#<- normal humans speak this way about tech
zorciarkrildrush · 4 months
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I'm begging you how is this an ad howwwww
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
July 20, 2023 Congress is right now determining what is included in a must pass spending bill the NDAA. Often congress will sneakily add as amendments their bills that they can't pass in a normal setting.
If you remember, I made a previous post about EARN IT being reintroduced here.
The EARN IT Act and it's copycats are bipartisan bills that will greatly censor if not completely eliminate encryption and anything sexual and LGBTQ+ from the internet, globally. Anything the far-right doesn't like will be completely gone. The best way to stop them is to use https://www.badinternetbills.com/ to call your senators.
Following it's initial introduction earlier this year was massive opposition from human rights, LGBT, tech, political groups, and grassroots groups. Bc of this, the senators decided to remake the bill but give it a new name, so they can still pass Earn It without actually passing Earn It. Those bills are the Stop CSAM Act (yes really, they actually named it that), and the Cooper-Davis act.
The entire point of these bills is to mass surveil and censor everyone and I don't know why more people or senators speak out against it. There is a direct timeline from when the Attorney General Barr (under Trump) said he wanted to do this to it's initial introduction in 2019, and how the senators explicitly knew they couldn't actually say that so they lied and said it was about "stopping CSAM" or "stopping drugs" for Cooper-Davis Act.
These bills essentially do the following:
they gut encryption, the one thing actually protects you from having your data seen by anyone. Do you want republicans to know you're trans? that someone had an abortion? that they spoke out against the govt? to see your private photos you have uploaded to the cloud? to see what porn you watch? if youre a journalist, or an abuse survivor, any hacker or abuser can see your stuff and track you.
they gut parts of Section 230, the one thing that allows anyone to post online and birthed social media. Previous gutting into 230 gave us the tumblr nsfw ban and killed that site.
they create an unelected commission with some already established govt body (DOJ, FTC, etc) that will include law enforcement and people from NCOSE or other Christian conservative groups who will decide what is and isn't lawful to say. no citizen can vote who's on this commission, and the president gets to pick. it's like the supreme court, but for the internet.
lead to mass censorship and surveillance because of the above
We have until the end of the month to stop this, but this can be added literally any moment until then. It's literally code red. If this is added it goes into effect immediately. The BEST way to stop this is to drive calls and emails to the senate. https://www.badinternetbills.com/ connects you directly to your members of congress & gives you a call script.
It is ESSENTIAL to call the Senate leaders who can stop this. Here's a more precise call script you can use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1huD5Ldd1lPTECYTEb9Gg2ZzrqW6Y9tryHT-MdjOl8kY/edit
All these people expressed concern over Earn It, so we need to press them hard to not allow it's copycats Cooper-Davis or Stop CSAM into the NDAA. This is URGENT and needs all hands on deck. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) (202) 224-6542 Maria Cantwell (D-WA) (202) 224-3441 Jon Ossof (D-GA) (202)-224-3521 Alex Padilla (D-CA) (202) 224-3553 Cory Booker (D-NJ) (202) 224-3224 Mike Lee (R-UT) (202) 224-5444
Please please please spread this message and blow up their phones.
TLDR; The Senate is trying to quietly push the Earn It Act's copycat bills into the must pass NDAA, which will lead to mass censorship and surveillance online by gutting Section 230 which is the entire reason you can even be on tumblr and why the internet exists, killing encryption which put everyone's lives in danger, and appointing far-right people to a supreme court-esque commission that the president has direct control over. They could be added in ANY DAY and we need to push hard to stop it before it gets to that point. CALL YOUR SENATORS **NOW** BY USING https://www.badinternetbills.com/ AND CALL THE SENATE LEADERSHIP AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
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httpjungkookcom · 10 months
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Pairing | Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 12K, not bad!
Genre | Android! Jungkook x Grad Student! Reader, Fluff, Smut
Summary | Jimin, as much as you love him, is a major pain in your ass. After dragging you to his store against your will (literally) you end up with; the newly manufactured, eerily human Jungkook android model. He's so human, you begin to have questions.
Index | A lot of fluff, reader is terrified, Jungkook is a sweetheart, Jungkook is absolutely whipped, Jungkook is good at anything and everything you could think of, including pleasing you ;), soft smut, Jungkook just wants you to feel good
A/N | You don't really need to know the lore of Detroit Become Human, it's just briefly mentioned in the story. Cyber Life is basically a manufacturer of robots/androids, that's really all the background you need for the story. Enjoy! <3
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Jimin’s very busy today talking your ear off. Well, more than normal you should say. Two weeks ago he scored this huge paid internship with CyberLife, a company that currently holds a monopoly over all other tech companies with its superior android manufacturing, innovative technology, and competitive prices that “Are to sure surpass your expectations.” He was ecstatic, going on about how maybe they’ll gift him an android as an intern present (spoiler alert, they did not.) Regardless, they pay him very well for an internship and he loves their technology so he’s still happy. Now, it’s something about a new android he’s droning on about. 
“No, I don’t think you understand Y/n.” Jimin clarifies, walking alongside you on the campus pathway. “One in the entire world, only one is being made.” 
“I understand plenty, Jim.” You genuinely laugh, side-eyeing him as he questions your intelligence. “I think I understood the first time you said there’s only one, and the second time, and the third, and now the hundredth.” 
“And you don’t even want to see him?! I don’t understand!!” Jimin almost yells, wide eyes as he turns to you to emphasize his point. 
Ever since Jimin scored the internship, you constantly refuse to ever step foot in the company. Mostly because you know Jimin would try to market to you, and he’s got a reputation for never getting told no. That’s the excuse you always gave, telling him off every time he’d talk about the “low low price of 4,999 dollars!” Secondly, the androids freak you out a bit. They’re hyper-realistic, all the way down to every single man-made eyelash on their face. You’re sure if you look close enough, you could probably see fake pores. 
However, you don’t hate artificial intelligence at all, nor are you a part of the momentum-gaining group of “androids are stealing our jobs, and ruining society!” You suppose for you, it’s just how realistic they look, act, speak, and walk. Everything about them is human-like. Maybe if they had a Siri-sounding voice, or walked stiff, maybe you’d get behind the idea of owning one. 
“You would try and get me to buy it, why are you saying him? You never do that Jimin?” You ask, laughing softly. “What, you got a crush on him?” You raise your brows, elbowing him with your hands remaining in your pockets, cold air waiting for the opportunity to bite at your skin. 
Jimin scoffs in defense, pretending you offended him as he shoves you away. “We were told to market it as him because he’s so realistic most people apparently won’t know the difference.” 
“…And you want me to buy that thing!?! An android that is so human you can’t even tell?!” You ask, feet stopping in their tracks. “Jimin, you’re out of your mind.” You roll your eyes, beginning to turn around, and instead, make your way to your apartment complex. 
“Nooo, at least walk me to the store like always. This isn’t fair!” Jimin complains like a child, stomping his feet softly in the thin layer of snow that’s beginning to form on the sidewalk. “I just wanted to tell you because I think it’s interesting, I promise I won’t market him to you.” 
“You’re a liar.” You turn back, unable to fight back the smile as you walk up to him. “Fine, let’s get going before it starts snowing harder. I’d hate for you to be covered in it and you ruin all your bots with the liquid.” Sticking out your tongue, Jimin mimics you as he does it back. 
“It wouldn’t ruin them, c'mon Y/n. They’re waterproof.” 
“Right, sorry sorry.”
Jimin stops talking about androids for the rest of the walk, instead beginning his daily oversharing session, as he vents about this mystery boy “Taehyung” he’s been seeing. Jimin claims he’s always on campus, everywhere, but you have yet to see him. Secretly, you’re starting to believe Jimin is making parts of him up. He wraps up the rant as you approach the door, “Anyways, he seems genuinely sweet. I think I’ll give it a chance.”
“Yeah, I also think he seems nice. Maybe it’ll be worth it.” You shrug, beginning to pull your arm away from Jimin’s where they’re interlinked. 
“Just like…you should give our androids a chance.” You're dragged into the store before you can even get another word in, Jimin locking down extra hard on your arm in case you fight it. As the doors close behind the both of you, you finally give in. “That big box over there, that’s our new one-of-a-kind boy.” Jimin beams, walking you over to it. There’s only the logo of cyber life on the front, no model codes, details, or specifications anywhere to be seen. 
“So, what’s he look like?” You ask, finally able to pry your arm away from Jimin’s chokehold. 
“I don’t know.” 
“What do you mean you don’t know??” 
“Exactly what I mean, I don’t know.” Jimin spits jokingly, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. “CyberLife is keeping all the details under wraps, I suppose whoever gets him is the first to find out. Personally, I think it’s to see if people recognize it as an android if the owner takes him out into public.” The information feels like whiplash, as does the mixing of it, him, and owner. 
“That is the freakiest thing I’ve ever heard.” You laugh. “So, how much is he going for?” You shrug as Jimin smirks at you, eventually punching his arm. 
“What, you want him?” He earns himself another punch. “He’s not.” 
“Jimin, what the fuck? Is this an empty box???” You're now beginning to think Jimin is fucking with you. Maybe a prank to see how gullible you are to the information he tells you, never really questioning his nerdy rants. “No characteristics, no price, let me guess, no name next huh?” 
“Ding ding ding.” Jimin chuckles. “The model doesn’t have a name. He introduces himself to his owner one-on-one.” 
“I’m leaving.” 
“Wait wait wait, don’t you want to know how you can get him if he’s not for sale?” He coaxes you back to the box laughing the entire time as he speaks. Once again grabbing you so you don’t have a chance to run away, you’re left trapped. If the androids surrounding you in the store are already this realistic, you’re a bit afraid to see what’s in the box honestly. “Aren’t you at least a bit curious, an android not up for sale hm?” 
“With the information you just gave me, it’s an empty box up for sale,” You complain, ready to go home and cozy up on the couch with this weather. It’s cold, wet, and you’re already slipping into your winter break laziness. 
“It's a raffle.” 
“Oh great.” 
“I’ll enter you into it.” Jimin beams, running over to a computer behind the cashier counter. You groan loudly, beginning to follow him to stop his antics. “Uhm ma’am, employees only beyond this point.” Jimin changes his tone to his customer service voice, holding a hand in front of your face. “I’ll be with you in one moment.” 
“Jimin, this isn’t funny. I’m going to kick your ass,” You complain, glancing over your shoulder to the large box behind you as if he’d pop out at any moment. “I don’t even want the opportunity to own him, people would probably kill others over him.”
“One moment, please ma’am,” He speaks, breaking up into laughter throughout his sentence. You’re helpless as you stand at the counter, watching in disbelief as he types in all of your information faster than the speed of light.
“I wish we never sat next to each other in Introduction to Computer Science.” You laugh, watching him click submit before making his way back to where you stand by the box. 
“Raffle results come out tomorrow. That’s why I had to drag you here.” Jimin beams, “If you don’t want him, you can always give him to me.” 
Faking a gag, you begin your way out of the store. “I'm going home, Jimin. I'm gonna be spending my winter break alone, android-less, binge-watching movies, so feel free to stop by.” You smile, waving to him from the door. Jimin inserts some snarky remark that you don’t really catch, rolling your eyes at him through the window regardless. 
Doing exactly as you promised yourself, you all but melt into the soft bed you’ve been in a long-distance relationship with the entire semester. Now, you’re able to catch up with spring classes being an entire month away. You spend the rest of your afternoon double-checking that all of your assignments are in before allowing yourself to sleep. The next day, you begin your marathons, finally catching up on all the shows you said you’d watch. With a content sigh, you begin your second binge-watching marathon of the break. It’s cut short just one episode in, a small knock catching your attention. Following it, it’s your front door. 
“Hi, Jimin, do you wanna-“ It’s not Jimin standing on the other side of the door, not at all. There are two tall men, with a big box placed in the middle of either one of them. “Oh, sorry. I was expecting someone else. How can I help you guys?” 
“Is this the residence of Y/n L/n?” One asks, making your throat run dry as you glance at the box behind them. “If you could just sign off on your delivery, free of charge provided by the company.” Glancing down at the paper presented, CyberLife. Shaky hands sign a sloppy signature, the movers quickly move in and place the box in the middle of the walkway before rushing off. Closing the door behind you, you’re at a loss. 
Wouldn’t they call you if you won? Or an email? Or mail? Who in their right mind just comes and delivers such an expensive and precious item without some sort of confirmation beforehand??? Your normally cozy and comfortable apartment suddenly feels too small with the box in it, another human-like thing occupying the space. 
“Jimin?!” This has to be a prank, Jimin has to be laughing his ass off in this stupid box. With caution, you press an ear against the metal and try to hear laughing, snorting, breathing, anything. The box is white and blue, only confirming the high possibility of an android being inside. “Jimin, if you're in this box, I’m going to kill you for real this time.” You give a fair warning, pressing and pulling hard on the side handle. It opens smoothly, the door not even creaking once as you pull it open. 
You jump hard as you peek into it, not Jimin. Definitely not Jimin. Hiding behind the door, you peek once more into the inside to take in the sight. He’s…pretty? Somehow his android skin is activated without even being turned on yet, hair styled with his bangs pushed back from his forehead. His nose is slightly large, but it fits his face perfectly. There’s a small mole underneath his lower lip that you think is an interesting addition to an android model. 
With a hard beating heart that feels as though it’ll burst through your rib cage, you abandon your protection. There’s an owner's manual placed neatly in front of his body that you pick up with shaky hands. Activate your android by pressing on its led sensor for 10 seconds. It’s the longest 10 seconds of your life, heart hammering against your bones.
His eyes slowly peel open, blinking a couple of times as he takes in his surroundings. Human, scarily human. He’s careful of your reaction as he steps out of his box to not scare you too badly, pushing the door closed behind him to create more room in the small apartment. “Hello, I’m Jungkook.” 
There it is. 
You don’t answer, prompting him to continue introducing himself. “I’m a one-of-a-kind android that was beneficial for promotional purposes, but mainly I'm built to be the best companion possible for my owner. I possess old and new features that are designed to make the everyday life of my companion significantly better.” 
“Jungkook?” You mumble, his name feels way too human. “What’s your full name?” 
“Jeon Jungkook, from Busan, South Korea.” You could throw up everywhere, the realistic bot smiling softly as he stands in front of you. 
“Yeah, yeah sorry. I’m Y/n. …you are an android, right? Do you mind if I, uh?” You gesture to his chest. Your brain is struggling to believe he’s an android and not some sort of joke sent to you. Jungkook happily obliges, removing his synthetic skin and popping open his chest panel. Stepping a bit closer, you can definitely confirm that they are CyberLife organs and blue blood. “Okay, sorry I’m just having trouble adjusting, that’s all,” You mumble, closing his panel for him. 
“There is usually an adjustment period for new owners. Have you had another android in the past?” Jungkook asks, glancing around your apartment for any sign of one. He takes a couple of steps away from the box, feet making no noise despite being a giant piece of what is essentially machinery. Freaky.
“Oh, no no. It’s not that I’ve been against it, I just haven’t had the money or need for one I suppose.” You explain, feeling like you owe him an explanation as to why you don’t have an earlier model. “I’m a grad student, you see?” 
Jungkook nods softly, gesturing to the couch for you to sit down. You follow, a bit confused as to what this could possibly be about. It feels as though he’s about to break up with you, making you laugh softly to yourself as you sit on the opposite side of the couch. “I’m not sure what needs you have, but just let me know and I will do my best to fulfill them. This can range from construction, gardening, cooking, cleaning, companionship, intimacy, etc.” 
“Intimacy, what does that even mean in terms of an android?” 
“Some androids are designed to carry out human wants and desires for sexual intercourse-”
“Okay, okay, sorry I asked.” You cut Jungkook off before he can give you the long, likely in-depth explanation of their usage. “So, what do you want to do around here? I mean it’s just me, so it’ll probably get pretty lonely unless you come to my classes with me.” You chuckle. “I mean, it’s not very big but it’s comfortable, feel free to help yourself to whatever you’d like.” 
“I want to do what you want me to do, Y/n,” Jungkook answers, speaking like a true CyberLife android, a computer.
“God, it’s so weird.” You complain. “You look so human but act like you’re an android, so it’s just throwing me off.” You smile softly, watching as he smiles back. His smile is pretty, perfectly aligned teeth on full display. When he smiles hard, small wrinkles form in the corners of his eyes which you find oddly endearing. “Your LED also is barely noticeable, just all of it together tricks my mind into thinking you’re a human.” 
“That’s how I was engineered, with that in mind.” He smiles, “I don’t think I’ll be mass-marketed due to how human my design is, it would likely cause unrest within society.” You nod along to that, it most definitely would only make the anti-android movement worse. “If you’d like, I can adjust my LED to be more of the stereotypical android look.”
“No, no that’s okay. I like you however you present yourself. But, can you change your hairstyle? It’s just a bit too CyberLife, fresh out of the package if you want to go out in public later on.” You shrug, once again feeling the need to explain to him. He does, switching through various hairstyles before deciding on one. It’s slightly longer, with soft waves making it look fluffier than before. It’s still just as dark, but it suits him. 
