#<<<for filtering
torchickentacos · 3 months
Congrats to people in the Baltimore tag for getting me THIS close to breaking my 'no arguments on tumblr/no responding to stupid shit' rule, which I'm still half breaking right now. Anyways, insensitive memes and ridiculous conspiracies over a total anomaly/freak accident aside, I'm so sorry to anyone affected by the Baltimore bridge collapse, and hoping the missing people are found. Also extending sympathy to people with intense car anxiety/bridge phobias. There's tons of bridges like that in the VA/DC/MD/PA/DE/overall Chesapeake area, and I'm very sorry to those with anxiety who now have to cross those bridges daily on their commute despite recent events.
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artist-gogh · 2 months
The Sorrowful Truth
June of 2020
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cheddar-baby · 5 months
heres my advice to any followers i have who are young. Don't delete things when you think you've outgrown them or they're cringy. If you make youtube videos just private them don't delete them. Save your files, you can bury them in multiple sub-folders if you think they're cringe now but DON'T DELETE THEM! It doesn't feel like it now but years in the future you will look back fondly at who you were and wish you still had those things.
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acorviart · 2 months
not to sound like a boomer, but I need some people to learn how to write emails in a semi-professional (at the very least) format so you're not cold emailing a business/potential employer/any other stranger about formal matters in the exact same way you'd DM a close friend on instagram
the formality/language can loosen up in the email chain once you've established a rapport and you match the other person if they're being less formal, but please don't have the very first email you send a stranger be written in all lowercase ultra-casual sms slang with no greeting or signature and a billion emojis
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canonkiller · 11 months
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but you can't keep holding on like this.
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exilley · 6 months
I do sort of wish western anime fans would analyze anime and manga from a framework of japanese historical and cultural context. Specifically a lot of works from the 90s being influenced by the general aimlessness and ennui that a lot of people were experiencing due to the burst in the bubble economy and the national trauma caused by the sarin terrorist attack. I think in interacting with media that’s not local to our sociocultural/sociopolitical sphere it’s easy to forget that it’s influenced and shaped by the same kinds of factors that influence media within our own cultural dome and there ends up being this baseline misalignment of perception between the causative elements of a narrative and viewer interpretation of those elements. It’s a form of death of the author that i think, in some measure, hinders our ability to fully understand/come to terms with creator intent and the full scope of a work’s merits
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areyouscaredyet · 3 months
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im not particularly religious but i think it’s very cute that Trans Day of Visibility and Easter are on the same day this year :)
its no question that something like this could be triggering or upsetting to a number of queer ppl given the current sociopolitical climate, so i want everyone to remember that u are loved! Regardless of what u or others believe, there are ppl who will love and support you always. Give yourself patience and treat yourself with care!!!
happy and peaceful TDOV everyone!! And Easter to those who celebrate :D
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pigeonphd · 9 months
btw guys, ublock and youtube have been in an arms race for the past few weeks so circulating filter lists is pretty useless since youtube gets wise to each one in a matter of days. what you should actually do is remove all your custom filters related to youtube and then force update your filter list whenever you see the anti-adblock pop up again
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bloodanddiscoballs · 3 months
The thing about the r slur is that people who are using it again are indeed using it as a slur. This isn't a word that is being reclaimed. This is a word that is once again being used 100% as a slur. You're being a bigot if you're using it against others. Straight up. There isn't another argument to be made. Knock it tf off.
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animusrox · 3 months
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my photos of the total solar eclipse 4.08.24
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torchickentacos · 3 months
Yet another reason to wear masks: nobody can see your immature and amused smile when you're talking about blood types and genetics in bio lecture and the prof writes out, in huge block letters, ABO on the whiteboard.
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hurristuff · 1 year
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For this Disability Pride Month, I saw a post that was shittybad and it made me angry. So have this
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necroticboop · 2 months
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actual quotes from my mother, during her first watch of The Owl House
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ace-anderson · 11 months
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Check the notes for what you’re looking for
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eldritchsquared · 8 months
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