#;(( and he's tecHNICALLY not lying about it being a friendship problem... ))
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My favorite type of depiction for Magolor is when he's a complex guy that has some good traits but also has some clear flaws.
I've seen people lean too far on one side for him. I've seen people overly woobify him, excusing his actions and making him out to be a very good person, but I've also seen people depict him not learning anything from his mistakes and continue to make him a total bastard of a person.
I'm personally not a fan of going either of those routes.
The way I interpret Magolor is that he's... more on the morally grey side instead of being either truly good or bad. The way I see it, he's genuine about wanting to get better, being banished in Another Dimension was distressing for him and made him have regret over what he did, and he does actually care about Kirby and wants to have a sincere friendship with him now, but he's also still quite flawed to where it'd be a stretch to seriously call him a good person.
For me, he's kind of a little shit as he's still very mischievous at heart, and has no problem joining his best friend Marx in causing hijinks and pulling big pranks on people sometimes. He's also still not a very honest person, as he'll continue to tell lies sometimes, and he still very clearly has a big ego.
To be clear, on the lying part, my Magolor doesn't do it for evil or nefarious purposes anymore. More than anything, the reason he continues to tell lies is just to be silly. He likes messing with people and pulling people's leg. I don't interpret him being as dishonest as in RTDL, as he does also sometimes tell the truth and is working on his honesty, but there are still some lies coming out of this guy's mouth.
I imagine his continuation of having a big ego is easily displayed in his theme park, since his face is plastered all over it. He strikes me as still being pretty self-centered, but he does also have the capacity to care for others because he largely values having friendships with Kirby, Marx and the others of Wave 3. (Also technically the rest of the Dream Team, but I headcanon Meta Knight not being a fan of him)
And I'd like to say that all the Magoland masks can be considered... a bit morally ambiguous. Just to be clear, I think Magolor was entirely well-intentioned about the masks, as he just wanted to honor a bunch of people, but I also interpret that he made them without people's permission. One could easily say that he probably should've gotten permission from people before making the masks.
I've seen Magolor get demonized for the Old Friend mask and how that mask would upset Taranza, but I don't think Magolor had any intention of upsetting him with that. He just meant for it to be a nice gift for Taranza. But he also should've asked before doing it, LOL, and I imagine Taranza does have a moment of getting upset about it but eventually gets over it as he understands that Magolor meant well.
So yeah. I like complex Magolor. Earlier this week I've made posts about how I like to imagine Taranza and Susie being complex characters, and I feel the same way for Magolor as well.
They're some of Kirby's lunatic friends to me.
#kirby#magolor#magolor kirby#kirby magolor#kirby's return to dream land#kirby's return to dreamland#kirby's return to dream land deluxe#kirby's return to dreamland deluxe#merry magoland
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Gamer Etiquette
Kodzuken x Streamer!Y/N
Pairing: Kenma Kozume x Fem!Reader
Genre: SMAU, Written Elements, Strangers to Lovers, Romance, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Streamer/Youtuber AU
Upcoming content creator/streamer, Y/N, has gone viral for lots of things. Her infamous dumb moments, her blended cookie recipe (which tastes better than it sounds), the way she rages at her friends during games, and about a hundred more.
But her most recent viral moment? Accidentally knocking famous streamer, Kodzuken, off the Bedwars map and making him lose his two year winning streak.
Now with more attention (and hate) than she ever asked for, her only option left is to go to the source: the man himself, Kenma Kozume.
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Chapter 4 (b): Guilt
Word Count: 2659
To be honest, Kenma is doing this entirely out of guilt.
Sure it isn’t technically his fault that people have no self control and don’t know how to mind their own business, but his fans were probably the main root of the problem. So he felt some sort of responsibility towards her, regardless that they’d never met before today.
“Are you loaded in yet?” He waits a few seconds, almost impatiently so, his eyebrows slowly raising as he waits even longer. “Y/N?”
A soft sound of movement, a throat clearing, “Sorry, what?”
Kenma sighs, “Are you loaded into the game yet?”
“Oh- yeah. I mean almost, my wifi’s being weird.” She laughs then and it’s so painfully forced that Kenma physically feels himself cringe. He has to give the girl props though, she’s doing a lot better acting excited than he is despite the fact that she seems more nervous.
He’d only asked for her discord on complete impulse, not really considering what would happen if she agreed until it was too late. Don’t get him wrong though, he isn’t upset about it; finding new people to play his favorite games with is always enjoyable for Kenma.
But he also isn’t looking forward to this being any more awkward than it already is.
“Are you on the server already?”
Kenma shakes his head, “No, I’m waiting for you to be ready so I can start streaming.”
“Oh,” she says and Kenma only then realizes that he’s been treating her like he treats everyone else, even though they know essentially nothing about each other. “Sorry, I’ll be done as soon-.”
“Don’t worry about it.” And now he’s interrupting her; great first impression, Kenma. “I’m trying to finish eating right now anyways.”
She doesn’t say anything for a moment and then, almost out of nowhere, “What are you eating?”
Funny thing about that though is that he’s not.
“Ummmmm-,” he trails off, desperately searching his brain for some sort of response. “Apple pie,” he finally manages to say.
“Wait really?” Y/N suddenly sounds much more genuine than she had mere seconds ago.
Kenma hums in confirmation, head nodding even though he’s currently lying straight through his teeth.
Why? Who knows. Kenma definitely doesn’t.
“I had apple pie too,” she goes on to explain. “Literally like ten minutes before I turned on my PC.”
Kenma isn’t actually eating any apple pie right now, so it’s not as much of the insane coincidence that Y/N seems to think it is. But it is one of his favorite desserts, so he did have some fairly recently enough for it to be considered at least a bit strange.
“You’re kidding,” he tries to match her enthusiasm.
“Do I look like the type of girl to joke about something as serious as apple pie?” She’s teasing him now but his mind is slow to pick up on it, unintentionally leaving her in awkward silence as he processes her words.
“I don’t know,” he drags out the last syllable. “You sound like someone who would.” Kenma has never actually seen what Y/N looks like - and sure he might be comfortable lying to her about eating apple pie - but joking about her appearance without even properly seeing it first seems like a line he shouldn’t cross.
She scoffs then and Kenma can almost picture the exact face she pulls in the process, having frequently seen the same expression on his own roommate’s. “I have literally never been so offended in my entire life.”
Kenma subconsciously shrugs, “I have to keep everyone humble somehow, you know.”
“I got some stone,” Kenma tells Y/N as he runs over to drop a Stone Pickaxe in front of her. Although, this time he does it close enough to ensure that she doesn’t have to move to pick it up.
“Oh thanks,” Y/N herself is busy collecting wood, but she’s definitely mining more than she really needs at the moment.
“I know I explained this a bit earlier but we wanted to stream together just to clear some stuff up,” Kenma says when he notices how confused everyone still is in his chat. “Like how we actually don’t know each other. Right Y/N?”
Y/N’s character suddenly turns to him in game, mimicking a head nod. “Yeah, I have no idea who this guy is. What’s your name again? Kenny?” Kenma admits that he has to stifle a laugh as she starts running around him in circles. “Well I guess I wouldn’t know because I don’t know you.”
Kenma rolls his eyes, “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah,” she easily agrees. “Just like how we didn’t know each other during that game, I also totally didn’t mean to kill you either.”
“Oh yeah definitely not,” Kenma nods, looking over at his chat for a brief second as Y/N stops before a random oak tree to start collecting even more wood.
Why is y/n mining so much wood???? 😭 😭
y/n’s skin is so cutteeee
I love how Kenma’s just watching her run around lol
But Kenma’s attention is suddenly brought back to the game when he hears the sound of something being attacked, only to see his health two and a half hearts lower and Y/N standing suspiciously far away from him.
“What did you just do?”
“Huh? What?” She plays innocent almost too well. “What do you mean?”
“I’m beginning to think you killed me on purpose,” he teases as he starts making his way towards a cave he spots in the ground.
She gasps, as though she genuinely feels betrayed by his words. “Of course I didn’t mean to, I would never do something like that.”
He nods as he enters the cave, immediately running towards a vein of coal embedded into the wall. “Oh right of course. Because I totally didn’t see you aiming that fireball at me or anything the other day.” He shakes his head light heartedly as he begins collecting the coal with his own stone pickaxe.
“See I’m glad you agree with me, Kenma,” Y/N joins his side in the cave, mining the stone beside him before placing down a crafting table.
His head subconsciously tilts, “I thought you didn’t know my name.”
Kenma watches as she places a furnace next to the crafting table, “That was before.”
“Before what?” He opens the furnace when he sees it light up, his curiosity satisfied when he realizes that she’s cooking some Porkchops.
“Before I knew it. Obviously.”
“Oh duh,” Kenma makes a show of facepalming, adjusting his hand just enough to look into the lens of his camera. “Should’ve known. How could I be so dumb?”
“You tell me,” she says nonchalantly. “Isn’t that like your forte?”
Kenma pauses at her words, shifting his gaze back to his monitor as he uses his mouse to slowly turn and look at her. “What?”
y/n has no chill lol
“Did you just call me dumb?” He’s definitely hearing things, because there’s no way that the girl who was fake laughing twenty minutes ago is now teasing him like they’d been friends for years.
“What- no- I would never- I mean-,” she’s stuttering practically on purpose at this point. “Oh, iron!”
Kenma turns his character in the direction that Y/N is looking towards, eyes squinting as he leans forward in his seat to try and spot it.
And then he hears her giggle.
“Ha! Made you look!”
He sighs, rolling his eyes half-heartedly as he leans back against his chair. “You’re literally a child.”
Y/N manages to stop laughing for only a brief second, “I can’t believe you-,” her voice suddenly breaks off with a gasp as she tries to catch her breath. “Fell for it,” she’s barely even able to finish the rest of her sentence, too busy practically cackling.
Kenma finds himself chuckling along with her, even though she’s entirely making fun of him right now. But he doesn’t care, not even a little bit.
Because for the first time since they’ve met, the interaction feels real.
An hour later, Kenma’s stuck in a cave and Y/N is doing who even knows what on the surface, when his roommate walks into the room.
Y/N is in the middle of telling some elaborate story about the first time she ever played minecraft when Kenma hears his door open. He doesn’t really react at first, only glancing at his viewfinder to confirm that Kuroo’s walking into the room.
“And then-,” she abruptly stops. “Did I just hear a door open?”
Kenma would have thought that his microphone (or even discord for that matter) wouldn’t be able to pick up such a soft noise. He’s been proven wrong a lot today though.
“Yeah sorry,” he confirms as he turns to actually look at the person now entering the room. “It’s my roommate, just give me one second.” Kenma mutes himself in discord but keeps his stream’s audio on, trying not to censor Kuroo as much as he wants to. He then just decides to leave the world, knowing there’s really no way to pause an online game.
“You? Apologizing? Since when,” the older man snorts.
Kenma closes his eyes with a sigh, “Shut the fuck up.”
“That was unnecessarily harsh.”
The streamer adjusts in his seat, turning in his chair to face his roommate. “I’m still streaming, what do you want?”
His best friend frowns, “I’m bored and being swarmed by cats out there.”
“Did you get in the catnip again?” He briefly gets distracted by the sound of Y/N saying something in his headset, but isn’t able to understand anything she’s actually saying because Kuroo is speaking at the exact same time.
“It was only like this much!” He makes a small gesture with his fingers to further prove his point.
Kenma stares at the distance between his pointer finger and thumb for an unnervingly long amount of time. “Only that much huh?”
Kuroo suddenly hides his hand behind his back, “Hey don’t look at my fingers like that, you perv.”
“It’s not my fault you just happened to measure the exact length of your di-.”
Kenma flinches as he’s cut off by a blood curdling scream, his pulse skyrocketing as he frantically turns back to the game.
He somehow manages to unmute himself, his fingers clumsily controlling the mouse to log back into the world. “Holy shit are you okay?”
“Fuck- yeah sorry!” Y/N is still being loud but it’s nothing compared to the way she’d yelled only a second ago. “Jesus, I’m so sorry; that scared me so bad.”
Kenma feels himself relax against his chair, mentally sighing as he glances back at Kuroo with a clear expression of relief. “She’s good?”
“Yeah,” he nods, swallowing unsteadily. “Fuck, did you hear her?”
“Are you kidding? I think the whole street heard her,” he jokes and Kenma can’t help but smile. Leave it to his best friend to be able to relieve such a massive amount of tension with one simple sentence.
“Your roommate heard me?” Her voice practically exudes embarrassment.
He chuckles, “Yeah, I think you both gave us a heart attack.”
“Oh no,” she groans. “I’m seriously so sorry.”
“What even happened?” (Translation: what the fuck made you react like that?)
“I was just focused on building a house and then a bird or something - I don’t even know what it was - slammed against my window.” She pauses and Kenma can hear her release a deep breath. “It scared the absolute shit out of me.”
“Okay I guess that’s fair.” He feels something tap against his shoulder and turns to look at Kuroo’s questioning expression. “A bird hit her window,” Kenma elaborates for him.
His roommate suddenly laughs, “I think chat was more worried than we are.”
Oh noooooo
Poor Y/N 😥
She needs therapy after that 💀
“They like her more than both of us combined,” Kenma confirms.
Y/N makes a disapproving noise, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
“Here wait,” Kenma says to pretty much no one as he grabs his headphone splitter and the second headset he always has on hand. After plugging everything in, he adjusts his microphone and wheels in another chair so that both men will be able to talk to her. “Okay, my roommate can hear you now by the way, Y/N.”
“Oh. Hi there roommate!”
Kenma frowns as he turns back around in game to start heading for the surface, “Why didn’t you sound that chipper earlier?”
Y/N doesn’t get a chance to respond before Kuroo does for her. “Because I’m better than you.”
Complete silence.
“You’re not even going to try to deny it huh?” He shakes his head, still trying to find his way through the maze of a cave he’d somehow managed to trap himself in.
“I don’t know; I’d feel mean if I did,” she responds without an ounce of hesitation.
“Yeah why are you forcing her to do stuff, Kenma,” Kuroo suddenly chimes in with a teasing tone.
