every kiss is a door.
34 posts
love so soft, you ain't had nothing softer. break it then you buy it and it sure gonna cost ya. love so soft that you can't rub off you gon' love it if you try it, got you hooked now you caught up.
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
& — “ Well, let’s see – the first reason is, I don’t want to, and the second one – I’m not going! ” the male snorted, thought it seemed to be loud enough to attract the attention of many around them even with the music booming through the speakers of the club. Leaning back against the velvety couch, New York’s golden boy shut his eyes in annoyance, perhaps due to all the alcohol he had in his system or simply the person that has been way too persistent for his liking. 
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Luca’s eyes are instantly rolling at the male’s words, having to resist the urge to say what was on the very tip of her tongue. “I’m all for not doing things that people tell me to, but here’s the thing -- get your ass up!” The blonde folds her arms across her chest as she stares the other down for a moment, but even that’s not working. “Come on, just get your ass up and come with me! It won’t take but five minutes out of whatever it is that you’re doing -- which appears to be nothing.”
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
* *・ ♔ — ❛ your loss, sweetheart. ❜ he nodded, placing it back on the silver platter that laid on a cart draped in a white cover, his eyebrows raising in her direction with an oh well sort of look speaking for his chiseled facial features.  ❛ a plate of french toast is definitely inferior to bacon and an offer made by me, but i’ve GOT to ask  — what are you doing here ? not that i’m complaining, it’s more money in my pockets, but you looked like you had… nice time too, the MAGICAL things that happen when you step through those doors of the valmont, right ? ❜
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‘ i don’t think i’m missing out on much, ’ luca says with ease, shoulder leaning against the door frame. her eyebrow is arched ever so slightly, and there’s a look of amusement on her face. ‘ in YOUR world it might be, but i’m more of a sweet than savory kind of person to begin with. and if you must know, i’m simply... enjoying my YOUTH, doing the things that feminist bloggers like to say a woman can do just as much as a man, but WITHOUT ridicule. i won’t deny that it was a nice time -- especially when i woke up alone and on my own accord. i suppose, but i believe that things might have been just as magical had i gone to the four seasons instead. ’
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, whose misadventured piteous overthrows doth, with their death, bury their parents’ strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love and the continuance of their parents’ rage, which, but their children’s end, naught could remove, is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage.
Romeo + Juliet (1996), dir. Baz Luhrmann
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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         venti pike sitting in the dead center of the table he was currently sat at, the artist made an attempt to wipe sleep from his eyes, the lines drawn out on his tablet seeming to all blur together as exhaustion took hold. sleep was a foreign concept to brennan, and caffeine was his lifeblood. a long-winded sigh slowly drifted past his lips, hardly even noticing when someone approached. “hm? what?” he muttered, brow creasing as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “oh, hey. sorry, i’m fuckin’…” a yawn cut off the thought, hoping that would be enough of an explanation.
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      balancing textbooks and a somewhat consistent sleeping schedule has come to a halt thankfully for the next couple of weeks due to the ensuing holidays. unfortunately though, she still has to make her way to fifth avenue three times out of the week for her internship, which ends just before christmas. she’s on break, and in desperate need of caffeine and something sweet, so luca orders herself a cinnamon bun and her usual white chocolate mocha when she spots a familiar face. “it’s alright,” she shrugs off her ignored greeting, tucking her hands into the pockets of her burberry coat. “you appear as though you’re in need of coffee and two days worth of sleep. what are you working on?” she asks, motioning towards the tablet in front of him.
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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NOW    he is ,     it’s a honeyed - lit chirping ,   honey that slips from his tongue - sticky  &   saccharine  ,   rippling wrinkles along soft cheekbones .   it rumbles within rib cages as a hand curls about your shoulder ,    supporting his weight as an arm presses to his abdomen  ,    bent torso faces to floor as a    stream of laughter   flows as carefree  &    feathery as the boy who’s held it captive .  “  well  …  that’s  –   that’s not my fault  -   you even did the little … the little  dance thing .  ”
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her own laughter bubbles & spills from its confides as the other does so as well, cheeks ROSY & burning. bluish-green eyes sparkle with delight & benevolence, a tiny hand lying against her own abdomen as she’s consumed by laughter. she CALMS herself, head shaking lightly as she begins to speak. “ oh, the little dance thing ? ” the blonde teases incredulously. “ did you mean this ? ” she moves into the motion of the mashed potato, legs kicking a bit as to not bring ATTENTION to themselves. 
