#<---- idk if that really counts but jic
forgivenfolly · 2 months
looked at all the new minions added/to be added in the near future that were found in metadata and i'm like (nervous laughter) why is zero there so soon. i mean it IS her old outfit and e-s got his wind-up in his solus fit before he was technically Wrapped Up in game but. desperately trying to remember what the exact parameters they gave in that one live like 2 years when people were asking about minions because i swear to god. if that patch* (*and whatever. is left in dt if she does show up. i'm still only midway through) was the most zero content we're ever getting i will do something drastic
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saturdays--sun · 1 year
// 4.0 spoilers
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are you fucking joking. 💀
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motherforthefamicom · 1 month
do you think me having been horribly depressed all summer is a good enough excuse to not have my ap summer work done
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sophaeros · 1 year
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last year's sketchbook
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idkbutimgabby · 4 months
Good Days - A Lee Minho ff
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Hey loves... idk what has been going on but I've been feeling so emotional lately 😭 idk why bc I literally had my period already and I usually get super emotional right before... sorry if that's TMI but I'm so confused 😭 anyways this is the result of that. I hope you like it. I hope you cried as much as I have while writing this and looking for inspo.
word count: 1k
-fem!reader x bestfriend!leeknow
warnings: ANGST if I haven't made that clear enough, character death, car crash, drunk driving, cuts (? not sh just a tw jic) grieving, cursing, fluffy
Im so sorry 😭 my Instagram is cursed because why do I keep getting reel after reel of some heart wrenching story? Istg all I do is cry for strangers on the Internet ✊😔 Anyways I'm probably over hyping this you probably won't cry but if you did please tell me that would make me so happy 😭 you know what I mean 😒 *lightly proofread* calling all my emotional people this is for you get your tissues ready
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Having a best friend is something you can't describe. Having someone you know will always run to you first, someone you would trust with your life and who you know would trust you with theirs. You can't even begin to spew some shit about how much you love him; it would be pointless. Words can't describe it, truly.
The person who stuck with you through the years, through the hardest times of your lives, and the best. The person who sat next to you during your first week of kindergarten because he saw you crying when you got lost on the first day. The person who you've never seen cry, because he doesn't like how it makes him feel.
The person who was there when you were sick, and who stayed up all night while you were asleep doing your missing assignments, because he knew you hated asking for extensions. The person that saw you grow up, and the one you saw grow up. The person who held you as you cried, wiped the tears from your cheeks and rocked you both to sleep.
The person you cheered on as he pursued his dreams of dancing. The person who cheered you on as you got into your dream school, joining a program you've been waiting to join since day one. The person who was driving you to your graduation, excited to walk across that stage and watch you walk across it, finally being able to acknowledge how far you've both come.
The person who was taken from you, when a driver under the influence ran a light and crashed into his side of the car. The same person you cut up your hands to shove all the shattered glass away from.
The person you've cried for countless times before, but this time you couldn't shed a tear. The person who you saw stop moving, whose pulse stopped even after your desperate attempts to save him. The person you slumped over, holding his body and ignoring the sharp shards of glass puncturing your skin and clothes.
The person whose body you held until you felt his spirit drift away. You think about that moment every day.
The person whose parents asked you to speak at his funeral and deliver the final speech, because who else could do it but you? You're not a public speaker. You couldn't possibly remember a speech, and you didn't want to write it out because your hands would have been shaking too much to read the words anyway. Instead, you just wove your speech around one memory that still sticks in your mind, all on the spot. You cried everyday after the accident, but you made it through your speech, driven by the fact that he needed to hear everything you had neglected to tell him while he was still there.
"I remember one time that he asked me the question, "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" It was a joke. I rolled my eyes, probably slapped his arm. But I return to that moment when I grieve for him. And I wish I had told him everything that question brought up in my mind. I think that was one moment I realized how big a part of me he really is. I wish I had told him that I would love him until the worms swallowed up every last bit of him. That when I'm six feet under the ground, with the worms eating my brain, they'll see visions of him; his beautiful face, crooked smile, bunny teeth, and glittery eyes. They'll smell what he smelled like; the vanilla and orchid scent that always calmed me down, and still does. They will hear him call my name, voice of honey, where you were always able to hear his smile. They will experience the greatest of wonders, as they feast on the corner of my brain that houses him. They won't be able to move an inch without bumping into a piece of him. Then, I'll fade away, as will he. And they'll go back to eating, gnawing away in awe at the wonders they experienced, the wonders that were my best friend."