“Fuck you Kuro. No one asked you.”
Kuroo reels back in his chair, as though Kenma had physically slapped him in the face. “Um wow okay. I can really feel the lo-.”
“Finally,” Kenma (accidentally) interrupts as he sees sunlight shining down into the cave. “I’m coming up by the way.”
“Wait, already?” Y/N sounds strangely panicked.
Kenma nods slowly even though she can’t see him. “Why,” he can’t help but feel suspicious now after her reaction.
“I haven’t finished building yet.”
He begins towering his way out of the hole, “I’m sure it’s not that ba-.” He suddenly stops as he sees a building in the distance.
“I’m sorry, you said you aren’t done?” His roommate says beside him, basically voicing Kenma's exact thoughts as he sprints towards the house.
“What the actual fuck this is amazing.” Kenma marvels as he opens what he can only assume is the front door. “How did you do this in two hours?”
Her character suddenly runs over, crouching in front of him and dropping something on the ground. “I might not be super amazing at PVP, but I’ve been building since I was in elementary school.” Kenma scoots forward to pick up the item, his eyebrows furrowing when he realizes it’s a bed.
“What’s this for?”
“I wasn’t sure which room you’d want so I just decided I’d let you pick,” she explains.
Kuroo nudges Kenma's shoulder with his own, “That was really nice of her. Right kenma?”
But he's strangely at a loss for words because he just can’t get over the fact that, “She made it red.” His head tilts, “Why’d you make it red?”
“Oh,” she seems surprised by the question. “I don’t really know. I just thought it suited you, I guess.”
“Hm,” he hums in acknowledgement, making his way over to the first room he sees and placing it beside the purple bed already placed against the wall. “Why don’t we just have the same bedroom?”
“Ooohh,” Kuroo drags out. (Kenma had completely forgotten he was there.) “Putting your bed next to her’s huh?”
Apparently they both decide that it’s better to ignore him this time because all Y/N says is, “Why would we share a bedroom?”
Kenma blinks, he thought the reason was obvious. “So then we have more room for other stuff in the house instead of constantly needing to build for more space.”
“Oh. Okay yeah that makes sense.”
His best friend suddenly reaches over to press his mute key for discord, “Kenma’s got moves guys.”
“Shut up.”
Kenma enjoys streaming with her that night. He really, really does.
But again, he’s doing this out of guilt.
Or at least that’s what he tells himself when he ends up messaging her again that very next day.
Taglist: @crazy-people-are-here, @existential-traveller, @peachesncats, @royalz658, @musicluverr
Any names in bold are unable to be tagged.
#kenma x reader#kozume kenma#kenma x y/n#kenma smau#kenma kozume#kodzuken#haikyuu smau#smau#smau series#gaming#fanfiction#minecraft#kenma fanfic#haikyuu x reader#haikyu x reader#haikyū!!#haikyuu x female reader#kenma x female reader#fanfic#content creator#romance smau#streaming#youtuber au#haikyuu au#kodzuken x reader#hq kenma#kenma imagines#kozume x reader#social media#alternate universe
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So now I’m hyper fixated on Rayman again I should probably post some of my head canons on the limbless guy
Rayman is a master at playing all the instruments in the plucked string family. Including the harp. Every time I hear his theme in Rayman M I keep thinking he is the one completely rocking the Banjo.
He also has a hobby in painting. Just anything he feels like painting he paints, he mostly just does it for himself and doesn’t give any of his paintings away even as gifts. It’s more a hobby for himself and he either doesn’t feel comfortable with giving his works away or doesn’t think that there good enough.
His love language is quality time, he doesn’t care what they do he just wants to spend time with others. Weather it’s sleeping together with globox, helping Ly or listening to murffy ramble.
He does have a spa day at least every week.
Rayman often leaves his home, no one in the glade knows where he goes or how to find him but he always comes back after a few days. The popular theory is that he trains his skills in private during this time but no one knows.
He gets really angry when others blame him for things he has no control over or when he ends up failing and telling him that it’s his fault .
Rayman and Barbara have a bit of a toxic relationship. They both enable each other’s reckless behavior. But their friendship is more of a friendly rivalry more than anything. They are adventurous buddies to the end.
He knows how to fight with a battle axe, and other weapons, Barbara and the other princesses taught him.
In legends he ended up getting captured several times and Barbara had to save him. (Like from the giant toad in the Rayman legends trailer)
He and Barbara often wrestle and have some playful fights together. Sometimes this goes on for hours.
Rayman has a strange relationship with Betilla, she is both his mom but also kinda not. Betilla is conflicting because she genuinely thinks of Rayman as her son (even if she doesn’t realize it) but her duties as a Protector kinda conflict with that (basically her feelings are conflicting with her logic) as she created Rayman to save the world. They really need to talk about their relationship but Betilla kinda keeps pushing the subject away. This is one of the main reasons why Rayman left the valley, he was sick of not getting a straight answer. But he does genuinely care for her.
This odd relationship extends to the other Nymphs, who all adore and care for Rayman but due to their duties keep bit of distance from the limbless boy. Except Voodoo Mama, she full blown calls herself Auntie Voodoo to Rayman and insists on calling Betilla his mother. She is the one who helps Rayman leave the valley, understanding all of his reasons to do so.
The magician (Rayman 1) actually helped raise Rayman if Betilla was too busy. He taught Rayman important lessons about morality. He also liked hyping him up with dramatic speeches and was the first one to call rayman a hero despite, him haven’t done any heroics yet.
Rayman keeps his past and his relationships with his mother and aunts a secret but he does let some things slip every now and again. Hence why the Phantom knows about Mr dark.
Rayman is a foodie, he loves all kinds of food and enjoys eating anything. And he can technically eat anything with no problem, but that doesn’t mean he likes the taste.
He sometimes visits has conversations with both Polokus and Jano.
He is asexual (I don’t think he ever shown any interest whatsoever) but he may be open to a romantic relationship.
Some nights he can’t sleep and just watches the sky.
Hates being picked up and held like a doll or a kid.
The way he ‘ages’ is different from others as instead of growing up naturally he instead incorporates energy, lums and magic into his body which allows him to get bigger and changes his appearance over time. (I think the limbless are creatures who are unable to age)
Rayman makes a majority of his own clothes or gets them custom Made. Not a lot of shops made for limbless people around.
He likes a wide variety of music, mostly he likes 2000’s music though.
Rayman loves to enjoy the little things in life, he likes the idea of riches and glory but doesn’t love it.
He loves children, and is a really good babysitter.
He actually gets really scared when facing threats, he gets scared when fighting Mr Darks forces, the robot pirates, the hoodlums, the knaaren, even the Rabbids scare him. But he knows that fear isn’t something to be ashamed of, embraces it, and manages to act despite of it. That is genuine courage. 
He is clever, and can be an absolute troll when he wants to be, using his extended reach to pull pranks.
He takes care of the walking shell like a pet, it has a weird power of putting itself back together.
There are a lot of legends and rumors about him from what he accomplished and what he looks like to his backstory. Some of them are extremely wild and a lot of people don’t realize that the Rayman in the rumors is the same guy when they meet him in real life.
His hands and feet sometimes wanders around with out his knowledge when he is deep in sleep.
He is very aware that one’s species and looks do not attribute to how good or evil they are. He learned this lesson from others who judged him purely on looks, many people have attacked him in the past due to his appearance and thinking he is a monster.
He ended up ultimately failing to save Globox’s children from the Rabbids, someone else saved them. But he did in up accidentally saving the Rabbids by unknowingly teaching them to enjoy the little things in life, that it’s okay to make mistakes, enjoying their own sense of fashion and getting them into hobbies, allowing them to actually be happy and Turing them away from their conquest and destruction in the long run, and this all eventually leads to the Rabbid heroes in Mario + rabbids. Some Rabbids actually worship him as a god for opening their eyes to the wonders of the universe. To bad no one really knows about this connection.
After the Rabbids invasion Rayman starts having trouble sleeping (Ubisoft gave him eye bags in sparks of hope) and his friends (minus Barbara who hasn’t been aware of this situation due to reasons) were a bit disappointed in him after failing to defeat the Rabbids, not offering him any comfort or compassion to him, treating him differently then they used to. This did not help his mental health, and he started taking longer trips from home. (This is not my original idea but I love it.)
Rayman went to the phantom show because he had nothing better to do.
The Phantom invited Rayman because he as a few memories of him before he got fussed, he is also a bit jealous of the limbless hero.
There is quite a bit of distrust between Rayman, Rabbid Mario and Rabbid peach. Beep-o has to play peace keeper. (There is no way he instantly trusts them just because they say they’re heroes.) They do end up forming a genuine friendship by the end of the game but there was a bit of drama we didn’t get to see.
Rabbid Mario is the most friendly to him, liking Rayman’s vibe. But it takes awhile for Rabbid Peach to warm up to him. Rayman is visibly untrusting but civil to all the Rabbids.
When asked about why he doesn’t like the Rabbids by Beep-o he tells the truth about how they originally came from the glade of dreams, invaded and captured others and all the other horrific stuff. He says that he knows that it’s silly to judge if someones good or evil because of their race, but that’s not gonna stop him from being weary of the Rabbids. Rabbid Mario just looks horrified, Rabbid Peach just scoffs saying that she would never be apart of some dum- but never finishing her sentence.
Rayman is technically a demigod.
If he ever met Ramon he would except him as a family member.
He knows the value of listening
Might do more later
#Rayman#my headcanons#rabbids#Rayman 1#Rayman 2#Rayman 3#rayman raving rabbids#mario + rabbids#mario + rabbids sparks of hope#rayman in the phantom show#rabbid peach#rabbid mario#beep o#globox#barbara#ly the fairy#murffy#rayman origins#rayman legends#Rayman m#Ramon
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Hello!Can I please ask for a request for generator rex with Rex and a male (or gender neutral if you prefer) evo reader jealous of Circe? Male reader thinks he’s not worthy but he’s still very protective of Rex and always stays beside him making sure he’s safe and happy. Thank uuu so much for writing for this fandom btw~
Hello sweety! Thank You for the Request!
Rex Salazar x Male! Evo! Reader who is Jealous of Circe
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: Male
Warnings: Jelousy, insecurity, Fluff.
okay, technically you already knew Circe.
It was hard not to when every time she and Rex were in the same place, Rex would run to her and try to convince her to leave Van Kleiss.
and that's why I don't bother you.
for a while.
At first your own relationship with Rex was somewhat similar, him trying to convince you to join Providence.
and you found it fun in a way, it became a kind of game that you really enjoyed because you honestly didn't trust Providence, but you trusted Rex.
He seems like a good guy after all.
and in a way Rex thought the same about you, an Evo boy who had a lot of potential but seemed to be "wasting" it instead of helping people.
He tried to make you see things from his perspective, but he could never make you trust Providence. But he already assumed it, but he was fine with at least having you as an ally.
and thus a beautiful friendship was born.
Noah may be Rex's "normal" best friend, but you were his Evo best friend. best friend, yes.
For the first time in a long time you had a friend, which made a new side of you awaken, wanting to protect him, if Rex ran into you on a mission, you would make sure he finished it and suffered as little damage as possible.
Rex always wanted to protect you too, but you never gave him the chance, you would always be the one to throw yourself into danger with a smile on your face knowing that your friend would be okay. friend.
Why did this word start to bother you?
Rex would OBVIOUSLY scold you afterwards, especially if you threw yourself in front of some dangerous Evo like the Pack or even Van Kleiss, he is already reckless enough, why would you be reckless too? Youre supose to be the smart one! He says.
It's around these moments that you realize that you see Rex in a different light. and understand WHY referring to him as a friend bothers you.
You see him MORE than as a friend.
and you also realize something else.
You don't feel like you can do anything about it.
Rex is a great guy, a great MAN, who constantly helps people and tries to save the EVOS even when the government wants to exterminate them. Even when the world is against him, he is a good person.
and you...you only live your life causing problems and you only started to do something useful when he arrived, but apart from that you don't feel like you are someone...worthy.
But when you see when Rez goes after Circe trying to save her from Van Kleiss.
Circe, the same one who has saved his life on several occasions. a person who does have a chance to live a good life with him.
You're not lying to yourself, you're obviously upset when Rex drops everything to go after Circe, but if you were in her situation you'd do the same thing.
However, you don't realize that Rex himself also begins to see you in a different light.
Only unlike you, he's pretty determined to do something about it.
Rex greatly appreciates your protection, he is used to being the one who protects others, so seeing that you treat him like someone who also deserves that same care warms his heart.
In general, he really likes being able to be a normal teenager around you and being THE SAME with you. Seeing how happy you are with just his happiness gives him a serotonin boost.
He also fell hard.
but at the same time he is dense, he does not realize that his efforts to help Circe can be seen as a further interest, and yes, perhaps at the beginning it was like that, but because of how time has passed and he has met more people , has met you, can tell that Circe doesn't interest him in the same way.
But he wants to help her, he won't let Van Kleiss mess with vulnerable people.
but then he notices that you get bitter every time the topic of Circe comes up.
It's not that you get defensive or anything like that, but that you....shut down so to speak.
and he tries to find out what's wrong with you, but either you change the subject or you simply don't respond, which rather than taking him away from the topic makes him cling more.
It's a day he talks about it with Bobo and Noah that makes the connection.
You are jealous.
Very happy.
Rex is quite direct, so as soon as he realizes this, he will go straight to telling you everything that is on his mind. It doesn't matter the answer, you have to say it.
and when you tell him your reasons why you were jealous or insecure, he will be quite confused.
Why would you think that you are not worthy? YOU? NOT BE WORTHY OF LOVE? Partly he can't believe it, because you always seemed confident, but he understands that one can pretend a lot beneath a smiling face.
He assures you that, first of all, Circe is nothing more than a friend who he should help, because she was an important part of his investment in society, but that you should never EVER feel jealous of her, you are you, after everything and he loves you.
(It would be quite ironic if you and Circe became friends after she left with the Evos in Hong Kong, in a quieter environment and with the passage underfoot. Rex doesn't know whether to be relieved or scared).
