#< (there were a sprinkle of moments with them ngl)
midnight1nk · 1 day
So, this week's episode...
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[Spoilers below cut]
I'm absolutely terrified, it's not even funny. I can't even click it. But I have to... for the LOREEEEEEEEE... okay, let's-a go....
(The following is my live reaction:)
ay the TADC plug, of course
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"Born to shit, Forced to wipe" - not smg3
wise words Three
also, the Ferris Wheel and rollercoaster thing is still there in the background (Ferris Wheel wedding, my beloved...)
I knew someone was going to bring up Meggy and her disappearance
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THANK YOU THREE for asking the right questions here
oh... not what I expected. at least the crew knows this is obviously Mr Puzzles
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OK, a LOT to digest here:
These are all the possible minigames that we might see in WOTFI. Well, at least all the attractions we could see...
a Mr Puzzles Chonk plush (in the bottom right)
a Tunnel of Love attraction... hmmmm.......
Huh, I didn't know this was by the coast of the Mushroom Kingdom. Or it could be an island/peninsula.
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The what now, Leggy?
YEP I knew that once they found out, they would want to leave
...and of course, Mario wants to stay
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Yeah, Luigi said it himself
but also, look at the Mr Puzzles cardboard cutout in the back, he's wearing Meggy's cowboy hat from Western Spaghetti
Alright, but before we go in, we gotta have a buddy system, guys
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All these critiques are going to make Mr Puzzles lose himself even more than he already is
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I think I saw someone posted about submitting a water gun game so congrats for getting in!
Leggy Plush!!
also spider-man plush... symbiote... venom... GOOP!4????
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...Once Upon A Perfect SMG4?
[*points at Four and Mario*] The sillies
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ok, but like, why is Three smiling like that while everyone else looks so disappointed?
They did the buddy system!
Bob: "Those dumbasses will see ANYTHING and get excited."
I feel seen and I don't like it.
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I don't like this either. I already know this is a trap but like noooooo
Three just standing there like a dad watching over his kid
Someone else also submitted a mini-game involving a ducky fishing game
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GOD DAYUM.... why did you have to pose like that, Three? You're not beating the allegations, huh.
Aw, Three really wanted to enjoy a carnival if Mr Puzzles wasn't involved (writers, write that down + carnival dates)
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🫵 🏳️‍🌈⁉️
oh c'mon now, it's just plainly obvious. Not that it should be surprising, everyone's part of the skittle squad (tm)
STRONG WOMEN we love to see it
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...that can't be a real thing... can it?
same Luigi same
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sorry dude, they really locked in
also what the hell is that building in the back?
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Luigi (or rather the SMG4 fandom): "See? I can handle this! I'm not afraid anymore! Do you hear me? I'm not afraid-" [*horror jumpscare*] [*scream*]
[*sobbing*] he sent one last text to warn them :( he really does care
AND HE SENT IT TO FOUR [*head in hands*]
the contact names they have for each other.... (I'm not well)
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Leggy... why did your face change like that?
Mario, please don't sacrifice yourself... oh, thank god! They really are having me panicking for the smallest things
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the mini-game challenge that I submitted:
Pop & Whirl: Everyone gets a bag of popcorn. The winner must keep all of their popped kernels in their bag, without dropping a single one... while being chased around the carnival by a collapsed Ferris Wheel (Professor Layton style)!
I DON'T CARE IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN IN WOTFI, I'LL TAKE IT. But if it does happen, I'll draw lawyer Meggy with a redesigned Ace Attorney-esque outfit (somehow)
please don't tell me the green pipe is also a trap...
...the exit door from TADC?
oh god, why does this remind me of the dark web?
and the eyes on the mushrooms... [*IGBP flashbacks*]
actually, now that I think of it, Mr Puzzles hasn't revealed himself this whole time...
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...holy shit
so was I right about us getting to see Mr Puzzles' "truest form" and the whole "Eye of Ra" thing?
are those his arms? and the circle things, it could be part of his cyborg texture but they also look like eyes.
the fog part is really interesting because they could've gone with any "spooky" color but they chose this. It's the creative vision, the one Didney had in this room.
This really reminds me of the goo from IGBP and Wren's wire simulation in Western Spaghetti, but also from this angle, a bit of Zero's "no legs" body design.
"His obsession becoming his identity" - Puzzles connected himself to the single star Didney had. You got it right, past Ink.
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also congrats to Nikej1708241 for making it to the credits 🎉
.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
That was a pretty solid episode ngl. Probably not as "plot twist-y"
(i know that's not a word) as the previous episode but my spaghetti gods, it delivered! Not Marty again, we may have to rethink this one.
Ok, I've made a list of all the attractions and mini-games there are in the carnival grounds in Puzzle Park:
Ferris Wheel
"Tender Tunnel" (Tunnel of Love attraction)
Merry-Go-Round carousel
Basketball arcade game
Hammer game
Bumper Cars
"House of Crazy" funhouse (also that fits Mr Puzzles somehow)
A spooky cart ride
Water gun game
Rocket ride
Arcade (just flat-out an arcade)
Clown Ball Game
(There's apparently a cafe???)
Ducky Pond fishing game
Pizza shop (....marty?)
It's probably not all of them, we would just have to wait and see, but if you submitted a mini-game that involves any of these, congrats, you likely got in!!!
I still very much enjoyed this episode and some of what I theorized could possibly come true. And some didn't, which is totally okay with me. I'll cherish the Ferris Wheel chase scene regardless :)
We still have to wait for a trailer or a special video in regards to WOTFI, which I will have to analyze and see what's to be expected. From the looks of it in this episode, it seems like it's up to SMG4 and Mario to rescue their friends one by one by completing the mini-games. The more people they rescue, the more help they can get to complete the games. And that includes saving Meggy at the end.
Now, personally, I don't want Mr Puzzles to die. Not yet. There is still a lot of potential that could go for him. A similar redemption arc just as Three went through. Puzzlevision 2. Goop!4. Marty. Anything could happen. Then again, he could die.
Now you might think he might not die because he has a plushie, but there's literally merch of Axol and Desti and they're dead. Puzzles isn't safe from this possibility.
Put in your final bets, my dear fellows, because nothing will ever be the same again...
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coaaster · 9 months
Cold Sheets;
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!Reader
Rating: E (18+ - minors DNI!)
Word Count: ~1560
Summary: Jason wakes up to an empty bed.
Warnings: Smut (hinted at and described in one scene), possibly OOC Jason, reader described working as a nurse, self-indulgent ngl, slight angst with a happy ending :)
A/N: I’m in love with Jason Todd, it’s actually a problem.
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Last night was probably one of the best (and hardest) moments of Jason Todd’s life.
You and Jason have been in a long standing, strictly friends-with-benefits relationship. Recently, though, there’s been more emphasis on the friends part, with the two of you occasionally going over to each other’s houses just to hang out and spend the night. After patrol last night, and upon returning to his depressingly empty apartment, Jason called you. And this time, not for a booty call. He knew you would’ve just finished a late night shift as a nurse, so you were no doubt looking to return home and sleep. But after a particularly gruelling patrol, Jason needed to know that you were alive and breathing.
The feeling in his chest when he thought about you while on patrol couldn’t be ignored anymore. Though Jason was the one to set such strict boundaries on your relationship, he couldn’t help but feel you needed to know his feelings had changed. He wanted more with you. But he wouldn’t tell you that tonight. For now, he just needed you in his arms. That thought alone was the only one keeping his guilt at bay for keeping you awake just a little longer. You answered the phone, clearly exhausted, but warm to the idea of going to Jason’s to sleep.
And, for all intents and purposes, Jason would have let you do just that. His cock was half hard already from the adrenaline rush of patrolling, but it shouldn’t have mattered. He could see how exhausted you were as you walked through the door. But as soon as he had you in his arms, his mouth on yours, he couldn’t stop himself. His tongue was in your mouth, and despite the obvious exhaustion on your face, you responded just as enthusiastically, understandably tense from another long shift.
“Need you, baby.” Jason whispers into your mouth, before fucking you every which way he could on any surface, until finally ending up in his bed.
Jason noticed the sex between you two getting noticeably softer over the months, inevitably leading up to this particular night. With your soft voice calling out his name, both your hands intertwined and your pussy seemingly extra snug this night, a confession had basically been pulled out of him. How much he needed and wanted you, how he couldn’t sleep tonight without knowing you were okay. How he wanted more. So much for waiting to tell you. Sweat dripped from Jason’s brow as he fucked into you so deep that you (hopefully) couldn’t think too hard on his words. The occasional comment on how tight and wet and perfect your pussy was for him was sprinkled in here and there, of course. But you, smart as you were, knew that this wasn’t just a sex thing, and you looked deep into his eyes and whimpered that you felt the same. That you needed him, worried about him when he was out on patrol. Your own winded confession had Jason coming on the spot. It was almost embarrassing if you didn’t look so cock-drunk because of it. You both lasted another round, Jason whispering more sweet nothings into your ear and you whimpering out in overstimulation. You both fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms.
Upon waking up, Jason’s chest warms at how last night turned out. You very easily could have rejected him, could have said that you didn’t want his feelings on top of the amazing sex. But you didn’t. Yet when he turns to look at the other side of the bed, his chest goes cold. It’s empty. The sheets are rumpled, and when he runs a hand over them, they’re cold to the touch. He checks his phone quickly to see if you’ve left a message, or the nightstand for a notepad with your writing on it. Surely you would have left a message if you had gone out. But both are empty.
Jason sighs in resignation and wonders. Maybe he did come on too strong. You probably just wanted to have some nice, stress-relieving sex after a long shift, free of feelings, and then sleep. Or maybe it was just a heat of the moment thing for you, Jason thinks. That thought hurts Jason more than he cares to admit.
Jason grumbles as he gets up, pulling on some briefs lying on his chair of yet-to-be-folded laundry. He lives alone, so the action is unnecessary, but he doesn’t feel particularly up to seeing his naked self in the mirror. Not so soon after last night, anyway.
When Jason goes to walk through his bedroom door, he hears a clattering sound coming from the kitchen. Immediately, Jason thinks there must be an intruder. What else could it possibly be?
Momentarily forgetting that his apartment has one of the best security systems in the city, Jason turns the corner, armed with a candle holder. It’s not a gun, but in the hands of a trained killer, it would do. Chose the wrong house on the wrong fucking day, buddy, Jason thinks.
But upon entering the kitchen, Jason sees��� you? You’re humming under your breath, standing over a fresh pot of coffee, dressed in… is that his shirt?! Jason can’t help the little skip in his chest at the sight of you. Well, this is infinitely better than an intruder. He was so sure you’d left, too overwhelmed with the knowledge of his feelings for you. But you’re here. He never should have doubted you.
Jason chuckles, dumping his makeshift weapon on to a side table. You jump at the sound, turning to see a very much awake Jason Todd.
“Oh! Morning, I made us some coff-“ Jason’s arms wrap around your waist, head buried into the crook of your neck. “-ee?” You wrap your arms around Jason’s shoulders, running a hand through his undercut.
“Everything okay?” you whisper lightly, listening to the sounds of Jason’s breathing. He turns his head, burying his nose into your hair instead.
Jason hums an affirmative and pulls back to look you in the eye. “Thought you left without saying goodbye this morning,” he says, half joking as if to not worry you. He lifts a hand from your waist, his fingers running over your cheek and down your jaw in the hopes of distracting you from his concern. It doesn’t work, because you know him so well. You hold his hand against your cheek, turning your head to press a kiss to his palm.
“Nah, I just needed my morning coffee.” You kiss his hand again, “Probably would’ve woken you up if I was going somewhere, anyway.” Jason hums, satisfied with your answer. You clear your throat.
“So, about last night…” Jason’s face drops. He knew this conversation was coming, but he would’ve appreciated a bit of a roll around in the sheets before it happened.
Jason returns his hands to your waist and looks you in the eye. “If it’s too much for you, we can just ignore it.” Though it hurts Jason to say, he knows it’s true. He could pretend to never have said what he did, and even abandon the whole ‘with-benefits’ part of your friendship. As long as he got to be near you, that was enough.
You raise your eyebrows in response. “Oh.” You look disappointed for a moment. “Well. I was going to say that if you really meant what you said last night, then you should probably take me out on a date, but…”
Jason’s face blanks. “Wait, what?” That was not the direction he thought this conversation was taking. His heart beats faster in anticipation.
You blink up at him. “What do you mean, what? Hang on, were you just saying that to get off or-“
“No, no, of course not, I-“ Jason breaths in slowly and then looks back at you. “Okay, yeah, you’re right.”
You’re bewildered for a moment but Jason quickly explains.
“Let me take you out on a date. A proper one.” He steps in closer, cupping your face. “I did mean everything I said last night. I want more with you. So- fuck, I’ve never done this before.”
You roll your eyes playfully, muttering a clearly under your breath, which Jason pinches you on the cheek for in jest.
Jason’s grinning now, and a smile is spreading on your face, too, “Let me take you to that Italian place you always talk about. Tonight.”
You tap your chin as if in thought, “Hmm, I don’t know, I’m pretty busy tonight…”
You gasp dramatically at his accusation, but he’s smiling, at least. Considering he knows your schedule back to front, you’re not surprised he would call you out so quickly.
You pull him closer by his thick waist, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. The tops of his cheeks turn a shade of red and you can’t help but think that, despite Jason’s large size, he was still so fucking cute.
“Yes, Jason Todd. Take me out to dinner.”
Jason looks down at your smiling face, wraps his large hands around your waist and sighs. He leans down to kiss you, without the intention of it leading to more. Because he can just do that now.
Scratch what Jason said about last night. This is the best moment of his life.
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vqlluna · 9 months
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summary: it's been years since you confessed your love to Remus, and he couldn't reciprocate it. It's been years since your days at Hogwarts ended, and you're now recouped back with your schoolmates for a holiday party. What could go wrong?
pairings: f!reader x remus lupin, angst, fluff,
a/n: ngl this is partly based on the beginning of my parent's little love story, and of course, this is based on closure by taylor swift (and basically the whole evermore album)
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      ❝ IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME, and seeing the shape of your name just spells out pain. It wasn't right the way it all went down, looks like you know that now... ❞
     You quickly ran down the stairs of your apartment, trying your best to fit the silver hoop through your ear without harming yourself. You tripped your way into your incredibly small kitchen, shuffling at the island counter, which only was filled with months-old letters, bills, and notices, trying your best to find a specific invitation.
