#;Team Celestial
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pkmn-spira · 1 year ago
Celestial Document: SYM-09
Description: SYM-09 is a top secret SYM Asset, whose true identity is knowable only to Team Celestial's Leader, and Admin Hephaestus. As such, it is held in a separate, isolated enclosure located in Celestial HQ. However, once the Celestum Prismata Stratos Ship's construction is complete, it will be promptly relocated there.
Additional Details
SYM-09 is the result of ████████████ undergoing a paradoxical self-symbiosis. This resulted to its full potential having been realized, something that has not been seen again ever since its first arrival in Ancient Spira, as well as during the time Ancient Spira was at war with the Jinn King's nation. Though compared to how it was back then, SYM-09 now has a more acute, refined control over this state, all thanks to Admin Hephaestus' hard work and tests.
Furthermore, it is observed that SYM-09 behaves far more differently on this state, as well, as it no longer needs to assume its other forms to adapt to external stimuli. In fact, it now gains all of the boons that its offensive, defensive, and agile forms grant it, all at once without assuming said forms.
Additionally, it is also observed that its bond with Team Celestial's Leader, Zeus, was further strengthened after it had fully realized its potential. Whether this would be of further significance than it already is at this point is still under observation.
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It is to note that due to its full potential having been realized, SYM-09's eldritch pressure has reached overwhelming levels. Ordinary people would not only feel overwhelmed, but would also experience either hopelessness, reverence, or terror upon being within an approximate of twenty meters in radius around SYM-09.
The only ones that can outright resist such tremendous pressure from SYM-09 is Lord Zeus, as well as Team Celestial's Admins, the latter via meteorite fragments integrated unto their accessories, which were taken from both Anomalous Crater of Cryptid Isle and Meteoric Crash Site, as it would seem that the meteorite fragments taken from both areas are able to counteract such overwhelming presence, but only at some capacity.
However, it is observed that Lord Zeus is unbothered by such overbearing presence at all. This is due to the fact that he is bonded to SYM-09 in a similar fashion to the Starlink Phenomenon.
There is also one conjecture in which that individuals who were touched/chosen by other Legendary Pokémon would also be able to resist such overwhelming presence. The same would also, in conjecture apply to Fallers, as well, under the reason that such individuals were already touched by the cosmic weirdness, and thus gaining the unyielding attention of the eldritch beings that are known as Ultra Beasts.
Environmental Changes
Upon running certain tests on Team Celestial's simulation facility within its HQ, it is to note that if allowed to run free, SYM-09's mere presence alone would be able to slowly, and surely change the 'texture' of the earth. Through its virulent DNA, SYM-09 would leak out an "alien system" that would not only rewrite physical laws, but also terraform the area around it into something truly eldritch and not of this world. In a way, this "alien system" infects the land itself, turning it into something completely alien to this planet.
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The environment that has been simulated was described to be as beautiful, marvelous even. However, it is also equally horrendous and disturbing. Something that is truly incomprehensible to humans.
It is unknown however, if such an alien environment would affect any Pokémon in some way, but there is a conjecture that such an environment would be able to significantly empower any Pokémon that came from the cosmos.
Lord Zeus believes that said environment would also significantly empower a human "touched by the stars", allowing them to transcend in a higher level of existence. Though such a belief is taken as a strong conjecture without any further proof or basis. Admin Hephaestus theorizes that such... belief is one of the side effects of being bonded to SYM-09, aggravated further upon the realization of its full potential.
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shpepyao · 8 months ago
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Attack on @\s0kkix from twt
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amazingdeadfish · 1 month ago
In ur teacher au you should have nezha be a special ed PE teacher hehe
Sure why not
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Continuation from this post
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demonic0angel · 6 months ago
Celestial Bodies AU (part 3/?)
(Part one, part two, part four, part five, part six, part seven. Also on AO3)
Dick took a deep breath before he exhaled. He dialed up the number and was quiet as it rang. When it finally beeped, he greeted, “Hello, Bruce.”
“… Dick.”
“I’m taking Jason for a trip.”
“Okay.” A pause. “Where?”
“To see the cluster.”
He could almost hear Bruce grit his teeth, knowing that he distrusted the little galaxy even more after Dick had made a deal with one of the stars, binding them together. Bruce also especially hated them because even after more than half a decade, he still could not understand the mystery behind the cluster.
