#<- pep talk to myself :P
b-blushes · 2 years
you know when something is too intimidating to think about or look at directly so you are just squinting at it from the corner of your metaphorical eye? anyway i have an appointment with a new consultant at a new hospital tomorrow, and it's in the pm so there's much time to marinate over it argh! I know i probably don't have to be scared about it and it will probably go well, but still! The Fear! I'm gonna set myself some actual tasks to do in the morning so i don't just sit there frozen in anticipatory terror all day! okay! it will be good! WAHOO!!!!
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dootznbootz · 7 months
I'm technically most likely demiromantic (definitely demisexual) which is technically on the aro spectrum but I'm sooooo romance favorable that it almost doesn't feel like it counts????
I'm a huge romantic sap but I'm kind of funky with crushes. I have them and I get them but I'm very particular and I almost have... control over them???
Like when I start to feel the feelings™, I then start looking at a possible relationship through "logic lens".
"Compatible here, there, there too. Okay, we're not with that though, and I will not move on that so therefore it will not work. Alright, cool! Best friend! Best friend! Best friend!"
I can just shut off the feelings™ once I get the feeling it's not gonna work, especially if it's on something I will not change. If I have a feeling there's potential, I let feelings "grow".
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cocteaucherry · 9 months
another silly gojo thing I wrote with pregnant reader (I was inspired by Kali’s pregnancy announcement 🩷)
a/n- (I promise pt 3 of LTLM is coming out later today or tomorrow)
cw- pregnancy, talks of sexual situations, gojo being gojo :p
The day Satoru found out you were pregnant was a day you’ll never forget.
It was a freezing morning in January and you had just finished taking down the Christmas decorations (yeah it was a few weeks after Christmas but you both were lazy) you let out a huff wiping your hands as you stared at the old cardboard boxes that housed the glittery decorations, it made you feel more emotional than usual seeing yet another year pass.
You heard the door burst open and you turned to find your husband dragging in a bunch of wires and lights, “ six hundred twinkling lights taken down by your one and only!” He exclaimed, dropping the lights and using his foot to close the door, “you sure? I could’ve sworn I heard you on the verge of using Hollow Purple.” You said playfully as you gazed lovingly at your husband.
“What?! No! I was of course gonna take you out of the house first!” The blue eyed male chuckled as he walked towards you immediately wrapping his arms around your waist, “I think I deserve a kiss for my bravery and perseverance.” He hummed his hands running over the slight pudge in your stomach, “Do you really?” You peered up at his face to be met with a very shocked expression, you chuckled nervously staring at his over exaggerated face.
Gojo could tell something was off for the past few days, frequent bathroom trips, slight nausea in the morning and your missed period. (He might be the strongest but he’s not the smartest) and now your cursed energy was changing he sensed it when he walked in it was almost doubled. “I mean this is the BEST way possible, let me stress BEST, are you somehow maybe- just a little bit ermm.. pregnant?”
Your mind went blank at the question, “Maybe?” You shrugged your shoulders, “it would make sense..” your mind tried to calculate the last time you and Gojo were intimate but Gojo calculated for you, “Christmas.” He said his mouth was still wide open, “yeah , maybe wrapping myself like a present wasn’t the best idea.” You giggled and Satoru was quick to retort with a red face, “you practically had nothing on! You can’t blame me!” Gojo pouted, rubbing the back of his neck, “can we go buy some tests to confirm your theory?”
About seven tests later it was confirmed, you were pregnant.
Of course tears and hugs were shared and you wanted to share the news with your friends but Gojo stopped you claiming he wanted to see how long you both could go unnoticed, he also opted to buy a camcorder to track your happy moments. It was more of a nostalgia thing. (Even while you're pregnant he’s still dramatic.)
By the time you were breaching your second trimester a lot of things changed, for worse and better, the spare room in your house was converted into a full baby room, all constructed by gojo himself since he was terrified of you getting injured. The baby room was filled with expensive baby materials and toys, “Satoru.. are you sure this isn’t too much?” You stared at the room in disbelief, your hand stroking your bump, He grunted, placing a heavy box with more materials down, “What? Think I can go bigger?” He winked and opened the package.
“We don’t even know the gender yet? you yelled walking down the hallway to lay down.
Everyone in Satoru’s life knew something was up, he walked with more pep in his step and glowed even more than he already was.
“So does anyone know what’s up with Gojo-sensei?” Yuji questioned sitting on his bed, Kugusaki and Megumi on the floor visibly not listening. “Don’t know, don’t really care either.” Megumi deadpanned which earned a grin from Kugisaki, “Not sure Yuuji, have you tried asking his wife?” she asked, peering from her phone. “She hasn’t been around here in like months!” The pink haired boy exclaimed failing to connect the dots but Megumi did for him.
“Maybe she’s expecting.” He shrugged it off going back to type on his phone, “What?! You mean they-they-“ yuuji stuttered.
“Yuuji they are adults, plus it would make sense right after the holidays too. So she’d be about.."Kugisaki counted in her head, “second trimester?”
“You guys are taking this a little too well?!” Yuuji exclaimed, “oh Kugisaki and I made our own theory a few weeks ago-“
“And you didn’t tell me?!-“
Later that day you had a teary eyed pink haired teenager yapping at the door about how you didn’t tell him sooner.
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obsolescent · 1 year
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The Necessity of Saints - Part Two
Part One
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x SingleMom!Reader
Author's Notes: Um. I went in LMFAO. I literally had to cut myself off from writing anymore for this. I hope you enjoy!
Content Warnings: Explicit sexual content, P in V sex, multiple orgasms, protected sex, fingering, squirting, nipple play, cumming from nipple play, Simon is a gentle lover and always aiming to please, reader is touched-starved.
Word Count: 3,241
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You let Simon know your availability, agreeing on a time–a date–something you haven’t been on in years. You’re filled with excitement, giddy at the prospect of dressing up and going out with someone, thinking of what all you two could do. Dinner, of course, maybe a movie? Oh! Maybe that carnival that’s in town for the week. You laugh to yourself, so many possibilities. So much anticipation bubbling, it has spilled over into your interactions with everyone around you.
“You’re chipper than usual, have anything going on?” A coworker asks. “Mama, you’re literally glowing, it’s so cute,” Your daughter says with a giggle, delighted to see you with a pep in your step this whole week. Friday night arrives, your excitement now mingling with nervousness. ‘Need something to wear, should I dress casually or should I be bold? Something slutty? Ugh, I don’t think I even have those types of clothes anymore.’ You don’t, you really don’t have much except for comfortable clothing now, some flowy dresses and skirts, and flats and sandals.
You pick out your fanciest dress. A long sleeved, empire cut, burnt orange dress with a sweetheart neckline. The length reaches mid calf, and you pair it with some comfortable, strappy flats. You fix your hair and makeup, looking sophisticated yet casual. ‘Probably the best for a first date.’ You and Simon spoke some more in regards to plans for that night, settling on a restaurant downtown to begin with. You agreed to meet there, not wanting him to know where you live just yet.
Your hands are sweaty as hell. You continue to wipe them off, pacing the living room while the time gets closer for you to leave. “O-M-G mama, relax! It’ll be fine. Just take some deep breaths and sit down,” Rhea says, having watched your anxious movements for the past ten minutes. “Ugh, I just…Don’t know what to do with myself,” You say, finding your way to sit next to her. She pats your shoulder, “Are you worried he won’t like the way you look? You look great, mama, I think he would think you’re pretty even if you showed up in a trash bag.” You guffaw, grinning at your daughter. She is a light in your life that you’re so glad to have, thankful for her reassuring words.
The clock reads 6:45 PM, fifteen minutes before your arranged time. “Reckon I better get going,” You let out a shaky breath, standing up and grabbing your purse. “Have a good time and have fun, love ya and be careful!” Rhea shouts from the couch as you’re opening the front door, “Love you, too!” You shout back, closing and locking the door. You get inside your car, backing out of the driveway and heading to the restaurant.
You arrive with five minutes to spare, giving yourself a pep talk. “If he doesn't like you, he can stick it! Go off on your own and treat yourself,” You say out loud, looking at your reflection in the visor’s mirror, making last minute adjustments to your look. You cut the engine and step out, locking the doors. Walking towards the entrance, you notice Simon standing off to the side, a bouquet in his hands, the other in his pocket. You’re internally screaming, face turning red at just seeing him with the flowers, in a black button up with matching slacks. 
He notices you approaching, giving you a smile, “Hello, love. Glad I didn’t scare you off,” He greets you, handing the bouquet over. A bushel of ranunculus, all varieties of color. “Thank you so much, these are beautiful,” You inhale their scent. “Could say the same about you, you look wonderful,” He says, his gaze following the contours of your body. You give a meek ‘thank you’ blush reaching the tips of your ears. “Shall we?” He asks, extending his arm for you to take. You nod, grabbing onto it, feeling him flex his muscles. ‘Good Lord he’s ripped.’ You both head inside, where the host seats you at a table in the corner, Simon taking the seat that faces out into the restaurant.
Light conversation begins, learning about one another. You find out that Simon is retired from the British military, which prompts you to ask why he’s here, of all places. “I like the liquor,” He says, causing you to laugh. Conversation carries on into dinner, your nerves far away from your thoughts, the wine Simon ordered helping to ease them. You’re honestly happy to have Simon’s company. He insists on paying for your meal, you opposing the whole time. ‘Let him treat you, he seems to really like doing it,’ The thought swimming through your mind. You bite your tongue, smiling and giving your thanks.
After the bill is paid, he escorts you out, once more offering his arm to you, which you gladly hang on to this time. You walk out into the crisp night air, feeling light and full of happiness. “Anything else you’re up for?” He asks, glancing down at you. You mention what you had been thinking about earlier, about the visiting carnival or a movie. He chuckles at your suggestions, “A movie sounds nice, yeah?” You nod, him leading you to his car. A sleek, black, Chevrolet Silverado is what he brings you to. Looking at it in astonishment, big and hefty. ‘Just like him.’ 
He helps you practically climb into the passenger side, settling in and buckling your seatbelt. He joins you on the other side, turning the ignition on and pausing, seeming almost nervous about what he’s going to say next. “If you’re comfortable with it, would you be opposed to watching a movie at my flat?” He asks, shifting in his seat, using your wording from your first proposition. “No, no at all opposed,” You respond, replying with his past sentence. He looks over with a grin, “Alright, love,” Is said before he pulls out of the parking spot, in the direction of his apartment.
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He gives his thanks, sitting down beside you. He picks up the remote and turns on his television, scrolling through the selections. You had mentioned liking the horror genre earlier, him also in agreement. He seemed to be checking out the movies in that category, noticing one you had been meaning to watch, but hadn’t gotten around to it. You express your interest in that film, before he selects it.
The movie begins, you settling against the cushions to immerse. Simon shifts a bit closer to you, before putting his arm on the back of the couch, the warmth radiating from him. You give a slight shiver, haven’t been this close to someone other than your daughter in a long time. He notices, grabbing a throw blanket near the end of the couch before draping it across your form. You turn red, not having the guts to tell him the real reason why you shivered. 
As the movie progresses, you steal glances at his profile. Blond hair effortlessly tousled, stubble adding a rugged look to him, his pronounced nose slightly crooked, likely due to it being broken before. He’s quite the looker, with a great personality to match. He looks over at you, catching you staring. Your gazes lock, looking deeply into his honeyed eyes. He smiles, before clearing his throat. “Would you like some bourbon?” You weren’t expecting that, but agree, him rising from his seat and making his way to a liquor cabinet, pouring you both a glass.
He hands you yours, taking a cautious sip. It goes down smoothly, warming your throat. You hum, thanking him, while he settles back into place. Immersing yourself once more, you don’t realize how much you’ve drank until the glass is empty. You set it down on the coffee table, the warmth now spreading throughout your body. He sets his down besides yours, having finished his own. His arm brushes your own as he sits back. You contemplate on asking him to cuddle, worrying your bottom lip. ‘It’s just cuddling,’ you think, inhaling through your nose, taking a deep breath. “Could we, uh, cuddle?” You ask, grimacing at how unsure it sounds. He raises an eyebrow, “Is that what you really want, love?” Your body buzzes at the pet name, but you squish it down, nodding your head. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close.