     Mary Macdonald had been your best schoolmate during your years at Hogwarts, and despite, by now a few years, of barely speaking to her or anyone in her crowd, she'd been so kind as to invite you to a wonderfully large and fancy Christmas Party.
     And it was for this very reason as to why you stood in your most expensive dress, dug out from the back of your closet. You wiped your sweaty hands on the velvet fabric before delving back into the mountain of parchment searching for the envelope that held every single piece of information you neglected to put to memory that would get you into that party.
     You were desperate to spend your Holidays not stuck in your parent's home for once. But it was only once you accidentally stumbled into a large stack as every single piece of paper collapsed on the floor, that you realized who might actually be there. You carefully picked up small clumps, replacing them back on the counter as you eyed the very last one.
     It was quite dusty with small water stains sprinkled and it was extremely crumpled. Your jaw clenched as you picked it up and placed it at the edge of the counter. You inhaled a large breath before snapping your head in a different direction as you finally saw the invitation in your peripheral.
     You ran to your living area grabbed your purse and ran back as you gripped the envelope. As expected, you've managed to make yourself late. You waddled on over in your heels to the small entranceway and picked up your coat and wand from the coat rack.
     Maybe in a moment of weakness or a flood of memories, you looked back to the dirty crinkled piece of parchment in your kitchen. It was a big party, there would barely be any chance you'd see him, you assured yourself. And in fact even if you do, you can do you best to avoid him, you planned.
     You shook your head and stepped back towards the island. Gripping the envelope tightly you shoved it into the pocket of your coat.
     But if by any chance you ended up speaking with him tonight, you'd surely give it back, you couldn't possibly bear the weight of that note anymore, and you surely had no use for it now.
     Taking a deep sigh you adjusted the collar of your jacket, patting now your hair in the mirror before exiting your old townhome. You locked the door behind you and shoved your hands into your pockets. You squeezed the envelope inside it almost in comfort before you apparated yourself away.
     ❝ Yes, I got your letter, yes, I'm doing better. It cut deep to know ya', right to the bone... ❞
     After you found yourself apparated to an area which you knew was near your designation you crunched the snow beneath your heels as you walked, almost aimlessly, to the party. Upon seeing the large estate you felt wildly unprepared and under-dressed. Least to say it was a luxurious event.
     You stumbled up the steps, nervously searching through the vast halls, filled with fishes of people, to find a pair of, wanted, familiar eyes. You found yourself in the gigantic main room, as witches and wizards conversed among themselves, grabbing the treats and drinks off the trays of staff.
     You were stopped as one of the waiters offered you a truffle, interested in the beautiful dessert you picked it up and turned around as you shoved it in your face, only to accidentally bump into another figure. The woman you'd crashed into turned around, their bright red hair flashing your eyes. As you got a good look at the person your face fell.
     "Oh my—Merlin! y/n is that you?" she excitedly asked, disregarding your muttered apology and quickness in trying to whip back around. You cringed and turned back around on your heel giving a fake smile.
     "Lily—my Godric, hi," you breathed.
     Lily slowly parted from her current conversation to partake in one with you. "Well I haven't seen you in forever! Where are you, what do you do now?" she questioned.
     You wiped your sweaty palms once again on the fabric of your dress, "I, uhm, I live in Chudley now," you chuckled nervously "I'm an artist, a painter actually."
     The red-headed girl looked at you in such awe, and you were certainly in disbelief as to why. "Wow y/n, have you sold much? Featured in a gallery ever?" she was completely interested. It was then that you remembered that she was always like this, but it'd been so long that you'd forgotten what it was like to have someone engaged in what you had to say.
     Your smile finally picked up a bit, "Yes, actually, got my first gallery showing about a week ago, it's still up for a couple of months! But uh, regarding sales, it's enough to keep the lights on, y'know?"
     "Well I think it's absolutely lovely that you're working your dream, that's really great," Lily appreciated, "I'm assuming you're trying to find Mary, come along this way, she with the rest of them!" she waved on, but your feet were planted in the ground.
     You gulped down the last tiny bit of your truffle, you eyebrows knitted together as you stuttered, "The—the uhm, the rest of them?"
     Lily's excitement softened at your mutters, "Oh you're still—" she said slightly surprised but she cut herself off in fear of saying something offensive, "He hasn't arrived yet," she assured, then lowering her voice in a whisper, "We're not sure if he's coming, it's around that time."
     You grew a small frown, "Ah," you hummed, "He uh, well," you dug out the letter from your pocket, waving it in front of Lily as she read the senders name printed in the corner. Her lips pressed together as she nodded, giving you relief as she disregarded it and intended to act like she didn't see the letter, nor knew anything of the situation guiding you through the nets of attendees.
     You took a large breath of bravery through your nose as you slowly approached the circle of very familiar faces. You first caught Marlene Mckinnon's attention, catching you in her view her eyebrows lifted as her mouth formed a small O.
     Following her gaze, Sirius finally saw you, his eyes widened in utter shock as he absentmindedly nudged James beside him. Looking at the disturbance James' cheeks puffed up with air before exhaling it out. Dorcas, who stood at the other end beside Marlene watched the scene and you could see her mouth the word "shit," at everyone's upset.
     How were you to approach a group of old friends who now semi-hated you but yet felt incredibly sorry for you? Instead of stressing over the others, you focussed on how Mary squealed with joy upon seeing you. She slightly waddled a run in her heels over to you as she embraced you warmly. "You came!"
     You scrunched your face with a grin as you pulled back, "Of course, Mary! Needed to get out of the house anyways," you smiled, she put you at ease even while Marlene looked at you so skeptically and as James and Sirius exchanged glasses before downing the rest their glasses of champagne in their hands.
     "Well if it isn't y/n y/l," Marlene smirked, it completely confused you because while the rest of her face seemed elated to see you, her eyes seemed to almost be throwing daggers at you. The rest of the women quickly warmed up to you as you entered the conversation, though James and Sirius kept almost unnervingly quiet. Above all, you noticed the absence of Peter and him.
     Finally, the conversation began to smooth, the group being able to get quite a few good hearty laughs from you. Though the ends of your Hogwarts days were a touchy subject that everyone mindlessly agreed not to talk about, you all got caught up in reminiscing on events previous to it.
     But it soon came to a close as Peter ran up, "I've got a surprise f'you all!" he exclaimed gripping the back of James' shoulder as he squeezed himself between the pair of men before he looked across the circle to you. He opened his mouth to say something before tightly shutting it closed. 
     Behind him followed another man. He was tall, dressed his best scraggly black coat, a white undershirt, and black slacks all tied together with a matching black tie. His ruffly brown hair didn't match his attire, and neither did the deep scars that lined his face, some old but some fresh and new, but either way he was undeniably beautiful.
     He slowed to a stop in the small opening between Peter and Sirius as his half-lidded eyes and warm smile turned into repetitive blinking of disbelief and lips in awe.
    And for a moment, the rapid growing beat of your heart, as you saw his figure coming, came to a complete stop.
     And everything was deadly silent.
     ❝ Yes, I got your letter, yes, I'm doing better. I know that it's over, I don't need your closure... ❞
     The group stood still and quiet for seconds as their eyes flickered between the two of you, itching to see the reactions. The awkwardness between everything grew to a hot before Sirius shut it down, to the relief of everyone except you.
     "So who needs a drink?" he asked, and like a pounce of a tiger, everyone utters their Yups and Yes's and Count Me In's, scurrying away quickly. Mary was the last to leave, fighting with herself in her head if it was better to let you deal with it for once or keep you safe from this horror you desperately tried to stay away from.
     You dipped your head down staring at your shoes trying to avoid his eyes. It was only when he cleared his throat that you snapped ur attention back up to him. "Remus," you greeted quickly with his name, flashing a fake, uncomfortable smile.
     He grazed your figure with his eyes for a beat before he muttered your name, "y/n."
     The air felt cold and thick against your exposed skin, your necklace and dress growing tight on your skin from hearing your name from his lips again. "How are you—"
     "Cut it with the niceties Moo—Lupin," you stopped him, "You can have your letter back," you growled digging the letter back out of your pocket and shoving it in his hand, "I've gotten all of them, but this one... you need to take this one back. I don't want it," you gritted.
     "Y/n, I just. You wouldn't talk to me, I needed you to know—" Remus changed, not wanting your disacceptence.
     "So filling my mail with your stupid words would get us through to each other? You did all this to yourself."
     "I didn't know you had—Look I'm sorry but I was scared—"
     You scoffed and laughed in his face adjusting the strap of your purse on your shoulder, "I'm not doing this with you right now, here, after all this time. I'll send the rest of your letters over another day, K?" you ended turning around walking out of the grand room and through the halls.
     Remus' heart clenched in love of hearing your laugh but hated the circumstances it was under, begging for this conversation, to clear up every single miscommunication and wrong step, he followed you out. 
     You crossed by the open bar finding Mary and everyone else downing drinks. You took her hands into your own, "Thanks for inviting me Mary, truly, but I best get going now," you thanked quickly, ignoring Remus behind you with his open mouth with empty words. He only flicked his eyes to the group for a fraction of a second before landing back to you, still closely following you out as you grabbed your coat at the door and exited the mansion.
     ❝ Don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled. I'm fine with my spite, and my tears, and my beers, and my candles. I can feel you smoothing me over... ❞
     You were halfway across the large courtyard as Remus scurried down the steps, "I loved you!" he exclaimed. You froze and a sharp breath filled your lungs as you whipped around, and you let yourself fully remember what happened for once.
     It was the start of your seventh year at Hogwarts. Everyone knew something was brewing between you and Remus. The strong tension, the back-and-forth banters, subtle compliments, and executing favors with no question.
     It felt like a silent agreement between you two as the flirtations grew more obvious. Every sight of him caught you winded, and every touch had you melt to the floor, when he finally kissed you, you couldn't help but feel yourself explode with your own personal fireworks. Until he pulled away.
     Rumors that he started talking to someone new shattered you. Soon your heartbreak filled with rage, he'd lead you on only to crush you and leave you stranded. And where once, he helped you captain your ship, you soon found him drowned away as you frantically steered yourself into an iceberg. 
     Your anger so strong you couldn't even look at him, and so you left anything related to him altogether.
     Because you thought you had something, only to be made to feel like you meant nothing. Your graduation day only led to more despair as Remus sought you out once again, with the courage to confess. You shut him down and locked him out. It was the loudest and yet most silent, lonely, train ride home.
     You blinked back to the present, Remus and you still in the exact moment and positions. Your jaw clenched as his next words came out so softly, so slowly, like a whisper only you could hear across the courtyard. "I still love you."
     ❝ Yes, I got your letter, yes, I'm doing better. It cut deep to know you right to the bone. Yes, I got your letter, yes, I'm doing better. I know that it's over, I don't need your closure. Your closure, your closure, your closure...❞
     The fire in your stomach was lit again, "Don't. Moony, just don't. What was that letter? Huh?" you begged, "'I'm letting you go. I hope you're life is swell'? What was that bloody shit? Because it sure seemed to me like a let's-catch-up-like-good-old-friends type of letter! Not a I've-loved-you-after-all-these-years!" you shouted angrily stomping your way up to him.
     "You didn't even try! In any of your letters! All you do is act like it's fine or give empty apologies. So please, explain now, give me a real reason for everything, but don't give me this shit."
     He stared at you in worry as your bottom lip quivered, eyes glazed in gloss. "I was trying to stop loving you."
     You sobbed a wolfish laugh, "Bull. Shit." you said, pushing his chest away, "You knew I was interested! You knew! So don't give me that absolute fuckery because it makes no sense!" 
      "I couldn't burden you with—everything—all my...problems," he whimpered, "You needed, you need someone stable. You need someone who can give you a home and family like you wanted."
      You parted you lips at his confessions of insecurties, "Remus, I'm a full time artist, barely making it to keep my water on—" you tried explaining back to him.
      "I saw your gallery, you know! You need someone who's going to help you show off more of your talent, not hold you back! So why haven't you found someone yet? Stop sitting around hung up on me—" he rambled on, getting angier as you tried driving him away, but bits of every sentence he said added fuel to your burning fire.
     "I am not hung up on you!" you exclaimed.
     "So why are you here begging me for reasons why I didn't want to be with you? Why do you have to freeze every damn time you look at me, and for Merlin's sake, why've you kept all my letters?"
     Your face blackened while you glared into his eyes. And while your fear of confrontation was afraid of confronting what went down, it was the fear of confronting what still lingered. You still loved him. That's what you wrote in the only letter you ever wrote back, the letter you never sent.
     And maybe that's why his letters stopped coming. When he was finally ready to let go and take his risks to have you, you neglected to accept his grasp.
     ❝I know I'm just a wrinkle in your past life. Staying friends would iron it out so nice. Guilty, guilty reaching out across the sea that you put between you and me. But it's fake and it's oh so unnecessary...❞
     You didn't know why you did it, well you knew why you did it, but you didn't know what came of you. Because instead of pushing him away, you gripped tightly onto the collar of his white shirt, dragging and pulling him to you as you crashed your lips onto his. 
     And when he, very quickly, kissed you back, your hands skidded up grasping the sides of his face, his own hands pressing your back closer into him. Your lips toppled over each other fueled with passion, craning his neck down just to feel more of you. 
     You didn't mind that the chilly air froze your cheeks because when the snow came falling you knew it was for the two of you, hoping that it'd freeze you in this moment. You panted lightly through your nose as Remus finally pulled back from you, dashing his eyes all across your face trying to read you.
     "Because I don't want you to let go, Remus," you whispered your answer back, Remus shaking his head sofly and rapidly in assurance of your words, "I'm fine with your problems, I'm fine if you can't give me a family, I'm fine if you can't give me a steady life." you scrambled tripping over your own words.
     After avoiding his gaze you finally let his chases of finding your eyes catch up with you. "I don't want just a life, Rem. I wanted a life with you. You can't just try to let go of me, can't just stop loving me because you're scared of that," you scolded, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
     "You need to let yourself love someone, you've— you need to give me a chance so I can love you." you pressed. Your stomach fluttered as he gave you a soft kiss as your lips once more, and this time when he pulled back he kept his eyes on yours, not letting you look away. You didn't want to look away, you were hanging on waiting for him to say something, anything.
     "I will."
