.”
“Love you too,” you whisper standing between his now spread legs, your navel right in his eye-line. Tempting enough to bring his lips to the sensitive skin below, sending sparks through your body.
Your hands meet his as he grips your hips tugging slightly to imply for you to kneel, your face coming to meet his. Running your hands up his wet thighs as you reach the ground, adding your first touch on his eager body. You watch him intently as his breathing starts to exaggerate.
“So, what is it that you need… Daddy?” your eyes flicking to his lap and back again. His vision glazes at the mention of his name. Beads of water from his hair run down his face, dripping onto his white tee. His lips subconsciously pout, as though to say ‘oooh’ but it makes no sound. He grazes his hand along your shoulder until it reaches the back of your head, fingers combing through your hair as he pulls you into his lips. He starts off tender but you latch onto his bottom lip with your teeth, pulling away slightly to cause a slight sting. Swiping your tongue along his lip before releasing it, his eyes widening at the implied rawness while you bite your bottom lip reactively. This sends him slamming into your lips, kissing so hard it causes your lips to swell. Your hands fumbling with his jeans while he moves to your neck, his movements sending tingles through your body.
Pulling him to stand by his waistband, you release him from the confines of his jeans. You pump him a few times, smearing the pre-cum at the tip to lube your hand movements. A few groans from his lips make you look up at him. He looks divine, watching you intently as his cock is so close to your face with every stroke. The pink glow illuminating his face, making his darkened eyes appear jet black. He removes his leather jacket, not once breaking his attention from you leaving him in his white tee, stood at the end of the bed with you kneeling before him. Hobi places a hand to the back of your head, not to push you onto him but to give you the nod to go ahead.
Starting from the base you lay him flat on your tongue making sure to maintain eye contact, moving painfully slow up his cock until the tip reaches your lips, pressing the lightest of kisses to coat your lips in his precum. He’s pouting again so you know you have him just where you need him. Wrapping your hands pumping him onto your tongue, making sure he’s watching your every move as more pre-cum leaks, pooling in your mouth. When he starts to glaze over, you inch down to this base covering him in a mix of pre-cum and your drool.
He rolls his head slowly as he lets groans leave his throat, like his body is forcing them out but he’s keen to keep watching you take him in your mouth. Brushing his hand through his wet locks, ensuring his hair isn’t in his eyes. He’s obviously been thinking about this all day as he’s getting firmer in your mouth by the second. Flicking your tongue over him and sucking a little when he needs it. You begin to swallow around him to prevent drool from leaving your lips. Hobi’s breathing increases when he starts to hit the back of your throat, pushing him closer to his climax.
“No, not yet Kitten,” he pleads making you pull off with a pop, pouting your lips at him in disapproval as he sits back on the bed. He already knows you miss his taste.
“I’m not ready for that yet,” he says before pulling you up to him in a kiss, making you straddle his lap. Hobi’s kissing you like a man starved, desperate to be as close to you as possible. His hands roaming your back, pulling you into his chest. He leans back falling onto the bed and rolls over. You’re both half off the bed as he rolls on top of you, his legs between yours as his hair drips cold beads of water.
Hobi finds the soft spots on your neck, working his way down your body. His hands roaming your skin as they find your hardened nipples through the lace bra, making him smirk at you. He knows how you love him roaming your body and the soft material allows him to see this. He bites your nipple through the fabric causing you to cry out and buck your hips up into him.
“Oh, you like that?” he smirks at you, already knowing the answer, but awaits your reply anyway.
“Y-yeah,” you mutter between your increased breathing.
“Yeah, what?” he smirks at you, running his nimble fingers delicately along the scalloped edges of the bra cup, teasing your exposed flesh.
“Yes, Daddy. I like it.”
“That’s better.” He pulls the lace down to expose your breast to the air before he’s wrapping his lips around the hardened peak. Tongue flicking as he gently sucks on it, sending electric through your veins reaching your core with a bang. Instinctively writhing under him searching for friction where you ache. His other hand cupping your other breast, thumb teasing the nipple through the lace.
“M-m...more,” you beg.
“Hmmm?” Not once stopping his movements on your chest.
“H-Hobi!” Crying lowly.
