#<- genuinely thought i was going to have to miss it for a min and was Distraught
rulanarinrush · 13 hours
ch2 ep 15 spoilers! My general thoughts below the cut. Some opinions are expressed, but I don't believe that my feelings are superior to anyone else's, so please don't take them as fact or offense to them. It is all just fiction after all.
This is probably my favorite (main series) drdt episode, competing only with visiting graves because that episode is so tailor-made to set off my creepy alarm bells. The voice actors all did an amazing job in this episode and really elevated it.
Chekhov's gun did rule that the resistance band had to be used at some point, but I genuinely did not think it would be so soon. This is not a bad thing, just that it's like Min where it was so in your face that I wasn't expecting that to be the actual answer.
Now that the mystery is solved, I don't really have much to speculate, haha. I assumed that Arei's glove could have been used as a gag, and the reason that it's missing is bc it had teeth marks on it, definitely proving that it wasn't a suicide at least, but Charles would yell at me for speculating way too much lol. I do want to know what the scuff mark was for but I suppose that's relatively unimportant. Same for if David actually saw Arei's body first. Personally, I think the reason that he was the first to notice Arei was missing was because he just had a heart to heart with her the night before. Of course he'd feel her absence. Plus she's kinda loud lol...
Strangulation to make her pass out did not occur to me but it probably should have. I just thought that if that was used, there would be very visible marks on her neck, like rope burn or bruises, but I think the broken neck covers all that up huh? haha. I also wonder how Ace cut the rope so perfectly that none of the ends look frayed lol. Please teach me your ways sir.
This whole time I've been operating under the assumption that the killer's logical skills were very strong, but I guess this proves why there were so many weird inconsistencies(imo) with this chapter. I never assumed Ace was dumb(I can't believe this was actually brought up lol) but the fish were always what led me to believe that this incident was spontaneous rather than planned(which was why before the hiatus ended, I believed that Arei and Levi were foils, and to parallel the first canon DR game, it would have been spontaneous, plus the fact that as many people have pointed out, the way Ace knows all the information in the note is kind of strange, but it makes more sense if he only overheard the first part of Eden-Arei-Arturo and just guessed the second half of the note (promised to do anything)). I also just thought it was an attempt to make Arei suffer less because if you just wanted to get out, there are way easier methods of killing her than all this, as Teruko pointed out. Trying to mimic Nico's murder, especially when they didn't give out the details of that murder attempt, is very odd. It means that only a few people could have replicated it, which narrows it down to again, Ace, Teruko, and Eden(and Nico). If he wasn't so impulsive he might've figured that out. Plus, how could he guarantee that Nico wouldn't have an alibi with multiple people at the time of his murder? Evil as this sounds because of the entire message of this episode, all these inconsistencies really make more sense when you realize Ace kind of got lucky with Rose really struggling and David's entire thing, making this harder for everyone. It should have been a much easier case to solve if MonoTV up and said "I immediately closed the room after everyone left" thus making it impossible for anyone to investigate after Eden and Teruko left that night. Since I thought that anyone could've investigated that night, Levi made a lot of sense to me. I also thought that he would be able to make a two story throw. Sorry Levi. I'll fill out that form that keeps going out for Hu and Eden. I will hereby respect Levi Fontana and I will NOT talk down to the Ultimate Personal Stylist. Didn't know you were so cool. I think you are right about having low empathy but you have a bit more compassion than you think you do. Just less of it than people(in the kg besides Vero) want. It seemed to me like you were visibly distressed by Ace's attempt at appealing to your compassion/sympathy versus your logic.
I don't have any negative feelings on how this case was handled. I enjoyed it a lot. Teruko is sort of right and wrong, in that MonoTV's motives were not what was important, but the motive of the murder was pivotal to understanding all the weird inconsistencies in it. Why even have the fish there to begin with when all it does is narrow down the possible killers? Wouldn't the killer want to minimize evidence that could lead to them, especially something as flimsy as this? Now it makes more sense. Ace got his revenge, but on the wrong person. He can't control his life, what he can eat, his body, his friends, the people who he thought he could trust, his emotions, whether he lives or dies, his self-esteem, and in committing a murder he assumes he'd rather take control of his life and end it on his own terms, but he's wrong. All he did was violently take the choice away from another person who has technically never wronged him(being annoying doesn't count). Now he's not even going to die on his own terms. No one will remember him fondly. Also AceNico foils, I figured that Ace was probably Eden's stalker but the fact that they were both planning murders around the same time lmao....
Don't take this the wrong way it's just my opinion, the only thing I kind of side eye is how often J is used to push a moral message. She's good at ending pointless rebuttals before they start and I imagine corruption may be a part of why she's stands so adamantly for her values and gives no room for excuses, but at the same time I... already get it. Like, I understood even before this that murder and murder attempts aren't justifiable, no matter what circumstances were behind it. What greater point are you making to both Nico and Ace? This is a facetious question, I know why, but I don't need to be told it in such a stilted manner. With David, he's set up already as somewhat pretentious so he can get away with dramatically shoving the point of Teruko's character arc in our faces, but with J it feels like wow alright, the girl who has never suffered through poverty(unless she ran away) is telling the characters how unjustifiable some things are no matter what led to it like ok girl. Mariabella gives off the vibes of a narcissistic parent, but Veronika and many other characters tell J that they would kill to be in her position. Choosing J for this is a very interesting choice that will likely be expanded upon later. It doesn't affect my opinion of her character or the writing, it's just something I find fascinating. Not a negative or a positive.
Ace feels like an inevitable tragedy, and I'm glad it was done this way. He points out his foils to Arei very bluntly lol. He has been given so many chances by Levi but pushed them away each time. He's a coward, always targeting the vulnerable(starting with Eden, though this is technically just speculation on Teruko's part). He made them all suffer by drawing out this trial for the sake of his own cowardice too. I'm glad Teruko could truly empathize with him, even for just a moment. It was good to see. As for the inevitable tragedy part, I think Nico's role in this is pretty obvious so I won't reiterate pointless information, but Levi and Hu played their own roles that helped differentiate his relationships with them from Arei and Eden. Levi's patience could really only last so long, and even then, it seems like Levi hasn't had many positive role models in his life, so he didn't understand that what the "right" responses to Ace's anxiety were(like there are any...). As for Hu, she was very kind to Ace in ch1. I imagine it was somewhat of a shock to see her turn heel so quickly in ch2 now that Xander is dead and can no longer defend Nico. I don't mean that the act itself is shocking, but that it proves her to be untrustworthy. If she really had issues with him, she should've spoken up much sooner, bc it's not like Ace wasn't already bullying Nico from the start. This is the difference between niceness and kindness. Hu's actions are a lot more self-serving than Xander's. (At least, in Ace's eyes). So everyone has turned his back on him because he, like Nico and Levi, has trouble conforming. And everyone proved him right in the trial with their low opinion of him. No one had any logical arguments to defend him with in a scrum debate lol. I think it's actually a good thing that there was no scrum debate this chapter, because it usually boils down to statements that can, vastly oversimplified, be written down to statements that have clear negations or opposites. Ace is the killer!(T) or Eden is the killer!(F). Shuuichi is the killer or he isn't the killer! etc etc. That general option was narrowed down already when Teruko narrowed it down to two suspects. If they had a scrum debate about whether Eden or Ace was the killer it would be like ok, alright, but aren't you... already discussing this? You already know those are the two options anyway. Even if it came down to a detail of the crime like could Eden have taken the fish? That is really dragging out the pacing of the trial for a small detail. So I think not having one was a good choice.
I'll put a cap on it here but I enjoyed this episode a lot. I look forward to the finale and execution! :)
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astrobei · 4 months
sometimes i love my job so much and it’s the best thing ever and brings me so much joy and sometimes i cry my makeup off at my desk bc i came in at 8 on 4 hours of sleep and skipped my lunch and now it’s 5pm and i have only seen one experiment to completion and it didn’t even work .
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faaun · 2 years
i feel conflicted abt my relationship...need advice etc . in tags . pls i need input sm
#i love my gf a lot and i think our relationship is doing rly good rn . i miss her a lot bc im in a diff country to her but ill see her#in a few weeks etc. anyway things are good....HOWERVER. i am worried abt . our future#like u are supposed to live in the moment and have fun and be young etc etc but this is like..the fact that its going well#is making me consider how our life paths would go tgth and if it would be fair to stay in a relationship u know wont work forever. like#this was one of the reasons why i felt hesitant at first etc. basically i swore to myself i would only date an academic or at least someone#who like. has. A Thing. that they are working towards that they are rly rly passionate abt. bc i thought it just wouldnt work out otherwise#and it seemed after a while of talking that she IS like that...shes applying for a graphic design degree and she seems to genuinely#love art etc so much and also she is amazing at it. HOWRVER...she hasnt drawn in a while#and is working a min wage job despite meaning to quit for ages...and as far as im aware#she still hasnt made a portfolio...etc etc. but im so confused bc like...shes great and ik she can do it i just dont#understand why she wont. she could also get an internship etc in the relevant field but i still dont get it...and its not my place to be#pushy abt it. like i already suggested these things and asked abt them but i dont want to ask any more bc like. its her choice#what she does w her life etc. but anyway its like...am i being pessimistic/impatient and everything is gonna#go well for her or do i hold genuine concerns. and if the latter/both potentially...is it unfair to be like#hey babe ik things are amazing rn but we have to reevaluate bc idk if in 10 yrs i would be happy w where we are#my friend was like. Break Up W Her from the beginning bc he thinks u shouldn't get into a relationship w smn whom you think will not also#elevate u in some way..and ur life paths dont align etc...but he is genuinely married to his academics like hes sworn off#love so i didnt rly listen bc hes rly extreme w his. love gets in the way of academics. etc#but also his point was valid i think? that you want the person u spend ur life w to elevate you. u want them to challenge you and make you#want to work harder and be better and achieve more and more...and i do want that and i have been trying to be that for them#but A) i can only be that to a reasonable extent for them before it starts being like nagging/being pushy and#B) i feel like if they end up going the way they are rn they can never be that for me. is that bad#like am i a horrible person for thinking this way. obviously i am not casting a moral judgement on her or anyone#for whatever path in life they choose to go down but also is it like...Silly to give up on a perfectly good#relationship bc ur like. as it stands i do not see you walking alongside me in 10 yrs etc#like im lich rally 20 . but what if it DOES end up going rly well and it DOES end up being thr case that we end up staying together#and then im like. feeling discouraged bc my partner in life is just not the kind of person i imagined being w when i was 19 or 20...#like in terms of careers etc. more importantly is this a discussion i should have w her . bc i literally do not know how to raise this#without sounding like a dick but is that bc i...am being a dick? is this a bad thing ?? is this thought not that of a good person ?#it sounds so WEIRD to be like hey babe either u have to start being more ambitious and insane abt ur art or i might break up w you. like :/
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double--blind · 1 year
(SPOILERS) breaking down how obsessed Andrew is w/his sister bc he's a repressed lil liar and I'm going insane
This post got longer than I intended it to
1. He claims they don't spend enough time apart from each other to even begin missing her so he doesn't even know if he would, but just earlier in the game he was apart from her for probs like 30 mins tops to investigates some cultists and guess what???? He was already missing her 😒
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2. Says "I thought you grew out of this touchy-feely crap" when Ashley asks for a hug, but earlier when he was cooking dinner, he was the one with the inexplicable urge to "pull this broody bitch into [his] arms and force her to stay until she smiles" 😒
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4. Bro just can't keep his hands off her. And everyone thinks Ashley's the clingy one jeez (lol the way he springs apart from her when Mom catches them is definitely definitelyyyy not worth analyzing. nope. not even when it happens a second time on the couch. nope. nooope)
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5. What. What is he thinking here. Don't think I don't see those grey lil blush lines. Is this connected to my third point somehow bc like... 🤨😬 Is "Andrew" is gonna start doing and being what "Andy" was too spineless and afraid of doing?? That's what the vow was partly abt right?? Does that include—
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5. WHEWWW BOY that little flashback with his gf has so much baggage in it I just wanna dissect. His girlfriend's tryna have a serious discussion with him abt his weird sister for the sake of bettering their relationship bc she genuinely loves him, but he just gets caught up in fondly talking abt said weird sister instead??
