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galeslament · 4 years ago
Cont from --> (X) w/ @of-diffxrent-wxrlds​
        Perhaps ‘You shouldn’t have seen that’ was a little bit of an understatement--
        Gale’s magic was far too intertwined with his emotions, and emotions were the one thing that you couldn’t control in situations of crisis-- even if you considered yourself someone who was more level-headed. Despite innately fearing most of the mane-6, he supposed that out of all of them... Applejack probably was the safest to run into, in a situation such as this. 
        Being what he was, Gale didn’t fear the creatures in the Everfree. Oftentimes they left him alone altogether, out of some primal instinct based entirely on size. The same definitely couldn’t be said for the residents of Ponyville, and that had been the problem. From far overhead, he’d seen the pack of Timberwolves approaching. He had waited awhile to see if she’d be able to outrun them... Least, that was what he’d hoped would happen-- until he saw the second group stowed away further up the path. It didn’t leave him with much choice, or time to think it through... Either swoop down, turn the wolves to splinters-- or let a Pony die. 
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       “... Or-- s-see me, for that matter.” She wasn’t the only one who found it hard to look at the other. Instead, he found himself looking at the splintered wood strewn across the forest floor. “... Where you did you want to go in h-here? Nothing will approach while I’m h-here.” He might as well make sure she actually got to where she was going... “I-it is best if I simply escort you there.” Even if this 16ft tall creature was absolutely terrified of her.
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galeslament · 3 years ago
Plotted Starter || w/ @feelinsheepish​​
            This wasn’t the first time he’d made this trip, and he doubted it’d be the last.
            Erosion was inevitable. Be it wind, rain, stone-- it all became worn. If one wanted to preserve something despite it, upkeep was necessary. Or in this case, an entire replacement. Stone wore away easily within the Dragonlands after all.
            He traveled by hoof. While it would be much quicker to fly, getting spotted wouldn’t go well for him. So instead, he took it the slow way. Only made quicker, by the fact running long distances didn’t tire him out. It kept him active every few years, at the very least. Not only that, but it was interesting to see passerby's. Be it creatures, critters, or even ponies-- everyone was on the road for a reason. He’d also gotten many travelers out of a tough spot. Especially if the group’s members were few and far between.
            Although right now, he wasn’t by a path or pasture. Right now he was running through thicket. Through a valley that not many transversed, since it wasn’t near any roads. Nor was it between Equestrian cities. However, it was in the direction of his destination. The only sounds accompanying him being the singing birds, and the jingle from the buckles on his saddlebacks. Another pack directly atop his back.
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           ��Hooves that were oddly quiet as he ran, slowed down as he heard something. Coming to a stop, he tried to narrow down where it was coming from. He’d passed by a few larger creatures on his way here, so of course his mind immediately went to the possibility of someone lost wandering into here. The second he heard a distant voice in distress, he narrowed in on the sound-- and teleported there.
            An Ophiotaurus. That is what was rearing up in front of him, as Gale stood between it and Terry. Although it paused, as it looked down at the false Unicorn. Most non-higher intelligence creatures, steered clear of Gale. Perhaps it was an instinctual feeling they had-- some sensation that told them Gale was bigger than he was. Which, was right-- but seems this Ophiotaurus was going against instinct, and was now getting ready to strike again. Though it certainly didn’t get that far. Because with a small pink glow from his horn, glowing ropes made of magic sprouted forth from the ground-- and wrapped around the creature’s body like snakes. They held him in place, and the more they struggled, the further to the floor they were pulled. Not even bothering to watch it happen, Gale turned round to the one whom had been the target. Eyes widening for a brief moment, it had been awhile since he’d seen a centaur-- although his reaction was more surprise than anything malicious. 
            “Are-- are you i-injured anywhere?” Despite his usual stutter, his voice was calm. If a bit concerned, given the current situation at hand. 
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galeslament · 3 years ago
Difficult thoughts || w/ @pastelponyparade​​
           To a degree, Gale knew he was in denial. Matters involving the heart were... foreign to him-- and as such he wasn’t able to clearly read the writing on the wall. However at the same time, it wasn’t as if he was blind. He knew the basis of it. The core fundamental that both warmed his heart and turned his blood to ice. 
          He wanted to be closer with Sunburst. Gale wasn’t aware just how deeply that was rooted, but he didn’t need to. It was already a terrifying concept, because he was aware that he couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t stop the happiness that welled up in him when around the Unicorn, nor the want to help the sorcerer in any way he could. 