But Bruce was apparently desperate to talk to Dick again, since he sucked it up and allowed it. It was Dick and Jason’s first outing, and he seemed oddly happy to let Dick take away his adopted brother into space.
When Jason had heard about it, he was excited.
“Wait, I’m seriously going to space? I get to see the cluster too??”
“Yes,” Dick huffed. “We’re going in a few days.”
“Do I need to wear the uniform? I don’t, right? Isn’t the ship safe?”
“You don’t need to. Nobody but us and people with high authority can come to the station.”
Dick chuckled and teased, “You’re so excited.”
“And you aren’t? Well, I guess that energy levels can start dropping when you’re getting old,” Jason said with casual brutality.
Dick gasped. “What! I’m not old!”
“Your age doesn’t have the ‘teen’ in it anymore. Face it, Dickwing, you’re old.”
Dick’s jaw dropped, gobsmacked.
Was it possible to be this sassy at such a young age?! He wasn’t this snarky either when he was this young, right?!
“Y’know what? Let’s cancel the whole thing. I refuse to take this disrespect!”
Jason immediately began whining. “Wait, no! I’m sorry!”
They joked about it, planned some more, and then the day came where Dick drove into the Batcave, ready to pick up his… brother to hang out.
“Ready to go, Little Wing?”
Jason bounced on his heels. “Yep! We’re going to see space, right?”
Dick smiled and nodded. Bruce slinked into the Batcave just as the two of them were climbing into the teleportation tubes.
“B!” Jason called. “We’re going!”
“… okay. Be safe.” Bruce was quiet for a moment, as Dick was inputting the code for the space station that bordered the cluster his star was in. Then he added, “Both of you.”
Dick glanced up, gave a curt nod, and then looked back down again. Jason shifted awkwardly next to him as the silence ensued.
As Dick finished, Jason waved goodbye again and pulled on his elbow for him to do the same. Dick sighed and also waved goodbye.
“Bye, B!” Jason called, before the teleportation started and away they went.
They landed in the dock and Dick immediately checked up on Jason, who stumbled from the unexpected landing.
“How was it? Teleportation is neat, isn’t it?”
"By neat, you mean nauseating?" Jason snarked. He looked vaguely green, but quickly got himself back under control and then bounced back to being all smiles. "We're going to see your star, right?"
"And all of the other stars and planets too," Dick said. "Are you excited?"
"Yep! I can't wait to see what they look like! What are they like? Are they nice?"
Dick smiled at the thought of his star, who had been his sounding board, his (metaphorical) shoulder to cry on, his anchor when he had been adrift after losing his right to become Robin.
"Very nice. You've read the report on them, right?"
Jason nodded seriously. He recited what he remembered, "This star cluster consists of mainly planets and stars that used to be humans before being changed by an unknown entity called "Clockwork". This "Clockwork" person has a relationship or power involving time. The four stars in the middle of the cluster, who anchor it and are the center, consider Clockwork to be their protector and family. The four stars in the middle are royalty, are all related as siblings, and are also dead children."
At the last description, Dick winced and went, "Yeesh, I don't remember that part being said like that in the report."
Jason shrugged. "I’m paraphrasing."
Dick gave a small laugh and shook his head. Jason was surprisingly more fun than he had remembered. Usually, he remembered him being gloomy and bratty, as well as hot-tempered. Dick had not liked him at all, especially because Bruce had been a hypocritical asshole who had fired him for being a child and then turned around just to adopt another one and slap the name Robin on him.
(Sometimes, he wondered why Bruce hadn’t adopted him too.)
Dick was quiet as he led Jason towards the command room.
Once inside, Jason gave a loud gasp as he immediately flew forward to look out the glass.
“Is that—?”
“Yep.” Dick couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. He followed Jason at a more subdued pace and came up to the glass window. “This is the Phantom Cluster. It used to be considered a galaxy, but we discovered that a lot of the other stars and planets around it aren’t sentient, so we don’t consider them a part of the cluster. The star system in the middle pulled them in.”
“Whoa. How many sentient planets do they have?” He tilted his head this way and that in order to see more.
“Hmmm, somewhere around 3 dozen? But only those two talk to us and they’re considered part of the King’s “court”,” Dick said as he pointed towards the two planets that orbited the four cosmic bodies.
Jason stared at them with interest, eyes darting back and forth between all of the astronomical objects in view, the planets, the stars, the star corpses, the asteroids. As he stared in silence, he shivered and Dick took note of that, seeing that it wasn’t something that came from the cold.