Your body ignites at the sensation, nerve endings buzzing at his grip. ‘Bless your heart’ you say to yourself. It never occurred to you that you would be touch starved after all this time, but it’s made itself known. His cologne, the fabric of his shirt rubbing against you, his breath fanning out over your hair, small touches that feel so immense. You then notice the brush of his thumb, slightly rubbing at your waist. Heat surges downwards, like you’ve been set on fire. 
You don’t realize you’ve made a noise until you feel Simon tense up against you. “Everything alright? Do you want me to stop touching you?” He asks, beginning to pull away. “No!” You squeak out, face aflame. “It just…Feels really good? Ugh, sorry, you’re not even…I haven’t been touched in a long, long time. I didn’t know it would affect me like this,” You try to laugh it off, beginning to fidget under his gaze. He nods in understanding. “I’ve been like that as well, nothin’ to be bashful about,'' He says, shifting to face you, his firm grip steadfast.
“Y-yeah, I’m just more…Sensitive? Than I thought, I hope it isn’t bothering you,” You respond. His hand slides up to cup your jaw, large hands engulfing the side of your face. Your breath catches in your throat, frozen in place. “Not botherin’ me at all, love,” he mutters, studying your face. This close to him, you notice more details. Faint scars scattered across his face, likely due to his field of work. Feeling emboldened, you bring a hand to his face, tracing one that reaches from under one of his eyes to the top of his upper lip. He tenses again, watching your movements. 
Reaching his lips, you let your thumb graze across them, a huff of breath leaving Simon’s mouth, warming your finger. “Somethin’ you want, is there?” He whispers, pulling you closer. Liquid courage coursing through you, you ask, “Never got to properly thank you for your help at the store. Could I…?” You trail off, hoping he picks up what you’re putting down. He does, but that open ended question isn’t the exact wording he’s looking for. “Could you what, love? You can ask for it, can’t you?” 
Needing words of consent, you take a deep breath. “May I kiss you?” He smirks. “There you are.” He allows you to close the distance. At first, you give a peck to his cheek, before pressing your lips against his. You tilt your head, deepening the kiss, clutching at his shirt. Simon threads his fingers through your hair, sighing against you. 
Oh God. You want him so badly, a profound yearning within your gut blooms throughout your body. Feeling desperate, your hands comb through his locks, a firm grip on them. He grunts, before tugging on yours, causing a rather loud moan to slip from your mouth. “P-Please, Simon. I want you,” You plead, breaking away to kiss along his jaw. He hums, “Good girl, using your words,” He pets your hair, his hand trailing from your hair down your back, fingertips light across your spine, sending a shiver through you.
His hand finds its destination, firmly grabbing your ass. You gasp out, arching against him. “Touch starved, are we?” He asks, chuckling. You whimper, grasping at his forearms, close to getting on your hands and knees to beg him to keep going, please please don’t stop. “Been needin’ someone to take care of you, yeah? Allow me, sweet girl.” You feel like igniting at his words, his sweet talk adding fuel to the ever growing heat inside your body.
His hands reach towards your upper back, locating the zipper on your dress. He hesitates, waiting for your approval which is given with a quick ‘yes yes yes’. Agonizingly slow, he pulls it down, before taking both hands and pulling at the sleeves to move the upper half away from your heated flesh.
Oh. You forgot you hadn’t worn a bra tonight, the dress having built in cups, you didn’t see the reason to, until now. Feeling bare under his burning gaze, you hunch over. “None of that now, love. S’just me,” He says, moving your arms away from your chest. Sitting upright again, you jut your chest out some, closing your eyes against his wandering stare, taking you in. “Gorgeous,” He whispers, fingers running along the slope of your left breast. 
Gasping, you stick your chest out more. You’re hoping he doesn’t need verbal approval, not trusting yourself to form cohesive thoughts at the moment. He continues, your reactions enough. His light touches are bordering on driving you feral, needing more. You squeeze his forearms, hoping he receives the message. He seems to understand, leaning down and taking a nipple into his mouth, his hand pinching the other. 
You cry out, sensation like lightning electrifying you. Your eyes roll back into your head, chanting, “Please please don’t stop, feel s’good, God, please keep going!” He obliges, sucking harder on your hardened nub while tugging on the other. You begin trembling. “W-wait, Simon, I think I’m–” A loud moan rushes out of you along with wetness, soaking your panties from suddenly squirting. A tug of your nipple between his teeth sent you careening over the edge into glory. Your orgasm spreads throughout your body, holding onto him for dear life.
Simon groans, pulling away. “Fucking hell. Cumming from me barely touching you.” He’s looking at you in wonder. He lays you back against the leather, pulling your dress off all the way. Left in just your soiled underwear, he soon pulls those down as well, moaning as he sees the mess you made. “Gonna be the death of me,” He mutters, pocketing the ruined panties. He quickly unbuttons his shirt, exposing his chest in all its grandeur. You bite your lip at the literal marble statue hovering over you, running your hands down his pecs and abs. 
You reach his slacks, tugging at his belt. He unbuckles said item, unzipping his pants and pulling them down. Now able to see his rather hefty cock straining against his underwear. You let out another whimper, legs automatically spreading open. “Goin’ to give you all you need, sweet girl. Being so good for me,” He says, running his hands up and down your legs, giving a reassuring squeeze to them. He kisses down your chest and stomach, touches soft and sweet. Reaching the apex of your thighs, his hands slot behind your knees, pushing your thighs against you, laid bare before him.
The passion in his eyes is so intense you have to look away, biting your lip. He tuts at you, “Want you to see this next part,” He says, directing your gaze back to him. He smiles, before suddenly a hot stripe of his tongue runs up, through your folds and to your clit. You toss your head back and yell, his chuckle vibrating against your pussy. Your legs are shaking even harder than before. Your words incoherent, you grasp at his hand, pulling him closer to your heat. ‘Good Lord, he’s a goddamn professional.’ Good to know your thoughts are still intact.
Your thoughts come to a standstill, Simon sliding a finger into your warmth. He swirls it around inside before adding another, crooking upwards while sucking on your clit. “Ah!” You’re thrown over that precipice again, legs clamping around his head. He pulls away, watching you shudder and convulse, wetness releasing from you once more. He grins, proud of his work. “Think you have one more in you, sweet girl,” He says, matter of factly, like he didn’t just remove your soul from your body twice in under ten minutes. 
He pushes your thighs further up this time, knees almost bracketing each side of your head. ‘Good God, this man is going to ruin me.’ You’re thankful your thoughts have returned for the moment, knowing your brain will be scattered again soon. He reaches down, pulling a condom from his wallet, slipping it on. “Ready for me?” He asks, lining himself up with your quivering hole, clenching around nothing for the moment. You nod. “Yes, yes, yes please,” you beg, shame be damned, needing Simon inside you now.
He slides in effortlessly, going achingly slow. The stretch is a lot, not surprising, though. It definitely matches in accordance with the rest of his body. He fully seats himself inside you, letting you adjust. “Please, move. Fuck me, Simon, need it so bad,” You’re able to form a coherent sentence, it rushing out of you near the end when Simon pulls out and glides back in. “Fuck, so tight, love. Feel so good, baby,” He moans out, picking up speed. Skin slapping against skin fills the quiet space, movie long over with. 
He’s hitting every single inch of you, rubbing just right. He leans over you, letting your legs drop. You take the opportunity to wrap them around his waist, pulling him flush against you. Simon brings you in for a searing kiss, rocking his hips into you, barely leaving you now. Your moans and panting are music to his ears, his own noises making you sing to the heavens. Reaching in between your bodies, he works your clit in unison with the grinding of his hips. “One more love, you can do it, there you go sweet girl, so good f’me,” He feels the rhythmic clenching around his cock and your squealing, reaching euphoria for the last time that night. He picks up the pace again, his thrusts soon stuttering as he reaches his own end, gasping and whimpering into your neck. 
He keeps himself propped up on his elbows while you both calm from the frenzied activity. As your breath evens out, he pecks your cheek, grinning. “Most proper thanks I’ve received,” He says, laughing at your widening eyes. “You–!” You swat at his chest, beginning to laugh yourself. He slides out, disposing of the condom before picking you up, carrying you to his bedroom. He sets you down on his silken black sheets, before laying next to you. You toss your leg over his before snuggling into his chest. He kisses the top of your head, feeling warm. You mumble a ‘Good night’ before drifting off, Simon not far behind you. Allowing himself to fall asleep cradling you in his arms. Feeling content and happy for the first time in a long while.
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Tags: @dwkfan, spicy part two ♡
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uluvjay · 1 year
can you do a threesome w mctavish w drysdale
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Jamie Drysdale x fem reader x Mason McTavish
warnings?; SMUT, p in v, unprotected sex, oral( m and f receiving), short shower scene, praising, teasing, Threesome, reader is Jamie's gf, cursing, kissing, pet names, fingering
Hope you enjoy! Sorry for any errors💕
She knew it was wrong, she knew she shouldn't be looking at Mason the way she was but she couldn't help it. She loved Jamie and there wasn't anyone that could love and take care of her like he did but there was no denying how good Mason looked as he lifted weights.
She knew it was a bad idea joining them at their training session but Jamie begged her with his famous puppy dog eyes and a promise of shower sexwhen they got home.
But every time he turned to check on his girlfriend after finishing a set he noticed her eyes switching between him and Mason. He wasn't surprised, he'd caught her checking his friend out multiple times over the past couple of months but he never brought it up, well to her.
Unknown to his girlfriend the two boys had been talking about fucking her together for the past few weeks after Jamie had brought it up to Mason. They didn't know when they were going to bring it up to you but after seeing the look in your eyes Jamie knew it was time.
"Hey Mase" Jamie quietly called to his friend
"I think tonight's the night" he smirked
Mason didn't reply to his friend just looked in your direction and turning back to nod at his friend in confirmation as his own smirk began to form.
As the group arrived home Jamie sent his girlfriend upstairs to get ready for the shower sex he had promised while he and Mason talked things through.
"How are we gonna do this?" Mason asked
"Well I'm gonna go take care of her in the shower like i promised and i was thinking you get a movie set up on the couch and we can see where things lead" Jamie replied with a shrug before making his way up the stairs, a little extra pep in his step.
As he made it into the bathroom he found his girlfriend waiting for him in the shower, water starting to fog the glass but he could still make out her figure and the way her hand was in between her thighs, rubbing at her clit.
"Getting started without me?" he teased as he entered the shower
"I'm sorry, was just trying to get myself ready" she quickly apologized trying not to get punished.
But confusion only grew on her face as Jamie stayed quiet and lowered himself onto his knees in front of her, spreading her thighs and placing kisses upon them.
"It's okay, gotta be a little quick anyways. Mason wants to watch a movie" he spoke before diving into her core.
She let out a loud moan at the feeling of his tongue making unexpected contact with her clit and his ring finger slipping inside her. She grabbed onto his hair trying to find some sort of balance, tugging hard causing the boy below her to moan.
"Holy shit Jamie" she cried as his tongue sped up its strokes and he moved his finger faster, hitting her favorite spot.
She could feel her lower stomach begin to tighten and her thighs began to tremble, "Getting close?" Jamie questioned as he pulled away from her core for some much needed air.
"Mhm" she groaned as he added a second finger to make up for the loss of his tongue. He sat below her admiring the way she looked with her head thrown back, thighs shaking and the feeling of her core tightening around his fingers.
"Cum for me pretty girl" He encouraged before putting his face back in between her thighs.
"Jamie!" she cried out, hands yanking at his dark strands of hair and thighs shaking as the air got sucked out of her and an orgasm ripped through her.
"Did so good for me honey" he praised, coming back to his feet and placing a kiss on his girls cheek.
The couple quickly finished their shower after their fun and got dressed before heading downstairs to meet Mason on the sectional to watch whatever movie the boy had picked.