The person who got you, understood you in a way that no one else will. The person who your family accepted as another of their children, who was treated at your house like a prince. The person who snuck through your window at night anyway to hang out, just because he wanted to know what it was like. The person who always did the most for everyone else without making it obvious because he didn't like making a fuss over it.
The person who always bought and wore jewelry and clothes that supported a cause or charity, and encouraged others to do the same. The person who had three cats he loved more than even you. The person who always cooked for you when you mentioned a new food you wanted to try, and who fed you bites just because he wanted to and thought it was cute.
The person you loved the most. The person who loved you the most. The person you'll always miss, who you'll never forget, and who you'll go to hell and back to make sure no one else forgets about him either.
Your beautiful best friend. Simultaneously angelic and feral. The oddest person. The sweetest person. Now unburdened, cutting through the sky and watching over you. Forever your best friend, forever a worm. Forever your worm, actually.
You love him.
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again I deeply apologize. LINO ISNT DEAD GUYS HES ALIVE AND WELL I PROMISE 🙏😭 ngl tho I was flowing with this one... I might try writing angst more often 🤭 normally I'm a fluffy kinda girl (my favorite trope is literally bsfs 2 lvrs 😭) next fic guys watch out I'm getting better at this 🤫 also I'm so sad I don't have the original author but I did get some of the speech from a poet on Instagram just fyi 😓
Anyways love you 💋💋 Muah byebye 💕
written from:
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staydandy · 2 years
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I did not expect to reach 100 followers before the end of the year! This community is great! Thanks so much! It's been a blast so far!
So, um.. Hi! I'm StayDandy!
I live in USA .. English is my first and (sadly) only language, but I want to learn Korean (I've gotten to the point of knowing the alphabet, being able to read/sound out words, understand a bit of the sentence structure, and recognize/remember a precious few words).
I started to get into Asian dramas and music early 2021. I've been watching & reading anime & manga/manwha, since college (*cough*, 10 years ago *cough*), but my interest had faded over time. Until last year's nose-dive back into dramas (Prison Playbook cracked the door, and I slammed it open!). I've been obsessed ever since! 😆 The interest in K/J/C-Music is newer; I hadn't really explored it before this past year (unless you count when PSY originally released Gangnam Style lol) .. I still listen to American music, but K/J/C music has taken over my Spotify, it's now the dominant genre (throw in a little Swedish power-metal and that's basically my Library in a nutshell).
I started exploring the whump community on Tumblr this past April - I was honestly amazed there were so many people with this interest, same as me! I started posting in May - I wanted to join in the fun, & contribute my own backlog of lists (I'd been writing them for over a decade after all, might as well put them to good use).
So.. idk if there's any interest.. I thought I'd share a detailed look at my List posts .. some of it is rather self-explanatory, but some of it might not be .. maybe this'll clarify what & why I format them the way I do.
But if you're just looking for a place to start exploring my page, I'd suggest My Directory. It breaks off to everything else. I organize everything manually so it's as accurate as I can make it.
Thanks again for Following along!
Post Breakdown (below the break) :
I'll use this surprisingly popular post as an example (really would not have guessed that Bridal Mask would receive the attention it did).
First, of course, you get the show title (in English & it's original language) .. a picture for the show (I try to use a pic that has the whumpee(s) in it) .. then a quick synopsis of the show. Simple, self-explanatory.
At the end of the synopsis I include a direct link to an official data site for the show (usually it's MyDramaList for Asian shows, and between Wikipedia or InternetMovieDatabase for English shows). • I include the "AKA" because there are quite a few shows that go by multiple names because of different translations/interpretations of the original title, or even official title changes before it aired. I've had the issue before of trying to find a show using (unknowingly) an uncommon translation of the title, which made it difficult to find what I was looking for. So, JIC, I include them here.