He understood it.
These stars were once breathing, living, walking humans like they were. Children, too.
Now they floated in the empty void of space, silent beyond the radio waves they emitted, unfeeling beyond what emotions they had after transformation, existing beyond what was given to them in order to stay “alive”.
Sometimes, it was difficult to think of them as once human, when they were everything but that without the memories.
They gave off such a strong sense of otherness that it was almost frightening.
Jason pointed to the one with clouds covering its surface. “Is that… water vapor clouds?”
Dick grinned. “Yeah. That planet can hold life, but we haven’t touched down yet. It’s considered rude and they get angry.”
Jason smiled. “Cool.”
Dick pointed at his star. “That star is mine.”
“Wow,” Jason breathed in awe and pride swelled in Dick’s chest at the sound of his amazement. He gazed at his brightly glowing star with thinly veiled satisfaction.
Yes, it was a star now.
His star, who was once a black hole, had collapsed on itself on the day that he had shed his Robin identity and tried to find his own independence.
He remembered it so clearly.
“Uncle Clark! What do you mean my star is gone?!” Dick shrieked. He pressed his phone against his shoulder for easy movement as he started his car and began to drive desperately back to the Batcave, where the teleportation tube there would be able to take him straight to the station that watched over that strange, little galaxy.
He felt tears in his eyes as he drove like a madman past traffic and honking cars.
Only a few days ago, he had basically been fired from his lifelong job and passion after getting injured from fighting the Joker and he had only left the Manor today, and now he had to crawl back because his star was dying.
Dammit, dammit, dammit.
Why wasn’t anything going right?
It was just too much. Dick scrubbed the tears from his eyes and continued to bark on the phone, “Superman! What is happening?!”
“I don’t know,” Superman said. “Your star just stopped spinning a few days ago, and at first, I didn’t think it was a big deal because the rest of the cluster was still singing. But today, it started… shrinking.”
“Shrinking?! Tell me what’s going on!” His stomach felt like it was going through a wringer. He was almost sick with worry and exhaustion.
He had no one else now. Alfred was with Bruce, and Bruce had abandoned him. He couldn’t depend on other heroes like some charity case, and all he had left was his star…
Please… please let it be nothing.
“I don’t know. It’s shrinking and it’s stopped sucking in gas and matter a while ago too. This happened at least a week ago.”
Could nothing go right?!
Dick smacked the steering wheel of his car in rage, making it honk and the car in front of him to surge forward.
He raced back to the Manor and through the secret entrance to the Batcave. When Bruce came down to see what was happening, Dick had already gone through the teleportation tube and stuck a sticky note on the computer to tell him what was going on before he left.
For a moment, he thought Bruce could chase him, but he didn’t. Dick was left alone as he teleported to the space station.
When he landed on flat ground, he immediately took off towards the command room, where Superman was floating and staring out the window with confusion.
“Robin!” Superman called, and then he winced.
Dick felt his stomach twist into knots from the shame as he realized that his favorite superhero knew he was fired.
“You know,” he said tonelessly.
Superman grimaced and nodded. “I’m sorry. Batman shouldn’t have done that.”
“Yes. He shouldn’t have.”
Superman rubbed the back of his neck and then he gestured to the window, “There’s your black hole. I’m not sure why, but he started changing a week or two ago. I think it was around the time you got… uh, benched.”
It was both endearing and infuriating how Superman sugarcoated things to avoid hurting him.
It made Dick feel even more ashamed as he grit his teeth and realized that his star was being punished for his actions.
Dick laid his eyes on the cluster outside the window and felt his heart break. Like him, his star looked weak and small. Like it was stripped of its layers (his role, his mother’s nickname for him, his last piece of his family), it looked dull and small. It didn’t move as much as before either.
“My star?” Dick asked, his voice cracking as he came closer to the glass.
His star did not respond, still and silent. The song of the stars was quieter than usual too. It sounded sad and sorrowful, filled with melancholy and loss.
Dick felt tears in his eyes again.
Fuck. He hadn’t wanted to cry.
It was just inevitable. He and his star were connected in more ways than one. The two of them were bonded, two halves of a whole, two parts of a relationship, like milk and cereal, and peanut butter and jelly.
Okay, actually, he was just being melodramatic.