          Friends. Gale wanted to be a friend to Sunburst. Perhaps they already were friends, but that was still a hard concept to swallow-- despite wanting to do so. How could he, a monster be friends with Sunburst? 
          ‘I’m unsure what to do with this feeling.’ his quill absently wrote, as the sorcerer in question perused his archive. Gale’s troubles written on his face, as well as within the journal he wrote in. ���He treats me with such kindness right now. Yet, I know not why he does. Is it out of some sense of gratitude for my help? Simply good manners? Or is it just to get information out of me?’ 
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          ‘... Perhaps it is sad, but-- I don’t mind if it’s any of those.’ A glance was given to the other, before he continued on writing. ‘Just so long as I can pretend I’m friends with him for a little while longer. I know that all this-- it can’t be genuine. ... I like to pretend it is, though. Like to think that, for a little while-- I can actually have a friend. He’s the first to keep his word. The first one to not attempt to kill me. He even gave me flowers not long ago. Flowers! I was, and am-- so happy. Even if it was done as a manipulative ploy-- I want to believe it wasn’t. I want to believe so badly that he enjoys being around me-- but... I can’t. I hate that I can’t.’ 
          ‘... Even if he does actually enjoy being around me, I’ll mess it all up eventually. I’ll scare him away. All he knows, is the fake Unicorn. Once he knows me, it’ll all end. I don’t want it to end... Dear Celestia-- just how lonely have I gotten? ... Ok, stupid question. Well, least I haven’t given any of that away yet. I hope. Plus, the touch starved thing hasn’t popped up either-- thank the sun. Last thing I need is to make myself look--’ 
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          “Oh sweet solstice--”  The Quill stopped, as his doorbell sounded. Glancing at the clock, he realized rather suddenly-- that he’d forgotten a patients appointment. Closing up the journal in a hurry, he placed it upon the nearest shelf-- and hurriedly picked up that patients notes. “--I-I forgot I had a patient today! I’ll-- I’ll be just upstairs. I-If you need anything, just call out!” --and with that, the faux unicorn rushed up the stairs and through the hatch in his kitchen floor. 
          Because of the rush he’d been in, the journal wasn’t placed completely on the shelf, and subsequently fell onto the floor. Opening right up to the last entry, which was titled ‘Concerning Sunburst’. 
            Luck really wasn’t on his side today.
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galeslament · 3 years ago
💝 // from Sunburst
Send 💝 and my Muse will ramble on about how they presently feel about yours. || Accepting!
"How I-I feel about Sunburst?" Gale was someone who, unless explicitly told to-- wouldn't think about his emotions towards another that deeply. Especially when they were positive. It was a subconscious aversion, because if he thought about it... they were made more real.
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"Well, at first-- I-I was terrified of him. As I am of most most ponies. Only more so, when I learned of who he was connected to. I-I had taken a chance, that day in the library. As the days passed, and nothing happened... I-- I-I came to realize, for the first time-- a pony had kept their word when I revealed myself to them. They hadn't tried to kill me, hadn't tried to lure me into a trap, hadn't tried to... Ah-- I-I'm getting off topic--"
"I was still weary of them, though. I-It was habit at this point. I needed to see them again to... Well-- see i-if he'd treat me differently-- now that they'd had time to process who-- what-- I am." A soft-- fond-- smile had slowly crept it's way onto his face. Eyes somewhere else, as he went on. Voice... relieved. It had been all through this, but it became more so as Gale processed his own emotions. "... He didn't. He seemed... happy to see me-- but maybe that's simply me reading too much i-into it. Nonetheless, it was a positive reception. I-I was happy-- that I could help him again. Not to mention, it was for that reformed Changeling's sake-- Thorax, was i-it? It... It gives me hope-- that one day I'll be... ah-- sorry-- off topic again--"
"... Admittedly-- I-I brought him to my archive without thinking it all the way through. It just-- it just felt okay-- safe-- to take him there? I-I'd just been so eager to help, and I-I wanted to do so as soon as possible. I-I hadn't thought about the possibility that he'd like it there-- be interested in what I'd collected-- what I'd written. It... I-It seemed just-- so impossible... Foolish, in hindsight-- he seems to be a rather accomplished sorcerer. Especially i-if he has ties to the princesses. Of course he'd want to read what I have... Although, even knowing all that-- i-it still just feels... shocking? I-In a good way?"