“I can also simulate body modifications such as piercings, tattoos, scarification, split tongue, stretched lobes, whatever you would wish for me to look like,” Jungkook informs, once again sounding fresh out of the box. 
“You do whichever ones you’d like, Jungkook. It’s your body, fake or not.” You smile, watching as he shuffles through the catalog of options in his head. A giant smile overtakes his face as he comes out with two face piercings, a couple of ear ones, and most notably his tattoo sleeve. 
“Uhm, is this okay? I can always change my setting back if you prefer it-”
“It’s okay, Jungkook. We gotta get you out of your default settings, jeez.” You laugh. “I’m not really sure what to do now, I was watching a TV show if you’d like to watch it with me?”
“I’d love to.” He beams, watching as you jog into your room. (You forgot the name of it already, mind racing 1000 miles a minute with everything going on.) You come back out with blankets to hide it, handing him one as you set up the living room TV. “I’d also love to make you dinner while we watch, would that be okay?”
“Kook, YES. I don’t mind what you do unless it’s like actively punching holes in my drywall. Then maybe I’ll draw the line.” You joke, finally earning a laugh from him. It’s contagious, spreading over to you as you giggle along. You don’t think you’ve completely wrapped your brain around the fact that he’s one of a kind, purposely engineered to basically do anything and everything, and so annoyingly pretty as he sits in your small apartment content as ever. “Also, I’m not sure if you notice, but your footsteps make almost no noise. It’s okay to make sounds. I think if you walk around here completely silent you'll probably scare the shit out of me.”
“Noted.” Jungkook chuckles, sliding off of the couch and making his way into the kitchen. He makes more noise this time, and it’s much more comfortable that way. The soft knocking of pots and pans fills the background, not enough to be annoying but enough to let you know there is someone else here. Maybe, and you’d never ever admit it to Jimin, his addition to your home is starting to feel like it will be a welcomed one.
Getting used to having another person, an android, in the house is a learning experience. The following morning after he was delivered, you had completely forgotten all about him in your half-awake state. After using the bathroom, your feet shuffle out into the kitchen in search of any sustenance before you start the day, Jimin already texting you to ensure you guys are still on for your morning coffee run and walk to the CyberLife store.
“Good morning, I made you-”
You’ve never screamed so loud, so early in the morning. You’re sure you woke up all of your neighbors in a 5-door radius, along with the incoming noise complaint that is surely on its way. You screamed so loud that Jungkook has to recalibrate his audio processing system, standing still for multiple minutes as it reboots. 
“Sorry, sorry Kook.” You cackle after the initial fright, hands holding your stomach as you almost cry from laughter. “Adjustment period, remember when you said that?” You laugh harder, making your way over to him.  Jungkook laughs softly along with you, not nearly as hard but he feels happy seeing you so happy. He grins hard as you wipe away your tears, your stomach hurting from just how hard you're laughing. “Okay, okay, that’s enough. I have to stop.” With another glance at Jungkook in the kitchen, you’re cracking up again. 
“Y/n! I thought I’d be nice and make you breakfast!” Jungkook whines as you continue laughing at him, unable to hold it back for longer than one-minute intervals. You slowly calm down over the course of the next 10 minutes, forcing yourself to not think about it. “Anyway, I made you a breakfast sandwich. I’m not sure if you have anything to do today but-” Jungkook stops talking as he notices your chest heaving, trying hard not to laugh. “Are you-are you serious?? You can't even look at me huh?” Jungkook cracks, smiling hard. 
At this point, there are tears rolling down your face. “Sorry, sorry. Okay, I’m done for real this time. Just had to get it out of my system.”
“Uh-huh, sure.” Jungkook jokes, putting the plate in front of you regardless of you continuing to giggle every now and then. 
“I’m not sure what you’d like to do today, but I’m gonna go out with a friend for a bit. There’s not much to do here, I’m normally used to being out all the time, but there’s Netflix, Hulu, Disney, whatever you’d like to watch.” You talk in between bites, rushing as you inhale the food. You get ready quickly, awkwardly side-hug Jungkook as a goodbye, and rush off to meet up with Jimin.
Jimin is as ecstatic as ever, going on and on about who he thinks got the android in yesterday’s raffle. He gets his hopes up a bit before going to the store, coming up with the idea that maybe no one won and he’ll be unboxed today. Nerves flood throughout your body, your mind thinking back to the sweet boy that made you breakfast this morning. “Anyway, what’re you up to today?” Jimin sighs after his excitement, strolling along the sidewalk with his drink in hand. 
“Probably a bit of holiday shopping, and hanging out with a friend-”
“A friend?! Who? Do I know them?” He interrupts you, immediately questioning. 
“No, no I don’t think you do. He’s a family friend of my mom’s side-”
“I hate talking to you.” You laugh, no longer feeling the need to continue talking about it. You ignore Jimin’s prying questions, favoring dismissing all of them. What’s he look like? Where’s he from? Is he cute? What’s his name? Is he nice? Jimin brings up anything and everything. “Okay, we’re here, oh noooo.” You chuckle, pretending to be disappointed. 
“I’ll find out eventually.” Jimin sticks his tongue out at you before entering the store. He’s beyond disappointed that the box is no longer sitting in the store, texting you about it as you walk home.
Coming home, you’re a bit more prepared as you enter your apartment, spotting Jungkook in the living room. The upcoming week is your adjustment period, slowly becoming less and less spooked by his presence in your cozy home. Jungkook has learned to turn down his hearing slightly in the mornings until you get used to him, no longer having to re-coordinate his processing system constantly. You’ve also warmed up a lot to him over the week, the sweet android quickly becoming a part of your everyday life and holding a fond place in your heart. You’ve made movie nights become a ritual, cuddling up to Jungkook on colder nights. (He’s aware and even adjusts his systems to make himself put out more heat for you.) 
Jungkook is also the best listener you know, listening and taking in all of the stories you’re willing to tell him. He knows a lot about Jimin, as you seem to hang out with him the most. He had dumbly asked if he was your boyfriend, sending you into another laughing fit you were unable to stop. Along with this, he’s started accompanying you out more. Jungkook comes on grocery runs with you, goes to the library with you, goes to the nearby cafe you frequent, and even begins joining you on nights out at clubs. It’s scary how no one realizes he’s an android and doesn’t even bat an eye at him even in android-free spaces.
Most nights out, Jungkook has to fight you into bed in your tipsy state. You appreciate him for it, and all of the patience he shows you. “Y/n, let me take off your makeup.” Jungkook giggles softly, sitting on the edge of the bed as he holds a makeup wipe in his hand. He’s carefully holding your ankle in his palm, keeping you from sliding head first off the bed if you move too much. As you shuffle around to better lay on the bed, he no longer needs to restrain you. Currently, you have the spins, holding onto Jungkook’s clothes in a death grip to ground yourself. Jungkook smiles softly at you. “It’ll just take two seconds, come here.” 
You finally oblige, shuffling around to place your head in his lap. “Do your worst, pretty boy.” You slur slightly, smiling up at him. 
“Pretty boy?” Kook raises a brow at you.
“Mhmm, my pretty boy.” You nod, wearing a soft smile as Jungkook wipes your makeup off. “You wanna sleep with me?”
“Sorry?” Jungkook almost chokes on his fake spit. 
“You’re warm, come, lay down.” You coax him, pulling him down. You’re not laying on the bed the right way at all, heads laying at the foot of the bed. You’re also slightly diagonal, not caring at all as you cuddle close to him for warmth. Jungkook smiles hard as you nuzzle into his chest, one of your legs swinging over his. “Warm, soft.” You hum. You get the best sleep of your entire life, and it now becomes a normal thing for Jungkook to lay with you. 
You learn a lot about him during this time as well. One, Jungkook can taste and eat as his program allows him to. He doesn’t need to at all, but once again he was built for companionship and he can’t think of anything sadder than people eating meals alone. You had learned this when Jungkook offered to eat with you, confusing you to hell and back before actually explaining. Now, you always make him get something when you guys go out in public, to really sell the whole he’s just a human drinking his overpriced cafe drink!! Considering other androids don't eat or drink anything other than blue blood, it really adds to his non-android appearance.
Two, he’s been programmed to be good at absolutely everything. 
Personal fitness: Jungkook is more than happy to accompany you on jogs, encouraging you but also giving you the peace of mind you need when running through rough parts of town. Along with this, he somehow is able to calculate your strides and distance, which you believe blindly and don’t even question. Lastly, he’s able to carry water and electrolyte snacks that he claims are good for you when you’re physically active. When you refuse to drink, Jungkook jokingly wrestles you into submission until you take at least one sip.  
Cooking: Jungkook has taken to making all of your meals, and you’re not even upset about it. Every meal is different but just as delicious, you assume he has some sort of chef programming. When you don’t have an item Jungkook needs, he’s more than willing to go out and get it for you. You’re a bit too anxious to send him on his own, but in reality, he’d probably be okay given his appearance. Despite taking over cooking needs, if you’re lucky he sometimes lets you help out with baking holiday cookies. Jungkook still takes to distracting you, twirling you around with a giant smile to the music playing in the background. 
“Kook,” You whine, a giant smile plastered on your face despite complaints. You can feel Jungkook smile as he tucks his face into your neck, one hand holding your waist and the other taking your palm into his own. “The cookies will burn.”
“They still have 3 minutes, don’t worry hun.” Jungkook smiles hard, pulling back to look at you. You match the cheek-aching smile, forced to twirl as Kook easily spins you. Getting carried away, the cookies did slightly burn in the oven. 
Makeup (yes, even makeup): Jungkook had offered to help you get ready for a research-related conference, let’s just say you got a lot of compliments that night.  
Cleaning: You tell him constantly he doesn’t have to spend his days cleaning, but he listens very minimally and still picks up for you every day.  Sometimes he tries to hide it from you, placing a very strategic piece of laundry on your floor to give the illusion that he didn’t clean. (It never works how he intends, once there was a random towel in the hallway while every other room was completely spotless. He was embarrassed about it the whole day.)
Security: He’s not a fighter under any circumstances at all, you can’t even imagine Jungkook getting into an altercation. You suppose he could if he needed, it’s likely somewhere deep in his programming. However, it’s the peace of mind he brings to you every night, you no longer deal with the worry of if your door is locked 1000 times. 
Helping with your Grad assignments: Kook is a very advanced computer, how can you not?
And just simple companionship on days you’re worn down and tired. On days when you're very stressed out, he happily does your skincare to help you relax along with a small massage he knows from, who knows, somewhere deep in his computer brain. 
“Kook, can you really take your time today, I need the relaxation.” You chuckle, grabbing all of your products and walking out of the bathroom. Jungkook follows, confusion growing even more as he watches you lay down on the floor with a pillow. 
“....What are you doing?” Jungkook chuckles, standing over you a bit as he peers down. 
“Come, sit, sit.” Without any more questioning, Jungkook sits with his legs slightly separated. You move to lay in between them, pillow on his lap. Ohhh, he sees now. Jungkook pulls out all of the stops he can with the tools provided, doing your skincare and giving you a massage. “Holy shit, you’re good at this.”
You suppose the only thing you’re unsure of with his skills is his intimacy feature, as you haven't had any reason or want to test it. You’ve been curious about the extent of the features, Jungkook is more than happy to once again explain all of his programming to you. Artificial saliva, physically soft skin, artificial bodily fluids, flexibility, shapes created with pleasure in mind, etc. The list goes on and on. He was also more than happy to offer his services to you, bright-eyed and excited about your reaction. You postpone the offer, maybe another time. At this, Jungkook begins his lecture about how it’s detrimental to one’s health to be sexually frustrated for too long that you put an end to, as quickly as possible. 
You haven't introduced Jungkook to Jimin quite yet, a bit scared Jimin would immediately clock your android counterpart as exactly that, an android. You have to explain this to Jungkook, who wants to meet Jimin more than anyone else since you seem to be such great friends. He understands the dilemma but still wants to meet regardless. 
Maybe four weeks into the break, there’s a knock on the door that catches Jungkook’s attention more than yours. You’re busy getting tangled in the Christmas tree lights that are impossibly knotted, Jungkook trying to help out as much as he can. He’s hesitant after accidentally pulling one of the cords and almost swiping your feet out from underneath you. “Can you go get that please, Kook?” You mumble, lights somehow wrapped around your waist, legs, and neck. Jungkook scurries to do as he’s told, not wanting to take over lights for you. 
You can hear the door creak open, followed by a period of silence. “Who are you??” Your hands stop moving, eyes blown wide as you glance over to the door. Shit shit shit. 
“Hey Jimin! Come in!” You call from the living room, still hard at work at making the lights cooperate with you. You pray to god he doesn’t see you sweat. “I told you about him, remember? He’s in town for a while on an internship. Jimin, this is Jungkook, a family friend. Jungkook, this is Jimin.” You introduce the two of them. Jimin turns around to face Jungkook, Jungkook quickly catches your eye contact. You mouth to him to turn his LED off completely, which he follows.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Jungkook smiles wide, garland hanging down from his arms as he shakes Jimin’s hand. Jimin shakes his hand back, turning back to you. 
“Y/n! You didn’t tell me said friend was so hot!” Finally, the atmosphere breaks as all of you laugh along with each other. The entire interaction is based solely on the assumption you have that no one has seen Jungkook’s design, including Jimin. He doesn’t seem to clock Jungkook immediately, joining in on your and Kook’s journey of setting up the decorations. Jimin gets ornaments in order, Kook garland, and you get lights. Next, you all take turns walking around the tree stringing everything up. The star is the scariest part, Jungkook insists on just lifting you to place it atop the tree. 
Jimin laughs his ass off the entire time, watching as Jungkook wraps his arms around your thighs and easily lifts. “Jungkook, my ass is in your face.” You laugh, wobbling slightly as you cackle. Jimin also laughs hard at this. 
“I’m not looking, promise.” This only makes the group of you laugh harder. Jimin looks at Jungkook to check the accuracy, falling to his knees as he sees Jungkook’s head at a 90-degree angle looking sideways. “Put the star on!” Jungkook calls, laughing softly. Thankfully, you come down unscathed and unharmed. You all settle in, putting on holiday movies to watch. 
“Do you guys want hot chocolate?” You ask, already getting up and making your way into the kitchen to start making them.
“I’ll help.” You send Jungkook a hard glare, seating him back down. “Ugh, fine. You never make mine right though.” He complains, sitting back down and grabbing his blanket once more. You can see him and Jimin talking, but you’re unable to hear it over the movie. Walking back in slowly, you cautiously carry three mugs. 
“Here, you big baby. Hot chocolate with extra chocolate and whipped cream.” You hand Jungkook his and then Jimin's. “And regular for you like an adult.” You watch as Jungkook sticks his tongue out at you, making you laugh as you sit down. 
“Extra chocolate? Kook, do you mind if I taste yours?” Jimin asks, scooching forward to reach over you. Jungkook mumbles something about wanting his whipped cream, quickly licking the majority of it off the top before handing it over. Jimin glances down at the cup before taking a sip, nodding his head. “Y/n, can you make mine like that next time?”
“Wow.” You laugh, rolling your eyes as you return your attention back to the movie. The night continues without much more commotion, the group of you watching movies and taking turns making cocktails. Jungkook purposely dumbs his down to hide himself, relief washing over you as you’re handed a simple mixed drink. (Jungkook can and will make the most elaborate, bartender-level drinks you’ve ever seen.) Maybe he’s not as clueless as he pretends to be. 
“I think I should get going, gotta get up early in the morning.” Jimin yawns, standing up and stretching. “I won’t make you come get coffee with me since I have to be at work at 6 am.”
At this, you recoil. “So generous, Jimin. I definitely would not make it there at 5:30.” You laugh, getting up off the couch to walk him out. “Do you want us to walk with you, it’s a bit late Jim.”
“...Tae is picking me up.” You gasp as Jimin opens the door. Jimin slaps a hand over your mouth. “And NO! You can’t meet him tonight, I have to at least give him a warning in advance.”
“I hate you.” You sigh, jokingly shoving him out of the door frame. “I’ll see you soon, loser. Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe and so I know this weird, unknown, creepy Taehyung that I’ve never met didn’t kidnap you or something.” Waving goodbye to Jimin, you can finally breathe as you shut the door. “He’s skeptical of you.” You huff. 
“I know.” Jungkook mumbles, “I think the hot chocolate and drinks convinced him, though. He stopped being skeptical after that. Now, he’s skeptical and thinks we’re dating.”
You don’t know how Jungkook can tell, but you believe him. With a long sigh, you return to the couch, plopping down back onto the blankets. “He’s too skeptical about everything.” You laugh. Kook follows you into the living room, laying down on top of you. “He wouldn’t care that you’re an android, Kook.” You reassure him, “I just don’t want that to be your description and introduction to people we meet.” Jungkook nods in agreement. 
After the small bout with Jimin, Jungkook settles in very well over the course of December.