But the truth remained: Dick loved his star. He loved his star like he loved Bruce, like he loved Kory, like he loved his parents, like he loved Alfred, like he loved Barbara. His star was his family and he hated just how the both of them looked weary and worn out in this moment.
He remembered his childhood, where he would slip onto the manor’s roof and talk to his star, who would glitter and sparkle in the smoky sky of Gotham. He had loved it, had loved how he could see his star in the night sky, and how he responded back in the ways only a star could.
It sucked that his condition reflected back on his star.
It was unfair how Dick’s suffering and unhappiness appeared on his star too.
“R—… Dick, are you alright?”
Dick wiped his eyes with his sleeve. “I’ll be fine. Can I… Can I stay here for a little while? Just a couple of days.”
Superman looked sympathetic and it killed Dick inside to see the pity on his face.
“Of course. Whatever you need. There’s more than enough food and water in the station…. Do you want me to talk to Bruce?”
“No.” His voice came back sharp. Superman winced and Dick wanted to feel apologetic, but he couldn’t help but be angry at the thought of his foster father.
“No need. I’ll be okay here, thanks.”
Superman then nodded slowly and left, leaving Dick alone in the command room.
His black hole hummed in the background, spinning slowly. Its dark light shone on him as it spun, but Dick could only feel cold.
That was to be expected when in a room across from three dead stars and a baby star, but the cold was inside of Dick as well, penetrating his bones and making his stomach feel like lead.
He felt sick. And tired. And exhausted. And pissed as hell.
He stayed in that command room for days. Sometimes, he just sat there and watched the stars move, as his black hole turned dimmer and dimmer until its event horizon could barely be seen.
Was it dying?
Robin was now gone, so did that mean that his star would be gone too?
The King quietly reassured him that it was not true, but Dick worried regardless.
When he wasn’t looking out the window in a daze, he was researching about job offers and career paths. He was still barely in school, and he needed to look onward after being kicked out of being Robin.
Occasionally, Superman would come by and talk to him.
“So what are you planning to do?” He asked one day.
Dick had been writing down a list of ideas for his future and he looked up then. “I… I’m not entirely sure.”
“That’s okay,” Superman reassured him. “You’ll find your path one day. And I know you’ll be great at it. You were always shining brightly, just like a star, I trust that you’ll find your way again.”
He grinned then and Dick returned the look.
“… I want to be a hero again.”
Superman hummed. “Well… not a bad idea. Are you sure? You know the danger of it.”
“I know,” Dick said, determined. “That’s why I want to continue doing what I love. Being a hero helped me in more ways than one. It helped me and it helped others. I want to continue doing good.”
Was it just him or was his star shining brighter?
Dick was distracted by Superman’s next words.
“I see. What are your plans? Are you going to go back to Batman?”
“I think… I think I’m going to go to Bludhaven. I’m going to become my own hero.” He smiled, as the plan solidified in his mind. He was already 18, he could transfer his college credits to another university and finish his education. He would find a job, an apartment of his own, he would finally be independent!
He didn’t need Batman. He was his partner, but if Batman wanted to treat him like a kid, then Dick would show him that he wasn’t. He was smarter, stronger, wiser, and braver than Bruce realized.
He didn’t need him. (Even if it hurt.)
The singing grew louder, then. Just barely noticeable, like the stars were excited but wanted to be quiet so the surprise wouldn’t be let out.
Superman smiled. “That sounds like a great plan. What do you think you’re going to be called?”
He had thought about growing out of Robin before, but since he was forced out of his role like cutting off a child from their mother’s milk, he had thought about it extensively since then.
He gazed at Superman, thinking of the legends he used to tell him when he was young.
“… I think… I want to be named Nightwing.”
Just as his words came out of his mouth, there was a loud bang that echoed from space, and then an explosion that rocked the ship. Metal screeched from the movement and everything turned white. Superman immediately flew at him, covering him with his own body as the spacecraft rocked and creaked ominously from the explosion. Dick was pressed against the floor and his eyes clenched shut as he unconsciously covered his ears from the loud impact of whatever exploded outside his window.
Once the heat dissipated and the ringing of his ears stopped, Dick realized what had happened.
Dick cried out, “No!” and pushed Superman off of him as he stared out the window.
But it wasn’t what he had expected.
He had expected to see devastation, planets blown apart, stars torn in two, nebula clouds drifting from stars going supernova, black holes gone with evaporation.
Instead, he saw a new star.