In general, Rex tries to make the relationship equitable, both protect and take care of each other, both physically and mentally.
Regardless of everything, You two handle it very well.
Thank you for Requesting/Reading❤️
#headcanons#male reader#rex salazar#generator rex#generador rex#man of action#cartoon network#rex salazar x reader
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I chose not to say Jake's name this time and I love the difference between Macie and Carla with this when I think about it
Technically, we never promised Jake say his name, we just told Lilly not to talk about him being her brother, if that were the case, we wouldn't be given the option in Duskwood to say that Jake is the name from the hacker when Richy asks who Jake is or create a movement in his name, , so his name is no longer so secret (perhaps his reason to hide to the world)
So I like to imagine that Carla is lying in this part saying that she promised, when in reality she wants to leave Jake in the past, for fear that they might have problems again because of him, she just wants to see her friends from Duskwood again, since they are the only ones with whom she can have a normal friendship and have a normal life like the one she had before
Instead, when I imagine Macie saying Jake's name, it's to remind herself that he exists, that he was part of her life and she doesn't want to leave him behind, she needs to feel close to him, in one way or another, wishing he would show up and be together again, she doesn't care if her life is in danger if Jake is not safe (and if there was the option to say her name several times like I wrote in my story, I would do it with her 🤭)
In short, I love playing around creating scenarios and stories in my head with both of them and how each one has a different relationship with Jake, to make it all more entertaining
#duskwood#duskwood jake#duskwood mc#duskwood jake x mc#moonvale#moonvale mc#duskwood everbyte#duskwood game#everbyte studios#everbyte game#everbyte studio#duskwood fandom#moonvale game#moonvale everbyte#moonvale x duskwood#duskwood x moonvale#moonvale fandom
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Hii um, really sorry about bugging you but I was scrolling through tags and I saw that you drew lovely Nathan and Leslie work a while back; I'm wirting a huge personal AU and one of the subplots is her breaking Nathan out of camp so they can do a world domination thing lol
I've never seen any headcanons of them ever so it's super hard to wirte (even if it is just for myself, but I love over analyzing both of them) so I was wondering if you had any cools ones that you're comfortable with sharing?? I'm really really sorry if this is random, from a random user but I'm just so content starved and your art on here is so comforting and I love the scene one so so much!!!!
So um, if you can please tell headcanons >.<
wow i really appreciate that! i have a few, nothing too exciting. im not sure if you meant for them interacting or independent headcanons but ill say what i remember. it might be a longer response than you asked for LOL
for more technical ones:
i headcanon that nathan knows at least a little about how leslie works as a robot so if she gets hurt he can help fix her (but hes no robotics engineer so he cant do much about major damage). i also think that she can continue to mimic voices (like when she pretended to be president). she can use this to help herself or nathan (usually blackmail) but she also uses it to taunt nathan (for example, mimicking jimmy to piss nathan off). i also think leslie can change her body temperature from colder than a human to scalding hot (sometimes not on purpose, if she isnt working properly she might overheat which could damage her). i always imagined that there was some sort of underground facility (i wanna draw this but lazy) where she went to recharge, but thats one of my more fantastical headcanons. i personally think she didnt have parents or a house to live in (only a facility) but thats just me. i imagined that after leslie died, nathan recuperated and went to the crime scene or wherever her body was held and either: a. she showed signs of being functional, so he broke her out. or b. assumed she was completely dead/a lost cause and left her there (and she was still alive but wasnt capable of showing signs). both are fun ideas . i imagine that nathan diverted a great deal of his savings from drug-dealing to help repair leslie if he had saved her.
as for their relationship, in my headcanon:
neither of them will admit that they care about one another, even though they do. leslie doesnt admit it because she thinks that being emotional could compromise her rational thinking. nathan does not admit it because i dont think hes ever admitted any true feelings of appreciation or friendship for anyone lol. he would not do anything that might make him emotionally vulnerable (not that hes really conscious of this).
they both taunt eachother and can be meaner than they intended to. they both have a habit of lying to others in canon, so i imagine they still do that.
from a rational standpoint, leslie considers nathan an important asset and his ability to keep quiet about important (and unethical) things makes him valuable for secret operations. from a not-so-rational standpoint, she appreciated his different approach to life and the fact that he is not phased by leslies bizarre nature (the way she acts when she drops her act of being some innocent kid). she has grown fond of him in a way that i believe resembles an unspoken friendship.
nathan first considered leslie as another person to harass, but after being "employed" by leslie, he began to actually appreciate her, and its probably the first time a girl did not instantly hate or pity him. he probably has some sort of crush, but maybe not because leslie is crazy. he also thinks leslie is scary (but so do most people who have dealt with her "mask-off"). i think nathan likes leslie more than leslie likes nathan, but nathan is the first person she goes to if she has a problem, so they are dependent on each other at least a little.
thank you for your ask. hope it wasnt too much of an answer
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I never noticed until now that Lian, Ingo, Melli, and arguably Sabi all have type advantages over their nobles. Huh. In which case, yeah, giving Arezu the cyndaquil would be the best lol! My best guess as to how it happened is that Laventon tried to plead with Cyllene to take one because she doesn't have a pokemon other than abra who isn't a fighter, and eventually she gave in and chose the oshawott because Ingo offhandly remembered and mentioned that they turn out to be good sword fighters like her, after she's like why do I even need a baby pokemon when I have a sword. Then I guess cyndaquil didn't want to be left behind and just kinda left with them where it then bonded with Arezu. Good idea with Laventon just switching out with Cyllene though! That does make the most logistical sense.
Ingo is polite and friendly, but on the long term he's exhausted and a bit checked out so he's kind of the middle ground between Arezu and Cyllene. I bet he could turn them all into crazy strong trainers too, although I'm not sure how into it Arezu would be since she's got a strong passion for being a hair dresser. Then again, Ingo has a strong passion for trains and he just combined the two lol. Maybe she becomes the first person in Hisui who professionally grooms pokemon on top of giving people hair cuts, since you can find people to do that in other games and it raises friendship.
One of my favorite tropes is Sneasler following Ingo back to Unova, so yes, I am all for this interpretation of her lol. It'd be an interesting dynamic if both her and the more responsible Lilligant were on the team together. I could see her being kind of like Ingo before the fall; responsible, well-mannered, energetic, and talkative.
Huh, I suppose if we wanted to keep kinda close to canon, they all get frenzied from the start but it doesn't originally seem like every area had a noble that got hit? Coastlands clearly didn't get one, Arezu was hiding Lilligant's, and Melli didn't think it was a problem so he didn't report it right away. That'd leave just the fieldlands and the icelands as ones they knew about. So Arezu sits on it the whole way through Kleavor, which would probably make her feel worse and worse the longer she does, because she was only just handed this big important duty, Adaman trusts her, and she doesn't like lying to him or her new friends even if it's just by omission. But once they get Kleavor back to normal she realizes that she kind of has to speak up now. And afterward maybe Lilligant joins them, if not to other areas then at least every time they're in the mirelands doing survey work.
The other idea is interesting too though. With so many of them they might be able to stop the growlithe from getting kidnapped too, which would stop both Lilligant and Arcanine from getting frenzied, though it'd make going through the highlands a nightmare if they can't use Sneasler. I'm not sure if stopping them from hit would actually change anything. Although, it'd also be kind of interesting if they were playing with fire, and being so close to Lilligant when she was hit while they were traveling together set off Sneasler getting frenzied too. It wasn't a direct hit, but if she was close enough it could branch off to her or travel as a ground current into her or another of their pokemon.
also calaba has a bibarel, which is a water type and so SE against ursaluna, and if you think that iscan has a qwilfish/overqwil, which is something that's been thrown around before, that also beats his ghost fish noble. AND palina has a growlithe as a partner, and technically that's SE against itself and arcanine by extension, though that's more of a wash since they're... the same species. AND if you fight her in the path of tenacity (which i think those pokemon are dubiously canon, but anyway) arezu herself gets a bronzor, which beats lilligant! i think the only two with partners you fight that aren't effective against their nobles are mai and gaeric. it's a really funny trend lmao. and aww, yeah, laventon talked cyllene into taking at least one of them, and ingo mentioned the oshawott thing so she was like fine i guess that works, and then cyndaquil just didn't want to get left behind while its starter buddies had adventures. also, arezu's lived her whole life in the mirelands, the warmest region in hisui, so when their group starts going up to the colder areas she is going to be Suffering. so having a portable heater partner will def help there, too
arezu as the first ever pokemon salon... i love that SO MUCH omg. i mean, there are probably others in the world who've done something similar maybe, but she'd def be the earliest in the game timeline. that's SO perfect. she starts by branching out from hairstyling to attempt to give ingo a hand combing out lady sneasler's winter coat once spring comes around (which is really a two and a half person job and results in a mountain of undercoat big enough to make another sneasler out of) and that's the gateway, now she's off. she's doing pokemon spas, massages, fertilizer for grass types, you name it, she's trying it. between the salon, the move tutor, and the totally-not-a-battle-facility ingo's running, jubilife is gonna be the top destination for people trying out this new "training" thing within the year (much to kamado's endless torment)
oh no lilligant being really similar to pre-fall ingo is too good... that's so cute and such an unlikely duo i love it. meanwhile arezu and sneasler are more different but sympathize with each others' desires to just kind of, like, Not. they have a big job and they don't rrreally want to do it that much but they gotta, the other two are herding them. Bonding. plus as mentioned above arezu gives really good brushies and sneasler is a noble of simple wants
yeah they're both really good and fun options is the thing. the idea of frenzy being, like... contagious is REALLY interesting though. like, not even as part of this au, just like... in general. the idea of it behaving less like a magic switch-flip and more like some kind of gradual disease? i mean, i've already made the comparison between the alpha frenzy and a cognitive-affecting disease, but i don't think i ever went quite that step. that's really interesting. it opens up the possibility for the frenzy as a whole to be like this, zombie virus type of thing, that volo unleashed on hisui entirely by accident and now can't stop. but now we're getting off topic shksjhsjkh
but anyway. where were we. yes. i almost feel like we could take the opportunity of having two wardens accompanying the protag and do something really different from canon? like, flip the entire game order on its head. plus there's the added complication of whatever ingo's potentially seeing, if he at any point gains extra insight into what's causing this, or predicts something like the red sky. though i think his predictions are extremely scattershot on account of being entirely incidental and not actually targeted at anything. so maybe instead of, or in addition to, curing the frenzy, they're also working on some other mission? to hunt down information, or seal the distortions as they open or something? idk, i'm thinking out loud
#the nemesis speaks#the nemesis answers#anonymous#origin visions au#we could pull the massive mass outbreaks into this even... finally give those a Point lmao
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Friday, February 23rd, 2024!
7:55am: I slept for so long and woke up with no alarms this morning :) feels amazing. Still had a huge orange chunk come out of my nose but it's less than before, I just don't know when it will stop lol (I literally had to get up while writing this and do another one). Last night I had to go to sleep unexpectedly early bc I had a milkshake and it made me so bloated omg. I think I'm officially at that age where I really can't just be eating anything 😂 of course I can bc I'm an independent woman 💅 but not without The Consequences. Also I just popped my BC in and I'm ready for my period to stop and also for the stomach issues to stop omg it's been rough out here. It really feels like spring break should be today, but the pros to it being next week are that it's one week closer to the end, I won't be on my period at all, and hopefully it will be warmer!! I'm tired of this cold ass weather!!
I feel good today besides the random brain thoughts that I don't particularly want. I need to figure out how to replace those thoughts with ones I do what. This journaling, as much ranting as it is, definitely helps me I guess regulate my runaway thoughts. I really want to take a post poop nap though those are the best so ttyl lmao.
10:47am: omg I continued to sleep until 9:50am I don't know how to explain to people how much sleep I really feel like I need. Idk it's probably depression but that's literally ok I'm just doing what I can. I still miss him and that's ok too. I don't really miss him I literally miss just having someone to talk to. But he fucked up and it's his loss, not mine. He lost a genuine person, and I lost a liar who cheats and steals money and nothing he does is genuine, it's all fake to get people to like him so he can use their shit for all it's worth. What's crazy is he's so fake he doesn't even care about these cats after he kept saying he misses them oh boohoo me it's like losing two kids, then blocks me so he'll effectively never fucking see them again. He's literally so fake AF. I take pride knowing I'm not a fake ass bitch and I don't lie to people. Doesn't matter if people believe me or not because I know I'm not lying about anything. If you think I'm lying, you just have something else going on in your life that you have to deal with clearly. This image of them getting on the bike together I think will stay with me for a while, I guess visuals are really my downfall. I know I'm the bigger person bc I literally said yeah y'all are cute together before he stopped speaking to me and everything was chill. It was chill because I made it chill. I made this entire friendship what it was and I'm really convinced of it now tbh. I don't like him, I like me and how I act towards him 😂 I like nice people, aka myself lmao.
If everyone likes me except for you.... Sorry I don't think I'm the problem boo 😘 just a matter of time before he does some more stupid shit I'm sure I'll hear about 🙄
Happy Friday!!
1:02pm ate my ramen leftovers and my boss is buying me CFA Cobb salad for work later :') people are awesome ❤️
10:09pm: JFC my feet hurt like hell. I wish I had a guy to rub my feet fr but one day lol. I just realized he didn't block me on sc so I could technically add him back whenever, I wonder if he's waiting for me to do that?? Hmmmm he's such a narcissist it's wild, plus the whole posting at me when I'm technically blocked on ig is actually crazy af. I bet $200 if he adds me back on ig that post will magically be gone or the caption would change. He's so petty and acts like a little bitch. Literally can't relate 💀
11:40pm: finished my law assignment and I'm so tired I think I'll eat my salad leftovers and literally pass out. My eyes are literally burning.