     ❝ Yes, I got your letter, yes, I'm doing better. It cut deep to know you right to the bone. Yes, I got your letter, yes, I'm doing better. I know that it's over, I don't need your closure. Closure, your closure, your closure.❞
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
Ngl imagine ERIN and baker reader like bakerdarling bakes cupcakes for everyone so erin secretly takes almost all of them so nobody could taste what they made.
[Yan Bully + Baker Reader Blurb]
"Thanks again for helping me deliver these, Erin. It was really kind of your brother to lend us his truck too."
This blows- When you texted Erin for help with your baking, he thought you were looking for an excuse to hang out with him. Get him to help around the kitchen, bond over your shared interests, maybe let him taste the frosting straight from your lips- He probably wouldn't have gotten his hopes up so high if he had taken the time to wait for your next reply where you mentioned needing assistance to deliver some cupcakes to a mutual acquaintance's house for their birthday. It was a good thing he managed to swipe his brother's car keys - at least he had the brief moment to be alone with you and that you trusted him enough to ask him for assistance.
"I'm gonna go let everyone know we're here. Help yourself while I'm gone. Made a couple extra for you to take home if you want - for your help and all."
Erin looks away as you smile as if you could hear the quicken beat of his heart at the sweet gesture. He turns his attention to the tray of cupcakes sitting on the counter. Bite sized treats of varying colors flavors. You just had to make sure there was something for everybody. Erin picks out a cupcake with pink frosting and heart shaped sprinkles - carefully peeling back the wrapper before popping the whole thing in his mouth. He licks creamy frosting from his fingers as he chews, already scouting his next target from the display. He's sampled your desserts before, but they just get better everytime. He could taste the love you put into your craft... love everyone at this party would just take for granted.
Erin glances down the hall you came as he picks up another cupcake. He unwraps and shoves it into his mouth as he looks in the opposite direction towards the door. He swipes another cupcake just to lick the frosting off the top before placing it back among the rest. He scoops the tray into his arms - powering through three more as he walks towards the backdoor. Barely stopping to breath, he nears chokes as a voice calls out.
"Hey, are those the cupcakes Y/n said they were bringing?"
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hypaalicious · 1 year
Why I think Nocturne is way better than the OG Castlevania series
Sorry, when I try to shut up about this show I be like
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so here’s my unsolicited, highly biased word vomit that will contain spoilers at the end (but those will be under a cut) so read at your own risk! Okay, leggo
It’s actually diverse.
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One thing about high fantasy is that it’s almost always Eurocentric. Even if it’s not set in Europe, the characters are gonna inexplicably have British accents because we associate that with high fantasy. We’re gonna have European style “old” clothing choices. And if everyone isn’t white, they might as well be because they’ll only throw in a couple ambiguously brown side characters and call it a day. Or if they make a main character a POC then best believe everyone around them will be white.
Nocturne, tho? Oh, you can tell it’s made with more than just a sprinkle of representation. They didn’t just make Olrox indigenous, they tied his Aztec lineage in beautifully. Annette was a slave but it’s not flattening her character because of it. Drolta came to slay but even she has her authentic background. Which leads me to my next point!
The Black characters especially are done tastefully.
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Like… don’t get me wrong. I love Isaac. He was the only reason I stayed tuned into Castlevania past season 1, LMAO! But his backstory felt like straight trauma porn cooked up by a non-Black person who wanted an excuse to see a Black man whipped for character development.
Zodwa Nyoni wrote some episodes for Nocturne and she put her FOOT in it. When it came to addressing Annette’s time as a slave, her connection to the Orisha through her bloodline… I was gobsmacked at how accurate everything was and now I know why LOL! Like, for me, it’s always gonna be hard to see slavery in fiction but I can’t say shit bad about how it was tied into everything in this show. Annette’s ancestors play such a huge part in her growth and it just warmed my heart to see a Black girl whoop some colonizer ass without it feeling hamfisted. 🥹
The token relationship is the cishet one, everyone else is gay asf
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I love that trope flipped on it’s head, ngl LMAO! I, by default, HC everyone as bi anyway but MAN was it nice to see Olrox and Mizrak speedrun enemies to lovers and a hint of Drolta’s devotion/gayness to Erzsebet.
I know the majority of my fictional character thirsting leans male but don’t get it twisted; I jump for JOY for gay shit in media 😂 The only reason I don’t thirst as hard for female characters is because I prefer my men fictional but my women real.
That being said, this series sent me into bi panic and I’d like to be manhandled in a room by Drolta and Olrox.
Nocturne’s first season plays out neater than the OG’s first season.
Like… okay. My main beef with the OG series was that after they defeated Dracula, the rest of the show felt like a meandering fanfic. Sure, there were a few badass moments, but the energy kinda faltered for me and I was bored with a lot of it. I hope they don’t do the same with Nocturne; they left off at a nice cliffhanger which builds anticipation for the next season and… idk it feels more cohesive already? They coulda speedran kicking Erzsebet’s face in like the OG trio did to Dracula but I’m so glad they left us a lil something to look forward to.
Alucard’s glow up >>>>>
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I’m chronically online but I’m so glad I went into this series blind because the way I GASPEDT when he showed up at the end
Like damn for the past fifty-leven years he was in that castle by himself going “do I wanna talk to Sypha and Trevor plushies again or do I wanna make myself even more of a bad bitch?” Then he chose the latter, went to the salon, got his hair bleached platinum along with some sew in extensions for volume, beat his face with Fenty, and said “sorry Drolta but there can be only one vampire baddie on this earth and hunny I’m TAKIN IT”
He looks more like his video game design this way too, which I love! I hate that he took out Cuntress McSlay tho 😔 Drolta I will always love you!!
Mmkay. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to start a cult to Olrox real quick. Erzsebet ain’t the only god walking the earth and I feel he just needs good marketing!
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
um. so. y'all are not going to believe this but i've had this goddamn fic finished for MONTHS but i fucking FORGOT??? IT WAS HERE??? IT'S JUST BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS BECAUSE I FORGOR I HAD THIS BASICALLY FINISHED FIC JUST WAITING TO BE EDITED AND PUBLISHED HGKLDSJFLKSD 😭
ahem. anyway. sorry for yelling lmao. onto the actual fic summary—basically, i decided to write this silly little thing about human, arospec lila trying to talk about a newly formed crush with an aroacespec will. it's very silly and fluffy and writing it made me giggle a lot, don't expect much angst here, aside from like a sprinkling of it for flavor lmao. that being said, small warning for some toxic queerplatonic partner vibes between will and lila, but the vibe is still mostly lighthearted, it's not too heavy or extreme. also, they're working on it, okay :') they're teenagers who grew up in abusive/traumatizing environments (which isn't referenced in the fic but it definitely shapes the way i characterize them), they don't exactly know how to navigate a healthy relationship yet but they're trying goddammit dskjfkdsafj
.....uh, if it's not obvious, i don't remember how i do summaries on tumblr fics ngl. there'll probably be a cleaner one when this gets posted onto ao3 in a day or two, so watch out for that if you'd prefer to read this on there :P tbh depending on how tired i am when i get home from work i might just go ahead and post it on there later today anyway oops
anyway, onto the fic now, hope y'all enjoy! :)
William's curled up on his side, his upper body in Lila's lap and her hands kneading though his hair in a way that mostly feels good, when she suddenly asks the question.
"Is it called a crush because you want to crush them?"
If this were closer to the beginning of their friendship, when he wasn't already used to weird comments like these from her, William might've sat up in shock, giving her a wide eyed expression of surprise she loves to make fun of him for. This is far from the most outrageous thing she's ever said to him at this point, however, so instead, he just furrows his brow and shifts in her lap a little, not even bothering to open his eyes.
"Lila, what on earth are you talking about...?"
She's quiet for a moment, her hands pausing in his hair. He lets out a little whine at the loss of feeling, and she huffs softly before continuing, using a little bit more of her nails than she was before.
"Let's say...like...maybe there's this person someone thinks is...pretty," she says, the words awkward and stilted in a way he's never heard from her before. "And because they're so pretty, that person keeps...fantasizing about...squeezing them. In their arms. Or under them."
"Ew," he says on instinct, his fingers moving to fiddle with the black ring around the middle finger of his left hand. "Is this hypothetical person you, Lila?"
"No, dumbass!" she says, and, well, that almost sounds convincing. "I'm just...asking. For a friend."
"But I'm your only friend?" he asks, genuinely confused. His confusion then turns to pain, however, as she pulls on his hair—apparently she found that insulting. "Ow! Lila!"
"I have friends. Mainly friends you picked out for us—" and here, she huffs, sounding put upon about his choice in companionship, as though she has no choice in whether she hangs out with them too, "—but friends nonetheless."
...okay, admittedly, he understands where the offense came from now. But still, she claims that he's her only friend enough that of course he would make that assumption, and it's kind of not fair for her to punish him for words he's repeating from her. And also, he must reiterate, ow.
"Anyway, it's for a friend," she insists, sounding a bit wounded. "God. Don't be a smartass, Will, it's not flattering on you."
"I'm not trying to be a smartass, you're just—ugh, nevermind," he grumbles, letting his eyes flutter open and sulking at a vague point in the distance. His hand drifts toward the hem of her skirt, and he plays with it absently, rubbing his fingers over the soft fabric. "Putting all that aside, well...um, sorry to your friend, but I don't think I'm the right person to ask about that. I still don't really...understand all that stuff."
"Ugh, right, I forgot you were a fucking loser."
"I'm not a loser!" he protests, but he immediately feels childish for it. He flips onto his stomach to hide his face in her lap, and is instantly rewarded with one of her hands on the nape of his neck, a warm, comforting weight. "That stuff is just...really complicated..."
"Yeah, well, that's cuz you're a loser who's bad with people, it's okay to admit it."
There's a twinge of fondness to the insult, and despite himself, he finds himself smiling a little at her tone. Still, he decides to retaliate by lightly pinching her on the calf, just under the crook of her knee.
"Ow! Will!"
She then retaliates to him by pulling on his hair again, harder this time despite only using one hand this time. He lets out a sharp cry of pain and smacks her on the knee, pulling out of her lap briefly to escape her wrath. She drops her hands once he's fully off of her and sitting up on his knees, and he scowls at her unamusedly. She scowls back at him, the two of them staring at each other for a moment with equal mild annoyance.
Then, face unchanging, Lila pats her thigh, looking even more annoyed when he doesn't immediately lay back down. "Well?"
He huffs, but obliges, flopping back in her lap, this time on his back so he can continue to scowl at her. One of her hands returns to his hair, and the other one grabs one of his hands, though it feels less like she's just trying to hold his hand and more like she's trying to restrain him from pinching her again. Which, really, is super unfair, given that he only pinched her because she was being mean to him. And she pulled his hair first. And because she always does shit like that to him, and he deserves a chance to defend himself...
...but she is petting his hair in a way he likes again, and her face has softened a little, her lips now in that tiny but genuine sort of half smile he's only seen her use on him. He smiles back at her, wobbly and crooked but just as genuine, letting out a little laugh despite how genuinely annoyed he was moments prior.
"You're the worst," he says, and though he kind of means it he also says it with all the affection in the world. "I am sorry I can't answer your question, though."
"Hey, you also suck," Lila says back, but she coos it in the same tone you'd use on a mischievous kitten. "And it's fine, honestly. It wasn't a serious question, anyway. I was just wondering."
They fall quiet for a moment, and William's eyes fall to their enjoined hands, watching as Lila idly traces his fingers with her thumb. He's struck, then, with the oddest thought—that being, the thought that he does love her, in some weird way, despite the constant bickering and occasional minor physical attacks. That no matter how hard she makes it for him, he cares about her, and he wishes she would let him do that without constantly trying to fight on him on it. That he's glad she loves him too, in her own weird way, because he knows she does but he rarely gets to hear her say it out loud.
Not that he could ever say all that to her, of course. She'd probably just make fun of him.
Instead, he says, "If it is you with the crush...you know I'd be here to listen if you wanted to talk about it, right?"
He's fully prepared to let the conversation end there, but she surprises him by letting out a sigh and saying, "I don't even know if it is a crush."
He raises his eyebrows at that, trying not to get too excited at the information he was just given. She'd hate it if he said it out loud, but she's really easy to scare away on these rare moments where she's being open or vulnerable. "What do you mean?" he asks, trying not to let his voice soften too much.
She groans loudly at that, but she hasn't stopped talking, which, score. "I dunno, William, like...the crush question was kind of a joke? But it also kind of wasn't?"
She groans louder, loud enough to startle him a little. She must feel him jump, because she gives his forehead a light pat before entangling her fingers back in his curls, the hair petting having mostly stopped now. "When I think about this person...I want to hold them as tight as possible and not let go. And squeeze their hand and just...hold it. And..." She grimaces, like it pains her to admit it. "And kiss them, maybe. On their stupid fucking face. Among...other things that I suppose I will graciously spare you."
She taps his ring as she says that, making him giggle. "Thank you. I appreciate that," he says, smiling broadly up at her for a moment, before his face falls back into an inquisitive frown. "Uh, but, Lila? I'm no expert, but that...kind of sounds like a crush? I think?"
Lila chews on her lip for a moment, as if considering what she's going to say next. When she finally speaks, William feels his heart cease to beat in his chest.
"I know, but like...a lot of that is stuff I want to do with you."
William feels his face grow hot, and he stammers, ice cold panic rushing through his veins. Yeah, he loves Lila, but it's not—it's not like that, he's not comfortable with—she knows he's not—
"Not the—not the sex stuff!" Lila says suddenly, giving him a harsh shake. "I didn't say I wanted to do all of that with you, take a fucking breath, Will!"
Oh, he did stop breathing for a second there, didn't he? He inhales deeply as she told him to, letting her lightly push him upright into a sitting position on the bed. He twists around a bit so the two of them are side by side, and she immediately tugs him closer until his head is on her shoulder, awkwardly patting his back in a way he thinks she thinks is comforting. It's a little much, honestly, given that his moment of panic really was just a moment—it was instant relief hearing that she wasn't into him in that way, and it was kind of silly for his brain to jump to that conclusion in the first place anyway since he mostly knows where they'd drawn the lines in their relationship, even if they've never properly talked about it—but he likes these rare occasions where she attempts to fuss over him, so he's not going to protest it. It's kind of sweet, really, even if it's obvious that she has no idea how to comfort another human being.
