#<- tags ppl use apparently… cool
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zxmbigirlfriend · 4 months ago
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oh no! i have to saw (2004) my foot off!
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ascel-vibes · 2 years ago
aUGh- being dealt 10000 damage from a gen|der|bent poll i voted on....... *despair emote holding head in hands*
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mazzystar24 · 6 months ago
Hi, a 'BT' here! (Although I also happily ship buddie too because multishipping is so valid!) I come in peace and just looking for some discourse if that's okay? I saw the ask in regard to apparently BTs are saying that all the focus on rg means he's leaving? I haven't seen anyone say that on either side so a strange one huh!
But it was more your comments in terms of pushing for Tommy to replace Eddie as lead when Ravi is right there and I just wanna say I agree! And I have seen many bucktommy shippers including myself pushing for Ravi to be main cast. He absolutely should be and deserves it and is an absolute darling angel and I love what he brings to the whole dynamic!
My biggest hope for Tommy is for his to be recurring much like Karen! Speaking of, there's another character I'd love to be main cast and who I think is ahead of the queue in front of Tommy to be main cast. Heck I'd love if all of them got to be main cast but, as much as I love bucktommy, I definitely can see there's an order to who should be main cast and don't want any 'queue jumping'
One other thing I want to out out there as food for thought, is that on both sides I see a lot of discourse thrown out through anonymous asks of 'oh the bts are saying this' or 'the buddies said this ridiculous thing!' And something I would love both sides to seriously consider is... did they really? Or are there just a few people out there who feed on the chaos that it all brings and will send out anon asks that they know will increase this 'fandom war'and pretend they are kn the other side when doing so just to get a reaction and give ammunition to 'their' side to make it seem like one side is delusional and the other side isn't?
Tldr I just wish we all got along and stopped taking messages intended to stir up hate as gospel.
Peace and love
Glad you agree on the Ravi/ main thing front!
As you know I want tommy out already so no recurring hopes from me sorry 😔💔 ngl at first I was like hmm it can be interesting and I’m not opposed to exploring bt and their potential dynamic and maybe they can redeem him and make him likeable it’d be perfect (like my comparison was if they wrote him like Hannah from bones) but like buddie endgame but as eps went on both he and a section of the fandom became so insufferable to me that I’m like I don’t care about the potential juicy storylines I just want this man off my screen - but it’s totally cool if you like him and ship them it’s just not my cup of tea
For the other part I totally get what you mean and that may be the case like I totally agree that that is possible but I hear like so many things that happen in the bt fandom secondhand cos I’ve got so many of the toxic/annoying ones blocked (my block list is a mile long genuinely) and so many have me blocked too but usually stuff that my anons mention will be talked abt by more people in the fandom (like this is) or like there have been times where if I ask my anons for elaboration links ss etc and they are able to do so
That’s why half the time when I reply it’s more so like “damn didn’t know that if that is the case then xyz” you know? Or if I saw something I’ll mention it and be like oh yeah I saw xyz and this is my opinion on it or answer
Also like I’ve first hand seen things that are like 10x worse or more delusional than the “rg must be leaving and s8 lfj main” thing like no lie some of this stuff makes that seem tame in comparison so it’s like the chances they’ve said this are like HIGH
Genuinely I agree with you on that last point I do wish that this fandom was how it used to be and more peaceful but certain things I follow this kinda mental rule I’ve always had which is that I won’t respect a disrespectful opinion
Like from the very start of the discourse I’ve been very oh let ppl ship what they want and enjoy their fandom space and from the start I’ve encouraged proper tagging to help people do that and like even if you’re fully delusional abt your ship I fully respect that (not saying YOU are but I’m saying like let’s say one side is like yesss they are getting married in s8 and having a baby on the first episode I would genuinely just mentally be like woah that’s a bit delulu but love that for you and move on)
My only issue really has been where people from the bt fandom (not saying they are the only ones who do this but I’m saying personally speaking it’s what I see and what I experience also not saying it’s all the bt fans and I do try to say that as much as possible) being disrespectful whether this be through being racist, being ableist or rude to the buddie fans just to boost their ship
Like I’m so not against hating stuff like seriously idc hate whatever you want rant about it and make twenty posts and make so many jokes but when you’re being disrespectful or when it crosses certain bounds it’s like you’re a piece of shit
Anyways I got carried away but thanks for being so nice and respectful in your ask ��
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ponkydraws · 3 months ago
give hate abt proshippers in proship tag and when ppl reply w valid arguments u keep saying over and over yr not capable of distinguishing fiction from reality and its kind of embarrassing all while providing no real evidence to any irl harm it can cause. its incredibly sad scrolling down like no amount at all and seeing u cut off a friend over this. idgaf abt how yr life goes i just hope u actually like think for a second instead of harassment over a kneejerk disgust reaction
Okay that’s a lengthy ask. First of all, I deleted the goddamn post so it shouldn’t even be there anymore. I’m not tryna backtrack or anything I just don’t want to continue this meaningless debate about something everyone involved has already made their mind up about. Secondly - you are on my TUMBLR. My tumblr is but a speck of dust of the contents of my life, you do not KNOW who this friend of mine is or what they are like. You do not know the previous events or the things that led up to me cutting them out of my life.