As they entered the room she noticed Mason had opted out of wearing a shirt just as her boyfriend did and "21 Jump Street" sat pulled up on the screen.
"We just watched this" she commented as she took a spot on the couch, leaving room beside her for Jamie.
"I know but it's so good" Mason laughed
The girl just shrugged knowing she couldn't disagree and cuddled into her boyfriends side as he draped a blanket over the two of them. A few minutes into the movie she could feel Jamie's hand begin to wonder the length of her bare thigh, it started off innocent until he ran his hand over the outside of her spandex covered pussy.
Her head snapped up to look at him but he was focused on the movie with a smirk sitting on his face.
"Masons right there" she whispered to him as he slipped a hand inside her waistband
"So?" he questioned
"So? So i don't want to get caught, that would be embarrassing” she was confused, Jamie was never one to be touchy in front of others
“I don’t think he’d care honey” he whispered in her ear and began to move his fingers in a circle over her clit causing a small moan to escape the her throat
The girl shot a hand down to grab his wrist but Masons voice cut her off
“Don’t stop him sweetheart, I don’t mind watching”
She heard her boyfriend let out a laugh at the look on her face
“What’s wrong? Thought you wanted Mason, can’t seem to ever keep your eyes off him” he teased
She felt her face heat up and eyes widened at the sound of his words, "Jamie I-" she started but was cut off as her boyfriend slipped a thumb into her open mouth.
"shh, we'll talk about it later but for now i need to know if your okay with both of us fucking you tonight" he explained as he pulled his thumb out of her mouth so she could give verbal consent.
"yes i'm okay with both of you fucking me" she whimpered as she watched Mason stand up and make his way to their side of the couch.
"Good girl" he praised as he took a seat on the left of her
However She didn't get the chance to reply as her boyfriend resumed his assault on her clit and the boy on her left began placing kisses on her neck. The feeling of both men had her mind overflowing with pleasure, Jamie was always good in bed but this was something.
She must have zoned out because next thing she knew Jamie was pulling his fingers out of her shorts and the two boys were switching positions and instructing her to do the same after undressing her.
"Hand's and knee's baby" Jamie told her and She quickly did as told while the boys both stripped off their sweatpants and boxers revealing their hard and leaking cocks. She could feel her mouth water at the sight of Masons cock knowing he was going to be in her mouth first due to positions.
She let out a moan of surprise as she felt the head of Jamie's cock begin to run through her folds. "Gonna show Mason how good that mouth is while i fuck you?" he was hardly able to contain himself at the sight of the tip of cock glistening from the wetness of her folds.
"Yes sir" she replied ready to please her boys
With a nod of confirmation from his friend Mason walked up to the girl and tapped his cock against her cheek signaling for her to open up her mouth. She did as asked and allowed the boy to slide his hard cock into her mouth, relaxing her throat and hallowing her cheeks to take him better.
Jamie watched the two for a moment before sliding into his girlfriends awaiting cunt, he smirked as he watched Mason throw his head back and moan out at the feeling of his girlfriends mouth.
He began to run his cock through her folds in a slight warning before pushing in and allowing her to adjust for a moment. She cried out at the feeling of him entering her making Mason let out a moan of his own at the vibrations from her throat.
After feeling her clench around him twice he knew she was ready and he didn't waste anytime before he started fucking her, he gripped her hips for leverage allowing him to fuck her even deeper.
"Jamie!" she cried as she pulled off of Masons cock for air but her moan was cut short as the boy grabbed her hair and pulled her back onto him.
"Shit I'm close" Mason cried as he began to roughly face fuck the girl feeling his own fire growing in stomach and abs clenching.
"Cum in her mouth, she loves it" Jamie commented as he felt his own orgasm approaching
Mason didn't need much more convincing as he Thrusted one last time and shot his cum down the girls throat with a loud growl escaping his throat.
He watched her as she held his eye contact and swallowed his cum but their moment was short lived as Jamie pulled her back to his chest to fuck her at a different angle.
"Jamie!" she squealed at the unexpected change
"Getting close baby" he cried into her ear, reaching a hand down to play with her clit
"Me too J, Will you come inside me?" she begged knowing he had a small breeding kink
"Fuck!" he cried before he gave her core one last hard thrust and came deep inside her.
Feeling her boyfriend spill his hot seed inside her triggered her own orgasm, her thighs were trembling and she felt like her whole body was going to explode. As she looked up she caught Masons eyes and watched as he stroked his semi-hard cock to the sight of her and Jamie.
As the couple came down from their highs Jamie laid her back down onto her stomach and slowly pulled out, watching as a mix of their cum spilled out of her cunt.
"That felt really fucking good" she giggled mind still cloudy from her orgasm
"Good thing we're not done" Jamie laughed
"Wait what?" she quickly sat up
Jamie nodded his head to Mason and as she looked over she was met with the sight of him comfortably leaned back on the couch and patting his lap.
"Giddy up cowgirl" he smirked.
Part 2
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I suddenly remembered all your posts about Camila's reactions to the appearance of Beardo Philip and an idea struck me.
As usual, Belos Redemption AU, Philip lives in Noseda's House with the HexSquad, they all cool with him.
Fic - Belos discovers that he can change his appearance and turns into Beardo Phillip. He is so happy that he looks young again, but he is worried about strange reactions and looks from Camilla. Is she sick?
Hairy Bodies Are Hot
Camila's car took a turn into the Gravesfield Playhouse parking lot as she searched for a place to park.
Once she did, she put her car in reverse and backed into the open space.
Next to the theater entrance was a floor stand with a poster framed inside that read "Auditions."
Another poster, which was framed on one of the windows of the theatrical building, had the words "Gravesfield's Greatest Witch Hunters: A Tale Of The Brothers Wittebane" labeled in big bold letters above a picture of the Wittebane Brothers' statues.
Turning the car off, Camila removed the keys from the ignition and placed them in the armrest cup holder beside her.
She then offered a smile to Belos Philip, who was sitting in the front passenger seat next to her.
Despite this being his first ever audition, Philip didn't seem to show any signs of being nervous.
"Now Philip," Camila said as she began her pep-talk to the former witch hunter, closing her eyes.
"Remember, when you walk in there, do so with your head held high and show the casting director your most confident and professional self, but avoid boasting. Next, you'll want to make sure that..."
As Camila continued to give her good advice to Philip, she failed to notice the swift transformation taking place in her presence.
"... Finally, and this is important, you have to..."
The first thing Camila saw upon opening her eyes caused them to widen, red immediately rushing to her cheeks.
"Aaaa!" Camila shrieks in terror at the younger man now sitting in the passenger seat.
He was wearing Philip's coat, along with a bushy brown beard and an adorable smile as he looked at the mother.
"Wh-What's going on?" Camila asked the man as her eyes quickly shifted for something to pick up and protect herself with if needed.
Her la chancla was at home.
"Wh-Where's Philip? What have you done with him, you..."
She proceeded to slowly look him up and down. "Handsome stranger?"
Camila bit her tongue a little too late as she mentally facepalmed at her last sentence.
Did she really just call him that?
The brunette released a small chuckle. "Camila, my dear, whatever do you mean? I'm right here," he told her.
Camila did a double take as she blinked. "P-Philip?! That's... you?!" she asked. "But how?!"
"Last week, I discovered a method to modify my appearance. If I want to obtain the role as my younger self, one of the best ways to do so is to look the part," he explained in a charming voice that Camila found absolutely irresistible.
She felt her form melt like butter in a pan.
Philip refused to stand for the nonsensical injustice that was presented in Masha's hayride story at the Halloween festival.
"O-Oh! Okay then! That makes sense. Well, break a leg," Camila awkwardly wished Philip with a flushed face as he got out of the car.
He smiled at her kindly once more.
"Thank you," Philip said, closing the door.
As he walked toward the playhouse building, Camila continued to stare at him, her blush growing stronger.
"S-So, how did it go?" Camila asked Philip as he stepped back into the car.
His smile was brimming with pure, genuine excitement as he shut the door. "I was given the role of myself!" he beamed, buckling up.
"The director had nothing but praise for my performance."
Camila smiled at the news, her face still warm. "That's great, Philip. I'm so happy for you."
Philip shortly took notice of Camila's red face, concern soon crossing on his own.
He gently grasped her chin as he observed her flushed features, which caught her off guard, and a surprised squeak escaped her.
"Your face is terribly red, love. You're not becoming ill, are you?" he gently asked.
Camila swiftly shook her head and pulled away, quickly grabbing her keys and starting the car.
"O-Of course not!" she responded.
Once she carefully drove forward and turned her steering wheel, Camila commenced driving.
"I just forgot to turn on the AC when you left," she chuckled nervously.
"Ch-Chest hair," Camila whispered while in the laundry room, holding a familiar dress shirt that she was about to toss into the washing machine.
It was the same one that Philip wore yesterday and was sprinkled with brown body hair.
Someone was obviously shedding.
Camila tightened her grip on the shirt as she began to blush.
"S-So hairy...," she whispered to herself.
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
The Coffee is Not the Murder Weapon
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Pairing: Shawn Spencer x Plus!size!reader Characters: Plus!size!reader (aka Beans), Shawn Spencer, Burton “Gus” Guster, Carlton Lassiter, Juliet “Jules” O’Hara, Woody, Greg (the murderer), Buzz McNab (briefly mentioned) Warnings: Mentions of guns and bullets, violence, this man Greg is crazy, coffee shops should not be a place for murder plots, Woody being “prepared”, okay plot but stay for the fluff, friends to lovers, my love for writing for these peps returns Word Count: 2,466
A/N: Bad plot but I tried, and it didn’t turn out completely horrible so yay. Yes, I’m giving myself a pat on the back, don’t judge me :p
“Push on the gas, Lassie or else someone is going to get hurt and it’s not gonna be me,” Shawn says, his voice elevated as he thinks about what could happen. 
“What’re you talking about, Spencer?” 
“Shawn, calm down and tell us what’s going on,” Juliet tried to reason with him. 
“No! I can’t- I- you just gave to trust me on this.” 
“If you want us to trust you, you have to explain what’s going on. Do you feel something?” 
“Oh my god,” Gus says, after Shawn hands him the phone. “Floor it, Lassiter!” 
Shawn rubs his hands across his face. “The barista did it. We were wrong about the manager being poisoned.” 
Juliet furrows her brows, trying to make sense of the words flying out of the psychic’s mouth. “But Woody said-” 
“He’s calling me,” Gus announces, showing his friend the phone. 
Shawn quickly snatches it out of his buddy’s hand, answering it. 
“Shawn, you’ll never believe the story I overheard last night when I was at the bar. So, this girl, who was close to turning thirty, although I think she was lying. Anyway, she was saying-” 
“The barista did it with one of those skinny tongue depressors.” 
“Yes! It never ceases to amaze me how well your skills are.” 
The psychic tosses the phone up in the air for his friend to catch. 
“Sounds like we have the right to arrest someone.” Carlton speeds up, maneuvering himself, safely, between cars. “Where am I going, Spencer?” 
“Where do you think?” 
“If I knew, do you think I’d be asking you?” 
“The coffee shop. Beans told me she had a shift, and our killer does too. She put it together before my visions became clearer. If we don’t get there within the next five minutes, it’s going to be a manhunt and I’ll be the first in line.” 
“We’re not going to let anything happen to her,” Juliet tells him. 
“I’ll believe it when I can see that she’s safe.” 
“We’re here. Spencer, I’m only going to say this once and only once. Do not and I mean, do not go in there.” 
“But, I can-” 
“No,” Carlton tells him before he and Juliet rush out of the car, standing by the front door with their guns in front of them before they sneak into the building. 
“I’m going in.” 
“Oh, no you are not,” Gus slams his hand onto the door lock. 
“Yes, I am.” 
“Sha- Shawn.” Gus makes the noise people typically make when trying to call a cat over, “psst. Psst. Shawn, no.” He gets out of the car when he realizes his friend isn’t going to follow him back towards the safety. 
The two make their way into the building, sneaking through the front door, only pausing when they hear a strange noise. 
“Are we really going to go in there, Shawn? I mean, what if he has a gun or some other weapon?” 