"I-I... I wonder sometimes--" Looking down at his hooves, he raised one, as if to examine it. "If I was born a Unicorn, if I-I lived in this era, if I was lucky enough... would I meet him, and be able to be friends with him...? Or even more than that?" He was not going to question why that was a thought-- "... Or would all of that be out of my reach, as i-it is now? Though, surely-- it'd all be... easier." A shake of the head, as he set his hoof down. "No point i-in those impossible thoughts. After all, even if the view he has of me right now is positive... I-It won't remain that way. I'll... I'll mess it up somehow. I-I've speculated that, perhaps-- he doesn't fully grip the situation. Perhaps, after he sees what lays beneath..."
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"... I think-- I-I think for now, I'll just try to... prevent that... For as long as I can." Downcast eyes, flickered-- reverting to something more true. "... It... I-I'm not looking forward to how much it'll hurt..."
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galeslament · 3 years ago
Con’t --> (x) || w/ @lostfireprince
          While normally Gale wouldn’t approach an Alicorn-- purely because of his ingrained fears-- he’d... Never seen this one before. Never seen, but not unheard of... Least-- he thinks so. Even though it was all those years ago, back when Gale was still learning to fit in admist ponies, he still remembered. Distant echo’s of cheers-- all chanting a name he couldn’t remember. Congraduations and well wishes, that had all fell away and were amiss.
            The question was one he’d realized beforehand. A child that, for all intensive purposes-- had been scrapped from history. No book nor scholar knew even a shred of information. The ones who definitely knew the answers far out of reach. A lost piece of history, looking for another piece? It was already ludicrious to think about, let alone the danger it posed. So, Gale had been forced to shelve that mystery. 
            -- What he hadn’t expected, was for those questions to effectively fly off the shelf, and hit him dead center. The answer himself asleep at that. Of course, there was the slim chance that this was a different alicorn than the one from back then-- but he doubted it. There hadn’t been news of another alicorn being boon since Flurry Heart. Well, least not any he’d heard about...
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          “I am not sure how l-long you��ve been asleep...” So, he’d approached and awoke the Alicorn before him. Thankfully lacking the trauamatic fear he held for the other Alicorns. “--or when exacty you did, but I-I imagine it wasn’t long ago. I-I only just came through here. Was on the way home from an i-in-patient appointment, so you didn’t interrupt anything of actual importance.” The friendly, yet calm smile he wore-- turned into a small frown of concern. “... I-I’d be more worried about why you fell asleep, i-if I am honest.” 
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galeslament · 3 years ago
Cont from --> ( x ) w/ @shellofaqueen​​
         “Being evil, and being a ‘monster’ are t-two vastly different things.” The response was immediate. Despite the stutter that always tampered with his words, there was conviction to them. Although, it wasn’t just the useless hopeful chatter that so many ‘villian rehabilitators’ had. There... wasn’t hope at all in his tone. Rather a meloncholic acceptance, dominated his words as he spoke further. Fear was something non-existant, since... Well, he didn’t have anything to fear. While he wasn’t the strongest magic wise, Gale already knew how hard he was to kill. Just because of the blood that ran through his veins.
        “Your motivations, are what categorize your goals. Your no different from a predator, trying to feed the pups i-in their den. You said i-it yourself, ‘to feed my hive’. Equestria is a land of bountiful love, I-I don’t see a reason why you wouldn’t try to gain some ground in it.” It was a land that would be able to provide-- but there was no way in tartarus that anyone within the nation would lend aid to the Changelings-- so force was the only option left. Least, that’s how Gale saw it. “... I-It’s as much a land of love, as it is judgement. Once they distinquish a race as ‘Monsterious’, i-it is difficult to change that view-- near impossible.”
        “So, no-- I-I don’t see you as evil. I-If I did, I’d have to call myself evil as well. Since i-it sounds like we have similar sins.” It was said with a lax smile, but his eyes had gained a bit more light to them. Both in the literal, and metaphorical sense. Yet at the same time, they still held that weight from before. Albiet lessened. “Survival i-is survival, as they say. Options are limited, when the land itself i-is unforgiving.” In more ways than one.
          “... You’d do well to remember, that there are other monsters l-lurking about-- but not all are ‘evil’.” In an attempt to make an example, the faux unicorn started walking forward-- still without a shred of fear. Nor would one show up, even if she were to attack him. “Some are simply backed i-into a corner,” a blink of the eyes, and with the action came different ones. Neither pony, Changeling, or any other species capable of shapeshifting. 