He makes breakfast, wishes you a safe trip before your departure if you’re doing somewhere without him, sometimes earns himself a peck on the cheek that makes him blush bright red, picks up around the apartment or organizes, and then just hangs around until you get home. He genuinely believes you getting home is the best part of his day, can’t even imagine a better person to wait around for. Sometimes you guys will go out for the evening if you’re not tired, other nights you both stay in and watch tv or movies cuddled close together. 
For once, you’re not spending the holidays alone. Over the last couple of years, you had always gone over to Jimin’s apartment for company if he was still in town. Other times, you just spent the holiday watching movies. “Merry Christmas Eve, Kook.” You hum, sitting close to him with your head resting on his shoulder. Your knees are folded underneath you, facing Jungkook’s lap but not on him. Jungkook rests his head on yours, a blanket tossed over both of your laps. You’ve already made cookies and Jungkook started cooking ahead for tomorrow’s Christmas dinner. Jungkook has been scolding you constantly for making him do dumb childish Christmas activities, cookies for Santa, carrots for reindeer, etc. You think it’s cute.
“Merry Christmas Eve, pretty girl.” Jungkook hums back, reaching over to hold your hands. He’s taken to calling you pet names, making you blush furiously every time. 
“Do you want an early Christmas present?” You smile hard at him, glancing up at him. 
“Is that even a question?” Jungkook giggles, watching as you jump off the couch and immediately sprint into the bedroom. He can hear loud rummaging, and he’s about 99% sure you’re in the closet. You come out with a medium-sized gift bag, presenting it to him. Placing it in his lap, you watch with a giant smile as he opens it. Somehow, he reaches underneath his set and instead pulls out your matching pajamas. “Y/n, I don't think these will fit me.” He chuckles. 
“How do you go underneath the top thing?” You scoff, snatching them out of his hands and quickly hiding them behind your back. Kook chuckles softly as he finally pulls out his set, a giant smile plastered on his face as he examines it. “And, I also have one. So we can match.” With loud laughter, you and Jungkook begin sprinting to the hall. You duck into your room, and Jungkook disappears into the bathroom. 
Your heart feels heavy with emotion as Jungkook steps out of the bathroom on the other side of the hall, you stand in the doorway of your room. “Y/n, thank you.” Jungkook mumbles, voice wavering a bit as he reaches out and takes your hand in his. You could cry as he pulls you into his arms, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Thank you for everything.” 
“C'mon now, don’t get all sentimental Jeon.” If you get any more sentimental, you’ll cry. “You’re not going anywhere for a while.”
“I wouldn’t even think of it.” He smiles, leading you back to your Christmas movie marathon in the living room. Watching movies for the rest of the night, Christmas comes before you even realize it. 
“Merry Christmas,” Jungkook speaks softly, once again kissing your forehead. 
“Merry Christmas, my sweet boy.” You kiss his cheek in return, fighting the blush away. 
Christmas is exactly what you’ve dreamed of, eating together, watching movies, opening gifts, setting up and playing with said gifts, and spending plenty of time cuddled up together. For Jungkook’s gifts, you got him a game system and a phone to keep him busy once the spring semester starts in a couple of weeks. Jungkook’s quick to input your number, demanding it as soon as it comes out of the box. 
“Are you ready for your presents?” Jungkook smiles. 
“Am I huh?” You question, raising a brow. You weren't expecting anything since Jungkook is an android, and therefore is unable to work unless it’s programmed into him. Along with this, he hasn’t asked you for any money within the last couple of weeks. “How, Kook?” You mumble as he comes out of your apartment's small storage closet with gifts, a bright smile on his face. 
“I maybe, maybe not, went out and did college kid’s homework and assignments for cash.” Jungkook cheekily smiles, avoiding the look you give him. He’s lucky he’s so sweet and kind, otherwise, you’d scold him to hell and back for it. At least he was able to get around without being clocked as an android, you choose to look on the bright side. He sets the prettily wrapped box in your lap, yet another thing he’s good at. It’s a new bookbag and a recipe book, Jungkook’s pretty handwriting, and little doodles filling the pages. There’s a card in the bag, you already know it’s going to be sentimental and doubt you’ll be unable to read it without crying.
As you suspected, you’re in tears by the end of the card. You sniffle hard as you press it against your face, hiding your tears from Jungkook. “Nooo, don’t cry. That wasn’t my intention.” Jungkook coos at you, wrapping you in his arms with ease. “Your bookbag seemed to have a lot of miles on it, I figured I’d get you a new one for the upcoming semester. The recipe book is in case you ever want to cook for me, since you always complain about never being able to make me dinner.” Jungkook explains. “And the note is just my gratitude, I suppose.”
“I told you no more sentimental stuff.” You chuckle, wiping your tears off your face as you turn to properly hug him. “Sorry I didn’t write you a card, I didn’t even think of it.” You mumble. 
“I don’t need a card, trust me,” Jungkook speaks softly, kissing your cheek where a tear stain still remains. “Do you wanna get back to our movie?” With a nod, Jungkook is quick to put it back on and pull you close to him, allowing you to lay on his chest. The movie begins to wrap up, your mouth opens before you can rethink it. 
“Do you wish you were human? Or do you wish you were given to a different owner?” You ask curiosity just genuinely wanting to know his answer.
“I’m not sure, really. I suppose being a human has a lot of rules for socializing, existing, and everything else. I know I’m not a human, but it does feel like I am so I suppose that’s close enough for me to be content.” Jungkook explains, shrugging softly as he holds you to him. “And I don’t wish I was given to another human, I really like it here. I think if I were with anyone else, they’d likely treat me like an android and expect me to, idk, act like one. That seems like a stupid question, given my completely sincere and heartfelt letter.”
You giggle, nodding to agree with him. “Yeah, probably. It’s easy to expect you to act like a perfect android when that’s how you were marketed, after all.” You giggle, sitting up to peer down at him. Your hands rest on his chest to support some of your weight. Jungkook is very pretty, even prettier peering up at you with eyebrows slightly scrunched together. “I still just can't believe you’re an android, Kook. Sometimes I don’t think about it and just see you as a person. Can I ask you something?”
“Anything, always.” Jungkook grits as he stares up at you. 
“You’ve been using I think and I feel, Jungkook.” Jungkook tenses hard underneath you, fear momentarily flashing across his face. “CyberLife programming doesn’t do that. Were you built with a missing code, or did you break your coding when you got here?” You ask softly, hands meeting his face and gently holding it in your palms. Jungkook seems scared, fighting for an appropriate answer to your question. “I like it, Kook. I was hoping this would happen, but I wasn’t going to try and recode or reprogram you myself. I just want to know. Your note was also a dead giveaway, Jeon.”
“...I broke out of it partly when I got here and you started asking me to just be myself and not be my program.” Jungkook answers truthfully, “And then I broke out of it completely when it wouldn’t let me feel love for you, platonically or romantically. I didn’t like it, so I got out.”
You smile hard at him, rubbing the stress out of his face softly with your thumbs. Leaning forward, you place a soft kiss on his forehead. “I love you too, Jeon.” 
Jungkook’s hands meet your knees on the couch, holding onto them as you sit on his lap. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable Y/n,” Jungkook almost whines underneath you, squeezing your knees. “But my programming, it’s uhm, on, right now. I can’t really control it just yet, it's created to react to your actions and body. And you’re, uhm moving a lot right now. Just give me a minute to-”
“...What if I want to, maybe, utilize these features?” 
“Oh fuck,” Jungkook whines, hands coming up to cover his face momentarily. His head pushes itself back into the throw pillow he was resting on. You smile as his hair spreads out around his face as he does so. 
“Only if that’s what you want too, Kook.” You mumble, shuffling slightly to better distribute your weight on his lap. Jungkook genuinely whines, his hips bucking slightly against your own as he searches for friction. You rise to your knees slightly at this, Jungkook quickly moving his palms to seat you back down. His warm hands splay across your thighs and finger tips digging at your hips, holding you down. Excitement bubbles deep in your chest, knees squeezing Jungkook’s waist a bit tighter. “Kook, I can feel you.” You whine as his hands press your hips into his, the pajamas much thinner than you realized before. “I need words, Jungkook, for confirmation.”
“Y/n, I’ve been offered my services for weeks. I have been out of my program for weeks as well,” Jungkook grins, hands sliding, moving your hips to grind down onto him. “There is nothing I want more.” He answers honestly, sitting up to meet you. “Please, let me make you feel good.” Jungkook meets your lips, extremely soft as he kisses you. He waits for you to respond, too scared of making you uncomfortable by moving too quickly. Kissing him back, Jungkook is quick to pull you close, chest pressed flush against one another. 
His eyes quickly meet yours as you pull him back softly by his hair, searching your face for any discomfort as quickly as his computer brain can process human emotion. You don’t give him much, your eyes scanning across his features as you take them in. “I just wanna see my pretty boy, that’s all.” You reassure, pecking his lips a couple of times as you guide him to lay back down on his back. He happily lets you do as you please, god he’d let you do anything. His eyebrows knit together as your cold hands slip underneath the pajama top, easily slipping it up and off. Jungkook is quick to follow, tossing your top off before quickly pulling you down to him, warm skin pressed together. “So warm, Kook.” You mumble against his lips, your hands finding purchase on his biceps. 
“So soft, you’re so soft.” Jungkook groans against your lips, hands kneading your skin underneath them as he explores every inch of exposed skin. He rubs goosebumps away every now and then, holding you even closer. “Let me make you feel good, pretty girl. Lay back for me." Jungkook's voice is husky, lips never fully leaving yours as he talks to you. You follow his instructions, moving to lay on your back as he quickly follows. You’re completely flipped now, Jungkook in between your legs as he leans over you. 
His palms never leave you longer than it takes to remove clothing, lips working their way along your jaw. “So perfect for me, just for me. Always wanna be with you, Y/n.” Jungkook almost babbles into your skin, leaving dark marks in his wake. Sooner than you can comprehend, you’re completely bare before him.
“Kook, this feels unfair,” You complain, reaching to pull at his pajama pants. 
Jungkook basically rolls his eyes at you, pulling at his pants and kicking them off behind him, not paying much attention and basically clearing the coffee table. “Would you just focus?” He smiles, having to bite back a soft laugh. 
“You just swiped everything off the coffee table.” You comment dryly, also having to bite back a laugh at the situation. “You know, you’re literally a house robot, you’ll be cleaning it up-fuck,” Jungkook isn’t listening anymore, sliding down to his torso and nipping at your thighs.
“You were saying?” He humors you, diving in before giving you a real chance to answer his question. It’s impossible to talk, mewls and whines slipping through every time you try to come up with some witty, snarky response. Jungkook, smug, knows that. He’s unrelenting, face buried in between your legs with no signs of moving. 
“Kook, how are you, fuck, so good at this?” You whine, hands reaching down to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer to you. Jungkook, at the pull, groans, animalistic as he gives you exactly what you want. “Kook,” You mumble, hips lifting off of the couch to grind against him. 
“Yes, there you go, pretty girl.” Jungkook groans against your skin. You push and pull, moving him exactly how you need, how you want. Jungkook, ever eager to please, could get off on this alone. His hips unconsciously grind against the couch, needing some sort of relief, it’s almost torture. “Gotta get you ready, feel good, hm?” Jungkook asks softly, vibration shooting straight to the knot in your stomach. One that only tightens as his fingers move, easily sliding inside, kneading at exactly where you need him. 
“Is this a programming thing?” You whine, clenching tightly around his fingers from the pleasure. He knows exactly what you need, exactly how to give it to you. 
“It's wanting to please you.” He answers quickly, going right back to his work. He can feel you react as you grow closer, clenching tighter around him, grinding harder against his face, thighs closing in around his head. “Feel good, hm?” 
“Too good,” You whine, legs beginning to shake as you draw closer, body on fire. “You’re going to make me cum, gonna cum for you.” Your voice cracks, coming unraveled on his fingers. Jungkook relishes in it, committing every sound to memory, every shake, every twitch of your thighs around his head. He groans as he tastes you, tastes it, arms wrapping tighter around your hips to hold you in place. 
“Kook, need more, need you,” You whine loudly, hands reaching to his shoulders to pull him up. He follows, moaning softly when your legs wrap around his waist. 
“Need it, or want it?” He asks, kissing along your skin, “Take it pretty girl, take all you want.” Jungkook leads, softly pulling you up to straddle his hips. Kook pulls at his boxers, helping you maneuver around to get more comfortable. “Gonna let you lead, make yourself feel good.” It all feels like too much, body on fire as you grind against him, easily slipping along his cock. Your legs are just now recovering, shaky as you pick your body weight up, easily sliding down. 
“Kook, wait wait fuck,” You whine, hips pressing themselves down until he’s buried as deep as he can, stopping all your movement. “Feels good, really good.” Your skin is on fire, and you have no doubt that your cheeks and ears are bright red. Trying to find purchase anywhere, your hands grip his forearms where they hold your waist. He feels too good, your mind feeling fuzzy as your chest rises and falls as you try to calm down. Pretty, he looks so pretty underneath you as he peers up through half lidded eyes. A small wrinkle forms in between his brows as he focuses all his attention on your pleasure. 
“Pretty girl~” Jungkook almost coos to you, leaning up to press your foreheads against one another. “Let me take care of you, I’ll be so gentle I promise. Lemme make you feel good.” He reassures you, grinding against you to prove his point. Shapes with pleasure in mind weren't a lie, his cock perfectly angled to catch that soft spot inside everytime. Placing your hands onto his chest, you regain a tiny bit of stability as you slide along his cock. The little bit of composure you have is short lived, Jungkook’s beginning to slide out before slowly pushing back in, only stopping when your hips connect again. 
��So deep, Kook,” You can only whine, arms losing their strength as you slip down, only holding your hips up and resting on his chest. “Sorry, it feels too good,” You apologize as he does all the work, thrusting while also maneuvering your hips to target where it feels best. Everytime he bottoms out, he’s sure to grind against your clit, only adding to your overwhelmed state. You’ve barely even started, barely even moved, and you’re panting like a bitch in heat. A giant smirk comes across Jungkook's face, pride blooming in his chest as you whine and pant all for him. 
“Feels good, hm? You’re gonna be a good girl and let me hear you come for me?” He rasps against your ear, one of his hands moving to hold the back of your head. “So pretty, beautiful. All for me.” He encourages, making your face flush further as he forces you to stare into his eyes. It feels as though if you were pinched hard enough you’d wake up. “Come for me Y/n, all over my cock, wanna feel you.” It hits you out of nowhere, almost blind siding you as it washes over your entire body. Your thighs clamp down around Jungkook’s waist hard, trying to still the stimulation. He doesn’t allow such luxury, determined to thoroughly ride you through the orgasm, continuing his movement until you’re almost begging. 
“Kook?” Your voice is rough as you finally speak up, shaky hands meeting his chest as you push yourself up once again. 
“Hm?” He acknowledges you, hands running across your skin to smooth out any goosebumps that remain. You’re about 90% sure his touch is what’s sprouting them, but you don’t have the mindfulness right now to tell him that. 
“Why does it feel so good? S’like I can't even think with you inside me.” You whimper as you feel him throb, hips beginning to grind against him for some sort of stimulation. Jungkook beams underneath you as you instinctively fuck yourself onto him, so desperate for pleasure. Your brows knit together and bottom lip is quickly caught between your teeth as you grind your clit against him, cock nudging your g spot simultaneously. 
“Hmmm, I don't know. Scientifically there are multiple answers for that. But realistically, it’s likely my design and programming, and the fact you haven't been touched the entire time I’ve been here.” He chuckles at the last bit, reminiscing on all the lectures about sexual health and how too much frustration is a bad thing, “You’re extra sensitive, and I know just what to do, where to touch, how to make you tick, Y/n.” He teases as he slowly rubs the pad of his thumb into your swollen clit, the sensation making you cave in on yourself as you try to avoid it. “Cute.”
“Jungkook, m’serious!” You slur, rocking softly. 
“I know pretty girl, I know. I can tell.” Jungkook chides, clearly finding some sort of humor as he watches you shake and twitch because of his cock. “You feel good, hm? Help yourself pretty.” 
“I'll try,” You nod, your bottom lip finding its place between your teeth once more. Your feet lift a bit to hook around Jungkook’s inner thighs, giving you some sort of leverage to fuck yourself up and down. The very first movement is already pulling a whine from past your lips, so sensitive already. Jungkook's eyes are fixated where the two of you are connected, giant eyes watching his cock disappear and reappear. He feels himself throb as a ring of your cum begins to form, deep, deep pride and smugness brewing. 
“Taking me so good, riding me so well.'' Jungkook praises, feeling his cock jump once again as your thighs begin to tremble softly. “Feels good?” Jungkook coos, palms beginning to run over the muscle. 
“Really good,” You nod, biting back moans. Jungkook moans softly when you tighten around him, hands reaching up for your face. 
“Be my good girl, let me hear you. Gotta hear how good my cock makes you feel,” Jungkook moans softly as you tighten around his cock. His fingers gently slip into your mouth, running along your tongue to hold your mouth open, preventing you from biting down on your lip again. “There you go,” He smiles as you moan and whimper, drool beginning to pool around Jungkook's fingers (not that he minds at all.) “I need to know how good I am to you,” He cracks, a small whimper slipping as he finishes his sentence. 