Not that I owe anyone an explanation about my relationships but trust me when I say the proshipping wasn’t the only reason, it was the final straw. And even if it wasn’t, not being cool with someone in your life gushing over fictional incest is not an invalid reason to drop them. If you’re allowed to ship what you ship, we’re also allowed to not want any part of it.
And the only “valid argument” I’ve received in my comments is “but it’s not hurting anybody since it’s fictional” which I addressed in the original post before people even wrote that. Fiction DOES affect reality and humans have always been affected by what is presented to them, be it art or television or whatever, but it’s obviously not as literal as saying that watching Godzilla means there’s a giant monster walking around destroying cities in our world.
If you want an example of fiction affecting reality, do some research on PROPAGANDA and how the regime in Germany during the 1940s used fiction to make their population compliant and to indoctrinate the youth. This is obviously an extreme example but it’s a pretty important one if we want to understand how stupid human beings are and how easily our monkey brains are convinced.
Now, I’m going to be really honest here and say that I am genuinely not used to the tumblr tagging system and did not realize using the proshipper tag would cause such a reaction, it wasn’t meant to and I did delete that hashtag from the post pretty quickly.
I am very capable of distinguishing fiction from reality but studies have been done that say that your attraction to fictional characters works the same as your attraction to real people - therefore your reaction to fiction in a lot of cases reflects how your brain reacts to certain things in general. The brain processes it the same, but i’d like to be directed to where I apparently said that fiction is the SAME as reality, because that seems like a misquote of what I did say.
One example of actual harm it could do is influencing children who are on the internet and end up seeing these things and thinking it’s okay. Young people are very impressionable and if this is a child in an abusive environment, these depictions of abusive relationships in a glamorized light could serve to further reinforce the child’s beliefs that this is OKAY.
Ok I’m done. Leave me alone about this now, please.
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xumoonhao · 1 year ago
i was tagged by @onedirecton to tag 10 ppl i want to get to know better and make a few questions :3 hehe, thank you sm alice :3
favourite colour: purple, hehe :3 alice i love that we have the same fav colour 💜💜💜 favourite food: ahhhh, i love most things!!! i do have a soft spot for soups and stews tho like they are so so wonderful……… mutuals pls gather round im giving you all a bowl of w/e soup or stew you like rn 🍲 song stuck in my head: babaero by randy santiago!!! its been stuck in my head since i first listened to it like it really is just so good, god… funky city pop music is really everything to me!!!!!!!! absolute best genre of music ever <<<333 i give it one thousand million hearts <- this was my last obsession bc i wrote all these answers down like. a week ago and forgot to post it so now the song stuck in my head is dagundong by alamat :3 its so good btw~! last long i listened to: hala by alamat!!! spotify did the only good thing its ever done by reintroducing me to alamat again like they are So Good oh my god...highly recommend their music!!! the way they work Filipino history into their videos and songs is soooooooo beautiful omg..... dream trip: hhhhhh i want to go to SO many places but my absolute DREAM is japan!!! id love to check out tokyo bc its so not like where i grew up - a bustling metropolis is what i want to live in like literally get me outta my small town this is not the place for meeeeee 😭 - but nara….the deer there……….god i need to go so BAD and i also just want to go to a cherry blossom festival once like pls…pls :( other than tho id LOVE to visit the great bear rainforest!!! like it just looks so so beautiful and its really not too far from me omg……. last tv show/movie: im currently watching the cherry magic anime (it is so good and so cute omg i forgot how much i enjoy the story….) and rewatching kyou kara maoh which is really and truly