I really just be out here gaslighting tf outta myself. I'm sitting here like wowza I wish I had "guy" to vibe w me after getting done with my hw.... But it's been so long it's funny that I forget, that man in particular would NOT want to chill with me after I'm finished with my hw!! Name literally one time when he ever fucking did that?? Literally he never fucking did. I'm so gaslighting myself into thinking we'd be doing anything rn, he would've pissed me off all night and then would probably be asleep rn. There would not be random drive thru trips bc he's on a lame ass diet and won't stfu about it and there wouldn't be cuddling bc he would've pissed me off the entire afternoon sitting on his ass making fucking messes instead of contributing anything ever to the home we share and it would infuriate me!! That's not attractive 🙄 so yeah gaslighting tf out of myself to think that would be happening 🤣 it's been so long I forget how exhausting that bullshit was!! Don't go back sis you literally hated it!! Wack AF and manipulative tbh.
One day, there will be a man, he will rub my feet when I get off work, even better he'll see the insides of my shoes, know that I'm too busy/ADHD to remember to get insoles, and would surprise me with new insoles for my shoes ❤️ that's what care and love looks like. We will have a cute snack and then probably fuck before bed bc we are both grown and not scared of a little period fr, and he would get me a towel and draw up a shower for me afterwards and I'd come back into the clean bedroom with no dirty shit on the floor and get into my made bed and snuggle with the real love of my life who loves and respects me 🥰 manifesting lol 💕
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1/2 And we are on 5x02 and he is stressed. After he hit play, he just went ‘they better fix this shit because that was a bad start of the season’… yeah. ‘Oh shit, so this la thing is done? Or is he staying? I feel bad for Blondie but I’m happy I won’t have to see that dude as Rage.’ ‘So Brian really owns Babylon? Ted is almost like Brian’s mom. And best friend. I like this relationship between them’ ‘so Mike and Ben are really gonna buy the house in the boringhood? The difference between Brian’s day and Mike’s day is insane. I like Brian’s way more.’ That scene with Ted in the diner happens where he gets called sir ‘oh i feel bad for laughing but that was funny. I love Ted..Mike didn’t know about Babylon? fucking hell, up until 3 minutes ago you didn’t want a house either. Can he stop telling people how to live their lives?’ Mike mentions JR spending time with them ‘wait what? I thought he was a donor? So now because they broke up he gets to keep her? That’s fucking weird’ ‘this Keller guy looks like he has a wig on. A really bad wig. Also, Justin why are you still here? Go to Brian. Blondie. Please tell me youre not dumb enough to believe Keller. I hate this for him but come on.’ Mike and Ben come up ‘screaming so loud she woke up the baby? THE BABY WAS ALREADY AWAKE MIKE. SHE WAS UP ALL NIGHT. And she’s technically right..i mean he isn’t a parent. Yoouuuuu can provide a more STABLE home? My man, you can’t go one day without being in someone else’s business’ Babylon scene is happening ‘you’re telling me Brian fucking Kinney had a bad opening night? YOURE TELLING ME BRIAN FUCKING KINNEY WOULDNT KNOW HOW TO PROMOTE AN OPENING OF A CLUB? I call bullshit, this is the second dumbest thing I’ve seen in this season. Remember Rage? And that carnival? I am insulted on his behalf!’ ‘WHY ARE YOU STILL IN LA JUSTIN?! I wouldve thought he’d want to go home to Brian? Please don’t tell me Brian was right and he’s gonna go back’ Narrator’s note: at this point he paused the ep and went outside on a smoke break and he is walking up and down the yard stressed out. ‘Awwww Brian is sad. AGAIN, 12?! this makes no fucking sense. He is Brian Kinney. He literally owns a marketing agency and you’re telling me his best idea to promote would be posters? PLEASE’ and it’s revealed Mikey hired a lawyer ‘HE HIRED A LAWYER?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HE DOING AND WHY IS BEN HYPING THAT UP? (mike and ben say the single mom/loving stable home with two fathers line) oooohhhh no they fucking didn’t. I hope they rot in hell for that one. TELL THEM DEBBIE. How did they go from being okay-ish in season 4 to being this trash now?’ ‘Awww Brian is hanging out with Gus! How did she get him to step foot into this apartment? Do Mike and Brian even talk anymore? He looks pretty. Why does everyone always go to Brian to fix their problems? You go talk to Mike’ it just showed Ted as a blonde ‘OH MY GOD. WHAT IS HE WEARING? WHY IS HE BLONDE?! Look at Brian’s smile! Ted just delivered him the best gift ever.’ ‘BLONDIE IS BACK AT THE LOFT! MY BABY IS BACK! and Brian is fucking someone.. okay Blondie, look at your smile. THEY ARE BACK!!’ And we are at scene with Justin in the diner ‘oh baby, who are you lying to? AHH i forgot Ted dyed his hair. Can I just say the most important thing? I’m glad Justin’s hair looks good again. (Ted asks Justin if hed like to slit his throat after Deb offers him his old job) WHY DONT WE GET MORE OF TED AND JUSTIN? They would have a nice friendship’ Emmett is offered his job on the news show ‘gay makeovers? Isnt that what Queer eye is? wait, i still have an episode of that one to watch. I prefer him party planning’
Yes! One thing S5 gives us is the BroTP of Brian and Ted. NGL I wish it was Brian and Emmett, but I’ll take it.
Can Michael stop telling people how to live their lives. Everyone would like to know that Brother Anon. And the way Mikey handles Mel and Linds’ split and JR is the very worst. Like so fucking misogynistic and gross. And yes, when Debbie tells him and Ben off it feels so so good.
Okay okay, I think Brian didn’t realize he had to promote Babylon. It was always the most popular gay club.
Having to pause the episode is so real.
Brian looks pretty. Bless. He’s so gay for Gale/Brian. (And why does everyone want Brian to fix their problems, while simultaneously criticizing him!)
Ted as a blond will always be hideously iconic.
Justin’s hair being back to looking good is definitely a relief. And Ted and Justin would have a nice friendship (Scott and Randy have discussed thinking that their characters would get along and had many reasons why.)
And yeesh. Emmett being on that Queer Eye show… was a great opportunity for the show to address the issues with that first iteration of QE. Also, isn’t that the show your mom watched when she was trying to be supportive of your brother?
#ask winderlylandchime#dear sweet anon#queer as folk#a straight man watches qaf us 2000 in the year of our lord 2023
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Okay so;
The only way to fix the obelisks is the magic within an avian, and most times taking that magic will kill the target (Vast said "And generally that kills them" may be paraphrasing- not sure if it's exact)
Vast does not know of any other way to fix the obelisks
Female Avicane generally handle the magic and social aspects of their job, and the male Avicane would be the muscle. (does this imply that Avicane would travel in pairs to the jobs? Is this how Vast's parents knew each other?)
the library siblings are in danger due to a) being high risk, knowing too much, b) generally are farther off, not in the main area compared to Marcel or Gaverin, as well as there being more unknowns about those others. Problems are that there's two of them, and therefore if one is gone the other will most likely notice. This technically points to Apple/Cosie being the best choice purely when it comes to others noticing, though there's a lot of unknowns that need to be explained on that end for her to be considered the "best" option (also viable because Vast hasn't had the time to get connected to them)
Furthermore, the explanation of the Avicane gender roles kind of explains why Vast would probably have used more of a bargaining way of luring people, rather than using a sort of pseudo-friendship? With the loss of their sister- the social one- Vast lost half of the team. And that would cause a few bumps in the road, maybe contributing to how he failed the last one?
Also something Vast mentioned at the end- "He was the only one who I've met who... wasn't a target." So that implies that Vast only talked to people who he aimed to be the targets- so instead of finding information by talking, blending in socially like a female Avicane would- he watched, then stepped in and took the chance when they got it. When she could get them away unnoticed. But that lying took a toll- it takes a toll.
Questions that remain;
How did Vast and Kalia's parents function? Are they still alive?
Did Kalia die on orders of the Avicane? If so, why?
Is Erin an Avicane?
So concerning Vast and his newly revealed endeavors-
(spoilers for lore that occurred on Saturday, 3/30/24)
So Vast is essentially doing the trolley problem- and supposedly has been doing the trolley problem all his life.
Assuming the obelisks can only be recharged via the killing of a person (or more specifically, avians), then when it comes to the death of one for the survival of many- doesn't that seem like an okay thing to do?
but that's the thing. We, as viewers, do not know whether that's the only way to fix the obelisks. And we don't know- I mean, we can assume, technically- if Vast does either.
Does this excuse murder? no, no it does not-
but it does explain a little bit, I suppose
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Plight of Longevity
Plotted starter w/ @universalcarnival
This was... a bad idea. It was what his intuition was telling him. It was what every single nerve in his body was screaming at him. However the logic within his head was a much different story. Because despite the fears that rolled and rioted in his chest, he knew that this... This was the right thing to do. What he needed to do, in order to ensure that someone else didn’t go through the same anguish & pain he did-- or at least, help lesson the blow somehow. He... he had to try!
This was the slow realization that Gale came to, as he watched the mane 6 from afar-- and more specifically, the recently christened Princess of Friendship. He knew what gaining those wings meant. Knew what would soon befall the mare when the sand in the hourglass ran out. He had to act well before that happened. Try to help cushion the fall well before it happened. It was for this reason, that he found himself standing in front of her castle. Something that... he never though he’d do. Something that felt wrong-- but also right all the same, because of what he sought to do. Who he wanted to help, despite the blood that ran through his veins.
Steeling his resolve, as well as preparing his emotions for what he was about to do-- he raised his hoof and wrapped against the large doors. He did feel a little bad about the tactic he was going to use to broach this topic, but he doubted that if he just came right out with it-- he’d even be considered-- probably just brushed off as trying to advertise his business. Which... technically was right-- but the last thing he was going to do was charge the princes for any of this. It wasn’t about money, but something much more fundamental and personal. Self experience, and sparing someone of it even a little bit.
“O-oh.. u-uh-- hello--u-uh” Despite his best efforts, his voice was still far too nervous. Borderline panicky at the start, but he was able to reel it in. You know, actually get his thoughts out. “I-I-- I wanted to s-see if I could have help with a f-friendship problem... O-Oh-- Only I-if there isn’t anything else important going on--! It--it isn’t u-urgent--” He'd quickly tacked on, since he knew the rate of unfortunate events that befell Twilight and her friends was rather frequent. “I-I’m not interrupting anything, am I-I--?”
#;hidingthehorror#;ponyvillepsychiatry#universalcarnival#;(( he's trying his best aksjdasdf ))#;(( oh and I wasn't sure if twilight or spike would answer the door-- so just left it open to either ))#;(( and he's tecHNICALLY not lying about it being a friendship problem... ))#;(( just is her's-- not his askjnafsd ))
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—midnight getaway. (m)
⟶ pairing: jung wooyoung x fem!reader
⟶ genre: sprinkle of youtuber!wooyoung + fluff / smut
⟶ words: 6,488
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ summary: a “romantic” getaway surrounded by your friends leads to an interesting night alone with wooyoung
⟶ warnings: pwp, wooyoung says baby a lot bc he’s in love, some teasing woo, exhibitionism, doggy style, sort of praise kink, ass play (fingering, fem!recieving), breast play/fondling, finger sucking, riding, unprotected sex, creampie
⟶ note: this is the first fic i’ve written in a while and my first ateez fic no one come for me pls also this is dedicated to the lovely @kithtaehyung !! thank you for always encouraging me and my wooyoung antics!! 💛
p.s. this is shamelessly inspired by this wooyoung selfie!!
“Ugh. You obviously like her.”
The begrudging sigh comes from Yeosang, narrowly giving Wooyoung a heart attack when he realizes that you’re still within earshot. This wouldn’t have been so much of an issue had Yeosang not been so clearly talking about you to Wooyoung, though he barely has any time to recollect himself. Instead, sprawled out on the poolside of the villa the group had rented out for their week-long vacation in Jeju Island, Wooyoung firstly decides that he has no idea what Yeosang’s talking about.
“We’re just friends,” Wooyoung retorts.
“A friend you invite with you on a romantic getaway?” Yeosang asks with a wolfish grin.
Wooyoung shakes his head. He can still see you through the windows of the villa, now in the kitchen talking to Hongjoong. You’re all bright-eyed and glowing from the sun, in a swimsuit you had been putting to use just a few minutes ago when you took a dip in the pool. “Some romantic getaway, considering there’s seven idiots in the same house as us. Also thought this trip was meant to have no distractions.”
Which isn’t really a lie, because while their trip to Jeju was mostly for their YouTube channels, it was also meant to serve as a well-deserved break for the boys, and their leisure work of choice wasn’t exactly taxing and the majority of their trip so far has been spent simply enjoying themselves. Hongjoong had been so adamant too that there would be nothing to hinder them during their well deserved break. And of course you jumped at the offer to tag along when Wooyoung asked you, because you were his best friend but, moreover, his best supporter when it came to his passion and his videos.
“Yeah,” San hums nonchalantly from within the pool. He had been one of the few to jump in with you earlier, “but I don’t think friends flirt with each other on a daily basis.”
“Not to mention your video was all about her,” Jongho adds from beside Wooyoung. “I thought we were supposed to be promoting tourism in Jeju, not Y/N.”
That was a bit of an exaggeration. Sure, you had featured in a lot of the video Wooyoung had only just posted for his “Our Side of the Story” series he was doing (mostly daily vlogs, or aesthetic short films that you’ve always loved ━ much like the others, who have found a way to incorporate their love for music, dance, cooking, and everything in between in their vlogs), but you always made an appearance when you were so close with him. His viewers were used to it by this point, safe for the occasional questioning comments as to whether or not you two were dating. This video in particular saw you having the most fun in a while, frolicking the streets of the city, sprinting across the beach into the shallows of the ocean to try and splash Wooyoung with water; shaved ice shared between you and him and the way you snuck a bite of his when he was preoccupied, bike rides along the waterfront, and clambering along hiking trails so you could pose in a field of flowers that you had so desperately wanted to see.
Now, Wooyoung gives a roll of his eyes. “Funny. I don’t know what you guys are talking about.”
“Yeah, sure,” Yeosang sighs again. “When are you gonna tell her the truth?”
“The video already kind of did,” Jongho points out tauntingly. “If I was Y/N, I would have already realized.”
“Yeah━” San is beaming now as he clambers out of the pool, “but if you don’t want her, Woo, can I make a pass at her? Y’know, just to help take her off your hands━ Ow! What the hell?”