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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“  i wasn’t  JUDGING   …   i was just   …   ”      beaming     rays of sunlight streaming through ivory teeth   betray    his cushioned words   &    wrinkles form along baby - blue’s  -  they seem to smile all on their own .   “  okay ,    maybe there was   a little judgement …     that doesn’t mean it’s   BAD   ,   you know ?   just …  unexpected .  ” 
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“ it FEELS like you’re judging & you’re laughing ! ” laughter drips like honey from pink petals, a wide grin overtaking saccharine features. hands tuck into the pockets of her alexander mcqueen pants as she grins, laughter dying down. “ i suppose that’s FAIR. i just wasn’t expecting that sort of reaction. thank you for being HONEST. ” 
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
“doesn’t it? it feels like just yesterday i was flying off to dubai. life really does change so dramatically in a year, does it? either way i’m just grateful to the lord for bringing me home.” she said, a sickly sweet smile on her face as she held her hand against her heart, letting out a soft sigh. “well i could buy my own, but that’s no fun.” she said, red painted lips pouting like a child’s. “It’s much more fun to have a pretty girl like you buy one for me.”
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“were you supposed to be pulling a serena van der whatever with that whole thing? disappear, come back, and continue your reign as queen bee of the upper east?” luca downs one of the shots in front of her, placing the empty glass off to the side as her attention focuses on seraphina. “you want to know what’s no fun? the fact that my buzz is already gone -- it’s a tragedy, really.” she exhales, downing another shot. “unfortunately, i’m not the type to get weak in the knees from a tiny compliment, so while it’s appreciated, you’re still going to have to get that drink on your own.”
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
“luca.” he repeated, voice slurred and tone sarcastically mocking the blonde before looking down at the photo he took of her. “you really don’t know how to pose, do you? what a waste of a pretty face.” he said with a sigh, carelessly pushing his camera aside on the bar counter top as he took another sip of his drink. “well, your voice is still annoying, so clearly i haven’t had enough to drink.”
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her eyes rolled slightly as she listened to the other, shaking her head. “well, i wasn’t prepared for said picture. what a waste of memory.” luca speaks with an equally sarcastic tone, thanking the bartender when they gave her the fresh drink. she shrugs at his quip, brushing her tongue over her lips. “by all means, then. drink until the world looks like a picasso.”
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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Wes tucked his hands in his pockets as he watched her pack her things. “You lost me at medical technologies, now I am completely and utterly intimidated by your smartness.” He tilted his head backward, “Shit, double majoring though? You love your father that much?” He joked.
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Luca threw her backpack over her shoulder, adjusting her jacket. “It’s a hard course, but it’s also an easy one -- it’s probably because I like business so much. Please. don’t be intimidated.” She chuckles, pushing her hair back. “Yeah, I do. I don’t even have to work with him, but it’s a personal preference. I just... want to get there without using my last name.”
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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Relieved that she hadn’t completely rejected his offer and crushed his ego even further, Wes continued on the conversation “Four hours? That’s harsh.” he sucked in his breath through gritted teeth. “What are you majoring in?” Wes asked tilting his head in curiosity.
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“Ah, the joys of taking an Investing in Medical Technologies course.” Luca begins to pack her things away, sliding off of the stool as she leaves her payment for the drinks she’d had underneath the empty glass. “Double majoring in International Business and Economics -- hoping to someday work with my dad.”
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
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“You’re a life saver,” He replied in a sing-song voice. At first, he had hesitated asking her to come along but for some reason, maybe it was the obvious presence of the textbook, she looked like she needed to take a break. “I’m Wes, well you can me Ira if you want, and uh If you’re not busy, do you want to come along? It’s on me.” Wes stuttered out, making sure to mentally call himself an idiot for doing so. 
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“Well, I try my best to be useful when I can be.” Luca chuckles lightly as her fingers come to a halt from tapping against the keyboard, turning away from her task at hand. She’s a little surprised when he extends the offer, but accepts nonetheless. “Luca, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve been at it for the last four hours and I’m sure someone else would like this seat. A burger and a milkshake wouldn’t hurt.”
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ofjourdans-blog · 7 years ago
✮ it had only been a few days since bianca was murdered and instead of accepting it and coping like a normal person, bradley was finding comfort at the bottom of a bottle. his body hasn’t left the bar stool he was sitting on for hours as he downed drink after drink, wanting nothing more than to be numb. head rolling to the side, hooded eyes met those of the person next to him as he lazily lifted the camera that sat around his neck, not bothering to focus it on his subject as he held it up to his eye crooked. “say cheese.” he slurred as he clicked the button, a bright flash going off.
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luca is nursing a mostly watered down drink, not really bothered with the idea of getting drunk. being able to grab a drink after a long day was always nice, and she’s thankful that she doesn’t have to deal with drunken idiots -- at least, she hasn’t had to deal with them yet. the bartender convinces her to get something that’s a little less mostly ice and she’s drying her hands off on one of the napkins when she hears someone shuffling about beside her. “bradley,” she says after the flash goes off, earning a couple of annoyed groans from a few of the patrons around them. “how much have you had to drink? not to be an asshole but you look like you’ve been hit by a bus.”
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