#<- new tag for random posts
timmy-bee · 2 months
HI GUYS :3 made a silly quiz... you do NOT!! need to be a fan of this group to take it, if you like quizes you can do it just for funsies :3
PLEASE REBLOG !!!!!!!! feel free to also put what you got in the tags!
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katabay · 1 month
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sketch page time, but make it medieval! I was messing around with a composition for a knight, and the blacksmith and the jester and also the lady (who is an assassin) were some early early early ideas for characters! someday they may even exist in a story that has a plot.
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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rabbitinthemeadow · 3 months
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Oh dreadful, fallow heart // Part 6
January 28th, 2023
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sassafrassrex · 4 months
oh my God i just tried out the tumblr mobile website on my phone's internet browser and holyshityouguys were you hiding this from me??
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i just deleted the app fr
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steakout-05 · 2 months
i might get some hate for this depending on where this post goes but i think lesboys are so valid and the discourse about them is so ridiculous. like you guys shouldn't have to deal with all that and it frustrates me that people throw hissy fits over an identity that literally does not affect them at all.
"but men cant be lesbians-" wrong. butch lesbians and trans men have a really closely connected history with each other that practically intersects and you should really do some research on that before you make blanket statements, not to mention that gender and sexuality is weird and wobbly and fluid and a very personal experience. it means a different thing to each person. being a man can be something completely different and saying stuff like this ignores people like demiboys, demigirls, genderfluid and genderflux people etc. these people will really preach "demolish the gender binary!! love is love!!" until someone's relationship with gender and sexuality is a little too freaky for them to handle and be challenged by lmaoo
"ohhh but what about the cishet men who say they're lesbians to prey on women-" YEAH WHAT ABOUT THEM????? THIS AIN'T ABOUT THEM BRO!!!!! this argument also REEKS of terfy "trans women are just predatory men!!!111!!1" rhetoric and it grosses me out. yeah some men are gross and do try to pull this but that does not negate someone's entire identity completely just because of a few bad actors, you know that right? actual black and white behaviour.
queer discourse is silly and i don't know why it's a thing. just let people exist. it isn't that hard. we have worse things to worry about than whether someone calls themselves a lesboy or not. i think we need to unplug our ears and yank our heads out of the sand and remember that the queer community is what it is because of our unique and amazing diversity. arguing over labels like school children isn't gonna help that. damn.
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thatone-pancake · 6 months
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sudden doodle dump idk happy new years tho (i really like these 3 in particular aaaaaaaaaaaa)
little fanart doodle for @kitty-filez574 's au yayaya
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humans-are-tasty · 1 year
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would you like a box? no? too bad *chucks a box at your face*
*very gracefully catches it*
jokes on you because I actually do want a box, so thank you so very much for this gift :D
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
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Happy 11 years, 5 Seconds of Summer!
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retrodynamics · 2 years
Biggest tumblr tip I have to give to anyone new AND old here is: on browser use “tumblr.com/tagged/(INSERT SEARCH TERM HERE)” and it’ll show the tag search in the classic tumblr way aka always fully chronological
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marilynthornhilllover · 6 months
🥂🎉End of year statements 2023🎉🥂
Alright so, where do I start. I know you guys are probably reading this and your probably like " omg why is this random girl tagging me in her post"💀😭 sorry if I'm misjudging, but last year I did an end of year statement on my Instagram it was one for editors ( the editing community) , so me and my friends kinda made it a tradition👍🏼😅.
- { Inspiration }
Honestly when I first started this tumblr account I had no intentions of making fanfics or even being " a writer" I had a wattpad account that I ditched because i simply got tired💀 so my friend @slut4milfsss who is no longer active told me she started an account for marilyn Thornhill, where she's gonna be writing fics, and if you can't tell by my name already I love marilyn, so I created an account and decided to support her and then she told me I should start writing, obviously I told her NO, but after I gave it a thought and then I started writing.
Now if you go wayyyyy back to my very first fic to be honest it wasn't that bad💀but it was bad, over time I got better but still😐....When I first started the first three blogs I followed was @regalbootie @daydream-cement and @littledollll and oh. My. GODD everytime I read their fics I felt as if I was in HEAVEN, their so talented and so very well creative and to me they were just perfect writing Gods. Then I followed @cissyenthusiast010155 and @v3nusxsky and I swore I died because again their fanfics were completely amazing and phenomenal and so well put together and it was crazy how realistic the fanfic seemed, it was like they made it come to life and then your imagination does the rest. From theses extraordinary and inpowering writers I found my inspiration to write and for them I'm honestly so thankful because I would have not been writing fics.
Guys I'm so sorry for the random tag, i dont wanna seem creepy 😭. but anyway I love you guys so much and please continue to shine your light and do keep writing because you guys are epic!<3.
Of course then I followed other amazingly talented writers such as @abbyromanoff @brienneoftarth1989 @willalovexx @prentiss-theorem @ilovehugslikealotalot @inlovewithgreta @daddy-heather-dunbar @m1lfsh4ke @m1lflov3rrr @yellowjacketsgayfanfic @agnessharknes @storiesofsvu and honestly the list goes on😮‍💨 but as we go into this new year I just wanted to show my gratitude for theses writers because they are truly amazing!<3.
Also to @geistergreen and @vivendraws because I love your arts!!! So creative!!