such a beloved anime To Me like its absolutely ridiculous god i love it sm!!! and i dont remember the last movie i watched?? i Think it was skinamarink but i could be wrong bc i watched that early last year and surely ive seen a movie since then…? but also maybe not bc i truly do only watch like 1 movie a year 😭 <- also update to this bc i watched sweet home a couple days ago!!! it was quite good and i really enjoyed the practical effects in it :3 older horror movies really have such a beloved place in my heart ahhh...also in writing this i remember i watched The Thing after skinamarink...i. only watched horror movies apparently spicy/sweet/savory: SPICY 🌶️🌶️🌶️ i do like all these things but if i had to choose id def go spicy over either of these!!! i do like spicy + sweet tho like omg one time i had spicy chocolate frozen yogurt and it was sooooooo good !!! idk what was used to make it spicy but i Adored it wahhhh~
also!!! in your lil tag game it said to make a few cool questions so i will make some <<<333
If you could be any animal, would you choose to be a domesticated animal or a wild one? Domesticated can extend to a wild animal that has been individually raised in a home, i.e., someone raising a raccoon a pet.
What is your favourite medium of creation? If you don't really engage in making things, pick whatever you're most interested in trying :3 And by medium I mean everything from drawing or making music or writing…anything creative!
What is/are your favourite(s) combination of colours?
Imagine your perfect summer day; what does it look like? Give as much description as you want :3
What is your favourite celestial object?
now, ill tag @grlfriends, @kwonhochi, @vampirebiter, @wonhosgrl, @librapropaganda, @honeydewtual, @heartual, @10281, @taengoo, @morgoth, @bixiaoshi, @ghostfeather, @ashmp3, @lovenee, @earlymay, @anglerfishare1inchto3feetlong, and @huiven!!! only if you want, ofc :3 and i know it said only 10 ppl but you see. i lost count while tagging ......... but thats fine <3
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animentality · 1 year ago
So I’ve been scrolling through the Durgetash tag and wtf.
First I’m fcking heartbroken that my Durge will not experience the moment of finding the letter/s to Franc in it’s original form or at all(?)
And THEN I FIND queerphobic posts and insane comments about Gortash “definitely not” being queer or “just having had a “business relationship” with Durge..? Even tho there’s enough evidence✨
Now… remember when we all adored Astarion and then more and more ppl started joining the tags, groups whatever and now it’s a whole toxic mess that you cannot scroll thru without getting a headache? (It’s sad the magic of it all is kinda dare I say gone.. I just look at it/him idk different, involuntarily at that, but I’m glad that Durgetash is giving all that back in insane amounts that let’s my adhd feet kick in dopamine fully-sated energy *incoherent babbling*)
I think the same is (bhaal forbid) maybe swapping over to Durgetash and I’m scared … cuz this, here… what y’all create! (art, hc’s, stories & just fun post’s overall) is so fxking special and so lovely🌷
And I really fxing hope that the ppl at bg3/larian have a REALLY good reason to *cough cough* meddle in each other’s I MEAN OUR affairs, when we already barely have anything, WHAT WAS THE REASON– just why, there’s enough bugs and crashes or other stuff that needs tending WHY TAKE AWAY?!
Good day and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and without sugarcoating anything ❤️
I hope a build-a-bear lil dragon or whatever appears outta nowhere for you, that says stuff when you squeeze too hard (just like Durge–) like “ah my favorite bhaalspawn/ my favorite assassin” :)
First off, I hear that some people still see the letter, and others do not. Apparently, it's SUPPOSED to have replaced it, but some people just have computers that are built different, I guess. So you might possibly see it. Not sure.
As for if toxicity is spilling into the Durgetash fandom...maybe? I don't know. We were all pretty civil. I admit, I lost my cool for a minute there, but to be FAIR TO ME, I have not STARTED anything with anyone in literal years.
This was someone sending ME a reply that really pissed me off with its biphobia, like, absolutely ticked me off in one foul swoop.