San jumps suddenly when Wooyoung chucks one of the pillows off of the lawn chair at his head.
“Keep your hands off her━” Wooyoung chastises. It’s meant mostly as a joke, but he worries when he recognizes a small part of him seems to care a little too much.
The others seem to find it funny at least, erupting into howling laughter that’s quick to fade when you wander back out to the pool and throw yourself next to Wooyoung.
“They’re definitely starting to catch on.”
Wooyoung lets out a weary sigh, though you’re starting to find it difficult to focus as he continues to kiss down your throat.
So, maybe if any of the boys walked in and saw the both of you in such a compromising position, they would be indescribably confused while also preparing to point an accusatory finger at Wooyoung for technically lying to them. But it isn’t really a lie, and certainly not one neither he nor you were keen on keeping for very long. It’s just that it seemed a whole lot easier to keep your newfound two month relationship with Wooyoung a secret for a small while.
It was mostly to give the both of you enough time to enjoy yourselves thoroughly without the prying eyes of your friends (who, while always supportive, are already passionately invested in your lifelong friendship with Wooyoung, pointing out his feelings for you even far before he could decipher them), their vlogging lifestyle, and their fans, while also waiting for the proper time to expose the truth. After the Jeju trip, you had both promised each other. But that plan was beginning to look more and more faulty as time passes.
What was supposed to be an innocent trip to Jeju with your friends turned into a tricky game in which Wooyoung had entirely different plans that consisted of you only. Specifically, how many times he can find you alone away from the boys to have his way with you. By now, night has since fallen and, after a short duration of time unwinding around a small bonfire in the backyard, the boys had all since retreated to their own rooms. You’re positive most are already long asleep and the ones that aren’t are beginning to nod off, exhausted after a long day and drowsy with liquor from the night of drinking. You’re fortunate Wooyoung at least first chose to find you alone in your room of the villa, but you still panic. Because Wooyoung should be sleeping in his shared room with Hongjoong down the hall from yours, yet here he was.
“My video today probably didn’t help,” Wooyoung adds.
You hum in response. “I don’t know if sneaking into my room will help with that either.”
At this, Wooyoung grins wide. “It’s fine. Hongjoong’s passed out cold. You should hear his snores. Plus━” He presses a kiss to your shoulder. “I couldn’t sleep without wondering how quickly you can cum.”
You nearly choke as you hear the words fall from Wooyoung’s mouth.
But it wasn’t his fault ━ he has needs too.
The first night of your trip called for a joyous celebration at a nearby restaurant that resulted in everyone being blissfully drunk by the time you returned to the villa. You had gotten so dressed up for the occasion that Wooyoung hated to see it go to waste, adorned in a pretty floral sundress ━ one that has always been his favourite (and, no, he promises that’s not solely because of how nice your boobs look in it, though that’s definitely a plus). If the boys could hear his thoughts now, they’d certainly pick him apart.
The house, however big and spacious it may be, is certainly not empty. Even just next door to your room is the shared room both Mingi and San are in. This is a fact you choose to remind your dear boyfriend of now. “The boys are sleeping.”
“Screw the guys,” Wooyoung groans into your neck. His strong arms slide around your middle from behind, pulling you into an all too familiar and warm embrace. He’s caught you just before you can shed your dress and slip into something more comfortable, all radiant and shimmering from a day out in the sun. You melt almost immediately against his chest as he nibbles on the skin just below your ear, on the corner of your jaw. He whispers ardently, “You look really pretty today. You always do, but especially today.”
A gentle smile spreads across your face. You instinctively reach out behind you to rest your hand on the nape of his neck, fingers tugging at the hair there. “I wore this dress just for you. I know it’s your favourite.”
“Yeah, because your tits look amazing in it,” he snickers. As if to emphasize this, he reaches down slyly to cup one of your breasts over the material of your dress, giving it a squeeze.
“Well, now you’re just trying to distract me into bed with you.”
“Is it working?” he asks hopefully, a smug grin on his face.
You snicker, fidgeting in his hold to face him and patting at his shoulder. “Maybe if we weren’t surrounded by a group of seven drunk men who could potentially hear and walk in on me sucking you off at any moment.”
But Wooyoung has already waited all day for the boys to leave you two alone. Waiting any longer may as well have felt like an eternity in a certain type of special hell that he wasn’t exactly keen on.
“And?” A sudden smirk stretches across his face. He leans in close to you, lips brushing faintly against your ear. “You didn’t have a problem letting me fuck you against the practice room mirror the other day.”
You swat lightly at his chest, scoffing suddenly. “Wooyoung!”
But he has a point. In all fairness, it had been his idea to take you against the practice room mirror when the boys had gone home and you were dropping off food to your poor boyfriend still working late at night. You certainly hadn’t complained then when he had you coming around his cock with the practice room door left unlocked. It’s such a Wooyoung thing to say too, being that he’s not often caught off guard, especially when he’s so blatant and confident about all things sex.
“Can’t you keep it in your pants for one night, Woo?”
“No, he’s in pain,” he pouts childishly. He bites playfully at the tip of your nose.
You sputter for air, dissolving into a fit of laughter. “You did not just call your dick a he━”
“Okay, I’m in pain,” he corrects. He starts kissing down and back up your neck. “It’s not my fault you look extra hot today. Besides, you looked like you were having so much fun today. Is it so wrong for me to want to keep pampering my beautiful girlfriend?”
“With your dick?”
“Yes, with my dick.”
You snort.
“And━” He drags out the word purposely, a playful twinkle in his eyes. “I don’t even want you to suck me off, by the way. All I want is to fuck you senseless right now.”
His words send a nerve right down to your core. Your thighs instinctively press together at the thought.
All things considered, you’re not any better. There was no denying how devastatingly attractive your boyfriend always looked, but especially today. A well-deserved break and the Jeju sun did him well, with a beautiful tan starting to glow on his face, free of any make-up or cover-ups. The usual stress of city life and work doesn’t weigh heavy on his brows anymore, and though his hair has gotten longer, it’s a neat and pretty mess ━ a little unruly from the sun and chlorine, and from having taken it down from its half-ponytail, but pretty nonetheless ━ with the under half of it bleached blonde and the top half dyed black. Dressed in nothing but a casual old t-shirt and a pair of board shorts, he’s both wholesomely cute and yet sexy at the same time.
And, while you are surrounded by a group of rowdy boys, Wooyoung isn’t necessarily wrong. He always seems to have a knack for making anything romantic enough if he tries, attributed to his charming ways. A night of lovemaking (or whatever he has in mind) in your room with a beachside view is, all things considered, kind of romantic.
You purse your lips now. “Think they’re all asleep?”
“With how wasted they are? Absolutely,” Wooyoung says brightly. “I tripped over a shoe in our room and Hongjoong didn’t even move.”
It’s risky, sure, but the sudden yearning to be with Wooyoung was almost debilitating. There was no doubt you could both get away with having sex in a packed house, right? Either way, it doesn’t really seem to matter. You’ve already been persuaded, and Wooyoung knows.
He pulls you in for a kiss and you let him get carried away for a moment, reveling in the way he needily nips and sucks at your lower lip. Then, finding a second of clarity, you can be heard saying against his mouth breathlessly, “We’ll have to be quiet.”
“Mmm,” he hums distractedly. “So quiet.”
But that was like asking Wooyoung not to breathe. It’s this passing thought, and the way he pulls and tugs you over to sit on his lap as he sinks onto the edge of the bed in a desperate haste, that has you giggling. He leaves a trail of sloppy kisses down to the underside of your jaw and then along your throat.
You tug at the hair at the nape of his neck as you begin to rut your hips against his slowly. “You look really handsome today, baby. It’s nice seeing you so relaxed for once.”
His stare meets yours suddenly, all sparkling and awed. He grips your waist and presses you a little more firmly against his hips so you can feel his semi-hard dick against your inner thigh. “Ugh,” he sighs, “say that again and I’ll bust a nut right here and now.”
Another giggle meets his ears, but this time it’s a little less focused as it splinters off into a whimper the longer you continue to grind against him. You decide to humour him. “I saw your vlog. It was pretty.”
He audibly whines now, his heart threatening to burst through his chest. “Yeah? I worked hard on it.”
“Is that how you see me?” You think back to the video and how you looked, the soft music overlapping it all.
“Yeah,” he deadpans, “like that piece of washed up kelp you tried throwing at me today━”
“You’re so━”
“I’m joking. Of course that’s how I see you, but that’s only a fraction of what you look like to me. A camera doesn’t do you justice.”
“So you think I’m pretty?” You snicker.
“So pretty.” He kisses you again, this time a little more earnestly. He sighs dreamily against your lips, “No, actually. If my dick isn’t in you in the next minute, I’m gonna go insane.”
A delighted simper sounds from you. “Don’t even have to cum, just as long as you do━”
Your jaw drops open as you find an angle that has you pushing your clit against his clothed dick just right. But even though you had so innocently offered to only get him off, part of the fun was seeing how quickly and how many times he could make you cum before finishing himself off. You deserve it, after all.
“God, you’re such a good girl,” he moans. He takes a moment to appreciate you in your current state. You, straddling his lap, eager hips moving against his with your brows pinched in concentration, the pretty material of your dress hiking up around your thighs. He reaches down, palms rough as they grip at the soft flesh of your thighs. “Look at you, already so needy for me. It’s so fucking sexy.”
Wooyoung fidgets beneath you. He burrows his face in the crook of your neck, nipping at your throat.
“How do you want me first, princess?” he asks sweetly now, peppering kisses along your throat, tongue soothing the marks he’s left behind. “Want my fingers in you?”
“N-No━” You croak. “Just wanna feel your dick.”
Excitement prickles at the tips of his fingers as he massages circles against your hips. “In your mouth or in you?”
“In me,” You rasp. “Now. Please, Woo━”
He marvels for a moment at how he’s so stupidly in love with you and your pretty words despite them having such dirty implications, and he hastens to please you. A wolfish grin tugs at his lips as he smothers them against your mouth, but then the giddy sensation of finally getting to have his cock buried in your walls overcomes him. He murmurs into a wet kiss, “As much as I love this dress, let’s get it off of you.”
He hastens to help you shove the straps of your dress down your shoulders, then off your arms. Then, he watches as you stand up to shimmy your way out of it, the material pooling at your feet, exposing your figure and the fact that you’re not even wearing a bra. The swell of your breasts meets his eyes first, and you’ve barely just kicked your way out of your panties when he’s pulling you onto his lap again, warm mouth latching onto one of your breasts. His lips wrap around your nipple, teeth nibbling on the sensitive bud. He can’t seem to get enough, moving to bite and suck at the soft flesh all over, shifting from one to the other, then down the valley of your breasts. A moan falls from your lips, hands pulling harshly at his hair as you push him further into your chest.
“Wooyoung…” You whine. “We gotta be quick.”
Though he wants nothing more than to mark up your chest all over, he relents only when he remembers that the boys are nearby. “Okay, okay━ Here━”
He grabs at your waist, shifting you around until you’re on your back splayed out beneath him. Towering over you, he pushes the material of his shorts down, pulling his aching dick from the tight confinements. Your eyes fall to the way he fists himself hurriedly, tip all red and glistening with precum, and the one prominent vein bulging along his length. You bite at your lip, legs instinctively spreading wider for him.
“Are we really gonna do this?” he asks, excited. “With the guys here?”
“Think it’s too late to ask when we’re both already naked,” You giggle. You remind him again, this time a little weaker, “Just remember to be quiet.”
He hums in response. Then, he teases you by running the length of his hard dick against your slick folds, already dripping with slick arousal.
“God, baby,” he groans, “you’re so wet already.” He taps the tip of his cock against your pussy, the sudden jolt sending your head spinning. As he rubs himself on you, the sticky wetness glides along the prominent vein of his length and spreads messily out to the top of your inner thighs. “Did I do all this to you?”
“Woo, no teasing,” You chastize in a small whine. A shiver runs down your spine at the feeling, and you hate having to resist all his teasing touches. “What if someone tries coming in?”
He flashes you a shit-eating grin. “Let them. If it’s Seonghwa, even better. I can finally get payback for when he purposely ate some girl out on my bed.”
You snort lazily, stifling your giggles. “Focus, baby.”
“I am focused,” he says smugly. He emphasizes this by pressing his dick a little harder against your folds, teasing the tip of it against your entrance. “With you spread out like this for me, all sexy━ Fuck, I’m so focused.”
But what he doesn’t tell you is that the thought alone of one of the boys walking in on the both of you is enough to excite him to no end. He can imagine it now, one of them wandering into the room while you’re writhing beneath Wooyoung, taking his dick so well, moaning nothing but his name. He yearns to feel you all at once, hurrying to please you.
Without warning, he pushes himself into you, cock stretching you wide in just the way you both like. Almost immediately, low gasps and groans sound from the both of you.
“Ah, f-fuck! Woo━” You smother your sudden cries with a hand clamping over your mouth.
“Shit, I know,” he sputters for air. His voice is heavy in your ear, a low grunt only for you to hear. “You feel so fucking good, baby━”
His head is swimming even just at the way your walls wrap around his tip so snug. He pushes himself into you the rest of the way, bottoming out with a sudden forceful and indulgent thrust when━
The headboard slams against the wall, exceptionally loud.
“Fuck, Wooyoung━ Woo━” You grip at his arms. “The bed.”
His eyes meet yours, stunned momentarily as you wait and listen. A minute passes, but the house continues to remain silent.
“It’s okay. Even if they do hear, it’s not as if they probably won’t know what we’re doing,” Wooyoung points out, matter-of-fact. “We haven’t exactly been very careful lately.”
“Still,” You insist. Your walls throb around his hard dick, desperate for some sort of movement. “It’ll give me some peace of mind.”
His heart swoons at your timidness, and though he has fun teasing you, he would never actually want to risk getting caught by one of the boys (however many close calls he’s already had with you) or, worse, upsetting you to the point of no return.
In the next moment, Wooyoung pulls out of you, then pushes back in again, this time less forceful. He swears he tries to be wary of the bed and of making too much noise but, much to both of your dismay, while the frame doesn’t bang against the wall too noticeably, the bed still creaks beneath you.