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        “-- whilst others, simply wish to help.” 
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galeslament · 4 years ago
New Patient
Open Starter || Active!
          Some individuals, when signing up for therapy, would do so in person.           This one hadn’t. 
          In fact they... hadn’t given much information at all. No name, no address, nothing. Although truth be told, he wasn’t bothered by this. It could be a prank for all he knew, but he still scheduled the timeslot they’d requested. Because there were a multitude of reasons why he wouldn't be given much information in letter form.
          This could be someone who already had enough trouble just sending the letter, let alone including that extra information. This could be someone who just... hadn’t thought to add things like that. This could even be someone who sent a follow-up letter that had gotten lost in transit-- and this was suppose to just serve as a notice of when they wanted their appointment. If they were someone of important status, it might even have been dangerous for them to send a letter with too many details. 
          Regardless of the actual circumstances, he’d gotten a notice that someone wanted help-- and he wasn’t about to turn them down just because of lacking information. After all, if this was an actual appointment-- he’d get that information soon enough. Because said appointment was in a few minutes. 
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          “O-one moment!” He was delightfully surprised by the knock on his door, since it verified that-- was indeed not some prank or mistake. Once reaching his front door, he opened it with that same pleasant energy. “H-hello-- are you the one who s-scheduled the noon appointment?” 
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galeslament · 4 years ago
Plight of Longevity
Plotted starter w/ @universalcarnival​
          This was... a bad idea.            It was what his intuition was telling him. It was what every single nerve in his body was screaming at him. However the logic within his head was a much different story. Because despite the fears that rolled and rioted in his chest, he knew that this... This was the right thing to do. What he needed to do, in order to ensure that someone else didn’t go through the same anguish & pain he did-- or at least, help lesson the blow somehow. He... he had to try! 
          This was the slow realization that Gale came to, as he watched the mane 6 from afar-- and more specifically, the recently christened Princess of Friendship. He knew what gaining those wings meant. Knew what would soon befall the mare when the sand in the hourglass ran out. He had to act well before that happened. Try to help cushion the fall well before it happened. It was for this reason, that he found himself standing in front of her castle. Something that... he never though he’d do. Something that felt wrong-- but also right all the same, because of what he sought to do. Who he wanted to help, despite the blood that ran through his veins. 
            Steeling his resolve, as well as preparing his emotions for what he was about to do-- he raised his hoof and wrapped against the large doors. He did feel a little bad about the tactic he was going to use to broach this topic, but he doubted that if he just came right out with it-- he’d even be considered-- probably just brushed off as trying to advertise his business. Which... technically was right-- but the last thing he was going to do was charge the princes for any of this. It wasn’t about money, but something much more fundamental and personal. Self experience, and sparing someone of it even a little bit. 
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          “O-oh.. u-uh-- hello--u-uh” Despite his best efforts, his voice was still far too nervous. Borderline panicky at the start, but he was able to reel it in. You know, actually get his thoughts out. “I-I-- I wanted to s-see if I could have help with a f-friendship problem... O-Oh-- Only I-if there isn’t anything else important going on--! It--it isn’t u-urgent--” He'd quickly tacked on, since he knew the rate of unfortunate events that befell Twilight and her friends was rather frequent. “I-I’m not interrupting anything, am I-I--?” 
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galeslament · 4 years ago
“Welcome to the neighborhood” - From Twilight !
Send “Welcome to the neighborhood” for my muse to move in next to yours || Accepting!
From the start, he knew this was a bad idea.
Moving to Ponyville was one thing, but to be housed so close to someone he utterly feared was another. It was honestly due to his own negligence, so he only had himself to blame. He'd been wanting to get out of Canterlot for awhile now, and word on the wind was that Ponyville was becoming a rather inclusive hub for a wide variety of creatures (especially with the School of Friendship doing so well). While he certainly was nowhere near ready to... Well-- live as himself-- it would be nice to see it develop from a closer vantage point.
There were many dangers (least he thought so) to moving here however, and soon enough he came face to face with one of them. The mane 6, admittedly, weren't scary. Twilight especially. However to him... it was a different story.