"Ugh," she says, sounding more embarrassed than exasperated. "Ugh, I said that in the stupidest way, sorry." Then, after a pause, she adds, "I mean...it's all just stupid, anyway."
"Aww, no it's not," William says gently, very comfortable in his place nestled against her side. "I guess I get what you mean though. I know I don't have a crush on you, but I like cuddling you and stuff. I'd also feel weird if I suddenly felt the same thing toward someone else but with...other stuff too."
"Yeah," Lila says, sounding mopey. Probably because she's moping, if he had to guess. "It's not just that, either, wanting to touch this person the way I touch you also feels...different. Different in a way that's hard to pin down." She grabs his hand, having lost it in the shuffle of him sitting up, and once again starts tracing his fingers, running her thumb from the back of his hand, over his knuckles, down to his fingernails. "Like when I do this, it's nice, but I don't do it and think about you as my boyfriend. That'd be disgusting."
William barks out a laugh at that. Technically, it could be an insult toward him, but... "I understand what you're getting at, yeah. I want to be close to you, but you're not, like, my girlfriend or anything, and I wouldn't really want you to be. You're just my friend, but, like...a friend I want to cuddle sometimes."
"Stop saying that we cuddle," Lila scoffs, but the usual harshness of her tone is still rather muted. "But...yeah. Exactly. It's different, and it's weird."
William hums sympathetically, giving her arm a light pat. "Yeah," he says quietly. "That does sound weird." Then, after a pause, "I'm sorry. I wish I could help you more."
Lila huffs, letting her cheek rest against his head. "I wish you could help me more too," she bemoans, interlocking their fingers and giving his hand a light squeeze. "But, whatever. Just talking about it was nice, so you're not completely useless..."
Once again, William just chuckles at that. He can hear the unsaid Thank you in her voice, and he appreciates it, even if he does wish she would just be straightforwardly nice to him sometimes. Hell, not even just to him, oftentimes he wishes she would be nice in general.
But...she's working on it. He thinks. There's been a notable difference in the way she speaks to Martha, Ellie, and Regina, anyway. She's still on guard around Jim and Mike, and god, he doesn't really know what her deal with Tanya is, but she's friendlier with those three, at least. And...she's been more gentle with him, too. At the very least there's been less pinching.
He's proud of her. Which is another thing he can't tell her if he doesn't want her to laugh in his face, but, hey. Maybe one of these days.
"...you wanna lay down now?"
Her question pulls him out of his introspection, and William hums in assent, finally pulling his head off of her shoulder. "Are we gonna take a nap now?" he asks, rubbing at his face absently. "I got pretty close to falling asleep before, well, you know."
She sniffs, pulling her legs up on the bed and stretching out behind him, her arms and legs reaching each end of the mattress before she rolls back onto her side and brings them back in again. "I mean, you can sleep if you want. I don't know if I will."
"You're not at all tired?" he asks, curling up on his side next to her. They're face to face, now, and he can see the exhaustion in her face, as well as the slight flush left over from their conversation.
"Not really," she sniffs. "I mean, I don't think I am enough to fall asleep. I just want to rest my eyes a little."
"Oh, okay," he says, scooting a little closer to her. "I might fall asleep. You didn't want to talk more, did you?"
Lila shakes her head rather than verbally answer, and William smiles to himself. She's probably going to fall asleep too, judging by the way she's gotten quieter, but even if she doesn't, he knows she'll let him sleep if he needs to. Unless something important happens. Or if she gets too bored, which is something important in Lila's eyes.
She kind of is the worst, but luckily for her, he kind of does love her.
He lets his eyes fall closed then, pressing further into her warmth until he's tucked up under her chin. She doesn't fight him on it, instead wrapping a loose arm over him, and he knows he's very close to drifting off when he hears her ask one last thing.
"You're really not going to ask who my hypothetical crush is on, are you?"
It's an interesting remark—it almost sounds like she's disappointed. Still, it's not interesting enough for him to open his eyes. "I kinda figured I wouldn't be able to get it out of you," he mumbles, his voice muffled by her collarbone. "Why?"
"...I dunno. I just thought you would ask," she says, starting to sound close to sleep herself.
"Did you want me too?"
"No." She says it too quickly. And then amends, "Maybe..."
He laughs sleepily, resting one curled up hand on the small of her waist, wanting to be closer, trying to absorb the warmth she's emanating—she's always run weirdly warm, while he runs weirdly cold. He tries not too think too hard about the way that makes them fit so well together. "Tell you what. When I wake up, I'll pester you about it as much as you want me to. Is that okay?"
"I didn't want you to pester me," she protests, scowl audible in her voice. "Just ask."
He laughs again, suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of contentment. "'m gonna pester you so hard," he mumbles, picturing the dirty look he knows she's giving him despite his still closed eyes. "'m not gonna leave you alone until you give me answers. S'only fair."
"How's that fair?"
"I mean...you pester me when I try to keep secrets from you."
"I don't..." Lila protests, but she sounds amusingly unsure. "Besides, since when did you try to keep secrets from me anyway...?"
"Mm. I stopped tryin' cuz you'd always get them outta me."
"Well, that just sounds like your fault."
"...maybe you've got me there," he mumbles, chuckling softly. "I jus' think it's my turn to needle somethin' out of you this time, mmkay?"
"Yeah, well, good luck with that," Lila grumbles, making him giggle more.
The two of them then lapse into a comfortable silence, aside from their quiet breathing. William is just about asleep when he feels more than hears Lila murmur something against his hair.
"Love you, Will. No matter what happens."
He smiles widely at that. She must think he's asleep—rarely does she say that she loves him without him saying it first. Even then, he usually receives it with a (nonetheless fond) eye roll, so hearing it now sounding so genuine is a nice treat.
"Love you too, Lila," he mumbles back, his voice slurred from exhaustion. "Love you so so much."
Given the way she tenses, he was probably right in thinking that she thought he was asleep. Still, she doesn't respond with a protest or a quip like she normally does, whether because of her tiredness, or maybe she just wanted to let a nice moment linger for once. Either way, he'll count that as a win.
It doesn't take him long to drift off after that, the smile not leaving his face even as he sleeps.
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signanothername · 1 year
Buckle your seatbelt
Fic list Part 1:
Rescue Bots Oneshots: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39628227/chapters/99202857
4 mostly Heatwave focused short stories. They read like webisodes, very fun, very in character in my opinion. (One if my faves!)
It's What Heroes Do: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46934869/chapters/118231261
It’s Heatwave and Kade centric, Angsty, and unfinished but Oh so good 😭
Night-Time Treats: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45774670
Very short and fun story about Blades and Boulder getting into nighttime mischief, and Kade, literally, paying for it.
Figgy Puddin' Is Not a Repellent: https://archiveofourown.org/works/642099#main
Christmas special! It’s a bit of an old one, and the characters can come off as slightly flanderized, but still fun.
Tricks: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23099389#main
Baldes and Chase short story!!!
Control Freak Out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4292823#main
Alternate ending to the episode: Spellbound is an interesting yet sad exploration of the Bot’s perspective. I personally love it when the writing feels like straight out of the show, so this one is another fav!
The Thinker, The Feeler: https://archiveofourown.org/series/479644
A collection of multiple stories focused on the friendship between Heatwave and Chase. Very heartfelt, they make me soft.
Build a New Tomorrow: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5756380
Heatwave and Cody have a nice moment (M/M is tagged, but the interaction is completely platonic)
Truth or Dare??: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5732581
The Bots are bored, hijinks ensue!
Rescue Bots Extreme Shred: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4755017/chapters/10871285
8 short stories that play with a lot of fun concepts. They’re great, I love them.
Time to ramble >:)
-RB oneshots:
really nice for a quick read, I especially love chapter 2 and 3 they were super nice
I now need more Dad OP for HW and more Hightide and Quickshadow snarky duo ycvuhvvh
-it’s what heros do:
Ok wow it’s not like I needed my heart hchcchhcjv
-Night time treats: CANON
I LOVE this one, we need more bots causing chaos
-figgy puddin' is not a repellent:
This was really nice to read, gotta love silly fluffy fics with some chaos sprinkled in
You gotta know how much i adore siblings Chase and Blades so this story has a special place in my heart, they feel super in character too <333
-control freak out:
And it does genuinely feels like I’m just reading an alternative script for the show, the writer did amazing with keeping them in character while writing a completely different circumstance
-the thinker, the feeler:
This story’s dark turn with the headcanon of why Chase’s who he is??? BEAUTIFUL
Ngl my favorite so far hcchhchc
-build a new tomorrow:
Awww this one’s really fluffy i love it <333
-truth or dare??:
Ok this one made me laugh, i love how chaotic these bots can be when bored chhcch
-rescue bots extreme shred:
Loved all of these oneshots! I especially love chapter 5 and 6! They’re my favorite
Chapter 2 made me realize I need more Chase and Frankie duo jvvvvjjv
Also damn Chase really was out to get Kade in chapter 3 huh, and while it feels a tiny bit out of character, the interaction itself was spot on, with Chase not raising his voice and instead have that cold kinda rage, love it
All these were amazing thank you for recommending them <333
Imma read through the second list then reply to that ask too asap >:)
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siren-serenity · 1 year
Hi uhm hi!! I want to quickly say your writing is amazing.its serotin producing. And let me request something for the battle of the resturants stuff with my silly little guy yuuku parfait and ace trappola 😘
Yuuku is a very introverted person who absolutely loves desserts and stuff. They cant work as the cashier because they stutter. A LOT. Like bro cant hold a conversation with strangers. They act cold and mysterious and serious all for the sake of people not wanting to interact with them but is actually. A SWEETHEART. They have a lil' silly crush on Ace and almost everyone but Ace himself know
Thats all! I need to ramble abt them for a bit! Remember to take breaks, drink water and stay safe!!
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ oooh an ace fan!! ngl not a lot of people ask for ace hehe (but then again he IS a bit of a menace but he got bonus points from me during his moment in the spectral soiree) lol. i hope i did yuuta's personality justice??? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE CONCERN
↳ *𝘛𝘈𝘎𝘚!* ༉‧₊˚✧
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Taglist: @krenenbaker, @moonlitnyx, @azulashengrottospiano. @eynnwwyjth, @parad-ice-lostandfound, @officialdaydreamer00, @leonistic, @plutosring, @starsilluminateourgalaxy, @aceofsweets, @rav--en, @dowdos, @deathkat657, @escha-evenstar, @toffeeeez, @dearest-siblingtwst, @biromanticboba, @savanaclaw1996, @candlewitch-cryptic, @lowenergyallday
please reblog or dm if you wish to be tagged!!
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Yuuku's hands shook slightly as they did their best to swirl the frosting correctly around the cupcakes. Siren did her best to teach them the art but really, it was more of a feeling you had to get right.
...It didn't help when they could feel Ace Trappola's scrutinizing yet curious stare on them from miles away.
"Yah," He pointed to one of the cupcakes. "Why did you use purple instead of green for this cupcake frosting?"
Yuuku gave him a cool shrug. "I wanted a mermaid kind-of theme. Purple complemented blue better than green. What, you don't like it?"
'Idiot!' He scolded himself internally. 'You just had to act cool and tsundere, don't you??'
"Jeez Yuuku," Ace huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "It's just a question."
Without a single pause, Yuuku retorted with a quick "What do you want?"
"I'll grab a chocolate milkshake and one cherry pie to go."
He just stared at Ace.
"Recite your order to Melody," Yuuku pointed to the red-and-blue-eyed girl, who was busy with Cater's order. "She's the cashier, not me."
"Nah," Ace leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I want you to do it. Not her."
Holy Seven- Yuuku could feel his heart pounding like a blastcycle. Out of everything he could have been feeling flustered by, it just had to be Ace's snarky words.
"S-Sure," Yuuku cursed himself internally for stuttering but Ace's little head tilt and grin made up for it...slightly.
The purple-and-black-haired girl gave him a hum in response, fiddling with the zipper of her purple hoodie. "Whatcha want, Yuuku dear?"
"He's just going to input my order," Ace cut in, shooing Melody away. In response, Melody looked left and right before giving him a middle finger.
"Sevens- just say so. No need to be so rude," She huffed before giving Yuuku a look filled with pity. As if to say "this guy? really?"
Yuuku only shrugged as he slid in, yet he could feel the tips of his ears burn. "Would you mind reciting your order?"
"A chocolate milkshake and one cherry pie to go."
He nodded before scurrying away. He could still hear Ace's chuckle and once again, his cheeks felt as if they were burning.
"He's so cute..." Yuuku heard Ace murmur quietly and he combusted into flames. He can die peacefully now - RIP YUUKU PARFAIT
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commiecricket · 1 year
Candela Obscura S2 - Thoughts So Far
i had the pleasure of seeing the premiere in theatres and it was PHENOMENAL. im gonna get right into it.
first off! you don’t necessarily have to watch the first season. i think you’ll have a bit of a better grasp on things and it’s also just fucking fantastic so i highly recommend. but no, you don’t have to in order to enjoy this campaign.
everyone embodies their characters so well. you can absolutely feel the love and detail put into them. you can feel them getting into their roles as the episode goes on and by the end, you’re completely attached.
it definitely starts off a lot quicker than season 1. we get right into the good stuff with a cold open directly to action. it starts off strong and ends with a bang.
HELL of a first episode, i’ll tell you that.
the vibe is definitely different from matthew mercer’s campaign. spenser has a unique GM style that took a minute to get used to. threwe off a bit at first, but i think it fits the narrative so far.
i pulled together an auggie cosplay just for the hell of it. did some makeup inspired by s1e3 and got dolled up in my best paperboy attire.
unfortunately i was literally the only one dressed up (+ my sibling in just general dark academia clothing). i also had to walk around a very busy store beforehand. so that was a bit awkward but honestly, i was so excited i didn’t care.
all in all, it was incredible. if you enjoyed the first season or are into any kind of body horror or thrillers, give it a try.
and now.. for the details.