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6. He's awfully hesitant abt Ashley learning some independence, bc y'know what?? I think he doesn't really want her to stop relying on him. But what do I know y'know
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6. Wants his gf to put tie her hair up in a ponytail, then when she refuses bc he'll pull on it, says it's just "how boys express their love". Well. You know who else puts there hair up in a ponytail??? You know who else's hair he's always pulling on and touching???
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7. The voicemails in his gf's phone left by Ashley are heard by him in his dreams, and his dreams are a construction of his mind utilizing his memories, personal hangups, and knowledge of Ashley. The voicemails irl were left on his gf's phone, and for all we know, he never actually listened to them in person. Bearing this in mind... odds are the things Ashley's saying contain bits of truths he believes within himself, filtered thru her crude, hateful dialogue.
Here. I transcribed one of them...
"DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME!? Just because you can fuck him and I can't? You think that's love?! Are you fucking delusional?? Cumdumpsters like you are just that. He will never love you. Not like he loves me. I am the only one. I am everything. I am the secrets you'll never hear. When he lies in bed at night, and when he needs someone to hold on to… It's not you he seeks out. It is me."
8. Claims Ashley's the one with the jealous streak, not him, but I think he's just as bad. The only difference is that Ashley's never given him reason to act on it since all she's ever wanted was him, but at the slightest mention of her gettin it on w/someone else, even as a joke, he gets mad. "OVER MY DEAD BODY!!" he says, when she's jokingly contemplating getting knocked up via the neighbor so an ambulance would come for her. "I wouldn't let them," he says, when she's complaining abt not being pretty enough for the wardens to bang her
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9. Going hand-in-hand with that fact, he's intensely protective of her. Didn't hesitate to cleaver the warden who found her in the closet (probs didn't even BLINK lmaooo he chose VIOLENCE), and when the cake-stealing cultist insulted her just once, he stepped forward just like that
10. In their apt, when they were lying on the floor talking abt jumping off the balcony, he was really caught up in the "romantic" fantasy of them committing a double suicide and dying with their bodies entwined so irreparably by the impact they form one unified corpse "never to be separated!" and they get buried in the same coffin together. UM??? Bro fr thought he was the sane one of the two. That wasn't even true before the cannibalism and demon summoning 😭😭😭
11. This might just be me, but his reaction to seeing the post-sex vision doesn't strike me as someone who's inherently opposed to the idea. Instead of disgusted, he was... flustered?? He acted like she walked in mid-guilty pleasure wet dream. This wasn't a "GROSS THATS INCEST" reaction which is... the most normal reaction to have. That's the face of a man that got CAUGHT bro.
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He asks "we're not like that, are we?" and "why are you like this?" and questions the veracity of the vision, but he never actually explicitly denies wanting the vision to happen, more focused on Ashley and her reaction. He buries the elephant under the rug as fast as he can, bc yeah, it struck a landmine, but it probably wasn't a landmine for the reason Ashley thinks it is. I bet the vision just hit a little too close... :P
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from-izzy · 2 months
it's so nice to be loved by you | nct na jaemin
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And this is one of the moments when Na Jaemin feels like the luckiest person in the world once again.
pairing » nct na jaemin x gn!reader (lmk if i missed anything!)​
trope/au » ​established relationship au!, college au!, non-idol au!
genre » fluffy and comforting love for both you and jaemin, you show jaemin that you love him, boyfriend na jaemin who loves to give you back hugs, a ton of kissing, again my horrible attempt at comedy
word count, estimated reading time » 1064, ~4 mins
warnings (lmk if i missed anything!) » jaemin implied to be taller, not proofread 😭
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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it took me way too long to decide on a banner that i had to post this for later like 🤠 genuinely didn't think this was going to see the light of day before jaemin's bday ended 😭 anyway! so...y'all would think that i'm jaemin biased but i'm not 😗 in saying that! he needs to stop wrecking my bias list aye-
happy birthday to our nana!
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Na Jaemin is a hard worker. 
When he sets his mind on something, he will see it through the end even if the whole world turns against him.
Or maybe he continues working hard because he knows you won’t turn against him, no matter the result. Because he believes you will always hear him, let him explain his thoughts even if the whole world doesn’t crumble down on him. These little things made him realise that he’s deeply in love with you, and these same acts reassure him that you feel the same.
For you, the small things like the little hugs he gives whenever he sees you. Despite your complaints of these back hugs that would make you stumble forward and sometimes spill a bit of your beverage on your hand, you would never want him to stop surprising you with this little act of love he gives. You’ve always wanted him to be on the receiving side of this—not the whole spilling drinks part—but the moving emotions that you feel whenever he wraps his arms around you and whispers sweet nothings that would immediately heat your cheeks in a matter of milliseconds. 
It’s currently the perfect opportunity for that. You have failed in your previous attempts because you’re not as stealthy in your steps as you think you were and Jaemin would always say that he has his special radar for you but you’ve always tried your attempts whenever Jaemin isn’t too preoccupied with something else, whether it be writing his final notes on the board or how he’s walking down the hallway at the start of the day. 
Right now, you observe sneakily as Jaemin scored the final goal with his friend group from high school. You were thankful that they all decided to go to the same institution for further study. You felt lonely sometimes with your friends in a different college, but Jaemin is here and everything seems to be breathable once more as you continue your academic journey. Jaemin just finished his soccer game before they all needed to go to their tutorial, sparing a good ten to fifteen minutes to walk through this enormous campus.
Though tired and out of breath, he still saves his last energy to playfully bicker with his friends, resonating laughs in the summer light as the losing team promises that they’ll win next time. You make eye contact with Jeno briefly, who along with everyone else but Jaemin has already decided to prepare for the next part of their day. You hold your index finger to your lips at your boyfriend’s best friend and he responds with an ‘o’ shape to his lips, knowing exactly what you’re planning.
You dashed right away, your steps thankfully masked by the chaotic sounds of his friends. You slump right to Jaemin’s back, arms loosely around his neck and chin resting on his shoulder. The fact that Jaemin responds with a surprised gasp is what made the grin on your face grow. 
“Hello there,” he greets after recognising the bracelet he recently gifted you, chuckling at how pretty it looks on the hands that he loves to hold.
A kiss to the cheek is what you greet him back with and Jaemin turns his head to your side, bopping his nose to yours. “Good game?” 
He just responds with a nod. “Don’t think you should be hugging me though. I’m all sweaty,” to which you just shrug your shoulders, not minding it at all.
And this is one of the moments when Na Jaemin feels like the luckiest person in the world once again. 
It’s such a simple gesture but to him it’s everything. He doesn’t ask for a lot of things, only genuine love and that’s what you show him all the time, again and again. You watch as he flutters his eyelashes down, closing his eyes to feel your embrace in the cooling wind. He leans his forehead into yours and you feel his calming breathing on your lips. You shortly followed his actions, just enjoying being in his presence whilst initiating a swaying motion to your hug. 
“It’s so nice to be loved by you.” 
And when you open your eyes, you’re met with a pair of eyes that show his entire universe: you. The realisation of his words sinks in and you are about to answer if it wasn’t for him titling his head, diving to press a quick peck to your lips. Just when you thought he was done, he would go for another one, relishing your flustered state.
“Nana!” His hands on your forearm to make sure you don’t escape.
Jaemin does eventually stop kissing you though a pout stays on his lips and it’s only when you mirror his expression back that the corner of his lips rises. You both continue in this atmosphere for a bit more before Jaemin continues his thought.
“It’s nice,” he whispers, “to know that I can always go to someone even if I don’t have an exact reason to. To be able to give my all to someone, knowing that they’ll appreciate it.”
And this time, you were the one to envelop his lips. It’s longer than the ones he gave you. Your lips hug his, moving slowly and delicately to which he reciprocates. He thinks it’s beautiful, just like your whole being to him. You pull away and Jaemin looks at you thoughtfully, wondering how he got so lucky.
“Can I tell you a secret?” 
“Doubt that it will be but go ahead.”
“You’re right,” nodding to the fact, “It really isn’t a secret that I love you so much, Na Jaemin.”
“Told you,” teasing but delightful at the confession, “And I hope that it’s not a secret to you too that I love you more.”
“No. I love you more than you love me.” 
“Nope,” dramatically shaking his hair that’s now even messier. “I love you more than you think that I love you more than you think you love me more.”
Like on cue, a flying bird caws after shooting his argument. “Jaemin, I don’t think that makes sense.” 
“It wasn’t supposed to.”
It didn’t matter anyway. The only thing that does is your love for each other.
“Seriously, what do I do with you?”
“Kiss me again.”
How could you deny him when you wanted to just as much? 
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍
tags: @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿 @starlit-network 🌌⭐
please consider leaving feedback!! thank you for your time!!
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cherry-luvz · 6 days
Sleepy? 💤 - K.MJ
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Genre - Fluff.
Paring - Soft!Dom!Minji x Sleepy!fem! Reader.
Synopsis - Late night visit from your drunken girlfriend, after Minji goes out drinking for a friend's birthday party.
K.mj!Blue Reader!Pink
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It was a Saturday, well one off the many days you got time off of work and got to relax at your one bedroom modern apartment. It was around Midnight, you were getting ready for bed.
Putting on your skincare.when the intercom to your flat number rang.
You were confused, 'Who would ring my number at midnight?' You thought to yourself as you got up carefully from your desk and walked over to the phone.
Carefully you pick up the phone, "Hello.?" You say as you yawn.. "who's this.?"
"Hmm sweetheart~"
Of course it was.
Minji, your girlfriend, had a bad habit of crashing or going to your apartment after a night out drinking with her buddies Yujin, Kazuha and Minjeong.
You sighed noticing the tone in her voice, Minji was drunk, "You're drunk Minji, go home.." You didn't want to deal with her drunk mess tonight, it was too late to put up with her.
"Aww baby plwease..?" You could hear the desperateness in her voice, "No minji."
"Why not." You could hear her voice change abit and you knew she was pouting, "Because your drunk and you just need to go home.." You had to keep your guard up.
"Please y/n I promise. I'll.. good..!" she said as you could her her begging over the intercom..it made you sigh. "You promise.?"
"I really promise." she said it sounded genuine.
"fine I'll let you in just take the elevator, I don't want your drunk ass to fall down the steps..okay..?" You said as you rub your eyes a bit..
"Really.." She hiccups, "I be there princess.." You buzzed her in and hung the phone up, not before long a gentle knock was heard at your door..
You looked through the peephole, noticing that it was your girlfriend you watch a bit as she mumbles and stumbles a bit waiting for you to open the door.
You open the door, "hey min-min.." you said.
Minji was quite taller than you as she as standing at 5'7 while you where 5'5 you came up to her chest. She then leaned down then gave you then kisses your cheek, "Princess.. I missedssso much.."
"Mhm yeah, I missed you two min." you said then let her into the house she took off her shoes and placed them near the door. You then took her hand and led her into your bedroom. Letting her sit on the edge of the bed.
Looking at her you'll could see that her face was all flustered, she had slow reaction time and she had slurry speech.
You put your hand on her forehead, "how much did you drink?"
"8..hmm.." She said as she rested her head on your hand.
"Bottles? shots? Cups?" You question her again. "Sh..shots.."
“Of what?”
It takes her time to respond as she tries to think if what type of concoction of alcohol she had to drink earlier this night.. "Soju.. with.", hiccups, "V-..vodka."
You sighed, "Baby what did I say about getting drunk? You're a light drinker.. you shouldn't have even drank so much..”
"I know.." She said looking down at her black low rise jeans. "But it was Yujin's birthday party and at a club... got carried away.." She then looked back up at you with glossy eyes..
"What's with the glossy eyes.?" You ask her as you see her eyes becoming glossy.
"c-c..can I stay..night?" Minji asks you, "Yeah sure I guess.?" You replied and you rub your temple you missed your usual bed time schedule and you were getting tired.
"I have some of your speare clothes lying around.." you walked over to a pile of clothes and found one of minji's baggy t-shirt and some grey sweats. "Here.. you can ether get changed here or in the bathroom down the hall to ur right.."
Minji took the clothes and started to get undressed, first by unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them off revealing her Calvin cline underwear she was wearing. You saw how she drunkly put on the grey sweatpants, talking off her top you saw her abs.