If there's multiple whumpee's I will color-code them, which carries throughout the list. • The links on the actor names are searches of my Tumblr. It's an easy way to see if I have any other lists with said actor in it. (I don't include them on English lists because I rarely have multiple lists with the same English actor. In the case that I do, I'll add the link)
The country links back to that country's whump list library.
Next are the notes about the show (any interesting details, what it's adapted from, ect.).. notes about my list.. &/or just my general thoughts on the show.
I use ellipsis ( ... ) for when there's a break between whump scenes. • Every now and then I will include my own thoughts amongst the whump, usually "subscript & in blue" • You can see the color-coding in action (I wish Tumblr had more color options). • When there's multiple whumpees I use a kinda "tag-you're-it" system : -- I mention a Character (A) and their whump until [chronologically in the episodes] something happens to Character (B), any whump following is (B)'s whump.. until (A) is mentioned by name again, then everything after is (A)'s whump ... and so on and so forth.
(Apparently Tumblr only actually uses the first 20 tags on a post, which is incredibly unhelpful. I still try to include all the key-words in my tags, but they're more for my own quick reference when I manually organize my posts.)
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Hello again!
Thanks for reading! I've had people tell me I have an "interesting" way of organizing, & I tend to over-think things (you should see the organized chaos that is my bedroom! lol).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll do my best to answer. Or if you just want to chat, I'm cool with that too.
And for those of you who've made it to the end of this post; If you see a show in one of my Libraries that is not marked as a "full whump list" (whether it's been posted already or not), but you're interested in seeing a full list for that show, let me know! I'm already going back and updating some partial lists here and there, but if you ask I'll prioritize your request!
Hope ya'll have a good Holiday season and New Year!
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spadekek · 2 years
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nyerr all new screenshots i could find from the update (the ones with the main three + a lobster :])
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so like it turns out my bout of yearning last night might’veeeee been caused by me refusing to acknowledge UnComfy feels and funneling the emotional energy into smth positive instead
and i still haven’t figured out if that counts as a good or bad coping strategy but i’m really hoping it’s the former bc guess what im doing again
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my current mood is just viciously trying to stop tma from becoming a hyperfixation because I know some people die and I've been told the ending's gonna be a tragedy and I can't handle that, emotionally
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daftpunkselectroma · 4 years
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not gonna put this into the main tag bc it’s super scribbly but i believe in long haired jordan supremacy
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
idk if this counts bc its not just dabihawks but
i swear i laughed sm reading it
it also has tododeku natshig and fuyurumi jic ur not into those ships
i really did enjoy reading it tho, its hilarious!
Thank you sm!!! I love tddk and Fuyurimi, and I’m really keen on reading some natshig, this will be perfect!!
Again, thank you!!
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irl · 2 years
my friend rio asked if mask of magnaminty was edible and idk how i feel about the fact that i immediately had the answer of “yeah, mostly. it tastes like mint chocolate chip ice cream with a touch of dirt”.
and jic youre wondering, its probably third in the list of the things id say are the most edible things in the store, only following lip scrubs (which were meant to be eaten anyway so they dont really count) and the shower jellies (which are kinda just like. weird jello).
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euclydya · 3 years
i am going 2 Infodump abt our system fuck it I'm bored <3 asks from here
🍓- if you’re an introject, what is ur source/who are you? (Don’t tell if uncomfy!) - My source is T.he Bi.nding of I.saac! I'm a fictive of Magdalene :3c I go by Mags/Maggie now and my pronouns are lov/lovself, love/loveself, any heart emoji pronouns, and she/her!
📍- funny story that happened in exomemories? (If u have any) - OHOH THAT'S A QUESTION! Don't think I can rlly answer that. Closest I could think of would be being home alone fr a few months w Eve and being like "Bro we could just eat ICE CREAM AND SWEETS >:3" and.,,, almost doing that FNDNSJDKCKC I was like,, 10-11, Eve was around 12-13ish iirc
🍒 - funny story that happened in headspace? -
Rosie, Allan, and I, just chillin up front, Xm.en on in the bg irl:
Qui.cksi.lver, suddenly appearing in-sys from a system gate/portal: ... ??