“You look so pretty, Kook-ah,” You babble around his fingers softly, looking down at him. The visual is almost enough to make you cum on the spot, so unbelievably worked up it almost hurts. The way he’s peering up at you like you’re everything to him, chest beginning to artificially flush, lips bright red, cheeks beginning to match. His hair is still splayed around his head, creating a pretty halo. “Gonna cum again for you,” You whimper, hips meeting his own with a small slap. 
“Good,” He smiles, rubbing small circles in your clit when you begin avoiding grinding onto him. It makes your legs shake further, your moans growing as you’re unable to muffle yourself, one hand still holding your jaw. You cum hard, thighs shaking harder than you’ve ever experienced before. Jungkook's sensitive to your reaction, slowing down his movements to allow you to ride through it without it hurting too much. “Good girl, so good for me, feels good, hm? Just a bit longer,” He talks you through it gently, voice honey to your ears. 
You nod, riding through it for as long as possible. As you finish, your body slumps forward, arms wrapping around Kook’s neck as you hug him close. “Do you not cum? Is that not how this works?” You chuckle softly, his cock still throbbing softly. 
“I can, when I feel that my partner has been thoroughly pleased and satisfied.” He informs, his CyberLife popping out for a quick moment. You shake, holding him closer. Jungkook wraps his arms around you, gently stroking your hair as you calm down. 
“You’re going to be the death of me, how much more satisfied am I gonna get?” 
“We’ll find out.” 
“Jungkook,” You pull back the slightest bit to catch his face, a cheeky smirk written all over it. He leans forward, placing a soft kiss onto the tip of your nose. 
“I gotta make up for the weeks you were celibate.” He softly grinds up into you, filling you with a wave of want once more. “I need to satisfy you,”  He teases, kissing along your jaw and beginning to trail down to your neck. “Make sure no one else ever does it as good as me, no one else can make you cum like I can.” He continues, beginning to sit up and make you sit up as well, easily lifting both of your body weight. 
“Fuck, Kook,” You whine, allowing him to maneuver you onto your back, never slipping out once. You can feel him throb softly, beginning to work himself up. 
“So even if you look elsewhere, all you’ll think of is me, this pussy all mine, always,” He bites down softly into the flesh of your shoulder, leaving a light mark. “My girl,” He smiles, leaving light marks once more. His hips instinctively grind into you as he talks, not giving you a break for a second. 
“All yours, Kook. I'm all yours.” You whimper softly as he slides out entirely, slowly filling you up again. 
“Fuck, Y/n,” He whimpers into your neck, seemingly beginning to feel affected. “So tight,” He pants softly, hiking your legs up before pinning them to his shoulders, hands placed firmly on the couch underneath you. He’s deeper like this, able to target exactly where you need him without even really trying to. He slides out slowly, snapping his hips forward this time. It forces a moan from the both of you, sharp spikes of pleasure shooting up your back. 
Jungkook holds his torso up, strong arms flexing and veins beginning to show. Your hands grip hard at his biceps, trying to find some sort of stability as he easily folds you in half, hips unrelenting as he snaps them forward. You can't quiet down, mind becoming fuzzy as you moan and whine for him. 
“So tight, just, ah fuck, pulling me in, Y/n.” Jungkook pants, hands beginning to form fists where he holds the couch underneath his palms. You clench around him, words shooting straight to your core. “Don’t, shit, do that,” His hips falter the slightest bit, head falling forward slightly. 
“Want you to cum with me, Jeon,” You mumble softly, arms reaching around to claw and pull at his back, pulling him closer. “You'll do that for me, please?” You ask, catching his eye contact as he pulls his head up. He lets out a soft moan as you make eye contact, abs beginning to contract as he fights off his pleasure. Fuck, he’d do anything for you. 
“Need you to cum again first, just one more,” He speaks softly, reaching forward and pecking your lips softly before pulling away, he leans back a bit, giving himself more room to maneuver. His hips snap hard, chasing both of your highs. You almost complain at the loss of closeness, but quickly forget about it. “Let me have it, Y/n, need to feel you,”
It’s expected, but still rips through you, head thrown back into the couch as you shake hard. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, almost panting through your orgasm. Jungkook's hips don’t relent, chasing his own high. A loud whimper falls past your lips, hands reaching down in an attempt to push his hips away, “I know, I know, just a bit more, gonna cum for you, just like you asked pretty,” He consoles you, reaching down and softly pulling your palm up to his lips. He softly kisses your palm, hips stuttering and becoming uncoordinated as he teeters on the edge. 
“Please, Jungkook, cum in me,” You whimper, the overstimulation almost too much. Your hand holds the side of his face, his own hands falling to hold onto you. 
“Fuck, fuck, cumming for you,” He whimpers, hips surging forward, cumming as deep as possible. You whine and twitch as he continues, throughly fucking his cum into you until he’s satisfied with the mess the two of you made together. His chest rises and falls, small pants slipping past his soft lips as he leans forward, holding you as close as possible as he kisses you, slow and deep, passionate. It makes you throb, quickly pushing him away before you get going again. 
“Kook,” You smile hazily at him. 
“Right, right,” Jungkook chuckles softly, pulling out as carefully as he can. He's covered in your cum, and you’d probably be more embarrassed if you had a sense of rationale left. “So fucking pretty,” He comments, and you meet his eyes to see what he’s talking about. He’s not staring at you, he’s looking at your pussy, hands hiking your legs up by your knees. 
“JUNGKOOK!!” The embarrassment begins to come back as does your rationality. Your legs pull against his hands, closing in on yourself. 
“I mean it,” He laughs softly, letting you go as he leans forward to kiss you once more. “C’mon,” He smiles, wrapping his arms around you and easily lifting you. You don’t pay much attention, but you know he’s walking to the bathroom based on the direction he’s going. He runs you a warm bath, consistently checking the temperature for you. He waits with you while it fills, softly rubbing out sore muscles to the best of his ability, kissing the dark marks in your skin. Once it’s filled, he carefully helps you in, making sure you don’t slip. Once you’re fully in, he gets up and begins to make his way out.
“Kook? Can you not take a bath?” 
“I can, I just need to clean up really quick first. I’ll be right back, promise,” He smiles, kissing the top of your head before leaving. You can faintly hear him shuffle about, evening declaring the space clean enough before joining you in the bath, sliding behind you. “You feel okay?” Jungkook asks softly against your shoulder, voice making goosebumps sprout against your skin. Your head is leaned back against his shoulder, back completely rested against his torso. “Anything hurt too badly?” He asks genuinely, not looking as he kisses the bite mark on your shoulder he left behind. 
“Yeah, I feel okay,” You smile, nudging against him softly. “I need to know though, how does your cum work? Do I have to buy a plan B or? That’d be kinda freaky, technology so advanced it can create life.” 
Jungkook genuinely laughs, making the water slosh as the both of you bounce softly. “No, no. It acts as a lubricant actually, so we could keep going if we really wanted to.” He smiles, arms wrapping around your shoulders as he hugs you close. “I wish though, you’d be such a good mama for me,” His voice vibrates against your skin, his palms splaying across your stomach where he holds you close. Once again, your pussy aches as he talks softly against your skin. 
“Do not!” You warn, pushing his face and hand away as it begins trailing further down. “We'll be going round 2,3,4, and 5 if you keep it up.” You laugh, trying to get away from him. 
“C’mon, pretty, relax. Let me clean you up,” Jungkook giggles as you slide away from him, trying to sit on the opposite side of the tub. He grabs your ankle, easily manuerving you to rest against his torso once more. He does as he promises, gently cleaning all the fluids and sweat off of your body, hands ghostly as he tries not to stimulate you any further. “I love you Y/n.” Jungkook sighs softly as he finishes his work, arms coming to wrap around you. 
“I love you too, Kook.” You smile softly, craning your neck around to kiss him gently. You carefully maneuver your feet under you, shakily standing out of the water. 
“Easy there, bambi,” He chuckles, holding his arms out on either side of you in case you really do lose balance and slip. He's persistent in his precaution, careful to hold his arms out until you’re securely on the bath mat on stable footing.
“C’mon, finish cleaning up so you can come warm me up,”
“I like the sound of that-“
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
I would like to see what a human romantic Yandere Mewtwo would be like! :3
Honestly, I like this idea. Keep in mind this is a HUMAN POKEMON story, which means Mewtwo is a human with some Pokemon-like characteristics and powers.
Yandere! Human! Mewtwo Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Dark themes such as the following; Human experimentation, Neglect, Telepathy/Telekinesis, Violence, Mass Murder, Blood, Clingy behavior, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Forced relationship implied.
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In this story, Mewtwo would be more of a chimera than anything.
He's mostly human but has been spliced with Mew's DNA.
As a result, he is a human with a purple tail, white nubs near the top of his head like horns or ears, and extreme psychic abilities.
He has white/silver hair, purple eyes. and a lean but strong build.
He is the first attempt at a living weapon, a human spliced with the raw power of a Pokemon.
Naturally, due to his upbringing, he comes across as volatile.
You meet the chimera hybrid as a scientist/caretaker.
You were hired to research the new experiment as he learns and is trained.
Obviously, Mewtwo feels less than human.
All the other scientists treat him like he is below them.
But he knows the truth... he is easily better than all of them with his power.
The one person he does not feel this way with is you.
Similar to how Mewtwo in canon has never felt proper compassion, you give said compassion to him.
You're the only one who gives such a thing to him.
You can't see this experiment as a Pokemon.
You feel Mewtwo is too intelligent and human-like to be treated as anything less than that.
Really, what makes him different other than some characteristics and powers?
You pity that he only gets to wear loose experiment clothes or some sort of tight skin-tight suit for training.
You wish he could live a normal life...
In secret you try to give him that, even if he's behind some glass.
You talk with the hybrid in private and even teach him some things.
You answer any questions he seems to have.
He often asks why the other scientists aren't as nice as you... to which you say you aren't sure.
If he wants to speak to you in private he trains his telepathy to continue to read your thoughts and converse with you.
Naturally, if you're the only one he feels is safe to be around, he gets attached to you.
When he sees you he acts very cat-like, purple eyes dilating with his tail swaying when he sees you behind the glass.
He may look very cold but his telepathy says otherwise when he appears to be ecstatic when projecting his thoughts.
You are never allowed to touch or hold the experiment and can only interact behind the glass.
You slide food into his enclosure and provide him stimulation through speech and tests.
Yet Mewtwo always voices his distaste to you for this arrangement.
Mewtwo probably feels a connection with you to the point he wonders about romantic attraction.
Granted, he still is new to such a thought.
He's a genetically altered human and can read the thoughts of others.
Eventually, he interprets his feelings for you as romantic due to the thoughts he's picked up.
I imagine Mewtwo's mental state drops as the transition to making him a weapon begins.
When they put him in a tight battle suit and all that heavy armor... he's frightened.
Even more so when he sees you're no longer in his sight.
After all, by this point, he no longer needs to be watched.
He's a weapon... almost able to be put to the test once his mask slips on.
It all becomes too much.
Mewtwo makes his big escape... a massacre left behind him.
The facility collapses, his psychic power causing tech to fail as he lays waste to the scientists who have created yet imprisoned him.
He cares for none here... none but you.
Blood covers the heavy armor he wears as he searches for you.
Even if you weren't in the facility at the time, he doesn't stop his search.
The faster the hybrid finds you... the faster his carnage ends.
By the time he finds you, he sees you cowering.
You stare at him like he's a monster, a weapon...
Perhaps that is what he is in the end.
But he doesn't care now.
He pulls off the mask they gave him and drops it to the floor, you can see the pale purple tint on his skin as he stares at you.
All you smell is metal and gore.
He would try to comfort you... yet now he and you will be on the run.
He proposes the idea of you both becoming a "couple" like humans usually do.
But you don't answer him.
Oh well... maybe you'll come around?
It's then that Mewtwo decides to take you to Cerulean Cave, a cave out of the way for the two of you in Kanto.
You can live there with him...
Maybe even teach him how normal humans live life now that the facility is in ruins.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 26 days
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That’s right!! I’m talking even more about sinner bodies because I’m CRAZY!!! RAAHHH!! 🤪 SHES SO CRAZY WE CANT TAKE HER ANYWHERE!! 😝 it’s 3 in the morning and I can’t stop thinking about this goddamn TV.
I think Vox is genuinely the most fucked up character in this rewrite currently. Not really morally fucked up, there’s definitely worse people, but physical alterations in hell out of the main cast he definitely has it the worst. In my last post I talked about how Angel formed in hell and I want to go back to this because Vox did not form in hell as a TV or even a robot at all. He got formed on the road after dying in a car crash and was literally just this fucked up clump of wires and metal panels and had gross little robot hands and he had to make everything else himself and wait for his body to adjust to it, so he literally cannot regenerate normally. He didn’t even have a face yet or screen of any kind, just a little camera to see out of. If his screen shatters he needs to get a new one or if his body breaks he needs to get it repaired, thats why he’s able to upgrade his body and stuff.
And like yeah some tech sinners do just form as robots but Vox just is a fucking mess and I think about it all the time and thats why his demon form is all fucked up like that and I think thats partially another reason he hates Alastor’s ideals so much sometimes because hes like “technology bad!” even though he literally is also partially a tech sinner and hes just stupid but like without technological advancements Vox literally would have nothing like they wouldn’t’ve met, Vox would not have a company, etc, etc and thatd probably help a lot of people yeah like the Vees would not fucking exist but ignoring that, just on a personal relationship scale I imagine your “friend” being like “man I really hate the thing that gives you life and allows you to live a somewhat normal existence” hurts a bit.
Technological regeneration is a bit more confusing and hard to explain than biological regeneration since machinery can’t really “heal” in real life. The concept sounds almost bewildering, like you can’t cut a wire and have it slowly heal like skin would, you’d need a whole new wire. But Vox internally, the things that allow him to move and live how he does now, it’s the only part of him that he can heal, and to him, it’s still “defective”.
Vox is disabled mentally and physically; he has Autism, ADHD, and epilepsy, all of which he is unable to be medicated for due to his new body. These are all things that he hates to acknowledge and will become irrationally upset by if they are mentioned to the point he will actively to deny certain aspects of disability. Being a man from the 1900’s-1950’s his views on mental disabilities and mental illnesses are… less than uh.. “acceptable” for today’s standards. He often disregards slurs towards this being called slurs and insists that “They used to just be words” or “It’s a medical diagnosis.” yet still gets incredibly upset when he is ever called a slur that actually could apply to him. In a way he tries to come off as purposely ableist so that he doesn’t have to confront this aspect of himself that he doesn’t understand. His knowledge in technology or sharks or economics aren’t “special interests” to him, they’re just “regular things a man likes”. He can’t process what a hyperfixation is. He doesn’t know that it’s normal for him to be unable to speak on occasion or that certain textures make him severely uncomfortable. These are either seen as weaknesses or “average people things”. Aside from how terribly disabled people were treated back around the 50’s, he views the neurodiverse aspect of his mind as something that only serves to further push him from grasping the feeling of regular humanity again.
For physical disabilities, he doesn’t lie or deny that he has epilepsy, yes he has an intense disdain for mentioning it, but for very few people he is close with he will disclose this information to them privately. There are a very select few people that are aware of this and two of those people are Velvette and Alastor. This post isn’t really about diving into Vox’s epilepsy so I’m keeping this concise because I have another post to put all of that in. Hope you all enjoy the wacky art :)
The binary says “Trust us” for anyone curious
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hugsandchaos · 4 months
Here’s an AU! Or a joke of an AU? It’s based off a joke. Basically, Vlad wasn’t affected by the portal like Danny was and is still human, Danny isn’t a Fenton and still had to run with Sam and Tucker because his parents, who are also ghost hunters, found out and didn’t take it easy, and the three somehow crashed in Vlad’s lawn. About forty days later…
During a video call (because I said so!)
Jack: It’s been amazing speaking with you after so long, Vladdie!
Maddie: Say, do you have kids?
Vlad: No, I have three freeloaders.
Sam in the background: Wow!
Tucker: Dude, you’re letting us stay here!
Danny: And I’ve been fighting ghosts off your property for the last two hours!
Vlad: Send parenting tips. I beg you.
Maddie: We were so excited when we were planning for Jazz. A little stressful at times, but we got through it and now we have a beautiful daughter studying psychology! We couldn’t be prouder.
Jazz: I love you too!
Vlad: These three freeloaders crashed on my lawn and acted like feral gremlins for the first week and a half. They test my patience like no one else, but if anyone dares to do something to them, they will pay dearly for it.
Danny: Ha! I knew it! The fruit loop cares for us!
Sam: I got that on camera. You can’t take it back now that you’ve admitted it.
Tucker: If you weren’t stuck with us before, you definitely are now.
Also, Vlad defending Danny from Jack and Maddie. In subtle ways at first. When Danny accidentally came in still in ghost form, Vlad acted like it was normal and addressed him as “Phantom”. He walked up to him and thanked him for dealing with other ghosts. He told him to go lay down, and Jack and Maddie were very confused and a bit on edge.