“What’s that Sweet-one? What do you need?” Not once being phased by your requests, teasing you with his words as well as his touch, continuing his light nipping and flicking on your chest.
“More!” You beg.
Hobi bites down on your nipple, pulling it between his teeth once more. You’re shooting your hips up into the air, arching yourself to meet his body, desperate for friction. His other hand reaching the small of your back to hold you against him. His lips trailing over your stomach, past your navel and along the sensitive skin sparking excitement wherever he places them. His hands sliding behind you across your tantalised flesh down to where the waistband of your briefs lies, hooking his fingers under. His face inspecting the lace detailing as he slides off the end of the bed to his knees.
“Oh Kitten, I buy you new underwear…” Hobi pauses as he teases, his tongue running along the wet sheer lace, offering glimpses of your sticky core underneath, noting how wet you are. He grips the waistband with his teeth, watching your face intently as you prop yourself on your elbows. He’s peeling your briefs from you with his teeth, hands assisting at your hips, removing them completely before lifting them to his face. He breathes in the scent while you watch him, eyes latched on his,“...and you go and ruin these already.” You’re left agape, shocked at his actions but they’re thrilling. Discarding the briefs, he’s running his hands up your thighs to grip your hips, pulling you closer to him. His touch is so sensual that it verges between a tickle and desire.
Fingers continue to trace over your skin, grazing the softness at the tops of your legs before running down them and twisting inwards, encouraging you to open your legs for him. His hands settling at the apex of your thighs, squeezing lightly as whimpers leave you.
“Perhaps I should punish you,” Hobi teases as he traces his fingers over your soaked core, dipping his index into you a little before removing it. Rolling your wetness between his index and thumb watching it string between them, making sure you see just how wet you are for him. Your cheeks flushed red as he continues to tease with his fingers, your mouth open as though it’s the only way to breathe. Your breathing hitches as he taunts with a single digit parting your folds to enter you, a welcome relief yet not enough. You sigh at the slightness, desperate to feel stretched and he knows that’s what you really want. He’s smirking as you groan at the absence, making it known that this is your punishment.
He places the pad of his thumb against your clit, adding pressure before circling it, building tension within you. It’s so gentle that it shouldn’t feel so good, his nimble finger stroking your walls finding that spot far too quickly. His movements increasing, tightening the coil within you. It’s too soon for you to cum. Too soon, you keep telling yourself, yet you can start to feel yourself clench around his finger. Your head falls back to the bed unable to hold yourself up any longer. Your gasps and moans fill the room as you’re nearing your high, temptingly close, when he stops and removes himself from you.
You groan as you lift your head to look down at him, his eyebrows raised suggestively as though he’s telepathically telling you, ‘you knew this was coming’. He’s still kneeling between your thighs, hands caressing your body as it comes down from the peak it almost reached, he’s feeling for your breathing to settle before he begins again. This time, tempting you with two fingers, stretching you ever so slightly, yet it’s still not enough. He repeats his mission, bringing you close to your high and stopping just as you’re about to throb all over his fingers.
“Hobi!” you groan.
“What’s up Sweet-one?”
“Stop teasing me, p-please?”
“What do you want?”
“You know what I want”
“How about you ask me nicely?”
You sigh, your body slick with a neon pink sweat sheen.
“D-Daddy, please?”
“Please, what?”
“P-please fill me. Please?”
He rests back on his heels, still on the floor at the end of the bed fully dressed. A devilish grin spreading across his face.
“Let me think about it”
That’s when he’s latching his lips to your clit while he delves three fingers into you. You’re wet enough that the room fills with the sounds from his movements as well as your gasps. You’re temptingly close to cumming all over his fingers, his tongue flicking back and forth over your clit while his fingers curl to hit that spot within you. Already clenching, pleas leaving your lips between whimpers, begging Hobi not to stop. You’re desperate to finally cum, wishing and hoping that he’ll let you this time. Before you know it, you’re beginning to throb.
“C-close” your mouth so dry from trying to breathe that your voice is barely audible. But he doesn’t stop, only starts to suck on your clit allowing the tension to build. Your stomach is so tight from your previous closeness that it’s ready to snap. Then it does, your body awash with pleasure as you jolt from the sensation of your release. You’re so in the throws of it that you don’t notice Hobi stops his movements to suck his fingers, removing his clothes and kneeling behind you on the bed. You glance up at him, a satisfied grin across your face when you see just how hard he is.