Us: ????
Rosie: ,,, Hi.
Qui.cks.ilv.er: ,,, Wrong timeline. Sorry *proceeds to leave the system*
That was like a week ago we haven't heard back from him since HWSJDJFK
🌹 - funny story that happened in the meatspace? - I HONESTLY CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING TBH CJXJDIC
🍊 - tiktok audio/vine that reminds you of a headmate? - ok we don't watch much vines or tiktoks so idk abt that but as for funny clips n shit we've got:
"If instruments were voices and voices were instruments" which reminds me of the whole sys tbh but that's bc it's a current vocal stim
I Thlammed My Penith Into The Car Door, which reminds me of Daffodil bc we call her Daffy and it's an inside joke now
This...... OOC vin.esa.uce clip. NSFW warning. Only bc of how Vinny says "I would like to apologize" Which makes me think of everyone who's a common fronter atm bc it's another vocal stim
🎃 - who is fronting/close to fronting rn? - Me and Moo.ndrop!! Moony's up front bc 🌛's one of my caretakers and bc 🌛 helps us sleep!
🥕 - are any headmates frontstuck/co-con stuck right now? - ,,, Also me and Moo.ndrop! BDNDNSNCJC I've been frontstuck kinda for like a week give or take and same w Moony and Sunny bc I have adopted them as my In-Sys Parents™
🏵 - random song lyric please :D - “Now wouldn't you know, you're choking on the spite” v v good new re.d vo.x song™
🌟 - how did you find out you were plural? - Honest to God we've been plural since as long as we can remember we just found a name for it when we joined tumblr LMAO
🌻 - do you use I/me, I&/me&, us/we, and/or any 1st person neos? - Some of us do use first person neos!! Tho as a whole we alternate btwn i/me and we/us, whichever feels right in the moment. Off the top of my head tho, Mischief uses I& (and She&/Her& pronouns), Samson is trying out Ix/Ix'm and xI/xI'm, andddd many of our median sysmates use we/us fr themselves or I& too!
🌙 - do any headmates have typing quirks? If so, what are they? - Yes many of us do!! Su.ndr.op doubles any punctuation and usually ends all sentences with “!!”, Rosie likes to “tYPE LIKE THIS DJAJAKSKDFK” (which has. Absolutely bled into the rest of the system lmao) anddd a handful of our sysmates tend to type out their echoing/stuttering/glitching when it happens in-sys!
🍋 - do you have a host? If so, who are they? - ,,, Not really JSJSKDICKCFND our closest thing to a host would be Rosie who's. Unstable as fuck! And then we have Allan who's. Unstable as fuck without Rosie! And then there's me who's filling in as temporary host/temp third Main which is a role that changes often. I'm the only one w braincells if I do say so myself /JOKEEEE
☘️ - what do you use to keep track of system members? - Pluralkit on Discord!! Ever since the system's gone past like,,, 10 members we find it much easier 2 note everyone down via PK than use a notes app like we did a few years ago
🌿 - current member count? - *checks pk* uhhhjjj 385 and counting! I don't think that's counting most walk-ins tho which we keep logged on our pk jic they pop back in which I'll be re-adding soon
🌱 - share a picture (drawing, icon edit, picrew etc.) of urself in headspace! - WOOOO OK
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I keep many a things on my person in-sys and one of them is indeed a sword. Other things include many chew toys, a handful of stim toys, and my Yum Heart!