His black hole had disappeared and in its place, was a bright glowing blue star, hot and enormous, second to no one but his sister, the quasar. His star cooed once, “My Nightwing,” suddenly making everything connect within his mind.
Dick’s jaw dropped as then song burst from the radio.
And in it, something new.
Before, the singing had sounded like that of a group of children from a church choir. It was haunting and beautiful, but light and delicate. It was a song of loneliness and melancholy sung by a group of children who were cursed to become astronomical objects and be alone with only each other in the sky.
But now, there was a new voice.
No, it wasn’t new.
It had grown up.
His star had a distinctly bass and masculine voice, one of a grown man with a deep, almost velvety quality to it. Surprisingly, it melded well with the other voices and they all sang with the sound of new hope and new beginnings, a sign of the new times and change.
Tears came to Dick’s eyes again. It poured down his cheeks and he couldn’t help but smile and laugh as his entire body unclenched from the relief.
Of course.
How had he not realized?
His star wasn’t dying. It was growing up too. The stars had mentioned rebirth before, having been turned from stars into planets into stars again and then into black holes or neutron stars or more protostars.
Dick had been growing up with his star. His star was a child when they made a deal, just like him, and the two of them had grown up together. With the curse, it was the only way his star could find any semblance of becoming himself again. Now that Dick had shed his childish identity as Batman’s partner of Robin into a newer role, his star would also do the same.
“Dick?” Superman asked hesitantly. “Are you alright?”
Dick gave him a wobbly smile that probably didn’t reassure him by the worried look on his face. “Yeah. I’m just fine.”
With his star by his side, Dick would enter a new chapter of his life. He wouldn’t hesitate any longer.
He had finally grown out of the nest, ready to take flight with new wings. Now all he had to do was jump and spread them for a new journey.
“Uhhh… what’s that black hole doing?”
Dick snapped out of his thoughts at Jason’s words and looked up. Outside the window, while his star was still alongside his siblings, the quasar was spinning rapidly, flares bursting outwards and lights sparking from the collision of dust and gas.
“… no clue.” She kind of looked like she was showing off.
The singing on the radio grew louder.
They both watched as the quasar continued its little show as the communicator crackled noisily.
The radio hummed, the song slowing down to a halt before then it spoke.
“Hello,” a thousand voices echoed.
Dick pulled his gaze away from the window to look at the monitor.
The chatter of the stars grew more excited as the quasar continued to spin crazily. The King was at the forefront of the speaking stars, who said, “How do you do?”
“… we’re well, thank you for asking.”
Another voice quickly interrupted the neutron star, calling sweetly, “Robin.”
Dick froze, feeling a strong sense of déjà vu. It was all too familiar of a scene. A scene that had occurred to him only 7 years ago.
Jason looked at Dick for answers, but when he was too dumbfounded to speak, Jason answered quietly, “Yes?”
“… do you want to help me?”
Dick and Jason stared at each other.
“Should I?” Jason asked him and Dick hesitated.
He had never felt like being the human host for a star was a burden. In fact, it held no repercussions for him, since all he had to do was grow and live and his star would follow. Frankly, it was almost a completely one-sided deal since Dick got all of the rewards.
His mouth felt dry. When they had mentioned Robins before, was it a sign that if Batman had more children and more Robins, they would all become a host for his galaxy?
“…. It’s your choice, Little Wing.”
Jason nodded slowly, and asked, “Who are you?”
“In front of you,” the voice called and the quasar gave a small spin with a burst of light from her accretion disk. Her jet pulsed and Jason oohed at the sight of it.
“Dick, who’s that one again?”
“That’s the quasar,” Dick said. “She’s the big sister of the cluster.”
Jason smiled, silent for a moment as he watched the quasar move before he answered her, “How can I help you?”
“Make a deal with me.”
“What do I get out of it?” Jason asked, as Dick put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.
“I’ll watch over you. Protect you when I can… I’ll be yours.”
Jason smiled toothily. “But I don’t wanna be owned by something.”
There was sudden silence, only the crackling of static and the same sound of ocean waves filling the air. Dick eyed Jason with wide eyes, trying to telepathically sending him question marks for his vague refusal when there was seriously no downside.
Then finally, “You won’t be owned by me.” The quasar sounded hesitant and a little sullen, almost offended.
Jason tilted his head. “Okay. Then I’ll make a deal with you. You don’t own me, but we’ll belong to each other, ‘kay?”