SPOILERS under the cut!
i cant wait to see more of their backstories. im super happy with the amount of backstory we got this episode. not too much or too little. just enough to be intriguing and get you invested, while still leaving some mystery.
starting the episode into immediate action was a bit off putting, ngl. i was startled by the pretty significant difference in how spenser is GMs in contrast to matt. i adore his play style but it took a second to get used to. as the episode progressed i could tell it was working really well for this campaign, which is pleasing.
im immediately drawn to sean and marion. i loved auggie and have a fixation on newsies so i obviously have a specific character type i enjoy LMAO. their personalities and interactions with everyone are fantastic.
the PTSD-flashback-type scenes were a great addition imo. it added a lot to their characters. plus that interaction when marion gets his scar? 100/10, gorgeous, tore me apart. i will be watching that scene again when it gets posted and that is a threat.
marion’s breakdown shattered my heart and the other party members had such interesting reactions. im hoping we have more moments like that sprinkled throughout.
of course i love everyone so far. auntie b’s complex history with each party member, nathaniel’s bits of family history, jean’s struggle beginning to shine through, sean’s internal battle with trauma / vague history, marion’s conflict with his own abilities… its all so good.
needless to say i think we’re going to be fed well this season.
my sibling was crying during a few parts but i only really teared up when jean said goodbye to her dad. i knew it was coming but damn it still tugged at my heartstrings.
that entire last scene was just so. GOOD. the entire theatre was losing their fucking minds. you could hear whispering, gasping, nervous giggling. jean’s gilded 6 was wild.
my favorite part of the night was probably when jean was investigating the body and pulled an eye from his heart. as spenser revealed what she found, a loud cough/hacking sound came from the back of the theatre.
you could tell it was probably just a coincidence but after a few seconds of silence people started to laugh. it was just a silly moment that made me really appreciate the atmosphere. as someone who rarely watches films in theatre (or at all tbh), it was a pleasant experience.
anyway i fucking LOVE co and have not stopped thinking about it since the last season ended. so i am very obviously hyped. cant wait to see whats next!
spenser sparke, taliesin jaffe, chris lockey, shaun ellis, matthew mercer, the party members of both seasons, and everyone else who has had a hand in this series — thank you. youve created something viscerally beautiful.
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bloomskullberry · 1 year
Ok you know what i just gotta write out my feelings on the new Miraculous movie. I have both good and bad things to say. I will be rewatching it cause i was pretty biased (we'll get to that) and maybe reposting this with my new thoughts afterwards cause this is a lot.
THUS: READ MORE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION and understand that most of this is based on personal perception, preferences, and an element of nostalgia/frustration (ive been watching this show since season one, would not have made it this far if I didnt have FEELINGS about Miraculous). but take everything with a sprinkle of salt.
1. Pacing felt like the biggest issue. A lot of stuff was happening, and a lot of big moments were happening, but there was nothing inbetween that made them feel like they flowed into eachother, and a lot of the character/relationship "development" relied on the viewers previous knowledge of the show, even tho its pretty clear the movie was doing stuff very differently in terms of characters and relationships. Do i understand this is a 1hr 40min movie trying to encapsulate the slowburn romance and 5 seasons worth of content in a way that caters to the fans of said 5 seasons? Yes, its a huge ask for what is essentially 5 episodes (average 20 mins long). Especially with the amount of exposition the concept of Miraculous requires. Is it still disappointing, considering the movie left out information because of its audience and still rushed through important stuff to just get to the "juicy" moments? Yeah
2. Visuals were lovely, as was the music and specific moments. Honestly if the pacing wasnt such an issue and everything was developed more, the Ladybug and Ladynoir songs (maybe even the Hawkmoth one too) would be really enjoyable as a way to progress stuff and show development. Im also a sucker for dramatic visuals during musical numbers to help emphasize the feelings/emotions of the characters, and it really showcases the potential benefits the animation could add to the show as a medium
3. I actually really liked movie!Marinette (partly cause she wasnt a stalker and creep about her crush on Adrien) qnd because she had a much more sarcastic and bantering attitude, even outside of the costume, which made Ladybug an alter ego more than a complete other person (which is a slight issue ive had with the show). The scene of her growing into her civilian persona and becomign more confident actually made me really happy, especially her standing up to Chloe
4. Movie!Chat Noir kinda pissed me off ngl, and felt very disconnected from movie!Adrien (or at least how he was shown). People have said movie!Adrien is much more depressed/isolated and acts appropriately as to his home life (and dont get me wrong, i loved his scene where he stood up to Gabriel), but i think thats why his relationship with Ladybug and complete 180 as Chat Noir feels so off to me? Like his almost "meanness" with Ladybug at first from being super cocky and then doesnt even apologize for his treatment of her even after he falls for her just throws me off (tbf ive always been biased against the "cocky assholes falling for people who put them in their place" trope, so this might just be a me thing). Idk, it just doesnt sit right with me
4b. Anyone else notice Adrien didnt even get chosen for being kind? Plagg just appeared in his bedroom? Like Marinette almost got ran over from saving Master Fu and then Adrien is just like Yo A Cool Ring. Idk, its funny but that felt weird to me
5. The stupid freaking montage. Yall cannot even imagine how much I hate the montage. If they had replaced the montage with one scene and maybe cut down the magician and mime fight to add another scene in to focus on marinette + adrien friendship and then adrien personal life development or chat noir + ladybug bonding/respect for EACH OTHER i think it would have elevated the movie to new heights. The montage essentially was the movie pressing fast forward x3 on any development of characters. Its because of montages like these that make me appreciate filler or fun episodes in any show, because when you just stick a montage in then you feel like youre watching coworkers kiss when the movie is trying to convince you theyre starcrossed ride or die lovers. Made me feel like i watched the origins episode and then the season 5 finale with just the stormy weather 2 episode inbetween. Hate it.
6. Movie!Tikki has personality and movie!Plagg is a fart machine. I think its clear theres a favorite. Feels like it reflects the focus on Marinette and lack thereof on Adrien as a character present in both the show and the movie. Hardly a new observation, just food for thought.
7. ¿¿¿¿¿¿movie!Hawkmoth/Gabriel???? That basically sums up how I feel about him but to explain theres just very little done with him i feel. Plus it seems like all his Hawkmothing around actually takes a toll on his wellbeing, which is really cool and interesting, but it just comes out of nowhere afTER THE STUPID MONTAGE. Like id love to see the kind of degradation of his health, mental physical and emotional, as he works to revive Emilie, cause you cant tell me thay wouldnt make stuff a lot more interesting (i know he got catacylsmed but the show just treated it as an outfit change and checking his arm like a clock until the season finale, so it doesnt really count for me), but mans just shows up looking like a wreck and fights with Adrien
7b. Also i was pretty confused about how him breaking/rejecting his akuma at the end of the movie worked, and him just having all the powers ever while akumatized?? But that's just me being picky at a superhero show where magic animal jewelry exists
8. Movie!Chloe and movie!Sabrina felt more real in a way? Like Chloe was just stuck up and self centered, not actively making everyones life hell, and Sabrina didnt just blindly follow her along (i ADORED when she let Marinette escape and when she shrugged at her during the ball, you go girl you have that personality and self-consciousness the show never allowed you to have until the last moment), it was more a reluctant follower ignoring a friend's red flags ya know? Movie!Chloe wasnt the mayors daughter who had control over every adult in Paris and would literally become a dictator if elected. She was just freaking out at Marinette for "ruining" her sweater. Shes still a bully/mean kid, but shes dialed back, which i think makes her much better.
9. Alya and Nino were just kind of chilling, i dont have any feelings about their characters except how terrible Nino is at advice, and Alya was set up as a good friend throughout the movie, so i appreciate her supportiveness of Marinette. Tom and Sabine were set up to do more/be more important in the movie (I was so sure Tom was gonna be akumatized at the fair, but nope), but were kind of dropped halfway? Like Tom was set up as the overprotective and loving kinda helicopter father who would go all the way to the fair in disguise to watch over Marinette, and then he was just never mentioned again after Marinette felt embarrassed by him at said fair. Wasted opportunity and time for a movie with so much issue in pacing
10. I saw buggachat say this movie felt like an animated fanfiction of MLB and I have to say i completely agree. I dont mean that in a bad way, i love fanfiction with all my heart and you can clearly see that the movie and a lot of fanfiction fixes the issues many fans have with the show. But the thing is, this is a full movie, not a collection of one-shot specific scene rewrites. Thus, for it to be successful in "rewriting" or creating an alternate version of MLB, it has to include those in-between moments, not just the juicy identity reveal, or the "my heart belongs to another " moment, or even the "Gabriel actually cares about his son" moment. Is the movie good at those moments? Goodness yes. It definitely has its humor, its enjoyment that you can tell is a gift to the fans. But as a movie, a whole animated film, it disappoints.
10b. I mean for goodness sake they didnt even mention that Catacylsm was a thing until it was used, and Lucky Charm wasnt utilzed at all, just the fixing power (that might just be a genuine change they made so Ladybug wasnt too unbalanced with Chat Noir tho)
OK IM DONE, phew. Those are my major thoughts from the day after watching the movie, and im going to watch it again more carefully later. Ill not to be so personally biased and to just enjoy it. Who knows, maybe ill think differently afterwards.
Definitely gonna listen to the songs again, and definitely gonna burst out laughing at Careless Whisper tho
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joe-moi · 6 months
It seems like a major difference to my perspective in the two groups is JQ fandom (not all but the ones making the bad rap) SEEKS OUT conflict and it's exhausting and toxic and ruins it. Comments come out to stir it up - sometimes in places where it's not even relevant just because there was a small opening or sometimes legitimately out of left field. Then get mad when others bring up valid talking points and hang on to things and never let them go. JK girlies sure can be a lil unhinged but buy in large talk about what's going on at the moment and don't go seeking out and inserting triggering comments to stir the pot.
Coming here and bringing up CSW and how we talk about her often...yeah. she posts and likes to get papped, we see her in media, she has projects and valid things to talk about because she's also a public figure. Some people here like her some don't. It's no different than Paul getting roped in on this blog from a tangent conversation and now he gets sprinkled in! We've analyzed that relationship because that's fun and ...also gossip but it was/is (I don't even know anymore) totally in the table to discuss. Christ...that's 100% what CSW wanted with those pics.
But we aren't coming back here every week to discuss those October pap pics and her headscarf every time we get a whiff of her name (ok we bring up the ass grab but only when applicable or in fun). We're literally talking about CURRENT CSW and talked about the breadcrumbs she both with JK and personally was sharing with media. That is SO DIFFERENT than absolutely anything that has gone on with JQ. Like...it's apples and oranges guys. And I still see A and K shit getting posted on other blogs. Like....dead horse being beaten, right? It's just not HERE because the mods have boundaries.
And I'm not saying every JK fan is reasonable (they're not. Im sure we all can think of some accounts or twts or whatever that make us absolutely cringe) and I'm not saying every JQ fan is out of pocket at all, but someone or a blog deciding to distance themselves from that kind of behavior is perfectly freaking okay, because they're allowed to have a boundary.
also ngl, and this isn’t meant to be mean to anybody that’s not in the JK fandom, but the JK fans are much funnier. I still think about some of the conversations we’ve had in here and they put me in stitches from laughing. And even on Twitter JK accounts are funnier than the JQ account. I personally like interacting with them more because I think that they’re funny and I like laughing. Whenever JQ gets brought up, which is like happening now, it’s kind of exhausting. It’s never lighthearted.
But I agree with everything you’ve said, and I love your reaction to this!
And you’re absolutely right there are a couple of JK accounts that I find incredibly cringe and weird, and I tried to avoid them. For example, I have them blocked. For the JQ fans I have so many accounts that I considered problematic blocked that sometimes it’s hard to even see anything happening in that fandom . There were so many that needed to be blocked. But both fandoms do have problematic people.
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serenpedac · 1 year
I'm very 👀👀 about these WIP titles of yours!
Caoimhe Yael - do both characters exist in the same world? Do they get on when they first meet or is their relationship take time to develop?
Dreams & Fangs - that sounds either incredibly fluffy or soul destroying XD Can you say a little more about it?
I am in love with you - I know you said something before about the conversation between Yael and Nate at the end of B3, do you have anything planned out for the lead up to the breakup?
Thank you for the questions!! They were fun to answer!
Caoimhe Yael - Thank you so much for asking about this one ^^ So, they don't really exist in the same world, as my wife's TTRPG campaign is not set in the Wayhaven universe, but it is a monster hunters, "real" world setting, so I just decided they do live in the same world.
They don't clash at the start, but Caoimhe, who is a powerful supernatural (she's a baobhan sith), is a bit doubtful at having to team up with a regular human. Yael, on her part, needs some time to feel comfortable working with someone she barely knows. This means that Caoimhe tries to make Yael stay out of the action, and Yael's impulse is to go along. Of course, the mission will force them to learn to trust each other and themselves more.
Dreams & Fangs - haha, it's neither fluffy nor soul destroying (I hope). It's Yael dreaming about Nate biting her in the, ehm, heat of the moment. Nate, who thinks she's having a nightmare because of how restless she is, wakes her up. Only to then realise why she was this restless. I've yet to decide whether I want to sprinkle in some angst then, or if it will just be self-indulgent smut.
I am in love with you - This ficlet touches on some of the issues that will lead to Nate initiating that conversation at the end of B3, as well as on Yael's state of mind. Other than that, I'm planning for some brief flashbacks that come up during the time that they are split up, to try to explain their reasoning, but there won't be any major non-canon events that cause it. (ngl, I'm kind of anxious about writing Nate's part, but have been talking with some wonderful people about it, which has helped <3)
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endings are bittersweet (for you and me)
ngl its 11:00pm on saturday but i did want to make something for keefitz week considering the brain rot sorting through taylor swift's albums threw me into, but i was super busy so i just finished right now. i think this loosely follows the prompts for days 2 and 3. thank you @when-wax-wings-melt and @skylilac for hosting this!! its such a fun idea!
heavily taylor swift inspired fic under the cut!! (songs in the tags)
Hindsight is the clearest rearview mirror, and it’s in hindsight that Keefe should’ve known there was a flaw in his plans for the day. Afterall, Fitz being open to hearing him out wasn’t entirely in his cards.
Maybe when they were younger, before he’d ran way (twice), it would’ve been. But now, Fitz seems to have less to say and more scores to settle. Keefe guesses that's fair. He's not beyond owning up to what he did.
Yet he doesn't entirely expect Fitz to simply nod hello and cut to the chase of whatever he wanted to say. Although, Keefe had probably relinquished the luxury of speaking first when he tore Fitz’s heart in two and walked away. 
At least, he assumes that’s what he did. And it was, if Fitz had actually cared. But maybe Keefe miscalculated that as well.