🦎 - do you share memories with your headmates? - Yeah!! Be they exomems or stuff that happened irl, it's p easy for us to share memories tbh! Sometimes it's by accident but usually it's consensual
🦋 - any ‘-heavy’s? (introject heavy, little heavy, protector heavy, etc.) - Introject heavy for sure BCNDSNXNCKD anddddd at this point I'd say maybe syskid heavy? Judging off who fronts most often usually which is mainly just,, my sibs and I (aside from this past week goddamn). Despite having a lotta members most of them aren't active or don't front ever usually lmao
🐬 - any nonhumans? - SO MANY YES!! I myself am part angel in-sys and consider myself part doll! Buuuuuut yeah actually... P much everyone in the system isn't human in some way I forgor that was a thing so I didn't list it in the last question NFNFMDKFFK
🛋 - what does headspace look like? - It changes quite often!! Rn it's a huge open field, like REALLY huge. Our fronting area is a big ol' tree with lots of shade. A few ft away is a small cabin which is where Sam (nOT TO BE CONFUSED W SAMSON FJDJFJ) resides when he's not afk from the system, andddd further back in the headspace is,,, more foresty stuff I think?
But that's just the main layer lmao. Our other layers are mainly kinda in outer space, but the layers my sibs, family, and my other sourcemates reside on are an abandoned cathedral and an open, stormy sea.
🧿 - what does front look like? - welp. I already described front. whoops JWJWJDKFKF
☔️ - favorite thing about being plural? - Having friends and family being with me 24/7!! Sure we have friends and family outside the system but it's,, simply not the same as having friends and family share the same body as you y'know? It's hard to explain but we're all just. MUCH closer I guess! And inseperable both literally and metaphorically FJDJDJFJG
👾 - collective name/pronouns? - Rn we go by Greed (or Greed Mode, or Ultra Greed, etc.) or Knives, and our pronouns are they/them or mirrored pronouns, meaning someone would use their pronouns for us when talking abt us!
🌂 - singletsona? - Our singletsona irl goes by Tyler/Ty and they do not give a shit abt pronouns and wish not 2 be perceived by anyone god bless <3
👿 - origin(s)? - BDHSJDJDHAAAHA well. Mixed origin tbh. Endogenic, Nihilumgenic, and Protogenic!
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neonstarz · 4 years
u asked 4 questions 4 fired egg n i came w far 2 many!! if u don wana do All of dem, u can pick n choose ^w^ (dis iz from da list i liked jus b4 sending dis!): 12, 13, 16, 20 (esp da last question on it), 22, 25, 26, 34 (jic i draw her again yk), 38, 44, 45.
12. What is their favourite food? 
she really likes tuna!! yknow those little snack pack thingies where a can of tuna and a tiny plastic spoon and some crackers come together in a little package? that's her favorite food on earth. bacon also likes it so its very convenient
13. What is their least favourite food?
fried eggs! she doesn't like the consistency or the taste and so many people have been like “lol u must love fried eggs” that shes like know what no. i fucking hate fried eggs. die. 
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
i don't know if this counts but she collects some of those coffee creamer packets the diner puts out on tables and on Friday she drinks them all its like a little reward for getting through another week
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes? 
fried egg doesn't really like musicals but she does like music !! her favorite genre is metal :-] she likes dancing but like, that fucked up dancing you do alone in ur room where ur just jumping around. she tends to do that if shes alone or if shes in public shell like drum with her fingers like dads do on steering wheels
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back? 
she will insult ANYONE anywhere any time for any fucking reason. she likes calling people pissbabies. fried egg is good with confrontation and is not afraid to call someone a dick to their face but she also enjoys a good private gossip
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves? 
she is pretty funny!! i have never really understood the “what do they find funny” question like idk man ?? what does any teenager on the internet find funny 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
she goes like >:) a lot. she is not a super expressive person tho and like its kind of hard to tell what mood shes in most of the time. she doesn't actively suppress her emotions, when she ran away she promised herself she wouldn't lie about herself and how she felt, but she just naturally isn't very expressive. 
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body? 
if you tried to make her in the sims 4 you would put muscle at 0 and body fat at center. actually i think im gonna make her in the sims after this. she is a short queen and only 5′2. fried egg doesnt like absolutely LOVE her body she has dysphoria but she does think she looks cool and is attractive. she doesn't have an all consuming self hatred shes just kinda :-/ about a few parts
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had? 
she doesnt admire others heart emoji /jj ok uhhh she likes people who are like upfront about their feelings. she doesnt like it when people wont speak up for themselves. she likes people who are trustworthy and can be held to their word. she wishes she wasn't so hotheaded
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
she rlly likes fall!! the vibes are so cool and fun to her and halloweens her favorite holiday and its nice and cold so she can wear her emotional support hoodie. its also when her chosen birthday (the day she ran away to like . be her own person and shit) is!! november 2nd!