She had a six pack and you loved it, she then put on the shirt and laid back on your bed. “Hey get up Minji, you need to go brush your teeth..” You try to pull her out of bed but she hufs and rolls over.
“Nuh huh..” she mumbled as she laid on her front
“Min min come on.. your breath is gonna smell like alcohol in the morning..” You say yawning. “Fine fiiiiiinnnne..” she mumbled, getting up and looking at you.. waiting for you to walk her to the bathroom.
You sighed taking her hand and pulled her along to the bathroom, “You’re such a big baby..”
Minji tried to kiss you, but you stuck a spare toothbrush and some toothpaste, “here brush your teeth..”
Minji groaned and pouted as she went to the sink to brush her teeth, after two minutes she washed her mouth out with mouthwash and wiped off her mouth. “Hmpf.. all done..” she said as she looked at you and leaned down to your height.
“Yeah done now come on, bed..” you said as you pulled her back into the bedroom..
“I wanna be big spoon..” Minji said she climbed into your bed, waiting for you to join her. “Big spoon it is then..” you turned off the light and rested on your bed next to drunken minji you let her cuddle you from the back.
One hand around your waist the other on your thigh.. “Good night min min..” you say as you yawned at closed your eyes.
“Good night princess..” minji mumbled as she pulled you closer and fell asleep, holding you tight.
The both of you fell asleep despise the pallet of the rain of the window.
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tzuberry · 1 year
zerobaseone maknae line as tropes / cliches ૮ • ﻌ - ა
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pairing shen quanrui (ricky), kim gyuvin, park gunwook, han yujin + gn reader⠀⠀⠀details fluff, slight angst in ricky’s and gunwook’s, bulletpoint and written
cw getting stood up, mention of lipstick use in ricky’s ⠀⠀⠀wc 738 696 604 802 respectively (2840 in total)⠀⠀⠀reading time 11 min
note title kinda misleading TBH... havent written on tumblr in a while, so this is a new account and my first post! im hoping this doesnt flop :( i loved writing this so much, so if it flops i might just repost it ... idk.. likes and reblogs are appreciated !!! (only if u want to ofc 🤞🏻)
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ricky 리키
blind date... but you got stood up, and ricky is your best friend
it’s not that you really wanted to go on a date, it’s that your friend assured you this was the perfect guy for you
and your friend swore, cross their heart, that you would not regret letting them set you up
but now you’re sitting at a table alone, with pitiful looks being thrown your way by the restaurant staff and the other groups of people around you and it’s clear to you; you do regret it, and this is the last time you’ll let anyone other than yourself handle your love life
after compulsorily buying a meal for yourself so as to not leave the place empty handed, you slowly chew on your food, wondering where it went wrong
did he see a picture of you and decided that was it? did he hear a story about you that was just unflattering? what was it about you that made them turn around and away from the restaurant—away from you?
in the midst of all this, your phone emits a ding! sound. you’re not doing anything important, so you see it fit to check the notification
ricky 😡🐱: how’s your date going?
terribly. but that’s a little embarrassing to admit, especially to ricky...
yn: good! i’ll text you later
you lay your phone down on the table and pick up your utensils once again to finish your meal, but a shadow casting over your plate interrupts you
“why are you alone, then?”
When you follow the voice (and the shadow), Ricky is standing next to your table, his phone in hand with the screen open on your text thread. He turns it off with a swift click of the power button, and he takes the space on the other side of the table where your date should have been.
You don’t know how to respond. You’re embarrassed; a second ago, you were alone at a restaurant filled with people, and now, your best friend has caught you lying to him about being at said restaurant alone.
“What happened?” Ricky asks as his arm makes its way across the table to your glass of water. He lifts it to his lips, taking a sip and placing it back down. He looks genuinely concerned, maybe even a little pissed, but all you can focus on is how your lipstick stain is on the rim of the cup, and how he drank from that same spot.
You shake your head. “I, um,” you pause, pursing your lips and trying to find a good enough (fake) reason. “Nothing. I didn’t like him, and he said he had other plans, so I just let him go.”
Ricky furrows his eyebrows at that. It’s a very visible sign of incredulity; he doesn’t believe your lie. Nevertheless, he simply shrugs it off. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
“Thanks, I guess,” you reply, still dealing with the aftereffects of being stood up. You poke your fork at the food before you; a lost appetite and an expensive meal don’t mix well.
Ricky leans forward, letting his forearms rest on the surface of the table. He’s looking at you so seriously, analyzing your every move. “Why are you looking at me like that?” you ask, attempting to come off as teasing, but he only waves you off. “I just want to look at you.”
You feel yourself practically melt under his gaze, but you ignore it. This is Ricky, your best friend... nothing more. Right. This is Ricky—you should tell him the truth about why you’re alone.
“He didn’t come,” you admit. “I wasn’t super excited about this date, but I thought– I thought I would at least go on a date. This is... nothing. I was here by myself before you got here.”
There’s a pained glint in his eyes. Is he feeling sorry for you? Maybe you do deserve all the pity you’ve gotten today. He gulps, keeping eye contact with you while biting on a small portion of his bottom lip.
After a while, he sighs. “Come on.”
Ricky begins to stand up, stuffing his phone into his pocket before you hold him back by the wrist. “What?” you question.
“We’ll go do something else,” he says with a bob of his head. Your grasp on his wrist somehow turns into your hands being interlocked. “Let me take you on a date. I’ve always wanted to, and I promise I won’t screw it up.”
gyuvin 규빈
boy next door who you’ve always had feelings for, you just never thought of him liking you back
you’ve always liked kim gyuvin
from the moment his family moved in next to your house, with his bedroom parallel to yours
you could see everything through his window; who he was, what his hobbies were, what he admired, and how he acted with his friends
this all made him seem... unattainable. you felt like you were the audience for a show, and gyuvin was the actor
it didn’t help that you went to the same school, and to further that, he was immensely popular
it was obvious. how could you expect that someone like him wouldn’t be? he’s tall, cute, extroverted, funny and kind—the entire package, if you would say so yourself
you weren’t totally unpopular. you had your fair share of friends, a few social circles that you hung out with. but gyuvin seemed too out of reach for you, even if he was your neighbor
the singular interaction you’ve had was when he came over to ask for sugar. it went like this: “hi!” “hi?” “i was baking, and i kind of ran out of brown sugar. do you maybe... uh...” “oh, sugar? wait, i think i do, hold on.”
it was that awkward. so when your mother told you she became new friends with gyuvin’s mom and wanted to have dinner at their house as a family, you freaked
but it’s not like you can say no, so you found yourself at the kims’ door a few days later
“Hi! You must be [Name]. I’ve seen you around, and I’ve heard about you from Gyuvin, but you’re much prettier up close! I know who you get your looks from,” Mrs Kim says, winking at your mother.
“You’re too kind, your son is very polite, and...”
You tune their conversation out—did she say she’s heard about you from Gyuvin? Why would he be talking about you?
Your mom finishes it (whatever she was talking about) off with, “They’d be perfect together, don’t you think?” Mrs Kim nods vigorously, then pats you twice on the shoulder. “[Name], maybe you would want to go spend some time with Gyuvin first? I’m afraid dinner isn’t ready, there’s still a long way... I’ll call you both down when it is. He’s up in his room.”
You bow, excusing yourself and obligingly treading up the stairs. This is the second time you’re about to interact with him—you better not mess up.
On the final step of the staircase, you start to hear talking from one of the bedrooms. From where you stand, it’s not clear where its origin is, and so you try to listen for the voice. It leads you to a slightly open door, and holy shit—this is Gyuvin’s door.
“They’re coming over today, and, ugh, I don’t know,” he rants. Is that about you? It has to be. Who else is coming over? You move closer to the door frame, nearly peeking your head in. “I just– I don’t know how to talk to them! Last time, I went over to ask if they wanted to hang out and...” he trails off, the regret evident in his tone. “I asked for sugar. To bake.” Oh my god. This is about you.
You take another step, risking the possibility of the door creaking. “I don’t even bake! I came home with sugar and my mom asked why and I just said I found some on the street.” He sighs, exasperated. You inch even closer, toying with the chances of him catching you eavesdropping, when... creak. At the same time, Gyuvin’s rant is cut short. “Gunwook, you have to help me, I can’t be an idiot in front of them–”
His head snaps towards the door, where you are, standing and staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. He quickly hangs up, bidding Gunwook a hushed goodbye through the microphone. “How much of that did you hear?”
You swallow the lump in your throat, flattered and shy at the same time. “I think... all of it.”
Gyuvin’s hand raises to cup his nape, and he gives you the most endearing yet bashful smile. “Would you, maybe, um, wanna hang out sometime? With me, of course...”
gunwook 건욱
friends to lovers, and everyone is sure you both like each other but all you do is deny it
you know gunwook like the back of your hand
although you met a little over a year ago, he quickly became a constant in your life, especially because you saw him everyday at school
he would wait outside your class, eat lunch with you, walk you home (and sometimes to school in the mornings), help you with homework even though he’s always busy with all the extracurriculars he participates in, and additionally schedules weekly study sessions together
this led countless people to think you were dating, even though you’re really not
you deny it, making a gesture with your hands indicating the negative. “we’re just friends, he would never be my boyfriend,” you laugh it off. gunwook tenses up, and the corners of his lips suddenly become downturned. “yeah, we’re just friends...” he agrees, sounding somewhat unsure
that’s what happens every single time someone mistakes you for a couple. you’re the first to refuse that assumption, while gunwook just follows your lead
you thought, “hey, maybe he’s just shy around the topic of dating.” and so you don’t push it, or even ask about what he thinks of the rumors surrounding you two
at this week’s study session, which he scheduled at his house, he can’t focus
repeatedly tapping his pen and running his fingers through his hair—doing anything but his homework, really—he doesn’t even spare you a glance
and so you take the responsibility upon yourself to ask. “is something bothering you?”
Gunwook sighs, looking as if he’s internally debating the pros and cons of unloading his baggage onto you. His eyes dart around his room, from the door, to the desk, to the bed, and finally to you, before he swipes his tongue between his lips and lets out a breath. “Can I ask you something?”
You drop your pen. Why does he seem so conflicted?
Readjusting your position on the bed to face him, you lean closer to Gunwook as you shove your school books and other materials out of the way. “You can ask me anything,” you say, determined to comfort your friend.
He visibly hesitates, biting his bottom lip. He’s still not looking at you, and not so much as a second is allotted for one glimpse. “Do you...” he pauses, trying to muster the courage. “Do you really think of me as just a friend?”
The question almost makes your jaw drop to the floor. What does he mean by that? Sure, you did have a short-lived crush on him when you first got acquainted, but it faded instantaneously. You didn’t know you could be anything more—you thought you had no chance with a guy like him, so your feelings were trivial to you.
Tilting your head, you reply, “I’m not sure what you mean.”
Gunwook shrugs, also following your actions and pushing all his textbooks away. “I guess– oh my god, this sounds stupid, but,” he groans, “I’ve liked you since last year, since before we even became friends. And whenever someone asks if I’m your boyfriend, you just– you immediately say no.”
He... likes you? You’re dumbfounded, eyes wide and mouth actually agape this time. You’re certain your cheeks are red, judging from the heat you feel rush up to your face.
At your silence, he continues. “I know it’s stupid. I didn’t just become friends with you because I like you, it’s more than that, but everytime you say I could never be your boyfriend or something like that, I hate it.
“I’ve liked you for so long, and please answer me,” he sounds breathless as he speaks, “Can I... can we be anything more?”
yujin 유진
first love / teenage crush
you didn’t know when you started liking yujin, you just did
maybe it was when you would watch him play soccer after school, with him alone on the field practicing and you doing your homework on the bleachers
or maybe it was when he bought you a drink that one time. you were thirsty after running to school because you were on the verge of getting an offense on your permanent record if you were late one more time
clicking a few buttons on the vending machine, the solace provided by strawberry milk was nearly yours—until you open your wallet to find that there’s only a thousand won inside
“maybe next time,” you think, “i don’t need to drink anything right now.”
but before you can leave, someone sneaks their two thousand into the slot for you, and the milk drops down into the small metal box below for you to claim
when you turn around, you’re met with yujin
and then a switch flipped. since then, you’ve noticed han yujin wherever you went
you stumbled onto the soccer field on a hot day when you were assigned cleaning duty, and you found that he was the only one there
deciding to repay the favor, after spectating him practicing for a while, you go to buy a drink for him too when you buy your own
you leave it next to his bag with a note, saying: “you’re really good! i bought this for you, make sure to get some rest ♡”
and so watching him practice while doing your homework became a regular occurrence for you, even if you weren’t 100% watching all the time. it was like background music, and your interest in him (caused by him buying you milk) became a full blown crush
Following the steps of your daily routine, you hurriedly arrange your books in your backpack, ready to go see Yujin—the best part of your day—when your teacher stops you at the door.