“Up.” He commands. When he uses this tone, you know not to delay so you shakily get up still recovering from your high.
“All fours.” He asks as you maneuver yourself on the bed into the position he wants. He unclasps your bra, allowing it to come undone so you can simply toss it to the side. He brushes his hair back once more, encouraging the black strands away from his face.
“Closer.” You shuffle backward so your legs are either side of him. He’s stroking himself, pre-cum leaking from the tip.
“Good.” Stroking the skin on your thighs and ass with his other hand before going in to bite it, leaving a mark.
Before you can screech at the sudden attack on your cheek, he’s brushing his tongue on it to soothe the mark before his hand is reaching between your legs cupping your soaking cunt. He shuffles to rub the head of his cock between your folds.
“Are you ready for me baby? Your pussy says so,” his pre-cum smearing into your wetness, covering his cock as you nod a reply. He groans at the feeling of your cum on his cock. His hands trace your ass cheeks as they reach to grip your hips, before pulling you onto him, thrusting deep in one swift movement. The sting of the stretch making you gasp out, hissing through your teeth at the welcomed intrusion. You love feeling stretched around him. He stalls for a second, getting comfortable with his girth as he pushes your shoulders down, sliding his hands up your shining body encouraging you to be face down and ass up. Perfecting the angle before he begins thrusting into you, hands tight on your hips as he’s brushing and hitting your spot every time.
The once spent coil within you begins tightening again as he continues his onslaught, skin slapping against skin as he ruts into you. Pushing all the right buttons and sending you into a groaning mess.  
“What do you need Sweet-one?” he questions between thrusts.
“Y-You Hobi. I need you,” he reaches around, pulling you up so you’re riding him. Legs spread across his lap as you lean into him, giving him the perfect view down over your shoulder. He’s watching you intently while you’re grinding on him as he thrusts up into you. Your mouth’s agape as you seek air with whimpers leaving you on the out breath, all while your chest bounces with each of his thrusts. Your back against his bare chest as both of your sweat covered bodies glimmer in pink hues. His black hair in strands sticking to his forehead as his jet black eyes feast on you.
“Good...” he groans against your ear, lips tantalising your neck and shoulder as his hands reach around your front. Hobi’s actions sending flows of electric to where you need it, making you ache. His left hand moves on your breast, rolling the hardened peak between his thumb and finger. His right hand reaches down to your clit, toying it with his fingers as he helps you find a second release. “...I need you too.”
His admittance sends you clenching around him, groans leaving both of your lips as you both near your high. Your circular motions mimicking the rhythm of his cock, almost like it’s a dance to an imaginary Latin beat. Hobi’s lips are all over your neck, biting down and marking shades of purple while the pressure he’s adding to your clit has the familiar feeling returning as you start to throb. He stops his work on your breast to reach to your shoulder, holding you down on his cock as he cums up into you. The feeling of him coating your walls sending you over the edge, clenching around him as you cum, head thrown over his shoulder calling his name. A white blinding light sending you into a heavy-lidded darkness as the feeling overwhelms.
He lays you on the bed as you become vulnerable, wrapping you in the duvet and kisses your forehead. You’re tired and it’s been a long day. You had extra hours at work, then travelling until late to come and see him on his beck and call. He loves you dearly, and you know it. He holds you, smoothing your hair as your body succumbs to exhaustion.
A while later, you’re being carried to the bathroom his lips on your forehead as he peppers you with kisses. A tepid bath run and filled with bubbles as he gently lowers you in, before getting in behind you so you’re laying on his chest. Reaching over to grab the sponge to wash your body. He brushes the sponge on your body as you wake to his luxurious aftercare.
“Wait,” you sigh. Hobi stopping in his tracks, sponge lightly squeezed in his hand and dripping into the bath questioning his actions. You turn your head to place your lips against his, a long loving sweet kiss to remind him just how much you love him. You gush at each other when you stop, beaming smiles and chuckling a little when you say, “Ok, carry on”.