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
other peoples perception of her is pretty spot on theyre like “why is this evil feral child living in this diner hello” and fried eggs like “hi im an evil feral child and i live in a diner”
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Insomnia // Hwang Hyunjin [bulleted scenario!]
Summary: In which you and Hyunjin are both too oblivious to realize your true feelings... until it’s too late? 
Genre: angsty, floooof, gender neutral 
Word Count: 2175
Warnings: Just some cursing 
A/N: This is my first time writing a bulleted scenario and i quite enjoyed it :) idk it’s fun to not care about settings too much and punctuation and stuff. I also liked adding my own little dumb remarks here are there :PP it was fuN! This was another scenario that kinda arose while i was napping i hope you guys enjoy it! <3 i love stray kids 
i’m also gonna try to make all my scenarios gender neutral from now on (unless specifically requested) b/c we are all about inclusivity here !! :)
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This was originally gonna be like a real fic
But the writers block was REAL like i really tried to set the scene and everything
But it didn’t turn out right
And i really wanted to get this one out so HERE WE ARE TRYING THE BULLETED SCENARIO OKAY YAY LETS BEGIN!
Trainee au!! Kinda :D
Like skz didnt go through the survival show yet
Ok so SEtting thE SCeNe~~~~
You just walked into the jyp building bc jyp hired you as a new producer
Like to study under him and potentially help w producing in the future
Like jyp 2.0 ya know
Jyp meets w you himself bc you’re like a prodigy
And a foreigner so he thought you’d be more comfortable w him speaking toyou in english :D
So he explained what you gotta do during your training period
Like studying more about composition and production
Learning korean to more easily communicate w idols and what not
And also honing your own style and figuring out who you are as an artist
So he pairs you up w the trainees bc it be good practice
More specifically skz bc they seem to have a more flexible style
Also like he thought it would be good for you to work w chan and the rest of 3racha
Like bc yall around the same age
And it helps you become more comfy
And familiar w the company and the producing rooms and recording studios and what no
And then like
Through working w them to produce a song for the trainee showcase
Yall get mad close
And like
You have your eyes on hyunjin from the start
Like bc who couldn’t
Gorgeous boy
At first you were just like “this is admiration”
“He very handsome i just admire his features”
And maybe it was..
At first
Now it's a full blown crush
For real
That boy is so hard working
Like you constantly see him asking for help
So he can improve
And like
People always said he was a visual only
Which made you feel bad that you saw that at first 
But you realized later
That like
You actually like him bc of his personality
What a hard worker 
For real
Little did you know that your crush was NOT one sided
Hyunjin admired your hard work in producing
And how you always took criticism well and only worked to improve your work
He thought you were hella cute
So yall were both kinda obvious
Him more than you
Like by a loT
So skz knew for a fact that hyunjin was head over heels in love w you so they pushed him to confess to you
Yeah he was like no
But after PEEr pRessUre
He finally agreed
They was gonna plan something like a party for you
To celebrate the time you’ve been w the company
But the showcase came before the celebration and suddenly they were on a survival show to see who would debut
So the party was postponed OOOODDDDD
But you didnt even know it was gonna happen so you didnt mind anyways
Soon enough it got closer to your birthday, and skz just decided to make it a birthday celebration instead
Hyunjin was more iffy about confessing bc what if you dont feel the same and he ruins your bday oh no
But at this point, skz was sure you liked him back so they were like dont worry about that they aren’t like that your relationship will be fine
So the party happens ladida
You were super surprised and sosososososo happy
Bc like
Your hart
These boys were precious and totally made your day
Tbh bc of your work
You almost forgot it was your birthday
After the crazy loud party, you wanted to like take some quiet time for yourself so you excused yourself
And then walked to the hallway and sat by the window and looked out at the city and the night sky
And suddenly you heard footsteps
It was this boy named jason who you were friends with
He was from the same town you were from so you got close p quickly when you first got to jyp
And jason had a not-so-secret crush on you
That ofc you were oblivious to
But he came over there to spend time w you and wish you happy bday
Little did you know
Hyunijn was mentally preparing himself to confess to you down the hall and around the corner w a pretty bouquet of flowers what a sweet boy
And when he finally works up the courage, he turns the corner and sees jason giving you a bday hug 
And he cant help but feel his hart drop
Yall look good together and like you were from the same town so similarities
So he was heartbroken needless to say
 He quickly turned around and walked away
But you heard the footsteps and saw just a glance of his outfit retreating
You excused yourself from jason’s company and ran after him bc you are so in love w this boy
You were gonna hug him and thank him, but when you approached he took a step back
Like ow
That hurt
He quickly stammered that he had to go home bc he was tired and left
He was hiding the flowers behind his back :’(
And then tossed them as soon as he left the building
He went for a long ass walk to clear his mind and soothe his aching heart
You were so worried
Was he okay?
