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deepandtrue · 3 years ago
@shellofaqueen continued from here
The princess faltered, jewel like eyes softening at the words. The Sun Princess- her aunt, she reminded herself, would be displeased with her for wandering the halls without Sunset Shimmer or Lady Prismia. But Cadance needed room to breathe, it wasn’t as if she’d intentionally sought her mother out. The ponies here were kind to her, nothing at all like the monsters the queen had painted them be. The Princesses had shown her more about her own history than she’d ever known before- ever dared to ask before, lest she be called an ungrateful child. Still, despite all of this, how could she doubt her mother’s love? After all those nights curled by her side, all her promises of protection, her smiles and her laughter...
“You stole me, you- you hurt all those innocents just to get me....” Cadance was shaking. Just how many lives had her Mother ruined- taken... had there been other foals that night? Foals... like the hatchlings she’d loved to sing to as a filly. Her gentle heart ached at the thought of them. a couple had taken in a strange filly- intended to raise her as their own... and their village was destroyed for it. All except the pegasus foal and a single unicorn enchantress. “You will always be my mother, but I’m not a filly anymore...”
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galeslament · 3 years ago
Cont from --> ( x ) w/ @shellofaqueen​​
         “Being evil, and being a ‘monster’ are t-two vastly different things.” The response was immediate. Despite the stutter that always tampered with his words, there was conviction to them. Although, it wasn’t just the useless hopeful chatter that so many ‘villian rehabilitators’ had. There... wasn’t hope at all in his tone. Rather a meloncholic acceptance, dominated his words as he spoke further. Fear was something non-existant, since... Well, he didn’t have anything to fear. While he wasn’t the strongest magic wise, Gale already knew how hard he was to kill. Just because of the blood that ran through his veins.
        “Your motivations, are what categorize your goals. Your no different from a predator, trying to feed the pups i-in their den. You said i-it yourself, ‘to feed my hive’. Equestria is a land of bountiful love, I-I don’t see a reason why you wouldn’t try to gain some ground in it.” It was a land that would be able to provide-- but there was no way in tartarus that anyone within the nation would lend aid to the Changelings-- so force was the only option left. Least, that’s how Gale saw it. “... I-It’s as much a land of love, as it is judgement. Once they distinquish a race as ‘Monsterious’, i-it is difficult to change that view-- near impossible.”
        “So, no-- I-I don’t see you as evil. I-If I did, I’d have to call myself evil as well. Since i-it sounds like we have similar sins.” It was said with a lax smile, but his eyes had gained a bit more light to them. Both in the literal, and metaphorical sense. Yet at the same time, they still held that weight from before. Albiet lessened. “Survival i-is survival, as they say. Options are limited, when the land itself i-is unforgiving.” In more ways than one.
          “... You’d do well to remember, that there are other monsters l-lurking about-- but not all are ‘evil’.” In an attempt to make an example, the faux unicorn started walking forward-- still without a shred of fear. Nor would one show up, even if she were to attack him. “Some are simply backed i-into a corner,” a blink of the eyes, and with the action came different ones. Neither pony, Changeling, or any other species capable of shapeshifting. 
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        “-- whilst others, simply wish to help.” 
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twxlightbeforedawn · 5 years ago
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@shellofaqueen​ whispered: "Aww, poor little pony princess. So much raw power, I can feel it from here! There's so much you could do with it, so much you WANT to do with it. But you'll never use it, will you? Because you're AFRAID of yourself!"
            °☆.。 she  had  SENSED  the  changeling’s  magic  LONG  before  chrysalis  had  shown  her  FACE.  yet  she  did  not  invoke  VIOLENCE  towards  her  as  she  had  flown  near.  instead  ,  quite  the  contrary  ,  for  the  UNFORTUNATE  TRUTH  was  that  the  queen  was  RIGHT.  °☆.。
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            °☆.。 ❛  if  you  VALUE  your  life  you  would  do  well  to  LEAVE,   ❜  twilight  growled  beneath  her  breath  ,  ❛  now  is  NOT  the  time  to  PROVOKE  me  ,  chrysalis.   ❜  °☆.。
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universalcarnival · 5 years ago
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------ “ I suppose you think that me without my magic makes me unable to defend myself, hm? Well, I’ll have you know that- ”
And he takes off before he can say any more. He’s not sticking around the Swiss Cheese Queen while he’s this vulnerable.