“[Name], I’d like to talk to you about tutoring someone,” she says, a soft smile plastered on her face as if she wasn’t actively ruining your day. “You’re one of my best students, and a classmate of yours really needs help.”
As hard as you tried to get away, you got stuck in the classroom for the rest of the afternoon, discussing possible tutoring times and the topic outlines where your “classmate” needed further explanation. Not only were you annoyed you missed some time to see Yujin, but when you got to the field, hoping he would still be practicing late into the night, he was gone.
Although you were displeased at the thought of having to tutor your male classmate every day of the school week, you had no choice. In addition, he was at least paying you, so it wasn’t like your hard work was for nothing—just that now, you would have to sacrifice your time with the boy you like.
You started to tutor him after school, and going to see Yujin became a rare possibility. Your tutoring was yielding good results, however, and your tutee received high marks on almost all tests after being taken under your wing.
He runs up to you, showing you his paper with a big red ninety-eight in the corner; he got an even higher grade than you did. “[Name]! Thank you, look at this! I’ve never gotten a grade this high!” You nod, but everything he’s saying is going in one ear and out the other. Since he technically doesn’t need your help anymore, maybe you could go watch Yujin today.
You cancel your session for the day, with permission from your advising teacher. After two and a half weeks, you’re finally back at the field—but this time, he’s the one who isn’t here. You let out a deep breath, deciding to power through and do your homework like normal.
You’re in the middle of trigonometry when a cool sensation is pressed up against your cheek, water beginning to drip down your skin. Flicking your head towards the perpetrator, you discover it to be Yujin holding a strawberry milk for you. He giggles, handing you the small box and sitting down beside you. “Here. I haven’t, um, seen you in a while. Why’s that?”
You take it from him, detaching the straw from the back of the box and poking it through the designated hole. “Yeah,” you say, sipping on the milk for a few seconds after. “I started to tutor Jiwon, so I couldn’t come the last few weeks.”
“Oh, you must be busy, then. Nevermind,” he mutters, shaking his head. “No, what is it? You can’t just say nevermind.” You scoff, a teasing grin making its way onto your face.
Yujin gulps. “Will you, uh... come to my game this weekend?”
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
HIIII PINK!!! When I heard you were leaving I was so sad I even started crying and started to doubt myself on entering the void. I was like “how tf am I going to get into the void without pink???” I started procrastinating reading some of your post basically stalking ur page staying up til 4 in the morning (I was desperate 😭). I realized that I already read all of ur post, nd I just was surprised on how much time I wasted trying to get into the void. And I always dreamt abt putting a success story in your inbox. I already had all the knowledge i needed so what’s the point of more? I deleted tumblr and thought of anything that could help me get in the void. I did SATS while listening to my subliminal playlist, i daydreamed abt the void and my desires for fun, i affirmed for my void concept randomly throughout the day, feeling of the wish fulfilled, listened to delta waves when I was abt to sleep, and I meditated once a day for 10 mins. Meditation was optional but whateva 🤷‍♀️. I ONLY DID THAT FOR THREE FREAKING DAYS. And Im still mad at myself for wasting time procrastinating for 9 months. I was going to take a nap and I was in a drowsy state, so might as well affirm for the void right? I started saying affs like “I’m in the void”, etc etc. Once I started affirming, everything was just calm Yk? My body wanted to move but it was like it couldn’t cause the state I was in was calm asf. So I closed my eyes and just repeated the affs in my head over and over and over until I got this feeling like as if my body was floating, then I payed attention to it for a split second then ignored It after. I kept on affirming then I felt like I was being pulled then let go and it was as if I was falling. Everything got darker and quieter. So then I got scared and jumped because that scared me soo bad (I’m a easy person to scare 😔). After that, I felt like I was actually a master at the void, I took a nap again and I had the same feeling but when I felt like I fell I kept my calm. Then I couldn’t hear my fan which was louddd, I opened my eyes to total darkness, I was scared for two seconds and realized I was in the void!! Ngl I had a whole list set up with my desires and I was ready to affirm and goooo!!! But I realized how calm the void is and stayed there for what felt like 5 minutes. I did affirm I had all my desires and that I was able to wake up in the void under 5 seconds. When I woke up from the void it was 9 pm and I took a nap at 2!!! I woke up with all of my desires nd shi. (I would explain in more detail in how I got in and stuff like that but I was in a rush and didn’t want to make this too long 😀)
Hi love!!! Omgosh I'm so proud of you! This is so cute and you deserve this so much and I'm genuinely happy for you. 💗
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cottonlemonade · 6 months
Making Up After A Fight
word count: 756 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Oikawa x chubby!Reader
genre: angst with happy ending
warnings: none, just Oikawa being hard on himself and insecure
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Oikawa hates fighting as much as you do.
But sometimes it was inevitable. His training schedule had been crazy, the coach had scolded him for putting too much pressure on his bad knee and he was frustrated with himself for delivering, as he thought, disappointing performances on the court lately.
And unfortunately, you were the best girlfriend through all of this. Something he should be happy about, but like many times before it just made him realize that he didn't deserve you.
He couldn't give you the time he wanted. He wished more than anything that you would just tell him how disappointed you were in the relationship and in him, for not being good enough, there enough, doting enough - he hated it. He hated every second, because he knew that when he got to his phone at the end of training, a sweet and loving message would wait for him, saying that you missed him. You would have maybe sent a picture of something cute that reminded you of him during your day or suggested something to do together on his next day off. It was infuriating that you never blamed him for not being the boyfriend he should be.
So it came as no surprise that one night after practice, when he was over at your place, he snapped. He just arrived, took off his shoes and smelled the lovely home cooked meal that was simmering on the stove. You came to greet him, smiling tiredly but genuinely happy to see him and he couldn't take it anymore. He started yelling and gesturing, asking you why you even bothered with him, told you how you weren't right for him, that you made him feel like garbage, turned on his heels, grabbed his shoes and left.
You stood in the doorway of your kitchen, not knowing, not understanding what had just happened but you also knew that he had never yelled at you before. Ever. Sure you'd seen him frustrated and stressed but even then his outbursts were never directed at you. Not like this.
Tears started to fill your eyes. You grabbed your phone, wanting to call him, had already one arm in your jacket to go after him, but decided against it.
The phone in your hand buzzed but it was only a text from your friend asking about your day. You typed a nondescript reply, not wanting them to worry and promised to call tomorrow.
Now only silence filled your apartment. Silence and the taunting smell of an untouched dinner.
You paced a while up and down your living room, throwing tentative glances through your window to see if you could maybe spot him on the dark street below. But nothing.
You started several messages to Tooru but deleted them before hitting send - none of them sounded right.
Not knowing what else to do, you put the now cold dinner into the fridge, took a shower and headed to bed, unable to stop more tears rolling onto the pillow.
You heard the front door unlock at around 1 am, but didn't know if you just imagined it in your half sleep state.
A soft knock came from your bedroom door. You weren’t exactly in the mood to talk, so you stayed quiet. Another soft knock and the door opened slowly. For the longest moment Oikawa just stood in the doorway, looking at your, he assumed, sleeping form.
He sighed, rubbing his eyes and then shrugged off his jacket to sit on the bed. Slowly, carefully, he laid down behind you, moving closer to wrap his arm around your soft waist.
"Are you awake?", he murmured.
You shifted slightly to show him you were.
"I'm really sorry.", he whispered gingerly into the crook of your neck, "You did absolutely nothing wrong, I promise. It's just with the training and my screw ups at the last match and you have been so great about it all and-"
You heard his throat closing up as he nuzzled closer to you, "I really don't know how you put up with it. I'm never around, I never have time to do normal couple stuff, I mess up your sleep schedule and you never complain. I feel horrible."
You finally turn around to face him. "Well, I am mad at you now, if that makes you feel better."
He had to chuckle through his tears and bit his lip, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. "I love you, darling."
You snuggled into his chest and entwined your fingers with his. "I love you, too."
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minminbunny · 4 days
Stalker X Stalker AU - Manipulative! Kim Seungmin/Stockholm Syndrome Gender Neutral! Reader
*smut part - AFAB/AMAB
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
You sighed, scrolling through your messages. It seems like months since any of your friends checked up on you. Every single message was getting read, but they weren't replying. You chewed on your bottom lip. Anxiety filling your thoughts for the past week at the possibility of not being needed anymore. You tried to call, but it instantly went to voicemail. Your finger hovered above a number, one you knew would pick up.
The phones rang, his name etched on your screen, "Hello, sweetheart," he said, waiting for your call. You gulped, "Hey, Min. Are you free tonight?" you asked, fidgeting with your fingers. Seungmin chuckled, "I'm free anytime you need me. Do you want me over, precious? I can bring your favourite snacks," he suggested, licking his lips at the thought of seeing you. "If you don't mind," you murmured, scared of losing the only person left in your life.
Seungmin cooed, "Don't worry too much, sweetheart. I'll be there," he said, hanging up the call. You gulped, calling your friends once more, a slither of hope left in your heart. The phone call instantly got sent to voicemail once again. Your lips wobbled at the distressing realization, 'Did I do something wrong?' 'Was I too hyper?' 'Was I too quiet?' You thought, your head spiralling at the infinite of assumptions.
You sniffled, waiting for Seungmin to help distract you from the heavy ache in your chest. You curled up and hugged your pillow close, "Hurry," you whispered, hoping for Seungmin to arrive quickly. The front door opened, and you perked up, "What took you so long?" You sniffled, going towards him. Seungmin stroked your hair, "Aww, did you miss me that much, precious? I bought your snacks and candy," he chuckled, giving you a firm squeeze.
You snuggled into his hold, "I don't know what's happening, Min. No one is answering my texts or my calls. It's like my number went out of service, but for some reason, I can contact you. I really don't know what to do," you sniffled, clinging onto his shirt. Seungmin held you close, a smug grin etched on his lips, "You poor little thing, you shouldn't have to feel neglected. If I'm the only number that works then call me or text me as often as you want, sweetheart," he said, tucking his chin over your head just so that you don't notice his sinister smirk.
You shrunk into yourself, "Wouldn't I be a bother? I don't want to burden you with the responsibility of picking up my calls," you murmured, tilting your head to rest your ear against his heart. Seungmin cooed, rubbing your shoulders, "It would be an honour, precious. I appreciate every call and text you send. Don't think too much about it," he whispered, rocking you in his arms. You sighed in relief, "Thank you, Seung," you whispered, melting in his hold.
Months go by, and your hope of your friends contacting you back slowly dwindles over time. Your days were filled with hobbies, work or school, and Seungmin. It started as an appreciation. You were thankful that he came through during your time of need. Then he started being more involved in your life. More inclusive in what you do. Every call, every text would be for him.
Every stroke of your hands grazing yourself during pent-up times would be of him. Every lustful imagination that makes your underwear messy would be of him. You didn't know if you were just horny from convenience or because you genuinely had feelings for him. You always felt Seungmin distance himself from you when you cuddled up on the couch. It was like he was hesitating or borderline uncomfortable.
You didn't want to scare him away. He was all you had. He was all you needed. He can't leave you now. He's everything. You rocked your hips on your pillow, lust, and haze, coaxing your mind from the sheer desperation you feel for him. You wanted his hands on your shoulders, tummy, chest, crotch, and legs. You needed him everywhere.
"Hah, ah, Seungmin, mmh, hah," you moaned, sweat beading your forehead as you rut your hips against the fluffy pillow. Your slick stained the casing without resistance. Your lust fogged your brain so much that you didn't even notice the man of your infatuation standing right before you. Seungmin covered his mouth with his hand, a crazed smile etched on his face. It worked, and his deliberate and insane plan worked.
