#;verse bio
valtsv · 9 days
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wildstar25 · 4 months
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The 3rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon - or in other terms, June 3rd - marks the day a very special cat entered the world. Happy Birthday Arsay!
(Opening images in a new tab is recommended for best quality viewing, thank you!)
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livwritesstuff · 9 months
a happening in the harrington house circa 2010-ish
(aka another example of Eddie being a kind, loving, gentle parent like Wayne was to him and Steve being absolutely fine with his children being mostly feral as long as they’re alive)
“Dad, am I adopted?”
Eddie blinks, then furrows his eyes as he looks at his seven-year-old daughter, Robbie (who he hadn’t even heard come into the room, to be honest), because he knows that he and Steve have been very upfront with all three of their children about how they’re adopted.
“Yes,” he tells her, “You’re adopted. You’re all adopted.”
“Then how come Hazel and Moe look like sisters and they don’t look like me?” she asks.
And Eddie feels his heart break a little bit.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he says, running a hand over her curls, “Well, first of all, you all look very similar, and you do all have the same mom, 100%. Sometimes genes are just weird that way.”
Robbie scrunches her nose, “Jeans?”
“Uhh…” he trails off, scratching his head and knowing full well he barely made it through sophomore biology (and that was almost thirty years ago).
When Steve comes home thirty minutes later, he finds Robbie Skyping with Dustin in Indiana and he’s got his camera facing a white board while he talks the first-grader and her middle-aged dad through a very basic explanation of punnett squares and genetics.
“What’s going on?” he asks skeptically, dropping his backpack onto the counter.
“Uncle Dustin’s showing me why me and Moe aren’t related,” Robbie replies, not taking her eyes off the computer screen.
“No,” Dustin cuts in emphatically.
Steve looks at his husband for an explanation.
“She thinks she’s not related to Moe and Hazel because she doesn’t look like them,” Eddie tells him.
Steve’s eyebrows fly up as he looks back at their daughter.
“Robbie,” he says, “Where’s your head at? You and Moe have the exact same face with different hair.”
“Moe has brown eyes,” Robbie fires back.
“And Hazel has blue eyes just like you. So what? All three of you are basically identical. When you and Moe were little, you were so tall that people always told me how cute my twins are.”
yEARS later, Moe and Robbie do that tiktok trend where the camera switches back and forth *very* quickly between their faces to show how similar they look, and their friends all comment shit like ‘wow y’all TWINS twins’
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candycryptids · 2 months
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Training to punch Greg in his smug mouth at the golden saucer…. Why yes she IS standing on a Demon Brick.
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styllwaters · 1 year
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Vivere 44 x spider verse AU featuring Sea Crawler Miguel. Yeah
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therainbowinhell · 7 months
@hellsmayflower liked for a starter! [X]
Charlie was curious- she swore she's seen this woman before, a friend of Angel or Alastor, maybe? With how busy she's been with her own stuff, she wasn't so sure.
Nevertheless, it's not like the demon princess has formally presented herself to the other, so maybe it was about time. Besides, didn't the woman look too much like a...human? That caught her attention even more so, make her heart skip a beat, even.
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"Hello! Can I help you with something? I swear it's not the first time I see you, but I thought it was about time I presented myself to you."
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rednarokavatar · 5 months
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Nikita August 2024 Design/Bio
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b-brightvc · 9 months
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sea tawinan icons
like or reblog if u save. don't repost pls! <3
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malumae · 3 days
modern verse info. wip.
he was only five years old when the night terrors started and the only friends he made were brief encounters that lasted no longer than two playdates. troubled, perpetually tired and acting out. his parents tried their best with him for a few years, taking him to counseling, doctors, and child psychiatrists. four years later, at the age of nine, they essentially just gave up. 
ren ended up more or less neglected by his parents. rather than forcing him to socialize and/or go to family gatherings they could literally not care less if he showed up or not. he spent a lot of time alone at home and gladly avoided social interactions if he could help it. spent a lot of time reading & taught himself how to play the guitar.
his teenage years were ( you guessed it ! ) just him being extremely depressed. he did have some friends though. i’ll elaborate on this later but basically: tw drugs, self harm, attempted suicide, etc. tldr: mom died from drug overdose, dad took his own life.  this happened right after high school and he was diagnosed with severe psychotic depression among other things. he heard voices in his head ( just like main verse ) and struggled with a lot of guilt, grief and regret. therapy, medicine and hospitalization.
“people with psychotic depression may get angry for no apparent reason. or they may spend a lot of time by themselves or in bed, sleeping during the day and staying awake at night. a person with psychotic depression may be hard to talk to. perhaps they barely talk or else says things that make no sense.”
after his “recovery” ( still in progress. ) he applied for uni, started studying engineering and eventually dropped out. now he works at a shithole of a diner, hates the smell of fried food sticking to his clothes, has no issues brawling with customers that want to order complicated shit like “bacon and eggs without bacon” or “caesar salad without the salad” ??? yeah, he gets pissed. at least he makes enough money to support himself and his rather humble lifestyle. lives alone with his rescue cat named “chat” ( same cat as from main verse. )
ren is not a danger to others or anything like that, his darker elements are only mentioned here because i want to make sure people know of the things he struggle with other than working a ( in his words ) shitty job that pays ways to little. he still goes to therapy and he still has bad nightmares / insomnia. 
appearance: somewhat tan in the summer at least but burns easily so fuck the sun, waist long hair often tied up by a clip or in a half pony tail / bun  situation when he’s working, “unfinished” sleeve tattoo on his left arm, frenum barbell piercing, — tba, wip.
personality, vices, etc: more outgoing than his main verse, direct/straightforward, keeps himself clean and fresh but his surroundings often messy (organized chaos), hot-headed, impulsive, dark humor, prone to depressive episodes, smokes & will dip mid-conversation to get his fix
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eyesteeth · 11 months
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- though widely used as an example of commensalism, particularly phoresy, the relationship between the two can resemble mutualism in certain instances, such as -
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sunwarmed-ash · 9 months
I really want to thank you guys for being so sweet and patient with me the last two weeks
As you probably remember xmas-new year is really traumatic for me and my moods/energy are unpredictable.