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uniicornscholar-a · 5 years ago
{@shellofaqueen​ plotted starter}
Following his incomplete remerge with the darkness that once made him the Pony of Shadows. Stygian had become fractured; his mind split between the darkness and himself. Being in control. To avoid hurting others and those he cared about, Stygian had become a loner wandering the confines of Equestria and beyond ever struggling to keep the shadows in check forever. His journey had taken him well beyond the borders of his former home. For the night, he had ended up in some barren landscape coming upon a cave system to rest for the long night ahead of battling the shadows in his mind. Sitting at his bluish flamed colored campfire, the unicorn sat in the silence but within his soul clashed with the shadows.
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With all his energy focused on within. Stygian had no way to remain on guard should some creature approach but was confined to the fact his aura of meaning darkness would keep wary creatures at bay for the night.
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ask-the-infiltrators · 5 years ago
“You are likely to hate this, because this knowledge came from the pony that tried to raise me during my first assigment. She was a soldier, loyal, dutiful, and expected the highest from those under her command. However, when it came time to walk into Tartarus on what would be her last mission, she offered her men the chance to run away, to leave her behind without losing any honor. They elected to stick by her side and fought harder than any other soldier that came before them. A soldier that stays with thier leader even when given the chance to leave are oft the deadliest of all, because they are fighting for a cause the truly do believe in.
It was facing them to the bitter end that truly convinced me ponies were worth at least some of my time, that when it came down to it, our soldiers were not so different. I was always on the fence back then, so close to returning home with the love she had given me and be done with it, but instead I elected to honor her final words to me and the last time I returned to the Hive was the last time I did so as an infiltrator in twenty years. I elected to remain in the field and keep changeling kind hidden as long as I could, and protect ponies from destroying themselves. That was the causes I believed in. I did return to the hive later, many times in fact, but nothing was ever the same. A new Queen had taken charge with ambitions greater than any before. Like many of those before her, she had Taken the name Chrysalis.”
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undertheroses · 5 years ago
What Form Of Gentle Affection Are You?
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slow dancing in the kitchen
feeling your loved one's form pressed against your own... the soft melody of a song that will always remind you of this moment... the tender forehead kisses... you are a hopeless romantic who yearns to meet that someone you will be able to spend the rest of your life with. you want a deep and settled love, something that makes you feel stable and comfortable. you want someone who will hold you at night, and kiss you every morning. you want someone who will always stand by you until the end. please try to remember that any failed romance was not a waste of time; it was an opportunity to grow and understand yourself. your perfect person will find you, and you are a complete person until then.
Tagged by: @conflictingshadows
Tagging: @queenfrau​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @twibthegryphon​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @blueboltreturns​​​​​​​​, @nxghtprincess​​​​​​​​​​​​​ , @grayfxce​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @kaicentious​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @hatofmischief​​​​​​​​, @lake-lilac-goth​​​ @mistyxfern​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @c0in​, @multicoloredhorses-andfriends​​​​​, @swiftxfoot​​​​, @shellofaqueen, @redlet, @And anyone else that wishes to take it! ^_^
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pastelponyparade-a · 3 years ago
@shellofaqueen​ continued from here 
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"Huh what went made and that noise? And that smell. Smells of death."
The unicorn would step within the house after having decided to pay the pony who lived within. Lighting up her horn in a pale black gray light Black Belle would shift about the house as she would soon come upon the gorey sight.
Unfazed by the sight and grinning at it Black Belle would laugh lightly as she knelt down to examine the scene closer remaining on guard.