“That’s when you selflessly throw yourself in front of our bad guy while I, the hero, save the day.” 
“I don’t like that plan.” 
“Well, it’s the only one I have so far.” 
“No, it’s not.” 
“Fine, it’s not but this one makes us both look like heroes.” 
“I understand why you’re making jokes, but we need a real plan if we want to make sure Beans doesn’t get hurt.” 
The psychic sighs, “I know, Gus.” He leans off the wall, glancing back over his shoulder. “I have a plan.” 
“What is it?” 
“You stay here and I’m gonna make a distraction.” 
“Okay- wait! What?” He turns around, finding his friend nowhere near him. “Dammit Shawn.” 
Shawn walks around the corner, hearing clattering coming from the back and rushes forward only for you to duck behind the counter. 
“Shawn?” You stare at him with furrowed brows. “Duck. Duck.” 
“Duck?” He dives to the floor when bullets come flying through the door, breaking the glass window. He wraps his arms around you, covering your head as he pulls you closer, making sure nothing happens to you. 
Once the firing stops, you lift your head off his shoulder. 
“Do you know the way out of here?” He whispers. 
“We won’t make it without being seen. Why are you here alone?” 
“I remembered you told me this place has a really weird back entrance, so it takes a few minutes to get in here. If we stall him long enough, then maybe we can make it out of this alive while Lassie and Jules do their thing.” He stops talking and becomes quiet. “I have an idea.” 
“You are not going to try and make a conversation with him. Are you?” 
“It’s called a distraction.” 
“A terrible one, at that.” 
“I could do it.” 
You glance over his shoulder. 
“He’s right behind me, isn’t he?” 
You gulp, nodding. Your former coworker, Greg, grabs your arm, yanking you away from your friend. 
“Hey. Hey! Let her go.” 
Greg shakes his head, “no, I don’t think I will.��� He forces you into the nearest chair. 
“You don’t need to need to manhandle Beans like that.” 
“It’s her fault.” 
“What’s her fault?” 
“Ruining my plan and you, the psychic coming around wasn’t any help either.” 
“It sounds like you have a problem with me and not-” 
He waves the gun around in Shawn’s face. “You stay over there. She stays here.” 
You tense up at the feeling of the metal on the back of your head. 
He nods. “I’m staying over here. You don’t need to keep waving the gun around.” 
“Santa Barbara PD, drop your weapon,” Carlton says, keeping his attention on Greg. 
“I don’t think I will.” 
“You sure you want to do that?” 
“Why not? I’ve got a hostage right here,” he steps to the side, letting the officer get a view of your back. 
“Let the civilians go so we can talk.” 
“No,” he clicks the trigger of the gun. 
You close your eyes, trying not to shake as you hear everything going on behind you. 
“No,” Shawn takes a step closer, and everyone’s focus turns onto him. “Remember it was me. I’m the psychic, I know why you did it. He wasn’t giving you the proper respect, right? And he should have, you’re the one who made sure everything ran smoothly around here especially when he would take his sporadic trips. You did everything he should have done and he- he-” 
“He was gonna fire me and give my job to Janet, but she put it in her two weeks’ notice after that and then she,” he spits in your direction. “Was the next one.” 
“And, you believe she would have taken your job without hesitation?” 
Greg nods. 
Shawn nods before he starts to chuckle. “And that’s when you need to listen or pay attention to all employees because she’s a very kind woman who would never do that and I’m lucky to know... that took a minor detour, I’ll admit but it just proves that she isn’t what you created in your mind.” 
“Are you done?” Carlton asks. 
“Hmm? Oh, yeah.” 
That’s all the detective needed to hear as he takes another step forward. “Let her go.” 
“I don’t think I will.” 
“What are you doing?” Shawn whispers. 
“Do you know why our boss would take sudden trips?” 
“Yeah. He’s a greedy bastard who wants to blow away his money.” 
“No, his wife is sick, and she’s been in a home that specializes with her condition. She has her good days and her bad days, so when it’s not looking good, he rushes over there in case it’s going to be his last time with her.” 
“Really?” He jerks your arm. “How do you know?” 
“He told me because I found him crying in the storage closet when it was my turn to close the shop a few months ago. He trusted you, that’s why he was confident with you being in charge.” 
He lowers his hand. 
Shawn sees the way you’re eyeing your coworker and shakes his head. 
Greg drops his gun. 
You take this as your opportunity to run away from him before anything else could happen. 
Shawn pushes you behind him. 
Juliet and Lassiter do their thing, arresting him just as Gus rushes in, holding a broom as his weapon of choice. 
“Nice timing, Guster,” Carlton tells him as he passes by to put the, now, arrested man in the nearest squad car, which of course happens to be Buzz’s. 
“Is he gone?” 
“Yes, Gus. He’s gone, you can stop now.” 
The frightened man takes notice of the scene and slowly sets the broom down before sniffing as he wipes his nose. “I knew that; I was just testing you.” 
“No, you weren’t,” you chime in. 
“I’m gonna let that slide for right now.” 
“You’re so nice, Gus.” You groan, holding your side. “I think it’s time for me to get checked out.” 
Two paramedics run in, asking which of three needs to be checked out. 
All three of you answer, informing the gentleman that it’s you. Once they make sure you’re all good, they give you one last recommendation to get a full check up at the hospital to make sure you’re all good and don’t have any underlying injuries they may not have caught. 
You wave them off, “yeah, yeah,” your words fine out slurred before you pass out. 
The whole way there, everyone was worried about you, Shawn more than the others. 
Henry walks into the room, placing a hand on his boy’s shoulder. “When was the last time you left the room?” 
“Not once.” 
“You need to eat something, Shawn.” 
The psychic doesn’t say anything else. 
“You know, you need to eat something if you want to confess to her.” 
“Confess what?” 
“I raised you better than to play dumb, Shawn.” 
The younger man gets up out of his seat. “Fine, so maybe I do know what you’re talking about but why would I-” 
“No, no. Don’t distract me.” 
“Why are you-” 
Henry sighs and spins his son around, leaving his boy to get the girl. 
“Oh, you’re up.” 
“I am.” 
He grabs the water by your bed and holds for you. 
“I can drink water on my own.” 
He nods, slowly placing the cup in your hands. 
“How are you?” 
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” 
You set the cup down onto the table. “You could but, you’re antsy and an antsy Shawn isn’t a good Shawn.” 
“Usually, you’d have some witty comeback when I say things like that, what’s going on in your head?” 
“You could have died.” 
“But I didn’t.” 
“But you could have.” 
“I didn’t though.” 
“But… you could have and- and-” 
You slowly push yourself up, reaching out for his hand, bringing him closer. 
He’s careful as he sits down beside you. 
“What would have happened, if it did happen? Can you find it in you to explain that bit to me?” 
“You mean, other than the fact that the woman I’ve been in love with since we were kids would be dead, not much.” 
“Wha-” Your jaw drops. 
“I wouldn’t have been able to come up with a clever plan and pretend like I didn’t know how it happened even though you know when I’m lying.” 
“So, what you’re saying is you like me and you want to ask me out?” You ask, a sly smile dancing across your lips. 
“That’s it?” 
“I feel like there’s something else you have planned.” 
“Yeah, you’re gonna go find my doctor, ask when I can leave so then you can take me out on our date and fall asleep on my couch.” 
This is the first time he’s smile since this morning, and it feels great. “Don’t move.” 
“I won’t.” 
Woody rushes in with a black bag. 
You raise a brow. “Did you really think I was dead?” 
“Wha- oh this,” he points to the bag. “No, no. I was just- I thought I needed to be prepared.” 
“Get out.” 
“I’m the one who brought the flowers.” He points with a weak smile.  
“Thank you, they’re beautiful but get out.” 
“Yep, got it.” Woody manages to move out of the way before he could bump into Shawn and your doctor and continues to run out of the building. 
You and Shawn had a wonderful time getting dinner (with Gus driving so you could pick up the food) and dropping you guys off at your place (after being told he wasn’t invited). 
“If I’m not a part of this date, why did I drive you two to go pick up jerk chicken?” 
Shawn shrugs, “sorry, buddy.” 
You jab your elbow into his side, “I don’t know. I’m sorry, he used you. How about tomorrow we all go out and get breakfast before we head over to the station?” 
“Thank you, I think that would be a great idea.” Gus doesn’t move from his spot. 
“Do you want to take some for the road?” 
“This is why I like you.” 
“You’ve liked me being around since we met, I used to pretend you weren’t involved in whatever it was he,” you point to Shawn. “Was doing so you wouldn’t get suspended.” 
“And that’s exactly why I’m happy he’s partially your problem now.” He takes his napkin wrapped portions and waves you two off before he leaves. 
“Can we go upstairs now? It’s getting cold.” 
“Quite whining and maybe you’ll get a blanket.” 
He leans against the doorway as he waits for you to pull out your keys. “Is there anyway, I could persuade you?” 
The doorknob clicks, you open the door and smile at him. “No.” 
“I think you’re lying.” 
“Your psychic abilities tell you that?” 
You roll your eyes and step inside. “Come on, I’m hungry and I’m not afraid to take the food from you.” 
“But then you’d have a starving man in your home, rummaging through your fridge searching for a pineapple.” 
“I’m not afraid to take that risk.” 
You chuckle, “hurry up and get over here. We can watch a movie.” 
“I’m getting us some drinks. I can’t die of thirst after fulfilling my need of food.” 
“And here is your drink,” he sets them down on the coffee table. “And your food.” 
You practically snatch the food from him. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
“I mean… for everything that’s happened.” 
He settles on the couch beside you, turning for you to see his soft smile. “I know.” 
You shake your head. “You’re so cocky.” 
“Only for you.” 
“I feel like I should be ending things here.” 
“But you’re not. You love me too much.” 
“Shush and watch the movie.” 
He smiles to himself, knowing he’s made you all flustered.
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I. VOID .I Xavier Thorpe x O.C
*All copy rights go to the creators of Wednesday, and the music to Melanie Martinez. Those are their's to claim they just helped inspire me.* Also this has an Original Character and OC family.* SMUT. 18+. MINORS DNI. 
Warnings: Smut, unprotected P in V (don’t be silly wrap your willy), touch of being insecure/chubby, I’m sure there’s more but that’s the gist of what I can think of.
“So strange
I'm tryin' to find the doorway
My eyes are starin' at me
And they seem so damn unhappy..”
“Don’t stop” I gasp out while Xavier pulls my hair and pounds into me from behind. I can feel him squeezing my plush hips while he juts into me at an inhuman pace. “Do you like how I fill you up? How I stretch you out?” He huffs, blowing at a piece of hair that’s fallen out of his bun. I clench around him, taking his energy and using it to feed the ache and hunger that is never-ending in my core. 
“Xavier I can’t” I moan, not being able to take the constant feel of his cock kissing my g-spot, the feeling of his hands rubbing my neck while pulling on my pony tail, the overwhelming scent of him. “You can, and you will Ophelia” he moans. I use his moment of weakness against him, and flip our position. I lay him flat on my bed while I straddle him. I can feel him in my stomach when I start to rock my hips against his pelvis. “Ophelia, wait no I’m going to cum” he whines out. I reach forward and lick a strip up his neck, my forked tongue tickling the sensitive spot behind his ear. He reaches up and grabs at my stomach, a moment of insecurity hits me, I’ve never had a body like this, round and plush. But I remind myself that I am what he views as his perfect girl, so I swallow my thoughts and clench down on him. “Baby where do you want me to cum?” He starts to lose his rhythm and I can feel he’s close, “inside me” I whisper seductively into his ear. “Fuck me, babe I’m - Ophelia baby I’m cumming.” He moans out, once last thrust and he’s shooting his load into me, while I clench down on him. I feel my own climax begin to wash over me, the constant pressure on my clit from his hip bones, him hitting in me perfectly becomes too much, letting myself go I see stars as I orgasm. He cries out as I milked him for all I could, hoping to ease my hunger for at least the next day, and I collapse beside him, curling into his chest and allowing myself to fall sleep.