He chuckled, startling you out of your haze. Your breath hitched, "Min, I can explain," you said, terrified of losing him. Seungmin crossed his arms, "What's there to explain, sweetheart. You were rutting your little pillow, moaning my name," he said, gently reaching out to brush your hair back. You gulped, staring up at him with guilt and pity, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," you sniffled, leaning into his touch.
Seungmin cooed, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, "You need me, don't you? I've seen how hard you clutch your plush every night. I've seen how you crave warmth, my dear. I'm right here to provide, I can give you everyone you desire. All you have to do is be mine," he whispered, his voice tempting and husky.
You nodded vigorously, gripping his shirt, "You want me, you actually want me? I can be yours, I'll be good. I journaled everything you gave me. Please love me. I'll give in, just don't leave," you rambled, burying your face into his torso. Seungmin brushed his finger below your chin and tilted it upwards, "You, my sweetheart. Are never going to be alone ever again," he chuckled, stroking your cheek.
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"Did I tell you to stop," Seungmjn growled, pumping his cock within his fist. The crude squelching sent shivers straight to your pulsing cunt. You mewled, stretching your tight searing cunt open with a glass dildo. The sight was mind numbing. Seungmin groaned, stroking his cock in sync with your thrusts, "Keep going, sweetheart. Don't stop until you come," he grunted, watching your thighs quiver from the constant pleasure assaulting your cunt.
You angled the dildo, letting the tip pound against your sensitive bundles of nerves as you teased your puffy clit with your nails. The swollen gland barely gotten any stimulation but it was just enough for you to orgasm. Seungmin groaned, gripping the base of his cock as your body spasmed through your climax. Your cunt fluttered around the glass dildo, hot puffs of steam surrounded your warm hole.
Seungmin chuckled, standing up to slap his shaft between your folds, "Good girl. Your moans are so precious, sweetheart," he said, rubbing your trembling inner thighs. You clenched around the dildo, tears of pleasure streaking down your cheeks. Seungmin hooked his arms under your legs. He placed them both on his left shoulder, "So wet and messy. I don't even need lube to thrust between your thighs," he growled, easily bucking his hips between your supple flesh.
His cock felt so good against you. The constant friction plus the glass dildo cooling within your searing ribbed walls made your mind spin. Seungmin bit his bottom lip, his thrusts relentless and rough. You whimpered as his testicle slapped against your clit with every thrust, "Close, close, hah," you mewled, clawing the sheets below. Seungmin bit your calves, marking them as he used your thighs to his own pleasure, "Cum for me, be a good girl and cum," he growled, pounding between your thighs.
You cried out whenever his hips smacked against your thighs. The pain and pleasure drew you over the edge with a broken sob. Seungmin sucked in through his teeth, coating your torso white with his orgasm. He licked down your calves, his lips never leaving your skin, "There's no going back now, sweetheart. You're only for me," he chuckled, staring down at your blissed out face with a prideful smirk.
"Did I tell you to stop," Seungmin growled, pumping his cock within his fist. The crude squelching sent shivers straight to your pulsing cock. You mewled, stretching your tight searing hole open with a glass dildo. The sight was mind numbing. Seungmin groaned, stroking his cock in sync with your thrusts, "Keep going, sweetheart. Don't stop until you come," he grunted, watching your thighs quiver from the constant pleasure assaulting your hole.
You angled the dildo, letting the tip pound against your sensitive bundles of nerves as you teased your puffy cockhead with your nails. The swollen gland barely gotten any stimulation but it was just enough for you to orgasm. Seungmin groaned, gripping the base of his cock as your body spasmed through your climax. Your hole fluttered around the glass dildo, hot puffs of steam surrounded your warm hole.
Seungmin chuckled, standing up to slap his shaft against yours , "Good boy. Your moans are so precious, sweetheart," he said, rubbing your trembling inner thighs. You clenched around the dildo, tears of pleasure streaking down your cheeks. Seungmin hooked his arms under your legs. He placed them both on his left shoulder, "So wet and messy. I don't even need lube to thrust between your thighs," he growled, easily bucking his hips between your supple flesh.
His cock felt so good against you. The constant friction plus the glass dildo cooling within your searing ribbed walls made your mind spin. Seungmin bit his bottom lip, his thrusts relentless and rough. You whimpered as his testicle slapped against yours with every thrust, "Close, close, hah," you mewled, clawing the sheets below. Seungmin bit your calves, marking them as he used your thighs to his own pleasure, "Cum for me, be a good boy and cum," he growled, pounding between your thighs.
You cried out whenever his hips smacked against your thighs. The pain and pleasure drew you over the edge with a broken sob. Seungmin sucked in through his teeth, coating your torso white with his orgasm. He licked down your calves, his lips never leaving your skin, "There's no going back now, sweetheart. You're only for me," he chuckled, staring down at your blissed out face with a prideful smirk.
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leclercloml · 7 months
Movie night | PG8
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Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x gf!reader
Summary: a movie night with your boyfriend being all clingy and cuddly
Genre: blurb written work
Warnings: not proofread (because I'm lazy)
Author's note: this one was requested by a beautiful anon<3 idk how to feel about this one but hopefully you like it 🫶🏻
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Pedri's recent injury was heartbreaking, despite trying everything, nothing just seemed to workout for him but he's not the type to give up easily, recently he have been working out a lot trying different diets everything that can prevent injury and because of that in the last few days you both barely spend any time together, so that's why you planned a movie night with your super amazing and talented boyfriend
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y/n <3
When will you be back love?
Pedritoo 🫶🏻
just half an hour more amor
why is everything alright?
y/n <3
everything is just fine
why, I can't check on my boyfriend anymore?
Pedritoo 🫶🏻
No no ofcourse you can!!
Well, I gotta go I have few more sessions to do
see you soon amor, bye<33
y/n <3
bye 🫶🏻, take care.
You only have 30 mins to prepare everything, you immediately went to prepare some snacks and clean the living room, you've already decided what movie you both were gonna watch, it was Little women, the movie you and pedri watched on your very first ever movie date and it immediately became your both comfort movie
You set everything up, the lighting, the candles, the snacks, everything was perfect! The only thing that was missing was your favourite person but it was not long till you hear the doorbell ring of your shared home, you sprint towards the door opening to meet your gorgeous boyfriend, you jumped on him giving him a super tight hug as he hugged you back.
"I think someone missed me a lot, not sure who tho" he said grinning, "yeah keep guessing" i replied looking up at him "alright now stop right here, I have a surprise for you" I said taking his hand in mine as he scrunch his eyebrows tilting head to side in confusion "please close your eyes" he did as i said, i guided him inside the house closing the door behind "Is it what I'm thinking" he said smirking "no." his smirk quickly turned into a frown.
"alright you can open your eyes now baby" I said as he slowly opened his eyes and genuine smile appeared on his lips as he looked down to me, "someone REALLY missed me" he said giving the most adorable smile "oh shut up, you're always at training and we barely get to spend time together, I just thought how about a little movie night to yk... reconnect together? Idk, I just missed you" I said not sure exactly what I was talking about "you don't need to explain yourself to me love, you could've just told me, I can spare any time in the world for you" he said taking my hands in his "you're super cheesy you know that right" I said as he just shrugged his shoulder "for right person, I'm more than okay being cheesy"
"so what movie are we watching?" he asked as we both sat on the sofa putting on a blanket cuddling eachother, "take a wild guess" I replied "Little women?" He said looking at me with a smile "mhm" i simply replied, Pedri smiled fondly as he stared at y/n. He was filled with pure adoration for his beautiful girlfriend, and his heart swelled with happiness. As they sat together on the couch, the movie began playing, and they settled down to watch. Y/n leaned her head on Pedri's shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, and she smiled up at him. At that moment, he knew that he couldn't think of anything or anyone more perfect than her.
No matter how many ups and downs he have on the pitch, off the pitch he have the most perfect woman who's there for him no matter what, Pedri leaned down and whispered softly in your ear "I love you so much." You grinned back at him, eyes sparkling with adoration. "I love you too," she whispered back. The two of them curled up together on the couch, feeling nothing but love and gratitude for each other in that moment.
Their bodies pressed tightly against one another. Y/n could feel Pedri's heartbeat against her chest, and she was filled with a sense of warmth and comfort. The movie, Little Women was a romance/drama, Pedri laughed at the funny parts, and leaned his head on your shoulder whenever something sad happened on screen. The two of tyou were completely immersed in the movie, feeling like it was just the two of them in the whole world.
You love him, you really do, more than anything and anyone in this world and you can say the same for him.
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ashtons-lemon-tree · 3 months
How the boys react to a reader who struggles with keeping track of all their nicknames - Hyung line
Bang Chan
'Rhino finally wrangled his cats into their crates so he'll meet up with us in 20 minutes.' You were hoping he wouldn't catch the deer in the headlights look on your face.
If it wasn't for the mention of cats, it would've taken a few seconds longer, going down the line of who Chan was referring to as 'Rhino.'
'What just happened?' Chan now is the confused one. It was a simple statement, nothing about it should've crossed any wires. And knowing him, you were aware that he wouldn't let the matter go until you fessed up.
'I might or might not know your guys' nicknames.' Chan lets out a small giggle, not to mock or belittle you but because he genuinely finds it adorable. Spends the night going through all the boy's nicknames. 'So Minho is Mino, Lino, LK...' just going down the line. In the future, if you forget, he told you to just shoot him a text.
'Y/n, Seungmin's Minnie. You've been friends with all of us for a few months now, you really haven't figured that out?' His words sound mean but there's a genuine curiosity to it. Wondering how he hadn't figured out sooner.
Happened when he heard you muttering all the '-innie' nicknames to yourself as if checking them off one by one before going 'who the fuck is Minnie?' It's even worse when he discovers that you used to have a notes app to keep track of it all. Figuring it could be worse, you've could of made a Quizlet.
'Wait, you thought I was Minnie?' You don't know why he's shocked. It wasn't entirely illogical. Minho-Minnie. But you guess it made more sense for Seungmin, seeing it was a slight elongation of the end bit. -min.
After discovering this, he refuses to call any of the boys by their government name, plus any nicknames close to said name. So no Chan for Chris. Once learning which nicknames you struggle with the most, he makes those his go-to's.
It's part of his refusal to baby you when faced with something difficult. Knowing he would absolutely hate it if the roles were reversed and you ended up babying him. Doesn't mind you being mad or annoyed at him for it.
‘Who’s Jikseu?’ You innocently ask, having woken up to his ringtone blaring with 5 missed phone calls from someone dubbed ‘Jikseu.’ Too tired to answer it yourself, aware that it’s probably one of the boys.
‘Why didn’t he just leave a voicemail?’ He grumbled, taking the phone from you to call ‘Jikseu’ back. Not realizing he didn’t answer your question. It was still early in the morning, Changbin having just returned from a run. It’s only until after he showers and is about to give you a ‘good morning’ kiss that he recalls what you had asked.
'Jikseu is Felix.' You let out an 'ah' sound at this, entering it into your mind palace. Mentally sounding out the syllables, attempting to mimic exactly how Changbin said it. 'He says he misses hanging out with you, by the way.' Having told the sunshine boy that they'd plan an outing soon. It was well known that Binnie enjoyed that one of his closest friends and his partner got along so well.
Slowly waiting as you finally get out of bed to eat breakfast together. 'So what nicknames do you know?' Ladling some miso soup into two separate bowls.
You don't give him a chance to figure it out, knocking on the open door to his bedroom as he sat behind his easel. 'I told you not to interrupt me, Jingjingie!' Jumping in surprise when he heard your voice. 'Not Jingjingie, whoever that is.' Hyunjin placed down his palette to wrap his arms around your waist.
Continuing on like usual, 'am I annoying you?' Hyunjin tended to get lost in his own world. Holed up in his room with music turned up to 100. 'No, did that thing again.' He apologetically kissed your cheek. Assuming that you had been calling for him and he had flat out ignored said calls.
Leaving the zen-full zone you had created, your curiosity getting the best of you. 'But seriously, who's Jingjingie?' Still figuring out which of his friends you meshed with. Not having interacted with any of the other boys to think of them as whiny. 'Changbin, he's been messing with me all day.'
