#<- still living rent free in my mind
mistressemmedi · 2 years
you should watch the glory if you haven’t already!!
Is it good? 👀 Saw a few gifs on my dash and I need something else to watch now that Island is over
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tinyfantasminha · 2 months
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''They're never apart, from when they wake up to the moment they go to bed. They walk together, eat together... I'm sure I'll be the same. When I fall in love with someone, I'll want to be with them for life.''
base ref from @/emtfira on twitter
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kazoosandfannypacks · 10 months
Imagine you're Ezra Bridger. You've been gone for a decade, and one of the first things that happens when you return to your own galaxy is the New Republic throws a Big Important Party in your honor. There's a lot of people you know, some people you don't recognize, some random guy carrying a random baby, some people you think you should recognize but don't, and some people you know you'll recognize once you start talking to them.
At your party, you run into that smuggler guy who double crossed you and your entire crew one time. "What's he doing here?" you ask. Turns out, he joined the Rebellion and later the New Republic, thanks to his old poker buddy, Han.
And then you meet a total stranger who's so force sensitive it's almost palpable. "What is he doing here?" you ask. Turns out, he's a hero of the Rebellion, has connections to at least five other people you know, and mentions his best friend, Han, who you've just gotta meet, he's such a cool guy.
And then you see this huge wookiee and you're like "What is he doing here?" and someone's like "oh, he met Ahsoka back in the Clone Wars, and he's an important Rebellion hero. And he's Han's co-pilot."
And so at this point, all you know is that some guy here named Han is the "coolest guy in the world" and was poker buddies with one of the sleaziest guys you've ever met and his co-pilot is a massive hulking BEAST.
And THEN you see the stubborn princess senator you met during the war! And you're like "What's she doing here?" and one of your friends is like "She's a senator in the New Republic and was a leader in the Rebellion, she's come to thank you for your sacrifice."
And then you start talking to the Princess she's like "oh have you met my husband, Han?" and you're thinking "oh shoot the legendary Han, the Han, the coolest guy in the world who hangs out with sleazebags and wookies is married to the princess????" And she's like, "Oh, there he is you have to meet my husband Han" and then you meet Han and he's.
He's the random guy who's been carrying a baby around for your entire party.
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mobius-m-mobius · 11 months
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Loki + searching for Mobius moments after disaster
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Look, look, some of the deepest, most intricately detailed, real and profound media I’ve ever seen is also the stupidest, most ridiculous and strangest media I’ve ever seen, promise me you’ll get real weird with it
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videogamelover99 · 7 months
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Bill Cipher angst at 2AM??? Also plz read Flat Dreams
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diezmil10000 · 1 year
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i'm replaying fe3h :) have some dorogrid
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mercifullymad · 1 year
i feel passionately about the need to enfold people experiencing (or diagnosed) with "just" depression or anxiety into the mad pride project. the more people who view themselves as mad, the better. much as the rhetorical move from "neurotypical" to "neuroconforming" emphasizes the artifice & social construction of "neurotypicality," so too will expanding identification as "mad" expose the sane/mad dichotomy as a false one.
it's true that (some) people with "just" depression and/or anxiety have an easier time navigating the psych system than people who have more stigmatized diagnoses. but this is not to say that they necessarily have an easy time — the carceral psych system is hostile to everyone subsumed by it, even the most "privileged" patients. we should of course critique & examine how our experiences are shaped by various intersections of privilege, but we cannot forget or ignore how someone with "just" a depression/anxiety diagnosis can still experience the full force of the carceral psych system brought down upon them (including but not limited to involuntary institutionalization, police intervention, & forced medication or other forced treatment).
we must encourage, if not insist, that those with the least-stigmatized diagnoses view their difficult experiences navigating the psych system as bound up with the liberation of people who have more stigmatized diagnoses &, often, a more violent experience of the psych system. we need more people to drop the "i have anxiety/depression but i'm not crazy" line and say loudly, "i have anxiety/depression & i am crazy. my access to just treatment is linked to the conditions of all other crazy people, who are my allies, peers, & friends. we are united in our cause & we all deserve a more liberating system of care."
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Just in: Two Fuck Ass Swordsman Caught Making Out In Public Again
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esmesketch · 5 months
HONK if you're still deep inside the Far Cry 5 hole trap in 2024 and can't escape.
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feelsforsterek · 10 months
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Pedro Pascal as Joel Miller THE LAST OF US: 101. When You're Lost in the Darkness
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yumenari · 4 months
Guys did you know today is the birthday of the loml (and their snake familiar)
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mechanicalinfection · 10 months
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He's allowing just one hug. Better make it count!
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mahealinskis · 11 months
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"Because You Wanted It"™
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newroyaloceans · 7 months
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More Marlear......i need them to thriveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
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