private and mutuals only highly selective, canon divergent au driven Stygian rp ask blog.
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blog moved
blog moved from Unicornscholar >> @lightenedshadow
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blog move.
As of now this blog is now archived and moved over to a new blog for Stygian as I believe that is the best option to return here in force for this amazing unicorn.
You can find Stygian over Here
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blog move.
As of now this blog is now archived and moved over to a new blog for Stygian as I believe that is the best option to return here in force for this amazing unicorn.
You can find Stygian over Here
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blog move.
As of now this blog is now archived and moved over to a new blog for Stygian as I believe that is the best option to return here in force for this amazing unicorn.
You can find Stygian over Here
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Priv, Sel, Indie, Mutuals Only, Stygian MLP RP Blog,
AU, Canon Divergent, OC/Crossover Friendly,
Reestablished 3/23/2022
| Rules | Stygian | Main AU | Verses |
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I'm thinking of archiving this blog and starting fresh for Stygian on a new blog. Idk yet. What you all think?
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Darkness never frightened her. She never understood why it should. It was a natural occurrence, and there was usually no harm in it. Yet this was not just mere darkness, and Wintertide Frost could tell almost immediately that this entity surrounding her was not something benign.
Fear gripped her heart first. She was certain it was apparent on her face as she felt her expression shift. Those eyes, those eerie, white, pupil-less eyes looking at her were unnerving. The kirin mare couldn’t move just yet, and even if she could, just where did she think she could go? She was without the safety of her home and kin, far from the Peaks of Peril. She could fight back, or at least try. The nirik could surely put up enough of a fight so she could get away with only a few injuries, couldn’t it?
She tried to reel her emotions back in. Her face no longer displayed fear, and the stripes along her horn lit up in a light blue to perhaps give a little more light to the area.
❝ I’m a kirin, however I think I’m the one who should be asking the questions as to what you are. You are not just some normal creature, are you…? ❞
“I am no normal creature. that much is true stranger....”
The white eyes would flicker throughout the flow of shadows not wavering from direct sight on the kirin before it. unstable flows of dark energy would hiss and snap at what ground the force left unconsumed. the force would swirl about in hues of gray and black as it formed a massive shape of a unicorn.
He would show his head from the mass of darkness as he grew intrigued by the creature that called itself a kirin.
“You hide your fear well kirin that much is obvious. I find it intriguing to say the least.”
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((styg has got such a beautiful voice tbh. like, it's just pleasing to listen to. tbh they should have gave him more speaking roles))
unprompted asks // anon // always accepting!!
THANK YOU! I’m really glad you like him! I try every time I write him to best capture his voice. You are correct as well! He should have been given more speaking roles and screen time along with a good number of other characters quite a few from the movie as well.
But I distract myself, thank you for sending this in nonnie! I really needed something like this before getting off for night!
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Are in any capacity related to Applejack? U lived in Hollow Shades and some apples are from there.
unprompted asks // anon // always accepting.
“I-I would not honestly know? I did not marry or have any kids at the time and my memory is not crystal clear.”
Trying hard to remember any ponies in his old village with the family name Apple. Stygian would draw up only blanks.
“I’m sadly not remembering anypony at all possessing apple in their name. I apologize but I likely could perform a lineage spell if Applejack is curious enough and wants to clarify if we are distantly related.”
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(Question, does Stygian have a cutie mark, or is he a blank flank?)
unprompted asks // anon // always accepting.
“I can understand the confusion as I’m almost always wearing my cloak. But to answer your question in the shortest of terms. Yes, I do have a cutie mark and no I am not what was it you referenced? a blank flank? No, I am not one.”
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“It’s been too long, indeed, my friend..” The golden feathered griffon offered his compatriot a smile, waiting politely before wandering his way inside once the door was wide enough for them to wander inside.
As for the reason of his visit..
“Honestly, I kind of wanted your perspective on something, Stygian.” His smile would shorten a pinch. Clearly, something has been weighing on his kind mind for quite a while..
“My perspective on something? Of course Gordon I would need to know what on. Given my knowledge on modern Equestria is still rather limited.”
Stepping away as he said that the unicorn would spark up the small antique stove he was given by Celestia and Luna. Brewing up a small pot of clover leaf tea Stygian would return with two cups and a small tray of sweets.
“Please do help yourself friend. I grow the tea leaves in my garden out back and infuse it with a small spell. That’ll help with stress and exhaustion.”
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The Family Madrigal
“This is my family a perfect constellation”
“Every year our family blessings grow”
“But I don’t know who is who!”
“It is physically impossible to relax!”
“They say he saw the future, one day he disappeared”
“If you’re impressed, imagine how I feel”
“I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical”
“We swear to always help those around us”
“Wait, who’s a sister and who’s a cousin? There’s so many people!”
“She’s a perfect golden child”
“He’s accident-prone but he means well”
You can marry my sister if you wanna but between you and me, she’s kind of a prima donna”
Waiting on a Miracle
“Don’t be upset or mad at all. Don’t feel regret, or sad at all”
“I’m fine, I am totally fine, I will stand on the side as you shine”
“I’m not fine, I’m not fine”
“I can’t take another night up in my room waiting on a miracle”
“I can’t heal what’s broken, can’t keep down the unspoken invisible pain”
“All I need is a change, All I need is a chance”
“So what can I do? I’m sick of waiting on a miracle”
“Come on, I’m ready! I’ve been patient and steadfast and steady!”