There was silence again as the quasar thought about it. Then, sounding more pleased and extremely adoring, the answer came out in a quiet hushed and awed, “Okay.”
The quasar seemed shocked by Jason’s handling of the situation, who dared to even negotiate the terms of what they were to each other. Dick watched, slightly impressed as the quasar seemed even more endeared than before.
Jason said, “Deal!” before he put his hand on the glass and several flares came from the quasar.
Gas and dust rubbed against each other in an impressive show of lights and fireworks before one of the flares popped and then a piercing light came rushing towards them. Dick gripped Jason’s shoulder tighter before the light burst through the window and then into Jason’s hand, up his arm, and then his cheek before it then settled.
Jason gasped, bending over slightly as his hand came up to cradle his face as Dick rushed to catch him.
“Little Wing! Are you okay? Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think it’d be this bad! It wasn’t the last time!”
“I’m okay, Dickwing! Seriously!” Jason batted away his hand and then looked up at his reflection through the glass. “Whoa.”
On the left side of his face, below his eye and on his cheekbones, lines began to appear with bright bursts of black, bloody orange, and a turquoise blue. The same four pointed star as Dick’s appeared, its lines long and pointed. As the ink began to settle, Jason smiled, satisfied as he stroked the newly formed tattoo before he called out into the communicator, “Thanks!”
The stars were all celebrating around the quasar, a more cheerful and happy tune as they sang and spun.
“No, thank you, my dear Robin,” the quasar responded happily through the singing and cheering.
Jason beamed. Dick, however, frowned, as he reached down to press a thumb against the tattoo and said, “Isn’t the mark too obvious?”
“Didn’t you say that you could hide it before? You just have to teach me!” Jason said, with a raised eyebrow, as if daring him to refuse. However, the smile on his face wouldn’t die, and he looked overjoyed.
Noticing Dick gazing at him, Jason grinned.
Huh, how had he not noticed that Jason had dimples?
“Thanks for bringing me here, Dickwing!” Jason said with a wide grin. “I can’t believe I have my own star!”
Dick couldn’t help but smile too, and said, “No problem. Take care of her well.”
“I will! I definitely will!”
As Dick looked up out the window and observed his own star, who was spinning happily in circles around his newly bonded sister, he couldn’t help but marvel at the turn of events.
Who knew that this Robin would also acquire the protection of a star?
Man, Bruce was going to freak.
Why did this turn into a coming-of-age story lmaooo but I’m lowkey happy with it tho
The distinction between “you not owning me, but I’m yours” is important (kinda). It’s more of a “we belong to each other” rather than Dick and Dan’s “you’re mine” thing going on. Also, yes, the placement of the tattoos is on purpose. I switch between it/he pronouns for Dan (and the other celestial objects) bc it’s just easier and I feel like sometimes, it’s needed to show that they are not human.
Also, as per everyone’s request, there will be no shipping involved :) there will be a bit of qpr and codependency, but I love those, so it would’ve been included anyways.
Dan has completed his transformation from a black hole into a blue giant! Blue giants are very hot, big, and rather short-lived because they burn out quickly. Specifically, Dan is a giant star with a spectral class of B0Ib and a magnitude of -0.02 (which means he’s one of the bigger giant stars, his color is blue, and he is somewhat able to be seen from Earth).
Irl, it’s pretty inaccurate to real stars and black holes, bc black holes cannot collapse on itself (it’s literally a collapsed star, it cannot collapse further) and usually will only evaporate and disappear through Hawking radiation (which takes so long that all stars and star corpses will disappear before black holes will be gone). However, stars can recycle old material from dead stars to grow and that’s what happens here. Clockwork comes by every once in a while to check up on his babies and dump some nebula into the galaxy before he disappears again.
The other stars’ new identities will be revealed soon and I’ll also explore Sam and Tucker’s planet statuses as the series continues. Thank you for reading!
Next up, a certain Robin suffers 😈 (not clickbait).
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dracononite · 7 months ago
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in the home stretch!! THIRTEENTH attack for RAWM33T ✨
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daddysroyalwhore · 7 months ago
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“I didn't mean to turn you off
But it feels like there's nothin' at all
That ever seems to get you off
So maybe it's an omen that you're not really focused enough”
Reblogging allowed
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trainerjoshie · 9 months ago
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Pokémon TCG SM Celestial Storm (2018), Team Up (2019), Unbroken Bonds, Unified Minds & Cosmic Eclipse illustrations by miki kudo ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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mugiwarafan · 1 month ago
i want luffy and loki to be allies and besties but i also think loki should get to go apeshit and destroy the world. just a little bit. as a treat.