“You know, I was thinking…” Well that was wonderful, Keefe had been thinking too, over and over again, over the words they’d said and if they’d meant anything at all and if it was fair to ask for it all again- “And I want my bramble jersey back.”
Keefe blinks. “What?”
“You took it like, years ago? Remember the one?” Fitz prompts, accent crisp and unforgiving.
The bramble jersey. The one he forgot he still owned- no, the one he’d forgotten he’d stolen from Fitz’s closet ages ago, before they drifted apart, before everything got complicated, before Sophie even. Though some of those things were related.
“Do you seriously want it back?” he asks underneath his breath, lowering his head towards the ground so Fitz wouldn’t see the water beginning to gather in the corner of his eyes, as if he didn’t already know it was one of his nervous tells. Why was it so tough for him to imagine? Whatever this was between them fell apart ages ago. So why did returning the jersey feeling like sealing their tragic fate?
They’d always known they were bound to burn in the end.
“If you still have it,” Fitz confirms, digging his heel into the ground. Keefe can't tell what his face looks like, but if he had to guess, he’d imagine a perfect ‘gosh, I’m sorry’ grimace that doesn't look half as mean as it should on someone. Fitz is better than everyone else, anyways.
Keefe used to be able to contest to that. Keefe used to know the taller like the back of his hand; understand him better than he understood himself. Keefe knew Fitz, and even if he doesn't anymore, he knows what this must be to him. A last little loose end to wrap up so they can leave this decaying chapter of their lives in the past and move on. Be mature and embrace new beginnings. Ones that might last. But Keefe just feels like a weed being plucked.
He probably is a weed, infecting the perfect garden of Fitz’s life since the moment he’d taken his hand that day when they were kids. So if it's better to leave, if it's better to move on, why is it so hard? Why can't he let them die?
"I'll try to find it," Keefe mumbles beneath his breath.
Fitz shrugs, "Thanks," and then it's over and he's light leaping away like he didn't tear Keefe's plans to rekindle their relationship down the middle and leave him in sprinkles from the sky, slowly gaining weight. Only fitting, considering Keefe left first, and the weather was worse.
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Raindrops the size of bullets pierced Fitz's skin, drenching his hair and tunic and blurring his vision as he tried to find the right lock to click open the way Keefe had described to him years ago. A useless piece of information, considering he'd never intentionally brought Fitz to his home, but the request of "Tell me something I don't know about you," had arisen under lazy pink skies and that was the only thing the blonde could think of. They'd already known everything there was to know about the other at age twelve.
The door creaked and Fitz pushed it out of the way, fumbling into the foyer as his clothes dripped water onto the mat. He only rubbed his boots against it for moment before leading himself up to Keefe's bedroom.
If Lord Cassius was home at the moment, he didn't run into Fitz as he made his way through the halls. He wouldn't have much to say if he did, although his reason for the impromptu visit was innocent enough. Cassius probably wouldn't believe it.
Would anyone?
Maybe that's why Fitz was here: because he had something to prove. He needed to convince everyone he didn't consider his relationship with Keefe a hopeless cause.  
He needed to convince Keefe himself.
So really, shuffling around in his closet for his favorite sweater wouldn't hurt. It would show him he cared, he remembered, maybe even help him remember-
A cluttering noise caught Fitz off guard before he could start ruffling through the clothes in the chest before him, and the man flitting quickly down the stairs shocked him cold. 
Days later, Fitz would be stuck wondering why he didn't give up sooner; why he hadn't thrown Keefe away like a broken record when everyone had expected him to. At least then he wouldn't have been present for this. His heart would've been spared.
"Keefe?" he asked tentatively, making the blonde boy flinch as he raised his head, spotting him. "What are you doing here?"
Keefe shrugged, holding up the elixirs he was carrying, but he didn't speak. Fitz hadn't entirely expected him to.
"Back to pulling pranks already?" The empty smile Keefe gave him sent chills through his body. It almost felt...mournful. "I thought you're supposed to be at Elwin's."
At that, Keefe couldn't hide his grimace, and Fitz couldn't help but sound accusatory when he noticed. "What's the bag for?"
His hunch must have been right if it made Keefe curve into himself in shame. "No, you can't seriously be- Again?"
"Keefe, don't," he pleaded, abandoning the open chest to make his way towards his friend. "They said they'd help you, Alina and Oralie and whoever else."
"It's not enough," Keefe croaked out, facing the floor, and Fitz sighed.
"How would you know that? Have you even tried?" He shook his head, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Keefe, please don't leave on all of us again."
The noise that left the younger’s throat sounded equal parts distraught and irritated, like he couldn’t deal with any of this much longer. That was probably why he was leaving anyways; maybe everyone’s nagging to just try and just believe wasn’t working, and maybe Fitz was only making things worse. So he tried a different approach. “Please don’t do this to us.”
Us was a large term in broad daylight; but like this, in the rain, alone, Keefe had to have known who Fitz was referring to. “Us” was Fitz and Keefe, like it should’ve always been. But things got too complicated for “us” to be just them anymore.
And it was probably those same things that made Keefe push back the hoarseness in his throat from lack of use just to say, “I’m sorry.”
But Fitz couldn’t give up. Giving up was giving in to everyone else’s idea that they were falling apart, and Fitz would be damned to call himself a Vacker if he gave up. “Please stay Keefe. For me.”
It was a stretch, but the words hung between them for a moment, vulnerable, open, and targeted, and Fitz almost wished he could snatch them back and fashion them into a more formal request, something that better fit the current state of their relationship. 
And then Keefe shook his head.
“Oh…oh.” Fitz stumbled back, tripping into the bed. “Carry on, then.”
Keefe didn’t waste a second before exiting the room.
Fitz only wondered if he’d felt his heart splintering as he’d rushed past.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
The question itself was unfair. How could Fitz have expected anything else when there were bigger things at play than just the both of them? Keefe had a reason for leaving, and he doesn't entirely regret it.
But that wasn’t what hurt him. Fitz wasn’t stupid, he knew it wouldn’t work. Alas, he still put himself out there, waiting for some sort of signal or sign that Keefe cared. And he didn’t give it to him.
He walked out. Without a second thought. And he’s regretted it everyday since, because if he had to go back and pinpoint a moment when their lives stopped being intertwined and became two lonely strands of bitterness, he’d say it was right then, when he’d shaken his head and said nothing. That was his mistake. This is his fault.
He hadn’t said anything, and now Fitz is done waiting. He wants his jersey back. He wants this to be over.
So Keefe digs through his room and finds it buried under tunics he’d never liked and capes he wanted to tear to shreds for years. A piece of fabric that held more memories than he’d like to admit. Sifting through the emotions tied to a simple jersey shouldn’t feel like a landslide, but maybe Keefe’s empathy is still oversensitive. Or maybe Fitz just means much more to him than he should.
Keefe doesn't want to think about it anymore. He doesn't want to think at all, about how everything is falling apart, about how stupid he is for having this occupying his head when there was a war to be worrying about. But even if they won, what was he coming back to?
He slipped the jersey over his head, watching it fall down his frame in the mirror and wondering how it was still big on him. He'd always been smaller than Fitz, but he assumed he'd grown. Apparently, not half as much as he'd thought. He tore his eyes away from his reflection before he dwelled on it for much longer.
It became habit, at some point along the way, to flip open his gold journal to a fresh, blank page and cover it with the sparkle in Fitz’s teal eyes as he looked at someone else, the swoop of his hair and the angles of his jaw. Today, however, when Keefe let the pencil in his hand guide him to whatever image his mind was creating, the slopes of nose smaller, his jaw softer, and his hair longer and slightly more unruly. Fitz was younger, and asleep, in the same jersey Keefe was wearing now.
If he closed his eyes it almost smelled like him.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
“Fitz…Fitz wake up.” 
It was a solemn thing, to have to wake up the boy when he was so blissfully passed out, gentle features rounded out by the pillow underneath his head.
Keefe considered letting him sleep, but being only six years old made him increasingly impatient, and there wasn't much to do with his best friend snug asleep in the bed next to him. He sighed, sitting up and letting the blankets pool around him.
"Fitz. Fitz. Wake up loser," he whined, pushing the elder's shoulder. He only let out a groan in response.
After another shove and tearing off the covers to expose him to the cold air, Fitz blinked groggily, rubbing his eyes to make them focus on the blonde boy next to him. Keefe reached over to the bedside table and handed him his glasses.
Fitz mumbled something like a thank you, slipping them on and looking at him with tired confusion on his face. Keefe misses the look of it, he hadn't worn his glasses in years, but they'd always hold a special place in his heart, nestled right next to the beginnings of their friendship. "Is it the middle of the night?"
"No, I think it's morning," Keefe answered. "And I'm bored."
"Well, I think we should go to sleep again," Fitz decided, turning over and burying his bed head back into the pillows. Keefe wonders how he hadn't changed in the ten years since.
"No!" And he hadn't either. Not by much, besides their friendship holding on by a single thread.
Fitz groaned as Keefe pulled the blankets away again, bothering him as much as he could. "Keefe, you know if we sleep in a little longer Mom and Dad will let us just eat mallowmelt instead of breakfast?" he mentioned.
Keefe stopped his meddling abruptly. It never really was a hard task to get his attention, especially with food involved. "Really?"
"Oh yeah," Fitz confirmed. Keefe considered it for a moment, about to settle back into the bed before they heard footsteps coming down the hall. The boys widened their eyes at each other.
The two dove under the covers, doing their best attempt of faking sleep before the door unlocked.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
The door swings open as Biana twirls in with at least six different cosmetics in her hands and a flowing purple dress barely hanging onto her shoulders. “Ah! Fitz, zip me up, will you?”
Fitz does as asked, moving her hair out of the way as she set all the products down on the bathroom counter and tries to find the lip gloss she wants. She settles on a light tint of purple that matches her dress.
“Where are you going?” Fitz questions, leaning back against the wall when he’s done.
“Dinner with the Dizznee’s. Haven’t really been able to spend time with them since school started,” she explains, rubbing her lips together.
“Right,” Fitz agrees, watching her flit about the bathroom, getting ready. 
“How was Keefe earlier?”
“Oh.” Fitz doesn’t remember telling Biana what he was doing that morning, and something about her nonchalance was unsettling. He probably hadn’t told her at all. It wouldn’t be surprising, Biana knows everything there is to know about him anyways. Perhaps more than himself. “He was… Alright, I guess. I asked for my jersey back.”
Biana freezes. Her eyes fly across the mirror to look into his. “You did what?”
“I asked for it back. The jersey, from when we were kids,” Fitz clarifies. 
She sighs, turning back to herself in the mirror. Her words are almost exasperated when she reminds, “You still are kids, you know. We all are. That’s why none of this works.”
Fitz could ask what she was referring to; the war? Being members of the Black Swan? Their friendships? He could ask, but he can tell with the tired look in her eyes that she means the latter.
“I don’t think I like Sophie,” he admits softly out of the blue. The words dance across the fragile ice in the air, like they’d break it and send everything crumbling if they wanted to. “No, I know I don’t.”
Biana’s responding chuckle melts the ice before they have a chance to crack it. “I think we knew that.”
Fitz freezes as the words flow through him. “You- what? Was I that much of a jerk?”
“Oh, she doesn’t know,” Biana corrects, working her deft fingers through her hair as she braids it back into a twisted bun. “You should let her know, kindly. But how could you have, honestly, with Keefe around.”
“I- I don’t know what you mean,” Fitz stutters, looking at her in the mirror with furrowed eyebrows. “Keefe’s my…friend.” Hardly. Was that really the message he sent to him earlier?
His sister’s hands drop from her hair as she spins to look him straight in the eyes. “Friends don’t use kisses as currency, Fitz.”
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
“If you come, I’ll kiss you.”
Fitz raised an eyebrow, making no move to get up from his arm chair. “And if I don’t?”
“I’ll never kiss you again!” Keefe decided, sitting on the chair’s arm. “It would be a shame though, I thought you said it was fun.”
“You’re seriously giving me an ultimatum about this?” Fitz questioned, dropping his book into his lap. Keefe nodded shamelessly, and the elder couldn’t help the smile growing on his face.
“It’s just a party, Fitz,” he pleaded, slipping down from the couch arm and landing next to Fitz. “We finished level 3, we deserve to celebrate a little.”
“We can leave after two hours if you get bored,” he added softly, studying the elder’s eyes. “I just wanted to go for a little bit. And I wanted to go with you.”
Fitz pretended to think for a moment, watching Keefe look up at him, wide-eyed and waiting patiently. Three years later, Fitz isn’t be able to remember the last time Keefe looked at him like that. He just misses it.
“I mean, a kiss?” he said after a moment, scrunching his nose. “You drive a hard bargain. How could I say no?”
Fitz doesn’t miss parties. He doesn’t miss the fake smiles and empty greetings, nor does he miss the noise and the lights and the small flaring headache afterwords. He does, however, miss Keefe.
Surprisingly for such a usually shy person, parties were Keefe’s scene. It was like all his introverted qualities flew out the window once he was in, and in contrast to Fitz, he loved the lights and the music. In the end, Fitz grew to like seeing the younger surrounded by it all.
Keefe also used parties as an even better excuse to flirt with anything that breathes. And more often than not, that ended up being Fitz. Not that he’d ever complain.
“Do you want to leave?” Keefe whispered quietly, leaving the crowd towards where Fitz sat blissfully alone. His hair was messier than when they’d arrived, like someone had run their hands through them, and Fitz’s jaw almost clenched until he remembered that no matter how confident Keefe got under bright lights and crowds, he wouldn’t let people get that close. Well, not anyone but him, of course.
“No I’m fine, go dance,” he waved off, sipping his lushberry juice. Keefe pouted instead.
“I want to dance with you,” he complained softly, tugging at the elder’s arms to get him off the chair.
“I don’t dance,” Fitz reminded, but his words didn’t match his actions as he put the glass down next to him and let Keefe pull him off the chair with a joyful smile. 
The younger pulled him close, his lips almost brushing against Fitz’s ear as he whispered, “Thank you,” and Fitz would’ve kissed him again right there. Alas, there were people around, and he didn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea. 
He’d also rather not have his second kiss have a crowd. Everything was sweeter in secret, wasn’t it?
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
It was. It had to be. It was the same mantra Keefe had been repeating in his head that whole summer. 