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rebellect-writes · 4 years
[SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Jess. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]How did you find us?:[/b] I didn’t. You found me.
[b]Name:[/b] Ripley York. [b]Nicknames & Aliases:[/b] Rip, Ripper. Yorkie. [b]Age:[/b] 37. [b]Date of Birth:[/b] 12th of April 1975. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Bisexual, though he’s more comfortable with males. [b]Occupation:[/b] Works in a bookshop in town.
[b]Animal Species:[/b] Spotted Hyena. [b]Animal Description: [/b] [IMG]http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv90/bloodwillout/app%20pics/spotted-hyena_1.jpg[/IMG] He’s your typical spotted hyena. Standing at 3’1 at the shoulders and from snout to rump, he’s 5’5. Ripley’s not very heavy though, only weighing in at 130lbs at large. His coat’s a lot softer then it looks, though don’t get any bright ideas and try petting without asking because his strong bite is worse than his bark. [b]Do you have a hybrid/alpha form?:[/b] Nope. [b]Rank:[/b] Rogue. Will join if the group returns.   [b]How long has your character been a lycanthrope?:[/b] 16 years. (Infected at age 18.) [b]Mindset:[/b] Both. [b]Power level:[/b] Beta.
[b]Face Claim:[/b] Matthias Streitwieser. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv90/bloodwillout/app%20pics/2e2j6md.jpg[/IMG] [i]Height:[/i] 6’2 [i]Weight:[/i] 178lbs. [i]Eyes:[/i] Blue. [i]Hair:[/i] Brown. [i]Build:[/i] Average, muscled in all the right places. [i]Visible marks:[/i] He has a small black star on the inside of his right wrist, and the Chinese characters for ‘Ruby’ at the nape of his neck. Ripley also has faint bite marks along his neck and wrists that you can't really see unless you're looking close. [i]Style:[/i] Jeans, t-shirts and a thrown over jacket. Anything comfortable and practical is best. He will wear suits if he has to do so.
[b]Special Skills:[/b]  [LIST] [*] He does know Greek and Spanish, and he’ll remember how to speak it in his own time. [*] He does know how to hold his own in a fight thanks to AJ helping him out. [/LIST][b]Personality:[/b]   Ripley’s quiet and laid back most of the time. He’s been trained to value manners so you’ll rarely hear him forget them. He’s also been known to lapse into old tricks, where he won’t speak until he’s spoken to. If someone that’s a clear alpha or Master speaks to him, he will rarely look them in the eye unless they say he can do so and it’s little things like that that make things bearable for him. The last thing that he wants is someone to rip out his throat for something he didn’t even mean to do. On saying that, that doesn’t mean he’s completely submissive when it comes to those with more power than he has. Ripley has a deep rebellious and stubborn streak that shows its face at times, mostly when he’s in a sticky situation.
Some may even say that he gets mouthy and sarcastic when this streak of his rises to the surfaces, but Ripley hasn’t honestly noticed anything different except when people give him odd looks. When he’s around people that are younger than him in power, Ripley’s a little more open about things. He likes to laugh and joke around and even though he doesn’t out right say it, he’s the type of person that will give others another chance even though they’ve burned him in the past. Trust is something special to him, There’s only a couple of people that have his trust however, at times when he’s in pain or upset, he even closes down on them to protect himself. Maybe he doesn’t open up fully, but that still doesn’t stop him from being unspeakably loyal to the people that do him a good turn.  
What people don’t know is, and what Ripley doesn’t remember is that he’s got a bad side. He won’t hesitate to do something if an orders given, if that means attacking someone and drawing blood, so be it. Sometimes an order doesn’t have to be given, he’ll go on the defensive if he has to, and the offensive if he needs to, to protect himself and those around him. It’ll hurt him, sure, but half the time he doesn’t even register that pain. He doesn’t like seeing people in pain, but it’s a trigger that’s so deeply rooted in his subconscious that he jumps before he really thinks. Another thing that hasn’t shown itself is that he’s addicted to a vampires bite, craves it and has for over twelve years, will do anything to get the fix. No doubt it will show, but for now, Ripley’s just a mite emotionally retarded and no one’s complained so who knows what trouble he’ll get into.