But for the most part, it's not THAT Combative. But this note changing HAS divided people quite a bit.
So I don't know.. I want to believe durgetash and gortash love are still not mainstream enough to maintain the levels of toxicity that astarion fans seem to cultivate like horticulture.
We'll see.
As for why they changed it...I don't know?
Really seems odd. Maybe they didn't like the tone of it.
Truthfully, as much as I love that note for just being so out of pocket and weird, I admit it's more in character for Gortie to be a more serious guy...but honestly?
It's the fucking game's fault that they made Gortash a boring villain. They FORCED us to cling to his every note. To read more into his interactions with the Dark Urge.
To love that one iconic letter from him.
So they can't walk back on their weirdness....unless....they're planning on....expanding his role....
We'll see on that too.
Anyway. Thanks for the ask and glad I can entertain! By being an asshole! And a lunatic!
I NEED a Gortash plushie to keep my Dark Urge company!!!
If anyone knows where I can get one, I need that ASK or DM.
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mell0bee · 11 months ago
tagged by @candiedjellybean thank u dude!!! im p sure ive done this tag sometime last year so will be interesting to see if my answers have changed
Are you named after anyone? unfortunately, st. brigid of ireland, but also apparently it's a name thats been in my dad's side of the family too? either way my parents knew of the name due to irish catholic reasons. yipee! though im cool with it bc st. brigid used to be the goddess brigid from irish myth, and also both of them were badasses <3
When was the last time you cried? .....genuinely i think the last time i cried was in like. early march when i watched the holdovers? i think? taking a break from college has greatly decreased the frequency at which i cry lmao
Do you have kids? no sir
Do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess yes? probably about as much as the average person (this is not sarcasm)
What sports do you play? i do not play any currently (though i probs should. i am built like a twig and a strong wind will knock me over.) but as a kid i used to play soccer which i hated and was god awful at and softball which i liked more but i was also god awful at and mostly spent my time hitting foul balls and playing with the grass in right field. but it was fun!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? uhhhhhh. uh?????? if they're wearing a cool outfit or have cool hair or smth? idk man. i guess i dont rlly think abt it?
What’s your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? uh. both? am p sure my tolerance for horror is a lot higher than most people and im always down for a tragedy but i also like happy endings too. though from a writing perspective happy endings are significantly easier to pull off than sad ones (& more common. hero's journey and all that).
Any special talents? uhhhhh im double jointed in my thumbs. also i can put my foot behind my head. is that a talent? im also working on my sudoku time, i think my lowest time for master difficulty is around 6 mins 30 seconds? which is uh. above average?? i think???
Where were you born? idk apparently they cloned me in a lab somewhere
What are your hobbies? lately playing a lot of video games, writing (mostly fanfic), art stuff (mostly drawing but am learning how to use watercolor), uhhhh.... ttrpgs but i havent gotten to play in a while sadly
Do you have any pets? dog!!!!!
How tall are you? 5'3
Favourite subject in school? science
Dream job? ahahahah funny you should ask that, i say, having been doubting my choices in career aspirations and my post-undergrad 5-year plan that i've had since high school for the past 7 months, (please send help. but. for a serious answer. i think i still want to do science research? just maybe in a softer science like psych even tho my undergrad is bio & neuro???? idk. unsure.)
tagging uhhhhhhh candiedjellybean already tagged most of the ppl i usually tag sooo @halflingkima ? i think i tagged u last time too lol. & anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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nessea · 10 months ago
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hi i'm nessie!! you can also call me ness or nessa or nessea or anything else involving the lake monster/earthbound character - multifandom fanartist - queer, she/they - primary fandom currently is gorillaz - other fandoms: disco elysium, pikmin, splatoon, tf2 - feel free to dm me - also feel free to send me asks about anything. art requests are also cool, but its not guaranteed i'll do em - my pikmin/art only sideblog (that i don't use anymore) is @louiefrompikmin - my art tag is #nessie.art TERFS + ZIONISTS ARE NOT WELCOME HERE
also apparently it's a thing where ppl think you're not allowed to follow them unless you've interacted w/ them? uhh that's not the case feel free to follow me
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tf24t · 3 months ago
Pinned post or whatever
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Hiiiii my name is Ruby (and etc) but I’m fine with being called my blog name, I’m proud of it. Makes me giggle :) I am 18+ and so is this blog!!! I don’t plan to reblog a lot of suggestive content but I can if I want to, this is your one warning, I will not tag it. I will also reblog from blogs that are 18+ and/or nsft, keep that in mind!