I wake up the next morning drenched in sweat and sticky with my own arousal. Wet dreams about the tortured artist I met the night before fuelling my intense need to feed. I begin to stretch and wipe my eyes while yawning. 
Knowing my mother wants to talk today about rules, and go over some things that have changed since our last rebirth, I prepare to get ready. Walking to the bathroom, I comb out my wavy hair, and begin to wash my face. I brush my teeth and head to the closet to pick out my outfit for the day. I settle on a pair of black high waisted mom jeans, a black V-neck long sleeve that’s form fitting and a pair of black slip on vans. Once dressed, I spray myself down with perfume.
Walking down the spiral staircase I have a pep in my step as I enter the kitchen area. “Good morning beautiful girl, how was your first nights sleep?” My mom greets me, kissing my forehead. “Really well, I need to feed after the night I’ve had though” I let out a giggle and grab an apple. Sitting down at the bar seats my mom looks at me and frowns, “sweetie when you’re ready we can have our chat. Until then, maybe go change? I think you might be a bit too big for that shirt.” Looking down I frown myself, wondering what she’s referring to. Yes I’m certainly more curvy and vivacious than my previous lives, but the form fitting long sleeve hugs my curves, shows off my large chest and pairs perfectly with my jeans. “Im good mom, I feel comfortable in this, but let’s go have that talk. You’re starting to make me anxious” I let out a weak laugh and walk towards the living room, where I notice my father in front of the fire place, poking at the already burning wooden logs. “Good morning daddy!” I exclaim going to give a hug, only to be met with a slow step back and a tight grin. 
Frowning I look down and sit, awaiting for someone to break the awkward silence and start the oh-so important conversation. “Well hunny, we have some rules we need to go over, and some things to touch on. This life time is different than the last, there’s technology beyond what we could’ve ever imagined, and us outcasts aren’t as shunned as we were before. Your father and I have spoken and we have agreed on the following” my mom shifts in her seat, nervously running the palm of her hands across her black fitting dress. 
“Rule number one, there is a school here for outcasts, you have been enrolled and will start with the rest of your class on the 9th.” She nods and continues, “ Second rule, being that you will be living on campus amongst your fellow outcasts, your father and I are ready to live as a couple again, not parents.” She says firmly, My eyebrows tense as I go to speak, she holds her hand up as if to shush me, “third rule, we don’t want to know when, if, how, who and where you feed. Your father and I are wanting a break from the constant complaining of being hungry, and having to be around to hear you feed on poor young men and women.” She frowns while looking down. I look down at my hands, feeling ashamed for who and what I am for the first time ever. I sniffle, and hold back the tears brimming my eyes and nod at her to continue. To my surprise it’s my dad who speaks next, “Hunny we love you, but it’s time you start to learn to be independent and find your own crowd you can fit in with. We have gone ahead and got you a phone, and we will assist in your packing today, you leave this afternoon for school. We have spoken to your principal, and you have been assigned a private room due to your unique, feeding habits.” He smiles while placing his hand on my knee, as if to comfort me. 
Standing up and straightening my shirt, I head towards the stairs to gather my things. Never have my parents thrown me away like trash, they don’t even seem worried that Evan hasn’t rebirthed yet. As I jog up the stairs, my chest bouncing while i do so, I head into my room and slam my door. I guess on the bright side, I only had one night with my new set up, meaning I didn’t become too attached to what I thought could be permeant. I begin throwing my things into piles to sort through in bags and boxes, I hear foot steps coming up the stairs and I stiffen, truly not wanting to even face my family right now. 
“Here beautiful, these are the spare boxes from when we moved here. Let me know if you need any help” my mom says lightly, placing the few boxes onto the ground of my room. I nod and don’t respond, beginning to throw my items into the boxes not really caring how messy everything is. What feels like days, but in reality is only an hour and a half, I have completed my packing, and head downstairs with some of my boxes. “I’m ready, can you please grab the last few boxes” I say with a slight sass to my voice. Nodding my dad pulls out a set of car keys and unlocks the car. I walk outside and begin to put my items into the modernized hearse.  
-2 hours later-
“Goodbye baby girl, we love you.” My mother waves near the hearse, I turn and glare, grabbing my last box to take to my room. My new room isn’t small, but it’s not like the beautifully decorated room my parents had made me for seemingly no reason. 
I look around and begin to figure out what decor can go where, what clothes to be hung and to be folded, and where to place my shoes.
After finishing my room, and placing my new uniform on a hanger in my closet to prevent wrinkles, I begin my hunt to find the cafeteria. Wandering the halls of this beautiful castle disguised as a school, I begin to see fellow outcasts, faceless people, sirens, wolves, and those who appear to be in all accounts, ‘normal’. As I walk around the halls, I begin to follow a slew of hushed whispers and end up in the centre of the quad, to see tons of outcasts chatting, eating and enjoying themselves. I feel my cheeks heat up, as my horns become the focal point of everyones attention. I straighten my posture and walk with a feign confidence to retrieve a plate of poorly made pork chops and what appears to be mashed potatoes. Wincing I grab a bottle of water and head towards an empty table near the trash can. I pull out my new phone and begin to try and figure out how to use it. A little while later, I learned and had finished setting up. Noticing my parents had placed their numbers in my phone along with the number to the therapist in town. I place my phone down, losing my small appetite and stand up readying to throw out my so called ‘dinner’.
As I turn to place my tray on the cart where it belongs, I’m face to face, well face to chest with the tall long haired boy from the small shed in the woods. “We meet again, hopefully this time I can catch your name.” He smirks. Instantly the heat in my core intensifies as I realize it’s Xavier, the one from my dream. I smile up at him, allowing my fangs and horns to peak, “Well, hello handsome, I’m Ophelia, it’s nice to see a familiar face around” I shrug my shoulders and bat my lashes up at him.
‘Oh this is going to be fun’ I think to myself, he smiles down at me, his beautiful green eyes hold something mischievous behind them. “I’m glad to see you here, do you want a tour?” He says confidently. Nodding eagerly I move my arms as if to say ‘lead the way’.
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
Could I have Caitlyn, Vi and Jinx x Fem reader, who is extremely afraid of injections and needles? I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow where I will probably have 2 injections and I'm VERY AFRAID OF IT
I have two options: Don't go there at all, or go, chicken out, and run away
*locks myself in my room*
Hang in there, anon! You got this<3
Caitlyn: The best person to have at your side if you have a fear of needles. A gentle voice, a calm demeanor, a no-nonsense attitude. Sssh, she knows it seems terrifying. But it will be over in the blink of an eye. She'll be there at every step. She'll even hold your hand while it's done. Afterward, you can stop by the ice cream parlor, and pick out that flavor you both have been dying to try. Okay?
Vi: Tough love and pep talks. C'mon, psych yourself up! You've done this before; you will again. You're braver than you give yourself credit for. She'll be sitting across you while the injections are administered, holding eye contact with you the entire time, then give you a big bone-cracking hug afterward. See? Nothing to it! Now let's get some funky bandages you can wear like medals.
Jinx: She will suggest practicing with 'pretend' injections. Be firm and nix this idea - unless you want to resemble a pin cushion. Her next suggestion will be replacing the doctor's needles with her own, which are finer and better quality. Gently decline that too. Sterilization is not Jinx's strong point. Finally, she'll offer to pinch your other arm while the injection is administered. Pain + Pain cancels out P a i n, right? (No, Jinx, no.)
Ultimately, brilliant ideas rejected, she'll curl up by your side while the injecting is in progress, and pepper your face with little kisses. And possibly blow a raspberry at the doctor. And chuck a sharps container at the nurse.
The staff may ask her to leave. But hey! At least she tried!
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theclaravoyant · 4 months
AN ~ So!! I needed a bit of fluff and humour after THAT EPISODE !! and after seeing their adorable lil faces in the bts pics with the medals this little ... cold open esque prologue? to 7x09 came to me in a lunch break :P enjoy!
note: contains a multitude of weewooified details about lafd and the military, for dramatic and humourous effect, plz don't @ me
Firefam. No spoilers outside of trailers. (~1600wd). Humour, but with angst bc I can’t stop myself putting these guys in Situations
bait and switch
The seats in the hallway are typical of any waiting room: plastic arms, kind of sticky, and weirdly cheap and tacky considering the significance of the life events about to occur in their occupants. The walls are a burnt-orange red. Fitting, if ominous.
The clock on the wall ticks on.
“Evan's been in there a long time,” Tommy observes.
“Too long,” Hen agrees.
“He's probably gone out the other way,” Chimney speculates grimly. ”Doesn't want us to see the broken shell of a man Gerrard's turned him into.”
Eddie sits a few seats away, with his eyes closed, envisioning himself as a puddle of jello. Well, he was. Well. He was trying to. He cracks an eye open.
“Thanks for the pep talk, Chim.”
“You're welcome.” Chimney huffs. He wishes he had his phone. Maybe he could text Maddie to call him away with some emergency. Sure he'd only be delaying the inevitable, but he'd take any respite at this point.
Eddie laughs. “Come on. He can't be that bad.”
Hen, Chim and Tommy fix him with a glare that tells him he knows not of what he speaks.
“Easy for you to say,” Chimney challenges. “We can't all have interrogation training.”
“What is it you think I actually did over there?”
Chim's been reading too much Zero Dark Thirty. Eddie rolls his eyes. But maybe there's something to having his military days at the top of his mind, because when the doors swing open he all but jumps to his feet, back ramrod straight. He wonders all of a sudden if he's somehow put his badges on backwards or something and it's all he can do not to fret with his collar and sleeves. He's heard the stories. He might have lucked out with Bobby as his Captain, but he's had drill sergeants like this Gerrard guy, and the performance anxiety is real.
“Firefighter Diaz.”
“Please come through.”
He follows obediently, his hands clasped behind his back in some kind of attention pose he isn't even deliberately aware of knowing how to do. The rest of them will take the piss out of him later, he's sure.
The doors close behind him.
The waiting resumes.
Chimney bounces a knee.
“They're doing this on purpose, you know,” he mutters, not quite to himself. “To make us sweat. I'm playing right into their hands.”
“I don't get it,” Hen muses, turning their situation over in her head. “I thought we were in the clear. No credit, no crime, right?”
Tommy shrugs. “You know how it is. Sometimes the brass likes to have their cake and eat it to.”
“I guess.” Hen sighs. “I'm sorry, guys. Let me talk to them. I meant it when I said I didn't want any of this to blow back on you – especially you, Tommy.”
“Hey.” He shakes his head, and waves her off. “I throw in, I'm all in.”
“Yeah,” Chim agrees. “We're in this together. Spartacuses. Spartaci? Although... I'd like to state for the record that per to the Geneva Convention I can't be held responsible for anything I may or may not say under duress.”
Hen all but rolls her eyes at him. Geneva Convention or no – and she's almost certain that particular one is a no - she's been locked up with the man and forced to watch him flatline repeatedly and he still figured out how to help save them both. There's not a force in this world that would make him throw her under the bus.
“It's gonna be okay, Chim,” she promises. Even squeezes his hand, for good measure.
But this time, the door opens too quickly. Maybe Gerrard is doing it just to mess with them after all. Still no Buck. No Eddie.
“Firefighter Han,” the bailiff-type beckons.
He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment and mutters quickly as he stands-
“Tell Maddie I love her, show Jee Yun pictures of my face!”
Then, with a dull BOOM!, the doors are closed again.
And then there are two.
Hen hangs her head. Lets out a breath.
Tommy lets his fall back against the wall.
After a while, they switch.
Tommy's head drops forward, resting on his hands resting on his elbows resting on his knees. He rubs circles on his own knuckles. Hen stretches her feet out in front of her, tips her head back and closes her eyes. She even tries Eddie's jello thing. She's never really been much of a jello person though, honestly, so instead, she copes by breaking the silence.
“What about you then, Kinard? Ever been court martialled?”
“No,” he says. “Although, I did get a summary once.”
“What for?”
“Conduct unbecoming.”
He looks up, and there's a glint of mischief in his eye that tells her exactly what kind of conduct. Hen's jaw slackens.