The next day, they saw Phantom again. He was slowly reaching across the table and trying to grab Vlad’s coffee. Vlad was reading the newspaper and gave him a stern look. Phantom glared back, but slowly pulled his hand away and started to leave. Then he came right back and tried to swipe it, but Vlad was quick enough to grab him and scold him for trying to take his coffee. When they came into the room, Phantom freaked out and left. Vlad was displeased.
He was having quality “getting on each other’s nerves” time with the ghost kid who haunts his mansion and protects it from other ghosts! Quit scaring him off with your ghost hunting tech! You know what? New rule; Leave the ghost weapons at the door.
Also, Jazz warms up to him first. Both because he’s surprisingly lovable, and because it gives her a chance to study ghost psychology.
Jack: Vlad, don’t freak out, but your house is haunted.
Vlad: I’m aware. The little badger stole my second cup of coffee this morning. *turns around* Butter biscuits, he just took my fifth!
Phantom: *drinks coffee faster*
Maddie: Be careful! Ghosts are evil and unfeeling!
Vlad: Liar. Phantom takes great pleasure in draining my coffee supply and getting on my nerves. He also appreciates me for letting him turn one of the old rooms into a mini planetarium. Therefore, not unfeeling.
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comicaurora · 1 year
Have you seen the new Superman show on adult swim? Himbo Clark Kent rights
It's off to an extremely encouraging start! Thoughts under the cut!
I like how they portray Clark's super-strength and how comfortable he is flying and using super-speed. They really feel like innate characteristics of his body rather than powers he switches on and off - things he keeps toned down when people are watching, but things that are always present regardless. The number of times I've pulled a push door or shoved something that was stuck and thought "if I had super-strength I wouldn't get a Take Two on this because my hand would've gone straight through that" is clearly something the showrunners have also thought about. This Clark lives in a world of cardboard and physically cannot stop himself from putting his hand through it at least once a day.
There's a physicality to the way Clark takes hits that really communicates how little he feels them most of the time. Eyes open, mouth closed, immediately getting back into the fight after getting punched into a crater. This is stuff I also think about when I draw supernaturally tough characters in combat situations, and it's cool to see someone else doing it - especially since one of my very few complaints about the older DCAU is that Superman always took every hit like it was a fully incapacitating blow, which Worf'd him pretty constantly.
I also like that we have so far never seen Clark angry. We've seen him scared, flustered, disappointed - but not angry. Even in fights where he's taking serious hits, he's only motivated by wanting to protect and save people, even his opponents - he so far has never been motivated by a desire to destroy. That feels like very good writing for Superman.
It's currently a little unclear how exactly his powerset is scaling - it looks like the blue-eye-glow-and-suit-emblem thing is a legitimate powerup that lets him hit harder and recover faster than his normal baseline, but how exactly that works isn't clear yet - although that is very obviously going to be a plot point later, since they keep giving him little flashes of the story of Krypton's destruction and what shenanigans they were getting up to when it exploded.
On that note, Kryptonian tech has never looked or felt so otherworldly. I love the distorted electronic backward-voice choir they use exclusively for when Clark is on the ship. I love that hologram Jor-El can't speak English, but can clearly understand Clark - also this is the coolest Jor-El has ever looked. Some comics wax poetic about how Clark is an alien space god who only pretends to be human, but I like how this show is firmly putting Clark on the side of the audience with regards to how unsettling the "alien space god" vibes truly are. He can't understand the nature of the ship or the words of its holographic inhabitant, he's not really interested in what it means or where it came from - he just wants to know who he is, or rather who Superman should be. And I like that he concludes that Superman should be him - the heroics he was already doing, except this time on purpose. Superman should not be this spooky glowing alien god thing, even if that's the vibe we get from Krypton itself.
I like that the ship gave Superman his modern no-underpants-on-the-outside suit and Ma Kent was like "we can do better than that" and added the underpants back on.
I also like how much setup there is for future plot stuff that a DC-familiar audience can see coming. Clark hasn't used any of his vision-based powers yet, and it's possible he doesn't know they exist. No sign of Lex Luthor or Kryptonite yet, two problems we know will become more severe with time. We've already got Amanda Waller being stoically nefarious in the background. Young Hot Deathstroke is a hell of a design choice and I am Here For It.
I also appreciate how many little referential jokes are packed into the dialogue, ranging from the obvious "it's a bird it's a plane" to some hella deep pulls like Jimmy Olson's youtube channel.
And fundamentally I love how this show starts from the jump with the thesis that friendly, humble, Normal Man Clark is the real person, and Superman is the job that Clark Kent does. The title of the show is "My Adventures With Superman." The POV character is Clark. He is the "my" in that title. This is Clark's story about Superman.
I really, really hope Batman eventually shows up, because this Superman would make that hilarious.
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silverskye13 · 5 months
Silver I know next to nothing about the alien franchise and movie, I am giving you full permission to use this ask as an opportunity to spread propaganda to get me (and anyone else) to finally watch it
So it's, so like, the thing is, right. I'm not a movie tech kinda person [though it is technically impressive, the funny little tricks they did, like not having the budget for a Big Space Ship Derelict so they are a scaled down model that the director's kids in space suits walked up to so it would look bigger, and it was shown to the audience on a shitty CCTV because they didn't do a big matte painting of the set they filmed the tiny one, projected it onto a wall, and then filmed that.] So my rant isn't going to be about how technologically cool the movie was for 1979 on a less than optimal budget. But what I do like, what I excel at, is breaking down themes and tropes. And my god. My god. Just. Ugh. [Flails my arms.]
So a basic rundown for the movie, spoilers ahead, and my analysis of how fucking cool it is:
Basic gist of the movie: The crew of the commercial mining vessel Nostromo are awoken halfway through their trip back to earth by a mysterious signal, calling for help on a far away planet. Upon going down to investigate, one of their crew members is attacked by a strange alien parasite which attaches to his face. This kicks off a tale of increasing horror as the new alien kills off the crew one by one, culminating in Ripley [the main character] blowing up the ship and fleeing in an escape pod, not sure if she'll ever be picked up in the vastness of space -- with the ships cat, who miraculously also survives. [We all know Jonesy is the real main character 💜.] Along the way a plot by the Weyland-Utani corporation is revealed, one of the crew is discovered to be an android, and there is a lot of alien screeching.
Now! The themes that I go absolutely feral over can commence.
The horror of the movie, the reason why the alien is scary, and lethal to humans specifically, is it is a creature built for efficient survival, and this is a trait that Ash, the ship's science officer [and resident hiding android] highly praises in the critter. He describes it as beautiful, elegant, pure in its efficiency. The perfect organism. Efficient.
Humans, by comparison, aren't efficient. We are social. And efficiency preys on social needs. For example:
The xenomorph eggs can survive for ages [in the derelict they're found on, the dead alien who drove the ship is described as fossilized. These eggs have been here for thousands of years. But they activate immediately when a curious human pokes around them. It isn't a fast process. Kane is poking around for a few minutes, looking at the movements of the creatures in their eggs, making observations. Curious. Curiosity is an inefficient trait -- he would have survived if he had climbed out of the hole the eggs were in and left, or even waited for the rest of his team to enact quarantine and investigation procedures.
Speaking of quarantine! When Dallas and Lambert bring Kane, newly infected by an alien parasite, back to the ship, Ripley locks them in the airlock. There are quarantine procedures. We can't risk the whole crew. But they are scared for Kane's safety. He might die without help. They break quarantine. If they hadn't broken quarantine, the baby alien would've been born in the airlock, where it would get spaced the moment it was born.
When the face hugger parasite dies and Kane seems to return to normal, what they should have done to attempt to reinstate quarantine was put him in hyper sleep. His body would have been frozen in a stasis which might have frozen the parasite or, if it hadn't, would have left the new baby alien trapped in a stasis pod. But Kane, haggard and scared from his ordeal, asks can we please have one more meal together before I go to sleep? And that one meal is long enough for the new xenomorph to be born, and release terror on the ship.
There is more. Parker would have lived if he hadn't gone to find the cat by himself, leaving the safety of his group. Dallas would have lived if he let Ripley go through the vents, but he was the captain and he didn't want to risk someone else's life so he went instead. Brett would have lived if he'd left Lambert behind when she was being attacked, or if he'd hit the xenomorph with the flamethrower instead of insisting Lambert get out of the way first. And Lambert would have lived if she'd run instead of being paralyzed in fear by the creature killing her friends. And the xenomorph? Wasn't even eating it's kills. No gore. Little blood. It was killing them because it knew they would kill it, and it was neutralizing threats. Efficient.
The xenomorph is very clearly engineered for survival, and it's survival depends on killing the inefficient organisms around it. Even it's acid blood is described as a survival mechanism, not an offensive mechanism.
Okay Skye, we hear you talking about how scary the critter is because it's not a social creature. That's an interesting observation, but it's still just a monster story, right?
Well, let me tell you an alternative story. Just a little to the left of the original, but one I would argue is still very very canon.
You are an android built by Weyland-Utani, a company which is jealously hunting alien tech to use for its many space programs. You are placed on the Nostromo because there is a known anomaly in the area, and they want to find it. Your job is to get a specimen back to the company, all other protocols expended.
You are programmed to be efficient, so you get to work.
You wake the crew when you find the signal. You give them only the information they need to investigate: it is a signal that repeats every 12 seconds. You let them make the conclusion it is an SOS. Humans are social creatures. They want to help other social creatures in need. There is some arguing about whether they should go, but in the end an extra push from you sends them. Ripley, one of the more efficient members of the crew, keeps asking you why you haven't decoded the message.
"Mother [the super computer running the ship] is still working on it." This is true. She has only translated part of the signal. By the time Ripley realizes it's a warning, the crew is already on the way to the derelict. You tell her if she walks out there, they will have already figured out if it's a warning or not by the time she makes it to them. She agrees.
When they return with a specimen, Ripley [efficient, following protocol] doesn't want to let them on. But Ripley doesn't know you're an android, so when you break quarantine, and you tell her you just wanted Kane to be safe, she begrudgingly believes you.
When the alien is loose, it is easy for you to keep them from killing it. Humans are social, inefficient creatures, and you feel no empathy for their deaths. You do pity them though. Between you and the alien, their chances of survival are slim.
If only they were more efficient.
The horror in Alien is not the xenomorph. The horror in Alien is when anything, primal creatures, androids, a particularly greedy corporation, preys on human social needs in order to get what it wants. There is significance in that Ripley, despite everything, chose to save the cat. She needed companionship. All humans do. She needed to save that cat. A cat that was cantankerous and mean, and hissed whenever it was held, was better than the cold efficiency of empty space.
Any system that prioritizes absolute efficiency will be inhospitable to human life.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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Week 7 - It’s just a cold, Izu!
Summary: Midoriya can’t handle his love ones being sick and Y/N can’t handle Izuku when he’s freaking out for no reason. The duo has their first proper fight but Mama Katsuki and Auntie Inko are here to help.
Warnings: Swear words, a bit of angst, Y/N has a cold.
First Part Master List
Things went back to the good old ways after all the drama during the camp; Midoriya worked a full week without a single day off, you worked your ass off on your commissions to have some money to buy the latest hero merch, All Meowth continued to get fatter and fatter so you decided to alter his fancy ass feeder but even though Midoriya isn’t home at all he somehow still manages to change the settings back in those 5 fucking hours he’s home. It’s a pain.
Sometimes, Midoriya manages to get into his bed. Sometimes, he just sleeps on the sofa. And sometimes, more often than not, he just curls on himself by the end of your bed like a little stray cat and sleeps for a few hours, not even changing into his pajamas which usually ends up with you changing your bedding after finding mud or blood - or whatever pro hero Deku decided to roll himself into during his mission - on your sheets. Thankfully, Izuku has a super high tech washing machine x dryer combo with a built-in washing detergent and fabric softener dispenser, so the only work you need to do is fold it and put it away. That doesn’t make changing the sheets less annoying though. You might need to ask Midoriya if there’s a device for that too.
Are you bothered by Midoriya sleeping by your feet like a fucking dog? Yes.
Would you rather have him sleep like a normal human being, snuggled into your back cozily? Yes.
Will you ever tell him that? Probably no.
Well, listen. Things might be back to normal but your feelings are not. It’s nearly impossible for you to sleep on the days he decides to sleep in your room. He also mumbles a lot before he actually falls asleep, his mutters usually consist of him saying sorry and talking about consent and about his terrible day and you do respond, especially when he starts beating himself up for doing “the wrong thing” but you are quite sure he thinks it’s his mind speaking back to him in your voice by the way he just ignores them.
For your surprise, after his fifth day of working non-stop Midoriya actually manages to come home on time; and by “on time” you mean 8PM instead of the usual 2AM. You look at the poor guy like you’ve seen a ghost.
“What? I mean what are you doing here? I mean, you live here but… Are you hurt? Did something happen? Izuku, are you an apparition?” Your voice sounds really raspy compared to your usual sound but you blame it on not speaking for 5 days. “Oh, maybe you are just that holographic thingy you have in your bracelet.” You move towards the ghost by the entrance, grabbing his beautifully sculpted bicep to prove your point. Oh. “You are here. Wow.” You snicker awkwardly, giving his bicep another squish because… well… you fucking can.
“Sweet Pea, are you okay? You act a little bit weird and I’m not talking about the part where you squished my arms, twice, but… you don’t really sound coherent?”
“Nah, I’m all fine!” You laugh like a maniac, waving your hands in front of you so aggressively you almost knock one of Izuku’s ‘welcome figurines’ off the shoe cabinet.
Yes, you guys have a bunch of figurines by the entrance to welcome the guest, mostly of the Deku squad so they feel loved and cherished. “I’m peachy.” You try to laugh but your face contorts into something extremely unappealing right before you sneeze and headbutt the door frame. “Ahh, allergies.”
Okay, you have a confession to make…
You’ve been feeling under the weather for a while now. You were okay when you came back home, but on the third day, your throat got a bit itchy and your mind a bit fuzzy. That didn’t stop you from working through the whole day, drawing, cooking, taking care of the laundry and the garden and trying your best to scrub out the blood of Izuku’s dirty clothes which probably didn’t help with your worsening condition.
It’s really not that bad though. Back when you had a job you went in to work when you were sick with no problem at all. It’s really not the end of the world…
… for you.
Apparently, it is the end of the world for the hero in front you.
“I’m calling the hospital, Sweet Pea! Oh my god, why didn’t you tell me you’re feeling unwell, you could have died! Oh my god.” Midoriya freaks out completely. He throws all his stuff on the floor with a loud bang and comes closer to you, his palms on your forehead in only a millisecond.
“Izu come on, let’s watch a movie, I want to snuggle up! I haven’t seen you for 5 days! Also, stop bleeding over my bedsheets I had to change them three times this week! Just put on a bandaid or sleep without your clothes! Wait… no… don’t sleep in my bed without your clothes on, you might set my sheets on fire with your hot ass.”
Shut. Up. For the love of god, just shut up.
“Oh my god, you are burning up.” Midoriya declares, ignoring your rambles. Well, thank fuck for that.
“Aww, thank you!”
“No… I mean yes, but no, you have fever! It’s really dangerous to have a fever, Y/N!” He reprimands with tears pooling in his beautiful eyes and you can’t help but laugh.
“Says the guy whose life is literally in danger 14 hours a day. Come on now, change into your pj’s!” You try to pull the hero in by grabbing his hand on your forehead, but he doesn’t move.
Midoriya is having a meltdown. Internally. And externally as he can’t stop muttering. He drops on his knees right in front of you, hugs your legs and just mutters and mutters and mutters…
“It’s just a cold, love.” You kneel in front of him to swipe your fingers underneath his teary eyes to dry the skin. “Do heroes not get cold?”
“I should have realized something’s wrong, but your snores were so cute…”
“My what?!” You yell, trying your best not to cough all over the hero afterwards.
“You snored a bit yesterday. It’s was so adorable. I should have known you are getting sick. You never snore.”
The fact that he knows that makes you wonder how many times he ended up in your room without your knowledge and you should probably be concerned, but this is Mr. Green flag. He might not know the word ‘personal space’ but he can’t even hurt a fly. Literally.
You wanted to buy a Venus flytrap and Deku started crying because the plant is carnivorous and it would kill the flies around the house. You really had to stop yourself from telling him about where meat comes from. If Izuku would take a few seconds to think about that he would go vegan in a heartbeat.
Wait, how did you end up on this topic?
Also, why are you flying right now? Oh, Midoriya is taking you to your bed.
“Izu, I don’t want to sleep! I want to watch something!”
“You are going to bed and I’m going to get a bucket of water and a sponge. Then I’m going to the conbini to buy you medicine then I’ll cry in the shower.”
“Izu, you are overreacting.” You sigh. Yes, you do feel a bit weird but it’s really not that bad. This drama is uncalled for.
“Okay, I’m calling the ambulance.” Deku puts you down on your bed and gets his phone out to actually make a call. You really want to fangirl over the fact that his background is one of the pictures the gang took while camping and you are also on the picture but even with a high fever, you know that’s not the priority right now.