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I’ve never really bothered having a well put-together blog before, I’ve always just let it be an untagged (save for common triggers/content warnings) mess. But I love the tf2 fandom here on tumblr! I come from mlp this is like my cool older sibling of a fandom. We are brothers, so I’m trying to make this blog more inviting. Easier to peruse.
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I don’t typically bother with dnis since they don’t rlly work, except in the opposite way. But for the fact that it apparently needs to be said here; Do Not Interact If You Ship Spy And Scout. Will block you on sight. I am also going to repeat that this blog is 18+, do not interact if you're under 18. I will block you too.
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Anyway. If you have any questions for me at any time my ask box is always open I heart interaction, I’m most active on discord though but you’ll have to actually talk to my main (@rubysparx) for that. Also, here’s all my queer bullshit so you can know my pronouns and/or suddenly decide you don’t like me bc I’m just a little Too Weird. Idc !
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Tagging system under the cut ^_^!!
Characters; #spy #medic #scout #heavy #sniper #demo #soldier #engineer #pyro #the lot of em = all the mercs #miss pauling #the administrator #scout's ma #zhanna #tenth class = other ppl's ocs Ships; #sniperspy #scoutpyro #cesium = Pyro x Miss Pauling #zhannapauling #freedom fries = Soldier x Spy #engispy #heavymedic #helmet party = Soldier x Engineer #science party = Medic x Engineer #demosoldier #outback steakhouse = Sniper x Engineer #vanbulance = Sniper x Medic #short fuse = Engineer x Demo #scoutpauling #the lovers = Spy x scout's ma You won’t see a lot of speedingbullet here since I ship sniperspy so firmly, sorry! Content Warnings; Note; I probably don’t use these very well, if there’s a post on my blog you think needs one of these tags or another one- please let me know, I’ll maybe go through and try to add it. Reminder though I will not tag suggestive/nsft, sorry! #cw eyestrain #cw gore = also used for even small amounts of (realistic) blood #cw weed #cw flashing Misc; #mlp #emesis blue #text = used for all non art posts, including audios videos and memes #me text = my own original posts, whenever I get around to.. posting them.... #my art
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stunie · 7 months ago
zevie we have the same fav ice cream n froyo flavors ????!!!! :0:0:0
that’s so cool that they line up omg , NO ONE IK LIKES PLAIN TART LIKE THAT (also ppl are always 50/50 on liking mint chip bc it tastes like toothpaste apparently—)
AND YES ! i love your tags. i indeed read the ones on suki’s series, unhinged but o so v relatable and fun 😭😭
- if ygs went shopping tgt he would carry every single one of your bags even if ygs were at the mall all day long. if you got tired of walking he’d carry both you and the bags home !! bonus: he carries you to get ice cream (or froyo :>) and while he’s walking you home w you on his back you spoon feed him
WE DO. I LITERALLY GOT SOME TODAY and 3/4 of us got plain tart ?!?! i was under the impression everyone likes it!?! that is outrageous !! ALSO TOOTHPASTE GRR. IT DOES NOT. IF ANYONE’S TOOTHPASTE TASTES LIKE THAT THEN I WANT IT RN !!
OMFGGG u saw my tags on suki’s series im gonna fade away and fly into a cloud /lh 😭😭😭 OH i have never felt so strongly (/compliment) about a character wow
oh my gosh. i have to come back and write an actual thing for this. you ARE SO RIGHT 🐋 . he absolutely would. he doesn’t complain the entire time (he’s even pointing out stores u might like !! “oh! that one over there looks like fun, huh? you wanna check it out?”
“yeah? i knew you’d like it! looks like you got a lot of nice stuff.”