“No way. Team Jacob, huh?”
“Taylor Lautner? Please. I'm only a man.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Honestly, I didn't think much of it at the time. I mean, I got scared straight for sure - Got a slap on the wrist, a lot of hoo ha about an other than honourable discharge, so I pulled my head in. But I also figured, plenty of straight guys have 'experiences' on tour. Took me a while to put the pieces together.”
“How'd you figure it out? I mean without a hot pilot boyfriend of your own to sweep you off your feet.” “Ha, ha.” He fixes her with a meaningful gaze, and smiles. “Actually, I got yelled at by this really brave black lesbian firefighter. You could say she inspired me to do some introspection.”
“Yeah, well. We do have that effect on people.”
She is definitely not blushing and even more definitely not thinking about that time she cried in front of him. It's the last thing she needs, when the doors open again and he nods and disappears and then she's alone.
Then again, she thinks, maybe it's not the worst thing she could be thinking about. Gerrard used to have so much power over her. Over her mood. Over how she spent her day. What is she doing, giving him another day of her life? Sure, part of her is terrified and drenched in guilt that she's very possibly single-handedly ended the careers of most of her closest friends. But the other part of her – the bigger part, and only growing as she gives voice to it – knows she hasn't single-handedly done a thing, and that she would have just as soon thrown her lot in with any of them if they'd asked, or even if they hadn't. She's abseiled a collapsing bridge with them; been shot at; been kidnapped; put her life, her wife's life in their hands; held theirs in hers. She's sung in front of most of them; subjected them to her cooking; they've born witness to her tears and to her happy dances more times than she can count. At the end of the day, she has no regrets. So she's feeling a lot stronger by the time those doors open for her.
She takes a deep breath and strides forward, and notices straight away that the air in here is – weird.
It's not just Gerrard, there's several officials and even the Fire Chief. Bobby isn't here. He probably isn't allowed to be, as both the subject of the illicit rescue and Captain of the accused, so it's not surprising, but the absence of his steady presence rooting for her stings. These guys? It feels like they're all laughing at her. Like they're in on something she doesn't know – like maybe how delicious Gerrard is finding it that he gets to deliver the final blow. He was the one who gave her her badge after all, albeit reluctantly. It's weirdly fitting that he be the one to take it away. Although. She'd expected him to look a lot happier about it.
“Firefighter Wilson.”
“Captain Gerrard.”
“Is it true that on the evening of April 6 2024 to the morning of April 7 2024 you aided and abetted the appropriation of city resources including but not limited to rostered firefighters, radar technology, and an LAFD helicopter to conduct an unauthorised rescue operation on the cruise ship Ocean Joy?”
“Your friends tell me you masterminded the operation.”
Deep breaths, Wilson. You knew this was coming.
“It was my idea. The others, they were just helping me follow a hunch. I take full responsibility.”
Gerrard gives a loud, pointed sigh. She can't figure out if he's impressed or thinks she's bullshitting him. Maybe both.
“Some hunch,” he says.
She clenches her jaw as she watches the man come down from the tribunal table. He takes his time on his way to her and she tries to keep looking straight ahead, like it doesn't matter to her what intention is glistening behind those beady shark eyes. He's getting so close now that he could just about rip the badge straight off her chest. Is that what's about to happen? To nearly twenty years of her life? She braces herself. Holds her breath. Mustn't let him see her cry.
He holds out a piece of paper. She blinks down at it.
“What's this?”
Her knees are numb but hold her up somehow nonetheless as she takes the paper and unfolds it.
Am I dreaming?
She blinks. Stammers. Looks around.
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b-blushes · 1 year
also the power of It Being The Next day cannot be underestimated! sure things might not be 'better' but i am awake on a new day! sure you can reset at any time of day but it's kinda nice when the world around you is doing it with you!
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gillie266 · 2 months
Yeein' On That 'Haw Ch. 14-- Nah, It Doesn't Count As Terrorism
I quickly learned that I was not good at concocting plans. My mind kept wandering to what exactly could have been happening outside of this room– Norm could have already been dead and I wouldn’t have known because I had been unconscious for who knows how long. For some reason, that thought scared me more than anything; the fact that I could have done something about it but I had been stupid enough to confide in God of all people, which got me kidnapped. 
Somehow, I managed to shake off my unfounded paranoia for long enough to make up some sort of idea of what I was going to do. There were plenty of windows in here, and it didn’t seem like an unsurvivable drop to the ground from the second story. I could probably jump out of the window and try to track down Norm to… apologize, save his ass, or both. Actually, probably just the former. I wasn’t sure if I was capable of saving him from anything, let alone Mayor Mingus. But if I couldn’t find him, I would definitely try to go through with our assassination plot. I didn’t come all this way for nothing.
What concerned me was that my blurry vision hadn’t begun to fade. There was still static on the edges of my vision, which made my periphery and depth perception far different than what they usually were. I knew that if I was going to have a chance at saving Norm from an untimely death at the hands of a rabid cat, then I would have to act quick before the glitches got worse. We could figure out their source later.
I took a few breaths to steady my frantically beating heart and approached one of the arched windows along the exterior wall. I never noticed how garish the wallpaper was until now. My hands traced the window’s frame until they found the latch, which I promptly pressed my thumb against to unlock it. Then I lifted the window. I was immediately bombarded with the sounds and smells of Dialtown once again– a strangely welcome sensation. I didn’t look down. I knew that if I did, I would hesitate, and I didn’t have time to hesitate. 
With that in mind, I braced my hands against the window sill and lifted my body from the ground before slinging my legs out of the window. My shoes made contact with the thin, decorative accents that lined the exterior walls of Town Hall, offering me a half-decent foothold to keep myself steady. The wind whipped through my clothes, which made it considerably more difficult to keep balance. 
I made the mistake of looking down to gauge how far I would be falling. The ground seemed a million feet away, infinitely stretching outward despite only being a maximum of fifteen feet up. I did spot a small pile of empty garbage bags that could potentially act as a landing pad, though. My gaze shot back up to stare at the wall ahead of me. Bad idea. I gave myself a brief pep-talk before counting down from five and loosing my grip on the windowsill. 
The fall was over before I even fully realized it was happening. All I felt was a brief sinking feeling in my stomach before my back hit the pile of empty trash bags, forcing a rush of air from my throat. I sat up before I got the chance to relax and stood, only stumbling a little bit before regaining my footing. 
I looked around the area and found that I was behind Town Hall, in an alley between the building and the one behind it. Okay, great. I’m not sure why Mingus didn’t send a guard to ensure I stayed in the office, but hey, I’m not complaining. Her negligence gave me the chance to escape. 
Readjusting my clothes, I approached the corner of the building and peered around it. Thankfully, there was nobody around to see me or take me back to where I was supposed to be. However, there were windows along the side of the wall that I was going to be walking past, so I had to stay low to avoid being seen. I awkwardly crouched down beneath the first-story windowsills and braced one hand on the wall so I wouldn’t trip like an idiot, then began to move. 
As I practically crawled under one of the windows, I got the bright idea to peek inside and see if I could spy anything useful to… maybe use as a weapon? Or I might have been able to overhear some useful information, maybe on the whereabouts of Norm or some sort of weakness of Mingus’s that I could exploit. 
The first window yielded nothing useful. Inside was what seemed to be a lounge or clubroom for groups to rent out. It had obviously not been used or cleaned in ages, evidenced by the cobwebs decorating nearly every surface. The next window proved to be a bit more favorable: a kitchen of sorts, perfectly clean counters and cabinets lining the walls topped by containers filled with cooking utensils and decorative ornaments. It maintained the purple theming of the rest of the building, and many framed photos of the Mayor had been placed around the room. Talk about an ego. 
I silently prayed that I wouldn’t have to break the window, and sure enough, it had been left unlocked. I pushed it upward and climbed inside, shutting the window behind me so my path would be more difficult to track if I was found to no longer be in Mingus’s office. My optical sensors tracked down the largest kitchen knife they could find, which I swiftly grabbed and inspected. It was sharp, which was a good thing, but I was also one of the clumsiest motherfuckers on the planet, so I had to be careful with it. 
I nearly leapt out of my skin when I heard speech emitting from just beyond the wooden door to the kitchen. Straining my sound processors, I made out two voices, both sounding rather familiar. As soon as I was able to make out their words, I gritted my teeth to avoid groaning at the realization that it was the two weapon-headed mobsters that attacked Norm and I before fleeing in the patented Mayor Mingus Chevrolet. I couldn’t quite remember their names, but honestly, I doubted they could remember their own. 
The two mobsters were painfully incompetent, of course, but even with that in mind, I wasn’t confident in my ability to fight both of them off. So if they were coming this way, I had to find somewhere to hide. I looked around the room and found nothing more than a cupboard I would barely fit into, so I began looking up. My gaze landed on a large air vent– the kind that only show up in video games when they are most convenient, and are coincidentally comedically large enough for the player character to fit inside of, even though those kinds of vents would never exist in real life. 
Whatever, I wasn’t one to ignore a fateful coincidence. I darted over to the wall and climbed on top of the closest counter to the vent before hurriedly dislodging its cover and pushing it inside. With some effort, I managed to push myself up and into the vent, turn around, and prop the cover up to make it seem like it hadn’t been disturbed. 
I wasn’t going to stick around to find out if the two mobsters were entering the kitchen. I turned around and began crawling my way through the cramped, dusty-ass ventilation system. There was a constant, dull fear that I was making too much noise and would alert somebody to my presence, but if there was one thing I knew about stealth games, it was that enemies never heard you sneaking around in the vents. 
One thing that I noticed while crawling through the vents was that they were connected to the entire Town Hall. I passed more clubrooms, closets, hallways, hell, even through the bathrooms. I occasionally spotted a familiar character– I even saw Little Billy once. I don’t think I’ve ever been that terrified in my life. I could have sworn he saw me, but if he did, he decided to be merciful and ignore my presence. 
Finally, after turning a corner, I heard a voice I had been listening for this whole time: Norm. His drawl was unmistakable, and while I couldn’t make out a word he was saying, he sounded pissed. I picked up speed, hearing my battered knees and the knife I held in one hand slamming into the steel I was crawling on at an even louder volume. I eventually made it to what I assumed was the entrance hall, and located a vent cover I could look out of. 
And there they were, Norm and Mayor Mingus, engaged in a heated argument. Mingus’s fur was standing on end, her tail flicking back and forth, conveying her bloodlust. Norm had already drawn his revolver from its holster and had its aim trained on the feline. Despite the rest of his body language representing a calm demeanor and sense of control, I noticed something that Mingus hadn’t seemed to: his hands were trembling. Whether it was from fear, anger, nerves, or all three, I wasn’t sure. I watched their argument unfold, Mingus having been in the middle of a statement. 
“--could never understand the hell I’ve been through trying to make Dialtown thrive again!” Her grip tightened on her cane, which she held as if it were a baton. “What I did was necessary! You were a threat to normalcy as a whole, a threat to uniformity! Do you have any idea what your presence could have caused my people to do? What you could have done to my people?!”
Norm scoffed incredulously. “Inspire ‘em t’ be their own people? Pursue their own goals?” He took a mildly threatening step closer. “What a travesty. How dare yer citizens wanna do what makes ‘em happy in life instead o’ what you want ‘em t’ do?” I noticed a crack in his voice. Was he truly that passionate about this? I felt my stomach churn. 
“Don’t you dare make me out to be a villain here!” Mingus cried, pointing accusatorily with her cane. “I know what’s best for this town, believe me! I’m just doing what my paw-paw failed to do– I’m reinstating his vision!” She paused just long enough to take a breath, not allowing Norm to get a word in edgewise. “Aren’t you the patriotic one? Weren’t you the one who believed President Crown knew what was best for his country? I’m only doing what he did!” 