And of course to @resident-lover for blessing us with that scrumptious amazing game of theirs. ( I'm obsessed with Miranda's , Cassandra's and alcinas route)
Alright, moving on.
- { Mutuals }
I have some of the best mutuals on here and I'm so eternally grateful for them, they're so supportive and kind and loving. And I honestly couldn't ask for better friends than them, so I just wanna say thank you to @willalovexx @willowshadenox @prentiss-theorem @luisa323 @ilovehugslikealotalot @tryingmybest233333 @heidsworld @m1lfsh4ke I honestly couldn't be more thankful for you guys, when I get notifications that you liked my post, comment or messaged me I get so happy, you guys are just so cute and adorable and so wholesome, thank you for being by my side and I'm always here if you need me<3
- { account and followers }
I celebrated my first 1 year tumblr account anniversary on the 10th and I honestly couldn't be more grateful to be able to write fanfics for you guys and make content. I get so happy and excited when I see a fanfic requests might I add that you guys are extremely wild with your imagination, because some of the requests I get are beyond amazing and so well put together and well taught of and I'm so happy and grateful that I get to write them for you guys. Just remember all requests are seen and I will do them also about thoses kinkmas requests, i know it's not Christmas anymore but I will still be working on them and I will post them, just give me some time.<3.
When I tell you guys being a badged psychologist is not easy believe me💀the amount of notes is unbelievable sometimes I feel like my hand is gonna drop off because my fingers become sore and I can't even type😐sooo yeah, also I have my office now, honestly so happy!!! Although I'm still majoring in forensic for a couple more years🙄ugh anyways.
I hope you all enjoy your 2024 ( new year ) I hope it's kind to you all, I hope there is a lots of opportunities in store for you guys, love especially, peace and just everything that your hoping and wishing for, goodnight!<3
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kindheartedgummybears · 2 months
guys shut up they're literally the Power Rangers
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b4kuch1n · 6 months
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frog documentation. frogcumentation
I think I mentioned a while back I'd post nibling frog momence after the gift's done given. which happened on the 2nd this month I just forgot lmao. anyways we can do it now. I used the boigameista pattern scaled up to four pieces of A4 print paper and decided to double deck it to a two layer thing, not unlike a pillow, for ease of washin. because it was gonna be gifted to a one year old child
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took a long time and made a number of mistakes bc hand sewing makes me worse as a person but this guy was done in time for the birthday occasion and that's what matters. chose non-fuzzy fabrics for it because we live in a dense city in the tropics and from personal experience if I hug something made of fur I would explode. the original plan included felt patterns on its back for bonus textures for baby but that wouldn't stretch well along with the rest of the thing so had to hold that back. eventually we got this
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zipper across its ass, the coat type of zipper bc I miscalculated when ordering. but it did have a shape and that's all that matters to me. will be a fun game for the baby to grow up and be severely misinformed about what a frog looks like
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happy extremely late birthday to this thing also
#bakuspecial#uhhhh. whats my craft tag. I forgor. update this later#frog plush babeyyyy#I want this thing to last until the heat death of the universe so I felled all the seams down. dont recommend doing this by hand#Im so stubborn lmao I refuse to get a serger I will simply get better at hand sewing instead. damn its taking kinda long#there used to be a Lot more frogs around hanoi. but the lack of clean water ponds and lakes have driven down the population#I live like right at the edge of the city rn tho (will no longer be the case in five years) so there are still a lot of aminals#house robins. skinks. fireflies (!!!!). praying mantises. tree frogs#they love to hang out at the fountain inside the complex right across the street. had to pick em up to return to the fountain#from the hot brick tiled ground a few times#theyre so small. theyre so small....#I miss house geckos they dont show up a lot in our apartment. I wish they would they would love the cockroaches around here#and of course. bc the kind of rice we eat is more short-grained and thus usually not all the way dried like the longer-grained type we have#so many rice weevils. do u know those little fucks do not drown for a Long time#do u know they lay eggs inside the rice grains and that's how u find out ur rice about to become the weevil beverly hill#by washing the rice and seeing hollowed out grains float up. I have become an expert at this.#but I get to see skinks in random bushes so who am I to be pissed about that. skinks rule#this has been baku talks about animals for a mile of tags. thank u for listening#well. its evening and the family wants to go out so that's what we're doin. hope u have a good time too wherever u are#see u this midnight when I reblog every new posts I've made in the last week or so lmao
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lynngunnsbroccoli · 1 year
i am in love
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cthoniccompanion · 3 hours
chronos's trap that sends mel to asphodel essentially throws her through time, right?
wouldn't it be sad funny if it just so happened that he sent her to a time where zag happens to be completing a run through asphodel and they could interact?
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hitwiththetmnt · 2 months
Is it alright to follow if we have tags like “suggestive” filtered out? I made sure to block it and anything NSFW related when I joined a few months ago. (I am not as young as fucking 11 but also not 18 yet so.)
From my perspective it’s hard to gauge what type of “minor” someone may be by looking at their blog and seeing it labeled in their bio. So the post I made was to hopefully knock some sense into the ridiculously young followers and remind everyone else
I’m ok with peeps filtering stuff and being transparent that they’re not middle schoolers, that does help. I’m not gonna parent anyone and go all “do this and do that” as there are peeps that are gonna soon be of age that probably follow me
So yeah, if you got the right stuffs filtered, are on the age cusp, and understand why I’m making this announcement you should be good
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