UGHHHHHHH. he is so absurdly strong did you watch that clip of him tossing sakura onto the pothos chair thing MSMSMS 😭 it would be no problem at ALL for him to carry someone on his back while holding all the bags !!! the feeding him while he walks is soooo . ume. sooo insanely ume. he’s going “mmm!” with each bite and has the biggest smile the entire way back sigh …
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iatrophilosophos · 4 months ago
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(Lmk if you don't want me screenshotting ur tags/saying this next to it i just think this part is important. All future "you"s in this post are @ a general hypothetical reader, not @ you previous poster specifically.)
Neuroleptics is a huge frog boil. I think for a lot of ppl there is a wave of initial relief with the prescription cuz like, most people do get on these meds when they're feeling super fucked up & i think there is a ton of value in the like, neurological shake up to get into a different bodymind frame and start functioning different. And then, for me and a lot of ppl I've talked to, there's the numbness but there can also be 0 emotional memory: i.e. when i was on neuroleptic medication, every feeling was the *only* feeling i had ever felt. I had extreme lows in my daily life, at school, etc but in my nice quiet psychs office, I had nothing to report. Then, there's the fact that these medications cause withdrawals, plus feeling anything again can be super overwhelming. So you get the really classic loops and spirals/"unstable psycho behavior": hate ur meds, build up a bunch of antispsych thoughts, go off, don't process withdrawals well, get into a hole, get hospitalized or face pressure from family/friends/society at large, go back on, feel better for a little bit, start defending psychiatry really hard...rinse and repeat.
So! Alternatives and ~harm reduction~:
If you or someone you know decided you do want to take neuroleptic drugs, it's a really really good idea to set intentions to monitor side effects OUTSIDE of your relationship to your prescriber. Note when you feel like shit, note when you feel HAPPY, make a low effort chart with checkboxes for every day/incident, short form journal, long form journal, make a drawing every day, take a picture every day--whatever is easy and you can look back on to actually assess if this relationship to this drug is doing something you actually want in your life.
WITHDRAWALS ARE REAL. If you're currently taking, have taken, or are considering neuroleptic medication: your experience when you first go off meds or miss a couple days Is NOT "who you are" or what you can expect from baseline w/o the meds. It is an EXTREMELY GNARLY WITHDRAWAL. There's an OK harm reduction guide to coming off psychiatric medication i can send a PDF to if anyone wants to dm me their email (the only actual link I've found for it is paid :/). It's more oriented to antipsych 101 than actual medical info/support but it's ok.
Consider: trying almost anything else before taking neuroleptic medication. There is not really anything that's guaranteed to make you stop hallucinating, which can suck. However; that doesnt mean you will forever feel like shit, or that you can't make changes such that hallucinations are either a lot less likely and/or a lot less intrusive. The now mostly-defunct mad liberation movement has generated a bunch of wonderful narratives and discourse around this topic i highly reccomend delving into to find ideas and practices that might be good. you can search for archives of "mad liberation" "psychiatric survivor" and "anti psychiatry movement" newspapers which are also just super cool to read; you can look up the archived old website for the Icarus Project (search "icarus project archive" sry I'm on mobile); and Project LETS is an extant us college-centric group that might have useful resources. On the materials and practices side:
I'm an herbalist so I'm p much always gonna head towards herbalism; but i think there's some real benefits here in that herbs are 1) cheap 2) not controlled substances (unless you're in aeoteroa, apparently?) 3) many have extremely low if nonexistent potential to cause withdrawal (notable exceptions: kratom, kava) 4) most are metabolized very quickly (within an hour) and wear off within several hours; giving you a large amount of flexibility and control, and 5) there's a lot of good evidence even if youre science-only (kinda an L but you do you.) The Psychpharmacology of Herbal Medicine by Marcello Spinella is a somewhat dated but solid source you can find a free pdf of by Googling or looking on libgen or Anna's archive; find preparation directions in James greens Home Medicine Makers Handbook available in the same databases. It is important when assessing chemical tools like this to think outside the box and more granularly about what kinds of effects might be beneficial situation to situation in Your Specific Life than seeking some sort of "herbal antispsychotic", which does not exist.
