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twentythousandvolts · 5 months ago
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lisondraws · 6 months ago
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saw the new video, just uh blacked out and this happened
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
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idec anymore. sending this out into the wild
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spongebob-connoisseur · 3 months ago
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Nosferatu watching Nosferatu 2024
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bdoubleowo · 1 year ago
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everywhere i go i see his face
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sanji-outfit-tourney · 3 months ago
Best Sanji Colour Spread Outfit Part 4 Round 1
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royalarchivist · 4 months ago
Pac: You know Ramon, maybe one day you can start doing farms here? I would appreciate it! And I can pay you in chocolates and diamonds, you know?
Ramon: pay me by marrying my dad
Fit: No, hey– [Stammers] Ramon! Ramon!
Bagi: YES!!! Yes, Ramon, yes!
Pac: [Laughs] Nooo, Ramon! You got me- you got me right on the spot!. Dammit! Ok... I will consider! I will consider. [...] Let's make a deal: I will do that when you become a dragon. 😉
Ramon: 😑
Fit: [Laughs] Yeah, when you become a dragon, Ramon! That sounds good to me!
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: Yeah, Ramon knows about Create. You know Ramon, maybe one day you can start doing farms here? I would appreciate it! And I can pay you in chocolates and diamonds, you know?
[Fit and Bagi laugh]
Fit: That's a good reward, yeah!
Bagi: Chocolate and diamonds!
Pac: Yeah [Laughs]
Ramon: pay me by marrying my dad
Fit: No, hey– [Stammers] Ramon! Ramon!
Pac: "Pay me by marrying my dad"? Oh– [Stammers] Ramon! Ramon! Ramon!
Bagi: YES!!! Yes, Ramon, yes!
Fit: [Fit uses his chainsaw to break the sign and accidentally hits Ramon] Oh, sorry– I was trying to break the sign, I'm sorry, Ramon.
Pac: Ramon! [He does the "falls to pieces" emote]
Fit: Baby steps, Ramon! Baby steps!
Pac: Baby st– Ramon, remember–
Bagi: Yes, Ramon, yes!
Pac: [Laughs] Nooo, Ramon! You got me- you got me right on the spot!
Fit: [Laughs]
Pac: I'm gon– props- props on you, you know? It was a good– yeah. Dammit! Ok... I will consider! I will consider.
Ramon: [Nods repeatedly]
Fit: Yeah, you can't rush these things Ramon, you know? Like, it's- it's– You know? I mean– plus, you know, w– we got our own things we're working through!
Pac: [Leaning into the mic] You can't rush on love.
Fit: Yeah, exactly! Like– yeah. You know? We're working on ourselves. Yeah.
Pac: Yeah.
Fit: [Weakly] Yeah...
Ramon: [Spins in a circle wildly]
Pac: Baby steps!
Fit: Baby steps, baby steps.
Pac: One day– ok, let's make a deal: I will do that when you become a dragon.
Ramon: [Stares at the ground, resigned]
[Pac and Fit both laugh]
Fit: Oh yeah– Yeah, when you become a dragon, Ramon! That sounds good to me!
Ramon: [Tosses a potion of swiftness on them]
Pac: Woooo! Baby steps no more– I'm just kidding.
Fit: [Laughs]
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leniviypelmen · 3 months ago
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nothing else could explain whatever she goes through
original tweet
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COMIC IDEA i have had in my head for one million years....morph catches on to sol's feelings for sammy pretty quickly. because you know. of course she does.
howeverrr, she does NOT know sol is also jane, so. it's a pretty superficial crush in her eyes. a lot of heroes have a civilian or two they enjoy saving a liiiittle bit more than others, right? which makes it excellent cannon fodder for her to mess around with sol with. the BEEFERS!! woulddd morph back off if she knew the extent of sol's relationship with sammy...? HMMM who knows.... 🤭 though, well. it'd probably help if sol stopped being so deep in denial herself. maybe morph is justified to terrorize her about it to some extent. sigh, these two...
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arc852 · 3 months ago
Gosh, I have no idea how I'm going to put this into words but I'm gonna try my best.
I have a lot of feelings about Jimmy's canary status and such.
For four seasons he has been the first out, he's the canary. He signals the start of the end and for four seasons that was very true. And Jimmy hated it. He hated being out first everytime. Everyone around him either pitied him or made fun of him for being out first and Jimmy started to hate himself for how bad he was at the game.
And then came Secret Life.
As we all know, he wasn't the first out. And he was ecstatic. Even after dying second not ten minutes later, he cared more about the fact that he wasn't out first. He claimed the curse was broken and now we continue to see this into Wild Life.
Now, where am I going with this?
I think the Watchers are doing this on purpose.
There has always been something about Jimmy that the Watchers have clung on to. And up until this point, I thought the Watchers despised him. I mean, being the one cursed to always be out first, to be the one that warns your friends of their deaths, that's not fun. That's straight up torture.
But now, I don't think they despise him. I think they see to use him.
Think about it! The Watchers, for four seasons, have pummeled Jimmy's self confidence into the ground. Has made everyone see him as a loser. He started getting hopeless, started feeling like nothing was ever going to change.
And then it did change, in Secret Life, and he wasn't out first. Now, being out second is really not any better but it wasn't about that. Jimmy was starting to feel like, maybe he could actually do this! Maybe he could even win.
And then session 3 of Wild Life happened.
The Watchers did this on purpose. They gave him hope by not being out first in Secret Life and then let things get crazy in session 3 of Wild Life for Jimmy. Jimmy had it pretty bad in session 3 and I know a lot of us didn't have a lot of hope for him after that. Of course, session 4 went a different way than we were all expecting but again, that kind of plays into things.
The Watchers have torn Jimmy down, given him a little hope, and then tore him down again. And they did this to get Jimmy right where they wanted him.
Because Jimmy, before session 5, prayed to the Watchers. He asked them, begged them to please not let him be out first. To please let the canary curse well and truly die.
And they answered.
And Jimmy wasn't out first.
And now Jimmy is putty in their hands.
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sugajimin · 1 year ago
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some yoongi gifs until he comes back home (1/?)
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murasaki-cha · 4 months ago
Tcf part 2 chapter 375
'Those damn bastards.'
In Sohee's eyes, all the wanderers were annoying.
*loud offended gasp* I don't care about the other wanderers but how DARE you insult my little baby most perfect angel Choi Jung Soo!?!?
He has literally done anything wrong ever in his life!!!
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niko-jpeg · 2 months ago
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A bunch of misc Slipper/Sonipper stuff I’ve been collecting. Lots of practice stuff. Come get your food
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fourswords · 7 months ago
to be quite honest shadow's characterization in the fsa manga was always something that raised more questions than answers for me because it's like. he's got a mile-wide inferiority complex about being link's shadow we all know this but when did he have the time to develop that inferiority complex in the first place. how long was he lurking around after ganon created him before the events of the manga actually started. what did he witness or hear or both to make him so fucking angry
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solazu1 · 2 months ago
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leopardom · 6 months ago
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