Wooyoung grits his teeth. He tries again, then one more time, and though your head lolls back at the sensation of him stretching you wide, you meet his gaze with your own apprehensive hazy one. Even Wooyoung’s patience is wearing thin when all he wants to do is tear you apart ━ that, and the slight creak of the bed is enough to start driving him insane.
“Fuck this,” his pace stutters to a halt, “let’s get on the floor. Can you get on your hands and knees for me, baby?”
“Good idea.” Your heart jolts in your chest from the excitement.
Within a matter of seconds, he’s parting from you, leaving you momentarily stunned at the loss of warmth. He helps you to your feet so that the both of you can sink to the floor on your knees. Before you can drop into all fours, Wooyoung stops you by reaching out for the blanket on the bed and tucking it underneath the both of you, but mostly to soften the ground underneath your knees. When he catches you surveying him with a fond gleam in your eyes, he quirks a brow.
“What? It’s just so you don’t get too uncomfortable,” he says sweetly, peppering a few kisses along your shoulder. “Is this good?”
“Amazing.” Your heart swells at all his gentle touches. You catch his lips on yours, faintly murmuring, “I love you. Like, so much.”
You can feel his grin against your mouth. “You know I love you too. And as much as I would also love to hear you go on about how I’m the most perfect boyfriend, I need to be in you right now.”
A pretty giggle meets his ears, and he marvels for a second how you’re so quick to oblige. Propping yourself up on your elbows, your ass juts out in his direction. You give it a little tempting wiggle, and he hurries to position himself behind you. With one hand on the small of your back, he guides you back down his length.
“Ah━ Fuuuck━” He moans. “Arch your back a little more for me, baby.”
You do as you’re told, leaning forward just enough on your elbows and sticking your hips back to meet his as he sinks balls deep into your core. Then, he’s crumbling apart, all breathy panting as he tries to focus.
“Shit, baby━”
“You’re so tight. So wet. I’m not gonna last,” he pouts, as if it’s a genuine disappointment. He watches as he pulls out of your heat just enough before shoving himself back in, his dick covered in a glistening sheen of your arousal. You’re so damn wet, he wonders how he hasn’t slipped from you yet. His hands grip and tug at your ass, spreading you to see the way your cunt pulsates and stretches around his dick. So perfect, almost as if you were made for him. “Tell me. Wanna hear how good you feel right now.”
“S-So good,” You mumble drunkenly. “God, you’re so good, Woo. Fuck━!”
His gaze droops down to your breasts, bouncing with each thrust of his hips into yours. He reaches around and grabs at one of your boobs. The gentle shake of the soft flesh in his palms is always his favourite feeling, and he can’t help but squeeze at them now because, god, he really does love your tits. If he had all the time in the world, he would do anything to fuck himself between your boobs, and cum all over your chest ━ but that will have to wait for now.
“Ah━ Fuck━ Wish I could take my time with you right now,” he moans, planting sloppy kisses along your shoulder. “I can’t wait till we’re alone. Gonna take care of you so well, baby.”
“Yeah,” he grunts. He reaches down with his other hand, thumb pressing against the tight hole of your ass. The sensation alone is enough to have you nearly keeling over, a strangled cry of pleasure ripping from you. “Want you coming on my tongue so bad. Gonna fuck you against every surface too. You deserve it. You’re always so good to me, princess.”
“Only for you,” You whimper. If he wasn’t so pressed for time, the affirmation alone would have been more than enough to make him melt in your very hands. But his dick is still so hard, and your pussy is still so wet, all he can focus on is not slipping from your walls with every thrust of his hips. “Ah, Wooyoung! Y-You’re so━ So hard━”
You bite harshly at your lip when a loud moan threatens to spill from you. You bury your face in the blanket around you, clutching so tightly at the material. A part of Wooyoung finds it amusing, if only because, if the boys are awake and don’t hear your lewd moans, there’s no doubt they won’t be able to hear the sound of skin against skin as his hips slap against your ass.
“Let me hear you, baby,” he coaxes now. “Moan out loud for me.” When you shake your head, he snickers. “Want it harder? Will that help you?”
He gives an experimental roll of his hips, a little rougher than usual. It sends you teetering forward, a broken groan tumbling from you that’s left muffled by the blanket. He can hear you mumble wantonly, “Don’t be a tease.”
A cheshire-like grin spreads across his face. “Here━ Come sit on my dick. Wanna feel you so deep━”
His words make you moan softly, followed by the way he pulls out of you just quickly enough to sit back against the bed. He tugs you onto his lap and you follow suit, spreading your legs further apart as you sink onto his leaking dick. Down, down, down, until it almost feels as if he’s hitting your cervix, and suddenly you’re not so sure you’ll be able to keep it together any longer. That, mixed with the way he’s gazing at you, all hooded eyed and alluring, you’re very close to dissolving into a mess right in his very arms.
“Ah━ Ah━ Fuck, baby━” You grip at his shoulders as you adjust to the new feeling, hips squirming above his. “Wooyoung, please━”
But your words fall short. The desperate plea that hinges in your voice fades into nothing more than the urgent need to feel more of him, to have him absolutely wreck you, as you begin to rock your hips back and forth on his dick.
“Please what, baby?” he taunts lazily. But he knows what he’s doing, slyly beckoning you to make a mess, and moan for him.
His palms are warm as they slide up your sides, then around your back, hugging you close to his chest. He thrusts his hips up just once into you, sending you into a haste that has you lifting yourself up and then back down his cock. As you adopt a steady and reckless pace that has you bouncing on his length, he watches your every reaction. The way your face contorts at the sheer pleasure, brows pinched so hard in concentration, teeth sinking into your lower lip. Your hands reach out to thread through his long locks, pretty blonde tresses running through the seams of your fingers. You tug lightly at the root, earning a low groan from him.
“Fuck, Y/N━” His head rolls back against the mattress at your quick pace. “You’re so fucking sexy━ So desperate for my dick━ Ah━”
He moans suddenly, only this time it’s less muffled than before. Whether he does it the first time to tease you or simply because he had gotten carried away, you aren’t quite sure. Either way, it’s enough to startle you, even amongst the daze you’re in.
“Wooyoung━” Your voice is a small warning, but it lacks any severity when it splinters into a whine. “Not so loud.”
“They’re━ Ah, fuck━ sleeping━”
You meet his mischievous stare with your own heedful one. Your pace slows, if only just, and you’re certain this time that when he moans even louder, it’s entirely on purpose.
“Woo!” You clamp a hand softly over his mouth, smothering the tail end of his crude groan.
The grin that forms on his face beneath your hand is evident of his amusement of his toying with you but it turns sluggish quickly. The sight to see is hot enough, with the drowsy lopsided smirk poking out from underneath your hand as he watches you continue to ride him, now a measured gyrating against his own hips. When he realizes you’ve chosen to keep your hand over his mouth, he reaches up to grab a hold of your wrist, his large fingers splaying out and then up over your knuckles.
“Come on, baby. It’s okay. Let it out,” he hums. He kisses at your fingertips, tongue swiveling around to suck on your digits delicately. “Not even one tiny moan? Let me hear that pretty voice of yours.”
He can feel your thighs begin to shake around him and, judging by the crescendoing of whimpers tumbling from your mouth, he senses you’re close. Your free hand still grips at his hair, this time a little tighter as you try to anchor yourself in place to rock your hips a little faster. Wooyoung hisses delightfully at the feeling, a small lethargic chuckle rumbling from deep within his chest.
Rough hands grab at your waist now, shifting you around abruptly until you’re splayed out on the floor on your back with him hovering over you. His length stays wedged snugly in your walls, never once slipping, and as he settles against your chest, he lifts one of your legs up and over his shoulder. An animalistic growl slips from him at your pinched face, and the way your cunt starts to squeeze around him. With this angle that his hips pound into yours, his cock hits so deep into your core, pummeling against your cervix again and again.
“H-Harder━ Wooyoung━” You pant. “Please━ I’m gonna━”
Finally, a moan sounds from you. Loud and unabashed, a little broken and exhausted, but beautiful to Wooyoung’s ears nonetheless. In fact, it’s so sexy of a noise that it’s enough to nearly push him over the edge but he relents, if only just for a little longer.
“Ah, there’s my favourite sound,” he smirks. His tongue lavs at the underside of your jaw, and your hand finds itself tangled in his hair once more. “Gonna be a good girl and let the boys hear you now?”
You try with all your might to silence yourself, but the task proves more and more difficult. A few more slams of his hips into yours, and you’re crumbling apart right before his eyes.
“Fuck━ Wooyoung━”
“That’s it, baby,” he grunts into your ear. “Cum for me.”
As you come, the sudden gush of wetness around your core coats his length and he almost accidentally slips from your cunt. You’re clenched so tightly around him, Wooyoung feels as if he has to gasp for air to stay focused. His eyes still stay trained on you, watching as your face contorts as you writhe beneath him. But it’s your shameless moaning that sets him off, albeit still softer than usual but much louder than he was expecting from you with the boys so close by.
“Ah━ You’re so fucking hot━” he whines. “Gonna cum━”
Every thrust of his hips sends you bobbing up and down, and as you come down from your high the pleasurable feeling of his hard cock still burrowed in your sensitive walls has you whimpering softly. Your legs try to separate further, beckoning him for more.
“Cum in me, Youngie,” you beckon dazedly. “Wanna feel it so bad━”
“Oh, fuck━” he gasps. “Can I?”
“You’re so good to me, baby. Aren’t you?”
His pace quickens, hips snapping into yours urgently. One final shuddering thrust and he’s overwhelmed by his orgasm, cock pulsating within your aching walls as his cum fills you up. He has to bury his face in the crook of your neck to muffle his moans, listening to the sharp gasp for air you take when you feel his release.
He rides out his high in a few more leisure rolls of his hips, though he seems more concerned now with kissing your throat slowly. He gently unravels your leg from his shoulder, then slumps against you like the comfortable heavy weight that he is. His dick lays softening still buried within your walls, now leaking with his cum.
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” You hear him sigh dreamily into your neck. “‘Cause you are.”
“Almost daily,” You concur with a giggle. Your own fingers smooth out his hair, fixing the messy strands, and he croons with delight. He leaves a trail of sweet kisses up along your throat, then your jaw, and then the corner of your mouth. Safe for the laboured breathing as you both try to calm your shrill hearts, you’re made aware so suddenly of just how quiet the room suddenly is. “There’s no way the guys slept through all of that.”
“I’m sure they did.” Wooyoung nibbles gingerly at your lip. “There’s nothing to worry about. Especially right now. I’m so tired. We can deal with the potential consequences later.”
You snort. “How did I know that’s exactly what you would say?”
You catch him smirking before he plants one last kiss on your lips. Somehow, he’s able to pry himself off of you long enough to slip into his shorts laying discarded on the floor before disappearing outside of the room into the darkened hallway. He returns moments later with a damp towel to help clean up the sticky mess between your legs, then tugs you back onto the bed with him.
“They’ll see you sneaking out of my room if you sleep here,” You point out through a yawn.
“I’ll get up before them,” he insists. “Just give me an hour with you, like this.”
You can’t resist the urge.
At the very least, you fall asleep first in his arms, his fingers playing with your hair. He must slip away from you at some point during the night, unraveling himself carefully from your sleeping figure to retreat to his own room. You’ll tell the boys eventually of your relationship with Wooyoung, you swear.
But for now, there, under the covers of the bed, you have all the time in the world to enjoy yourself with Wooyoung in pure, unadulterated silence.
In the morning when you wake up, you join your boyfriend with the rest of the boys downstairs in the kitchen for breakfast.
You’re the last to arrive, having wanted to take your time in the shower ━ a fact that Wooyoung laments, because he wanted nothing more than to shower with you to “save water” (which really just translates to more sex), but with only two bathrooms and nine people, the feat seemed impossible. Now, you sidle into the seat next to Wooyoung at the kitchen table, smiling down at him when his eyes flicker to you which seems to go unnoticed by the others.
“How was your night?” Yunho asks passively once you’ve settled into place. “Did you sleep well?”
You nod, as Wooyoung answers, “Best sleep of my life.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” This amused offhanded scoff comes from San under his breath. It causes Mingi to almost choke on his sip of orange juice as he snorts into the glass.
“What was that?” Wooyoung asks.
“Oh, nothing,” San says. The smirk on his face says otherwise. “Thought we heard some loud noises last night. It was weird.”
Then there’s Mingi, leaning across the table to catch your attention alone. He shoots you a more merciful look, though he still seems entertained nevertheless when he whispers to you, “You have something on your neck.”
Your hand instinctively clamps onto your throat, over the spot Mingi points to as you mentally curse yourself. While you had been so preoccupied the night before trying not to make any noise, you forgot to warn Wooyoung against leaving any noticeable marks on your body ━ a bad habit of his, and your fatal mistake for forgetting to check the morning after.
The others are fortunately not paying attention, already absorbed in their own conversations, but the horror of so clearly being found out by San and Mingi sends you into a frenzy. It even seems to alarm Wooyoung judging by the way he starts laughing nervously, though maybe that’s because your knee bashes against his under the table and sends him jumping in his seat.
Clearly, you have a lot of explaining to do. Eventually.
The last thing you hear San say before he and Mingi howl with laughter seems to make even the charmingly confident Wooyoung slightly frazzled, and leaves you all the more confused.
“Some romantic getaway, huh?”
⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
⟶ Feedback is always appreciated!
#wooyoung#wooyoung smut#wooyoung fluff#wooyoung x reader#wooyoung x you#wooyoung x y/n#ateez#ateez smut#ateez scenarios#wooyoung scenarios#wooyoung imagine#jung wooyoung#jung wooyoung smut#wooyoung oneshot#ateez oneshot#ateez x reader#jung wooyoung fluff#ateez fanfic#wooyoung imagines
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The thing is, Techno does lose.
