#< writing/ocs
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so-many-ocs · 24 days
revising your writing is just like "is this weird. is this a weird sentence. is this the weirdest most poorly-worded sentence ever written by anyone" and the sentence in question is "he walked across the room"
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melloncolliegalaxies · 5 months
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gingermarshmallow · 3 months
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uhhsnail · 4 months
I love a character raised to be a weapon as much as the next guy. But what really gets me is a character raised to be a shield. Who can’t fathom being needed—or even being wanted— beyond keeping others safe. Who believe they are alive only to insure someone doesn’t die. no matter the cost. Characters who self-sacrifice not because they think they deserve it, but because no one else does deserve it, and it’s their job to protect.
Characters who’ve been told that’s why your important. Your worth something because this other person/ thing is important, and you are here solely to keep them safe.
Bonus points if it’s not a legitimate job they’ve been given. Maybe at one point it was, but now that they are free from it, they haven’t given up that mentality. No one is forcing or asking them to do this, but they need to. They need to in order to be deserving.
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innerenigma · 7 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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cardentist · 6 days
people on twitter freaking the hell out because rebecca sugar drew a comic of pearl and greg having a messy situationship in the aftermath of rose dying wasn't on my 2024 bingo card if I'm being honest
even Less so because the thing they're apparently mad about is that the nonbinary alien rock was supposed to be a lesbian (as if there's anything wrong with a nonbinary alien rock being bisexual, Or that lesbian can't have a situationship with a man without still being a lesbian on the other side.)
anyways, may take on it is: you don't have to consider any of rebecca sugar's sketches "canon," because it's not actually in the source material. rebecca may have a strong influence on how the fandom sees the characters but it does Not actually change the show. so getting worked up about it in the first place is ridiculous.
That Said, it kinda works with whatever they had going on in the show if I'm being honest
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ren-is-real · 2 months
You know when
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themightyhumanbroom · 8 months
This is a friendly reminder to give your OC a firm and unmistakable L every now and then.
This is a necessary action to keep your OC healthy for the long term.
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luna-azzurra · 2 months
Soft Gestures for Comfort
Bringing them a blanket when they’re curled up on the couch.
Whispering, "It’s okay, I’m here," when they wake up from a bad dream.
Stroking their hair gently when they’re lying on your lap.
Running a warm bath for them after a tough day.
Holding them close and saying, "I’ve got you," when they’re upset.
Preparing their favorite comfort food when they’re feeling low.
Turning off their alarm and letting them sleep in when they’re exhausted.
Reading their favorite book to them before bed.
Playing their favorite soothing music to help them relax.
Just sitting in silence with them, letting them know your presence is their safe space.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 9 months
unstoppable force (desire to write) vs immovable object (tired)
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so-many-ocs · 5 months
found out apparently if you want to consume content of your own original characters and stories you usually have to make that content? fucked up if true
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illarian-rambling · 8 months
Yay, unsolicited advice time! Or, not really advice, more like miscellaneous tips and tricks, because if there's one thing eight years of martial arts has equipped me to write, it's fight scenes.
Fun things to add to a fight scene (hand to hand edition)
It's not uncommon for two people to kick at the same time and smack their shins together, or for one person to block a kick with their shin. This is called a shin lock and it HURTS like a BITCH. You can be limping for the rest of the fight if you do it hard enough.
If your character is mean and short, they can block kicks with the tip of their elbow, which hurts the other guy a lot more and them a lot less
Headbutts are a quick way to give yourself a concussion
If a character has had many concussions, they will be easier to knock out. This is called glass jaw.
Bad places to get hit that aren't the groin: solar plexus, liver, back of the head, side of the thigh (a lot of leg kicks aim for this because if it connects, your opponent will be limping)
Give your character a fighting style. It helps establish their personality and physicality. Are they a grappler? Do they prefer kicks or fighting up close? How well trained are they?
Your scalp bleeds a lot and this can get in your eyes, blinding you
If you get hit in the nose, your eyes water
Adrenaline's a hell of a drug. Most of the time, you're not going to know how badly you've been hurt until after the fact
Even with good technique, it's really easy to break toes and fingers
Blocking hurts, dodging doesn't
Just thought these might be useful! If you want a more comprehensive guide or a weapons edition, feel free to ask. If you want, write how your characters fight in the comments!
Have a bitchin day <3
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 9 months
Just opened my fic document and found this
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Thanks, past me. Incredibly helpful.
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russenoire · 2 months
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