rukifox · 7 years
Are you idiots seriously triggered by bathrooms now?
This is how low you have to steep? where not being allowed to use a bathroom that you want to use even though you’re not that gender is somehow taking away rights?
News flash retards, private businesses get to choose whether you get to use those bathrooms in the first place, not the government. It is not your right to use a bathroom that isn’t your own it is a privilege. 
If you stupid ass special snowflakes honestly think reversing the bathroom order is “Taking away rights” than i’d hate to see what you idiots do if rights actually get taken away somehow. 
Spoilers - No rights will be taken away.
Honestly what the fuck is wrong with you people? If you have a penis you’re a man, if you have a vagina you’re a woman, plain and simple.
Making yourself look like a women doesn’t make you a women and doesn't entitle you to women's things. Making yourself look like a man doesn’t entitle you to men’s things.
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rukifox · 7 years
Milks is not considered a racist/white supremacist symbol....
This is not a fucking joke
This is how far this country has regressed. 
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rukifox · 8 years
Ok tumblr, defend this.
I dare you, Tumblr, to find a way to defend this without using the same shit you always do like “Blacks are oppressed” and “He’s a cis white male” it is not possible.
If by some means you actually somehow think this is able to be defended, then you are the actual racist here. No matter the color of someones skin, their beliefs, or what they support, NOBODY deserves to be tortured, absolutely no one.
But knowing this site you will all somehow find a way to defend this using some backwards ass logic that makes no sense.
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rukifox · 8 years
How triggered is tumblr right now?
On a scale of 1-10 how triggered are you retards now that it is guaranteed our President elect, Donald Trump, will be our 45th president?
I am so happy daddy trump will be our new president, maybe he’ll finally put an end to these special snowflakes who get triggered by everything.
Go daddy trump! <3
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rukifox · 8 years
Remember when trump said he opposed gay marriage in NY?
Oh wait! Hillary said that!
Stupid hillary shills.
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rukifox · 8 years
If you’re “Afraid”
Than you need to grow up and grow a fucking pair.
what the fuck are you “Afraid of”? Do you honestly believe he is somehow going to revoke rights that people have fought for years to earn? Do you idiots honestly think that day one of him being president is going to be mass deportations?
You people are the biggest bunch of babies i have EVER seen, and the fact you honestly believe a lying cunt like hillary would be better is laughable.
Maybe instead of letting the media form your opinions for you you should do some research and form your own.
Stupid cunts.
Can’t wait for trump to make america great again!
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rukifox · 8 years
So many triggered people
The next 4 years are gonna be amazing.
So many people on this stupid ass site are so triggered from trump winning. It’s hilarious.
These people honestly think that day one he’s in office he’s going to start mass genociding and deporting people lmao. Grow a pair you fucking pussies.
Maybe if your stupid little safe space bubble wasn’t so easily popped when the real world hit it, you wouldnt be worrying so much.
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rukifox · 8 years
Reminder - If you see a fat person
Yell “WHALE” and get your harpoon as fast as you can, you don’t want to let your prize get away.
Oh, and remember to bring th biggest net you can, you’re gonna need it to catch them.
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rukifox · 8 years
When someone tries to tell me there’s more than one gender
Tumblr media
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rukifox · 8 years
Why do black people exist?
Why is there not a law saying we’re allowed to execute them on site? Christ, they’re all just a bunch of raging apes.
Stupid fucking niggers.
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rukifox · 8 years
I wonder how otherkin weren't put down as children
Your parents must really be regretting not getting you freaks euthanized, how can they live with someone who thinks they’re some kind of different species.
At least do them a kindness and seek mental help. Or just kill yourself, both work.
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rukifox · 8 years
I hear there’s a great new medication for otherkin
I saw it on the news, i believe it was something called “Chugging a gallon of bleach” or was it “Putting a bullet in your brain?” I can’t remember, but you otherkin should try one of them, see if it helps make your lives normal :)
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rukifox · 8 years
Suicide is badass
And all you retard otherkin need to commit it. Nobody wants you alive in this world, not even your parents.
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rukifox · 8 years
FA is not going to be shut down you rumor spreading twats.
you tumblr retards should really do some fact checking before spreading your rumors around. FA has done nothing illegal regarding it’s breach. They notified users vis twitter and the top of the site message once it went into read only mode.
Stop spreading rumors.
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rukifox · 8 years
Dear feminists.
If you people are so concerned with this “wage gap”  which you seem to be so certain of it existing, Than why are you not complaining about whites earning less money per dollar to Asians? most of you whiny feminists are all privileged white girls anyways.
Actually, never mind that question because i already know the answer. Modern day third wave feminists refuse to look at anything  that doesn’t go with what they want to believe. Most of these statistics you feminists try to use to support your arguments are amounts taken from a wide variety of different jobs, and the reason men earn more per dollar than women is because there are more men in higher paying fields.
Then there is the one thing feminists NEVER want to answer: If woman are being paid less than men for the same work why are companies not exclusively hiring woman instead of men? If what you say is true than there would be zero reason to higher men instead of women.
Maybe you whiny feminists wouldn’t be earning less than men if you would stop getting gender studies degrees and than immediately saying you get paid less. You get paid less for a reason, stop pretending you’re discriminated against.
Oh, and paying a women less than a man is illegal in the US and UK, if you’re that concerned about getting paid less you could of already just filled a law suit against them, but no, you choose to whine about it. 
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rukifox · 8 years
A list of all the good things modern feminism has done in first world countries.
1) Made people see feminists are cancer.
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rukifox · 8 years
A comprehensive and complete list of all known genders.
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