“Don’ compare yerself t’ President Crown. Y’don’t get to do that after what ya’ve done t’ this place.” Norm’s voice was low and… almost menacing. “Ya’ve ruined what makes Dialtown… Dialtown. Its uniqueness, it’s unpredictability. Ya’ve made it a little gray speck on the face of the earth, jus’ like all th’ other cities.” He shook his head. “I remember, back in th’ day, when people would come t’ Dialtown to get a taste o’ what life could be like without expectations. Now, we ‘ave homeless folks floodin’ every corner, corporate slaves, crushed dreams.” Norm glared, a heated stare that, even though I wasn’t its target, seemed to melt my bones. “An’ it all started happenin’ when a certain someone was elected t’ office. Wanna take a wild guess who that was?”
Mingus was seething with anger. I could see her form trembling in barely concealed rage, as if her very soul wanted to attack. Then, without warning, my body lurched forward, my heartbeat lagging behind its usual rhythm. My vision seemed to bleed and melt, and my head swam as if I had just taken the worst psychoactive drug ever. I couldn’t stop the uncomfortable sound that fled my throat from escaping, and once my vision cleared a few seconds later, I realized my mistake. 
The Mayor’s head turned to the side with the speed of a gunshot, her intense eyes burning a hole into what felt like my soul. She wanted to see blood run, and by Phone-God, Mayor Mingus Crown always got what she wanted. 
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
Cirrus (Concubus) x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
Part IV
(Well! Here we are! This has been a big journey for me oh my gosh! I don't think I have ever wrote some this long! The story is almost 9,000 words, I am so proud of myself! There is more angst in this section! There's a lot that needs to be explained here, and I hope I did it justice! TW for light mentions of trauma, some issues with bodily dissassociation and displaying trauma responces and anxiety! But it does resolve sweetly at the end! And things are looking up to healing and a better future. ^-^ )9
Part I ○♡○ Part II ○♡○ Part III
You sat at home, Serina curled up on the back of the couch while you ate a simple dinner.
Thinking back to all the things Vivian had chatted with you at the coffee shop. Trying to make a plan to stick to when you face the demon. You rehearsed what you wanted to say to Cirrus, all night and all next morning. The speeches you wanted to say, the daring things you hoped you would be able to convey. You walked to the library early, your mind worrying at the outcome and wanted to approach them before you found yourself backing away from the idea.
You ran into Cirrus into the hallway of the basement level, right outside their workshop. The demon stiffens as they notice you.
"Can I talk with you?"
Cirrus tries to walk around you, but you shift to block their path, holding up a hand.
Your eyes meet theirs, keeping your gaze steady, Cirrus looks away and gestures towards their workroom silently.
You rest your hands on your knees sitting in a chair Cirrus provided you. Amongst the books and paper of their work. The silence was awkward and filled up every crevice of the room with a suffocating tightness.
"You knew. . . I liked you." You began, "Why. . . didn't you say something?" It wasn’t what you had expected yourself to say. It wasn’t one of the many options you had pep talked yourself on. Revved up on Vivian’s fiestyness, you had felt that you should be bold, tell Cirrus that they had treated you wrongly. Ask for an explanation of why they had acted the way they did.
Cirrus leans against one of their many work tables, their forehead crinkling.
". . .I owe you an apology first and foremost.”
Cirrus gives a slow sigh, taking off their glasses and folding them neatly before setting them beside the table. Your head bobs up in surprise.
“When you arrived at the bar I was. . . flummoxed. You turned up suddenly, and I was not prepared to see you there. I had all intent to attempt to avoid you while you were visiting, then Vivian appeared I panicked. It felt as if the image I had been carefully curating for years, broke into a thousand bloody shards. I never wanted you to see me in such a place, and if it wasn’t for. . . what I am, I would never choose to step foot inside.”
“I am sorry, I am not following. What do you mean?”
“I do not particularly enjoy what I am.” They respond quietly. “It comes with a lot of strings attached. Especially in the subject of trusting others with such an intimate part of myself. Despite how frustrating Vivian and the others are, I envy them. I really do. They are brave enough to wear their hearts on their sleeves. To experience love and loss and be their true selves.” Cirrus crosses their arms, tipping their head to the side and closing their eyes.
“I can’t follow in their footsteps. . . I have tried. I have tried to be physically open with strangers and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can’t bring myself to do such acts, even if I’m starving.” Their mouth twists into a rueful smile. “It’s. . . shameful. A creature that needs sexual energy to survive. . . and yet. Yet it turns my stomach sour. I become nauseous and anxiety ridden just thinking about it. I don’t know anything about them. So how could I even think to lower my guard around someone I don’t even know. So that is why I work at that bar. Because if I did not work there, I do not think I would be able to carry on as long as I have.”
You were hanging onto their every word, focused on the demon. You watched Cirrus’ slender shoulders shift as they sigh.
“And then you came along. Cheerfully stubborn, a walking disaster on two legs.” They give a short huff of laughter. “Whatever the world throws at you, you bounce back. You dust yourself off and laugh.” The faint smile that had been playing upon their lips falters and disappears. “I like you too. I do. But it’s selfish of me to want, and yearn, so I did my best to keep you at arm's length. What else could I do? I rarely want to face the truth of who I am when I am alone. Thinking about sharing this, this ailment? This divergence of thinking, that has me battling against the very nature of my design? It would be sending you down into my own struggles and problems if I let you get closer. And I know you. You would try to shoulder my pain, and that is something I would regret with every ounce of my being.”
You take a deep breath, nudging the toe of your shoe against the carpeted floor. “I don’t think that’s an ailment. . . to me it sounds like well being different. Having a different mind, a different comfort zone, and there’s nothing wrong with that. . . Wanting to know you can trust a person, before you let yourself fall? That’s something that I can relate to a lot. But I don’t think I could ever fathom the pain you’ve had to deal with by the added weight and uncomfortableness that you had to fight through to just be yourself.” You take another shaky breath and nod.
“It is so hard, especially when you feel like your body and mind is going in two different directions. You think something is wrong with you, like you’re a sicko or, you start to hate yourself and—“ You cut yourself off as you find Cirrus watching you.
“D-did I s-say too much?”
“N. . . no. . .” Cirrus’ voice a faint whisper. “I would appreciate it if you told me more.”
You blink, taken aback before giving a nervous smile. “A-ah. . . w-well. . .“ You’re shoulders shrug. "Well, knowing what I know right now about myself— My brain doesn’t formulate intimate attraction easily, I have to. . . y’know. Like you said, know somebody for a while. Before I started to read about other peoples experiences with different sexualities and stuff. . . I used to kind of hate myself for that. I couldn’t really feel attraction towards people, but yet I would still get these intrusive feelings, or thoughts, and I did really feel like there was something really wrong with me.“
You notice Cirrus’ hands clenched tightly on the table, knuckles turning pale.
“B-but it’s not! And you’re not! When I started to research and poke around, there’s a whole range of sexualities where you experience different levels of attraction or libido and they work individually and differently for everyone. I th-think it’s a wonderful thing! Now I can say hey! I have these traits and I may feel this, but I have to have xyz thing, before I feel comfortable with having a partner. There’s nothing wrong with that, I promise.”
The words that had spilled out of you had run dry, catching a glimpse of Cirrus’ head down, their long white bangs hiding their face from view. But tremors raced up and down their form.
“Like you’re broken?” Their voice stuttered with a tight and throaty tone, “Like your very being was at odds with itself?”
The back of your neck tingled as goosebumps raced over your arms and you nodded slowly. “Y-yeah. . . It d-does feel like that. . .” You stared at them with a growing concern.
Cirrus put a hand over their forehead, forcing out a bitter laugh.
“Wonderful. Just wonderful. Now I understand. How could I have been so blind?”
“That's why I took this form!” The body jerks upright, hands shook as they gestured to themselves emphatically. “I wanted to be as non-descript as possible! I didn’t want to be seen! I didn’t wanted to be someone people judged just by appearance! Knowing what I am and making assumptions! I just wanted to be seen as me! Alone! And yet I can’t survive by starving myself indefinitely!” They snarled, grabbing a fistful of their white hair and pushing it back out of their face. They grit their teeth, as tears slip down their cheek.
You sit rooted in your chair, your heart beating a fast tempo in your throat.
“I need. A moment.” Cirrus' voice shook as they pushed themselves off the countertop. “I need some time to myself.”
“W-would you like um. . . m-me to make you some tea?”
They stood with their hands pressed to their face, breathing deeply to calm their nerves. They shakily intertwine their fingers, forehead resting against the knuckles. “. . . th-that would be nice a-actually.”
You scurry out the door without a sound of affirmation leaving your lips, hopping up the stairs two at a time before reaching a library desk.
“C-can I use the break room to make some tea? I think the Grimoire Conservator is having an anxiety attack!”
The goblin at the service desk looks up, freezing at their desk before hurriedly setting down their paperwork.
“Thank you—“ You huff as you hurry after them.
You stand at the threshold of the door, cup in hand hesitating if you should go back inside or give them more time to themselves.
Great job dummy, you were trying to comfort them and try to understand where they were coming from. . . not give them a panic attack.
You take your free hand, wafting it back and forth to dissipate the dark thoughts that want to crowd your mind. You take in a counted breath before your knuckles rap gently upon the door.
You step back as the door opens, “You don’t have to knock.”
“I didn’t know if you wanted me to come in yet or not. . .” You look Cirrus up and down, “Do you. . . want to talk about it?”
They look weary, “Not right now. . . I. . . don’t think I can stomach much more of that kind of discussion right now.”
You hold your arms open wide. “. . . Would you like a hug. . . ?”
Cirrus watches you, a short lived smile twitching across their face. “Perhaps after we set the tea down.”
You look at your hand before handing you the cup. “Ahah- s—“
You blink as they take the cup and wrap their arms around you. You stay like that in the hallway. And the world is quiet. You tilt your head, your arms tightening around them as you feel teardrops patter onto your shoulder.
There’s frost upon the windows as you step outside, the prisms look like little rainbow diamonds scattered across the living room.
"It's about a couple weeks now since me and Cirrus had that heart to heart," You say to Serina as you check your pockets to make sure you have your essentials before heading out the door. She's basking on top of a heating vent, the tip of her tail swishing in a slow casual curl.
"But, I really feel like Cirrus is a lot happier now than they were before." You continue on despite the cat's silence, "I am really happy for them. Some days are harder than others to be sure, but overall. . . they really seem like they are beginning to embrace their differences."
Serina stares at you, and you laugh, "I'll be careful, I promise! I'm. . . really, really excited actually. We're going out to see a movie. Does this count as our first date? I don't know! But wish me luck, okay?"
Rina's ears go back, closing her eyes to softly meow at you. You beam, blinking slowly at her before opening the door to your house and stepping outside.
"Heya!" You shoot your hand up and wave at the entity standing at your side walk. Cirrus was wearing a simple black pea coat, and holding another coat under their arm.
“You forgot your coat, at my house.” You beam as you hopped down the stairs to reach Cirrus, “Do you think it’s really that cold?”
They huff softly as they bundle you into it, “No. But you can’t be too careful.”
“Oh! By the way! I think Serina really likes you! I noticed she was curled up in your lap the whole time you were visiting!”
“That’s nice dear,” Cirrus responded, “She was telling me she would find a way to disembowel me with a spoon, even if she doesn’t have opposable thumbs.”
Your face falls, pulling back the beanie that Cirrus had snugged down over your ears.
“Oh. . . Rina. . .”
“She was however purring the whole time, so I do feel as if I have received conflicted messages."
You throw your head back and groan dramatically as Cirrus gives an amused smile.
“That darn cat! I told her not to threaten you! Gee whiz! I am going to have a talk with her when I get home."
“She loves you dearly,” Cirrus remarks calmly. “I think it is safe to say she is very protective of you.”
You pause tumbling those words over in your head. You feign a skeptical grin. “That’s only because you haven’t known her as long as I have. "She threatened to eat my nose once,"
Cirrus cocks an eyebrow. ". . . only once?"
You snicker with laughter and give them a playful shove. "So where are you taking me? Are we going to neon light central?
Cirrus snorts openly at your coined term and the mention of the concubus bar. "Certainly not. Vivan would be breathing down our necks as soon as we walked in. That woman is feral."
"She's not that bad!"