You went home soon after bc you couldnt help but worry and that made you super tired
But you couldn't sleep
Goddamn it hyunjin
You messaged him
“you’re prob sleeping but i hope you feel better”
Dry ass reply: “thx”
Like wow
But you let it go
jic he was actually really exhausted
You knew he took criticism from the show too so maybe it was that
Hopefully he’d talk to you about it bc he usually did
But he didn't
He avoided you
Your heart really couldnt take it
Meanwhile you and jason got closer bc you didnt have hyunjin to hang out w anymore
Despite your many efforts
And this just further fuels his belief that yall are together
So to ignore the tinge in his heart every time he saw you, he buried himself in practice
Didn't sleep
Didnt drink enough water
Didnt eat enough
He was getting dangerously skinny and unhealthy
And it affected his attitude
Not only to you but to his members
One day you were asked to come in and monitor a recording session
And he was happy and giggly in front of the camera
But as soon as it turned off u could see the fatigue
And you told him that he should take better care of himself
And he SNAPPEd at you
 You actually flinched bc he was so aggressive
Your heart SHATTEREd
And you, also sleep deprived as FUCk
Slapped him
Not super hard, but like a “what the fuck is wrong with you”
And you walked right out, not even bothering to hide your tears
And he was sad but he thought that you hating him would help him get over you
What a dumb boy
You completely avoided him after that
You also still had restless nights 
God that convo kept playing over and over in your head
But one day you got a call from chan
He needed your help
Hyunjin was seriously overworking himself and he was afraid hyunjin was gonna collapse
Luckily you were still at the company working on smth bc ofc you couldn't sleep anyways so might as well make use of your time
So you finally agree bc even if you’re still angry at him, you are srsly worried about this boy
And when you get to the dance room your heart breaks all over again
Hes so pale
And sickly looking
And hes shaking but hes still dancing
You knock and hear a gruff “its open”
The music pauses for a moment but when he sees its you he scoffs and turns it back on
“what do you want”
“Uhm.. are you okay?”
“Why? You wanna slap me again to make me feel better?”
Ofc you rolled your eyes bc wtf hyunjin you were being nice
“I dont even know why i bothered”
You go over to the stereo and turn it off yourself
And he turns to you angry
At this point, you’re practically sobbing like udk if he can understand you but who cares
All this frustration that was pent up inside felt good being released
Bc at this point, you had nothing more to lose
Hyunjin already hated you so like why not just speak your mind amirite
 Anyways continuing w the dialogue:
Cue awkward pause/break thing (AWKwARD SiLEncE)
“What are you talking about hyunjin?”
He sighed defeatedly
It was now or never. He felt like his relationship w you was ruined already anyways
So he, like you, also had a ‘what do i have to lose’ mentality
“I was going to confess to you y/n. That night at your birthday party. But i was too late. I saw you with jason and you looked so happy and perfect together.  So i left. I cut my ties with you because i didn’t want my own feelings to get in the way of your happiness.”