That being said, THANK YOU for reminding me my health comes first and that youd still be around when I am feeling better. Really means everything to me 💜
As a treat I'm gonna post a snippit for this Sundays post on Wednesday!
Pick your fic!
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DPD Xmas, Separation Anxiety
I picked these two because they are the fics I have the most edited for! I have not forgotten about The Eden Club, my love language is misery, Figure You Out, or triangles are the strongest shape! They are in the rotation :3
Love y'all forever
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regnismemorias · 2 months
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"'Good?' Just 'good?'" Tavion scoffed, wiping off his hands & tossing the hand towel aside. "C'mon, you've said that about the last three dishes you've tried & I know for damn sure they're better than that." Tay leaned against the counter & found their gaze, his brown eyes far more gentle than his tone. "Talk to me—what's going on?"
𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙉 𝙏𝙊: Anyone 𝙋𝙇𝙊𝙏: Y/M is taste-testing new dishes for the menu in Tavion's restaurant, but they're far too distracted to offer any real feedback. Whether it be for something serious or otherwise is up to you.
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furby-organist · 8 months
> "Citing bible verses without writing out the verse should be punishable by death! Why do the Hellever 21 bags say '2 Kings 2:23-24' on them? Is this a shopping bag or an academic thesis? Why is there a citation? Am I expected to know these verses by heart? Should I pull out a bible and look it up, right here in front of the cashier? Die!"
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sercphs · 2 months
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"Gosh, the world really does try and surprise you no matter where you go! Ah, la vie est drôle!"
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villains4hire · 2 months
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Pomni at this point did feel companionship toward the others, albeit there was that building rage toward certain beings like Jax. But right... right, there was a new guy, new guy? Could she call herself new anymore even if her arrival was fairly recent? It didn't matter, at least someone else looked fairly green in comparison to herself as a few weeks passed since this being's arrival. Yet zoning out again, they'd snap back into the unreality of this digital world, staring at Moufette, realizing they were there, "Eh? What did you need or- right, the game he wants us to play. I don't know, it sounds... kind of stupid, right?" Yet she's here anyway unlike a certain other who avoided these games like the plague.
The Jester's little quips could've been completely incorrect, often lost in her delusions or thoughts. Caine however, was nowhere to be seen at the moment, so it could be just a confusing statement to suddenly hear as well.
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styllwaters · 2 years
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⚠️ Old designs and lore // Do not reblog ⚠️
Well folks, this is about as sci fi-fantasy as it gets. People have been asking about humans in Vivere 44, and a bunch of quick sketches turned into a full-on infographic, and now I have no choice but to elaborate. So! humans. (The story is set in the year 2155, and considering the lack of physical forms I suppose post-humans would be a more reasonable term...) 
Despite having changed significantly since they left Earth, humans have an established place within the Wider Galactic Community. Most of the essential info is in the image, but I’ll go ahead and slap on extra notes anyways. Long-ish post ahead!
For starters, if you want a more extensive read of humanity’s history in Vivere 44 and how exactly they came to look like that, then head on over to the google doc. Be warned, it gets a little dark at some points.
Although they might look like holograms, the human’s appearance has little to do with light fields. Instead, they are made up of millions of tiny ‘cyber-particles’, which were discovered by the **Angelum **in 2110. Their properties are still being researched, but they are known to be able to host consciousness - which has earned them the nickname ‘mind flecks’. They have been used in computers, AI, and projections, and have only recently been applied to digitized brains. 
Through these mind flecks, a human can shape their appearance however they please, however it relies heavily on individual brainpower and how clearly one can visualize an image. For this reason, young children often have difficulty with clear forms and are more inclined to look like vague shapes (or their default form). They learn by mimicking others. Fun fact, It’s also easy for experienced individuals to lose clarity in their form when experiencing strong emotions. Thus, the word ‘distortion’ has been used as a substitute for losing one’s composure.
Unfortunately in spite of their unique shifting abilities, humans have difficulty interacting with the non-digital world. Luckily, the Angelum are known for their expertise in machinery, so together they developed mech suits that allow people to walk around and pick up stuff and whatnot. Some people like the convenience, but others hate the restrictive feeling of the suits and opt for gloves instead (I’ll draw them one day). This embedding of intelligence systems in machines meant jobs like spacecraft intelligence (as opposed to spacecraft artificial intelligence) became quite prevalent among humans. 
Humanity’s new configurations also mean that they no longer have the need to eat or drink. Yet, unlike an AI they still need to sleep every now and then. And unlike an AI, humans are not immortal. The particles begin to deteriorate after about 160 years, and at 200 years will have completely disappeared. Still a pretty impressive lifespan. I should also note that once a person’s mind is transferred to cyber-particles, they are stuck like that. No changing hosts or returning to a body.
The first generation of post-humans is still around today, but since then two more have arisen. Artificial chromosomes and a form of gene swapping were developed in the early days allowing humanity to continue its legacy. There is a bit of controversy as to whether these new generations count as ‘true’ humans since they never had an organic body to begin with, but they certainly aren’t robots either. The new generations think, act and live just as the originals did, if not more progressively.
That’s about it for now! This concept has been bouncing around in my head for a while now so I’m glad to finally have the chance to put it somewhere. As always, open to questions!
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