He'd still been in the process of moving his belongings inside, (as well as contemplating how quickly he'd be able to find a different house--) when she came to greet him-- and her doing so caused the false unicorn to jump nearly a foot in the air like a startled cat. Fur raised to match. The boxes that had been in his magic, of course, didn't remain floating-- and quickly plummeted to the earth just as quickly as he did.
"O-Oh--" For a brief moment, as he turned around to see who had greeted him-- fear caused his features to fall. Though it was gone as soon as it came, and was soon replaced with an anxious smile. She didn't know anything-- she was just saying hi-- "U-uh... Thank you-- m-my apologies, I-I wasn't expecting anyone to-- well-- come by." He was able to make his voice remarkably even, despite the torrent of irrational thoughts and worries in his head. Well, aside from the ever-present stutter-- but there was nothing he could do about that. "Princess T-Twilight Sparkle, correct? I'd heard of your accomplishments all the way i-in Canterlot."
There was of course a voice in his head telling him not to make conversation-- to try and get out of this social interaction as quickly as possible-- but that would only make things more odd than they already were. Plus... if things did go well here... he'd have to introduce himself to her eventually. Perhaps with a different face, but that was a time yet to come. A hope that brewed in the back of his head, that helped him keep his calm (and his disguise enchantment intact).
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"M-my name is Gale. I-it's a pleasure."
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galeslament · 3 years ago
" I-I'm not coming out! A-And you can't make me! " — fluttershy! icb he scared her already smh jhdsbfjds
While the Everfree was a place to fear for many, it never had been for Gale. Primarily, because most things didn't bother him in here. For some reason. He theorized it was some kind of instinctual deterrent-- animals knowing something was 'wrong' with him. Or they somehow could feel he was much larger than he appeared. Regardless, this fact resulted in him taking walks within the dreary woods quite often. Mostly because of how quiet it was. Peaceful in a way, despite the branches that tangled like tentacles overhead. It was easy to see why somepony normal would be scared, though-- especially when it was this dark. The sun long since put to sleep.
He'd heard another pair of hooves nearby first, and then a high-pitch shriek that sounded a bit like someone stepped on the tail of a mouse second. As he looked towards the sounds, he saw the tip of a pink tail peeking out from the bushes. Along with some yellow fur that he could see through the shivering leaves.
Out of the entirety of the Mane 6, Fluttershy was someone Gale feared the least. For probably obvious reasons. Her friendship with Discord. Of course it wasn't a full guarantee that she wasn't going to turn on him, but it did serve to reassure him. So instead of walking away-- pretending this all didn't happen-- he approached the quivering bush.
"... I-I wasn't planning to. Was merely wanting t-to apologize for startling you, actually." His words were said with a slight air of amusement, as he spoke. "I-If your lost, I can direct you out of the Everfree. Everything starts to look familiar when i-it turns dark here."
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galeslament · 4 years ago
"Magical creatures such as you are quite a rarity in my realm nowadays. Given that my father have a good majority of them slain. Your magic seems very strong in how your aura radiates interestingly different from a normal unicorn at least from ones in my realm."
Well... that certainly wasn't a reassuring thing to hear-- despite the fact that he was anything but a unicorn. Although he certainly did look like one right now, for better or for worse. Which one it was, likely would be determined in a few moments. While he was unnerved by the fact that this being could feel the abnormality in his magical aura... It was evident that they didn't know the reason behind it. Something that quickly eased the surprise that had flashed on his features for a moment.
Gale didn't fear many in conventional terms. Those who posed a risk to his current way of life-- those were who he was most fearful of. However this individual, whom seemed to not be from around here? Come to think of it... he didn't recall seeing a creature quite like them in all his years. Just where were they from? On top of that-- the words this individual had said were starting to truly sink in. Ponies, a rarity? A land where most of them had been slain...?
At the current moment, the most risk that he could see was the possibility of a fight. Something he'd of course attempt to avoid by all means, but it wasn't like he couldn't hold his own. Or simply make a hasty teleport away, at the very least.
"... I-I am uncertain if your words are of a c-complimentary nature, o-or if that is a quite polite t-threat..." While his words were uncertain, and his voice held a small stutter to it-- it was more akin to a verbal tick than something indicative of present anxiety. If anything, it was a tad too calm. While initially rattling, Gale was actually quite used to someone noticing his aura-- and he doubted this would be the last time it happened either. What he was more concerned about, was the whole 'Creatures such as you are quite a rarity--' part.