He lost the trust of the people who looked up to him in Pogtopia when he killed his own allies and escalated Wilbur's destruction. He lost his friendship with Tommy when he destroyed L'Manberg a second time. He lost three months of his time because he walked into an obvious trap. He lost Ranboo because he chose to rescue Dream. He technically lost his life, although that doesn't count much since it didn't stick. But these losses never stick long enough for him to learn from them, and when they do stick, someone else inevitably shoulders the blame instead.
The problem with Techno is not that he doesn't have short-term losses. The problem is that he doesn't care, because he doesn't need to care.
Context: [Link]
right ! that's exactly what I said ^^ though I do think there Is a point to be made about his actual losses here because like.
he Loses, but never in the way that he should. even taking his lack of reaction into account.
his reputation and physical skill means that he’s never Actually the underdog, but technoblade’s roleplay consists of presenting himself as if he were, even when it isn’t supported by the text.
which means every single one of his conflicts can be broken down into categories.
1: manufactured conflict where either nobody’s at fault or he’s actually in the wrong, but he’s presented as being completely victimized.
that’s pogtopia being completely honest about not wanting to destroy l’manberg or the government from the start, with it being clear On The Day Of The 16th that techno and wilbur were literally the only characters that wanted to destroy it and everybody else was in it for restoring l’manberg. which we know because they all said it directly in front of him while he was there before he took them to the vault.
so when he feels “betrayed” here, its under the context of him being fully aware of what he was getting himself into the entire time, being a part of a team that he knew didn’t want what he wanted, and staying with them willingly Knowing that. and then when they did what they said they wanted to do from square one he turned around and accused them of lying, and forced that narrative so hard that either everyone else has been gaslit into believing him or Technoblade The Content Creator has strongarmed the other content creators into retconning it, because it’s the only way to actually address that plot point and get a real reaction out of him.
and talking about his falling out with tommy would be an essay in and of itself. I know that because I’m written that essay [Link 1, Link 2]
2: characters that are much weaker than him stacking the deck so that they have a chance at beating him, and him “miraculously” winning.
this is one of the only instances where techno will allow the plot to manipulate the Potential outcome of a fight, but only insofar as he wants a challenge that’ll be impressive when he overcomes it.
there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, in isolation it’s exciting content that fun to watch. but the important thing here is that it is Always the weaker party that is nevertheless being framed as the overdog from techno’s narrative. l’manberg is presented as a monolithic Government despite the fact that he can easily 1v5 the entirety of that government at a disadvantage.
quackity was framed as mindlessly power hungry from techno’s perspective, when techno had been stripped of his armor and armed with an iron pick. that moment was Exciting, but it also cemented the fandom’s view of quackity as an uncomplicated villain in a way that’s squashed everything that came before and after. it’s taken nearly two years for him to buck that stigma and to an extent he Still Hasn’t.
technoblade is the overdog in terms of skill and resources and Power, but those weaker than him are positioned as the overdog by the illusion of stripping him down and framing them as being a part of a system that doesn’t actually Have systemic power.
we have never seen technoblade fight dream because that would risk exposing the fact that dream always represented the power structure [Link], and nothing highlighted this more than having techno partnering with the other most powerful person on the server to stomp the entirety of l’manberg and then some on doomsday.
technoblade’s framing wants us to enjoy watching him stop his opponent into dust because He Is The Underdog winning against all odds, but that is simply not the reality of the situation. he is never not in control because he won’t actually fight the people at a similar skill level to him.
the Closest that he ever came was the prison arc, where he was completely stripped down and trapped by the nature of the plot. unarmed, unarmored, and facing someone who hates him in a position where he truly did not have the power.
and he won.
he was teleported away before he could be killed, and the only baring that this had on him as a person was that it gave dream the opportunity to ask to help break him out. something that could’ve been accomplished a multitude of other ways.
he was completely stripped of his power through a plot convenience And Still Won Because Of Plot Convenience.
3: pure revenge fantasy fuel.
this one has crossover with the other two, but it’s also distinct from them. this is a conflict that only exists to set up the revenge fantasy of watching techno crush someone whose wrong him. this is, again, something that would be Fine if it played by the rules.
there’s already the issue of techno almost Always being the overdog (meaning watching him kick around people that are weaker than him isn’t as satisfying or Fun if you’re not only aware of this fact but invested in the other characters), but there’s also the issue of how it intersects with the themes of the series.
this is something that I’ve gone into detail about here [Link], so I’m not going to write an essay about it now. but the short of it is that the dream smp as whole is trying to tell the narrative that revenge Does Not Make You Happier. that lashing out at other people out of anger only makes your life worse.
the butcher army had to learn it, quackity had to learn it, tommy had to learn it, fundy had to learn it, jack and niki are in the process of learning it. but when technoblade is involved any form of revenge comes consequence and thought free.
this is where your point Well And Truly Matters. because technoblade doesn’t actually have to Fail at getting revenge for him to not break the themes of the narrative, he just has to be unhappy afterwards.
getting revenge on l’manberg and on tommy despite knowing that that means cutting tommy out of his life Should Be A Painful Decision That Makes Him Unhappier And Lonelier. he should Mourn the loss of connections with other people, and people should be Allowed To Be Angry At Him when he makes decisions that hurt them.
the followup to doomsday shouldn’t be him living his cottagecore best life with his new teenage sidekick and then starting a club. he has to, you know, Feel Something About The Choices He Made.
and this is something that negatively impacts the characters around him. because tubbo Already learned the lesson that lashing out at people only makes him unhappier. except now he hasn’t. now he condemned a man to starve to death three times in a row, ultimately leading to him being psychologically tortured, and that’s just like Cool.
part of that was down to cc!tubbo’s roleplay choices, but there was no way for techno to play out murdering a man without remorse and framing it like a Cool Action Revenge Fantasy without it juxtaposing horribly with tubbo framing revenge against sam as a Tragedy.
it’s Exactly this problem that made the tone during doomsday as fucked up as it was. because from any perspective Except techno’s it was a tragedy. even Phil had a confrontation with ghostbur that made that clear. and the discourse that followed, that’s Still Following it years later, was horrific because some fans had a completely different experiences from others to the point that it was impossible to have a conversation about it on the same footing.
which was directly due to the tonal dissonance between technoblade trying to have a fun uncomplicated revenge fantasy and the reality of the situation from an in-universe perspective.
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vote for Romane because I love her so much!
she's an older sister who is about to make that everyone's problem.
she has some common sense, up until her family is being threatened, upon which she immediately decides that a stable timeline is an overrated concept.
she sees nothing wrong with breaking into her own house and (technically) kidnapping family members if it's for a good cause.
her love language is messing with people's hair. this is a recurring thing and it makes me emotional.
she loves her friends! so so much!
she can alter the time-space continuum anytime she wants. (time-freezing powers)
literally all she wants is to keep her friends and family safe and together! and she's trying so hard to do that but she's just a kid and she can't control what happens and she always ends up losing someone! and she's asking all this of herself, but then suddenly for a moment the only thing being asked of her is to communicate to her friend that he's absolutely loved, and she can do that! because she loves her friends and family so much, and so she heavily contributes to changing the outcome! i could ramble all day long about the friendship tropes in this show, but just know that the aros (me) are winning with this one.
i am having thoughts about her absolutely always.
i happened to have screenshots of her lying around, look at her! look at my girl, don't you want her to be happy?
vote for Romane! she deserves this! (and also she and Bilal are my last chances of getting a Parallels character past the knockout round, so a vote for one of them is a vote for my most beloved hyperfixation/special interest/i can't remember the difference but i think it's a special interest if it lasts over a year, right?)
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Cruel Summer - JJ Maybank
Request: hey!! could i request a fic where reader is a pogue and reader and jj have recently started a fwb relationship but they both start to fall for each other with out telling the other. finally reader tells jj she can’t do it anymore and then a love confession please!! thank you i love your writing so much :)))
TS Anthology Series | Outer Banks Masterlist
_ . ◦ ⭐︎:*.☾.*:⭐︎◦∙._
The first time you slept with JJ was a party at the boneyard. It was technically in the back of the Twinkie while everyone else was down the beach, three sheets to the wind. You were drunk enough to think sleeping with your best friend was a good idea but sober enough to remember the experience the next day.
While the initial shock of knowing that you’d had sex with your best friend, possibly altering the course of your friendship in the process, wasn’t easy, it was a welcomed relief that there were no messy feelings involved. There was no denying that JJ was attractive, you were a human with a pulse after all, but you weren’t secretly harboring a massive crush on him that had led to sex. It was just a matter of timing. You were both there, both in the mood, it just sort of made sense…in a weird way that you didn’t think too hard about.
JJ was much more laid back than you were about the entire ordeal, even if neither of you were interested in each other. “Last night was fun, we should do it again.”
And that was how it started, really. JJ’s suggestion, observation, whatever you called it in the moment, that you keep doing the thing you had done last night. Just as friends, just for fun. You were laidback and chill, or maybe you wanted to prove you were, so you agreed. It wasn’t like you were dating at the time. It wasn’t like you wanted to either.
Everything always felt relaxed with JJ. Whether it was because he manufactured every single moment that way or because he was just organically that laidback on a regular basis, having sex with him just to have sex felt as bizarrely normal as meeting up for a surf or lunch.
“I can’t believe you guys are sleeping together.” While most of the pogues knew and pretended they didn’t, Sarah was unable to shake the idea. She was the least inclined for casual sex and seemed determined to prove that it was impossible. At least, between the two of you.
“Why?” You shrugged, sucking the last remnants of your slurpee from the bottom of your cup. The two of you had met up at the corner 7-11 and were making your way slowly down the beach to meet everyone else. “I get to have sex and it’s with someone I’m comfortable with who I trust totally…that’s not weird.”
“So there are no feelings? At all?” She asked.
“Well yeah, he’s my best friend and I love him but not like that…I’m not in love with him.”
The adjunct onto the end of the sentence felt clunky and awkward. When Kiara had first found out, she’d asked if you guys were dating and JJ had answered, laughing, that “you know I’d never do that to you”. It was an ongoing joke amongst the pogues, simply because everyone else had always been convinced there was something there. Despite knowing there was nothing, you couldn’t help the twist in your stomach though you chalked it up to being caught on the couch in the porch at the Chateau.
Now you had that feeling again and it wasn’t the slurpee or the heat.
“What if he starts dating someone else?” She kept the probe going as you crossed over some vacationing families and spotted the other pogues already set up.
“Well, we’re not dating so it doesn’t matter.”
Your conversation with Sarah ended then but her words didn’t leave you, like an alarm that kept going off inside your head, just when you started to ease yourself into the afternoon JJ would do something that would set off the echo and you’d feel yourself pulling back. You’d always been affectionate with each other and maybe sleeping together, being so intimate, allowed for more affection to spill over into regular hang-outs. It wasn’t something you usually worried about but suddenly it felt like the only thing you could concentrate on.
Maybe Sarah was right. Maybe you hadn’t liked him in the beginning but over the course of things, opening yourself up to someone you trusted and felt so comfortable with had turned into something more than friendship and you were just lagging behind, refusing to see it. You weren’t the only one in the relationship though and as soon as you had settled your own feelings you began to fret over JJ’s. Had he reached the same conclusion as you? Did he feel the same way and he just wasn’t telling you?
He’d always been pretty upfront with his feelings. JJ was the one who wanted to keep this going in the first place, not at all shy in the proposition. Knowing that, you doubted he felt anything…he would’ve told you if did. And he hadn’t, so he didn’t.
“Hey,” the cold glass of a beer bottled was pressed against your bare shoulder blade and you arched forward suddenly, trying and failing to get away from the sensation as droplets of water rolled down your skin. When you reached for the bottle it was removed, held above your head and you realized it was JJ behind you, grinning as a droplet of perspiration fell from the bottom ring and landed on your cheek.
“Oh my god, JJ, that’s freezing cold.” You grumbled, “what the hell?”
“What the hell is right,” he replied, though there wasn’t any edge to his voice, he was perfectly relaxed, “what’s up with you?”
“Nothing, why?”
“Cause you’ve been sitting over here all day.” Calling the last three hours all day was a gross overstatement of time but you knew what he meant.
“What’s the problem with that?” You were being evasive.
“You usually sit next to me.” He pouted. “Is something wrong?”
You bit your bottom lip, dragging your teeth over your skin until you released it before attempting what you knew was an awkward smile. You had already pre-decided JJ’s feelings for him and were avoiding him to avoid the conversation you were bound to have when he found out you had feelings for him. JJ had been pretty clear in the beginning, he just wanted something casual, where he didn’t need to live up to anyone’s expectation.
“No,” you shook your head, looking down toward the shoreline where your other friends were jumping waves. You’d been so lost in your head you hadn’t even noticed they left and now you were trying to tell JJ that you were fine.
“Are you sure?” He pushed, an obvious sign that he was sure you were lying to him.
“I don’t think we should sleep together anymore.” You got the words out as quickly as possible, letting out a quiet huff after, avoiding JJ’s eyes. “It’s just…awkward and weird now and I didn’t think it would be but it is.”
“Oh,” JJ slipped his hat off, bending the bill in his fist as he tried to process your words, a last ditch effort to save face, “well I’ve never had anyone describe me as awkward during sex-“
“JJ,” you laughed in spite of yourself, nudging him with your elbow, “I just...” pogues never lied to each other, they were always honest, it was like the holy grail of rules amongst your friend group. “We agreed when we started this that it was no strings attached, ya know? Just two friends hooking up.”
“Yeah, so?”
You shrugged your shoulder, leaning into it as if you could burrow your head back into yourself somehow, “so...that’s not me anymore. I don’t feel like I wanna be just friends hooking up anymore. In the beginning, it was easy...but. But I really like you, like a lot. And I don’t wanna just be your friend, waiting for you to cut this off for someone else.”
There was a beat between you, when both of you were just staring straight ahead at your friends playing out by the waves. This wasn’t the light-hearted conversation that JJ had walked over here for. This felt heavy, it felt like it could change everything between the two of you, if sleeping together hadn’t already done that.
“Maybe I want that too.” JJ finally said, adding, “No, not maybe...I do want that too.”
“What? Are you serious?” You hated sounding so surprised when you were always so sure you knew JJ better than anyone.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve thought of this as a friends with benefits thing...I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure I ever did.” JJ replied, “good to know my undeniable charm worked on you.”