'Aw, he wants your attention,' you cooed. Booping his nose as you did so. 'He's being a pain in my ass is what he's being.' Despite his tone, his words had no real bite to them. 'Oh c'mon it's cute.'
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forgottenfourr · 8 months
missing something - written ༉‧₊˚.
prev ✮ masterlist ✮ next
it’s crazy how being an mc for something as big for mcountdown used to be something you dreamed about. but now that you’re here, you’re dreading every second of it.
not the mcing part. the having to see gyuvin after completely disappearing and ignoring him for 2 years part.
for all you know this could be his secret revenge plan that will destroy you and everything you stand for.
or he could be dreading this just as much as you are.
it’s eerily quiet when you walk into the dressing room, woonhak tailing close behind you.
it was nice and calm and it almost made you forget about why you were even panicking in the first place.
“woonhak hyung!!”
peaceful moment over.
wait a second.
woonhak? hyung? not correct. merely impossible. he’s 17.
“yujin!!” ah. hak’s squeal of excitement confirms you heard the correct thing at least.
also… when did woonhak and yujin even become friends? and why is yujin even here? do not say you both brought the maknaes as emotional support.
you know turning around would be a big mistake. if you turn around gyuvin is going to be right there and you’re completely content with ignoring his existence until you’re forced to interact with him on stage.
even with how content you are with not turning around right now and just keep walking, woonhak grabs your arm and pulls you towards him. subsequently making you turn around and do the very thing you were trying to avoid right now.
he’s even taller than before. and some how even prettier. it’s surreal almost. seeing the person you’ve ignored but also thought about everyday for the past 827 days.
yes. you kept track.
your heart is racing as you follow his eyes while he takes all of you in. you feel like you’re back in auditions again. waiting as the scouters take in your every last detail.
you want to shrink. dissolve into nothing. just do something to get yourself out of his gaze.
“yn!” woonhak smacks your arm, bringing you back to reality.
“ya! what!” you reply while rubbing where he hit you.
“have you met them before? say hi.” he almost whispers to you. somehow he has taken charge of this situation. and honestly? you’re not going to complain.
“oh uh, yeah. hi nice to meet you yujin.” you bow, your voice lacking any sort of enthusiasm.
you turn to gyuvin hesitantly, “good to see you again gyuvin.” your voice a mere whisper.
gyuvin almost seems to smile and your greeting. causing you to further wish you were anywhere but here right now.
“it’s good to see you too yn,” gyuvin’s voice genuine and a lot stronger than yours.
and just like that, your heart is racing again.
was it panic? fear? stress? you had absolutely no clue.
but it’s racing! and you don’t like it! and the smile on gyuvin’s face is not helping!!
you quickly turn to woonhak, panic most likely evident on your face.
“hey uhm, uh, i gotta uh use the bathroom. i’ll be back.” you manage to sputter out.
and before he can even acknowledge what you just said, you’re almost out of sight already.
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SYNOPSIS ✮ a company gave you the opportunity to finally live your dreams, but as a result, you had to leave the company you were at and your best friend. 2 years later you watch as he makes a name of his own on boys planet. the unrequited love you fought away for years coming back stronger than before.
taglist is open!! ༉‧₊˚.
@phtogravi @istphanie @xiaoquanquans @mins-fins @junhuilvrrr @pinklemonade34 @stillalostpdf @gyuricks @thepeachyhub @jaehyuncocksleeve @ashersdeadinside @carmesi-butterfly @haechansbbg
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softspace-fics · 20 days
Hiii so I just went through kinda a mental health crisis today (VERY long story short I'm at my grandma's house cuz I swallowed sum I wasn't supposed to but I'm okay now my throat just feels icky) you absolutely 100% do not (REPEAT DO NOT) need to do this request at all you can ignore it cuz ik it's uncomfortable what im about to ask (im sorry in advance if you are uncomfy I get it)
Could you possibly write a little while they're big try to hurt themselves and can't get into littlespace and to embarrassed about feeling like hurting themselves to talk about it with someone I honestly don't care with who but I've been on a Wade and Bucky kick recently
Like I said you can ignore this your writing just so comforting and amazing and I want to feel more of that thank you for listening
I hope you have an amazing day, and if you're not, I hope it gets better
You mean to much.
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A/N - I genuinely took awhile to make this because I wanted to be as inclusive as possible, but I think I related this to myself a little too close. I hope you all enjoy, and understand that if you ever need someone I'm here. Your never alone in your fight. If you ever need someone please contact your suicide hotline. You don't need to fight alone. To anon I hope your feeling better and this story helps you in the way you need, I'm sorry you went through what you did.
Masterlist - all my work!
Warnings ⚠️: Depressive episode, thoughts of self harm, negative thoughts, overwhelmed reader, reader thinks about leaving bucky, tears, bucky cries for a min, reader breakdown, please let me know if I missed any!
Please read with caution.
Bucky Barnes x GN!little reader
Today sucked. The entire day even before you woke was a nightmare. You had woken up at 5am from a grueling nightmare that made you not want to even attempt to go back to sleep. Getting up, you even attempted to make your own food before that enviably failed too. You got dressed into outerwear but decided after the third attempt of trying to get your shoes on, that it was just not worth trying to try your luck outside.
So you didn’t. You attempted to do some of your hobbies, but even those weren’t appealing to you at the moment and seeing that you caregiver was out, you decided to take a bath. You hoped that the ability to chill in the tub and maybe watch a show would help get your brain to decide to actually function.
What a bad idea that was though. You ended up just staring at yourself in the mirror for a unknown amount of time, nitpicking every mark, scratch, unbalanced feature, and anything else your brain could make you decide to hate.
You viewed how your body was different than those around you, how it could be seen as so very wrong for you to be with Bucky. How did you even end up with a super soldier like him? Did you put a spell on him? Was he playing your feelings?
Maybe if you changed yourself he’d be better off? There’s no way he misses the looks you two get when you go in public. Who knows how the avengers feel about you? Bucky could get anyone he ever wanted and he settled on you.
The thoughts began to cloud your mind, and the urges to mutate your own body starts to completely black out any rational thoughts your brain was trying to give you. However, no matter how bad these thoughts were trying to get you, you couldn’t break the promises that you and Bucky had made previously.
This wasn’t the first time you had one of these bad days, where everything was trying to push you over the edge. The last time you had one of these days though you gave into the urges, and this meant that Bucky found out. He saw the long sleeves on a 100+ day and something told him to check in on you.
When he did, he found out about your scars, and your fresh wounds. This was early on in your relationship and you were worried you were about to scare him off, that’s as until he pulled you into his arms and a few stray tears rolled down his face as he reassured you that you were the most beautiful human being in the multiverse.
He begged you to tell him if these days ever happened where the world had everything against you. He begged for you to throw away the things that you would harm yourself with, and in which you did, you threw out the things your brain would make you use, and you told him you’d try to tell him if these days happened.
You wanted to, you really did, but you couldn’t fathom bothering him on a day where he had numerous meetings and a day that he was going to spend hanging out with his best friend. Why in the world would you pile more problems onto his plate?
You eventually pulled yourself from the mirror, walking over to the couch and curling into the corner of it. You pulled a blanket off the back of the couch, tears streaming down your face, and tried to just sleep off the icky feelings.
As you laid there, crying quietly, your regression decided to say hello. The baby’s brain didn’t understand why it felt the way it did. It wasn’t sure why it felt as if their dada shouldn't love them anymore, why was he going to be better off without them? Was he truly going to be?
You woke up a few hours later, to the shuffling of you onto something new, as if something- someone, was picking you up. The scent gave away the person almost immediately, and you almost completely subconsciously grabbed onto him.
“Dada?” You mumbled quietly, your eyes opening to your worried caregivers face.
“Baby? Why were you crying?” You feel Bucky softly attempt to wipe off the dried tears, bouncing you softly, concern lacing every fiber of his being.
You look away solemnly, your mind beginning to remind you how you weren’t good enough for him. the clouded judgment of others remaining in your own little mind.
In hopes he’d drop the topic, you shook your head and hid your face in his neck, clinging to him even more. This only heightened his worry as he held you tighter, closer, and even more protectively.
“Baby please, your worrying me.” He mumbles softly into your hair, kissing it before resting his forehead against the top of your head.
He had a feeling it was a bad day for you, and he was so worried you hadn’t been able to feel like calling him to help, what if you had done something? What if he couldn’t have stopped you? What’s if he let you down just like everyone else?
The sounds of your tears came through the broken explanation of the day you had and you did your best to tell him that you’d be okay if he left you. All that he did when he heard you say that was hold onto you tighter and closer. He just mumbled gentle no’s and a silent sigh of relief when you said you couldn’t do it because you didn’t want to break your promises.
Bucky slowly walked over to your nursery, sitting down in the rocking chair that he had made so that you and him could comfortably sit and he could care for you. He softly pulled you from your hiding spot in his neck, where his neck and shirt were soaked with tears.
“Never, ever believe that I’d need anyone but you. I don't care what people think or say, you saved me and that means that when theses days happen id do anything to save you too. It’s perfectly okay to have these thoughts, and its okay to ask for help. Everyone needs a little help sometimes, that’s why I’m here yeah? Never do you have to go through these big emotions alone anymore okay? That’s why I’m here. I promise not one thing you say will ever change my mind, or change how I feel about being your dada. You're too perfect for me. Your not alone.”
He firmly and calmly talks you, just above a whisper, as if he was worried the walls would hear how much his hearted ached for you, and use it against him. You meant the world to Bucky, and his heart broke knowing that you felt this way.
The only thing you could muster through the walls of regression, and the emotional overboard was a nod before dragging him back into you and your face going back right where it was.
Bucky didn’t let you go for about 3 days, he didn’t leave the house, even though he was supposed to be going somewhere for work, he called and told them he wouldn’t be there. He spent days making sure that you were safe and sound, and knew how much he truely loved you. He helped in whatever way he could to make you realize how much you meant to him.
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youwouldntlietopapa · 3 months
Rating: 18+
Features: Copia x OC (Isobel), Papa I/Primo, Papa II/Secondo
Tags: Insomnia, late night talks, idiots in love, mutual pining
(Also available on AO3)
Copia: [msg 03:12am] Are you awake?
Isobel: [msg 03:17am] Is everything okay?
Copia: [msg 03:18am] Insomnia again.
Copia: [msg 03:18am] Did I wake you up?
Isobel: [msg 03:19am] No, it’s okay. 
Isobel: [msg 03:20am] Give me 10 mins. 
Izzy nearly dropped her phone on her face, which definitely helped wake her up. No matter how many times she’d been told to just turn her ringer off at night, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Not if it meant she might miss an emergency. Even one as small as a sleepless night. If it was him, it was important. 
That’s what good friends do, isn’t it?
She swung her legs off the narrow bed in her small siblings quarters, scrubbing her face with her hands. Trying to shake off the remaining fog of sleep. It had been a while since he’d risked waking her up just because he couldn’t sleep. Those texts were reserved for nights when he was climbing the walls, increasingly agitated with every sleepless minute that ticked by. Usually when there was something on his mind, work or family or Ministry bullshit. She couldn’t blame him and she was, genuinely, happy to help. Too glad that she was the one he thought of when he needed help to worry about what sort and when. He trusted her enough to ask, that was all that mattered. 
It just happened to matter in a way that made her heart feel like it might burst.
Focus, dammit.
Maybe changing would have been a good idea. Getting dressed in something other than the mismatched pyjamas she’d fallen asleep in. But she couldn’t be bothered. Besides, she reasoned, if she turned up dressed and wide awake, it would hardly help him fall asleep. Izzy did, however, grab her purse and her keys before crossing the Abbey to Copia’s quarters. Her bare feet silently carried her through the dark halls while she listened for anyone else. Not that anyone would care. But it wasn’t a conversation she felt like having either. 
What am I doing up so late? Oh, just going to see if I can get my best friend to sleep. Not because I’m secretly in love with him. Only because I am such a good friend and this is a normal thing friends do. Which everyone knows.
Copia answered almost as soon as she knocked. The door flew open and he stood there, staring back at her, in his boxers and an old shirt. His worn out old robe that he refused to give up hung open and his hair was as wild as the look in his eyes. “... I did wake you.”
“Cope, I said it was okay.” 
She cut him off. “Do you want to get to sleep or not?”