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"Regardless-- Y-you say that we are a r-rarity... Yet-- y-you must know of what continent your on-- y-yes?" Confusion was thick in his tone, as he took a seat where he'd stood. Head tilting like that of a confused puppy. "E-Equestria was not named as s-such for no reason... If anything, you appear to be the r-rarity... I don't quite recall seeing something akin to you for quite awhile..." If ever, to be more accurate.
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galeslament · 4 years ago
"This world is not real." [From destiny]
Sentence Things || Always Accepting!
Being what he was, the concept of reality was... a little hazy to begin with. Chaos magic liked to play with reality-- morphing things into other things, or just plain creating something out of nothing. It went against all alchemic laws, as well as general scientific beliefs regarding matter itself.
Although the proposed aspect of 'reality not existing', while giving an answer to his never-ending questions of 'how does Chaos magic even work'-- it was too unbelievable to be real-- right? Was there actually any proof of this? Although therein was a problem-- if reality didn't exist, how would you prove it in said non-existent reality? If that false-reality were to break, would we break along with it--? -- Wait why was he actually thinking about this? Destiny was likely just messing with him--
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"... While I-I am always open to-- differing theories... I-I have some understandable doubts about that one." They had to be messing with him, right? Although Destiny wasn't really one to pull those kinds of pranks...? Least, she hadn't done so to him before now-- "... Could you maybe c-clarify...?"
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galeslament · 4 years ago
"... And let me say, those that get lost in their way... They can be pretty loud. I'm glad my little sister didn't inherit the family specialty." Destiny's voice trails off in her ramble about lost souls, head resting on her forelegs. She's not quite meeting Gale's eyes today, a sign she'd had a rough month.
Someone with her abilities, while rare-- was something he could identify with and relate to. Well, to some extent. Whispers of the dead weren't something he heard, but memories of them did serve to haunt him as if he did. It was an inevitable byproduct of living this long. Death came and went all around, but never paid you a visit.
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"I-I have no doubt of that. The l-living have many regrets as i-is." How many regrets were held in the souls that he'd known? How many were held in his to begin with? Pushing those contemplations aside, he refocused on the patient in front of him. He was here to help her-- not get lost in his own problems. "You play a very important role, as I'm s-sure you know-- and I-I'm sure it takes it's t-toll during times like that. Both mentally and physically." Her mannerisms certainly hadn't gone unnoticed. "Are the m-migraines any worse? We can t-try a higher strength if so, or an alternative medication entirely. An as n-needed supplementary medication m-might be a good strategy to try... For when it gets w-worse, as l-louder ones make themselves known."
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galeslament · 3 years ago
🌸 from Sunburst
Send me  “🌸“  for my muse’s reaction to yours giving them a Valentine’s bouquet! || Accepting!
Heart & Hooves day-- a holiday that, typically-- Gale abstained from. Not without wanting to of course. A few times over the years, he'd even bought gifts for someone special. However each and every time... he didn't give them out. Never allowed himself to. Never allowed himself to be too interwoven, even if he was attached to them through romantic feelings. All his crushes over time, were definitely unaware they were being admired from afar.
It was... the same this time around too. A gift he'd made quite awhile go, seemed to weigh heavily upon his coffee table. That weight pulled him down with it, as he once again-- tried to figure out why he'd made Sunburst a present in the first place. Gale kept telling himself that it was just because he heavily appreciated the sorcerer's presence in his life. That's all this was... right? ... Deep down, he knew it was a lie. However that was a truth he couldn't swallow quite yet. It was why he was at an impasse-- staring the gift down like it'd personally offended him.
This staring contest was soon broken by a knock on his door. There... weren't any patients scheduled today-- so then who...?
The internal question was answered fairly quickly upon opening the door, accompanied with a colorful bouquet of flowers. Their scent along with the owner's presence quickly clouded his senses. Eyes kept slowly shifting between Sunburst, the flowers, Sunburst-- flowers-- Sunburst with FLOWERS?! The amount of time it took process this, only contributed to the deep flush that quickly spread over his face. Dusting the tips of his ears, along with back of his neck.
This had to be platonic-- it had to be-- yet even despite telling himself this, his tail swished back and forth behind him. Ears were pinned forward, and one of his front hooves was lightly scraping against the floor. Even if this was platonic... it-- no one had done anything like this for him.
Suddenly, Gale realized he still hadn't said anything-- and his tongue felt like lead in his mouth. Heart and happiness jackhammering his head, and there was no use stopping either. Nor did he want to.