“Okay, okay, Izu, stop! Just.. whatever. Do whatever you want.” You give in, not even moving to get under your sheets. You can’t believe he came home sooner to be with you and you ended up like this.
“What about watching Netflix on your computer when your fever breaks?” Izuku asks, his hands caressing your forehead.
“Snuggles.” Izuku smiles, tugging a stray hair behind your ears.
Izuku really goes above and beyond to take care of you. He sponges your skin with tepid water to help the fever to go down, tugs you in like a baby so you can rest comfortably while he runs outside to find something for you to take. He comes back with a bag full of random stuff; there is a nose and throat spray, cold medicine - the super high end one you could never afford - throat sweets, vitamin C, pre-cut fruits and easy to eat stuff, Orange juice and a Deku plushie.
“I missed you.” You murmur as Izuku puts the stuff on a big tray and puts it on the bed.
“Have you eaten today?” Midoriya grumbles and you really hate the way he ignores you completely.
“Don’t be like this.”
“I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Let me take care of you first, okay? Then I’ll be back to normal.”
“Gimme’ the Deku doll.” You command. Deku’s eyebrows rise at that.
“Excuse me? That’s for when I’m gone to patrol.” Deku reprimands, his eyes full of that weird kind of darkness again.
“Are you jealous of yourself, Izu-Izu?” You say mockingly.
“You know what, princess? You are not getting it. Nope. You’ve messed up.” Midoriya pouts while pointing his nose towards the ceiling offendedly.
“Give him to me, I’m a sick woman!” You move yourself up from the bed, aggressively trying to take the doll from Izuku. You manage to grab the poor fluffy thing so you yank it towards you but the hero comes with it; he ends up on top of you, giggling and laughing while you struggle to breathe. Midoriya pulls himself up to let you take a deep breath and you can’t help but look at his pretty and tired face up close; his eyes are shining in that weird way they usually do when you are around, gaze full of fondness and something else you can’t put your hands on; you look at his freckles and start counting them but there’s so many thanks to the sunny weather… at last, you look at his lips which you kissed by accident the other day.
Talking about that little accident…
“What if you get sick?”
“Why would I?” Midoriya smiles.
“I… we… kissed… on the peak. By accident.” You mumble nervously.
“Could you not say that right after you stared at my face for a whole minute, Sweets?”
“But staring at your face for a whole minute made me remember it.” You mumble like it’s common sense.
“You don’t have a filter when you have a fever, do you?” Midoriya giggles, but his shyness wins; he moves to the end of the bed, his face hidden in his hands awkwardly while his shoulders move with the laughter. After a few seconds, his tone changes into a serious one. “We barely get sick.” Midoriya admits. “We are always on edge, ready to fight. We are stubborn bastards who don’t let themself rest for long enough to be able to get sick.” Deku smiles into the nothingness with a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“We should go on a holiday, Izu. To America, where All Might studied.” You sigh. “We could go to see his school, that famous street where he first debuted. Geeky stuff like that.”
“Sounds like a dream, Sweets.” Deku smiles for real this time and you really want to daydream a bit more but somehow you’re incapable of words; the sleep takes you without a warning and the world goes black.
You wake up after a few hours; it’s still dark outside, but it’s closer to the morning than to the night; or at least that’s what your body clock tells you. Next to you, there is a green mop of hair sprawled out on the second pillow you never use; he’s sleeping next to you but in a safe distance, unlike the other day when you woke up in his arms. You really miss the closeness, you miss everything about those three beautiful days; it’s harder and harder not to point out the elephant in the room and just end this sweet nothing and burn it to pieces for that 1% chance of your feelings being reciprocated. Apparently, Izuku is a vigilant sleeper; when a tiny sigh leaves your mouth he opens his eyes; without a single word he puts his palm on your forehead and starts his usual freak out session.
Honestly, this joke is getting old.
“Izu, stop freaking out, I’m actually feeling okay. My fever broke hours ago.” You stare at your shaking roomie with disappointment. “I’m literally tucked into 3 different comforters, of course I’m burning up. I’m quite sure I fell asleep in one, so why do I look like a burrito now?” You try your best to get out of the hellishly hot covers but Izuku looks at you with those freaking puppy eyes; he literally looks like a puppy who just peed on the carpet and feels bad about it. He’s the definition of a baby golden retriever.
“Let me get the sponge at least!” He murmurs almost silently with a little pout on his face. Adorable.
“What about a lukewarm bath?” Midoriya pushes but you roll your eyes. “I’ll help you.”
This guy is ridiculous.
“You wish.” You snap back with a red face and if you wouldn’t be so ashamed you would have heard the almost silent “I do” murmured into his pillow.
“What did you say?”
“I said I need to go to work.” Midoriya grumbles, his sleepy voice more deep than usual. Oh no…
“Izu, are you grumpy right now?” You giggle and Midoriya really doesn’t appreciate that; he looks at you with an offended gaze. “Did you wanna have a lovely bubble bath with me and wash my back like you wanted in the camp?” You full on laugh now which ends up with you coughing a bit, which as per usual makes the greenette freak out for a good moment but after he checks your vitals and decides you are not about to die from a single cough, his angry pout is back.
“Shut up and take your Deku.” Midoriya tries to throw the stuffed version of himself to you and it lands on your face as your reflexes aren’t really good in your condition; you might feel better but there is definitely a long way until you can go back to your usual self. “Don’t make fun of me, I’ve grown up in a really loving and really touchy family. Once I tried to wash Kirishima’s back in the river and almost got Howitzer Impacted into the moon.” Midoriya admits and you burst out laughing.
“You did not…”
“I fucking did and he fucking let me. It almost cost my life.”
“Wow, you swear so much on this lovely morning.” You grin menacingly. “Did you not sleep well in MY BED?” You try your best to tease him flirtatiously; Midoriya was right, you have no filter when you’re sick. Oh well.
“You snored so much I couldn’t sleep well!” Izuku sticks his tongue out and you can’t believe his audacity.
“You cheeky little bitch, get out!” You whine and your green companion snickers as he leaves your room to get ready for his day. He comes back after a while in a full setup with a steaming cup of noodles in his hands.
“Eat this and take your medicine. Only leave the room if you really need to. Send me a message every hour if you don’t want me to jump in through the window which I will leave open just in case.” Midoriya mumbles, and you can’t help but giggle.
“We have a door you can use, I hope you know that.” You try to deadpan but your mouth doesn’t want to cooperate.
“Let me be extra, okay?!” The move Izuku made with his hands really makes you question his sexuality.
“I didn’t know you can be so sassy, Izu-Izu, I kinda like that.”
“Say that when there’s no snot dripping from your nose and I might get a little bit turned on.” Izuku fucking WINKS at you and leaves like the sassy bitch he is.
So let’s take a deep breath and think about the fact that Deku openly flirted with you, even though you look like you were just hit by a truck.
… and now freak the fuck out.
Yes, that will definitely help you to get better.
Well, Deku wasn’t joking when he said you need to message him every hour. If you were even a minute late, you woke up to a green blob staring at you from your window like a creep. It was kind of funny until you realized how dangerous this whole situation is; Deku is clearly not concentrating on his job properly which is not just a risk for his own health but to the people of the city as well. You need to do something about this.
“Hey, Katsuki.” You ramble into the phone with a husky voice. “I have a problem.”
“The fuck, freeloader! Are you hurt?! I’m coming over!” Katsuki is about to end the call but you stop him.
“I’m sick, don’t come here. I need your help with Izu.” You sigh. “He’s not concentrating on his work because of me. He’s around the house every hour, he’s absolutely lost it.”
“Fuck. He did that to me too when I was sick. Only happened once but fuck I make sure to eat my fucking vegetables since, he was an absolute emotional mess, crying and yapping by my fucking bed like I’m dying.” Katsuki tenses. “I’ll sort this out, you rest or whatever.” The line goes dead and the silence is back. You send a quick message to Midoriya that you are about to sleep and decide to close your eyes a bit; the sooner you get out of this mess the sooner you get your old roommate back.
The next time you open your eyes, Izuku’s sitting at the leg of the bed, hunched over; he looks banged up and really tired but he still smiles at you as you sit up.
“Hey, Sweet Pea.” His voice is rough. Something is not right. Something is…
Dripping. On the bed. From his side.
That’s fucking blood.
Okay, this is it. You are done.
“Midoriya Izuku, you are bleeding! What the fuck are you doing here and why are you not in a hospital?!” You yell but straining your voice probably wasn’t the best idea as you end up having a coughing fit. Midoriya tries to move and help you through it but even the smallest movement makes his breath hitch.
This is not funny anymore. “Why are you doing this?! How am I supposed to get better if all I can think of is you dying on the battlefield because of me?! Huh?! I’m really fucking done, Izuku! I don’t want you here! I want to sleep! I’m calling the hospital!” You cry to him, your eyes full of worry. It breaks your heart to talk to him like that, but he didn’t listen to you when you were nice and if you need to break your own heart to save his life, then so be it.
“I’m sorry, I only looked at my phone for one second…” he tries to explain, but fuck if that doesn’t make you even more angry.
“You looked at your phone in the middle of a fight?! I’m having a cold Midoriya, not a terminal illness that will take me away randomly!”
“Don’t call me that…” Midoriya’s eyes are full of tears and that only makes you cry harder; it’s extremely hard to breathe, your already stuffed nose not letting any air into your lungs. Your door gets smashed in suddenly and you both jump; Midoriya makes a tiny whine from the pain.
“Okay, this shit show ends now.” Bakugou barges in and puts Midoriya on his shoulders like he’s nothing but a sack of potatoes. “Deku, you are going to the hospital.” He grumbles. “Freeloader, you hide that fucking bedsheet before Auntie gets a heart attack when she comes in from the living room.”
“Mum is here?” Midoriya mumbles with a pale face. The weakness of his voice makes you cry again.
“Yes fucker, she’ll take care of your girlfriend while you get your ass treated. You are not going back to work today. We’re going to use your window so she won’t freak out. Now shut the fuck up and chill for the fucks sake, what kind of fucking drama is this anyway? Honestly, you need to get a grip, you fucker! She’s just fucking sick. Stop being an idiot!” Bakugou doesn’t stop talking as he jumps out of the window; you can hear him yelling at the greenette until their silhouettes disappear in the sea of skyscrapers. When you hear the footsteps coming from the living room, you quickly hide the top sheets under the bed.
“I heard a lot of yelling, are you okay?” Mama Midoriya comes in but she stops at the door when she sees your teary face. “Honey, what happened?” Inko runs over to hug you. You try your best to not cry even harder as she embraces you the same way a mother embraces her child.
“He doesn’t have any sense of self preservation, I can’t do this. It’s my fault, everything is my fault…” you bawl like a baby, your words so mumbled she probably can’t understand the half of it.
“Is there something bloody hidden under your bed, honey?” She mumbles into your ear and you freeze; Katsuki went above and beyond to make sure Inko doesn’t see his injured son yet you managed to mess up everything in the first 30 seconds. Well done.
“… N-no?” You stutter but Inko only laughs at that.
“Y/N, I know those two like the back of my hands. I heard yelling then Kacchan disappeared through the window, together with my son. I might be a working class woman but I’m not stupid.” The lady smiles. “I used to cry so much when my boy got injured but it’s the part of the job. I can’t believe they still try to hide this away from me. I was the one who treated Izuku’s wounds in the first few years. I was the one who washed his blood soaked clothes. Honestly, these two boys… they are a handful.”
“It was my fault, I’m sorry…” You try to apologize but Inko puts her hands on your mouth.
“Oh, shush now, Sweet Pea. It’s his own fault for not taking care of himself. He should have called me right away. This isn’t a first time I take care of his friends while he’s on duty. But I guess you are special. He wanted to take care of you himself.” Inko looks at you with a knowing look. “Don’t be too hard on him when he comes back, okay? He’s probably really heartbroken right now. He takes everything so seriously…”
“I yelled at him.” You sniffle. “I yelled at him and told him I don’t want him here. I didn’t mean it…”
“I know, honey. But you thought this is the best you can do to keep him safe. Thank you.” Inko keeps rubbing your back soothingly and the movement makes your sick brain feel super woozy - in a nice way. You could really sleep in Mama Midoriya’s arms. “Why don’t you close your eyes for a minute, honey? Let’s kick this cold in the butt so you two can make up and be happy again, yeah?” The soothing little circles lulls you to sleep really quickly; the next time you wake up it’s the next morning; you are alone in your room, there is water and breakfast ready for you by your bedside and there’s also a little pot of pink flowers sitting next to your pancakes. By the look of it, they were planted really quickly and you must add, really messily but you know these flowers; they are pink kisses, the flowers you made Midoriya buy for the garden when you first moved in. You really want to cry right now.
“Are you feeling better, honey?” Inko comes in with a sleepy face; you really hope she didn’t sleep on the sofa. Knowing Izuku, he probably let his mother sleep in his bed while he crashed on the sofa even though he’s hurt. You want to strangle that man and kiss him senseless, all at the same time.
“Much better, thank you. That disgusting thing with ginger really helped.” You giggle. “How is he?” You ask in a serious tone, worried. The poor guy went out into your garden and dug a flower out of the fucking dirt. He must feel so guilty for everything he’s done and probably has the wrong idea about your feelings as well. You really need to talk to him. As soon as possible.
“He’s okay… right, Izuku?” Inko smiles and suddenly, there is another green head in your view; Izuku looks so tired, his eyes red-rimmed and full of regret.
“Izu…” Things happen really quickly; Izuku is at the door one moment and in your bed in the next; he hugs you like he haven’t seen you for a year, grabbing your shirt anxiously while he buries his head into your neck. “I smell really bad…” you mumble self-consciously, but he only buries his head in deeper.
“I’m so sorry.” He sniffs and you really can’t take this anymore; you embrace the man so tightly he ends up making a little noise of discomfort.
“Ahh, sorry, did I hurt you? You got injured yesterday, I’m so sorry!” You ramble but Izuku only smiles. Inko slowly backs out of the room and closes the door behind her to give you some privacy. Bless that woman.
“I got healed by recovery girl, I’m fine. I’m sorry I made you worry and for being a ‘creepy ass fuck’ as Kacchan has said.” Poor Izuku looks so dejected you can’t help but caress his cheeks to cheer him up.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you. You were hurt and I only made it worse for you. Look at your eyes, love, they are so red and puffy…” You barely realize what you’ve just said. It just slipped out without your knowledge. Oh, you really fucked up this time, you really…
“I love the sound of that nickname.” He mutters with a red face. “You are forgiven. You’ll always be forgiven, Sweet Pea.”
“And so will you, Izu.” You mutter back with teary eyes. “Whatever you do, I’ll be here, waiting for you to come home to me again.”
This is the last straw for your poor heart. You are in love with him. You can’t fucking lie to yourself anymore. He’s the most perfect creature you’ve ever met in your life with all his weird habits and stupid shenanigans. He’s everything you’ve ever wanted. You really need to take a deep breath and close your eyes for a second to not act on your instincts and kiss the man in front of you.
“Promise?” Deku smiles, his pinky lacing together with yours.
After a few days, you feel good as new; at last, you can safely snuggle with your favorite roommate as you two enjoy a movie on this lovely afternoon.
“Hey, Sweet Pea…” Midoriya mumbles shyly. It weirdly sounds like a beginning of a question so you look up at the green haired hero. “So, my mom told me off for not listening to the doctors and getting glasses for home to read and to watch the TV, so… what do you think?”
“About you in glasses? Or about you being an insufferable little bitch about using them?” You grin when Izuku makes that funny squeaky noise he usually does when he’s being bullied.
“Excuse me, first of all, I’m not an insufferable little bitch about it, I just forgot to get my glasses done. Second of all, stop chatting with Kacchan when I’m not around.” Izuku pouts, so you give him a little kiss on his cheek to stop his incoming tantrum.
“You are literally so obsessed with him you have all his merch, is it really a bad thing if I sound like that?” You continue your teasing, because you are an asshole.
“Well, first of all…” Midoriya is about to start ranting but he gets cut off by your loud laugh.
“First of all, stop saying first of all over and over!” You talk back, still snuggled close to him, your hands playing with his fingers in his lap.
Yes, friendzone be damned, you two can’t stop touching each other since the fight, and no, not in that way, obviously, but you can’t lie, it is constant. Good morning kiss on the cheeks, good night kiss on the forehead, a ‘well done’ caress after finishing a commission, ‘thank fuck you are alive’ kiss on Izuku’s shoulder because you can’t reach his face properly without jumping up on him like a monkey, fingers entwining while watching a movie on the sofa, secret sniffs of the other’s skin after a shower… Long story short, it’s bad but neither of you really care at this point.
“I don’t want you to sound like Kacchan, because one is perfectly enough of him. Also, I’m getting those glasses, so if you see a new man sitting on the sofa, please refrain from attacking him with a mop again.” Izuku giggles, reminding you of your second encounter in the living room.
“Nah, I would know it’s you even if you take away all my senses.” You smile with a fond look on your face. You are so fucking obvious it’s actually hilarious.