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galacticsabc · 8 months ago
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Artfight attack for ~Tyorl_Nightwind
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storytellingbadger · 3 months ago
Celestial Phenomena sketch poll
Character refs for New Moon and Styx are in the works. But if I was to rough sketch a scene from Celestial Phenomena, which would you like to see?
No spice FYI.
Tell me in the comments why you chose what you chose, please please please - I’d love to know. Plus it might help with the vibe of the sketch, you never know!
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beargyufairy · 26 days ago
I replay my footsteps
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On each stepping stone
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Trying to find the one where I went wrong
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Writing letters
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Addressed to the fire
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pkmn-spira · 1 year ago
Team Celestial: Hierarchy
Like any other self-respecting organization, Team Celestial would have its hierarchy system as well. A food chain of sorts to ensure those within their ranks would stay in line and know their place. It is also seem to be apparent that Team Celestial's members all wear masks during their operations, and while the Grunts up to Oracles all wear the same issue masks designated for their ranks, Admins are able to have uniquely designed masks to give them more distinctiveness.
Below is the list of Team Celestial's Hierarchy
Lord / Leader
Grunts are, like any other organization, the lowest ranking members of Team Celestial. They also form the most bulk out of Team Celestial's numbers. Though despite being the lowest ranking members, this doesn't make them any less dangerous. Skilled Trainers can take on Grunts on their own, yes. But a group with a high headcount of Grunts would prove to be challenging.
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The standard issue masks for Grunts would be Comedia Masks. While wearing such mask oft became the object of insults, sometimes even from the some of the higher ranking Celestial members, Celestial Grunts oftentimes make up meanings and philosophies as to why they start with said masks. Some believe that to wear the Comedia Mask is to laugh at the face of adversity, to show the cosmos that they have the last laugh. While others believe that it is to show mockery towards their adversaries. A means to psychologically stir those who decide to stand up against them.
While there is no true definitive answer, one thing for sure is that to underestimate the Grunts based on the mask they wear would be one's peril, eventually.
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Team Celestial's Grunts also follow a specific dress code, separate between males and females.
Hoplites are promoted Team Celestial Grunts, who work best in operations that focus solely on offense, and such are the main bulk during Team Celestial takeovers, raids or skirmishes. As they are more battle hardened than the average Grunt, it would be more difficult to fight them, be it with Pokémon, or one on one in a human vs human fight.
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The standard issue masks for Hoplites are the Tragoidia Masks. The whimsy of their days as Grunts are over, with the Hoplites now seeing the reality on how it is, working for Team Celestial, and as such, they are more known to take their job more seriously. At least more seriously than the Grunts ever will.
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As Celestial Hoplites are focused solely on more... Forceful operations, their standard issue uniforms between males and females are much more sleeker, tailor made and designed to exude 'danger' to those that are unitiated.
While Oracles are one of the more high ranking Celestial members, they are very rarely seen in the frontlines, or in the midst of an operation, as their specific role would be support and logistics. They're the ones to make sure that every Team Celestial based operations would be as smooth and tact as possible, and if things get hairy or complicated, it is also up to them to form strategies and plans on the fly, as to ensure that objectives were still met, regardless of the outcome of the operation.
Despite such, when push comes to shove, they are prepared to fight when the call for them to do so is needed.
While they are more powerful than Grunts, but slightly weaker than Hoplites, Oracles have enough brains in them to compensate for the minor gap in terms of combat skill between themselves and Hoplites, thus making them more dangerous.
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The standard issue masks for Oracles would be the Oudeteros Mask. Emotions are to be suppressed to be able to have an efficiently calculative mind, one that can perceive all possible scenarios and outcomes, and filter down the options into the most optimal route possible. Those Team Celestial members that are carefully handpicked into becoming Oracles are strictly taught and trained in said vision.
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The standard issue uniform for Oracles are meant to symbolize their clarity of mind, and the suppression of their emotions, thus rendering their heart and actions utterly unclouded by unneeded excess that could potentially jeopardize or doom the operations they are given responsibility of.
Admins enjoy being seated in the highest echelon of Team Celestial's hierarchy, seconded only by Team Celestial's leader, of course. As such, they have nigh absolute authority over Team Celestial, so long as it ends up being beneficial for the organization.