Other good options: ruling out vitamin B and D deficiencies, introducing variation in your life or making major life changes (that might sound weird but IMO, starting a long term relationship with a powerful, withdrawal causing psychoactive drug Is In Fact ALSO a major life change!), dropping shrooms or acid, literally just start walking around where you live and see where it takes you, stay at a friend's house for a little bit and learn to navigate a new environment, uhhh in the past when I've been super fucked up in my life I've Literally just gone to like dollar tree and gotten as many foods that I've never eaten before as possible and it helped a lot more than it might sound like it would
Like basically do whatever you want forever and if any of this sounds stupid or terrible like...don't do it... but don't let the establishment fool you into believing your options are suffer with drugs or suffer without them and DEFINITELY don't accept the narrative that it's better to be numb, miserable, and riddled with physiological side effects but managable-for-society than it is to feel alive while insane, abnormal, and unable to live a normative life.
what is your opinion on anti-psychotics then?
that's a misnomer; neuroleptic drugs don't combat a singular biological state of 'psychosis' because there is no such observed or biomarked state. neuroleptics don't have good evidence for their efficacy in actually improving patient outcomes, and are known to cause a range of serious short- and long-term (including permanent!) side effects ranging from metabolic dysregulation to movement disorders (neurological damage) to sedation (they have previously been known as 'major tranquilisers').
on principle i think people should be able to use psychoactive substances of their choosing; in practice i think this is basically a moot point in regards to neuroleptics because the side effects are so common and severe, and the benefits so minimal. these are drugs that continue to be popularly prescribed because they make patients more 'compliant' -- ie, because our current social–economic situation is so profoundly hostile to variation in perceptions of reality that we render people more 'functional' when dangerously medicated into submission.
i also collected a few readings on this here.
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sunflowertea23 · 2 years ago
Thank u for the tag @paulinaaam 💛
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope but my dad insists they "knew instantly i was Julia when they saw me on the screen" lol
2. When was the last time you cried?
Probs yesterday
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Oh yes lol and my mom hates it, and not everyone gets it at first but i havent had many problems w it
5. What sports do you play/have played?
I was not an athletic child lol but i started going to the gym a couple months ago and i plan on picking up kickboxing this summer B)
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm idk if ✨️vibes✨️ is a valid answer lol but if its not then i guess their style? I think the way ppl dress can already tell u a lot about them haha
7. What's your eye color?
Greenish-gray, PLUS i have this cool speck of light brown in the iris of my left eye B) its bc my dads eyes are gray/green and my moms are light brown and theyre codominant genes and ig its a uselful thing if i go missing??
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings!! I am a pussy scaredy cat so i never watch scary stuff
9. Any special talents?
Hmm singing? Drawing? Im p good at dancing too, i guess anything art/music related
Oh also i can whistle melodies which apparently not everyone can do? Yea
10. Where were you born?
And i cant wait to leave lol
11. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, reading, fashion history, music... gym? Does gym count? Lol
12. Do you have pets?
At my parents house we have 2 kitties :)) i want to get my own pet tho since i moved out and im feeling kinda lonely most days
13. How tall are you?
159cm..... couldnt even hit an even 160.......
14. Favorite subject in school?
Englishhhhh that sh was easy lol
15. Dream job?
EVERYTHING Id like to do mainly music, but i also want to dabble in other stuff, comics/cartoons/books/voice acting/acting... i dont want to limit myself to just one thing haha
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hampdencollege · 3 years ago
everyone humor me and let me rave abt my pathology talk today
#we had a forensic path fellow come and talk to us today and it was SO much fun and i’m actually excited about medicine again#i talked to her for like an hour after it ended about wanting to be involved with the field more now as an M1 and she took me up#and introduced me to some path faculty and residents and was like yeah just harass me and the faculty until we have a case for you that you#can publish and present at NAME next year and i feel so much less bad about KNOWING i want to do fp#like everyone’s always like oh you wanna do forensic path :/ you’ll change your mind#but i’ve literally wanted to do it since i was 9 and so did this lady#and im just so excited to meet more people in the field and go to NAME next year#and she was telling us funny stories and apparently it’s just a bunch of forensic path ppl getting drunk and presenting weird af cases#and she was telling me about this lady who was wearing a flamingo shirt with flamingos drinking beer and she’s a lesbian so huge fan already#which is ultimately inconsequential but. kinship you know? and the lady who came today was SO cool#the exact opposite of what you think of when you think doctor and she was saying how most fps are like that#because you have to be a little odd to want to do this in the first place bc it’s obv a really morbid job#so i’m just glad to finally like actually meet some people and relieved to know not all medicine is stuffy old men who get mad at everything#idk it’s just every other path talk has been like we don’t ALL hang out with dead people all day like that isn’t the what i’m here for#plus path has such a great lifestyle like yeah it’s gross at times but i’ll take decaying body over 4:30 am to who knows when surgery#ok <3 if you read this far you deserve like an award or something idk i’m just weeding out my followers at this point#🦭#also ask to tag idk if the body thing is something people need tagged or not#ok if i don’t go study i’m gonna fail my exam friday and then all this will be moot so see u on the flip side