Surface Pressure
“I’m the strong one, I’m not nervous”
“I’m as tough as the crust of the earth is”
“I glow ’cause I know what my worth is”
“I don’t ask how hard the work is”
“I take what I’m handed, I break what’s demanded”
“But under the surface, I feel berserk as a tightrope walker in a three-ring circus”
“Was Hercules ever like “Yo, I don’t wanna fight Cerberus”?”
“I’m prеtty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of sеrvice”
“What breaks the camel’s back? It’s pressure like a drip that’ll never stop”
“Give it to your sister, your sister’s older. Give her all the heavy things we can’t shoulder”
“Who am I if I can’t run with the ball? If I fall to pressure like a grip and it won’t let go?”
“Give it to your sister, your sister’s stronger, See if she can hang on a little longer”
“Who am I if I can’t carry it all? If I falter”
“Under the surface, I hide my nerves and it worsens”
“I worry something is gonna hurt us”
“The ship doesn’t swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is”
“I think about my purpose can I somehow preserve this?”
“Line up the dominoes a light wind blows, You try to stop it tumbling but on and on it goes”
“If I could shake the crushing weight of expectations would that free some room up for joy?”
“Give it to your sister, it doesn’t hurt and see if she can handle every family burden”
“Watch as she buckles and bends but never breaks no mistakes, just pressure”
“Give it to your sister and never wonder if the same pressure would’ve pulled you under”
“Who am I if I don’t have what it takes?”
We Don’t Talk About Bruno
“We don’t talk about [name]”
“You’re telling the story or am I?”
“I’m sorry, mi vida, go on”
“I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling”
“I associate him with the sound of falling sand”
“When he calls your name it all fades to black”
“He sees your dreams and feasts on your screams”
“He told me my fish would die, the next day, dead”
“He said that all my hair would disappear, now, look at my head”
“Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read”
“He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine”
“He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach, Betrothed to another”
“I want not a sound out of you”
“Give me the truth and the whole truth”
What Else Can I Do?
“It’s not symmetrical or perfect but it’s beautiful and it’s mine”
“What else can I do?”
“I make perfect, practiced poses so much hides behind my smile”
“What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment?”
“What could I do if I just knew it didn’t need to be perfect? It just needed to be? And they let me be?”
“I wanna feel the shiver of something new”
“I’m so sick of pretty I want something true, don’t you?”
“You just seem like your life’s been a dream since the moment you opened your eyes”
“What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?”
“Seize the moment, keep goin’”
“What can you do when you know who you wanna be is imperfect? But I’ll still be okay”
“The way is clearer ‘cause you’re here, and well I owe this all to you”
“Show 'em what you can do”
“There’s nothing you can’t do”
Two Oruguitas
“The wind grows colder but they’re together”
“They hold each other, no way of knowing They’re all they have for shelter”
“They long to stay togethеr But something inside them is growing”
“Don’t you hold on too tight”
“Both of you know it’s your timе to grow; to fall apart, to reunite”
“Wonders await you just on the other side”
“Trust they’ll be there and start to prepare the way for tomorrow”
“What happens after the rearranging?”
“So let the walls come down the world will never stop changing”
“Both of you know It’s your time to go to fly apart, to reunite”
“Just let the walls come down”
“Don’t look behind you, fly till you find your way toward tomorrow”
All of You
“It may seem hopeless but we’ll get by just fine”
“I think it’s time you learn, You’re more than just your gift”
“And I’m sorry I held on too tight, Just so afraid I’d lose you too”
“The miracle is not some magic that you’ve got the miracle is you, not some gift, just you”
“The miracle is you. All of you”
“Got a lotta apologies I got to say”
“Hey, we’re just happy that you’re here, okay?”
“And no matter what happens we’re gonna find our way”
“We have no gifts, but we are many and we’ll do anything for you”
“It’s a dream when we work as a team, You’re so strong”
“I may not be as strong but I’m getting wiser”
“Let’s plant something new and watch it fly”
“Would you watch our little girl go?”
“I just have so much love inside”
“You take care of your mother and you make her proud”
“I’m seizing the moment, so would you wake up and notice me?”
“It isn’t perfect, neither are we”
“We see how bright you burn, We see how brave you’ve been”
“Now, see yourself in turn, You’re the real gift, kid”
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Indie. Priv. Sel.
AU based My Little Pony RP Blog
Multi versed || Crossover & OC Friendly
Personals / Non-RP blogs DO NOT REBLOG !!
( template credit )
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“Speaking from experience being short all my life. It is not all that bad of course there are those ponies who think just cause your small that prevents you from doing great things in the world. But that has hardly ever stopped anypony I know.”
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@aflockoffeatheredmuses liked for starter // Stygian
“Why hello Gordon. It has been a while since we’ve last met. What has brought on this so sudden a visit?”
Thrown off at the sudden visit from his old friend the unicorn would open the front door wider gesturing for them to enter.
“Please do come in and make yourself at home. I can put on a pot of tea if you’d like?”
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In what episode does Stygian have a daughter?
unprompted mun asks // anon // always accepting!
Actually, Milim is a ship baby created by me and Brax over at @polaroidxcamera.Milim is the daughter of Roi and Stygian within the AU I have where The Pony of Shadows becomes ruler of Equestria. She has an older sister named Lilim who is the eldest and firstborn daughter. Lilim is the more magically inclined of the two sisters whereas Milim is more of a warrior and prefers fighting.
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Finished doing a mass clearing of inbox. So it's all empty. But I think a couple new asks got mixed in and accidentally deleted. So I apologize. And please go ahead and send them again if you'd like and I'll get to them soon.
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