"I-I-- thi-- y-you didn't hav-- what I-I mean to say i-is--" His words overlapped one another, as they utterly spilled from his mouth. Rational brain was somewhere far away at the moment, and it refused to come back to help with sentence structure. More than realizing this, he took a moment to try to steel himself. Starting again, voice still shaky with emotion-- but least he was making sense now. "I-I... I-I'm not sure how to properly thank you for this-- or even respond-- I-I haven't... No one has ever... So it-- I-I'm sorry if it seems like I'm overreacting, I just--... Just--..Thank you, Sunburst." The present at the back of his mind, tugged itself to the surface. "I-I-- uh-- got you something as well, actually... I-If you don't want it that's okay,(that would sting like hell, but he could understand it-- his self-image issues once again rising to the surface) but I thought... I-I though it might be useful to you-- so..."
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Carried over within his colorless magic, was a light orange jewelry box. The color pretty close to the other unicorn's coat. Within, was an polished pointed Labradorite crystal. It shone blue, purple, green, and orange. An intricate metal cage was wrapped around it-- looking as though a small tree was taking root from the bottom, and it's branches came to envelop the top. The necklace was wound with a reinforced thread, which was black in color.
"Labradorite i-is a stone for rejuvenation. I-It's a useful conductor for sigils representing such. I cared some into the back." The carving themselves were very small. Done via needle. Gale figured the overworked unicorn could use something to help recover after a strenuous task or assignment.
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galeslament · 3 years ago
"Huh, You don't seem to be like the other ponies around here. All goody goody and friendship this and that. What is your name?" from Black Belle.
Impromptu Interactions || Always Accepting! 
Gale certainly wasn’t like the other ponies in this town. Primarily, because he wasn’t one. Although even with his faux appearance, socially there was also a certain... disconnect. Not just because he lead a life too long. More so, it was... the inability to be as cheery as the rest of the ponies in this town. There was a weight in his eyes that couldn’t be disguised, nor could the stutter that permiated on his tongue. Signs of scars unseen. The social disconnect only grew, as gale drew further and further away from meaningful social contact. Now in days, he only really spoke to others through his line of work. So it was odd to begin with, that this pony he’d never seen before-- who wasn’t one of his patients-- was speaking to him. 
While there was a spike of panic that flared at the ‘You don’t seem to be like other ponies--’ bit, it quickly fell away into sheepish understanding. A smile that lacked light, came to compliment the feeling written on his face. 
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“Oh--... My name i-is Gale, and I suppose your right? I think?” It beame a question haflway through the statement, a chuckle that shared the same energy as the smile following suit. “I-I work as a therapist, so perhaps that explains it? The ponies here have been through quite a bit, given i-it certainly gets... lively here, on occaision.” Speaking of living here... 
“Did-- did you per chance move here recently?” That would explain why they were seemingly-- surprised? annoyed?-- by Ponyville’s chipper nature. “What i-is your name, if you don’t mind me asking?”
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galeslament · 3 years ago
“Thing is, you’re sitting in my personal chitchat zone, which means you gotta talk.” - celestia !
Impromtu Interaction || Always Accepting!
'ChitChat Zone'-- more like 'Anxierty Arena'!
It was taking a large amount of his mental fortitude not to break-- both in a literal and emotional sense. Although in truth, they might as well be one in the same. Least, it was that way with a draconequus that only halfway knew magic control-- and was winging that half to begin with. In truth, it was a miracle he figured any of it out.
The look in Gale's eyes was undoubtedly fear. Someone backed into a corner-- or perhaps social ring in this case? Either way, he was frozen where he was, until...
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"W... What if-- I-I don't really... know what to talk about?" Even though his words came out as a question, he himself sounded confused on why, or how he was actually talking. "Least-- I-I don't know of anything that would... not bore you?"
Deep down, Gale did have a reason for why he was actually talking. It'd been a long time. Long years, months, days-- all living like... this. He had to take some kind of step towards something different one day. That hole within himself only grew larger year by year, and he worried what would happen if it swallowed him. Would he become like Sombra? Would he become an agent of Chaos driven mad from lonliness-- or something even worse?
He had to do something. He never wanted to end up like that. Never wanted to hurt anyone... so, on he spoke--
"I-I work as a therapist-- so... not much exciting things I-I can talk about, without patient permission."
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