[b]Likes:[/b] [LIST] [*] Curling up with a good book when it’s raining. [*] Being bitten by a vampire. [*] Cooking. He’s a natural in the kitchen surprisingly. [*] Being stroked in his hyena form. [*] Watching a movie when he can’t sleep. [*] Exploring Jackford when he’s not working. [/LIST][b]Dislikes:[/b] [LIST] [*] When he can’t sleep because of tension headaches. [*] Drama. He can do without it. [*] Others shedding blood for no reason. [*] When he’s reprimanded. [*] Loud annoying music. [*] When he’s talked over by people but he won’t say anything. [/LIST][b]Strengths:[/b] [LIST] [*] He knows when to keep his mouth shut and eyes on the floor. [*] Can follow orders to the letter. [*] Doesn’t let how much pain he’s in show. If he’s in pain. [*] Good at giving people a shoulder to cry on if they need it. [*] He’s got all your standard shifting abilities. [*] Keeping his inner hyena on a short leash and away from others. [*] Giving people what they want to hear most of the time. [/LIST][b]Weaknesses:[/b] [LIST] [*] Won’t hesitate to put himself in the line of fire for someone else. [*] Doesn’t have an alpha form. [*] Can’t repeatedly shift repeatedly in one day, the most is five times back and forth. [*] He’s a bite addict. [*] Silver. [*] Hasn’t even known a true cackle. [*] Doesn’t always tell people when things are bothering him. [/LIST][b]Family:[/b][LIST] [*] Manuel Lagana; Father, died in an RTA. [*] Lucinda York; Mother, died in an RTA. [*] Dominga Lagana; Grandmother, died of natural causes. [/LIST][b]History:[/b]  
During April of 1975, one man’s life came crumbling down around his ears because of a drunken one night stand with his best friend’s younger – and underage, at the time that things got hot and heavy in the bathroom – sister. Manuel came home one evening to find Lucinda on the couch, screaming and hollering as his mother and uncle scurried around trying to stop the baby that was coming one month early. One call was all it took when his common sense kicked in at the sight of the blood, to get Lucinda to the hospital and the help the teenager deserved. Despite the few complications with the birth and the consequences that followed, the baby now named Ripley, was allowed to come home just a little over a month later with Dominga Lagana – the baby’s biological grandmother on Manuel’s side – as the legal guardian, Manny and Lucinda being more babysitters than parents.
Growing up in Leeds; Ripley felt at home in the urban wilderness and it was the only thing that he knew. Lucinda always told him that she was his mum, he believed her, and he’d seen the pictures on Dominga’s albums. What he didn’t get though was why the York’s didn’t approve. They made it known that he wasn’t wanted when Lucinda had to take him along when she went to see her brothers or parents place. In the end, the strain that Lucinda was under, forced her to dump Ripley on Manuel and Dominga more and more, much to his Grandmother’s delight. She didn’t like the prissy little white girl or the judgmental patronising parents that sneered and crossed the street when they were walking the same way as them.  The tension lasted for almost three years and everyone suffered for it, Manuel tried to patch things up and show to Lucinda’s parents that he wasn’t trash and Lucinda tried to show her parents that she wasn’t a child anymore and could look after herself, it was a bit redundant really, Ripley’s mum was twenty and legally an adult capable of looking after the five year old boy with Manuel who was twenty nine at the time. Dominga didn’t like that one bit but there wasn’t much that she could do at the time but sit back and make sure they didn’t kill Ripley by mistake by giving the kid drain cleaner or something instead of milk over his cornflakes in the morning.
Even school wasn’t a big thing in Ripley’s eyes; he was in and out of it for a lot of reasons. The majority of the time though, was for medical reasons; sometimes he wasn’t there because of life at home. By the time he was fourteen years old, he’d been permanently excused from physical education due to his poor health, expelled from two schools and facing being kicked out for the third time because of his slipping grades and general attitude to authority figures in his life. Lucinda even went as far as to send him to see a therapist because of these things and it just sent Ripley spiralling down a path of rebellion and hate to for the world around him. In fact, the only time he really seemed at peace was when he was with Granny Dominga’s dogs and the old gal used that to her advantage. He didn’t go to college, there was no point. Education wasn’t really something he’d excelled at and he didn’t want to stay at home for the rest of his life, so when Granny Dominga offered him a place to stay and work in her small greasy spoon cafe, he snapped it up and moved in with her. It really wasn’t that exciting afterwards; he lived with his Gran and saw his mum and dad every other day when they stopped by after their shifts at work. Basically, it was a rinse and repeat life and that suited him fine.