You were completely utterly speechless
Like there were an overwhelming number of feelings enveloping you atm
Bc on the one hand:
The love of your life just confessed to you
But on the other
What a dumbass
You end up laughing and scoffing at his words bc
Hes so dumb
You dont like jason
God you’ve been in love w hyunjin for so goddamn long
And now you’re debating over how to respond
But like your anger and frustration kinda takes precedence bc youre also sleep deprived and you go
“ so, you broke your own heart and then you broke mine because you didn’t want to talk to me about it you dumbass ????”
And he gives you that classic confused puppy-dog look
W the head tilt and everything
And you go
“Hwang hyunjin, i’m fucking in love with you”
And he just stares blankly at you and blinks like 8 times trying to comprehend what just came out of your mouth
And his lips form an ‘o’ shape
And then hes coming closer and wrapping his arms around you
And you dont even mind that hes still sweaty and kinda smelly
Bc hes finally in your arms
But holding him so close also makes you super aware of just how skinny he’s gotten
Like it was worse than you thought
So you pull back and you open your mouth to chastise him
But before you can even start he’s cupping your cheeks can pulling your face to his
Your lips collide and then they're molding into one another
And your mind kinda blanks out
But your automatic reaction seems to be letting your fingers run through his hair and pulling him closer towards you
And when yall finally come up for breath
He tries to go in for another one like immediately after
Like slow your roll boy you guys can kiss all you want later
If you said that out loud, he wouldve responded w something like “we gotta make up for lost time”
But you put your hands on his chest and hold him back
And he pouts
(you almost squeal at how cute he looks)
“Ok, now that we’re dating, i am literally commanding you to take better care of yourself because this,” you eye him up and down, “is unacceptable”
And he quirks an eyebrow up and is like
Oh? I don’t recall asking you out? On a date?”
And you get all blushing and become a blubbering mess and hide your face in his chest like
“Shut up hyunjin”
But he’s just giggling at your embarrassed face :D
Then, him being the dramatic hoe that he is, he gets down on one knee in front of you and says
“y/n, y/l/n, will you go out on a date with me?”
And ofc u say yes
And after that whole dramatic scene, you pull him out of the practice room, fingers intertwined, ready to stuff him with food
And he goes
“I dont think i said it back.”
“Said what back?”
“That i love you”
And the rest is history
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He’s a Sin
Word Count: approx. 270 :)
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
A/N: this was a WIP from soooo long ago that i just found and decided to rework into a drabble :)))
Warning(s): Cursing, Billy Hargrove is an actual sin, talk about Satan (idk if that counts lmao jic)
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You were taking a dance with the devil and you knew it. In your case, horns and a tail were a mullet and a cocky smirk. Billy Hargrove was a tempting sin for sure. He radiated rebellion and sex like no other, and when he stole the crown from Steve Harrington so boldly, it only fueled his ego. And so, Billy Hargrove became king, with Hawkins as his kingdom. With his reputation strong, and cologne even stronger, he piqued your interest. Apparently, you’d also piqued his.
At first, you’d only glance. Then, he started to glance back. Inside his baby blue orbs, you found adventure. But little did you know, they were filled with oceans that had waves crashing with enough trouble to last a lifetime.
You were in your last class of the day, counting down the seconds of the clock as the teacher droned on in monotone. The weekend was a minute away, and your bored expression couldn’t be helped. So, you looked to your greatest distraction. The keg king himself. As your eyes shifted to him, you were more than surprised to see that he was already looking at you.
When you met eyes, that signature smirk crept across his face. His tongue slid across his lower lip, and he smiled. It was obvious he was trying to fluster you and grasp your attention, but doing that would lead to much more, you knew.
Dancing with the devil took two to commit to the dirty work, and you weren’t one to adapt to sin so easily- as tempting as it may be. Even though this was true, he was making it damn hard. The bell rang. And you were left on the edge of your seat. Goddamn you, Billy Hargrove.
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A/N: I really wanted to put something out, no matter how short it was. So maybe you can enjoy this WIP I've reworked into a drabble. :)
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