His shoulders slumped and he whimpered. “Please…” 
“Come on then.” Izzy held out her hand expectantly while Copia looked confused. 
“Just trust me.” She smiled the way she always did when she had an idea. 
But he took her hand, the way he always did, and followed her lead. Back through the halls and right out the front door. The night was cool and quiet. Not another soul around anywhere either of them could see. Although, the chances of there being a ghoul hanging around in the shadows was never zero, it didn’t seem like anything to worry about as long as they stayed in the shadows. The cement path from the door to the parking lot was cold underfoot, but Izzy ignored it. She wasn’t planning on being outside long. Besides, the air felt clean and crisp, and Copia’s hand was warm in her own. 
Is it sad that this is better than being asleep, alone, in my bed? It’s probably sad… 
Reluctantly she let go of his hand, only once they’d reached her car. A vehicle she lovingly referred to as the beater and steadfastly refused to replace. Copia had long maintained that the only thing keeping it from falling apart entirely was her own stubbornness. He did, however, have to admit that in all the time he’d known her, the car had never left her stranded. He also couldn’t remember a single time it had been to the mechanic, apart from getting the oil changed. Izzy nodded to the passenger door and walked around to the driver's side. Copia stared at her over the car roof, looking for some sort of explanation. She only winked. 
“Trust me.” 
“More than being out here, in my underpants, not knowing where we are going?” He smirked. 
Izzy snorted. “When have I ever led you astray?” 
“You want a list?”
She stuck out her tongue and opened the door. “Get in the car, Cope.”
The bench seat that took up the entire front was covered in a red velour and felt more like sitting on someone’s old couch than in someone’s old car. It also had the effect of making Izzy look even smaller than usual. She pulled the heavy door shut while it groaned in protest and waited for Copia to do the same. Although his door groaning was joined by his own groan. Once they were settled, she turned the key and just had to hope she wasn’t going to piss off everyone with quarters facing the lot. She did have the good sense, at least, not to turn on the lights until they were pulled out of her spot and halfway to the exit. 
“So… eh…. Where are we going?” Copia asked as they turned out onto the road, headed away from the city.
“.................. nowhere?” 
“Mhmm.” Izzy kept her eyes on the road, not looking particularly worried. One hand reached for the radio, turning the volume down so low it could only just be heard over the hum of the engine, and set it to some public access radio. A sleepy sounding DJ popping in occasionally to introduce a song she’d never heard of by a band she couldn’t name, played on what was unmistakably vinyl. 
“We are going nowhere. To listen to the radio. Because I don’t sleep?” He shifted in his seat enough to actually look at her.
“That’s about it, yeah.” She glanced over and smiled. “Listen, you want to get some sleep, right? And I want you to get some sleep. So all I need you to do right now is sit back, relax, and trust the process.”
“And you’re sure you don’t hit your head today or something?”
Izzy swatted his arm playfully. “Don’t ask me for help and then question my methods, Cardinal.”
“Si, nonna.” He teased, doing as she said anyway. Fussing a bit until he found a comfortable position. “... Izzy?”
“Yeah, Cope?”
“Thank you… for helping. I don’t mean to wake you. Really. But… thank you.”
Her hand slid across the seat to find his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “If you need help, that’s what I’m here for. Always. You know that. And I don’t mind being woken up. Really. Besides, if it were the other way around, I know you’d do the same.”
“Always.” He yawned, slouching a little more into the seat. “Anything for you, Isobel.”
As the car drifted along the dark road and the radio played something soft and slow, they slipped into a comfortable silence. There was no destination in mind, Izzy simply followed the route she knew would have the least traffic and no traffic lights. Listening as Copia’s breathing settled into a steady rhythm and finally turned to snores. Less than fifteen minutes and he was out like a light. She smiled triumphantly and decided to drive a while longer. Just to be sure he stayed asleep. A decision made considerably easier when he tipped over sideways, head resting on her shoulder, and continued to snore uninterrupted. 
What am I supposed to do? Shove him off? Now that he’s finally asleep? Like some kind of monster? I don’t think so. 
So she drove. Staring out at the road and trying to stay focused. The white lines whipped past the headlights in a blur and every reflection from the ditch might have been some animal making a poor decision about when to cross. Everything outside the pool of light in front of them vanished into the inky void of the night. She needed to stay focused on that. Not on the lingering smell of his cologne or the way his warmth seemed to seep into her skin to wind its way around her heart. Not the familiar weight of him there or the nagging thought that she would trade a thousand peaceful nights sleep for even one night being kept awake by that snoring. 
Well… wish granted, I guess. Izzy sighed. Not exactly what I had in mind.
Still pretty good though. Copia snored again, murmuring something unintelligible, and the corner of her mouth turned up. He was ridiculous. In the best possible ways. And the best friend she’d ever had. No matter how else she felt, it didn’t change that. “I wouldn’t trade you for all the world.” She whispered, no louder than the radio. 
Eventually, Izzy found a place to turn the car around, and headed back home. It was a little after four by the time she parked. The Abbey was silent and still, too early for even the earliest risers to be up. And the flaw in her plan slowly dawning on her as her eyes followed the path from the car to the front doors. To get Copia from where they were seated to his bed would mean waking him up. Waking him up felt a bit counterproductive after getting him to sleep. Which left her in a bit of an awkward situation. 
Leaving him asleep in that position was out of the question. His back would already be grumpy from the amount of time he’d been like that as it was. He was also entirely too heavy to carry. At least the car seats were comfortable and, she supposed, if she could get him stretched out, sleeping right there was a viable option. The real trick would be doing it without waking him up anyway. Izzy chewed her lip and hesitated, giving in and reaching under Copia to unbuckle his seatbelt just to start. 
One step at a time, she reminded herself. 
Unfortunately, Copia took it upon himself to complete several more steps on his own. Despite Izzy’s frantic, whispered protests, his head slipped off her shoulder once he was freed from the confines of the belt and landed in her lap. He grumbled softly and curled himself up, quite content to keep his new pillow. Snaking his arm around her leg and hugging it tightly, cutting off any hope of a quiet escape to the back seat. 
Have I not been a loyal servant, my lord? Have I not offered up everything I have to your glory? 
She would have sworn there had been more than enough air in the car only moments before. But somewhere between him sleeping on her shoulder and sleeping in her lap, it had apparently all vanished. Izzy rolled down the window and took a deep breath of the night air. Trying to think about literally anything other than every daydream she’d had about a similar situation or how warm his arm was around her thigh or where his hand was. The universe was set on making fun of her, that much was clear. 
“I swear,” she whispered. “If you are awake and this is a joke, I’m going to strangle you.”
Copia’s only response was another snore and a mumbled word that sounded a bit like “Cannoli.” 
“Right, of course.” She huffed. “I hope you know you owe me one for this.”
Tipping her seat back, Izzy tried to get comfortable. If she was stuck, she could at least get a little sleep. Hopefully. Copia wasn’t having any trouble, clearly. Her fingers idly combed through his hair, one hand resting on his shoulder, and she closed her eyes. A tiny smile crept across her lips again and, for just a moment, she let herself enjoy it. Being close, being there, being lucky enough to have him in her life. Not despite all of the weirdness. Because of it. Because having someone she felt safe being weird with, who felt safe being just as weird with her, was worth more than anything.
“Goodnight, Cope.” She whispered. “Sweet dreams.”
I love you.
Primo was up early. As was his habit. Preferring to be out in the garden before the Abbey had fully sprung to life. The newspaper tucked under his arm along with an ancient thermos, coffee cup in hand, he shuffled outside and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. The sky was clear and the sun was only just peeking up over the high roof. It had all the signs of being a beautiful day. He hummed to himself, walking along the familiar path. Pausing here and there to pluck a weed or remove a damaged leaf. Smiling as the birds flitted about, singing back and forth. All the sounds of the garden that warmed his heart. 
The birds and the bees and the wind in the trees and the….. Snoring? 
He stopped in his tracks and strained to hear. No, that was definitely snoring. It wasn’t Secondo, that he knew for certain. If it were Secondo, he wouldn’t have needed to strain. Still, it seemed oddly familiar. Out of sheer curiosity, he followed the sound. Across the yard to the parking lot. Specifically toward one of the cars he knew well. But then, Isobel’s car was notably hard to miss. The windows rolled down to catch the breeze, the sound was definitely coming from inside. Primo stopped next to the driver’s door and stared down at his youngest brother, sprawled across the bench seat, dead asleep. Along with his other half. Whether he was ready to admit it or not. Though the way he was clinging to her thigh didn’t really leave a lot of room for interpretation.
Well, opportunities like that didn’t present themselves every day, and he wasn’t someone who often passed up a chance to torment his siblings a little. All he needed to do was decide on the best option. He grinned a little wider, a wicked glint in his eye. Yes, it certainly was going to be a beautiful day.
Meanwhile, Copia grumbled to himself as Primo plotted. The sun had crept up enough to get in his face and, after only a few hours of sleep, he was not ready to get up yet. Muscle memory kicked in before his brain had even woken up. Swinging at an alarm clock that wasn’t there. What was there happened to be the steering wheel. Or, more importantly, the horn. The horn of Izzy’s car, which was old enough to come standard with the pitch and volume of an oncoming train. 
Copia screamed. 
Izzy screamed. 
Primo screamed. 
His coffee cup and newspaper went flying and he grabbed the car behind him, trying to recover from the minor heart attack. Copia sat bolt upright, catching his head on the steering wheel in his rush, and let loose a string of Italian curses. Izzy caught her elbow on the sharp corner of the window crank and joined him in cursing, clutching her arm. And both of them turned to look at Primo, sleep fogged minds trying to put together what had happened. 
“He couldn’t sleep!” Izzy blurted. 
“Of course.” Primo smirked. 
“We go for a drive! To relax!” Copia insisted. 
“Right.” Primo nodded. 
“That’s why we’re dressed like this!” Izzy flailed a bit. 
“Makes sense.” Primo looked them both over. 
“And why we sleep in the car!” Copia added. 
“Mmmm, yes.” Primo bent down to scoop up his paper, trying to manhandle it back into a neat package. “I sleep better too, fratellino, with my head in someone’s lap.”
Copia’s eyes widened in terror, realising how he must have been sleeping and noting, to his complete horror, the drool spot on Izzy’s leg. “I-I-I…”
“And with someone who plays with my hair.” He gave her a knowing look. 
“That’s not… I mean… It was just…”
Primo only nodded to them both. “Maybe you go inside before someone else has questions, eh? Everyone is up soon for breakfast.” He turned to collect his mug from the grass where it had landed with a thud. “Copia. Sorella.” 
Both of them sat in stunned silence, watching him all the way to the corner of the building where he slipped out of sight. Silently grateful it wasn’t one of a dozen other people who would have been far less understanding. 
“Isobel?” Copia finally broke the silence. 
“Yeah, Cope?”
“Why are we still in the car?” 
She turned to look at him. “........ You’re too heavy for me to carry inside.”
“Of course.” 
“He’s never going to let that go, is he?” 
“Never.” Copia agreed, cringing. 
“Maybe we should go inside.”
Izzy rolled up the window and they both climbed out of the car. Stretching and groaning. No matter how comfortable the car seats might have been, they were not a replacement for a bed. Copia waited on the sidewalk for her to join him and offered his arm, trying to let go of the awkwardness, and settle into their usual routine and familiarity. She didn’t seem any more eager to let the embarrassment linger and he took it as a good sign. 
Panicked rush to explain to his oldest brother aside, he was genuinely grateful that she’d gone out of her way to help. Even just dragging herself out of bed, he owed her for. Without question. But then, he’d lost track of how many things he owed her for. Not that she’d ever held it over his head or was someone in the habit of keeping score. He’d lost count of the number of times she’d told him that it always evened out in the end. She helped him, he helped her. That’s just how friends worked. 
Friends. He thought again about the spot of drool on her leg and where his head must have been. It sparked off another rush of embarrassment, and something else as well. Something he would certainly need to attend to once he was back in his own quarters. It didn’t mean anything. You were asleep. And if she were upset, she’d  have shoved you off. It’s Izzy, she’s never held back before. At least she wouldn’t be walking back in with you. Right? 
“Are you okay?” Her voice broke through his thoughts and Copia looked back at her. “You seem distracted.”