There was a reason they weren’t telling anyone. And it wasn’t because they were doing anything wrong. It was just a fun little joke. They tried it once, it felt nice, so they did it again. And again.
It was simple. It was a normal thing to do. No one would say otherwise if they knew. But…they didn’t really need to know either. Best not confuse them.
Keefe was confused enough already.
Fitz was growing taller. He had a few inches on Keefe already, and the younger despised it. Maybe he would’ve hated it less if the other didn’t constantly lord it over him, standing just close enough so Keefe had to tilt his head up to see him, resting his arm around Keefe’s shoulders like it belonged there. They’d been the same height since forever, and Keefe was not going to let himself go down like this.
Especially not considering the way his heart rate sped up when Fitz was leaning over him. He couldn’t let the elder hold that power against him, and he couldn’t let him know. So he took a deep breath and stayed calm when Fitz pushed him into a tree halfway through his tangent about how cool Alvar was.
“Well, that was rude,” Keefe huffed, trying not to shy away from the elder’s bright teal eyes as they stared down at him. “I was talking.”
“I don’t want to talk about Alvar,” Fitz responded, as if it was an excuse. His hand didn’t move from where it was pinned above Keefe’s shoulder.
“You know Fitz, there’s this thing called communication, where you use your words-”
The elder cut him off by layering his lips over Keefe’s in a sweet, chaste kiss that still left Keefe stunned and a little breathless when he pulled away. “I don’t really want to do that either.”
Keefe rolled his eyes, avoiding his gaze. “Yeah I can see that.” But he didn’t stop him from kissing him again.
Kissing Fitz was a pleasant thing when it didn’t leave Keefe spiraling down a hole of Why do you care so much? It was easy not to think, with Fitz’s lips on his, about his father, or his mentors, or any of the small things plauging his life when they pulled away. Kissing Fitz made it feel like he’d never have to go home, like this was his home, and he’d never have to leave. He never wanted to leave.
But those were the same thoughts that kept him up all night that whole summer, as relieving as they were in the moment. Fitz had always felt more like home than anything Keefe had ever called home his entire life. And if he was honest, he never wanted that to change. He never wanted them to change.
He never wanted whatever this was that they were doing to change. He didn’t like the thought of Fitz doing this with anyone else, being this comfortable with anyone else, or sharing his space this much with anyone else, but he had to face that that was the reality. Someday, Fitz would go marry some girl, and all of this, all these remenants of them would be left behind in the past. But Keefe didn’t want to think about all that. He just wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.
Now, Keefe wishes it had lasted a little longer. But then they were in Level 4, and Fitz finally found Sophie, and their lives began to change so rapidly that Keefe just felt like he was along for the ride as everything he’d ever known turned upside-down and faded away. 
Maybe Keefe had known back then too, that it wouldn’t last long, and that that day would have their last kiss, because when he’d pulled away, he’d asked, “You won’t forget me, right?”
Fitz had raised an eyebrow. “What? Where did that come from?”
“Nowhere, just-” Keefe looked back down at the ground as he caught his breath and sorted through his thoughts. “You won’t, right? Ever?”
The elder was only silent for a moment before he admitted, “Keefe, I couldn’t forget you if I tried.”
He was charming, Keefe would give him that. And it made him feel like a shy and red-cheeked kid all over again. 
Sitting in his room years later, with the blush faded and rose-colored glasses lost, Keefe wonders if mememories like those haunted Fitz now, as he tries his hardest to forget him. If those promises meant nothing, and now both of them are nothing, it’s honestly better that they hadn’t told anyone. Looking back, they probably wouldn’t have understood anyways.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
“Just because you didn’t tell me doesn’t mean I never knew,” Biana continued on, ignoring Fitz’s frozen stare. 
“I’m your sister Fitz. And you kissed outside my bedroom once,” she admits, turning back to the mirror. "My point being, friends don’t do that.”
“Just because yours don’t-” Fitz cuts himself off as Biana gives him a sharp look in the mirror.
“You hear how ridiculous you sound, don’t you? There’s no point.” She continues pinning up her hair as she adds, “You love him."
Fitz gulps, watching himself go pale in the mirror. “That’s a strong word.”
“Yeah, and the right one," she agrees. "You’ve loved him since we were little kids, and you still do."
“You’re not an empath-" Fitz starts to argue, but Biana doesn’t want to hear it.
"I don’t have to be. I’m your sister," she reminds quaintly. "But he is an empath."
Fitz bites his lip subconsciously, going over the implication. "You think he knows?"
"No. I don't think he ever understood what your emotions meant, and he probably still doesn’t," she admits, looking through the products in front of her. "Especially not with you asking for the jersey back. Honestly, Fitz, what was that?"
"I just wanted all of this to be over," he answers shamefully, looking down at the floor so Biana's eyes in the mirror won’t rip him to pieces.
She slides over next to him, leaning against the wall as well. Her voice is the calmest thing wafting through his head when she speaks. "This is never going to be over unless you face your fears and try to figure out what you actually mean to each other."
It’s easy in theory. But the thought of actually acting on it is giving Fitz a massive headache. “How do I do that?”
“You think, Fitz. It’s a foreign concept, I know,” Biana chuckles, nudging him in the side to make him look at her. “Just sort through your memories. You have millions, we’ve been friends since he was 7. There has to be answer in there somewhere, even if its from when you were little.”
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Keefe always considered himself a strong eight-year-old. He held his own even when his father battered him down, and he dusted it off with a sigh and moved on. No one helped, definitely not his mom, but that was okay. Keefe could handle it.
He was sure of that. He really could handle it, he had so many times before, watching his father tear up his doodles and drawings, scold him for his childish acts when in the back of his head he couldn’t help wonder, Am I not still a child?  but was too terrified to ask. He would draw more. They would get ripped up again. It was a fine, easy cycle.
He practically lived with the Vackers, regardless of how much his father nagged at him. It was the one thing Keefe liked that he supported.  Keefe didn’t know why, but he learned early on not to question the good things. Fitz and Biana were a safe space, and he would take that gladly. Being at Everglen practically erased whatever distressing moment had taken place right before, and it was easy to laugh, move on, and play bramble without a second thought. It always was.
So why wasn’t it today?
Maybe it was because the drawing was a special one. Him and Fitz, sitting by the edge of the lake, small feet swinging over the water and wind brushing through their hair. He hadn’t even gotten to finish coloring it yellow and brown before his father had snatched it up without a second thought and shredded to pieces without even looking at it. He wouldn’t dare encourage any sort of  foolishness.
The drawing stayed pinned in the back of his mind though, he had his photographic memory to thank for that, and he couldn’t help but feel the slightest remorse as he thought about it, even in Fitz’s room, far away from the man who’d ruined it all in the first place. It was a pretty drawing. It would’ve looked even better finished.
Fitz might have liked it.
Keefe didn’t notice the tears dripping down his cheeks until Fitz made a surprised noise, sitting in front of him with concern etched between his brows, looking far too mature for a nine-year-old.
“Oh,” Keefe realized, wiping his cheek with small hands. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Fitz responded, teal eyes peeled open wide as he watched him. “Are you upset?”
“Only a little. It’s not a big deal,” Keefe tried to wave off. But Fitz, even at this young of an age, was always a gentlemen, and waited silently and encouragingly for Keefe to explain further.
“It’s just…my dad tore apart a drawing I made,” he elaborated, eyes steaming as the tears started coming down faster. He wiped his hands against his cheek more furiously. “I didn’t even get to finish it.”
“Why would your dad do that?” Fitz asked catiously, tilting his head with the curiousty of a young kitten.
Keefe wonders how, even at eight years old, he’d known that Fitz was a Vacker, and because of that he’d never truly understand. “He doesn’t like it when I draw.”
Fitz was silent then, and Keefe was too busy trying to stop his crying to realize, but suddenly small arms were pulling him into a warm embrace and the tear gates flooded, making him give up. “I think it’s really cool that you can draw.”
The younger tried to choke out a thank you, but the tears were choking him and he couldn’t do anything but cry into his friend’s shoulder, letting him hold him and save him from everything that waited outside of his arms, in this room, and back at home. None of it mattered if he had this, anyways. His parents didn’t matter, if there was still someone willing to hold him together. And of course that someone was Fitz.
And of course he’d ask, like always, “Want a blitzenberry muffin?”
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
“Make me blitzenberry muffins.”
“Is that an order?” Fitz questioned, his eyebrow raising as he continued folding his tunics.
Keefe sighed dramatically, throwing himself across the elder’s bed and distracting him. “Can it be? I’m so sick of these books and I need something to bring my dampened spirits up.”
“Dampened spirits, wow, you’re a poet, Keefe,” Fitz applauded, sitting down next to him. The empath flipped his head up towards him, blonde splashing against the green sheets. “What do you even read about? Isn’t empathy kind of straight forward?”
“Not really. Just because I can feel what you’re feeling doesn’t mean I know what it is. For instance-” Keefe laced his hand through Fitz’s, startling him. “Something creepy crawly is going on in your stomach right now, but you’re head’s kinda fuzzy. I think that’s happiness?”
Fitz stopped himself from blushing. “I think so too.” Keefe grinned.
“See, it’s not like the words just come flying at me. People feel emotions differently, which makes it harder to decipher what someone else is feeling. Some emotions are easy, but others, not so much.” He sat up, keeping their hands intertwined. Fitz tried not to stare. “All those books are just theory, trying to teach you certain tells so you can guess emotions more easily. And then like…philosophy or whatever.” 
“Sounds atrociously boring,” the elder commented, tearing his eyes away from their hands and getting lost in the sharp blue of Keefe’s eyes instead. 
He didn’t seem to notice, huffing. “It is. That’s why I want muffins.”
“Valid.” Fitz stood up, yanking the younger along with him towards his room door. “Do you know where the kitchens around here are?”
“Calla showed me one the other day when you were staring into Sophie’s eyes or whatever,” Keefe grumbled. Fitz wonders if it was jealousy, or maybe that was just his wishful thinking. Just because he’s reinspecting their story didn’t mean he can add in details about Keefe that were never really there.
But the tightening grip on his hand was there, ever present, and Fitz hopes that Keefe didn’t notice his heart rate spike right then and there. Had he been that obvious all along? With an empath no less.
Keefe pulled him out of the treehouse and ran down the steps, pulling along Fitz just like he would when they were in Everglen, young and blissfully unaware of how dangerous the world really was. The worst problem at the time must have been Keefe’s parents.
In a bitter, unsurprising way, Fitz remembered they still were.
“There we are, the splendid gnomish kitchens,” Keefe presented with a flourish, cheeky smile flitting across his face as he walked over to the pantry. It was a kitchen alright, but everything was draped in browns and greens, giving the area a  very much earthy vibe to it. Fitz loved it immediatley.
Blitzenberry muffins were routine, and soon enough the batter was being mixed together in a bowl with Keefe sitting on the counter, licking the finger he’d just dipped in without permission and Fitz shaking his head with a smile, always unable to put on a stern face at the younger’s antics. They made him feel rather normal, anyways. Like they weren’t teenage runaways or rebels or anything of the sort.
Keefe stared off into the distance as his finger left his mouth, and Fitz stared at him, watching his eyes glaze and something hard to decipher appear in them. It wasn’t the first time. Something about Keefe had been off lately, like he’d been thinking too much. There was enough to think about anyways, with his mom captured by ogres and his dad waiting back home. Even the pendant around his neck was enough to send him spiraling. 
It was silent for a little too long, and Keefe’s eyes were getting a little too glassy, making the elder feel the need to interupt. “Are you okay-” Fitz started, then a tuft of white blurred his vision like a bakery-smelling blizzard. He coughed, daring to open his eyes wide to a sheepish looking Keefe with flour-stained hands. 
“Sorry.” He didn’t look sorry at all. “Intrusive thoughts.”
Fitz smiled right back, acutely aware of how ridiculous he must have looked as he slowly raised a large handful of flour from behind Keefe using telekineses, then promptly dropped it on his head. “Sorry. Intrusive thoughts.”
Keefe wiped his eyes in disbelief. “Don’t start with me.”
“You’re the one who started it!”
The younger didn’t seem to hear as more flour flew through the air, soon beginning to cover the entire kitchen in white. They ducked and hid behind the counter, laughed loudly like no one could hear them, smiled so hard their cheeks hurt from the motion. Fitz misses the feeling, misses being the cause of Keefe’s ectastic smiles instead of his nervous frowns. He misses the freedom, the moments they shared like this where there wasn’t a single other person in the world but each other, not another pair of eyes he’d ever care to look into. There wasn’t anything to see.
He misses Keefe. And his hair and his smirk and everything he’d been working hard to ignore and weave into their history just to leave them there, where they belong. But how could they belong there if Biana was right?
How could he forget about Keefe when he’d known him since they were kids?
“You’re my best friend,” Fitz spoke, breathless watching the white powder float down in the air around them like snow, like the winters they’d spent as children by the lake with ice skating and never ending adventure. Keefe was his best friend then too. Hadn’t he always been?
Hadn’t he always loved him?
“Yeah. Obviously.” Keefe smiled, shaking the flour out of his hair in Fitz’s direction, but the action was boyish enough to make his foolish heart long for a past they couldn’t reach back into. At least they had moments like this. 
Not forever though.
“Nothing’s going to change, not for me and you,” Keefe added, smile softening and making the other’s heart melt right out of his ribcage.
Fitz wishes he hadn’t lied.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Leaping to Everglen is something Keefe is used to, but leaping straight onto the property will never fail to catch him off guard now that the gates have been taken away. Just another testament to how much has changed. 
The way to Fitz’s room didn’t, however, so Keefe’s steps are a trail he’d walked many times before, straight down to the same door he had spent so much his childhood hidden behind. The jersey in his hands weighs more than it should, like instead of just giving back a piece of cloth, he’s about to hand over their past and everything they’d ever known. His place behind that door. 
Or maybe he’s just overthinking it. Maybe he’s spent the whole day overthinking it, like the dramatic little boy he is. Things change, Keefe, the voice in his head reminds. You have to too.
He takes a deep breath, steels his face, and knocks before he can back out and leave it in Biana’s room with a note like a loser.
“Come in.” Keefe does.
The room is dark. His eyes take a moment to adjust before he notices Fitz buried underneath the blankets of his bed, staring blankly at the dark ceiling. Teal eyes lift themselves up to catch his. “Oh.”