“That’s highly unlikely, but I’m still fluttered.” Midoriya smiles back with a dorky look.
“Damn, you don’t even have your glasses yet but you already sound like a fucking nerd.”
“That’s it princess, you are going to the naughty jail!” Midoriya giggles and makes a move towards you. You look at him with questioning eyes.
“The wha… oh my god, Izu, stop!” You whine as the hero lands on top of you, viciously tickling you on your super ticklish sides, movie long forgotten. If you two end up staying in this position after tiring yourselves out by playfully fighting on the comfy sofa then falling asleep in each other’s arms, that’s no one’s fucking business.
Fuck, you really do sound like Katsuki these days.
EXTRA - A few days before
Deku’s mental health support group
Green oblivious idiot: Even her snores are cute…
Kacchan: Jesus ducking Christ Deku.
Kacchan: ducking
Shitty Hair: 🦆
Kacchan: I ducking hate you all.
Kacchan: Duck’s sake
Green, oblivious idiot: 🦆
Kacchan has left the group.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- This was actually supposed to be a 2 parter but I have so many chapters sitting in my notes I decided to post both of the chapters together haha I hope you enjoyed the little treat!
- The next chapter is my personal favorite one and guys… you are not ready.
- HEY VIETNAMESE FRIENDS, this story is being translated to Vietnamese by the lovely @tlam105! Thank you very much for your hard work! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 CLICK HERE IF YOU WANNA READ IT!!
- Eyy, Izuku has issues, man 😂 Someone needs to give that poor guy a chill pill. I’m really not sure how the heck did he manage to look at his phone during battle though, I’m quite sure he was hiding somewhere and that’s when he took his phone out, not in the middle of an actual battle but that doesn’t make it any better.
- I have a confession to make; I finished this story a few days ago and I’m really emotional right now 😂 the story will end with week 10, BUT! You know me and how much I love this story so there will be a second season! We will see more of Izuku’s weird habits in that one! It will just as fun as the first season was! 🥦 I already finished the new header for it 😂 I really hope you like the ending! (which ain’t an ending but you know what I mean.)
- My boyfriend is cutting onions and I can’t see from the tears so if there’s a mistake in the potato ramble bit I’m sorry I’m literally blind. TMI, I know.
See you next week! Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! I love to hear your thoughts! 🥦🩷
Taglist: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @momothemasocist @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore
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giorno-plays-piano · 9 months
Thorns In His Mouth
Part VII
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Pairing: fae!Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: obsession, dubious consent, minor character death, drugs (neither reader nor Steve are involved), slight eating disorder, mentions of tumor, high tech elves.
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Maybe it was a good idea to chat with a waitress a bit more once she brought you your order. Perhaps she could at least tell you with whom you should speak because you simply couldn’t force yourself to look at others, most of them already high, shouting something loudly or laughing or weeping. You could constantly hear the flapping of someone’s wings, weird whispers and noises, and the sound of boots and hooves that made your hair stand on end.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI
"But where are we going?" You hurried after the elf who was walking way too fast on his goddamn perfectly long legs.
"My friend is a phooka who doesn't like sunlight much," Steve said, turning his face to you but not slowing down. "Since magic costs us too much in your world, not many fae can afford constant glamour. And phookas don't exactly look like humans, so he has to hide where not many people can see him."
Oh. You hadn't thought of that. Phookas were black-haired cat-like - or goat-like? - creatures, as far as you remembered from a book about Celtic fairies you've had as a child. It would be incredibly hard not to freak out if you suddenly saw one in the middle of the city.
Poor creature. Where was it living? How hard it would be to not only be unable to use magic, but also communicate with pretty much anyone at all with an exception of fellow faes? Steve, on the other hand, looked perfectly human even with his strange face and piercing blue eyes, his ears perfectly normal. Was he using glamour?
He seemed to be amused with your expression as he laughed, extending his hand to you so you could walk close instead of dragging behind him.
"Do you use glamour to change the shape of your ears?" You blurted out, unable to keep silent to satisfy your curiosity, and then shame bubbled up inside you as you realized it was a too personal question to ask a literal stranger. Nevertheless, you took his hand when his fingers brushed against yours.
His gaze warmed up. "I do. What, do you want me to oblige you and show you their true form?"
"No, no pleasure, I'm sorry! I don't know why I asked that."
"It's a shame," the elf winked at you. "I'd ask you for a wish in exchange."
Warmth crept into your cheeks: was Steve flirting with you just now? Or was it his fae nature showing itself? The fair folk were supposed to be overly playing - or utterly horrifying. Steve, you thought, was likely both.
Turning to the left, away from the bus station with a long queue of tired students nervously clutching their Ipads and Iphones, you followed the Watcher with your eyes on the road instead of looking at him. It never came to your mind that he considerably slowed down his pace so you could keep up with it, his palm warming yours as he held it gently. You missed his intent stare as he stopped smiling, and his eyes flashed oddly.
"Your first lesson," he finally said after a couple of minutes, breaking the awkward silence. "Don't ever bargain with a fae if it demands a wish in return. Always try to propose something first. Give it something valuable, but what you're ready to part with."
"Like my earrings?"
There's a faint smile on his full lips, "Like your earrings."
"But what if I really need to bargain with a fae, and it wants nothing else but a wish?"
Steve abruptly stopped, and you nearly fell down the ground if he didn't catch you, steading you with his unbearably hot palms on your shoulders, towering over you, his expression somber.
"You NEVER bargain with that fae," he said, and your knees started to tremble out of nowhere when he squeezed your shoulders tight. "Never. Come find me, and I will trade something else with you to help."
There's something dangerous in the way his lips crooked, but you continued staring at his face, anyway, like a snake charmer at a cobra - except it was you being controlled, his voice a low command.
"There has always been plenty of malicious fae even in Sacred lands, but many turned worse in exile. You will never guess which one is which, and you don't want to know what they'll do to you if you give them a chance."
"But... but weren't fair folk forbidden from harming us?" Your voice trembled a little, and Steve blew out a little breath, his thumbs drawing circles through the fabric of your blouse to comfort you, probably, after he stopped painfully squeezing your shoulders.
"When you give them a wish, you hand them the power over you. Do that, and the law will no longer work in your favor."
It was a rule #1, perhaps the most important one among the long list of other rules you were given when dealing with the little folk. Never have you ever allowed a fae to ask you for a wish since then, promising yourself you wouldn't waste your own life even for your mother. There was always a different way, Steve said, glancing down at you as he towered far above you. Sacrifices, whatever their nature, rarely led to anything good in the end.
By the time he walked down the stairs to enter the nearest metro station, you realized you had a very vague picture of a place you were going to, immediately asking the elf where he was planning to take you. Why were you leaving fae's part of the city? Did some creatures live outside it? Was it far? Was it a dangerous place, too?
The man was chuckling again at a limitless number of questions you could ask without drawing a second breath. "You were a worrier, weren't you?" He asked, and your cheeks grew hot with embarrassment.
"He lives close," he finally said, motioning to the metro tration. "And no place is dangerous as long as you're with me. You might get nervous, though. It's dark and dirty there."
Dark and dirty? Was it, like, some sort of a cave.
Looking at the growing smile of the elf, you suddenly realized why he was taking you down the metro station. Dear God, that's where that hairy phooka lived, right? Somewhere on an abandoned metro line or between the stations where no one but rats would see him, and so he wouldn't need glamor.
It all felt like some sort of urban legend.
You didn't have it in you to stop, knowing your mysterious friend was expecting results in return for his earnest work, but when Steve was helping you jump over the protective fence right on the tracks, you squeezed his hand, breathing heavier.
"Can I hold your hand, please? This place gives me the creeps," you smiled nervously at him, and Steve let out a loud laugh in his typical fashion, grasping your shoulder.
"You weren't scared of coming to a place full of drug addicts and all sorts of scum, but the metro scares you?" He helped you up when you had finally jumped down, barely believing you were really doing it, your anxity amping up. "Don't fret, you lovely little thing. I know this place better than anyone. I've lived here for many long years myself."
Tags: @heavenly1927 @yazzzmints @devils-blackrose @lost-and-founds @kennafild @toodlesxcuddles @shygardengalaxy @heimtathurs @moonlightazriel @tsujifreya @lilithmoon92 @greenowlfactif @minshookie29 @nina2697 @youngdreamer3214 @jsrblue
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navsink · 2 months
to be gentle is a choice. | sukuna x sorcerer reader !
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A/N: so brainfart moment!! im sure someone else will make this way better than i can but just for now hold on w me on this spontaneous moment of what ifs. im willing to challenge myself by making me write everything from sukuna's pov, yay me, nay brain! it's not gonna be cannon compliant tho, im shit at remembering lore.
tags: angst, lying, swearing, slightly suggestive, sukuna is a red flag by itself, guillible reader, sukuna pov, sukuna is bad at feelings, possesive behavior (?), unreliable narrator, tba.
wc: 536 words 2,882 characters
April 5th, 2016
How long has it been? Around ten-ish months since I've met her, that's a long time. A dragged out and long time since I have been lying to her. Since when do I care about lying? The thousand year old king of curses, turning into a mushy and limp sugar cube for some woman. It's not any woman in my defense, but it's still so annoying. Ever since we met I can't believe how easily I feel myself start to hover over her like some protective canine.
The longer I'm with her the more I dig myself deeper, a side of me is regretful, yet the other is enjoying it in the most deceitful way possible. It's no surprise to anyone that I'm so selfish, especially when it comes to her. Are these feelings normal?
I feel like I want to strangle her everytime she pouts, when she turns over her shoulder and the corners of her mouth drag out to form that chesire smilel that lures me into those glistening eyes.
How is it that the thing I hated the most- sorcerers, has me reconsidering my whole gig of taking over the world and killing sorcerers yada yada.
i think i might... love her
Humans are fragile beings, especially with how easily I can just press them against my index and thumb like a pesky diminute ant. If you ask me personally what humans mean to me, I'll answer honestly.
I hate them. Whiny. Powerless. Weak. Narsiscistic. and overall pesky little shits.
if she were to ask me. God. I'd fold over and have my hand reach to her cheek, caressing it in the most gentle way possible, afraid of the fragility and ephemeral nature of the human species she's sadly a part of. I would've begrudgingly answered "Humans are complex to even have a general opinion on, but if I were to generalize them, I think they're evanescent and self servient. Yet you, transcend my definition, because to me, you're the most kind, precious of incalculable worth, piece of being to ever exist."
To which you of course, had to ask in one of the most vulnerable moments of mine. Giggling and peppering gentle kisses across my forehead like some weakling, not taking anything I say seriously per tradition. You're definitely not the obedient type, Uraume was horrorstruck when I mentioned every incident of tardiness, teasing, disrespectful banter and so on.
God that Uraume, she doesn't get you like I do, it makes me kind of euphoricly selfish. to be the only one who can understand you like this, the one who gets to hear you rant about the measly curses you're facing at the tech, or even hearing you heave my name when you're dry humping my lap.
tell me, my dear and lovely "girlfriend", would you also speak about me like this when I'm not around? would you love me still be here if you knew? even if im your biggest enemy? a menace to your kind? would all your friends try to seal me if they knew?
would you love me all the same when I'm the most cursed yet the most blessed when I'm with you?
Pg. 1 of Sukuna's Diary.
Shall we continue this as a series?
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jolynesmom · 3 months
no one asked but I wanna yap a bit about my jujutsu kaisen drs (I have 3), more specifically on my cursed techniques from each one
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so in my first dr I’m a first year with nobara, yuji and megumi
the second one is based in 2006 where satoru and the others are students; I’m also a first year there with nanami and haibara because I’ve seen quite a few people shift to be classmates with satoru, suguru and shoko, but I haven’t seen anyone wanting to be classmates with nanami. I really want to get to befriend nanami, and honestly haibara too
I’m my third one I’m a 3rd year at jujutsu tech with hakari and kirara cuz they’re honestly so cool and want to befriend them
all my techniques from all 3 drs are op as hell and YOU CANNOT SHAME ME!!! no offense but you must be stupid to choose a normal or mediocre technique and shift to a reality where sukuna and special grades like mahito exist (unless it’s an au or you’re a healer and won’t fight at all like shoko)
1st dr technique — in my first dr I actually scripted sorcerers can have up to 2 cursed techniques (but it’s EXTREMELY rare) because I couldn’t decide on which technique to have. my first technique is cursed spirit manipulation like suguru’s, and the second one is basically dazai’s ability but for the jjk universe - I can nullify cursed energy and techniques by being in close proximity with the target (skin to skin contact is not necessary!!)
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2nd dr technique — I’m actually the most excited to experience the cursed technique I have in my 2nd dr; I also couldn’t decide on a cursed technique so I mixed 3 similar abilities into one and called it “cursed elemental alchemy”. I mixed:
—x-men storm’s weather manipulation
—giorno giovana’s gold experience (not gold experience requiem!!)
—necromantic abilities inspired by hu tao’s aesthetic
-> the last one came on a whim when I was thinking of what my uniform will look like: I have a skirt in one dr and long pants in another, so I wanted to have shorts in this one and hu tao’s outfit suddenly came to my mind because I love it so much!!! so I decided I’ll wear hu tao’s exact clothes (but in dark blue with less details so it will look like an usual uniform) and I kinda wanted her aesthetic so I decided to include some necromancy elements in my technique. given all the abilities mixed into one, I can already control living creatures (animals and plants created from inorganic matter), so it will also kinda make sense to control spirits I imbue with cursed energy - they’re not limited to human spirits, but the spirits of deceased animals and plants as well :)
since I’m going to be satoru’s underclassman, I don’t need him to make fun of me for being weak like he did with poor Ijichi 😭 being seen as weak by present gojo is already pretty humbling, let alone by his highschool self!! I don’t need it
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3rd dr technique — I created this dr on a whim specifically for the technique. I was thinking what else I can add to the previous techniques to flesh them out more and I thought “you know what would be a BUSTED ability? being able to control multiple jjba stands!!”. I didn’t have any way to add this ability to the previous ones, so I created a whole new dr for it :))
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basically the proper cursed technique is called ‘soul binding’ that is the core ability that allows me to summon and control nine shikigami (I scripted the stands are shikigamis) just like megumi can control the 10 shikigami from the 10 shadows technique. the 9 stands I chosen are:
—crazy diamond (for healing since reversed cursed technique costs too much cursed energy!!)
—star platinum: the world
—gold experience (might change this one, not sure tbh)
—stone free
—wonder of u
—the hand
—diver down
—jail house lock
—heaven’s door
I’ve chosen a few op stands to make sure nobody beats my ass, one with a healing ability and I had fun with the rest — I wanted some supportive elements as well
I also scripted the shikigami/stands can speak as well and all have distinct personalities, so they’ll feel more like allies than mindless pets
I’m very excited to use jail house lock’s ability the most, I think it’s so great to disorientate opponents and it will come in handy especially in the culling game arc, so I won’t be forced to kill anyone 😭
I honestly choose heaven door not because it’s kinda op, but more for intel gathering. I recently read the jjk light novels and they really opened up my eyes on how there’s so much more in the jjk verse than fighting curses; intel gathering is extremely important especially when it comes to curse users since they’re smarter than normal curses - the chapters where nobara and inumaki fought that curse speech user and the one with Ijichi at work really helped me get more insight into the jjk verse
kinda fun fact: wonder of u is my only automatic shikigami. it doesn’t spend time with me and it rarely speaks and I can’t control it to a full extent yet, it only has one duty and it’s to protect me by redirecting misfortunes to the ones that seek to harm me
that’s alllll if you have a jjk dr please please please tell me about it!! also feel free to draw inspiration from my cursed techniques, especially the last one and tell me which stands you’d choose 🫶🏻
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
Neytiri, and Tsu'tey React to Their S/O Singing a Song In Their Native Language
Author's Note: I'm in the mood plus I'm finally figuring out a way to managed time for college and work yay! Plus I think it would cool to give folks something if English isn't their native language. I've been listening to jpop a lot lately, was inspired by it. I'm listening to covers of A Disease Called Love
(N/L) = Native Language name :3
(S/N) = Name of song you like
Context before reactions: English is not your first language, you learn how to speak it at some point in your life on Earth. After the RDA finally leaves Pandora for good to find another planet to find a new home. You build a little "secret" place near the village to escape from everyday life and practice music from your former home. You started playing some music on your microphone and begin singing your favorite songs. Little did you know that your mate is nearby and heard your voice.
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I like to think Neytiri heard a little bit of the many languages from Grace at the school. She might've have seen a few humans talking in different languages too. But she may not know all of the names and might've been curious at one point.
She was hunting nearby when she heard unknown sounds, she quickly realize it was you. So she finished her hunt quickly and go to your "secret" place. Neytiri was intrigue when she heard you singing but she couldn't understand what you were saying.
Neytiri stood silent as she listens to your song. She couldn't resist smiling, she may not like the tech as it's a reminder of the RDA but it was different.
After you finished Neytiri knock on the door, you greet her and let her come in.
Neytiri: "Y/N what was that?"