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lakeraydia · 4 years ago
HAIIIIIII GUYS a shoutout to everyone whos following me for mega man content you can probably expect to see less of that? ill probably still be posting some and i’ve got @dreammchn reblogging mm content on queue until the end of time so u can check that out if thats what ur here for but i feel like im kinda losing interest / burning out on it lol
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himejoshiangels · 2 years ago
duke thomas/the signal headcanons
it's so important to me that duke is a parkour fanantic, in his intro he's flipping all over the kids who decided to pick a fight w him. the guy loves running across gotham seeing what jumps he can make and he watches competitive tag competitions and is like "pftt I could do that"
it's already pretty headcanoned that bcs Duke has the dayshift gothamites are more aware of him. I think after they get over the initial shock and he starts saving more people they fully accept him. Like you'll see the Signal helping a kid out with his homework in the park or stopping muggings on the street so it gets to the point where he's gotham's like little star. After his patrol Signal has to bring home several tupperwares of food from the elderly or shiny rocks and trinkets from kids who stopped him in the street
hes so careful when he brings stuff back bcs he loves the gifts civilians give him and he keeps all the stuff he's given in his closet. Tim jokingly points out that accepting gifts is an easy way to get a bomb in the house but duke shrugs and says he's willing to take that risk
him and Cass coordinate matching outfits for when they go out or make public appearances as rich ppl and it takes hours bcs he's so particular about colors and shape while cass is mainly worried about looking cool :))
mainly listens to metal music ofc but he also listens to a fair amount of punk, rap, and old hip hop
duke is a fast learner, he'll pick up anything like that, he's good and intaking and retaining information and skills so he just needs to see a move twice before he's already perfected it
wears his heart on his sleeve. this one's a favorite of mine, I think once duke is comfortable around anyone it's pretty much impossible for him to hold his tongue or hide his emotions. like when he feels he feels so big!! when he's sad or upset its so apparent and when he's happy he literally and figuratively glows. he cares so deeply so once he's used to someone there's no holding back with his hugs (which are incredible) or I love yous
kind of spiteful and mean when he wants to be, playfully so to people he cares about, but he's judgy and petty indiscriminately
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nose-bl · 2 years ago
tagged by @hakkiofficial hehe i love these
what book are you currently reading?
nothing but i am planning on reading howl's moving castle since my friend lent me the book. i'm also interested in this werewolf history book i saw at a bookstore recently ( i can read it in place so i'm gonna bc it's expensive to buy and bring home)
what do you usually wear?
either pyjamas or like, jeans with plaid shirts. depends if i'm going out or not. i'm a basic queer and that's okay
how tall are you?
1.57cm. i am 2 full centimeters taller than hakki apparently
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
capricorn. i did a quick search and found out i share by birthday with colombian tennis player camila osorio. i did not know anything about her until now
do you go by your name or a nickname?
for family and most teachers and also ppl i don't really know i just use my deadname but with friends and people i deem safe enough, i tell them to call me by this other name that's kinda just a silly nickname (no one suspects it's for trans reasons unless they're also trans and understand what's going on, it's great)
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?  
not sure yet
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
i would say i'm good at drawing. i am bad at socializing
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
i think my funguary pieces are my favorite thing i created this year
dogs or cats?
cats cats cats
what’s something you would like to create content for?
i want to draw cool fanart for so many shows/movies. if this is referring to professional stuff, then i want to be a concept artist or animator for cool fantasy latine movies. that's like my big, possibly unachievable dream
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
sonic frontiers
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
the month of december
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
i can type fast on my computer without looking at the keyboard B)
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
i need my friends to come back from visiting their families so i can be silly with them
tagging @inkypines @spoopy-sloth ;)
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