“Your undeniable charm?” You laughed, turning away from the ocean to look at him.
“How is that so hard to believe?” JJ hooked his arm around your shoulders, bringing himself a little closer to you so he could lean in, pressing his forehead to yours, “we could get outta here and celebrate?”
“Do people celebrate dating?” You asked, setting your mouth in a line and narrowing your eyes as if you were truly contemplating the question.
“What are you celebrating?” Kiara’s voice sounded and JJ broke away in surprise, cursing at her under his breath. “Are you guys ditching us to have sex? Again.”
You and JJ answered respectively and you elbowed JJ again, “we aren’t leaving. We’re coming down to join you...oh, did you know JJ has undeniable charm?”
Kiara looked him up and down skeptically, “this JJ?”
“You guys are dicks!” He huffed, getting up off the towel and following you down toward the ocean. He grabbed your hand when he got close enough and you paused for a second so the two of you could walk side by side.
“You know my parents are visiting my grandma on the mainland tonight,” you mentioned, “we’ll have plenty of time to ‘celebrate’ then.”
#jj fic#jj fanfic#JJ Imagine#jj fanfiction#jj x reader#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank x y/n#jj maybank fanfic#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank fanfiction#jj maybank x you#jj maybank fic#outer banks imagine#outer banks fanfic#outer banks fanfiction#outer banks fic#obx imagine#obx fanfic#obx fic#obx fanfiction#collecting stories imagine
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Office Hours with a Supervillain
TW: mentions of blood and death: Slight belly kink and body worship: Teacher/student trope
{Chapter Nine}
With Octavius’s help, you are able to make it through finals, surprisingly. You supposed since he was a professor, he knew what to focus on when it came to testing. And even as annoying as it could be studying with him (him actually making you focus instead joining you in your procrastination; the nerve), you’d be lying if you said your grades weren’t heavily dependent on your study sessions with him.
Either way, you were extremely grateful.
What you weren’t grateful for, however, is how your friends were starting to take notice of how much time you were spending with the doctor. Again, you loved your friends, but their teasing only added to the mental gymnastics you were just doing to try to even figure out what your relationship to him was. “Oh are you going to see your favorite dilf~?” this “What’s your grades look like in the class after fucking him~?” that. While it was all in good fun, you just wish they wouldn’t be so loud about it. You were well aware of the conflict of interest that was happening here with your “friendship?” (name of what exact “-ship” this was still pending) and you didn’t want to be the reason for the poor man getting grilled by the academic board. The fact that you were both consenting adults, who weren’t even doing anything to begin with, was what made this whole situation more annoying. I mean, you understood it, but it was still irritating.
But with it being constantly pushed in your face all the time, you start to get more and more antsy. Would it really be that weird to ask? Would it make things awkward? You just wanted to know what you had between the two of you. However, what was more gnawing at you was trying to rationalize what his answer would be and what the aftermath would look like. On one hand, if his answer was that you were just friends, then things would go back to business as usual (hopefully at least). The worst that could happen is that he would become more distant, but that would make sense.
But on the other hand….
No matter how much thinking you did, you just didn’t know what the next course of action would be if the “other hand” was what ended up happening. You liked him (could you maybe even call it love?). He was smart, funny, caring, mature, insert copious amounts of positive traits here…..
But beyond just him being you professor (and technically your superior), he was exponentially older than you were. While that in itself was not a problem: All relationships had things that made them hard, this was just one of those things: Your concern was how Dr. Octavius would look.
Sure, you might be called a gold digger, but in general, your involvement would be mostly explained away: “She’s young. She doesn’t know any better.” or “She felt pressured into it.” Octavius would not have that luxury. At best people would say he was taking advantage of you, and at worst he would be seen as a disgusting creep that likes younger girls.
People thinking those things about the doctor made you feel sick.
Ah yes, the predicament you’ve gotten yourself in here. And to just add to the drama, Harry had formally invited you to Octavius’s celebratory gala. (The doctor’s reaction to you telling him Harry got to you first in inviting you was priceless.)
Would confronting him there be in poor taste? You didn’t want to ruin his special night after all: The night was about him, not you.
You were currently getting ready for the thing, so you were going to have to make your decision pretty quick. You were lucky that you had a guilty pleasure for classy dress wear, or you would have been screwed for sure (What could you say, you liked feeling fancy.) After two hours of anguish trying to figure out what to wear, you settle on a midnight off the shoulder velvet gown.
Checking yourself out in your body length mirror before you left, you looked pretty mighty fine if you did say so yourself. You can’t help but blush thinking about what kind of suit the doctor would be wearing tonight.
Exiting your dorm, you make your way to the car. Checking that you had everything you needed, you head off to the venue.
For once you were glad for your anxiety as if you hadn’t headed out as early as you had, you might have not made it. Actually getting to the place was a zoo and parking was a nightmare in a half. However, finally, you found yourself walking up the stairs of the planetarium.
While you could tell that you had nowhere near enough money to belong at an event like this, at least you looked like you did. Upon entering, the whole area is filled with people. Everyone in their finest wear laughing and talking. Despite the overwhelming nature of it all, you couldn’t but smile and puff out your chest confidentially. To boost your confidence further, you’re even asked by a young photographer for a picture.
Now it was just finding Dr. Octavius.
Gracefully making your way through the crowds of people, you even snag a glass of champagne on the way. Looking above you, you could see planets suspended from the ceiling.
“Hey there Ms. Physics~”
Looking down, you see Harry, clad in an expensive tailored suit.
“Hey there Mr. Millions”
You can’t help but laugh, mimicking him.
“You sure clean up nice, I gotta say. Glad you could make it though.”
With a wink, he clinks your glass. With the slight hint of alcohol wafting off him, you wonder how many he’s had.
“Well thank you, you don’t look half bad yourself. This must be a pretty big day for your dad’s company.
You reply politely, taking a sip from your glass.
“You can say that again. To be honest, I’m just glad this project is almost over. This is all my dad’s been focusing on for years….”
Mouth pulling into a slight frown, you notice the twinge of melancholy in his voice. You felt bad; it must be hard being the son of a dad like Mr. Osborn.
“Well I’m sorry about that. I can imagine that might be hard for you.”
At this he dismissively waves at you, taking another swig of his drink.
“Don’t worry your pretty head about it.”
You can see him open his mouth to say something before focusing on someone behind you. With a quick glance, you see that it is a pretty redhead in a black dress. Smiling politely, you step aside.
“Hey, I gotta go real quick, but I’ll be right back. Got it?”
At that, he quickly shuffles past you.
All you can do is roll your eyes and smile.
What a “woman’s man.”
“A proper gentleman never leaves a lady he is speaking with unattended.”
Ah yes, you could recognize that tone of unadulterated contempt anywhere.
Turning around, you see the man of the hour.
While Octavus was sporting a classic suit and tie, it was tailored to fit perfectly. He didn’t need any flashy bits and bobs or gaudy patterns to be imposing, no no, he was Dr. Otto Octavius. You had to tighten your jaw just to ensure it didn’t drop to the floor.
You were glad that the doctor was too focused on staring Harry down to notice the deep blush forming on your cheeks.
“I-Is that right?”
For fuck’s sake, pull yourself together!
“Yes, that is right, and I sincerely hope you do not actually consider that boy as a possible contender for you.”
The way he emphasized “boy” couldn’t help but make you laugh.
“Don’t sweat it doc, I really don’t.”
Eyebrows furrowing slightly, the older man turns to you, a look of genuine surprise on his face.
This man was surely going to be the death of you.
Another laugh makes it way past your lips.
“You honestly think I was interested? Sure, he’s cute, but he’s also in highschool. If I wanted immaturity, I’d just go for a college guy.”
You see the tension slowly leave the doctor’s face as his eyes crinkle in a chuckle. He seemed genuinely relieved by that. No, he probably was just happy you weren’t going for Harry.
“Well I am glad you did not fall for Harry’s….”charms”. But with that out of the way, thank you for coming: I hope you know you look……lovely.”
A coy smile plays on his lips. While you were indeed very beautiful, he wished the other young men of the party would stop looking at you like they were. Then again, while there weren’t many options when it came to young ladies here, that did not stop him from feeling protective of you.
Your blush grows in intensity at his words. Did he really think you looked lovely?
Tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear, you chuckle modestly.
“T-Thank you, you look nice yourself. It's funny seeing you wear something other than turtle necks or trench coats though.”
Letting out a laugh at this, he rolls his eyes playfully at you.
Did you ever mention how nice his laugh sounds?
“I suppose so, I-”
As he notices the crystal glass in your hand, he stops himself.
“Are you even old enough to drink?”
Though a smirk plays on his face, there is a hint of seriousness in his question.
“Hey now, I’m ALMOST old enough, that should count. Plus, what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
While you do feel the feeling of a kid getting caught with the cookie jar, the feeling slowly fades. Deep down you knew he wouldn’t rat you out.
“So how old are you then exactly?”
Crossing his arms, he looks down on you in faux intimidation.
“I’m 20…”
Yes, you realize typically first year college students are 18. But life happens sometimes. Maybe that’s why you’re so hard on yourself when it comes to school….
His eyebrow raises slightly, but he says nothing. Instead, a sly smirk pulls at his lips.
Suddenly, he plucks the glass out of your hand and places it on the waiter’s tray as one of them passes. He practically looks like the cat who ate the canary, an extremely pleased smirk making its way onto his face.
Eyebrows flying up, you can’t help but let out an indigent gasp.
“Hey! I was drinking that!”
Your whines are almost like music to his ears.
Right as your mouth opens to protest further, the man is whisked away by who you assume is Norman Osborn. While you are tempted to snag another glass, you instead focus on where they are going. It looked like Norman was pulling Octavius to the stage.
True to your suspicions, suddenly a hush falls over the crowd.
“As I am sure all of you are aware, we would not be having this party if not for my brilliant scientist and fellow colleague, Otto Octavius. You know, I am a bit of a scientist myself, but this would not be possible without my dear friend here.”
At that, the room erupted with applause. Clapping along, you can’t help but smile for Octavius. While you sensed a discreet feeling of uncertainty in the doctor, by his growing smile you could tell he was enjoying the attention.
“Thank you Mr. Osborn. I would like to thank Oscorp for funding my great endeavor towards affordable sustainable energy and all the fellow scientists who have used their expertise to make the project possible. As I like to tell my students: Knowledge is a gift, a privilege to be used for the greater good.”
After that, he is ushered off stage and mingles with some of the higher level guests of the party.
Doing some mingling yourself, you did your best to fit in and make pleasant conversation. Luckily you’re fairly social, so this is not too difficult. You run into Harry again, but at that point he is thoroughly wasted, so you politely excuse yourself before he could get too handsy. To your pleasant surprise, you watch as the main floor is cleared as the band picks up a pleasant toon, couples making their way to their floor to dance. Rising to the occasion, you dance with a few younger gentlemen. (even accepting the invitation of a few older ones too).
While you were enjoying yourself, you really wanted to dance with Octavius.
As the song ends and you are escorted off the dance floor, you make your way through the crowd to look for the doctor.
It took some time, but after practically going through the crowd with a fine tooth comb, you’re able to spot him. Under closer inspection, it seems he is talking with Adrain guy you met that one time. Maybe it wasn’t a great time then?
To hell with that.
Marching over, you are there in no time, Adrian seeming to notice you before Octavius does.
“Ah look, it’s your “nuclear physics student”. Fancy seeing her here, eh~”
It was the other man’s turn to be smug as Octavius whipped around in embarrassment.
“Well hey, it was nice talking with you Otto. Tell me how things go.”
With a hearty slap on the back and a knowing smirk, the man was gone, leaving just you and Octavius.
“Hopefully I wasn’t interrupting anything?”
Maybe you shouldn’t have just gone in guns blazing….
“Oh no, we were simply discussing things. You are enjoying yourself I hope? I would be more attentive to you if people would stop coming to me to talk.”
Hearing the aggravation in his voice, you could tell his social battery was on low.
“Well I mean, can you blame them? You are the man of the hour after all.”
He shakes his head at you, but the small smile is there.
“Anyways, I came over to see if you’d wanna….maybe dance?”
There’s a hopefulness in your voice as you look up into the doctor’s eyes.
Hearing you mention dancing, his mouth forms a tight smile.
“Ah yes….dancing….As I’ve mentioned previously, while science is a strong suit….things such as that are definitely not. I apologize, I feel I would embarrass you.”
Gesturing to emphasize his point, you could tell he was flustered.
“Oh don’t say that, you won’t embarrass me. Now come on, you’re the man of honor: You gotta dance at least once.”
Not waiting for his answer, you take his hand and drag him behind you towards the dance floor. Stumbling along, eventually the poor doctor gets his footing. However, to your surprise, he doesn’t further protest his fate.
Eventually reaching the dance floor, you guide the doctor into position. Taking his hand in your left, you use your right to rest his hand on your hip. Looking up, you notice a faint blush forming on his face and ears. Giving you a timid smile, he waits for further instructions.
While his dancing skills are not great, he is a quick learner, only stumbling or stepping on your toes once or twice. Eventually, he even lifts his eyes from the floor and looks at you.
This goes on for sometime, both of you just having a good time. You talk some, though you both mostly enjoy the comfortable silence between you as your dance. Before the end of the music set, the doctor even manages to properly twirl you.
Eventually, the event starts to come to a close and Octavius is whisked away again to exchange formal goodbyes and pleasantries. However as you wait for the older man to return, you can’t help but think about your plans of confrontation.
Was it really a good idea to ask him here? Or even ask him at all? While you knew it would be easier to just let things go with the flow, it was getting harder and harder to keep wondering. It wasn’t wrong of you to just know where you both stood, right?
Sighing, you grab a glass of champagne as one of the waiters walks past you.
You were going to need it if you planned on going through with this.
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#Office Hours with a Supervillain#otto octavius fanfic#doc ock x reader#otto octavius#doc ock#professor otto octavius#student reader#Rami-verse#Spider Man 2#otto octavius fanfiction#doc ock fanfiction
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