“Si. Si. Forgive me, just a bit foggy still.”
“It’s early. You ought to get a few more hours sleep while you can.” Her hand gave his arm a gentle squeeze. 
“So should you, Isobel. I keep you up half the night.” 
Izzy only rolled her eyes and nudged him. “Right, you really twisted my arm. Cruel man, coming to drag me out of bed and demanding I help.” She teased. “Definitely not me getting up and coming to help because it was my decision.”
“You still need more sleep.” He couldn't argue the rest, but that much was true. 
“I will if you will.” 
“Deal.” He nudged her back and pulled the door open for her. 
The halls were still relatively quiet. But Primo was right, people were getting up and it wouldn’t be long before the Abbey returned to the usual hive of activity it was. Copia stopped at the intersection of hallways where they typically parted ways. An intersection he’d gotten in the habit of avoiding any other time. It was a loathsome spot as far as he was concerned. A spot for saying goodbye and watching her leave. Taking his heart with her.
While you stand there like a fool, again, and let her go.
Her hand drifted down his arm to take his own and she turned to face him. His heart ached from the touch and some stupid, mindless part of him wanted to cup her face in his hands and kiss her until the morning bells rang. Instead, he only smiled and bent to kiss her hand. 
“You will meet me for breakfast later?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She paused, he could see the hesitation. Too long knowing her to miss it. “... I’m glad you messaged me. Whatever worries you might have about it, I need you to know that and remember it. I would feel so much worse if I heard you’d had a miserable night that I could have helped with, and I didn’t. Understand?”
“Isobel, I-” 
“Understand?” She looked at him pointedly. 
“Si.” He smiled a little sheepishly. “Understood.”
“You’re allowed to ask for help, Cope. You deserve to get the help you need. And I swear I will get it through that thick head of yours if it kills me.” 
He snorted and shook his head. “That might take a very long time.”
“Important things often do.” Izzy stretched up to quickly kiss his cheek, the way she’d done a hundred times before, and slipped away down the hall. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you in a bit.” 
Copia stood and watched her go, wondering if he’d ever been so grateful for a bout of insomnia before. Please, my lord, if I could only have a sign…
“Copia.” A voice boomed.
“My lord?” He squeaked. 
“Turn around, Copia.” 
Copia whipped around as instructed and there, staring at him like he’d finally lost all of his marbles, was Secondo. 
“Che cazzo stai facendo?”
“I was just… going back to sleep.”
“In your bed, I hope.”
“Si! Si. Just… going… Now.” 
And, with that, he dashed off down the hall. Leaving Secondo to question, once again, if he shouldn’t just retire completely to some quiet villa, overlooking the ocean, without a single brother within a hundred miles.
“Che cazzo stai facendo?” = What the fuck are you doing?
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sunnebeam · 1 year
good for a weekend.
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pairing: jung hoseok x reader
warnings: smut (minors do not interact), oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (yall know the drill, let's be protected irl), sex against a window, blank space au, chaebol!reader (she has issues), businessman!hoseok, profanity
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: took me a long time to choose the title for this one bc i just realized i already used a blank space lyric for jimin's drabble lol. but anyways here it is! idk the accurate word count but i think this is longer than all my other drabbles so far. enjoy <3 don't forget to share ur thoughts and give feedback ^^
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When you were younger, you didn’t really understand why no one wanted to be friends with you.
Apart from your butler Yeonjun (who's paid to put up with your shit but is still genuine in his companionship nonetheless), a paintbrush and a canvas were the only real confidants you had for your pent up frustrations as a child.
Now that you're older, your isolation becomes more self-induced.
"Is it true that she's back together with Kim Taehyung again?”
“No, I heard that her family arranged for her and Park Jimin to marry next year...”
“But wasn't she spotted looking cozy with Jeon Jungkook at a bar last week?”
"No, no, I could've sworn she was hooking up with Min Yoongi—"
"Damn, she's going through men way too fast, don't you think?"
“Honestly, I think she's just a spoiled, rich playgirl."
You sigh, sitting on your chair in the art room of your very own mansion — a gift from your father after he missed out on your eighteenth birthday — while Yeonjun watches you paint your heart out.
“I haven’t seen Kim Seokjin around lately…” he muses as he steps closer to look at your work. By the looks of it, you must be feeling some pretty angry emotions.
“Silly Yeonjun,” you giggle too loudly, hand gripping your brush rather forcefully as you stare at your palette. “Seokjin and I broke up ages ago. Actually, I haven’t seen him since the haircut incident.”
Ah, the haircut incident…
Yeonjun shivers, remembering that outburst all too well. The memory of you hysterically chopping off your hair in a fit of jealousy while Kim Seokjin helplessly tried to get you to stop. That marked the end of your six-month relationship, leaving you with uneven chunks of hair and the man with a questionable restraining order.
Not your best moment, that much you can admit.
“Anyways,” you snicker, shaking your head to clear the onslaught of memories, “let’s not talk about him anymore, ‘kay?”
You stand up, leaving your painting half-finished, and walk over to the big floor-to-ceiling window.
Your mansion is the biggest in the area, filled with numerous rooms and spaces that far surpassed the amount you need for basic living. Your art room – easily the biggest room, even topping your master bedroom – houses a beautiful glass window that overlooks the property.
“Besides,” you say, clapping your hands, “we have more important things to worry about.” You turn to him and squeal, jumping up and down. “My art exhibit is in a couple of months! Can you believe it, Yeonjun?"
Your excitement has you skipping around the room in glee. You’ve been planning your own exhibit for months and now that it's drawing nearer, you feel more excited than nervous. You hope with all your heart that this exhibit could finally paint you in a proper light, letting you shine as 'the young, twenty-something art extraordinaire' instead of the 'resident fuckgirl who's only good for a weekend.'
“I know, sweetie.” Yeonjun smiles, feeling genuinely happy for you. But before he can further share in your excitement, the doorbell rings.
The noise makes you glance at your watch and smirk. Right on time.
Together, you and Yeonjun walk down the massive staircase to greet your guest, and Jung Hoseok hears you before he even catches sight of you — the clicking of your heels resonating loudly across the living room. He turns his head to the sound and smiles handsomely at the both of you.
For a few moments, none of you say a word but the electricity between you and your guest is hard to ignore.
"Shall I leave you to your business?" Yeonjun breaks the silence, directing the question at you. After all, at this point, he already knows the drill whenever you have your guests over.
You nod, never taking your eyes off Hoseok's and your butler immediately excuses himself.
Once it's just the two of you left, Hoseok holds out a hand to you. “Jung Hoseok. Pleasure to meet you."
You tell him your name, placing your hand in his and immediately, he brings it up to gently brush his lips against your knuckles. “Pleasure's all mine, Hoseok."
“Just Hobi is fine, gorgeous."
He winks at you and smiles. And just like all the other times, you feel yourself falling. Spiralling. Obsessing.
“Hobi…” you repeat, “shall we go over the terms of your company's sponsorship for my art exhibit?”
“Of course,” he responds. "Shall we discuss it in your office?"
"Oh no," you feign disappointment.
"What is it?"
“I'm terribly sorry, Hobi,” you utter, “but my office is under renovations at the moment—"
(It isn't.)
"—and I’m afraid it's not convenient for business discussions for the time being.”
“Is that so?” Hoseok muses, his eyes on your lips as you purse them contemplatively. “Should we take our discussion somewhere else, then?” He offers, not wanting to cut his visit short.
He stares right into your pretty eyes and he swears you've performed some sort of magic right then and there because he finds himself right under your spell.
“Good idea." You smile, your hand sliding up to rest on the crook of his elbow as you lead him up your stairs. “I know the perfect place.”
And that's how he found himself in your bedroom, sitting on the edge of your immaculate bed with your head bobbing up and down between his legs.
"Shit," he curses when you take him deeper in your mouth. "Yeah, that's it, gorgeous."
You look up at him with wide eyes, making sure to maintain eye contact when you swallow around him. He bites his lip at the feeling, his thumb reaching out to wipe the stray tears running down your cheek.
You look so pretty. So fucking gorgeous.
Hoseok wonders how the hell he managed to get an invitation to your bed. Sure, he's quite attractive but you're in a whole other league of your own. You're way up there on a pedestal, you and the other chaebols in your wealthy family's circle. Whereas, he's just a mere businessman trying to negotiate a sponsorship proposal.
But, fuck, he's not complaining.
You whine when he pulls you up and onto his lap, your lips releasing his dick with a pop. Feeling needy, you suckle at the soft skin of his neck while he desperately removes your clothes and then his.
"Hobi," you whimper into his neck and the sound goes straight to his already hard cock. "Need you. Please."
"Shit," he groans when you rub your leaking core against his thigh. "Hold on to me."
You comply, wrapping your arms and legs around him, and he stands up to walk the both of you towards your bedroom's clear, glass window. Just like the one in your art room, this one spans wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling, and overlooks the front of the mansion.
He sets you down on your feet and turns you around so that you're looking out. Your pussy dribbles even more arousal at the sight of your enormous front gates from the distance, the thought of being seen turning you on.
"Hobi," you whine when you feel his throbbing cock prodding at your entrance, and push your ass out in response.
"Don't hold back, gorgeous," he tells you when you let out a muffled moan. "I want the whole mansion to hear you."
He enters you swiftly, making you groan loudly and press your palms against the window. He pulls back, making you whine desperately and shift your weight on your feet. He slams back inside roughly, making you scream incoherently and fuck yourself back on him.
"That's it," Hoseok groans, "fuck me back."
And you do.
He thrusts into you in rough but deep thrusts. You fuck back into him, arching your back, causing your tits to press against the glass. The added stimulation to your nipples makes you play with your clit, making figure eight motions and heightening your pleasure.
"Shit, gorgeous. You're creaming."
He sees a creamy ring of white on the base of his cock and curses, the sight pushing him closer to his climax. You only whine in response, clenching around him uncontrollably.
"Hobi, I'm gonna—"
"Cum with me, gorgeous," he coaxes you. "Now."
You obey, cumming around him while he finishes inside you. You're breathing heavily, relishing in the warmth of his release and he just chuckles affectionately at your fucked out face.
He pulls out of you and when you lead him back to your bed, he suddenly feels exhausted. His eyes can barely stay open and the last thing he remembers before sleep takes over him is your voice telling him three little words.
When Hoseok wakes up, he sees you all dressed, propped up on the headboard and glaring at him.
"What's wrong, gorgeous?" he asks groggily.
"Who's Sooah?" you ask him immediately, your voice clipped.
You show him the unlocked phone in your hand. His phone.
"What the fuck? You went through my phone?"
"She was texting you nonstop. Who is she?"
"She's a colleague, not that I need to explain myself to you. And she's the venue coordinator for your art exhibit!"
"I don't beleve you!"
"How the fuck did you even know my password?"
"Are you cheating on me?" you demand, tears falling down your face.
"Cheating on you?" he repeats your question incredulously. "We literally just met!"
But you aren't listening to him. No, you're spiralling, clutching your hair and looking at him desperately. "Did I do something wrong? Is she prettier than me? Is she—"
"You're insane," he cuts you off, frightened at your sudden behavior. As quickly as he possibly can, he puts on his clothes and scrambles towards your bedroom door. "Fuck this shit, I'm leaving."
To his surprise, you don't follow him, though he can hear your heartbroken wails all the way to the front door. When he gets to his car, his eyes widen and his jaw drops.
"WHAT THE FUCK? YOU WRECKED MY CAR?!" he yells, the question directed at you but his exasperated eyes are trained on his wrecked vehicle.
The punctured tiles, cracked windshield, and dented exterior would cost him a fortune. But he decides that's a problem for another day. Right now, he just has to get out of here.
"Crazy bitch," he mutters when he finally exits your property gates on foot.
Back in your room, you cry your heart out while Yeonjun caresses your hair comfortingly.
Your butler knows the drill by now. You just need one day to cry all your tears, another day to forget about it, and around three more days to move on.
Which is why, a few days later, Yeonjun opens the door to a charming, dimpled face. He leads the man to the living room where you're waiting and leaves you two to your business.
"What's your name?" you ask your guest.
"Kim Namjoon," he replies, taking your hand and kissing it. "Pleasure to meet you, gorgeous."
A heartbeat. Then another.
And then you smile.
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