Cirrus looked doubtful, "She typically says hello to me. . . by putting me in a headlock. There is nothing sane about that."
"Speaking of the bar. . . are you sure about putting in your resignation? I know that place stresses the heck out of you but. . ."
"I've already done it."
Your eyes widen, "A-already?!"
Cirrus nods, their tone matter-of-fact, "Yes. Before I came to your house. I am not worried about it, in any case."
Cirrus turns to you, gently cupping your chin in their hand, and giving you a kiss on the forehead. You freeze in place as they pull back, the faintest of playful smiles on their lips.
"Yes. . . I do believe I will be just fine without working there."
You feel your face burn, ears puffing out a short plume of steam. Then you hear laughter, a burst of happy and lighthearted laughter, as Cirrus squeezes your shoulder.
You've never heard Cirrus laugh before, and you hope you can make them laugh at least one hundred times over before the day is done.
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Thank you for reading until the very end!♡
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travichughes · 1 year
You're literally so cool. Love this blog. I wanna hear about your Vic and Travis thoughts all day. How are the storyline for them in season 6 compared to the others, in your own opinion?
first of all, thank you!! i always think this fandom needs more travic stans hahah. but sorry this is going to be a long ass post because i have so much to talk about. also spoilers for the season finale
honestly, i dont have very nice things to say about travic together in season 6. i mean, they barely had anything, right? 6x01-6x03 were honestly their best episodes. vic being there for his anxiety, the humour, the soft, and then it all went downhill when eli showed up.
i think they really missed an opportunity when travis leaked the crisis one call to have them fight. vic had just told she could take over crisis one and the breach of HIPAA could have meant crisis one would have shut down, so that would have been a good storyline to navigate. i really thought they were going to fight and it was going to be rough, bit instead, we got not even a full episode of vic being slightly bad at him.
and now 6x08. the worst episode in the season for me. i spent that entire week spiralling about travis getting injured and then travic actually talking about what happened, but instead, vic and theo talked it out and then we got that god-awful trio hug which was the only travic hug we got this season!?!?!!? i was left so disappointed by that episode. it was the start of them diminishing travic and making it look like vic didn't need travis as long as she had theo. and that really hurt lmao. honestly i could go on a whole separate rant about 6x08 so i will restrain myself and move on.
everything was just meh until 6x12, a few cute soft moments dotted around (as usual) and finally, they got their first full scene since 6x06 where travis woke up from a nightmare and vic rushed into the room. instead of leaving like she could have, she came in and talked to him to make sure he was okay. let me also add this was the first time we had seen their house since season 5 so it was so glorious. i loved that scene and i just wish they gave us more relating to that. i would have loved to see travis have another nightmare and it be revealed that it was his third or something that week, and have vic just stay in his room for the rest of his night? apparently that was too much to ask LMAO
6x13... well i'm headcanoning that vic was calling travis to rant about the argument she and theo had had... and travis was uh, doing it with eli. my eyes still hurt from that
and then 6x14... what a glorious episode. i think it was the best episode of the season for them as a friendship, tied with 6x01 and 6x03. they were chaotic together, but when travis needed it, vic gave a pep-talk, and it was glorious. vc always knows exactly what to say to travis which is just so great because they they know each other more than anyone else. I'm glad it was vic talking to travis about this and not someone else.
6x15 as a whole doesnt exist to me ad the end scene of travis pushing vic aside to go say hi to cHaOs KaTe simply doesnt exist <3
6x16 and 6x17 were honestly just frustrating. vic and theo were clearly having issues, and they weren't having them in secret! you could have cut the tension in 6x15 with a knife but noooo, travis was just blind, apparently. the end of 6x17 with vic crying in her car outside of beckett's house broke my heart because she was losing theo, and she was probably just feeling really lonely and realising that she could turn into beckett and have no one to notice that she was gone, or that she was hurting. i would have paid good money for a travic scene there - travis pulling himself away from the celebrations to check where vic was and then them having a long convo about what was happening, etc...
for 6x18 i once again convinced myself that travis was gonna get injured and vic was going to have a whole crisis over the fact that she was breaking up with theo and quite possibly losing her best friend - which would have been a good callback to 6x08. instead, they were fine (thank god, but also... not?) i was honestly left a little disappointed as we didn't get any of our soft moments like we did in the finale, but yeah, thank god they're both fine. travis is gonna kill theo when he finds out that he made out with cHaOs KaTe.
also... how they kind of just made travic seem one-sided? how vic was unmistakably there EVERY SINGLE TIME when he needed support for his anxiety or whatever else, but when vic needed someone, and when she was visibly struggling, travis wasn't there? i know this show and i know that they probably had convos off screen, but the lack of support from travis to vic on screen really gave the impression to me that they weren't talking. so it showed us vic cared, but travis didn't. that's why this season to me has been my least favourite travic season, but as a whole it still beats season 5 because that was a godawful season.
individually, didnt care for the mayor storyline really after vic stopped being his campaign manager. i still hate eli so i wish they would break up and travic can just live together forever. next season, since travis probably thinks he's responsible for the death of dixon, and how he kept saying that jack saved his life, i'd lose to see him struggling with survivor's guilt - something that vic also probably struggled with post-pipeline explosion. travis is overdue for a mental health storyline so it would be the perfect time for one.
i'm also a little disappointed they didnt go down the route of travis being triggered about theo being his captain. there was so much opportunity there for feelings about theo leading him, vic and the team after he was responsible for michael's death, but no. travis was literally one of the only people to be happy that he was captain and even supported him! yikes
and for vic, she didnt really get anything until 6x06, but i loved how in 6x05 they kinda dabbled into her self-doubt because she really didn't think dixon would do something as low as leak travis's past arrest. i'm also annoyed that it took them until 6x11 again to even talk about vic taking over crisis one and what he was doing to do that.
as for her relationship with theo, thank god that's over. i swear they were doing a slowburn breakup LMAOOOO yeah, theo turned into someone vic didn't recognise and thank god she finally realised that it want good for her, but as i touched on earlier, travis not noticing the pain he was putting her through angered me beyond words. next season for her i would love to see her have a proper mental health storyline and i would love to see her adventures with leading crisis one
well, there's probably a lot more but that's all i have to say currently. i would love to discuss with you as well, feel free to dm me on here or on twitter/insta (travichughes on both) and thanks for reading this long ass rant. i really love travic and i hope they get what they deserve next season.
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the-august-one · 2 years
Me, giving myself a pep talk when I'm tired from reporting then blocking my daily crop of p*rn bots from all of my blogs:
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determinedwriter · 1 year
No. 17: Touch Aversion/“Leave me alone.”
Something is wrong.
Ro won’t talk to me. I haven’t seen her look me in the eyes once in weeks. She’s completely different. Even her body language is completely closed off and timid in a way I’ve never seen from her.
“Hey, Pep?” I ask my long-time girlfriend.
She grins softly. “Hey, Tony.”
I sigh. “Have you noticed anything weird with Ro lately?”
She looks at me in worry. “I thought I might’ve been seeing things…but yeah. Peter even voiced that to me when he was here the other day. She won’t look at him. She’s scared. And Tony, I…”
My heart pounds. “What is it?”
“I was…a lot like that in my senior year of high school…after I was…” Pepper clears her throat. “After I was assaulted at a party. It took me a long time to feel safe again after that. I’m scared she…might’ve experienced that.”
Shivers go down my spine. “It can’t be that. Pep, I had no idea you were…”
I hug her, burying my face in her hair. “I love you.”
She kisses me. “I love you too. Maybe you should go talk to her. She needs her dad. I can try to help, but…she’s always been closest to you. I think you’ll be able to help the most.”
I nod. “Okay. God, I…hope it isn’t that.”
Pepper wraps her arms around me. “Me too.”
I walk to my daughter’s room and knock on the door. “Hey, Ro?”
She stays quiet even though I know she’s in there. “Ro? You alright?”
“I’m fine.” Ro sounds so meek and…broken. “D-Do you need something?”
“Can I come in?” I ask. “I just want to talk to you.”
Ro pauses. “One minute.”
I hear some shuffling around before she speaks again. “Okay, come in.”
I open the door. “Hey, I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
She sighs. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Can I sit?” I question.
She hesitates, flinching when I step closer. It startles me a little. “Hey, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”
Her lip quivers. “I’m fine. It’s nothing. It’s…it’s fine.”
I know she’s lying, but I’m not sure how far I should push. “Ro, you can talk to me. You can-”
I lean closer to her and she quickly scrambles backwards. “No, no, please!”
Ro shuts her eyes, back pressed against her headboard. “No, no, no, no…don’t touch me anymore.”
I don’t think she’s even trying to talk to me at this point. Regardless of wanting to hug and comfort her, I keep my hands off. “Ro. Ro, hey. Listen to me, you’re okay. You’re alright. Let me in, kiddo.”
Knees to her chest, she keeps her head down with her arms around her legs to hug herself. She’s whimpering in fear. Fear of me. “Dad…Dad…Daddy.”
My heart aches. “Ro, it’s okay. It’s me. You’re safe here.”
She slowly lifts her head. “Dad, I’m scared. P-Please back up.”
I do as she says, backing up a little. “Okay. You’ve got it.”
Ro keeps her eyes on me as if she’s afraid I’ll do something if she looks away. “Don’t go.”
She’s giving some confusing mixed messages, but I do what she says. “I won’t. I’ll do whatever you need me to.”
Her hands tremble and she sniffles. “There’s something I have to…to t-tell you.”
God, no. Please don’t tell me this is what Pepper said it is. It can’t be true. Not that. Anything but that. “O-Okay. What is it, Ro?”
Ro only shakes harder as she tries to speak. “I’m sorry. I’m s-so…so sorry. Dad, I didn’t wanna…I…”
I try to keep a straight face. “It’s alright, kid. Take your time.”
She nods very slowly. “Okay…Dad, I…I went…I went to a p-party. I snuck out. And I’m sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. P-Please…”
Normally, I’d be upset with her for sneaking out. But I can’t bring myself to get angry with my shaking, sobbing, begging daughter. “Oh, baby…baby, I’m so sorry. I love you. It’s okay. I’m not mad. What happened?”
Ro finally looks me in the eyes. “I was raped.”
I want to throw up. I feel the bile rising in my throat but force myself to keep my composure. “Oh God, Ro…Ro…”
I open my arms wide. “Can I hug you?”
She nods and I take her into my arms. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you. You’re safe. I’ll keep you safe now, mini…I love you so much. I promise you’re safe. Do…do you know who hurt you?”
Ro shakes her head and sobs in my arms. “No, Daddy…I don’t know. I don’t know…I never wanted this to happen. Y-You believe me, right?”
“Oh, oh, oh….of course. Of course, baby…I’ll always believe you. Tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it. I’ll kill that fucker…I’ll kill him…I’ll do anything.”
Still trembling, Ro clings to my shirt and soaks it in tears. “N-No…No, I don’t know who it was. He’ll hurt me again…what if he approaches me at school? I just know he was a senior or something…but I don’t know his name and I didn’t recognize him. Dad, I don’t know what to do!”
“When did this happen?” I ask.
“About a month ago…” She admits.
I exhale shakily. “God, baby…why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
Holding her close, I rock her back and forth as she cries. “I was scared. I didn’t know what to say. I’m so sorry…I just didn’t want you to be disappointed…”
I struggle greatly not to cry with her. “I’ll never, ever be disappointed in you. I’ll never let you suffer alone. I promise. Ro, I promise. I will always keep you safe. Please…please never hesitate to tell me when you’re hurting.”
She nods. “Okay…”
Continuing to comfort her, I stay right by her side until she’s out of tears to cry. “I’m so tired, Dad.”
“I know.” I coo. “It’s okay. Get some rest. I’ll stay as long as you need me to. I’ll keep you safe.”
But I can’t keep her safe from the nightmares.
No matter what I do, I can’t turn back time and change what’s already happened. All I can do is try to protect her now.
But I will never stop blaming myself for what she has suffered through. I’m her father. I’m supposed to protect her.
And I failed.
I failed, I failed, I failed.
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