Y/N: "What do you mean?"
Neytiri: "The words you were saying, its not Na'vi nor English,"
Y/N: "It was (N/L),"
Neytiri: "Its sounds familiar I recall Grace talking about it."
Y/N: "English is not my native language, I learn how to speak it a long time ago,"
Neytiri: "What was that song you were singing?"
Y/N: "Its called (S/N), its song from my former home on Earth,"
Neytiri: "Can you sing it again?"
You obliged and begin singing again, Netyiri found her lightly tapping her finger to the beat. She might ask you if you can teach her a few words when you both have time.
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Tsu'tey wanted to invite you to fly with him for a date. You told him about your "secret" place and where to find it. You admit it was to get some alone time and mess around.
When he heard you singing. He was confused cause he normally heard you in Na'vi or English. It was completely different, he wonder what was going on.
Then he remembers that humans speak different languages he finds the concept really weird and confusing. He arrived when you are done singing. Tsu'tey greeted you in the na'vi way, (as seen in the gif)
Tsu'tey: "I heard you singing what was...that?"
Y/N: "It was (N/L), "
Tsu'tey: "What were you singing?"
Y/N: "It was one of my favorite songs from Earth, its called (S/N),"
Tsu'Tey: "Do you miss Earth?"
Y/N: "In a way yes, I was feeling a bit sentimental today,"
Tsu'tey: "What does the song mean?"
You told him about the song and your old home, at least the good memories you made. After the conversation you two went out flying having a bit of fun. In the evening after you two found a place to rest. you sang again and he found himself humming along. He finds it cute.
Author's note: Hope you guys like it :3
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domfock · 1 year
Ayo, Bookclub, I am back with another information clarification post.
Today we're gonna talk about Chronica, Domina, and Plants in the universe, as well as looking at the timeline. A lot of this information is already given to us in Vol 12, and the rest will not really be any spoilers but serve to give everything mentioned later more weight.
Right off the bat, Chronica and Domina are both Independent Plants. They're now born with neural blockers that contains their powers and prevents them from fusing. It seems to be common place for Independent Plants to serve upon Earth vessels, which gives us insight that Independent Plants are not only trusted, but also admired and respected in these military positions, as we see the Captain always refer to Chronica for her analysis and expertise.
And about Earth. Information was obviously lost over time, so it is easy to imagine the people on planet No Man's Land just assumed Earth was gone, or simply didn't bother hope for anything beyond surviving to the next day. With Earth dying, they sent out fleets to colony other planets, not knowing if they would ever make it possible for finding each other again. All that mattered was that humanity had to survive.
In time, they managed to develop a better and more sustainable form of energy, both to preserve Earth and Plants, and this allowed humanity to also develop warp drives to easily travel the stars, finally making the dream of connecting all of humanity across the stars.
Also, with a quick look at the timespan and year we have, we can use the dates offered in the notes about Tesla to nail down a time period. Tesla was born May 3rd, 2405. She survived for seven month and a half months, making that some time in January, 2406.
An unspecified amount of time passed before Vash and Knives were born, but let's go with a year or so for simplicity, which is then in 2407. Add then the one year plus a few extra months for the time they grew up on the ship, making it 2408. Now we add the 150 or so years, making it 2558, give or take the about three years of the entire story, putting us at 2561 as the current year of the story.
Chronica than states that it's been over two centuries since they started colonizing the universe, setting the year for when the SEEDs ships left Earth at around 2361, give or take a couple of decades or so. Meaning the colony fleets flew through space for like fifty or so years, at least the one Rem and the crew was on.
There's an unknown amount of human colonies out in the universe, most likely doing better than our main planet, since they managed to land on suitable planets and didn't crash and lose all their tech and information like No Man's Land did because of Knives.
It seems the tech and understanding surrounding Plants was not fully understood by the time the colony fleets were sent out, making Independents an unknown whenever they would eventually happen to each fleet and/or colony. With all these unrestrained Independents Plants across the universe, it is no surprise that Chronica speaks about having faced similar situations.
From what Chronica states, non-neurally blocked Independent Plants have for the most part turned violent and dangerous, as well. Might be caused by the access to near-unlimited power, even if the Plant situations could look a lot better on other Planets. They could've been treated like subjects, like Tesla, and grown their hate this way.
This also suggest how much of an anomaly Vash is, having been raised like a normal child, with love and care, growing into a reasonable man. It is possibly other Independents out there shared a good childhood too, which is why Chronica says most unrestrained Indepedents are violent, but not all.
It's also worth noting, that despite Independents having neural blockers to prevent them from fusing, they can still be forcibly assimilated against their will through direct contact, as we saw happening to Domina. Another person in Knives' long list of victims whose autonomy was taken away and body invaded by him, because he cares so much about other Plants and totally not acting out of his own hate and fear.
I hope this cleared some stuff up for everyone. I for one absolutely love thinking about what the rest of the world could look like, considering the scope of the world.
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plzu · 1 year
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my form is but a wreck beneath you - (Miguel O'Hara x Venom!Symbiote!Reader)
summary: you find out the penalty that awaits you for breaking Miguel's #1 rule: don't let out the symbiote warnings: overstimulation, p in v sex, dubcon elements, no Y/N, implied venom x reader a/n: day 1 (don't look at today's date shhh) of @flightlessangelwings's kinktober 2023 prompt list: overstimulation. the unofficial part 2 of sleeping with roaches. title inspired by Sleep Token's Gods wordcount: 1.5k
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“It's too much..!”
“Oh, yeah?”
An endless current of pleasure crackles forth from your core and prickles just beneath your flesh as Miguel mercilessly rocks into you.
“That's too bad,” he says, without an ounce of sympathy. “You're gonna have to keep taking it.”
His skin feels hot and heavy against you. When he speaks, his words come out in a low, gravelly murmur against the skin of your neck. The space between your bodies feels impossibly, deliciously wet. It makes for an embarrassing squelching sound as he repeatedly disappears into your achingly sore cunt; it does little to mask the raw-throated whining that tumbles incoherently from your gaping mouth.
You've lost track of how many orgasms he's managed to rip from you already.
Buzzing like a gnat in the foggy recesses of your brain is something like a gleeful coo from Venom within, like he's pleased with the position you're in. Go figure. It's his fault you're even in this position in the first place, but you're the one getting punished for it while he sits on the sidelines and observes.
This huge building was built for Spider-people, easy to traverse if you can swing on webs and can literally walk on walls.
You are not one of those people.
You're a nobody, who, through some unfortunate twist of fate that resulted in losing your best friend, ended up becoming a host for a symbiote.
As such, if you slip and fall whilst walking along one of the many long, suspended corridors in Miguel's headquarters, you don't naturally have a way to save yourself with your normal, human limbs.
Venom's limbs, on the other hand?
Well. Before you had time to even process the fact that you were falling, Venom emerged, completely encasing your frail human body with his so he can use his strong, inky tendrils to haul you both back up to safety.
Forget the fact that he could have potentially fixed your broken body, like he’s done before.
Forget the fact that literally any of the dozens of Spider-folk milling about could easily have come to your rescue.
Forget the fact that he could have simply shot out a single inky tendril, similar to the other web-slingers, without having to completely emerge himself. An action that only would have resulted in a warning glare from Miguel.
No matter how unintentional, you transformed into Venom in this dimension, breaking the #1 rule you have to follow in order to keep in Miguel’s good graces. (Relatively. The guy’s a huge grump). A problem you're now being bodily disciplined for.
Now you’re flat on your back, wrists shackled above your head by some high-tech handcuffs, completely at Miguel's mercy.
(Or lack thereof.)
He made you cum with his hands first, a disdainful sneer on his face as you clamped down on his thick, unforgiving fingers, crying out. He didn't stop, not as you squirmed helplessly against his hand, not as the second orgasm crested mere moments after the first, not as you bit your bottom lip raw in an attempt to suppress a cascade of apologies from spilling from your mouth.
Sorries were worthless, here. After all, the goal wasn't to get you to apologize (which you already did, on your knees). The goal was to see how long you can go, how much you can take, while keeping Venom contained. An exercise in self-control and obedience.
(It didn't matter that the symbiote was sitting smugly satisfied within, watching Miguel ravage your insides.)
(Like Miguel would trust you if you told him, anyway.)
Then he moved his attention to your breasts, harshly yanking both shirt and bra up at once to reveal your hardened nipples. He tweaked and tugged at them until you came yet again, pussy fluttering uselessly around nothing. (You didn’t even know it was possible to come like this.) Even after your bucking orgasm, Miguel continued rolling your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers until the pleasure turned to pain, and every contact made against them afterwards would just chafe. 
Every orgasm since then has been produced by the relentless thrust of his cock inside you. There's a moment's reprieve as Miguel slides nearly all the way out of you so he can maneuver the lower half of your body. His large hands grip the backs of your quaking thighs, spreading your legs wide open, completely displaying the abused, sopping wet mess of your cunt to him. Pushing your legs higher and further against your torso, he looks at the way your pussy frames his thick length, gleaming in your overflowing juices. Then he slides slowly forward, disappears into the aching clutch of your sex, making you whimper.
No matter how many times you've done this before, how many times he's stretched you out with the impossible girth of him, your pussy can never seem to fully accommodate his size, and he so rarely gives you the chance to get used to him.
No, that could be mistaken for affectionate. 
So you revel in the sweet pain instead, choke on it when he pummels into you with an angry, restless fervor.
Feeling the glide of his cock against your over-sensitive walls, you can't comprehend how this man has the stamina to keep going. You're both drenched in sweat. Some brown fly-away curls stick to his damp forehead, and it’d be endearing if he weren't so ruthlessly fucking into you, contempt in his crimson gaze. 
You don't know how much more you can take. But he's still ramming into you at a punishing pace. It's like he was made just to draw out both your pleasure and your pain, in whatever circle of Hell this is.
“Miguel, please,” you whine. “I don’t- nnh- I don’t have anything left..!”
“We’ll see about that, nena.” He hooks your legs over his broad shoulders and bears down further into you. The head of his cock presses deep against your cervix, the contact making you gasp, exhausted eyes flying wide open.
You wriggle in place, body instinctively trying to get away from the overwhelming feeling of him pressed so deeply into you. But it's fruitless. Trapped between the hard and unforgiving floor and the weight of Miguel's body, there's nowhere to go as he continues to fuck you senseless.
The sharp sting of pleasure that erupts in your core with every thrust muddies your thoughts until all that's left is a contiguous stream of Too much too much it's so good s-so good d-don't stop don't stop please-
A dark rumble in the back of your skull indicates a chuckle from the symbiote. He certainly finds it entertaining that even though Miguel has surely wrung out every last climax from you, even though your muscles ache from being manhandled, even though your insides have been rubbed raw, you still silently beg for more.
Miguel's thumb finds its way between your bodies to your already-swollen clit, making you jolt.
“I can't, I can't,” you sob, shaking your head. There's no way you can cum again, there's no way-
“You will,” he growls, rubbing erratic circles against the bundle of abused nerves. His cock is wedged firmly against your center, a stubborn pressure you can feel fill up your gut so fully. His hips rut against you, and you’d almost swear that he was trying to puncture your womb.
The dam keeping your orgasm at bay finally breaks under the persistent knocking of his head against that agonizing sweet spot inside of you, flooding Miguel's cock with your release, your mouth hanging open in a wordless shout. Your body trembles with the ferocity of your climax, limbs pulling taut until they finally go lax.
Your chest heaves with exertion. Your wrists feel uncomfortable in their restraints, arms almost aching with the desire of wanting to stretch in any other direction besides above your head, but unable to.
Miguel's cock twitches, and you realize he's still inside you, practically plugging you up.  
Between ragged breaths, you muster up the energy to blink bleary eyes up at him from between your trapped limbs. There's almost a hunger in his gaze, in the way his mouth hangs open and in the protrusion of his fangs. His chest heaves with less exertion than your own, tanned skin shiny with sweat.
It's these little moments where the anger and hatred for you seems quieted, replaced with something else, something almost tender and obsessive. Despite your exhaustion and aching limbs, it makes your heart flutter, and your pussy clamps down involuntarily around him.
This snaps him out of it with a grunt, and his lips pull back in a snarl.
He pulls back out of you, allowing your legs to slide off from the breadth of his shoulders. Your cunt aches with the sudden absence of his warm, heavy cock. You think with distant relief that this is it, that the torment of unending orgasms has finally ceased, but then Miguel moves his right arm up and firmly grasps the restraints of your wrists.
His face inches towards yours, tantalizingly threatening and permeating heat. You feel his cock slide against your slick folds, brushing abrasively against your clit and making you flinch in his hold.
“Now,” he mutters, words fanning against the damp skin of your cheek. “Let's do this one last time.”
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ye-olde-sodor · 5 months
DC Au Thomas!
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Thomas is an LB&SCR E2 Class locomotive, more specifically a Second Series E2 with the extended side tanks.
He was built in June of 1915, making him one of the oldest engines on Sodor! Contrary to popular belief, however, Thomas was not the first engine on Sodor. Instead, he only inherited the number after the first No 1 disappeared.
Thomas had a rough time growing up. He was taught by his older brothers not to trust the larger engines. Due to this, a younger Thomas was quite aggressive towards a younger Edward and a few other larger engines. While he grew out of this "emo phase", he still took many of his brothers lessons to heart.
Current day Thomas is a happy-go-lucky and sometimes hot headed engine, but he always means well….usually. He's cheerful, but he’s also the strong assertive type, and isn't afraid to speak up against mean engines. He can be quite cheeky too, but with his old age, he doesn't show it as much as he used to.
He loves a good challenge, but due to how bold and he can be, he's quite reckless. He also has a hard time admitting he made a mistake or did something wrong whenever one of his plans goes awry.
Thomas isn’t very good at listening to people. Especially to those in charge. The only people he does listen to is the Hatt family…but he doesn’t always listen to Sir Topham Hatt.
Like with many engines on Sodor, he despises the idea of a hierarchy. He believes that it paves the way for larger engines to order around smaller engines and put them in harms way. Even though he's a Preserved engine, he'd be more then happy to get rid of his "privilege" if it means keeping whatever steam engines remain across the world safe.
Thomas would kill to have a dock or harbor near his branch line. He loves the sea breeze and the sounds or the waves crashing up against the land. It reminds him of the Docks of Brighton Railway.
Thomas is one of the few engines who doesn’t mind eating thanks to his driver. His favorites are beef jerky and salt (yes he eats salt, don’t judge him) Just don’t tell any of the other engines that he likes to eat things…
Thomas was surprised when Stepney turned out to be one of his cousins. While the two aren't particularly close, both take pride in being relatives, and have even gained a peace of mind knowing that not all of their relatives were scrapped.
Thomas can be quite flirt when he wants to be, although no one but a few engines would know about it.
He can get super jealous whenever a new engine rolls in. This is partially due to how his brother raised him but also partially because he’s afraid of being replaced despite being the islands mascot…but then again, humans love replacing things they claim to adore so how can he be so sure he's safe from scrap?
He has some very mixed feelings towards Ryan. First and foremost he’s angry that he has to listen to him. He's jealous because Ryan has had the high life since he was built. He also finds Ryan attractive but would never, under any circumstances, admit he's in love like a normal engine.
He has a nasty habit of getting sick if he's swapped to a coal he isn't used to burning. There've been many attempts to switch the engines of Sodor to a better coal, but poor Thomas just wasn't compatible with any of them! Mallard will learn this the hard way soon enough...
Ultimately can be described with one word. Feral.
Thomas: *screaming*
Ryan: *screams louder*
Scott: "Shouldn't we interveine?"
Gordon: "No no, I want to see who wins."
Percy: "Why on earth would you want to use the jet engine again?!"
Thomas: "Because you can't make the same mistake twice! I heard those scientists finally nailed the tech down, so now I can-"
Percy: "Completely ignore them and carry on with your life?!"
Thomas: 'You're no fun :("
Percy: "Oh blimey you look awful! Moreso than usual!"
Thomas, who's taken on bad coal: "Gee, thanks."
Thomas: "I'm half tempted to make a break for Sodor...maybe I'll get lucky!"
Driver: "Or maybe you'll get us all killed!"
Thomas: "Death is better than "Campfire Night", Keith. If I hear one more song about the wonders of British colonialism and living by the social norm, I just might keel over."
Thomas: "James, I know you're scared, but you have to trust me."
James: "You're already asking too much out of me, but go on."
Thomas: "I need you to bail Edward out of Darlington."
James: "WHAT-"
Ryan: "Now why can't you be this sweet all the time?"
Thomas: "If I was, I wouldn't be half as interesting!”
Henry: "If you rush across the viaduct, it'll collapse, and you won't have any passengers or train! What would you do then?!"
Thomas: "Run my train on time."
Edward: "Oh, that bloody Spamcan is here!"
Gordon: "Quick Thomas, do the thing!"
Thomas: "I don't think growling at him is going to send him away...But I'd be damned if I didn't try it!"
Diesel: "We need a distraction."
Thomas: "Great idea! Diesel, you roll out and show 'em your ugly mug while I go grab Percy!"
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