Fine, until just after his eighteenth birthday. His parents had ‘kidnapped’ him away for the day to have some good old fashioned bonding time; the truck that hit them came out of nowhere. One minute Ripley had been groaning about Britney Spears on the radio and the next there was chaos and the world was spinning as the car was pushed off the motorway and then there was simply silence. Lucinda and Manuel had been pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital and Ripley was rushed into surgery for multiple internal injuries and head trauma.  He didn’t even know that his parents had died until he came around a couple of days later, and he’d had to plead with his Gran to find out what had happened to them. It was a shock, something that shocked him to his core because no matter how much of a brat he’d been to them growing up, he’d still loved them.
No one bothered to inform him, that the blood that had been used during one of several transfusions had been contaminated with lycanthropy. Maybe no one knew, but that was the hand that he was dealt. It probably would have been better if he’d know though, while he was healing up, because the following full moon after a particular nasty bought of the flu – or at least what he thought was the flu, little did he know that his body was changing and if he had, he’d have probably mad a joke about puberty hitting twice. – Ripley was locking up the cafe for the night and the hyena made itself known. It ripped its way out of him and destroyed the cafe when it found there was nothing to eat. The morning, once the animal had gone back, Ripley woke up in the remains of the cafe, sore and confused but feeling better than he had done in weeks, didn’t have a clue that he’d turned into a hyena though. When Dominga demanded to know what had happened, he told her that someone had broken in and trashed the place and that it had probably been a junkie looking for a fix.
The following weeks became a blur, more rinsing and repeating until one evening he felt an unmistakeable pull to just leave work. Just like that. There was no warning, no nothing. He just felt the need to go. He walked across the city to some seedy back alley dive that was home to all the drunken scum of the nation, or well, the city if you wanted to be technical. Defiantly not his place, and from the few others that were milling about that he noticed didn’t fit in, not theirs either. He found out exactly what was up though when they came in, lanky crew, pale, avoided mirrors and standing directly under lights, looked like the supporting act for the guys that did the YMCA. For a moment Ripley had thought that he was being set up by his friends, because bikers with fangs? Really? It was so wrong. So out there, so unnatural, and yet so normal all at the same time, and it just made Rip curious and scared for what was happening next. The crazy red headed chick in the corner that was cackling and stroking a flipping big hyena was even more out there and put the fear of God into him.
Ripley York never came home that day and wasn’t seen by his Gran again.
He was dragged down to Cardiff with the vampires and the red headed bint with a few of the other guys that had ended up in the bar with him. Mistress Ruby – the self proclaimed Queen of the merry little band – told them what was happening, how he’d service the vampires just like the others that had come to her call. Ripley refused and started mouthing off, and so he was punished. Ruby ripped his inner beast out repeatedly before forcing it back over the space of three days. Then Theodore – the king of the band, a big guy that could’ve snapped Ripley over his thigh for disobedience – decided that that wasn’t enough and decided he wanted a taste, and a taste he got and then some. Just like the rest of the rogue band that called the Hyena Queen and Vampire Master their leader because to them, Ripley and the hyenas that had been Called where nothing but animals meant to be used in anyway their Masters saw fit. Theodore didn’t just have hyenas at his beck and call, there were other shifters as well that were pets to the thirteen vampires that he ruled, while he was a rotting vampire, there were Belle Morte rogues and fear masters and beast masters to boot and each and every one of them where young enough to be a power to be reckoned with and still hate the way that the vampire council did things.