"Whatever killed this pathetic pony was clearly hungry and very much starved. Are you still here creature? I doubt one puny pony is enough to satisfy someone who seems as hungry as you. Come into the light and speak. Maybe I can offer you a satisfying meal or four?"
As the light from her horn glowed brighter. Black Belle would stamp her hoof on the ground sending a crackling surge of black energy allowing for a decent amount of light to fill the room.
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universalcarnival · 5 years ago
Click here to listen to my voice! I hope you all enjoy, I had a fun time making it!
tagging those who sent in the prompts: @jcmfctry @mettatoniic @shellofaqueen @gcldbound @thegreatestinthegalaxy @the-scrappy-urchin @jestxering @itsraiyninmuses 
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twxlightbeforedawn · 5 years ago
Emotional Baggage
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bold  whatever  applies  to  your  muse.   italicize  the  things that  only  somewhat apply / are verse dependent.   REPOST ,   DON’T  REBLOG.
Tagged by: @aflockoffeatheredmuses​ !! XOXOXOXO
Tagging: @gcldbound​  / @universalcarnival​ (discord!) / @wardingdreams​ / @lettersforhersunshine​ / @shellofaqueen​
been cheated on    |     been bullied     |     had your heart broken    |     broken someone’s heart   |     told a horrible lie   |     been betrayed     |     been framed / set-up     |     stolen something of value   |     overdosed on drugs     |     been drunk     |     cheated     |     bullied     |     been publicly humiliated    |  punched someone in the face     |     been beaten up |     broken a bone     |  been admitted to a hospital    |     put someone in the hospital  |     had a near - death experience    |     been drugged    |     done drugs     |     smoked    |     been arrested   |     been homeless    |     been forced to commit a crime   |     died and came back to life  |     kissed someone you weren’t attracted to    |   bled severely    |     killed someone    |     been forced to kill someone     |    had an attempt on your life    |     made an attempt on your own life    | lost someone     |     loved someone     |     watched a loved one die    |     failed to save / help a loved one     |   felt helpless |    watched your world die / disappear   |     had your life’s work stolen / destroyed    
gone without food for over three days    |     gone without sleep for over three days   |     been tortured / questioned    |     been shot    |     been stabbed  |     been poisoned     |     been held prisoner   |     been trapped    |     been buried alive    |     been held hostage     |     held someone hostage   |     been stuck in a different world / universe / time     |     been abused by someone who should have loved / appreciated / valued you      |     had a panic attack     |     had night terrors  |     been in a car accident    |     lost your job    |     lost a fight   |     had sex with a stranger    |     been divorced    |     been abandoned     |    passed out from pain     |     cried yourself to sleep   |     spent a whole day in bed     |     hurt yourself    |     taken your anger out on yourself   |     taken your anger out on someone you love    |     been used     |    been manipulated    |     felt used   |     manipulated someone else    |     had your memories / mind wiped / stolen or tampered with    |     been taken over by a hostile force     |     been terrified     |     played a cruel game on someone     |     been forced to smile  |   felt too many things at once   |     laughed when you felt like crying     |     been in denial    |   been denied  |     faced your demons
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deepandtrue · 5 years ago
What tarot card are you?
The Empress
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You are only independent insofar as you have others to care for. This makes you dependent in your independence. They want your knowledge, your skills, your talents, your affection. What can they give in return? “Teeth” is not an acceptable answer, nor is “keeping the shadows to the corners”, nor is “glory”, nor is “love”. There is no acceptable answer, no gift of a magnitude which can match the thing you know, which is that they are taking from you. They are stealing from you. You should stop them from doing that, darling. You only have so much to give. You are not infinite, and when they have taken their last they will remind you of that. My advice is this: give enough to keep them at bay, but be careful. Their teeth can turn on you too. There is no easier way to make an animal dangerous than by feeding it.
Stolen from: @shellofaqueen​
tagging: whoever wants to do it
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