Of course, while each and every single Admin have equal power and authority, only Admin Athena would have a slight upper hand among the rest of the Admins, as well as Admin Hephaestus, due to her major contribution to the SYM Project. High priority operations are often given to the Admins, with some operations requiring them to only go by their lonesome as to not raise any suspicion.
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Each Celestial Admin mask vary from each individual, a privilege they enjoy due to their position in the hierarchy. Celestial Admins are able to freely create a custom made mask, should they want to, like the mask of Admin Eris, for example.
Some Admins, however, opt to not wear any mask, but in turn still manage to be covert in their own way.
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Since all of Team Celestial's Admins are women, their standard issue uniform would all be the same, with said uniform exuding their authority due to how well they stand out among the organization itself.
Lastly, the highest possible echelon in Team Celestial's hierarchy would be Lord, or Leader. This is only to be occupied by the very head of Team Celestial himself, that being 'Zeus'. As Team Celestial's Leader has full authority and control on how Team Celestial would function as an organization. He can also override one operation in favor of another, or issue out specific operations for specific people on the lower ranks.
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While Team Celestial's Leader has not made any public appearance yet, nor has he made any appearance in any of their operations so far, he still has a mask at the ready, as well as a uniform, the latter he is often seen on in Team Celestial's HQ.
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shyblacksheep · 8 months ago
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💫 Link to my ArtFight Profile: [ X ]
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alexandraisyes · 7 months ago
Man, I've been talking about ships a lot so I'm gonna take a moment and appreciate the family because I love the family they mean everything to me and are the reason I stick around for canon even when I have a headache from it.
Eclipse and Lunar? Even if Eclipse doesn't want to be/isn't comfortable with being family anymore (and vice versa with Lunar), I hope that one day they fix their relationship enough to at least be friends. I know they've done a game play together with Earth recently (I watched it) and it was so nice to see them laughing together. Even if they can never really be brothers again, not in a way that would be healthy for either of them, I hope they can be friends.
Solar and Nexus? They were best friends your honor. He was Nexus's only real friend, and his emotional support person because Sun pushed him away to the point he wasn't comfortable turning to Sun. He was tired of being treated like Old Moon and Solar never knew old Moon, so he couldn't treat him like him. Solar knew him for him, and that's why Nexus wanted to be his brother so badly.
Sun and Nexus? Sun is trying, and he's been trying, but he's so tired and broken that it's hard to put in effort to develop new relationships and he's really just isolated himself from the entire family in his apathy. But Nexus loves him, and has kept trying to be his brother, the brother he thinks Sun wants without realizing that Sun doesn't want him to be like Old Moon. Sun didn't even want him at all, to start with, but Sun's trying because he wants to love his new baby brother and treat him the way he wished Moon treated him. And I hope they also fix their relationship, and Sun can explain these things to him, and Nexus can explain feeling pariahed by Sun and they can be happy (with Old Moon in the picture too).
Speaking of Old Moon I want them to have the happy ending they deserve. Sun and Moon and their little brother Nexus and Lunar and their sister Earth and maybe even their estranged cousin/brother Solar. It's not the ending they thought they would end up with but it's one that would literally fix me. They're together, and they're a family, and they're happy. And Eclipse is a family friend, and Ruin's paid his dues, and they don't have any massive threats anymore and they can just relax and learn what everyone is actually like, instead of what they assumed or wanted them to be like.
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celestialdaily · 8 months ago
The celestial object of the day is The Tadpole galaxy!
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The tadpole galaxy also known as UGC 10214 is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation of draco 420 million lightyears away from Earth.
It has a distinctive tail measuring 280,000 light-years, which is a consequence of an interaction with another galaxy. True to its name, the Tadpole Galaxy will lose its tail as it becomes older, said tail will become satellite galaxies.
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bumblebeehug · 4 months ago
Au ish thing where fairytail meets the Chinese zodiac spirits and the year of the dragon wants to make a contract with Lucy and natsu gets get jealous
I like it! But I don’t feel like Natsu would get jealous of celestial spirits. He’d be PUMPED that Lucy had a dragon at beck and call though! He LOVES it!
Let me tell you someone who gets insanely jealous though: Loke. Ooooh he’s so mad. He and the dragon spirit are complete rivals. Both call Lucy “my wife”. It’s basically Jet and Droy fighting over Levy while Levy is looking at Gajeel.
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