Over the next twelve years, between Ruby and Theodore the young hyena started to lose himself. The rebellion and need to fight what was happening to him died, painfully and slowly, but it did die. Gone were the days he had to go around wearing a collar and on the end of a leash and had to be escorted by one of Ruby’s older and more treasured pets. He was no longer handcuffed to the bed of some two-bit vampire Rogue. He was allowed to come and go as he pleased, because they had something he needed, something he craved so badly that he broke out into cold sweats, shakes and shivers. He craved them. Needed them just like the air he breathed some nights that he would go down on his knees and beg to be bitten. It wasn’t always easy either; Ripley would have to do things that he didn’t want to do but did it anyway. Mistress Ruby explained it one time when she’d been waiting for Theodore to wake, she told him that it was them simply asking for a favour because they’d given him a gift.  
That wasn’t to say that it was all doom and gloom, despite his current situation, Ripley made friends. One such friend was Sissy. It wasn’t exactly a fun evening for the both of them. Ruby and Theo’s second in command dragged him along to a local tattoo parlour that had a decent reputation in the inked circles. The Mistress wanted something new and exciting, and the vampire and Rip were only sent along as bodyguards for the crazy bitch. Ripley wouldn’t have done anything if the beast master male hadn’t taken a shine to the girl, oh he’d seen her, she’d been chatting with an artist or something, but the vampire took an instant dislike to her for some reason. The artist was rolled, mentally told to forget that they’d ever existed as the vampire went after Sissy. Ripley was left with Ruby and boy, did he want to help the girl.
The moment blood was drawn; he had an idea and turned to the bitch queen that had sat giggling the whole time. He bargained for her safety, offering Ruby anything she wanted in return. Liking that idea, Ruby pulled the beast master off the red headed girl, and after checking on Sissy to make sure that she was ok, Ripley turned to get what was coming his way. All she asked was that he get a tattoo of her choice in return for the girls life and safety, Ripley didn’t even question it and let the Mistress do what she wanted, sat through the rolled tattoo artist branding him with the Chinese characters for ‘Ruby’ at the nape of his neck, after his Mistress and the beast master got theirs. Theodore never noticed that his servant and queen had left her permanent mark on another man,  if he had then they would have destroyed the parlour, killed Sissy and the artist that had done their work, instead they stayed in town, the vampires and shifters coming and going as they got new ink and Ripley got to know Sissy a bit more.
Eventually the group moved on to a place called Jackford at the back end of 2010; they rolled into town and found that there was so much chaos they could create. They didn’t have to do anything; there was no time because Ruby, during a Christmas shopping break, was smacked down by a blonde harpy. The Oba of Jackford didn’t like another in her territory and she made that clear when she drew first blood, Ripley had grinned at that, seeing the scarlet streaks down on freckled cheek. Ruby didn’t have time to defend herself, and even if she had, Theo was the ruler and he declared no one was to help and Ruby was furious. She gave it all she had, but on her own with no vampires or hyenas to help her, Petra Graves whooped her skanky ass fair and square then told the rest of the mob to take Ruby and leave her town. Theodore was fairly reasonable, as an Old World gentleman at heart, he agreed and they made plans to leave though he requested a little time from Petra because it was Christmas. His logic being that it would be their first proper Christmas together and sadly, Petra agreed.
Over the next three months, the rogue band drifted apart. There’d been moments when Ripley had wondered if he could just slip away and make a run for the Kiss that had been reconstructing itself from the ground up. However he didn’t have to. In February, one of Ruby’s other pets made a big fuss about not being marked in front of Theodore of all creatures. Ruby, desperate to shut the idiot up, snapped his neck but it was too late for that. Theo had heard enough and dragged Ripley close to check and sure enough, the Master saw the tattoo was there. Theodore crushed Ripley’s throat and tossed him aside like trash to die in the gutter, before dragging his whore-queen off to deal with her. The two hyenas bodies where left in a semi completed housing estate, but that wasn’t the end of them, nobodies in a sea of silence.
Ripley should have died, except he didn’t. The male had no idea what had happened but one moment he was choking and struggling for air that wasn’t there and then the next it was daylight and he was blinking up at the faces of two werewolves that called the Fun House home. One of the wolves, Eric, had ripped Ripley’s inner beast out to try and save him and it had worked, mostly. As a result from the event, Rip didn’t know what had happened, who they where, where he was. Nothing at all except his name, and the flashes that he gets sometimes when he’s stressed, he hasn’t spoken of them to anyone at all. So here he is, in Jackford, a ward of the kiss and still a nobody.[/SIZE]
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