It isn;t a bad oh, but it certainly not a good one either, and Keefe finds himself wanting to leave even faster than he came. “I found the jersey, I just thought I’d drop it o-”
“No, keep it,” Fitz decides, pushing himself up to a sitting position so he’s leaning against his pillows. 
Keefe blinks in confusion. “What?”
“Keep the jersey, I don’t want it back,” he repeats, but Keefe still doesn’t understand. That isn’t what he had said that morning. All he said was that he wanted it returned!
“But you-”
“I was wrong,” Fitz shruggs. The younger can’t see him too clearly in the dark but if he’sstill wearing his nonchalant perfect Vacker smile, Keefe’s going to have a meltdown.
Or maybe he is regardless. “What do you want from me?”
Fitz might frown, Keefe can’t tell, but he sounds startled when he responds. “What do you mean?”
“I try to go and apologize to you for everything, and you don’t even let me start before you’re asking for the jersey back, and now you don’t want it anymore?!” Keefe catches his breath, eyes burning. “What were you wrong about? I wouldn’t want to be around me either.”
“I never said tha-”
“You didn’t have to.” Keefe drops the jersey to the ground, trying to keep the tears from falling out of his eyes. “I can’t even pretend to know what’s going on in your head anymore, Fitz, but that’s exactly what you wanted. And I can’t blame you, I’ve screwed this up two more times than I should have.”
“I missed you. Both times, but especially this last one. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I left and…” Keefe shakes his head, sighing under his breath. He’d practiced this more than enough times before today but here he is, and the words have run off once more, leaving his mouth dry. “I didn’t mean it like that. I would do so many things for you, Fitz, but I couldn’t stay. And I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry I can’t be someone you still want.”
“Keefe that’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said.” A record player scratches in Keefe’s mind, prompting him to look up again. Fitz is climbing out of his bed as he speaks. “Of course I still want you. I spent so much time missing you, and convincing myself you would be okay, and that all of this would be okay that I didn’t even stop to notice that it wasn’t. I don’t want the jersey back, because I want it to be with you. I want you to have the memories-”
“I don’t want memories,” he interrupts. Fitz stops right in front of him, looking down at his eyes and making Keefe gulp. That godforsaken height difference will never go away, will it? “I… That summer, I don’t know if I was imagining it but-”
Fitz grabs his hand and suddenly Keefe is hit with purple butterflies and crimson vines wrapping their way around his chest tight enough to suffocate him. “You’re not imagining anything.”
If those are Fitz’s emotions he’s feeling, and if he’s looking into his eyes like that, and if he’d meant it all back then, then maybe there isn’t much to make excuses for anymore when he leans in.
Keefe had missed it, the feeling of Fitz so close, his emotions flowing through the younger’s veins, so much stronger now, so much more desperate. Like they’d been starved for too long. Even the stupid bend in his neck when Fitz tilts his head up with a hand on his chin is nostalgic in a way.
It’s still dark, but that doesn’t stop Fitz’s eyes from twinkling when they separate, noses so close they were touching. Keefe could feel his breath hit his cheek as he whispered, tracing a finger along his cheekbones. “It’s always been you.”
26 notes · View notes
shibaraki · 1 year
Monty.... How do you do it? Seriously! It's like every time I read one of your fics and think, welp she surely couldn't write anything more perfect than this cuz I am already obsessed; giggling and kicking my feet re-reading the same fic over and over again like a lovesick fool AND THEN YOU COME OUT WITH THIS! THIS...this is the loveliest thing I have laid my eyes upon.
How did you read my mind tho? How did you know that I am hopelessly devoted to this peppermint man and that I yearn to see him happy and content; and in every fic I read I search for scenes of him spending time with his family (all of them who I wanna smother in love CUZ GOSH DARN IT FUYUMI SUPREMACY) (also can't help my bias since I am elder sister lol) ALSO! The sweet moments of his friends who are more like his family sprinkled within- Uraraka choosing the chair for his balcony, Momo listening to him so patiently and being so understanding, Bakugo's gruff teasing and clear love and concern for his friends AND OH MY GOSH THE KIRISHIMA SCENE HAD ME SOBBING! THAT MAN! Shouto dearie I would never be mad at you bidding for kiri CUZ I'LL BE FIRST ONE IN LINE XD ; Oh and just for good measure incase I wasn't already smitten you added nori too (ngl reading this made me sit staring at the ceiling abruptly aware of the profound lack of a cat in my life :( My mom won't lemme adopt one cuz she's afraid of them) ANYWAYS lmao something that I couldn't get out of my head was what if the reader liked shouto but told them they were kind of cautious getting into a relationship yk cuz the wildly different lives but shouto just pulls out nori and reader is like YES!YES!I'LL MARRY YOU! (Ik I would lol)
Sorry for this being so long but it's important to bring to your attention that this is not a fic but really a masterpiece that I will go back to when I am feeling down. This fic just seeped into my heart and now has made a home for itself there. I have been having a hard time rn cuz of how busy my life is and I feel like I am wasting my youth not doing anything fun, but shouto being a workaholic and regretting isolation but being content with his life at he same time gave me such a strange sense of comfort. No pressure, but please write for shouto again in the future. You do our husband justice. Ok phew I REALLYY should be wrapping up *mwah *mwah Goodnight <3
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p.s. here's a little treat and apology for coming and rambling your ear off in your inbox
ljsskjfskjfjd thank you for the crusty little kitty, first of all! they are so darling I must wrap them up!!!!
second, thank you so so so much beloved. I really do not know how I do it!!!! like you, I adore scenes which involve shouto being loved on, and I find it incredibly rewarding to explore those relationships even in fics that are x reader. I really wanted his life to feel full. I wanted you all to be endeared to him!! (moreso than you already were lmao) and it is such a relief to see everyone liking those parts.
please never feel like you need to apologise!! it’s asks like this that keep me motivated; that silence any and all of my worries about being indulgent!!! I appreciate you and I’m glad you felt connected to shouto here. I hope things ease up for you soon <3 please take care in the meantime!!
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suna1suna1 · 2 years
(Killingthecringe) For thr fanfic ask meme❤️🦋💕
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
That's honestly a tough one. The first one to come to mind is actually a line that didn't make it into the final "cut" of Hedgehogs and Privateers, but in terms of the ones that have made it into final versions, I think I have to say it's these one bc they're some of my favorite moments from Hedgehogs and Privateers (which is my baby lmao) Spoilers ahead for H&P!!
"Sonic laid eyes once again on the black hedgehog, who had removed his tricorn hat, revealing a red stripe on the top of one of his head quills. He looked at Sonic, resting his cheek on his hand lazily, but his crimson eyes gazed at him with an almost fiery intensity, and Sonic shivered.
Wow, he thought, he’s gorgeous."
"That was when it finally hit Sonic just how much this was affecting him—both of them. He didn’t even know why he’d hesitated for this long—didn’t know what had kept him from saying yes. But all that mattered was that it was hurting them. 
He didn’t want to hurt them. 
He wanted to be with them."
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write? Alright, in terms of normal canon, Shadow and Amy are my favorites to write. Amy bc she's my comfort character and I can use her sometimes to cope with negative emotions I'm dealing with, and still have her be the sweetheart she is. She's the most like me, and she means so much to me. Shadow bc it's fun to be broody and angsty every once in a while when I'm writing from his point of view. But I tend to like to write him kind of like how he was written in the Archie comics under Flynn, kind of a tough nut to crack, but really sweet when you get to know him and you're on his good side. But he's such an interesting character to play with, especially in ship situations.
For H&P it's Sonic bc let's face it, he's a dork lmao. I based a lot of his characterization off of movie Sonic (who is my favorite Sonic) and I love how loyal he is. That's my favorite thing about him, and he just makes me smile when I think about him. Ngl I have had a lot of H&P brainrot lately and he's the core of it lmao
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Hedgehogs and Privateers, hands down, but a close second I think is a mermaid AU one-shot I wrote for Shadamy Week earlier this year. Shadow was a merhog and Amy lived on land, and I've always really liked mermaids and the little details I sprinkled in were a lot of fun for me, like them having to learn each other's language. I might have to come back to it and write a longer fic based on the concept at a later date bc I feel like I could do even better on it lol
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m1ckeyb3rry · 27 days
I’m laughing so hard I can’t wait to read this officially in reos version!! Omg wait is it time to play guess the wc again…haven’t done this since the first quarter of Karasu bfb….hmmmmmm
STOP these pics alone are giving Reo conversion moment….im convinced you just sprinkle some sort of magic character propaganda dust into ur writing atp
LMAOOO FR omg imagine kdrama nagi….40min eps weekly I would fr eat that shit up
NO FR JJK audios are always insane (Gojo taking over daddy’s home will forever be an insane phenomenon)
FRRRRRRRRR THE S2 HYPE IS SOO REAL I bet we’re gonna see a bit of Karasu in action first ep too!!!
Poor chigiri he deserves compensation for that fr….but LMAOO nah fr hollyhock otoya >> regular otoya jkjk we love goofy otoya too but he would SO say that (yet again proving Karasu supremacy…)
BROOOOOOOOOOO THIS SLAPS???????? Im crying yuki tweaking out the moment you started the sentence I already imagined him just like that like “NO we CANNOT this is literally the OPPOSITE of what we were paid to do???” Ok but wait….what if…..what if this was the long fic…..here we have a yotd bllk crossover they kidnap her and then they’re like welp guess we gotta run from our boss…yotd spinoff plot…ok but anyways maybe im just enamored by the fact that karasus got his own little crow SHEJSHSS
Im CRYJNG THE SONG yet another product of your crazy rizz…ok but is the song good though….
Also im crying WTF is that yuki face on the right LMAOOOOO I’m ngl angry yuki lowk kinda….but wtf is the one on the right I’m sorry it’s like Shidou possessed him
- Karasu anon
HAHAHA OMG ON THE TOPIC OF THE OAEU I LITERALLY FOUND THE EXACT VIDEO TO DESCRIBE THE UBERS DYNAMIC IN IT i’m crying…just need to finish sae’s version and then things are abt to go crazy fr (also barou looks so handsome in this video bro i need him)
i’m literally converting myself tbh 😭 reo is just so perfect nagi is lucky i make him outdo himself in this fic because normal fandom fanon nagi could never compare w peregrine reo (tbh canon nagi lowkey might not be able to either LMAOAOA only men that can beat peregrine reo are peregrine nagi and bfb karasu)
okay wait speaking of nagi and dramas i think it’s so funny that he apparently likes watching dramas?? i think at one point (maybe second selection w barou) isagi’s like “i could’ve watched two episodes of an anime in this time” and nagi’s like “yeah or one episode of a drama 😒☝🏻” HAHAHA bro plays fps games you’d think he’d be into heavy shounen guns and violence type of stuff but honestly besides his video games he kinda has very cutie pie chill interests 🥹 like even his favorite song i listened once and it’s so calm??? truly a man of many contradictions
YESSS KARASU FIRST EP ego’s def going to announce the top six so we’ll get tabieitaken and nagi (and rin + shidou but who gaf abt them) although i wouldn’t be surprised if the first ep starts off with a flashback of reo and kunigami losing to shidou since that game is what kinda builds the hype for shidou and sets him up to be more “villainous” than even karasu and otoya (who are the third selection antagonists) as well as setting him apart from the rest of the bllkers which foreshadows him going to the u20s
somebody save chigiri fr 😭🙏🏻 honestly i think it’s funny when you actually watch bllk or read the manga besides the haircare chigiri is actually one of the most boyish characters??? idk how to put it but especially in the anime he just gives such strong BOY energy tbh fanon chigiri is closer to bachira than anything 😩 but FR hollyhock otoya lowkey does gag regular otoya i’m afraid (but tbf hollyhock otoya would be so proud that regular otoya is the way he is FJSKDJS) and YESS karasu supremacy he truly has such “me and my girl don’t argue she tells me to shut up and i do” energy like that man would be so delighted that someone wants him he’s not questioning ANYTHING
HAHAHA FREE YUKIMIYA only one with an ounce of sense between the three of them…ofc otoya’s like “😨 baddie alert 🚨‼️” so HE’S not saying anything 😭 and karasu’s just a softie he can’t kill her when he realizes she’s like. younger than him. it’s not by a ton probably a couple of years or so but still he’s used to killing like corrupt people or people who have wronged their clients meanwhile reader is just a girl she literally knows nothing…like when he’s about to kill her she wakes up and immediately calls for ness (unfortunately there is a brief ness era in the beginning) and karasu feels soooo bad because she’s like terrified and plus he knows ness was deadass INVOLVED in the plot against her life 😭 karasu number one gentleman fr 🤩 not killing a girl because she offers her half-brother’s life in exchange: LAME (@ otoya) not killing a girl because she’s crying and tells you she’s scared: WHAT A MANNN MAYBE CHIVALRY ISN’T DEAD
i fear this was meant to be my long fic (i came up w the idea a WHILEE ago) but i was never satisfied with how it turned out + i was annoyed by the mc’s lack of agency (crow and cackle karasu >> hollyhock otoya BUT hollyhock y/n >>>>>>> crow and cackle y/n) when i tried writing it especially in the beginning so alas it will remain a fond memory for us all 😩🙏🏻 HAHA karasu’s pet crow is so cuteee though i think it’s so funny to imagine when karasu pulls up w reader yukimiya’s just like bro stop adopting random creatures 😒 BUT a mutual of mine inadvertently reminded of this crazy detailed outline for a pokémon au i have in my drafts so perhaps i will revisit that after the oaeu and see if there’s anything salvageable from it or if it’s another doomed plot (lowkey it’s sad asf though icl the angst is real)
hmm the song is pretty good!! i wouldn’t say it’s my favorite but it’s not bad by any means…unfortunately i just cannot listen without remembering our crazy memories (this is the guy who i only texted about demon slayer and specifically akaza…like i would just send him paragraphs about how hot i found akaza even though me and akaza were never locked in like that but i found it funny that it pissed him off SO BAD and at the time i didn’t know why 😭 then he asked me out and i was like ??? you’re not akaza ??? LMAOAOA jkjk i was much nicer abt it but truly it’s proof that nothing can stop a man when he’s determined to ask you out NOTHING)
i fear this may be the one thing we disagree on i think he looks so fine on the right 🙏🏻 idk he just looks kinda cocky and sassy which is more in line w his mc vs bm match self but i honestly like the splash of personality it gives him LSFJJSJS
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